Cutting Edge: Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Late-Stage Lupus Mice Defective in Producing IFN-α

This information is current as Xiaofeng Liao, Song Li, Robert E. Settlage, Sha Sun, of September 24, 2021. Jingjing Ren, Alec M. Reihl, Husen Zhang, Saikumar V. Karyala, Christopher M. Reilly, S. Ansar Ahmed and Xin M. Luo J Immunol 2015; 195:4578-4582; Prepublished online 7

October 2015; Downloaded from doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501157

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The Journal of Immunology is published twice each month by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc., 1451 Rockville Pike, Suite 650, Rockville, MD 20852 Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0022-1767 Online ISSN: 1550-6606. Th eJournal of Cutting Edge Immunology

Cutting Edge: Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Late-Stage Lupus Mice Defective in Producing IFN-a ,1 †,1 ‡,1 x Xiaofeng Liao,* Song Li, Robert{ E. Settlage, Sha Sun, Jingjing Ren,* ‖ Alec M. Reihl,* Husen Zhang, Saikumar V. Karyala,‡ Christopher M. Reilly, S. Ansar Ahmed,* and Xin M. Luo* Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are professional IFN signature is still low) may be required for IFN-a– type I IFN producers believed to promote lupus. How- targeted therapies for SLE. Interestingly, IFN signatures ever, questions exist about whether they function at the returned to pretreatment levels in all patients by 6 mo after same level throughout the course of lupus disease. We the last dose of anti–IFN-a Abs (17), suggesting that type I analyzed high-purity pDCs sorted from lupus mice. IFNs are constantly produced and pathogenic throughout Although pDCs produced a large amount of IFN-a disease progression. Because virtually all cells can produce Downloaded from during disease initiation, those sorted from late-stage IFN-a upon stimulation, identifying which types of cells play lupus mice were found to be defective in producing a predominant role in driving early- and late-stage SLE has IFN-a. These pDCs expressed an increased level of become an interesting, but challenging, question. MHC, suggesting a functional drift to Ag presentation. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were identified as professional IFN-producing cells (18, 19). They produce We examined the potential mechanism behind the de- a fect and identified a novel transcriptional factor, Foxj2, a large amount of IFN- in response to TLR7/9 ligation (20). Studies of SLE patient samples revealed that immune com- which repressed the expression of several in a pDCs, but not IFN-a. Dysregulation in pDCs appears plexes in the patient sera are also capable of inducing IFN- to be predisposed, because they exhibited an altered in pDCs (21, 22), a process in which neutrophil extracel- lular traps are involved (23, 24). Recently, two groups of transcriptional profile before the onset of clinical signs. researchers independently showed that depletion of pDCs Our results suggest that pDCs do not function the from mouse models of SLE ameliorates lupus-like disease (25, same throughout the disease course and lose the ability 26). Deletion of pDCs in predisease lupus-prone mice sig-

a by guest on September 24, 2021 to produce IFN- in late-stage lupus mice. The nificantly reduced lymphadenopathy and improved kidney Journal of Immunology, 2015, 195: 4578–4582. pathology later in life. Strikingly, the benefit was sustained even after the pDC population recovered (26). This suggests t has been long recognized that type I IFNs, including that pDCs contribute to disease early in SLE pathogenesis and IFN-a, facilitate the progression of systemic lupus that the recovered pDCs present in late-stage lupus mice I erythematosus (SLE). Based on large amounts of sup- might be less pathogenic. porting evidence obtained using human patient samples (1–6) In this study, we used a classical mouse model of SLE, and murine models (7–11), four Abs targeting IFN-a or type MRL/Mp-Faslpr (lpr), as well as its parent strain, MRL, to I IFNR have been tested in human clinical trials for SLE (12– explore pDC functions in lupus mice. Female lpr mice ex- 16). A couple of them showed promising efficacy (13–15). A hibit systemic autoimmunity and glomerulonephritis and beneficial effect was observed in SLE patients with a low type dieatanaverageageof18wk.LikeSLEpatients(27), I IFN signature (i.e., those with lower expression of IFN- diseased lpr mice show an elevated level of IFN-a in the responsive genes); IFN-a blockade partially inhibited such circulation (10, 28), but the source of this cytokine remains expression. This suggests that early intervention (when the unclear.

*Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, Virginia-Maryland College of The RNA sequence data presented in this article have been submitted to BioProject Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, under accession number PRJNA284002. VA 24061; †Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, College of Agricul- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Xin M. Luo, Department of Bio- ture and Life Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, ‡ x medical Sciences and Pathobiology, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, VA 24061; Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061; Department of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 295 Duck Pond Drive, Blacksburg, Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697; { VA 24061. E-mail address: [email protected] Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Virginia ‖ Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061; and Edward Via The online version of this article contains supplemental material. College of Osteopathic Medicine, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Abbreviations used in this article: MHC-II, MHC class II; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic 1X.L., S.L., and R.E.S. contributed equally to this work. cell; RNA-seq, RNA sequencing; siRNA, small interfering RNA; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. ORCIDs: 0000-0002-8133-3944 (S.L.); 0000-0002-0044-6403 (S.S.). Received for publication May 22, 2015. Accepted for publication September 16, 2015. Copyright Ó 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/15/$25.00 This work was supported by X.M.L.’s startup funds, as well as by the Virginia Bioin- formatics Institute and Fralin Life Science Institute Small Grants Program (VBI/Fralin- GRL-01). The Journal of Immunology 4579

Materials and Methods though mouse pDCs are most enriched in the bone marrow Mice and cell sorting compared with other organs, they are still a minor population in the bone marrow (29). Rigorous quality control measures Mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory and bred in-house. All 2 mice used were female. pDCs were sorted as CD11c+CD11b PDCA1+B220+. were taken to ensure accurate processing of samples. Mea- Siglec-H inhibits IFN-a induction and was not used for sorting. Anti-mouse surement of pDC-specific transcription factor E2-2 showed Abs were from eBioscience. RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was performed, and high purity of our sorted cells (Fig. 1B). Because pro- the data can be found under BioProject accession PRJNA284002. genitors in the bone marrow share surface markers with Cell culture and analyses pDCs, we measured the expression levels of B cell genes CpG (ODN1585, 5 mM) was used to stimulate sorted pDCs or total bone Cd20, Ebf1, Vpreb3, and Igha. Less than 5% of our sorted marrow cells. For knockdown, mouse Foxj2 small interfering RNA pDCs might have been contaminated with B cell progenitors (siRNA) and negative control were purchased from QIAGEN. For quanti- (data not shown). With high-purity pDCs, we found that tative PCR of cDNA, iTaq Universal SYBR Green Supermix and ABI 7500 many IFN-responsive genes were upregulated when com- Fast System were used, with ribosomal L32 as the housekeeping gene. For FACS, cells were blocked with Fc, stained, and analyzed with a BD paring 16 wk-old lpr mice with age-matched MRL mice FACSAria II. Mouse IFN-a levels were measured with a PBL ELISA kit. (Fig. 1C, highlighted with yellow bars). This suggests that bone marrow pDCs in late-stage lpr mice exhibit both type I Statistical analysis and II IFN signatures, indicating previous exposure to IFNs. Analysis of nonsequencing data was performed with the Student t test, one- way ANOVA, and the Tukey posttest. The results were considered statistically a pDCs from late-disease lupus mice are unable to produce IFN- upon Downloaded from significant when p , 0.05. Error bars denote SEs. CpG stimulation Results and Discussion We next identified signaling pathways based on the down- IFN signatures in lupus pDCs stream transcript signatures. Among five top canonical path- Early depletion of pDCs from lupus mice ameliorates disease ways identified, four were found in the comparison between (26). However, whether pDCs are the primary source of IFN-a 16-wk-old lpr mice and age-matched MRL mice (Fig. 2A). A for both early- and late-stage lupus remains unclear. We sorted common feature of the four pathways was upregulation of pDCs (Fig. 1A) from the bone marrow of 6- and 16-wk-old MHC molecules (data not shown). Detection of MHC class female lpr mice, representing predisease and late-stage II (MHC-II) on the surface of pDCs confirmed its upregu- lupus disease, respectively, and analyzed the gene expression lation in lpr mice with late-stage disease (Fig. 2B). This profile. As controls, pDCs were sorted from the bone marrow suggests that pDCs from late-stage lupus mice might excel at of age-matched female MRL mice. MRL mice carry wild-type Ag presentation, a phenomenon similar to human SLE in Fas and display lupus much later than do lpr mice. They which patient pDCs were shown to be better APCs than appear normal at 6 wk and are considered to be at predisease normal pDCs (30). stage at 16 wk (29). Therefore, our mouse groups included We next questioned whether pDCs isolated from older lpr by guest on September 24, 2021 mice, expressing a higher level of MHC-II, were still capable 16-wk-old lpr (late-stage lupus), 6 wk-old lpr and 16-wk-old a MRL (predisease), and 6-wk-old MRL mice (control). Al- of producing IFN- upon stimulation. A previous study showed some defect in IFN-a production from a mixed population of bone marrow dendritic cells from late-stage lupus mice (31). With sorted pDCs of high purity, we showed almost complete loss of CpG-mediated induction of IFN-a from late-stage lupus pDCs (Fig. 2C). Interestingly, pDCs from 16-wk-old MRL mice (predisease) showed en- hanced IFN-a production, consistent with a significantly lower level of MHC-II on the surface of these cells (Fig. 2B). This suggests that pDCs produce a large amount of IFN-a to initiate the disease. Although the bone marrow has the highest percentage of pDCs (29), lpr mice with late-stage dis- ease possess very large lymph nodes, increasing the absolute numbers of pDCs. Indeed, we found that pDCs were pri- marily found in lymph nodes in 16-wk-old lpr mice (Fig. 2D, Supplemental Fig. 1A). However, lymph node pDCs were also found to be defective in producing IFN-a (Fig. 2E). This suggests that the high level of IFN-a in late-stage lpr mice (10, 28) may not have come from pDCs. Additionally, we measured the transcript level of Atg7, a gene required for IFN-a induction by immune complexes (32) and found it be significantly lower in pDCs from 16-wk-old lpr mice com- pared with age-matched MRL mice (Fig. 2F). This suggests A) FIGURE 1. IFN signatures in pDCs sorted from lupus mice. ( Sorting that immune complex–mediated IFN-a production from strategy. (B) Transcript level of pDC-specific gene E2-2 in sorted pDCs compared with pDC-depleted bone marrow cells (other cells). (C) Heat maps pDCs may be defective as well. Interestingly, we found a sig- of types I and II IFN-responsive genes (IRGs). Red, upregulation. Green, nificantly higher level of Sca1 in late-stage lupus pDCs; in downregulation. Yellow bars highlight the genes that were upregulated in contrast, the expression of this gene was negligible in pDCs older lpr mice versus older MRL mice. from 16-wk-old MRL mice (Fig. 2G). This observation is 4580 CUTTING EDGE: ABNORMAL pDCs IN LATE-STAGE LUPUS MICE Downloaded from

FIGURE 2. pDCs from late-stage lupus mice unable to produce IFN-a upon CpG stimulation. (A) Ingenuity pathway analysis showing the top canonical pathways. (B) MHC-II expression on bone marrow pDCs. (C) Production of IFN-a in sorted bone marrow pDCs upon CpG stimulation for 6 h. (D) Dis- tribution of pDCs among bone marrow (black), spleen (gray), and mesenteric lymph node (white). (E) Production of IFN-a from sorted pDCs upon CpG stimulation for 6 h. (F) Transcript level of Atg7 in sorted pDCs. (G) Transcript level of Sca1 in sorted pDCs. (H) Production of IFN-a from bone marrow pDCs from 23-, 28-, and 33-wk-old NZB/W F1 female mice upon CpG stimulation for 6 h. *p , 0.05, **p , 0.01, ***p , 0.001, ANOVA, n $ 3 mice/group. BM, bone marrow; C, older versus younger MRL; L, older versus younger lpr; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; MLN, mesenteric lymph node; o, older; O, older lpr versus older MRL; y, younger; Y, younger lpr versus younger MRL. consistent with a previous report that Sca1 expression on Defect in IFN-a production in pDCs is independent of the pDCs correlated negatively with their ability to produce transcriptional repressor Foxj2 a IFN- (33). Lastly, we confirmed that the defective ability We next investigated the mechanism behind the functional loss a of pDCs to produce IFN- in late-stage lupus mice was not of pDCs to produce IFN-a. Upstream receptors leading to restricted to the lpr model. In another classical SLE mouse IFN-a induction in pDCs, including TLR9 for DNA Ags model, NZB/W F1 pDCs exhibited a reduced ability to and FcRs for immune complexes, were expressed in pDCs by guest on September 24, 2021 produce IFN-a during late-stage disease compared with early isolated from late-stage lupus mice (Fig. 3A, Supplemental disease (Fig. 2H). These results suggest that pDCs from late- Fig. 1B). We also measured the transcript level of another disease lupus mice lose their ability to produce IFN-a. In- potential sensor, TLR7, and found it to be overexpressed in stead, they express more MHC molecules and may become these pDCs (Supplemental Fig. 1C). This suggests that the better APCs. defect in IFN-a production was not due to a lack of upstream

FIGURE 3. Defect in IFN-a production in pDCs independent of the transcriptional repressor Foxj2. (A) Transcript level of Tlr9 in sorted pDCs. (B) Transcript level of IFNa in pDCs from older mice stimulated with CpG for 6 h. (C) Differentially expressed genes following the same or opposite pattern of CpG-induced IFN-a.(D) Transcript level of Foxj2 in sorted pDCs and pDC-depleted bone marrow cells (Others). (E) Transcript levels of genes identified in (C) in bone marrow cells of 16-wk-old lpr mice after transfection with negative-control siRNA (si-NC) or Foxj2-specific siRNAs (si-Foxj2). Fold differences are shown. (F) Production of IFN-a in bone marrow cells (BMMC) of 4-mo-old lpr or MRL mice, transfected with siRNAs and stimulated with CpG for 6 or 18 h. *p , 0.05, **p , 0.01, Student t test (n $ 3 mice per group). Log2FC, log2-fold changes. The Journal of Immunology 4581 receptors. However, the problem seemed to be related to younger lpr mice (Supplemental Fig. 2A, blue, false discovery transcription or RNA stability, because pDCs from late-stage rate , 0.1). Among these genes, only nine genes reached lupus mice expressed little IFN-a mRNA upon CpG stimu- a p value of 0.05 (Supplemental Fig. 2B). Many of these are lation (Fig. 3B). Thus, we explored a novel strategy of using IFN-responsive genes, such as Ptpn11 and Pde5a, which were RNA-seq data to identify differentially expressed genes that upregulated in pDCs of early diseased mice (Fig. 1C) but followed the same or opposite pattern of CpG-induced significantly downregulated in pDCs of older lpr mice. This is IFN-a. We reasoned that common machineries might mod- consistent with the observation that pDCs from late-stage ulate IFN-a transcripts together with other gene transcripts. By lupus mice produced less IFN-a. In contrast to the identifi- studying regulatory elements of the other genes, we might be cation of very few gene differences between pDCs of older able to identify the mechanism behind the defect in IFN-a versus younger lpr mice, 207 genes were differentially production. To identify genes with the same expression pat- expressed when pDCs in older versus younger MRL mice tern as CpG-induced IFN-a (Fig. 2C), we used the following were compared (Supplemental Fig. 2A, green). This suggests criteria: expression in pDCs of older MRL mice had to be that there might be more changes in transcript abundance in $2-fold higher than that of younger MRL mice, and ex- pDCs prior to the onset of disease, whereas few genes change pression in pDCs of older lpr mice had to be $2-fold lower as lupus progresses from the predisease stage to the late stage. than that of older MRL mice. Similar criteria were applied to Thus, we hypothesized that an altered gene expression profile identify genes with the opposite pattern. Using this strategy, (i.e., a lupus-prone profile) might already be present in pDCs we identified seven genes (Fig. 3C). We searched for shared prior to disease onset. To identify lupus-prone genes inde- Downloaded from microRNAs using DIANA-microT but found no matches. pendent of Faslpr mutation, because few SLE patients carry However, promoter analysis revealed two shared cis-regulatory mutations of the Fas gene, we investigated whether pDCs elements that were present in the promoter regions of all from older MRL mice at the predisease stage of lupus shared genes except one (Supplemental Fig. 1D). One of the two differentially expressed genes with pDCs from younger lpr motifs, TGTTT, can be bound by three members of the mice, which represents the predisease stage for the lpr mouse

Fox family of transcription factors (Supplemental Fig. 1E). strain. We identified 54 such genes, including 44 protein- Among them, only Foxj2 was expressed in pDCs. In lpr mice, coding genes (Supplemental Fig. 2C, 2D) and 10 long un- Foxj2 was expressed significantly higher in pDCs than in annotated transcripts (Supplemental Fig. 2E, 2F). The sig- other bone marrow cells (Fig. 3D). The other shared cis- nificance of the lupus-prone profile in pDCs remains to be regulatory element was an Rreb1 binding site, but Rreb1 was explored. However, our findings raise an important question not preferentially expressed in pDCs (data not shown). of whether pDCs in SLE patients or lupus mice are born with We hypothesized that Foxj2 overexpression in pDCs re- the predisposed, dysregulated gene expression profile. In fu- pressed the transcription of both IFN-a and genes with the ture investigations, we will study pDCs from even younger

same pattern (Afap1, Numb, Tmem201). To test this hy- mice to determine potential early defects, as well as whether by guest on September 24, 2021 pothesis, we used siRNA to knock down Foxj2 in pDCs from triggers later in life might manifest the defects. late-stage lupus mice (Supplemental Fig. 1F). Such knock- down increased the transcript levels of Afap1, Numb, and Tmem201 (Fig. 3E). Although little is known about the Disclosures functions of these three genes in pDCs, our results suggest The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. that Foxj2 is a functional transcriptional repressor involved in shaping the gene expression profile of pDCs in late-stage lu- References pus mice. Unexpectedly, however, knocking down Foxj2 did 1. Ro¨nnblom, L., M. L. Eloranta, and G. V. Alm. 2006. The type I interferon system not restore IFN-a production in pDCs from lpr mice (Fig. in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 54: 408–420. 2. Blanco, P., A. K. Palucka, M. Gill, V. Pascual, and J. Banchereau. 2001. Induction 3F). In fact, Foxj2 seems to be required for the production of of dendritic cell differentiation by IFN-alpha in systemic lupus erythematosus. IFN-a in pDCs, because Foxj2-specific siRNA decreased Science 294: 1540–1543. a 3. Crow, M. K. 2014. Advances in understanding the role of type I interferons in IFN- levels for both lpr and MRL mice. In addition, siRNA systemic lupus erythematosus. Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. 26: 467–474. of Foxj2 did not change the expression of Atg7 (Supplemental 4. Crow, M. K., M. Olferiev, and K. A. Kirou. 2015. Targeting of type I interferon in Fig. 1G), a gene required for IFN-a induction (32). These systemic autoimmune diseases. Transl. Res. 165: 296–305. 5. Elkon, K. B., and V. V. Stone. 2011. Type I interferon and systemic lupus eryth- results suggest that the defect in IFN-a production in pDCs ematosus. J. Interferon Cytokine Res. 31: 803–812. of late-stage lupus mice is independent of Foxj2. Other po- 6. Elkon, K. B., and A. Wiedeman. 2012. Type I IFN system in the development and manifestations of SLE. Curr. Opin. Rheumatol. 24: 499–505. tential mechanisms that we will explore in the future to try 7. Nickerson, K. M., J. L. Cullen, M. Kashgarian, and M. J. Shlomchik. 2013. Ex- to explain the defect include the involvement of lysosome- acerbated autoimmunity in the absence of TLR9 in MRL.Fas(lpr) mice depends on Ifnar1. J. Immunol. 190: 3889–3894. related organelle complexes, such as BLOC1 (Supplemental Fig. 8. Agrawal, H., N. Jacob, E. Carreras, S. Bajana, C. Putterman, S. Turner, B. Neas, 1H), whose downregulation might hinder TLR7/9-induced A. Mathian, M. N. Koss, W. Stohl, et al. 2009. Deficiency of type I IFN receptor in a lupus-prone New Zealand mixed 2328 mice decreases dendritic cell numbers and IFN- production in pDCs (34); a possible role for apoptosis, activation and protects from disease. J. Immunol. 183: 6021–6029. because pDCs from late-stage lupus mice appeared to express 9. Braun, D., P. Geraldes, and J. Demengeot. 2003. Type I Interferon controls the a decreased level of the antiapoptotic gene Bcl-xl; and up- onset and severity of autoimmune manifestations in lpr mice. J. Autoimmun. 20: 15–25. regulation in older lpr mice of Ptpn21 (also called PTPD1), 10. Hadj-Slimane, R., M. K. Chelbi-Alix, M. G. Tovey, and P. Bobe´. 2004. An es- a tyrosine phosphatase that interacts with Tec family kinases sential role for IFN-alpha in the overexpression of Fas ligand on MRL/ lpr lymphocytes and on their spontaneous Fas-mediated cytotoxic potential. J. In- to increase the activation of Stat3 (35), and Stat3 can nega- terferon Cytokine Res. 24: 717–728. tively regulate the type I IFN response (36). 11. Sriram, U., L. Varghese, H. L. Bennett, N. R. Jog, D. K. Shivers, Y. Ning, E. M. Behrens, R. Caricchio, and S. Gallucci. 2012. Myeloid dendritic cells from Additional comparisons revealed that only 25 genes were B6.NZM Sle1/Sle2/Sle3 lupus-prone mice express an IFN signature that precedes differentially expressed when comparing pDCs of older versus disease onset. J. Immunol. 189: 80–91. 4582 CUTTING EDGE: ABNORMAL pDCs IN LATE-STAGE LUPUS MICE

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A BM SP MLN B C Tlr7 1.0 1.0 4 400 Fcgr2b 0.8 0.8 3 10000 0.6 0.6 200 * cells 2 6 0.4 0.4 8000 0 10 0.2 0.2 1 × 0.0 0.0 0 2000 Fcer1g 6000 6 0.6 0.6 1500 4000 4 0.4 0.4 1000

Arbitrary units 2000 2 0.2 0.2 500

0 0.0 0.0 Arbitrary units 0 0 Frequency (%)

y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL D







Ifi44 Rreb1 binding site Foxj2/Foxl1/Foxf1 binding site 5’ UTR CDS E F G H Foxj2 Foxj2 Atg7 BLOC1S1 Bcl-xl Ptpn21 100 2 40 100 300

80 80 *** 30 200 Foxl1 60 60

% 1 20

40 Folds 40 100 10 20 20 Arbitrary units

Foxf1 0 0 0 0 0

si-NC si-NC y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr y-lpr o-lpr si-Foxj2 si-Foxj2 y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL

Supplemental Fig. 1. PDCs unable to produce IFNα in late-stage lupus mice. (A) Absolute cell numbers and frequencies of pDCs in bone marrow (BM), spleen (SP) and mesenteric lymph node (MLN). (B) Transcript levels of immune complex receptors Fcgr2b and Fcer1g. PDCs from these mice did not express Fcgr1 or Fcgr3. (C) Transcript levels of Tlr7. *P<0.05, Student’s t-test, n=3 per group. (D) Promoter analysis by using TOUCAN ( (E) Shared binding motif of Foxj2, Foxl1 and Foxf1. Maps were provided by MotifMap ( Only Foxj2 was expressed in the pDCs. (F) Transcript level of Foxj2 with negative control siRNA (si-NC) or Foxj2-specific siRNAs (si-Foxj2) in bone marrow cells from lpr mice. Percentages from the untransfected control are shown. (G) Transcript level of Atg7 after transfection with siRNAs. (H) Transcript levels of BLOC1S1 (subunit 1 of the lysosome-related BLOC1 complex), Bcl-xl, and Ptpn21. n≥3 mouse per group. ***P<0.001, ANOVA. 1


Gene Ensembl ID o-lpr vs. y-lpr P-value 5730480H06Rik ENSMUSG00000093459 -3.1 0.000000005 Ptpn21 ENSMUSG00000021009 2.9 0.00000001 Cd209d ENSMUSG00000031495 -2.3 0.0000002 Ppif ENSMUSG00000021868 -1.2 0.017 Maff ENSMUSG00000042622 -1.9 0.017 Pde5a ENSMUSG00000053965 -1.6 0.017 Sdc2 ENSMUSG00000022261 1.7 0.028 Ptpn11 ENSMUSG00000043733 -1.4 0.045 Arhgap12 ENSMUSG00000041225 -1.1 0.049

C 8 D Slope = 1.1 60 40 6 * 4 30 2 Myof 40 0 20 -2 20 -4 10 2 -6 R = 0.97 Relative mRNA level P < 0.0001 Relative protein level 0 0

Log2FC (o-MRL / y-MRL) / Log2FC(o-MRL -8 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 y-lpr y-lpr y-MRL o-MRL y-MRL o-MRL Log2FC (y-lpr / y-MRL) F Cacna1e E 4000 * pDC y-lpr vs. o-MRL vs. Other cells Gene Chr Start End P-value P-value Adjacent gene(s) y-MRL y-MRL 3000 XLOC_002487 1 95337570 95338098 -6.5 0.046 -5.4 0.047 Fam174a XLOC_002527 1 102628128 102628476 -4.2 0.036 -3.6 0.047 / 2000 XLOC_002731 1 154729087 154732504 3.2 0.025 3.6 0.047 Cacna1e XLOC_002785 1 154862037 154864052 4.2 0.018 4.2 0.002 Cacna1e XLOC_030964 3 94949177 94949585 -7.1 0.027 -7.7 0.013 / 1000 Arbitrary units XLOC_031027 3 103006391 103008460 -5.4 0.018 -4.5 0.015 Sike1 XLOC_034788 4 155826772 155827415 5.4 0.041 6.2 0.003 Ccnl2 XLOC_037202 5 75045027 75045533 5.2 0.027 4.9 0.046 Chic2 0 XLOC_048769 9 13544086 13544924 5.3 0.018 5.1 0.023 / y-lpr o-lpr XLOC_018942 16 49852204 49855405 -2.7 0.049 -3.4 0.003 CD47 y-MRL o-MRL

Supplemental Fig. 2. Predisposed dysregulation of pDCs in lupus mice. (A) Venn diagram showing the number of differentially expressed genes in 4 comparisons (FDR<0.1). Blue: older vs. younger in MRL/lpr mice. Green: older vs. younger in MRL mice. Yellow: MRL/lpr vs. MRL in older mice. Red: MRL/lpr vs. MRL in younger mice. (B) Differentially expressed genes between pDCs of older vs. younger MRL/lpr mice (P<0.05). (C) Log2 fold changes (FC) of 44 overlapped, differentially expressed genes in both Green and Red. (D) Transcript levels of Myof in sorted pDCs and protein levels of Myof in bone marrow pDCs. For protein levels, percentage and mean fluorescence intensity of Myof+ pDCs were measured by using flow cytometry and the numbers were multiplied to represent the total expression level. *P<0.05, student’s t-test. Data are shown as mean + SEM (n=3 mice per group). (E) List of predicted lncRNAs that were overlapped. (F) Transcript level of Cacna1e, a gene next to predicted lncRNAs XLOC_002731 and XLOC_2785 on 1. This gene appeared to be pDC-specific, and was upregulated in lupus mice with either early or late disease. The two predicted lncRNAs were also upregulated during lupus progression. *P<0.05, Student’s t-test, n=3 per group.