Municipality of North Cowichan Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee AGENDA

Monday, September 28, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Municipal Hall - Council Chambers Pages


2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Recommendation:

That the Committee approve the agenda as circulated [or as amended].

3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 2 - 4 Recommendation:

That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held June 29, 2015.


4.1 American Bullfrogs Purpose: To hear from Dr. Purnima Govindarajulu, Ph.D., Small Mammal and Herpetofauna Specialist, BC Ministry of Environment, on the American Bullfrog issues at Fuller Lake.

4.2 Parks and Trails Master Plan 5 - 72 Purpose: To review the proposal from Stantec to prepare a Parks and Trails Master Plan for North Cowichan.

4.3 Youth for Community 2015 73 - 81 Purpose: To review a report on the 2015 Youth for Community program.




Municipality of North Cowichan Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee MINUTES

June 29, 2015, 4:00 p.m. Municipal Hall - Committee Room

Members Present Councillor Kate Marsh, Chair Rick Brant Roger Bruce Garrett Elliott Brian Hamilton Deb Melnyk, (arrived 4:23 p.m.) Deb Savory Wright Mayor Jon Lefebure (ex-officio)

Staff Present Ernie Mansueti, Director of Parks and Recreation Don Stewart, Deputy Parks and Recreation Director Alyssa Meiner, Acting Deputy Director of Corporate Services Scott Mack, Director of Development Services Brian Green, Manager of Planning and Sustainability Dave Pady, Planner Jason Blood, Manager of Aquatic Centre Jill Amy, Fitness Coordinator


There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m.

(To accommodate the public and for purposes of convenience, some items of business were dealt with out of order. For ease of reading and cross reference with the agenda, these minutes are recorded in agenda order).


It was moved and seconded: That the Committee approve the agenda as amended to add a presentation by Dave Polster under New Business, to be received before item 4. Business. CARRIED


It was moved and seconded: That the Committee adopt the minutes of the meeting held March 30, 2015. CARRIED

1 2 June 29, 2015 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes


4.1 Personal Fitness Training

The Committee received a follow up report from the Manager of the Cowichan Aquatic Centre, requested by the Committee at the March 30, 2015 meeting, providing additional background information from Cowichan Aquatic Centre fitness facility users regarding personal training. The Committee also heard from the Director of Parks & Recreation, the Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation, and the Fitness Coordinator regarding the number of requests for private and personal training services, the common practice of other publically owned recreation facilities that offer these services, and the need for proper support and training from a safety perspective. In terms of reducing liability, the Manager of Aquatic Centre advised that commercial liability insurance and proof of proper certification would be required of commercial trainers.

It was moved and seconded: That the Committee recommend that Council rescind its February 18, 2009 policy (to not offer private or personal fitness training at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre other than basic orientation sessions and initial fitness set-ups) and direct staff to draft a bylaw to amend the Fees Bylaw to include personal and commercial fitness training fees. CARRIED

4.2 Fees and Charges - 2015

The Committee received a report and summary from the Deputy Director of Parks & Recreation, and a verbal summary from the Director of Parks & Recreation, regarding the recommended adjustments to fees and charges at the Cowichan Aquatic Centre and Fuller Lake Arena. The recommended adjustments include a 25 cent increase to certain individual admission rates, a new multi-day pass for sports tournaments and special events, and competition rates for non-commercial rentals.

It was moved and seconded: That the Committee recommend that Council direct staff to draft a bylaw to amend the Fees Bylaw to increase Cowichan Aquatic Centre and Fuller Lake Arena user fees. CARRIED

4.3 Regina Drive Park Exchange

The Committee received a presentation from the Planner, and information from the Director of Development Services, regarding the Regina Drive Park Exchange . The Committee discussed the proposed park exchange, including the options available to the applicant, current trails on private property, the fact that the park is currently in a natural state, questions and concerns brought up at the open house, split row fence on either side of the proposed trail, retention of green space, and the access point from Lakes Road.

2 3 June 29, 2015 - Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes

It was moved and seconded: That, given the desire to increase legal public access to recreation trails, the Committee recommend that Council pursue the proposed park exchange. CARRIED

4.4 Cook and Humbird Street

The Committee received a verbal update from the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding a vacant lot in Chemainus dedicated for park purposes. A survey of nearby residents is being proposed in order to determine the desired use of this property.

4.5 Grant Application - Kin Park

The Committee received a verbal update from the Director of Parks and Recreation regarding the grant application submitted to the Canada 150 Federal program, for Kin park. This grant program matches dollars for park projects including playgrounds, parking, picnic area, amenities and green space.


5.1 Presentation by Dave Polster

The Committee received a presentation from Dave Polster, Registered Professional Biologist, regarding management of invasive species, streamside restoration, strategies for invasive plant management, and monitoring systems.


The Committee closed the meeting to the public at 5:53 p.m. on the basis of section (90) (1) (b), of the Community Charter.


The Committee rose without reporting and ended the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

______Signed by Certified by Chair or Member Presiding Recording Secretary

3 4 Request for proposal

North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan Closing Date: August 24 2015, 4:30pm 5 The number of recreation, parks and sport master planning projects 63 undertaken by Stantec

6 What’s Inside

Letter of Interest

About us/Company Profile...... 1 What we do...... 2

Project Understanding...... 3 Why Us? ...... 3 Team Qualifications...... 3

Your Consulting Team...... 5

Past Performance...... 11 References...... 14

Methodology...... 15 Project Workplan...... 15

Project Schedule...... 21 Schedule of Hourly Rates...... 21

Fees and Budget...... 22 Fee Proposal...... 22 Fee Assumptions...... 22


A Team Resumes B IAP2 & Proposed Engagement Strategy C Project Management

Request for proposal MUNICIPALITY OF North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan

7 We design with community in mind

8 Stantec Consulting Ltd. 400 – 655 Tyee Road, Victoria, , V9A 6X5 T: 250.388.9161 F: 250.382-0514

August 24, 2015

Attn: Mr. Brian Green Manager of Planning and Sustainability Municipality of North Cowichan, Box 278, Duncan, BC, V9L 3X4 250.746.3155 [email protected]

Reference: Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan Dear Brian: Stantec Consulting Ltd (Stantec) is pleased to provide the following proposal to facilitate the development of an integrated Parks and Trails Master Plan for the Municipality of North Cowichan. Parks and trails have an unlimited potential to improve individual health, help to develop life skills, strengthen our communities and protect our environment. At Stantec, we believe parks, trails, culture, nature, and recreation are essential community services and that is why we always design with community in mind. We do this because we’re a part of the community too, and we care about the places where we live and play as much as you do. To meet your needs, we have assembled an interdisciplinary team of award winning specialists in parks, trails and recreation master planning; community needs assessment and public participation and project management. Mark Crisp, Tim Shah and local resident Lisa Moilanen recently completed the successful University Village Local Area Plan work in North Cowichan and Duncan. Justin Ellis led the development of the Regional District of Nanaimo’s Parks and Trails Design Guidelines; the Gateway Cities Parks System Planning and Assessment Tool; Trails Inventory for , the and the Sunshine Coast; and the Cochrane Open Space Master Plan. Nalon Smith completed the Sunshine Coast Trail Strategy, Ladysmith Athletic Park and the Parks and Trail Master Plan and a trail design project in Mission, BC. Nalon and Tim are also currently working on Parks and Trail related Master Plans in Osoyoos, BC and Parkland County, AB. We have experience working in an integrated team environment with municipal clients and stakeholders and offer an extensive portfolio of relevant project experience. Crafting an effective master plan includes an understanding of a community’s culture; current state; needs and wants; capacity to deliver; and role within the region. Appropriate planning also requires consideration of details; meaningful public engagement; and an ability to communicate the information and Plan in a visually appealing and accessible manner. We believe our team has the expertise to deliver a highly efficient, yet meaningful, integrated parks and trails master plan that will be supported by staff, elected officials and the community. We have the proven ability to deliver the required services and are committed to providing a high level of professional quality control and quality assurance, delivering the project on time and within budget. We are committed to continuity of approach, effective team coordination, and clear client communication. Sincerely,

Justin Ellis, MES, BRMH Mark Crisp, MRAIC Western Canada Lead for Recreation, Senior Associate Parks and Tourism Planning Phone: (250) 389-2509 Phone: (250) 389-2541 [email protected] [email protected]

9 At Stantec, we believe that recreation has an almost unlimited potential to develop life skills, enhance each of our communities and build strong citizens.

10 About us Together we are making a difference - the Stantec story

We’re active members Our unique Integrated Asset Management team is a proven leader in recreation facility conditions and sustainability of the communities assessments while our environmental services team supports environmental and conservation planning we serve. That’s why in many communities in BC. Members of Community at Stantec, we always Development studio are professional members of the BC Recreation and Parks Association, AB Recreation design with community and Parks Association, Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals, Canadian Institute of Planners, Planning in mind. Institute of BC, British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects and the International Association of Public Stantec, founded in 1954, provides professional consulting Participation. in community planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental Since 1954, our local strength, community knowledge, science, project management, and project economics. and relationships, have been coupled with world-class Continually striving to balance economic, environmental, expertise, allowing us to reach further to meet our clients’ and social responsibilities, we are recognized as a world- needs in more creative and personalized ways. With a long- class leader and innovator in the delivery of sustainable term commitment to the people and places we serve, which planning and design solutions. are also the places we live and play, Stantec has the ability to connect to projects on a personal level and advance the Our projects begin at the intersection of community, quality of life in communities across the globe. creativity, and client relationships. We effectively integrate multiple disciplines and industries to make community development projects happen at all scales. With a long- term commitment to the people and places we serve, com·mu·ni·ty / ke’myuniti / Stantec is known for having a unique ability to connect to n.> plural com·mu·ni·ties. projects on a personal level and advance the quality of life in communities across the globe. 1. a social group Members of Stantec’s Community Development studio are of any size whose established leaders in parks, open space, recreation and members reside trails planning. Our projects are as diverse as our clients in a specific and range from the development of regional land use, parks locality, share and recreation management plans, strategic planning of government, provincial, regional, and municipal parks, open space, trail and often have a and recreation tourism systems, to the development of common cultural and historical heritage. individual park management plans, site scale designs and regional recreation and tourism resource inventorying and condition assessment. We have the experience to effectively and efficiently develop meaningful Parks and community Recreation Master Plans for your community.

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 1 11 What we do The Municipality requires the services of a firm that has substantial experience in parks and trails master planning that can draw on previous work to realize efficiencies in the planning process. + To enable meaningful community engagement and community and Council buy-in to the plan, the 60 Municipality also requires the services of a firm that can bring innovative engagement technologies to the planning The project team’s process – technologies that will minimize barriers to cumulative number of participation and allow the public and stakeholders to meaningfully influence the direction of the plan. years of engagement experience We are confident that few firms can provide you the cost savings and efficiencies of working with a single firm impacted by a decision to be involved in the decision- and the benefit and assurance that comes with a fully making process. interdisciplinary team. Providing long-range direction for a community’s parks and trails needs is complex and Our team brings nearly 60 years of expertise in demands extensive experience and expert knowledge in developing and implementing innovative community a diversity of disciplines. Our project team provides you needs assessment and engagement processes. Our proven expertise in: public participation consultants are trained in and apply the International Association of Public PARKS AND TRAIL RESOURCE Participation (IAP2) Code of Practice. We are INVENTORYING committed to the concept of “co-creation” and we embrace the principle that “involving citizens is Understanding the current supply, type and spatial about creating ideas that have a better chance of distribution of parks and trails in North Cowichan, working for them” (Bason, National Recreation as well as in adjacent communities, is an essential Summit, 2011). In alignment with IAP2 Spectrum early step in all planning for the future. Stantec has of Public Participation (Appendix A), Stantec uses a designed and implemented recreation resource suite of centralized and decentralized engagement inventories on 75% of Alberta’s provincial land base. tools and techniques to minimize barriers and enable We bring leading edge data acquisition, management maximum participation. and analysis abilities to all of our projects. Team members have been invited to deliver presentations PARKS AND TRAILS MASTER PLANNING on our award winning Recreation Resource Data Planning for the parks and trail needs of a community System at recreation sector conferences throughout is challenging and demands highly skilled parks and western Canada and the United States. recreation planners. Stantec brings sector leading experience in all aspects of parks and trails master COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT + PUBLIC planning including facility inventory and assessment, AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT needs assessment, demographic and trend analysis, Effective engagement processes provide gap analysis, cost – benefit analysis, cost recovery stakeholders and the public with the information formula preparation, and partnership delivery. they need to participate in a meaningful way while providing decision makers the information they need to be confident in their decisions. Meaningful engagement allows those who are potentially

2 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 12 Project Understanding With rolling hills, sea-kissed shores and lush, dense forests, the Cowichan Valley is a truly unique and unparalleled region.

The Municipality of North Cowichan is one of the most attractive areas on Vancouver Island and its parks and recreation services play an essential role in the Municipality’s commitment to sustainability, economic opportunity, smart growth, and a healthy safe community. The Municipality needs to provide quality parks and trails, and good access to natural areas to serve the community as well as act as an economic driver for growth in the residential base. Therefore, the OCP includes goals related to 1) providing diverse recreational opportunities for all for the aging population, attracting young people and ages, and 2) integrating parkland acquisition, natural areas families, social development, food security and more. protection, and trail development plans. The importance of these existing resources, stated North Cowichan is blessed to have a wide variety of park community needs and changing trends makes it crucial to and trail types, each serving different roles related to health prepare this Parks and Trails Master Plan in a unique and and fitness, social interaction, preserving natural features, thoughtful manner, utilizing the large amount of relevant increasing community pride and connecting points of content that has already been completed in existing plans, interest and communities. There is a formal managed as well as the extensive resource and knowledge that our network of parks and trails, as well as a more informal Stantec Team brings to the table. network. These networks of parks, recreation facilities, and access to natural areas lie at the core of a wide range of The Plan will be prepared with input from a local interrelated community components, such as: stakeholder workshop process, open house and through staff and PRAC involvement. The new Plan will provide • Quality of life guidance for investing in the acquisition and development • Community identity – oceanfront, rural character of an integrated system of parks and trails to serve diverse • Health and safety community and visitor needs into the future. We will work collaboratively with Municipal Staff, the PRAC, • Multi-modal transportation residents and other stakeholders to co-create a plan • Demographic changes that provides clear decision-making information and • Regional approach and collaboration prioritized projects. • Protecting scenic quality • Promoting the area for rural and nature-based tourism • Ecosystem health, biodiversity, critical habitats • Natural hazard areas • Water and watersheds • Public realm improvements

Further, parks and trails can address North Cowichan’s opportunities and challenges related to shoreline access, sea level adaptation strategies, ‘age and stage’ specific needs

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 3 13 Why us? WHAT SETS US APART Several members of our team were involved in the recently completed University Village Local Area Plan work in North Cowichan and Duncan.

We attribute the success of this project to the comprehensive engagement process and use of StanMap, which both served to integrate community input through all phases of the Project and ensured buy-in from both the community and Council. Our experience with the Municipality of North Cowichan, the City of Duncan, and the Cowichan Tribes will ensure smooth communication and partnerships, as they relate to the Parks and Trails Master Plan. TEAM QUALIFICATIONS Through past projects and local knowledge, we EXPERTISE IN PARKS, understand how the planning, design and use of parks TRAILS & RECREATION and trails can impact, and be impacted by, existing MASTER PLANNING assets such as the floodplain, Somenos Marsh, the dyke EXPERTISE IN OUTDOOR trail, and other key community features. Connecting RECREATION & ACTION key nodes within the community, whether they be SPORT FACILITY DESIGN key residential areas, shopping districts, waterfront areas, Vancouver Island University and existing EXPERTISE IN PARKS & RECREATION INFRASTRUCTURE CONDITION recreation infrastructure (rink, aquatic centre), will be a ASSESSMENTS foundational part of the Master Plan, as is ensuring good connectivity with adjacent systems. Further, aiming EXPERTISE IN PARKS, to increase the parks and trails within the urban core TRAIL & RECREATION would likely be an important goal of the Master Plan. RESOURCE INVENTORYING

We have experience working together as an integrated EXPERIENCE IN PUBLIC CONSULTATION & PROJECT team and with the Municipality, adjacent governments MANAGEMENT and the community, as well as offer an extensive portfolio of relevant project experience. We believe EXPERTISE IN GEOGRAPHIC our team has the expertise to deliver a highly efficient, INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) and meaningful, integrated parks and trails master plan that will be supported by staff, elected officials EXPERTISE IN LANDSCAPE and the community. We are committed to continuity of ARCHITECTURE approach, effective team coordination, and clear client FAMILIARITY WITH MUNICIPAL communication. GOVERNMENT & EXPERIENCE IN PRESENTING TO COUNCIL

4 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 14 Your Consulting Team

We have assembled a creative interdisciplinary team of industry leading professionals with award winning experience in long range parks and trails master planning and public participation. Our project team brings extensive experience working with local governments in the development of parks, trails, recreation and sport master plans of similar scope and complexity. Our team is constantly researching and working together to innovate, to make our process better and to discover solutions to help our communities expand and improve their parks, trails, and recreation and sport systems. Our project team will be managed by Justin Ellis, Associate, Senior Planner who leads parks and recreation planning in Western Canada.


MARK CRISP LISA MOILANEN Role: Community Planner | Role: Engagement Lead Senior Advisor EXPERTISE IN: EXPERTISE IN:

NALON SMITH DEVON JENKINS Role: Landscape Architect Role: Geographic Information System & Data Management EXPERTISE IN: Specialist EXPERTISE IN:


Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 5 15 Meet Your Team

Our team is committed to the success of the project, developing a broad understanding and We have provided a brief relationship with the Municipality of North summary of each of team members experience below Cowichan and having the opportunity to engage, and included detailed Team learn and grow with the community. Resumes in Appendix A.


Project Manager Osoyoos Parks and Trails Master Plan, MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Osoyoos, BC (Project Manager) Slave Lake Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Justin is a parks, outdoor recreation and Slave Lake, AB (Parks Planner) sustainable tourism planner with 11 years of Parkland County Parks, Recreation and Culture experience leading multi-scale interdisciplinary project Master Plan, Parkland County, AB (Project Manager) teams. His experience transcends all scales of planning Gateway Cities Park Planning & Assessment Tool, and includes provincial scale conservation systems Boston, MA (Park Planning Lead) and tourism destination planning to regional access management planning and city wide parks, trails and Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Coast Trails Inventor, Victoria, BC (Project Manager) recreation master planning. His public land recreation planning and management informs his understanding of Spruce Grove Outdoor Recreation & Sport Strategy, Spruce Grove, AB the roles and opportunities related to the municipal forest (Project Manager) reserve lands. Justin understands the critical connection Cochrane Open Space Master Plan, between planning scales – from provincial policy, to Cochrane, AB (Project Manager) official community plans to detailed design. Justin is an Spruce Grove Spontaneous Park Amenities industry leader in spatially explicit recreation resource Strategy, Spruce Grove, AB (Recreation Specialist) inventorying, parks level of service assessment, planning, Design Development Plan, City of management and development and an innovator in the use Calgary, AB (Recreation & Parks Planner) of Crowd Source technology in public participation and GIS Alberta Recreation and Tourism Features Inventory, based comprehensive level of service assessments. With a Edmonton, AB (Project Manager) commitment to co-creation, Justin effectively engages the RDN Regional Parks and Trails Design Guidelines, community toward developing shared solutions that are Nanaimo, BC (Project Manager) visionary and effective, yet pragmatic. His plans help clients Live the Athabasca – Water Trail Development meet the pressures of today while strategically positioning Concept Plan and Inventory, AB (Project Manager) them for the challenges of tomorrow.

Justin Ellis was awarded the 2012 Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals Excellence in Planning Award for his work on the Alberta Recreation and Tourism Resource Inventory and Data System?

6 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 16 RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE MARK CRISP University Village Local Area Plan, Community Planner | Senior District of North Cowichan and City of Duncan, BC Advisor (Project Manager) MRAIC Trans Canada Corridor Management Plan, District of North Cowichan and City of Duncan, BC Mark brings over 20 + years of multi-disciplinary (Project Manager) experience that encompasses a range of projects in Village of Cumberland - Official Community Plan architecture, civil engineering, landscape design, 2014, Village of Cumberland, BC (Project Manager) urban and environmental planning. He currently Village of Cumberland - Zoning Bylaw update 2016 leads the growing community development team on Village of Cumberland, BC(Project Manager) Vancouver Island in close coordination with various engineering environmental and architectural Stanley Park Design Development Plan, City of Calgary, AB (Landscape Design & Planning Lead) projects. Working closely with the District of North Cowichan and the City of Duncan Mark and his *Other Firms: team, including Lisa Moillanen, recently completed Parks Canada - Lake Louise Community Plan, the University Village Local Area Plan. He has broad Lake Louise, AB (Project Manager) experience working in the National Parks system, as Parks Canada - Banff National Park Human Use Study, well a preparing both park and recreation focused Banff, AB (Project Manager) landscape architecture and planning projects for City of Calgary - Shouldice Regional Athletic Park various municipalities in Canada. Mark will provide Master Plan, City of Calgary, AB (Project Manager) input on land use and planning issues, as well as acting as senior advisory for the project reviewing work with the delivery team. Mark looks forward to an opportunity to working with the District of North Cowichan again, and contributing to the quality of life and amenities of the area.

NALON SMITH RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Landscape Architect Osoyoos Parks and Trails Master Plan, BCSLA, MLA, BSc. Osoyoos, BC (Landscape Architect) Nalon Smith holds a Masters of Landscape Sunshine Coast Trail Strategy, Sunshine Coast, BC Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in (Project Manager) Parks and Recreation Management and has over 12 years Ladysmith Athletic Park, of experience in the profession. Recently at Stantec he lead Ladysmith, BC (Project Manager) the landscape construction administration for the Lower Mill Pond Accessible Trail Design Concepts, Level Road project in North Vancouver where a section Mission, BC (Project Manager) of the Spirit Trail development was completed. Nalon’s Mission Interpretive Forest Master Plan, experiences include leading numerous parks and trails Mission, BC (Project Manager) master plans throughout BC and across Canada. In 2013 he Metro Vancouver Outdoor Recreation Study completed the City of Toronto Natural Environment Trail Phase I + II, Metro Vancouver, BC (Assistant Project Manager) Strategy where his public consultation, technical GIS and Blackstrap and Echo Valley Provincial Park - Master research skills have contributed to a very successful project. Trail Plan, Regina, SK (Project Manager) His professional interests include regional/neighborhood City of Toronto Natural Environment Trails Strategy, parks, trails and outdoor recreation planning, construction Toronto, ON (Project Manager) detailing, stream restoration, urban biodiversity, and Sheep Paddocks Trail Alignment Assessment and alternative transportation networks. Design, Victoria, BC (Project Manager) McIntosh Run Trail Design, Halifax, NS (Landscape Architect) Hugh Boyd Playground, City of Richmond, BC (Landscape Designer Support) River Valley Trails Master Plan, Devon, AB (Project Manager)

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 7 17 TIM SHAH RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Parks & Trails Planner University Village Local Area Plan for North MA (PLANNING), ENV SP Cowichan, North Cowichan, BC (Author and Planner) Tim is a community planner for Stantec Gateway Cities Park Planning & Assessment Tool, Consulting Ltd. with 4 years of experience Boston, MA (Park Planning Analyst and Co-Lead) working on multi-scale, multi-disciplinary teams. Currently Central Alberta Tourism Destination Management at Stantec, he has been involved in a number of different Plan, Red Deer, AB (Planner & Author) planning projects. He recently led the development of a Park Osoyoos Parks and Trails Master Plan, Planning & Assessment Tool for the State of Massachusetts Osoyoos, BC (Parks & Trails Planner & Public that will allow the state department and local municipalities Engagement Lead) to evaluate the adequacy of their local park systems. Tim’s Parkland County Parks, Recreation and Culture research, planning knowledge, and sound technical skills Master Plan, Parkland County, AB (Recreation & contributed to a very successful project. He is currently Parks Planner) playing a major role for two significant projects being Alberta Recreation and Tourism Features undertaken by the Community Development team: the Inventory, Edmonton, AB (Planner) Osoyoos Parks and Trails Master Plan and Parkland County Parks, Recreation and Culture Master plan. Prior to joining Stantec, Tim worked as a research analyst and planner for universities and think tanks such as the Pembina Institute where he advanced his skills and knowledge of policy analysis, climate policy, environmental planning, and qualitative/quantitative research.

LISA MOILANEN RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Engagement Lead University Village Local Area Plan, Dip. BA District of North Cowichan and City of Duncan, BC (Engagement Lead) Lisa is a talented and energetic IAP2 Village of Cumberland - Official Community Plan practitioner with a broad range of experience. Review and Revision, Village of Cumberland, BC Her communication talents are a recognized asset in her (Engagement Lead) personalized work with clients, enabling her to successfully Government of Alberta Regional Plans develop and implement engagement and communications (Project Manager) plans tailored to client’s needs. Lisa has worked with a Sturgeon Regional Recreation Master Plan, variety of disciplines including community development, Redwater, AB (Engagement Lead) planning, transportation, and environmental management. Greater Victoria Harbour Authority Transport Strategy Review, Victoria, BC (Engagement Lead) marinas

8 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 18 RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE DEVON JENKINS Gateway Cities Park Planning & Assessment Tool, Geographic Information System Boston, MA (GIS Lead) & Data Management Specialist Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Coast Trails B TECH. Inventory, Victoria, BC (GIS Lead) Devon is a Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist Spruce Grove Outdoor Recreation & Sport Strategy, with Stantec. His GIS skills include land use and resource Spruce Grove, AB (Project Manager) mapping, cartography, data collection and management Central Alberta Tourism Destination Management Plan, and 3D analysis/deliverables. Devon has been involved in Red Deer, AB (GIS Lead) LiDAR processing, data manipulation and management, Alberta Recreation and Tourism Features Inventory, development of cartographic standards and 3D digital Edmonton, AB (Project Manager) mapping of urban development/land use proposals. He also Lower Athabasca River – Tourism and Recreation has previous GIS and Mapping experience in petroleum/ Destination Development Concept Plan and Inventory natural gas and oil sands surveying, during which he has Alberta (Project Manager) worked on a plethora of projects involving hydrographic modeling, LiDAR analysis, well/pad site mapping, 3D mapping, Aboriginal services, aerial photography and road use planning/networking.

fishing outdoor biking trailslakes ocean-side First Nations marine island seasidenatural Kayak waterfront lakeside

picturesque harbours shoreline

boatshiking KayakCharming sports Bay piers sail forests boating marinas watersports coastal scenic Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 9 19 Recreation is an essential community service

National Recreation Summit, 2011

20 Past Performance The Project Team has successfully led and completed many landscape planning, policy, and facilitation projects for a wide range of clients on Vancouver Island, across BC and throughout Western Canada. The following projects serve as examples to demonstrate the competency, experience, and ability of our team members. Trails Inventory – Vancouver Islands, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Coast Nanaimo, BC Completion Date: March 2015

Trails are tourism drivers and critical tourism resources. Recognizing the benefit of trails to tourism, Tourism Vancouver Island (TVI) is working with its partners to develop a Hiking Trails Tourism Strategy for Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and the Sunshine Coast.

To inform the Hiking Trails Tourism Strategy, it was populate and validate an inventory of over 240 trails. In necessary to first understand the supply, distribution, addition to undertaking the inventory, Tourism Vancouver characteristics and conditions of existing hiking trails in Island tasked Stantec with identifying and prioritizing the study area. It was also necessary to understand which the trails with the greatest tourism suitability. Using the trails have the greatest potential to attract tourists to the Canadian Tourism Commission’s Explore Quotient and destination and stimulate economic growth in the host other market research, Stantec designed and implemented a communities. Stantec was retained by TVI to research and multi-criteria trail tourism suitability model. Criteria were collaboratively design a user-friendly trails database and collaboratively identified and weighted with the input from inventory. Through the use of mySidewalk, Stantec was Trail Partners and all results were reviewed and validated able to engage over 100 trail partners to collaboratively by Trail Partners. The model was applied to identify the determine the most important inventory attributes. Using top 50 trails with the greatest suitability for soft adventure Stantec’s innovative online mapping tool – StanMAP - travelers and the top 50 trails with the greatest suitability Stantec worked collaboratively with the trail partners to for hard adventure travelers. GIS analysis was used to evaluate the extent to which tourism settings and the study area’s natural diversity were represented by the trails. The Trails by database was analysed to identify key considerations to be the numbers addressed during the development of trails tourism strategy. TRAIL CONDITION 235 Trails 1,981.5 Good on Vancouver Island, Fair the Gulf Islands, and Km of trail TRAIL Poor the Sunshine Coast RECREATION/ 2.6% TOURISM SETTING 21.7% TRAIL DIFFICULTY y

75.7 1,664 Km % EASY MODERATE DIFFICULT EXTREMELY DIFFICULT country 198 Km 99 626 Km 830 Km 368 Km 158 Km Km Front-countr Mid-country Bac k-


4% In-Progress Unknown n Hemloc k

7% Unapproved No ster We of trail operators are covered by insurance

95.7% Mountain Hemlock Coastal Coastal Douglas-Fir

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 11 21 Regional Parks and Trails Design Guidelines Parksville, BC Completion Date: 2013

Stantec prepared regional parks and trails design guidelines for the Regional District of Nanaimo.

Stantec prepared regional parks and trails design guidelines for the Regional District of Nanaimo. These guidelines provide consistent direction and standards for the planning, design and maintenance of community and Through these guidelines, a clear understanding of trail regional parks, trails, as well as associated staging areas function, character, and design standard can be applied to and other amenities. Consistent guidelines provide a basis enhance the trail experience and develop a comprehensive for safe, enjoyable, and sustainable visitor experiences trail network. Trail planning provides the opportunity for while providing for a consistent and identifiable regional continuous urban, mountain, and riverside circulation and community parks and trails brand. These guidelines systems as a significant non-motorized transportation, link municipal policy and the development of appropriate recreation, and leisure resource for residents and visitors public amenities. of Nanaimo.

Sunshine Coast Trails Strategy Sunshine Coast, BC

Completion Date: April 2014

Situated on BC’s Southern Mainland Coast, the Lower Sunshine Coast features Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, and Western Hemlock forest, rugged terrain and small coastal throughout the Lower Sunshine Coast. The purpose of this communities. Accessible primarily by ferry, it trail strategy was to guide the planning, development and is located within the traditional lands of the management of a sustainable trail network on the Lower Sechelt and Squamish First Nations, from the Sunshine Coast’s Crown Land - embracing the diversity head of the Jervis Inlet to Howe Sound. of users and nurturing social, cultural, health, economic and environmental benefits in the local communities. The The current trail inventory that was completed consisted strategy represented a fundamental move toward formally of over 325 trails making up approximately 570 kilometres. recognizing, classifying and valuing the lower Sunshine They range in their level of development, level of difficulty, Coast trails network as a significant and important asset. user type designation and proximity to one another allowing It includes the identification of key trail networks to be trail users a multitude of experiential options. About 75% legitimized through the formal Forest and Range Practices percent of this inventory has some level of digital map Act (FRPA) authorization process. All trails within this data although there is a considerable range of accuracy as strategy fell within one or more of the traditional territories much of the data was collected by volunteers due to limited of the Sechelt and Squamish First Nations. Consultation budgets. Largely on Crown Land, the majority of trails are and involvement of First Nations in the coordination of trail currently unsanctioned. Led by Nalon Smith while at Lees management activities strengthened the sustainability of and Associates, the team worked with the public and local the entire Trail Strategy development process and ensured stakeholders through six different public open houses all stakeholder had input throughout the project.

12 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 22 Osoyoos Parks and Trails This is, in large part, driven by the unique opportunities for recreation, leisure pursuits and environmental Master Plan education. Town of Osoyoos,BC The Town is embarking on the development of a 20-year Completion Date: Ongoing Parks and Trails Master Plan, which will provide guidance for investing in the acquisition and development of an The Town of Osoyoos is a provincially- integrated system of parks and trails to serve diverse recognized “resort community”. community and visitor needs into the future.

Being a resort community leads to the importance of integrating a diverse range of elements such as downtown urban squares, various levels of passive and active parks from local to regional levels, school playing fields, lake accesses, linear parkways, conservation areas, and dedicated trails for walking and cycling, and sidewalk connections and bicycle lanes.

The Town has both a large senior population and a high number of young families. Every summer the Town experiences a large influx of tourists and second home owners that increase the population threefold.

Park System Planning & Assessment Tool Gateway Cities, MA, USA Completion Date: 2015

Stantec is working with the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to develop an innovative park system planning and assessment tool.

This year, Stantec is working with Massachusetts’s demographic category, accessibility and design, condition Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and quality and the diversity of parks opportunities. (EEA) to develop an innovative park system planning and assessment tool. The EEA has contracted Stantec to The tool will allow both the state and local governments to develop a leading edge park planning and assessment tool test various investment scenarios to determine the greatest that will allow the state department and local municipalities possible benefit to the community. to evaluate the adequacy of their local park systems from multiple perspectives. The tool is being applied in each of the 26 Gateway Cities in the state. Spatial map outputs and statistical findings Stantec is developing a GIS based modular, spatially explicit from the assessment will allow both the State and local composite values level of service assessment tool that is governments to better prioritize valuable park investment evidence based, objective, spatial, and user friendly. The tool resources and ensure these investments will benefit will measure various planning criteria such as the per capita community members in greatest need. amount of park space, distribution of park space by socio-

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 13 23 References Our clients are our best advocates. We encourage you to contact the following references:

Trails Inventory: Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Company: Tourism Vancouver Island Contact person: Jody Young Title: Main Contractor

Reference 1 Reference Phone: (250) 754-3500 Email: [email protected]

Playbook 2029 – Spruce Grove Outdoor Recreation Company: The City of Spruce Grove Contact person: Paul Feser Title: Main Contractor / Parks Planning & Project Manager

Reference 2 Reference Phone: (780) 962-7603 Email: [email protected]

Recreation Resource Inventory

Company: Tourism Alberta (Policy and Strategy Branch, Tourism Division) Contact person: Paul Radchenko Title: Main Contractor / Tourism Planning/Land-use Lead

Reference 3 Reference Phone: (780) 415-8743 Email: [email protected]

“There’s a place on Vancouver Island that many hear of, most pass through and few ever experience its true beauty.”

14 Request for proposal MUNICIPALITY OF North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 24 Methodology Project Workplan understanding and how the information in existing plans and Our proposed project plan contains four strategies might be incorporated into the new master plan. phases. Each phase and the associated tasks PHASE 1 DELIVERABLES are introduced below. • Meeting Minutes PHASE 1: Project Start-Up + Information Gathering • Background, Population & Trend Summary with Gap Analysis 1.1 Project Start-up Meeting

A project start-up meeting will be held with the Director, PHASE 2: Consultation, Needs Assessment & staff and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Visioning (PRAC), expanded to include staff from Engineering Adopting the principle of community engagement means and Operations, Development Services and Forestry. ensuring that Council, staff and citizens keep talking to each The purpose of the start-up meeting is to introduce the other in an open and transparent way to ensure that decision- making is in line with the policies, goals and principles of the project team, confirm roles and responsibilities, reporting plan. It also means committing to regular and meaningful plan relationships, the work plan, schedule, deliverables, monitoring and reporting. - OCP project goals, and objectives. The project team will tour the Municipality’s parks and trails following the start-up 2.1 Draft Public + Stakeholder Engagement Plan meeting. The intent of the overarching engagement program is to 1.2 Data + Information Assembly discover the community vision related to parks and trails and integrate that within each stage of the Master Plan A data request will be submitted to the Municipality development. In line with this overarching objective, to obtain the necessary spatial data and non-spatial the project team will prepare a Public and Stakeholder information. Data sharing agreements will be signed as Engagement Plan in accordance with the International necessary. Association for Public Participation’s (IAP2) Spectrum and 1.3 Background Scan + Gap Analysis Code of Conduct (Appendix B), and in consultation with the PRAC. The Plan will define the approach, techniques, dates, The project team will consolidate and examine relevant times, locations and other details for engagement of, and information from background documents as identified on communication with, the community and key stakeholders pages 4 and 5 of the RFP including the OCP (2011), Trail throughout the project. The initial approach and details on Network and Cycling Plan (2001), Parks and Open Space the engagement plan are included in Appendix B. Strategy (1998) and other documents recommended by the Municipality. Additional information which the project 2.2 Needs Assessment team believes to be of additional benefit to the project, such Inventory data provided by the Municipality for existing and as field data collection, local demographic trends, and larger planned parks and trails infrastructure will be reviewed and national/provincial as well as regional and local parks and gaps in inventory data will be identified. A combination of recreation use trends will be reviewed. A gap analysis will be desktop analysis, staff input via StanMAP and field visits, if completed, with recommendations made regarding whether necessary, will be used to complete a spatial inventory of the additional information can be collected within the scope of Municipality’s parks and trails assets including local parks, the project to enhance the master plan or clarify parks and local parks with sub-regional interests and sub-regional trail needs or are suitable for future studies. parks. The inventory will include all linear parks, trails, 1.4 Background Information Summary natural areas, community attractions and facilities within parks. Additionally the importance of nearby regional Information reviewed in the background scan and gap parks and trails will be taken into account as part of this analysis will be synthesized and culminate in a summary of assessment.

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 15 25 Guided by Stantec’s standardized parks and trail quality and condition assessment form (developed to inventory and assess the condition of parks in 26 cities across the State of Massachusetts), the project team will undertake a Stantec has developed StanMAP - high level assessment of the Municipality’s parks and trails an innovative online crowd source assets to understand their current condition, functionality, mapping tool that allows clients, remaining useful life and maintenance considerations. This their partners and their stakeholders assessment may occur through staff/PRAC discussions and to meaningfully share spatial input may include some field review during the inventory. This into planning projects of all types? assessment will enable the team to determine if any assets are in need of replacement or upgrades and which assets will be dependable for the planning horizon.

Using the inventory and conditions assessment, Stantec will apply a GIS based, level-of-service (LOS) assessment to evaluate how well the Municipality’s parks and trails assets are serving the population and the extent to which key community destinations are connected via trails. Building on our work in the Gateway Cities Park Planning and Assessment tool, Stantec will tailor the tool to prepare a series of spatial maps and statistical reports regarding the system’s current level-of-service. The analysis will consider transportation and access to facilities as well as barriers to access. Example reports include:

• Neighbourhood Report – reports the number and Gateway Cities Park Planning & Assessment Tool - Areas of Greatest Park Need LOS score of each facility within a neighbourhood

• Diversity Report – reports the diversity of parks and recreation opportunities available to each residential parcel.

• Connectivity Report – reports the extent to which residential parcels are connected to parks, trails and recreation assets with acceptable conditions / quality within walking distance. Barriers and gaps in connectivity will be identified.

• Asset Specific Report – reports the extent to which StanMAP in action on the Trails Inventory for Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Sunshine Coast residential parcels have access to a specific asset type of acceptable condition / quality. wherever they are comfortable. StanMAP will be used to allow StanMAP City staff, and any identified stakeholders, to interactively and spatially inventory where management issues, challenges and Developed by Stantec’s experienced public engagement opportunities exist. experts, StanMAP is an interactive, web-based, crowd source tool that enables City staff, the community and This spatial information will inform the design of stakeholders to provide spatially explicit and qualitative management strategies, prioritization of focus areas etc. input on various planning and management questions. 2.3 PRAC Workshop – Development of Vision, Goals Operating at all scales, from a province wide inventory to a and Objectives local site management plan, StanMAP minimizes common barriers to staff and public participation (e.g. time, travel A workshop will be held with the Parks and Recreation costs) and provides your staff and community members Advisory Committee to review and confirm the vision the opportunity to easily and meaningfully engage from for parks, recreation and trails management, as stated in

16 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 26 other strategic documents and developed through past consultation. Using input received during the PRAC and staff workshop, Stantec will prepare a draft vision statement, guiding goals and concrete objectives. This content will serve as a strategic framework on which all future recommendations will be based. The vision, principles and outcomes will be provided to the Municipality for review, discussion and approval with Council.

2.4 Government to Government Round Table

A round table will be held with the Municipality of North Cowichan, City of Duncan, Town of Ladysmith, CVRD and the Cowichan Tribes. The purpose of the round table will be to have a preliminary discussion to determine shared and Sounding Board in Action diverging opinions on the current state and future needs 2.6 Phase 2 Update Report and Community Input of the region’s parks and trail networks. The discussion Summary will include the same content outlined below in Task 2.5 (community workshop). Information obtained through the initial inventory and conditions assessments as well as through the first round of 2.5 Community Workshops – (Engagement #1) engagement (PRAC workshop, government-to-government round table, and the community workshop), will be Stantec will organize and facilitate integrated parks and summarized in a Phase 2 update report. This will provide trails planning workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to a reference point for a common understanding between the understand perspectives and cultivate ideas from residents, project team and the client. community groups, ENGOs, youth, the PRAC, Council and adjacent local and First Nations governments on the PHASE 2 DELIVERABLES following topics: • Engagement Plan • Current Satisfaction with parks and trails, • Inventory & Conditions and Level of Service • What is working well, Assessments • • What needs to change, Phase 2 Update Report and Community Input Summary • What is needed, • PRAC Workshop • Develop priorities, • Government to Government Round Table • Public Workshop • Key destinations in the community to be linked, and (Community Engagement # 1) • A future vision, principles and desired outcomes.

It will also seek to understand if the needs assessment PHASE 3: Creating the Draft Parks and Trails completed for the Parks and Open Space Strategy is still valid Master Plan and consistent with the community’s vision for parks and trails, and how resources are allocated toward managing this 3.1 Confirm Master Plan Direction system. It is important that this process clearly outlines how Meet with the PRAC to confirm the direction of the master the input will be used in the master planning process and plan – based on the background review, consultation input, subsequent decision-making. best practices and local context. This will include discussion of a draft vision, based on input received during the first In addition to this planning workshop Stantec will work to round of engagement. enable the public and stakeholders, including both users and non-users of parks and trails, to meaningfully participate 3.2 Parks & Trails Classification Scheme in the planning process, through on site techniques such as sounding boards, and online engagement methods such as Existing parks and trails classifications / definitions and StanMap. associated level-of-service standards will be assessed

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 17 27 and confirmed and, if necessary, an updated classification condition assessment and spatial analysis. Opportunities system and standards will be proposed. The classifications to alter or expand current services, including identification will build on what is included in existing policies to develop of service gaps, shortages and surpluses, will be identified. a clear hierarchy for both parks and trails. The classification The project team will compile a list of potential projects for will include general standards of development, their consultation with the community. The opportunities for appropriate function and type of accessory facilities, expanded services could consist of the following: difficulty level and may include conceptual construction • Amenity enhancements / new amenities templates such as trail cross sections by class, maintenance and will serve as a hierarchy to direct future service needs. • Amenity adjustments / reductions

All parks and trails in the Municipality will be classified • Capital, operation and maintenance and life cycle accordingly. costs

Presentation boards detailing the results of the parks In addition to parks and trail needs, the region’s current and trails classification will be prepared for subsequent high-level budget and resourcing will be contrasted with engagement. the demographic analysis to determine if gaps in budget and resourcing are expected into the future. Part of the classification will include the production of base maps to inform future parks and trails planning in the 3.4 Preliminary Parks and Trails Master Plan Municipality. Pending data availability, base maps could include: The findings and recommendations resulting from the previous analysis and engagement process will be • Parks & Trails assembled into a Preliminary Parks and Trails Master Plan. • Recreational Areas Pragmatic yet innovative actions will be clearly articulated. • Population & Population Trends Guided by the vision and principles, strategies and actions • Priority Development / Growth Areas will address: • Scenic Areas • Necessary parks, trails and open space improvements • Environmental Sensitive Areas including beautification, • Species at Risk Habitat • Park land and trail deficiencies and surpluses and • Habitat Type strategies to resolve these, • Land Use • Gaps and barriers to a community and regionally connected trail network (coordinated with the CVRD • Land Ownership and adjacent municipalities), • Etc. • Trail development and recreation opportunities within the Municipal Forest Reserve (hiking/BMX/ horses) • Accessibility/connectivity • Standards for design, maintenance, management, best practices, including CPTED • Level of service and maintenance standards, • Invasive species management and plant species selection • Climate change considerations • Community stewardship • Pollution/illegal dumping Design Guideline Matrix • Private commercial activities on municipal parkland 3.3 Gaps Analysis – Areas & Opportunities for • Off leash dog park strategy (with specified Expansion components on page 7 of the RFP) • Fees and charges, Parks and trail needs, as identified during the engagement • Partnerships. process and demographics and trends analysis, will be contrasted with the inventory and findings from the

18 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 28 An important consideration in developing the proposed This will provide an updated reference point for a common actions will be determining an equitable geographic understanding between the project team and the client. distribution of parks and trails within the Municipality and 4.4 Draft Master Plan Refinement (public input) the extent to which key destinations within the community are connected to them. GIS will be utilized to help evaluate The project team will amend the preliminary Master Plan and present a reasonable configuration of upgraded / based on public stakeholder input obtained during the consolidated and proposed facilities, parks and trails in the open house. Short, medium and long-term priorities will be Municipality. Demographics, anticipated growth patterns, reassessed as needed. travel times by facility type, existing facility conditions, and other appropriate criteria, will be considered in the analysis. 4.5 Draft Implementation Strategy

PHASE 3 DELIVERABLES Specific strategies and priorities will be outlined that respond to community needs, and protect both • Classification Scheme and Presentation environmental and recreational values. This will include Boards strategic direction related to acquisition, development and management. The implementation strategy will include a • Gap Analysis - Areas and Opportunities for review of the projects outlined in the Parks and Open Space Expansion Strategy, for inclusion as appropriate. A capital spending • Draft Parks and Trails Master Plan program will be outlined to direct Municipal investment; which will consider the project list within the existing 3.5 Phase 3 Update Report Development Cost Charge program. Recommendations will be made related to potential partnerships and innovative A brief update report will be provided at the culmination financing mechanisms that can help bridge the gap between of Phase 3, along with the Preliminary Master Plan, to future demand and Municipality funding. summarize work completed to date. 4.6 Final Master Plan Document and Maps PHASE 4: Final Parks and Trails Master Plan The draft plan will be amended to reflect any remaining 4.1 Draft Master Plan Refinement (staff + PRAC input) PRAC or staff direction and a final master plan will An interactive webinar will be held with the client to be produced. All deliverables will be provided to the present and receive input on the Master Plan developed to Municipality as well as all GIS and other project data. date. Strategies and actions identified in the draft master 4.7 Council Presentation plan will be organized according to short, medium, and long-term priorities. The project team will amend the A final presentation of the Final Master Plan will be preliminary Master Plan based on staff and PRAC input. prepared and delivered to PRAC and Council. 4.2 Community Open House (Community Engagement # 2) PHASE 4 DELIVERABLES A second community engagement process will be facilitated • Staff Meeting Minutes as an Open House to receive input on the Preliminary Master Plan. More details on public consultation # 2 can be • Open House (Community Engagement # 2) found in Appendix B. • Final Master Plan 4.3 Community Feedback and Phase 4 report • Council Presentation Information obtained through the second round of engagement (staff and PRAC workshop, community open Refer to Appendix C for Project Management house), will be summarized in a Phase 4 update report. Approach.

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 19 29 Create conditions for spontaneous, unstructured play

Dr. Herington, National Recreation Summit, 2011


The following schedule shows hourly rates for all personnel who will be used on the project. The hourly rates will apply to the consulting assignment outlined in the TOR, as well as, any additional design and consulting services that may be approved through a change in scope.

JUSTIN ELLIS Project Manager $148 MARK CRISP Community Planner | Senior Advisor $184 NALON SMITH Landscape Architect $134 LISA MOILANEN Engagement Lead $134 DEVON JENKINS Geographic Information System & Data Management Specialist $111 TIM SHAH Parks & Trails Planner $111 Documentation services will be used as well throughout the project, at a rate of $111 per hour.

2015 2016 Months SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL M AY Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Phase 2 Update Report 4.7 Council Presentation 2.6 and Community Input Summary Final Master Plan Community Workshop Phase 3 2.5 4.6 Document and Maps (Engagement #1) 3.5 Update Report Background 1.4 Information 4.5 Draft Implementation Summary Government to 3.4 Preliminary Parks and Strategy 2.4 Government Round Table Trails Master Plan Background Scan & Draft Master Plan Gap Analysis 1.3 4.4 PRAC Workshop – Gaps Analysis – Areas Refinement (public input) 2.3 Development of Vision, 3.3 & Opportunities for Community Feedback Data & Information Goals and Objectives Expansion 4.3 and Phase 4 report Assembly 1.2 2.2 Needs Assessment Parks & Trails 3.2 Classification Scheme Community Open House Project Start-up Draft Public & Stakeholder 4.2 (Community Engagement # 2) Meeting 1.1 2.1 Engagement Plan Confirm Master Draft Master Plan 3.1 Plan Direction 4.1 Refinement

PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 Project Start-Up Consultation, Needs Creating the Draft Final Parks and & Information Assessment & Parks and Trails Trails Master Plan Gathering Visioning Master Plan

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 21 31 Fees and Budget • The client will distribute invites to stakeholders and others for any engagements and manage RSVPs. It is assumed that the client will make the municipal staff Fee Proposal available to support public engagement facilitations. • If applied, Stantec will design the sounding board and the Client will be responsible for manufacturing, installation, collection of data and provision to Stantec. Our proposed fee of $79,979 (exclusive of tax) includes all labour and expense costs for the project. • Additional meetings beyond all referenced within the scope of work are not included in our fees. Prior to attending meetings the project manager will notify the Description of Services Price Municipality of the additional scope and costs associated with the additional work.

Labour $72,832 • An 8% FRD recovery charge has been applied to the fees to cover miscellaneous project expenses, internal incidental printing, copying and plots, film, CDs and Expenses $1,320 report materials; communications expenses (e.g., faxes, office and mobile phones, blackberries, pagers, and other devices); office expenses (e.g., postage, couriers, equipment, common software and other supplies); staff local mileage/kilometrage; and archive maintenance. As this is a FRD, no supporting document will FRD $5,827 be provided with invoices. Project specific charges, such as travel, meals; project specific printing of deliverables; leased or rented project vehicles; have been Grand Total, less taxes - North$79,979 Cowichan: Parks & Trailsincluded Master under disbursements, Plan in addition to labor fees and to the FRD. Fee Assumptions -

• Review and comments from Municipal staff and the PRAC will be aggregated and Labour Expenses provided to Stantec in one consolidated document.

• As per the RFP, a budget of $6,200 has been set aside by the client to cover contingencies, room rentals (if municipal facilities are unavailable) and advertisement and materials for the engagement events.

All Top Sub- Sub-Sub-

Task Justin Ellis Justin Shah Tim B Crisp Mark Nalon Smith Moilanen Lisa Devon Jenkins 0 Disbursements Task Subtask Subtask Subtask PM ParksTrails and Planner Community Planner & Senior Advisor Landscape Architect Engagement Lead GIS Specialist Documentation Specialist

$ 148 $ 111 $ 184 $ 134 $ 134 $ 111 $ 111 Hours Total Labour Total Disbursement Rate Flat Expenses Total Labour and Expenses Total Numbers Name Name Name Name Task Assumptions QTY CODE FROM EXPENSESSHEET Expense Link PHASE 1. PROJECT START UP + INFORMATION GATHERING 0.0 $ - - $ - $ - 1.1 Project Start-Up Meeting 4.0 4.0 8.0 $ 1,328.00 106.24 $ 106.24 $ 1,434.24 1.2 Data + Information Assembly 2.0 4.0 4.0 10.0 $ 1,184.00 94.72 $ 94.72 $ 1,278.72 1.3 Background Scan + Gap Analysis 4.0 10.0 8.0 4.0 26.0 $ 3,218.00 257.44 $ 257.44 $ 3,475.44 1.4 Background Information Summary 6.0 6.0 4.0 16.0 $ 1,914.00 153.12 $ 153.12 $ 2,067.12 PHASE 2. CONSULTATION, NEEDS ASSESSMENT + VISIONING 0.0 $ - - $ - $ - 2.1 Draft Public + Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2.0 8.0 10.0 $ 1,368.00 109.44 $ 109.44 $ 1,477.44 2.2 Needs Assessment 6.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 66.0 $ 7,962.00 636.96 $ 636.96 $ 8,598.96 2.3 PRAC Workshop - Development of Vision, Goals + Objectives 8.0 8.0 16.0 $ 2,544.00 1 a 440.00 203.52 $ 643.52 $ 3,187.52 2.4 Government to Government Round Table 8.0 8.0 16.0 $ 2,544.00 203.52 $ 203.52 $ 2,747.52 2.5 Community Workshop 8.0 24.0 8.0 12.0 52.0 $ 6,908.00 552.64 $ 552.64 $ 7,460.64 2.6 Phase 2 Update Report and Community Input Summary 2.0 2.0 8.0 12.0 $ 1,562.00 124.96 $ 124.96 $ 1,686.96 PHASE 3. CREATING THE DRAFT PARKS AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN 0.0 $ - - $ - $ - 3.1 Confirm Master Plan Direction 8.0 8.0 16.0 $ 2,256.00 180.48 $ 180.48 $ 2,436.48 3.2 Parks + Trails Classification Scheme 4.0 18.0 12.0 18.0 52.0 $ 6,196.00 495.68 $ 495.68 $ 6,691.68 3.3 Gaps Analysis - Areas + Opportunities for Expansion 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 $ 1,080.00 86.40 $ 86.40 $ 1,166.40 3.4 Preliminary Parks and Trails Master Plan 6.0 12.0 18.0 8.0 18.0 62.0 $ 7,518.00 601.44 $ 601.44 $ 8,119.44 3.5 Phase 3 Update Report 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 12.0 $ 1,544.00 123.52 $ 123.52 $ 1,667.52 PHASE 4. FINAL PARKS AND TRAILS MASTER PLAN 0.0 $ - - $ - $ - 4.1 Draft Master Plan Refinement (staff + PRAC input) 12.0 8.0 20.0 $ 2,404.00 192.32 $ 192.32 $ 2,596.32 4.2 Community Open House 8.0 4.0 24.0 4.0 40.0 $ 5,668.00 1 a 440.00 453.44 $ 893.44 $ 6,561.44 4.3 Community Feedback + Phase 4 Report 2.0 8.0 8.0 18.0 $ 2,256.00 180.48 $ 180.48 $ 2,436.48 4.4 Draft Master Plan Refinement (public input) 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 14.0 $ 1,866.00 149.28 $ 149.28 $ 2,015.28 4.5 Draft Implementation Strategy 8.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 22.0 $ 3,022.00 241.76 $ 241.76 $ 3,263.76 4.6 Final Master Plan Document + Maps 4.0 18.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 50.0 $ 5,882.00 470.56 $ 470.56 $ 6,352.56 4.7 Council Presentation 8.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 20.0 $ 2,608.00 1 a 440.00 208.64 $ 648.64 $ 3,256.64 0.0 $ - - $ - $ - 62.0 126.0 42.0 102.0 100.0 84.0 50.0 566.0 $ 72,832.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 5,826.56 $ 7,146.56 $ 79,978.56

22 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 32 Appendix A Team Resumes

33 34 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Mr. Justin Ellis is a land use, parks, outdoor recreation and sustainable tourism planner with over 10 years of experience leading multi­scale interdisciplinary project teams. Justin serves as Stantec’s technical discipline lead for visual quality assessments and visual resource management in British Columbia. He has completed large scale regional scenic resource assessments on approximately 75% of Alberta’s land base and has led the completion of visual quality assessments for a diversity of major proposed industrial developments throughout British Columbia. He is often sought to provide internal and external peer review of visual quality assessments for linear infrastructure, power, coal and LNG developments. Justin brings a thorough understanding of the province’s visual resource management program including the provincial Visual Landscape Inventory, visual impact assessment procedures and public preference research. He combines defensible effects assessment procedures with innovative GIS and design visualization practices to produce spatially accurate and high impact visualizations that enable communities to form fact based opinions on how a project is likely to interact with its host landscape.

EDUCATION 2012 Service Excellence in Planning – National Master of Environmental Studies, Dalhousie Association of Recreation Resource Planning, North University ­ School for Resource and Environmental Saskatchewan Region Recreation Resource Data Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2005 System

Bachelor of Recreation Management ­ Honours, 2008 Premiers & Deputy Minister’s Award of Acadia University – School for Recreation Excellence, Willow Creek Forest Land Use Zone Management and Kinesiology, Wolfville, Nova Implementation Scotia, 2003 PROJECT EXPERIENCE Certificate, The International Ecotourism Society Oil & Gas and University of North Carolina Beaufort/Sea Island Prince Rupert Gas Transmission, Prince Rupert, British Ecology and Ecotourism, Beaufort, North Carolina, Columbia (Visual Quality Technical Review) 2011 Providing technical review of the Technical Discipline Report and draft Visual Quality Environmental Assessment chapter MEMBERSHIPS for the 750 km long Prince Rupert Gas Transmission project. Member, The International Ecotourism Society Land Planning Member, National Association of Recreation Visual Quality Assessment – LNG Canada Plant and Resource Planners Shipping Route, Kitimat, British Columbia (Discipline Lead) Member, Alberta Recreation and Parks Association Led the visual quality assessment for a proposed liquefied natural gas plant in Kitimat, British Columbia. Coordinated the GIS based automation of the BC MoF visual landscape Public Participation Practitioner, International inventory procedures to describe the inherent scenic qualities Association for Public Participation of the study area, assess visual integrity and map and classify visually sensitive units. Led the evaluation of visual quality effects on key First Nation receptors along the 300 km AWARDS shipping route. Measured the existing visual condition and 2012 Alberta Recreation for Life Foundation: determined post development effects on the study area's visual Innovation in Recreation Products ­ Nomination, quality. Used 3D simulations to create photo realistic Alberta Recreation and Tourism Resource Data renderings of post development conditions through the project System life cycle and to test and optimize mitigation strategies.

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

35 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Pacific Northwest LNG, Prince Rupert, British Land Use Development Planning Columbia (Discipline Lead) Village of Cumberland Official Community Plan Led the visual quality assessment for a proposed liquefied Review & Revision* (Public Participation Lead & natural gas plant in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Senior Parks, Recreation & Tourism Planner) Coordinated the GIS based automation of the BC MoF visual Led the development and implementation of a comprehensive, landscape inventory procedures to describe the inherent scenic multi­dimensional, community engagement program qualities of the study area, assess visual integrity and map designed to re­energize the community interest in long range and classify visually sensitive units. Measured the existing planning and rebuild trust between community visual condition and determined post development effects on administrators and the public. Conducted a detailed review of the study area's visual quality. Used 3D simulations to create the OCP’s current direction regarding parks, recreation and photo realistic renderings of post development conditions tourism and prepared policy updates and improvements to through the project life cycle and to test and optimize better reflect the community’s aspirations. mitigation strategies.

South Saskatchewan Regional Plan Regional North Motney Mainline Pipeline, Prince Rupert, Advisory Council’s Advice ­ Phase 2 Consultations, British Columbia (Technical Review and Advisor) Provided the senior technical review of the North Motney Alberta (Public Participation Specialist) Mainline Pipeline National Energy Board visual impact Provided strategic input into the planning of the Phase 2 assessment baseline report and effects assessment. Also consultation for the Regional Advisory Council’s advice. Justin provided senior oversight and direction in the planning and supported and served as a facilitator at stakeholder execution of the baseline field program and technical workshops and public open houses throughout southern discipline report. Alberta.

Land Use Framework Regional Planning: Profiles & Preparation of Regional Profiles and Terms of Terms of Reference, Alberta (Research Team Lead) References for the Lower Peace, Upper Worked with the Government of Alberta ­ Land Use Athabasca, Upper Peace, North Saskatchewan Secretariat to lead the research team in the preparation of the and Red Deer Regional Plans, Alberta (Senior Profiles of the Region and Terms of Reference for the North Research Analyst) Saskatchewan, Upper Athabasca, Upper Peace, Lower Peace, Led the environmental, social and economic research team in and Red Deer Regional Plans. Prepared research, local collecting, analyzing and synthesizing complex provincial and context, and regional datasets and provided them to the regional datasets in preparation of state of the region writing team to present a current synopsis of each region, assessments for multiple high profile regional planning areas along with the identification of key issues, and future potential in Alberta. Analyzed data to inform the development of the trade­offs. Took a lead role in planning a Government of terms of reference for each regional planning study area. Alberta cross ministry workshop to generate insight into key Developed issues reports and a provincial perspectives report land use issues in each of the regions. These documents will be demonstrating connections and delivery of provincial policy used throughout the planning process for the development of outcomes through each regional planning area. each respective draft regional plan. Sukunka Coal Mine (Discipline Lead) Led the visual quality assessment for a proposed coal mine in eastern British Columbia. Coordinated the GIS based automation of the BC MoF visual landscape inventory procedures to describe the inherent scenic qualities of the study area, assess visual integrity and map and classify visually sensitive units. Measured the existing visual condition and determined post development effects on the study area's visual quality. Used 3D simulations to create photo realistic renderings of post development conditions through the project life cycle and to test and optimize mitigation strategies.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

36 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Suska Coal Mine (Discipline Lead) Lower Athabasca Regional Plan, Edmonton, Led the visual quality assessment for a proposed coal mine in Alberta (Project Manager) eastern British Columbia. Coordinated the GIS based Developed a regional land use plan for the Lower Athabasca automation of the BC MoF visual landscape inventory Region in Alberta. Represented the Ministry of Tourism, Parks procedures to describe the inherent scenic qualities of the and Recreation on cross ministry planning teams, provided study area, assess visual integrity and map and classify technical and policy presentations to the Regional Advisory visually sensitive units. Measured the existing visual condition Councils, supported public participations elements and and determined post development effects on the study areas provided senior executive and ministerial briefings, reports visual quality. Used 3D simulations to create photo realistic and communications. Was responsible for advancing the renderings of post development conditions through the project protected areas system in the region, establishing new iconic life cycle and to test and optimize mitigation strategies. tourism destinations and preparing policy in support of enhancing recreation opportunities. Klappan Coal Mine (Discipline Lead) Led the visual quality assessment for a proposed coal mine, Parks and Recreation Master Planning sited in an important recreation, tourism and natural area in RDN Regional Parks and Trails Design Guidelines, northwestern British Columbia. Coordinated the GIS based Nanaimo, British Columbia (Project Manager) automation of the BC MoF visual landscape inventory procedures to describe the inherent scenic qualities of the Led a team of planning and design experts in the preparation study area, assess visual integrity and map and classify of standardized design guidelines for all parks, trails and visually sensitive units. Measured the existing visual condition associated amenities and infrastructure administered by the and determined post development effects on the study areas Regional District of Nanaimo or acquired through the land visual quality. Used 3D simulations to create photo realistic development process. Prepared a trail classification system to renderings of post development conditions through the project guide the development of trails within the region. The life cycle and to test and optimize mitigation strategies. guidelines also addressed various elements for creating and maintaining trails and parks including siting, staging areas, bridges, waster receptacles, parking and movement controls, South Saskatchewan Regional Plan*, Edmonton, furnishings and maintenance practices. Alberta (Project Manager) Developed a regional land use plan for the South Sturgeon Regional Recreation Master Plan*, Red Saskatchewan Region in Alberta. Represented the Ministry of Tourism, Parks and Recreation on cross ministry planning Deer, Albertai (Project Manager) teams, provided technical and policy presentations to the Coordinated the development of a Regional Recreation Master Regional Advisory Councils, supported public participation Plan for a partnership of six municipalities in Alberta’s Capital elements and provided senior executive and ministerial Region. Was responsible for client liaison, project briefings, reports and communications. Was responsible for management, project delivery, quality control and account advancing the protected areas system in the region, management. Provided technical recreation planning establishing new iconic tourism destinations and preparing expertise to the project team and supported all public policy in support of enhanced recreation opportunities. participation efforts.

Saskatoon Mountain Natural Area: Plan for Recreation and Conservation*, Grande Prairie, Alberta (Project Manager) Led the development of a community embraced plan to improve the quality of recreation opportunities in the Natural Area while minimizing visitor impacts. Was responsible for project management, client liaison and quality control and completed background research, public participation planning and technical report framework preparation.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

37 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Sea to Sea Regional Park Backcountry Campsite Moorecroft Regional Park Management Plan*, Design & Operational Plan*, Victoria, British Nanoose, British Columbia (Project Manager) Columbia (Project Manager) As the inaugural management plan for the park, the focus was Prepared the site design and operations plan for the Regional to generate a community embraced plan that protects the District’s first backcountry campground. Led all stakeholder site’s historic character and ecological significance while participation planning, field assessments and technical report providing regionally unique outdoor recreation and framework preparation as part of a multidisciplinary team. appreciation opportunities. Justin was the project manager and client liaison responsible for project management, project delivery, quality control and account management. He Composite Values Level of Service Assessment ­ provided technical parks and recreation planning expertise to Innovation*, Cochrane, Alberta (Project Manager) the project team and led all public and stakeholder Together with GIS Technologists, led the development of a participation efforts . leading edge, spatially explicit, composite values level of service analysis tool to inform future growth needs for the Recreation Master Planning and Development community’s parks and open space system. The tool assesses a community’s supply of park and recreation assets to Lower Athabasca River – Tourism and Recreation determine the system’s ability to service the needs of the Destination Development Concept Plan and community now and in the future. Inventory, Alberta (Project Manager) Led a team of diverse tourism and recreation planning experts Cochrane Open Space Master Plan*, Cochrane, in the preparation of a purposeful future oriented tourism and Alberta (Project Manager) recreation destination development and management plan for Was the project manager and client liaison responsible for 600 km of lower Athabasca River (Athabasca to Ft. project management, project delivery, quality control and McMurray) for Alberta TrailNet and the Government of account management. Provided technical parks and Alberta. Conducted detailed route inventorying, background recreation planning expertise to the project team and led research, land use and environmental constraints analysis, public participation efforts. stakeholder and First Nation interviews, market research, gap analysis and product market matches in the development of the plan. Prepared a highly graphic, accessible and appealing Parks Master Planning and Development concept plan, with a prioritized implementation plan and Dinosaur Provincial Park and World Heritage Site order of magnitude costs to leverage stakeholder buy­in, Management Plan*, Alberta (Project Manager) political support and funding. Led the updating and rewriting of the Dinosaur Provincial Park and World Heritage Site management plan. Was Greater Victoria Harbour Authority Phase 1 responsible for project planning, client liaison, technical Transportation Strategy, Victoria, British Columbia writing and quality control. (Senior Tourism Planner) As senior tourism planner, developed metrics to evaluate the Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park overall performance and effects of the Greater Victoria Development Sub­Zoning and Concept Planning*, Harbour Authority’s cruise ship passenger shuttle service on Saskatchewan (Project Manager) the local community and environment. Led the design, As one of the busiest parks in the system, Saskatoon Landing implementation and analysis of a cruise ship passenger has yet to reach is full tourism potential. Was the project satisfaction survey and prepared a recommendations report manager and client liaison responsible for project for the GVHA. management, project delivery, quality control and account management to develop a sub­zoning classification system, development node suitability model and the collection of spatially explicit data to execute the model and identify potential development nodes. Coordinated all project research, field assessments, suitability model development and technical report preparation.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

38 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

A Framework for Managing the Impacts of Outdoor Alberta’s Recreation Management Strategy for Recreation on Alberta’s Public Lands*, Edmonton, Public Lands*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Alberta (Project Manager) Manager) Developed a provincial program to enable quality outdoor Justin led a cross ministry team in the development of a recreation opportunities on public lands while minimizing management strategy for recreation use and access to public their impacts on public land resources and conflicts with other lands in Alberta. The project involved significant background public land users and tenure holders. Managed the project and research, cross departmental coordination and collaboration, was responsible for program development, stakeholder stakeholder engagement and policy development. engagement, program implementation, monitoring and reporting. Alberta Recreation Corridors and Trail Program Technical Committee*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Kakwa Wildland Provincial Park Biophysical Manager) Inventory and Backcountry Recreation Impact Justin served as part of a cross ministry technical team Assessment*, Grande Prairie, Alberta (Field advising on the development of the Alberta Recreation Technical) Corridors and Trails Program. The committee was responsible Inventoried the biotic features of the park and assessed the for coordinating trail inventory, trail map production, policy intensity and distribution of backcountry recreation impacts. advice and development regarding trail planning, Conducted backcountry impact assessments on campgrounds development and management in Alberta. and trails throughout the park using the Backcountry Recreation Impact Monitoring framework and field Alberta Recreation Corridors and Trails procedures. Implementation Strategy*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Manager) Alberta Provincial Trails and Routes Inventory Justin was responsible for leading a cross ministry, multi­ Procedures and Database*, Edmonton, Alberta disciplinary team in the development of an implementation (Project Manager) strategy for the Alberta Recreation Corridors and Trails Developed a provincially consistent trails and routes program. The project required the preparation of all inventory procedure and centralized database for spatially implementation details, policy and procedures regarding the explicit information on trails and routes in Alberta. Conducted establishment and operation of the Delegated Administrative detailed background research, reviewed jurisdictional Organization, Regional Trails Planning and the precedents, and developed inventory procedures and a data administration of a sustained funding stream for the structure. program.

Alberta’s Recreation Corridors and Trails Provincial Alberta Scenic Resource Assessments*, Edmonton, Classification System*, Edmonton, Alberta (Outdoor Alberta (Project Manager) Recreation Specialist) Developed a spatially explicit, regional scale inventory of scenic resources in the South Saskatchewan and North Developed a provincial Trails Classification System to Saskatchewan Regions of Alberta so data can be used to establish consistent planning, design guidelines and program inform land use planning, scenario assessment and land use development. Provided technical review of existing trail decision making. Involved in conducting a province wide, classification systems and background research and technical statistically valid visual preference survey, developed input and direction on the development of Alberta’s modelling methods, implemented the model and prepared classification system and design and operational guidelines. reports.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

39 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Alberta Recreation and Tourism Opportunities Water Resources Management Spectrum*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Manager) Campbell River Watershed Management Plan*, Developed Alberta’s first spatially explicit inventory of Campbell River, British Columbia (Land recreation and tourism settings to inform land use planning, Management Specialist) scenario assessment and land use decision making. Involved Worked as part of a multidisciplinary team to update in the development of modeling methods, an international Campbell River’s Watershed Management Plan. Planned and expert critique, model application and technical report implemented all public participation and provided land preparation and presentation to multiple Government of management and access management expertise. Alberta ministries.

Land Use Planning Alberta Significant Tourism and Recreation Areas South Saskatchewan Region ­ Scenic Resource Model*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Manager) Developed a spatially explicit, supply based GIS model to Assessments*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project identify the most significant areas for recreation and tourism Manager) in Alberta. Utilized data from the newly developed Alberta Led the development of a spatially explicit, regional scale Recreation and Tourism Data system to spatially identify, inventory of scenic resources in southern Alberta. Involved in quantify and describe land areas with significance to a statistically valid visual preference survey, modelling recreation and tourism delivery. The model has been methods development, model implementation and report implemented in the North Saskatchewan and South preparation so data can be used to inform land use planning, Saskatchewan regions. scenario assessment and land use decision making.

Alberta Recreation and Tourism Features North Saskatchewan Region ­ Scenic Resource Inventory*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Manager) Assessments*, Edmonton, Alberta (Project Developed the province’s first comprehensive, spatially explicit Manager) inventory of existing and potential recreation and tourism Led the development of a spatially explicit, regional scale features in Alberta. Involved in data structure development, inventory of scenic resource in central Alberta. Involved in a data population, data cleaning and management, data statistically valid visual preference survey, modelling methods distribution and substantive stakeholder participation. development, model implementation and report preparation Developed innovative crowd source techniques to increase so data can be used to inform land use planning, scenario efficiency and practicality. Completed inventories for the assessment and land use decision making. South Saskatchewan, North Saskatchewan, Lower Athabasca, Upper Peace and Lower Peace regions. Lower Athabasca and Lower Peace Regions ­ Scenic Resource Assessments*, Edmonton, Alberta Spruce Grove Spontaneous Park Amenities (Project Manager) Strategy*, Spruce Grove, Alberta (Recreation Led the development of a spatially explicit, regional scale Specialist) inventory of scenic resource in northern Alberta. Involved in a Acted as a sub­consultant to Yates, Thorn and Associates and statistically valid visual preference survey, modelling methods worked to develop a strategy to improve Spruce Grove's development, model implementation and report preparation provision of spontaneous recreation opportunities. Was so data can be used to inform land use planning, scenario responsible for client liaison, literature review, public assessment and land use decision making. participation, supply analysis, future growth needs assessment and technical report preparation. Mining Newgold’s Blackwater Gold Mine, British Columbai (External Technical Reviewer) Undertook an external peer review of AECOM’s visual quality assessment and environmental management plan prepared for Newgold’s Blackwater Gold mine project.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

40 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

Natural Sciences & Heritage Resources The Camp at Royal Manas National Park: Bhutan Writing­on­Stone Provincial Park and Canadidate Aerial Trail System Formal Proposal, Bhutan (Project World Heritage Ecotourism Assessment, Alberta Manager) Led the evaluation and preparation of an ecotourism Supported the IEDC in the preparation of a conceptual resort assessment and river crossing evaluation for the provincial master plan and formal proposal to develop The Camp at park. In consideration of desired visitor experiences and Royal Manas National Park and the Bhutan Aerial Trail operational requirements, options to cross the Milk River were System. If approved, this tourism development will help to evaluated and a preferred crossing method was selected. realize the Tourism Council of Bhutan’s desire to see Royal Industry best practices and standard operating procedures to Manas National Park as a “flagship destination for wildlife ensure safe, yet authentic, crossing experiences for visitors and ecotourism”. and staff were prepared. Staff training and orientation in the standard operating procedures were provided.

Resort Development Lodge at Stoney Mountain ­ Eco­luxury Resort Formal Proposal, Yukon (Project Manager) Supported the IEDC in the preparation of a conceptual resort master plan for Canada’s highest end eco­luxury resort on Millhaven Bay in the Yukon.

Parks & Recreation Recreational Land Management Framework Scoping Study, Northwest Territories (Discipline Lead) Devolution in the Northwest Territories has further highlighted the need for the Department of Lands to clearly define a Recreational Land Management Framework for Public Lands that is based on consistent and effective regulations, policies, guidelines and programs. Stantec was contracted to review all and critically analyze the Government of the NWT’s legislation, policies, guidelines and programs regarding recreational land management and prepare recommendations to develop a new Recreational Land Management Framework for the NWT.

Gateway Cities Park System Planning & Assessment Tool, Massachusetts (Parks Planning Lead) Together with GIS Technologists and other planners, Justin is championing the development of a leading edge, spatially explicit, composite values level of service park planning and assessment tool to inform future park system needs for 26 Cities in the State of Massachusetts. The tool assesses a community’s supply of park and recreation assets to determine the system’s ability to service the needs of the community now and in the future will enabling scenario testing to determine the optimal configuration and distribution of parks within the study area.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

41 Justin Ellis MES, BRMH, IAP2 Certified Senior Planner

PUBLICATIONS Bringing Quality to Life ­ The Future of Recreation and Parks in the Lower Athabasca Region: A multi­ perspective examination of the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan. Alberta Recreation & Park Association, 2011.

Inaugural National Recreation Summit Delegate. Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, 2011.

Alberta’s Recreation & Tourism Data System: Informing Collaborative Land Use Planning in Support of Tourism. International Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference, 2011.

Recreation & Tourism Management Approaches. Lower Athabasca Regional Advisory Council ­ Lower Athabasca Regional Plan, 2010.

Tourism & Recreation in the SSR: A World­Class Recreation and Tourism Destination. South Saskatchewan Regional Advisory Council ­ South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, 2010.

Regional Land Use Planning. Alberta Recreation & Parks Association Renaissance ­ Endless Possibility Conference, 2010.

Weaving Values, Spirit of Place. Alberta Recreation & Parks Association, 2009.

The Efficacy of the Keep It Wild Program: Examining the Field Practices of Nova Scotia’s Wilderness Areas Outfitters. Dalhousie University MR08458, 2005.

Restricting Public Recreation Use of Hells Gate Falls, White Rock, Nova Scotia: Issues and Challenges. Science & Management of Protected Areas Association, 2003.

42 Mark Crisp Senior Urban Planner

Mark brings over 20 + years of multi-disciplinary experience that encompasses a range of projects in architecture, civil engineering, landscape design, urban and environmental planning. He currently leads the growing community development team on Vancouver Island in close coordination with various engineering environmental and architectural projects.

His experience ranges from practical planning, design and construction of residential, commercial, public facilities to environmental planning and assessment projects throughout Canada and the United States. He is highly experienced in practical application of site design, master planning, urban design, policy development, public consultation, and community/environmental planning – to meet client needs and vision. He has worked on projects located in China, Russia, and the United States, as well as the Middle East. Past experience in the Middle East included two years as Director of Sustainability as part of the Masdar Green City program management team.

His approach to delivering sustainable planning and design solutions is based on the application of a multi scaled and integrated approach to all types of programs and projects, implementing various tools including, basics such as sketching and visualization to risk and decision models, sustainability assessment systems, policy and strategy frameworks, GIS and other design software.

EDUCATION Health Research and Innovation Centre 2000 M. E.Des. (Arch), University of Calgary - Faculty of Transgenic Lab/Genome Research* Environmental Design, Calgary, Alberta, 1995 (Project/Design Architect) Responsibilities included user group consultation, BA Art History, University of Calgary - Faculty of Fine programming and conceptual/schematic design for the Arts, Calgary, Alberta, 1987 proposed HRIC addition to the University of Calgary Medical School. Development of lab design solutions for major Genome and Transgenic research and teaching facilities. Design MEMBERSHIPS Development of architectural design ands layout concepts. Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Foothills Hospital Acute Care Renovations Design PROJECT EXPERIENCE and Construction CRHA*, Calgary, Alberta (Design Architecture Architect) University of Lethbridge Animal Sciences Included, Emergency Trauma, Cardiac Care Unit, Tertiary Laboratory*, Lethbridge, Alberta (Design Architect) Rehabilitation, Intensive Care Unit and Surgical Suite. Responsibilities included site planning and landscape Responsibilities included user group consultation, development for project. Conceptual lab layout and programming and schematic design of Acute Care renovations architectural design development. at the Foothills Hospital. Work also included design and preparation of construction documentation, tendering in coordination with the Construction Manager, Contract Renovations to Special Services Building Atrium and administration and site review. Interlink; FHC 2000*, Alberta (Project/Design Architect) Community Planning Responsibilities included user group consultation, Racine Comprehensive Downtown Development programming and schematic design of major renovation to existing atrium and interlink at the Foothills Hospital. Work Plan*, Racine, Wisconsin (Urban Planner) also included design and preparation of construction Site planning, architectural and landscape design guidelines, documentation, and tendering. Work also included extensive and implementation phasing. consultation and design development of building envelope solutions with Alberta Building Science Division.

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

43 Mark Crisp Senior Urban Planner

Outlying Commercial Accommodation Western Num Ti Jah Lodge Environmental Review and Site National Parks* (Urban Planner) Planning*, Banff National Park, Alberta (Project Site planning, architectural and landscape guidelines, land Consultant) use policy and implementation for 42 OCA sites in the Four Reviewed existing environmental and spatial conditions at the Mountain National Parks. historic Num Ti Jah Lodge, located adjacent to the headwaters of the Bow River. Roles included master site planning, Field Community Plan*, Banff National Park, Alberta architectural and landscape design, costing, and project (Urban Planner) implementation. Community consultation, master community planning, architectural and landscape guidelines, land use policy, and Banff Snail Recovery Project Cave and Basin*, Banff implementation for Field BC. National Park, Alberta (Project Consultant) Reviewed existing conditions at the Cave and Basin National Lake Louise Community Plan*, Banff National Park, Heritage Site, and surrounding context. Review of existing Alberta (Urban Planner) interpretive infrastructure, environmental impacts and Community consultation, master community planning, ecosystem integrity issues. Preparation of recovery strategy architectural and landscape guidelines, land use policy and for the Banff Snail Habitat. implementation for Hamlet of Lake Louise. Master Planning Invermere Community Plan and Special Projects*, University Village Local Area Plan, Municipality of Town of Invermere, British Columbia (Urban Planner) North Cowichan and the City of Duncan, British Responsible for community consultation, master community Columbia (Project Manager and Senior Planner) planning, architectural and landscape guidelines, land use Responsibilities included Project Manager, Public policy and implementation for First Nations Tlingit Consultation, and Policy Development for the Local Area Plan. Community. This also included preparing development scenarios, urban design guidelines, and the incorporation of the Trans-Canada Teslin Village Community Plan*, Teslin, Yukon (Urban Highway Management Corridor Plan into the project context. Planner) Responsible for community consultation, master community Business Park Masterplan, Willingdon Road, Victoria, planning, architectural and landscape guidelines, land use British Columbia (Senior Planner and Master policy and implementation for First Nations Tlingit Planning Lead) Community. Our work on this project included functional, Responsibilities included client liaison, site programming, preliminary and detail design. design and layout.

Environmental Planning , Master Campus Plan, Lake Louise Human Use Study*, Banff National Park, Victoria, British Columbia (Project Manager and Alberta (Project Consultant) Senior Planner) Assessed the human impacts on existing ecological and Responsibilities included Project Manager, Public physical conditions of the Lake Louise context. Involved Consultation, and Master Planning of the Royal Jubilee review and mapping of existing wildlife, transportation, and Hospital facilities for the next 30 years. This document is tourist impacts. Development of alternative scenarios for intended to form the basis for rezoning and incorporation into future transportation and tourist activities. the City of Victoria OCP.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

44 Mark Crisp Senior Urban Planner

Village of Cumberland Official Community Plan Valley Ridge Feeder Main Phase 1*, Calgary, Update, Cumberland, British Columbia (Project Alberta (Project Consultant) Manager and Senior Planner) Working as a project consultant with the Calgary Water Responsibilities included Project Manager, Public Business Group team in leading Decision and Risk Consultation and Policy Development. Mark led the planning management for construction of a feeder main line under the team in the development of new land use policies; Bow River to supply additional potable water to future development and heritage conservation permit writing. development areas of Calgary. Prepared a decision and risk management tool to assess tunneling and construction options using triple bottom line criteria, technical, and Life Cycle Cost Public Art Master Plan*, Calgary, Alberta assessment methods. This procedure was fully integrated with (Subconsultant - Project Manager) the City of Calgary’s own Integrated Risk Management system Subconsulting to the VIA Partnership based in St. Louis and Triple Bottom line guidelines and policy. Led Missouri and acting as Project Manager for the development consultations session with the client team and key of a GIS database and Mapping for selecting public art sites stakeholders. throughout the 750-square kilometer footprint of the City of Calgary. Involved in public consultation and visioning PPM Energy*, Manitoba (Project Consultant) sessions. The project was a unique opportunity to align Working as a specialist project consultant with Environmental environmental engineering solutions with education on Impact Assessment team to provide documentation for sustainability using public art. The project was recently licensing a proposed 300 MW Wind Farm Operation in awarded the Consulting Engineers of Alberta 2008 Showcase Southern Manitoba, covering approximately 50,000 acres. - Award of Excellence Specific tasks included preparation of socio-economic analysis

and impact assessment, First Nations consultation and Currie Reservoir Upgrades*, Calgary, Alberta research, field studies, and review of cultural and (Project Consultant) archeological conditions. The role also included participation Working as a project consultant to develop Decision and Risk and delivery of public consultations for the client and general management tools for upgrading two 80 ML potable water communications. reservoirs constructed in the 1950’s. Introduced the use of using triple bottom line criteria, technical, and Life Cycle Cost Iona Island WWTP Expansion*, Metro Vancouver, assessment methods to determine the optimal scenarios for British Columbia (Project Consultant) implementing the upgrades. The project was particularly Providing consultation on integrated resource management challenging due to the fact that a popular golf course and and sustainability issues and activities for the expansion of the recreational area had been built over the existing reservoirs Iona Island WWTP facilities. Identified critical sustainability impacting local communities and businesses. The development criteria for decision making about technologies, practices, and of the decision model provided insight into social and operational activities within the scope of the Metro Vancouver economic factors that would be impacted by various IRM Policies and BC Climate Change Action Plan. engineering solutions.

Strathcona Tweedsmuir School Campus Master Plan*, De Winton, Alberta (Principal in Charge and Lead Designer) Landscape and civil components of Campus Master Plan.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

45 Mark Crisp Senior Urban Planner

Master Planning / Urban Design Windsor Essex Parkway Public Private Partnership*, South Fort Garry Land Bank Sustainable Design Windsor, Ontario (Project Consultant) Guidelines*, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Project Urban Design materials for Concessionaire Bid Packages Manager/Senior Planner) In charge of the review and development of master University of Calgary Taylor Family Digital Library sustainable design guidelines for a 3,000-acre development in and Quad*, Calgary, Alberta (Project Consultant) Winnipeg. This work includes preparation and analysis of Landscape Design and Technical Oversight case studies, life cycle cost analysis, guidelines, policy development, and public consultation for a highly University Of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary controversial development project located in Winnipeg. Medicine*, Calgary, Alberta (Project Manager)

Civil and Landscape Design Environmental Impact Assessment for the Cache Creek Landfill Extension*, Cache Creek, British Site Planning Columbia (Senior Project Consultant) Chateau Lake Louise Meeting Facility Landscape Provide documentation for licensing a proposed extension to Design*, Lake Louise, Alberta an existing Landfill Operation. Prepared socio-economic Responsible for master planning and landscape design and analysis and impact assessment, provided First Nations construction. Project also included redesign and construction consultation and research, conducted field studies, and of Parks Canada lakeside promenade and Heritage Garden. reviewed cultural and archeological conditions. Analyzed near and long term drivers for technologies and behaviours as part of various climate change and sustainability components for Crowfoot Centre: Calgary Public Library Feasibility the proposed landfill extension. Study*, Calgary, Alberta (Project Manager) Responsible for master planning and feasibility study for non- MASDAR Development Program*, Abu Dhabi, traditional joint use project. United Arab Emirates (Program Sustainability Manager) Creekside Crossing Subdivision Landscape Plan* Managed the deployment of a unique program, estimated at (Project Manager) $22 Billion (USD) in construction value, to provide Responsible for landscape architecture, landscape sustainability objectives and targets to be implemented over architectural guidelines, and design for 700-acre subdivision the program’s seven year duration. development. Key tasks to achieve this goal include developing a program wide sustainability framework and management system for El Potosi Urban Park Project*, San Paulo, Honduras over 6 million square meters of development; managing (Project Manager) multiple consultant teams providing carbon, water, and waste Responsible for landscape architecture, construction management consulting services; analyzing solar and waste drawings, and specification for an urban park located in El to energy technologies and materials. Integrated multiple Potosi. green ratings tools such as LEEDTM, BREEAM and SBTools, GIS data bases, and carbon tracking into a comprehensive baseline system for measuring performance. Developed a web Shouldice Regional Athletic Park Design based sustainability management system that will manage the Development Plan*, Calgary, Alberta (Project delivery of the Client’s sustainability objectives for the Manager) program. Responsible for site master planning and landscape architecture for Calgary's Athletic and Recreational Facility. Shaw Telecommunications Corporate Campus Other tasks included public presentation and stakeholder Master Plan*, Calgary, Alberta (Principal in Charge consulting, cost estimation and preparation and design of and Lead Designer) reports for City Council. Landscape and Civil Components

* denotes projects completed with other firms

46 Nalon Smith Landscape Architect

Nalon Smith holds a Masters of Landscape Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in Parks and Recreation Management. Currently at Stantec he is leading the landscape construction administration for the Lower Level Road project in North Vancouver where a section of the Spirit Trail development is being completed. Nalon’s experiences include the development and production of detailed design and construction drawings, cost estimates, 3D models and construction administration for a variety of successful projects. His professional interests include regional/neighborhood parks, trails and outdoor recreation planning, construction detailing, stream restoration, urban biodiversity, and alternative transportation networks.

EDUCATION Trans­Canada Trail Connection*, Langley, British Bachelors of Science in Parks and Recreation Columbia (Landscape Designer Support) Management, Northern Arizona University / Parks Nalon’s role for this project included assistance with the and Recreation Management, Flagstaff, AZ, 2001 preparation of the construction drawing package including the specifications, details, cost estimate, and construction administration tasks. He was also involved with the public Masters of Landscape Architecture (MLA), consultation process and prepared open house presentation University of British Columbia / Landscape graphics and facilitated a public questionnaire. Architecture, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2008 River Valley Trails Master Plan*, Devon, Alberta REGISTRATIONS (Project Manager) Registered Landscape Architect #518, British As project manager, Nalon coordinated all aspects of this Columbia Society of Landscape Architects project including a multidisciplinary sub consultant team, GIS mapping field work, and preparation of the draft and final AWARDS report documents. Nalon’s public consultation, technical GIS and research skills 2014 CIP (Canadian Institute of Planners) Award of contributed to a very successful end product. This project Merit, City of Toronto Natural Environment Trail expanded on the Town of Devon’s new branding of “Bike Strategy Town” Alberta to develop a trails master plan that not only creates a range of trails for all Mountain Biking abilities but 2014 CSLA (Canadian Society of Landscape also integrates a mix of various user groups including hikers, Architects) National Merit Award, City of Toronto runners and cross­country skiers. Natural Environment Trail Strategy Sunshine Coast Trail Strategy, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia (Project Manager) PROJECT EXPERIENCE As project manager Nalon coordinated budget cost control, Regional and Neighborhood Parks the public process, GIS mapping and preparation of the draft North Shore Trade Area ­ Low Level Road and final report documents. Redevelopment (Spirit Trail Connection), North Nalon’s public consultation skills were crucial to working with Vancouver, British Columbia (Landscape Architect a diverse range of recreational user groups including ATV’s, dirt bikers, mountain bikers, hikers, and runners. ­ Construction Administration) Nalon’s role for this project included leading the construction administration phase for the landscape component, with a Mission Heritage Greenway*, Mission, British focus on the new Spirit Trail connection in conjunction with Columbia (Landscape Designer Support) the new road development. He participated in weekly site Nalon’s role for this project included assistance with the inspections with the landscape contractor and client, preparation of the construction drawing package including preparation of change orders, field directives and other the specifications, details, cost estimate, and construction construction administration tasks. administration tasks.

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

47 Nalon Smith Landscape Architect

Mission Interpretive Forest Master Plan*, Mission, City of Toronto Natural Environment Trails Strategy*, British Columbia (Project Manager) Toronto, Ontario (Project Manager) As project manager, Nalon coordinated budget cost control, As project manager Nalon coordinated all aspects of this the public process, GIS mapping, and preparation of the draft project including a large sub consultant team, the public and final report documents. Nalon’s public consultation skills process and preparation of the Draft and Final report were crucial to working with a diverse range of recreational documents. Nalon’s public consultation, technical GIS and user groups including ATV’s, dirt bikers, mountain bikers, research skills contributed to a very successful award winning hikers, runners. project.

McIntosh Run Trail Design*, Halifax, Nova Scotia Sheep Paddocks Trail Alignment Assessment and (Landscape Architect) Design*, Coquitlam, British Columbia (Project Nalon’s role included GIS mapping field work, preparing trail Manager) maps, flagging new trail center line for construction, and As project manager Nalon oversaw the sub consultant team, preparation of the construction documents. lead project progress meetings with the client and managed Nalon’s technical GIS, trail design expertise, and research the project budget. He actively planned and lead the public skills contributed to a very successful project. This project had process including an open house session and public online a focus on integrating mountain bike trails rated from easy to questionnaire. Nalon lead the preparation of the double­black diamond for advanced riders into the existing recommended trail alignment options with detailed cost multi­use trails used by runners, hikers and cross­country estimates and opportunities and constraints for each. skiers. Hugh Boyd Playground*, City of Richmond, British Mill Pond Accessible Trail Design Concepts*, Columbia (Landscape Designer Support) Mission, British Columbia (Project Manager) Assistance with the preparation of the construction drawing As project manager Nalon coordinated budget cost control, package including the specifications, cost estimate and GIS field mapping of appropriate trail alignment and construction administration tasks. preparation of the Draft and Final concept with cost estimates. Sports and Athletic Facilities Ladysmith Athletic Park*, Ladysmith, British Blackstrap and Echo Valley Provincial Park ­ Master Columbia (Assistant Project Manager) Trail Plan*, Regina, Saskatchewan (Project Assistance with the preparation of the concepts and phasing Manager) plan for future development as funding becomes available. As project manager, Nalon coordinated all aspects of this Additionally he lead the construction drawing package project including a multidisciplinary sub consultant team, GIS preparation including the specifications, cost estimate and mapping field work, and preparation of the draft and final construction administration tasks. report documents. Nalon’s public consultation, technical GIS, and research skills contributed to a very successful end product. These projects Parks, Open Spaces & Cemeteries had a focus on integrating mountain bike trails rated from St Peter's Cemetery Master Plan and Design*, New easy to double­black diamond for advanced riders into the Westminster, British Columbia (Assistant Project existing multi­use trails used by runners, hikers and cross­ Manager) country skiers. Nalon’s role for this project included leading the preparation of the concepts and rendered 3D models in SketchUp for the granite entry columns and focal columbarium unit. Additionally he led the cemetery master plan mapping and assisted with the construction drawing package preparation including the detail design, grading plan, planting plan, specifications, cost estimate, and construction administration tasks.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

48 Nalon Smith Landscape Architect

Maple Ridge Columbaria Garden*, Maple Ridge, British Columbia (Assistant Project Manager) Nalon assisted with the construction drawing package preparation including the detail design, grading plan, planting plan, specifications, cost estimate. He lead the construction administration tasks including weekly site inspections, observation reports and change orders.

Royal Oak Green Burial Area*, Victoria, British Columbia (Landscape Designer Support) Nalon’s role for this project included the preparation of the rendered concepts and sales brochures. Additionally he assisted with the construction drawing package preparation including the detail design, cost estimate and construction administration tasks.

Commonwealth War Graves – Jones 45 Section Renovation – Mountain View Cemetery*, Vancouver, British Columbia (Landscape Designer Support) Nalon’s role for this project included assistance with the preparation of the concepts and rendered 3D models in SketchUp. Additionally he assisted with the construction drawing package preparation including the detail design, grading plan, planting plan, specifications, cost estimate and construction administration tasks.

RCMP Depot: Cenotaph and Cemetery Entry Redevelopment*, Regina, Saskatchewan (Landscape Designer Support) Nalon’s role for this project included assistance with the preparation of the concepts and rendered 3D models in SketchUp. Additionally he assisted with the construction drawing package preparation including the detail design, grading plan, planting plan, specifications, cost estimate and construction administration tasks.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

49 Mark Crisp Senior Urban Planner

Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant*, Calgary, Alberta (Project Manager) Responsible for site planning and landscape architecture for plant layout. Other tasks included public presentation and stakeholder consulting, cost estimation and preparation and design reports. Also prepared integrated ECOplan and LEED environmental protection supplemental specifications for Pine Creek.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

50 Tim Shah MA (Planning) Environmental Planner

Tim is a community planner for Stantec Consulting Ltd. working in the Environmental Services and Community Development sectors. Working at the unique interface between sustainability planning, Aboriginal consultation, and environmental assessment, Tim’s approach to consulting is dynamic and multi­disciplinary. He completed his MA (Planning) in 2012 from the University of British Columbia where he specialized in environmental planning/policy and climate change adaptation. Tim brings three years of experience in research, policy analysis, community planning, and most recently, environmental assessment. Tim's previous work experience include a research assistantship with Simon Fraser University’s Adaptation to Climate Change Team where he conducted research on how municipalities are using tools to prepare for and adapt to climate change.

At the Pembina Institute, he played a major role in strengthening the group’s work on the British Columbia carbon tax through a project that explored the economic impact of provincial climate policies on local government energy conservation projects. In addition to these two work experiences, Tim has been involved in several research projects where has developed an expertise in report writing, climate change policy, presentations, semi­structured interviews, statistical analysis, and multi­criteria decision analysis. At Stantec, Tim has been involved in the preparation of Aboriginal consultation assessments for large environmental assessment projects and working with planners on a variety of projects including the preparation of local area plans for municipal clients and research support to develop spatial planning tools .

EDUCATION 2010 Trent University Canadian Association of MA (Planning), University of British Geographers Undergraduate Award Columbia/Community and Regional Planning, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2012 PROJECT EXPERIENCE Community Planning BA (Honours), Trent University/Environmental Park Planning Assessment & Tool, Gateway Cities, Resource Studies and Human Geography, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (Project Team Peterborough, Ontario, 2010 Member) Assisted with the development of a park system level of service MEMBERSHIPS (LOS) spatial assessment tool to determine where the client Pre­Candidate Member, Canadian Institute of could prioritize and invest in new parks across the state. Role Planners included assisting the team with research and writing support by completing the literature review for the final report, developing the LOS spatial assessment tool criteria, collecting Provisional Member, Canadian Association of data to support the assessment tool criteria, and co­authoring Geographers the final report.

AWARDS 2012 Canadian Institute of Planners Award for Academic Excellence

2011 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Graduate Scholarship, Incorporating public perceptions into water policy

2011 Canadian Pacific Railway Scholarship

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

51 Tim Shah MA (Planning) Environmental Planner

Local Area Plan for North Cowichan, North GHG Emissions Inventories / Carbon Footprints Cowichan, British Columbia (Author and Planner) BC’s Carbon Tax Review*, British Columbia Assisted in the development of a Local Area Plan for the (Research Assistant) Municipality of North Cowichan. The work involved an Co­authored the Pembina Institute's formal submission to the analysis of the municipality’s current energy consumption and BC Ministry of Finance's carbon tax review process. The greenhouse gas emissions to understand the opportunities for Pembina Institute recommended four changes to improve the reduction and cost­savings. Developed a list of energy fairness and effectiveness of the carbon tax. conservation policies for the Local Area Plan to advise the client on how it could reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and Achieving British Columbia’s Climate Targets*, energy consumption. Role also included liaising with GIS staff to produce energy density maps for the municipality to Vancouver, British Columbia (Research Assistant demonstrate how energy consumption is spatially distributed and Author) in the municipality, and acted as lead researcher and main Worked with a former colleague at the Pembina Institute on author of the final report that focused on the sustainable an analysis and modelling of the estimated levels of energy opportunities for the municipality. greenhouse gas emissions from BC’s proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants. Based on the analysis, a Local Climate Action in British Columbia*, background report was produced for the Energy Forum: An Vancouver, British Columbia (Researcher) Industry­NGO Collaboration. The report informed the Energy Forum’s policy position on LNG. Conducted research to examine a selection of BC local government infrastructure projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to discover why communities are Climate Change Adaptation implementing them. This qualitative research was designed to Water Future Project*, Burnaby, British Columbia assess if policies such as the Climate Action Charter, the (Researcher and Author) Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program and the BC carbon Co­authored a report with the POLIS Project on Ecological tax are spurring climate action and project implementation at Governance at the University of Victoria. The report offered a the local level. A total of 12 BC local governments that have first­hand account of the state of fresh water across the implemented an infrastructure project or energy conservation country, and outlined the water challenges and priorities retrofit since 2008 were interviewed. Role also included lead facing Canadians. The report is a synthesis of themes, researcher, project manager, and author of the project. perspectives, and information from the Forum for Leadership on Water’s fall 2011 cross­Canada water discussion series Environmental Assessment tour. Based on the results from the tour, a report was Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project, Multiple produced outlining several recommendations on how to Sites, British Columbia (Author – Nisga’a Cultural advance water policy in Canada and in particular, how to account and plan for the effects of climate change on Canada’s Effects Assessment) water resources. Author of the Nisga’a Nation cultural well­being chapter of the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) Project Environmental Assessment Certificate Application. The chapter assessed the potential effects of the PRGT project on the cultural well­being of Nisga’a citizens. Role also included coordination of the Aboriginal Consultation information requests and co­author of the marine facilities Amendment of the Project.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

52 Tim Shah MA (Planning) Environmental Planner

PUBLICATIONS Shah, T. (in press). Climate Change Adaptation Planning in British Columbia: The Elkford Approach.. In R. Thomas, Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach. Oxford University Press., 2014.

Shah, T. and J. O'Riordan. Moving toward greater adoption of integrated resource recovery. The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, 2013.

Presentation. The Impact of the Carbon Tax on Local Government Low­Carbon Projects in BC. The Global Conference on Environmental Taxation, 2012.

Baltutis, J. and T. Shah. Cross­Canada Checkup: A Canadian Perspective on our Water Future. The POLIS Project on Ecological Governance, 2012.

Horne, M., Partington, P.J., Shah, T. (2012). Recommendations for B.C.’s Carbon Tax Review. The Pembina Institute publication 2370, 2012.

53 Lisa Moilanen Public and Aboriginal Engagement Consultant

Lisa is a talented and energetic IAP2 practitioner with a broad range of experience. Her communication talents are a recognized asset in her personalized work with clients, enabling her to successfully develop and implement engagement and communications plans tailored to client's needs. Lisa has worked with a variety of disciplines including community development, planning, transportation, and environmental management.

EDUCATION Horizon Lateral Project, Fort McMurray, Alberta Diploma, Business Administration, Camosun Consultation lead for the participant involvement program to College, Victoria, BC, 2002 ensure stakeholders are consulted with and it is documented appropriately as per Directive 56.

Level 1 Certification, International Association for C2 Recovery Project, Redwater, Alberta Public Participation, Vancouver, BC, 2007 Coordinated the consultation process to meet the Directive 56

requirements which included establishing and maintaining the MEMBERSHIPS participant involvement program and coordinating an open Certified Member, International Association for house. Public Participation Public Participation Capital Region Government/Community Relations Official Community Plan Review and Revision, Committee, Urban Development Institute Cumberland, British Columbia Coordinated the advisory and community engagement processes to assist in revisiting the OCP to be more cohesive. BC Partnership Development Coordinator, Also led the online engagement using an interactive tool to International Association for Public Participation encourage the community to become more aware and involved in the project. Certified Member, International Association of Business Communicators University Village Local Area Plan and Trans- Canada Highway Corridor Management Plan, AWARDS Duncan, British Columbia 2010 CSLA AAPC National Merit Award, RiverWalk Led, coordinated, and facilitated a dynamic engagement plan Master Plan for this multi-phased project that had an active stakeholder advisory committee passionate about overlaying these two

plans to see improvements and growth within their PROJECT EXPERIENCE community. It included various stakeholder meetings and a Environmental Management series of public open houses. Also led the online engagement Calgary Regional Airshed Zone Air Quality using an interactive tool to encourage the community to Management Plan, Calgary, Alberta become more aware and involved in the project. Coordinated an inclusive outreach plan to include impacted stakeholders and assisted the technical team in creating a North Saskatchewan Regional Plan, Land Use successful air quality management plan. Secretariat, Alberta Assisting with the development and implementation of a Oil & Gas communications and community consultation plan to ensure Canada GTL Project, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta consultations with the public and key stakeholders are conducted and documented in a timely and effective manner. Assisted with coordinating the participant involvement This entailed a several phased process in multiple locations program. with facilitated stakeholder sessions and public open houses.

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

54 Lisa Moilanen Public and Aboriginal Engagement Consultant

Regional Recreation Master Plan, Sturgeon County, Raven Recycling Vision and Facility Planning, Alberta Whitehorse, Yukon Territory Led and coordinated the stakeholder and public engagement Coordinated and facilitated sessions with stakeholders, board processes with multiple Partnership clients to assist in members, and the public to provide guidance and input in creating a regional recreation master plan. planning a new green facility.

Multi-Family Waste Diversion Engagement, Calgary, Lower Athabasca Regional Plan, Land Use Alberta Secretariat, Alberta Assisted with coordinating the stakeholder and public Assisted with the development and implementation of a engagement program using focus groups, interviews, communications and community consultation plan to ensure workshops and open houses. Also led the online engagement consultations with the public and key stakeholders were using and interactive tool to encourage the community to vote conducted and documented in a timely and effective manner. on their preferred draft strategy, which directly helped the This entailed a several phased process in multiple locations client make a final recommendation on the plan. with interactive stakeholder sessions and public open houses.

South Saskatchewan Regional Plan, Land Use First Nation Community Development Plans, Alberta Secretariat, Alberta Led and coordinated all community engagement for three Assisted with the development and implementation of a different comprehensive community development plans for the communications and community consultation plan to ensure Paul First Nation, Montana First Nation and Stoney First consultations with the public and key stakeholders were Nation. Stakeholders included Chief and Council, Elders, conducted and documented in a timely and effective manner. youth, and the community at large. This entailed a several phased process in multiple locations with facilitated stakeholder sessions and public open houses. Revive, The Revitalization of The Rivers District, Calgary, Alberta Land Use Framework, Aboriginal Consultation, Land Researched and created a detailed promotional package for a Use Secretariat, Alberta presentation to highlight the revitalization of The Rivers Assisted with facilitating and recording meetings on land use District in Calgary's East Village. including planning with various Alberta aboriginal groups, councils and Elders. Plan It Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Assisted with stakeholder engagement and facilitation in the St. Patrick's Island Master Plan, Calgary, Alberta development of a new framework for land use planning in Assisted with public engagement and communications to aid Calgary. in the development of this master plan process. Transportation Planning 26th Avenue Rail Relocation, Calgary, Alberta Crowchild Trail Corridor Study, Calgary, Alberta Coordinated a public information session. Assisted with the development and implementation of a communications and community consultation plan to ensure Bow Ridge Subdivision Phase 3, Gabion Retaining consultations with the public and key stakeholders were conducted and documented in a timely and effective manner. Walls, Cochrane, Alberta Assisted with coordinating public engagement and communications to ensure stakeholders were aware of the Transport Strategy Review, Victoria, British Columbia project, timelines and changes. Assisted and coordinated a series of satisfaction surveys with passengers at the dock and pick up locations to determine their level of satisfaction with shuttle service. St. Patrick's Bridge Competition, Calgary, Alberta Coordinated the public open houses and evaluated all feedback from the events and online forum for this unique design competition.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

55 Lisa Moilanen Public and Aboriginal Engagement Consultant

Edmonton LRT Extension, Edmonton, Alberta Proposed Outline Plan, Okotoks, Alberta Facilitated a stakeholder session for impacted landowners and Coordinated public engagement and communications to meet community members. municipal and provincial requirements.

Stoney Trail Expansion and Interchange Riverwalk Phase 1, Calgary, Alberta Construction, Calgary, Alberta Coordinated a public information session. Facilitated a partnering session for key contractors and managed the communications process throughout the Riverwalk Master Plan, Calgary, Alberta planning and construction of key segments of this expanded Coordinated the public engagement process and public open freeway. houses including the intensive, collaborative involvement of a key stakeholder Advisory Committee in the planning and NE LRT Extension, Calgary, Alberta design of a keystone river-front urban promenade. Facilitated a stakeholder session for directly impacted adjacent landowners. Urban Development Institute* (Committee Coordinator) Macleod Trail and Heritage Drive Functional Managed and supported development industry volunteers Transportation Planning Study, Calgary, Alberta working with over 40 committee’s and task forces and dealing Coordinated and facilitated a series of stakeholder committee with assorted issues related to the land development industry. meetings and public information sessions. Managed Daily contact and liaison with senior administration and communications regarding possible future changes to an elected officials of The City of Calgary and adjacent existing busy intersection. municipalities. Worked closely with the Executive Director to achieve all aspects of strategic goals determined by the Board of Directors. Urban Land

Ryder's Ridge Outline Plan Amendment, Sylvan Lake, Alberta Led public engagement and communications for this phase of the development including an open house.

North Lethbridge Regional Park Needs Assessment and Public Engagement Study, Lethbridge, Alberta Developed and assisted in coordinating an extensive public and stakeholder engagement process and communication strategy project for a new regional park with dynamic branding to enhance project awareness.

Medicine Hat Landscape Design Services Playground Rehabilitation, Medicine Hat, Alberta Designed the public engagement and communications processes.

Tuba City Open Dump Site, Tuba City, Arizona Assisted in drafting the community involvement plan.

Proposed Neighborhood Structure Plan and Area Structure Plan Amendment, Airdrie, Alberta Coordinated public engagement and communications to meet municipal and provincial requirements.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

56 Devon Jenkins B.Tech Geographic Information Systems Specialist – Community Development

Devon is a Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist with Stantec. His GIS Skills include Land Use and Resource Mapping, Cartography (developing standards), Data Collection /Manipulation /Management and Spatial Analysis/3D Deliverables. Devon has also recently been involved in Stantecs elibrary Alberta resource/data management Services.

Devon has previous GIS and Mapping experience in Petroleum/Natural Gas and Oil sands surveying, during which he has worked on a plethora of projects involving hydrographic modeling, LiDAR analysis, Well/Pad site location analysis/suitability mapping, 3D bore hole modeling, aerial photography and road use planning/networking.

Devon has used a myriad of GIS software including ESRI 10.1 suite of products, global mapper, City Engine, AutoCAD, FME and more. FME or Feature Manipulation Engine has been a key stone and foundation in many of his projects. This software allows data conversion and integration, reducing major barriers when working with data in different formats, parties or vendors. In addition FME allows for data transformation/ reconfiguration of complex data and modeling which significantly reduces time costs for projects.

EDUCATION Bachelor of Technology, Geographic Information Systems, British Columbia Institute of Technology, British Columbia, 2011


Wabamun Lake Subwatershed Land Use Plan, Park Prioritization & Investment Area Modeling for Alberta the Gateway Cities, Massachusetts, USA Provided data collection/creation and mapping Used spatial analysis, route networking and support in the greater Wabamun area including advanced model building to evaluate the data sets: Amenities/services, land use, crop adequacy of a city’s park system and how well its inventory, Soil types, environmental considerations, services its community. The final product will serve biodiversity intactness, human foot print etc. This as a decision support tool for the state. was used to develop a report listing an inventory on all relevant lake data, policies, regulations and Tourism Vancouver Island documentation. Trail Inventory database management, mapping & trail statistics calculation to assist Tourism Scenic Resource Assessment, Upper Peace River & Vancouver Island with the development of the Athabasca, Alberta Vancouver Islands trails strategy. The results Identified scenic resources within North Western identified which trails aid in the development of Alberta through a field program. Images and geotourism opportunities within Vancouver Island, geolocation about each site was captured using a Gulf islands and the Sunshine Coast. Geotagger Canon accessory and contextual data documented using Kizeo Forms app. Post surveying involved spatial analysis and mapping.

* denotes projects completed with other firms Design with community in mind

57 Devon Jenkins B.Tech Geographic Information Systems Specialist – Community Development

Hermosa Beach, California, USA Stantec eLibrary Service – On going Viewshed analysis of proposed oil rigs near beach Management and distribution of Alberta’s front open space in Hermosa Beach, California. By resources to Stantec Employees. Access of maps, incorporating elevation data, tower height and 3D aerial photos, customized drawings, survey plans, models of the entire city’s buildings. Devon elevation models and other types of digital data. accurately determined where in the city’s parks, opens paces and Transportation routes the proposed rig would be scene. Trans Canada Trail Assisting the Trans Canada Trail in developing a Recreation Master Planning and Development roadway selection matrix tailored to each Lower Athabasca River, Alberta province/territory which takes into account As part of a multidisciplinary team, used GIS roadway conditions, hazards, recreational use mapping/analysis to aid in the creation of a diversity and other characteristics. The routes were conceptual master plan to rejuvenate Canada’s identified to fill in the gaps in the TCT to create a historic route. connected multiuse trail from Coast to Coast to Coast. City of Spruce Grove Outdoor Recreation Facility Strategy, Alberta Undertook GIS and data management to aid the City of Spruce Grove in Boulder City Bypass Road design and View shed preparing for the cities future demands in outdoor Provided detailed view shed analysis from multiple recreation facilities. Using a combination of land locations along two different road design use/census analysis the results identified the city’s proposals. Using Cut/Fill techniques for each economic development potential and addressed design into the ground elevation. the social challenges ahead. Well/bore hole & Pad Site Analysis, Fox Creek, Alberta* LiDAR Surface Analysis for Eaglewood, Reno, Using the following analysis to determine optimal Nevada, USA locations for pad sites and bore holes: proximity, Provided LiDAR analysis (Contour, Slope, Aspect, drainage/water shed, Cut/fill volume, forest forest canopy density and comparison analysis of canopy density, routing analysis and imagery surveyed vs LiDAR data), 2D mapping and 3D manipulation. modeling

Edmonton Downtown North Edge Study, Alberta Used GIS to provide mapping services highlighting zoning, transportation and other existing features. In combination with land use, assessment values and proximity analysis to identify potential redevelopment sites for Edmonton Downtown North Edge.

Blatchford, Edmonton, Alberta Developed proposal graphic figures with GIS (CityEngine) software for the new Blatchford community in the heart of Edmonton.

* denotes projects completed with other firms

58 Appendix B IAP2 & Proposed Engagement Strategy 59 60+ The project team’s cumulative number of years of engagement experience

60 Proposed Engagement Strategy Every community, like every resident, has Stantec has corporate relationship a unique character. We believe that most with mySidewalk and can offer the citizens genuinely care for their parks and service free of charge to our clients? trails, want to improve them and want to be involved in making decisions regarding their future regardless of whether they are users of the facilities or not.

But we recognize that interests are diverse and sometimes Stantec proposes to combine innovative engagement opposing. At Stantec, we see these oppositions as assets to tactics to create multiple entry points into the planning work with, rather than problems needing resolution – and process and better account for the varying ways the public we believe that engagement and co-creation is the best way prefer to receive and provide information. We believe that to work through these differences toward a shared future. combining a diversity of engagement techniques, together with robust promotion of engagement opportunities by Committed to the concept of “co-creation” Stantec embraces the Municipality; will enable diverse and well balanced the principle that “involving citizens is about creating community participation in the planning process by users ideas that have a better chance of working for them” and non-users alike. Stantec will apply techniques that (Bason, National Recreation Summit, 2011). “Co-creation enable the public and stakeholders to engage where they are is the difference between people creating a great idea for and where they are comfortable. In addition, the use of an you and people working with you to make a good idea great” online forum and survey is efficient, sustainable and reaches (John Williams – WikiSolutions). Most master planning a wider audience. approaches generally follow a similar planning process. But what differentiates great from good master plans is how the community was involved in the process and whether they feel a sense of ownership over the final plan and a commitment to its implementation.

What differentiates Stantec is our emphasis on building community as we facilitate the community’s creation of the plan. Our approaches work to build trust, seek common ground, and encourage dialogue. We work to ensure people are listened to and understand each other and, though they may not always agree, they embrace their differences as adding strength to the plan and the community. We focus on asking “good questions” in every phase of process. We “actively listen” and ensure the next steps in the planning process are guided by the answers received.

Bringing decades of combined community engagement experience, our public participation consultants are trained in and apply the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Code of Practice (Appendix B) and have worked on successful engagement programs for a variety of clients throughout British Columbia and Alberta.

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 27 61 Engagement Program Phases + Tactics A 2-staged engagement program is envisioned: 1. Awareness, Visioning, Issues & Opportunities 2. Draft Master Plan The engagement goals and engagement tactics proposed for each stage are presented in the table below.


MySidewalk - Online • Raise awareness and inspire PRAC Workshop Discussion Forum & participation in the planning Online Survey process. Government to Government Round Table

StanMAP - Online • Understand community values, Let’s Talk Parks and Trails Workshop - Crowd Source Mapping satisfaction, demands, issues and Community Engagement #1: time, location and Tool - to allow the opportunities. format will be determined with the Municipality community to spatially during the development of the detailed identify issues & engagement plan opportunities 2: Draft Master Plan & Implementation Strategy

• Receive input on draft master Community Open House - Community Sounding Boards - plan Engagement # 2: location and format will be designed by Stantec determined with the Municipality during the and administered by development of the detailed engagement plan Municipality

28 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 62 IAP2 Core Values of Public Participation As an international leader in public participation, IAP2 has developed the “IAP2 Core Values for Public Participation” for use in the development and implementation of public participation processes. Th ese core values were developed over a two year period with broad international input to identify those aspects of public participation which cross national, cultural, and religious boundaries. Th e purpose of these core values is to help make better decisions which refl ect the interests and concerns of potentially aff ected people and entities.

Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation 1. Public participation is based on the belief that those who are aff ected by a decision have a right to be involved in the decision-making process. 2. Public participation includes the promise that the public’s contribution will infl uence the decision. 3. Public participation promotes sustainable decisions by recognizing and communicating the needs and interests of all participants, including decision makers. 4. Public participation seeks out and facilitates the involvement of those potentially aff ected by or interested in a decision. 5. Public participation seeks input from participants in designing how they participate. 6. Public participation provides participants with the information they need to participate in a meaningful way. 7. Public participation communicates to participants how their input aff ected the decision.

For more information, visit the IAP2 Web site at

(C) Copyright 2007 International Association for Public Participation

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 29 63 IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation

Appendix Project Management

64 Appendix C Project Management

65 Prepare a proposal that includes a preliminary Project Plan including scope, project budget, resources, deliverables, 1 and schedule. Conduct and document an Close off the project independent review of financials and close the final proposal. out the project files. Obtain written instructions 2 to proceed and execute an 10 approved written contract.

Conduct and document an Prepare a Project Plan independent to an appropriate level review of all final* 9 of detail. Conduct deliverables prior 3 and document an to issue. independent review.

Conduct and Establish hard copy document a quality and/or electronic review of all final* 8 4 project record deliverables prior directories and file to issue. project records accordingly. Obtain the client’s written approval on scope of Complete a Health, Safety service changes in a 5 & Environment (HSE) risk timely manner. 7 management assessment Monitor the Project and documentation for all Management Dashboard projects involving field work. on a regular basis. Follow best practices for managing project financials, including 6 time charges, work in progress (WIP), accounts receivable (AR), and estimates to complete (ETC).

66 Project Commencement Our team is well positioned to take on this project quickly and efficiently.

Deeply embedded in our philosophy and approach is our The DPP will be based on our proposed Work Schedule and commitment to managing your project so you can meet will highlight all project milestones, submission dates, and budget and schedule objectives, which in turn maximizes outline any other important deadlines. the opportunity for the best value for your money. Stantec is an ISO 9001 accredited company and is committed to The Project Manager will produce a draft of this to review at sound project management. To keep your project on Justin the initial meeting and will formalize it shortly afterwards. and budget and to ensure the quality you expect, Justin will Schedule control is further facilitated through ongoing follow Stantec’s 10 Point Project Management Framework: DPP monitoring, updating and reporting. Ongoing schedule monitoring and reporting allows for the early detection of Scope Control any potential schedule issues and planning of any necessary corrective action. Regular internal meetings combined One of Stantec’s key roles within any given project with regular updates and meetings with Public Bridge management mandate is scope control. Scope changes the Municipality will be held to review work progress and may arise out of unforeseen circumstances. In such cases identify any potential problems that may arise. the Municipality of North Cowichan will be notified immediately. Should significant scope changes occur; the Project Manager will review the scope change for impacts Quality Control on the schedule, budget, and deliverables. Scope change Stantec has a formal company quality management mitigation alternatives will be developed by Stantec and system which is registered to the ISO9001:2000 Quality presented for discussion with the Municipality; conveying Management Standard. Our firm employs a strict peer- the pros and cons of each alternative. Collectively we will review quality assurance (QA) program that begins at proceed with the alternative that most suitably reflects the project commencement and continues throughout the life Municipality’s goals, objectives, and vision. cycle of a project. The program establishes quality control requirements to ensure consistency. Stantec establishes The key to successful scope control is the quality and quality control requirements for all aspects of project frequency of communication between the Stantec Project communications, documentation, design approvals, Manager and the Municipality. Our Project Manager procurement and contract administration. has worked on similarly scaled projects and is aware of the importance in working collaboratively. Effective communication is achieved through the establishment of clear and concise reporting procedures. Our design team is organized so that the Municipality will deal exclusively with the Stantec Project Manager, who will organize our internal team members. This will ensure effective and efficient responses to any issue that may arise. Schedule Control Stantec will work with the Municipality of North Cowichan in the earliest project stage to develop a Detailed Project Plan (DPP) for this project.

67 Sustainability at Stantec Environmental Stantec is leading the charge in sustainability consulting because it is our professional responsibility. Given our increasing awareness Economic of the ecological impact of development and growth, we are compelled to pursue increasingly sophisticated approaches to sustainability through our professional practice.

At Stantec we are committed to sustainability through our Social dedication to the latest technologies and rating systems, such the Envision rating system for Sustainable Infrastructure, focusing growth for our Stantec Sustainable Solutions group and through our corporate sustainability policies and practices.

Sustainable Design Solutions TM Our team uses the EnvisionTM framework as a sustainability Envision lens through which to stimulate design strategies and Sustainable design adds real value to a project by TM improve project performance. Envision is the leading providing measurable improvements in quality of system for guiding the development of green infrastructure life, while reducing life cycle costs, and often capital projects of all types in North America. Stantec has played a construction costs as well. Stantec’s in-house resources TM leadership role in the development of Envision . Similar to include a green specification and materials database, how the LEED system guides and rewards sustainable design detailed case studies, and a resource database of people TM choices for buildings, Envision was created to do the same and information. TM for green infrastructure. Envision provides a common We are leading the shift to a more integrated framework for assessing infrastructure, recommends best approach to design, planning, and management of practices, and considers both qualitative and quantitative the built environment, and we are involved in setting elements of design. Envision challenges us to consider “if the future direction of policy, standards, and rating we are doing the project right”, but even more importantly systems in the public and private sector. “if we are doing the right project” in the first place. Beyond TM the value that Envision adds to the design process, green Our team is committed to evaluating materials and infrastructure projects are eligible for consideration for construction methods in terms of lifecycle costs formal award under the system, as we have most recently wherever feasible, so the North Cowichan Parks and done with the Low Level Road project. Trails Master Plan will provide a model for future park and trail development. We will recommend locally sourced materials and fixtures with alternatives in cases where they will reduce the frequency of repairs and replacement. Beyond this, the master plan will anticipate future demand and heavier use as the surrounding land uses and the local population develops and grows.

34 Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 68 EnvisionTM was developed in partnership between the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) and the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. ISI is a not- for- profit organization that was formed by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Public Works Association, and the American Council of Engineering Companies.

For future parks and trails, our design team will recommend including waste audits, water and energy conservation the following: programs, and alternative transportation strategies.

• Locally available materials with an emphasis on We are also committed to third party verification of our renewable and recycled products management systems. In a recent review, the Pembina • Both built and living elements suitable for the Institute found the Green Operations Plan developed climatic conditions of the Island by our Vancouver office to be ‘ahead of the game’ in its approach. The Vancouver Office uses the Ecological • Sustainable storm water strategies, and Footprint measurement to bookmark the performance of its Environmental Management System. • Structural soil where necessary to promote healthy root development on trees located in paved areas. Corporately, Stantec produces an annual Sustainability Report. Annual reporting helps us to set the bar for Corporate Sustainability improving our sustainability performance each year and Stantec’s Sustainability Policy identifies that “Stantec is to fulfill our commitment to transparent public disclosure. committed to being a leader and model of sustainability by The Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with doing business in a way that meets the needs of the present the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI’s) G4 comprehensive while contributing to an environmentally, socially, and framework, which is widely used internationally to facilitate economically sustainable future. This commitment is at the greater organizational transparency and improve the heart of how Stantec operates and how it delivers solutions consistency of sustainability reporting across economic, to its clients and is vital to its long-term success in achieving social, and environmental indicators. its vision.” Responsibility for monitoring compliance with this policy rests with the chief executive officer who has Our Sustainability Report and Policy can be found on our designated senior leadership responsibility to the senior website: about- vice president, People & Practice. us/sustainability.html.

Operational responsibility rests with the vice president, Sustainable Development. At the corporate level, Stantec has a long history of working to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and business processes. With support from our corporate sustainability coordinator, our network of Green Office Committees has developed a number of local programs to reduce our ecological footprint,

Request for proposal Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Trails Master Plan 35 69 70 Recreation is an ends, as well as a means

National Recreation Summit, 2011

71 We make lasting connections with the people and places we serve

72 Program Report

During the summer of 2015, North Cowichan’s Youth for Community program re- turned for its fourth year after a one year hiatus. The program, which employed thir- teen youth aged 14-18 for the summer, gave these teens an opportunity to gain valu- able work skills and experience by doing odd jobs for seniors in the Crofton and Chemainus areas. Through the program, the youth were able to build a relationship with the seniors they helped while building confidence in their skills and abilities in a real work experience.

Youth for Community Program Breakdown  Total Cost: $16, 529.16  $9,977 donated by the Ministry of Justice

 13 Students employed; 649 hours worked  $3555.16 donated by Coast Capital Savings

 83 jobs completed for 31 sets of Seniors  $2,000 donated by CUPE Local 358

 Program served Chemainus & Crofton Area  $1,000 donated by Mid-Island Co-op

Youth for Community Goals

1. To provide youth with an opportunity to gain work experi- ence and learn practical skills in an alternative employment setting focused on their needs. 2. To assist seniors in the community with independent living. 3. To build community by promoting positive interaction be- tween seniors and youth.

Youth were asked:

Do you feel the Youth for Community Program has helped you gain employment experience?

“Yes, because it has taught me to organize my time, work as a team and how to be more re- sponsible.”

“The program has helped me learn more about working as a team and how to be more open with others in how I am feeling.” What did you like about the Youth for Community Program?

“I liked to meet new friends and to be more friendly.”

“I like how it builds a team spirit over the course of the summer. I also like the chance to get to talk to the seniors.”

Do you feel that the Youth for Community Program helped build positive relationships between younger and older generations?

“Yes, because I feel like older people find teens to be rebellious and in doing this program it shows that us teens can do good work and be responsible.” 73

Goal: “To provide youth with an opportunity to gain work experience and learn practical skills in an alternative employment setting focused on their needs.”

 13 Youth aged 13-18 participated in the Youth for Community Program. Combined, the youth worked a total of 593 hours over a period of 10 weeks performing odd job services for seniors.  This program is the first employment opportunity for many of the youth. Throughout the summer, part of their experiences have been focused around getting used to having a boss, a schedule and co-workers with whom they’ve had to work to- gether with to problem solve.  An alternative employment setting was achieved by giving the youth 2-3 work shifts a week allowing them flexibility in their schedules. Most shifts were 2 hours in length, al- lowing the kids to get used to the routine of working without getting overwhelmed. As the summer progressed, some of the teens excelled and were challenged with more shifts per week and more work per day.  Furthermore, there were four workshops over the summer for the youth: Young Worker Safety Workshop, Emo- tional Safety and Workplace Harassment Workshop, Municipal Lawnmower Training, Job Application Skills Workshop. These workshops as well as one on one work with the supervisor and/or co-ordinator of the program allowed the youth to receive coaching and assistance in a number of areas such as organizational skill, conflict resolution and work skill.  All work performed by the youth was fully coordinated and supervised by the Program Coordinator. Local sen- iors interested in participating in the program contacted the program coordinator by phone. The coordinator then made appointments with the seniors to evaluate the safety and suitability of the work before scheduling dates to bring the youth to perform the work.  Youth provided availability, received weekly work schedules, were paid an hourly wage of $10.25, received bi-weekly paycheques and participated in a collaborative employee evalu- ation. Goal: “To assist seniors in the community with independent living.”

 Youth for Community was offered to residents of Chemainus and Crofton aged 55 and over. 83 jobs were done for 31 sets of seniors ; the team visited each home between 2-3 times  Youth performed free odd job services such as gardening, lawnmowing, weed-eating, sanding, painting, invasive plant removal, toy sorting and cleaning.  In most cases the seniors participating in the service needed assistance because of an injury, loss of mobility or they had lost a partner and found that the upkeep needed was too much for one person. Cardiac and respirato- ry conditions and arthritis prevented several seniors from doing active outdoors work, such as painting, garden- ing and lawnmowing. A few participants were recovering from recent surgeries, including tumor and kidney stone removals. Other seniors were too weak after cancer treatments to keep up with their gardens.

74 Goal: “To build community by promoting positive interactions between seniors and youth.”

 Youth were encouraged to make connections with the seniors by introducing themselves, working well, asking questions about the work and the seniors and visiting with seniors on job sites. After making connections and learning more about the seniors as individuals, youth were motivated to do their best as they felt that they were making a positive difference in their community.  In providing a supervised work environment for the youth and free services for seniors, a positive reciprocal relationship developed between the two groups.  Seniors were encouraged to coach the youth as to what work was to be per- formed, survey the job, and offer advice where necessary. Many seniors took responsibility for the youth’s learning on the job: teaching them about plants and gardens and offering tips and suggestions where appropriate. Many seniors showed their appreciation through beverages and home-made treats.

Comments from senior participants:

“They did a lovely job - a great help to an “old woman.” Thank you we older people are very fortunate indeed to have such help available.” “I’m very thankful for the help the youth have given me. I’ve been so behind and una- ble to get everything done and it is a relief to have help. I can rest easier. ” “What a great job! The kids are definitely eager to please” “This is a wonderful program for both seniors and youth. We seniors need the help to stay in our home and the kids did a great job with the help of Zach.” “Thank you again! You guys have done a wonderful job. I will gladly recommend your service to everyone! This is a wonderful way to get seniors and young people ac- quainted. “The help was much appreciated. Thank you!!” “Wonderful pleasant kids with a good work ethic and positive attitudes.”


Ministry of Justice Coast Capital Savings Mid-Island Co-Op CUPE Local 358

75 Youth for Community Budget 2015 Operating Budget: Ministry of Justice $ 9,977.00 Total Grant Money Spent: CUPE 358 $2,000.00

Funding Coast Capital Savings $3555.16 Supervisor Wages: $ 8,997.47 Mid-Island CO-OP $ 1,000.00 Total $ 16,532.16 Youth Wages: $ 6,652.25

Program Costs: $ 882.44 Base Wage $19.93 Benefits Loading 1.17 Total: $ 16,532.16

Actual Wage $23.32

Supervisor Hours Per Week 35 Total # of Weeks 11 Total # of Hours 385

Total Wages $ 8,977.47

Youth Wages Budget:

June 29- July 6- July 13- July 20- July 27- Aug 10- Aug 17- Aug 31- Aug 3-7 Aug 24-28 Totals July 3 10 17 24 31 14 21 Sept 4

Hours Worked 36 53 50 68 67.5 92 53 60 129.5 40 649

Total Pay $369.00 $543.25 $512.50 $697.00 $691.88 $943.00 $543.25 $615.00 $1,327.38 $410.00 $6,652.25

Program Costs: Expenses Grant Funded In-Kind Total

Transportation Costs (Fuel for 0 $283.86 $283.86 Recreation Van) Food (extra snacks during work $ 412.60 0 $412.60 hours and training) Workshops & Team Wind-up $ 396.00 $ 75.18 $471.18

Tools & Equipment (Gloves, $ 73.84 $140.00 $213.84 water bottles, gardening tools)

Wages $15,649.72 $ 7,893.90 $23,543.62

Total $16,532.16 $8392.94 24,925.10

76 Municipality of North Cowichan Parks and Recreation Department Youth for Communities Project Revenue and Expenses Report Period ending September 4th, 2015

Revenue Minstry of Justice Grant $ 9,977.00 Coast Capital Savings Grant $ 3,555.16 CUPE 358 Grant $ 2000.00 Mid Island Co-Op Grant $ 1000.00

Net Revenue $ 16,532.16

Expenses Wages and Benefits Youth Outreach Programmer $ 7,893.90 * Youth for Communities Supervisor $ 8,997.47 Youth Employees $ 6,652.25 Net Wages and Benefits $ 23, 543.62

Equipment and Transportation Fuel $ 283.86* Gardening / Landscaping Supplies $ 73.84 + ( $140.00) in supplies contributed by Municipality)* Net Equipment and Transportation $ 497.70

Training and Development Workshops $ 471.18 Net Training and Development $ 471.18

Food & Beverage $ 412.60 Net Food & Beverage $ 412.60

Net Expenses $ 24,925.10 * Expenses covered by the Municipality of North Cowichan

Expenses over Revenue $ 0

77 Celebrating Our Success! In the past three years Youth for Community has continued to grow, reaching new levels of success each summer. The benefits of this program far exceed those measureable by numbers and statistics however, here are a few figures to outline what we have been up to since 2011.

 2889 hours worked in the community by Youth for Community program participants and Coordinator.

 131 seniors have received assistance by youth with household chores and jobs.

 45 youth have received on the job training and mentorship while assisting seniors with jobs as participants of the Youth for Community program.

 26 past participants are now working in permanent jobs in our community.

 9 community sponsors have partnered with the Municipality of North Cowichan Youth Outreach to help offer the Youth for Community program.

 6 community organizations have had the assistance of our Youth for Community team (The Chemainus Healthcare Center, The Artbeat Festival, Duncan Business Improvement Association, Chemainus Wednesday Market, The Chemainus Legion, and the Cowichan Valley Cultural Arts Society.)

Jobs that we have tackled over the summers….

 Yard maintenance (weeding,  Hosted children’s games at planting, pruning, raking). community festivals.

 Lawn mowing & weedeating.  Repair & removal of fences.

 Sanding & painting decks & fences.  Sold lemonade / program

 Washing vehicles. promotions at market.

 Built sheds.  Removal & replacement of sod.

 Spreading mulch and pea gravel.  Dug trenches.

 Packing & moving.  Pressure washed buildings.

78 Delivering Benefits to our Community YOUTH:

Work Experience:  Mentorship.  Young worker oriented safety training.  Ongoing support & consistent training.  Help with resume writing and interview skills.  Opportunities to assume leadership roles.  Individual performance evaluation & goal-setting.

Community Building:

 Receive positive recognition in their community.  Opportunity to develop connections with seniors and other community members.  Support for vulnerable populations.

Social/Emotional Support:  Structure and support provided throughout the summer.  Conflict resolution and mediation.  Accessible Outreach services.  Opportunity to develop supportive relationships with coworkers.  Opportunity to develop trusting relation with positive role models.

Financial Benefits:  Earn spending/saving money during the summer.  Develop understanding of payroll operations and money management.

79 SENIORS: Financial Benefits:  Free assistance with household chores for those unable to perform such tasks due to health or social limitations.

Empowerment:  Promotion of independent living.  Actively challenging stereotypes for seniors.

Social/Emotional Support:  Positive social interaction for individuals who may live alone or who may have limited social interactions outside of the home.  Offering established trusted help to seniors who may be at-risk of being taken advantage of.

Community Building:  Seniors share life experiences with youth to edu- cate them about making healthy lifestyle choices.  The opportunity to create intergenerational friendships.  The opportunity to connect with the community.

COMMUNITY AT LARGE: Community Building:  Provide the opportunity for vulnerable populations to actively contribute to community development and social change.  Supports the local economy by hiring local youth to help local seniors. Participation in positive reciprocal relationships.  Inspiring empathy by facilitating the acknowledgment of different life circum- stances and the acceptance of people as individuals. 80 Future Goals Reaching more youth & more seniors….

This year the Youth for Community program reached new levels of success. We experienced a higher demand than ever of people needing our services. Throughout the summer we took waitlists for both youth and seniors wanting to participate in the program. Our youth team ran at full capacity this summer, and comprised of 13 dedicated young people between the ages of 14 to 18 years. Additionally, we took a waitlist of other youth who had hoped to join the program if a spot opened up. Our future aspirations are to offer more youth the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience and con- nect with members of the community. With a larger youth team we would be able to reach more youth and seniors. We would also have the ability to tailor the program to better meet the needs of each youth. At North Cowichan Youth Outreach, our dream is to continue to expand this movement. We have had a first-hand experience watching youth grow, develop self-confidence, and feel that they are part of a team that is creating positive social change in their community.


Confidence Community

Empathy Friendship

Purpose Support Work Experience