Annual Review 2018


Domestic abuse comes in many forms, shattering the lives of victims and families alike. New and evolving laws are essential to allow police and prosecutors to act quickly and more effectively to support victims and bring more perpetrators to justice. The coalition government in New Zealand has adopted legislation that will allow victims of domestic violence to take 10 days paid leave from work to escape abuse and give them time to move home or settle their children into new schools. This law is a world first. On the home front, a recent government consultation proposed new Domestic Abuse Protection Orders to impose conditions on abusers that, if breached, would become a criminal offence. In addition, the creation of a statutory aggravating factor in sentencing, similar to those already in law for hate crimes, would toughen sentences when it involves or affects a child. Economic abuse will be recognized for the first time, covering controlling circumstances in which victims have finances withheld, are denied access to employment or transport, or are forced to take out loans and enter into other financial contracts. The news that government has announced its commitment to sustainable refuge funding is particularly welcome; a refuge is not just a safe place to stay, it provides practical and emotional support to women and children, and sometimes men, at a hugely traumatic and unsettling time in their lives.

Thank you for taking the time to read our Annual Report. If you would like more information please do contact us.

Sandra Rudd President, CWA

No Excuse for Domestic Abuse

Our beliefs:

Domestic abuse can affect anyone

The overwhelming majority of victims are women and their children

We believe in the right of all women to live free from fear and abuse

Our actions :

Fundraise and provide financial grants to victims who are in crisis need

Monitor service provision of relevant local agencies

Promote interaction, good practice and knowledge exchange between organisations

Raise awareness of domestic abuse and educate about it

Our vision for 2019 :

Secure a high profile Patron and sponsors to enhance our voice

Engage with businesses to challenge and highlight the disadvantages which arise from domestic abuse

Enhance partnerships with like minded charities and organisations

Support the campaign against the two child limit tax credit policy

Chairperson’s Report

My first year as Chair of Women’s Aid has been all about building resilience in order that CWA has strength and depth, with a vibrant and enthusiastic committee of trustees from all walks of life, bringing fresh ideas and events to the table. Many thanks to Chester Voluntary Action for their help in publicising our request for a new secretary and more members.

We held an EGM in March, in order that we could fill the secretary vacancy mid-term and also elect our new trustees, all of whom are standing for election at this AGM. We have brought the roles of fundraising and volunteer coordinators within the elected committee to help to grow the Organisation and have three new trustees who would like to be elected at the AGM, one will concentrate on campaigning and one who is able to link between CWA and WHAG.

With so many new faces and new legislation such as GDPR it has also been important to refresh policies and formulate new ones and we have also continued to work on the Constitution, to bring it completely in line with the Charity Commission template and keep it fit for purpose. We will be voting on acceptance of the revised constitution at the AGM, prior to submitting it to the Charity Commission for approval.

It was very satisfying to be able to distribute the Survivor Fund to three associated organisations (Women’s Housing Action Group, Without Abuse and Tools4Change CIC) at a social event in December, with a follow up visit to the Refuge by the committee in July to see how their funds had been spent. We hope to be in a position to put monies raised in excess of the funds used for emergency grant aid, toward more of these projects in future.

I am reluctant to single out any individuals for thanks, because I have valued everyone’s commitment, however great or small and have been most grateful for all the help and support offered in 2017/18. I hope we can continue to grow our membership and to find innovative and effective ways to raise awareness about domestic abuse, for which there is no excuse.

Fiona Neame

Chair, September 2018

New Member’s Perspective

I joined CWA in March and have enjoyed learning about how the organisation supports victims and raises awareness of domestic abuse. My first action was to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner and query his response to a question raised by Councillor King in December 2017. That question raised a concern that women were being placed into Styal Prison for their own safety. Mr Keane responded that he is unaware of there being any such policy. This is an area that I shall be considering further, as the chair of the council meeting indicated that he will continue monitoring the situation.

When I moved to Chester last year I noticed that many ladies’ public toilets contained no information about support for victims of domestic abuse. Fiona and I met with the Storyhouse to discuss this, and we will be developing a poster for display later in the year. I have given 30 information stickers to Northgate Arena for display. I’m in the process of taking information stickers to pubs and restaurants in Chester for display in their public toilets.

As a new member of the committee I am enthusiastic about CWA, and look forward to contributing towards its valuable work.

Pat Daniels

General Committee Member

International Women’s Day 2018

Once again we are grateful to CWAC for the Equality & Diversity grant that is so essential in making IWD an affordable event, so that CWA can continue to put on Chester’s celebration of women. We bravely decided to go ahead, despite the freezing temperatures, and were rewarded with a hugely successful event, providing a warm welcome for visitors, a diverse and interesting range of stalls and plenty of live entertainment.

This year there were some old friends such as Fusion, Karamba Samba, Dee Sign Choir and Fallen Angels performing, but also some new performers and dance, specially choreographed for the event by Sai Mayur Bharatanatyam Dance and Bolly Muvs, which was very moving. We hosted several large choirs, which brought a terrific energy to the day.

As always University of Chester was present in several guises at the event and we were delighted to have Professor Emma Rees as our speaker, on the topic “Who Broke Feminism?”, which gave much food for thought. The Drama and Theatre Studies Department provided two students to expertly manage the entertainment on stage and in the plaza; with so many different acts throughout the day, we could not have managed without their help.

New to the event was the Soothing Space in St. Anselm’s Chapel in Chester Cathedral. This was CWA’s response to a need for a quiet area for people attending CWA, where they could access counsellors and therapists, away from the noise and bustle of the main event. To retain its peaceful atmosphere, we were not able to publicise it too widely, but those who found their way there really appreciated this oasis of calm and we aim to repeat this for 2019.

Rather than dwell too much on the 2018 event, we are looking forward to further developments for 2019. We hope to collaborate more widely with other community groups, children and young people and for the event to form a part of the Storyhouse Women project, which runs throughout the year. We have developed a marketing plan ,which we are happy to share and any ideas or offers of support, to help us celebrate women and to inspire the women of the future, would be most welcome. Our theme for the International Women’s Day event on Saturday 9th March 2019 will RePresenting Women.

Fundraising and Volunteers

We are very pleased to report the expansion of the Committee has led to an increased social media presence, in particular, a significant increase in our Twitter followers and a new Instagram account. One of our aims for 2019 is to widen our support demographic.

By bringing the fundraising and volunteer network functions into the Committee we have been able to increase our activities this year, engage with lots of new supporters and we have some exciting plans in the pipeline for 2019.

We need you, your friends, your family, and your colleagues to support us in 2019!

Contact us at [email protected]

Treasurer's Report

Grant payment rose 17% over year ending 2017, and 161% over year ending 2016. Fundraising events and activities delivered an impressive £8,916! We believe this is due to increased awareness of CWA and its activities in the community, as well as the tireless efforts of its members and volunteers.

With cost of living rising, grant applications increasing, and following a successful year of fundraising, CWA has agreed to raise the maximum grant amount to £150. We believe this will enable victims of domestic abuse further support in recovery.

*A full copy of the accounts (CC16a) are available upon request.

Angela Benson

Treasurer 2017-2018

Grant referring agency breakdown:

White Ribbon Day 2017

On November 18th, 2017, CWA held our annual White Ribbon Day street collection event. White Ribbon Day is observed on November 25th, and we continue to raise awareness of domestic abuse in all its forms as well as using the collected money to support recovery of victims of domestic abuse.

The Deva Victrix Beard and Mustache Club members brought “Santa” and his “Elf” to the festivities, lending a very special atmosphere. Santa was a big hit with the families, which resulted in the “Santa Bucket” taking over a third of the total collection.

Mountain Harmony Chorus performed a Capella on Eastgate street, attended and enjoyed by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Razia Daniels, the PCC David Keane, a prominent Chester social media personality and the people of Chester. Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service arrived in the afternoon after a busy morning of calls to show off their engine and support the collection.

Though there were fewer collectors this year, their enthusiasm was unmatched and they handed out White Ribbons to donors and passers-by to raise awareness of the White Ribbon Campaign. The total collection from the event was £667.64, which could help up to six families.

We are thrilled to hold our event in 2018 on November 25th, the “official” date of White Ribbon Day. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer, please get in touch at [email protected]

2017-2018 Donors & Grant Makers: Thank you to our Supporters:

The public of CWAC Alison Petrie L’Occitane CWAC Equality & Diversity Fund Beatons Tea Rooms Linda Sullivan Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service Bob & Sandra Rudd Molton Brown Cheshire Police Body Positive Mountain Harmony Chorus Christine Russell Body Shop Nailista Cullimore Dutton Cheshire West and Chester Council Next Chester CVA Soup Kitchen Grant Chester Cathedral PCC David Keane & Office DIAL House Chester Pride Rachel Lewis Hart & Co Chester Quaker Meeting House Rock Choir Hoole United Reformed Church Chester Race Company Russell & Russell Lache Community Trust Chester Town Hall Sadiq Vohra Lord Mayor of Chester Chester Voluntary Action Sainsbury’s Probus Ladies Luncheon Club Chester Zoo SisterWeb Retired Health Professionals Group Chris Matheson MP Soroptimist International Chester Ruth Davidson Craig Steeland "Shit Chester" Blog & Twitter Account Soroptimists International Chester CWAC Youth Senate Soul Hair Storage King Chester Daniel Yuen Tesco Storyhouse Debenhams Chester The Cheese Shop Tesco Chester Dee Sign Choir The Chester Grosvenor Hotel The Red Fox, Thornton Hough Deva Victrix Beard and Mustache Club Thornton's Chester University of Chester Events Society Professor Emma Rees Waitrose Community Matters University of Chester Institute of Gender Studies Eaton Estate All stall holders and performers at the University of Chester Student Union Flipside Radio International Women’s Day event Upton United Reform Church Grrrls with Guitars National Union of Teachers Hobbs Chester Survivor Fund 2017 Recipients: James Goodchild James Tinmouth Cheshire Without Abuse I.T. Buddies Tools4Change CIC

Karamba Samba Women’s Housing Action Group (WHAG)

Watch This Space White Ribbon Day 2018 Sunday 25 November 2018 First Deva Vitrix Beard and Mustache Club 2019 calendars

International Women's Day 9 March 2019 “ RePresenting Women” Marketing plan now available to share, please contact us for a copy [email protected] Find and Follow us Twitter : @Chesterwomenaid

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Keep an eye out We are developing our branding

President Sandra Rudd

Soroptimist International representative Jodie Gibson

Committee members : Fiona Neame Chair Joan Wilding Vice Chair Angela Benson Treasurer Clare Graham Secretary Kate Wilson Fundraising and Volunteer Coordinator Chiara Lisowski Fundraising and Volunteer Coordinator Pat Daniels Committee Member Linda Davies Committee Member Cara Fletcher Committee Member