FISH NAMES COMMITTEE The FRDC Standards Development Committee responsible for AS 5300

FNC 30 Minutes Meeting Details

Date 25 August 2016

Venue FRDC Meeting Room

25 Geils Court DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600

Start Time 10:30 AM

Lunch 12:30 to 1:00 during which a demonstration of the fish names database will be conducted

Afternoon Tea Break A 5-minute break as time permits

Finish 5:00 PM

Alan Snow Locked Bag 222 DIRECT 61 7 3390 6220 EMAIL [email protected] FNC Project Manager DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600 MOBILE 0418 199 516 WEB


Minutes 1. OPENING OF MEETING ...... 4















6.2 APPLICATIONS FOR INITIAL EVALUATION ...... 11 6.2.1 Application 252 to Change the SFN to Saucer for pleuronectes and Ylistrum balloti 11 6.2.2 Application 253 To add the SFN Ballot's Saucer for Ylistrum balloti (Bernardi, 1861) ...... 12 6.2.3 Application 254 To add the SFN Northern Saucer Scallop for Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758) 12 6.2.4 Application 255 To add the SFN name Pipi for Donax deltoids Lamarck, 1818...... 12 6.2.5 Application 256 To add the SFN Orange Mud for Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) ...... 13 6.2.6 Application 257 To add the SFN Mud Crab for (Forsskål, 1775) ...... 13 6.2.7 Application 258 To add the SFN Serrate Bug for Ibacus pubescens Holthuis, 1960 ...... 14 6.2.8 Application 259 To add the SFN Western Balmain Bug for Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850 . 14 6.2.9 Application 260 To add the SFN Balmain Bug for Leach, 1815 ...... 15 6.2.10 Application 261 To add the SFN Shortfoot Bug Ibacus brevipes Bate, 1888 ...... 15 6.2.11 Application 262 To add the SFN Honey Bug for Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977 ...... 15 6.2.12 Application 263 To add the SFN Smooth Bug for Ibacus chacei Brown & Holthuis, 1998 ...... 15 6.2.13 Application 264 To add the SFN Mud Bug for parindicus Burton & Davie, 2007 ...... 15 6.2.14 Application 265 To add the SFN Sand Bug for Thenus australiensis Burton & Davie, 2007 ...... 16

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6.2.15 Application 266 To add the SFN Mackerel Icefish for Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905 16 6.2.16 Application 267 To add the SFN Bigeye Grenadier for Macrourus holotrachys Günther, 1878 ..... 17 6.2.17 Application 228 to add the name White Banana for the merguiensis ..... 17

6.3 APPLICATIONS SUBJECT TO PUBLIC CONSULTATION ...... 18 6.3.1 Comments about the process and general comments ...... 19

6.4 APPLICATIONS SUBJECT TO FINAL FNC EVALUATION ...... 20 6.4.1 Application 243 to add the new SFN Antarctic Toothfish for Dissostichus mawsoni ...... 20 6.4.2 Application 244 to add the new SFN Crystal Crab for albus ...... 21 6.4.3 Application 245 to amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Crab for Chaceon bicolor ...... 22 6.4.4 Application 246 to add the new SFN Ornate Rock for ...... 24 6.4.5 Application 247 to add the new SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster for ...... 25 6.4.6 Application 248 to add the new SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster for ...... 25 6.4.7 Application 249 to add the new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for ...... 26 6.4.8 Application 250 to add the new SFN Longleg Rock Lobster for ...... 27 6.4.9 Application 251 to add the new SFN Mud Rock Lobster for ...... 28


6.6 EMERGENT ISSUES RAISED IN RELATION TO FISH NAMES ...... 29 6.6.1 Application 240 to add a new name Golden Trout for Oncorhynchus aguabonita ...... 29 6.6.2 Request to change the name of the species Nemadactylus macropterus from Jackass Morwong 29 6.6.3 Removal of Penaeus pulchricaudatus from the Tiger group ...... 30 6.6.4 Addition of Tiger Abalone to AFNS ...... 31 7. SCIENTIFIC NAME UPDATES ...... 32



8.1 SUCCESSION PLANNING ...... 35 9. FUTURE FNC MEETINGS ...... 35 10. OTHER BUSINESS...... 35 11. CLOSE OF MEETING ...... 35

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1. OPENING OF MEETING The meeting opened at 10:30 AM.

1.1 Attendance and apologies Voting Members

Independent Chair Gus Dannoun Yes Deputy Chair and Expert Member Richard Stevens Yes ( Marketing) Australian Seafood Industry Simon Boag Yes Appointee Fisheries Agencies Appointee Jason Gibson APOLOGY Expert Member Russell Conway Yes (Recreational Fishing) Expert Member Norm Grant For part of meeting (Seafood Imports) Expert Member Hamish Allen Yes (Major Supermarkets) Expert Member Gordon (Gus) Yearsley Yes Expert Member Don Tuma Yes (Seafood Marketing and Fish and Invertebrates ) Expert Member Anthony Mercer APOLOGY (Seafood Processors) Expert Member Glenn Austin APOLOGY (Hospitality) Department of Agriculture and Lisa McKenzie Yes Water Resources Karen Gowlett-Holmes Proxy for AFMF Yes SDO Representative Peter Horvat Yes

Observers and Non-Voting Members

Shelly Alderman Department of Agriculture Yes and Water Resources

Project Manager and Administration

FNC Project Manager Alan Snow Yes

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1.2 Notification of proxy votes Section 10.6 of the FRDC Standards Development Procedure allows for FNC members to appoint a proxy for the meeting to ensure that the relevant stakeholder group is not disadvantaged. The options for appointing a proxy are: a) Appoint the chair of the meeting to carry the proxy vote; b) Appoint another person at the meeting to carry the proxy vote; c) Appoint another person with the appropriate skills and knowledge to participate on his/her behalf. FNC members holding proxy votes were identified at this stage of the meeting and proxy votes had been received by the project manager as per the procedures. a) Glenn Austin appointed Peter Horvat as his proxy for this meeting. b) Anthony Mercer appointed Gus Dannoun as his proxy for the meeting c) AFMF appointed Karen Gowlett-Holmes as proxy for this meeting with voting directions for some items on the agenda. Resolution 30.1. FNC noted the status of proxy votes received.

1.3 Notification of observers Observers are invited and welcomed to all FNC meetings. Shelly Alderman from the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources was welcomed as an observer for the meeting.

1.4 FNC Members Code of Conduct As per the FRDC Standards Development policies and procedures, all FNC members are expected to have read and agree to abide with the Code of Conduct which was distributed as ATTACHMENT 02: SRB Members Code of Conduct All members signed the Code of Conduct indicating their acceptance of the Code and willingness to abide by the Code. Resolution 30.2. FNC members agreed to abide by the SRB Members Code of Conduct.

1.5 FNC Members Declaration of Interest Section 11.3 of the FRDC Standards Development Procedure determines that all FNC members are expected to declare any materiel personal interest in the topic being discussed. An FNC Member who considers that he/she may have a material personal interest in a matter to be discussed by the FNC (“conflicted member”) will: 1) as soon as practicable after the member becomes aware of his/her interest in the matter give details of the nature and extent of that interest, and the relationship of the interest to the FNC Member, either in a "standing notice" or at a meeting of the FNC and

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2) subject to the views of the FNC, may not participate in any discussion of, or decision on, that matter If the conflicted member is the applicant on the application they will, before any discussion takes place on that matter, leave the meeting while that matter is discussed. FNC members may, through the Chair, ask a conflicted member specific questions about the matter. In querying a conflicted member, FNC members will act to ensure that the conflicted member is not invited to advocate for the matter being discussed. In answering questions from FNC members, conflicted members will act so as to ensure they are to not influencing the FNC in making its decision, e.g. by advocating for the matter. Note I. This may involve re-calling a conflicted member to the meeting to be queried (with the conflicted member to leave the meeting again after he/she has been questioned). II. Where the meeting is being held via teleconference, leaving the meeting will require the member to leave the teleconference, and dial back as requested. Resolution 30.3. All FNC member noted and agreed to comply with the Declaration of Interests Policy.


2.1 Passing of Noel Gallagher The chair informed FNC members that Mr Noel Gallagher, an inaugural member of the Fish Names Committee who represented the interests of seafood importers passed away on 25th July 2016. The funeral service was conducted on 1 August 2016 in Brisbane. Alan Snow, Jayne Gallagher, and Martin Perkins attended the service and spoke to the family. FRDC sent flowers to the family. Individual FNC members who had worked alongside Noel spoke fondly of his commitment to the Fish Names Committee and his diligence in advancing the case for seafood importers. Members commented that he came to meetings very well prepared with books, and posters to support his case. Richard Stevens commented that he was always the best dressed FNC member. He will be remembered for many things but in particular introducing the name Basa into the Australian Fish Names Standard. Alan Snow reported that the Fish Names Committee and Noel’s commitment to it received a special mention in the eulogy delivered by his son Barry.

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2.2 Fish Names Committee Membership and Register Section 11 of the Fish Names Committee Procedures specifies the Fish Names Committee (FNC) membership. Section 10.5 of the FRDC Standards Development Procedures determines that the SRB Register will be tabled at each meeting for noting and amendment by FNC Members. 1) The FRDC Board accepted a Resolution that a representative of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resource be added to the FNC. Lisa McKenzie was delegated by the department as their representative on the FNC. 2) Russell Conway’s term as Recreational Fishing representative expired on 1 March 2016. As per the procedures, Russel is eligible to be appointed for a further three years. Russell indicated that he was to be the delegate for the next three-year term. FNC Members reviewed and updated the current FNC Membership Register including the skills matrix which was distributed as ATTACHMENT 03: SRB Register Fish Names Resolution 30.4. FNC Members noted the status of the FNC Register and updated as appropriate


3.1 Adoption of the agenda for the Meeting The agenda for this meeting was adopted. The chair advised that the applications to amend the standard will be dealt with starting at 1:15 PM to allow Norm Grant to attend by teleconference and have input. The project manager advised that Kyaw Kyaw Soe Hlaing from FRDC will provide a demonstration of the functionality of the Fish Names database which is currently being developed during the day. Resolution 30.5. FNC adopted the agenda for the meeting as amended.

3.2 Adoption of minutes from previous meetings The minutes from the FNC 29 Teleconference held on 22 April 2016 have been previously circulated, and were distributed as Attachment 04: FNC 29 Final Draft Minutes The Project Managers report was distributed as Attachment 05 Project Manager Report Resolution 30.6. FNC confirmed the minutes of the FNC 29 Teleconference held on 22 April 2016 as a true record.

4. ISSUES RELATING TO FRDC AS THE STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION FRDC is accredited as a standards setting body responsible for the Australian Fish Names Standard and other potential standards within its scope as an accredited SDO. Specific issues of note were raised as below.

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4.1 Scheduled Standards Australia Reaccreditation Audit The Project Manager reported that the FRDC accreditation audit is scheduled for 22nd and 23rd September. All policies and procedures will be reviewed prior to and after this audit to address any issues raised. This is a full reaccreditation audit which is conducted every three years.

4.2 Technical Barriers to Trade Analysis One of the specific requirements that FNC as a Standards Reference Body and FRDC as a Standards Development Organisation have is to ensure adherence to the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade requirements. As initially reported by a memo to FNC Members on 12 October 2015, the FNC Project Manager conducted a review of the requirements and has put the attached memo together for noting by FNC which was distributed as Attachment 06 TBT provisions and adherance.pdf The Project Manager addressed the report and identified key issues that the FNC needs to be aware of. In general, the main issues that emerge from the analysis relate to international standardisation elements which the FNC and the FRDC adhere to and in many areas such as Public Consultation, exceeds Resolution 30.7. FNC members noted the contents of the analysis of the Technical Barriers to Trade and agreed that the FNC and FRDC as the SDO meets the WTO TBT criteria.

4.3 Attendance at Workshop on Writing Australian Standards The Project Manager reported that he and Tanya Corcoran attended a Standards Australia workshop, “How to Write an Australian Standard”. As an SDO, FRDC standards must abide by certain design standards to access the Australian Standards logo. After that, the rules are as the SDO sees fit. There is some merit in ensuring that the formatting of the content complies with the elements of good standardisation. A number of minor issues of terminology were identified in our current standard where we are probably not compliant. These issues will be fixed prior to the next date of publishing of AS 5300. Resolution 30.8. FNC members noted the report on the Australian Standards writing workshop and work activities emanating from the workshop.

4.4 Standards Australia SDO Round Table The Project Manager reported that an SDO round table was held in on Tuesday 31 May 2016. John Wilson and Tanya Corcoran represented FRDC at the meeting. In his opening remarks, Chair of the Standards Australia Board, Mr Richard Brooks described attendee participation as a critical component of Standards Australia’s commitment to support SDOs. Mr Brooks also discussed the evolving nature of the standards and conformance infrastructure in Australia, detailing Standards Australia’s ambitious digital transformation plan and the benefits that changes in technology can bring to stakeholders and SDOs.

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The round table was attended by representatives from four accredited SDOs, members of the Standards Australia Board, and others interested in accreditation. The main topics of discussion were:  SDO accreditation application processes;  Understanding, planning and preparing for SDO auditing; and  Public outreach and SDO promotion through Standards Australia’s public affairs and news outlets. Standards Australia noted that information on accreditation process, SDO responsibilities and international engagement is available on Standards Australia’s website at SDOs were invited to regularly provide updates on their activities which could then be promoted through Standards Australia’s monthly e-news. The Round Table resolved that SDOs could benefit from additional Standards Australia training and guidance on key SDO issues including:  Project selection  Standards development processes; and  Stakeholder engagement. The next SDO round table will be held in late 2016 and will focus on standards development processes, including a look at Standards Australia’s project prioritisation and document development processes.

5. STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES Discussion The Fish Names policies and procedures that guide the standards development activities of the FRDC are regularly reviewed to harmonise with existing FRDC quality procedures and to address any issues arising from Standards Australia audits. These documents were distributed to FNC members as:

 ATTACHMENT 07: FRDC Standards Development Policy  ATTACHMENT 08: Standards Development Procedure  ATTACHMENT 09: Fish Names Committee Procedures The Project Manager reported that all documents will be revised prior to the Standards Australia audit. Resolution 30.9. FNC members noted the report and status of amended policy and procedure documents


6.1 Pre-assessment of new applications Reference: Fish Names Committee Procedure Section 12.2

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A working group comprising Gordon Yearsley, Don Tuma, Gus Dannoun (ex-officio), and Alan Snow has been established to conduct the pre-assessment of all applications to amend the AFNS. The pre-assessment will essentially determine: I. If they have addressed the required criteria II. Whether the name already exists. III. Any other information required that will assist the FNC in its determinations. Further input has been provided by Karen Gowlett-Holmes. An audit of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries was conducted with Carolyn Stewardson from FRDC. The SAFS dataset is located at This has led to a number of applications as listed below. Briefing notes have been distributed to FNC members over the past three months as listed below:  ATTACHMENT 10 - Briefing Note Audit of SAF entries and AFNS 2016  ATTACHMENT 11- Briefing Note Amusium balloti  ATTACHMENT 12- Briefing Note FNC 30 Chaceon bicolor  ATTACHMENT 13 – Briefing Note Nemadactylus macropterus Applications as prepared and provided to FNC for initial evaluation are listed below.

Application CAAB Code Application Scientific Name No

252 23 270901 Change the SFN to SAUCER Amusium pleuronectes and SCALLOPS Ylistrum balloti

253 23 270001 Add the SFN Ballot's Saucer Scallop Ylistrum balloti

254 23 270003 Add the SFN Saucer Scallop Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758)

255 23 359001 Add the SFN name Pipi Donax deltoides Lamarck, 1818

256 28 911007 Add the SFN Orange Mud Crab Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)

257 28 911008 Add the SFN Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775)

258 28 821002 Add the SFN Serrate Bug Ibacus pubescens Holthuis, 1960

259 28 821003 Add the SFN Western Balmain Bug Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850

260 28 821004 Add the SFN Balmain Bug Ibacus peronii Leach, 1815

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Application CAAB Code Application Scientific Name No

261 28 821009 Add the SFN Shortfoot Bug Ibacus brevipes Bate, 1888

262 28 821010 Add the SFN Honey Bug Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977

263 28 821019 Add the SFN Smooth Bug Ibacus chacei Brown & Holthuis, 1998

264 28 821007 Add the SFN Mud Bug Thenus parindicus Burton & Davie, 2007

265 28 821008 Add the SFN Sand Bug Thenus australiensis Burton & Davie, 2007

266 37 407791 Add the SFN Mackerel Icefish Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905

267 Bigeye Grenadier Macrourus holotrachys Günther, 1878

6.2 Applications for initial evaluation Reference: Fish Names Committee Procedure Section 12.3  Applications that are the subject of an initial evaluation are assessed by the FNC as to how they meet the criteria.  The applications can be amended at this stage by the FNC.  A “simple majority” is only needed for an application to proceed to Public Consultation and subsequent Final Evaluation. 6.2.1 Application 252 to Change the SFN to Saucer Scallops for Amusium pleuronectes and Ylistrum balloti This is one of the set of 3 scallop applications arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries. The three applications were distributed as below:  ATTACHMENT 14 – App 252-Saucer Scallops Application  ATTACHMENT 15 – App 253 Ylistrum balloti Application  ATTACHMENT 16 – App 254 Amusium pleuronectes Application It was reported that Amusium pleuronectes constitutes the main catch with only a small catch reported for Ylistrum balloti The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below

SCALLOPS – Pectinidae

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23 270000 SCALLOP Pectinidae - undifferentiated

23 270001 Ballot's Saucer Scallop Ylistrum balloti (Bernardi, 1861)

23 270003 Saucer Scallop Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758)

23 270901 SAUCER SCALLOPS Amusium pleuronectes and Ylistrum balloti

23 270007 Commercial Scallop Pecten fumatus Reeve, 1852

Resolution 30.10. FNC supported Application 252 to amend the group name SAUCER SCALLOPS from Amusium spp. to Amusium pleuronectes and Ylistrum balloti to proceed to public consultation. 6.2.2 Application 253 To add the SFN Ballot's Saucer Scallop for Ylistrum balloti (Bernardi, 1861) Resolution 30.11. FNC supported Application 253 to add the SFN Ballot's Saucer Scallop for Ylistrum balloti (Bernardi, 1861) to proceed to public consultation. 6.2.3 Application 254 To add the SFN Northern Saucer Scallop for Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758) As this is the major catch, FNC recommended that the Standard Fish Name application be amended from Northern Saucer Scallop to Saucer Scallop. The species would be distinguished from the group name SAUCER SCALLOPS. Resolution 30.12. FNC supported Application 254 as amended to add the SFN Saucer Scallop for Amusium pleuronectes (Linnaeus, 1758) to proceed to public consultation. 6.2.4 Application 255 To add the SFN name Pipi for Donax deltoids Lamarck, 1818 This is one of the set of consequential applications arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries. This proposed amendment was distributed as ATTACHMENT 17 - App 255 Donax deltoides Application

PIPIS – Donacidae

23 359901 PIPIS Donax spp

23 359001 Pipi Donax deltoides Lamarck, 1818

Resolution 30.13. FNC supported Application 255 to add the SFN Pipi for Donax deltoides Lamarck, 1818 to proceed to public consultation.

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6.2.5 Application 256 To add the SFN Orange Mud Crab for Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) A set of two mud crab applications arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries were distributed as below:  ATTACHMENT 18 - App 256 Scylla olivacea Application  ATTACHMENT 19 - App 257 Scylla serrata Application The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below

CRABS - Portunidae

28 850000 CRAB Infraorder Brachyura - undifferentiated

28 911903 BLUE SWIMMER CRAB(S) Portunus pelagicus sensu (Linnaeus, 1758) lato

28 911001 Coral Crab Charybdis feriata (Linnaeus, 1758)

28 911004 Velvet Crab Nectocarcinus A. Milne Edwards, 1860 tuberculosus

28 911901 SAND CRAB Ovalipes spp

28 911005 Blue Swimmer Crab (A. Milne Edwards, 1861)

28 911902 MUD Scylla spp

28 911007 Orange Mud Crab Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796)

28 911008 Mud Crab Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775)

There was discussion as to the appropriateness of the name as there is a variation in colour of the species from brown to olive. Resolution 30.14. FNC supported Application 256 to add the SFN Orange Mud Crab for Scylla olivacea (Herbst, 1796) to proceed to public consultation. 6.2.6 Application 257 To add the SFN Mud Crab for Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775) The original proposed name for this species was Giant Mud Crab but FNC members were of the view that Scylla serrata is the major commercial species and the preferred name in the market place would be simply Mud Crab. The application was amended accordingly. Resolution 30.15. FNC supported Application 257 (as amended) to add the SFN Mud Crab for Scylla serrata (Forsskål, 1775) to proceed to public consultation.

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6.2.7 Application 258 To add the SFN Serrate Bug for Ibacus pubescens Holthuis, 1960 This is one of the set of six applications relating to Ibacus species arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries. The list of applications as distributed are listed below:  ATTACHMENT 20 - App 258 Ibacus pubescens Application  ATTACHMENT 21 - App 259 Ibacus novemdentatus Application  ATTACHMENT 22 - App 260 Ibacus peronii Application  ATTACHMENT 23 - App 261 Ibacus brevipes Application  ATTACHMENT 24 - App 262 Ibacus brucei Application  ATTACHMENT 25 - App 263 Ibacus chacei Application The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below


28 821904 BUGS Ibacus & Thenus spp

28 821001 Whitetail Bug Ibacus alticrenatus Bate, 1888

28 821901 BALMAIN BUGS Ibacus spp

28 821002 Serrate Bug Ibacus pubescens Holthuis, 1960

28 821003 Western Balmain Bug Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850

28 821004 Balmain Bug Ibacus peronii Leach, 1815

28 821009 Shortfoot Bug Ibacus brevipes Bate, 1888

28 821010 Honey Bug Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977

28 821019 Smooth Bug Ibacus chacei Brown & Holthuis, 1998

Resolution 30.16. FNC supported Application 258 to add the SFN Serrate Bug for Ibacus pubescens Holthuis, 1960 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.8 Application 259 To add the SFN Western Balmain Bug for Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850 Resolution 30.17. FNC supported Application 259 to add the SFN Western Balmain Bug for Ibacus novemdentatus Gibbes, 1850 to proceed to public consultation.

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6.2.9 Application 260 To add the SFN Balmain Bug for Ibacus peronii Leach, 1815 It is noted that the SAFS database lists this as true Balmain Bug. FNC was of the view that Ibacus peronii is the major commercial harvest species. The species is commonly known in the marketplace and as such the proposed name was amended from Eastern Balmain Bug to Balmain Bug. Resolution 30.18. FNC supported Application 260 (as amended) to add the SFN Balmain Bug for Ibacus peronii Leach, 1815 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.10 Application 261 To add the SFN Shortfoot Bug Ibacus brevipes Bate, 1888 The original application proposed the name Serrate Fan Lobster. FNC amended the application to use the SFN Shortfoot Bug in line with other species of Balmain Bugs. Resolution 30.19. FNC supported Application 261 (as amended) to add the SFN Shortfoot Bug Ibacus brevipes Bate, 1888 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.11 Application 262 To add the SFN Honey Bug for Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977 It is noted that the SAFS database has referred to this species as Honey Bug. The original proposed amendment was for the SFN Bruce’s Bug. FNC considered the application and are proposing the name Honey Bug as used in SAFS. Resolution 30.20. FNC supported Application 262 (as amended) to add the SFN Honey Bug for Ibacus brucei Holthuis, 1977 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.12 Application 263 To add the SFN Smooth Bug for Ibacus chacei Brown & Holthuis, 1998 Resolution 30.21. FNC supported Application 263 to add the SFN Smooth Bug for Ibacus chacei Brown & Holthuis, 1998 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.13 Application 264 To add the SFN Mud Bug for Thenus parindicus Burton & Davie, 2007 This is one of two applications relating to Thenus species arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries. The list of applications as distributed are listed below:  ATTACHMENT 26 - App 264 Thenus parindicus Application  ATTACHMENT 27 - App 265 Thenus australiensis Application The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below


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28 821904 BUGS Ibacus & Thenus spp

28 821902 Scyllarides spp

28 821903 MORETON BAY BUGS Thenus spp

28 821007 Mud Bug Thenus parindicus Burton & Davie, 2007

28 821008 Sand Bug Thenus australiensis Burton & Davie, 2007

FNC members believed that the names are appropriate because Thenus parindicus is commonly found on soft substrate where Thenus australiensis is found on hard ground

Resolution 30.22. FNC supported Application 264 to add the SFN Mud Bug for Thenus parindicus Burton & Davie, 2007 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.14 Application 265 To add the SFN Sand Bug for Thenus australiensis Burton & Davie, 2007 Resolution 30.23. FNC supported Application 265 to add the SFN Sand Bug for Thenus australiensis Burton & Davie, 2007 to proceed to public consultation.

6.2.15 Application 266 To add the SFN Mackerel Icefish for Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905 This is one of the set of consequential applications arising from the review of inconsistencies between the names used in the Status of key Australian Fish Stocks dataset(SAFS), the Australian Fish Names Standard, and the CSIRO CAAB entries. The proposed amendment was distributed as ATTACHMENT 28 - App 266 Champsocephalus gunnari Application The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below

ICEFISHES - Nototheniidae

37 404791 Mackerel Icefish Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905

37 404792 Patagonian Toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898

37 404795 Antarctic Toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni Norman, 1937

Resolution 30.24. FNC supported Application 266 to add the SFN Mackerel Icefish for Champsocephalus gunnari Lönnberg, 1905 to proceed to public consultation. Resolution 30.25. The application to add a new name Mackerel Icefish for Champsocephalus gunnari was deemed non-contentious and the applicant is to be advised that interim approval for the use of the name

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has been granted subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at the next meeting. 6.2.16 Application 267 To add the SFN Bigeye Grenadier for Macrourus holotrachys Günther, 1878 ATTACHMENT 29 - App 267 Macrourus holotrachys Application This application has been directed from Lisa McKenzie who asked to have it listed. The Project Manager advised that a draft application had been received which was presented to FNC for initial evaluation. No formal application has been received to date from the proponent. The proposed amendments to the AFNS are highlighted below

WHIPTAILS — Macrouridae

37 232036 Ridgescale Whiptail Macrourus carinatus (Günther, 1878)

Bigeye Grenadier Macrourus holotrachys Günther, 1878

FNC members commented that the species is not caught in the AFZ and may be a case where the species is being imported and re-exported. The species is generally reported to be distributed through the Southwest Atlantic: so far known only from the Patagonian slope from east of the Rio de la Plata to north of the Falkland Islands and off Shag Rock west of South Georgia. It can be expected also on the west coast of Chile, but its presence there, as well as in other regions where it has been reported must be confirmed. (FishBase) It is known in FishBase as Bigeye Grenadier but is a whiptail and as such a whiptail would be the preferred name. Resolution 30.26. FNC resolved that Application 267 (as amended) to add the SFN Bigeye Grenadier for Macrourus holotrachys Günther, 1878 not proceed until a formal application and the appropriate fee is received. Resolution 30.27. The Project Manager will circulate the completed application out of session for approval. Resolution 30.28. The applicant to be advised that consideration should be given to including the name Whiptail in the candidate name.

6.2.17 Application 228 to add the name White Banana Prawn for the species Penaeus merguiensis FNC 26 had previously approved the addition of Redleg Banana Prawn Penaeus indicus as part of a number of applications but did not approve Application 228 to add the name White Banana Prawn for Penaeus merguiensis The species is listed in the SAFS database so consideration needed to be given to adding the species to the AFNS. FNC Members at FNC 26 believed that the name White Banana Prawn is not commonly used. The group is commonly names as simply Banana Prawn

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The name has been previously subjected to public consultation as below.

No responded to stakeholder feedback 15 Yes 9 No 2 No comment on this application 4 No who provided further information

No Voted for 6 No Voted Against 5

FNC members agreed that the species should be added and recommended that the candidate name be simply Banana Prawn and the group name BANANA PRAWNS would be used for both Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis as below.

Penaeus indicus & 28 711907 BANANA PRAWN Penaeus merguiensis

28 711045 Redleg Banana Prawn Penaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards, 1837

28 711050 Banana Prawn Penaeus merguiensis De Man, 1888

It was agreed that the application should again be subjected to public consultation.

Resolution 30.29. FNC supported Application 228 to add the name Banana Prawn for the species Penaeus merguiensis to proceed to public consultation.

6.3 Applications subject to public consultation Reference: Fish Names Committee Procedure Section 12.4 At least a 60-day period of public consultation is required for applications that have been successful at the initial evaluation stage. Applications do not need to be advertised in the media but there must be an effective public consultation strategy. Nine applications have been the subject of public consultation as below

Application CAAB Code Application Scientific Name No

243 37 404795 Add a new name Antarctic Toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni

244 28 910003 Add the name Crystal Crab Chaceon albus

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Application CAAB Code Application Scientific Name No

245 28 910001 Amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Chaceon bicolor Crab

246 28 820006 Add the SFN Ornate Rock Lobster Panulirus ornatus

247 28 820009 Add the SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster Panulirus homarus

248 28 820011 Add the SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster Panulirus penicillatus

249 28 820013 Add the SFN Painted Rock Lobster Panulirus versicolor

250 28 820016 Add the SFN Longleg Rock Lobster Panulirus longipes

251 28 820012 Add the SFN Mud Rock Lobster Panulirus polyphagus

Public consultation commenced on 20 May 2016. Key aspects of the public consultation process adopted were:

FNC members to distribute Sent to applicants to on forward 3 Sent to my fish names stakeholder list distribution list 143 OzFishNet Contacts 41 Barry Dance Gippsland Industry Network Unsure Article in SETFIA e Newsletter from Simon Boag 7000 FRDC Social Media Pages 5661

A web based procedure was used to allow respondents to provide feedback through the following link. 46 Responses have been received. Responses were collated and can be viewed at edit?usp=sharing The responses have been printed individually as both I. A spreadsheet II. A pdf file of all responses 6.3.1 Comments about the process and general comments Comments received about the process and comments in general were:

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1) For all commercial species indigenous to Australia can we make "Australian" the prefix as was recently the outcome of a recent case in Alaska. Thus the provenance and the reputation of local producer's is secured. 2) Please hurry up and fix up the flathead debacle 3) no 4) Common names rather than scientific ones would make it easier for the fishing public to identify 5) I wish that everyone had to use the same names 6) YES...I AM AGAINST THE NAME AUSTRALIAN HERRING.IT IS ONLY WEST AUSSIES THAT USE THIS TERM AND IT IS GROSELY INCORRECT.ARRIPIS GEORGIANUS IS RELATED TO ARRIPIS TRUTTA...NOT EVEN CLOSE TO A HERRING !!! LEAVE IT ALONE AND CALL THEM TOMMY RUFF. 7) For someone wishing to make a submission on only one application, having to go through all nine is off-putting. Is it not possible to make a submission on applications individually? Resolution 30.30. FNC agrees that the requirements for public consultation have been met and agrees that the strategy for conducting public consultation has been effective.

6.4 Applications subject to final FNC evaluation Reference: Fish Names Committee Procedure Section 12.5 The purpose of the final FNC evaluation is to determine whether or not the fish name proposal is approved. The FNC minutes must record:  how each FNC member voted on the proposal  all salient points supporting the decision  any special circumstances relating to the decision  if the application is rejected, the specific reasons why and importantly, which of the fish names protocols the proposed SFN was so seriously in conflict with that it was not approved. Voting on final evaluations is required to be completed on the FNC Members Voting Form which was distributed as ATTACHMENT 30 – FNC Voting Form Consensus is required as specified in the Standards Development Procedure – Demonstrating Consensus 6.4.1 Application 243 to add the new SFN Antarctic Toothfish for Dissostichus mawsoni The application to add a new name Antarctic Toothfish for Dissostichus mawsoni was distributed as ATTACHMENT 31 – 243 Dissostichus mawsoni App and att The application was deemed to be non-contentious at FNC 29 and the applicant was advised that interim approval for the use of the name has been granted by the FNC subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at this meeting.

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Application 243 to Add a new SFN Antarctic Toothfish for Dissostichus mawsoni No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 31 No 4 No comment on this application 11 Suggested alternatives Toothy Maw Snow fish Fishy McFishFace Provided further information

For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.31. FNC supported Application 243 to add a new SFN Antarctic Toothfish for Dissostichus mawsoni

6.4.2 Application 244 to add the new SFN Crystal Crab for Chaceon albus The application to add a new name Crystal Crab for Chaceon albus was distributed as ATTACHMENT 32 – 244 Chaceon albus App and att The application was deemed non-contentious at FNC 29 and the applicant was advised that interim approval for the use of the name has been granted by the FNC subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at this meeting.

Application 244 to Add a new SFN Crystal Crab for Chaceon albus No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 31 No 1 No comment on this application 14 Suggested alternatives Western Crystal Crab Mystical dream crab Provided further information

For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.32. FNC supported Application 244 to add a new SFN Crystal Crab for Chaceon albus

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6.4.3 Application 245 to amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Crab for Chaceon bicolor The application to amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Crab for Chaceon bicolor was distributed as ATTACHMENT 33 – 245 Chaceon bicolor app and att The application was deemed non-contentious at FNC 29 and the applicant was advised that interim approval for the use of the name has been granted by the FNC subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at this meeting.

Application 245 to amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Crab for Chaceon bicolor No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 30 No 9 No comment on this application 7 Suggested alternatives Maroon Crab Brown Crab Brown/Purple Crab Brown/Purple Amethyst Crab Lavender Crab

Provided further information 1) Using the word "Crystal" confuses the Written submissions received that already established market for C. albus were entered into this database 2) Eastern Crystal Crab is too similar a name to Crystal Crab and needs to have a completely 7 comments as below different name. 3) The naming issue is an important one for stakeholders in the WA Crystal Crab fishery and we have been consulting internally about this issue recently and come to a consensus. The name “Eastern Crystal Crab” for Chaceon bicolour is much too similar to the WA endemic “Crystal Crab” of Chaceon albus. I refer to the published needs of the fish names standard to remove confusion, and to strengthen consumer confidence. Both are at odds with the currently proposed name “Eastern Crystal Crab”. We would suggest a name such as brown crab which reflects the colour and also differentiates the 2 crabs. 4) The name "Eastern Crystal Crab" for Chaceon bicolor is much too similar to the WA endemic "Crystal Crab" of Chaceon albus. We would suggest a name such as brown/purple

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crab which reflects the colour and also differentiates the two crabs. I refer to the published needs of the fish names standard to remove confusion and to strengthen consumer confidence. Both are at odds with the currently proposed name "Eastern Crystal Crab". 5) The name "Eastern Crystal Crab" for Chaceon bicolor is much too similar to the WA endemic "Crystal Crab" of Chaceon albus. We would suggest a name such as brown/purple crab which reflects the colour and also differentiates the two crabs. I refer to the published needs of the Fish Names Standard to remove confusion and to strengthen consumer confidence. Both are at odds with the currently proposed name "{Eastern Crystal Crab". 6) The name "Eastern Crystal Crab" for Chaceon bicolor is much too similar to the WA endemic "Crystal Crab" of Chaceon albus. We would suggest a name such as "Amethyst Crab" which reflects the colour and also differentiates the two crabs. I refer to the published needs of the Fish Names Standard to remove confusion and to strengthen consumer confidence. Both are at odds with the currently proposed name "{Eastern Crystal Crab". 7) The name "Eastern Crystal Crab" for Chaceon bicolor is much too similar to the WA endemic "Crystal Crab" of Chaceon albus. We would suggest a name such as Lavender which reflects the colour and also differentiates the two crabs. I refer to the published needs of the Fish Names Standard to remove confusion and to strengthen consumer confidence. Both are at odds with the currently proposed name "{Eastern Crystal Crab".

FNC discussed the application and the comments received and noted the following  The comments did not relate to this application that they had a commercial interest in  The candidate name makes sense and is consistent with the protocols;  The Crystal Crab fishery in the eastern states is not of a significant commercial quantity to in any way influence the commercial position of the fishery in Western Australia

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For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.33. FNC supported Application 245 to amend the SFN to Eastern Crystal Crab for Chaceon bicolor Resolution 30.34. The respondents be advised of the FNC decision and the reasons for the decision.

6.4.4 Application 246 to add the new SFN Ornate Rock Lobster for Panulirus ornatus The application to add a new name Ornate Rock Lobster for Panulirus ornatus was distributed as ATTACHMENT 34 – 246 Panulirus ornatus app and att. The application was deemed non-contentious at FNC 29 and the applicant was advised that interim approval for the use of the name has been granted by the FNC subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at this meeting.

Application 246 to Add a new SFN Ornate Rock Lobster for Panulirus ornatus No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 31 No 4 No comment on this application 9 Suggested alternatives Painted lobster Tiger - this name is used by Vietnam into the Chinese market and it may not be wise to use a different name Ornate Crayfish Rainbow Rock Lobster Provided further information

Karen Goiwlett-Holmes commented that she had been directed to vote against the proposal and stated that the reasons given by the AFMF were:  QLD has concerns about supporting Application 249 to add the new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for Panulirus versicolour (6.4.7 page 26). In QLD Panulirus versicolour is commonly referred to as Green Cray and Panulirus ornatus is referred to as Painted crayfish in the Fisheries Regulation 2008, and a size limit is in place for this single species. Concern is that the change would cause confusion for their commercial and recreational fishing sectors and it will be difficult to enforce from a compliance perspective. Education will be expensive with concerns over success of efforts.

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Comments raised by FNC members were that both Panulirus ornatus and Panulirus versicolourhave been called Painted Crayfish at different times The name Ornate Rock Lobster was preferred as it is consistent with the protocols and with other Rock Lobster species. For 11 Against 1 Resolution 30.35. FNC supported Application 246 (as amended) to add a new SFN Ornate Rock Lobster for Panulirus ornatus

6.4.5 Application 247 to add the new SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster for Panulirus homarus Application 247 to Add a new SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster for Panulirus homarus was distributed as ATTACHMENT 35 – 247 Panulirus homarus App and att

Application 247 to Add a new SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster for Panulirus homarus No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 30 No 3 No comment on this application 13 Suggested alternatives This lobster is quite rare in Australia and probably should retain the commonly used name elsewhere in the world Tropical rock lobster Coral rock lobster Provided further information

For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.36. FNC supported Application 247 to add a new SFN Scalloped Rock Lobster for Panulirus homarus

6.4.6 Application 248 to add the new SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster for Panulirus penicillatus Application 248 to Add a new SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster for Panulirus penicillatus was distributed as ATTACHMENT 36 – 248 Panulirus penicillatus app and att

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Application 248 to Add a new SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster for Panulirus penicillatus No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 31 No 4 No comment on this application 11 Suggested alternatives Called a surf lobster throughout the Pacific - why change?? Ru Paul lobster Provided further information

FNC members commented that the name Surf Lobster was not known.

For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.37. FNC supported Application 248 to add a new SFN Fourspine Rock Lobster for Panulirus penicillatus

6.4.7 Application 249 to add the new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for Panulirus versicolor The application to add a new name Painted Rock Lobster for the species Panulirus versicolor was distributed as ATTACHMENT 37 – 249 Panulirus versicolor App and Att The application was deemed non-contentious at FNC 29 and the applicant was advised that interim approval for the use of the name had been granted subject to public consultation and a final decision by the FNC at this meeting.

Application 249 to Add a new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for Panulirus versicolor No responded to stakeholder 46 feedback Yes 37 No 2 No comment on this application 7 Suggested alternatives Provided further information 2

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1) Panulirus ornatus is called the painted cray/lobster in Australia. I operated in this fishery in Torres Straits and took them incidental to pearl diving off the Eighty Mile Beach (WA) was always called the painted cray and should stay so. Interestingly the Catalogue of Life calls versicolor Painted Rock Lobster (I don't know where they got this from) Ref: http://species- 8&image.y=14 2) You will need to make it clear that painted lobster and painted crayfish are the same Karen Gowlett-Holmes commented that she had been directed to vote against the proposal and stated that the reasons given by the AFMF were:  QLD has concerns about supporting Application 249 to add the new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for Panulirus versicolour (6.4.7 page 26). In QLD Panulirus versicolour is commonly referred to as Green Cray and Panulirus ornatus is referred to as Painted crayfish in the Fisheries Regulation 2008, and a size limit is in place for this single species. Concern is that the change would cause confusion for their commercial and recreational fishing sectors and it will be difficult to enforce from a compliance perspective. Education will be expensive with concerns over success of efforts. FNC noted the comments from Qld but commented that both Panulirus ornatus and Panulirus versicolour have been called Painted Crayfish at different times. The proposed amendment is consistent with the protocols. For 11 Against 1 Resolution 30.38. FNC supported Application 249 to add a new SFN Painted Rock Lobster for Panulirus versicolor

6.4.8 Application 250 to add the new SFN Longleg Rock Lobster for Panulirus longipes Application 250 to Add a new SFN Longleg Rock Lobster for Panulirus longipes was distributed as ATTACHMENT 38 – 250 Panulirus longipes App and Att

Application 250 to Add a new SFN Longleg Rock Lobster for Panulirus longipes No responded to stakeholder feedback 46 Yes 35 No 1 No comment on this application 10 Suggested alternatives Provided further information 1) P. pedolongatus might be a better sp. Name

For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.39. FNC supported Application 250 to add a new SFN Longleg Rock Lobster for Panulirus longipes

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6.4.9 Application 251 to add the new SFN Mud Rock Lobster for Panulirus polyphagus Application 251 to Add a new SFN Mud Rock Lobster for Panulirus polyphaguswas distributed as ATTACHMENT 39 – 251 Panulirus polyphagus App and Att

Application 251 to Add a new SFN Mud Rock Lobster for Panulirus polyphagus No responded to stakeholder feedback 46 Yes 29 No 4 No comment on this application 13 Suggested alternatives Mud lobster I support the rationalization of the Rock Lobsters but question the desirability of the prefix name Mud Rock, surely there is a more apt name than Mud? Muddy rock lobster Provided further information - 3 1) Mud Rock lobster seems a contradiction in terms 2) Never heard of this one before 3) No commercial species should be associated with "mud" it may put consumers off.

FNC members stated that the proposed name was consistent with the protocols as it was mainly caught in NT on a muddy or soft bottom. It is not really a major commercial fishery. For 12 Against 0 Resolution 30.40. FNC supported Application 251 to add a new SFN Mud Rock Lobster for Panulirus polyphagus

6.5 Proposed amendment to the Australian Fish Names Standard Discussion As discussed previously, some editorial amendments to the AFNS will be implemented prior to the next publishing of the standard.

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6.6 Emergent Issues raised in relation to fish names Discussion Any issues that have been raised with the Project Manager will be listed here 6.6.1 Application 240 to add a new name Golden Trout for Oncorhynchus aguabonita The application was distributed as ATTACHMENT 40 – 240 Oncorhynchus aguabonita app and att and discussed at FNC 28 where discussions on the application were deferred to this meeting. FNC 29 requested that the matter be relisted at this meeting. The project manager has had discussions with the applicant who is convinced that the species is actually Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita The PM again stated that the Fish Names Committee works to fairly rigid protocols when assigning Standard Fish Names to fish species. These protocols are included in the Fish Names Application form which is available at names/Documents/Fish%20Names%20Application%20Form.docx Protocol 6.4.6 Subspecies and hybrids states that Subspecies and hybrids will not generally be given a standard fish name. I forwarded him the name of the “experts” to get DNA testing or identification completed but I have not heard any feedback since then. FNC discussed the matter and recommended that the proponent be advised that the application will not be considered without evidence as to the true nature of the species. Resolution 30.41. The Project Manager is to advise the applicant to Application 240 to add a new name Golden Trout for Oncorhynchus aguabonita that scientific and taxonomic identification needs to be completed before the FNC will consider the application Resolution 30.42. The application will lay in abeyance and not be listed until the applicant provides this information.

6.6.2 Request to change the name of the species Nemadactylus macropterus from Jackass Morwong As stated in the attached briefing note circulated as ATTACHMENT 13 – Briefing Note Nemadactylus macropterus, the Project Manager has received a number of requests to change the name of the species Nemadactylus macropterus which is listed in the Australian Fish Names Standard as Jackass Morwong. Enquiries have been received to align with the NZ name for the species which is Tarakihi. It was reported that the species is sold as Morwong or sometimes as Deep Sea Bream. FNC members were of the opinion that the name has a long history in Australia and no action was necessary.

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6.6.3 Removal of Penaeus pulchricaudatus from the Tiger Prawns group Lisa McKenzie has asked that the FNC consider removing the species Penaeus pulchricaudatus (Kuruma Prawn) from the TIGER PRAWNS group as its inclusion as the inclusion in the Group Name seems to be causing issues with importing countries. The current entries in the AFNS are:


28 711077 Blue Prawn Penaeus stylirostris Stimpson, 1874

28 711079 Vannamei Prawn Penaeus vannamei Boone, 1931

28 711905 TIGER PRAWN Penaeus esculentus & Penaeus semisulcatus

28 711044 Brown Tiger Prawn Penaeus esculentus Haswell, 1879

28 711046 Australian Kuruma Prawn Penaeus pulchricaudatus Stebbing, 1914

28 711053 Grooved Tiger Prawn Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan, 1844

28 711051 Black Tiger Prawn Fabricius, 1798

The CAAB entry is as below Taxon Report

CAAB Taxon Code: 28 711046 Scientific Name and Authority Penaeus pulchricaudatus Stebbing, 1914 CAAB category: 28 - Crustacea - - Malacostracans: isopods, amphipods, euphausiids and decapods (prawns, lobsters, crabs, etc.) Family 28 711 Penaeidae (penaeid prawns) Common Name tiger prawn Suggested Indexable Form prawn, tiger Common Names List tiger prawn; kuruma Australia prawn FAO Name Kuruma Prawn Organism Type a penaeid prawn Other names used in Australia Penaeus japonicus; Penaeus (Marsupenaeus) japonicus; Marsupenaeus japonicus (all mis-identifications) Taxon Notes This species, from SE Asia, Australia, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, has previously been confused with the true Kuruma P. japonicus from the South China Sea. See Tsoi et al, 2014. This code replaces previous (interim) CAAB code 00 701305 (FISHLIST 701305). FAO code KUP (part).

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Resolution 30.43. FNC supported an application for the removal of Penaeus pulchricaudatus from the TIGER PRAWNS group to proceed to public consultation. Resolution 30.44. FNC supported an application to add the name Australian Kuruma Prawn for Penaeus pulchricaudatus to proceed to public consultation. Resolution 30.45. Project Manager to prepare applications as above and circulate out of session to FNC members for approval. 6.6.4 Addition of Tiger Abalone to AFNS Lisa McKenzie tabled the following issue for discussed by the FNC. The NRS (National Residue Survey) area of our department is involved in taking samples for testing of seafood on an annual basis and has noted that the following are due for sampling – but are not in the AFNS as a Standard Fish Name and they would like their database to comply. Tiger Abalone (Haliotis laevigata x rubra) & (Haliotis laevigata x conicopora)

This is almost the name currently in our system for Tiger Abalone (Haliotis laevigata x Haliotis rubra) for export – my understanding is the additional X species was suggested by WAFIC and by Dan Machin around 2013.

The Project Manager spoke to Nick Savva from the Australian Abalone Growers Association who confirmed that there are a number of hybrids being farmed, mainly H. laevigata x H. rubra. He further indicated that he believed that H. rubra & H.conicopora are in fact the same species.

Nick also said that the name commonly used for the hybrid was Tiger Abalone and would be keen to see this name added to the AFNS.

Karen Gowlett-Holmes commented that there is no problem with adding a CAAB number for the hybrid. Tiger Abalone has been used for years for this, and it is worth noting that natural hybrids in the wild are known of H. laevigata x H. rubra/conicopora – these were harvested and sold long before they were farmed. Natural hybrids in abalone are well known and between some species, relatively common.

The question of the validity of H. rubra and H. conicopora has been a vexed one for a number of years. It has long been recognised that they are very closely related, and H. conicopora has varied between a full species, a subspecies of H. rubra (current status in CAAB), and a full synonym of H. rubra. The differences are mainly in shell colour and partly geographic – shell colour in abalone is closely related to diet, and the latest genetic data indicates they are at best subspecies, and more likely to be populations. I personally believe it is one species. There are several other southern Australian abalone species (non- commercial) that show extreme variation between the eastern and western end populations that are now accepted as single species.

FNC commented that there is natural hybridisation of the species. The hybrid grows faster than normal abalone.

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Current and proposed entries in the AFNS are listed below

ABALONES - Haliotidae

24 038000 ABALONE Haliotidae - undifferentiated

24 038002 Brownlip Abalone Haliotis rubra conicopora Péron, 1816

24 038003 Paua Haliotis iris Gmelin, 1791

24 038004 Greenlip Abalone Haliotis laevigata Donovan, 1808

24 038005 Roe's Abalone Haliotis roei Gray, 1826

24 038006 Blacklip Abalone Haliotis rubra Leach, 1814

Tiger Abalone Haliotis laevigata x Haliotis rubra

24 038001 Tropical Abalone Haliotis asinina

Resolution 30.46. FNC supported an application to add the SFN Tiger Abalone for Haliotis laevigata x Haliotis rubra to proceed to public consultation. Resolution 30.47. FNC supported an application to add the SFN Tropical Abalone for Haliotis asinina to proceed to public consultation. Resolution 30.48. Project Manager to prepare applications as above and circulate out of session to FNC members for approval.

7. SCIENTIFIC NAME UPDATES Discussion Any issues that have been raised in relation to changed scientific names will be raised here. The scientific names for fish is defined in the Australian Fish Names Standards as:  “scientific name”: the unique scientific name for a fish determined as per international convention and consisting of a genus name and a species name - the scientific names used in this Standard are those advised by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research or another competent authority.  “taxonomic group name” an or plant’s taxonomic group name as per international convention. The taxonomic group names used in this standard are those advised by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, or another competent authority. The Fish Names Committee does not determine Scientific Names for fish but notes their content and includes the amended name in the AFNS following reputable taxonomic advice.

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7.1 Proposal to change Pagrus auratus to Chrysophrys auratus for Snapper The FNC has been advised that the scientific name for Snapper has changed from Pagrus auratus to Chrysophrys auratus. This matter was discussed at FNC 28 and FNC 29 where it was suggested that we relist at the next FNC meeting with a view to implementation in six months. It was reported that NZ had changed the scientific name in the most recent version of their list to Chrysophrys auratus The status quo will remain until the name is published. Gordon Yearsley was to monitor and advise when the paper is published Resolution 30.49. FNC recommended that the scientific name for Snapper be changed from Pagrus auratus to Chrysophrys auratus in the AFNS.

7.2 Change of Scientific Name for two Trachysalambria species Karen Gowlett Holmes tabled the following matter. A paper has just come out (12 Aug) with revised names for two Australian prawn species.

CAAB New Scientific Name Previous Scientific SFN Name

28 711056 Trachysalambria Trachysalambria fulva malaiana (Balss, 1933)

28 711055 Trachysalambria Not currently recorded curvirostris (Stimpson, from Australia waters, 1860) and included more than one species in previous Australian records – T. dentata, T. crosnieri (the southern species) and T. nansei

This last one is a mess, and I will defer doing anything about the listing until we can discuss it – preferably with Don who hopefully knows if there are major commercial catches, so we can work out which one this will be best applied to. I know that in SA, what is now T. crosnieri has been landed in the past and sold as shrimp, but it was recorded as T. curvirostris – given the common name, T. crosnieri may be the best option, but I will be keeping a listing for T. curvirostris so we can put an explanation on it – the latter is now regarded as restricted to Philippines north to Japan & China – a commercial species there and is likely to be imported as shrimp. Neither species was currently listed in the AFNS. Comments raised by FNC were:  Trachysalambria malaiana is caught in the eastern to northern regions of Australia and are generally sold as local mixed bay prawns.

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 Trachysalambria dentata, and Trachysalambria nansei are caught in Northern Australia  Trachysalambria crosnieri is the southern species. Resolution 30.50. FNC recommended that the Project Manager prepare an application to add the group name GREASYBACK PRAWNS for Trachysalambria species and distribute out of session to FNC members for comment.

8. FUTURE FISH NAMES WORK PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES FRDC Project 2015-210 “FRDC resource: Australian Fish Names Standard (AS 5300)” was again funded by the FRDC. This is a three-year project commencing on 1 October 2015. Key points of this project are listed below: Project Objectives 1) Ensure FRDC is re accredited by the Accreditation Board of Standards Development Organisations as a Standards Development Organisation through participation in audits and improved standards development policies and procedures. 2) Continually improve the content of the Australian Fish Names Standard AS 5300 and underlying procedures to meet market, regulator and stakeholder needs and expectations. 3) Continue to promote the usage and uptake of Australian Standard Fish Names to the broader seafood industry and government through strategic submissions and presentations to government in consultation with FRDC 4) Develop and implement an alternative funding mechanism for the administration of the Australian Fish Names Standard in consultation with FRDC 5) Provide an advisory service to all stakeholders on matters related to the content of the AFNS and its usage. 6) Provide services to the Fish Names Committee through administration of the committee and meetings of the committee. Key deliverables during the life of this project include:

1) Cost recovery mechanism A critical milestone has been inserted after 18 months to report on the progress of introducing a cost recovery mechanism. This will become a key deliverable in the project. 2) Strengthening of communication strategies Communication strategies will be strengthened with the FRDC taking a lead role in this activity. Peter Horvat will be playing a key role in this activity. 3) Succession planning A strategy for succession planning has been developed and will be implemented in the early parts of this project. Key factors in this succession planning are:  The development of stringent standards development and Fish Names Committee procedures which document all aspects of the project;  Identification of a suitable person to be mentored in the role and functioning of the committee to assist with the project and possible take over the project under guidance in the final year.

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4) Cost Reduction – FNC The PI and the Fish Names Committee will continually look for methods to reduce costs and scope user pays type mechanisms. 8.1 Succession Planning A document on Succession Planning has been prepared by the Project Manager with input from FNC members. The report was distributed as ATTACHMENT 41 – FNC 30 Succession Planning Strategy and was presented for endorsement. The Project Manager highlighted that the strategy addressed both succession planning for the project, the project manager, and the membership and skills base of the FNC. The absence of new skills in taxonomic evaluation, particularly in the field of invertebrates, was discussed. FNC discussed the report and endorsed the actions included. The actions in the report will be included in all future agendas and the status of actions reported. Resolution 30.51. FNC endorsed the report on succession planning for the Fish Names Committee.

9. FUTURE FNC MEETINGS FNC is scheduled to have a face to face meeting once per year with one or more teleconferences as required. The Schedule of past FNC meetings was distributed as ATTACHMENT 42: List of Past FNC Meetings and Venues.docx Future planned meetings are as below


Late Feb/early March FNC 31 Teleconference 2017

FNC 32 October 2017 Sydney to coincide with Seafood Directions

FNC 33 Early 2018 Teleconference

Resolution 30.52. FNC noted the schedule for upcoming FNC meetings Resolution 30.53. Project Manager to organise for a fish names presentation to Seafood Directions.

10. OTHER BUSINESS There were no additional matters of general business

11. CLOSE OF MEETING The meeting closed at 4:45 PM.

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