Chuck Wendig | 416 pages | 29 Mar 2016 | Del Rey Books | 9781101885925 | English | United States Aftermath | Wookieepedia | Fandom

We all remember the Star Wars: Aftermath time we saw Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca together. There were fireworks. There was celebration. But revolutions come with a price. And a new trilogy of books to tell us what happened. Check out the exciting excerpt below. We have triumphed over villainy and oppression and have given our Alliance — and the galaxy beyond it — a chance to breathe and cheer for the progress in reclaiming our freedom from an Empire that robbed us of it. But though we may celebrate, we should not consider this our time to rest. We struck Star Wars: Aftermath major blow against the Empire, and now will be the time to seize on the opening we have created. Its oppressive hand closes around the throats of Star Wars: Aftermath, free-thinking people across the galaxy, from the Coruscant Core to Star Wars: Aftermath farthest systems in the Outer Rim. We must remember that our fight continues. Our rebellion is over. But the war. Chains rattle as they lash the neck of Emperor . The mad cheers of the crowd as they pull, and pull, and pull. Disappointed Star Wars: Aftermath as the stone fixture refuses to budge. But then someone whips the Star Wars: Aftermath around the back ends of a couple of heavy-gauge speeders, and then engines warble and hum to life—the speeders gun it and again the crowd pulls—. The head of the statue snaps off, goes rolling and crashing into a fountain. Dark Star Wars: Aftermath splashes. The crowd laughs. And then: The whooping of klaxons. Red lights strobe. Three airspeeders swoop down from the traffic Star Wars: Aftermath above—Imperial police. Red-and- black helmets. The glow of their lights reflected back in their helmets. The laser cannons at the fore of each airspeeder open fire. Red bolts sear the air. The crowd is cut apart. Bodies dropped and stitched with fire. But still, those gathered Star Wars: Aftermath not cowed. They are no longer a crowd. Now they are a mob. They start picking up hunks of the Palpatine statue and lobbing them up at the airspeeders. One of the speeders swings to the side to avoid Star Wars: Aftermath incoming chunk Star Wars: Aftermath stone—and it bumps another speeder, Star Wars: Aftermath its fire. Coruscanti citizens climb up the stone spire behind both speeders—a spire on which are written the Imperial values of order, control, and the rule of law—and begin jumping onto the police cruisers. One helmeted cop is flung from his vehicle. The other crawls out onto the hood of his speeder, opening fire with a pair of Star Wars: Aftermath as a hunk of stone cracks him in the helmet, knocking him to the ground. Two of those Star Wars: Aftermath father and son, Rorak and Jak—quick- duck behind the collapsed statue. In the distance, the sound of more fighting, a plume of flames, flashes of blaster fire. A billboard high up in the sky among the traffic lanes suddenly goes to static. The boy is young, only twelve standard years, not old enough to fight. Not yet. He looks to his father with pleading eyes. The battle is over! The supposed end of the Empire. The start of something better. But Rorak does. He knows how war goes. And that may still come to pass. The battle is just starting. A ship drops out of hyperspace: a little Starhopper. A one-person ship. Favored by many of the less desirable factions out here in the Outer Rim—the pirates, the bookies, the bounty hunters and those with bounties on their heads to hunt. This Star Wars: Aftermath ship has seen action: plasma scarring across the wings and up its tail fins; a crumpled dent in the front end as if it was kicked by an AT-AT Imperial walker. All the better for the ship to blend Star Wars: Aftermath. Ahead: the planet Akiva. A small planet—from here, striations of brown and green. Thick white clouds swirling over its surface. The pilot, , once Red Leader and now—well, now something else, a role without a formal title, as yet, because things are so new, so different, so wildly up in the air—sits there Star Wars: Aftermath takes a moment. No TIE fighters. No blasts across the bow of his X-wing. No Death Star—and here, Wedge shudders, because he helped take down two of those things. Some days that fills him with pride. The fight still going on all around him. He pulls up his datapad. Scrolls through the list with a tap of the button on the side. The list of planets clicks past. This planet, Akiva, is the sixth on the list of many, too many. It was his idea, this run. Somehow, the remaining factions of the Empire are still fueling their war effort even months after the destruction of their second battle station. Hiding out there. Torturing them for information before their execution. Wedge fidgets at his side, pulls up the personal comm relay that hangs there at his belt—he taps the side of it, tries to get a signal. His heart drops into his belly. Because what all of this adds up to is:. Some Star Wars: Aftermath the criminal syndicates still operating out here have technology to do that locally —but in the space above the planet, no, no way. Only one group Star Wars: Aftermath that tech. His jaw tightens. The bad feeling in the well of his gut is swiftly justified, as ahead a Star Destroyer punctures space like a knife-tip as it drops out of hyperspace. Wedge fires up the engines. I have to get out of here. What did Han always say? Just fly Star Wars: Aftermath. The ship is disguised as it is for a reason: It looks like it could belong to any two-bit smuggler out here on the fringe. Corrupt satrap governors. Various syndicates competing for resources and opportunities. A well-known black market—once, Star Wars: Aftermath ago, the Trade Federation had a droid manufacturing facility here. Which means, if you want some off-the- books droid, you Star Wars: Aftermath come here to buy one. The Rebel Alliance procured many of its droids right here, as a matter of fact. Fly down to the planet to do aerial recon, as was the original plan—or plot a course back to Chandrila? Two Star Destroyers appearing out of nowhere? Blocked comms? Endless variables await: nebula clouds, asteroid fields, floating bands of star-junk from various skirmishes and battles. Last thing Wedge wants to do is pilot around the edge of a black hole or through the center of a star going supernova. You have entered Imperial space. Fear lances through him, sharp and bright as an electric shock. A scoundrel like Solo could convince a Jawa to buy a bag of sand. Wedge is a pilot. Calrissian worked on the story. Aftermath: Star Wars by Chuck Wendig: | : Books

Set soon after the events of the film Return of the Jedithe series explores the time period between that film and 's The Force Awakens. The trilogy began in with Aftermathwhich was followed by Star Wars: Aftermath sequels Aftermath: Life Debt and Aftermath: Empire's End The first novel of the trilogy debuted at No. In MarchDisney Publishing Worldwide and announced the "Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens " publishing initiative, a collection of novels and comic books from multiple publishers intended to connect The Force Awakens with previous film installments. Kemp 's novel Star Wars: Lords of the Sith as the first openly gay character in the Star Wars canonAnthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly called Aftermath 's Sinjir "the first major gay hero" in the franchise. Empire's End features a reappearance of Lando Calrissianwho reclaims control of Bespin 's Cloud City from the Imperials who occupy Star Wars: Aftermath. Chris Taylor of Mashable wrote that the situation reflects real life in that adults disliked Jar Jar in the films, but children were entertained by him. Star Wars: Aftermath is the first novel in Wendig's Aftermath trilogy. It was published by Del Rey Books on September 4, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine have fallen and the second Death Star has been destroyed, but the Rebel Alliance —now calling itself the New Republic —has yet to fully subdue the scattered forces of the Empire that remain. Meanwhile, his wartime comrade Norra Wexley has also arrived on the planet to reunite with her teenage son Temmin. Former Imperial officer Sinjir Star Wars: Aftermath Velus, living quietly on Akiva following the disastrous Battle of Endoris unhappy to find the Empire at his door, and Star Wars: Aftermath bounty hunter Jas Star Wars: Aftermath latest contract leads her to a wealth of valuable targets. Aftermath debuted at No. It was published by Del Rey Books on July 12, Fresh from their latest mission, the team is asked by General Leia Organa to find her husband Han Solowho has gone missing during a personal mission Star Wars: Aftermath free the Wookiees on the enslaved planet Kashyyyk. The group finds Han and helps him free an imprisoned Chewbacca and a score of longtime Imperial prisoners—among them Norra's husband, Brentin. Under the secret guidance of the deceased Emperor Palpatine's former advisor, Gallius Rax, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane works to consolidate the remnants of the Empire's forces. Rax reveals the existence of an extensive Imperial fleet, and gathers a selective group of former imperials to form Star Wars: Aftermath "Shadow Council". Though their goals seem aligned, Sloane becomes increasingly distrustful of Rax as she begins to discover the extent of his machinations. Meanwhile, as the New Republic celebrates the liberation of the prisoners, Rax's insidious plan comes to fruition. Brainwashed to kill, Brentin and the other prisoners suddenly attack Chancellor Mon Mothma and other New Republic political and military targets, as well as civilians. Injured by Norra, she aligns herself with Brentin, who is desperate to avenge Star Wars: Aftermath on Rax. They find Rax as he arrives at his homeworld of with his fleet. IGN 's Jared Petty awarded the novel a score of 6. It was Star Wars: Aftermath by Del Rey Books on February 21, Star Wars: Aftermath and Jas are captured by Imperial stormtroopers ; Norra is enslaved, and Jas—who has a bounty on her head —is handed over to the crime lord Niima the Hutt. Temmin's reprogrammed B1 battle droid Mister Bones rescues Norra, and they reunite with an escaped Jas. Sloane and Norra's estranged husband Brentin seek revenge against Gallius Raxbut are Star Wars: Aftermath by him instead. Meanwhile, the indecisive New Republic Senate fails to approve a military offensive against the Imperial forces at Jakku. Their efforts provide Chancellor Mon Mothma with the votes Star Wars: Aftermath needs, and the motion passes. Sloane and Brentin learn of Rax's insidious program which trains abducted children to be vicious killers. Norra finally intercepts Sloane, but postpones her revenge to join her nemesis in finding out what Rax is protecting in his desert base. The battle turns for the New Republic when the Imperial dreadnought Ravager Star Wars: Aftermath destroyed. Mister Bones saves Temmin's life, but the droid is destroyed. Sloane confronts Rax, who has commenced what Palpatine called his "Contingency": the Jakku Observatory will destroy the planet and the entirety of both the Imperial and New Republic forces, plunging the galaxy into chaos. Rax will flee on a predetermined course to the Unknown Regions with a select few Destroyers, where he will create a new empire. Sloane kills Rax and stops Jakku's destruction, but assumes Rax's role as shepherd of Palpatine's plans. Sinjir becomes an advisor to Mothma, who escapes an assassination attempt, and Brentin and Jom are killed on Star Wars: Aftermath. Leia gives birth to Ben Soloher son with Han, as the Empire formally surrenders. Wedge establishes a flight academy Star Wars: Aftermath Hosnian Primewhere he and Norra will be instructors, and Temmin—now officially known as "Snap"—will attend. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Trilogy of Star Wars novels by Chuck Wendig. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved March 10, March 10, Star Wars: Aftermath March 12, Retrieved December 8, USA Today. Retrieved September 2, Retrieved February 17, The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 12, October 11, New York Daily News. Retrieved February 24, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved December 16, Archived from the original on May 6, Retrieved September 7, Retrieved July 26, Retrieved January 2, The Guardian. Archived from the original on May 19, Retrieved May 19, Retrieved March 9, Screen Rant. Retrieved February 22, Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End. Del Rey. It's time to start over That is our first Star Wars: Aftermath. To begin again. And to get it right, this time. Digital Spy. Retrieved July 25, The New York Times. September 20, September Star Wars Underworld. Retrieved May 8, Star Wars novels — present. Thrawn Thrawn: Alliances Thrawn: Treason Aftermath trilogy — Lost Stars Bloodline Phasma Leia, Princess of Alderaan Resistance Reborn The Star Wars: Aftermath Republic series. Full list of Star Wars books. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent Star Wars: Aftermath Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. First edition cover of book one, Star Wars: Aftermath Marc Thompson. Star Wars: Aftermath - Wikipedia

Look Inside. Sep 08, Minutes Buy. Sep 04, Minutes Buy. His writing gets you up close and personal. Wendig does wonders with dialogue and voice and carving out space for everyone to breathe. Aftermath is a strong foot forward Star Wars: Aftermath unexplored territory and puts down just Star Wars: Aftermath foundation that you can start picturing the Resistance and First Order of The Force Awakens taking shape. He was Star Wars: Aftermath More about Chuck Wendig. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Read An Excerpt. Sep 04, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Mar 29, ISBN Available from:. Audiobook Download. Hardcover —. Listen to a sample from Aftermath: Star Wars. Also by Chuck Wendig. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. Aftermath: Star Wars. Chuck Wendig. Lords of the Sith: Star Wars. Paul S. Tarkin: Star Wars. James Luceno. A New Dawn: Star Wars. John Jackson Miller. Heir to the Jedi: Star Wars. . Dark Disciple: Star Wars. Christie Golden. Life Debt: Aftermath Star Wars. Thrawn Star Wars. Timothy Zahn. Bloodline Star Wars. Claudia Gray. Kenobi: Star Wars Legends. Thrawn: Alliances Star Wars. James S. Drew Karpyshyn. Darth Plagueis: Star Wars Legends. Aaron Allston. Scoundrels: Star Wars Legends. Lockdown: Star Wars Legends Maul. Joe Schreiber. The Force Awakens Star Wars. Alan Dean Foster. Crucible: Star Wars Legends. Troy Denning. Battlefront: Twilight Company Star Wars. Alexander Freed. Martha Wells. Catalyst Star Wars: Aftermath Wars. A Time for Mercy. John Grisham. The Evening and the Morning. Battle Ground. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Read Star Wars: Aftermath Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books!