M.J. Meads Ecology Division, D.S.T.R.

First of all, my congratulations go to John Tenquist far .achieving his. aim of "stimulating interest" (mine a,t least) in his -.article .'.Stick Insects, A Review' -which...appeared in the November 1975 Newsletter.

I am intrigued to know what John Tenquist considers a "serious attempt" to classify and describe insects as the work of Brunner von Wattenwyl and Redtenbacher, and Carl on phasmids, is dismissed by him with the statement "(they) mention them in passing". Brunner von Wattenwyl and Redtenbacher,(1907) published a three volume review of world phasmids, which included descriptions of five new and synonymy of three species from N.Z.'("Wandering naturalists"?). Carl (1913) described three genera and two species from H.Z, Hutton (1881-1899') (hardly a "more recent biologist" than those already mentioned) published two revisions of N.Z. phasmids in which six species,.were described and synonymy of four species was established. He also reclassified the Argosarchus. Again he can hardly be said to have "only., briefly described them".

If we assume that revisional work is "serious", and the la-test publications are "recent", then the publications of Hutton (1899) Argosarchus); Brunner von Wattenwyl and Redtenbacher (1907) ()\ Carl (1913) (Mimarchus and Micrarchus); Salmon (1954, 1955) ( and Tectarchus) are the most current revisions of N.Z. phasmids (provided that we accept the categories "wandering naturalist, biologist, and worker" as synonymous).

However, from Mr Tenauist's review, it is evident that determination of N.Z. phasmids at the specific level is difficult, and problems.are encountered even at the generic level. In the past the great intra specific variability of many N.Z. species has been overlooked or ignored, and classification has been based on non-constant characters. Inevitably we have many more species described than actually exist.

For the past five years I have been examining the literature, collecting specimens and attempting to establish cultures-of-some species, with a view to revising this group in N.Z.

I would recommend that prior to any examination of these insects, a thorough investigation of the literature should be made.

A bibliography of papers relating to N.Z. phasmids is given below.

1846 White, Adam & A.G. Butler. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror. p. 24. •

1859' "WestTwood, J.O. Catalogue of Orthopterus insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I, Phasmidae. pp. 14-16, 48, 49.

1866 Kaup, J. Description of two new species of the Genus Bacillus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. pp. 577, 578.

1875 Stal, C. Revue critique des Orthoptere decrits par Linne, de Geer et Thunberg, Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & soner. Recensio Orthopterorium. Part 3,'pp. 33-36, 82, 83. ' ' 8.

1881 Hutton, F.W. Orthoptera''or New Zealand. Gat, of.. N.Z. Diptera, Orthoptera & Hymenoptera. pp. 74-77.

1892 Hudson, G.V. New Zealand'Entomology. Manual of N.Z. Entomology. pp. 110, 111. PI. 19.

1898 Hutton, F.W. ; The Phasmidae of New Zealand. Trans. & Proc. of N.Z. Inst. Vol. 30, pp.;160-166. .

1899 Hutton," F.W. Revision of the New Zealand Phasmidae. Trans. & Proc, " of N.Z.' Inst. Vol. 31, pp. 50-59.

1901 Alfken, J.D. Neue Orthopteren von Neu-Seeland und den Hawaiischen Inseln. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific. p. 143, 144.

1902 Teppe.r, J.G.O. List of the described genera and species of the a. Australian and Polynesian Phasmidae (Spectre-Insects). Trans. Roy. Soe, ..of South Australia. No. 26, pp. 279, 285, 286.

1904 Alfken, J.W. Beitrag zur Insectenfauna der Hawaiischen und Neus;,elandischen Inseln. Zoologische Jahrbucher. pp. 561-603.

1904 Kirby, W.F, Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera. Vol. 1. pp.333-335, 339-342.

1907 Brunner von Wattenwyl, Carl. Die insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. "Vol. 2. -pp. 213-215, 236-239.

1910 Kirby, W.F. An undetermined species of stick- found in Devonshire. The Zoologist, Vol. 14, pp. 197, 198.

1913 Carl, T. Phasmides nouveaux ou peu connus du Meseum de Geneva. Rev. Suiss Zobl. Vol. 21, 1-56.

1925 Lysaght, A.M. Orthoptere and Dermaptera from the Chatham Islands. Rec. Canterbury (NZ) Mus. 2 (5), pp. 308, 309.

1944 Uvarov, A New Zealand Phasmid (Orthoptera) established in the British Isles. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 13, Pts. 7-8, pp. 94-96.

1948 Salmon, J.T. New Genera species and records of Orthoptera from the three Kings Islands New Zealand. Records of Auckland Inst. Vol. 3, 301-303.

1950 Uvarov, B.P. A second New Zealand Stick-Insect () established in the British Isles. .Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond (B) 19. Pts. 11-12. pp. 174, 175.

1951 Sullivan, G.E. The anatomy and life history of (Westwood)." M.Sc. Thesis, V,U.W.

1953? Yates, Joan A. The bionomics of anatomy of the Genus Argosarchus Hutt. with an account -of characters of possible value in the of the Family Phasmidae. M.Sc. (Honours) Thesis. V.U.W.

1954 Salmon, J.T. "A new Genus and species of, Phasmidae from New Zealand Trans. Roy. Soc. of N.Z. Vol. 82. Pt. I. pp. 161-168. 9.

1955 Salmon, J.T. Stick-Insects.; _Tuatata-J,olL-5 ' No. 3 pp.77-81.

1955 Salmon, J.T. The Genus Acanthoxyla (Phasmidae). Trans. Roy, Soc. of N.Z. Vol. 82. Pt. 5. ppr4:14^1±5t;'™'-;-"''

1955 Salmon, J.T. in New Zealand Stick Insects. Trans. Roy. Soc. of N.Z. Vol. 82. Part 5, pp. 1189-1192.

1960 Cumber, R.A. Eggs of Phasmid species in the , :: ' : N.Z. Entomologist. Vol.2. No. 6. pp. 23, 24.

1968. Stringer, I.A.N. Aspects of reproduction and development of " White. Auckland University Thesis.

1969 Salmon, J.T. Phasmidae of New Zealand. N.Z. Entomologist Vol. 4, . No. 3, pp. 70, 71.

1969 Stringer, I.A.N. The nymphal and imaginal stages of the bisexual stick insect Clitarchus hookeri Phasmidae; Phasminae). N.Z* Entomologist Vol. 4. No. 3. pp. 85-95.

1974 Clark, J.T. Stick and Leaf Insects. Winchester.

1976 Clark, J.T. The eggs of stick insects (Phasmida): a review with descriptions of the eggs of eleven species. Systematic Entomology 1, 95-105. * - "


The original review was based on information available to me at the time - all of which was gleaned from Dr Salmon's various papers. In fact, the article was sent to Dr Salmon for his comments before' public At ion'. However, Mike has provided a useful list, some of which are not included in Millers Bibliography.