Constraints on the cooling history of the H- from phosphate and Pb-isotopic dates from Estacado

Item Type Article; text

Authors Blinova, A.; Amelin, Y.; Samson, C.

Citation Blinova, A., Amelin, Y., & Samson, C. (2007). Constraints on the cooling history of the H￿chondrite parent body from phosphate and chondrule Pb￿isotopic dates from Estacado. & Planetary Science, 42(7-8), 1337-1350.

DOI 10.1111/j.1945-5100.2007.tb00578.x

Publisher The

Journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science

Rights Copyright © The Meteoritical Society

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Link to Item Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42, Nr 7/8, 1337–1350 (2007) Abstract available online at

Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body from phosphate and chondrule Pb-isotopic dates from Estacado

Alexandra BLINOVA1†*, Yuri AMELIN2, and Claire SAMSON1

1Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 5B6 2Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E8 †Present address: Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3 *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (Received 12 October 2006; revision accepted 30 March 2006) All appendices for this article are available online at

Abstract–To constrain the metamorphic history of the H-chondrite parent body, we dated phosphates and from four H6 chondritic using U-Pb systematics. Reconnaissance analyses revealed that only Estacado had a sufficiently high 206Pb/204Pb ratio suitable for our purposes. The Pb- Pb isochron date for Estacado phosphates is measured to be 4492 ± 15 Ma. The internal residue- second leachate isochron for Estacado chondrules yielded the chondrule date of 4546 ± 18 Ma. An alternative age estimate for Estacado chondrules of 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma is obtained from an isochron including two chondrules, two magnetically separated fractions, and four bulk chondrite analyses. This isochron date might represent the age of termination of Pb diffusion from the chondrules to the matrix. From these dates and previously established closure temperatures for Pb diffusion in phosphates and chondrules, we estimate an average cooling rate for Estacado between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5.0 Myr/°C. Using previously published results for Ste. Marguerite (H4) and Richardton (H5), our data reveal that the cooling rates of H decrease markedly with increasing metamorphic grade, in agreement with the predictions of the “onion-shell” model. Several issues, however, need to be addressed before confirming this model for the H-chondrite parent body: the discrepancies between peak metamorphic temperatures established by various mineral thermometers need to be resolved, diffusion and other mechanisms of element migration in polycrystalline solids must be better understood, and dating techniques should be further improved.

INTRODUCTION depth after the accretion. A few important assumptions are required for this model to work. Prior to accretion, Parent bodies of ordinary chondrites never reached their planetesimals had to have either a greater proportion of melting point, but locally experienced extensive thermal radionuclides or a much poorer thermal diffusivity than larger metamorphism (Dodd 1981; McSween and Sears 1988). bodies in order to be sufficiently heated. Afterward, Minerals that formed or were modified by thermal planetesimals had to accrete almost intact in order to retain metamorphism preserve a record of the metamorphic sufficient heat (Grimm 1985). conditions. Furthermore, if we can date these minerals, then The second (“onion-shell”) thermal model assumes that a we can reconstruct the thermal history of the parent body rocky asteroid (“parent body”) about 200 km in diameter using the same approach as that adopted in standard methods accreted cold (a rapid accretion with a duration of about of thermochronology (Reiners et al. 2005 and references 105 years), followed by heating due to 26Al decay (Herndon therein). and Herndon 1977; Minster and Allegre 1979; Miyamoto At present there are two thermal models for the H- et al. 1981; Trieloff et al. 2003). This model predicts that chondrite parent body. The first model considers assembly of petrological type 6 was in the center of the parent body and still hot planetesimals of ≤10 km in radius that were heated was metamorphosed in temperature range of 750–950 K. prior to accretion into one chondrite parent body (Scott and Surrounding the center of the parent body were zones Rajan 1981). The cooling rates are controlled by the burial composed of petrological types 5 and 4 representing

1337 © The Meteoritical Society, 2007. Printed in USA. 1338 A. Blinova et al. metamorphic temperatures between 700–750 K and 600– experiments and modeling before it can be considered a 700 K, respectively (McSween 1999). The slow conduction reliable dating method. However, a combination of chondrule of heat through the parent body allowed type 3 to be the least and bulk silicate U-Pb data can potentially allow to see metamorphosed type on the surface. This model assumes that through the post-metamorphic cooling and to determine the solid bodies existed before significant internal heating began timing of the peak of metamorphism, or possibly the timing of (0.1–1.0 Myr) (Grimm 1985). chondrule formation for equilibrated chondrites. Several studies attempted to constrain the thermal history of the H-chondrite parent body by different methods: 244Pu EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES fission track (Pellas and Stozer 1975), 40Ar-39Ar dating (Turner et al. 1978), and integration of 244Pu fission track and Selection 40Ar-39Ar thermochronology on a number of unshocked H chondrites of different petrologic types (Trieloff et al. 2003). For this study, we selected four H6 chondrites from the The results from the later study provided compelling evidence National Meteorite Collection of Canada (NMCC) hosted at for the “onion-shell” model by adopting the analytical and the Geological Survey of Canada in Ottawa. Among the thermal parameters of Miyamoto et al. (1981). chondrites available in sufficient quantities, we chose The rate of cooling of a metamorphic rock after passing Dresden, Estacado, Great Bend, and Mount Browne as the the peak of metamorphism can be determined by dating two least shocked (shock stage 1–3 based on the Stöffler-Keil- or more minerals if the diffusion of the radioactive element Scott shock stage classification [Stöffler et al. 1991; data and/or its decay product in one mineral ceases at a higher summarized by Grady 2000]) and least weathered (degree of temperature than in the other. Two minerals are most suitable weathering 0–3 [Grady 2000]) meteorites [Table A1, for constraining the thermal evolution of in the high- available online at]. The rationale for temperature range by U-Pb dating of bulk chondrites. The choosing these meteorites was to study samples primarily first is pyroxene, the primary host of uranium in chondrules affected by metamorphism and not by subsequent events. (Amelin et al. 2003), and the second is Ca phosphate (apatite and merrillite), a minor metamorphic mineral in the chondrite Sample Preparation matrix and an important secondary host of uranium (Göpel et al. 1994). The closure temperatures of the U-Pb isotopic Using a scanning electron microscope, we visually systems in these minerals can be estimated on the basis of identified olivine and pyroxene, which are the main experimentally determined diffusion coefficients for Pb constituents of chondrules, and chloroapatite and merrillite, (Cherniak et al. 1991; Cherniak 2001). i.e., phosphate minerals (elemental map, Appendix 1, The cooling rate of the H-chondrite parent body has been available online at recently estimated using the approach of U-Pb dating of Subsequently, we crushed each sample with a hydraulic chondrules and phosphates from the H5 chondrite Richardton press and then sieved them. Three fractions were obtained for (Amelin et al. 2005). A similar study using U-Pb dating of all four meteorites upon sieving: coarse-grained (>300 μm), phosphates only from fifteen equilibrated ordinary chondrites medium-grained (300–153 μm), and fine-grained (<153 μm) was performed by Göpel et al. (1994). fractions. Chondrules were picked out from the coarse- A detailed thermal model of an asteroid requires, grained fraction of each sample. However, the yield of intact however, that the cooling rates and their links to the absolute chondrules or clearly recognizable fragments after crushing time scale are determined for zones with various degrees of was much smaller than for chondrites of a lower metamorphic metamorphism. In this study, we examine the thermal history grade as a result of extensive recrystallization of H6 of H6 chondrites that experienced more intensive chondrites. For example, from Estacado (Fig. 1) we could get metamorphism than the previously dated Richardton. We only one intact chondrule and four clearly identifiable present a detailed U-Pb isotopic study of the H6 chondrite chondrule fragments (one fraction) suitable for U-Pb Estacado and preliminary isotopic data for three other H6 analyses. The samples were crushed further to the medium- chondrites. The results reported here are parts of the B.Sc. grained size. The phosphate fractions were separated by thesis of the first author (Blinova 2006) and were reported in magnetic susceptibility from both the medium-grained and an abstract from Blinova et al. (2006). fine-grained fractions using a Frantz Magnetic Barrier The main challenge in this study was the high degree of Separator LB-1 (Fig. 2). metamorphic recrystallization that made separation of chondrules barely possible. Therefore, we attempted to obtain Sample Washing, Chemical Separations, and Mass chronological information from analyses of bulk silicate in Spectrometry addition to the limited amount of chondrule data. The interpretation of the bulk chondrite data is model dependent, Because of the difference in physical and chemical and U-Pb dating of bulk chondrite requires further properties between the phosphate and silicate minerals in Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1339

Fig. 1. Estacado chondrules. chondrites, we used different versions of the washing and chemical separation procedures for these materials. The mass spectrometry procedures were identical. All fractions were spiked with the mixed 202Pb-205Pb-233U-235U spike (Amelin and Davis 2006) before dissolution. We washed the separated phosphates in distilled acetone but did not perform acid leaching. To each sample, we added 220 mg of 3M HCl and left it overnight to dissolve. Uranium and Pb fractions were separated using columns containing 0.05 ml of the Bio-Rad AG1X8 resin. Both elements were collected from a single column pass in 0.2M HBr–0.5M HNO3 and 0.03M HBr–0.5M HNO3, respectively (procedure modified from Lugmair and Galer 1992), and evaporated with H3PO4 before loading on the mass spectrometer filaments. Fig. 2. Estacado phosphates. Chondrite silicates (chondrules, pyroxene- and olivine- rich magnetically separated fractions, and crushed bulk were used for larger fractions. At a later stage of work, we meteorite) required more complex washing and chemical used a modified procedure optimized for larger fractions. To separations. Silicate fractions were analyzed in several reduce the matrix to sample ratio, both Pb and U, separated analytical sessions during the course of this study, and we using a procedure similar to the phosphate chemistry tried various versions of the washing procedure in a search for described above, were additionally purified by repeated the most efficient way of removing common Pb (here all Pb passing through the same columns. Details are presented in other than in situ accumulated radiogenic Pb, or radiogenic Pb Appendix 2. being transferred from its growth site, is referred to as Isotopic analyses were performed at the Geological common Pb). The details of the washing procedure are Survey of Canada in Ottawa using the TRITON described in Appendix 2 (available online at http:// multicollector thermal ionization mass spectrometer. We The chemical separation procedure was analyzed fractions of the NIST standard SRM-981, spiked modified as well. The original procedure was developed for with the same mixed tracer as the samples, with each set of Pb processing chondrules less than 5 mg in weight (Amelin et al. loads. The mass spectrometry has recently been described in 2005). In the analyses of magnetically separated and bulk detail by Amelin and Davis (2006). meteorite fractions, we used larger amounts of material (up to We measured each Pb fraction first in a static mode using ~40 mg) to achieve stronger ion beams and hence higher Faraday cups to obtain 204Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb values, precision. However, the yield for Pb and U, and the efficiency and then ran them in dynamic mode using an electron of separation were compromised if the original procedure multiplier to obtain 205Pb/204Pb ratios. During the static 1340 A. Blinova et al. analysis, the 204Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios were #6 and 7 in Estacado, #1 and 2 in other meteorites; silicate normalized on-line relative to the measured 202Pb/205Pb ratio. fractions #1R and 2R in all meteorites) (Table A3). We were Both phosphate and silicate uranium samples were run in looking for a meteorite with a sufficiently high radiogenic Pb dynamic mode measuring 235U and 238U. isotopic composition (high 206Pb/204Pb) in both phosphates We measured blanks for each step of the procedure and acid-washed silicates. These reconnaissance analyses (washing, digestion, chemical separation) using a 230Th-235U- yielded relatively high values of 206Pb/204Pb (between 150.1 205Pb spike along with each batch of samples. The blank and 764.5) in silicate fractions from all four meteorites, values are summarized in Appendix 2. Total blanks for each suggesting that precise and accurate dating of chondrules/ session were calculated as the sum of the blanks for individual silicates may be possible. Phosphate analyses yielded more steps, therefore the total blanks for washes (the sum of the diverse data. Two analyses from Estacado yielded relatively wash blank and the separation blank) and for residues (the high 206Pb/204Pb of 181.7 and 67.99. The phosphate fractions sum of the digestion blank and the separation blank) in the from Mount Browne yielded 206Pb/204Pb of 78.31 and 23.64, same batch are usually different. An 80% uncertainty in the whereas Pb in phosphates from Dresden (206Pb/204Pb of 24.40 blank values, determined from long-term reproducibility of and 23.51) and Great Bend (206Pb/204Pb of ~19 in both blanks, was propagated into the errors of Pb-isotopic and U- fractions) is substantially less radiogenic. Pb errors. Including blank uncertainty in the error On the basis of these data, we chose Estacado as the best propagation has major effect on the errors of Pb-isotopic among the four tested H6 chondrites for a detailed ratios for the fractions in which analytical blank comprises thermochronological study. Mount Browne would be our large portion of the total common Pb: it greatly increases the second best choice for a similar study due to phosphates errors of 204Pb/206Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios, and makes their displaying more radiogenic Pb than Dresden and Great Bend. errors strongly correlated. The influence of this source of The calculated Dresden chondrule date of 4555 Ma (for 4 and/ error on the uncertainty of isochron dates and model dates is, or 6 fractions) is within the range of expected values for the however, small if the error correlations are recalculated primary age of chondrites (Amelin et al. 2002). However, accurately. The effect of the blank uncertainty on larger rather unradiogenic and almost invariable Pb isotopic fractions, and on the fractions containing more common Pb, is composition in phosphates from Dresden, as well as Great small. Bend, precludes getting reliable Pb-Pb isochron dates from Isotopic ratios corrected for fractionation on-line and these minerals, and this essentially disqualifies these uncorrected were collected and further reduced off-line. Final meteorites as candidates for a thermochronological study. isotopic ratios corrected for fractionation, blank, and spike, These meteorites may be, however, suitable for a future and their errors and error correlations, were calculated using chronological study of chondrules. the PBDAT program (Ludwig 1993). Isochrons, weighted Isochron regressions for Dresden, Great Bend, and means and medians, and their uncertainties were calculated Mount Browne, shown in Table 2, exhibit a variety of using Isoplot/Ex version 3.00 (Ludwig 2003). All isochrons phosphate and chondrule dates. Some isochrons are based on and weighted mean and median errors have 95% confidence two points only (phosphate and residue isochrons), while intervals, unless indicated otherwise. others are based on highly scattered arrays of 3–4 points (combined residue-leachate isochrons for the silicates). RESULTS Therefore, the dates calculated from such isochrons may be unreliable and should not be used as actual dates. Additional Reconnaissance U-Pb Data for H6 Chondrites U-Pb work is necessary to confirm the calculated chondrule dates from these meteorites. Based on suggestions by Faure (1986) and referenced in Amelin (2006), the term “age” is applied here to any period Detailed U-Pb Data for the Estacado Chondrite between a geological event and the present, while the term “date” is the calculated time utilizing the law of radioactive Phosphate fractions in Estacado contain from 0.714 to decay. 2.79 parts per million (ppm) of uranium (Table 1). The Complete U-Pb data for phosphate and silicate highest uranium concentration is found in fraction #6. This (chondrules, pyroxene- and olivine-rich magnetically value is similar to the values reported by Göpel et al. (1994). separated fractions, and crushed bulk meteorite) fractions for Uranium concentrations in acid-washed chondrite silicate the chondrites Dresden, Estacado, Great Bend, and Mount fractions vary from 1 to 40 parts per billion (ppb). These Browne are in Table A3 (available online at http:// results are comparable to values reported by Amelin et al. In order to select the most appropriate (2005) for the Richardton meteorite. meteorite for detailed study, we started with reconnaissance Phosphate fractions contain moderate concentrations of dating of two phosphate fractions and two silicate fractions total Pb (Table 1). These values vary from 2.40 to 9.65 ppm. (and their washes) from each meteorite (phosphate fractions Acid-washed bulk silicate fractions contain smaller Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1341 b 6 79 85 22 16 13 20 22 52 30 47 35 32 52 14 10 21 25 42 40 74 60 − 127 219 360 126 127 440 197 − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Percent discordance − − − − − − − Rho 6/8–7/5 Pb*/ U % err 206 238 Pb*/ U 206 238 Pb*/ U 207 235 % err Pb*/ U 207 235 1]. − Pb*/ Pb* 207 206 date err Pb*) 206 Pb*/ Pb*/ Pb* 207 206 date (Ma) 207 0.191 4547.0 7.3 469.93 9.34 5.53 9.56 0.999 238) × Age 0.9660.996 4548.4 4566.1 1.40.997 2.9 106.50 4580.8 114.97 1.35 2.10.995 1.2520 5.40 118.46 4615.4 1.3352 1.36 3.92 4.0 5.45 0.997 1.3619 116.81 0.999 3.96 3.91 0.999 1.3111 4.03 0.998 Rho 4/6–7/6 − λ Pb/ Pb 740 0.997664 4578.1 0.998372 8.5 4564.5 0.975 132.3 2.1 4701.2 13.4 134.60 8.3 1.524 3.04 122.81 13.6 1.5649 5.51 0.999 3.09 1.2988 0.999 5.80 0.996 U]/[exp(( 207 206 % err 238 Pb*/ 8950 0.018 0.057 0.94097 0.823 0.615 4543.870 4487.148 0.930 0.971 0.77 0.564 1.3 0.938 4584.3 398.90 0.898 185.39 4620.7 20.1 1.03 4554.2 1.60 32.9 4.70449 50.3 20.0 2.2734 1.05 150.2 18.3 260.4 1.62 0.999 27.3 0.57709 21.8 0.999 19.1 1.680 3.050 28.8 0.998 22.6 0.998 44 0.999 Pb/ Pb 206

207 206 (total) − osition from Tatsumoto et al. (1973). osition from Tatsumoto 1) − Pb/ Pb Pb*) 204 206 % err 206 Pb*/ 207 Pb/ Pb 0462004707 0.268 0.0445 0.7911 0.7896 0.021 0.017 0.000600 0.159 4390.7 4362.2 3.0 0.77 105.537 101.52 0.415 1.38264 3.45 0.217 1.35617 0.976 3.45 1.000 0.043330.03901 0.471 1.77 0.79570.034700.04237 0.7886 0.094 0.100 0.267 0.0520 0.0582 0.7598 0.8015 0.886 4473.7 0.018 0.010 4526.4 0.910 1.8 0.924 5.6 4495.1 183.58 4515.7 271.83 3.68 0.22 0.27 8.13 143.686 2.27194 191.717 0.231 3.71 3.2445 0.291 1.752 0.999 2.305 8.26 0.235 0.999 0.298 0.998 0.998 204 206 (total) ank, and spike. 238) × Age opic composition from Tatsumoto et al. (1973). opic composition from Tatsumoto λ ank, and primordial Pb isotopic comp 7 0.0255 0.05252 0.256 0.8557 0.158 fractionation, bl ppm U ppm Pb ription, see Table A3. ription, see Table a Blank 0.0538 0.5920 0.8315 0.2000 0.0000 Fraction description R ES Ch2 0.0017 0.0062 0.00394 104 0.6359 2.540 0.996 4551.0 7.1 96.129 9.81 1.128 10.0 0.999 − 2345 ES mg26 ES nm17 ES nm2 ES nm3Silicates 1.24 ON32-R 1.35 ON43-R 1.02 9.655-R 1.17 TP2 4.356-R ES-1 2.837-R 0.03291 2.79 ES-3 3.019-R 0.01707 0.714 ES-410-R 0.01325 0.329 ES-5 5.7311-R 0.01138 2.40 0.0041 0.179 ES-712 0.7488 0.0011 ES-8 0.34713-R 0.0165 0.6809 0.00548 0.0034 ES Ch1 0.370 0.006 0.0061 0.0146614-R 0.6612 0.0007 0.018 0.00597 0.01431-W1 0.6504 0.0022 ES 3 0.00941 0.0720 0.349 0.033 0.00342-W1 0.552 0.0016 ES 4 0.00440 0.835 0.028 0.0103 0.0022 7.781-W2 0.0033 0.6227 TP1 wash 1 68.5 4486.1 0.00221 0.800 0.6638 0.00712-W2 TP2 wash 1 34.3 0.00649 0.0110 0.975 0.0115 0.017 4509.5 0.6441 21211-W1 TP1 wash 2 0.063 0.00595 0.0175 0.6654 4504.7 1.8 0.0021 0.0060512-W1 TP2 wash 2 0.00226 19.5 0.289 0.477 0.0176 0.6442 ES Ch1 wash 1 4499.4 0.003313-W1 0.1345 0.0960 3.630 0.23 17.7 0.0113 0.0001 ES Ch2 wash 1 0.6395 18.914-W1 0.0029 95.3 0.1342 151.199 0.889 0.38 0.0151 0.0002 0.6554 0. ES 3 wash 1 4500.1 4493.2 0.99711-W2 0.0065 0.0014 0.02214 102.170 0.12 2. 0.0940 0.6572 0. ES 4 wash 1 0.50712-W2 0.0038 0.01065 0.719 0.6510 0.6257 97.200 0.0765 ES Ch1 wash 2 0.611 0.029813-W2 0.05337 0.584 0.26 4562.7 6.77 1.8555 1.5 94.193 ES Ch2 wash 2 0. 1.380 13.9 0.0176 0.99614-W2 0.0014 0.04251 0.605 1.2337 0.2222 ES 3 wash 2CDT 0.000 0.311 0.7724 13 0.0235 0.452 0.2067 88.158 0.0042 ES 4 wash 2 0.998 1.1776SK_0 98.733 0.6917 4570.5 0.321 0.611 0.85 1.1453 0. 0.0004 0.972 0.03795 0.215 Primordial Pb 0.694 0.612 0.605 0.79 0.0002 4544.8 1.000 Modern S-K Pb 134.1 0.0029 2.5 1.0715 0.312 1.2057 5.95 0.999 0.0040 0.03486 17.5 1.000 3.3 0.214 120.62 0.04093 0.79 0.594 11.4 0.996 1.561 0.985 3.92 99.392 4.83 0.79 18.0 4.75 1.3965 0.80 0.1074 0.0535 1.1714 0.999 3.98 4.85 0.999 0.0002 0.0001 1.1060 0.8356 0.999 0.0006 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000 Fraction number Phosphates 1 ES mg1 0.861 6.15 0.03229 0.225 0.7447 0.011 0.147 4482.2 1.2 145.762 0.474 1.7935 0.450 0.985 Calculated using the formula: 100 × [(exp(( For complete fraction desc nd = not determined. Isotopic ratios are corrected for 2 sigma of the mean. are Errors Dates calculated using the primordial Pb isot *Corrected for fractionation, spike, bl Table 1. Estacado Pb data. Table a b 1342 A. Blinova et al. σ 2 date err. MSWD Pb 206 Pb/ Weighted average 207

σ 64 2.8 4563.0 13 0.042 2 date err. MSWD Pb- Pb 206 206 Pb/ Pb/ 569.1 4.6 242 4560.0490.3 13 6.7 0.46 94 4491.0 13 0.038 4492.0 14 1031 4488.04554.6 13 0.60 0.74 5.1 4555.4 8 0.072 date (Ma) 204 207 0 4569.6 2.9 88 4560.0 14 0.52 Total number Total of fractions used in calculations (n) 2 5 4551.0 18 935 4558.0 35 3.4 19W–22W 11 4570.0 19 621 1–W2, 2W1–2 14 4577.0 10 1554 4531.0 42 9.9 , 12R, 11W2, 12W2, 12R, 11W2, 4 4546.0 18 7 1R, 3R–8R, 10R + 1W2, 2W2 1 1R, 3R–8R, 10R 8 4533.0 15, 17, 18, 19R-22R, Fractions included in Fractions included in 1 for regression (keyed to Table A3 Estacado and online Table for other meteorites) 2 + 1W1–W2, 2W1–W2 1R–2R 6 2 + 1W1–W2, 2W1–W2 1R–2R 6 1, 2 + 1W1, 2W1–W 1R–2R 2 + 1W2, 2W2 1R–10R 12 2 + 1W2, 2W2 1R–2R 4 4 2 + 1W2, 2W2 1R–2R 4 4 4554.8 0.86 3.6 4555.4 8 0.027 sh 2 + 1W2, 2W2 1R–2R 4 4551.0 5.3 44 4558.0 46 4.6 sh 19R–22R, 19W–22W 8 4572.0 12 222 idues 1R–2R 2 4559.3 1.6 na 4554.0 14 0.019 idues 1R–2Ridues 1R–2R 2 4487.5 2 0.78 na 4491.0 4558.0 6.7 13 0.043 na 4555.3 8 0.00037 Residues + wash 1, 2 + 1W 1R–10R two fractions) + wash 2 ResiduesResidues (excluding two fractions) 19R–22R 11R–14R, 8 4527.6 6.3 1.11 untreated sample tions Residues 11R–14R 4 4532.0 16 Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wa Phosphates All fractionsSilicates Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Res 1–2 2 4568.6 1.6 na 4543.0 53 0.79 All fractionsSilicates Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Res All fractionsSilicates Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Res 1–2 1–2 2 nd 2 nd 4848.0 nd 65 4480.0 1100 nd 0.0014 4562.0 140 0.016 Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash 1, Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues + wash 1, Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) Residues (excluding Chondrules + magnetic fractions + bulk chondrite Chondrules + magnetic frac Bulk silicate (magnetic fractions) All fractionsOnly nonmagnaticSilicates Chondrules Residue + wash 2 11R 3–7 1–7 5 7 4492.0 4497.0 15 13 737 1346 4501.7 4501.5 4.3 4.3 0.81 0.64 Bulk chondrite IBulk chondrite II Residue + wa Residue + wash na = not applicable. nd = not determined. Mount Browne Great Bend Phosphates Dresden Phosphates Estacado Phosphates Sample Fractions and/or washes Residues Table 2. Summary of Pb-Pb isochron calculations. Table Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1343

Fig. 4. Composite 204Pb/206Pb versus 207Pb/206Pb diagram for Estacado silicates and phosphates. Circles = phosphate non-magnetic fractions only. Diamonds = chondrules (residues and wash 2). Squares = bulk chondrite fractions I (Table 2) (residues and washes). Triangles = magnetically separated silicate fractions.

amount of common Pb compared to non-magnetic fractions, possibly as a result of leaching from residual feldspar) yields 206 204 Fig. 3. a) Pb/ Pb measured versus percent of discordance for the date of 4492 ± 15 Ma, which we consider the best age Estacado phosphates and silicate fraction (only samples with measured U). b) Close-up of fractions with discordance less than estimate for the Estacado phosphates (Fig. 4). 100%. We were able to separate and analyze only two chondrule fractions (#11R, one large chondrule, and #12R, concentrations of Pb between 3.44 to 16.5 ppb. The measured four unambiguous chondrule fragments) (Table 1; Fig. 1). 206Pb/204Pb ratio ranges from 30.36 to 181.7 for phosphates Due to the high metamorphic grade of Estacado, the and from 41.69 to 212.4 for bulk silicates (Table A3). chondrules were mostly destroyed by metamorphism, with a Phosphate values are comparable to those of the Richardton few exceptions of locally preserved intact chondrules meteorite, but bulk silicate values are lower than in (Fig. 1). The internal residue-second leachate isochron for Richardton (Amelin et al. 2005). chondrules gives Pb-Pb date of 4546 ± 18 Ma (MSDW = 7), Uranium-lead model dates in Estacado phosphates which we consider the best age estimate for the Estacado (Table 1) are variably discordant. The degree of discordance chondrules (Fig. 4). A bulk chondrite (residues and washes) decreases with increasing 206Pb/204Pb ratio (Figs. 3a and 3b). Pb-Pb isochron regression gives a consistently higher date of The fraction containing the most radiogenic Pb is only 6% 4572 ± 12 Ma (MSDW = 222) (Fig. 4). Including untreated discordant. This suggests that U-Pb systems in Estacado fractions #15R–18R does not change the age but increases phosphates were probably closed, and that inaccurate data scattering. Analyses of bulk silicates during the subtraction of “initial” Pb is the main source of discordance. reconnaissance study (#1R-10R and second wash) (Table 2) The measured 206Pb/204Pb ratios in bulk silicate washes yielded Pb-Pb date of 4569.1 ± 4.6 Ma (MSDW = 242). are much lower than residues (Table A3). Amounts of These fractions, similar to fractions #13R–14R, were common Pb are high in first washes (226–3397 pg) and magnetically separated material. They are neither chondrules become progressively lower in second washes (11.9–83.5 pg) nor strictly the bulk chondrite, but a mixture of chondrule and (Table A3). matrix material. Such a mixture would not necessarily have The results of Pb-Pb isochron and model dates for all the same proportions of components as the bulk chondrite. meteorites used in this study are summarized in Table 2. A This is probably due to the variable abundances of finely composite 204Pb/206Pb versus 207Pb/206Pb diagram for dispersed highly magnetic minerals in both chondrules and Estacado silicates and phosphates is presented in Fig. 4. The matrix which get partially fractionated during magnetic Pb-Pb isochron date for all phosphate fractions (n = 7) is 4497 separation. Therefore, the dates yielded by different ± 13 Ma. An isochron for five non-magnetic fractions (after combinations of these fractions (4533 ± 64 to 4569.6 ± 2.9) excluding magnetic fractions #1–2 that contain twice the (Table 2) would be questionable. 1344 A. Blinova et al.

The U-Pb system in chondrules is nearly concordant, 206Pb even higher than in primordial Pb, produced by whereas other silicate fractions show variable degrees of radiogenic growth in a system with high μ (238U/204Pb) since discordance (Figs. 3a and 3b) despite a relatively high 206Pb/ the formation of the asteroid and until the event that removed 204Pb ratio. Most silicate fractions with 206Pb/204Pb ratios this radiogenic Pb (which is referred hereafter as “aborted between 50–250 are more discordant than phosphate fractions high-μ Pb”) from its host minerals and distributed it with similar 206Pb/204Pb ratios (Table 1). This additional elsewhere. An isochron that passes above the point of discordance is probably related to fractionation between primordial Pb suggests the presence of aborted high-μ Pb. radiogenic Pb and U during acid leaching. None of the four isochrons discussed earlier in this section The reasons for the noticeable age difference between the passes above primordial Pb outside of the error, therefore chondrules and the bulk chondrites are not obvious. In order these data do not provide clear evidence for the presence of to understand this discrepancy, we need to discuss the aborted high-μ Pb. Such evidence is provided by analyses of behavior of the U-Pb system during chondrite metamorphism. magnetically separated silicate fractions discussed below.

DISCUSSION Age of the Estacado Chondrules—The Timing of Termination of Pb Diffusion in Pyroxene Common Pb in Estacado Phosphates and Chondrules The presence of multiple common Pb components and Pb in phosphate and silicate fractions from Estacado secondary alteration effects can complicate the determination chondrite analyzed here is a mixture of radiogenic Pb of a precise and accurate Pb isotopic age. Such difficulty can produced in situ, and one or more additional components, be potentially overcome by including Pb isotopic such as initial Pb, terrestrial contamination, or Pb composition of acid leachates (washes) in age calculations redistributed in the parent asteroid by metamorphism, (Krot et al. 2005; Amelin and Krot, Forthcoming). alteration, and/or impacts. We collectively refer to these Residue-leachate isochrons can be effectively used for additional components as common Pb. Isotopic composition age determination. If a chondrule contains two or more of common Pb cannot be directly determined from analyses common Pb components of variable solubility, then it can be of fractions that contain mixed Pb, or from Pb-Pb isochron expected that some of these components are more easily regressions of such fractions. It is possible, however, to infer leached by acids than others. Sequential acid leaching would the possible presence of these common Pb components from produce a series of fractions containing common Pb with the relative position of a Pb-Pb isochron and known Pb variable isotopic composition, which may also differ from isotopic composition of likely components, such as the common Pb isotopic composition in the residue. The two primordial Pb and modern terrestrial Pb (approximated here point isochron for “residue + second leachate” pairs can be by Pb in Canyon Diablo troilite [CDT] [Tatsumoto et al. expected to yield more accurate dates, because the more 1973] and zero-age Pb in Stacey and Kramers [1975] model soluble common Pb component is removed by the first [SK_0], respectively). leaching step, whereas the second leachate and residue Pb-Pb isochrons (with 2σ error envelopes) for Estacado contain relatively insoluble Pb components (Krot et al. silicates and phosphates are plotted together with primordial 2005). Pb and modern terrestrial Pb in Appendix 4. The error The internal residue-second leachate isochron date of envelopes of phosphate isochrons, including either non- 4546 ± 18 Ma (MSDW = 7) gives us a relatively precise magnetic fractions (Fig. A1a) or all fractions (Fig. A1b) in estimate of the age of chondrules. Since the closure Appendix 4 pass close to the point of primordial Pb, and the temperature for Pb diffusion in chondrule pyroxenes isochron including magnetic fractions also overlaps modern (estimated at 782 ± 106 °C by Amelin et al. [2005] on the terrestrial Pb. The bulk chondrite I (residue + wash) isochron basis of the experimental diffusion data of Cherniak [2001]), (Fig. A1c in Appendix 4) passes through modern terrestrial is lower than the estimated peak temperature reached by H6 Pb, and stays distinctly below the primordial Pb. The chondrites (865–926 °C, estimated by Slater-Reynolds and chondrule residue and second wash isochron goes through the McSween [2005] from two-pyroxene thermometry), the date point of primordial Pb, and stays above the modern terrestrial of 4546 ± 18 Ma is interpreted as the timing of termination of Pb (Fig. A1d in Appendix 4). First washes of the same Pb diffusion in chondrule pyroxene. chondrules plot closer to the modern terrestrial Pb. This pattern suggests that common Pb in Estacado The Significance of the Bulk Silicate Pb-Isotope Data, and consists of at least two components. The first is modern an Alternative Estimate of the Timing of Cessation of Pb common Pb of either terrestrial or possibly extraterrestrial Diffusion (e.g., Pb volatilized during a recent collision that excavated the material from its parent asteroid) origin. The In the Pb-Pb isochron diagrams (Figs. 4 and 5), the data second is either primordial Pb, or a component with 207Pb/ points of acid-washed bulk meteorite plot above the Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1345

Fig. 6. Schematic presentation of the thermal history of H6 chondrites showing the main events and their manifestation in the U- Pb systematics. T0 = formation of chondrules and other chondritic Fig. 5. 204Pb/206Pb versus 207Pb/206Pb diagram for Estacado components. T1 = accretion. Assumed to be instantaneous (although chondrules, whole rock, and magnetically separated fractions, this assumption is not strictly true, e.g., Ghosh et al. 2003). This showing intersecting whole rock residue-wash isochron and a event is not directly recorded in the Pb isotopic systematics. T2 = regression line through chondrule, whole rock, and magnetic fraction peak of metamorphism; formation of phosphates; partial loss of data, which is interpreted as a radiogenic Pb transfer isochron. volatiles, including common Pb, and perhaps a part of radiogenic Pb Symbols are the same as in Fig. 1. accumulated by that time. The U-Pb isotopic system in the bulk rock is considered closed at this point. T3 = closure of Pb diffusion in chondrule residue-leachate isochron, and have model dates pyroxene; cessation of the leakage of radiogenic Pb from the identical to the ages of chondrules in primitive chondrites chondrules to the matrix. The U-Pb isotopic system in pyroxene and (Amelin et al. 2002; Amelin and Krot, Forthcoming) and in chondrules is considered closed since that moment. T4 = closure of Pb diffusion in phosphates. The U-Pb isotopic system in the close to the age of the earliest dated solids in the solar system. chondrite and in all its components is considered closed since that Two magnetically separated fractions (#13-R and 14-R) moment. (Table 1) plot even higher in the isochron diagram (triangles in Fig. 4), and have unreasonably old single-stage model dates during the first leaching step in dilute acid, comes from the and leachate-residue isochron dates well over 4.6 Ga. The “interstitial” reservoir. origin of anomalously high 207Pb/206Pb in these fractions is Soon after accretion, the chondrite parent asteroid hard to explain, unless these fractions contain minerals that reaches the peak of metamorphism (Fig. 6). The temperature captured early radiogenic Pb, accumulated elsewhere in the in parts of the asteroid is sufficiently high for volatile chondrite, i.e., aborted high-μ Pb. elements (including Pb) to be partially or completely lost. The In order to interpret the Pb-isotopic data for bulk modification of the U-Pb system in this process can be chondrites, we will consider a chondrite as a simple three- described by the classical multi-stage U-Pb evolution (Gale reservoir system. This hypothetical chondrite consists of two and Mussett 1973; Tera and Carlson 1999; Tera 2003) as a reservoirs of high-temperature minerals with different two-stage evolution with lower μ (238U/204Pb) in the first geochemical properties: “chondrules” that contain a certain stage, and increasing μ toward the second stage because of the amount of U but did not incorporate common Pb during their higher volatility of Pb relative to U (e.g., Lodders 2003). A formation, and “matrix” that contains a certain amount of single-stage 207Pb/206Pb model date of the rock (or a Pb-Pb initial Pb but no U. The “chondrules” and “matrix” as model isochron date of whole rock samples, which is also calculated geochemical reservoirs do not exactly match the real assuming a single-stage evolution) in such a system is chondrules and matrix (petrologic entities) in chondrites, but between T0 and T2, and approaches T2 (Fig. 6) with an provide a useful approximation. Besides these high- increasing ratio of second-stage μ over first-stage μ, in other temperature reservoirs, our hypothetical chondrite contains a words, with an increasing degree of volatile depletion. low-temperature reservoir enriched in Pb over U relative to A Pb-Pb isochron based on multiple analyses of acid- the bulk chondrite concentrations, which we label washed bulk meteorite fractions and their leachates (19R– “interstitial” material. The Pb in this reservoir is mainly 22R, 19W–22W) from Estacado yielded the date of 4572 ± brought by the shock-induced redistribution of volatiles 12 Ma (Fig. 4). Adding the analyses of unwashed bulk during asteroid breakup, as well as by terrestrial weathering, chondrites (fractions 15, 17, 18) increases the data scattering, and by handling in the museum and laboratory. We assume but does not appreciably change the date (isochron date is that the loosely bound Pb in chondrites, which is extracted 4570 ± 19 Ma). This Pb-Pb bulk chondrite age is coeval, 1346 A. Blinova et al. error Ar age σ 39 b 2 (Ma) Ar- (Ma) 40 Residue + HCl wash error σ 2 (K/Ma) sphates (Amelin et al. 2005). error wash 3 σ e amount observed for the data (Ludwig 2003). 2 (Ma) Date et al. (2003). a Average cooling rate Average (K/Ma) Residue + HNO es for chondrules and pho error σ 0.72.6 74 24.7 43 12 4532 ± 16 4495 ± 11 15 5.5 3.2 4435 ± 5 2 (Ma) , the scatter of data points will exceed th , and pyroxene for Estacado from Trieloff Trieloff Estacado from and pyroxene for , error σ 2 (Ma) MSWD Date f f , , c e f udy) and closure temperatur Phosphate Pb-Pb date (Ma) Three-point isochron ion from Tatsumoto et al (1973). ion from Tatsumoto age error σ 4562.7 4550.7 8.3 5.0 2 (Ma) 18 4492.0 207*/206* model date error Date g 2003), Pb-Pb ages (this st alytical errors assigned to the data points and Richardton, of whole rock, feldspar 207*/206* model date (Ma) ochron calculations for individual fractions. d f g h , , , , c e f f the primordial Pb isotopic composit IsoplotEx 3.00 program (Ludwi 4527.6 Chondrule or whole rock Pb-Pb date (Ma) 206/204 residue that, if the only reason for scatter is an elin et al. (2005). öpel et al. (1994). Ar ages of whole rock for Ste. Marguerite Ar ages of whole rock for Ste. Petrologic type 39 Ar/ 40 Pb* model dates are calculated using Pb dates are from G Pb dates are from Am 206 206 206 Pb*/ Pb/ Pb/ RichardtonEstacado H5 H6 4562.7 4546.0 Meteorite MargueriteSte. H4 4566.7 11-R12-R13-R14-R19-R20-R21-R22-RChondrule weighted mean of mean2 sigma% err. 442.3MSWD 253.5RejectedProbability of fit 45.2 4544.8 93.9Bulk rock weighted mean 197.2 4551.0 of mean2 sigma% err. 177.1 4701.2 3.3MSWD 188.9 4545.87 4615.4 7.1Rejected 183.4 4567.2Probability of fit 4569.1 8.3 4566.5 4.0 4545 1.8 1.49 4564.2 4368 3.6 1.0 4566.10 4938 1.4 4635 77 2100 4544.76 0.11 1000 2.36 2.51 0 278 14 52 38.47 37 4554.8 4544.8 24 0.01 4.02 4912.0 0 4.1 3.2 0.87 4634.8 0.03 21 4548.59 0 4551.1 1.7 4543.1 4573.1 4576.6 4790.1 7.0 4572.3 4.9 61.63 4628.4 4570.7 1.7 9.7 3.6 4545.73 0.85 3.9 4572.22 1.4 0.00 14.79 2.07 2.01 0 0.01 3.92 0.06 3.51 0 0 Fraction (keyed to Table 1) Fraction (keyed to Table MSWD = mean square of weighted deviates. Probability of fit is the probability 207 Comparison with Pb-Pb model date. Chondrule residue-second wash isochron. Chondule-matrix radiogenic Pb transfer isochron. Average cooling rates are calculated using calculated using cooling rates are Average Pb-Pb isochron date. Table 4. Summary of ages and cooling rates for H chondrites. Table a b c207 d e207 f g h Table 3. Summary of residue-wash Pb-Pb is Table Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1347 within error, with ages of chondrules in primitive chondrites identification, separation, and dating of additional well- (Amelin and Krot, Forthcoming), and suggests either that the preserved chondrules will resolve the uncertainty between peak of metamorphism in the H-chondrite parent body these two dates. occurred early (before 4560 Ma), or that the highly metamorphosed part of the H-chondrite parent body did not Cooling Rates of H Chondrites experience extensive Pb loss during the peak of metamorphism (in the latter case the single-stage Pb-Pb date To estimate the cooling rate of a particular part of a approaches T0), or both. This result is not surprising, metamorphic complex (for example, the source region of a considering the known old age of metamorphic minerals (Ca meteorite) from the ages of chondrules and phosphates, we phosphates) in H chondrites with moderate degrees of need to know the closure temperature for diffusion of Pb and metamorphism (Göpel et al. 1994). U in these minerals. Amelin et al. (2005) estimated the Between T2 and T3, the temperature in the parent body closure temperatures for these chronometers in H5 chondrites was still sufficiently high to allow migration of Pb in as 1055 ± 106 K for chondrules and 759 ± 56 K for pyroxene. Under these conditions, radiogenic Pb that forms in phosphates (errors are 2σ) on the basis of experimentally chondrules leaks into the matrix and is embraced by the determined diffusion coefficients (Cherniak 2001; Cherniak matrix minerals that have affinity to Pb (e.g., sulfides or et al. 1991), and the size and geometry of pyroxene and Ca feldspar). In this case, Pb isotopic dating of pure chondrule phosphate crystals. Since the compositions and the range of material would yield the timing of cessation of Pb diffusion crystal sizes of pyroxene and phosphate minerals—the (T3). Fractions enriched in matrix components relative to the parameters that influence the closure temperature—are bulk chondrite, that have preferentially gained the early broadly similar in H5 and H6 chondrites, we use the same radiogenic Pb, would have elevated 207Pb/206Pb ratios, and values of the closure temperatures in this study. We used a would yield anomalously high 207Pb/206Pb model dates (the simple linear approximation to determine the cooling rates model of metamorphic transfer of radiogenic Pb between because only two points (phosphates and silicates) are chondrules and chondritic matrix is presented in Appendix 3). available for calculations. Therefore, our estimates of the The model of radiogenic Pb transfer provides a plausible cooling rates involve the simplistic assumption that the explanation for the data for magnetic fractions #13R and 14R cooling rate of a specific meteorite was constant between two if these fractions are enriched in matrix material relative to the temperatures. In reality, cooling rates could vary with time. bulk chondrite. Four data points of chondrules and magnetic From these closure temperatures, together with the phosphate fractions are co-linear. The regression through these fractions, isochron age of 4492 ± 15 Ma, and the estimates of the if interpreted as a single-stage isochron, gives the date of 4532 chondrule age of 4546 ± 18 Ma from the internal residue- ± 16 Ma, distinctly younger than the bulk meteorite isochrons. second wash isochron, or 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma from the This line may be interpreted as a radiogenic Pb transfer radiogenic Pb transfer isochron, we obtain cooling rates of 5.5 isochron, which gives the age of the termination of Pb ± 3.2 Ma/°C, and 8.3 ± 5.0 Ma/°C, respectively. diffusion in chondrules. Acid-washed bulk chondrites The chondrule and phosphate ages, and the cooling rates (fractions #19R–22R) also plot on this line, in agreement with calculated for Estacado can be compared to the ages and prediction of the radiogenic Pb transfer model. If the whole cooling rates of other H chondrites of different metamorphic rock points are included, we get a more precise date of 4527.6 grades determined by U-Pb dating using a similar approach. ± 6.3 Ma (MSWD = 1.11) from this eight-point isochron Phosphate and chondrule dates (or bulk silicate dates, if (Fig. 5). chondrule data are not available) for three selected H We have now two estimates of the age of Estacado chondrites are presented in Table 4. Estacado has the youngest chondrules: 4546 ± 18 Ma from the internal residue-second phosphate Pb-Pb isochron date among the dated chondritic leachate isochron dates for the two chondrule fractions, and meteorites (Göpel et al. 1994; Amelin et al. 2005), but this age 4527.6 ± 6.3 Ma from the radiogenic Pb transfer isochron is similar, within the error, to the reported Pb-Pb model (Figs. 4 and 5). These dates agree, although marginally, at the phosphate age for Guareña (H6) (4504.4 ± 0.5 Ma) (Göpel 95% confidence level. The difference between the underlying et al. 1994). From the data presented in Table 4, it is clear that assumptions of these two age estimates is not in accepting or phosphate ages are decreasing from H4 type (4562.7 ± rejecting the fact of the radiogenic Pb transfer, but in the 0.7 Ma) to H6 type (4492.0 ± 15 Ma). Göpel et al. (1994) assumed origin of common Pb in the chondrule analyses. In reported a similar pattern in Pb-Pb model ages of phosphates the first estimate, we implicitly assume that the common Pb from a larger number of H4, H5, and H6 chondrites. Our date comes from incomplete removal of soluble “interstitial for Estacado phosphates corroborates the phosphate age material,” or from the chondrules themselves; in the second pattern established by Göpel et al. (1994). estimate, the common Pb is assumed to be from adhering bits In addition, our data is also comparable with the results of matrix, which have also gained some radiogenic Pb that and conclusions by Trieloff et al. (2003). Their estimated diffused out of the chondrules before T3. The future 40Ar-39Ar date (4435 ± 5 Ma) for Estacado is correlated with 1348 A. Blinova et al. our phosphate Pb-Pb date in similar fashion as Ar-Ar and Pb- indeed related to the differences in the peak metamorphic Pb dates for St. Marguerite and Richardton (Table 4 here; temperature. This relationship, which is a cornerstone of Table 1 in Trieloff et al. 2003). the classical approach to chondritic metamorphism The chondrule and bulk chondrite dates for Estacado, (Dodd 1981; McSween and Sears 1988), has been Richardton, and St.Marguerite are similar within the error of challenged by the experiments done by Wlotzka (2005) each other. For St. Marguerite (H4), only the model date of on the olivine/Cr-spinel and olivine-chromite 4566.7 ± 1.6 Ma is available for the bulk chondrite, and this thermometers, which suggest that equilibrated date is similar to the Pb-Pb isochron dates of chondrules from chondrites of types H4, H5, and H6 had the same average carbonaceous chondrites that were less affected by thermal temperature (1039 K, 1047 K, and 1048 K, respectively). metamorphism (Amelin et al. 2002; Amelin and Krot, We need to understand the reasons of the discrepancy Forthcoming). Chondrules in Richardton at 4562.7 ± 1.7 Ma between mineral chronometers, and to verify their are slightly younger than the oldest chondrules in accuracy with respect to the absolute temperature scale, carbonaceous chondrites (4566.6 ± 1.0 Ma in Allende in order to assure accurate comparison to the temperature [Amelin and Krot, Forthcoming]). The Estacado internal scale of diffusion. residue-second wash Pb-Pb date of 4546 ± 18 Ma is similar 2. Once the accuracy of mineral thermometry is verified, it within the error with Richardton chondrules (Table 4). would be necessary to perform precise measurements of The cooling rates of H chondrites (Table 4) decrease metamorphic temperatures on the same chondrites that markedly with increasing metamorphic grade. The estimated are being dated. This would eliminate a major average cooling rate of Estacado over the temperature range uncertainty that comes from using estimated average of 1055–759 K is about 2.5–4 times slower than that of metamorphic temperatures for each petrologic type. Richardton, and about an order of magnitude slower than that Indeed, the use of petrologic types as identifiers of of Ste. Marguerite. metamorphic conditions in thermochronology studies should be avoided, because the petrologic types of Toward an Integrated Thermal Model of the H-Chondrite chondrites represent a rather crude division of a Parent Asteroid continuum of physical conditions of metamorphism into a small number of types. Thermochronology data for the H5 chondrite Richardton 3. Several uncertainties are related to the determination of has been used by Amelin et al. (2005) to constrain the timing the rates of diffusion. The most important uncertainty of accretion, heating, and cooling of the parent asteroid of H comes from the application of diffusion coefficients chondrites following the approach developed by Ghosh et al. measured in nearly perfect crystals to polycrystalline (2003). With our study the database for H chondrites of mineral aggregates with complex textures, such as different metamorphic grades has expanded. Our findings for chondrules. The diffusion along the grain boundaries can Estacado, which is the most metamorphosed type of H be as important as volume diffusion, or even more chondrites, provide additional information to constrain the important, but we are not aware of experimental studies thermal history of the H-chondrite parent body more of diffusion in polycrystalline solids, which would precisely. provide a direct indication to the relative roles of these The variations of the ages and cooling rates observed mechanisms of migration. among H chondrites are consistent with the theoretical 4. There is also a room for improvement in the isotopic predictions of the conventional “onion-shell” thermal model dating of components of chondrites. Most important is (Herndon and Herndon 1977; Minster and Allegre 1979; developing an even more efficient way of removing Miyamoto et al. 1982; and references therein). In this thermal common Pb and eliminating related sources of model, the rate of heat loss, i.e., the cooling rate, in a uncertainties (Amelin 2006). An interesting possibility is particular layer of a chondritic parent body would decrease dating the peak of metamorphism of H6 chondrites using with depth. Our findings confirm that Estacado represents the whole rock analyses. This approach to dating is innermost layer of a parent body (Trieloff et al. 2003), i.e., promising, but its success depends on developing the that it cooled at a slower rate than other layers in the same right strategy of sampling. parent body (between 5.5 ± 3.2 Myr/°C and 8.3 ± 5 Myr/°C) (Table 4). CONCLUSIONS There are several important conditions that need to be addressed before confirming this model of the thermal history Some results of this Pb-Pb study of H6 meteorites could of the asteroid. have been foreseen, whereas the others came out as a surprise. 1. We need to understand whether the variations in the The ages of phosphates from the H6 chondrite Estacado are extent of metamorphic recrystallization, which are used younger than the previously published ages of phosphates in to assign chondrites to certain petrologic types, are H5 and H4 chondrites, and the estimated cooling rate of Constraints on the cooling history of the H-chondrite parent body 1349

Estacado is slower than the cooling rates of H chondrites with Amelin Y. and Davis W. J. 2006. Isotopic analysis of lead in sub- a lower degree of metamorphism. These features are nanogram quantities by TIMS using a 202Pb-205Pb spike. Journal consistent with the “onion-shell” model of the H-chondrite of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 21:1053–1061. Amelin Y. and Krot A. N. 2007. Pb isotopic age of the Allende parent asteroid, previously suggested on the basis of chondrules. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 42. This issue. phosphate U-Pb geochronology for a series of H chondrites Amelin Y., Krot A. N., Hutcheon I. D., and Ulyanov A. A. 2002. Pb with various degrees of metamorphism. isotopic ages of chondrules and calcium-aluminum-rich A more surprising result is that two out of four studied inclusions. Science 297:1678–1683. H6 chondrites contain phosphates with unradiogenic Pb, Amelin Y., Stern R., and Krot A. N. 2003. 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