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Arinnn wn« «o much amused nt this strange Grayson beside her. T he y were hidden front ‘ N o thing ever in order in this house! A sit np for tne, H n rrie t. I f I ant not nt home husband, w bo, however. had not once seemed before nine, I shall stay all night nt sister to hear the retnalk, 'never dreamed before ; introdnetinn of the visiter, that .she scarcely the view of her Inotlier-in-law by bis long THE FAMILY CIRCLE. mat I bought only a month ago, nil torn to Jane’s—she’sent fi.r me In spend the evening her marriage that it would enmc to this.’ T o thought of her own disordered appearance. . overcoat, w Itieli no remonstrances could in- A n intellectual rppnst. composed ofth e choicest rags! Smell of dinner coming all the way ‘vinmls’ ol'tlie Eilernry market. the front door! Overdone?" Knew it hv j with her. and-and van know it is always be sore be bail been a different man ns n lov- ‘So brother Madison has ejected yon, sir., due. him Io have hang .-lse« here. 'Madison the first snuff! Bad servants! All this eome's ! quite on certain whether Mr Daley will be in er, it was one of the wonders how the wise | from his study nt once,' she said, smiling.-1 has probably discovered that the parlors of From Graham’s Magazine. and the great ever condescended to the fool- ‘His way of making people at home is In i Herculaneum were thus ornamented,* site of a careless mistress. Harriet! Harriet! I humor to escort me home. MEN AT HOME, ishness of courting- vet philosophers in love turning them out of his own door. Do take continued, pointing tuTt pair of hoots which say I’ nit, THE PRETTY MAN-HATER. CHAfTr.it i I t. nr(i n|WI1..„ lamentalilv alisccnt.and lining quite a scat with us children, mid my sister will lie i were standing in tin: midst nf the apartment. ‘What is it, Andrew?’ enquired the soft I f I were only sure tl.at r,!cl> ' I)Ut ()f l.|(.I„,,nI 'fl,nll„icr ,nvnv llinrp |„,is. ' here presently.’ ‘It is n very pleasnnt mum In me,' he re- I1Y M as. C. n. MAnSTON. voice of Mrs Dormer, ns she put iter head I should not mind hooking them, said a terottsly than any other kind o f fid., but mar A rth u r Grayson had a great respect for his plied -and I shall lung remember the hours timidly out of tile dining-room door. CIIAPTRR I. lad o f tender heart. riag p .5 -th e m a..-,in nt ease, and then their cousin, the Professor, having never seen Ido, ; spent here.’ "Nothing in this house but rack and ruin,’ Miss Arinnn Huntingdon was convinced cold Ilion I e, peps on uninterrupted in its slug- ! in domestic, life, aim only know ing Ills high A glance o f jo y shot from Ari,m a’s eyes, W hat droll scenes hobgoblins and sprites exclaimed Mr Dormer, dashing more vinegar ( that men did not feel, anil therefore ltnil not h ’ o iii p .rcputnlinn among tho ^ io n tific men ol 1,1c ’ ;nt it passed nxvay as shu th o n g b t,‘ 1 dme sn catch a peep nt, in tlieir perambulations thro’ into his tune and manner titan either tile nc- the slighnst scruple ill taking captive as iiniiv " . , , , , „ , • I dnv. lie was ignorant o f the reason w in both o f my brothers-in-law used to sny ju st tins ludicrous world of ours ! ensinn nr his own feelings required. ‘W hat’s •Old maul or not old maul,’ again passed . . • r • . , , . . , _ , „ . . . , ns enme within riinge of her fascinations, , , , . , , , . , Ariana spoke in so disrespectful a tone of so , such iigtecniiln tilings before they were rnnr- Now we, poor mortals, rarely stumble tip- the use o f buying anything, I say, , f tins ts , H)(() ,ni#nntl ,icill ,it l|e coquette bee. throuirb Amina's mind as her eves rested on ' » 1 I . , . . " » . near a connection, nud in seemed a want ol , n r ii. ‘ II 1 ever meet w ith a man who tries on anything funny,because, forsooth, we must the way tt ts to he treated?’ And he pn.nted ; q , scx wf)1)1(| Mr. Daley’s boots, which, in their turn, rest-| to lie disagreeable, 1 believe thnt ho is sin- ring the bell, or knock at the door, anil then nt the mat, which Ills own outrageous stamp 1 oil upon the m nrblc-mniitlepicce. . pn item s. en ill a body to expel Iter from the city, lint No beauty can atone for such rudeness,’ lie , .“ere,’ slut replictl somewhat pettishly. people throw themselves into proper positions ing itad torn to tatters. 'Literary men are I pinsuitm all just such am! put on their com,.any laces, ami the farce ' A riana had the same instinctive knowledge | ’’" ’" t' ,VCryvery young ami very pretty,they se boar’s,' a rn fm e n ' n f business" like A n d re w ? - j to himself, la.t replied courteously, - ‘W h y do you suspect tne o f l.ypocrisy?’ ed to love her all the better for Iter allc is nt an end. No human being, for instance, of a family feud as the w nrhorse lias nf a bat Single-blessedness would have carried the day. I'My cousin probably knew what society I said Artur, coldly. ‘I remarked that our eould have walked, unannounced, into Miss tie, and rushed to the charge in her sisters do-i *'* trt ,nn" ’ ’ " I1 T • hail not the most finical o f her maiden ae- should find most entertaining, and I am glad pleasant chats had Cheated me o f ninny weary 1 ° 1 ‘ I liat is one of the most beautiful appart-. that lie did not allow me Io tresspass upon his ' hours; you cannot doubt that this is the case, Ariana Huntington’s boudoir,on that morning fence, , , _ quaintancc nrisen to cfi.ice the images ol the .... „ . , . , . „ . . , - , tions that 1 ever met,’ said a young gentleman I lime.’ I neither said nor intended more.” when Mr. Atherton Burney was kneeling at \v lint!’ she exclaimed,’all tlint hemp left . . . . - i • brolher-in-lnw. . r. , , ...... i who eam’lit n glmmse of our young heroine her feet,but the merry spirits gathered arnmid, of the mat you have tried so faithfully to an ' " ‘Do these old bonks make yon happy, Mad­ Before Ariana could answer this remurk. Ariana had always nplauded sincerity, but upon n fashionable prnmennde, crowded witli and it is a wonder (hat lie did mu hear them niliilnte! Wheu I heard your last furious at- i ison Daley ?’ she asked, when her sister was dune emerging from the stair-ease leading to bis bank uvowal did not meet her approba­ insipid faces, whose fa ir unmeaningiiess was shout: 'tack, I did not think there would lie a single ; quite exhausted with the relation nf her griev tin' kitchen, with a bowl in her hand, exclaim- tion. Tlie tetc-a-tetc was becoming awkward, made more conspicuous from being contrasted “ Ila ! h a ! the wooing o't.” . shred remaining in the shape o f a m at.’ I lie Professor had been caught look- , ‘ n ° ’ Arinnn, s lir >'P , and was luckily iuleruptrd at this juncture liy with the gayest of colors. iag tip at (lie cessation o f the sound o f his . In her surprise at the sight of tlie stranger, the ring of the postman. A letter was handed Mr. Burney’s courtship was by no means n i Such a beseeching look as Mrs. Dormer ‘ Asl.es o f roses’ would have been the only ■ - — - - - - j ,|lc |)0W| slipped from her hand and fell on .be to M r. Grayson; it runmined a note which ho premeditated affair. Who ever thinks ex- gave Ariana as she herself stood trembling appropriated line tor some ol these passe Haiti- floor, scattering its yet final contents in every gave to M iss Huntingdon. She blushed at actly how he shall tell pleasant news? Such, in her shoes I sels, of whose bloom certainly blit the cinders r,„lnot p|.,.tt.„j deafness as e a s i l y H o r pretty man-hater turned mis- seeing linn it bore tlie signature of Isabella that gentleman thought, would he the inlelli- What was the reason that, instead of lic- were remaining, on which the marks ot their , , , f a ipiestioner anil .(d,im’nusly toward Arthur Grayson, to observe Grayson, and was penned in a fcmcniuu gencc of his most honorable preference, and coming indignant at tins impertinence of his w lien they meet tin: eve former beauty were faintly traced in (littering now tlint Miss Ariana looked coldly nil his sister-in-law, M r Dormer tried to look nmia- cold ‘ V, ,’ fi ll from tlie thin lips of the phi- i ll0" ’ 1,0 ll',ri’ ,l" ‘ l,'isl>l" lnrin'Jr ol' ,h,> ' cry ele- hand, nf remarkable ileliey nnd beauty. The lie inslimllv resumed ,.P11ding a I211" 's'lil "r l'ro’’1,':,n,h in " hicl1 llis l,llsh llur check grow absolutely crimson, suit, lie wns lost ill wonder at tlie blindness to hle? It m ight have been tlin t lie rend characters. . Insophcr. .1 . . . . , , . . i,i There wns a peculiar freshness nnd nidi tionalile form was enveloped, but instead of ns she rend the polite invitation to accompany her own interest which she exhibited. Like that mischievous glance, winch said, ‘lg- ...... 1 . . ‘ i rontise upon liie individual hnppme ,, . ... . , ... . . viduahty in Ariana s appearance, arising from . betraying any minks of irritation, lie said with her sister on a visit to Castleton tlie ensuing most men, lie never dreamed that a refusal noble ambition to be a triton among ‘min- 1 . . . ,. , , , tlie only certain wav ol enhancing iiational ' her clear, origmnl intellect, winch made tier • . perfect self-command and good humor, ‘I pre- month. At that moment Arthur Grayson wns could arise from personal dislike, ami while nows. . , , , i , i , prosperity.’ wounded pride turned his attempt at a pn- I f Ariana hnd not been dependent she ' f’l'vnys noticed, even ty t lose w io ' " j „.,ls | „ cjiV ihing for Ariana, tlint with siime the dispenser ol such good iliingscan on- " isliing tliut he had not induced his m nthcr to b a t SO f , .a r f o l 'adm ire the piquant style o f her beauty. Hten ,,e|. q„ ii:U I)CM p lmn o f character she had - • Iv lie that I.ady Bountiful, my Cousin .Jane, extend her hospitality, ns Arinnn had of late tlietie face into n wry one, lie desired to know was she or becoming cringing from interested j llur llrcss> "ithout trespassing upon I lie ...... Htrnllc „ |„V(, fo|. ,|1E ludicrous, for what oth the motives which had induced so uncompli­ nf whose open-handed hospitality I have often openly announeed her predilections for sin- nr the season, bore sonic tnstciul addition, so t . - . . . . , ... heard? gle hlesseduess, and at the same lim o been so mentary n decision. motives, that she went to tlie oilier extreme, . . • i .1 . i i erwtse might have aroused her indignation unique, that it was at once surmised that she , ‘ . . ,t.. Miss Ariima’s face worn tlie expression of, arid dared 1 ... . . it i i onlv excited tier mirth. I he incongrui- It could never have been said o f M rs. Daley bewitching agreeable, tlint lie began to feel mnst he very ‘distingue’ to he allowed such Sir Joshua Reynold’s, ‘Mueipula’ excepting , ‘‘Tobcard the lion in his den. IV between Professor Daley’s philimlliroj.ie tlin t she was tlint lier society wns dangerous to his peace. independence. that it said, ‘1 have caught a man!’ instead of j Tlie brother-in-law could tin more dispense studies and his habitual selfishness, struck tier ‘ Mistress of herself though china fall? ‘ I fear I must decline this invitation,* said ‘Madame Bonhtterie has not a inn trimmed And to have lost china nnd cake both together she after a pause of some minutes, ‘a mouse’ lint she remembered that a respeeta- I with her racy society, than pungent sauces for as so droll ilia t she hurst into a merry peal o f ir. tlint m aner,’ said a rharneterless parvenu, was qaito too severe a trial for her patience. ‘For wliat season?’ he nsked, while his dark lile ofi'e - must lie respectfully treated, and cov- bis piscatory favorites. Instead o f becoming laughter. The astonished glance ol the Pro­ who could not have aflorded even a ribbon Ariana immediately e,tine to her relief, by eyes were fixed in close seruinity upon h«r eriug tlie smile lurking around her month witli angry when Ariana declared that she had seen fessor at this sudden merriment said quite w ithout a pedigree. saying to the guest very politely, ‘W ill you varying countenance. one of her plump littlf. hands, she looked too much of men at home ever to marry, lie plainly, ‘ Is tlie girl demented?’ and Jane’s File article of dress, thus criticised, wns a as gravely as she could from out lior was heartily glad of u determination which querulous voice, still more audibly. walk into the study with me, sir, I assure; Ariana blushed still deeper, and then nt- hat of delicate rose-color, lint, alas! instead ymi that Madison does not enro how many tempted to smile, but u tear stole to her eye mischievous hazel eyes. It might liavo been > insuren tlie continuance under liis roof of his ‘ Il is easy enough Io laugh at oilier people’s r i , • . of wearing the stiff top-knots of ribbon which people are there, so lie is saved from tlie task as she replied with great frankness, “ Wo nerveou«n"ss winch kept liertmy foot m mo- merry antagonist. ” . . , , ■ .i misfortunes! I only wish that 1 tuny live tn 1 ! , 1 were then in vogue, Ariana had arranged the of entertaining them? ! have spent so many delightful hours logother tiott, but it seemed very liken desire to make Never was married woman so wretelied ,IIL" , seeiV'ci m arried, and yet as much alone ami trimmings so as to drop upon one side, witli- ' ‘ It is all the fault nf that selfish animal? siio that your memory will be very pleasant, but a football of her kneeling suitor. that she discouraged matrimony among her ; as dependent on your own exertions, as if you young relatives and friends. Scarcely wore I 01,1 1,10 swnn-like throat of its petite I j|nd no natural protector? ‘ I have two reasons, sir,’ site said, ‘fur de­ iadded mentally. ‘What is the use rtf all the 1 mil afraid that the charm would ho broken the Dormers seated nt dinner, and .lie first ! " clircr- Her mantle,too th.iugh unexeep ion- .ow by long experience that |ltr I l';<"-ning in the world if unmixed with a par- if I were to see you at home? clining tlie honor you intended me. The first outbreak nf invectives against cook, wniter nl,lc *ho richness nui co or *’ 1 IL ' L ' ^ ;s|l,r (.nli<.,!f].(,d ; ; r. Dnlev’s faults ns her ex­ iic.lu of common sense? j This confession almost drew from Arthur is, I have determin cd not to marry at a'l, and am! market-woman at an end, then the meek « 'ls 1)111 ^ ’S1'1^ f.mmed, and its graceful _ one of still deeper import, lint u remcmhruiiee the second, that you are liy no means the per­ sive property, and wished others io speak cn it’Tgu iv. Harriet remarked, with an attempt a. the |sl™ " urc T lit0 llllliko ,1,° P,,n i'lrl"lw,!t tlashed upun him of nil lie had heard of son likely to make mo change this resolution. ’ o f him always as if he were a model o f a man. j A week after A rth u r Grnysnn’s arrival in playfulness for which she was distinguished ,l,,0,1«1' "'bid. some fair ladies’ bands were Ariana’s coquetcry, nnd he merely replied, Had Mr. Burney been practising that exer­ When she spoke in society herself of her ; the city, liie following letter was received at before broken to the hymeneal yoke: ‘A riana,! I'OBI’111(; "• unnatural constraint. ‘Il that is ull, I will remain away from cise in gymnastics, by w liic li one rises at a learned husband, no one would have dreamed his father’s delightful residence on the Sus- Arinnn, while smiling sweetly on her tie- Castleton, ruthertlinn deprive my mother nnd single jerk from a horizontal to an upright you hnd belter have tlie limn placed before , r . t h a t she had disr.uvcred the feet n f her idol , quehamia : quamtances, so moderated Iter tokens ol Intni . . . , 1 Mrs. Daley of tlie pleasure of your society? position, he could not more suddenly have you, tlint you may learn to carve, ns I sus- 1 i to be ol day, but m Iclr.-n-lcles she insinuated ‘M v ncAiiKsT M o t iib r ,—AYero it not fori upon this particular day, thnt no one stepped Tliis proposition, however) was by no changed Ids suppliant attitude to the most rig- , pec.t from the visit which you received this l to bim that ihcy wero slightly cloven. ilie domestic happiness I have witnessed at id of perpendiculars. ! morning that you will soon be at tlie head of 10 her side to offer their eseoit, orsicwns, Ariana had n good share of mother wit, and means agrceuhle. liome, I should begin to believe Iliat no lite ra ­ ‘Madam,’lie replied, in thnt husky voice your own talile? j deep inpneditntion. I knew very well tlie wisdom of exciting a ‘ O il, no!’ she exclaimed, ‘ I linvc no idea o f ry man ought ever to marry. When 1 re-i which men in a passion nssumn when trying Mr. Dormer cheeked tlie grimace liy which 1 ‘ '^111Am 1 I rc,llb really anxious to lie ,eJ’n an ° old 1 n’nlm aid?’— • | counteracting pnssion when she hud subjected exiling you on my account, only try ami not member your atieedntes ol'tlie mischievous to appear cool. ‘Madam, tlie first reason is lie wns expressing disgust nt tlie over-done ""S ill', question she wns revol 11 » 1 ! herself to reproof liy her open disrespect to- pranks of little Madison Daley, nnd then look he very disagreeable? so singular for n person in your situation,tliat mutton before him, and started,, lint ventured mind, and every unliquidated man co w tom | w,nn| |)(!|. |p„|.„ed brother-in-law. Tliis pledge wus easily given. Soon nfttr at liis immovalilc face, I can scarcely believe the second excites mi surprise? j not a question. i ’’lie ,,,ct seemed to weigh agninst tlie iiffirina- n messenger nrrived to say that M r. D orm er ‘You told me, sister,’ she said soothingly, that lie is ilie same individual. His soul, du- Ariana wns an orphan and dependent open ‘Never more mistaken in jour life, sister. tlve tlmt an hour since she would have been was quite unwell, and begged that M rs ‘lliat you expected company,ami my aid would ring tin: last seven years, must have as corn- Duley would spare Araiiin, her lirotlier-in-law. Her piqunuto face exliili- M r Dormer cannot spare? was Ariun’s laugh- rull,ly *° pronounce, lie needed in preparing for tlieir reception? pletely changed as die elements of that Stiff- iteil no irritation at tliis insulting remark: al- jpg reply; ‘lie would hurst a blood-vessel in i ‘Yes,’ however, sprung to her lips as she If there bo any where in tho world n strik­ All Mrs. Daley’s motions were sudden, ami knit frame, which day and night is hunt over though tlie motion of her pugnacious little one of his fury-fits, if I were not here to soot It ' Bn«or«-d tlie parlorof Professor Daley, or raili- ing instance of the faffen pride nf humnnity, at litis remark she started, up, exclaiming, ponderous volume, for not mi atom of foot was somewhat quickened, a merry laugh him? I er study, as it might more appropriately lie sick man affords tlie example. ‘There! I have not given half my orders in playfulness or honhommie now enters into his ‘Am 1 such a tyrant then?’ asked Mr. D or-! named. All signs of feminine refinement When Ariana returned, Mr. Dormer wns was the only rejoinder. tlie kitchen, and I dare say tlmt tlie children composition, l’crhnps n ‘silent loving wom- lying on tlie sofa, in the parlor, in his gay Mr. Atherton Burney wns prepared for u n,er, in nearly ns huntble a tone as liis wife ' wero naturalized in this uncomfortable apart lmve pul the dining-room all nut of order an’ might have retarded ilm metamorphosis, liurst of indignant scorn, lint lie found no , xvouhl have used. ment by huge piles of bonks, placed w here dressing gown, liuving absolutely refused to w hile I have been talking here. D o go and hut Cousin Jane is o f quite a different class, words toexpress bis surprise and indignation V(!l v desnnt; lint not worse at lieart limit ,nost convenient for tlmt gentleman, go to his chamber and he regularly treated as sen to them, while I tell Betlv what linen to Out ol respect to you, dear imilher, I try al- nt tliis ill-timed mirth; lie wheeled round as ,nost |1)elb There is scarcely one who j I<’Mrs. Daley (Jew into a passion on the a patient. Harriet stood by him with u pul on ilie lied iii tlie spare room? ways Io think tlmt women are free from blame, if on drill, ‘right about face,’ and made a for- dons not revenue himself for the rude world’s subject, and declared tlmt she had seldom a wine-glass o f medicine in one hand, arid a One would have llm’t tlmt the dining-room mid sincerely commiserate tlie philosopher’s ward march,’ which .lid not terminate till he hufiietings, l.y inflicting all sorts of petty all- place where a guest could lie seated, lie tool, saucer of sweetmeats in the oilier, trying tn m ight have I...... sacred to eating and drink- wile, who makes me thoroughly uiieoinlbrta- up another volume, ami perhaps, laid the one coax the invalid to swallow tlie (lose she had found liimsell.hat in hand, upon the ,lavement noyances upon those ut home,’ was tlie culm ing, hut tlie Professor had insisted upon piling Ide, liy trying to make me comfortable, and of Washington Square. His head and liis ! lie hurl been reuding upon tlie only vacant so carefully prepared for him. The uaright- the niirplus of liis library in one corner of tliis her children wretched in endeavoring to bl ing temper being by tliis time n little cooled, liis .You will eertainlv lie an old innid, Ariana,’ iest o f hoys never made up such rueful luces, chair. cold, parlor-looking apartment. People have them up properly. Her promised visit to few scattering bruins wero again packed in rolnllruod Mrs. Dormer, ns she cast a furtive •You nre tlie rudest man in tin: world, Mad­ or protested more wiiluly aguiust the dis- various ideas of comfort, lint to Ariana’s eves Castleton; will, I am sure, lie a green spot in their imirow-lnimmed receptacle, and mme „ lilI|eis [U ,he ollg,.osaillg 0|,jecl of ,,11 her ison,’ was Ariana’s involutary exclamation, agreeidile injunction. tin: disorder which her pretty little niece ami :her existence, and tlie mummy husband makes who met Mr. Atherton Burney tlmt day on thoughts as Iter learned connexion gave her a kind of ‘There’s no use,’ lie suid at last, angrily; nephew hnd caused was rather an improvement no opposition to tlie excursion. the pave, suspected tlmt behind liis elegant A cinisummation devoutly to lio wished,’ | C,,,N uow " 1,en sll° ,ll,! apartment, An hie had built a very respectable house! W ill you have the kindness to include in •I’d rulher die lhim swallow such stuff'? moustache ;t refusal was sticking in liis throat. said Ariana,smiling nt tlie fearful tone in which i " bhout appearing to favor her with a single out of tlie Fucyelopedias, ami a large stone your invitation,Miss Ariana I luiititigilon.il sis- •Bui, dour Andrew, wlial could I do without the remark was made. ‘ 1 hnd rather lie enged ’ glance. inkstaml, whit'll luckily was corked, served ter of Madison's w ilc,\\ hom I should like you you .’’ said tlie uli'eelionuto M rs. Dorm er, now c 11 A IT f. n I I. in a menagerie, tlmn obliged from morning to | 11 but is what 1 nlwujs tell him? rejoined ell, o lii'ii turned upside down, for a to know us peculiur specimen of womanhood almost in tears. No two persons are more dissimilar tlmn a night to listen to the growling of a liumau ti­ Juno, who seemed, ns is tlie case w uh some p„|.|,,r centre-table. A smaller nite and an tie- She lias w it and beauty enough io fascinate A sadden ami violent pain made Iter hus- liaud inclined to elumge liis resolution, and gentleman dining-nut, nnd tlie same individu­ ger? one in most families to have absorbed all tlie L.U|l)pl|nying siiud-lmx. from liis mother’s cs- any man, were it not for having conceived so al quieily taking a family dinner at Imine.— ‘M r. Atherton Burney is very mild, ami on­ spirit intended amply to endow tlie whole; answered for . iio.iians, mid upon them thorough and nufeiuiumo a contempt for man- *''“'ebing the glass, lie said, ‘There give me Tin: smiling guest has keen relish fur every ly needs a gentle shepherdess to make him ‘read, rcuil, from morning till night. I might | ,XVI) tuble-nnpkins, witli strings round tlieir kind, that she is often guilty of such rudeness the sweetmeuts, quick? With much wrillt- article placed before him, and should tlie perfectly lamb like,’ said Mr. Dormer, w itli as well liave no liushnnd, wuisls, to improve tlieir figures, were sitting iliai my heart resists all her attractions. An- "'S and choking lie swallowed a dose which rules of etiquette not allow him toexpress liis an attempt at sportiveness which reminded liis Like the lioy under stoical tuition, if Mr. Up, quite like Indies and gentl...... drew Dormer und Madison Daley are not, it u"e of his children would buve taken without gratifications in words, lio manifesls in every sister of the faliled donkey emulating tile lup- Daley had learned nothing else from pliiloso- ■ -p|„. Archie and E lly wore a ,s true, such men as would give any pcrsoifc, 11 possible wny liis entiru approbnlion tl,n I do<>’s playfulness. phy, it had enabled him to meet reproach w iih i,iml,|cd expression, at the opening of lln*. of discernment a high respect for our sex, yet \A liat is tlie matter, Audiew : asked A li- cuisine of liis host. I never liked pastorals,’ she began, but tlie perfect calmness. It is questionable, ho wet - door, lint it turned In one o f mi feigned delight ii is a mark o f a little mind to condemn w hole 1111,1 * kindly, a- she stepped to his side Mr. Andrew Dormer was a favorite guest tim e for jo kin g was at an end. , er, it tluit mode ol meeting reproach is « ' it-' iliey Inilli scampered inward Ariana e x - • classes for the faults o f iu d it iduals. Then Matter enough,' he replied, ‘my stomach nt tlie table of liis wealthy fellow-citizens.— j Tlie servant, in bunding Mr. Dormer luc, which, instead ol turning away wrath, elaimiug—‘Ob, amity, come and see our prel- Miss Ariana is mi urruul little coquette, iusisl- is entirely ruined by the messess oil w II ice 1 His perfect snuvily of maimer, liis keen ap­ glass of water, spilled purt of tlie contents infuriates it beyond all hounds. M i. Daley i ty baby-house. \Y u have found out such llia t it is o f sen ice to a man to break bis have been fed for (lie last mouth. A burse preciation of gastronomic art, and liis skillful upon liis plate, and stood trembling at the an- perfect indifference to tlie huppiness ol c»ciy nice way o f using pa’s tiresome old hooks? heart,nnd it will have a little softness ever nf- could not have stood tlie cookin. to wliicli I carving, won greater favor titan would tlie gry reliuko which his eurlessness hud called ! l‘V»>g lliu 111111,11 10 H*e acid of Mrs Like the cat transformed to a lady, who al- jierwunl, whereas it otherwise would coutin- have been tureed to submit? possession of tlie richest treasures of leurmng | Duley’s character, and produced violent fi r ways showed l er feline origin at the sight of uu H|| slotle. We have muuy pleasant tills on M r. Dormer alter smoking his digestive or­ or the highest intellectual endowment. ‘A | ‘Misnamed lords of creation,’ thought Ari mentation. How cold those blue eyes of liis ■ a mouse, Ariana seemed always to return to , ,heso subjects, and when pushed for a reason, gans uut of order, in spile of the remonstran­ clever fellow, wns Andrew Dormer when din- I lllla for ,|,0 hundredth time,ns she saw what ul looked through tlie green speetaeles worn to childhood when in company with Archie ami u|wuy6 maiulaius her cause liy such eun- ces o f his friends, now actually believed that ing out. But, whereas the rules of society ; iciffe hud disturbed her brother’s equanimity. ■ fepuir the effect ol constant study by lamp- I’.ilv. Mrs. Daley might as well have set a njog sarcasms, that 1 am always obliged tu ; he was an injured man, victim ized by a bad require that a gu.si should lie pleased with There was a dead silence for a lew mo-'bght! It would have linen well il the carpet munkey to keep llieiii out of mischief, fiirdowii own myself defeated? ‘Men ul home!’ is | cook and a careless w ife. every thing, tho modern social economy dc-m om s, only broken by the clatter of could have been delended Irnin the effects ul dropped the moderator mi the floor beside the per frequent exclamation, in a tone of perfect i Such a miserable week as followed tins mauds iliat tho master of a family should, at alu| |„rks, then Mr. Dormer, east very much these nocturnal vigils, as many a spot was vis- i„l|,y.|11)USe, and commenced tu isting the nap- contempt, ul any new proof of the selfishness seeuu hud rarely fallen to Arinuu’s lot, but home, bo pleased willi nothing. The fine- sueh a glance al his sister-in-law,us u naughty ihle iu spile of the constant wear which Itud gj,,., im,, most ludi crons imitations of human- of her brolhers-iu-luw. 1 wonder if she -.fie was really grateful to Air. Doriuei for his mentioned spirites ol the air who atiendcd at |„,y would al his offended mamma, muttered reduced the once elastic Brussels to a tloor- ||y F.tly finding that her aunty wns ihusem- would d ire tu utter this sneer at the lords ol disinterested kindness to her, auil relieved the family dinners of the Dormers, were he- —‘the steamer is in to day, and the banks lire cloth consistency. ployeil, she could get a nice chance at pluying eceution, alter seeing my honored I'ulher un- her sister of much trouble and e«re. Every ginning to look glum; the only bright things l,rouk'uig faster than ever? Home, to a man ul scieuee, wae only a withber hair, slily drew out tho comb and dec bis own hospital roof. Please say to him day that detuined the peevish patient from hie to he seen on these occasions were the polish- M rs. D orm er looked sympathetic at this iu-1 |daee where the torch ot mind was to be in- (. q il(!r|11||g p i ovL.r |ier lin lc fingers, w hile that I have almost completed tho business (in- pus'me»s, made him still more unreasonable e.l knives utnlami Miss Ariaua’s A ria m t's eyes. I lelligence, und Ariunu remurkad kindly—‘Bu- lighted; his wile, a being who led it with oil, Archie clapped his hands and danetd about in trusted to my cure, and return homo in two a|1(| t.Xucling. Hu would have lieen well T h e door bad scarcely closed after the exit siness troubles then I It must lio to rm e n tin g ,! 1,,h1 *K'r 1,ouse the mere laboratory used I'*1 n dd delight at tlie lieauly o f the napkin ladies i weeks from to-m orrow . T i ll then, I ret,la l“ I ,llU0l) sootier i f any one could have iuduced »if Mr. Atherton Burney, when the shuffling and a suspietion flashed ueross her mind tliut l,10'iU supplies of a physical nature which atld g1.„l|,)nH.n—llark I there was a footstep us over, him to obey the orders of tho physieiau. Af- and stamping were heard liy which the lord of mcn, after all, might sometimes have an ex- made the ethereal flume burn purer and bright- i|( (lu. Irto. ‘fhe door opened and ‘Your devoted sum | ler a dose of calomel, he would insist ou a the mansion was wont toamimmee his arrival. euse for their ill-hum or. i ihe Professor, wilh seareely a glauce at the ‘ ‘ ' i heart* dinner of beef steak, aud wheu pur- W h a t a pi,y it is a...... are destined to ()eeul(ullld lhl, sl Hllo it a tall,! ' ‘ ll,- ld “ auutfroe.Wv hea y ^aUw.tare ,o n evenuhe dies Before the meek Mrs.Dormer oliluined a view ‘W ell, if we are to lose our money, kt us .1 posely kept iu u low state to prevent the danger of that redoubt.ilile personage, a scolding so­ keep our temper? she rose to leave the table. ph’V the part of cyphers have not a taste for hue-looking stranger, and merely saying, ‘My t ro0111 ul'tl>r ll11’’ Bdl'1 ^ riul,a’ U)i *he “4C®U' *7 fL L 'ca lle d loudly for Then mining to her sister she sui.l-'Don’t | nonentity 1 Mrs. Daley, as she often told her ,i,)ler.iu.itt*v, Gw»tn Arthur,’ retreated. Iced ln lbo lu" wllldo" ‘eul> wl,b Artbur;u • • wHue or broody, dv liloquy fi-ll upon her trembling cut . clnring that his wife would like nothing and tho judge smiled plcnsnntly nt her i Juno was delighted nl n chaneo to re -' dent of the Courier nnd Inquirer. will lie un-! Working the Mines, SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. better thnn to sec his strength so reduc- lively rejoinders to tho plnvl'ul remarks of, vengo herself for nil Arinna's nttucks upon ! nsnnlly ihiiucioiis this winter. Munv will lie! ., .... . , ■ r ed that there could he no hope of his ro- his son ‘ the odd ways of the professor. ‘ What , ’"trneted by a desire to witness what may <»'" ahlorma correspondent, writing from Arrival of the America. covoty. Now and then Mrs. Grayson looked up ails you,’ she said, ‘ to make such strange !’r , , v e ",e 'j""1 ><'’l>.'».'sof the great mas-1 Moqnelama river, givestl.c following dcscr.p- 1...... r ...... 1...... ' .1...... am lets—W ehster, Clay mill t n lliiiiiii; mid tie- Thu servants were so exhausted with a little seriously,from tier conversation on t ion o f the gold mines,and the inm iner o f work- Commercial advices from all parts of Eng­ remarks; they coino very unexpectedly ilii'Hliuiis urn, that questions will arise which ■ . his caprices that the cliainheriiiiiid took ‘ family nfl'nirs with Jane, as if afraid that from such a man-hater. Why I have will demand sn exercise of all tho resources ; 11' land continue of a favorable character, nnd French leave, and then Mrs. 1 former, , Arthur might be tempted to some slight heard you say, that Eden could not he a o f those great men.” j M ure or less gold lias been found in nnd in trade generally there is no new feature to who had double duty to perform, was tax- | rudeness, in replying to the gay sallies of Paradise to you if men were allowed to * ■ ii ■ i j , ,1. near all the rivers in California that have been report. T h e money market wns easy. od with inattention to his wauls. I hi»companion. e n te r it . ’ TTA'TT? l? f)f’Ivr explored. As is well known, tho rivers here In foreign produce markets there lins been 'I wonder if Arthur Grayson has til ------’Let hy-gones, be hy-gones, Jenny.— I-tliYlIj J-Vv'x. Iv vT j Y/ j I j 1 J I j, j unlike those in other places, take their rise n good demand, both for home use nnd expor­ slrong constitution?’ was tho question c h a p t e r v t, W e grow wiser every day,’ said Ariann, from out of mountains. There are limner- tation, nnd prices have been fully m nintnined. which passed though Arabia's mind, ns , W l.tu A ri„nil awokc ,be ncx( lnornlngi playfully. ‘ Do you need me here this M. P. WILLIAMS.-EDITOR. oils ravines in nnd about them, from which The London money market continues easy, she witnessed the daily martyrdom ol her s,10 ,cnr