Folia Entomológica Mexicana ISSN: 0430-8603 [email protected] Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología, A.C. México

Noguera, Felipe A. New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the tropical dry forest of Mexico Folia Entomológica Mexicana, vol. 44, núm. Su1, noviembre, 2005, pp. 63-73 Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología, A.C. Xalapa, México

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Estación de Biología Chamela, IBUNAM, Apartado Postal 21, San Patricio, Jalisco 48980, México Email: [email protected]

Noguera, F. A. 2005. New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the tropical dry forest of Mexico. Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1): 63-73.

ABSTRACT. One new genus and five new species from localities in México with tropical dry forest as dominant vetegetation are described: Styloxus angelesae, Aliciana, Aliciana quadrimaculata, Heterachthes beatrizae, Pachymerola mariaeugeniae and Noguerana rodriguezae. KEY W ORDS. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, México, new genus, new species, tropical dry forest.

Noguera, F. A. 2005. Nuevas especies de Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) del bosque tropical caducifolio de México. Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1): 63-73.

RESUMEN. Un género y cinco nuevas especies de localidades con bosque tropical caducifolio como vegetación dominante son descritas: Styloxus angelesae, Aliciana, Aliciana quadrimaculata, Heterachthes beatrizae, Pachymerola mariaeugeniae y Noguerana rodriguezae. PALABRAS CLAVE. Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, México, nuevo género, nuevas especies, bosque tropical caducifolio.

During the course of a long-term project to stu- ventral region, legs and antennae with short, dy the diversity and patterns of distribution of the erect, golden pubescence. Head wider than pro- family Cerambycidae in the tropical dry forest in notum; front prominent, becoming wider distally; Mexico (Noguera et al., 2002), several undescri- middle suture slightly impressed and extending bed species have been encountered. In order to onto vertex; antennal tubercles moderately diver- make their names available for forthcoming re- gent, inner apices on a vertical line tangent to gional lists of this group, the following species inner margins of lower eye lobes; eyes conti- are described. guous on vertex, separated ventrally by less than the width of the base of the scape; with shallow, Styloxus angelesae sp. nov. contiguous to confluent small punctures, giving (Figure 2) the integument a lightly rugulose appearance; an- Holotype male. Form slender; integument tennae two times longer than body; scape subco- shining, dark brown, with areas of pronotun and nical, moderately thick, with apical cicatrix for- ventral region fuscous; pubescence short, erect, ming a small conical tubercle, punctation conflu- whitish, with longer, erect setae on pronotum, ent, giving the integument a lightly rugulose Noguera: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from TDF of Mexico appearance; third segment 2.3 times longer than Knull), S. fulleri (Horn), S. oblatipilus Chemsak scape, fourth slightly longer than third, fifth to and Linsley, S. parvulus Chemsak and Linsley ninth slightly longer than fourth, tenth equal to and S. fuscus Chemsak and Linsley. In those third and eleventh 0.8 times the length of the species the plate of the mesonotum is grooved at third; segments densely clothed with short, erect the basal one-third only. From S. lucanus pubescence, with sparse, long setae on scape and LeConte it differs by the less divergent antennal inner margins of basal segments. Pronotum 1.2 tubercles, pronotum and base of the elytra with times longer than wide, cylindrical, sides with an shorter erect hairs, elytral sutural margin incur- inconspicuous tubercle at basal third; punctures ved, and meso- and metafemora more gradually small, shallow, confluent, giving the integument clavate. an irregular rugulose appearance; median longi- Variation. The length of the remaining indivi- tudinal line extending from near apex to near duals of the type series varies between 6.6 and base, each side with a small transverse protube- 13.6 mm. rance; clothed with long erect hairs. Scutellum Etymology. This species is dedicated to María sub-triangular, apex rounded, impressed longitu- de los Angeles Morales, who collaborated during dinally, almost glabrous. Elytra wider than pro- the fieldwork of this project. notum; 1.9 times longer than wide, exposing last Material examined. HOLOTYPE male labe- four abdominal segments; apices rounded; sutural led: MÉXICO, Oaxaca, 23.5 Km SSE de Cuica- margins incurved from median third to near apex; tlán, 17/ 37’ N 96/ 55’ 121 O, 21-I-1998, Alt. disc impressed transversely at base of median 940 m, Trampa de luz 2, Cols. S. Zaragoza, A. third; punctation dense, moderately coarse; pu- Soria, F. A. Noguera, E. Ramírez, A. Rodríguez, bescence short, suberect, recurved, denser on M. A. Morales, M. E. Guardado. One male para- humeri and apical third and not obscuring the in- type with same data as holotype except: 22-V- tegument. Prosternum transversely impressed at 1998, Cols. S. Zaragoza, A. Soria, E. Ramírez, apical third, with shallow transverse rugosities M. A. Morales. Additional paratypes as follow: and long, erect, flying hairs intermixed. Mesos- MÉXICO, Oaxaca, 21 Km SSE de Cuicatlán, 17/ ternum flat, sub-rugulose; metasternum glabrous 38’ 064 N 96/ 54’ 825 O, 21-I-1998, Alt. 860 m, and superficially impressed, sides superficially Trampa de luz 1, Cols. S. Zaragoza, A. Soria, F. irregularly rugulose, long erect hairs dense. Legs A. Noguera, E. Ramírez, A. Rodríguez, M. A. clothed with long erect hairs, denser on tibial Morales, M. E. Guardado (3 %); 21-II-1998, margins; femora sub-clavate; protibiae curved, Cols. S. Zaragoza, A. Rodríguez, A. Soria (1 %); with a longitudinal sulcus; mesotibiae straight; MÉXICO, Oaxaca, 26 Km SSE de Cuicatlán, 17/ metatibiae slightly curved at apical third, 1.5 36’ 988 N 96/ 55’ 392 O, 21-I-1998, Alt. 1080 times longer than metafemora. Abdomen flatte- m, Trampa de luz 3, Cols. S. Zaragoza, A. Soria, ned dorso-ventrally, incurved, punctation fine, F. A. Noguera, E. Ramírez, A. Rodríguez, M. A. confluent, superficial; pubescence shorter than on Morales, M. E. Guardado (3 %); 23-V-1998, S. thorax, prostrate; apex of fifth segment strongly Zaragoza, A. Rodríguez, A. Soria (1 %); MÉ- emarginate. Length: 11 mm; width: 2.3 mm. XICO, Morelos, 2.5 Km N, 4 Km O Huautla, Female. Unknown. Estación CEAMISH, 17-II-1996, Alt. 940 m, 18/ Diagnosis. The stridulatory plate of the meso- 27’ 671 N 99/ 02’ 475 O, Col. M. E. Guardado, notum with a median longitudinal groove exten- T. luz 1 (1 %). Holotype deposited in UNAM and ding the entire length of the plate will separate S. paratypes in EBCC and EMEC. angelesae from S. bicolor (Champlain and

64 Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1) (2005)

Aliciana gen. nov. gitudinally grooved, mesal antennal spines pre- Form moderate-sized, depressed; integument sent, spine of segment three acute; pronotum with shining, punctate, clothed with long erect setae glabrous calluses on disk, without lateral cons- and fine, appressed pubescence. Head slightly trictions; prosternal process slightly expanded at shorter than pronotum; eyes coarsely faceted; apex; procoxal cavities closed laterally and open palpi unequal, with last segment expanded at posteriorly; elytral apices rounded and with sutu- apex, slightly longer than two previous segments ral teeth; femora clavate, with apices rounded; ti- together; genae acute at apices; antennae eleven- biae carinate on both sides and longitudinally segmented, shorter than body, third segment with grooved; body and appendages covered with internal spine at apex, fourth and fifth segments long, flying hairs. with acute, minute projections at apices, seg- The phylogenetic relationships of this genus are ments three to six carinate and longitudinally uncertain, but the metepisternal keel positioned grooved; pronotum slightly wider than long; roughly midway on the metepisternum, presence sides rounded; disk with glabrous calluses, a me- of peripheral pronotal calluses, laterally closed dian large callus and each side with one, small, procoxal cavities and the third antennomere of antemedian callus and two, postmedian, elongate males about half the length of the pronotum calluses; punctures coarse and confluent around appear to show that this genus could be related to calluses, separated toward sides and apex; pubes- the genera placed in the clade of figure 56 in cence dense around calluses; elytra about 2.5 Lingafelter’s review of the genera of Elaphiidini times longer than broad, parallel-sided; basal (1998). Within this clade, the absence of pseudo- punctures coarse, dense, becoming finer and segmental setae on the terminal antennomere sparser toward apex; apices rounded, feebly den- appear to show that this genus could be related to tate at suture; prosternum moderately impressed Astromula Chemsak and Linsley, transversely; prosternal process very narrow, Haldeman, Skiles, Eustromula slightly arcuate and slightly expanded apically, Cockerell Gymnopsyra Linsley, Parelaphidion coxal cavities open behind, rounded externally; Skiles, Nesodes Linsley and Stenelaphus Linsley. mesosternum declivous; mesosternal process According the Lingafelter’s diagnoses of these narrow, notched at apex, without lateral projec- genera, Aliciana may be distinguished from tions; mesocoxal cavities closed to epimeron; Astromula and Enaphalodes by having antenno- metasternum wider than long, convex, with me- mere three about half the length of the pronotum, dian sulcus complete; episternum parallel-sided, and by the carinate tibiae. Additionally, from with posterior notch only as a subtle indentation. Austromula it can be distinguished by the presen- Legs robust; femora clavate, apices rounded; ti- ce of mesal antennal spines, and from Enaphalo- biae carinate on both sides and longitudinally des by the presence of peripheral calli on the pro- grooved; tarsi short. Abdomen normally seg- notum. From Eustromula it differs by the clavate mented. meso- and metafemora and by antennomeres Type species. Aliciana quadrimaculata, new three through five longer than the pronotum. species. From Gymnopsyra it is distinguished by the Diagnosis. The combination of the following much larger size, absence of dense patches of pu- characters distinguish this genus from other ge- bescence on the antennal tubercles and well de- nera in Elaphidiini: ommatidial size coarse; an- veloped mesotibial carinae. From Nesodes it is tennae with segments 3 + 4 slightly shorter than distinguished by the presence of well developed pronotum, segments three to six carinate and lon- peripheral calli on the pronotum, clavate femora

65 Noguera: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from TDF of Mexico and carinate tibiae. From Paraelaphidion it minute projections at apices; third to sixth seg- differs by the unarmed elytral apices, clavate fe- ments carinate and longitudinally grooved, pu- mora and carinate tibiae, and it may be distin- bescence short, depressed, sparse on first three guished from Stenelaphus by the acute spine of segments and dense on the rest, basal segments antennomere three and by the clavate femora. fringed with long setae, becoming sparser toward Etymology.With deep love and sorrow, I dedi- apex. Pronotum slightly wider then long; sides cate this genus to the memory of Alicia, my wife, rounded; disk with seven glabrous calluses, one who recently passed away. In the more than 16 large, oblong, longitudinal, median callus, one years which we shared, we were constantly to- small, rounded, antemedian callus on each side gether as much in our family life as in our acade- and two postmedian, elongate calluses on each mic development and in the numerous side; punctures around calluses coarse and con- collecting trips we took in Mexico. Her support fluent, punctures toward sides and apex separated was always unconditional and her great tolerance and deep; pubescence dense, longer at sides, with and strength makes her absence even more long, erect setae intermixed. Scutellum cordi- difficult to endure. Nevertheless, to our son and form, apex rounded, with dense pubescence obs- I has been left a legacy of love, desire to live and curing the integument. Elytra 2.5 times longer responsibility which I hope we have the capacity than wide, parallel-sided; apices rounded, sutural to honor. I have been fortunate to share my life margin with a very small, acute projection; basal with her, for which I am thankful. punctures coarse, dense, separated by their dia- meter, becoming finer and sparser toward the Aliciana quadrimaculata sp. nov. apex. Prosternum slightly depressed transverse- (Figure 1) ly, with superficial grooves at the anterior half Elaphidiini sp. 1: Toledo et al., 2002, Coleop. Bull. 56(4):527. and coarse confluent punctures at the basal half, pubescence sparse; prosternal process very na- Holotype male. Form moderate-sized, depres- rrow, slightly arcuate and slightly expanded at sed; integument shining, dark brown with a large apex. Mesosternum slightly declivous, moderate- orange spot at middle and at apical third of each ly pubescent; mesosternal process narrow. Meta- elytron, apices of mandibles and antennal sockets sternum longitudinally glabrous at middle, mode- black; bright, pale yellowish pubescence dense rately pubescent toward sides; episternum para- on the pronotum and scutellum and sparse on rest llel-sided, moderately pubescent. Legs short; fe- of the body, with long, erect setae present on the mora clavate, with apices rounded, pubescence entire body. Head with front anteriorly im- sparse and erect setae interspersed; tibiae cari- pressed transversely, deepest at edges; antennal nate, superficially grooved longitudinally on both tubercles moderately prominent; genae triangular, sides, clothed with erect setae, denser at internal shorter than lower eye lobes; punctures coarse, margins. Abdomen sparsely pubescent, with irregular, confluent; pubescence and setae sparse; erect setae interspersed; apex of fifth sternite antennae as long as body, scape slightly longer rounded. Length: 17 mm; width: 4.3 mm. than third segment, subconical, robust, with a Allotype. Form similar to male but with the deep, longitudinal impression at the basal third; following differences: antennae reaching the api- third segment longer than fourth, fifth to tenth cal third of the elytra, scape slightly shorter than segments subequal to third, last segment 1.2 third segment. times longer than third; third segment with a Variation. The length of the remaining males short spine at apex, fourth and fifth with acute, of the series type varies between 17.9-24.5 mm,

66 Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1) (2005) and their antennae are as long as or slightly punctate; third segment 1.6 times longer than longer than body. scape, fourth 0.7 times shorter than third, fifth to Etymology. Named for the four spots of the seventh gradually longer, eighth to tenth gradual- elytra. ly shorter, last slightly longer than tenth; seg- Material examined. Holotype male labeled: ments three to six thicker; basal segments with México, Chiapas, 16 Km O Ocozocoautla, “El sparse pubescence, becoming denser on apical Aguacero”, 4-XII-1994, Col. V. H. Toledo. segments; scape with setae at base, second to Allotype labeled: Chiapas, El Chorreadero, 5-XI- fourth fringed with sparse setae, remaining seg- 1990, E. Zuccaro, P. Lago. One male paratype ments with setae at apical margins. Pronotum with the same data as holotype. Other paratype 1.3 times longer than wide; cylindrical, slightly from the same locality, but with the following wider at middle; punctures shallow, confluent; data: Altitude 823 m, 16-I-1972, D. E. Breedlove pubescence at base and sides sparse and disc with (1 &). Additional paratypes from: Ocozocoautla, sparse setae. Scutellum semicircular, transverse- Chiapas, México, 16-X-1990, C. J. Morales (1 ly convex, with dense pubescence obscuring the %); Chiapas, Hotel Paty, Cinco Cerros, 26-X- integument. Elytra 2.8 times longer than wide; 1990, F. T. Hovore (1 %). Holotype and Allotype sides parallel; punctures small, shallow, sepa- deposited in UNAM and paratypes in EBCC, rated by two to three times their diameter, each FTHC and EMEC. bearing a short or long, erect seta; apices roun- ded, unarmed. Prosternum slightly impressed Heterachthes beatrizae sp. nov. transversely, almost smooth at apical half and (Figure 3) with small, shallow, confluent punctures at basal Holotype male. Form slender, subcylindrical; half, sides with a narrow, longitudinal band of integument shining, orange, with apical half of pubescence and some erect setae at base; mesos- elytra black and with a contiguous, narrow, obli- ternum declivous, mesocoxal process slightly que, pale fascia, abdominal segments fuscous; wider than half the width of the mesocoxae, pubescence silky, pale, present almost exclusi- pubescence denser at sides and mesepimera; me- vely on ventral region; with golden, reddish, tasternum almost glabrous at middle and pubes- erect setae denser on elytra. Head small, 0.6 cent toward sides and metepimera, middle with times the length of the pronotum, slightly wider sparse erect setae. Legs short; apex of metafe- than pronotum across the lower eye lobes; front mora not reaching apices of elytra; femora vertical, with a narrow, curved impression at the strongly clavate, apices rounded, slightly project- base; genae triangular, with apices rounded; up- ing, with sparse pubescence and erect setae on per interocular area depressed transversely; eyes both margins; tibiae bicarinate, external carinae deeply emarginate, upper lobes composed of longer; pro- and mesotibae slightly curved at three rows of facets and separated by almost six base; with long erect setae on both sides and times their width, lower lobes moderately wide, protibiae with short, dense setae at internal mar- transverse; antennal tubercles somewhat pro- gins. Abdomen with sparse pubescence, slightly minent, with a conical projection at apex; vertex denser toward sides, with sparse, erect setae on a- and front with small, confluent, punctures, giving pical margin of each segment; fifth segment with the integument an areolate-rugouse appearance; apex rounded. Length: 7.6 mm; width: 1.7 mm. with sparse, erect setae at mandibular base and Allotype. Form similar to male but with the fo- ventral region; antennae 1.4 times longer than bo- llowing differences: antennae 1.2 times longer dy; scape subconical, slightly curved, shallowly than body, basal segments not thickened. Length:

67 Noguera: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from TDF of Mexico

8.0 mm; width: 1.7 mm. whitish, sparse on dorsum and dense on venter, Diagnosis. This species may be placed into with a longitudinal, narrow, inconspicuous vitta Martins’s (1970) “polingi” species group by the on each side of the pronotal disc; entire body carinate tibiae and antennal segments. It may be with erect setae. Head slightly shorter than pro- distinguished from the other species of this group notum; front with a deep transverse depression, by the elytral color pattern: a little more than the slightly angulate at middle; middle suture groov- apical third black with a contiguous, oblique, ed and extending to interantennal area; genae narrow, pale yellow fascia and the rest dark oran- with apices rounded, one third as wide as the ge. In H. nobilis LeConte the elytra are reddish lower eye lobes; dorsum areolate-rugose and gla- brown with a pale yellow, circular macula at the brous on venter except gular area; antennae 0.9 anterior half and a narrow, oblique fascia at times the length of the body; scape subconical, middle; in H. erineus Martins and H. polingi slightly curved; segments two-fourth slightly (Fall) the elytra are brown with a narrow, obli- dilated at apices, segments five-ten angulate que, yellowish fascia at the middle and in H. w- laterally at apices, last segment acute at apex; notatus Linsley the elytra are dark brown with an third segment shorter than scape, fourth to se- irregular, usually w-shaped pale yellow fascia be- venth slightly longer than third, eighth to tenth fore the middle. gradually decreasing in length, last segment as Variation. The other two individuals of the long as third; first three segments with small pun- type series are 7 mm long. ctures, finely reticulate, remaining segments mi- Etymology. This species is named in honor of cropunctate; pubescence very fine, short, sparse Beatriz Rodríguez who collaborated during the on basal segments and becoming denser on apical fieldwork of this project and for her friendship segments. Pronotum 1.5 times longer than wide, and her perseverance in the study of . narrowest at apex and widest behind middle; Material examined. Holotype male labeled: sides with an obtuse tubercle behind middle and MÉXICO, Morelos, 2.5 Km N, 4 Km O Huautla, with a small transverse protuberance near apex; Estación CEAMISH, 9-VI-1996, Alt. 940 m, 18/ disc impressed, forming a semi-circular, super- 27'.671 N, 99/ 02'.475 O, Trampa de luz, Col. M. ficial callus on each side; integument areolate- E. Guardado, M. A. Morales, F. A. Noguera, A. rugose; each side of disc with a narrow, longitu- Pérez, E. Ramírez, B. Rodríguez, C. A. Uribe, S. dinal vitta of pubescence, disc almost glabrous, Zaragoza. Allotype with the same data as the setae sparse, erect. Scutellum with apex truncate, holotype except: 11-VI-1996. Two female impressed longitudinally at middle, glabrous. paratypes with the same data as the holotype Elytra 3.4 times longer than wide, narrowest at except: 10-VI-1996. Holotype and Allotype middle and slightly flattened distally; integument deposited in UNAM; paratypes deposited in superficially areolate-rugose with moderately EBCC and EMEC. deep punctures dispersed homogeneously, denser at sides, bearing erect setae; pubescence sparse, Pachymerola mariaeugeniae sp. nov. very short. Prosternum slightly impressed trans- (Figure 4) versely, with a narrow transverse elevation at a- Holotype male. Form moderately small; elon- pical third; integument superficially areolate ru- gate; sides parallel; integument black, shining, gose; pubescence moderately dense at basal half except apical antennal segments which are opa- and sparse at apical half. Mesosternum impressed que, elytra with greenish iridescence, pronotal transversely, intercoxal process almost as wide as disc reddish orange; pubescence short, bright, mesocoxae, impressed longitudinally at middle;

68 Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1) (2005) metasternum with impressed longitudinal suture, orange, however some individuals have the pro- scattered punctures, each bearing an erect seta, notum totally black. The length of the remainder pubescence sericeous. Abdomen with first ster- of the series type varies between 7.2-10 mm in nite as long as the following three segments to- males and between 8.2-11 mm in females. gether, fifth sternite incurved, with apex rounded; Etymology. This species is named in honor of first to fourth sternites with dense, sericeous, María Eugenia Guardado for her help during the pubescence, except glabrous apical margins, fifth fieldwork of this project and for her friendship. sternite almost glabrous; with erect setae evenly Material examined. Holotype labeled. MÉXI- dispersed. Legs clothed with short, fine pubes- CO, Oaxaca, 26 Km SSE de Cuicatlán, 17º 36’ cence and erect evenly dispersed setae; pro- and 988 N 96º 55’ 392 O, 22-VII-1998, alt. 1080 m, mesofemora clavate, metefemora pedunculate, s/076 DOM, Col. F. A. Noguera. Allotype female asperate, with apices surpassing elytral apex; ti- labeled: MÉXICO, Oaxaca, 25 Km SSE de Cui- biae straight, densely asperate on distal half on catlán, 17º 37’ 273 N 96º 55’ 167 O, 21-VII- both margins. Length: 7.8 mm; width: 1.5 mm. 1998, alt. 1000 m, s/076 DOM, Col. F. A. No- Allotype. Similar in shape to male, with the guera. Paratypes. Two males and one female sa- following differences: pronotum reddish orange me data as holotype. Three individuals with the with apical and basal margins black; first abdo- same data as the holotype except 23-VII-1998 (2 minal sternite longer than the following four ster- %); 20-VII-1998, Col. M. A. Corona (1 &). Five nites together; second sternite deeply emarginate, females and eleven males with the same data as with a transverse brush of golden scopaform the Allotype. Eighteen paratypes with the same setae; third sternite excavate transversely, ante- data as the holotype except: M. E. Guardado (2 rior margin of the excavation fringed with setae; %, 3 &); s/075 DOM (10 %, 3 &). Additional fourth and fifth sternites impressed longitudi- paratypes: MÉXICO, Oaxaca, Dominguillo, 19 nally, margined laterally and apically with nu- Km SSE de Cuicatlán, 17/ 38' 907 N 96/ 54' 703 merous setae; fifth sternite with apex rounded, O, 21-VII-1998, alt. 760 m, s/075 DOM, Col. A. notched at middle. Length: 8.2 mm; width: 1.5 Rodríguez (1 %, 2 &); Col. M. A. Morales (7 %, mm. 7 &); 14 km NNE Teotitlán del Camino, 1340 m, Diagnosis. The individuals of this species are 16-VII-1996, R. L. Westcott (1 %). Holotype and morphologically similar to P. vitticollis Bates, Allotype deposited in UNAM; paratypes depo- but may be distinguished by the lack of shallow sited in EBCC and EMEC. costae on the elytra and the nonsulcate metati- biae. Additionally, the type of P. vitticollis has a Noguerana rodriguezae sp. nov. very distinctive yellowish-gray, pubescent vitta (Figure 5) on each side of the pronotal disc. The individuals Holotype male. Form moderately small; of P. mariaeugeniae are nonvittate or with only parallel-sided; integument black, pronotum red- a narrow vitta on each side. From P. ruficollis dish orange except for a black macula at each Giesbert it may be separated by having the disc side and a broad, median, longitudinal, black of the pronotum with the impression deepest an- vitta interrupted by a reddish orange dorsal tu- teriorly and from P. toledoi Chemsak & Noguera bercle; pubescence black, erect, with longer erect it can be distinguished by its smaller size and the setae inter-spersed. Head small, slightly narrower areolate rugose integument of the pronotum. than apex of pronotum; front with a median, Variation. Almost all the individuals in the se- transverse impression, deepest at sides, punctures ries type have the disc of the pronotum reddish small, contiguous to confluent; antennal tubercles

69 Noguera: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from TDF of Mexico somewhat prominent; vertex with punctation den- between mesocoxae and above to the apex of the ser, finer and with a small, smooth, raised trian- mesocoxal process, smooth at middle and gular area; antennae 1.5 times longer than body, areolate at sides. Legs short, with apices of meta- segments slightly dilated at apices, fourth to tenth femora not surpassing the third abdominal seg- slightly carinate laterally, scape subconical, third ment; densely punctate, each puncture bearing a segment 1.2 times longer than scape, fourth semi-erect seta; femora widening apically; meso- slightly shorter than third, fifth to tenth gradually and metafemora slightly curved; metafemoral a- longer than third, eleventh 1.9 times longer than pices not surpassing the distal margin of the third scape, basal segments with dense punctation be- abdominal segment. Abdomen finely, densely coming sparser toward apical segments, with areolate at sides, almost smooth at middle; with sparse pubescence on first five segments, remain- fine, short pubescence at sides, almost glabrous ing segments clothed with fine, dense pubescen- at middle; erect setae interspersed at sides; fifth ce, all segments margined apically with setae sternite with apex broadly subtruncate. Length: Pronotum wider than long; inflated laterally, 11.9 mm; width: 3.4 mm. with an oblique, median impression extending Allotype. Form similar to male except for the from basal third to apical third; base and apex following differences: antennae 0.8 times as long impressed at middle, margin collared; disc as body, segments thicker, fifth to tenth with ex- strongly elevated transversely at middle, with a ternal apices projecting slightly backward; fifth longitudinal, smooth, median tubercle; integu- abdominal sternite more widely subtruncate at ment densely and deeply areolate-punctate on apex. Length: 12.5 mm; width: 3.9 mm disc, less dense at sides; broad, median, longitu- Diagnosis. N. rodriguezae differs from N. dinal vitta with dense pubescence, remainder gla- aliciae Chemsak and Linsley by having the sides brous, with erect setae at lateral impression. of the pronotum with a deeper impression and the Scutellum triangular, impressed longitudinally at black macula larger; the median elytral costa is middle, sparsely pubescent. Elytra 2.4 times more superficial; the anterior projection of the longer than wide; each elytron with two evident metasternum is above to the apex of the meso- costae, one on disc extending from basal margin coxal process. In N. aliciae the metasternum is almost to apex, becoming narrower toward apex, inserted into the notched apex of the mesocoxal another at the edge of the elytral declivity, process. extending almost to apex, a feebles superficial Variation. The length of the other specimens costa present between both evident costae, of the type series ranges from 10.8 to 12.3 mm in extending from before middle almost to apex; males and 11.5 to 13 mm in females. disc with a distinct impression at basal third, be- Material examined. Holotype and Allotype coming superficial distally; suture elevated; pun- labeled: MÉXICO, Morelos, 2.5 Km O Ajuchi- ctation fine, dense, confluent, giving the integu- tlán, 18-XI-1995, Alt. 950 m, 18º 28' 065 N 98º ment an areolate appearance; pubescence mode- 59' 546 O, Col. F. A. Noguera, s/24 RA. Para- rately dense, short, erect. Prosternum not im- types. Two males and two females with the same pressed, integument areolate-rugose, intercoxal data as the holotype. Eight paratypes with the process with a median, longitudinal tubercle; same data as the holotype except: Col. A. Ro- mesosternum strongly declivous, with a median, dríguez, s/24 RA (1 %); 18/XII/1995, Col. A. moderately deep impression, intercoxal process Rodríguez, s/57 RA (2 &, 2 %), 20-XI-1995 (1 short, declivous, with a deep notch at apex; me- %); 6-X-1996 (2 &). Holotype and Allotype de- tasternum produced anteriorly, extending to area posited in UNAM, paratypes deposited in EBCC

70 Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1) (2005)

FIGURE 1. Aliciana quadrimaculata, male, holotype.

71 Noguera: New species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from TDF of Mexico

FIGURES 2-5. 2) Styloxus angelesae, male, holotype; 3) Heterachthes beatrizae, male, holotype; 4) Pachymerola mariaeugeniae, male, holotype and 5) Noguerana rodriguezae, male, holotype.

72 Folia Entomol. Mex., 44 (Supl. 1) (2005) and EMEC. LITERATURE CITED Etymology. I dedicate this species to the me- LINGAFELTER, S. W. 1998. The genera of Elaphidiini mory of Alicia, not only for the reasons men- Thomson 1864 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 20:1-118. tioned above in this article, but in recognition of NOGUERA,F.A.,S.ZARAGOZA-CABALLERO,J.A.CHEMSAK, her having collected the first individuals of this A. RODRÍGUEZ-PALAFOX,E.RAMÍREZ,E.GONZÁLEZ- species and for the many other Cerambycidae SORIANO AND R. AYALA. 2002. Diversity of the collected by her. Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Tropical Dry Forest of Mexico. I. Sierra de Huautla, Morelos. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 95:617-627. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TOLEDO,V.H.,F.A.NOGUERA,J.A.CHEMSAK.F.T.HOVORE The project to study the diversity and patterns AND E.F.GIESBERT. 2002. The cerambycid fauna of the tro- of distribution of the family Cerambycidae in the pical dry forest of “El Aguacero”, Chiapas, Mexico (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin tropical dry forest in México was financed par- 56(4):515-532. tially by CONACYT. John A. Chemsak and Frank T. Hovore helped me review the manu- script. Recibido: 30 de enero del 2004 Aceptado: 1 octubre del 2004.