Beneficial Species Profile

Photo credit: Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

Common Name: Orchard Mason ; Blue Orchid Bee

Scientific Name: Osmia lignaria

Order and Family: ,

Size and Appearance:

Length (mm) Appearance Egg White and cylindrical in shape 1.4mm

Larva/Nymph White, maggot-like larva

Adult Female- 14mm

Male- 11mm Pupa (if applicable)

Type of feeder (Chewing, sucking, etc.): typically have a combination of mouthparts containing mandibles and a lapping tongue.

Host/s: Mason bees are somewhat generalists in their feed but tend to visit fruits trees such as , pears, and cherry.

Description of Benefits (predator, parasitoid, , etc.): Osmia lignaria is an important pollinator used in orchards to pollinate fruit trees. Orchard growers use these bees to pollinate , pear, plum, almonds, and peaches. They are one of the only native bee species that are used in commercial orchards with brood commercially available to growers for purchase. Mason bees can be easily distinguished from honey bees by where they store their pollen during flight. Honey bees store pollen on their hind legs and mason bees store their pollen on the underside of their abdomen.


Estep, A., Zettel-Nalen, C., & Ellis, J. (2018). Blue orchard bee- Osmia lignaria Say. Featured Creature. University of Florida.

Moisset, B., & Wojcik, V. (N.D.). Blue Orchard - Osmia lignaria. United States Department of agriculture, Forest Service.