SCARBOROUGH CATHOLIC PARISHES CHURCHES OF ST PETER, ST JOSEPH, ST EDWARD THE CONFESSOR Part of the Middlesbrough Diocesan Trust: Reg. Charity No. 233748 Parish Priest: Edmond Gubbins (St Peter's)

St Joseph’s Presbytery St Peter’s Rectory St Edward The Confessor 1 Greylands Park Grove, YO12 6HT Castle Road, YO11 1TH Avenue Victoria, YO11 2QS Enquiries to St Peter’s Tel: 01723 360358 Enquiries to St Peter’s Website:  Email: [email protected]



NOVEMBER – MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS As the weather grows colder and the leaves fall, and Christmas approaches, it is natural that our thoughts turn to those whom we have loved who are no longer with us. How appropriate, then, that the Catholic has dedicated November, which begins with All ’ Day and All Souls’ Day, as the Month in which to pray especially for the Holy Souls in – those souls who have died in grace, yet who have failed in this life to make satisfaction for all of their sins. What do Catholics believe: As Catholic Christians, we believe that the dead are not gone. Their bodies have died, but their souls live on forever. We believe that our deceased loved ones who died in God’s love are a very real part of the Church. We, the Faithful, are divided into three parts: The Church Militant: the pilgrim Church on earth; The Church Triumphant: all who have died and gone straight to (saints); The Church Suffering: those in Purgatory, for whom we are praying this month. Catholic teaching regarding for the dead is bound up inseparably with the doctrine of Purgatory, and the more general doctrine of the (see last week’s newsletter). The Catholic teaching on Purgatory is sometimes misunderstood. It is not a second-chance for damned souls to repent. Instead it is a state of cleansing and purification for souls destined for heaven. Reverend William G Most, noted Catholic Theologian and contributor to EWTN tells us: “There are three possible outcomes to the . Those whose love for God has been perfected in this life are taken straight to heaven, where they enjoy endless happiness in the face to face vision of God. Those who die in God's love but still love Him imperfectly must be purified in the of Purgatory. Those, however, who reject God's love by mortal sin and die without repenting are condemned to the everlasting torments of . The general judgment at the end of time simply solemnly confirms the particular judgments of each one, with the difference that then the body as well as the soul will receive what is due it. And all God's judgments will be revealed as most just.” St Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians is probably be the most straightforward text in Sacred Scripture on the existence of Purgatory: “Each man’s work will become manifest; for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work which any man has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire” (3:11-15). The word Purgatory is related to the verb, to purge, which means to cleanse or purify. To put it in everyday terms, Purgatory is a place or state where one gets "cleaned up" before entering into the presence of Almighty God. The Catechism of the (CCC) puts it like this “all who die in God’s grace, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven” (CCC1030). The Church has no official teaching or as to the duration, place, and exact nature of this purification, although St Augustine and others have used fire as a way to explain the nature of the purification. Pope Benedict XVI, amongst others, believes Purgatory should be thought of as an "existential state" as opposed to an actual place (see Benedict’s Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life 230f). It is outside time and space, so it is not accurate to speak of a location or duration of Purgatory. An Ancient Practice: Old Testament times gives evidence that prayers and were offered for the souls of the dead, eg. in 2 12:45 says "they who had fallen asleep with godliness had great grace laid up for them" and "it is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins". This also shows an early belief in a ‘time/place’ of cleansing. Christians have been praying for their departed brothers and sisters since the earliest days of Christianity, to which early liturgies and inscriptions on catacomb walls attest. In the , St Paul prays for mercy for his departed friend Onesiphorus (2 Timothy 1:18). Early Christian writers and St testify to the regular practice of praying for the souls of the departed. In the early Church, names of the departed were placed on diptychs. In the 6th century Benedictine communities held commemorations for the departed on the feast of , and All Souls' Day eventually became a universal festival. The Church has always taught us to pray for those who have gone into eternity. As Christians, we don't travel through this world alone. Our salvation is wrapped up with the salvation of others, and charity requires us to come to their aid. The same is true of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. They are no longer able to pray for, or merit anything for themselves: they rely entirely on others to pray for them and make sacrifices on their behalf, to help ease their suffering and advance them through their purification. Praying for the faithful departed is an act of charity and is pleasing to God. A Plenary or Partial Indulgence may be obtained for the Holy Souls under certain conditions – see back page. grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, , and rise in glory. Amen. TIMES WEEK COMMENCING 3 NOVEMBER 2019 31ST SUNDAY

SATURDAY VIGIL 2 6.30pm St Edward’s SUNDAY 3 9.30am St Peter’s (Polish) For Mass Intentions see printed 10am St Joseph’s copy 11.30am St Peter’s (LIVE STREAM) 5pm St Peter’s (LIVE STEAM) Monday 4 8am St Peter’s St Charles Borromeo Tuesday 5 5.30pm St Edward’s

Wednesday 6 9.30am St Peter’s (LIVE STREAM)

Thursday 7 9.30am St Joseph’s St Willibrord Friday 8 9.30am St Peter’s (LIVE STREAM) 9 9.30am St Peter’s DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA SYRO-MALABAR MASS: normally 3rd Sunday of the month at 4pm at St Edward’s Church Avenue Victoria SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: (CONFESSION TIMES): Tuesdays St Edward’s 5pm - 5.30pm Saturdays St Edward’s 5.45pm - 6.15pm Wednesdays St Peter’s 10am - 4pm Sundays St Joseph’s 9.15am - 9.45am Thursdays St Joseph’s 8.30am - 9.30am Saturdays St Peter’s 10am - 10.30am Saturdays St Peter’s 10am - 10.30am OFFERTORY COLLECTION (3 churches) Envelopes £558; Loose plate £816, Av, Standing Orders £524; Polish: £30; Total £1,928. Thank you, parishioners for your continued financial support each week. MASS ATTENDANCE St Peter’s (2 Masses) 194; St Joseph’s 165; St Edward’s (est) 75; Polish 100 (est); Total: 534 MASSES RECEIVED FROM see printed copy RECENTLY DEAD Ann Regan, Margaret Inglis, Florence Legrain ANNIVERSARIES: Eva Margallo, Pat Derry, Harry Hoggarth, Brian Stonehouse, Margaret Collins, Selwyn Butterfield SANCTUARY LAMP DEDICATIONS: see printed copy 300 CLUB WINNERS: No.51 £25; No.55 £10. LIST OF REGULAR PARISH GROUPS can be viewed on noticeboards in each church and on the parish website.

CHANGES TO MASS TIMES IN OUR SCARBOROUGH CHURCHES TAKE NOTE The revised Mass times will begin on the weekend of 16 / 17 November, and will be as follows: Saturday Vigil at St Edward’s Church - 5.30pm (note earlier time) - begins Sat 16 Nov Sunday morning Mass at St Joseph’s Church - 9.30am (note earlier time) – begins Sun 17 Nov Sunday morning Mass at St Peter’s Church - 11.30am (no change) There will no longer be a 5pm Sunday evening Mass at St Peter’s (last Sunday 5pm Mass will be 8 November) The Holy Day of obligation Mass times will also change to: Vigil: St Edward’s Church at 5.30pm; On the Day: St Joseph’s Church at 9.30am; St Peter’s Church at 6.30pm

BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE continues 7pm Wednesdays: St Peter’s Parish Centre. CELEBRATION OF ANOINTING for the children and their families & godparents at St Peter’s 11.30am Mass on Sunday 17 Nov FIRST CONFESSION / HOLY COMMUNION CATECHISTS MEETING will now be on Tuesday 26 Nov (Note change of date) at 6.30pm in St Edwards Hall. This is to plan the 2020 programme. FIRST CONFESSION/HOLY COMMUNION 2020 DATES: 14 June (1st Cohort); Sunday 21 June (2nd Cohort). This helps parents plan their diary. 31 children eligible from Year 4. Parents of children in non-Catholic schools aged 9+ get in touch if you wish your child to be prepared outside of school in the Parish Centre by our team of Catechists. It’s time to start bring your child to regular Saturday Vigil or Sunday Mass. MEETING OF SPECIAL MINISTERS OF THE & READERS: Duration 30 minutes approx, begining with 15 minutes Adoration. ALL ministers to attend – to whichever meeting suits you best. St Peter’s Ministers – at St Peter’s on Wednesday 6 November after morning Mass St Joseph’s Ministers – at St Joseph’s on Thursday 7 November after morning Mass St Edward’s Ministers – at St Edward’s on Tuesday 19 November after evening Mass (note change of date) PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING will be at 6.30pm on Thursday 14 November (note change of day) in St Peter’s Parish Centre. WEAR YOUR POPPY WITH PRIDE Poppies available in all our churches. ARCHAEOLOGICAL After 11.30am Mass next Sunday 10 November we DIG: ST PETER’S will gather at the war memorial in St Peter’s car park where Christine Stankiste will lay a CHURCH CRYPT poppy wreath in memory of her father, soldier George, and all who have died in war. 10am to 4pm Saturday MASS FOR DECEASED CLERGY AND BISHOPS OF THE DIOCESE 9 November. Lists to sign in 12 noon on Tuesday 5 November at St Mary's cathedral Middlesbrough. All welcome porch if you would like to WEDNESDAY ADORATION at St Peter’s will end at 4pm during wintertime. participate. Take great care to LUNCHEON CLUB Wednesday 13 November after 11.30am Mass in St Peter’s read the information on the Parish Centre. Contact the parish office to book. back of this newsletter giving ECUMENICAL FOR SCARBOROUGH 9am on 9 Nov at Oliver's essential information on what Mount & monthly every second Saturday (Ebenezer Baptist Church in bad weather) you will need to bring with you SCARBOROUGH PARISHES AUTUMN FAYRE 10am-12noon Saturday on the day, and what you need to 16 November at St Peter’s School. Tombola, Crafts, Piety, Cake Stall. Donations know and do about the health & for Tombola please leave in box in porch. safety issues of this dig. 3RD WORLD DAY OF PRAYER OF THE POOR Diocesan Celebration at St FEAST OF ALL SAINTS Mary's Cathedral, Middlesbrough: Saturday 16 Nov 11am to 2.30pm. Workshops FANCY DRESS and main speaker Sr Lynda Dearlove MBE who will speak about her work with COMPETITION women caught up in the world of prostitution. We need 2 reps to go. Any takers? All the children of our parishes UCM MEETING 6.30pm on Tuesday 19 November followed by Quiz and Pie ‘n’ Pea are invited to dress as your supper. All are welcome. Please remember to bring an item for a festive hamper. favourite to Mass at our 3 STUDY DAY FOR MINISTERS OF THE WORD & HOLY COMMUNION churches this Saturday 2 and Saturday 23 November at The Spa, Scarborough. 9.30am registration. Ends 3pm approx. Sunday 3 November. Wear a Cost of £27 is covered by the Parish and includes lunch. Sign-up list is now closed. label stating which Saint you CANDLE SERVICES & MASS OF REMEMBRANCE A letter of invitation will be represent and find out about the sent to all families who have lost loved ones this past 12 months, inviting them to Mass on saintly efforts of your chosen Sunday 24 November at 11.30am at St Peter’s (only) to light a candle for their loved ones. Saint. Some ideas on the back of the newsletter. There will be a FREE TRAINING: HOW TO SPOT EARLY SIGNS OF CANCER: 9.30am to prize for the winner at each 12noon Mon 25 Nov in Discussion Room, Post Grad Centre, Scarborough Hospital. church. Let’s recover the Christian Phone 07519 120809 to reserve your place, or email [email protected]. side of and celebrate ADVENT COURSE Sat 30 Nov 2-4pm in St Edward’s Hall. Myers Briggs God’s Victory over Personality Type Indicator leading to a more fruitful personal prayer life. Max 20 Satan & his dark people. Names to list. forces – be a light HRISTMAS FAMILY CEILIDH with Paddy Heffernan band from Leeds: in the darkness. Saturday 14 December in St Mary's Hall, Castle Road. Ticket £5, Children So HAVE A GOOGLE - do some free. Proceeds split between Rainbow Centre and St Peter's Restoration research – look at the images and Fund. Tickets available next weekend. see what they carry to symbolise GRAND CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Prizes: 1st £100 cash; 2nd £50 cash; 3rd £25 cash their life, death or saintly actions. plus lots of other prizes. Book of 5 tickets £5 - on the pew in front of you or at back of There are so many to choose from church. Take some home to sell to family, friends and work colleagues. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE FOR SCARBOROUGH PARISHES The names will NOVEMBER DEAD be recorded under the deceased’s month of death. We need someone to neatly write the During November a names in the book. Any volunteers? Mass will be offered each day for the Holy SPECIAL CARDS & ENVELOPES are available in porch to write concise details for Souls (except where entry into the BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: Name, date of birth, date of death, & an anniversary Mass a contact telephone number. Suggested donation £10 for each entry. All donations has been requested). towards the £85,000 restoration costs of St Peter’s windows. Sheets and envelopes RED WEDNESDAY organised by Aid to the Church in Need is on 27 November this year. available if you wish More information on this event will be published in the parish newsletter in due course. to offer a Mass. GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE The protective fencing is now almost complete. The Please write on the ground area was blessed on the Feast of All Souls. envelope if you wish CHRISTIAN AID CONCERT 7pm on Saturday 9 November at Westborough Methodist it to remain at a Church with local schools, adult singers, dancers and instrumentals. Free entry. Donations for particular church their project in Ghana. GRAVE CANDLES on sale WEAR YOUR CHRISTIAN SYMBOL WITH PRIDE If you have not already done at piety stalls so, collect your FREE Christian symbol lapel badge. CEMETERY SUNDAY for Rosary & Blessing of Graves PRAYER INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER FOR NOVEMBER: Dialogue & at Woodlands Cemetery and Reconciliation in the Near East That a spirit of dialogue, encounter, and reconciliation 3pm next Sunday 3 November emerge in the Near East, where diverse religious communities share their lives together. (assemble near the entrance)

PRAYER FOR THE DEAD God our Father, Your power brings us to birth, Your providence guides our lives, and by Your command we return to dust. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. I pray in hope for my family, relatives and friends, and for all the dead known to You alone. In company with Christ, Who died and now lives, may they rejoice in Your kingdom, where all our tears are wiped away. Unite us together again in one family, to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen

SOUL CAKES: A small round cake, traditionally made for All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day, & All Souls' Day to commemorate the Christian dead. They were given out to ‘soulers’ (mainly consisting of children and the poor) who go from door to door during the days of singing and saying prayers "for the souls of the givers and their friends". The practice in England dates to the medieval period. 1.5 sticks butter 3/4 cups granulated sugar 3 egg yolks 3 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp mixed spice 2/3 cup raisins A little milk (I use buttermilk if I have it on hand) ST PETER’S ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION: INFORMATION SAFEGUARDING IN THE The excavation has been planned in connection with St Peter’s Restoration and CHURCH TODAY On 6 Consevation Project. To meet the requirements of funding applications, there has to be November, Cardinal Vincent a significant element of community outreach and engagement. So, in an attempt to think Nichols will give oral evidence to outside the box, and draw attention to our cause, this excavation has been discussed and the Government’s Independent planned. However, you cannot simply dig wherever you want, there needs to be purpose. Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in his capacity as From historical documents and maps, it is believed that St Peter’s Church sits atop what President of the Bishops’ were once medieval pottery kilns. I n the shadow of the castle, this would have been the Conference of England & perfect location and would have easily served the needs of the castle for centuries. Wales. Cardinal Nichols has These kilns produced what is known as Scarborough Ware. Examples of this pottery written to all parishes in order to have been located up and down the country and even as far at the United States. Previous make parishioners aware of this, exploration of the under croft ( of the church) has produced a few interesting items, which which will undoubtedly be alongside the potential medieval pottery, could reveal more about the church’s past. reported upon by the secular This excavation is not without risk!! Heritage Adventures Ltd will provide tools and safety media. Cardinal Nichols’ full equipment and are fully insured to carry out this type of work. A full risk assessment has letter to all parishes is available been completed and a number of things have been highlighted. On the day of the on noticeboards at back of excavation a full Health and Safety brief will be delivered, and you will be asked to sign church, and a link has also been a disclaimer, stating that you understand and aware of the risks. As you will appreciate, full placed on our parish website. disclosure of medical history must be done, for your own safety and that of the leaders and others around you. If we feel that medical issues pose a threat to your health and safety, then you will not be permitted to take part in this particular excavation. However, there will be future ones, when the weather improves, outside the perimeter of the St Peter’s. WHAT YOU WILL NEED ON THE DAY (SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER) Heritage Adventures Ltd will provide the following: Hard Hats  Masks  Tools and Equipment (Lighting) You yourselves will need to bring: Torch  Sturdy shoes/walking boots  Plenty to drink (It will be very dusty and dry)  Goggles/protective eye wear, if you have them  Warm clothing (that you don’t mind getting dirty)  Coveralls (if you have them) SUNDAY SMILE