’s LSP Item number Report for Executive Board: Title: East Acton Project Update Report from: Policy and Performance 5a Author: Tristan Hardman-Dodd


 The last meeting of the East Acton Partnership Board took place on 29th November 2013. The meeting focused upon: o Early results/progress to date; o Barriers (any support from partners needed?); o Funding update; and o Communications.

 Overall the project is progressing well with high levels of enthusiasm and commitment across partners. It can be seen to be achieving as achieving its initial aim around bringing key partners and service providers together and supporting them to work more effectively in partnership. This has included: o Links being made between partners and projects. This is leading on to improved coordination and better service delivery; o The mapping of key services available in the local area is currently underway. Including: . Community facilities; . Children’s Centres and Services; and . Health Services and facilities. o Services providers are now starting to focus delivery on East Acton i.e. the Police (please see below). In addition the profile of East Acton and some of the key issues faced by those living and working there has increased. As is awareness of the project.

 The initial delivery of services is starting to be rolled out in the ward and is being led by the Police, Public Health and the local Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS): o The Police: Problem solving team has been moved over from . It will be focusing on: . Tackling domestic burglary and theft from motor vehicles. Two crimes that the area is currently experiencing in high levels; . The rollout of ‘smart water’ in the areas to help increase detection rates for theft from properties. The team is hoping to work with other services from the partnership i.e. street services and the local VCS to promote the take up of the initiative; . Reducing the number of window washers operating on the A40. As part of ‘Operation Squeegee’ those taking part in this type of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) have been targeted and sanctioned. o Public Health Team: increasingly focussing services on East Acton. Examples of current work include: . The development of the East Acton ‘Health Champion’s project’. 12 local East Acton residents will be selected to act as health advocates promoting healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. Public Health are liaising with VCS partnership members to help support the project and find potential residents to take part; . Working with Age UK and local GP surgeries to provide telephone support for isolated elderly residents. o Local VCS: working with the Council’s Geographical Information System (GIS) East Acton’s community assets including community centres, residents associations and community organisations have be mapped across the ward. This will be used to compile a local directory and highlight local available resources.

Next Steps

 A key aim will be to translate current partnership focussed project delivery into a more resident centric project with a greater emphasis on engagement and support;

 The partnership board is currently exploring a number of funding options to help with this transition and help push the project forward. This includes looking at the feasibility/applicability of the following: o LAA Reward funding; o Ward Forum Funds; o Section 106 monies.

 There are three priority areas for initial funding in terms of driving the project forward. These include the following: o Project Coordination: There is a need for a dedicated project manager. They would be responsible for driving the project forward, better coordinating the partnership, engaging with local partners and exploring new opportunities to support project development. They will also help to support partners, offering support to overcome any potential barriers. Overall they will support the projects transition from its current focus on partnership development to that of a more resident focus; o Consultation and Engagement: This will be essential for increase resident involvement and ‘buy in’ with the project. It would potentially include a series of consultation events with residents and key local stakeholders. The principle aim of the events will be to raise the profile of the project, help with the development of clearer resident/locally focus actions and deliverables, drive the project forward and engender better engagement with local residents. Potentially supported by the project coordinator; o Small Project Development Funding: To develop some small scale ‘East Acton’ Partnership Projects. These would help to both drive the overall project forward and build upon the current enthusiasm and focus. It will also help to develop initial resident engagement as a fore-runner to wider scale consultation as alluded to above. A number of the project sub groups have developed potential project ideas.

Terms of Reference and Governance Arrangements

 As the partnership meetings become more formalised, it would be beneficial to put in place both terms of reference and governance arrangements;

 Set out in appendix 1 below are a set of draft terms of reference and partnership governance arrangements. These will be discussed and potentially adopted at the next meeting of the project partnership in February.

Purpose of report

 To provide the LSP Executive with an update on progress with the East Acton Area project;

 To seek LSP Executive comments and feedback on the project. In addition to providing any input in terms of project development as and where appropriate;

 To draw attention to the draft terms of reference and governance arrangement.

Next Steps/Recommendations

 For the LSP Executive to approve the proposed next steps for the project and continue to support its delivery;

 For LSP Executive members to review the draft terms of reference and governance arrangements for the partnership board and then offer feedback where appropriate.

Appendix 1: Partnership Terms of Reference and Governance Arrangements

The East Acton Partnership Project Group

Terms of Operation

Accountable to:

 The Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) Executive Group Purpose of the Group:

 The group will be responsible for coordinating and delivering the East Acton Partnership Project;  The group will aim to bring in additional resources, funding and support into the area from local, regional and national sources; and  The Group will raise awareness of East Acton and the key issues affecting those living and working in the area; Key Responsibilities:

 To ensure that the East Acton Partnership Project delivers on its priorities and proposed activities;  To ensure that the needs , expectations and requirements of residents living and working in East Acton are adequately addressed through the delivery of the project;  To promote collaborative and joined up approaches to the delivery of project objectives across the partnership;


 The group will be made up of representatives from statutory service providers and selected partners operating in the local area. This will include one representative from the following organisations and bodies: o Ealing Community Network; o The ; o Public Health; o Job Centre Plus; o Acton Community Forum; o Catalyst Housing; o A2 Dominion; o LB Ealing Children and Young People’s Service; o LB Ealing Regeneration Team; o LB Ealing External Funding Team; o LB Ealing Enviro-crime service; o LB Ealing Safer Communities Team;  Representatives from other bodies and organisations will be invited to attend meetings as and when deemed appropriate;  The secretarial arrangements for the meetings will be the responsibility of the LB Ealing’s Policy and Performance Team.


 The Group will be chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Skills and Employment.

Meeting Arrangements:

 The group will meet every eight weeks.

Terms of Reference

 The East Acton Partnership project group is responsible for delivering the East Acton Area LSP Project. Working in partnership with a range of local stakeholders and service providers;  The central aim of the project is to improve the lives of residents both living and working in East Acton through the delivery of initiatives and activities relating to the following priority theme areas: o Community: Building and leveraging community capacity; o Environment and housing: Protecting East Acton’s environment and improving its transport links; o Children & Young People: Supporting East Acton’s Children and young people to achieve good outcomes; o Health and Wellbeing: Improving the health and quality of life of East Acton’s residents; o Safety: Improving safety and making people in East Acton feel safe; o Economy: Supporting the local economy in East Acton.  The Project group will achieve this through the review of outcomes and performance of specific services/projects provided by partners and through partnership activities. Performance will be monitored through the development of key performance indicators (KPI) relating to the services/projects delivered. KPI’s will be reviewed on a quarterly basis;

 The Project group will report directly to the Local Strategic Partnership Executive Group through the Policy and Performance team. In addition it will update ’s Corporate Board and the East Acton Ward forum as and where appropriate.