2nd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE) and SECOTOX Conference


Organized by:

Department of Planning and Regional Development, School of Engineering University of Thessaly, Greece


Sector of Industrial Management and Operations Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

In collaboration with: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of , Department of Pollution Control Technologies, Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG), International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SECOTOX)

Under the aegis of:

Hellenic Ministry for Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works & Municipality of Mykonos

2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

Organizing and scientific board George Tchobanoglous (Honorary Chairman), University of California at Davis Athanassios Kungolos (Chairman), University of Thessaly Konstantinos Aravossis (Chairman), National Technical University of Athens Avraam Karagiannidis (Vice-Chairman), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Petros Samaras (Vice-Chairman), TEI of West Macedonia

Organizing committee Vicky Manakou (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Katerina Papaoikonomou (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Christina Theochari, Technical Chamber of Greece Alexandra Kormpa, National Technical University of Athens Stefanos Kipouros (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Sofia Margoni (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Maria Gennata (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Vasilios Tsiridis (conference secretary), University of Thessaly Claire Dagou (English language assistance), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Christina Emmanouil (English language assistance), Benaki Phytopathological Institute Vasiliki Tryfona Panagopoulou, Ministry for Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Maria Kalesi, General State Laboratory Maria Petala, University of Thessaly Areti Vlahava, University of Thessaly

International Scientific Committee Achilias D., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Albanis T., University of Ioannina (Greece) Andreadakis A., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Andreopoulos A., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Arsenos P., TEI of Ionian Islands (Greece) Baltas E., YPEHODE (Greece) Beriatos E., University of Thessaly (Greece) Bilitewski B., Techical Univ. of Dresden (Germany) Blaise C., Environment Canada (Canada) Christopoulou O., University of Thessaly (Greece) Ciliz N., Bogazici Univ. (Turkey) Damigos D., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Dermatas D.,Waste Management Authority Eastern Macedonia-Thrace (Greece) Diaz L., CalRecovery Inc., (USA) Eleftheriadis K., NCSR Dimokritos (Greece) Frimmel F., University of Karlsruhe (Germany) Gidarakos E., Technical University of Crete (Greece) Gikas P., YPEHODE Gil A., Public University of Navarra (Spain) Iakovou E., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Idowu S., London Metropolitan University (UK) Kakaras E., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Kalogerakis N., Technical University of Crete (Greece) Kassomenos P., University of Ioannina (Greece) Katsifarakis K., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Kondili E., TEI Piraeus (Greece) Konstandopoulos A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Lasaridi K., Harokopio University (Greece)

2 Programme

Lazaridis M., Technical University of Crete (Greece) Liakopoulos A., University of Thessaly (Greece) Lopes H., INETI (Portugal) Loukas A., University of Thessaly (Greece) Lyberatos G., University of Patras (Greece) Mandaraka M., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Manusadzianas L., Institute of Botany (Lithuania) Marnellos G., University of Western Macedonia (Greece) Matsinos I., University of Aegean (Greece) Morimoto R., Toulouse Business School (France) Moussiopoulos N., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Mylopoulos Y.A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Naviglio L., ENEA (Italy) Okamura H., Kobe University (Japan) Okay O., Technical University of Istanbul (Turkey) Panagiotakopoulos D., Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) Papadopoulos A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Papazoglou E., Agricultural University of Athens (Greece) Parayno P., Myriam College (Philippines) Perakis K., University of Thessaly (Greece) Sakellariou-Makrantonaki M., University of Thessaly (Greece) Schramm K.W., GSF (Germany) Sikalidis C., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Skordilis A., Ministry of Environment (Greece) Stamou A., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Tatsiopoulos I., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Themelis N., Columbia University (USA) Tsakiris G., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Tsihrintzis V., Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) Vliamos S., University of Athens (Greece) Vlyssides A., National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Yiannakopoulou V., Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) Youssef N. F., HBRC, (Egypt) Zoras S., Democritus University of Thrace (Greece) Zouboulis A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

3 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

International Scientific Committee of SECOTOX Blaise C., Canada Persoone G., Belgium Chen J., China Romanowska-Duda B., Poland Fargasova A., Schramm K.W., Germany Giesy J., USA Sutthivaiyakit P., Thailand Holoubek I., Czech Republic Torres J., Brasil Jiang G., China, Turgut C., Turkey Kungolos A., Greece Vasseur P., France Manusadzianas L., Lithuania Wadhia K., UK Namiesnik J., Poland Wang J., China Nugegoda D., Australia Weiss P., Austria Okamura H., Japan Wong P.K., China Okay O., Turkey

Hellenic Scientific Committee of SECOTOX Albanis T., UOI Kouretas D., UTH Arapis G., Agricultural University of Athens Lyberatos G., Univ. of Patras Cotou E., HCMR Machera K., BPI Diamantopoulos E., TUC Mitrakas M., AUTH Emmanouil C., BPI Samaras P., TEIWM Florou H., NCSR Demokritos Tsihrintzis V., DUTH Gidarakos E., TUC Tsiropoulos N., UTH Israilides C., NAGREF Vassiliou G., DUTH Iliopoulou J., Univ. of Patras Voudrias E., DUTH Karagiannidis A., AUTH Zouboulis A., AUTH Koronakis D., EYDAP Kouretas D., UTH

4 Programme


16:00-21:00 Registration 19:00-19:30 CEMEPE/SECOTOX Conference opening session

Opening remarks by: - Mykonos mayor, Athanassios Kousathanas – Megas - The general secretary of the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Associate Professor Evangelos Baltas - The secretary of SECOTOX, Professor Karl-Werner Schramm - Other officials

19:30-21:00 Invited lectures • Professor Emeritus George Tchobanoglous Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Davis “Sustainable solid waste management in the 21st century: Trends, needs, challenges and opportunities”

• Distinguished Professor of Theoretical Physics Dimitri Nanopoulos Texas A&M University, Center for Theoretical Physics College Station, Texas, USA “How “green” is the Universe? Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the biggest experiment ever”

21:30 Welcoming reception buffet at the Royal Myconian Hotel

5 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

, I.P. Tatsiopoulos, Tatsiopoulos, , I.P. , V. Blioumis and and V. Blioumis , and O. Khodaveyrdi O. Khodaveyrdi and Kuo and C.-M. Impact Impact assessment of greenhouse gas trading on industry production electricity Rentizelas A.A. A.I. Tolis, ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENTAL I Session K. Hadjibiros and Tatsiopoulos CHAIRS: I.P. Estimating Estimating and forecasting in Taiwan containers waste recycling on of values the production E. Hsu Kapetanakis and E.P. Varotsis Avraam, N.S. K.T. Democracy, Democracy, power analysis A microeconomic conservation. distribution, and J. Soltanzadeh forest ROOM ROOM C

Environmental Environmental cost accounting as a strategy tool Greek organizations the within Papaspyropoulos K.G. A.S. Christodoulou Christodoulou A.S. The The waste water dynamic treatment as a Yiannakopoulou and T. Panagiotakopoulos P. viable and and , K. Ružman Ružman , K. ć , A.Karayannis, P. Kassomenos, Kassomenos, P. A.Karayannis, ,

ć , N. Karanikolas and D. Vagiona and Karanikolas , N. , M. Stojni , G. Baumbach, G. Scheffknecht Scheffknecht G. G. Baumbach, , ć Mapping Mapping air pollution: the city of Thessaloniki - study case Greece M. Lazoglou Deep Deep investigation of Ultrafine Particles in urban air Fanizza C. Casciardi, S. Avino, P. and B. Kuch AIR QUALITY QUALITY AIR I Session C. Fanizza and Kassomenos CHAIRS: P. Air in residential pollution areas from wood-fired heatings M.A. Bari M. Manigrasso M. Manigrasso ROOM ROOM B G. Gouvalias and E.Gaki E.Gaki and G. Gouvalias The The prediction of toxic fugitive dust dispersion during soil remediation construction works using FDM model. I. Panagopoulos

PM1.0 PM1.0 levels in the vicinity of residential street conditions traffic density various under Klai Z.B. and I.and Smiljani

bank bank

Mytilus from L. 1758) L. specimen L. 1758) L.

Frankia strains D. Don Don D. accumulation accumulation in Sparus aurata Sparus (invited by SECOTOX) (invited , R. Bettinetti, Bettinetti, , R. environmental Anguilla Anguilla anguilla

A. Gies A. the , L. Martín-Díaz and and Martín-Díaz L. ,

L.) tissue DNA against Thiram Thiram against DNA tissue L.)

, K. Kasiotis and K. Machera and K. Kasiotis , K. Dicentrarchus labrax Dicentrarchus Hippöphae salicifolia , K.L. Kuo, and J.W. Fan and J.W. Kuo, Fan , K.L. treasure:

, J. Koschorreck and M. Kolossa M. Kolossa and J. Koschorreck , frozen

T.A. DelValls DelValls T.A. F. Capoccioni, E. Ciccotti and G.A. De Leo DeG.A. Leo and Capoccioni, E. Ciccotti F. ROOM ROOM A ECOTOXICOLOGY SECOTOX) with jointly (Organized I Session and – Georgudaki Iliopoulou CHAIRS: J. Galassi S. A. Gies nodulating nodulating Pandey and P.C. S.S. Singh, A. Singh, Mishra A.K. Keynote speaker: speaker: Keynote sea bass ( and (SW of Bay Cádiz in located spills aquaculture Spain) B. Carballeira C. organochlorine compound bio waters coastal Mediterranean Galassi S. Quadroni, S. galloprovincialis Emmanouil C. toxicity through siderophore in subcapitata alga - Pseudokirchneriella green Chen C.Y. A populations of Myconian Myconian

Hotel Hotel ORAL PRESENTATIONS ORAL MONDAY, JUNE 22 Royal 09:00-09:30 09:30-09:40 ( bream sea of Ecotoxicity 09:45-10:00 Ecological and sanitary risk associated with 10:00-10:15 Differential response of mussel 10:15-10:30 ( Protection against Mg2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+ 10:30-10:45 Toxicity and QSARs of Propargylic Alcohols on

6 Programme

, M.N. Duquenne, Ch. Siomouli Siomouli Ch. Duquenne, , M.N.

, M. Aravantinou and C. Laspidou and C. , M. Aravantinou Estimation Estimation of the natural resources’ value by the use of the contingent valuation method: the case forest aperi-urban Greek of O. Christopoulou and K. Kaisari and K. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE PLANNING I Session and A. Gospodini C. Laspidou CHAIRS: Assessing Assessing the impacts of environmental agriculture irrigated sustainable on instruments policy D. Pagidis and D. Latinopoulos A comperative study on Material Flow (MF) and Land Use (LU) in population cities without increase DeilmannC. in ROOM ROOM C Organization and evaluation network islands of a sustainable Hadjibiros K. The The role of economic downturn the during proliferation the consulting practice Saridakis K. and Aravossis K. Panayiotou, N. in CSR

, A.A. Karanasiou, S. Vratolis S. Vratolis Karanasiou, , A.A. COFFEE BREAK COFFEE , A. Kelessis, M. Petrakakis, M. Petrakakis, Kelessis, A. , , M. Ciganek, J. Neca, K. Pencikova, Intra-hourly Intra-hourly variations of CO concentrations in rush hours the during Thessaloniki Kassomenos P. and M. Lazaridis M.and Lazaridis AIR QUALITY QUALITY AIR II Session K. Nikolaou and K. Eleftheriadis CHAIRS:

ROOM ROOM B Chemical Chemical analysis of a large series of PAHs and POPs in airborne and sediment samples and their contribution to genotoxic, tumor-promoting and effects endocrine-disrupting M. Machala A. Mavrommati and Zoumakis N. Exposure Exposure to PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 1 Pakistan in Lahore, roads on monoxide and carbon Ali and Z. S. Ahmad Nasir, I. Z.A. Colbeck, L. Vykopalova, S. Marvanova, P. Krcmar, Krcmar, P. S. Marvanova, Vykopalova, L. Varel, U. Lübcke-von A. Kocan, Andrysik,Z. J. Vondracek and J. Topinka W. Brack, Indoor Indoor and outdoor particle number concentrations and mass in Sources, three sinks houses parameters and in Athens. variability Eleftheriadis K. of aerosol

, C.G. Skoutelis, D.R. Stapleton, Stapleton, D.R. Skoutelis, , C.G. z, M.L. Martín-Díaz M.L. z, , D. Napierska, E. Mulkiewicz, Mulkiewicz, E. Napierska, , D. A. Was and E. Gosz Gosz E. WasA. and ROOM ROOM A ECOTOXICOLOGY ECOTOXICOLOGY SECOTOX) with jointly (Organized II Session K.-W. and Schramm C. Emmanouil CHAIRS: Genotoxicity studies of photolytically treated 2- solutions aqueous chloropyridine Theodoridis I.T. Metal bound to sediments sediment bioavailability toxicity and assessment survey a field in marina using Arenicola J. Ramos-Góme in Acetylcholinesterase simplex Anisakis larvae - a parasitic nematode of Baltic resistance of pesticide Implications harengus. herring, Clupea M. Podolska and T.A. DelValls DelValls and T.A. D. Vlastos and M.I. Papadaki M.I. Papadaki and D. Vlastos Myconian Myconian

MONDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 22 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-11:30 Royal Hotel 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:00 12:00-12:15

7 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

Magnesia, Greece Greece Magnesia,



consequences in the area according according area the in consequences




Challenges of green management in in Iran management of green Challenges and S. Khadivi M. Abbaspour E. Koutseris E. Koutseris Geomorphologic Geomorphologic and hydrologic Torrent Imvrassos in analysis Samos Island, using hazard flooding of ofAssessment GIS. Astaras T. and Psilovikos Ar. Mourtzios, P. The to the and climate the The vegetation: location of settlements sustainability urban opposing technologies New A. Gospodini

ROOM ROOM C Development and application of environmental in systems ports management G. Palantzas Strategic Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Greece response of The Planning. Spatial in E. Antoniou


, T. Nitis, Nitis, , T. ć

, J.L. Morant J.L. Morant , evi č

and Z.B. Klai and Z.B. LUNCH BREAK BREAK LUNCH ć , A. Jeri A. , and S. Basbas and S. -Jureti ć and R.M. González and R.M. Comparison Comparison WRF/CHEM between PM10 and PM2.5 2003 Winter, during Germany in an episode for concentrations MM5-CMAQ José San R. J.L. Pérez, and Influence of temporal variation of traffic volume areas urban in air quality on composition and Nikolaou K. ROOM ROOM B Atmospheric Atmospheric boundary during high ozone layer concentrations in the area Bay Rijeka characteristics Prtenjak M.T. Seasonal characteristics of particulate matter and metallic elements in a residential area in Ulsan, Korea Lee Hieu and B.-K. N.T. change climate on to adaptation and of Mitigation sustainability to related level local M. Csete A. Alebi , J.S. Vanina, E.M. Mozolin, Mozolin, E.M. Vanina, , J.S. and J. Iliopoulou – Georgudaki Georgudaki – Iliopoulou and J. and T. Dando and T. ROOM ROOM A A.A. Oudalova, N.S. Dikareva, E.V. Chernonog, Novikova T.A. and V.G. Dikarev extraction extraction of mercury in muscle tissues of fishes strategy multivariate using Baig, J.A. Arain, M.B. Kazi, T.G. A.Q. Shah, and Jalbani N. M.K. Jamali, H.I. Afridi, G.A. Kandhro sediment and water in sentinels biological and Ezemonye Ogeleka, L.I.N. D.F. Okieimen F.E. Evaluation of Assessment (MARA) to Microbial Assess the Toxicity of Environment the in Chemicals Assay for Wadhia K. Risk Comparative ecological quality assessment olive oil mill from effluents three-phase and two- of production for treated hydrogen systems, phase A. Rouvalis populations Geras’kin S.A. MONDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 22 12:15-12:30 Optimization of ultrasonic assisted acid 12:30-12:45 Short-term toxicity of industrial chemicals on 12:45-13:00 13:00-13:15 13:15-13:30 Effects of multiple stressors exposures on plant 13:30-13:45 13:45-15:30

8 Programme

The The corporate strategic technologies and RES management imperative for GHG Kitsopoulos, K. Chasiotis, M. D. Manolopoulos, M. Sarantos and M. Koulidakou ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY I Session Manios T. and Kakaras CHAIRS: E. Diesel fuels from renewable sources sources renewable from fuels Diesel Bratsky and D. M. Slezackova and A. Ustimenko and A. Ustimenko ROOM ROOM C Utilization of Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) for production energy E. Kakaras and Grammelis P. M. Agraniotis, Enhanced Enhanced biogas production of primary glycerol crude with co-digested sludge and Terzakis S. M. Sfendouraki, M. Fountoulakis, Manios T. Environmental Environmental tools in industry – building A state construction of sector building in applications the art review for LCA D. Anastaselos E. Giama, and A.M. Papadopoulos Plasma Plasma aided coal combustion for effective and utilization fuel friendly environmentally Rakin P. Messerle, V. E. Karpenko,

and ak, ak, ş k, Serden Ba k, Serden  COFFEE BREAK BREAK COFFEE , A. Roozbahani and F.Tadayon and F.Tadayon A. Roozbahani , and E. Chyti E. Chyti and , E. Lytras, A. Nikolaou, A. Nikolaou, , E. Lytras, Performance Performance of floating systems vegetated for in- Italy North-Eastern in treatment water stream M. Salvato D. Tocchetto, M. Borin, S. Golfinopoulos and T. Lekkas Lekkas and T. S. Golfinopoulos Monitoring of Carbaryl in water SPE- samples with HPLC method results including analytical the of estimation an uncertainty A. Ghorbani WATER POLLUTION POLLUTION WATER I Session Vayenas D.V. and Okay CHAIRS: O.S. ROOM ROOM B Biological potable water treatment treatment water potable Biological Vayenas D.V. and A.G. Tekerlekopoulou Composition Composition and distribution of organochlorine pollutants in the sediments and mussels from the (Turkey) Strait Istanbul B.Karac O.S. Okay, Schramm and K-W. S. Bernhöft B. Henkelmann, An An analytical water chlorinated in haloacetamides method for determination S. Samios of Evaluation Evaluation of the trophic state of Ziros lake, NW Greece I. Kagalou G. De Stefani Stefani G. De eece eece

whey effluents effluents whey




, D. Dermatas, S. Fakra and assessment Mantzavinos

, C. Theodoropoulos, A. Rouvalis Rouvalis A. Theodoropoulos, , C. , R. M. Tzimou-Tsitouridou, Mitrakas, risk

, S. Fiore and M.C. Zanetti M.C. Zanetti and Fiore S. , , A. Andrés, R. Alonso-Santurde, Alonso-Santurde, R. , A. Andrés, Viguri, D. Viguri,

Xekoukoulotakis Xekoukoulotakis

M.A. MarcusM.A. J.R. ROOM ROOM A N. INDUSTRIAL WASTE WASTE INDUSTRIAL I Session A. Coz and C. Sikalidis CHAIRS: Ecological Valorization of Automobile Shredder Italy in (ASR) Residue B. Ruffino sludge refinery of oil Biotreatment D. Papadimos, D. Leventos, A. Mountouris, Vatseris, Ch. Papadopoulos, St. Antotsios, Ch. Karnavos and N. A. Kiroplastis H. Wallner, Characterisation and leaching behaviour of olive the best management to in obtain order waste mill options A. Coz effectiveness in –XRD and -XRF micro-XANES, using Residue Chromite Ore M. Chrysochoou Processing to production processes of factories ceramic in sanitary tiles wares and C. Sikalidis G. Stergioudis and A.Hatzopoulou A.Hatzopoulou and G. Stergioudis along a medium-sized river in southwest Gr southwest in river medium-sized a along Karadima C. and J. Iliopoulou-Georgudaki Iliopoulou-Georgudaki and J. Myconian Myconian

Hotel MONDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 22 Royal 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:15 16:15-16:30 16:30-16:45 Investigation of Cr(VI) reductive treatment 16:45-17:00 of particulate emitted duematter Characterization 17:00-17:30

9 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

of energy production of energy production


, A. Mountouris, M. Politi, M. Politi, Mountouris, A.,

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY II Session Englezos and P. Papadopoulos A.M. CHAIRS: Environmental assessment tool materials for building’s and insulation components: Applications and E. Giama D. Anastaselos, to A.M. Papadopoulos Environmental Energy Energy research, environment, applications and development sustainable A.M. Omer ROOM ROOM C Plasma gasification for production energy waste treatment and E. Voutsas Optimum Optimum Sizing of a PV-Battery-Diesel Hybrid Consumers Remote for System and E. Kondili D. Zafirakis, J.K. Kaldellis, Kavadias K. From From the old archimedean screw pumps to new archimedean screw turbines the for hydropower Greece in production V.G. Stergiopoulos and A.V. Stergiopoulou D. Tassios and Karagiannidis A. from biomass at global, regional and local scale local scale and at regional biomass global, from Durante and R. Genon G. E. Brizio,

Tzoupanos and A.I. Zouboulis and Tzoupanos

. Papaioannou and A. Filintas A. and Filintas Papaioannou . , Α and D. Aktsoglou D. Aktsoglou and Moussas, N.D.

. Koutseris . The impact of mining activities in the quality of waters sea coastal G. Gaidajis WATER POLLUTION POLLUTION WATER II Session Gaidajis G. and Ar. Psilovikos CHAIRS: Advances in coagulation/flocculation field: Al- reagents coagulation composite Fe–based and P.A. ROOM ROOM B Groundwater Groundwater quality comparison and of assessments sampling in and Thessaly the application of location the region Multivariate Statistical Greece Magnesia, in Interpretation Ε Formation Formation of THMs organic during nitrogen alanine chlorination in typical drinking dissolved water Hu Gao and S.S. W.H. N.Y. Chu, Assessment Assessment of water quality monitoring data in Greece Macedonia, Western Kastoria, lake Psilovikos Ar. and Margoni S. Matzafleri, N. Potable water denitrification denitrification water Potable Michailidis, M.K. Karanasios, K.A. Vayenas D.V. and S. Pavlou I.A. Vasiliadou,

, P. Samaras and D. Tassios D. Tassios and Samaras P. , and N.J. Themelis Themelis and N.J. A.G. Andreopoulos A.G. , G. Perkoulidis, , G. Perkoulidis, Samaras, P. Kasampalis, , T. and I. Twardowska Twardowska and I. Recycling Recycling of engineering plastics deriving from (EEE) equipment electronic and electrical waste A.G. and Andreopoulos Tarantili P.A. ROOM ROOM A SUSTAINABLE WASTE MONITORING MONITORING WASTE SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT AND I Session KalogirouS. and N.J. Themelis CHAIRS: Keynote speaker: Keynote as dumps waste a of chance of theirminimization impact environmental adverse S. Stefaniak from the incineration of municipal recovery energy waste with E. Voutsas Vavva, C. transfer schemes facility waste-to-energy a new supplying of municipal A. Karagiannidis wastes for Rhodes of the Island Wastes of Solid Municipal and G. Ypsilantis A. Bourka N.J. Themelis, in Greece in the frame of integrated material and recovery energy A. Karagiannidis combustion of wastes solid municipal (RDF/SRF) as-received or Psomopoulos C.S. pre-processed A. Papageorgiou and S. Kalogirou and A. Papageorgiou Ziogas P. and G. Perkoulidis Myconian Myconian

Hotel MONDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 22 Royal 17:30-18:00 18:00-18:15 coal of residues from Extraction coal hard mining 18:15-18:30 Environmental management of fly ash produced 18:30-18:45 Comparative assessment of collection and 18:45-19:00 Energy and Materials 19:00-19:15 Recovery from the Evaluation of sewage sludge production patterns 19:15-19:30 Potential for energy generation in Greece by

10 Programme , A.J. Burger, A. Giroir-Fendler Giroir-Fendler A. Burger, A.J. ,

Energy Energy efficient process separation: The for use fibres hollow xylene ceramic of isomer nanocomposite MFI- Daramola M.O. Bio-alcohols Bio-alcohols based fuels engines for spark M. Slezackova and D. Bratsky ignition and S. Miachon and S. Miachon Capture of carbon dioxide crystallization hydrate clathrate through plant from IGCC power and Ripmeester J. A. Linga, P. R. Kumar, Englezos P. ROOM ROOM C

Farahani, Farahani,


Microcystic aeruginosa Microcystic aeruginosa





, S. Legos, V. Tsiridis, V. Tsiridis, , S. Legos, M.

, Ghorbani

S. Waqif Hosain and M. Saber Tehrani Tehrani M. Saber and Hosain S. Waqif C. Emmanouil and A. Kungolos and A. Kungolos Emmanouil C. ROOM ROOM B and and theirs chlorination potential byproducts formation H.S. Ou and Gao, K.J. Zhang N.Y. Li, L. Assessment Assessment of wastewater Greece region, effluent Thessaly quality in S. Bakopoulou Estimation of measurement uncertainty for determination the of some trace element in by SPE-ICP-OES samples water natural A. Characteristics of intracellular and extracellular organic components ROOM ROOM A

MONDAY, MONDAY, JUNE 22 19:30-19:45 19:45-20:00 20:00-20:15

11 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

, M.A. Hajabbasi, V. Dorostkar Dorostkar V. M.A. Hajabbasi, , M.A. Hajabbasi, ,

Bioremediation Bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil using landfarming technique: Influence on chemical properties and biological soil A.A. Besalatpour Restoring Restoring soil inputs and natural organic alternative fertility through the Montederamos and N. R. Bajenting J. Abrigana, use of ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION RESTORATION ENVIRONMENTAL I Session Samaras P. and Kuraš M. CHAIRS: Tracing sediment sources in Amrovan Drainage Iran basin, and Ahmadi H. A. Kouhpeima, S. Feiznia, S.A. Hashemi Treatment Treatment of ammonia-polluted groundwater in region coal brown mining Bohemian North M. Kubal, K. Ciahotný, M. Podhola, and M. Kuraš P. Beneš ROOM ROOM C landfarming-phytoremediation combined A petroleum of remediation for system soils contaminated from and metals hydrocarbons A.A. Besalatpour and G. Torabi and G. Torabi Dorostkar V. and A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh Land Land degradation due to study: diapirs in Hableh-Rood Iran, Drainage case Tehran Basin, East of S. Feiznia Zakikhani and K.

COFFEE BREAK COFFEE , A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh and A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh , , N.G. Tsiropoulos and and Tsiropoulos , N.G.

Β and M.V. Russo and M.V. Lead Lead fractionation in soil as affected by organic amendments inorganic and A.H. Baghaie D.G. Karpouzas D.G. Karpouzas FATE AND TRANSPORT OF OF AND TRANSPORT FATE POLLUTANTS I Session Avino P. and N.G. Tsiropoulos CHAIRS: Peroxyacetil Nitrate (PAN) in urban atmosphere: behavior and levels Avino P. M. Afyuni ROOM ROOM The degradation Chlorpyrifos in various biomix substrates based of residues crop cotton composted on Terbuthylazine Kravvariti K. and Monitoring Monitoring of drinking Greece Kozani, of region water quality in Zoras S. and Christidis S. Sfikas, A. the Investigation on the behavior atmosphere of pesticides in and I. Notardonato Avino, G. Cinelli, P. M.V. Russo Occurrence of waters surface in classes therapeutic pharmaceuticals of and D.A. Lambropoulou Ch.I. Kosma, different Albanis T.A.

and formaldehyde formaldehyde

and T. Nitis T. and and



study N.C. Markatos N.C.

, A. Karayannis, P. Kassomenos Kassomenos P. Karayannis, A. ,




indoor indoor air pollution dispersion in an apartment as plan management an indoor pollution of part I. Panagopoulos ROOM ROOM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND RISK ASSESSMENT I Session Achilias D.S. and Aravossis K. CHAIRS: Aravossis K. and A. Thanos A. Thanos Keynote speaker: speaker: Keynote Greece Athens, Lasaridi and K. A. Foutri Abeliotis, K. systems information health Kassomenos,Skouloudis A.N. P. assessment studies on dams. The case Greece study Peloponnese, River, Ladonas of H. Lazana and Mimides, Pylarinou T. K. System according to EMAS Study Case Installation: Industrial in a Very Large S. Lattas I. Dermitzakis, Antonakopoulos, P. land agricultural in fertilization nitrogen D. Kalivas and A. Papadopoulos Computational Computational fluid mechanics in environmental analysis and risk engineering Myconian Myconian

Hotel TUESDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Royal 09:00-09:30 09:30-09:45 A 09:45-10:00 Green vs. standard roofs: a case study from 10:00-10:15 Reconsidering uncertainty for air-pollution and 10:15-10:30 impact environmental revaluating A methodology 10:30-10:45 Development of an Environmental Management 10:45-11:00 Fuzzy decision support system for assessing 11:00-11:30

12 Programme

ungolos ungolos . Κ and B. Synodinou and B. Synodinou

WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ENGINEERING RESOURCES WATER MANAGEMENT AND I Session Karmakar and S. Kanakoudis CHAIRS: V. Applying the virtual water concept Rodope and Xanthi cases of the level- at regional M. Tsalkatidou and Gratziou M. Kotsovinos, N. Total water industry management approach in S. Panagopoulos, V.Tryfona-Panagopoulou, steel Xenou, P. G. Lazopoulos, V. Diamanti, and Α Panagopoulou C. The The role of reclaimed water in sustainable water islands Aegean the in management resources Gikas and G. Tchobanoglous P. Public vs. Private Water sustainability Utilities: financial for used PPPs PBSCs and Tsitsifli S. and V. Kanakoudis Designing and system for evaluation operational water management of Dez automatic Canal Main control and Montazar A. Overloop, van S. Isapoor, P.J. M. Banihabib ROOM ROOM C Greece in theunder Water management resources change the climate of effects I. Vasvatekis Environmental Environmental management of severe Greece in Prefecture Evros of case The floods: riverine Nivolianitou Z.

, , M. Afyuni, K.C. Abbaspour, , F.Kehagia and Ch.Vizmpa and Ch.Vizmpa , F.Kehagia

, G. Sylaios and V.A. Tsihrintzis V.A. and Sylaios G. , , V. Manakou and T. Tsiakis Tsiakis and T. , V. Manakou Β , H. Albers, M. Wittmaier, S. Langer, S. Langer, M. Wittmaier, , H. Albers, Road Road traffic noise level prediction in the city of Thessaloniki: a comparison between the French British method and M.Pitsiava Modeling Nestos River plume dynamics – Validation Validation – dynamics plume River Nestos Modeling observations field with Kamidis N. NUMERICAL MODELING MODELING NUMERICAL I Session Tatsiopoulos I.P. and M. Pitsiava CHAIRS: Brinkmann T. and H.Lambrecht ROOM ROOM Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Modeling Comprehensive Everglades Support Restoration Project (CERP) to the V.H. Kourafalou R. Schulin and A. Jalalian Smart structure monitoring using robust control control robust using monitoring structure Smart and A. Pouliezos A. Moutsopoulou, G.E. Stavroulakis Environmentally focused production and focused production Environmentally structures network chain supply distribution Tsiakis P. Using Using topography and vegetation attributes estimation for of saturated hydraulic conductivity in Iran of rangelands semiarid B. Khalilmoghadam RessourcenManager: RessourcenManager: A material flow model for management waste and recycling S. Wolff evaluation evaluation

eece eece and ć


and A. Ghorbani A. Ghorbani and at Sousaki (Greece):

transportation pavement pavement transportation

, D. Dražovi , ć new

products a

environmental of

, S. Rotolo, K. Kyriakopoulos, Kyriakopoulos, K. , S. Rotolo, imovi ć and

alteration ć costing

Α , N. Ja, N. ć Cycle

occurrence and environmental impact impact environmental and occurrence W. D’Alessandro ROOM ROOM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND RISK ASSESSMENT II Session A. Gil and Wadhia K. CHAIRS: Sustainable Sustainable mobility and transport modeling: the city of the of case E. Mintsis S. Basbas and on cytotoxic induced effects of human Evaluation bronchial cells by Nanotubes Carbon exposure to A.M. Marcelloni, A.M. E. Paba, Multi-walled Fanizza, C. and D. Cavallo S. Iavicoli S. Pasquali, Fresegna, Life site: A case study of Serbia Tesla-B” in “Nikola the thermal power plant M. Iveti Desorption of exogenous contaminants determination of before endogenous trace elements human in hair by flam and spectrometry absorption electrothermal atomic Tadayon F. M. Saber-Tehrani, Fumarolic S. Bellomo, L. Brusca, S. Calabrese, M. Liotta, M. Liotta, S. Calabrese, Brusca, L. S. Bellomo, Plicanti Bruno and F. C. constructed constructed in the District area in project ‘ECOLANES’ the of study as a pilot and Themistocleous K. D.G. Hadjimitsis, AchilleosC. Gr in production power on anthracite of D. Zacharias, E. Kondili and J.K. Kaldellis Kaldellis J.K. and E. Kondili D. Zacharias, N. Kostovi N. Myconian Myconian

Hotel TUESDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Royal 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:00 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 Technological 12:30-12:45 Environmental aspects of the fly ash deposition 12:45-13:00 13:00-13:15

13 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

Mathematical Mathematical Programming

and D. Hadjimitsis D. Hadjimitsis and , G.Genon, D. Russolillo and and D. Russolillo G.Genon, , , T. Bournaris, J. Papathanasiou and J. Papathanasiou Bournaris, , T. Multicriteria


ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS ECONOMICS ENVIRONMENTAL II Session D. Damigos and Becchis CHAIRS: F. Production economics of organic agriculture; the Cyprus theof in district and olives vines of case G. Papadavid The The Greek reality of the Future Photovoltaic market: trends development and and Beretoulis, S. Karabagias P. E. Magerakis, incentives Gavrilakis N. in energy model for planning irrigated agricultural regions agricultural regions irrigated planning for model B. Manos Uncertainty Uncertainty analysis system distribution of a and S. Karmakar S. Tyagi N. municipal water Environmentally benign phosphoric acid production through a systematic and framework design process cost optimal Seferlis P. and A.I. Papadopoulos A ROOM ROOM C Tariffs and introduction an heating: networks regulation Becchis F. in district C. Moulogianni Moulogianni C. Willingness Willingness to pay for financing electronic waste Greece in recycling D. Damigos E. Brizio E. Brizio

, , M. Afyuni, K.C. Abbaspour, LUNCH BREAK BREAK LUNCH , I. Kakoulidis and A. Loukas and A. Loukas , I. Kakoulidis

, E. Katragkou, P.Zanis and I.Tegoulias and I.Tegoulias P.Zanis , E. Katragkou, Β , S. Liu and L.G. Papageorgiou Papageorgiou and L.G. , S. Liu Simulation modeling of the fate modeling Simulation in of nitrogen the Greece Carla in of wetland constructed Laspidou C. Optimisation Optimisation of water resources management for areas isolated geographically and insular Gikas P. NUMERICAL MODELING MODELING NUMERICAL II Session B. Khalilmoghadam and Gikas CHAIRS: P. ROOM ROOM An integrated modeling procedure waters coastal into for discharges thermal I.Douka, Nikiforakis, Eis. A. I. Stamou, Bleninger T. G. and H. Jirka Dimitriadis, P.

Flow and ventilation within a hypothetical tunnel during different techniques fire scenarios Moussiopoulos N. and Barmpas Ph. I. Ossanlis, using CFD Estimation of surface shear strength in semi-arid Iran of rangelands B. Khalilmoghadam and R. Schulin Dehghani A.A. A. Jalalian, Regional climate-air quality analysis sensitivity and climate Future Europe: simulations over D. Melas

B. Bilitewski B. , O. Orlova, N. Koryagina, Koryagina, N. Orlova, , O. , T. Reilly, D.H. Moon and and Moon D.H. Reilly, T. ,

Α A A new Threat from Scale a in global the Loop Closing from Consumer Goods coming D. Dermatas D. Dermatas ROOM ROOM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT WASTE HAZARDOUS I Session and B. Bilitewski Karagiannidis A. CHAIRS: S. Nagorny, N. Goncharov, E. Ermolaeva, E. Ermolaeva, Goncharov, S. Nagorny, N. Gustyleva and L. Khlebnikova A. Radilov, N. speaker: Invited Oxidative FeIII–TAML-Catalyzed Destruction of Phenols Chlorinated and Dyes Textile Collins T. and Chahbane N. K.-W. Schramm, at a former base metal and mining ore processing Greece) (Kirki, site I. Drougas, B. Lemiere, A. Liakopoulos, Michaels, C. V. Laperche, Crouzet, C. and I. Romaidis A. Lassin former facilities for production of chemicals highly toxic E. Savelieva Leaching of Pb and W from a firing treated range soil with Type I/II dust kiln and cement cement fume Portland cement, silica D.G. Grubb

Myconian Myconian

Hotel TUESDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 23 13:15-13:30 13:30-15:30 Royal 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:15 solid waste unmanaged impacts of Environmental 16:15-16:30 Combined chemical-toxicological expertise of 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00

14 Programme

legislation legislation





, P. Birtsas, C. Sokos and Sokos C. and Birtsas, , P. of

and M.Nenkovic-Riznic M.Nenkovic-Riznic and review


A on pedestrian rights and walking environment environment and rights walking on pedestrian Konstantinidou S. Basbas, C. Papaioannou, P. I.and Politis in landfill and facility processing waste Chemical the of absence barriers and Legislative Šabac: participation public local M. Pucar ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND AND LEGISLATION ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY I Session and N. Kyriazis Papaioanou CHAIRS: P. Possibilities Possibilities of production pellets and in Greece from an use economic and market of aspect wood and G. Ntalos Sideras, M. A. Trigkas, I. Papadopoulos ROOM ROOM C Early warning environmental information for the the for information environmental warning Early AIRTHESS The environment: atmospheric system Nikolaou and K. Karatzas K. Bathing water profile as an European Union European as an profile water Bathing Water Directive Bathing within legislation (2006/7/EC) A. Torok K.G. Papaspyropoulos K.G. Hunting engagement and attitude to hunting to hunting attitude and engagement Hunting strategies management Hasanagas N.D.

and and

sediments sediments






Ι Β Quality of Mykonos water resources – A A – resources water Mykonos of Quality assessment preliminary E. Dimitriou and Skoulikidis N. (rivers, lakes, estuaries and lagoons) of Greece Greece of lagoons) and estuaries lakes, (rivers, D. Lambropoulou I. Konstantinou, Albanis, T. and D. Hela WATER POLLUTION POLLUTION WATER II Session CHAIRS: T. Albanis and S. K. and S. A. Solmaz Albanis CHAIRS: T. ROOM ROOM industrial organized an for studies Treatability for Bursa, in Turkiye (OID) effluent district purposes irrigation agricultural Çiner and F. Üstün G. E. A. Solmaz, S. K. from of nitrate removal Electrochemical a cathode zinc on wastewaters Polatides C. I. Katsounaros, M. Dortsiou, risk ecological and levels concentration Pesticide assessment Global microbiological quality criteria for treated treated for criteria quality Global microbiological irrigation agricultural in reuse wastewater A.Tassoula G. Kyriacou G. Kyriacou

V. Kollarou and

and M.C. Zanetti M.C. Zanetti and Α ROOM ROOM INDUSTRIAL WASTE WASTE INDUSTRIAL II Session M. Sakellariou- and Gidarakos CHAIRS: E. Makrantonaki recycling pumps’ Sewage Submersible or the refurbishing during possibilities facilities management wastewater of upgrade Ioannidis, G.C. Psomopoulos, C.S. Madias and A. S. Apostolakos a Compartmentalized of performance process the a treating (CASS) System Sludge Activated wastewater dairy synthetic Bonakdari and H. Bashiri F. Ziantizadeh A.A.L. a from sands magnesium exhaust of recycling plant foundry B. Ruffino ethers diphenyl polybrominated E. Gidarakos wastewater acid terephthalic of treatment Nandy T. M. and Karthik Myconian Myconian

Hotel TUESDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 23 17:00-17:15 17:15-17:30 Royal 17:30-17:45 17:45-18:00 on factors and operational process of Influence 18:00-18:15 the for evaluation economic and design Process 18:15-18:30 released impacts of Environmental 18:30-18:45 for facility treatment an effluent of Enhancement

15 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

and T. Metaxas Metaxas T. and and K. Aravossis K. and Corporate social responsibility: A comparative comparative A responsibility: social Corporate Greece and Hungary Demark, among analysis M. Tsavdaridou model making decision policy environmental An procedures democracy direct under Kyriazis N. ROOM ROOM C

Β CHEESE AND WINE PARTY AND WINE CHEESE ROOM ROOM Land degradation of Taleghan drainage basin, basin, drainage Taleghan of degradation Land formations alkaline and marl saline from Iran Hoseini S. H. and Zakikhani, S. Feiznia K. flame of organophosphorus Determination by surface waters in plasticizers and retardants mass - tandem chromatography liquid spectrometry E. Corradini, Cavaliere, C. Callipo, L. A. and Laganà R.R. Samperi Gubbiotti,

, Y. Karras, Karras, Y. ,

Α ROOM ROOM breaking capacity fuse links used by P.P.C. P.P.C. by used links fuse capacity breaking Greece of Psomopoulos C.S. Karras C. Karagiannopoulos, P. and D. Diamadopoulos TUESDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 23 18:45-19:00 high low voltage the for potential Recycling 19:00-19:15 19:30

16 Programme , and D. Latinopoulos D. Latinopoulos and


Economic Economic aspects of the delineation of well head protection areas uncertainty of conditions under Theodossiou N. Preliminary Preliminary impact assessment of anthropogenic activities system lagoon peri-urban on Vourkadi Antoniades and C. E. Dimitriou C. Pappia, E. Reppa, V. Detsis and K. Abeliotis Abeliotis and K. V. Detsis E. Reppa, Pappia, C. cities into development of green Impact Vassi and V. V. Eleutheriou A. Lalou, ROOM ROOM Wildlife Wildlife use and conservation in Cameroon a Forest Management Unit of South and Wanzie Chris Wieren, Mbelli, Van M. Sip Humphrey Prins H.T. Herbert ECOSYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND PROTECTION AND PROTECTION ANALYSIS ECOSYSTEMS I Session Takeuchi and I. N. Theodosiou CHAIRS:

Natural or artificial Christmas tree: a case study from Greece Greece from study a tree: case Christmas artificial Natural or A. Kalogeropoulos Douvalis, Zachos, S. F. O. Theodoropoulou, Environmental forensic investigation of golden rain event in southern Taiwan City, Kaohsiung Mao and W.M. Lin C. COFFEE BREAK COFFEE

, D. Aidonis, G. Banias, Ch. Achillas, Ch. Banias, G. Aidonis, D.,

A.P. Economopoulos A.P. :

, Y. Tojo, T. Matsuo, T. Matsuto,M. Yamada, H. Asakura H. Asakura Matsuto,M. Yamada, Matsuo, T. T. Tojo, , Y.

and D. Panepinto D. Panepinto and Α and Y. Ono and Y. E. Iakovou and A. Papadopoulos and A. Papadopoulos E. Iakovou ROOM ROOM MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING WASTE SUSTAINABLE II Session E. Voutsas and Skotti CHAIRS: E. Keynote speaker Keynote MSW alternative management of evaluation and comparative Formulation Greece for plans and I.Tsakiridou K.Konstantinou sorting process by waste A. Montero management waste D. Anastaselos Moussiopoulos, N. improvements G. Genon E. Gidarakos Plant a Cement (RDF) in Kormpa A. and Aravossis K.

WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Imperial Hotel Myconian 09:00-09:30 09:30-09:45 solid waste of olive energy management The 09:45-10:00 Investigation on material separation of mixed construction and demolition 10:00-10:15 tool support for A and system decision renovation demolition DeconRCM: 10:15-10:30 Municipal solid waste thermal 10:30-10:45 treatment: problems and technological a environment in global E-waste of Recycling 10:45-11:00 Life Cycle Assessment of the Co-Incineration 11:00-11:30 of Refuse Derived Fuel

17 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009 and M. Hadjimitsis Hadjimitsis M. and

and D.G Hadjimitsis Hadjimitsis and D.G , M.G. Hadjimitsis, A. Agapiou , G. Papadavid and G. Papadavid , Agapiou A. Hadjimitsis, , M.G. , I. Faraslis and K. Perakis Perakis K. and I., Faraslis

, M. Kostopoulou, Z. Pataki and M. Karydis M. Karydis and Pataki Z. , M. Kostopoulou, Β

Application Application of satellite remote sensing and sun-photometers to determine Cyprus over thickness aerosol optical the Themistocleous K. D.G. Hadjimitsis, Spatio-temporal Spatio-temporal variation in water quality of Malad creek, Mumbai, India tools geospatial using Kelkar P.S. and S. Dhage R.A. Sohony, D.R. Satapathy, R. Vijay,

ROOM ROOM Multicriteria Multicriteria analysis by means of GIS for airport site selection; the case Greece Trikala, of study A. Moysiadis Coastal water quality monitoring in Cyprus using satellite remote sensing satellite remote using Cyprus in monitoring quality water Coastal D.G. Hadjimitsis GIS AND REMOTE SENSING SENSING AND REMOTE GIS I Session Y.N. Photis and K. Perakis CHAIRS: Themistocleous K. Remote Remote sensing as an alternative tool for monitoring water consumption Cyprus areas of agricultural over G. Papadavid A. Agapiou, Geostatistical analysis for assessing eutrophication trends: a case study in Greece Lesvos, of Strait the D. Kitsiou An integrated analytical methodology for the assessment of traffic-related cities sized in medium air pollution Photis Y.N. and Margaritis S. LUNCH BREAK LUNCH

metallic waste on the leaching characteristics leaching characteristics the on waste metallic

and A. Kungolos A. Kungolos and , U.B. Celebi and N. Vardar N. and , U.B. Celebi , P. Kastanek, Y. Rahubin, Y. Maleterova and O. Solcova O. Solcova and Maleterova Y. Rahubin, Kastanek, Y. , P. and M. Roscoe M. Roscoe and

Α ROOM ROOM MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING WASTE SUSTAINABLE III Session A.P. Economopoulos and Psomopoulos C.S. CHAIRS: Influence Influence of recycling aggregates on the environment and sector and financial , engineering its social impact on D. Matsika Management of industrial waste on sustainable landfills: Influence of the stabilised/solidified of ageing A. Andrés J.R. and Viguri B. Ruiz-Labrador, A. Coz, Study on the factors influencing analysis statistical by multiple China municipal solids waste generation in W. Xin-Wu Chen and L. Georgiadis N. sequence a in biogas-microalgae biomass microalgae usable and Kastanek F. biomass lignocellulosic of uses Alternative Tananaki Ch. and Kyparissides C. Goulas, Ch. Koukoura, Z. I. Pappas, blasting ice dry shipyards: for methods Waste reduction Akanlar F.T. Northeast the US in D.G. Grubb

WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Imperial Hotel Myconian 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:00 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 Volos of in municipality production solid-waste affecting size Household’s 12:30-12:45 Utilization of distillery effluents and agriculture waste to generate energy 12:45-13:00 13:00-13:15 13:15-13:30 Large scale recycling of dredged from material confined disposal facilities 13:30-15:30

18 Programme 2006) variation 2006) variation







, G. Palantzas, A.Naniopoulos and I.Theocharis I.Theocharis and A.Naniopoulos , G. Palantzas, , G. Syrrokostas and P. Yianoulis Yianoulis P. and G., Syrrokostas data

, U. B. Celebi and N. Vardar N. and , U. B. Celebi

, S. Tsolkas, N. Kamidis, I. Boskidis and V.A. Tsihrintzis Tsihrintzis and V.A. I. Boskidis Kamidis, N. Tsolkas, , S. Β

New automated technologies in environmentally sensitive shipyards sensitive shipyards environmentally in technologies automated New Akanlar F.T. Implementation Implementation of an integrated environmental system management in the port Piraeus Kontogiorgi Ch. Effects Effects of various electrolyte types on the solar sensitized cells dye TiO2 properties of nanocrystalline M. Giannouli in chlorophyll a concentration in the Uwa Sea, Southwestern Japan Japan Sea, Southwestern the in Uwa a concentration chlorophyll in and I. Takeuchi Furuya S. Suzuki, K. ROOM ROOM COASTAL ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT COASTAL I Session Florou and H. Tsihrintzis CHAIRS: V.A. SOURCES ENERGY RENEWABLE I Session Christopoulou and O. Romanowska-Duda CHAIRS: Z.B. Modelling Modelling and the ecosystems assessment of anthropogenic N.C.Markatos and impacts G.Trabidou H.Florou, M.Psaltaki, on marine Self-cleaning ecosystem on marine farms fish impacts of The A. Bobat The effects of various crop sorghum results of economic irrigation systems on biomass Mygdakos and E. Papanikolaou1, C. M. production Sakellariou-Makrantonaki, and Papanikos N. Temporal Temporal variability of water quality in Platanovrisi Reservoir related to conditions stratification/mixing G. Sylaios


and S. Muqeem S. Muqeem and , G. Katsabanis, Th. Maggos, Th. Manios, M. Fountoulakis, Fountoulakis, M. Manios, Th. Maggos, Th. , G. Katsabanis, , F. Tsagas, I. Tsakmakis, N. Grigoropoulos and D. Dermatas D. Dermatas and Grigoropoulos N. I. Tsakmakis, Tsagas, F. ,

Α ROOM ROOM MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING WASTE SUSTAINABLE IV Session K. Lasaridi and D. Dermatas CHAIRS: MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING WASTE SUSTAINABLE V Session Montoneri E. and Mohamed CHAIRS: L. Mapping odour nuisance from environmental and industrial installations in industrial and environmental installations odour nuisance from Mapping Greece Lasaridi K. Transportation cost Greece Macedonia-Thrace, Eastern of the in region network transportation and CO2 emissions I. Markidis of the municipal waste Michopoulos J. Maggos and Vassilakos, T. M. Ch. Tsakas, perspectives and E. Bemporad Performance characteristics of lightweight aggregate concrete containing aggregates synthetic waste-derived S. Bethanis sludge Byeon S.H. and D. Kim K. B.-K. Lee, J. Kim, T. waste solid municipal solution for energy Waste to E. Kalogirou Mohamed L. N. Kalogerakis, E.I. Stentiford and A. Kyriacou Kyriacou A. and E.I. Stentiford Kalogerakis, N.

WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 Imperial Hotel Myconian 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:15 impact environmental and management waste in-house Hospital 16:15-16:30 Waste incineration as a source of fine particles emissions: state of the art 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 organic industrial of resources dried energy study on potential feasibility A 17:00-17:30 Imperial Hotel Myconian 17:30-17:45 17:45-18:00 Kuwait in sites landfill waste solid of assessment municipal Environmental

19 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

, Y. Fernández-Nava, P. Ormaechea and Ormaechea P. Fernández-Nava, , Y. , M. Grzesik and K. Piotrowski Piotrowski K. M. and Grzesik , , Y. Fernández-Nava, E. Marañón, P. Ormaechea, G. Quiroga G. Quiroga Ormaechea, P. Marañón, , E. Fernández-Nava, Y. , R. Vellore, R. Belu and J. Koracin Koracin and J. Belu R. R. Vellore, ,


A A critical taxonomy of design and aggregate planning models for biomass chains supply A. Toka Iakovou and E. D. Vlachos, Establishment of the first Greek bioenergy district in Western Thessaloniki Western in Thessaloniki district bioenergy Greek the first of Establishment and I.Tsalakanidou K.Konstantinou and S. Valero and S. Valero G. Quiroga ROOM ROOM Wind energy resources in future climate change change climate in future resources energy Wind D. Koracin Biogas from cattle manure as an alternative energy source energy alternative as an manure cattle from Biogas Castrillón L. in (Spain) Asturias source energy alternative as an waste Biomass Marañón E. Castrillón, L. utilization Ecological of sewage sludge in production of Virginia fanpetals energy renewable source of as the biomass Rusby) hermaphrodita (Sida Romanowska-Duda Z.B. Sustainable energy: challenges of Sudan implementing new technologies in A. Omer The evolution of renewable energy resources (RES) projects The 2010 in and Greece. 2020 milestones and the need for a real-time tool management system information Manolopoulos and D. Kitsopoulos K. BANQUET , A. Demir, E. Akkaya and M. S. Bilgili Bilgili M. S. and Akkaya E. A. Demir, , , N. Weissenbacher, E. Mayr and C. Aschauer Aschauer C. and E. Mayr Weissenbacher, , N. , V. Boffa, D. G. Perrone, L. Garlasco, M. Ghezzo and and Ghezzo M. Garlasco, G. L. Perrone, D. Boffa, V. ,

Α P. Savarino P. ROOM ROOM E. Montoneri waste solid upon focus with Lebersorger S. E. Sekman G. Varank, Abhinav Gandhi, Abhay Jain, Gunveer Singh, Sarkar Raju Anand and Gupta, Sukrit Mayank Bhatia, Salonee G.Iliadis and Vasdekis K. D. Vartholomaios, WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 18:00-18:15 wastes from urban products Bio-based 18:15-18:30 Integral evaluation of supply and disposal systems 18:30-18:45 at mountain refuges liners landfill alternative 18:45-19:00 through transport Contaminant – a NCR study and Delhi in ash disposal Fly 19:00-19:15 life vehicles end of of Recycling 19:15-19:30 19:30-19:45 19:45-20:00 21:00

20 Programme

ć at a piggery facility in Rethymno-Crete in Rethymno-Crete facility at a piggery

ć and I.A. Gishkeluk I.A. and

, M. Latos, Ch. Mpasiakos, M. Lazaridis and and Lazaridis M. Mpasiakos, Ch. M., Latos, and V. Jovanovi and V. ć


The The experience of reclamation of soils degraded by means of energy crops production O. Rodzkin Chemical Chemical fractionation and capacity phytoextraction of maize plant grown soil arsenate copper chromated on Okieimen and F.E. G.E. Uwumarongie ROOM ROOM Soil Soil carbon sequestration affected by cultivation of poor pastures in arid Central Iran of regions Hajabbasi M.A. and J.Fallahzade Identification of odorous emissions of odorous Identification FATE AND TRANSPORT OF POLLUTANTS POLLUTANTS OF AND TRANSPORT FATE II Session Tomaševi V. and Kalogerakis N. CHAIRS: Fate and effect of herbicides on process of co-composting green andwaste sludge sewage L. Makridis, E.K. Pirounaki, M. Fountoulakis, C. Chroni, K. Lazaridi and Manios T. N. Kalogerakis Kalogerakis N. Environmental Environmental economics of advanced regeneration methods of adsorbents mineral synthetic using oil V. Tomaševi ceramics in glazes commercial from toxic Cd migration and Pb and Stournaras C.J. Livadia, Z. A. Papandreou, D. Kanellopoulou, Stathopoulos V.N. P. Karageorgos P. Application Application of computer soil in distribution modelling for forecasting V.I. Kundas, Kovalenko S.P. of contaminants COFFEE BREAK COFFEE

a , D. Ferreira and C.P. Johnston C.P. and D. Ferreira , and V.A. Tsihrintzis Tsihrintzis V.A. and , P.Djurdjevic, S.Trifunovic and D.Bacotic and D.Bacotic S.Trifunovic , P.Djurdjevic,

, A. Karteris and M. Karteris M. Karteris and Karteris A. , Α , R. Yazici, E. Sekman, G. Varank, E. Akkaya, A. Demir, Demir, A. E. Akkaya, G. Varank, E. Sekman, , R. Yazici, ł odarczyk-Maku ł ROOM ROOM TECHNOLOGIES CONTROL POLLUTION I Session Manusadžianas L. and A. Andreadakis CHAIRS: biofilm on carbon uptake uptake carbon on biofilm and A.Stamou Andreadakis A. E.Gavalakis, Greece in plants treatment wastewater D. Pagidis conditions redox under supernatants M. W M.Chrysochoou Darvishi R.C. M.Gholami, M. Farzadkia, Wetland Constructed Flow Subsurface a Horizontal of Performance A. Stefanakis cells S. Top chromium hexavalent M. Cvijovic V. Balahorli, S. Yildiz and M.S. Bilgili M.S. Bilgili and Yildiz S. V. Balahorli,

THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Imperial Hotel Myconian 09:00-09:15 sewer simulated an experimentally of the depth of effect and Development 09:15-09:30 and small decentralized for study sludge management of feasibility A 09:30-09:45 and sludge sewage in content changes PAHs of comparison The 09:45-10:00 soil Cr(VI)-contaminated of treatment polysulfide Calcium 10:00-10:15 sludge activated waste dried by (Cr) biosorption of study for system Batch 10:15-10:30 Examination of Two Wastewater Step-feeding Schemes in Enhancing the 10:30-10:45 test landfill in wastes solid of processes anaerobic degradation and Aerobic 10:45-11:00 Treatment and control of 11:15-11:30 industrial waste water effluents containing

21 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

h. Vlachokostas, D. Spiridi and and Spiridi D. Vlachokostas, h.

, A. Nikolaou and S. Golfinopoulos Golfinopoulos S. and A., Nikolaou

, S. Kontogianni, A. Karagiannidis and A.M. Papadopoulos and Karagiannidis A. , S. Kontogianni,

Β , F. Testa and F. Iraldo and F. Testa , F.

. Aravossis and E.Lazari and Aravossis . Flexible Transport Services for environmental and sustainable urban sustainable urban and environmental for Services Transport Flexible project FLIPPER IVC the INTERREG mobility: Cerri S. and D. Ramazzotti B. Bastogi, Nelson, J.D. G. Ambrosino, water policy Drinking D. Koumparou Developing practical guidelines for an observatory center on a progress of waste/wastewater and renewables on projects implementing Boemi S.N. ROOM ROOM A cluster-based approach as an effective way to implement the ECAP ECAP the implement to way effective as an approach cluster-based A some good from evidence Program): Action Compliance (Environmental practices Daddi T. ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION AND POLICY POLICY AND LEGISLATION ENVIRONMENTAL II Session and A. Kungolos Golfinopoulos CHAIRS: S. Green Information Technology (IT) Strategy Strategy (IT) Technology Information Green and S. Tsigani E. Pagourtzi A methodological approach of an improved model for calculating calculating for model an improved of approach A methodological fines administrative environmental Κ Areas under protection: The institutional framework for the management the for management framework institutional The protection: under Areas Greece in protection areas under the of and E. Thouliotis H. Carida the the of evaluation for indicators of a framework of Development area the in Greater Thessaloniki sustainability and environment Achillas, C Ch. Moussiopoulos, N. Industrial Air Pollution and the Greece in (P.P.C.) S.A. Corporation Power the Public of Stations Permitting Power Procedure of three thermal Fliatoura C.D. K. Nikolaou K. LUNCH BREAK LUNCH L. grown under single single under grown L. degrading the odor compound 2-

2 O 2 /H 3 and I. Voinovschi Voinovschi and I. Cynara cardunculus a and G.K. Papadopoulos Papadopoulos G.K. and , A. Pantazatou, R. Tzimou – Tsitouridou and C. Sikalidis Sikalidis C. and – Tsitouridou Tzimou R. , A. Pantazatou,

Α ł odarczyk-Maku ł ROOM ROOM TECHNOLOGIES CONTROL POLLUTION II Session A. Voulgaropoulos and Mitrakas M. CHAIRS: Methylisoborneol in in water Methylisoborneol Ma J.M. J. Li, Shen and X.Y. Phytoextraction potential of of potential Phytoextraction conditions treatment and nickel cadmium binary and E.G. Papazoglou Fe(II) water using from removal Cr(VI) influencing Parameters M. Mitrakas Treatment of synthetic coagulation/ultrafiltration textile waste water Amar Ben and R. D. Ellouze E. Ellouze, by combined chemical Voulgaropoulos A.G. Gallios, Aerobic degradation of nitrobenzene by immobilization of Streptomyces foam in polyurethane Z2 sp. Wang J. and Zheng, J.T. Zhou C.L. Bioremediation of wastewater containing its biodiversity and bioreactor azo dyes through two-stage Wate S.R. Dafale and N.A. rays ultaviolet M. W

THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Imperial Hotel Myconian 11:30-11:45 11:45-12:00 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 oxidation by electrochemical 12:30-12:45 dyes reactive of solutions of Decolouration Efficiency and mechanism of O 12:45-13:00 13:00-13:15 13:15-13:30 The removal of polycyclic aromatic 13:30-13:45 hydrocarbons from wastewater by 13:45-15:30

22 Programme

and A. Karameris Karameris A. and , O. Abdelnaser, A.K. Pakir, R. Mahyuddin and Mahyuddin R. Pakir, A.K. , O. Abdelnaser, , E. García-Luque, L. Martín-Díaz, I. Riba and I. Riba Martín-Díaz, L. García-Luque, , E.


Strategies Strategies to increase public participation in recycling of solid wastes study case A Libya: in A. O. El-Amrouni T.A. DelValls DelValls T.A. Automated Automated system for the Belarus of Republic the in education ecological the about information acquisition, storing and processing and B.A. Tonkonogov Kundas S. P. of the Sustainable environmental management and accessibility of urban coastal actions pilot and policy cooperation, areas: Mediterranean G. Thymiakou and Divane S. M. Vougioukas, ROOM ROOM EDUCATION ENVIRONMENTAL I Session E.G. Papazoglou and Tonkonogov B.A. CHAIRS: ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM I Session and M. Vougioukas Kousidonis C. CHAIRS: The UNESCO chair in environmental educational in Belarus Belarus in educational environmental in chair UNESCO The Goncharova N. Study Study of Primary characteristics its and Development Sustainable of Perceptions and Secondary School Ragkou P. A. Papanikolaou, Environmental Educators’ Master and PhD programmes in water University of Cádiz Mundus under Erasmus aninitiative: to approach high and coastal management at researchers and the for managers programmes educational European Lopez-Valle C. Environmental in Technology theEnvironmental Engineering Industrial Degree Course at EHEA the of framework the within (Spain) Oviedo of University the Fernández-Nava Y. Marañón E. and Castrillón, L. A.H. Aziz A.H. Aziz COFEE BREAK COFEE and M. Loizides M. Loizides and


and C. Deniz Deniz C. and and H. Hadjianghelou H. Hadjianghelou and

Α iban, M. Klašnja and B. Škrbi M. Klašnja iban, . Vlyssides, E.M. Barampouti, S. Mai S. Barampouti, E.M. . Vlyssides, ROOM ROOM TECHNOLOGIES CONTROL POLLUTION III Session A. Vlyssides and Darakas CHAIRS: E. TECHNOLOGIES CONTROL POLLUTION IV Session S.G. Pavlostathis and CHAIRS: Twardowska I. Degradation Degradation of Drimarene dyes using UVC/H2O2 reactant the of addition - Effect of stepwise and V. Bontozoglou V. Karayannis, Poulios, I. A. Riga1, G. Papapolymerou An engineering approach of the conditions laboratory sewage-borne bacteria kinetics under E. Darakas M. Sarioglu Besli and N. Armagan B. sawdust wood by poplar Cd(II) ions of adsorption The M. Š ć residues wooden stone olive with wastewater mill olive Α Treatment of conditions process of optimum Determination the textile and B.Armagan D.Ucar effluents in cottonseed batch reactor:

THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 25 Imperial Hotel Myconian 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:00 16:00-16:15 zeolite pretreated by using and metal heavy dye of Removal 16:15-16:30 Turkey Balikligol lakes, the of management sustainable for approach An 16:30-16:45 16:45-17:00 Effect of temperature and aeration rate 17:00-17:30 on co-composting efficiency of Imperial Hotel Myconian 17:30-18:00

23 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

and S. Tsigani and S. Tsigani

Β The The Cultural Ecology of folk-tales: A statistical analysis of environment influence on the plot structure - Using Australia, and USA Kyklades as an illustration and M. Lampropoulou S. Mavrikou, Tasiou, M. V. Pyrpiri, A. Ioannou, Hasanagas N.D. ROOM ROOM The importance of focusing on the pertinent scale. The Mygdonia incident Mygdonia incident scale. The the on pertinent focusing importance of The Kousidonis C. Applying Applying problem structuring methodologies to support tourism policies Bahamas at the planning and A. Rodakopoulos The role of Information environment economic – social a for sustainable tourism developing and Communication Technologies (ICTs) E. Pagourtzi in role The seafronts in of the andspatial development planning Greek spaof towns M. Papageorgiou review A Greece- in environment and Ecotourism Mandalaka K. and Mimides, Pylarinou T. K. andtechnologies Modern their application in waste in elimination Serbia’s regions spa urban M. Pucar and M. Nenkovic-Riznic

, K. Janta-Koszuta and E. Miszczak Miszczak E. and Janta-Koszuta K. ,

Α ROOM ROOM barriers barriers I. Twardowska flow anaerobic biotransformation of conditions reactive dyes under Lee and S.G. Pavlostathis Y.H. hypersaline additives Lei Ma and L. Y. Li, Gao, C. N.Y. K.J. Zhang, Suhas Carrott M.M.L. Ribeiro and Carrott Gupta, P.J.M. V.K. THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 25 18:00-18:15 Potential of sewage sludge application as metal sorbent in permeable 18:15-18:30 Anthraquinone compounds as redox mediators for enhanced continuous- 18:30-18:45 Degradation of Bisphenol-A by ultrasonic irradiation and combination of 18:45-19:00 treatment wastewater to approach Growing adsorbents: cost Low 19:00-19:15 19:15-19:30 19:30-19:45 JUNE 26 FRIDAY, by trip boat Optional field

24 Programme


MONDAY, JUNE 22 MORNING (9:30-13:30) AFTERNOON (15:30-19:30) A01 Toxicity of fine and coarse atmospheric A21 Valorization of recycled material into Ni- particles using Vibrio fischeri based composites V. Evagelopoulos, S. Zoras, P. Samaras, V. Karayannis and A. Moutsatsou A. G. Triantafyllou, T.A. Albanis and P. Kassomenos A22 WER approach to study changes of metal toxicity over the Lambro River (North Italy) A02 Ecotoxicity of a point source pollution of M. Mingazzini and M.T. Palumbo Lake Como (Northern Italy) R. Bettinetti, S. Quadroni and S. Galassi A23 5-Fluorouracil accumulation in green microalgae and its biogenetic transfer into A03 Evaluation of the genotoxic potential of ciliate protozoan aquatic zoosporic fungi on the erythrocytes A. Ud-Daula, G. Pfister and K.-W. Schramm of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus niloticus A24 Acute toxicity of mature landfill leachates A. Osman, E. Ali, M. Hashem, M. Mostafa treated by recirculation towards Daphnia and I. Mekkawy magna, Artemia franciscana and Vibrio fisheri A04 Meso- and macrofauna of the soil as the bio- E. Skotti and P. Bouchagier indicators of the meadow soil polluted by heavy metals A25 Toxicity of copper oxide nanoparticle M. Marko-Worłowska, A. Chrzan, T. Łaciak suspensions to aquatic biota and R. Kozik L. Manusadžianas, R. Grigutytė, R. Karitonas, K. Rubekin, R. Vitkus and A05 Content of macroelements in Avena sativa K. Sadauskas L., Brassica napus var. oleifera and Lupinus luteus L. after contamination of soil by A26 Effects of Alluminum soil content, on copper and zinc earthworm’s bioaccumulation on organic M. Wyszkowski and J. Wyszkowska fields L. Dellaporta, E. Vavoulidou-Theodorou, A06 Effect of petroleum-derived substances on D.Bilalis and I.E. Tzortzi plants after application of compost, bentonite and calcium oxide A27 The influence of soil – plant factors on the M. Wyszkowski and A. Ziólkowska uptake of Cs by two plant species F. Giannakopoulou, D. Gasparatos and A07 Reproduction of a terrestrial isopod exposed C. Haidouti to two Endocrine Disruptor Compounds: Bisphenol A and Vinclozolin A28 Rapid and efficient removal of boron from M.F. Lemos, C.A.M. van Geste and simulated deep sea water using synthesized A.M.V.M. Soares polymer resin Alka, K.M. Choi, S.M. Lee, J.K. Yang and A08 Growth Inhibition and Decrease of D. Tiwari Photosynthetic Activity exhibited by selected Microcystis aeruginosa strains A29 Statistical analysis of PM10 data in urban exposed to dodecylethyldimethyl- region of Volos, Greece ammonium bromide G.T. Proias, I.K. Kaldellis and M.C. Bartolomé, A. D’ors, V. López-Rodas, A.G. Paliatsos E. Costas and S. Sánchez-Fortún A30 Publics’ attitude on air pollution in the city A09 Comparison of the effect of heavy metals on of Thessaloniki, Greece the pedofauna of forest and meadow stands E. Voulgaridou A. Chrzan and M. Marko-Worłowska

25 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

A10 Evaluation of phytotoxic and genotoxic A31 Development of a new photochemical effects of surface waters using duckweed mechanism suitable for air pollution (Lemna minor L.) simulation in Greece and comparison with S. Radić, D. Stipaničev, P. Cvjetko, four known mechanisms M. Marijanović Rajčić, S. Širac, S. Karathanasis, P. Zanis and I. Ziomas B. Pevalek-Kozlina and M. Pavlica A32 Surface exchange of heat and carbon dioxide A11 Embryotoxic effect of vibrios collected in in a campus area Mar Piccolo in Taranto (Italy) on Mytilus B.H. Kwon, D.H. Kang, D.S. Kim,K.H. Kim Galloprovincialis larvae and P.S. Kim R.A.Cavallo, M.I. Acquaviva, F. Biandolino, R.LoNoce, M. Narracci, L. Stabili and A33 Frequency of occurrence of concentrations E.Prato of air pollutants and their relationship to the established activities in Thriassion Plain – A12 Sediment quality in Guadalquivir River Greece (SW, Spain) using four different short term A. Mavrakis and A. Christides toxicity tests V. Almagro-Pastor, M.J. Salamanca, D. A34 Catalytic versus electrochemical promotion: Macías, V. Tornero, M.L. Martín-Díaz, C.B. N2O decomposition over K-modified Carballeira and T. A. DelValls Palladium catalysts/electrodes G. Pekridis, N. Kaklidis, M. Konsolakis, A13 Comparative dredged material C. Athanasiou, I.V. Yentakakis and characterization using sea urchin G.E Marnellos embryogenesis and fertilization bioassays in Spanish commercial ports A35 Size distribution of metallic elements in A. Rodríguez-Romero, M. J. Salamanca, particulate matter from a busy urban area I. Riba, C. B. Carballeira and T. A. DelValls M.T. Ny, B.-K. Lee and D.T.T. Trang

A14 Toxicity of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles to A36 Development of doped LaCrO3 interconnect Fathead Minnows and African Clawed materials in high temperature steam Frogs electrolyzer C. Theodorakis, G. Chavez, S. Nations, and C.-H. Kim, W.-C. Cho, K.-S. Kang, G. Cobb C.-S. Park and K.-K. Bae

A15 Monthly variability of heavy metal A37 A study on the electrolysis of H2O/SO2 accumulation and detoxifying response of mixture gas in a SO2-depolarized freshwater Copepoda, Cyclops abyssorum electrolyzer for the Hybrid Sulfur (HyS) A.J.M. Dörr, R. Galarini and A.C. Elia process S.-K. Lee, W.-C. Cho, K.-S. Kang, A16 Growth, accumulation and antioxidant C.-S. Park, K.-K. Bae and C.-H. Kim response in juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed a selenium diet A38 Commentation and critical analysis of the A.J.M. Dörr, M.C. Abete, M. Prearo, European landscape treaty of the Florence N. Pacini, G. La Porta, M. Natali and Convention A.C. Elia E. Iosifidis

A17 Evaluation of the antioxidant response in A39 Hunting management and hunting-related liver of carp (Cyprinus carpio) injected values intraperitoneally with concentrated drinking C.K. Sokos, N.D. Hasanagas, water from local aquifers K.G. Papaspyropoulos and P.K. Birtsas A.C. Elia, A.J.M. Dörr, M.C. Abete and M. Prearo A40 Assessing the sustainability of waste-derived biofuels in Greece A18 Soil toxicity evaluation by different A. Karagiannidis, T. Kasampalis, ecotoxicological approaches A. Malamakis, G. Fontaras, K. Tegos S. Manzo, F. De Luca Picione, A. Rocco and and Z. Samaras R. Carotenuto

26 Programme

A19 Acute toxicity of selected organophosphorus A41 A novel decision support tool for the pesticides to the green unicellular marine management of mining waste and waste alga Tetraselmis suecica facilities A.S. Petsas, M.C. Vagi, M.D. Pavlaki, A. Karagiannidis and T. Kasampalis N.M. Smaragdaki and M.N. Kostopoulou A42 Histopathology and bioaccumulation of A20 Toxicity of Olive Mill Wastewaters on metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and Vibrio fischeri and Artemia fransiscana linear alkylbenzene compounds in mussels A. Charistou, K. Kyriakopoulou, transplanted along São Paulo coast – Brazil P. Anastasiadou, N. Fokialakis, C.D.S. Pereira, H.L.N. Silbiger, A.L. Skaltsounis and K. Machera E.R. Matushima, A. Cesar, E.C.P.M. Sousa, M.G.M. Catharino, E.G. Moreira, M.B.A. Vasconcellos, M.C. Bicego, S.T. Sasaki, S. Taniguchi, A.C.D Bainy, J. Ramos-Gómez and T.A. DelValls

27 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

TUESDAY, JUNE 23 MORNING (9:30-13:30) AFTERNOON (15:30-19:30) B01 Electrolytic decarbonation and recovery of B21 Sustainable urban mobility policies and carbonate solution from a uranium- assessment of European Initiatives in Volos contaminated carbonate solution in A.Trampa continuous operation K.-W. Kim, Y.-H. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, J.-K. Lim, B22 Sociopolitical factors in management of E.-H. Lee, I.-T. Kim, G.-Il Park and accidents from major hazard industrial K.-C. Song facilities I. Pappas and A. Koungolos B02 Preliminary observations of effects of melamine enriched diets on tissutal and B23 Biometeorological conditions in burned and enzymatic response in rainbow trout adjacent unburned areas in Peloponnese, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Greece: The case study of Amalias, M.C. Abete, A.C. Elia, A.J.M. Dörr, Prefecture of Ilia N. Pacini,D. Marchis, L. Gasco and M.Prearo A. Kamoutsis, A. Matsoukis, K. Chronopoulos and D. Fotos B03 Heat energy exchange of reed canopy over Goheung bay B24 The effect of wastewater management on the G.H. Kim, D.S. Kim, D.H. Kang, K.H. Kim economic development of tourist coastal and B.H. Kwon areas G. Oikonomides and N. Dermissi B04 The effect of age of biological sludge on energy consumption on conventional B25 Sustainable energy systems in Greece – activated sludge system of urban wastewater Solar energy applications in public buildings A. Vlyssides, E.M. Barampouti, S. Mai and V. Latinos and S. Polyzos A. Stamatoglou B26 Spa Tourism in the trans-border region of B05 Partners’ collaboration on biomass as source Drama-Kavala-Xanthi-Blagoevgrad-Smolyan: of renewable energy towards environ- Prospects for common development economic development D. Kourkouridis J. Abrigana, R. Bajenting and N. Montederamos B27 Exhibition and congress tourism in the region of and its B06 Natural gas industry in Iran developmental prospects H. Omidvar C. Koloniari and D. Kourkouridis

B07 Feasibility estimation of the biomass B28 The “spirit of the place” fragility. Principles pyrolysis – solid oxide fuel cell integrated for the achievement of sustainable touristic process development in Greek mountainous areas C. Athanasiou, G.E. Marnellos, G. Tsilimigkas and A. Gourgiotis E. Antonakou, I. Fessas and A. Lappas B29 The changes in the hydromorphological B08 Surface Energy Budget over the Grass and processes and the impacts in the static the Concrete Surface stability of the old Bridge of Arta as a result K. H. Kim and B.H. Kwon of the works for the hydroelectric exploitation in the Arahthos river (Ipiros- B09 Economic Efficiency and Energy Greece) consumption: A conditional robust non A. Mertzanis parametric approach G.E. Halkos and N.G. Tzeremes B30 Comparative study of the gardens between two settlements with different cultural B10 Reducing of price uncertainty in a tradable heritage of Southeastern Rhodope permit system M. Kampa, I. Ispikoudis, M.K. Sioliou and V. Alhanaqtah and O. Alhanaqtah P. Kaparti

28 Programme

B11 Use of environmental quality guidelines for B31 Transesterification of rape oil using CaO as the determination of ecological risk in the a solid basic catalyst sediments of Ganges River (India) J.M. Encinar, J.F. González, G. Martínez R. Antón Martín, I. Riba, C. López-Valle, and S. Román S.K. Sarkar and T.A. DelValls B32 Model-based optimal control of hybrid B12 Biochemical blood parameters: are they renewable energy systems effective biomarkers of monitoring fish P. L. Zervas, H. Sarimveis, J. A. Palyvos and condition? N. C. Markatos C. Fernandes, A. Fontaínhas-Fernandes, A. Coimbra, M.J. Saavedra and B33 Bioethanol production from sweet sorghum M.A. Salgado by Saccharomyces cerevisiae D. Arapoglou, Th. Varzakas, B13 Mercury contamination of breast milk in M. Papadopoulou, D. Iconomou, relation to age and stage of lactation of M. Darawsheh, M. Bocari, nursing women from southern Poland D. Argyropoulos and C. Israilides R. Stawarz, G. Formicki, Z. Goc and K. Kilian B34 Stances of involved institutions for the special spatial planning and sustainable B14 Personal protective equipment to minimize development framework for Renewable the shipyard production processes health Energy Sources effects on shipyard workers E. Iosifidis, T. Tsoutsos and E. Maria U. B. Celebi, F.T. Akanlar and N. Vardar B35 Biomass productivity versus oil content in B15 Determination and aquatic risk assessment microalgae for biodiesel production of pesticides residues in riparian drainage M. Mingazzini, M.T. Palumbo and canals of the rivers Ardas and R. Pagnotta Erythropotamos, northeastern Greece Z. Vryzas, C. Alexoudis, G. Vassiliou and B36 Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) study E. Papadopoulou-Mourkidou of a flocculation tank for potable water treatment B16 Life cycle analysis of biofuels’ supply chain T.D Karapantsios, K. Samaras, life with special focus in Greece M. Kostoglou, M. Petala and A.I. Zouboulis Chr. Papapostolou, E. Kondili and J.K. Kaldellis B37 A wireless sensor network simulation framework for environmental management B17 Impact of nuclear energy objects on lake and monitoring environment: Lake Druksiai case M. Mpasoukos, G.Yovanof, S. Vassilaras R. Paskauskas, J. Mazeika and and D. Pediaditakis J. Kasperoviciene B38 Statistical modeling approaches for urban B18 Potential of selected metals to cause Metal traffic noise Fume Fever: a comprehensive review E. K. Manatakis C. Emmanouil, M. Gennata, P. Maraboutis and A. Kungolos B39 Accumulation of cadmium and lead in the edible parts of the fodder shrub Atriplex B19 The risk of red palm weevil Rhynchophorus halimus L. grown on Cd and Pb ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: contaminated soils Curculionidae) infestation on the native E. Manousaki and N. Kalogerakis greek palm tree Phoenix theophrasti Greuter (Arecales: Arecaceae) B40 Restoration alternatives and attitudes of D.C. Kontodimas, N. Thymakis, P. Milonas, local population towards Kavala quarry - A. Michaelakis, A.F. Martinou, E. Potamitis, Northern Greece O.L. Dimitriadou and Y.G. Krezou N.D. Hasanagas, A. Charalampous and G. Moutsou

29 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

B20 The FOOTPRINT software tools: Pesticide risk assessment and management in the EU at different spatial scales I. Dubus, G.Azimonti, M.Bach, E.Barriuso, G.Bidoglio, F. Bouraoui, T. Centofanti, Y.Coquet, B.Feisel, W.Fialkiewicz, H.Fowler, F.Galimberti, B.Grizzetti, A.Højberg, J.Hollis, N.Jarvis, I.Kajewski, J.Kjær, S.Krasnicki, K.Lewis, F.Lobnik, P.Lolos, J.Moeys, T.Nolan, P.Rasmussen, B. Réal, S.Reichenberger, M.Šinkovec, F.Stenemo, M.Suhadolc, N.Surdyk, J.Tzilivakis, E.Vaudour, E.Vavoulidou, D.Windhorst and Wurm

30 Programme

WEDNSDAY, JUNE 24 MORNING (9:30-13:30) AFTERNOON (15:30-19:30) C01 Physiological responses of rosemary C21 Effect of material membrane on the (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) to salinity and treatment of cutting oil emulsion by copper nutrition in a nutrient solution ultrafiltration M. Hejazi Mehrizi, H. Shariatmadari, K. Bensadok and M. Belkacem A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh and M.A. Meshkat C22 Differences on the porosity development of C02 The variation of hydraulic conductivity with carbon dioxide activated carbons from tidal effect for pumping test at the costal lignocellulosic residues rock aquifer around Yong-ho Bay, Busan, J.F. González, S. Román , J.M. Encinar and KOREA G. Martínez T.Y. Kim, D.H. Kang, S.S. Kim, S.I. Yang and S. Y. Chung C23 Study and proposal treatment for the waste water purification of a drug company C03 Prediction of nitrate leaching under different T. Chaabane, M. Taleb Ahmed and climatic and nitrogen management scenarios R. Maachi K. R. Végh and G. Füleky C24 Motor vehicle recycling as the national Seasonal distribution of caesium – 137 at the energy resource of Serbia C04 eastern part of Saronikos Gulf, Greece A. Pavlovic, S. Arsovski and M. Pavlovic N. Evangeliou, H. Florou, Ch. Psomiadou and M. Scoullos C25 The synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates by mixed microbial cultures under aerobic C05 Seasonal particle dynamics using dynamic feeding conditions using by- 234Th/238U disequilibrium approach in a products from biodiesel production shallow embayment of Central Greece T. Pokój, E. Klimiuk, Z. Gusiatin and N. Evangeliou, Ch. Psomiadou, D. Kulikowska A. Zafiropoulou, M. Scoullos and H. Florou C26 The efficiency of municipal landfill leachate C06 Regional differences in trace element nitrification in the rotating biological concentrations in Anadara spp. (Mollusca: contactor (RBC) Bivalva) collected from the coast of D. Kulikowska, T. Jóźwiak, Vietnam M. Kuczajowska-Zadrożna, T. Pokój N.P.C. Tu, N.N. Ha, T. Agusa, B.C. Tuyen, and Z. Gusiatin S. Tanabe and I. Takeuchi C27 WEEE management and marginalised social C07 The influence of soil to solution ratio on groups in Greece cadmium removal from soils using anionic K. Papaoikonomou, S. Kipouros, surfactants A. Kungolos, L. Somakos, K. Aravossis, Z. Gusiatin, E. Klimiuk, T. Pokój and I. Antonopoulos and A. Karagiannidis D. Kulikowska C28 Technical parameters and operational cost of C08 Environmental fate and persistence of the a pilot MSW baling-wrapping in Alexandrou- organophosphorus pesticide disulfoton in polis, Greece different types of natural water F. Tsagas, I. Markidis, I. Tsakmakis, M.C. Vagi, A.S. Petsas, M.N. Kostopoulou N. Grigoropoulos and D. Dermatas and T.D. Lekkas C29 DNA damage in human pulmonary cells C09 Macronutrient and heavy metal accumulation exposed to organic extracts of PM2.5 in a Greek fir ecosystem of Taygetos collected from two urban sites at different mountain in Peloponnese traffic intensity V. Kavvadias, Ch. Paschalidis, D. Cavallo, C.L. Ursini, R. Cabella, D. Velissariou, P. Mavroudis, A. Koriki A. Gordiani, R. Maiello, A.Ciervo and and D. Petropoulos S. Iavicoli

31 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

C10 Preliminary studies on the degradation of a C30 Established activities and land use range of pesticides in novel biomixtures classification in Thriassion Plain – Greece using different agricultural by-products as with the assistance of satellite images, straw substitutes ground measurements and model results E. Karanasios, N.G. Tsiropoulos and A. Mavrakis, A. Tassopoulos, S. Chiotini- D.G. Karpouzas Kyvelou and A. Christides

C11 Micronutrients uptake by corn from sewage C31 The geographical dimension of agro-environ- sludge treated soils mental indicators: developing a preliminary A. Abtahi, M. Hoodaji, M. Afyuni and analysis in a Mediterranean case study A. Nasr-e-Azadani L. Salvati

C12 An advanced Acoustical Technique for C32 Localization and delimitation of lineaments measuring bubbles in stagnant and flowing of Skopelos island using G.I.S. and Remote liquids Sensing techniques K.A. Zacharias, S.P. Evgenidis and A. Tsiglifissi, K. Perakis and S. Margoni T.D. Karapantsios C33 Shoreline changes of Lake Koronia during C13 Removal of PAHs and LAS in three lab the last seven decades using remote sensing scale Sequencing Batch Reactors and GIS techniques S. Terzakis, M. Fountoulakis, S. Mamounas, V. Manakou, I. Faraslis, D. Stathakis, M. Patinioti, N. Kalogerakis and T. Manios K. Perakis and A. Kungolos

C14 Production of secondary value-added C34 Use of GIS, remote sensing and regression products from the chemical recycling of models for the identification and forecast of PET bottles small pelagic fish distribution A.K. Nikolaidis, D.S. Achilias and A. Palialexis, S. Georgakarakos, K. Lika and G.P. Karayannidis V.D. Valavanis

C15 Consumption and recycling of plastic C35 The effect of potential change in climatic packaging materials. A research for the conditions on the development of the energy current situation in Thessaloniki willow (Salix viminalis) plants D.S. Achilias, P. Koutra and A. Liarou M. Grzesik, Z.B. Romanowska-Duda and K. Piotrowski C16 Innovative refining technology for spent eutectic LiCl-KCl salt generated from C36 Sorption kinetics of PAH by using various pyroprocessing of oxide nuclear fuel sorbents I.-T. Kim, Y.-Z. Cho, H.-C. Yang, B.-G. Ahn, S.D. Yakan, B. Karacik, D. Ceylan, S. Dogu, H.-C. Eun, K.-W. Kim, G.-I. Park and O. S. Okay and O. Okay H.-S.Lee C37 Study on the production patterns and C17 Evaluating the relationship between the characteristics of non-household wastes in sorption and the biodegradation of poly the Municipality of Kalamaria, Greece aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surfactant A. Malamakis and A. Karagiannidis amended continuous fed activated sludge sludge system C38 Biosorption of zinc from industrial O. Gök and D.T. Sponza wastewater using bacteria resistance A. Nasr-e-Azadani, A. Tahmourespour, C18 Dynamics of grape marcs stabilization during M. Hoodaji and A. Abtahi composting C. Ktena, A. Kyriacou, K. Abeliotis and C39 Wastewater reuse and public acceptance K.E. Lasaridi S. Kipouros, V. Manakou, K. Papaoikonomou, C. Emmanouil, C19 Electrochemical treatment of synthetic milk A. Kungolos, A. Kotios, E. Koutoulakis emulsion and G. Petrakos K. Bensadok and N. El Hanafi

32 Programme

C20 Comparison of the management of the salt C40 Analysis of the regional-scale influence of cake generated at secondary aluminium agricultural ecosystem parameters on zinc melting plants by wet valorisation and concentrations of soil and rice grains using disposal in controlled landfill regression methods

A. Gil and S.A. Korili M. Karami,M. Afyuni, A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, A. Papritz, M. Pirzadeh and R. Schulin

33 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

THURSDAY, JUNE 25 MORNING (9:30-13:30) AFTERNOON (15:30-19:30) D01 POSEIDON system: Environmental D21 Effects of influent composition on activated monitoring with new generation optical sludge protozoa instruments C.A. Papadimitriou, P. Samaras, P. Drakopoulos, G. Petihakis, V. Zervakis A.I. Zouboulis, D. Petridis and K. Nittis and G.P.Sakellaropoulos

D02 Environmental Management in Special D22 CFD study on the performance of a cyclone Protected Areas Pamukkale in Turkey with tangential air inlet operating at high S.E. Torlak pressure J.A.S. Gonçalves, M.V. Ramirez, D03 Inferences on the tolerance of some forest V.G. Guerra, J.M. Silva and J.R. Coury woody angiosperms in an urban polluted environment D23 Investigating the amount of E-coli and K. Giagli , G. Vasilopoulos and Fecal Streptococci in coastal water of F.A. Aravanopoulos Mazandaran region and comparing it with Microbial standards (case studies 2006) D04 Ecosystems and urban planning in Thriassion M. Pazoki and A.Takdastan Plain–Greece: Existing problems and potential threats D24 Development of the complex procedure for A. Mavrakis the water organic waste monitoring E. Savelieva, N. Koryagina, A. Radilov, D05 An in-depth study on the effects of animal N. Khlebnikova, L. Gustyleva and O. Orlova wastes of municipal slaughterhouses in Davao del Sur, Philippines D25 Solid phase microextraction hyphenated N. Montederamos and J. Abrigana with gas chromatography-mass-spectrometry as the method of choice for the water D06 Greek Newspapers coverage of Lake’s pollution control Koronia environmental problems N. Koryagina, E. Savelieva, A. Radilov, V. Manakou, T. Tsiakis and A. Kungolos N. Khlebnikova, L. Gustyleva and O. Orlova

D07 Comparing novel approaches used for D26 The variation of the seawater/freshwater prediction of species distribution from interface at the coastal aquifer in Yongho presence/absence acoustic data bay, Busan A. Palialexis, S. Georgakarakos, K. Lika S.S. Kim, D.H. Kang, T.Y. Kim, S.I. Yang and V. D. Valavanis and B. H. Kwon

D08 Colour and TOC reduction using biofilter D27 Rehabilitation or partial restitution of the packed with natural zeolite former lake Karla, Greece: usefulness of the A. Ojstršek and D. Fakin contingent valuation method E. Koutseris D09 The selection of appropriate low-cost natural materials for textile wastewater treatment in D28 Biosorption of Mn2+ from aqueous solutions constructed wetlands with the use of Pseudomonas sp., D. Fakin and A. Ojstršek Staphylococcus xylosus and Blakeslea trispora cells D10 Reduction of SOx emissions to control air D. Gialamouidis, M. Mitrakas and pollution: Sulfur removal from gasoline by M. Liakopoulou-Kyriakides pervaporation M. Takbiri, M. Sadrzadeh, A. Pak and D29 Adsorption of Cr(III) and Pb(II) from T. Mohammadi aqueous solutions on a takovite- aluminosilicate nanocomposite A.P. Carnizello, L. Marçal, P.S. Calefi, E.J. Nassar, K.J. Ciuffi, R. Trujillano, M.A. Vicente, S.A. Korili and A. Gil

34 Programme

D11 Minimization of biological excess sludge D30 Molecular analysis on the lipid A in Sequencing Batch Reactor By using of (endotoxin) biosynthesis of aerosolized chlorination Pseudomonas spp. (γ-Proteobacteria) A. Takdastan, N. Mehrdadi, A. Azimi, isolated from different workplaces A. Torabian and G. N. Bidhendi D. Davolos and B. Pietrangeli

D12 A greenhouse experiment investigating the D31 Effect of biological traits on organochlorine effects of sewage sludge on nickel concentrations in the muscle of an edible availability in soil and maize flatfish from northwest Aegean Sea S. Kabirinejad and M. Hoodaji V. Vassilopoulou, J. Haralabous and E. Georgakopoulos-Gregoriades D13 Evaluation of lead concentration in soil and plant treated with compost D32 Disinfection by-products in chlorinated S. Kabirinejad and M. Hoodaji drinking waters in Volos area, central Greece D14 Zinc release kinetics in a calcareous soil S. Zieba, N.G. Tsiropoulos and E. Bakeas treated with waste tire ash and powder as alternatives to Zn fertilizers D33 R.E.MO.S. network in lignite mines in S. Taheri, H. Shariatmadari, Western Macedonia, Greece. Assessment of A.H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, H. Ghaziasgar, the results for the year 2008 R.L. Chaney and M.H. Mehrizi Ar. Psilovikos, A. Sentas, C. Sahanidis and T. Laopoulos D15 Penetration of aerosol nanoparticles in fibrous filters D34 Determination of pesticide residues in river F.O. Arouca, N.R. Feitosa and J.R.Coury water of Aliakmonas in the region of (N. Greece) by means of solid phase D16 Adsorption of perchlroethylene from extraction disks and gas chromatography aqueous solutions on a Moroccan clay I.V. Zioris, D.A. Lambropoulou, Y. El Mouzdahir, A. Elmchaouri, T.A. Albanis R. Mahboub, A. Gil and S.A. Korili D35 Microbial community dynamics in a D17 Potential volatile organic compound permeable reactive barrier using real-time oxidation catalysts based on metal/pillared PCR technique clay systems C.W. Lin, J.F. Yeh, C.H. Wu, Q.K. Dam and S.A. Korili, R. Trujillano, M.A. Vicente and S.J. Lu A. Gil D36 Construction of small hydropower plants for D18 Arsenic contaminated environments: biore- renewable energy production and the use of mediation perspective from molecular storage basins for water reclamation analysis on the bacterial arsenical P.S. Kollias, V. Kollias and S. Kollias metabolism D. Davolos and B. Pietrangeli D37 Water quality characteristic of the constructed wetland at Goheung bay D19 Stabilization study of electric arc filters dust S.I. Yang, D.H. Kang, S.S. Kim, T.Y. Kim, derived by steel production H.S. Yu and B.H. Kwon A. Papandreou, D. Kanellopoulou, V.N. Stathopoulos and C.J. Stournaras

D20 Theoretical study of the deposition of nano- sized aerosol particles in fiber filters J.M. Silva, F.O. Arouca, J.A.S. Gonçalves and J.R. Coury

35 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009


Municipality of Mykonos, Mavros Building, Old Harbour, Mykonos, 846 00, Greece, Tel.: +30 22890 25976, +30 22890 23988, email: [email protected], www.mykonos.gr.

Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, 17 Amaliados str., 11523 Athens, Greece, www.minenv.gr.

Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, 15 Mitropoleos str., 10185 Athens, Greece, www.ypepth.gr.

Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Pedion Areos, 38334, Volos, Greece, www.prd.uth.gr.

Section of Industrial Management and Operational Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, www.ntua.gr.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Greece, www.auth.gr.

Technological Educational Institute of West Macedonia, 50100 Koila Kozanis, www.teikoz.gr.

Technical Chamber of Greece, 4 Karagiorgi Servias str., Athens, Greece, www.tee.gr.

ΕΥΑΤΗ S.A., Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage Co S.A., Egnatia 127, 54635 Thessaloniki.

ALAPIS, 2 Aftokratoros Nikolaou str., 17671 Athens, www.alapis.gr.

HALYVOURGIKI S.A., 8 Dragatsaniou str., 10559 Athens, Greece, www.halyvourgiki.gr.

SOVEL S.A., Almyros, Volos, Greece.

NEOCHIMIKI S.A., 34 Pentelis str., P. Faliro, 17564 Athens, Greece, www.neochimiki-sa.gr.

MACEDONIAN PAPER MILLS (MEL) S.A., K. Gefyra, 57011 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.melpaper.com.

HELECTOR S.A., 25 Ermou str., N. Kifissia, Attica, Greece, www.helectro.gr.



HELLENIC PETROLEUM S.A., 17th km Athens – Corinth National Highway, 19300 Aspropyrgos, Greece, www.hellenic-petroleum.gr.

HELLAS GOLD, Stratoni, , Greece, www.hellas-gold.com.

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING S.A., 24 Dervenakion str., 18545 Piraeus, Greece, www.epe.gr.

36 Programme

MARATHON DATA SYSTEMS, 38 Kifissias Ave., 15125 Maroussi, Athens, Greece, www.marathondata.gr.

HEPHAESTUS, Industrial Area of Kalohori, Thessaloniki, Greece, www.boiler.gr

HERON, THERMOELECTRIC S.A., 85 Mesogion Str., 115 26 Athens, Greece, www.terna.gr.

HERACLES GENERAL CEMENT CO S.A., 49 -51 Sof. Venizelou str., 14123 Lycovrissi, Greece, www.aget.gr.

ARVIS ENVIRONMENTAL ENTERPRISES OF GREECE S.A., 4 Marni str., 10433 Athens, Greece, www.arvis.gr

INTRAKAT, 19th km Peania Markopoulo ave., 19002 Peania Attica, Greece, www.intrakat.gr.

LDK Consultants, 21 Thivaidos str., 14564 Kifissia, Athens, Greece, www.ldk.gr.

BILFINGER BERGER UMWELT HELLAS S.A., 12 km. E.O. Thessaloniki – Moudanion, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.bilfingerberger.gr.

EXPERT CONSULTING, Studies and Project Management Company, 45 Al. Panagouli str., 41223 Larisa, Greece, www.expertconsulting.gr.

ENVIROPLAN S.A., Consultants & Engineers, 40 Agiou Konstantinou str., 15124 Maroussi, Athens, Greece, www.enviroplan.gr.

AIR METAL Ltd., Laboratory equipments – gases – toxicity analysers, 75 Aegeou str., 55133 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece, www.airmetal.gr.

VODAFON S.A., www.vodafone.gr.

BP HELLAS S.A., 26 Kifissias ave. & 2 Paradissou str., 15125 Maroussi, Athens, Greece, www.bp.com.

ELVAL Hellenic Aluminium Industry S.A., Athens Tower, 2nd Building, 2 – 4 Mesogeion ave., 11527 Athens, Greece, www.elvel.gr.

HALCOR Metal Works S.A., Athens Tower, 2nd Building, 2 – 4 Mesogeion ave., 11527 Athens, Greece, www.halcor.gr.

ALPHA BANK, 60 Iasonos str., 38221 Volos, Greece, www.alpha.gr.

INTERGEO Environmental Technology Ltd., Industrial Area of , P.O. Box 60040, 57001 Thermi Thessaloniki, Greece, www.intergeo.gr.

TZIOLAS Publications, 3 Kon. Melenikou str., 54635 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.tziolas.gr.

GRAFIMA Publications, 62 – 68 Dimitriou Gounari str., 54635 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.grafima.com.gr.

A Z SUSTAINABLE MEDIA SERVICES LIMITED, Magazine Water & Waste, Τel: 6972-923740, , www.water-waste.gr

37 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009


TEMEK A.T.E., Xr. Salakou 6, 30100 Agrinio, Greece

ENVECO S.A., 1 Perikleous str., 15122 Maroussi, Athens, Greece, www.enveco.gr.

ENVITEC A.E., 12 – 14 Ag. Ioannou str. 15233 Halandri, Athens, Greece, www.envitec.gr.

RIGAS LABS S.A., 5 Salaminos str., 54626 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.rigaslabs.gr.

S & B Industrial Minerals S.A., 15A Metaxa str., 14564 Kifissia, P.O. Box 51528, Greece, www.s.andb.gr.

ALOUMINIO ELLADOS, 16 Kifissias Ave., 15125 Maroussi, Athens, Greece.

HALYVOURGIA ELLADOS S.A., 86A Othonos & Kokkota str., 14561 Kifissia, Athens, Greece, www.hlv.gr.

SCIENTACT S.A., 16 Kanari str., 54644 Thessaloniki, Greece, www.scientact.gr.

TO.P.P.OS Consulting Engineers S.A., 4 Marni str., 10433 Athens, Greece, www.toppos.gr.

TERRA CRETA S.A., The Traceable Olive Oil Production, Trade & Export of Olive Oil and Traditional Products VIO.PA Chania, 73200 Souda Greece, www.terracreta.gr

MIHOS S.A., Liostasi Nafpaktou, 30300 Nafpaktos, Greece, www.mihosoliveoil.gr.

MORAITIS WINERY, Naoussa 84401, Paros, Greece, www.moraitiswines.gr.


FLEGGA, Laitsos Chr. Nik. & Co Ltd, 1st km Velestino – Volos, 37500 Magnesia, Greece, www.feta- flegga.gr.

APOSTOLAKIS S.A., ARGO WINE, Almyros, Volos, Greece.

ROUSSAS S.A., Dairy products, 37100 Almyros, Greece, www.roussas.gr.

BIOLIPASMATA S.A., Industrial Area of Platy, Imathia, Greece, www.biolipasmata.gr.

KTIMA DRIOPI WINERY S.A., Mantamadou 9a, 15126 Marousi, Greece, www.tselepos.gr

ATHENIAN BREWERY S.A. 102 Kifissos Ave. Egaleo 122 41, Athens, Greece, www.beerexports.gr

WINE COOPERATIVE OF TIRNAVOS, 1st km Tirnavos - Larisa, Larisa, Greece, www.tirnavoswinery.gr.

IFANTIS Seneka 4, Κifisia 14564, Greece, www.ifantis.gr

RENIERIS OLIVE OIL & OLIVES, Foiniki, Lakonia (Peloponese), 23056, Greece, www.renieris.eu.

GOLDEN FLOWER MAGAZINE, Limnou 7, 15344, Gerakas Attikis, www.goldenflower.gr.

38 Programme


Ministry for Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly

Technical Chamber of Greece

39 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009

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43 2nd International CEMEPE & SECOTOX Conference, Mykonos, June 21-26, 2009