HeartStone: the paired Parish of Sacred Heart & St John Stone

Our Parish Vision Statement “Jesus Christ is uniting our community of HeartStone in its Vision and Mission so that all might find a place of welcome, prayer and loving outreach when in need”

5th January 2020 – Epiphany of the Lord Liturgy & Spiritual Life Community Life & Service S 5.30 Mass: People of the Parish SH a 9am Mass: Lavin Family t Hospitality after Sunday morning Masses S with Patchwork SH U 10.30 Mass: Blake & Natalie Chilcott (Wed) SJS N 5pm Mass: Harold & Barbara Glover SJS 9.15 Morning Prayer SH Staff Inset Day

Mon 9.30 Mass: Keelan (S) SH 2pm Choir SJS 7.30am Ecumenical prayer; St Patrick’s ext

8.45 Adoration 9.15 Morning Prayer SH

9.30 Mass: Frank Broderick (LD) SH Tues with ministry to the Sick 7pm Following the Star #1 SJS 7pm GIFT and LCR Formation SJS 9.15 Morning Prayer SJS 1pm Place2Be/Community market SJS 9.30 Mass: Belle Curtis (ILM) SJS

Wed with ministry to the Sick 8pm SJS Bingo SJS 7.30pm Sharing Scripture SJS 9pm Live Music in SJS Club SJS

9.15 Morning Prayer SJS 1.30 Ainsdale Foodbank ext

9.30 Mass: Keith Jones (A) SJS 7pm Bowls SJS Thur Adoration til 11.00 8pm Our Lady’s Guild meeting SJS 8.45 Adoration 9.15 Morning Prayer SH 12.00 Trinity Meeting SJS 9.30 Mass: Willie Joe Ryan SH

Fri Brownies at Panto ext 11.15 Funeral Service: Patrick Caul SH 7.45 SH Bingo SH

9.15 Morning Prayer SJS

Sat 9.30 Mass: Pat McLaughlin (LD) SJS Adoration til 11 and Confessions 12th January – Feast of of the Lord 4.45 Confessions SH S a 5.30 Mass: Monica & Jerry Brett SH t Children’s Liturgy Returns 9am Mass: People of the Parish SH S 10.30 Mass: Alma Steponitis (ILM) SJS Hospitality after Sunday morning Masses U 11.30 WYA Family Catechesis #4 SJS N 5pm Mass: Marjorie Morley SJS 7pm Men’s Group ext Key: A=Anniversary, B=Birthday, LD=Lately Dead, PI=Personal Intention, S=Sick or Struggling, ILM=In Loving Memory SI=Special Intention T=Thanksgiving, SH=Sacred Heart, SJS=St John Stone, ext=external, CtK=Christ the King School, ALL=Ainsdale Lunch & Leisure

PARISH CONTACT INFORMATION Sacred Heart Church (SH): SJS Parish Office (SJS): 483 Liverpool Road, 7 Sandbrook Way, Woodvale, Ainsdale, Southport, PR8 3BP Southport, PR8 3RN Parish : Fr Tony Slingo Parish Office: 01704 577722 in Residence: Canon Albert Shaw, Canon Leo Stoker Parish Administrator: Monica Gannon Housekeeper: Frances Barnes SJS Church Team Leader: Gina Steed SH Church Leader: Mike Thornber SH Hall Bookings: Cath Barry 573207 SJS Club Manager: Donna Davies: 07932404538 Office email: [email protected] Pastoral Associate, Eleanor Lalley: [email protected] Safeguarding, Gina Steed: SJS: [email protected] SH [email protected] Website: heartstonerc.co.uk Part of the Southport Pastoral Area: http://www.southportcatholicchurches.org SVP number for emergency need: 07988371168 https://www.facebook.com/HeartstoneAinsdale/

Flying by the seat of my bike: thoughts of a Pastoral Associate It has been almost a year since I was invited to come to Ainsdale as your Pastoral Associate. During that year I have worked on multiple projects at the same time: this has been a steep learning curve for me! Thank you so much for sharing your expertise, experience and wisdom. I feel like I know HeartStone that much better as I begin my second year. I have had such a warm welcome into the parish family. You know how good parties often end up in the kitchen instead of the lounge? I feel like I’ve been invited into the kitchen of HeartStone. Eleanor

HELPING WHEN LIFE SAYS “HELP” Foodbank needs: cereal, tea, coffee, sugar, toothpaste, shampoo, shaving items, deodorant. and offers help on Thursdays 1.30pm at the Methodist Centre, Ainsdale. Place2Be resumes at 1pm this Wednesday 8th January, rightly proud of the wonderful panto gift to so many families - with thanks to all the wonderful volunteers, SVP and Nugent. New Year Market for Families on Friday 10th Jan 11-1 at Christ Church Southport, with food/money advice, free school uniforms and a warm welcome. Run by Compassion Acts, an ecumenical alliance we support.

SOCIAL LIFE Live Music in SJS lounge: resumes Wed 8th Jan, from around 9pm. Come and sing/play along Brownies aren’t meeting on Tuesday 7th January, but go to the Panto in Southport on Friday evening. Their meetings resume at 6pm on Tuesday 14th January in Sacred Heart hall. BURNS NIGHT in SJS Club on Friday 24th January 7.30pm is Kevin’s support for the Live to Learn charity; kilts are optional, but welcome. £15 ticket from Kevin or from SJS bar. Where Arts Begin: a new hands-on creative arts course at The Atkinson, Southport, for people with dementia, their families and those who support them. Begins 15th Jan, 1-3pm. For info and to reserve a place, contact Tabitha on 0151 702 7781

nd th th Offertory: 22 Dec: £933, 25 Dec: £1945, 29 £1140 with thanks Crib Collection: £110.35

LIVING THE LITURGY The manifesting of who Jesus is – this is the work of The Epiphany, The Showing, that we celebrate now, following the Birth and the Family of the Saviour. The glory of the Lord come down to earth in Jesus is what is shown – revealed. After the Shepherds, the next recorded receivers of this revelation are the Magi, the Wise Men. We continue after them this week with the revelation being given at the Marriage Feast in Cana, and the Baptism of Jesus (next Sunday).

Later on in the Gospels we hear Peter has received this revelation – and St Paul on the road to Damascus. It always involves some human signs and actions AND the divine action of grace to come to faith in Christ. And so it does with each of us – even if in less dramatic ways, and less talked about!

Offering the Good News to other people always involves some human sign on our part – and we rely on God’s divine action in the receiver if they are to follow the star…

SHOWING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST TO OTHERS FOLLOWING THE STAR …Beyond Bethlehem in to Ainsdale This is our invitation for new people to come and find out about faith in Christ with us: 4 friendly sessions on Tuesday evenings in St John Stone’s Club, 7pm for an hour max. Do take a leaflet, use it to pray, offer it to someone maybe or leave it in a public place. ANGELS ABOUNDING: On Saturday, 21st Dec Donna and helpers took the Angels they had been knitting all year and hung them up round Woodvale with messages of hope and joy. Did you find one? Please send us a photograph of your Angel. PARENTS: you are vital to God’s presence at home with the children. Children Baptised this year brought their families to a lovely, short Christmassy get- together on the feast of The Holy Family on Sunday 29th December at 3pm. Thank you. St Teresa’s Infant and Nursery School offers a unique and loving education and are inviting applications for their places now…do take a leaflet and for the Open Day on Sat 11th Jan. YOUNG PEOPLE The Higher Tour in March 2020 is our ecumenical mission to youngsters: gospel groups in our schools and churches sponsoring the call to follow on in faith. Volunteers are needed to help on the day in school, in Southport Floral Hall on Friday 6th March, and befriending the young in faith. Please offer your help to Fr Tony, Eleanor or Anne Pickup through the parish office, and we will share more info at a session on Thursday 23rd Jan at 7pm in Sacred Heart Hall.

NURTURING FAITH IN THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED CHRIST Grow in Faith Together Prayer Group 7pm this Tuesday 7th Jan, 7pm in SJS Red Room

The Living Christ Retreat is a fine way for us to grow in faith together: the next retreat is on Friday evening 28th/Saturday 29th February. Do sign up from now to do something special for Lent and appreciate more and more the gift of faith and the blessings it brings.

CONFIRMATION: if you have not been confirmed and would like to be, please contact Eleanor in the office. Preparation begins on Monday 13th in Christ the King school for younger people, with Animate Youth Ministry. Further session for adults will follow. HeartStone Question Time: Thurs 16th Jan in Sacred Heart hall, 7pm for 7.15. The panel is: Eleanor Lalley (our Pastoral Associate), Dennis Jones (Christ the King school chaplain), Sr Moira of and John Sullivan. Submit signed questions on any aspect of Catholic faith or the Church into the question boxes at SH or SJS church. If there is time, additional questions may be accepted on the night

CHURCH RENEWAL THROUGH SYNOD 2020 Thank you Synod Members and everyone who has prayed or sent in proposals on the second theme “Sharing the mission of Jesus“. The third theme, “How we Pray Together”, begins 19th Jan. Your proposals are invited on the place of prayer and worship in our life as the Church God is calling us to be. Synod Lecture: John Sullivan co-presents the next talk on Faith in the Family, this time at LACE, on Monday 13th Jan. Refreshments served at 7pm, the talk begins 7.30pm

HEARTSTONE SERVANT LEADERSHIP Church Team meetings: Sacred Heart’s team meet on Monday 13th January at 7.30pm. St John Stone’s team meet on a different day for this month only: Tuesday, 21st January. Church Team Leaders – Mike and Gina and Fr Tony (AKA “the Trinity”) meet on Fri 10th. Feb 6th Feb is the first 2020 Parish Vision Team meeting. Suggestions welcome. A Review of Children’s Liturgy is underway with the challenges of so few catechists. The Experiments at SH rear of church will lead to decisions at the team meeting: do contact the church team members who are helping Fr tony make the final decisions. Formation: a very fine new course of learning in the faith is offered by the Archdiocese: Living Faith Fully begins on Saturday 22nd Feb morning, with 4 modules over 4 months, simplified for busy lives. Do ask for more info.

SERVING CHRISTIAN UNITY 2020 As we begin the 3rd Decade of the 3rd Millennium of Christ’s mission, all who feel called and drawn to further Christ’s dream of Christian Unity are urged to join in as much as possible: Annual Week of Prayer begins Saturday 18th: in Ainsdale. We join each church at 9.30am for different ways of prayer in the different denominations. In Southport we are all invited to come to “Better Together” at 6.30pm on Sunday 19th in Leyland Rd Methodist. Southport’s Ecumenical Prayer Group begins 2020 by meeting to pray in St Patrick’s , Marshside each Tuesday from 7.30am. Do come and try it!

SERVING JUSTICE AND PEACE Fr Tony meets as part of the Archdiocesan J & P Commission on 15th January – Peace Sunday will be celebrated in HeartStone this year on Sunday 26th January. J&P Memorial Lecture Stop Human Trafficking: learn how to recognise and combat Human Trafficking in our parish. Kevin Hyland OBE, the UK’s first independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, and a member of the ’s group to combat Human Trafficking, gives the J&P Memorial Lecture at LACE, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 1AA on Sunday 19th January 2-4pm. Info from: [email protected] Improve Woodvale – our social action group – meets next at 7pm on 6th Feb in SJS Games Room, and all are invited