English Bridge Gyratory and Coleham Head Improvement Work As part of the Integrated Transport Package (SITP), work is being carried out to improve a number of key junctions in the town, including the Meole Brace Roundabout, Reabrook Roundabout, Eng- lish Bridge Gyratory and Coleham Head. Once the works at Reabrook are completed, work will commence at the Gy- ratory on Monday 31st July 2017 , for a duration of approximately three months. Works will include: the upgrading of footway materials to improve the aesthetic appearance of the area; improvements to footway and cycle facilities along Abbey Foregate; and upgrading the traffic signals and pedestrian crossing facili- ties, as well as road resurfacing. The purpose of the scheme is to enhance the area in its role as a key gateway to the town centre, benefitting motorists, cyclists, pedestri- ans and local businesses and services. During the work there will be several traffic management phases to ensure the safety of the travelling public and the workforce during construction. This will cause some disruption, however every effort will be made to keep any disruption to a minimum. Outlined below is the extent of the traffic manage- ment and some of the key closure areas and timescales.

All business will re- main open as usual throughout the works with access being maintained at all times. Where required temporary walkways and diversions will be in place to allow safe passage around the construction works

For any further information on the SITP project, please visit Council’s web- site www.shropshire.gov.uk/sitp For up to date traffic management and road closure information please visit www.roadworks.org