St. John’s Eglish (1) Primary School Principal: Mrs Maura Tennyson

57 Eglish Road BT62 1NL February 2019 January 26th January Good luck to all the children receiving their Transfer results.

28th January Funding for a history project have been received by Joe Garvey who has invited our school alongside Richmount and Hart Memorial to participate in the project based at Ballintaggart House, Drumnasoo. Some P6/P7 children will be selected to represent our school at the opening Ceremony at Ballintaggart House at 1.30pm

28th January Anyone wishing to take part in ’s festival of Speech and Drama should return their reply slips.

Primary 4-7 will be participating in a GAA coaching pilot scheme funded by Armagh GAA and Annaghmore Pearses every Monday until further notice. Not only will the children avail of 35-40 minutes coaching in school but will also have access to an After Schools club from 3.15pm – 4.00pm for 10 weeks. Primary 4 – 7 children should come to school with football boots, trainers, gum shield and water bottle. Please Note: Primary 3 will be receiving coaching in school.

30th January Four children from Primary 7 will attend a Road Safety Quiz in Craigavon Civic Centre. The quiz runs from 10am – 11.30am so children will be back for lunch.

30th January P1-7 children will participate in 10am mass to celebrate Catholic Schools week.

31st January Admissions for P1 and Playgroup in September are only available online line up to 31st January 2019. If you know of anyone who you feel may want to apply to either St. John’s Eglish or Apple Blossom Playgroup please remind them of the closing date. February 1st February Transfer forms to be returned to school. If parents need help completing the Transfer Form, please make an appointment with Mrs Tennyson.

4th February Primary 1 and 2 will attend Armagh Planetarium. Children will need to take a packed lunch with them and the trip will cost £7 per child.

5th February Safer Internet Day – children will be participating in activities to promote safe use of the internet.

6th February RISE will be running a series of workshops with P2-P4 pupils during school for the next 4 Wednesdays to Promote Emotional Awareness.

7th February Primary 4-7 after school’s sports will commence from 3.15pm – 4.00pm This term we will be availing of support from an outside agency, Healthy Kids. A variety of sports will be delivered eg. dodgeball, netball, basketball, soccer, Gaelic etc.

14th February P6/7 will be participating in Shared Education with Richmount Primary School, . Children will be visiting Richmount to engage in team building activities and will require a snack and packed lunch.

18th February School will close for mid term break

Voting opens for Families First Award (for more information see below.) Please comment!

19th February School will close for mid term break

26th February We will be participating in Shared Education with Richmount Primary School, Scotch Street. Miss Mc Geown’s class will be hosting a Shared Education session in our school and will be working with Mrs Whitford and her P1 and P2 class. Packed lunch will be required.

27th February Our school’s annual Religious inspection will take place.

A team of 4 Primary 7’s will participate in the annual Cumm Na Bunscoil quiz in St Anthony’s Craigavon.

28th February P6/7 Shared Education with Richmount hosted by St. John’s. Packed lunch required.

March 1st March Voting closes for making comments on Families First Website.

6Th March P4 Boys will begin the next 6 weeks of swimming up until 10th April

7th March P7 Service of Light at 7pm in chapel

28th March P4 First Confession at 7pm in Loughgall chapel

April 8th – 13th April City of Armagh Festival of Speech and Drama which will take place in the Marketplace Theatre. If you would like your child to participate, complete the return slip and enclose a £3 entry fee. I would be grateful if this could be returned by Monday 26th January.

8th April Confirmation will be held in Our Lady Queen of Peace, Maghery at 5pm. School will close at 1pm to allow for preparations to take place.

We have been delighted to have been nominated by a past pupil and her family for an award for Best Primary School. As a result of the nomination we are now finalists. All staff are looking forward to attending the awards ceremony in the Titanic Building, on Saturday 9th March. The selection for a winner is based on visits and comments via Families First website. All information will be collated and passed on to an independent panel whom will make the final decision on “winners” and “Highly commended”. Voting goes live on 18th February and runs until 1st March. This is a superb opportunity to sell our school and we would appreciate as many people as possible to comment.

We would like to remind parents that children should not be on school premises before 9.00am due to Child Protection and insurance purposes.

In our school, homework is set to enable parents to help and support their children at home. Therefore, it is essential that parents reinforce this at home and ensure that their child completes their homework and returns it to school. If you feel the homework set is too difficult for your child or it is taking your child too long to do please speak to your child’s teacher.

Reading is a vital part of homework as this has an impact on all subjects. It is essential that parents hear their children read on a daily basis and sign the reading record book. Parents should also encourage their children to take responsibility for bringing their reading books and reading record journal into school on a daily basis. In addition to this, if you could have a look at home for any reading books as we have noticed some children are not returning their reading books and this is leaving us short of reading books.

It is important to have your child’s eye’s tested regularly as poor vision can delay learning. It is vital that those children who do have a prescription for glasses bring them to school and wear them as prescribed.

Keep up to date with what’s happening in our school through our website.