Labour wants : to hear from tough on crime you… tough on the

Nothing is more important than keeping you, causes of crime your family and your neighbourhood safe. Labour is committed to driving down crime and H[WUDSROLFHRɝFHUV antisocial behaviour, tackling the root causes of crime and ensuring criminals are brought to justice. RQ/RQGRQȇVVWUHHWV We want to hear from you about crime and ΖQYHVWLQJUHFRUGDPRXQWVLQ antisocial behaviour, what your priorities are, WDFNOLQJFULPHDQGYLROHQFH and how we can make your community the best DJDLQVWZRPHQDQGJLUOV place to grow up and grow old in. 3XWWLQJePLOOLRQLQWRDFWLYLWLHV All thanks to your Labour Mayor, DQGSRVLWLYHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRU Sadiq Khan, who is tough on crime Scan the QR code to tell us what you think \RXQJSHRSOH and tough on the causes of crime or go to

15264_21 Promoted by Amy Fodé, Regional Director on behalf of the Labour Party, both at Party, 2nd Floor, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QT. Printed by Potts Print (UK), Nelson Park, 6 Moorland Way, FSC LOGO Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 1WG. The Conservatives are soft on crime: Slashed police officers and youth services during austerity Failing to fund 6,000 police officers London needs Labour would would act where Real terms pay cut for hard make your Boris Johnson has failed. working police officers Before becoming leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer streets safer was the most senior prosecutor in the country. It was his job to put away criminals and give victims the justice letting criminals GET AWAY WITH IT DQGȴJKWFULPH they deserve. A Labour government would build on Sadiq’s work to %RULV-RKQVRQȇV&RQVHUYDWLYHV put more police on the streets, fund youth services, On the Conservatives’ watch criminals have never had it so good. keep women and girls safe from violence wherever it DUHXQGHUPLQLQJ6DGLTȇVȴJKW occurs, and give neighbourhoods the funding to tackle TELL US WHAT YOU THINK AT LABOUR.ORG.UK/CRIMESURVEY Scan the QR DJDLQVWFULPH crime and antisocial behaviour. code to tell us Tell us what you think at what you think