MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM EL GAUCHO SEE YOU NEXT YEAR? I’m going home for my Christmas vacation today. I’m going to do a little studying and have a little fun. Next year UNIVERSITY OF CALI FOI...... SANTA BARBARA COLLEGE £ I’d like to come back. I’ll be driving in a car down to L.A. and I’ll be in a car when I return. Like most people I’ll be doing a lot o f trav­ elling by car over the holidays. It saves the feet. It saves time. The power of 200 horses is at your command to whisk you to your destination. 3000 pounds of steel and glass Voi. X X X V GOLETA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1955 No. 24 smooths the trip and keeps out the rain. A car is a con­ venience. It’s more than that. IT’S A TRAP. Glass shatters and leaves jagged edges to scar faces and sever heads from bodies. Steering wheels crush chests. Solid steel crumbles like an accordian and pushes stomachs up where lungs should be. Upholstery catches fire and turns a car into an oven. People who have been in accidents know. You know, too, but you may have forgotten. How many times have you seen yourself — for a fleeting moment — as part of a picture in the newspaper? How many times did you drive a little too quickly? drink a little too much? pass a little too often and a little too close? How many times have you stepped on the brakes or moved back into your own lane — just in time? What did you think about before you let out your breath and made a wisecrack to your companions? You probably don’t remember. But Christmas is a time for remembering. And a time when too many people forget. Last year 36,000 Americans died in traffic accidents. That’s not far from the entire popu­ lation of Santa Barbara. The number killed who were of college age equaled almost four times the size of our student body. That was our Christmas present to the nation: 7800 lives. It’s certainly one case when it isn’t better to give than to receive. Many Gauchos will be hitting the road today. I hope that’s all they hit. The vacation period is the time of peak use of automobiles by college students, and the time of peak danger. I’m leaving for my Christmas vacation, today. Next year I’d like to come back. I’d like to see you back, too. The Editor

MEN STUDENTS GAL DEBATERS PLAN BANQUET SCORE AGAIN Plans are being made for an Female members of the Gau- AMS Banquet to be held Sun­ cho debate squad rolled up an­ day, Jan. 8, at the American other impressive victory for San­ Legion Hall in Santa Barbara, ta Barbara last weekend. SPROUL SUFFERS AMS President Dick Love has Barbara Sager, a freshman, Regents OK Plan For Hispanic Major announced. The evening’s ac­ and Mary Ellen Dougherty, a A long-range program of de­ itage of the community of Santa icy statement for Santa Barbara tivities will include dinner, a junior, teamed together to take velopment for the major field of Barbara. At the Regents’ meet­ College which was issued in Sep­ FROM PNEUMONIA guest speaker, and entertain­ first place in upper women’s de­ study in Hispanic Civilization at ing held on the Santa Barbara tember, 1953.” University President Robert ment. bate at the Southern California Santa Barbara College has been College campus in September the Regents’ Goal Gordon Sproul was stricken ill Dick declared that Sunday, Fall Tournament at Occidental set forth and approved by the Hispanic Society of Santa Bar­ Jan. 8, will be the last day be­ College. That statement of the Regents with bronchial pneumonia last Regents of the University. bara urged support of the pro­ fore Dead Week that a party This tournament is held for outlined the goal of Santa Bar­ week while on a trip to New York Based on a report and recom­ gram. bara College as a “liberal arts can be held, and urges all to those students who do not attend mendation of the Regents’ Com­ The guiding principle of the college of the highest quality, en­ concerning the University. come to “live it up” before fi­ the annual Western States Cham­ mittee on Educational Policy, the Regents’ policy statement ex­ abling it to become a distin­ It has been announced from nals. pionship tourney, which took program was announced from plains that “ the program of His­ guished unit of the University.” Berkeley that he is feeling better place this year in Washington. Berkeley recently. Barbara and Mary Ellen went panic Civilization shall he under­ It is said that the undergraduate and is expected to return to work Hispanic Heritage through the entire tournament graduate in all its emphasis and instruction should be dominant, some time this week. P. L. 550 Veterans The Hispanic Civilization ma­ shall be interdisciplinary in its but opened the way for the estab­ undefeated, t jor of the college’s Division of orientation. Moreover, all fur­ lishment of a limited graduate President Sproul was placed in K orean veterans are Barbara also took third place Letters and Science, instituted ther development of the curricu­ program and authorized the in­ the Columbia Presbyterian Hos­ urged to sign their vouchers in lower division women’s ex­ here in 1953, is closely related lum in this field shall be in strict stitution to request accreditation pital in Harkness Pavilion, where for December before leav­ temporaneous speaking. to the historical and social her­ conformity with the Regents’ pol­ for the general secondary creden­ he was taken from the Waldorf- ing for the Christmas vaca­ tial from the State Department of Astoria Hotel. tion, in case they should for­ BASKETBALL GAME Education. He suffered an attack of pneu­ get to do so when they re­ Scheduled for Monday Night, The announced policy on the monia earlier this year, and in­ turn.' So to insure getting a Dec. 19th—-Gauchos vs. San Hispanic Civilization offerings formants say that he has not been check, be sure to sign be­ Jose State . . . fore you leave. . FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE listed eight objectives with ap­ feeling well for some time. CANCELLED! propriate recommendations and President Sproul is this year comments for each, including celebrating his 25th anniversary *8 -11 A.M. *1-4 P.M. such items as establishment of a as president of the University. visiting professorship, augmenta­ Saturday, Jan. 14 French & Spanish 1,2, 3, 4 Music 15 He has been associated with the tion of library resources, addi­ German 1 and 3, Greek 1 University in one capacity or an­ tional regular academic positions, other for almost a half-century. Monday, Jan. 6 11 MWF 12 TuTh scholarships, conferences and in­ stitutes on campus, summer Tuesday, Jan. 17 10 MWF 12 MWF courses, exchange professorships and budgetary support. Soup Spoons Wednesday, Jan. 18 8 MWF 10 TuTh Financial Support IF YOU WON’T SWIPE THEM, WE’LL PROVIDE “ It must be emphasized,” Thursday, Jan. 19 9 MWF 2 MWF THEM. the statement reads, “that Soup spoons, that is. Large Friday, Jan. 20 9 TuTh Mil. Sci. (all classes) these objectives have been metal spoons will be given to any formulated in part in antici­ and 4 TuTh soup sippers who ask for them pation of some private fi­ instead of the usual wooden ones. Saturday, Jan. 21 Subject A, English 1A-1B, 3 MWF nancial support for the pro­ However, if spoons keep turning and 4 MWF gram .” Up missing as in the past, only Dr. Stephen S. Goodspeed, as­ wooden ones will be given out. Monday, Jan. 23 1 MWF 2 TuTh sociate professor of political sci­ Dick Goode, Chairman ence, is chairman of the College Tuesday, Jan. 24 1 TuTh 11 TuTh SU Committee Committee on Hispanic Civiliza­ Wednesday, Jan. 25 8 TuTh 3 TuTh tion. Serving with him on the committee are Dr. Pablo Avila, associate professor of Spanish; AMS BULLETIN •Classes of two or fewer units will have examinations from 8 -1 0 Dr. Kurt Baer, associate profes­ The lucky number this week sor of art, and Dr. Philip W. wins a free gift from Harris and A.M. or 1 - 3 P.M. Powell, professor of history, Dr. Frank Men’s Store, 820 State Powell was instrumental in the Street The winner this week is establishment of the program and No. 226. Sylvia Noble and Tom Taylor were seen in a catting from Ten­ Classes held at 5:00 or during the evening will he scheduled at a nessee Williams’ play, “This Property Is Condemned,” as part served as chairman of the com­ D ick L ove o f last week’s production o f “ A La Carte” in the Little Theater. non-conflicting hour. mittee until this fall. AMS President — Photo by Carle Moore, Brooks Institute. Page 2 EL GAUCHO Friday, December 16, 1955 TOWER OF BABEL i live in the top of the tower of babel— what language do they speak here? R i know how to scream with several inflections, N but they only murmur at me and make gestures with their 0 hands; i understand L the hands, but not D the symbols.

some of them shriek incessantly, not listening, only pleading; ‘Career Open House’ some are mute (do they think?) HEARING BELLS? DON’T BE WORRIED! some use For Seniors in S.F. only hands . , . GAUCHO TELLS WHOLE SORDID STORY Graduating students with home In addition to their mundane Ion was installed by the Los An­ i live in the top of the tower of ties in the San Francisco Bay duty of tolling the hour every 60 geles carillon company (the SBC babel— - area are invited to attend a “ Ca­ what language do they speak minutes, the campus chimes have instrument has only- 25 keys), burst forth with Christmas music reer Open House” in San Fran­ here? ® University of California, Santa Barbara College and Del. Roper, who is with this all this week. cisco Wednesday and Thursday, do they speak here? Published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except during company, played every day dur­ Bright Red! vacations and examination periods by the Associated Students of the Perhaps, then, this is an ap­ Dec. 27 and 28, it was announced ing the festival. —Kate Gilpin University of California, Santa Barbara College, Goleta, Calif. Opinions propriate time of the year to re­ today by officials of Macy’s. expressed herein are those of the staff unless otherwise indicated. veal some of the inner workings Mr. Roper also arranges spe­ Entered as second-class matter Nov. 10, 1954, at the post office at Goleta, “ We are extending a special of our carillon, which is housed cial music for the Santa Barbara Calif., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Mailing charge is $2.00 per year, invitation to students interested payable in advance. in the audio-visual department of carillon, and he has devised a the library. in retailing, regardless of ma­ EDITOR ______l______...... JERRY PERRY whole new system of musical no­ SEASON’S GREETINGS ASSISTANT EDITORS ______BETH KLASSON, SYLVIA KLASSON Inner Workings jors,” according to G. Luther tation to suit this instrument, MANAGING EDITOR ______...... ANN DAVIS Mr. Simonds of the audio-vis­ Weibel, personnel director. He May the New Year be CIRCULATION ______...... ______j__ STAN GREENSPAN whiph is unusual musically. It is FACULTY ADVISOR ______DR. ELSIE LEACH ual department explained that the added that the Open House will - a two-keyboard instrument and a prosperous one FEATURE EDITOR ______JACK NAKANO striking of the hour, the melody afford visitors an opportunity to STAFF WRITERS — Diana Clark, Margaret Kyger, Judy Bradley, Leo that comes before it, called “ West­ differs from regular bells in that Paul Alvarez see Macy’s California divisional minster Chimes,” and the tunes the overtones are produced ac­ ADVERTISING MANAGER ______—. PHIL C. JACKS JR. headquarters in operation and,to that are played at 5:10 p.m. and curately. Piano or organ music IRl ipmlîn at other times are all set off cannot be used for the carillon. analyze retail career possibilities. electronically by an arrange­ Now the next time someone Students may telephone SUtter mEn’s shop ment of pegged metal discs and asks you about the chimes you 1,800, Ext. 503, for registration holes which mesh upon electrical won’t have to say, “ All I know prior to Dec. 27. , contact. is what I hear!” The music is contained on M 7M plastic, modem versions of the old-fashioned piano roll; there teV.'SA

Page 4 EL GAUCHO Friday, December 16, 1955 joying the pre-party at Jim Bell’s and Chi 0 Ellen Passick, Bill and the dance were Bob Foss Fitzgerald and Pi hPi Helen and DG Celia Shiffler, Kirk Prince, Tim Garthwaite and Holiday Greetings Ward and Pi Phi Mary Ann ADPi June Roripaugh, Lew Tattl® TTal© V o o o by Janet Adameck Lewis, Dick Canada and Chi 0 Kummerow and Chi 0 Barbara See, I told you— December 16 sum, and Elaine Greening and Dawn Bloom, Larry Higbee and Gay, and Bob Carr and Pi hPi really did come. Now we can all Jamie Chapman. Theta Marty Hopkins, John Ol­ Ann Mouldenchardt. campus and go home and take it easy (may­ The Alpha Phis learned on son and Pi hPi Alice McAdams, Here’s hoping that your Christ­ b e ? ) and spend all the money Monday that former members ^ Jim Bell and DG Sally Leflang, mas will be perfect and your New we haven’t got on Christmas pres­ Julie Norby and Diane Linniger George Clough and ADPL Diane Year the very best yet. I might country clothes ents— that is, if we haven’t al­ have announced their engage­ Welder, Jerry Combs and Chi 0 say something about finals com­ ready. Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christ­ ments in the Southland. Norma Weldon, Bert Stull and ing pretty soon, but that would mas! SAE Form al ADPi Thelma Tinker, Bill Thom­ ruin the mood, so I’ll just end woodland 8-8 65 1 Speaking of Ho-Ho-Ho!, Santa The SAE annual Christmas as and Pi Phi Cynthia Billig, with Merry j^hristmas and Hap­ Claus (alias Billy Ryan) at the Formal was held at the Barbara Dick iKeding and Gretchen Fate, py New Year. See you then (in Christmas Formal on Friday real­ Hotel this year. Among those en- Bob and» Mary Purvis, Dan Hon the New Year, that is). ly did a rousing job. Old Saint Nick certainly put everyone in the Christmas spirit. Joints Two joints were held last week­ end right in the midst of Christ­ mas activities. The Kappa Sigs and Pi Phis and the Delts and Thetas all enjoyed their parties in die Christmas atmosphere. Two Gaucho-ettes journeyed last weekend to the USC Sigma Chi Formal at the Bel Air Hotel. Chia 0 Mary Dilley and DG El­ eanor Dito said that, everything Dr.WE.Bradley was very lush and just perfect. Theta Sue Oliver announced the good news that she and Dick Worth are now engaged. The an­ Or how the amazing purple motor oil turned purple nouncement was made at the Theta Christmas party last Sat­ urday. Dinner Dance Delta Sigma ’ Epsilon sorority held its dinner dance at the Mar Monte Pavilion last Saturday. Y ou’ ve heard it said that competition among Music was furnished by the Ken companies brings you better products ahead Coulter Dance Band. Some of o f tim e? those attending were Diane Aime and Lambda Chi Bill Montgom­ “ '(Then sit in with me out at Union Oil’s re­ ery, Margaret Benbury and Don search center for a spell and see it happen. Sharpe, Robin Drake and Joe “ Take the case of the amazing purple motor Byrne, Elaine Evers and Roy Kropff, Carol Soule and Bob oil. Some years back we foresaw that car en­ Higbee, Gwen Tench and Dick gines coming up would put more than simple Hendrickson, Elizabeth Bonno lubrication demands on oil. and Kappa Sig Jim Sylvia, Ur­ sula aKrmann and Armand San- “ So we developed a method of improving oil stocks. It gave us an oil base that was better Society Votes Grant than anything nature had ever produced To Jacobs For Work Committee on Research of the American Philosophical Society at its last meeting voted to award a grant in research to Dr. Wilbur R. Jacobs, assistant professor of history at Santa Barbara College. Sabbatical Dr. Jacobs is on sabbatical leave this year, working at Har­ vard University on a biographi­ cal study of Francis Parkman, one of America’s greatest histori­ ans. For several years Dr. Jacobs has made summer research trips to document repositories in the East and in Canada to gather materials for his forthcoming book. DR. BRADLEY, MANAGER OF RESEARCH, HAS BEEN WITH UNION OIL FOR 24 YEARS. He is the author of two previ- bus books and a number of re­ search articles in American his­ superiority we filled the crankcases of four dif­ “ When we tore the engines down we found tory, and has been selected to ferent makes of cars with it, then drove them the wear was within the usual factory toler­ give the next annual research 30,000 miles without changing oil—only add­ ances for new parts. And every part clean as leqture at Santa Barbara College. a whistle. Oldest Society ^ ing make-up. ’ .y. The American Philosophical “ If you use Royal Triton in your car today Society is one of the oldest learn­ you probably take this kind of performance for ed societies in the United States. granted. But don’t forget—it was competition Its origins can be traced to Ben­ jamin Franklin’s “ Junto,” a lit­ that put the pressure on us to bring it to you erary and scientific club founded “ T o this we added special ingredients: one to long before you asked for it!” in 1727. keep the engine cleaner, one to neutralize acids * * * * Today the society continues its from the combustion chamber and to reduce function to promote useful knowl­ Royal Triton has been a success from the start. edge and, makes awards to de­ metal wear, another to control sludge forma­ serving researchers in the sci­ tion. And one of these additives turned the oil Today—in new all-weather 5-20 and 10-30 ences, in the social sciences and purple 1 grades designed specifically for modem high- in the humanities. compression engines—it embodies the latest “ Our new product was so amazingly good it advances in lubricating oil technology. permitted manufacturers to step up horse­ Education Honorary powers of their engines. Fact is, this was the Yet Dr. Bradltey and his research teams are Admit New Members original type of heavy duty motor oil used all even now trying to find new ways to increase i its margin of superiority. Twelve new members were ini­ through World War II. tiated when Kappa Delta Phi, na­ “ We continùed perfecting our purple oil, and This is a typical example of how you benefit tional honorary society in edu­ when peace came we named it Royal Triton when free men freely compete for your cation, held its initiation banquet business. at Kerry’s Restaurant Wednes­ and put it on the market. To demonstrate its day, Dec. 7. They are Edward Conway, Jo­ seph Diehl, George Gttth, Alan McGregor, Marilyn Nollac, Jack O’Cain, Andrew Peebles, Carol Pittman, Claire Pope, Arvilla OF CALIFORNIA Preszler, Eleanor Saxe and Shir­ Union Oil Company ley Sopher. • Following the initiation cere­ mony Dr. Truman Lee Kelley, y o u r c o m m e n t s a r e i n v i t e d . W rite: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Bldg., Los Angeles 17, Calif. noted educator, iintiated Dr. Francis Bacon, speaker for the evening, as an honorary member. ».