breakfast 早餐 汤 grains & wheats 面及饭 the full english breakfast ¥108 eggs your way, sausage, bacon, mushroom ¥50 dan dan noodles ¥75 roasted cherry tomatoes, hash brown, with croutons classic sichuan spicy noodle sautéed mushrooms, sourdough toast 蘑菇汤配蒜蓉面包丁 传统四川担担面配小菜 西式早餐配鸡蛋配香肠,烤小番茄, 培根,炸薯饼,炒蘑菇及酸面包 burgers & sandwiches style ¥80 stacked pancake ¥78 汉堡及三明治 shrimp & pork , egg noodles, caramelized banana, fresh berry, rich chicken broth 广式鲜虾猪肉云吞鸡蛋面配鸡汤 chocolate chips, spicy cream, choice of salad, french fries organic syrup or corn chips as your side dish 美味薄饼配焦糖香蕉,鲜树莓,巧克力片, 以下菜品都可以选择沙拉,薯条或玉米片为配菜 hand pulled noodles ¥85 酸奶油及有机糖浆 daikon, braised beef, tendon in beef broth domain pot ¥78 wagyu beef burger ¥148 红烧牛腩萝卜牛筋面 shredded chicken & egg, , cheddar cheese, bacon, lettuce, shiitake mushroom, spring , beetroot teriyaki chicken udon noodle ¥78 “” & pickle 澳洲和牛汉堡配芝士,培根,生菜及红菜头酱 onion, bell pepper, bean sprout, “域”鸡肉粥配鸡蛋丝,花生,香菇, teriyaki sauce 洋葱,油条及咸菜 mushroom panini ¥70 照烧鸡腿乌冬面配洋葱,彩椒及银芽照烧汁 sautéed wild mushroom, arugula, 3 eggs omelet ¥80 truffle aioli, tomato & focaccia bread shrimp ¥95 ham, onion, mushroom, 蘑菇帕尼尼配扒什锦野菌,芝麻生菜, rice noodle, fish , shrimps, cheddar cheese, grilled tomato, hash browns 黑菌酱,番茄及意式香草面包 chicken, egg, bean sprout, 蛋卷配火腿,洋葱,蘑菇,车打芝士, deep fried bean curd 烤番茄及炸薯饼 blt ¥70 大虾椰浆米粉配鲜米粉,椰浆虾汤,鱼饼, bacon, lettuce & tomato 鲜虾,鸡丝,鸡蛋,豆芽及豆泡 poached egg ¥90 培根生菜番茄三明治 farmer’s ham, poached egg, pork neck ¥78 glazed hollandaise sauce chicken tikka warp ¥75 水波蛋配烤面包,牛油果酱,炒蘑菇及有机豆苗 with green bean & black fungus, steamed rice Indian spicy marinated chicken leg, & side salad lettuce, tomato & red onion 蜜豆木耳炒猪颈肉配米饭及沙拉 印度酸奶烤鸡卷配辣味酸奶腌鸡腿肉, salads 沙拉 生菜,番茄及红洋葱 wasabi beef ¥78 soy wasabi sauce with mushroom, caesar salad ¥90 tuna egg salad wrap ¥85 steamed rice & side salad lettuce, bacon, cheese, garlic croutons, capers, roasted red , 青芥牛肉粒配米饭及沙拉 chicken & creamy caesar dressing arugula & 凯撒沙拉配罗马生菜,培根,帕马森芝士, 金枪鱼鸡蛋沙拉卷配水瓜柳,烤红洋葱, teriyaki beef poke ¥118 鸡胸,蒜香面包丁及凯撒汁 芝麻菜及蛋黄酱 glazed teriyaki beef, zucchini, carrot, cocktail onion & sushi rice steak sandwich ¥95 温拌照烧牛肉饭配轻煎照烧牛肉,西葫芦, shrimps & avocado salad ¥90 fried egg, roasted onions, arugula, 胡萝卜,鸡尾洋葱及寿司饭 marinated shrimps, avocado, raw beetroot relish, & mayo grapefruit & vinaigrette 牛排三明治配煎蛋,烤洋葱,芝麻菜, spaghetti / penne / rigatoni 虾仁牛油果沙拉配柠味虾仁,鲜牛油果, 红菜头丝及芥末蛋黄酱 西柚及西柚油醋汁 / tagliatelle ¥85

choice of bolognaise / tomato cobb salad ¥90 / carbonara / pesto sause chicken, avocado, boiled egg, served with shaved parmesan chesse bacon, tomato, blue cheese 可选择意面或通心粉或粗管通心粉或宽面 & vinaigrette dressing People who love to eat are 可选配肉酱或番茄汁或奶油咸肉蘑菇汁 科布沙拉配烟熏鸡胸,牛油果,煮鸡蛋,咸肉, 或香草酱烤蒜橄榄汁 樱桃番茄,蓝纹芝士及油醋汁 always the best people. thai beef salad ¥90 - Julia Child cucumber, cherry tomato, mint, , field green & rice noodle 泰式牛肉沙拉配黄瓜,小番茄,薄荷叶,香菜, * all prices quoted are inclusive of service charge and VAT 田园蔬菜及粉丝 * 所有价格已包含服务费及增值税 咖啡 mocktails 鲜果冰饮 white wine 白葡萄酒 glass/杯 ¥48 espresso 意式浓咖啡 ¥30 wild kiwi & grapefruit 猕猴桃&红西柚 mezzacorona pinot grigio ¥70 梅佐灰品诺白葡萄 double espresso 双倍意式特浓咖啡 ¥36 strawberry & 草莓&柳橙 café americano 美式咖啡 ¥36 iced coffee 冰咖啡 ¥36 smoothies 奶昔 cape mentelle semiion ¥100 cappuccino 卡布奇诺 ¥38 ¥50 saugnon blanc, café latté 拿铁 ¥38 fresh strawberry 鲜草莓奶昔 margaret river, australia mocha 摩卡 ¥38 mango & pineapple 芒果菠萝奶昔 曼达岬长相思赛美蓉白葡萄酒 热巧克力 ¥40 cherry & banana 樱桃&香蕉混合奶昔 hot milk 热牛奶 36 beetroot & strawberry 红菜头&草莓奶昔 ¥ kumeu river village 80 avocado 牛油果奶昔 ¥ chardonnay, organic yunnan coffee ¥45 west auckland, new zealand 有机低碳云南咖啡 vegetable love fruit 蔬菜爱水果 库妙河酒庄乡村霞多丽白葡萄酒 ¥50 specialty coffee 风味咖啡 芹菜 pineapple 菠萝 red wine红葡萄酒 glass/杯 ¥48 carrot 胡萝卜 apple 苹果 cucumber 黄瓜 water melon 西瓜 caramel / vanilla / hazelnut / rose kale 羽衣甘蓝 orange 橙子 nuala pinot noir, gladstone, ¥100 / mocha / passion fruit tomato 番茄 grapefruit 西柚 new zealand 焦糖 / 香草 / 榛子 / 玫瑰 / 抹茶 / 热情果 wheat grass 小麦草 banana 香蕉 纽埃拉干红葡萄酒 avocado 牛油果 pear 梨 domain latté ¥40 with chocolate syrup & caramel syrup beet root 红菜头 papaya 木瓜 marmaduke shiraz ¥110 lemon 柠檬 red dragon fruit 红心火龙果 域拿铁配巧克力酱及焦糖糖浆 马默杜克西拉红 姜 hot white russian ¥52 with vanilla vodka & coffee liqueur sparkling waters 带气矿泉水 frescobaldi castiglioni chianti, ¥90 白俄罗斯配香草伏特加及咖啡利口酒 italy small 330ml ¥35 花思蝶佳奇红葡萄酒 茶 large 750ml ¥50 ¥40/位 still waters 不带气矿泉水 Wine pairs nicely with good english breakfast / earl grey / oasis 英式早餐茶 / 伯爵茶 / 绿怡茶 small 330ml ¥35 food and good friends chrysanthemum / citrus mint large 750ml ¥50 / Infused water普通水 18 菊花茶 / 柠檬薄荷 / 干姜茶 ¥ (complimentary with order of other ) champagne 香槟

(对于消费的客人免费) 中式茶 & sparkling 汽泡酒 glass/杯 ¥50/位 soft 软饮 bi luochun / dian hong ¥32 perrier jouet grand brut, ¥160 coca cola 可乐 sprite 雪碧 france, nv 碧螺春 / 滇红 巴黎之花香槟特级干型 jasmine pearls / tie guanyin 干姜水 tonic 汤力水 soda 苏打水 茉莉龙珠 / 铁观音 chandon china sparkling, ¥70 ningxia, china ¥75/位 beers 啤酒 long jing / pu er / da hongpao 夏桐气泡酒 龙井 / 普洱 / 大红袍 tsing tao 青岛 ¥42 jin junme * all prices quoted are inclusive of service charge asahi 朝日 48 金骏眉 ¥ and VAT hoegaarden 福佳 ¥52 * 所有价格已包含服务费及增值税 * any personal beverages are subject to a 150rmb corkage charge per bottle * 自带酒水将收取每瓶150元酒水服务费