Agronomy Spotlight /////////////////// Late Season Corn Diseases Identification Management options for corn diseases depend on the disease identified and the severity, extent, and anticipated spread of the disease in the field. The information below can help identify late- season corn diseases (leaf, stalk, and ear) based on plant symptoms and growth stages. Corn growth stages during which symptoms generally appear are listed following the disease name and are described below. Early-season: Emergence to knee-high Mid-season: Knee-high to tasseling Late-season: Tasseling to maturity Late Season Corn Leaf Diseases

Goss’s Wilt and Leaf Blight Symptoms Management • Water-soaked lesions with wavy • Genetic tolerance. margins. • Rotation away from corn. • Black freckles inside lesions. • Control grass weeds. • ‘Ooze’ or shiny appearance. • Use tillage to bury corn residue. Growth Stage • Early, mid, and late season Causal Agent Figure 1. Goss’s wilt bacterial • Bacteria exudate on leaf surface. Southern Corn Rust Symptoms Growth Stage • Small, circular, orange-to-light-red • Mid, and late season. pustules occur on leaves, especially • Occurs at the silking stage. the upper leaf surface, and sheaths. Causal Agent • Pustules are often dense in patches. • Management • Select resistant corn products. • Fungicide applications.6 Figure 2. Southern corn rust.

Northern Corn Leaf Blight Symptoms Growth Stage • Long (up to 6 inches), elliptical, • Mid, and late season gray-green lesions that Causal Agent become tan-brown. • Fungus • Infection typically spreads from lower to upper leaves. Management • Select resistant corn products. • Fungicide application. • Manage residue. Figure 3. Northern corn leaf blight lesions. • Crop rotation.3 • Page 1 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Corn Leaf Diseases

Gray Leaf Spot Symptoms Causal Agent • Long (up to 6 inches), elliptical, • Fungus gray-green lesions that Management become tan-brown. • Select resistant corn products. • Infection typically spreads from lower to upper leaves. • Fungicide application. • Manage residue. Growth Stage • Crop rotation.7 Figure 4. Gray leaf spot. • Mid, and late season Stewart’s Bacterial Wilt and Blight Symptoms Management • Flea beetle feeding appears as • Scout soon after emergence for scratches and scrapes on leaves. bleached leaf streaks and flea beetles. • Early phase of blight appears as • Foliar insecticides can be applied when bleached, wavy leaf streaks running there are greater than 6 beetles per the length of the leaf. 100 plants (susceptible corn products) • Internal tissues can be discolored and or 25% of plants have severe feeding ooze bacteria. damage with 2 beetles/plant (tolerant 8 Growth Stage corn products). • Select corn products with genetic Figure 5. Late-season symptoms • Early, and late season of Stewart’s wilt on a corn leaf. tolerance to the bacterium. Causal Agent • Treated seed or in-furrow insecticides • Bacteria vectored by flea beetles can protect young corn plants from flea beetles. Anthracnose Leaf Blight Symptoms Growth Stage • Oval, spindle-shaped water-soaked • Early, and late season lesions on youngest leaves that turn Causal Agent tan-brown and yellow-reddish brown • Fungus on borders. Management • Often observed in seedling but typically • Selection of disease-tolerant products. outgrows infection. • Fungicide application before the fungal • Heavily infested leaves can wither spreads in the corn canopy. and die. Fungicides are rarely needed for Figure 6. Anthracnose leaf blight. • Small, hair-like fungal structures Anthracnose Leaf Blight control. called setae can be seen in the middle • Tillage. of lesions. • Crop rotation. Northern Leaf Spot (Helminthosporium Leaf Spot) Symptoms Growth Stage • Lesions of pathogen races 2 and 4 • Late season tend to be oblong to blocky, and tan to Causal Agent brown in color. • Fungus • Race 1 pathogen produces a host toxin Management which may cause a black, charred- • not an important disease in corn. appearing ear rot. • In susceptible corn products, use of • Lesions of race 3 are small or oval crop rotation, tillage of corn debris, and spots in lines between veins resembling foliar fungicides are some of the ways a “string of pearls”. Figure 7. Northern leaf spot of corn. to manage this disease.2 • Page 2 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Corn Leaf Diseases

Common Corn Rust Symptoms Management • Cinnamon-brown, powdery, circular-to- • Fungicide application before the fungal elongated pustules can occur on both pathogen spreads in the corn canopy. sides of leaves. • Tillage. • Pustules rupture and rusty powder can • Crop rotation. be rubbed off with fingers. • Selection of disease-tolerant products. Growth Stage • Mid and late season Causal Agent Figure 8. Corn rust on the • Fungus underside of a corn leaf. Eye Spot Symptoms Growth Stage • Small (less than ¼ inch), circular, • Mid and late season translucent lesions surrounded by a Causal Agent yellow to purple margin. • Fungus • Has a yellow halo effect when the leaf Management is held up to light. • Crop rotation. • Lower leaves are usually infected first. • Clean plow-down of corn residue. • Disease is favored with cool and moist • Select resistant corn products. weather. Figure 9. Eye spot on upper side of leaf. Southern Corn Leaf Blight Symptoms Management • Small, elongated (up to 1 inch long), • Fungicide applications. parallel-sided to round lesions that are • Select resistant corn products. tan with brownish borders. • Tillage to break down the crop residue. • This blight primarily attacks leaves. • Crop rotation.5 Growth Stage • Mid, and late season Causal Agent • Fungus Figure 10. Southern corn leaf blight.

References: 1 Wise, K. 2010. Gray leaf spot. Diseases of corn. Purdue Extension- Knowledge to Go. Purdue University. BP-56-W. https://www.extension.purdue. edu/extmedia/bp/BP-56-W.pdf 2 Malvick, D. 2018. Northern corn leaf spot. University of Minnesota Extension. 3 Wise, K. 2011. Northern corn leaf blight. Diseases of corn. Purdue Extension- Knowledge to Go. Purdue University. BP-84-W. https://www.extension. 4 Robertson, A. 2019. Physoderma brown spot and stalk rot. Iowa State University, Extension and Outreach. cropnews/2015/07/physoderma-brown-spot-and-stalk-rot 5 Tsatsia, H. and Jakson, G. 2017. southern leaf blight (080). Pacific pests and - fact sheets. Australian Center for International Agricultural Research. Australian Government. 6 Wise, K. 2010. Common and southern rusts. Diseases of corn. Purdue Extension- Knowledge to Go. Purdue University. BP-82-W. • Page 3 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Stalk Diseases in Corn

Stalk diseases or rots become apparent as plants reach maturity and tend to be caused by a complex of several disease-causing fungi and sometimes bacteria. Plants with rotted stalks almost always have rotted roots too, usually caused by the same organism. Visual identification is sometimes difficult. Wilting is typically the first sign of stalk rot. In a few days, leaves turn a “frosted” gray, ears droop, and the outer rind of the lower stalk turns brown. Deteriorated stalk pith tissues usually can be determined from pinch and push tests. Fields where stalk rot is developing should be harvested early to reduce grain losses.

Gibberella stalk rot Symptoms Management • Affected plants wilt, leaves turn dull • Crop rotation and tillage can help gray-green, and the lower stalk softens reduce the inoculum. and becomes straw colored as the plant dies. • Good fertility and tillage practices are essential. • Pith tissue disintegrates, leaving only vascular strands. • If >10-15% of stalks are observed to be rotted 40-60 days after pollination, • The inside of a rotted stalk is pink to the field should be scheduled for red in color. Dark, small bodies are earliest harvest.1 Figure 11. Gibberella stalk rot. superficial on the lower stalk surface and can be scraped off easily. Growth Stage • Late season Causal Agent • Fungus

Diplodia (Stenocarpella) Stalk Rot Symptoms Growth Stage • Lower internodes are straw-brown, • Late season spongy, and dry. Causal Agent • The pith disintegrates, leaving vascular • Fungus strands intact. Management • White fungal growth may appear on the stalk surface. • Tillage, crop rotation, stress reduction, planting proper populations, rotation of • Dark, minute bodies embedded just crop genetics in continuous corn, and under the stalk rind surface are difficult 2 Figure 12. Diplodia stalk and balanced soil fertility. ear rot. to remove. • Page 4 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Stalk Diseases in Corn

Fusarium Stalk Rot Symptoms Management • Rotting of roots, crown, and lower • Genetic resistance. internodes leads to premature ripening • Fungicide applications. and stalk lodging. • Good fertility and tillage practices are • Split stalks may show a whitish-pink to essential. salmon color. • Plant density should not exceed • Disintegration starts at the nodes. 28,000-32,000 plants/acre in field. Growth Stage • Reduce plant stress.3 • Late season Causal Agent • Fungus Figure 13. Fusarium stalk rot.

Charcoal Rot Symptoms Management • Lower internodes are affected, causing • Good water management to avoid premature ripening, shredding, and stressing plants particularly as the crown disintegration. plants approach tasseling. • Vascular strands remain intact but • Good fertility and tillage practices are are black or “charred” in appearance essential. due to the formation of small fungal structures called microsclerotia. • Crop rotation to non-host crops can help as well.4 Growth Stage Figure 14. Charcoal rot root split. • Late season Causal Agent • Fungus

Red Root Rot Symptoms Management • Seminal roots are most damaged and • Crop rotation with a non-host such as adventitious root damage increases soybean. with their age. • Good fertility, moisture, and tillage • The root color of affected plants ranges practices. from pink to royal red, with higher • Environmental stress during the season soil temperature resulting in darker may contribute to disease infection and pigmentation. severity.6 Growth Stage Figure 15. Red root rot split. • Late season Causal Agent • A complex of soil fungi. • Page 5 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Stalk Diseases in Corn

Crazy Top Symptoms Growth Stage • Plants can have excessive tillering with • Mid, and late season rolling or twisting of newer leaves. Causal Agent • The tassel and ear can become a mass • Fungus of leaves developing on when infection Management occurs. • Provide adequate soil drainage, control • Leaves can be narrow, thick, and grassy weeds, don’t plant corn in low strap-like in severely infected plants. and wet spots • Sometimes over-sized plants will • Good fertility, and tillage practices are 7 Figure 16. Crazy top. develop. essential. • This disease occurs more frequently in low-lying wet areas. Corn Lethal Necrosis Symptoms Growth Stage • Mosaic pattern appears on leaves and • Mid, and late season husk. Causal Agent • Infection is systemic. • Virus spread by greenbugs. • Symptom severity depends on the Management growth stage of plants at time of • Crop rotation, control green bugs, and infection. genetic tolerance.5 • It is caused by a synergistic interaction when plants become infected by maize chlorotic mottle virus and a potyvirus like maize dwarf mosaic or wheat Figure 17. Corn lethal necrosis. streak mosaic virus.

Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus Symptoms Growth Stage Management • Younger leaves are yellow and • Mid, and late season • Control Johnsongrass, finely striped. Causal Agent apply herbicide to eradicate • Most affected leaves show • Virus spread by leafhoppers from Johnsongrass, use insecticides to yellowing and reddening and infected Johnsongrass and other control vectors, genetic tolerance, affected plants are stunted. host species. seed treatment with systemic insecticides.8 Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Symptoms Growth Stage • Infection is systemic. • Mid, and late season • Mottling of younger leaves progresses Causal Agent into narrow, light-green to yellowish • Virus spread by aphids. streaks along leaf veins. • Most prevalent in areas with • Leaves, sheaths, and husks may show Johnsongrass. symptoms. Management • Plants developing from infected • Control Johnsongrass, apply herbicide seedlings are stunted, and ear size and to eradicate Johnsongrass, use Figure 18. Maize dwarf mosaic virus seed set are reduced. insecticides to control vectors, genetic in field. control, seed treatment with systemic insecticides.8 • Page 6 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Stalk Diseases in Corn

Common Corn (Boil Smut, Blister Smut) Symptoms Growth Stage • Galls are first silver-white, then become • Early, mid, and late season gray to black powdery masses of smut Causal Agent that are released when the galls • Fungus break open. Management • Galls on leaves seldom develop • Plant resistant corn products, crop beyond pea-size and tend to harden rotation, and maintain proper and dry without rupturing. Fungus can soil fertility.10 infect various plant parts depending on what is actively growing when infected Figure 19. Common corn smut. (ears, tassels).

Physoderma Node Rot and Brown Spot Symptoms • Small yellow spots first appear at the base of the leaf. • These spots become brown and can combine to form chocolate-brown to reddish irregular-shaped blotches, sometimes as bands of infection across leaf blades. • Sheath, husk, tassel, stalk, and leaves may exhibit symptoms late in the season. • Infected stalks may break at a lower node. Figure 20. Physoderma node rot. Figure 21. Physoderma brown spot. Growth Stage Management • Early, and late season • Fungicide application, research is underway to • Corn is most susceptible between V5 and V9 determine how fungicides could be used to manage this disease. Causal Agent • Fungus • Genetic tolerance. • Crop rotation, and tillage such as high yielding, high moisture conditions, prioritize fields for early harvest if nodes are infected.4

References: 1 Gibberella stalk rot of corn. 2019. Crop Protection Network. A Product 6 Red root rot (corn) Phoma terrestris. 2016. of Land Grant Universities. articles/diseases/gibberella-stalk-rot-of-corn 7 Babadoost, M. 2012. Crazy top of corn. RPD No. 207. Reports on Plant 2 Robertson, A. 2014. Watch for stalk and ear rots in corn. Integrated Diseases. Crop Management. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. 8 Zambrano, J.L., Stewart, L.R., and Paul, P.A. 2016. Maize chlorotic dwarf of maize. PLPATH-CER-08. Ohioline. Ohio State University ear-rots-corn Extension. 3 Sparks, A. 2019. Fusarium stalk rot. CropWatch. University of Nebraska. 9 Bowden, R.L. 2000. High plains virus on wheat and corn. Factsheets- Wheat. Kansas State University. 4 Davis, R.M. 2006. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Corn. UC extension/publications/highplainsvirus.pdf ANR Publication 3443. 10 Malvick, D. 2018. Common smut on corn. University of Minnesota 5 Jardine, D.J. Corn lethal necrosis. Factsheets-Corn. https://www. Extension. smut-corn

Performance may vary, from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Bayer, Bayer Cross Design and Delaro® are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. 6005_S1 • Page 7 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Ear Diseases in Corn

These rots can affect ears, kernels, or cobs and reduce test weight and grain quality. Some fungi produce mycotoxins which may contaminate grains. Rotting observed in the field is often due to a complex of causal organisms, not just one. Ear rots can be favored by late-season humidity. Infections are increased by ear damage from birds or insects and by stalk lodging that allows ears to come into contact with the soil.

Gibberella Ear Rot Symptoms Management • Reddish kernel discoloration, usually • Cultural practices such as the use of beginning at the ear tip. crop rotation, tillage, irrigation timing, • Husks may rot and be cemented to or grain drying prior to storage may the ear. reduce disease. • The pathogen is favored by cool, • Corn products vary in their humid weather, particularly 2-3 weeks resistance/susceptibility to gibberella after silking. and resistance to insects that feed on ears can reduce damage and • Multiple mycotoxins are produced such disease severity. as deoxynivalenol, and Zearalenone. Figure 22. Gibberella ear rot. • Sometimes management practices Growth Stage may not be necessary, practical, • Late season or possible.4 Causal Agent • Fungus

Diplodia (Stenocarpella) Ear Rot Symptoms Management • Bleached husk, white mold over • Cultural practices such as the use of kernels, and rotted ears with crop rotation, tillage, irrigation timing, tightly-adhering husks are the main or grain drying prior to storage may symptoms. reduce disease. • Early infection leads to complete ear • Corn products vary in their resistance/ rotting. susceptibility to diplodia and resistance • Infection can come from either the to insects that feed on ears can reduce base or tip of the ear. damage and disease severity. • Pycnidia (fungal structures) may appear • Sometimes management practices as small black specks at the base of may not be necessary, practical, or 4 kernels or on cobs. possible.

Figure 23. Diplodia ear and Growth Stage stalk rot. • Late season Causal Agent • Fungus • Page 8 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Ear Diseases in Corn

Fusarium Kernel or Ear Rot Symptoms Growth Stage • Scattered individual or groups of • Late season kernels show whitish-pink to lavender Causal Agent fungal growth. • Fungus • Infected kernels may also have a Management “starburst” pattern of white streaks on • Reduce insect damage to ears. Corn the cap of the kernel or along the base. products with Bt traits to control • Infections are more common on earworms and European corn borer damaged ear tips and are favored by usually have less Fusarium rot. dry weather. Figure 24. Fusarium ear rot. • Foliar fungicide and planting products • Fusarium rot may produce mycotoxins that are resistant to the disease are such as fumonisins. some management options.3

Aspergillus Ear and Kernel Rot Symptoms Management • Greenish or yellowish-tan discoloration • An important factor in preventing ear occurs on and between kernels, rot is to reduce stress on the corn especially near the ear tip. plants. • Symptoms are more evident if the husk • Provide adequate nitrogen and does not cover the ear tip. maintain balanced fertility. • Aflatoxins may be produced. • A combination of preventative Growth Stage management tactics and good grain • Late season management at harvest can lessen the disease impact.1 Causal Agent Figure 25. Aspergillus ear rot. • Fungus

Cladosporium Ear Rot Symptoms Growth Stage • Dark gray to greenish black fungal • Late season growth causes kernels to appear Causal Agent blotched or streaked. • Fungus • Initial discoloration appears where Management kernels are attached to the cob. • Plant corn products with ear rot • Infection eventually progresses resistance. upwards and infected kernels can be • Avoid harvest delays and planting corn- scattered over the ear. on-corn mainly under conservation Figure 26. Cladosporium ear rot. • If completely colonized, ears are dark tillage. and lightweight. • Reduce stress on plants with • This disease is often associated with adequate fertilization and good pest damage due to insects, hail, or frost. management.2 • Page 9 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. Late Season Ear Diseases in Corn

Trichoderma Ear Rot Symptoms Management • Dark green fungal growth is found • Cultural practices such as the use of between kernels and husks, often crop rotation, tillage, irrigation timing, covering the whole ear. or grain drying prior to storage may • The disease usually occurs on ears reduce disease. with mechanical or insect damage. • Sometimes management practices • Infected plants tend to be widely may not be necessary, practical, 4 distributed within a field. or possible. Growth Stage • Late season Causal Agent Figure 27. Trichoderma ear rot. • Fungus

Penicillium Ear Rot Symptoms Management • Powdery green to blue-green mold • Cultural practices such as the use of develops on and between kernels. crop rotation, tillage, irrigation timing, • Infection begins at ear tips due to or grain drying prior to storage may mechanical injury or insect damage. reduce disease. • Infected kernels may become bleached • Sometimes management practices or streaked. may not be necessary, practical, or possible.4 • “Blue eye” occurs when the embryo becomes discolored due to the Figure 28. Aspergillus ear rot on left presence of blue-green fungal spores and Penicillium ear rot on right. and can occur if infected grain is stored at high moisture levels. Growth Stage • Late season Causal Agent • Fungus

References: 1 Woloshuk, C. and Wise, K. 2011. Diseases of corn. Aspergillus ear rot. Purdue Extension, Purdue University. BP-83-W. 2 Cladosporium ear rot. Troubleshooting abnormal corn ears. The Ohio State University. 3 Woloshuk, C. and Wise, K. 2014. Diseases of corn. Aspergillus ear rot. Purdue Extension, Purdue University. BP-83-W. 4 Jackson-Ziems, T.A., Giesler, L.J., Harveson, R.M., Korus, K.A., Liu, B., and Wegulo, S.N. 2012. Corn disease profile III. Ear rot diseases and grain molds. University of Nebraska Lincoln. EC1901.

Legal Statements ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Performance may vary, from location to location and from year to year, as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible and should consider the impacts of these conditions on the grower’s fields. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. 6005_S1 • Page 10 of 10 Bayer and Bayer Cross Design are registered trademarks of Bayer Group. ©2019 Bayer Group. All rights reserved.