




Vol. 28, No. 15. Pages 291-382. Figures 1-19.


5 JULY, 1973

Price, $4

Printed by Order of the Trustees THE ALPHHID SHRIMP OF AUSTRALIA

Part i: The Lower Genera

/ (;,

By Dora M. and Albert H. Banner '• ». .

Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu

Figures 1-19. Manuscript received 7th September, 1(171.

This study is dedicated to the memory of our son, Alan Conrad Banner, who, while serving in the United Stales Peace Corps, was killed in a shark attack at Aliepata, Western Samoa, on 15th April, 1972. At the age 0/ 25, Alan was training to become a marine biologist as he wished to contribute to the development of the potential tropical marine fisheries to aid the island peoples of the Pacific.


This is the first section of a three-part monograph on the alpheid shrimp of Australia. The study is based upon a collection of 5,000 to 6,000 specimens, in part on loan from various institutions and individuals and in part collected by the authors. For each species recognitional characteristics are described and depicted, notes are given on taxonomy, variation, and biology, and the Australian and world distribution is listed. The present paper deals with lower genera; the future two papers will deal with Synalphens and Alpheus respectively.

This paper discusses the following genera and species, those species marked with an asterisk being either new species or new records for the Australian continent: * Automate dolichognatha De Man *Athanas aretejormis Goutiere Athanas djiboutensis Goutiere

Rcc. Aust. Mus., 28, page 291.

457 12-A 292

*Athanas japonicus Kul x i *Athanas locincertus sp. no v. *Athanas dimorphus Ortmann Athanas haswelli Com f ieri" Athanas granti Coutiere * Athanas omithorhynchiis sp. no v. * Athanas sibogae De Man * Athanas dorsalis (Slimpson Athanas indicus Coutiere *Aretopsis amabilis De Man *Salmoneus iricris talus Banner Alpheopsis trispinosus (Stimpson) [neolype established] * Alpheopsis undicola sp. nov. * Alpheopsis equalis Coutiere * Alpheopsis yaldwyni sp. nov. Betaeus auslralis Stimpson [neotype established! *Racilius compressus Paulson

In addition to these records of new species and ncotypcs, we have placed the following species in synonymy: Automate gardineri Con licit* (= 1. dolichognaiha de Man) Athanas setoensis Kubo A. dimorphus Ortmann) Athanas dimorphus seedang (= A. dimorphus Ortmann) Areiopsis aegyplica Ramadan (= A. amabilis do Alan")

We have accepted A. sibogae as the proper name for l. parvus, based 011 page priority (see Banner and Banner, i()tio and Miva and Miyake, i<)b8). CONTENTS


Introduction ...... 294 Adequacy of Sampling ...... 294 General Notes on Alpheid Shrimp ...... 295 General Distribution and Ecology ...... 296 Support and Acknowledgements ...... 297

The Family Alpheidae ...... • 29}! Key to the Genera ...... -. 29H

The Genus Automate ...... • •. • • 29(1 A. dolichognatha De Man ...... 299

The Genus Athanas ...... -. • • -. 3°'! Key to the Species ...... • .. •. 303 A. arete.formis Goutiere ...... • • • . • • 3°4 A. djiboutensis Goutiere ...... 3°*' A. japomcus Kubo 308 A. locincertus sp. no v...... • - - • • • • • 311 A. dimorphus Ortmann ...... •. .. • • 31') A. haswelli Goutiere ...... - - - • • • 31 A. granti Goutiere . . . . • . • . • • • • • • . . 316 A. ornithorhynchus sp. now . . • . . . • - • • • • 3X9 .1. sibogae De Man 321 J. dorsalis (Stimpson) ...... • 324. A. indicus (Goutiere) ...... • . . • . 327

The Genus Aretopsis ...... • • • - - • • • • 33° A. amabilis De Man .. 330

The Genus Salmoneus...... • . • • • • • • • • 334 S. tricristalus Banner ...... • • 331

The Genus Alpheopsis ...... • • • • • - • • • • 33() Key to the Species ...... , ...... 337 /I. Irispitiosus (Stimpson) [neotype established j ...... 337 A. widicola sp. now ...... - - • • • • • • • • 34° -'I. equalis Goutiere ...... • • • • • • • • 34- A. yaldxvyni sp. no v. . . . - • • • - • • • • • • •• 344

The Genus lielacm . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34/ B. auslralis Slimpson [ neotype established | ...... 347

The (kmus Radlius ...... • • • • • • • - • • • • 35° l\. conipressiis Paulson ...... - • • • • • 3.1°

Appendix—Locality Lists for the Alpheid collection ...... • • 353 294


'I In- snapping or pistol sin imp were previoush put into ;; single family. ih« Alpheidac (( Irangonidae of some authors from i qn i io i i j-,.-, j. This family wa- imited Willi ihe I iipj>oluidae and a new I v crcaicd lamiK . the momnjenrne ( >g\ ndae. info die superlamilv Alphcoida hy I lolthuis in Mpp,: 'in sup-"rlami!, I ?<•'•• >' e> iln seeiion ( laridne and the siij»ei seet ion Nalanlia oi ihe ortlei i )ecapoda. ! i>< luppoK lids ha.ve not been closely associated with die alpheids; however. die genu • OgW'les Stebbmg (<);>vns S(inij)son) was considered in In wiiliin die liunih Aij)hcidae until ns separation bv Holthuis. for thai reason we will append noles on 0;\i/vi (Balssj Irom Australia at the end of the monograph. This study, which wall cover all species previoush reported from Australian waters as well as our new records and new species, will be issued in (hree parts; ihis initial portion ts coniined to tin- lower genera, but contain'- (he locality rccoids ioi the entire paper as well .is the key 1.0 the genera. We plan the second section to contain nothing but the species i >f liie genus Syiialjihiiis, and I he third will be devoted to Australian species of the genus Alphcits. In the third .section we will also have the bibliography (or the entire study and a discussion of Australian distribution of all the species with respect to Australian fauna! provinces. Our primary purpose for studying the Australian alpheids is as a. part, of a continuing study of coral reef biota in the tropica 1 1 ndo-P.icilic in which we will use these abundant shrimp as index organisms to indicate broad /.oogeographie realms and provinces. Our second purpose is to provide future workers in Australia with a monographic guide to diese shrimp in (heir waters. For the first aim. a simple species list with localities and descriptions of new species would have been adequate; however, for later workers we have provided ikevs. descriptions, illustrations, and references to all important descriptive works on the species as well as all previously published Australian records. We have given reported world distribution for each species and have added such, biological notes as available.

Adequacy of Sampling Previous to litis work ;;o species from the laniih had been recorded from Australia in the literature; this work will increase the number to about 100 (this total is approximate, as the final work on Syna/pheiis and Aipheus is yet to be done;. Our studx1 collection was primarily on loan from each of the Australian museums. We also received specimens from many of llie universities and from individuals (see xicknowledgemenls below). These collections we were able io supplement by personal collections made in Australia during three months in iq6/ 6o. The total collections available amounted to between 5,000 and 6,000 individual specimens. Our collections have come from every State in Australia, as well as I.ord Howe Island and Norfolk Island. We have not included any records from New Zealand or New Guinea, although some of the museum collections include specimens from those localities. As large as is this total, we have 110 hope that we have seen every species occurring of! the coasts of the sub-continent, or that we have been able to delimit the extent of distribution for any species. The degree that these collections will represent the alpheid fauna will vary with region, for as any Australian worker knows the fauna of the Great Barrier Reef is more thoroughly sampled than that on reels of the Northern Territory and the northern part of Western Australia. We also had but few samples from the Great Australian Bight, but whether that was solely because of the infrequency of collecting there, or whether the infrequency of collection was combined with an expected paucity of shrimp, we do not know. 295

In all, we hope lhat we have almost all of (hose species that occur normalh in the usual I v examined habitats. We would hazard, from the basis of our previous studies ;hat we are' report ing on perhaps ninety percent o! the species that eventualh will be known from Australia. However, there are still nianv habitats, such as deeper muddy bottoms, that may yield many unrecorded species. We hope thai with the tool lhat iius monograph inav he. future workers will be able lo make the listing more exhaustive.

General Notes on Alpheid Shrimp l lie definition of the family is given on p. 298: here it will suffice to state that, while the lower genera of the familv may be difficult to recognize except by careful examination under the microscope, the two higher genera Syna/pheus and Alpheus almost always can be recognized bv the excessive size and asvmnicti ieal development of their large chelae, in these two genera, the dactylus (free finger of this chela carries a rounded plunger thai can be thrust into a socket: at ihe base of the fixed finger; the violent closure of the chela produces a loud snapping, clearly audible under water and even when the hearer is out of water and walking across a tide flat. The mechanism of this sound production has been somewhat controversial (see Knowhon and Moulton, H)f>3) but bowers, 1970, believes the primary production of sound is the" actual meeting of the tips of the lingers, while the adhesive plaques on the opposing surfaces of the superior surface of the dactylus and end of propodus are a suction device to increase' musemlar tension, anel the' plunge'r-socke'i is for the' propulsion e>f a forceful jet of water, both e>f the higher genera, anel. to a leaser degree, the lower genera, have short stalked compound eye's covered bv a forward e-xtension of their carapace'.; this characteTistic, hovveve'r, is e>f little use in the fie-lel, for in life the' extensie>n is transparent anel the e-ye-s are' fully visible'. The- species are- usually small in size-, seldom e-xe'eeeling 20 to ;jo mm in length; main are only 5 mm lejng when mature-.

Sexual dimorphism or even poIyme)rphism is found in the' family. Alrnosi all of I he species in the varienis genera e>f the- family shenv the development of some secondary sexual characteristics, the metst consistent of whie'h is the- presence on the male's of two lobe's (the appendix interna and the- appendix rnascuhna) em the' medial side 011 the endopod of the second pli^opods, in contrast to the' appendix interna aleme' in the females. Other sexually dimorphic traits may be the pleura of the abdomem. the size of the abdomem itself, and the form of the large chela; the dimorphism is so proneMinced that Coutiere, the leading worker em the group in the early ic)00\s. described a male and a female of the same species as two separate species in separate- subgeneric groups of Alpheus.

However, Suzuki (1970) studied carefully four species of the genus Athanas, especially A. kominatoensis Kubo, and found the species to show protandrous consecutive hermaphroditism. He femrid the younge\sL sexually mature forms to be functional males, those of intermediate sizes to be fune:tionaI females, and the largest sizes again to be functional males; histological studies of the paired gonads showed that at all times both testicular and ovarian tissue could be found. With this partial alternation of sex there was confusion of characteristics previously thought to be dimorphic with the sex, especially in the form of the large chela and even in the? appendix masculina, with some- ovigerous females bearing the supposedly unique male structure.

Suzuki's work was confined to four species of Athanas, but his conclusions probably can be extended to other species, and possibly to other genera, explaining problems that have long perplexed the workers on the group. Thus, our questions 296 about the forms of the chelae in our review of the genus Athanas (1960a) as well as Kemp's (1915) concern about the multiple forms of his species, A. polymorphus, can probably be answered by Suzuki's studies. Miyakc & Miya (1967) have reported that an ovigerous Arelopsis amabilis De Man from the Ryukyu Islands had the appendix masculina developed, so this species, too, may undergo a similar change in sex. Finally, as discussed in this paper, the sex of the members of Automate cannot be distinguished by external characters unless they are ovigerous, and this also max be the reflection of physiological changes in the sex of the individuals. To date, there is no evidence of sexual ambiguity in the higher genera.

Finally, some species are remarkably constant in their development, so thai even such a minor characteristic as the angle of the margins of a groove on the large chela is constant amongst specimens collected as far apart as Hawaii, the Red Sea. and Australia. However-, others, as those collected from the spongocoel of a single sponge or single living head of coral, exhibit wide variation in most parts considered to be of taxonomic value.

General Distribution and Ecology The alpheids are characteristically associated with, the complex of tropical coral reefs, from the inshore beaches across the growing reefs to the offshore muddy bottoms. There appears to be, a greater penetration of the family into temperate waters in Australia than in the Northern Hemisphere. The members of the family may penetrate through brackish estuaries into fresh waters. The two cavernicolous species of Aletabetaeus, known only from islands of the Central Pacific, appear in isolated brackish water pools w hich are largely fresh at time of high rainfall. Two species of Alpheopsis have been reported from fresh water in Western Africa. Alpheu\ heterochaelis Say is reported from fresh water in lakes of southern Florida (Kingsley. 1878; Hendrix, 1971). Johnson (1965: 9) has reported Alpheus paludicola Kemp (as A. paludosus) in '"fresh water above the limit of tidal influence in the Sedili basin of South Johore ' in Malaya. Probably the highest penetration through an estuary into fresh water in this region is that of Alpheus microrhynchus De Man in the Chaophya River system to at least the canals ("klongs") of Bangkok, Thailand, 15 miles from the river mouth and certainly completely fresh water during the rainy season; it was reported there by De Man (1898: 318) and Banner and Banner (1966b: 1 . In Australia we have records of the genus Alpheus reaching up various rivers, for example up the Swan River to Perth, in Western Australia, and rivers in New South Wales and Queensland, but these are evidently brackish waters. While the habitats are undoubtedly washed with Iresh water at time of heavy rain, we have no records of further penetration by alpheids into strictly fresh water in Australia.

In the coral reef complex, however, they reach their maximal development? and there they probably are the most common family of die decapod crustaceans, both, in number of species and in number of individuals. A few species live in the open in their habitats, as in tide pools, or free in algal mats. However, most species are cryptic, living hidden to some degree. A few species live between the fronds ol living coral: one species makes fissures on the surface of living heads. Some construct lubes of living algae, others live in galleries constructed under sheets ol calcareous algae (Pond ilium). .Most species cither live in tunnels or cavities in dead coral, especially dead and overgrown heads, or burrow into the substrate; of the latter, some burrow under boulders, and others dig directly into the sand or sill Ik-Sen;is. A number are associated in varving degrees of svmbiotie relationship witii other animals, such as molluscs, crinoids, and especially sponges; in none has the degree ol mutualism-parasitism been determined, and in some cases the species are not obligate symbionts. 297

The role of the alpheids in reef ecology has been inadequately studied. Bowers found the species he studied, Alpheus clypeatus Goutiere, to be entirely herbivorous in habit, eating the growing algae incorporated into its tube. We have observed other species which appear to be either omnivores or carnivores. The capture of food from their sequestered habitats is not understood, but some authors suggest that they stand at the front of their openings and stun prey by the forceful jet of water from the piston-cylinder arrangement, of the large chela. Alpheids, of course, constitute a normal food for larger carnivores when they can be captured.

Support and Acknowledgments

Our studies at the University of Hawaii and in Australia were supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grants GB 3804, GB 6386, and GB 25020. The Great Barrier Reef Committee extended to us the use of the Heron Island field station, and Mr G. G. T. Harrison, Chief Fisheries Ofiiccr, Fisheries Section, Queensland, issued a permit to allow us to collect specimens along the Queensland coast.

We wish to thank the following Australian institutions for the loan of specimens for our study:

Aquinas College, Manning, Western Australia; Australian Museum, , New South Wales; James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland; , , New South Wales: National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria; Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Queensland; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston, Tasmania; South Australian Museum, Adelaide, South Australia; Tasmanian Museum and AN Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland: Western Australian Museum. Perth, Western Australia.

The following museums not in Australia graciously lent collections and individual specimens upon request:

Allan Hancock Foundation, Los Angeles, < lalifornia; Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.G.; Rijksmuseum van Natuurhjke Historic, Leiden; Zoologisch Museum, Universiteit van Amsterdam; Musee Zoologiquc, Strasbourg.

In addition we wish, to thank the Ibllowiu"; tor the loan of specimens and for the assistance they gave; us:

John Boase, Fannie Ba\ , Darwin, Xorlheni Territory; A. J. Bru'v. Mombasa, Kenya; Jacques Forest, Museum National d"Ui;toire •Saimv.llo, Paris; L. B. J loll I mis, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke I lisiorie, Leiden: \ aMimka Miya, K) sishu University, Fukuoka, Japan; C. R. SmaJley, University of Western Australia, Pet th, W.A.

Above all, we would like to extend our deep appreciation to Dr John Yaldwyn, formerly with the Australian Museum are! now at the. Dominion Museum in Wellington, New Zealand, who suggested this monograph, helped us arrange for the loan of specimens from museums, and advised us on our field studies in Australia.

Locality Lists

The full collection notes and explanation of the alpha-numerical code used 111 the text to designate individual collections is given in the appendix. 298

Family ALPHEIDAE Rafinesque Carapace smooth, provided with cardiac grooves; rostrum reduced, antennal and branchioslegal spines always absent; in most genera the eyes, or their bases only, are covered by an anterior projection of the carapace. Antennular base cylindrical, with the basal article not longer than sum of other two; seaphocerite rarely longer than peduncles. Mandible always bipartite with palpus of two articles, except in Prionalpheus. Distal article of maxillule bifurcate at its extremity except in Prionalpheus. Epipodites of first and second maxillipeds always undivided. Chelae of the first thoracic legs, when fully developed, always larger than other legs, usually of massive and asymmetrical development. Carpus of chelipeds usually short, cup-shaped, or hemispherical. Second legs chelate, with chela weakly developed and carpus of three to five articles. Following legs short, compressed, with spinous propodi and dactyli with one to three ungui. Propodus of fifth leg with more or less well-developed "brush" of bristles placed in transverse-oblique rows. Abdomen usually with gradual curve, without any pronounced bending at third segment; sixth segment broad and short; size and shape of pleura usually showing sexual dimorphism. The branchial formula always includes live pleurobranchs.

Key to the Genera of Alpheidae in Australian Waters* 1. Cornea of eye fully exposed in dorsal and lateral view except for anterior teeth of carapace 2 Cornea of eye concealed in dorsal view and partially to completely concealed in lateral view' bv anterior extension of carapace |

2. (i) Cornea only exposed, normally developed, rostrum well-developed, reaching beyond eyes 3 Cornea and peduncle exposed in dorsal view, cornea somewhat degenerate; rostrum vestigial, not reaching far on peduncle Automate (p. 299)

3. (2) Dactylus of large chela usually carried in lateral position; rostrum long and, in lateral view, acute Athanas (p. 303) Dactylus of large chela always carried in inferior position; rostrum short and, in lateral view, rounded Aretopsis (p. 330)

4. (1) Large chela carried flexed at carpus, fitting precisely into merus; tip of tclson notched Salmoneus (p. 334) — Large chela carried extended; tip of telson convex 5 j. (4) Fingers of large chela with serrations of line to heavy teeth, never with a plunger and socket (i — Fingers of large chela without serrations or teeth, with a strong plunger' on dactylus that fits into socket on base of propodal finger (in some species the device is reduced to a heavy crest and a propodal groove) . 7

* To prevent, added confusion in this dillicult family, we have limited the key to those genera known to Australian waters. If a species is found that, does not lit the key, the reader is referred to Holthuis' key to the family (1955: 83), which includes eight genera not known from Australia. In the use of Holthuis' key, however, it should be recalled that the genus Arete has been placed in synonymy (Banner & Banner, 1960: 135) and that the Pacific species of 'Ihunor art: placed in the genus Alpheus (Banner & Banner, 1966a) but, the genus is retained for the Atlantic species (Chace, 1972: 104). Since the publication of Holthuis' key, three new genera have been adtletl (Prionalpheus Banner & Banner i960, Leptalpheus Williams 1965, lietaeopsis Yaldwyn 1971) and the genus Metalphcus Coutiere 1908 lias been revived by Chace (1972). 299

6. (5) Rostrum present of various development; dactylus of large chela carried in superior or lateral position Alpheopsis* (p. 336) — Rostrum completely lacking and extended front of carapace rounded in dorsal view; dactylus of large chela carried in inferior position Betaeus (p. 347, 7. (5) Body highly compressed; carapace with knife-like mid-dorsal keel for its entire length liacilius (p. 350 — Body not markedly compressed; if carapace bearing a keel, keel not knife-like posteriorly 8 8. (7) With pterygostomial margin produced into a definite angle; without anal tubercles; without mastigobranehs and setobranehs Synalpheus (pt 2 With pterygostomial margin rounded, never angular; with anal tubercles; bearing mastigobranehs and setobranehs at least on anterior thoracic legs Alpheus (pt 3

Genus AUTOMATE Automate De Man, 1888a, Arch. Naturgesch. 53 (1): 529. Type Species: Automate dolichognatha De Man. Definition: Carapace laterally compressed, rostrum if present only slight, without orbital teeth. Eyes not covered by carapace, free with reduced corneas. Antennular peduncles extremely elongate with second article frequently the longest. Stylocerite reduced, scaphocerite reduced, carpocerite elongate. Third maxilliped longer than antennular peduncles. Chelipeds carried extended, asymmetrical and sexually dimorphic, compressed, with surfaces smooth and without sculpture; dactyls without cylinder and plunger characteristic of Alpheus. Second legs with five articles in carpus. Following thoracic legs unarmed, with simple dactyl. Pleura of sixth abdominal somite not articulated. Telson of normal form, without anal tubercles. Branchial formula: 5 pleurobranchs, 1 arthrobranch, and 8 epipodites.

Automate dolichognatha De Man Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888a, Arch. Naturgesch. 53 (1): 529, pi. 22, fig. 5. Lanchester, 1901, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 2 (1): 564, pi. 34, fig. 3. Goutiere. 1903, Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris IX, 5 (2): 74, fig. 8. Automate gardineri Goutiere, 1902, Bull. Mus. Flist. Nat., Paris 8 (5): 337; 1903, Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris IX, 5 (2): 72, figs 17; 1905a, Fauna Geog. Maid. Laccad. 2 (4): 854, figs 127, 128 [same as 1903]. Holthuis, 1958, Bull. Sea Fish. Res. Stn., Israel, Bull. 17 (8): 17, fig. 6. Miyake & Miya, 1966, J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ. 14 (1): 137, fig. 2. Banner & Banner. 1966b, Siam Soc. Monogr. (3): 37, fig. 8.

* Under this dichotomy also talis Batella Holthuis (-=• Cheirothrix Bate, 1888), described on the basis of a single specimen from Cape York. It can be distinguished from Alpheopsis principally by the lack of a mandibular palp, extremely small and hairy lingers on the chelae of the second legs, and the lack of articulated pleura on the sixth abdominal segment. It will be discussed in Part III of this paper. 300

Figure i.—Automate dolichognalha De Man. a, anterior region ol 17 mm ovigerous female from BAU 46, dorsal view; b, b', large and small cheliped of fig. a; c, c', large and small cheliped of 15 mm ovigerous female from BAU 46; d, d', large and small cheliped of 17 mm ovigerous female from BAU 36; e, e', large and small chelipcd of 18 mm female from Mirs Bay, Hong Kong; f, f'. large and small cheliped of 10 mm ovigerous female from US 123609; g, g', large and small cheliped of 12 mm ovigerous female from BAU 46; h, second leg of figure a; i, third leg of figure a; j, telson of figure a. 301

Automate sp. De Man, igi i, Siboga Exped. 39a1 (2): 140, fig. 2.

Automate johnsoni Chace, 1955, Proe. U.S. Natn. Mus. 105 (3349): 13, fig. 7.

Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM P.8677; 3, BAU 36; 5, BAU 46; 3, US 123609.

Diagnosis: Central section of anterodorsal margin of carapace recessed above eyestalks, leaving them exposed to near base. Rostrum small, rounded, at times triangular, not reaching to near level of frontal margin of carapace. Eyestalks flattened medially, convex laterally with poorly developed corneal area occupying only a small portion of distolateral surface. Second antennular article about 2.5 times as long as portion of first beyond eyestalks, varying from 2.5 to 4.0 times as long as broad. Third article 0.3 as long as second. Stylocerite reaching to near end of first antennular article. Scaphocerite reaching variously from 0.5 to 0.8 length of second antennular article; squamous portion shorter than lateral spine. Carpoeerite from equal to, to slightly longer than, antennular peduncle. Spine of basicerite small.

Third maxillipeds much longer and stouter than antennular peduncles, reaching almost the length of the antennular articles.

Large chela compressed, varying from 1.8 2.4 times as long as broad. Contours of chela, viewed laterally, variable due to differing development of rounded constriction in lower margin proximal to dactylar articulation. Dentition on cutting surfaces of dactylus and fixed finger various (see figs ib g), not correlated with size or sex. Merus swollen in the middle, varying from 1.6 2.6 times as long as broad. Small cheliped about half as long as large cheliped. Chela 2.5 times as long as broad, palm and fingers subequal. Carpus similar to that of large chela. Merus over 2 times as long as broad. Ischium as long as carpus, slender, bearing one or 2 strong stiff setae or spines on superodistal margin.

Carpal article of second legs with the ratio: 10 : 12 : 7:6: 7.

Merus of third leg 3.4 times as long as broad. Carpus 0.6 as long as merus. Propodus nearly equal to carpus, bearing 5 spinules on inferior margin; dactylus simple.

Telson shorter than uropods, 3.0 times as long as broad at its posterior margin. Lateral margins slightly curved. Inner spines of posterior pair unusually long, outer spines short, as long as spines on upper surface of telson.

Discussion: De Man's original description was based 011 a single male specimen from Noordwachter, "Indian Archipelago" ( — Indonesia;1), from which the chelipeds were lacking. In 1901 Lanchester described the chelipeds of a specimen of A. dolichognatha from Penang. However, in his figures lie did not depict the complete meri of the chelipeds, nor did he state the length-breadth ratio of that article.

Coutiere established A. gardineri in 1903 on three differences that lie considered to separate it from A. dolichognatha: (1) a ratio of less than 2 for the length : breadth ratio of the large chela in contrast to a ratio of more than 2 for A. dolichognatha; (2) a ratio of 1.38-1.5 for the length : breadth ratio in the merus of the large cheliped in A. gardineri, in contrast to 1.6-2.0 in A. dolichognatha; (3) the proportion in the carpus of the second leg wherein his specimens had 3rd and 5th article equal with 4th a little shorter, in contrast to having the 4th and 5th equal with the 3rd a little shorter in A. dolichognatha. 302

In the first place, it; is difficult to reconcile Coutiere's statements with the previous descriptions and with his own specimens. As indicated, until Coutiere stated the proportions of the cheliped they had not been mentioned in the literature. It is true that Lanchester's figures of the chelae of A. dohchognatha were published in K)Oi, but he did not publish measurements; moreover, Coutiere was apparently unaware of Lanchester\s work as nowhere does he mention it. Coutiere 1903; 74; states of the large chela of the female: "Me rapport de la longuer a la hauiem . pour la pince entiere, est ton jours inferieur a 2, alors quil depasse presque ton jours ce chilfre clie/, IV). dolichognalha clont la grandc pince est plus longue et moins renflec." but in his figure the ratio of 1 he total length to width is 2.0 lor the female (fig. 6) and 2.4 lor the male (fig. 3). It should be noted that figures 3. 4, 4' were drawn from a detached chela and the appendage was merely presumed to have come from a male. We have examined some specimens at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris from Djibouti which Coutiere had identified as A. dolichognalha and found that they varied from typical forms of J. dolichngnatha to forms Coutiere later separated as A. gardineri.

Our specimens appear to bridge the gap between the two described forms. In our 5 ovigerous female specimens the ratio of length to height in the large chela, varied from 1.8—2.4. The ratio of the length to the width of the merus of the large cheliped varied from t.b 2.4. In the carpus of the second legs the extent of variation in the carpal articles was as follows: 10 : (14-25) : ('(>--9J : (() 8) : d>~io_.. It is obvious that the slight differences in proportions that Coutiere used to separate the two species were not meaningful.

We did note that in this small group of female specimens we appeared to have 2 types of chelae. The first, is stout, square-shaped with large, teeth on. opposing surfaces of the dactyls, and the other being more slender and narrowing distal I v with cither small or no teeth on dactyls. These 2 types of chelae are the same as those in Coutiere's description (1905a: 74) which he assumes are the differences between the chela for the male and the chela for the .female. We have figured the chclipeds of 6 ovigerous females (lig. ib, b' g, g") to show the wide variation in the chelae as well as meri and carpi. These figures rule out. the criteria used by Coutiere to separate the males from the females. In the uenus Automate die second pleopod carries only the appendix interna in both, sexes. We have found no other character by which we can separate the sexes. It may be that Automate is hermaphroditic, as Suzuki (1970) has pointed out for some members of the genus Athanas.

We feel, in view of the many contradictions between Coutiere's illustrations and his stated figures, and the variations noted in our own specimens, that A. gardineri is a synonym of A. dolichognalha. We have already placed A. juhnsom Chace in synonymy with A. gardineri (iqbba: 150). Holthuis (1958) pointed out that Automate sp. of De Alan (1911) might also be referred to this species; we have placed (hat form in synonymy.

This leaves 3 valid species of Automate in the Central Pacific, .i.

Biological notes: Specimens of this species are most commonly found under rocks in the tidal zone. They are usually pale orange in colour with orange eggs. Miyake & Miya (1966: 139) note . . pale orange when alive, with red chromatophores distributed over the entire body. The lateral side of the carapace is dark orange. In the large cheliped the movable linger and margins of the chela are tinged with light-yellowish orange, the carpus is dark orange. Eggs are dark orange".

Australian distribution: This species has been collected olf Queensland in the Capricorn and Whitsunday groups.

General distribution: This species has been reported from Djibouti, Eylath Israel, Maldive and Laecadive Archipelagoes, Malaysia, Japan. In the Central Pacific it has been collected from the Marianas Islands to as far east as Samoa.


Athanas Leach, 1814, Edinb. Encycl. 7 (2): 432. (Confer: Banner & Banner, 1960: I- Arete Stimpson, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. i860: 32.

Type species: Palaemon nitescens (Leach?). [According to Goutiere (1899: 8), this species was originally Cancer (Astacus) nitescens (author undesignated), and was placed in the genus Palaemon by Leach on page 401 of his 1814 work, yet on page 432 he created the germs Athanas for the species.]

Definition: Rostrum well developed; supra-, extra- and infracorneal spines usually present with varying degrees of development; corneas of eyes exposed anteriorly and largely dorsally and laterally; chelae of the first legs well developed, either carried extended or flexed against an expanded merus, usually asymmetric and sexually dimorphic, always without the cylinder and plunger characteristic of Alpheus; carpus of second leg with four or five articles; dactylus of third legs simple or biunguiculate; pleura of sixth abdominal segment articulated; telson without anal tubercles, tip arcuate. Branchial formula variable.

Key to the Species of the Genus Athanas in Australian Waters

1. Carpus of second leg with 5 articles 2 -— Carpus of second leg with 4 articles to

2. (t) Dactyl of third leg simple 3 Dactyl of third leg biunguiculate 8

3. (2) Anterior margin of carapace bearing supracorncal teeth 4 — Anterior margin of carapace without supracorncal teeth 5

4. (3) Chelipeds of male carried almost straight forward; chelae cylindrical; extracorncal teeth much more prominent than infracorneal teeth; chelipeds of both male and female almost symmetrical A. areleformis (p. 304) — Chelipeds of male carried Hexed; chelae .inflated, flexed against excavate merus; infracorneal teeth acute, more prominent than extracorncal teeth; male chelipeds almost symmetrical, female chelipeds asymmetrical A. djiboutensis (p. 306) 304

5- (3) Merus of third leg more than 5 times as long as broad; propodus bearing only an occasional spine on the inferior margin A. japonicus (p. 308) Merus of third leg less than 5 times as long as broad; propodus bearing many short spines 011 inferior margin 6*

I). (5) At least one chela of mature female enlarged ...... A. locincertus (p. 311) Neither chelae of mature female other than slender 7

7. (6) Carpus of female cheliped from as long as to almost twice length of chela A. dimorphus (p. 313) Carpus of female cheliped shorter than chela A. haswelli (p. 316)

8. (2) Ghelipeds carried extended A. granli (p. 316) Ghelipeds carried flexed 9

9. (8) Palm of large chela bearing pronounced lobe on inferior margin; fingers of small chela dorsoventrally flattened . . A. ornithorhynchus (p. 319) Palm of large chela smooth, without lobes; fingers of small chela as usual, not dorsoventrally flattened . A. sibogae (p. 321)

10. (1) Rostrum 1.0-1.7 times as long as broad; merus of third leg 3.0-4.0 times as long as broad; tooth on. distal end ol'inferointernal margin of y merus of third leg feeble A. dorsalis (p. 32^1 Rostrum 1.8-2.5 times as long as broad; merus of third leg 4.1-5.0 times as long as broad; tooth on distal end of inferointernal margin of merus of third leg well developed A. indicus (p. 327;

Athanas areteformis Coutiere

Fig. 2

Athanas areteformis Coutiere, 1903, Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris IX, 5 (2): 79, fig. 17, 18; 1905a, Fauna Geog. Maid. Laccad. Arch. 2 (4): 860, fig. 132 [same as 1903]. Banner & Banner, i960, Pacif. Sci. 14 (2): 138 [synonymy].

Athanas naifaroensis Coutiere, 1903. Bull. Soc. Philomath., Paris IX, 5 (2): 77, figs 14-16.

Athanas erythraeus Ramadan, 1963. Bull. Fac. Sci. Egypt. Univ. 6: 13, pi. 1, fig. 1.

Athanas dubius Banner, 1956, Pacif. Sci. 10 (3): 322, fig. 2.

Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM 43; 3, AM 305; 9, BAU 10; 1, BAU 13: 1, BAU 15; 1, BAU 30; 2, BAU 32; 2, BAU 50; 2', BAU 56; 1, BAU 58.

Diagnosis: Rostrum variable, reaching from near the end of the second antennular article to middle of third. Supracorneal teeth well developed. Extra- eorneal teeth prominent, reaching beyond cornea. Inlracorncal teeth small, rounded or acute. First and third antennular articles equal, second article a little shorter than lirst and almost as wick' as long. Stylocerite reaching just past end of second antennular article. Scaphocerite reaching slightly past end of antennular peduncle. Garpocerite reaching middle of third antennular article. Well-developed spine on basicerite.

* We know nothing ot" (lie third legs of A. hasivelli, but as Couti&rc described it as resembling both J. dimorjihus and .1. mimkootsis, we assume the third legs arc similar. 305

Figure 2.—Athanas areleformis Goutiere. a, b, anterior region of 10 mm male from BAU 10, lateral and dorsal view; c, large cheliped, male, inner face; d, small cheliped, male; e, detail of fingers of small chela; f, large cheliped of 9 mm female from BAU 10. c, d, f, scale a; a, b, e, scale b. 306

Ghelipeds sexually dimorphic and nearly symmetrical. Ghelipeds not flexed, but carried directed forward. Large male chela heavy, cylindrical in form, slightly over twice as long as broad, fingers, when viewed from the inner lace, short, curved, 0.3 as long as palm; fixed finger with broad, rounded projection 011 cutting surface that fits into cavity on dactyl. Gutting surfaces often bearing short, stiff setae. Small chela a little more slender, cutting surfaces of fingers bearing irregular teeth that mesh when dactyl is closed. Carpus 0.3 as long as merus, rounded with, distal end encompassing the base of palm. Merus, measured near the distal end. 2.2 times as long as broad, broader at distal end. Ischium as long as carpus, bearing 011 its superior margin 57 strong spines, female chelae smaller, more slender, cylindrical, 2.5 times as long as broad with fingers occupying o.(j the total length. Cutting surfaces of fingers bearing many short stiff setae. Carpus cup-shaped, distal end fitting over' base of palm. Merus 3.7 times as long as broad. Ischium almost as long as merus, bearing movable spines on its superior margin similar to large cheliped.

Carpal articles of second leg with a ratio of 10 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 4.

Third leg much larger than second leg, merus 5 times as long as broad. Carpus 0.5 as long as merus, almost the same length as the ischium; propodus equal to merus; dactylus simple.

Discussion: Variations in the diagnostic characters of this species were discussed in a revision of the genus Athanas (Banner & Banner, i960: 138). The Australian specimens show the same variations. The species is easily recognized by the well-developed supracorneal teeth combined with the; forward directed chclipeds. Athanas djiboulensis also bears supracorneal teeth, but the chelae are carried flexed into an excavate merus.

Biological notes: The specimens were collected only in dead coral, heads. This is a small species, our largest, specimen hieing only 10 mm in length.*

Australian distribution: Seventeen of the 19 specimens were collected 011 coral reefs off the Queensland coast, the remaining two in the Torres Strait region.

General distribution: South Africa, Red Sea, Philippines, Marshall, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Society Islands.

Athanas djiboutensis Coutiere

Eig. 3 Athanas djiboulensis Coutiere, 1897a, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat.. Paris, 3 (6): 233; 1905a, fauna Geog. Maid. Laccad. 2 (4): 856, fig. 129. Banner & Banner, i960, Pacif. Sci. 14 (2): 140, Table 1. Aliya & Miyake, 1968, Publ. Amakusa Alar. Biol. Lab. 1 (2): 131, fig. 1 [see for bibliography'].

Athanas sulcatipes Borradaile, 1898, Proc. Zool. Soc. Loud. 1898: ion, pi. 65, fig. 9.

Previous Australian records:

Gurney, 1938, Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped. 6: 54, tigs 249-252 [larval forms [. Specimens examined: 5 specimens from AM 74: 8, AM' 109; 2, AM 123; 2, BAU 50.

*In this study the "length of specimens" is always the total l<-n»-ih lrom rostrum to tip of telson unless carapace length is specified. 307 30K

Diagnosis: Rostrum variable, reaching from past end of first antennular article to proximal third of third antennular article. Supra-, extra- and infra- corncal teeth present and acute. First article of antennular peduncle almost twice length of second; second and third articles subequal. Styloceritc reaching middle of second antennular article. Scaphocerite reaching well beyond antennular peduncles, carpocerite reaching just past end of second antennular article.

Chelipeds of male nearly symmetrical. Palm and merus almost equal in length, both heavy. Palm round, merus excavated to accommodate palm when flexed. Fingers only one-quarter length of palm. Carpus short and bulbous. Ischium bearing 2-3 spines 011 superior margin. Female' chelipeds asymmetrical. Large chela similar to that of male in proportions but more slender. Inner face of merus excavated to accommodate palm when flexed. Ischium bearing 3 spines. Small cheliped of female less than one quarter as long as large chcliped. Merus .} times as long as wide. Ischium 0.6 as Jong as merus. Carpus slender, 0.7 as long as merus. Chela as long as merus.

Second and third legs similar to those of J. aretefomds.

Discussion: Athanas djiboutensis is widespread and has often been discussed and figured in the literature. The most perplexing thing about this species is the variation in the chelipeds. We analyzed the chelipeds of 24 specimens, both male and female, and have presented our findings in tabulated form (i960: 140). Tattersall (1921: 368) implies that possibly A. djiboulensis becomes sexually mature before it is fully grown. It is likely there may be consecutive hermaphroditism here similar to that reported upon by Suzuki (1970: 15) for some other members of this genus.

Biological notes: This species has been collected intertidally under rocks as well as in heads of (lead coral.

Australian distribution: This species has only been collected at Heron Island and some islets in the Coral Sea.

General distribution: Israel, Red Sea, South Africa, Maldivc and Laccadive Arch., Indonesia, Japan. In the Central Pacific it has been collected in the Marshall, Ellice, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Phoenix, Society and Marquesas Islands.

Athanas japonicus Kubo

Fig. 4,

Athanas japonicus Kubo, 1936, J. Imp. Fish. Inst., Tokyo 31 (2): 43, pi. 13. Miya

Miyake, 1968, Publ. Amakusa, Mar. Biol. Lab. 1 (2): 139, figs 4-6.

Athanas lamellifer Kubo, 1940, Annotnes Zool. jap. 19 (2): 102, figs 3-5.

Specimens examined: 1, 10 mm female from BAU 75. Diagnosis: Rostrum thin, reaching to end of second antennular article. Rostral carina slight, extending to just beyond orbits. Extra- and infracorneal teeth present and acute, reaching almost to middle of cornea; infracorneal tooth slightly longer than extracorneal. First and second antennular articlc equal, third a little shorter. Second article longer than broad. Styloceritc reaching past end of second antennular article. Lateral spine of scaphocerite as long as antennular peduncle, squamous portion a little longer. Carpocerite reaching to end of second antennular article. Lateral tooth of basicerite acute. 309

Figure .}.. Alhanas japoniais Kubo. a, anterior region of 11 mm female l'rom BAU 75,' lateral view; b, large ehela; c, d, e, merus of large chela, interior, superior and internal aspect; f. small cheliped; g, second leg; h, third leg. 310

Large chela slender, 5 times as long as broad, with lingers occupying distal 0.3. Dactylus witli knife-like ridge on superior surface; inner side of dactylus flattened, outer a little convex. Cutting surface with fringe of ciom -m ! setae; cutting surface of fixed finger bearing row of irregular teeth. Carpus cup-shaped. Merus elongate, slender, 5 times as long as maximum breadth, excavated to accommodate chela when flexed; superior and inferoirUernal margins rounded, inferoexternal margin produced and knife-like, bearing 2 dentate projections; distal tooth larger than proximal. Small cheliped of the dimorphus type, with chela about one-quarter the length of large chela. Carpus 0.8 length of merus, subequal to ischium and to chela: fingers 0.7 length of palm. Ratio of articles of second leg 10 : 1.7 : 1.5 : i..| : .4.

Third leg with merus 7 times as long as broad. Ischium 0.5 as long as merus, bearirig 011 its superior margin one movable spine. Carpus 0.7 length of merits: propodus thin, equal to length of merus, bearing 2 spines on inferior surface and a pair distallv. Dactylus one-half as long as propodus, thin, curved and acute.

Telson 4 times as long as wide at posterior margin. Posterior margin slightly arcuate. Discussion: Miya and Miyake (1968: 139) with a collection of 38 specimen8 of A. japonicus reviewed the range of variation for this species. The rostra varied from just beyond the end of the first antennular article to the end of the ihird. "In the majority of the specimens the infracorneal tooth is well developed, but in varying degree, and longer than the cxtracorncal one, while in the rest the infracorneal tooth is as long as, or shorter than, the cxtracorncal oiie.'" The second antennular article varied from 0.7-2.5 times as long as broad, 'flic styloceritc varied from reaching the proximal third of the second antennular article to the proximal half of the third article. The chelipeds varied considerably in the arrangement and shape of the teeth 011 the cutting edge of the fingers, and the teeth 011 the inferointernal margin of the merus varied from one to several. The chelipeds varied in development only roughly with size and sex with the smaller females and some males beating symmetrical small chelipeds like out figure .pf, larger females and smaller males with symmetrical chelipeds as described above, and the largest males with almost symmetrical large chelipeds like our figure 4b. The chelae also varied markedk in the teeth of the cutting edges, and the merus in the teeth along the lamellar margin. This type of variation is not uncommon in the genus Alhanas.

Biological nolcs: Our specimen was collected from a muddy lorediorr inter- spersed with rock and mangrove roots near the pier at Darwin, X.I. It is interesting Io note that Miya and Miyake\s specimens were also taken from a muddv environment. Miva. and Miyake" report the ground colour in life, is "bluish purple . with scattered red cliron tatophores. The eggs are green'". On this ground- colour is a, line; or varying series of broken patches of pale yellow or no pigment along llie midline ol carapace and abdomen, often with smaller patches lateralis, especially on the abdomen. The lips of the outer uropods and at least the tip of the telson. bear similar patches. Miya and Miyake also noted that A. japonicus usually keeps the chelipeds folded beneath the body when walking, but when approached by another specimen they extended, their chelae in a threatening fashion.

Australian distribution: This specimen came from Darwin, X.I. ft is the first time this species has been reported from. Australia.

General distribution: This species has previously been reported only from Japan. 311

Athanas locincertus sp. nov.


Hololype: 10 mm male from Panchoran Buoy [Western Australia.'] W\1 61 (>-,. Coll. 13/7/61.

Allotype: ir mm female from same location.

Diagnosis: Rostrum reaching to near end of second antennular peduncle. Eyes almost entirely exposed. Supracorncal spine absent; extracorncal spine acute and reaching about half the length of cornea, infracorneal spine also acute and a little longer. Antennular articles subequal, second article a little longer than wide. Pterygostomial angle obtuse, not projecting. Stylocerite reaching to near end of second antennular article. Scaphocerite when viewed dorsally reaching just past end of antennular peduncle, lateral spine a little longer than squamous portion. Carpoccrite reaching almost to end of antennular peduncle. Lateral spine of basicerite acute.

Male chelipeds without marked asymmetry. Basis bearing single spine; ischium short, bearing 3 spines. Merus inflated, 2.4 times as long as wide in the middle; inferior surface deeply excavate to accommodate palm. Carpus short, cup-shaped. Chela inflated, 3 times as long as broad, 1.3 times length of merus, dactyls occupying distal quarter. Cutting surface of fixed finger abruptly bent distally toward both medial and inferior plane; with proximal half smooth and without teeth; with a heavy flattened tooth proximal to bend, and a few small irregular teeth distally; tip curved and acute (not shown in figures because of angle). Dactylus crossing fixed finger on its smooth proximal half so that the heavy tooth of the fixed linger lies 011 inner surface, and acute tip of dactylus lies outside of fixed finger; dactylus with small serrate teeth proximal to tip where it contacts fixed finger. Small male cheliped similar to large, but smaller and more slender. Chela itself almost 0.7 length of large clrela, over 4.5 times as long as broad; lingers slender, bearing on their cutting surfaces serrated teeth that inlermesh when fingers arc closed. Serrated edges interspersed with short stiff setae, female with one cheliped missing. Basis and ischium bearing 7 spines of moderate development. Merus excavated but not markedly inflated. Ratio of lengths of articles of cheliped : ischium, 10: merus, 35: carpus, 7: palm, 34: lingers, 15. Both lingers slightly curved and bearing on outer face in distal two-thirds serrated teeth that, intermesh when closed, upper teeth interspersed with short setae; tips crossing when closed. Dactylus bearing on outer face of cutting surface a short but dense fringe of setae that obscures from view the teeth on the inner side.

Ratio of carpal articles of second leg: 10 : 1.8 : 1.8 : 1.8 : 4.0.

Ischium of third leg unarmed. Merus 4 times as long as broad, without spine. Carpus 0.5 as long as merus, superior margin extending as a blunt tooth. Propodus slender, a little longer than merus, bearing on its inferior margin 8 short movable spinules and 2 distally. Dactylus robust, curved, simple, 0.3 as long as propodus. [ Description of allotype; hololype too fragmentary. |

Telson 2.7 times as long as posterior margin is broad. Anterior margin 1.6 times wider than posterior. 312

Figure 5. Athanas locimxrtiis sp. run. a, anterior region ofholotype, lateral view; b, large cheliped; e, detail of fingers of large cheliped; d, small cheliped, inner face ; e, detail of fingers of small ch<-la; f, small cheliped of allotype, outer face; g, detail of lingers of fig. inner face; h, second leg of allotype: i. third leg of allotype; j, telson. All figures but e scale a; e, scale b. 313

Discussion: These specimens are most closely related to A. japonicus Kubo because of the presence of an infracorneal tooth; the development of the chelae, especially that of the female, falls well within the range of variation given for A. japonicus by Miya & Miyake (1968). However, the extreme twist of the fingers of the large chela of the male and the fringe of closely set setae on the inner face of the dactylus of the small chela is different from A. japonicus and apparently unique to the genus. This species also lacks the lamellar extension of the merus and the teeth on its margin so characteristic of A. japonicus. There are also marked differences in the third legs: in A. japonicus the merus is 7 times as long as broad, in this species but 4 times; in A. japonicus the propodus bears few spines, while in this species they are numerous; in A. japonicus the dactyl is slender and 0.6 as long as propodus, while here it is heavy and 0.3 the length of the propodus. This species differs from A. dimorphus, in which neither the chelipeds of the female have the inflated palm and merus, nor the very short carpus.

Unfortunately, we cannot give the type locality for this species. The specimens were lent by the Western Australian Museum, and the label carried only "Panchoran Buoy", without a collector's name. The Western Australian Museum could not find a buoy by that name in any gazeteer or sailing directions for any part of Australia; we requested the Honolulu office of the U.S. Hydrographic Office to search its references, but they could find nothing. We can only suggest that perhaps the name is mis-spelled, or that it might be in Indonesian waters where somewhat similar phonetics may be found. All we may presume is that the buoy is some place that can be reached by sailing from Fremantle or other Western Australian ports, and that it lies in the tropics or subtropics.

The name given reflects this lack of specific locality, as it is derived from locus incertus. The type and allotype will be deposited at the Western Australian Museum.

Athanas dimorphus Ortmann

Fig. 6

Athanas dimorphus Ortmann, 1894, Denkschr. ined. naturw. Ges. Jena, 8: 12, pi. 1. fig. 1.

Athanas setoensis Kubo, 1951, J. Tokyo Univ. Fish., 38 (2): 265, figs 5, 6. Miya & Miyake, 1968, Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab. 1 (2): 150, fig. 8.

Athanas dimorphus seedang Banner & Banner, 1966b, Siam Soc. Monogr. (3), 28, fig. 4.

Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM P.9077; 1, BAU 4; 5, BAU 6; 33. BAU 46; 12, BAU rji; 5, BAU 72; 3, US 123608; 1, WM 105-65; 3, WM 229- 65- Diagnosis: Rostrum reaching to or past end of second antennular article. Supracorncal teeth lacking, extracorneal teeth acute, infracorneal teeth slightly projecting and rounded, pterygostomial angle subacute. Visible part of first antennular article 1.6 times longer than second, second and third article subequal. Styloccrite reaching variously from end of second antennular article to middle of third antennular article. Scaphocerite broad, reaching past end of antennular peduncle. Carpoceritc reaching past end of second antennular article. Basicerite with strong inferolateral tooth. 314

Figure 6.—Athanas dimorphus Ortmann. a, anterior region of .. 4 mm male from BAU 46, lateral view; b, c, large and small chelipeds of 11 111111 male from BAU 46_,.....„ inner lace; d, detai^ l o^l lingers of large chela; e,_f, chelipeds from 9 111m male from BAU 46: g, h, chelipeds of 11 mm lemah from BAU 46; i, j, k, chelipeds of three different females from BAU 46, from 9-10 mm in length. All figures but d, scale a; d, scale b„ 315

Chelipeds sexually dimorphic, but of nearly symmetrical development in both sexes and carried flexed at the meral-carpal articulation. In the female the chelipeds arc small and slender. The articles opposed in llexion—the chela and ischium, the merus and carpus—are of similar lengths. The merus varies from 6.5 to 8.8 times as long as broad. The adult male chelipeds are large, robust, inflated. The chela is cylindrical in section but not uniform in diameter, 3 times as long as broad at the greatest diameter at midsection and tapering towards fingers. Dactylus curved, 0.4 as long as palm, lingers at times bearing rounded teeth on both cutting surfaces which pass each other when dactylus is closed, at times without teeth. Cutting surface of dactylus bearing fringe of setae in fully mature males. Carpus one-sixth length of chela. Merus 0.8 length of chela ; 3 times as long as broad with inferior face strongly excavated to accommodate chela when flexed. Ischium a little longer than broad, bearing one or two spines on superior margin. Carpal articles of second legs with ratio of 10 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 4. Merus of third leg 4.6 times as long as broad. Carpus 0.5 as long as merus. Propodus as long as merus, bearing several spines on inferior margin. Dactylus simple. Telson as usual, 3.2 times as long as posterior margin is wide. Discussion: Our specimens agree well with Ortmann's description and figures. The only important variation appeared to be in the small cheliped of the female. We compared the ratio of the chela to the merus in 25 specimens, 14 of them from the same location, and found that the chela varied from half as long as, to equal to, the merus. This variation could not be correlated with size. We also were able to examine 10 females from the Red Sea identified by Goutiere at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and found that in these specimens the chela varied from 0.6-0.9 times as long as the merus. Ortmann's original figure shows the chela to be 0.6 as long as the merus and Ortmann states only . . der merus schlanker, der carpus ebenfalls schlank, mindestens cbenso lang als der merus. Die Scheere ist kurz, kiirzer als der carpus". In 1966b we erected a subspecies Athanas dimorphus seedang which we separated from the nominate form by having the chela and merus almost equal in length. The variation we now report destroys the validity of the separation. In 1951 Kubo established a new species, A. setoensis, based on a single 8.6 mm ovigerous female collected in Japan. In 1968 Miya & Miyake further elaborated the description of this species. They had 2 specimens, a male without chelipeds and a female with chelipeds which they found agreed well with the type. The only difference between Kubo's and later specimens was apparently in the infracorneal tooth which Kubo stated was lacking and Miya & Miyake found to be produced but blunt. Ortmann does not mention a tooth and his figure is not clear 011 this point. We feel that 110 great importance should be attached to this as this is known to be a variable character in the genus.

Both Kubo and Miya & Miyake separate A. setoensis from A. dimorphus principally by the relative length of the rostrum to the second antennular article, and the relative lengths of the carpus and merus in the female cheliped. We asked Dr Miya his opinion of the validity of the separation in view of our findings on the variation in these characteristics. He kindly examined 22 specimens from the type locality (near the Scto Marine Biological Laboratory) and found the same type of variation as in our specimens. He supports our conclusion that A. setoensis is a synonym of A. dimorphus. (Personal communication; perhaps Dr Miya will publish the details of his study in the future.) 316

Biological notes: Most of our specimens were captured in pools under rocks and coral heads at low tide, but they have also been taken from broken-up coral. The specimens from Thailand were bright red in colour. The specimens from Wistari Reef (US 123608) were described by Moulton as "tan and white striped; blue spot on dorsum of thorax". Our specimens ranged from 8-15 mm in length.

Australian distribution: A. dimorphus has been collected near Perth in Western Australia, from Darwin in the Northern Territory, and in eastern Australia from Yeppoon, Queensland to Port Jackson, N.S.W.

General distribution: This species has been recorded from East Africa, the Red Sea, Thailand, Japan, and New Caledonia. We have some unreported specimens from Hong Kong and the southern Philippines in our collections.

Athanas haswelli Coutiere

Athanas hasswelli Coutiere, 1908, Bull. Soc. Philomath, Paris IX, 11 (5): 2. (Coutiere was in error in the spelling of W. A. Haswelfs name in his original description; it is hereby officially changed to A. haswelli according to Article 33 (a) i) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 1961. J

Alhanas haswelli llale. 1927, Crust. of S. Australia, pt. 1; 4.7 [citation of Coutiere only].

Translation of original description: "Alhanas hasswelli u. sp. This species is closely related to A. dimorphus Ortmann and A. minikoensis H. C. It differs by the different proportions of the first pair on the female, the only known specimen. The carpus is equal to the meropodite in .1. dimorphus and larger than the chela (about 1.8). The carpus is here shorter than (he; mcre>podite and shorter than the chela (around 0.85). The appendage has the same cylindrical and slender form, which distinguished it from the species A. minikoensis, wlu-re the chela is more robust and the carpus short. 1 mutilated female from South Adelaiele coast, coll. VV. H. baker". [ Description without ilhistrai ions. |

Discussion: This species has not been reported since Coutiere's original ele.-iTiption and is not represented in our collections. There is some question as to its validity, for if (louiiere was describing an immature female, then its separation h'om A. dimorphus ;.n the basis of the relative length of the carpus of the chelipeds 1-. invalid (see our hg. be and i 1. As van bo seen in other species oi" Alhanas, the separation ('oaiiiVe makes between A. hashvlli and A. mutii,

Athanas i^ranti Coutiere

Athanas granli Conacre, 1908, Bull. Soc. Philomath. Paris IX, 11 (5): 192. Hale, 1927, Ci ust. S. Australia, 4'/ [citation of Couliere only].

Specimens examined: 2 specimens from AM 61; 1, AM 220; 1, AM 222; 1, AM 261; 1, AM 266; 2, AM: 268; r, AM 269; 2, AM 270; 1, AM 271; 2, AM P.3071; 7, AM P.5028; 2, AM P.6913; 1, AM P.8437; 1, AM P.11271; 5, AM P.i 1733; 75 WM 153/173. 317

Figure 7.--Alhatms granti (louliere. a, h, anterior region of e> imn mule iVom AM I'. '",0:.:^. do and lateral view; e, large chela, inner 'arc: d, smuU eheHped, outer f.ice; e, small ehelipet 15 mm male from AM 270; f. second leg; g, third leg; h, dactylus of tliiid leg: i. telson. c e, i scale a: a, 1), f, g scale h; h, scale c. 318

Diagnow-: Rostrum reaching past middle of third antennular article. Suprarorncal teeth absent; cxtrac<)rnc;t! teeth acute, extending forward to ; i i middle of cornea ; infracorneal teeth small, rounded. Visible part of lu st antenuuiai article i .•> times ,is long as second. Second aufctmular article a little w idi ^ di l >•' than, long; third antennular article 0.7 longer than first. Slvloeerite real a end of second antennular article. Scaphocerite widi outer spine promim m noi lunger ihan squamous portion which reaches to near end ol third an article, (larpoeeriie reac hes slightly past middle of third antennulai u Lateral tooth, of basiceriie acute and triangular, reaching to near end < 1 1 antennular article

Chelipeds not sexually dimorphic in mature specimens, carried extended, but capable ol flexion. Chelae almost symmetrical, the larger being 2. 5•••;;.<>, the small chela 3.2 -3.8 times as lung as broad. Bolli chelae usually with const rid ion near proximal end. Large chelae often carry a broad, rounded projection on inner side of fixed linger (fig. 7c) fitting into curvature of dactyl when (dosed; these chelae with stouter palms and carpi than those without teeth. Fingers ol small chelae lacking tooth; however, in one specimen the fixed finger carried a slight rounded projection (fig. 7c). Fingers of the small chela usually slender, slightly curved, bearing only a few bristles between lingers. Carpus of large chela cup-shaped, a little more than half as long as merus, expanded distally to accommodate proximal end of palm; merus 2.0 times as long as broad. Ischium half as long as carpus, carrying a, superior distal spine. .Inferior face of carpu- flattened to slightly concave to fit against llatlened area on distal end of merus when joint is llexed... Proximal articles ol small cheliped similar.

Second leg with ratio of carpal articles 10:2: 2 : 2 : 5.

Ischium of third legs unarmed. Merus inermous. 3.8 times as long as broad with slight superior curvature, i.b times longer than ischium. Carpus a little longer than ischium, 3 times as long as broad, bearing strong tooth on its superior margin. Propodus slender, (>.3 times as long as broad, slightly longer than merus. carrying on lower margin 7-12 spines and a pair distally. Dactylus heavy and biunguiculate"., 0.17 as long as merus and less than 2 times as long as broad al base. Superior urtgui markedly longer and heavier than inferior; inferior unguis ohen carried at. almost right angles to propodus, at other times only slightly curved on inlerior surface.

Telson as usual for the group, 3 times as long as broad at posterior margin: anterior margin 1.8 times broader than posterior.

Discussion: Coutiere's description, though brief, was explicit. We were also able to confirm the identity of our specimens by comparison with the; type at the Museum of Natural History in Paris. A. granli most closely resembles A. areteformis Coutiere, but can be separated by the lack of supracorneal teeth and the biunguiculate dactylus of the third leg. A. sibogae De Man and A. jedanensis De Alan also have; biunguiculate dactyli 011 the thoracic legs, but both show sexual dimorphism in the chelae.

Many of the males of this species bear the small flat process on the fifth abdominal sternum extending posteriorly, similar to that reported for A. dorsalis (see fig. 1 of). 319

flit/i"j'j< fil unit's: Almost all of the specimens were collected intertidally. Two were repoi ted frotn living coral and one w as associated with the sea urchin (,/;..7;f'i mft>vrsu. J. C. Yaldwvn supplied the following colour notes from a specimen h um .Long Reef, Collaroy, N.SAV.: "\'ery dark purple-black in colour, completely opaque; walking legs 2 5 paler and with alternating hands of purple and very pale parole. Details (through the lens shortly aiier death): purple colour due to deiw mass of interlocking simple red stellate ehromatophores and granulai blue chromalophores; lewer red ehromatophores on carapace than on rest of bodv: close examination showed a. paler stripe down back where there are less red. chromaiophores and lewer blue granules; eyes black". It was also reported bv Miss Pope . \ i P. 1 1 7;;;;') as being "Deep blood red with pale dorsal stripe".

Am: nit fan distribution: This species appears to live only in the cooler watcr- of Australia below 30' S.) and has not been reported elsewhere. Seven of ou: specimens were collected in Western Australia at Rottnest; in (-astern Australia thev were collected only from the coasts of New South Wales. As Coutierc's type came from South Australia the species may extend along the entire- southern coast, of Australia.

Athanas ornithorhynchus sp. nov.

Ifololypc: 1 1 mm ovigcrous female from Chambers bay, Van Diemen Gulf, N.l. Taken from pearl shell growth by V. Wells and A. A. Racek, Oct. i

I'aialy/x s: One, 10 mm non-ovigerous female from same collection as type AM P. looooj. One, () mm ovigcrous female from Shark bay, W.A. (AM P.I0001 . One, <) mm female and 1, 10 mm male from Cockburn Sd, W.A., dredged at 10 fins. (CS 2a, 2b).

Description: Rostrum narrowly triangular and acute, reaching well beyond antennular peduncle; with dorsal carina that extends from tip to posterior of corneas, broadening slightly in region of eyes. Supracorneal teeth lacking; extracorncal teeth large, acute, located well above cornea when seen in lateral view, reaching almost to end of first antennular article; slight prominence at usual location of infracorneal tooth. Visible part of first antennular peduncle 2 times longer than second: third 1.5 times longer than second. Second article a little broader than long. Stylocerite heavy, reaching to middle of third article. Scaphocerite with prominent lateral spine reaching past squamous portion; squamous portion reaching almost to end of antennular peduncle. Carpocerite reaching to near end of third antennular article. Spine on basicerite prominent, triangular, reaching almost to end of lirst antennular article.

Chelipeds asymmetrical. Large cheliped as long as carapace. Ischium 2.3 times as long as broad, bearing 5 spines on superior margin. Merus excavated to accommodate the propodus, 6 times as long as wide in middle, broadening slightly distally; infcromedial margin expanded into a thin lobe that lies over part of the carpus and the carpal-propodal articulation when appendage is Hexed. Carpus small, shorter than ischium, cup-shapecl, exactly fitting base of palm except for pronounced lobe which extends distally on inferior side (lobe visible in lateral view;. Large chela 4.4 times as long as broad in middle. On the inferior side, about two-thirds length of palm, lies a thin lobe which extends over the inferolateral edge of merus when cheliped is flexed. Tips of fingers rounded and slightly crossing. Fixed finger with a low ridge occupying about two-thirds of length, abruptly 320

Figure <">. Minims uniithnihyiuhus .sp. now a, )>, anterior iv<,'!;n of hoioiype. dor-al ami l;i:> i. views: <:, large ehelipecl. outer Jar:-; d, large chela, inner laee; « , detail of lingers oi large e!i• • i inner fate; !', small cheliped, lateral view; g, small chela, medial \ '« \v; h, .small chela, iaien.l v»-v. i, second leg; j, third leg; k, dactylus of third leg; I, telson. All figures hut k, scale a: k. scaie l> 321

terminating proximally and rising to a low truncate tooth distally that terminates at right angles to cutting surface; distal tip narrow and acute. Dactylus slender, with slight flange proximally and towards middle of article that covers ridge on fixed linger; ridge again expanded into rounded lobe at and beyond truncate tooth of fixed finger; tip curved and acute.

Small cheliped about one-third the length of the large chela. Ischium almost 2 times as long as broad, 2 spines on superior margin. Merus 2.7 times as long as broad, inermous, not: excavated. Carpus only 0.3 as long as merus, cup- shaped, slightly broadened at its distal end. Chela 3.2 times as long as wide, fingers 0.7 as long as palm. Fingers flattened and broadened, only twice as long as broad when viewed from lateral aspect. Tips of dactyli broadly rounded and forming a closure like the bill of a duck with opposing surfaces excavated or spoon- shaped. Sparse patches of setae on chela.

Ratio of carpal articles of second leg: 10 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 2. Ischium 0.6 as long as merus bearing 3 spines on superior margin. Inferior margin bearing several strong setae.

Third leg with ischium 0.7 as long as merus and bearing one spine on superodistal margin. Merus 3.!! times as long as broad, inermous. Carpus 0.6 as long as merus, superodistal margin projected. Propodus slender, 7 times as long as broad, slightly longer than merus and bearing numerous spines on inferior margin. Dactylus 0.3 as long as propodus, biunguiculate with inferior unguis only 0.2 as long as superior.

Telson as usual, 3.2 times as long as posterior margin is broad.

Discussion: This species differs from all others known from this genus by the broadened and spatulate nature of the fingers of the small chela and by the flat, lobe on the inferior margin of the large chela. Possibly the closest related species is A. ruga Banner & Banner, which bears 4 small protuberances on the lower margin of the large chela and a similar extracorncal spine; however, in A. naga the small chela does not bear spatulate fingers, and the dactylus of the third leg is not biunguiculate.

fhe name is derived from the similarity of the fingers of the small chela, to the bill of the Australian platypus.

The holotype will be deposited in the Australian Museum; the paratypes will he distributed between the Australian Museum and the Western Australian Museum.

Athanas sibogae Der Man

<» . tihatm sihogac De Man, 1910b. Tijdsehr. ned. dierk. Vereen. IT, 11 (4.): 31.4; 191 1' Siboga F-x]>ed. 39a'(2): 151, fig. 6. Miya & Miyake. io(>8. Publ. Amakusa .Mar. Biol. Lab. t (2;: 1 3 j., fig. 2. [extensive redeseription. ] Athanas parvus De Man, 1910b, Tijdsehr. ned. dierk. Vereen. II, 11 (4.): 315; 1911, Siboga Lxped. 3,9a1 (2): 1.48, fig. 4. Kubo, 194.0b, Annot. Zool. jap. 19 (2): 99, ligs 1, 2. Banner & Banner, 1960, Pacif. Sci. 14 (2): 141, fig. 1. Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM 15; 3, AM 68; 1, BAU 27; 4, BAU 40; 2, BAU 43; 8, CS, 1 a-ik; 1, WM 40-65; 1, WM 136-65; 1, WM 152-65; 2, WM 187-65; 1, WM 265--65; 1, WM 266-65; 12, WM 288-65; 1, WM 302-65. 322

f igure (j. ---Alhanas sibogae De Man. a, b, anterior region of 111111 male from AM 6(J: e. large cheliped of lig. a; d, small cheliped of fig. a; e, f, large and small chelipeds of iy mm female from AM 68; g, second leg; h, third leg; i, dactylus of third leg; j, large cheliped of 14 mm male from •188-^5; k, detail of fingers of fig. j; 1, detail of lingers of 8 mm male from BAU 27; m, n. o. small chelipeds of three females showing variation. All figures but i, scale a; i, scale b. 323

Diagnosis: Rostrum reaching to end of second antennular article, with strong rostral carina on anterior half of rostrum which completely disappears at base of orbits. Supracorncal teeth lacking; extracorncal teeth acute, extending far beyond cornea; infracorneal teeth acute, extending slightly beyond cornea. Visible part of fust antennular article longer than either second or third article, which are subequal. Stylocerite extending beyond end of second antennular article. Scaphocerite ex- tending beyond end of antennular peduncle, squamous portion broad, lateral tooth acute, as long as squamous portion. Inferolateral spine of basieerite broad at base, acute.

Chelipeds almost symmetrical, sexually dimorphic. Male cheliped stout with chela cylindrical, folding" back into an expanded and excavated merus. Chela 3.5 times as long as broad. Ischium 0.2 as long as merus, bearing on its superior margin several strong spines. Dactylus crescent shaped; dentition of opposing margins of fingers variable, bearing either a row of small irregular teeth or one or two large rounded teeth (sec fig. 9c, d, j, k, 1). Female chelipeds feeble. Ischium bearing about 6 strong spines and equal in length to cylindrical carpus. Merus slightly excavated at distal end, unarmed and equal in length to chela. Fingers slender, almost straight, tapering. Ratios of chelipeds beginning with ischium lie in the range from 10: 23: 1: 23 to 10: 15: 8: 15.

Ratio of carpal articles of second leg 10: 3: 3: 3: 5.

Ischium of third leg with single superior spinule; merus 4.5 times as long as broad; carpus distally with rounded tooth on superior margin, spinules on inferior; propodus with 9 spinules; dactylus biunguiculate, inferior unguis much shorter and more slender than superior.

Discussion: In a group of 13 specimens from Rockingham, W.A., the rostrum was found reaching variously from the end of the second to the end of the third antennular peduncle, the second antennular article of the antennular peduncle was at times longer than wide and at times wider than long, and the numbers of spines on the ischium of the chelipeds varied from 1-5.

In our collection we found only one male with chela that carried the large teeth on the opposing surfaces of the lingers that both De Man, and Miya & Miyake. figure. However, in the genus Athanas, characteristically the largest specimens bear the heaviest teeth, and perhaps the specimens in our collections were not fully mature. The other males in the collection carried the type of dentition as shown in our figure 9 d, i, j, k.

De Man established as type and allotype for S. sibogae what was apparently a mature male and a younger male which he regarded as a non-ovigerous female, while he separated an ovigcrous female with chelipeds typical of this species into another new species, A. parvus. We (Banner & Banner, 1960: 214) pointed this out and placed A. sibogae in synonymy to A. parvus. Miya & Miyake (1968: 13,4.) sup- ported our findings, but pointed out that, 011 the basis of page priority, A. sibogae is the senior name. We accept their views.

Biological notes: This species has been collected in dead coral as well as sponges. It is common intertidallv under rocks on sandy beaches. It has been dredged as deep as 70 metres. Our specimens ranged in size up to 13 mm. Miya & Miyake '1968) supply some colour notes for specimens collected in Japan. " The entire animal is generally pale blue in ground-colour, densely scattered with carmine red ehromatophores. A broad longitudinal stripe free from pigment or of pale yellow, 4157 1 2-B 324 occurs along the median from the tip of the rostrum, to the posterior margin of the sixth abdominal segment. The antennular peduncle except the portion of the stylocerite is free from pigment or pale yellow. The tail fan is uniformly pale blue to deep purplish blue. The eggs are yellowish red."

Australian distribution: This species was collected from Dampier to Rockingham W.A. In the north it was collected from Van Diemen Gulf and Torres Strait. On the eastern coast it was collected from the Whitsunday Group and from the Capricorn Group.

General distribution: Red Sea, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Tonga, and Samoa Islands.

Athanas dorsalis (Stimpson)

Arete dorsalis Stimpson, )86i, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. i860: 32. Coutiere, 1905a, Fauna Gcog. Maid. Laccad. 2 (4)1866, ligs 136, 137.

Athanas dorsalis Banner & Banner, 1960, Pacif. Sci. 14 (2): 141, figs 5, 6 [see for synonymy]. Sankarankutty, 1962, J. mar. biol. Assoc. India, 4 (2): 167. Hipeau-Jacquotte, 1965, Bull. Reel. Trav. Stn. mar. Endoume, 37 (53): 247. Suzuki, 1970, Sci. Rep. Yokohama Natn. Univ. Sec. II, #17, p. 12.

Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM 24; 2, AM 59; 4, AM 90; 2, AM 109; 3, AM 119; 1, AM 225; 11, AM 235; 1, AM 238; 3, AM P.5275; 1, AM P.10312; 2, AM P. 13553; 1, RG 536; 1, RG 540; 1, RG551; 11, RG 620a; 1, RGfeoc; 4, RG6.2od; 6, RG 62o(2)d; 5, RG62ia ; 13, RG 622a; 25, RG 622(3)0; 5, RG 623 1/2; 1, WM 22-65; 2, VVM 368/9.

Diagnosis: Rostrum broad, varying from. 1.0-1.8 times as long as broad; reaching variously from end of first antennular article to middle of third antennular article, with most specimens reaching to end of second antennular article. Lateral margins of rostrum sometimes slightly depressed to form a narrow shelf. Occasionally anterior margins of orbits, lateral to rostrum, with slight prominences. Extracorncal teeth well developed, reaching variously from middle to end of cornea. Supra- and infracorneal teeth absent. Stylocerite curving inward, reaching to near end of antennular peduncle. Scaphocerite reaching to end of antennular peduncle, lateral tooth strong, longer than lamellar portion. Carpocerite stout, as long as scaphocerite.

Large and small chelae similar in size and shape, directed forward. Chelae exhibiting strong growth and sexual differences (see discussion).

Second legs with four carpal articles with the approximate ratio: 10: 2.5: 2.5: 5

Thoracic legs stout. Length-breadth ratio of merus of third leg varies from 3.3-4.0. Tooth on distal end of inferointernal margin is sometimes only an obtuse angle. Dactylus biunguiculate.

Lower border of telson arcuate. Telson varies from 3.2-4.0 times as long as posterior margin is broad. 325



m m

Figure 10.—Athanas aorsahs (Stimpson). a, anterior region of 18 mm male from AM i> ,o7- (iOisal view; b, e, large chela and merus, inner face; d, large chela from 10 mm male from AM 1 -5-75 5 «', third leg; 1, ventral view of lower abdomen. Discussion: In 1960 we discussed die extreme variation of this species. That analysis placed A. mascarinicus Richters and A. maruteensis i (loutiere; into synonymy and left sonic question as to the validity of the closely related species .1. indicus i'(Jouticre). To review the separation, we selected 17 complete specimens ol . I. dorsalis in the Australian collection, and if complete specimens of .1. indicus lor close comparison. We carefully reviewed the literature on the two species also. We conclude that these two specie's are; separate- and can be dillere'ntiaied by | eharactei s but each of these characteristics is variable-:

A. dorsalis J. indicus Length of rostrum Usually to near (Mid of Usually to near end of second antennular ar- third antennular ai- tiele. tide. Length/breadth rat if) of ros- 1.0-1.7 1.8-2.5 trum. Length/breadth ratio of merus 3.0-4.0 4.1-5.0 of third leg. Size of tooth on distal end of Feeble Well developed inferointernal margin of merus e>f third leg.

Four male specimens of Athanas dorsalis (all living eomniensally with sea urchins) carry on the fifth abdominal sternum a long, rounded flap (see fig. ioe) that protrudes ventrally and posteriorly. We also have on hand many specimens of A. dorsalis from other areas in the; Pacific such as Guadalcanal, New Hebrides, New- Britain, Rcnnell, etc. in which the males carry this llap. Male specimens as small as 5 mm often have this character. One ovigerous female from Samoa carried the flap, but it was much reduced. We also observed a similar flap in Alhanas granli, but did not observe it in any other species or genera. We oiler no suggestions as to the function of the flap, nor of its possibly systematic significance.

As we mentioned in the introduction, Suzuki (1970/ shows that A. dorsalis and .1. indicus are; protandrous consecutive hermaphrodites. He states: "The external male character can be found in the first pcreiopexl and second pleopod; in the typical male, the first pereiopods are symmetrical and on the cut ting edges of fingers there; are prominent teeth, besides minute serrations, and the second pleopod is provided with both an appendix masculina and an appendix interna on the- inner middle portion of its endopodile; in the typical female the first pereiopexls are symmetrical, there are nothing but minute serrations and the second pleopod has 110 appendix inasculina, the appendix interna only". However, as the gonads have- both ovarian and testicular tissue; at all times, but of varying proportions, these external characteristics are- variable in appearance related to degree of male/female function at any particular stage in its life-history.

Biological notes: This species is commonly associated with sea urchins, living between the spines on the oral surface and assuming the colour of its host (Hipeau- Jacquotte, 1965:47). Specimens from Australia, Norfolk Island, and Lord Howe- Island were reported associated with 6 species of sea urchins: lleliocidaris erythrogama (Valenciennes), lleliocidaris luberculala (Lamarck), Cenlroslephanus ienuispinus II. L. Clarke, Cenlroslephanus rodgersi (A. Agassi/), Tripneustes gralilla (Linnaeus), and Echinolhrix diadema (Linnaeus). Julie; Booth reported upon two different spccimcn- from lleliocidaris tuberculoid with 2 different colour patterns (notes in collecting via! . One specimen was "orange-red with flesh-coloured dorsal stripes", the other specimen 327

"dark greenish brown. Masses of small green ehromatopliores and a scattering of simple red ehromatopliores to give an overall dorsal colour greenish, but laterally and on limbs much paler. No dorsal stripe and no pattern on hand. Eyes black . . Suzuki's specimens from Japan were all from Stomopneustcs sp. and were uniiormlv black in colour. At Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands it has been found associated with a species of brittle star, Ophiocoma anaglytica Ely. In our own collections we found this species only in dead coral heads from reef Hat to water io 11 deep; however, they may have been associated with cchinoderms in the coral heads.

Australian distribution: This species has been collected off Western Australia and in eastern Australia from New South Wales to the Herald Group in the Coral Sea. We also have specimens from Lord Howe Island and from Norfolk Island.

General distribution: Stimpson's original specimens came from Hong Kong. It has been reported from the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan. China, Kermadec Is., S. Africa, and across the central Pacific from the Marianas Islands to the Tuamotu Archipelago.

Athanas indicus (Coutiere)

Fig. ii

Arete dorsalis indicus Coutiere, 1903, Soc. Philomath. Paris IX, 5 (2): 84, figs 25-30; 1904, Bull. Mus. Nat:. Hist., Paris, 10 (2): 59 [notes 011 commensalism].

Arete indicus Coutiere, 1905a, Fauna Geog. Maid. Laccad. 2 (4): 863, figs 134, 135.

Athanas indicus Banner & Banner, i960, Pacific. Sci. 14 (2): 149 [see for synonymy]. Hipeau-Jacquotte, 1965, Reel. Trav. Stn. mar. Endoumc 37 (53): 247 [notes on commensalism]. Miya & Miyake, 1968, Publ. Amakusa Mar. Biol. Lab.. 1 (2): 151, figs 9-12. Suzuki, 1970, Sci. Rep. Yokohama Natn. Univ. Sec. II, #17, 5, figs 4, 5, 6, 7.

Previous Australian records: McNeill 1968. Sci. Rept. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped. 7 (1): 18. Low Isles.

Specimens examined: 2 specimens from AM 74; 6, AM 109; 4, AM 272; 1. AM 392; 1, AM P.8027; 1, BAU 23; 2, RG 536; 1, RG 538; '2, RG 451; r, RG 542; 1, RG 547a; 1, RG 551; 1, RG 624; 1, YVM 135-65; 1, WM 153/173.

Diagnosis: Rostrum triangular, lateral margins slightly depressed forming slight platforms, tip reaching past first quarter of third antennular article. Extra- corneal teeth well developed, reaching usually to end of cornea; supra- and infra- corneal teeth absent. Antennular peduncle stout, second article broader than long. Stylocerite curved inward, reaching almost to end of antennular peduncle. Scaphocerite reaching to end of antennular peduncle. Carpocerite stout, a little- shorter than antennular peduncle.

Chelipeds slightly asymmetrical, carried forward. Carpus cup-shaped, inferior face excavate. Chela exhibiting the same variation in dentition as discussed for A. dorsalis.

Four articles of carpus of second leg with ratio: 10: 2.5: 2.5: 5.

Thoracic legs stout. Merus of third leg 4 to 5 times as long as broad, and bearing strong acute tooth on distal end of inferointernal margin of merus. Dacty lus biunguiculate. 328 329

Posterior border of telson arcuate. Telson 3.4 times as long as posterior margin is broad.

Discussion: The similarities between this species and its close relative, A. dorsalis, were discussed under that species (see Banner & Banner, i960: 149). This species, like A. dorsalis, has been reported by Suzuki to be a protandrous consecutive hermaphrodite (1970: 32).

Suzuki (1970: 5) feels that A. kominaloensis is different from A. indicus in 2 characteristics: the pterygostomial angle is rounded in A. kominaloensis while it is more angular in A. indicus, and the distolateral margin of the palm is rounded in A. kominaloensis while it is angular in A. indicus. We have: found these two characteristics to be variable and we reserve judgement 011 the validity of his separation.

Suzuki also gives a colour key to the species of Alhanas from Japan. He reports for Japan but a single echinodcrm host for each individual species. As we and some of the individuals who furnished specimens for this study have remarked, the colour of the shrimp matches that of the host echinodcrm (see also Potts, 1915a: 61), and as these specics apparently are associated with various hosts in the richer tropical Indo-Pacific fauna, wc doubt if these colour distinctions will be valid for the tropics.

Biological notes: This species is apparently always associated with various eehinoderms, and in our collections it was reported from urchins of the genera Echinometra, Diadema, Cenlroslephanus, and Echinothrix. Perhaps it is most common in association with Echinomelra (Banner & Banner, 1960: 149) both amongst the spines and in the cavity ground into the substrate by the urchin. On Gillett Cay and on Swain Reefs it was found associated both with the urchin Diadema and an unidentified crinoid.

For some specimens associated with Diadema sp. (AM 392) the following colour notes were supplied by J. C. Yaldwyn. "White line dorsally along carapace; laterally a red-brown band above and below with a white band between, all longi- tudinal; irregular white along ventral edges of abdominal segments; hands, legs, pleopods all bluish-green, but colour not dense." When seen through the lens he observed "simple, stellate, red chromatophorcs, granular blue ehromatopliores (usually associated with simple red ones) and simple opaque white chromatophores. Eyes black and visible under carapace, white dorsal and abdominal ventrolateral hands with opaque white chromatophores. Lateral white stripe along body clear with no chromatophores; lateral red-brown band of simple red chromatophores and some granular blue; hand with more granular blue chromatophores than red; legs, pleopods and tail fan with both simple red and granular blue; fresh eggs vellow-brown".

Our specimens ranged in size up to 15 mm.

Australian distribution: In Western Australia this species was collected at Rottnest and Cape Naturaliste. In eastern Australia it has been collected from south Queensland to the Coral Sea. Wc also have 3 specimens from Norfolk Island.

General distribution: Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Indonesia, China, Japan; across the Central Pacific from the Marshall Islands to the Tuamotu Archipelago. 330


Are (ops is De Alan, 1910b, Tijdsehr. ned. dierk. Vereen. II, 11: 310.

'Type species: Are lops is amabilis.

Definition: (From De Man, loe. eil.) . . closely related to Arete Stimpson. Looked at from above, the short rostrum appears acute, triangular, carinatr. without anv trace of supracorncal teeth; in a lateral view it appears strongly compressed, with rounded tip, as in the genus Alhanopsis. Lxtracorneal teeth wanting, infra- corneal teeth (outer angles of the orbits) acute, dentiform. Eyes as in Arete. Pterygostomian angle rounded. Pleura of sixth abdominal somite articulate, movable.

"Antennal region as in Arete, but styloeerite shorter, only one cheliped is known, it, resembles the smaller of Arete. Meropodite short, not vaginifbrm; carpus short, cyatliiforrn. [SmallI chela compressed, turned outward, with both margins of the palm entire, but with a small groove on the, upper (inner) surface just behind the articulation of the dactylus. Fingers compressed, cutting-edges sharp, that of the dactylus finely denticulate.

"Legs of second pair wit h the carpus as in Synalpheus, 5-articulate. Following legs stout, meropodite unarmed, dactylus biunguiculate."

To De Man's analysis can now be added: large chela laterally compressed, superior and inferior margins sharply carinate, fingers with heavy molar processes. Anal tubercles present; posterior border of telson truncate to rounded.

Aretopsis amabilis De Man

Fig. 12

Aretopsis amabilis De Man, 1910b, Tijdsehr. ned. dierk. Vereen. 11 (4): 311; 1911, Siboga Expcd. 39a1 (2) : 171, fig. 14. Miyake & Miya, 1967, J. Fac. Agric. Kyushu Univ., 14. (2): 267, figs 1, 2. Banner & Banner, 1968. Micronesica 4 (2): 272. Bruce, 1969,,}. Mar. biol. Ass. India 11 (1 & 2): 175, figs 1-4.

Aretopsis aegyptica Ramadan, 1936, Bull. Fac. Sei. Egyptian Univ., No. b: 16, pi. i, figs 9, 10; pi. 2, figs 9 17. Holthuis, 1958, Bull. Sea Fish. Res. Sin., Israel, No. 17: 14, fig. 5.

Specimens examined: 1 specimen from AM 120; 1, AM P.8028.

Diagnosis: Rostrum triangular, broaden' at base than long, tip rounded and reaching just past first antennular article; inferior side of rostrum compressed laterally. Infracorneal tooth strong, acute, reaching past rnidcornea in lateral view; pterygostomial angle rounded, not protruding. Corneas almost fully exposed in lateral view, but half concealed in dorsal view. Antennular articles subequal; second article as long as wide, third article the longest. Acute tip of styloeerite reaching to middle of second antennular article. Squamous portion of scaphocerite broad, reaching to end of antennular peduncle. Terminal spine on outer margin heavy, twice, as long as broad at base? and reaching well beyond squamous portion. Carpocerite heavy, reaching more than the length of the third article beyond that article. Basicerite bearing strong tooth laterally. 331

1 b antC r SSte^l^^l^jJii^y - 'f T ^ion of 21 nun male from AM I2o. dorsal

k, dactylus ol third leg: I, telson. 332

Chelipeds asymmetrical, carried extended in an inverted position with pro- podal finger uppermost. Large chela laterally compressed, 2 times as long as broad with lingers occupying distal third. Superior and inferior margins sharply carinate. Dactylus strong, curved towards fixed finger. Dactylus with 2 heavy molar processes while fixed finger carries a similar process which fits into the curve of the dactylus proximally. Distally both fingers carry a series of rounded serrations that mesh when lingers are closed; serrate ridge on fixed finger demarcated proximally by- smaller molar process; serrate ridge on dactyli continues almost to hooked acute tip; tips of fingers acute and crossing. Carpus cup-shapcd, 1.5 times as long as broad, distally carrying one broad flat projection reaching over basal portion of palm and on opposite distal edge a more narrow projection (see fig. 12 c, cl, e). Merus almost 2.0 times as long as broad, bearing distally on outer face two rounded projections and on inferointernal face a slight rounded projection.

Small chela 2.7 times as long as broad with dactylus also in inverted position. Fingers equal to palm. The cutting edge of dactylus bearing rounded serrations its full length while fixed finger is smooth and sparsely setose. Fingers crossing at tips. Carpus of small chela similar to that of large chela. Merus 3.0 times as long as broad, bearing distally 011 inferointernal margin two acute teeth; distally on infero- external margin only a rounded projection.

Second leg bearing numerous fine setae on carpal articles particularly on end of terminal article. Fingers hirsute. Ratio of carpal articles 10: 2: 2: 2: 5.

Third leg with ischium unarmed, 3.5 times as long as broad and 0.7 as long- as merus. Merus 4 times as long as broad, unarmed. Carpus 0.5 as long as merus; superodistal margin not projected; distoinferior margin bearing spine; superior margin with a few setae. Propodus only slightly longer than carpus, inferior margin bearing 6-8 movable spines on proximal half and 5 pairs of spines on distal hall. Dactylus biunguiculate with ungui subequal in basal breadth, but with superior unguis much longer.

Telson as normal for family, 3.2 times as long as broad posteriorly, spines on dorsal surface small, posterior margin slightly convex.

Discussion: C)ur specimens agree well with De Man's (ign: 171) except lor the ratio of the antennular articles, small differences in the appearance of the chela, and the appearance of the distal margin of the telson. In his 11 mm specimen from Indonesia the second antennular article is shorter than the visible part of the first while in our specimens the antennular articles are very nearly equal. The chela figured by De Man was without doubt the small, chela which normally lacks the heavy molar processes that occur in the large chela of the adult form. Finally in De Man's specimen the posterior margin of the telson is truncate while in ours it is rounded. The significance of this character is difficult to interpret. De Man stated of his 11 mm female "Anal tubercles probably wanting". In all of our specimens the anal tubercles were present, but in the small specimens they are difficult to see.

Miyake & Miya (1967:267) described and figured an 18 mm ovigcrous female from Okinawa. The only difference between their specimen and our specimens is the length of the scaphocerite, which extends well beyond the antennular pedunclc in their specimens.

The matter of secondary sexual characteristics in this species may be confused, as it is in the genus Athanas which has species that are protandrously hermaphroditic (see Suzuki, 1970: 1). Miyake & Miya (loc. cit.) reported that their ovigerous female carried an appendix masculina on the second pleopod. We have cohabiting 333

'"pairs" collected from the interior of shells of hermit crabs in the Marshall Islands. In all cases one specimen was notably larger than the other and none were ovigerous. We presumed that the individuals in the pair would be of opposite sexes, as they arc in the higher genera. However, in one pair both individuals carried an appendix masculina although their body lengths were i(i mm and 12 mm; in the other two pairs one had the male the larger, the other had the female the larger. In a specimen from Swain Reefs of 25 mm the appendix masculina was larger than the appendix interna, while in Miyake & Miya's ovigerous female and in a 15 mm specimen from the Marshal Is the appendix masculina is markedly shorter and thinner than the appendix interna.

In two of our specimens less than 12 mm in length the fingers of the large chela lacked the heavy molar processes and bore serrated edges on the cutting surfaces similar to the small chela for the larger specimens dig. 12I'). We feel that the type of dentition on the fingers of the large chela may be an indication of maturity, but wc do not have enough specimens to present a growth series.

Ramadan (1936) described another closely related species of this genus, A. aegyplica. He separated the two species by only two criteria; first, in .1. aegyplica the eyes were completely covered by the carapace; second, d. aegyplica had anal tubercles. In the ovigerous female of A. amabilis described by Miyake & Miya the eyes appear to be half covcrcd by the carapace; in De Man's figure 14 (4915) the carapace covers about one-fourth of the eyes. In the specimen of A. aegyplica figured by Holthuis 1958: fig. 5) the carapace covers more than half the eyes. Holthuis said that he believed in the case of Ramadan's specimens the eyes were merely retracted, and we support this view. We have seen rotation of eyes in respect to carapace margin in other genera as well. We do not believe that such a variation in the coverage of the eyes by the carapace can constitute a valid character for specific separation.

On the basis of examination of our specimens and careful comparison of those reported in the literature, we have concluded that we are dealing with a single species that is variable in degree of eye coverage, chela formation, antennular proportions, and other slight variations. We therefore place ,1. aegyplica into synonymy and combine the reported ranges.

Only one other species of this genus has been described, that of A. rnanazuruensis by Suzuki (1971: 19) from Sagami Bay, Japan. It is separated from A. amabilis principally by having symmetrical first chelipeds.

Biological notes: This species has been reported as dwelling on coral reef flats by De Alan, by Miyake & Miya, and in the Australian collection notes. However, all of our Marshall Island specimens were symbionts, one pair in the pelecypod Plerocera and three pairs in the shells of hermit crabs. Bruce (1969) reported three pairs from the Seychelles Islands, each pair living in the shell carried by a large hermit crab [Dardanus sanguinolenlus (Quov & Gaimaixb, Dardanus megislos (Herbst)]. He suggested that they may be "faecal feeders and help to keep the cavity of the gastropod shell clean". Bruce also reports that the basic colour of these specimens was a deep red with a broad, white, dorsal strip lying mid-dorsally. The band is separated from the red by a narrow zone of orange. . 1.rnanazuruensis wa s also living commensally with a. hermit crab Aniculus aniculus (Fabricius).

Australian distribution: The only two Australian specimens were found on the southern portion of the Cheat Barrier Reef.

General distribution: Gulf of Ac [aba; lvylath, Israel; Seychelles Is.; Indian Ocean; Id Borneo; Okinawa and Marshall Islands. 334


Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955, Zool. Verb., Leiden (26): 88.

Jousseaumea Goutiere, 1896, Bull. Paris Mus. Hist. Nat., 2 (8): 381.

Type species: Jousseaumea serralidigilus Goutiere.

Definition: Carapace anteriorly projecting far beyond eyes as a broad tri- angular rostrum, and usually with shorter orbital teeth. Lyes completely concealed dorsally and usually laterally.

Chelipeds markedly asymmetrical. Large chela massive, carried under the body, llexecl at meral-carpal articulation. Carpus of large cheliped cyathiform, anterior border trilobate, merus of palm of chela excavate 10 accommodate flexion. Small chela diminutive, with chela shorter than carpus; carpus elongate and slender.

Second legs with carpus of five articles. Posterior thoracic legs as usual for Alpheus, dac.tyli simple.

Pleura of sixih abdominal segment not articulate.* Telson attentuated, no anal tubercles, posterior border usually emarginatc.

Branchial formula: 5 pleurobranchs; 1 arthrobranch; 8 epipodites.

Salmoneus tricristatus Banner

Fig. 13

Salmoneus tricrislata Banner, 1959, Pacif. Sci. 13 (2): 131, fig. 1. Banner & Banner, 1968, Micronesica 4 (2): 270.

Specimen examined: 1 specimen from BAU 46.

Diagnosis: Triangular rostrum and orbital teeth each bearing slight carinae which extend posteriorly almost the full length of the carapace. Rostral carina bearing slight rounded projection about mid-carapace. Antennular articles short and thick. Styloeerite large, bearing on inner proximal section a slight ridge that demarcates a medial triangular area. Squame broad with lateral tooth small. Carpoeerite reaching only to end of second antennular article.

Large chela angular, somewhat square in section, 2.7 times as long as broad, finger occupying distal 0.4. Upper margin with ridges, lower margin with two ridges extending from base of finger to full length of palm, area lateral to the ridge on inner side slightly flattened. Shallow depression on proximal portion of inner face of palm to accommodate merus when cheliped is Hexed. Opposing surfaces of lingers gaping, carrying 10-12 distinct teeth that mtermcsh when fingers are closed. Distal section of fingers free of teeth; tips acute, curving and crossing. Carpus corolla-shaped with 5 lobes on distal margin in part enclosing, and in part fitting into, the irregularities of the proximal end of palm (see fig. 13c). Inner face flattened but not excavated. Small chela extremely small and thin, not longer than second leg.

Ratio of carpal articles of second leg: 10: 2: 2: 2: 3.

* Dr CJliaee lias caller! our attention to an error we made in the discussion of Salmoneus lafaongae Banner & Banner (19(16:: 156) wherein we stated the species, has, rather than lacks, the articulated pleura of the sixth abdominal somite. We have re-examined the original notes the holotype was lost) and discover the error crept in during the rewriting of the paper for publication. 335

at h anl crior r si n dorsal and IatCTal kfemal male hofrom'Sm BAT'']fU 46 • '""c, largf e cheliped^r^'i , dorsa' l, view. ; d°, larg° ' e cheliped, ventra l view; e H merumm s ot large chela, inner view; f, small cheliped; g, third leg; h, telson. 336

Merus of third leg 5 times as long as broad, inermous; carpus about two- thirds as long and less than half as broad as merus; propodus slightly shorter and thinner than carpus, armed with 4 feeble spines on superior margin and two similar spines on inferior, distally bearing a pair of strong spines; dactylus half as long as propodus, slender, tapering, and with slight curve. Telson 4 times as long as broad at posterior end; posterior margin with deep notch with parallel sides and anteriorly rounded. Discussion: We do not know how much of the sculpturing that we have depicted on the large chela is natural and how much is from shrinking in preservation. Our 4 specimens with intact chelae from the Marshall Islands were lost (Banner & Banner, 1968), but from our notes it is evident they carried the longitudinal ridges and flattened areas. Thus the longitudinal ridges on the lower side of the chela as well as the groove lor the merus are characteristic, but the depressed area near the base of the lingers on the lower face, the depressed areas on the upper free and die notch on the margin towards the merus may be artifacts. This species is most; closely related to S. sibogae (De Man) the only differences being: (1) in the lateral crests of the carapace which are lacking in S. sibogae; (2) in the more slender proportions of the third leg; and (3) in the notch in the posterior end of the telson which in this species has parallel sides while in S. sibogae it is more tri- angular in shape. Biological notes: This specimen, like all previously reported specimens of this species, was found under beach rock at low tide; no symbiotic association has been observed. Australian distribution: Our only specimen was found at. Heron I. in the Capricorn Group. General distribution: Caroline and Marshall Islands.

Genus ALPHEOPSIS Alpheopsis Goutiere, 1896, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 2 (8): 382. Type species: Betaeus trispinosus Stimpson. Definition: Frontal border of carapace produced into rostrum and projecting flange that screens eyes from above; orbital teeth present or absent. Cornea of eves always visible from front and in souk; species from sides. Antennular peduncle short and stout; styloeerite variable. Scaphocerite usually broad, lateral spine of moderate development. Carpocerite long. Chelipeds showing asymmetry. Large chela carried extended, without sheaths or grooves. Carpus cup-shaped, merus roughly triangular. Palm either entire and subcylindrieal or with lines and depressions. Fingers compressed, cither without teeth or with simple arrangement of exactly fitting teeth. Second thoracic legs with carpus of three (J. idiocarpus Goutiere), four (,L telrarthn Banner) or five secondary articles. Following legs robust, without teeth on merus; propodus weakly spinose; dactylus biunguiculate or simple. Propodus of fifth legs with or without "brush" or bristles. Sixth abdominal segment lacking articulated pleura only in .1. biunguiculatus Banner. Posterior border of telson convex. Branchial formula: 5 pleurobranehs, 01 arthrobranch, b, 7 or 8 epipodites. 337

Key to the Species of the Genus Alpheopsis in Australian Waters

1. Anterior region of carapace with rostrum and orbital teeth 2 — Anterior region of carapace without orbital teeth 3

2. (1) Chela with longitudinal as well as transverse groove. .. . A. trispinosus (p. 337) — Chela without sculpturing A. undicola (p. 340''

3. (1) Chela subcylindrical A. equalis (p. 342) — Inner face of chela flattened, outer face rounded A. yaldwyni (p. 344

Alpheopsis trispinosus Stimpson)*

Fig. 14

Betaeus trispinosus Stimpson, 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. i860: 32 [Port Jackson]. Haswell, 1882, Cat. Australian Crust.: 192 [translation of Stimpson's description].

Alpheopsis trispinosus Coutiere, 1896, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris 3: 382. Hale, 1941 Rep. BANZ Anarct. Res. Exped. 4 (9): 266, fig. 4 [E. Tasmania]. Holthuis 1951, Atlantide Rep. (2): 94. Coutiere, 1899, Les Alpheidae: 73, 190, 259 315, figs 26, 96, 120, 168, 228, 231, 315, 396.

Nec Alpheopsis sp. De Man, 1922, Siboga Exped. 39a4 (5): 24, pi. 3, fig. 12.

J\~ee Alpheopsis sp. Banner & Banner, 1966a, Pacif. Sci. 20 (2): 156.

Additional Australian records:

VVhitcleggc, 1889, J. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., 23 (2)-.224. [Port Jackson.]

Neotype: 19 mm male from Green Gape, N.S.W. Trawled from 30 fms. Coll. M. Boardman, 20/7/25 (AM P.8230).

Additional specimens: 1, 14 mm female from Two Fold Bay, N.S.W. (AM 122); 1, 14 mm male from 40 mi. W. of Kingstone, S.A. (AM E.6274); 1, 11 mm male, 1, 15 mm female from Norah Head, N.SAV., 26-28 fms. (AM P.5349); 1, 16 mm male from Ulladulla, N.S.W., 74 fms. (AM P.9221); 1, 17 mm female, 1, [i mm female, 1, 15 mm female and 1, 12 mm male from off Green Cape, N.S.W., 39-40 fms. (AM P. 7379).

Diagnosis: Rostrum reaching half the length of the first antennular article and a little longer than wide, with concave margins. Orbital teeth acute, broader and shorter than rostrum. Eyes largely covercd in dorsal and half covered in lateral view. Pterygostomial angle not produced, rounded. Articles of antennular peduncle subequal, sccond antennular article 1.5 times as long as wide. Stylocerite reaching to middle of second antennular article. Squamous portion of scaphocerite relatively narrow and reaching just past middle of third antennular article, lateral spine well developed, reaching to end of antennular peduncle. Carpocerite almost as long as squame. Lateral spine of basicerite heavy and acute.

* In personal correspondence Dr J. C. Yaldwyn has indicated that he believes his species A. garrick (1971: 87) may prove to be a synonym of this species as redefined. We will await his further analysis. 338

Figure ^.-Alpheopsis Imfnnosus (Stimpson), neotype.. a, b anterior rcgi.^ of .lorsal and lateral views; c, anterior region of 16 mm female rem AMP 15 £^che!la_ mnHa A in 0r lived firmer broken); e, merus and carpus of large chela; f, small clielipcci, inr ci la gStotid l7q: h third leg; i, propodus and dactylus of third leg enlarged; j, fourth leg; k, tcLoe b' and uropods. All figures scale a, except i; i, scale b. 339

Chelae of nearly the same size, with identical sculpture and exhibiting onlv slight differences in dentition of fingers. Large chela viewed laterally 3.5 times as long as broad with fingers occupying the distal 0.4. Inferior margin without grooves, superior margin marked by deep and narrow longitudinal groove between 2 sharp ridges running from dactylar articulation to end of palm. Distal shoulder on medial ridge more abrupt than on lateral ridge. Proximal to dactylus the groove extends laterally as a shallow depression for about half the width of the chela. Outer face without groove. Fixed finger of neotype broken but heari ng 2 heavy teeth proximallv that mesh with dactylus. Dactylus with one truncate tooth proximallv, and 2 small rounded teeth near middle. Superior surface of dactyl bearing a brush of fine curving setae that extends three-fourths the length of the dactyl. Carpus cup-shaped, encompassing the base of the chela. Merus slender and unarmed, 2.4 times as long as broad. Dactylus of small chela proximally armed with heavy blunt tooth that fits between 2 on the fixed finger; distal to proximal teeth on fixed finger are 4 irregularlv spaced, low rounded teeth; tips of fingers curved, acute and crossing. Carpus and merus similar to large chela.

Second leg with ratio 10: 2.0: 1.7: 1.7: 3.3.

Ischium of third leg 0.4 as long as merus, bearing 011 its inferior margin 2 movable spinulcs. Merus inermous, 8 times as long as wide. Carpus 0.5 as long as merus, propodus only a little longer than merus bearing 8 movable spinules on its inferior margin and 2 distally, proximal to dactylus. Dactylus conical, simple, almost 0.3 as long as propodus.

Telson 3.0 times as long as its posterior margin is broad. Proximal article of outer uropod bearing a rounded lobe on the transverse articulation.

Discussion: None of Stimpson's type specimens can be located in any American museum (see Banner, 1953:34, and elsewhere) so a specimen from this collection lias been selected as a neotype. While (been Cape, the locality for the neotype, is about 400 km away from Port Jackson, the type locality, the species ranges along the coast of New South Wales without great variation, and the Green Gape specimen is the largest and best preserved. Our specimens range in size from 11 mm to 19 mm with only minor differences. The rostrum was longer in relation to the orbital teeth, in some; the breadth of the bases of the orbital teeth also varied (fig. 14a, c). Only 3 specimens had both chelae; in all 3 the chelae were symmetrical, but in 011c; the small chela was about 10 per cent smaller than ihe large chela.

Wc believe Hale's specimen front Tasmania is definitely A. trispinosus. The rostrum in his figure appears extremely thin but we suggest this may be a poor drawing. Alpheopsis sp. (Banner & Banner, 1966a: 156) might also belong to this species, but, as the specimen was fragmentary, we hesitate to make a firm statement. The telson of this specimen agrees with that of the neotype.

It has been suggested several times (Hale, 1941:266; Holthuis, 1951:94: Banner & Banner, 1966a: 157) that Alpheopsis sp. De Alan (1922: 24) from Indonesia was this species. However, we doubt this identity, for: (1) the anterior portion of the carapace is more projected; (2) the antcnnules are stouter; (3) the scaphocerite is shorter in relation to the antcnnules; and (4) the dactyl of the third leg is more slender and longer in relation to the propodus than the neotype. The dentition on the cutting surfaces of the fingers of the chelae are minimal compared to the neotype. but this is well known as a variable character, depending for the most part on age and sex. Finally, De Man states the telson is ''0.98 mm long, 10 times as long as the 340 distance between the posterolateral angles, while the width at the base, 0.4(1 mm is almost half the length". In our specimens the telson is not more than 3.5 times as long as the posterior margin is broad. We (1966a: 157) have suggested that De Man's figures for the telson may be in error. De Man's specimen was only 8 mm long and apparently young, so its true status will have to await description of an adult form.

Coutiere's specimens from the Azores furnished the material for many figures in Les Alpheidae, and we have compared our neotype with these figures. There are 110 obvious major differences between the Australian specimens and Coutiere's from Azores, but until material from this region is compared with the Australian specimens there will still be question as to the true identity of Coutiere's specimens.

On the basis of distributional pattern, wc feel as we did in our 1966 paper thai there may well be 3 species, one Irom the tropical Pacific, one from the south temperate Pacific, and another from the tropical and subtropical Atlantic.

Biological notes: Stimpson's specimen was taken from 6 fathoms. AH of our Australian specimens were collected with trawls in water from 25-75 fms. De Man's specimen was taken from about 7 fms. Goutiere did not state the depth of his specimens from the Azores, but Sollaud (1932: 376) reported specimens that were dredged near the Azores, presumably from deep water. Alpheopsis sp. Banner & Banner (1966a) from Samoa was collected inlertidally.

Australian distribution: Stimpson's specimen came from Port Jackson. N.S.W., and Hale's from Tasmania. All of our specimens came from the coasts of New South Wales except for one specimen from South Australia.

General distribution: Until the true identity of De Man's, Coutiere's. Sollaud's, and our specimens are confirmed, we are loath to ascribe any non-Australian distri- bution to this species.

Alpheopsis undicola sp. now

Fig- '5 Hololype: 10 mm male from coral head collected on outermost margin of the Great Barrier Reef on Opal Reef (AM P. 18002). In area of normal violent wave action, in 5 ft of water.

Allotype: 11 mm female without chela from same locality as type (AM P. 18003 .

Description: Rostrum 1.8 times as long as broad, tip reaching past end of second antennular article. Orbital teeth similar but slightly shorter. Rostral front without grooves. Pterygostomial angle produced into small acute tooth. Antennular articles almost equal; second article a third wider than long. Styloeerite reaching slightly beyond end of second antennular article. Scaphoeerite with strong lateral tooth reaching to end of antennular peduncle; squamous portion almost as long as lateral tooth. Carpocerite 2.8 times as long as broad, reaching past end of antennular peduncle. Basicerite with both superior and inferior lateral teeth acute and equal in development, reaching beyond middle of first antennular article.

Chelipeds nearly symmetrical, rounded and without grooves. Large chela 2.7 times as long as broad with fingers 0.4 as long as entire chela. Inferior margin concave opposite articulation of dactylus. Opposing surfaces of fingers bearing blunt teeth arranged close to medial face of appendage, lacking near tips; tips acute and crossing. Teeth on dactylus beset with short stiff setae on both sides, but teeth on 341

Atj>hcnpyis umiicola sp. iiov. a, b, anterior region of holotype, dorsal and lateral view: ;heliped, inner face: d, detail of lingers of large chela; e, small cheliped, inner lace; leg; g, third leg; h, dactylus of third leg: i, telson and uropods. e. e, f, g, scale a; a, b. d, i, scale b; h, scale c. 342 fixed finger with stiff setae only on outer side. Carpus cup-shaped, a Jit tie longer than broad distally. Merus of large cheliped heavy, r.7 times as long as broad, infero-internal margin bearing a small strong spine near middle and heavy spine 011 proximal portion of superior margin, superior margin of ischium bearing 2 strong movable spines.

Small chela similar to large chela, but with less teeth on opposing surfaces of lingers. Merus 3.4 times as long as wide, inermous. Ischium similar to that of large cheliped. Ratio of carpal articles of second leg: 10: 3: 3: 3: 5. Ischium of third leg 0.6 as long as merus, unarmed. Merus 3.7 times as long as wide, inermous. Carpus as long as ischium, superior margin projecting as rounded tooth. Propodus as long as merus, bearing 011 inferior margin 8 movable spinules. Dactylus biunguiculate, with superior unguis curved and slightly longer than inferior unguis, ungui almost equal at base. Telson 3.6 times as long as posterior margin is broad. Anterior margin 2.7 times as wide as posterior margin. Posterior margin very slightly arcuate. Discussion: This species is related to the group of species in the genus Alpheopsis which bear orbital teeth. However, only Alpheopsis diabolus Banner of this group has both orbital teeth and the dactylus biunguiculate 011 the thoracic legs. In A. diabolus the dactyl of the large chela is twisted on its axis, and the orbital teeth are much shorter in relation to the rostrum than those of this species. Biological notes: The two specimens, probably a pair, were collected when breaking up an encrusted head of dead coral in a location which, under normal weather conditions, bears the full brunt of the open ocean waves. (See C'apt. James Cook's and Sir Joseph Banks' account of the near shipwreck of the Endeavour on this barrier a few hundred miles north.) Other species that are known to live in this zone are Athanas rhothionastes Banner & Banner (i960: 142) and species of the Alpheus obesomanus group throughout the Indo-Pacific.

The name is derived from Latin, meaning "one that lives below the waves".

Alpheopsis equalis Coutiere Fig. 16 Alpheopsis equalis Coutiere, 1896, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 2 (8): 382; 1905a, Fauna Gcog. Maid. Laccad. 2 (4): 868, fig. 138. Armstrong, 1941. Am. Mus. Novit. (1137): 5, hg. 1, table X. Banner, 1953, Pacif. Sci. 7 (1): 15, fig. 4.. Alpheopsis equalis truncalus Coutiere, 1903, Bull. Soe. Philomath., Paris IX, 5 ' 2): 89, 37, 38. Alpheopsis consobrinus De Man, 1910b. Tijdsehr. ned. dierk. Vereen. II, 11 4): '505. Specimens examined: 2 specimens from AM 73; 2, BAU 23; 1, BAU 47: 1, BAU 54. Diagnosis: Rostrum narrow, triangular, reaching to end of first antennular article. Pterygostomial angle either acute or rounded. Antennular peduncle with articles subequal, but first article usually slightly the longest. Styloeerite reaching to near end of second antennular article. Scaphocerite as long as antennular peduncle, lateral spine a little longer than squamous portion. Carpoccrite equal to antennular peduncles. 343

Figure ib.—Altjheo/ius equaiis Coutiere. a, anterior region of 10 mm male from AM 73, dorsal view; b3 large cheliped; c, small cheliped; d, second leg; e, third leg; f, anterior region of 12 mm male from BAU 23, dorsal view. b, c, d, e, scale a; a, f, scale b. 344

Cheliped at times symmetrical in size and shape, but usually showing" about 10 per cent difference in size. Chelipeds of female similar to those of males, but about one-half the size. Fingers and palm of small chela almost equal in length, but in large chela palm longer than lingers. Opposing surfaces of lingers bearing slight irregular serrations or a series of variably shaped truncate teeth., Carpus elongate with outstanding llatige into which proximal end of propodus fits, with slight constriction before this flange. Merus approximately 3 times as long as wide, bearing 011 its superior margin 2 or more* spines; ischium also usually bearing" movable spinules on superior margin.

Carpal articles of second legs with ratio: 10: 5: 5: 5: b.

Third leg slender, merus b.5 times as long as wide, dactylus simple; all articles unarmed except for propodus thai, bears about b strong spines.

Discussion: Of the six reasonably intact specimens in the. collection there were 2 in which the rostrum reached well past the end of the lirst antennular article and the styloeerite. readied to the end of the third article (sec fig. ibf). The wide range of variation in manv characteristics of this species has been discussed by Armstrong, 19.41, and. Banner. 1953; and. we feel that when enough specimens of .1. equalis are collected from Australia these specimens may fall within the range.

Biological noles: Our specimens were taken from dead, coral broken off the reef flat in water not over to ft dee]). Coutiere reported that some specimens he collected at Djibouti (1898I1: 198) were uniform orange in colour with the extremities of the chelae darker. Our specimens ranged in size up to 15 mm.

Australian distribution: This species has been collected only at Heron Island and Creen Island, near Cairns.

General distribution: Israel, Red Sea, Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, Philippines (to be reported), Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Phoenix and Society Islands, and Hawaii.

Alpheopsis yaldwyni sp. now

Fig. 17

Hololype: 25 mm female collected by J. C. Yaldwyn. December, 1966, at One Tree Island, Capricorn Group. Qld. (AM P.18005.

Paratopes: 1, 25 nun male and 1, 19 111111 female, collected by Melbourne Ward, 192b, at Heron I., Capricorn Group ('AM P. 18006); 1. 25 mm ovigcrous female and i, 22 nun male collected at. Heron 1. by Julie Booth, t965 (AM P. 18007) ; 1, 22 mm female and 1, 18 mm male without chelae collected by A. P. McCulloch near ( look town, Qld 8/10/06 (AM 298).

Diagnosis: Rostrum triangular, 1.5 times as long a.s broad at base, reaching to end of first antennular article. Carapace margin anterior to eyes and lateral to rostral base truncate, almost straight in dorsal view. Eyes concealed in dorsal and lateral view; carapace not inflated over eyes. Pterygostomial angle itself rounded, but margin of carapace slightly dorsal to angle produced into a short; acute tooth. 345

third leg; i, telson. 346

Antennular peduncle thick, articles subequal, and each article about as broad as long. Styloeerite slender, acute, reaching almost to end of third antennular article. Scaphocerite reaching to end of styloeerite; lateral margin curved slight ly imvard distally, lateral spine a little longer than broad squamous portion. Carpo- ceritc slightly longer than antennular peduncle. Inferolatcral margin of basiccrite projecting as a heavy blunt tooth.

Only one cheliped available in holotype. Chela 2.2 times as long as broad, with fingers 0.4 as long as entire chela. Palm of large chela inflated in lateral view, constricting 011 lower margin towards lingers. Palm without grooves, outer face convex, inner face completely Hat; superior margin rounded, inferior margin knife- edged. Fingers 0.7 length of palm, slightly crossed at ends, opposing faces with <> pairs of low rounded teeth which intermesh. Carpus heavy, broader than long; distally bearing superior transverse constriction or groove and expanding into collar around base of palm. Merus 2.2 times as long as broad, superior margin distally incised with groove continuing a short distance on adjacent face; distal margins of lateral and medial faces extended. Ischium bearing 3 short heavy spines on superior margin. Carpal articles of second leg ratio: 10: 3: 3: 3: 4. Third leg with ischium 0.4 as long as merus, proximally bearing strong spine. Merus 5 times as long as broad, inermous. Carpus 0.6 as long as merus, distally with a single spine on the inferior margin and rounded tooth on superior margin. Propodus 0.9 length of merus, bearing 5 spinules along inferior margin and 2 proximal to dactylus. Dactylus simple, conical, 0.3 as long as merus. Telson 1.7 times as long as broad at its anterior end. Inner spine of postero- lateral spines about 2.0 times as long as outer spine, outer spine the same size as those on dorsal surface. Discussion: In the two paratypes from Heron Island collected by Miss Booth in 1 <)(>5 there are two loose chelae -one exactly like the one which was attached to the holotype (fig. 17c.) and one like we have figured (fig. 17c). This type of chela was also found attached to the 25 mm specimen collected by Mel Ward. This is not enough evidence to prove that fig. 17c is the typical female chela and that fig. 1 7c represents the male chela, but it suggests the possibility that there is sexual dimorphism in the chelae.

This species conforms well 011 almost all points to Alpheopsis equalis when the variability of that species is considered. The only important difference is the form of the large chela both in general configuration and in its unique flattened inner face. In A. yaUhvyni the first carpal article of the second leg is 3 times the second, while in A. equalis it is never more than 2.3 times. However, this character is so variable we do not attach much importance to this difference. This species is also larger with 25 mm in length in the type as opposed to 15 mm, the largest J. equalis in our collection. The two specimens from Cook town were without chelae and are therefore doubtful.

This species is named in honour of Dr John Yaldwyn, not only for the collcction of the holotype, but also for the help and encouragement lie has given to this stuclv.

Biological notes: J.C. Yaldwyn made the following colour notes on this species in the field: "Body, hard, compact with 8 broad transverse bands of bright red. One across each antennular appendage, one across distal end of palm, one down carapace medially, across each leg, and one across (ail". Miss Booth's field notes read, "red stripe, one per segment". All of the specimens were taken from broken-up coral heads from shallow water. 347


Bclacus Stimpson, 1861, Proe. Aeacl. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1860: 31.

lype species: Betaeus australis Stimpson. Definition: Rostral Tront without rostrum or any teeth, rounded or depressed to varying- degrees medially. Eyes completely covered by carapace. Ptcrygostomial angle rounded.

Stylocerite longer than first antennular article.

Chela rounded, showing slight asymmetry, carried 111 an inverted position with propodal linger uppermost. Chelipeds carried extended. Fingers often with heavy molar processes; often with simple arrangement of meshing teeth. Dentition various.

Second leg with carpus of 5 secondary articles.

Dactylus of third leg simple or biunguiculate. Merus usually with movable spinules proximallv on outer face.

Pleura of sixth abdominal segment articulated. Males bearing appendix masculina. Telson with anal tubercles; posterior margin rounded.

Betaeus australis Stimpson

Fig. 18

Betaeus australis Stimpson, 1861, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. PhilacL, i860: 31 [Port Jackson, N.S.W.]. Haswell, 1882, Cat. Australian Stalk and Sessile Eyed Crust: 192 [translation of .Stimpson's description]. Hale, 1927, Crust. S. Australia, pt 1: 48. Neotype: 21 mm non-ovigerous female from Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Collected from intertidal rock platform by J. C. Yaldwyn, 20/4/62 (AM P. 18008).

Additional specimens: 2 specimens from AM 61; 1, AM 284; 1, AM 344; 3, AM 413; 1, AM 427; J, AM P.4073; 2, AM P.4933; 1, AM P.5305; '4, AM P.6565; 9, AM P.6910; 15, AM P.6911; 1, AM P.7165; 1, AM P.9064; 1, AM P. 10981; 4, AM P. 11731; \, AM P. 13548; 1, AM P. 13577.

Diagnosis: Anterodorsal margin of carapace extended and convex, with neither rostrum nor notch; eyes completely covered dorsally and laterally. First and second antennular article subequal in length; second article 1.6 times as long as broad; third antennular article 0.6 as long as second. Stylocerite slender, of uniform taper, reaching to middle of third antennular article. Squamous portion of scaphoc- erite reaching past end of antennular peduncle. Lateral spine a little longer than squamous portion and separated from it by a deep incision. Carpocerite a little longer than scaphocerite. Lateral spine of basicerite strong and acute. Ptcry- gostomial angle rounded.

Chelae almost symmetrical, slightly compressed without sexual dimorphism, carried extended with dactylus in inferior position. One chela 3.8 the other 3.4 times as long as broad; fingers a little shorter than palm; inner surface of palm beats a small rounded tooth flanking the articulation of dactylus. Lower margin of palm bearing fine hairs forming a "brush''. Large chela with cutting surface of both fingers bearing small rounded teeth almost the full length. Small chela (fig. 18c) 348

Figure 18.—Betaeus austraiis Stimpson. a, b, anterior region of neotype, dorsal and lateral view; c, large chela, inner face; d, merus and carpus of large chcla, inner face; e, small chcla, inner face; f, merus and carpus small chela, inner face; g, fingers of 27 mm male; h, fingers of 24 mm male; i, fingers of 25 mm female (g, h, i, from AM P.6910); j, second leg; k, third leg; 1, telson. 349

with cutting margin of fixed finger bearing io small rounded teeth, opposing margin on dactyl not dentate. Tips of fingers of both chelae crossing. Carpus cup-shapcd, 0.2 as long as chela, distal margin flared and encompassing base of chela. Distal margin bearing 2 strong rounded projections proximal to lateral sides of chela; between these 2 projections lies a smaller rounded projection. Merus 2.5 times as long as broad, inner face slightly papillose, inferointcrnal margin strongly papillose, appearing roundly serrate in profile. Inferior face bearing a triangular flattened portion on distal section which accommodates carpus when cheliped is flexed. Ischium unarmed and smooth.

Carpal articles of second legs with ratio: 10: 3: 3: 3: 5.

Third leg with spine on lateral face of ischium. Merus 5 times as long as broad and bearing spine proximally on its lateral surface. Carpus half as long as merus; superodistal margin produced into rounded tooth, inferodistal corner bearing small movable spine. Propodus slender, 0.8 as long as merus and bearing at least 6 movable spines on inferior margin, with fine setae adjacent to most spines. Superior margin also bearing several strong setae.

Pleura of sixth abdominal segment articulated.

Telson of usual form for family, 3.7 times as long as posterior margin is wide; anterior breadth 1.6 times as wide as tip; posterior margin strongly convex, postero- lateral spinules not reaching level of distal margin.

Discussion: None of Stimpson's original type material is available (see Alpheopsis trispinosus, p. 339) and it is desirable to establish neotypes for his species. Stimpson's specimen came from Port Jackson and was 25 mm in length. Our specimen is smaller (21 mm), but we chose it because it was the best complete specimen wre had from close to where Stimpson's specimen was collected.

In the neotype the antennules were deflected downward, thus in the drawings the scaphocerite and carpocerite appear a little longer than in the majority of specimens where the antennular peduncle is extended, making the scaphocerite and carpocerite more nearly the length of the peduncle. The styloceritc varied in length from the end of the second antennular articlc to the middle of the third article. In our 40 specimens the greatest amount of variation occurred in the dentition of the fingers of the chelae. We have figured 3 of the most common types (figs i8g, h, i), but occasionally we found a specimen in which both chelae were almost devoid of teeth. In the genus Athanas only the older and larger specimens bear the heavy irregular teeth, but: in B. australis the development of the teeth could not be correlated with either size or sex. The roughness of the inner side of the mcri of the ehclipeds appeared to be influenced by age as the inner face of the large specimens were more strongly papillose than in the small specimens. In very large specimens the surface of (he carpus was also rough.

Biological notes: This spccics is found intertidally under rocks. Our largest specimen was 35 mm long.

Stimpson states his specimen was green and Hale (1927:48) states: "Upper surface rich purplish-brown; sides and tips of uropods while". J. C. Yaldwyn, who collected the ncotvpe, supplied the following colour notes for it: "Dorsally purplish, laterally much lighter; transparent areas along back dorsally on each segment; hand reddish purple contrasting with the dark purple of the body; branchial region of carapace and lateral area of first few abdominal segments, as well as walking legs, virtually colourless. Purple colour due to dense mat of small, simple, stellate, red 350 ehromatophores with the whole area of red ehromatophores surrounded by a mass of granular blue ehromatophores extending a liltle beyond (lie red mat in places: anterodorsal pari of the carapace is green with a mat of granular green ehromatophores (similar in every way to the granular blue except for colour; on the dorsal half of the carapace; the eyes are black and clearly visible under the carapace hoods as the hoods are extending to the front of the carapace between the eyes. L am convinced that the red ehromatophores are simple and not compounded with the; blue. The white edge of the uropods which Male (1927) mentions for this species is presumably the while setal fringe, and not the appendage itself. This while fringe; is quite obvious and shows no sign of colour"'.

Australian distribution: Our specimens, like Stimpson's, came mostly from the Sydney area. They were collected as far north as Yamba, N.S.VV. One specimen was collected off Victoria, and Hale (1927: 48) reports it from South Australia. The species is apparently limited to south and southeastern Australia.


Racilius Paulson. 1875, Invest. Red Sea Crust., 1 : 107.

Type species: Racilius cornpressus Paulson.

Definition: "The body is unusually compressed, in the form of a sheet |of cardboard J and has sharp edges on the abdominal segments; there is a crest on the cephalothorax which continues in a short rostrum. 'The eyes are covered by the spinous cephalothorax. The antennules have two llagella. Appendages, similar to those; of Alpheoides, are present: at the base of the pcreiopods. The first pair of legs are the same length and equally strong and have giant chelae; their dactyli move in the vertical plane. The carpopoditc of the second pair of legs is made up of five joints. The mandibles are like those of Alpheus. The anterior joint of the last maxilliped is not as short as that of Alpheus. The uropocl is quite different from that of Alpheus and Alpheoides. This genus is closely related to the genera Alpheus. Alpheoides, Arele and Betaeus, forming a homogenous group with the subfamily of the Alpheinae with them." (Translated from the Russian by F. D. Por, 1961.]

To this description we should add that the pleura of t he sixth abdominal segment are not articulated., and that in the type and only species the outer uropocl bears a strong movable spine and on the inner uropocl often a strong triangular projection.

We agree with both Paulson and Coutiere (1899: 337) that this genus is near to Alpheus and was probably derived from it. The second leg bears five articles as is true of all Alpheus; the chela, though extremely compressed, has the general appearance and bears a plunger so typical of that genus.

Racilius cornpressus Paulson

Fig. 19

Racilius cornpressus Paulson, 1875, Recher. Crust. Aler Rouge, 107, pi. 14, fig. 2. Coutiere, 1899, Lcs Alphcidae, 87, fig. 4b; 243, fig. 29b (description and figures after Paulson]. Balss, 1927, Trans. Zool. Soc. Loud., 22 (2): 226. Barnard, 1958, Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist. XII, 10 1118): 732. Banner & Banner. 1966b, Siam Soc. Mono. No. 3: 159, fig. (32. Bruce, 1972. Crustaceana 22 (1): 91. 92. 351 352

Specimens examined: 2 specimens from AM 327; 3, AM 337.

Diagnosis: Entire body and chelae with strong lateral compression. Eyes covered by carapace, but without inflated orbital hoods; with anterior orbital teeth. Rostrum broadly triangular, reaching to middle of second antennular article. Dorsal carina of carapace high and knife-like, extending from rostrum to posterior end of carapace; with variable notches. Styloeerite as long as first antennular article. Antennular articles short and thick. Scaphoceritc reaching beyond end of second antennular article. Chelae similar in size, almost 1.6 times as long as broad, but on "large" chela, dactylus rounded and less than half as long as palm, while on "small" chcla dactylus is curved and acute, equal to length of palm. Carpus expanded distally. Merus triangular in section, slender unarmed.

Carpal articles of second leg with ratio: 10: 2: 2: 1:4.

Merus of third leg inermous, 2.6 times as long as broad. Propodus bearing distally on inferior margin one spine and a few setae, bearing proximally occasional patches of setae. Dactylus simple, broad at its proximal end, tapering abruptly to acute tip; tip so curved that it lies at a right angle to the propodus.

Telson strongly tapering, 6 times as long as posterior margin is broad. No movable spinules on upper surface. Posterior margin of proximal portion of outer uropod forms a flap bearing strong teeth with a large movable spine inserted between the two teeth. Distally outer uropod bears usual transverse articulation. Inner uropod with lateral margin projected into a triangular tooth of variable size, at times very small (fig. 19).

Discussion: The notch in the dorsal carina near the level of the eyes showed the usual variation in shape (igh, i; see also Banner & Banner, 1966b: 162;. The variation in the lateral tooth on the inner uropod is described above (fig. K)f, g . About 25 specimens from a large; collection of R. cornpressus from the Philippines exhibited the same variations.

Biological notes: All of our specimens were symbiotic on living coral of the genus Galaxia; all Australian specimens came from G. vesiculates. We will report, from the Philippines that it occurs in those species of Galaxia with closely-set polyps, occasionally in those with moderately-set polyps, and never in species with large, widely-set polyps. The lateral compression of the body and chelae allow the species to move about, in the narrow spaces between the corallitcs. The body is transparent with a close scattering of minute red ehromatophores. The eyes are blue-black and the female bears green eggs. (Colour notes supplied by ,J. C. Yaldwyn.) This species is usually small, but we had one specimen lhat was 15 mm.

Australian distribution: Our 5 specimens were collected 011 the reef Hat on One Tree I. in the Capricorn Group.

General distribution: South and East Africa, Red Sea, Suez Canal, Singapore. Thailand, and the Philippines (the last to be reported on in a future paper . 353


Locality Lists for the Alpheid Collection

In the listing given below arc the localities and, at times, ecological notes for all specimens of all genera of the alpheids from Australia presently at hand. This, ihen, is the master listing for all three portions of the paper to be published. If additional specimens are obtained before the publication of the second and third parts of the paper, those listings will be added to Part 3. In an effort to keep the listing as short as possible, we have at times summarized the information on the labels of the specimens or referred back to an earlier listing.

The specimens came to us writh a variety of designations, sometimes with museum catalogue numbers, either numerals alone or alphamerics, at other times without any coded reference. To shorten locality lists under the various species, and to facilitate the use of this master listing, we have prefaced each separate collection from an institution or an individual with a two to three letter code which is followed either by the official catalogue numbers or, where these were lacking, by numbers that we have assigned for this study. It may be presumed that if the institutions assign new catalogue numbers to the specimens that we have numbered, they will keep a cross-reference file.

In the listing below, the collections are arranged alphabetically by codc desig- nations. The codes are assigned as follows:

AC Aquinas College. AH Allan Hancock Foundation. AM The Australian Museum, our assigned numbers. AM E. The Australian Museum, F.I.S. Endeavour Register numbers. AM. G. The Australian Museum, General Invertebrate Register numbers. AM P. The Australian Museum, Crustacea Register numbers. BAU Banner, Australian collection. cs C. R. Smalley. John Boase. JC James Cook University. MM Macleay Museum. QM Queensland Museum. O V Queen Victoria Museum. KG R.U. Gooding. SM South Australian Museum, our assigned number SMC South Australian Museum. TM Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. UQ University of Queensland. US United States National Museum. YM National Museum of Victoria. \VM Western Australian Museum.

All specimens on loan will be returned to their institutions; we have indicated the repository of collections made by individuals. 354


These collections, lent by the College, were made by students during yearly expeditions to tin: Houtinan Abrolhos Islands oil" the coast, of Western Australia. Their lield numbers we have prefaced with ''At!". These collections will be donated to the Western Australian Museum.

AC C-i. i mi. N. of J ubilee 1. 19 I'jiis. 4/1/(ill. Collected by scallop trawl, lbund in small cavities in (oral and sponge*. Coll. A.James and (J. Daveniport. AC C 20. From small island S. of (inn 1. 4 J'(. 5/1/(>«>. l'Voin living coral, ('.oil. A. James and (Da\ einport. AC. C i-29. 5 mi. _N. of R at I., in Faster Group. Collected by scallop (raw! in 20 In is. 'i, 1/<>{$. On and in coral rocks on bottom. (loll. A. James and C. Davemporl. A((>-59. S. end of Pelsart I. 8/1 /(>


All Accession number 1968 11. 1. Heron L, Capricorn Group, Qld. Col). Miss J. Haig, from Acropora cunneata. 2. Same as #1. Under rocks on exposed sand Hat. 3. Same as 41= 1 • 11/6/68. From live Pocillopora damiamiis. 4. Same as 1:1/6/68. Outer reef flat from Acropora. 5. Same as #1. ( loll. S. Dotnm. From Pocillopora damicornis in 15 ft of water over edge of reef. 6. Myora, Stradbroke I., Qld. Coll. Miss /J. Haig, 27/6/68. Among oysters and under oyster clumps in mud and sand flat.


For collections tiol yet assigned a museum catalogue number we have assigned numbers >rr faced with "AM"; (tie E, G, P series prefaced with "AM" are the museum register desig- nations.

AM 1. Clovelly, near Sydney, X.SAV. 8o li. Coll. N. Coleman, 1965. ()n sponges, 2. Heron 1., Capricorn Group, Qld. J. S. Ilynd collection. 27/5/47. 3. Off Ninety Mile beach, between Cape Jaubcrt and Walla), W.A. Dredged 5 miles oil shore in 5 fms. (loll. A.A. Livingstone, Sept. 192c). 4. Gilie! Cay. Swain Reels, Qld. AM 19(12 Swain Reels Exped. Sta. 1, ( )ct. 1962. Under beach rock. 5. Geraldton, W'.A. (loll. A. A. Livingstone, Oct. 1929. intertidal, under locks. !>. Lord Howe L, Tasmati Sea, S. end lagoon. Coll. JVliss J. Booth, 18/9,62. 7. Norman River mouth, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. Coll. D. F. McMichacl and J. C. Yaldwyn, Dec. 1963. 8. Between Cape Bossutt and Broome, W'.A. 5 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. 1 19 29. 9. Cape Levcque, W.A. Coll. intertidal, coll. A. A. Livingstone, 20/8/29. 10. Between North and South Shell Is.. Port Darwin, N.T. 3-7 this. ( oil. A. A. Livingstone, j5/7/29. Dredged among dead coral and sponges. 11. Fairlight, Manly, Port Jackson, N.SAV. Coll. Miss E„ Pope, 1/2/64. Subtidal. 355

.M 12. Intertidal rock platform, Minnie Waters near Grafton. N.S.W. Coll. J. C. Yaklwyn, Feb. 1963. 13. Trawled oil* Karuniba. Gulf of Carpentaria. Qld. 14 Inis. Coll. J. C. Yaldwvn and 1). F. McMichael on CS1RO prawn survey. Dec. 1 <>(>3. 1 4. Same as AM 1 2. 1 ">. Chambers Bay. Van Diemen Gulf, near Darwin, N.T. Taken from pearl shell growth by V. Wells oil'A. K. "Paxie" for A. A. Racck, Oct. Nov. 1959. [(i. Same as AM 1 1. i;$/8/(>.|.. 17. Myora. Stradbroke I., Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Nynd collection, 8/3/16. From Acro/wru sp. 1 !5. Thursday I., Torres Sir., Old. 19. Tale I lead. Port Darwin, N.T. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 24/6/29. Intertidal under stones. 2(). ( lape I a'yc( 11 ic, W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 1929. 21. Same as AM 10.

22. Cantheaume I'oint, Broome, W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, r)/8/;><). (lollected inlertidally on reef under stones. Commensal on urchin lleliocidaris liihcrculala. 2'J. Moreton Bay. Qld. American Fisheries Assoc. 24. I ,ord 11 owe I., Tasnian Sea. ( :oll. Miss J. Booth, 27/2/();{. Commensal on urchin /Icliocidai is lubcrciilalu. 26. Marv River Heads, Sandy Sir., QUI. 2 fins. J. S. I pud collection. (>/()/.(.(). C0111- mensal with an Alcyonarian. 27. Minnie Waters, near Cralion. N.S.W. ('oh. J. C. YaUlwyn. 3/1 1/63. From intertidal

2<"1. Bountiful I.. Gulf of Cm penlaria. Qld. ( loll. J. ( k \'aldwvn, 30/11/63. -•<(. I leron L. Old. Coll. L. R. Thomas. Oct. 1938. ;i». Elliot RiveiM leads, S. of I'.imdabcrg, ( )UI. j'.'.S. I IvikI rolleclion. •{;

33. ar entrance Roebuck Bay. Broome. W.A. 3 B I'm-;. ( oik A. A. l.kingMonr. 2f1 /1) ••' 211. Lil iioi h.million i-idge. reef bottom. [Inasmuch as the Irnn " Li I hot ha mn ion Ridge" |.u I'sisis 111 (he lit< raiti'-c. bin ilie algal ridge iis< ll t< composed maiiil) <•!' a!ua known ioda\ as l'i»-»lillti>n. we have deeied to relain ihe eollecioi's name, but w«- d<> not ilalici/.e it as we would a proper genera name.] 3.]. Same as A M 3. 33. Entrance Roebuck Bav. Broome. W.A. 9 tins. (',oll. bv diver for A. A. Livingstone. ,3/8/29. 36. Sandgate. Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. llvud collection. 27/7/.|.6. 37. Same as AM 27. Feb. 1963. 38. Same as AM ;«,. 9/3/43: 39. Oil Roebuck Bay, Broome, W.A. 5 9 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, i«)2<). 4.0. Same as AM 35. 41. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. J. C. Yaldwvn, 21/4/63. From intertidal reel pools. 42. Same as AM 13. 43. Gillett Cay, Swain Reefs, Qld. Coll. by AM 1962 Swain Reels Exped. Sta. 1, Oct. 19(12. From broken coral from reef Hal. 44. Same as AM 10. 45. Same as AM 8. 4<>, Long Reef. Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. Miss E. Pope, 12/3/64. From intertidal platform. 47. Same as AM 10. 4.8. Gantheaume Point, Broome. W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. Sept. 1929. Commensal with comatulid C.omanlhits angu/ala, inlcrlidal. 49. Bottle and Glass Rocks, Port Jackson. N.S.W. Coll. Miss B. Campbell, 18/1/61. 30. Same as AM 33. 51. Manly, near Sydney, N.S.W. Coll. A. F. Basset-Hull. 52. Same as A.V1 4.3. 53. Same as AM 43, under beach rock. 54. Same as AM 48. 55. Otf Broome Jetty, W.A. 4 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 16/8/29. Commensal on crinoids. 56. Scarborough, Moreton Bay, Qld. 2 fms. J. S. Hynd collection, f,/7/46. From weed. 57. Same as AM 22. 356

AM 58. Heron I., Capricorn Group. QJd. 59- Lord Howe 1., Tasman Sea. Coll. MissJ. Booth, 18/9/62. 60. Same as AM 27., 61. Same as AM 51. 62. Same as AM 27. f>3- Same as AM m, 2/7/29. 64. West Cay, Diamond Isiets. Coral Sea, Qld. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn and D. F. McMicIiael, 23/10/63. From intertidal pools in beach rock. 65. South end lagoon. Lord Howe 1., Tasman Sea. Specimens from dead coral. 66. Thursday 1., Torres Str.. Qld. Coll. M. Ward. 67. Same as AM 1:5. (if!. Heron I., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. Outward Bound School Party, Dec. i960. From coral reef. 69. Same as AM 27. 70. Scarborough, Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 19/5/4.6. Trawled below low water mark. 7>- Wistari Reef, Capricorn Group, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 2/6/47. 73- Heron I., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. Miss J. Booth, 2/7/63. 74. Same as AM 64. 7/11/64. From coral head washings. 75- Scllicks Beach. St Vincent Gulf, S.A. 10 ft below tide level, sargassum zone, 25/3/39. 76. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.SAV. Coll. Miss J. (). Campbell. 12/1/63. Under rocks. 77- Long Reef, Collaroy, N.SAV. Coll. Miss E. Pope, 22/10/57. Intertidal rock platform. 7«- Ned's Beach, Lord Howe L, Tasman Sea. Coll. E. Pope, July 1959. Intertidal, among boulders. 79- Myora, Stradbroke 1., Moreton Bay. Old. J. S. lfynd collection, 27/10/46. From coral. 80. Heron 1., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. Miss I. Bennett, 18/8/61. 81. Monkey L, Ross Creek, Townsville, Qld. Coll. W. McNae. 9/2/62. 82. Elliot Heads, S. of Bundaberg, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 3/6/46. Same as AM 73. 84. Hopctoun, near Albany, W'.A. Intcrlidal. CSIRO. Fisheries. 1947. °5- Same as AM 50. 87. Scamander. Tasmania. W. A. Haswell collection. 88. Heron L, Capricorn Croup, Qld. Coll. IT. Cogger. 195(1. From coral reef. 89. Same as AM 73. 90. Thomas Cav, Swain Reels, Qld. Coll. L. R. Thomas, Now i960. From coral on reef. ' 91 • Oil" Gillelt Cay, Swain Reel's, Qld. Dredged in 20 litis. AM 1962 Swain Reefs Exped. Sia. 4, Oct. 1962. 92. Townsville, Qld. Coll. W. McNae, March 1962. From mangrove swam]). 93- I .on I Howe I.. Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss J. Booth, Sept. 1962. 94. Lady Elliot L, Qld. Coll. Mrs C. Wright. 1964. of;. Barron River. Cairns, Qld. Coll. B. Campbell, 6/11/G3. Downstream from road bridge. Salinity at low water was c. 90/00. 3 ft below surface of river bank at. watet table, within tnesliwork of interconnecting Sr.sarma crab burrows and chambers. 97- Pearl Shoals, oil" Broome. W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 14/9/29. On disc of crinoid (,'olllfllillllis sp. <48. Rcnti Reef. Coral Sea, Qld. Coll. D. F. McMichael, 2/10/60. 99. Endeavour River, Cooktown, Qld, i (i 1. Moon la Bav, Spencers Gulf, S.A. Coll. K. Sheard. Karumba. (lull' of Carpentaria, Qld. Trawled in less than 14 fms. C'oil. 1J. F. McMichael and J. C. Yaldwyn, Dec. 1963 during CSIRO prawn survey. Commensal on "cow udi ler"' sponge. Same as AM 87. Ileiou L, Capricorn Group. Qld. Same as AM 104. 106. Same as AM 4.3. 107. Same as AM 43. 108. Same as AM 104. 109. North East Cay, Herald Group, Qld. Coll. J. C Yaldwy 11, 9/11/63. Trom coral washings. 110. Tyroom Roads, Sandy Str., Qld. 10 fms. J. S. Hynd collection, 6/6/46. From alcyonarian. .South Bank, Pancake Channel, Port Curtis, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection. 25/8/46. Under living coral, on dead coral. 357

13. Seal Rocks, Port Curtis, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 28/8/46. 14. Gulf of Carpentaria, 17 ' 24.7' S., 140 31.7' E., CSIRO Prawn Survey. Sla. 19, 3 finS) 2/8/63. 14a. Sandgate, Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection. 25/6/44. 15. Norfolk E, Tasman Sea. Coll. Mrs E. March, Oct. i960. 16. Shark Bay, W.A. Collected by CSIRO Fisheries, 27/9/48. Trawled from sponges. 17. Scarborough, Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Elynd collection, 3/9/45. From weed flat. 18. Shoals light buoy, oil" Cape Moreton, Qld. 11 fms. Coll. J. S. Hynd on S.S. Cape Leeuwin. 19. The Brook, Lord Howe E, Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss J. Booth, 3/6/62. 20. Same as AM 43. 21. Albany Passage; area, "Forres Sir., QUI. Coll. M. Ward, Sept. 1928. 22. Two Fold Bay, Eden, N.S.W. W. A. Haswell collection. 23. Same as AM 104. 24. West Side, Fort Hill Point, Darwin, N.T. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 1929. Intertidal. 25. Same as AM 102. 26. Elliot Heads, S. of Bundaberg, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 3/6/46. Under stones. 27. Proulce Beach, 1/2 miles from footbridge, South Coast, N.S.W. Coll. R. E. Barwick, 14/5/62. 28. Cape Leveque, W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 19/8/28. Intertidal. 29. Same as AM 27. 30. Oil' Mary River, North Head, Sandy Sir., Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 6/6/46. From sandy mud flat. 31. Same as AM 27, Feb. 1965. 32. Woody Head, Clarence River mouth, N.S.W. Coll. A. A. arid M. Cameron, 28/H/65. Intertidal. Same as AM 79, 27/3/4.(>. From outer sandbank. 1 Same as AM 9. 1 !'>">• Lord 11 owe L, Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss 1. Booth, Nov. 1 )()2. Found in coral south end of lagoon. 136, Same as AM 102. 1 'M- Same as AM 10. 3/7/29. 1 38. Same as AM 48. 1 :;«.)• Entrance to Roebuck Bay, Broome, W.A. 9 fms. Coll. by diver for A. A. Livingstone, 15/8/29. 140. Same as AM 10. 2/7/29. 141. Same as AM 30. 142. Lady Ellio! L, oil' Bundaberg. Qld. Coll. Mrs C Wright 1964. 1 -IT 1 look Reef, Great Barrier Reef, E. of Whitsunday Passage. Old. Col!. V. A. McNeill, July 1 962. 1 -1-1- Reef Point. Scarborough, Moreton Bav, Qld. C( >1!. j. S. Hynd, 17/4/47. Interiidal rock pools. 1 1f>- Same as AM 1 10. 146. Same as AM 4.1. 147. Same as AM 104.. 138. Angourie. mouth of Clarence River, N.S.W. Crawled in 18 fms. Pres. A \. ( uuneron. Sept. 1 963. 149. Albatross Bay, near Weipa, Gulf of Carpentaria Old. Dredged. Coll. 1 i. LA• 3. 1 962 63. 150. Same as AM 27. LI'- Same as AM 20. Same as AM 27. !'.((, 1 j S , b u 1 collcction, August 916. 1 >1 1 s . i •>• 1 !

It, \ o < 1 h of R >ss River, low. oi Old. Co'!'. W. Me.'-.:,!. Xlarch !9 \ ) . 1' ( Old. Dredged 1101.) 20 fms. (loll. |. (:. Ya!dw\n uilli Australian Museum 1962 Swain Reeis Exped. Sta. 4. 164. Jacob's Well. S. end Moreton Bay, Old. J. S. llvnd collection, 10/5/42. 358

I !)•,. ,->;. Ill" as . \ I ,1). •«•.»/.j 1(17. Pancake Channel. Bustard Head, Port Curl is. Old. ,|. S. Hynd collection. •_>;,/'B Intertidal pools. II IB. Gre< 11 I., oil' < lairns. Old. J. S. I Ivnd eolleciion. i.i;7/.j<>. 1 69. Same as AM 1 02. 1 70. Same as AM )•;. 171. We.-J Cay, Diamond Islets. Coral Sea. Oid. Coll.J. ('.. Yaldwyn and 1). F. McMick.e '.. Oil. 1 pi)'",. 172. Mouth of .Norman River, Cull' ol' ( iarpenlaria. Old. Coll. D. F. McMichaei J. ( '.. Valihwn, 1 6/1 '-»/(>;;. From Burrows in inlcrlidal nine Ilals. 1 70,. Same as AM 102. 1 74. Same as A M 43. 13/ 1 0/62, 175. Manly. Morelon Bay. Old. J. S. Hvnd collection. 27/7/46. From weed. 177. OH Cape \ ai (jiiar. bcween North West Cape and Shark Bay. W.A. CSlRc fisheries. 1 2/1 1 / 48. 17<). Scarborough. Moreton Bay. Qld. J. S. 1 lynd collection, 17/9/45. 1 Bo. Gulf of (larpenlaria. 17 5.7' S.. 140 30.0' E,, CSIRO Prawn Survey. Sla. 2.. 193. Gulf of Carpentaria. 17 21.4/ S.. 139 53.0' E., CSIRO Prawn Survey. Sta. 6 litis, 21/8/63. 194. Sou I hern Gull of Carpentaria. NE. of Albert River, Qld. 14 fms. CSIRO Prawr Survey. Coll. I). E. McMichael, Dec. 1963. 195. Port Jackson. N.S.W. W. A. I laswell collection. 19b. Heron L, Capricorn Group, southern Battier Reef, Qld. Coll.J. A. Bishop, 9/1/bi. From broken coral on reef flat. 197. Same as AM 142. 198. Bountiful L. Gulf of Carpentaria. Qld. Coll. J. C. Yaldwvn, Dec. 1963. Fro:.; intertidal rock platform. 199. Same as AM 15. 200. Same as AM 40. 201. Heron L, Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. K. Gillett, Decs. i960. From reef flat. 202. Barron River. Cairns. N. Qhl. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn, 2/1 1/(13. From Sesnrnm crab burrows deep within river bank. Same loc. as AM 96. 203. Entrance Point, Broome. W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. Aug. 192c). Intertidai rocky reef.shore. 205. South end lagoon. Lord Howe L, Tasman Sea. From dead coral. 206. Norman River Mouth, Karumba, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. Coll. J. C. Yaldwy: . Dec. 1963. 207. Same as AM 79. 28/9/4.6. 208. Same as AM 159. 8/8/29. 209. Lady Elliot L, olf Bundaberg, Qld. Coll. Mrs C. Wright, 1964. 210. Same as AM 27. 211. Lord Howe I., Tasman Sea. Coll. MissJ. Booth, 6/3/63. 212. Long Reef. Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. Miss I. Bennett, May 1964. Intertidal, unci • rocks. 213. North of Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. Coll. D. F. McMichael and J. C. Yaldwyn, Dec. 1963. Under intertidal beach rock boulders. 214. OIF Cape Morelon, Qld. Trawled 11 fms. S.S. Cape Leeuwin, J. S. Hynd collection. 215. Same as AM 41, 20/4/62. 216. Same as AM 27, Feb. 1965. 217. Same as AM .216. 359

AM 218. Same as AM i 12. I 'ppcr pari of inte /Olir. North Last ( lay. Ih-rald Group, Coral Sea. Coll.J. C. Yaldwyn and 1). F. Mc.Mic) ... 7/1 1 /<»;{. Under beach rock. 220. Shark I.. Port (aekson. N.S.W. 9/11/08. 221. Same as AM 44. 222. Same as AM 21 li. 223. Same as AM 21 1. 27/2/64. 224. Same as AM 50. 225. Ned's Beach. I.ord 11 owe I., Taxman Sea. Coll. 1). Linklater, March 1 <)f>7- lee lidal under rocks, commensal among spines on under side of /h'liocii/iwis lubc>ritln!,i. 226. Same as AM 171, 24/ 1 0/6 |. 227. Same as AM 160. 22o. Same as AM 20. i()/o.g(). 229. Jervis Hay. N.S.W. Dredged, 25/1/41. 240. hong Reef. Collaroy. N.S.W. Coll. Miss I. Bennelt, 27/7/62. Intertidal. 24 1 . Same as A \ 1 74. 242. Long I., Whitsunday Group. Old. Coll. F. A. McNeill, Julv 1962. 243. Same as AM 27. 244. Same as AM 214. 245. I.ord Howe I., Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss ). Booth, March 1962. 246. Off Mary River Heads, Sandy Sir., Old. Trawled, 2 fms. ). S. Ilynd collection, 6/6/4.6. 247. Fast Point, neat' Point Darwin, N.T. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. 4/7/2(1. Intertidal. 24<°>. Heron I., Capricorn Group, QUI. Coll. Sydney' Univ. Zool. Dept., Aug. 1960, 244. Knlranee Point, Broome, W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. Aug. 1929. 240. I layman I., Whitsunday Group, QUI. Coll. Miss B. Campbell, 28/10/60. 241. Black Ned's Bay. Lake Maequaric. N.S.W. CSIRO Fisheries Survey, 27/9/63. Sill and oslerti. 242. Same as AM 4.1. 244. Same as AM 104. 244.. Same as AM 79. 243. 1 mi. NF. Seal Rocks. Port Curtis, Qld. 7 B fms. j. S. Hynd collection, 2/9/46. 246. Bustard I lead. Port Curtis, Qld. J. S. Ilynd collection. 28/8/46. Inlcrlidal rock-. 24,7. Same as AM 102. 248. Oil Ganthcaume Point, Broome, W.A. Dredged .4. fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, Aug. 1929. 24,9. Heron L. Capricorn Group, QUI. Coll. Miss I. Bennett, Aug. 1961. 250. Thursday L, Torres Str., Qld. Coll. Miss B. Campbell, 16/10/60. 251. Same as AM 102. 252. Oil" Heron L. Capricorn Group, Qld. 20 fms. Coll. K. Gillett, 1959. 254. Scarborough, Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection. 8/12/46. Under rocks. 254. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn, 27/1/64. Intertidal. 255. Quail L, about. 43 mi. W. from Port Darwin, N.T. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 8, 7 24. Inlcrlidal on coral reef. 256. Port Jackson, N.S.W. W. A. Haswell collection. 257. Off Gillett Cay, Swain Reefs, Southern Barrier Reef, QUI. Australian Museum 1962 Exped. Sta. 6. Dredged from 46-40 fms. Oct. 1962. 238. Dredged W. side of South Shell L, Port Darwin, N.T., about 25 yds offshore. Dredged 5 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 24/7/29. 259. Same as AM ID, 4/7/29. 260. Same as AM 181. 261. Same as AM 41. 262. Trawled Shark Bay, W.A. CSIRO Fisheries, 21/9/48. From sponges. 264. Ned's Beach, Lord Howe I., Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss J. Booth, Oct. 1962. 265. East Point, Port Darwin, N.'F. Coll. intertidal, 22/6/29. 266. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. A. Healy, 20/12/64. 267. Same as AM 41, 27/1/64. 268. Off Solitary I., near Wooli, Grafton Area, N.S.W. Coll. G. Biddle, 1964. Front living coral head. 269. Glacier Point, Port flacking, N.S.W. 2-4 fms. Coll. C. Eavvler, 20/11/64. Asso- ciated with urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii in excavation in rock. 270. Watson's Bay, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Coll. F. E. Grant. 271. Same as AM 41, 2/1/64. 272. Minnie Waters, near Grafton, N.S.W. Intertidal rock platform. Coll. G. Biddi and A. Healy, Dec. 1964. 360

AM 273. Dredged oil'Shark I., Port Jackson, N.SAV. VV. A. Hasvvell collection, 25/9/15. 274. Cape Don, Darwin, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope. 17/10/65. On reef. 275. North West E, Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. M. Ward and W. Boardman, July 1929- 276. Same as AM 275. 277. SE. corner, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. CSIRO Prawn Survey 1963-65. Caught on mud flats of Norman River at Karumba. 278. Port Curtis, Qld. Coll. M. Ward, 1930. 279. Edge of creek near Sander's Beach about 20 mi. north of Townsville, Qld. Coll. W. Macnae, 17/3/62. Edge of Rhizofihora fringe. 280. Dredged off Gal corn be Head, Facing I., Port Curtis, Qld. 9-12 fms. Coil. M. Ward, Dec. 1929. 281. Fannie Bay rocks, Darwin, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope and J. Boase. t 1/10/65. 282. Same as AM 275. 283. Heron I., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. M. Ward, 1926. 284. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn. Intertidal. 285. East Point, Darwin, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope and J. Boase, 25/10/65. Intertidal. 286. Dredged off Peak Point, Gape York, 'fortes Str.,' Qld. 3 6 fms. Coll. M. Ward, 31/8/28. 287. SE. corner. Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. CSIRO Prawn Survey Trawl Sin. 555. 17 ' 24' S., i.j-o 42' li. 2 1/2 fms. 16/1/64. 288). Trawled olf Yaniba, near Clarence River mouth. N.S.W. Coll. G. Biddle, May 1965. 289. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. Miss E. Pope, Oct. 1965. 290. One Tree F, Capricorn Group, (beat Barrier Reef, Qld. Coll. Museum Party, 25/9/65. Coral reef sin. Ft. 30. 291. Same as AM 277. 292. Darwin .Power I louse screens. Darwin, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope, 22/10/65. 293. Cape Don, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope and parly, 17/10/65. Under stones and in crevices. 294.. Same as AM 283. 295. Same as AM 277. 296. Dredged D" 1 a 11reeasteaux Channel. Tasmania. 5 fms. Coll. M. Ward, Oct. 1929. ( )n scallop hanks. 297. SE. corner. Gulf of Carpentaria, QUI. Norman River at Karumba. CSIRO Prawn Survey, 10/2/6}.. 2981. Hope L, near Cooktown, Qld. Coll. A. R. McCulloch, Aug. 1906. 299. Same as AM 2 75. 300. Port Curtis, QUI. Coll. M. Ward, 1930. 301. Fannie Bay rocks, Darwin, N.T. Coll. Miss E. Pope, Oct. 1965. Intertidal. 302. North West I., Capricorn Group, QUI. Coll. M. Ward, May 1930. 303. Same as AM 286, 1/9/28. 304. Same as AM 301, 12/10/65. 305. Murray 1., Torres Str., Qld. Coll. C. Iledley and A. R. McCulloch, Aug.Oct. 1907. 306. Same as AM 280. July 1929. 307. Same as AM 286. 308. Stokes Hill Power Station screens, Darwin. N.T. Coll. Miss li. Pope, 22/10/05. 3081a. SE. Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. CSIRO Prawn Survey 1963 65. From sponge. 309. Ral L. Port Curtis, Gladstone, Qld. Coll. M. Ward and W. Boardman, July 1929. 310. Three Mill- Creek between Townsville and Cape Pallerenda, QUI. Coll. W. McNae. 7/12/62. From sand mud in isle! in creek. 311. Michaelmas (lay, Capricorn Croup, Great Barrier Reef, Qld. Poison St. Coll. F. 11. T;IIIM>I and Museum party. 16,10/65. 312. SE. corner. Gulf of Carpentaria, Old. CSIRO Prawn Survey trawl Si a. 606. 1 (> 20' S.. 1 I / 02' li. 2 fms. I 8/2 6 |. 11 \ sill ) 1 I . ( oil. '. Win d , Sept .

alii i \L.-,eoni j'.e ! . . I )e< .

•t 1 7. ' I"! ! •. - I .. I ; •: IRIEI! 1. , , ;; i: I1. F H 1. ,>HIMII" nev: M •>. MI>I sand, lagoon. 1 1 1 I ! ( il 1 n I 1 1966. 319. .same as ,\A.< ;•;;((. On outer reel space. From i ivmg coral and I i i hot ha mmon surface abou 1 1 2 li deep. 320. Same as AM 316. 361

AM 321. Same as AM 316. Among living corals on sandy bottom of lagoon, shallow water, Nov. 1966. 322. Same as AM 316. 323- Same as AM 321. 324. Same as AM 316. Lagoon, in Halimeda and mixed weed in "bombies" and piecrust near southern tip of reef, 1 mile from island. Coll. M. Cameron and D. J. Griffin, 7/10/67. 325- Same as AM 316. 326. Same as AM 316. From broken piecrust, transect B. Nov. >966. 327- Same as AM 326. From large head of Galaxea vesiculate from lagoon. 328. Same as AM 316. 6 ft FT 202, outer southern face of reef, near island from Acropora sp. Coll. F. H. Talbot and party, 28/9/67. 329- Same as AM 328. 10 li. 29/9/67. 33°- Same as AM 316. From living coral. 18/11/66. 331 • Same as AM 318. 332. Same as AM 316. From algal mat, lagoon shallows. 333- Same as AM 316. 20 ft. FT 205. Outer southern face of reef, near island. Coll. F. H. Talbot and party, 23/9/67. 334- Same as AM 316. From broken coral piecrust, lagoon near island, transect B., Nov. 1966. 335- Same as AM 332. 336- Same as AM 332. 337- Same as AM 327. 33B. Same as AM 321. 339- Same as AM 321. 340. Same as AM 324. Reef crest in Halimeda and mixed weed and under stones. NW. face, low tide. Coll. M. Cameron and D.J. Griffin, 9/10/67. 341 • Same as AM 334. 342- Same as AM 334. 343- Same as AM 334. 344- Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. I. Smith, 16/7/67. In rock pool. 345- Darwin. N.T. Coll. B. McCann, 1966. 346. Minnie Waters, near Grafton, N.S.W. Coll. G. Biddle early in 1967 from intertidal rock platform. 347- Port Hacking, N.S.W. Coll. G. Lewin, 1966. Taken with bait prawns. 348. Hunter River between Newcastle Harbour and Raymond Terrace, N.S.W. Coll. N. Ruello and J. C. Yaldwyn. 2/11/67. Prawn trawl from mud bottom. 349- Same as AM 346. 35°- Wellington Point, Brisbane, Qld. Coll. F. F. Reik, 30/8/60. 354- Same as AM 102. 356- Hunter River, between Newcastle Harbour and Raymond Terrace, N.S.W. Coll. N. Ruello and J. C. Yaldwvn, 2/1 1/67. 382. Off Doole L, 'in Gales Bav, Fxmouth Gulf, W.A. ft. Coll. 1. Monro. 7/9/66. CSIRO Survey, Sla. 4. 3»3- Oil' Headland, Quarantine Bay. North Head. Sydney Harbour, N.S.W. Museum party 5/4/67. Shallow water. 384. Stradbroke I., Moreton Bay, Qld. Subtidal, Sept. Oct. 1968. From yellow crinoid. 385- Same as AM 27, May 1967. 386. Carcel Bav, Pittwater, 'near Sydney, N.S.W. Coll. ). C. Yaldwvn and A. Healy, 26/10/68. 3«7- 2 mi. off mouth of Yardi River, NE. of Onslow, W.A. 23 ft. CSIRO Survey. 13/9/66. Commensal on crinoid. Coll. 1. Monro. 388. Bottle and Glass Rocks. Sydney Harbour, N.S.W. Coll. ]. C. Yaldwvn and partv, 29/11/68. 389. Ashburlon River north of Exmouth Gulf, W.A. ('oil. 1. Monro. CSIRO Survey. 39°- Heron 1., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. Julie Booth, 1965. 39'• Strand, near Queens Hotel, Townsville, Qld. Coll. 1). R. Fielder, Oct. 1966. 392- Gillett (lay, Swain Reefs, Qld. Australian Museum Swain Reefs Exped. 20/10/62. From crinoid. 393- Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. J. Holloway, 5/9/67. 394- One Tree L, Capricorn Group, Qld. 40 ft. Coll.J. C. Yaldwyn, 28/11/66. From lemon-yellow comatulid (Sta. F'F 97). 394a- East Point, Darwin, N.T. Coll. E. Pope, Oct. 1965. Among arms of dark crinoids. 395- Intertidal rock platform, Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. A. Healy, 1/1/68. 396. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn and party, 21 /11 /68. On reef Ila . 362

AM j < | 7 • Dredged 2 mi. NF. of Gilletl day, Swain Reel's, Qld. 38 fms. Australian Museum Swain Reel's Fxped. Sin. 6. 598. Same as AM 396. ;<)')- Same as AM 3/1 1 /O7. }i>o, Same as AM 317, Nov. 1 <)•.»(.>. 401. Scarborough, Morcion Bay, Qld. J. S. llynd collection, 17/9/45. 102. Manly, Mori ton Hay. Qld. ). S. llynd collection. 127/7/'From weed. OH' Mary River Heads. Sandy Str., Qld. J. S. Ilvnd collection. 6/6/ 46. Ford Howe F, Tasman Sea. Coll. Miss J. Booth, 27/2 (>4. I".")- Same as AM .40.|, July 19(12. job. Same as AM 27, 12/5/'6.].. 407. Mouth of Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria. Qld. Coll. 1). F. McMichael antlj. C. Yaldwvn. Dec. 1 <)(>;4. Intertidal beach boulders. Sandgate. Moreton Bay, QUI. J. S. Hynd collection. 19/3/ 15- (K). Townsville. Qld. Trawled in 15 20 fms. (loll. T. Nielson. Nov. 19b.). Same as AM 4.3. 35 4.0 fms, Sta. b, Same, as AM 302. Same as AM 102. Fong Bay, N.SAV. A. R. Mc.CuIloch, 28/4/07. Shark Bay. W.A. CSIR() Fisheries, 27/9/40. 'I Yaw led, from sponges. 16. Same as AM 4.3. Same as AM 4.10. Coral Reef, Myora, Stradbroke I., Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. llynd •( >1 led ion. Cape Inscription. Dirk Hat tog I., W.A. CSIRO Fisheries. 2.1/9/48. From sponge. Bountiful F, Gulf of Carpentaria. Qld. Coll. J. C. Yaldwyn. ',o 1 1 1 , 63. From intertidal rock plallorm. Same as AM 355. Long Reel, Collar N.SAV. Coll. Miss B. Cann til. I llii pla I ion 11. Same is AM 2.". 1. t Seal Rocks. Fort < s. Old. j. S. Ilvnd <-M||,ri \ b na it\ I.. 'I (trees ( >id. ( loll. M.' \\ ard. ( h Sou! leaai ( hill' of ( .arpeittanlartai , Old. > IS I K< > fern I ). !'. Mr.M;< ha-!. ! ).•(•• 1 <)(> ;. From Ik >I<-s 'mi Same ;:s A X I 41. 27/ 1 bp Krilll Reef, ( oral S.-a. (.) 1( Coll. D. F. McM icliai ( a irl is ( lhannel. oil Hunea •a. Old. Dredged 20 '4b. Sa me as A \ I 27. 1 ; 2. Heron I.. ( la pricorn (iron j Old. Coll. Mrs F. Fa ans. Dec. 962. lit). Same as \M 2 7. Off Cape Moreton. Qld., trawled from S.S. Caf,,' h-emvin. 11 fms. J. S. Hynd collection, 1 9/ 1 2/.')(). !3«- Same as AM 4 5. t:i(i- Same as AM 103. Commensal on brown alcyonarian. 440. Same as AM 50. I4i. Same as AM ,41. 20/4/(52. Same as AM 41, 20/4/62. 443- Cuitis Channel, olf Bundaberg, Qld. 20 fms. 30/8/4.6. 444. Sweers F, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. CSIRO Prawn Survey. Trawled in less than 14 fms. Coll. 1). F. McMichael aaid J. C. Yaldwyn. Dec. 1963. M5- Ant borage Spit, Manly, near Brisbane. Moreton Bay, Qld. J. S. Hynd collection, 27/7/4(5. 446. S. ot Peel I., Moreton Bay, Qld. 3 6 tins. Coll. \V. Stephenson, 17/7,161. 447- Dredged oil Roebuck Bay. Broome, W.A. From crinoid. Same as AM 79, 2(5/10/4.6. 44»- 44!)- Cantheaume Point, Broome, W.A. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 8/8/29. Intertidal, on reef, under stones. 45°- Dredged between two beacons at S. end of Peel !.. it! ft. Coll. W. Stephenson. 45'- Outer Banks, iYIvora, Stradbroke F, Moreton Bay, Old. J. S. Ilvnd collection, 28/7/4"- 452. Fong Reel', Collaroy, N.SAV. 5/9/67. Reef platform. 453- Heron I., Capricorn Group, Qld. Sept. i960. From coral reel', commensal on comatnlid. 4f»4- Orpheus F, Townsville, Qld. 15-20 ft. Coll. J. Bloomheld, 27/2/(59. 456. Curtis Channel, olf Bundaberg, Qld. 20 fms. J. S. llynd collection. 30/8/46. 363

AM 459. Barron River, Claims, Qld. Coll. B. Campbell, Oel. 19(13. Downstream from r bridge (salinity at low water e. 90/00) within network of interconnecting Se.snrma < burrows and chambers. 4 ft below surface of river bank al water table. Same lot AM 9b.

AM E. 4147. 14 mi. SR. of (lape Capricorn, Keppel Bay. Qkl. 14 fms. 27/10/10.* [*AIl "E" numbers refer to collections made by the Fisheries Investigation Ship Endeavour betw 1909-1914. | AM E. 4149. 12 mi. NNE. of Bowen, Qld. 19 25 lins. 2/8/10. 41 Bo. Olf Point Inskip. Great Sandy Sir.. Qld. 10 lins. 27/7/10. 4190. 11 14 mi. NW. of Pine Peak. Percy Isles. Qld. 24. 2<> tins. 27/10/10. 4.49 1- 18 mi. S. by W. of Eady Elliot. I., Qld. ifffms. 191,4. 449-,. Spencers Gulf, S.A. Hi tins. Before 1914. 4497. Same locality. 20 lins. 1914. 4499. Same locality. it) tins. Before 1914. 4.500. Cape Marsden. Kangaroo I.. S.A. 1913. 5(179. 10 mi. N. of Circ ular llead, Tasmania. Before 141 ]. (S27.|.o mi. W. of Kingstone. S.A. ()()(>7. 20 mi. NNE. of Double 1. Point, Qld. 30 lins. 29/b/io.

AM G. (i 14. Port Phillip. V ictoria. Pres. J. 1!. Wilson. 1892. 178)9. Houghton E, 1 lovvick Group. QUI. Pres. Dr De fa Garde. 1898. 2190. 7 he/is Sin. 14. olf Norali 1 lead, N.S.W. 25 42 tins. 27/2/98. 32!!';. (ireen I., n.-ar Cairns. Old. Coll. C. Iledl.-v. ' 4 HIT. Ca I li nine 1 ra Beach. QUI. Pres. II. E. Kesieven. 1902. 4241). I.auneesion. Tasmania. Exchanged 140:5. 5782. Mossman's Bay. Port Jackson, N.S.W ., before 1907. Coll. Mrs F. E. Gram. (>139. Manlv. near Sydney, N.S.W., before 1907. ( loll. Bassetl-llull, Jr.

AM P. 83(1. Eraser E. QUI. Rec. 1908. Coll. Kirlon. 858. Miller's Point. P lins. Pis s. A. McCulloch, Jan. i> 2006 7. Rat E. Port Curtis, Old. Pres. A. R. McCulloch, 1909. 2021 2. Rvde. Parramalla. River, near Sydney, N.S.W, Pres. Fry and Kinghorn. i<

2055. Port Phillip,. Victoria. Pres. A. R. McCulloch, 1909. 2 14.9. Shark E, Port Jackson. N.S.W. Pres. A. R. Mc( a 11 loch, 1909. 2152. Rose Bav, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. A. R. McCulloch. 1909. 2218.. Mud E.'Morelon Bay. N.S.W. Pres. A. R. McCulloch, 1909.' 2220. Eord Howe E. Tasman Sea.. Pres. A. R. McCulloch, 1909. 2289. Dunk E. near 'fully. QUI. Pres. I.J. Banfield, 1909. 2321). 10 mi. N. of (areolar I lead. Tasmania. Pres. Comm. Fish Bureau, 191)9. 234.4. 17- 1()- South Australia. Exch. Baker, 1909. 2577 80. Masthead E. QUI. Rec. 1911. Coll. D. P>. fry. 27(18. Albany Dislrict. W.A. Rec. 1911. Coll. A. Abjornsen. 3014.. Western Pol l, Victoria. Pres. J. Gabriel, 1912. 2071-2. Maroubra, near Sydney. N.S.W. 1912. Coll. A. R. McCulloch. 3127. Albany Passage, Cape York, QUI. 1912. Coll. I ledley and McCulloch. 354,4. 12 mi. SE. of ( lape Capricorn. Keppel Bay. Qld. 29/7/ 10. 3 5(i(i. ( heal Sandy Sir., Qld. 27/7/10. Cloll, hntkavour Exped. 3574. Pine Peak. SE. Percy E, Qld. 1/8/10. Coll. Endeavour Exped. 3581. No collection information. 3<)(>g. Near l'remantle. W.A. Excli. W.A. Museum, 1913. 395b. Portsea Pier, Port Phillip, Victoria. Pres. Chas. J. Gabriel, 1914. 4.073. Narooma, south coast of N.S.W. Coll. C. 1 ledley, Feb. 191B. 4.103. Eagle E, N. Qld. 23/7/16. Coll. C. I ledley and E. A. Briggs. 364

AM P. 4229. Port Dcnison, Qld. July 1918. Coll. E. II. Rainford. 4288. Finches Bay, Cookt.own, Qld. Sept. 1918. Coll. A. R. McCulioch. 4303. Outer edge, St. Crispin Reef, oil' Port Douglas, Qld. Sept. 1918. Coll. A. R. McCulioch. 4313. Hope 1., near Qld. Coll. A. R. McCulioch, Sept. 1918. 4480. Port Arthur, Tasmania. Pres. E. Alawle 1919. 4497. Woolwich, Lane Cove River, Sydney, N.S.W. Coll. R. Kinghorn. 18/12/19. 4601-2. Lagoon, South West Rocks, Trial Bay, about 1/4 mi. from ocean beach, N.S.W . Coll. J. R. Kinghorn, before 1920. 4681. Port Hunter. Newcastle, N.SAV. Pres. D. G. Stead, 15/3/07. 4760. Straw Beach Quarantine, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. 1>. G. Stead. Rec. 1920. 4761. Same as P. 4681. 4837-39. Kingscole, Kangaroo L, S.A. Coll. E. L. (J. Troughton. Rec. 1920. 4863. Port Stephens, N.S.W. Jan. 1920. Dredged. Exch. E. A. Briggs, Sydney Univ. 4933. On coast at Coogee, near Sydney, N.S.W. Pres. F. A. McNeill. August 1920. 4950. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Pres. Miss E. Helms, 6/3/12. 4996. Norfolk L. S. Pacific. Pres. R. M. and W. Laing. and J. C. Quintal by Prof. Chilton and A. Liddell. Rec. 1920. 5028 29. On. coast at Coogee, near Sydney, N.S.W. Coll. McNeill and Livingstone. 1920. From rock pool. 51 it). Rose Bay. Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. State Trawling Industry, 1921. From dredge. 5137. Trial Bay, N.SAV. Coll. A. Kinghorn, before 1921. 3215. Bo we 11 Harbour. Old. Coll. F. II. Rainford, before 1921. 5275 77. Lord Howe L. 'I'asman Sea. Pres. A. R. McCulioch, before 192 1. 5305. Hole in Wall, on coast near Broken Bay, N.S.W. Coll. F. A. McNeill. Rec. 192 1. From tock pool. 531 p Saddleback F. Qld. Pres. E. 11. Rainford. before 1921. 53 [<). ( Ml" Nora 11 Head. N.S.W. 23 38 fms. Coll. McNeill and Livingstone, June 1921. 5356. Brighton lie Sands Beach, Botany Bay. N.S.W. Pres. A. Livingstone. 1/7/21. Washed up alier storm. 5491. Wilson's Point, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. P. Barkie. Rec. 1921. From pile. 55712-73. I lolboiirne I., N.' Qld. Pres. li. 11. Rainford. 1921. 5610. 'Port Dcnison, N. (.yd." Pres. E. IF Rainford, 1921.' 5710-11. Fort! Howe F. Tasman Sea. Coll. A. R. McCulioch and E. L. C. Troughton. b.elote 1922. 6102. Wesiern Port, Victoria. Pres. C.J. Gabriel, May 1915. 6107. Double (June I., Whitsunday Group, Qld. Pres. E. 11. Rainford, 1923. From cavities in dead coral dredged from depth of 20 ft. 6308-9. Shell Harbour, N.S.W. Pres. (J. McAndrew, 1923. 6350- 53. Caloundra, Qld. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 11/14/22. 6354-55. Point Cartwrighl, Qld. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 2/8/22. 64.49. Sailor's Bay, Middle Harbour, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. YV. Boardman, 1923. 6488. Clarcville Reach, Pittwater, Broken'Bay, N.SAV. Pres. G. P. YVhitely, 1923/ 6487-88. Dredged between Sow and Pigs Reef and Green Point, Port Jackson. N.S.W. Coll. II. O. Fletcher, 25/8/23. 6.495. Bottle and Glass Rocks, Port .Jackson, N.SAV. Coll. A. A. Livingstone. 28/7/23. Interlidal, 6514-15. Dredged between Sow and Pigs Reef and Shark I., Port Jackson, N.SAV. 5 7 'fms. Coll. F. A. McNeill, 16/5/23. 6526-27. Fairy bower, Manlv, N.S.W. Coll. A. A. Livingstone, 20/10/22. 6565. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.SAV. Coll. F. A. McNeill,'6/11/22. 6605. Base Beac h. Vanderlin I., Sir Edw. Pellew Group, Gulf of Carpentaria, Qld. Pres. \V. E. J. Par ad ice, before 1923. From a clump of live coral hauled in by seine.: net on a beach. 6682. Shark F, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Coll. 1'. A. McNeill and A. A. Livingstone, Jan. 1922. 6710. Gunnam.atla Bay, Port Hacking, N.SAV. Coll. F. A. McNeill, 6/10/22. 6786. Great Barrier Reef, Qld. Pres. YV. E.J. Paradice, R.A.N., 1923. 6825. Rail Pier, Port Darwin, N.T. Coll. YV. E.J. Paradice, 1923. 6861. Freshwater Beach near Manly, Sydney, N.SAV. 6-10 ft below low tide mark. Pres. A. F. Basset-Hull, 5/1/24. 6862-3. Lord Howe I., Tasman Sea. Pres. G. P. Whitley, 1924. 6910-14. On coast 2 mi. south of entrance of Tuggerah Fakes, N.SAV. Coll. A. A. Livingstone and H. Fletcher, 1924. From intertidal rock pools. 365

AM P. 7027. liowcn Harbour, Port Denison, Qld. Pres. E. H. Rainf'ord, 1924. Dredged, hard sand and mud bottom, 15-20 ft. 7050. Alongside Bovven Jetty, Port Denison, Qld. Pres. E. H. Rainf'ord, 1924. Hand netted in patch of weed, low tide in 4 ft of water. 7164-65. Shellharbour, N.S.W. Coll. F. A. McNeill, 1924. Intertidal. under stones. 7187. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Pres. W. Boardman, 5/4/24. Intertidal under stones on sandy beach. 7221. E. of Ulladulla, N.S.W. 35 20' S., 150 47' E. 74 fms. Pres. C. W. Mulvey, May 192.4. Off conglomerate boulder taken by trawler Goonambee. 7224. 16-18 mi. NE. of South Head, Port Jackson, N.S.W. 75 80 fms. Pres. J. Wright, 192.4. From Conglomerate boulder taken by trawler Goonambee. 7244. Olf Towra Point, Botany Bay, N.S.W. Pres. J. H. Wright, April 1924. From kelp holdfast. 7240. Shellharbour, N.S.W. Intertidal. Pres. C. McAndrew, 1924. 7309. Armil E, Whitsunday Group, Qld. Pres. E. II. Rain ford, 1924. From coral. 7377- 79- 12-22 mi. NE. from Cape Green, N.S.W. 36-46 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone and H. O. Fletcher, June 1924 7421 22. Masthead E, Capricorn Group. Qld. Coll. A. R. McCulloch, Nov.-Dec. 1913. 7440, 4.3, 54. Murray E, Qld. Coll. C. I ledley and A. R. McCulloch, Aug.-Oct. 1907. 74(13. 76. Eong Reef, Collaroy. N.S.W. Intertidal. Exch. M. Ward, 1924.. In hole amongst sand and pebbles, under boulders. 7520 24.. Queensland. Coll. A. R. McCulloch, 1924.. 7557. Cairns Reef, oil' Cooklovvn. Qld. Coll. A. R. McCulloch, 1924. 7711. No collecting information. 71)02 4, 7952. Shell Harbour, N.S.W. Pres. G. McAndrew, 1925. 7981 2. Reel', iiigli E, Frankland Group, Old. Pres. W. E. j". Paradice, 1924. 8009. North Barnard E. Qld. Pres. W. E.J. Paradice, 1924.' 8026 -28. Frankland Group, Qld. Pres. W. E. ). Paradice. 1924.. 8043. Eow (Woody) E, oil' Port Douglas, Old.' Pres. W. E.J. Paradice. 1924. 8230. 8 mi. S. of Green Cape, N.S.W. 30 lins. Coll. M. Boardman. on trawler S.S. liar-ea-mitl. 20/7/25. 8255. Cunnamatta Bay, Port Hacking, N.S.W. Coll. C. Anderson and F. A. McNeill, I9->5- 8266. Port. Phillip, Victoria. Pres. M. Ward, 1925. Dredged. 8416. Gunnamatta Bay, Port Hacking, .N.S.W. Coll. Museum Parly. 3 5 Oct. 1925. From tidal Hats. 8437 38. Shellharbour. N.S.W. Pres. G. McAndrew, 1925. Intertidal. 8550. Sandy Point, Broken Bay. I lawkesbiiry River. N.S.W. Pres. M. Ward, 1926. 8565 .67, 77. Reel', North West E, Capricorn Group, Qld. Pres. C. P. Whitley. Dec. 1 9-.re 8695. Bottle and Glass Rocks. Port Jackson, N.S.W. Pres. M. Ward, 1926. 8701-02. Sea Port, Port Phillip, Victoria. Pres. M. Ward. 1926. 870!;. Eong Reef, Collaroy. N.S.W. Pres. M. Ward, 1926. 878(1. Sea Port. Porl Phillip, Victoria. Pres. M. Ward, 192(1. 8787. Hook Reef, E. of Bovven, Qld. Pres. Surg. Lieut. L. Lockwood, 1927. 8793. (it. Barrier Reef, near Bovven, Qld. Pres. Surg. Lieut. L. Lockwood, 1927. 87(14. Knight Reef. Clarence Str.. N.T. Pres. Surg. Lieut. L. G. Courtney, 1927. 8866. Sheilharbour. N.S.W. Pres. G. McAndrew, 1(127. 8963. Botany Bav. N.S.W. 15 ft. Coll. E. A. McNeill. 6/10/27. 8970. Walsh' Bay, No. 3 .jetty, Porl Jackson, N.S.W. Coll. F. A. McNeill. 11/10/27. O11 piece of test timber. 9064. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Intertidal. Pres. M. Ward, 21/4/28. 9068. Woodford Bay, Lane Clove River, Sydney, N.S.W. Pres. G. R. Kinghorn. In shallows on tidal Hats. 9072. Long Reef, Collaroy. N.S.W. Pres. M. Ward, 21/4/28. 9076 77. Shore, Woolloomooloo Bav, Porl Jackson, N.S.W. Inlcrlidal. Pres. M. Ward, 7/3/28. 9337. Shell Harbour. N.S.W. Pres. G. McAndrew, 1929. 9422-23. Port Willunga, S.A. Pres. IE M. Hale, 1930. 9431. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. F. A. McNeill, 1930. 9448. WSW. from Gabo E. Victoria. 70 fms. Pres. Capt. K. Moller, 1930. 9481. Port Darwin, N.T. Pres. L. B. Wilson, 1930. 9670. Port Curtis, Qld. Pres. C. Bedsor, 1930. 10038. North West L, Capricorn Group, Qld. 9 fms. Coll. A. A. Livingstone and W. Boardman, Dec. 1930 Jan. 1931. 366

\\1 P. 11 >092. Sow and Pigs Shoal, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Low water mark. Pres. ('.apt'. L. ( lomtesse. i 93 I . 10114.. Sow and Pigs Shoal, Port Jackson, N.S.W. (loll. p. A. McNeil), i /•.>.•;{(). 10125. Sandgate, Brisbane River. Qld. Pres. (1. J. Watson. 1 ();; t. 10201. Broome, W.A. Pres. II. I.. (Hark and F. W. Bennett, June i < >: V-' • 10-511 -12. 22. Read Howe I., Tasman Sea. (loll. A. A. Livingstone. nr;-;. From reef. io:5f).(. North West F, Capricorn Croup, Old. Coll. F. A. McNeill. 1933- 10401. llavman II.. Whitsunday Croup. Old. Pres. F. A. M< Ncill, Jan. 1(1:5-5. 10533 'l layman F, Whitsunday Group" Qld. 5 I'ms. Pres. 1-'. A. McNeill. 1934. 50770. Brunswick Heads. N.S.W. Coll. li. Troughton and A. Musgrave, Aug. 103b. j 07! >4. Middleton Reel', JN. of Ford Howe I., S. Pacil'u Ocean. Coll. G. P. Whitley, April 1 <):5<>. i 00-57. Moonta, S. Australia. Coll. K. Reed, 1937. 10979 111. Reel'. Shelly Beach, near Yamba, N. of Clarence River. N.S.W. Coll. A. A. Cameron, May 1938. 1 1 107. Shelly Beach', Yamha, N.S.W. Pres. A. A. Cameron. 18/10759. i 1271-72. Angourie, near Yamha, N.S.W. Pres. A. A. Cameron. 22/2/4.0. 1129b. Near mouth of Clarence River. Yamba. N.S.W. Pres. A. A. Cameron. ! 1:540. Woody Head, near Yamha. N.S.W. Pres. A. A. Cameron. 1 1 359. Angourie, near Yamba, N.S.W. ( loll. Joyce Allan and A. A. Cameron. 114.00 01. Clareinont Islands. Princess Charlotte Bav, N, Old. 1 140!!. Port Molle, Whitsunday Passage, Old. Coll'. W. .A" I laswell. while with II.M.S. Alnl. On reels. : 14 1 (i. Botanv Bay. N.S.W. A. II. S. Iaicas and Museum party. ! 14.40. Between Peel I. and Cleveland, Moreton Bay, Qld. i 1451. Cunnamatta, Port Hacking, N.S.W. ; 17:50. Gutmaniatta Bay, Port I lacking, N.S.W. Coll. F. Pope, March 1947. I land- neUed in weed on tidal flat, t 17:51 33. Long Reef, Collaroy, N.S.W. Coll. F. Pope, March 1947. Intertidal, under stones. 117:54.. Near Watson's Bay, Port Jackson, N.S.W. Coll. E. Pope. 194 b. From growths on boom pile delencc drawn after war. j 1759. L'lladulla, N.S.W. Coll. M. F. (loirs, 194.7. Seine netted by small fishing trawler. 1 1 783. Kennedy Sound, Cumberland Group, Qld. Pres. G. P. Whitley. 19:57,. Dredged. i 1775). Lindeman F, Cumberland Group, Qld. Pres. G. P. Whitley. 19:55. 1 1877. Newcastle district, N.S.W. Coll. C. Moreley. In batch of prawns, i 1882. Brampton F, near Mackay. Qld. Pres. Miss B. Dew. 12127. Long Reef., Collaroy, N.S.W. Pres. P. Cohnan, Jan. 1952. From coastal reef at low-tide in encrusting sponge. 12.42b 27. Cottesloe Beach, W.A. Aug. 1954. 12920. Heron F, Capricorn Group, (.) Id. Pres. Miss B. Dew, Jan. 19From coral reef Hat. 12927, '5b. Port Jackson, N.S.W. Coll. A. A. Raeek. Jan. 195-5. i 2928. ' (>11' Port Jackson, N.SAV. to ft. Coll. A. A. Racek, Dec. 1 95:5. 12952. Stockton Bight, N.SAV. Pres. A. A. Racek. Jan. 1955. From trawl, f j <»7. Woody Head, Ih/ka. mouth of Clarence River, N.S.W. Coll. A. A. Cameron, 3/9/bo. 5 3509. Backy Point, near Whyalla, S.A. Coll. IS. Flounders, Feb. 1981. Intertidal. I 354b, Watson's Bay. Port Jackson, N.S.W. ' 3347 • 49- Mast Head I., Capricorn Group, Qld. F. li. (b ant. From coral reel' Hal. 1:5548. Shoreham, Victoria. 31/3/02. Under stones, low tide. 1:5549. Masthead F, Capricorn Group, Qld. Coral reef flat. Coll. F. li. Grant. 15550. Port Curbs, Qld. 5 11 litis. Dredged. 13551. OH' North Head, Flinders, Victoria. 30/1'5/00. Dredged. 1 3553, 55. 57- bord Howe I., J'asman Sea. 13554. Murray F. Torres Sir., Qld. 17 fms. Coll. A. R. McCulioch. 1907. 13r,.-,(), 59* Between Ball's Head and Coal I., Port Jackson., N.S.W. Coll. J. Brazier. Dredged. 1 3,558. Port Jackson, N.S.W. i;55<)o. Watson's Bay, Port Jackson, N.S.W. 1 3561. Mapoon, Gulf of Cat pentaria, Qld. Coll. Park. June 1907. i35()2. Nelson's Bay, Port Stephens, N.SAV. 13583. Port Jackson, N.S.W. 13584. Port Curtis, Qld. Dredged 4 fms. 367

AM I'. ] Between Ball's 1 lead and Goat I., Porl Jackson, N.S.W. I)n d. Farm (love. I'orl Jackson, N.S.W. I 3 jl>8. ( laii'ils Reel', Cooktown. Old. ( U I. A. R. McCulloch. 1 :;r>(i<)- Yeppoon, near Towusville, Qld. I'orl Jackson. N.S.W. Lord Howe I., Tasman Sea. '3') T* 73. Cairns Reef, Cooktown. Old. Coll. A. R. Mast Head L, Capricorn Croup, Old. I'.. Gra From coral reef Hat. 1 Mf)7.r) •/(>. Porl Jackson, N.S.W. ':5f)77- Botany Bay, N.S.W. 1:5.r)7!!- Nelson's Bay. Port Stephens. N.S.W. ':ir)7()- Victoria. (loll. F. F. Grant. >o. Port Jackson, N.S.W. Port 'Stephens. N.S.W. Pol l Phillip, Victoria. ( J. Gabriel, March 1907. Encounter Bay. S.A. to lins. Cairns Reel', Ik Cook I own, (,)ld. Nelson's Bay Porl Stephens, N.S.W. Botany Bay, N.S.W . (lomo sid< of Georges Rivei idge. 13 It. Coll. D. Lelliol.' . |./b/()2 Upper reach of Sydney I larbo N.S.W. Coll Miss 1. Beimelt. Caught in prawn trawl. ( )ld Set I lenient Beach, 1 >ord L, Tasman Sea Coll. J. Booth, g i/p/hg. MbfA Bowcn, Qld. i Victoria. Pres. F. E. Grant. I .|.()()0. ( lairns Reef, ( looklown, Old. Coll. A. R. McCulloch. 1 7<)')() 17800. Same as AM 15 18001. Same as AM 415- 18002 - 18003. Same as BAU 3 18004. Same as U(.) 1H- 18005. Same as AM 1 Boob. Same as AM 283. i 8007. Same as AM :?<)<>• 1B00B. Same as AM 21 5-


The bulk of these collections will be deposited al ihe Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu, bill some duplicates will be deposilecl in the Australian Museum, Sydney.

BAU 1. Point Peron, W.A. 3-6 li. 13/111/07. OH' Physical Fitness Camp, N. side of point. within sutT line, from coralline algae. |()nlv the firs I of each dav's collections are dated.| 2. Point Peron. W.A. 2-4 ft. Olf S. side of point, in loose pieces of beach sandstone with holes, within the surf line. 3. Laiicelin L. W.A. 14/1 u/(»7. From dead coral heads a linos! at surf line. 1/4 mi. from shore. 011 oilier reef. 4. Same locality. 4-8 ft. From reel'Hat 011 NE. side. From scattered calcium carbonate boulders beyond a narrow terrace. 5. Same locality. 2-10 ft. from potholes on inner side of "barrier reef" front. From live I'ai illo/wra sp., a few dead coral heads and coralline algae masses. 5a. jurien Bay. Perth, W.A. 3 3. m. ib/i2/(>7. Trawled at night over weed. 5b. City of Gold, Qld. 2<>/'->/(>7. Mangrove swamp, intertidal. (>. Yeppoon. Qld. 24/12/1)7. Intertidal, near low tide /one. under rocks. 7. Same locality. Similar lo BAU b but isolated rock patch and more exposed to wave action.

8. Yule Beach, near Port Douglas. Qld. 2;'i/b8. Inlcrlidal. (). Pebble Beach, N. Qld. 3/1/bo. Inlcrlidal. under rocks, sandy rocky beach. 10. Green 1. (olf Cairns), Qld. 4/1 /OB. On reef Hat exiension, not over one foot below low-low water. From dead and overgrown coral heads, mostly Arro/iom sp. 11. NE. side of Green L, Qld. 2-(> ft below low-low water. ,j/i/(>8. Patch reef, dead and overgrown Acro/iora sp. 368

BAU 12. Same locality. 5/1/68. Intertidal, under rocks. 13. Same locality. Intertidal, reef Hat. From dead base of small head oi Pocillopora sp. 14. Arlington Reel' (about 1.5 miles oil" Green I.), QUI. (i f! ft. 6/1/68. Vigorous reef. 15. Same locality. 6 8 ft deep. Near reef edge. 16. Same locality. From middle reef exposed at low water. 17. Same locality. 8 ft dee]). From massive Pontes sp. 18. Same locality. Near reef edge. 1 <). Same as BAU 1 6. About 2 mi. li. of Home Reef. From under coralline algae. 20. Same locality. Reel Hat, near exposure at low-low water. From various dead and overgrown heads. 21. Same locality, outer edge of reef. 2 8 ft deep. 23. Home Reef, (been F, Qld. 7/1/68. From reef llat at zero tide level, from heads of Porilrs sp., mostly dead. 24. Green 1., QUI. SF. tip. Slightly below low-low water. Area with 10 ft broad pot holes with sand bottoms and much dead coral and live soft corals.

25. Thursday F, 'FOITC.S Sir., Qld. 06 ft deep. ;>/J /(>!}. From reel's li. of village and "channel"' between Thursday and I lorn I. Collected at edge of eel grass from dead coral heads and sponges, in gvnewd bottom of very line lime sand. 26. Thursday 1.. Qld. About low-low tide level. to/t/b". In front of village at low tide. ( 11 d ( 11 >eks, sandy lo mm Idv bottom. 27. Hammond and WYiwe.s !., Torres Sir.. Old. Tlrvr reds. Irom o to ft depths. Reel tops 01 line ,.-:sd. nearer edge mostlv dead niadrepora> iatis and fivr alcyonarians. ( a aa'en I.-, •• iron-;. 28. I inn dav L, Old. 2 10 fi ,h-rp. IN li. side a ltd N. cud of Thursday 1.. Old. Collected from various iTraus of dead coral. 2(|. Rudder Reel'. olf poij Douglas. QJd. i.j/t/68. F\poscd a 1 low water. From outer reef !..", 21;o yds from reef edge. Almost no '-and. but composed of broken piece* carried mvwed bv storm;. Reel subject to heavy snrl and SF. wands. 30. Same locality. Ii.\ pi >s. From lee side, sand bottom with coi ai palche:-, all pried from coitsohda led heads. ••52. Same local! iv. o "> 't dr.-p. From frontal edge where seas normally break. From consolidated heads broken loose Irom reel, mostly heads covered with coralline algae. 3';. Chinaman's Reel', midway between Rudder and Opal Reef, oil' Port Douglas, Qld. From o 10 It deep. Frontal edge depth and g'-neral condition same as BAU 32. but not so much cotal. and co al no! as rich in alpheids. ;;.(. Rowes Bay. Towmville, ( >Ui. H'./i/(>!{. Infrriidal. under rocks. Substrate granite sand lo slight 1 y niudtiy saneI. ;{">. Mo!i • F. Whilsutidav Group. QUI. 20/1/(18. From can-away between South and Middf Molle. loom beach near mid-nde level, under large rock in sandy substrate, area apparenilv subject to strong cnnaaits a.t high, tide. 46. llaytuiii I., Wbilsutidav Gmup, (,)!d. F'nd<'r rocks a! near low water. 57. !iai'i llai F, oil' I lay man !., WhiTsunday Croup. Qld. 2 6 It deep. 21/1/68. At growing edge of reef. ( dial growth not vigoious. 38. N. side. Bah llai reef. Old. Kerf llat al 2 ft. Substrah of sand, littered with both granite and coral. 3,. Same locality, near small point lo W. of BAU 42. 2 6 ft dee]). Coral more sparse, but currents stronger than BAU .42. Mostly from overgrown heads of Acropora sp. and one massive head, genus unknown. .] ]. Hayiitatt I.. QUI. 2 6 ll, on \\ . end of northern reef. 23/1/68. Bottom mostly consolidated dead coral with some coral rubble. 45. 10 mi. N. of St Lawrence, QUI. 25/1/68. Under rocks at mid-tide level. Quite a bit of organic matter mixed with substrate. .)(). Heron L, Capricorn Group. QUI. 28/1/68. Shore collecting on a 1 2.8 tide. Under pieces of broken beach sandstone, low in intertidal where sand substrate was wet from beach run off. Water salty to brackish. 369

BAU 47. Same locality. From low-low tide level to about -—-5 ft. 29/1/68. At outer edge of coralline ridge on reef directly S. of Heron I., Qld. Pieces pried off consolidated ridge surface, some overgrown with coralline algae, some living coral. 48. Same locality. Depths —5 to —25 ft. From seaward face of reef. Face mostly consolidated living and dead corals cemented by coralline algae. Specimens mostly from small fragments broken from consolidated coral, many from associated sponges. 49. Same locality. About o tide level. 30/1/68. On coralline ridge directly N. of island. Ridge composed of solid plates, cemented together with a thick layer of coralline algae with almost no holes for shrimp. 50. Same locality. 30/1/68. On SF. side of island, at edge of tidal "stream" next, to island on reef flat. At low tide this is 50 ft wide and I ft deep and carries the water from the reef llat at high speed. Collection from mostly dead, coarsely branched heads and between layers of encrusting coral. 51. Same locality. Same as BAU 46. Shore collecting under stones, tide slightly lower than in BAU 4.6. 52. Same locality. From reef llat —2 to —3 ft below low-low water. 31/1/68. About 1.5 miles due east of island. Isolated coral patches on sand substrate; coral mostly loose. 1 leads in patches arising several feet above sand Hats. 53. Same locality, further east, than BAU 52, at edge of "lagoon". Conditions similar to BAU 52 except sand bottom several feel deeper and living coral reaching 5 ft above level of sand. Specimens mostly from dead heads of I'ociHopora sp. A massive head of coralline algae yielded almost nothing. 54. Same locality. Same as BAU 50, but middle of reel'llat at 1 ft depth. Sand bottom with numerous loosely consolidated coral masses of many species. Dominant coral a heavily branched Poritcs sp. 55. Same locality, in eastern lagoon (sec BAU 53). 10 It. 1/2/68. Sand bottom with large coral mounds reaching to near 0.0 tide level. Specimens collected from mostly dead coral, some pried oil lop or side of massive mounds, some King free 011 bottom near mounds. 56. Same locality, immediately shoreward of ridge at BAU .(7. through boulder /.one into outer growing reel area. Tops of coral and lilholhanmian ridge exposed at low-low title, moderate wave action. Specimens rare. 57. Same locality. 2-15 It dee]). 2/2/68. Reef Iron I S. of eastern end of island, below and beyond consolidated ridge. Corals mostly living and firmly fixed. Specimens from dead and dying coral pried loose from reel front, specimens not plentiful. 58. Same locality. Area to west of BAU 56, similar except ridge with more coral and less coralline algae; /one behind ridge filled with coral detritus, wilh almost nothing alive. Specimens came from behind dead /.one where sand packets were 30 40 ft across, and 2 ft below reef surface with vigorously growing coral 011 edges. 59. Slradbroke I., near Dunwich, Qld. 7/2/68. Under rocks 011 sandy-muddy' substrate. At edge of neap tide. 60. Same locality. In muddy sand covered with short eel grass at edge of neap tide. No associated rocks. 61. Same locality. Under clusters of mussels at edge of neap tide, sandy substrate. 62. Shelley Beach, Port Macquarie, Qld., at 2.6 tide. 10/2/68. Under rocks on ocean beach. Specimens found only in areas where medium sized rocks, up to 18 inches across rested in a stable configuration on a substrate of small rocks and sand. Evidently this arrangement could withstand the onslaught of waves. 72. Dudley Point, Darwin, N.T. 18/2/68. Collection made at 2.7 tidal level. Under rocks on shore. Much of shore muddy and without alpheids, but specimens were found under rocks on clean sand, particularly if there was a trickle of beach water. 73. Point at eastern edge of Night Clilf, Darwin. N.T. 19/2/68. About —3 to —4 ft tide. Area unprotected fro.11 northerly winds and waves. Sand well washed without any sill ami the rocks are usually deeply embedded. No specimens were found under fully exposed rocks lying in loose sand, but occurred under rocks bedded in sand at edge of tide pools; this latter area semi-protected from onslaught of waves by numerous much larger rocks. 74. Same locality. Approximately one ft higher in tidal /.one, than BAU 73. In area ol smooth ochre clay substrate wilh small fissures through which water Irom beach "weep" (lowed. Specimens under line rocks (up Io 2 3 inches across) wedged in fissures. 75. Darwin Harbour, N.T. 20/2/68. S. of piers at edge of mangrove area. Substrate soft mud with gravel and small rocks embedded and interlaced wilh mangrove roots. Alpheids found in shallow burrows in more gravely areas, relatively high in tide zone. 370


•Present address, University of Western Atislralia. Perth. Weslern Australia. Mr Sinalley aF collected mat)}' of the specimens tinder lite "UQ" designation. We are using his designation If..: his field work and prefacing litem with CS.

(IS ja-ii. 2a 2c (specimen number). ( loekburn Sd. near Pert ii. W.A. to it Inis. Coll. ( . i. Sinalley, <1/7.'70. '1'rawled l»y the b'Hn>lrrs. Prom sponges. 1 j ik. Near Perth, W.A. 11)70 71. from sponges. i 10. 1 21. 33 •;(), ;<| . hatch number!. I. loileetion data same as l';r ( IS ta 1 i. ft. 12. 22 2 J. •;!!. ;;<). Collection data same a-. (IS ta li. 2-3/7/70. 2", 2<">. Exmoulli Gulf. W.A. ( :oli. ( , R, Smalh'v. 22 23/10/70. 'Frawled. Prom spong.-

2<(. 30. Fxmouth Gulf, W.A. ( o,l. 'I'. White. 'frawled. From crinoid. >1, 32. |o. (;>tll< ciion data same as (;S 27, 2.1/10/70. From crnmid. 31 .',3. l',av ol' Rest. Exmouth (.nil'. W.A. Coll.' T. While, Aug. 1970. In mud of lid.- 'pools.' I j, Fremanile, Swan River. W.A. ( loll. J. Kowarski, 7/3/71. I5. Collection data same,is (IS ;.(.. 13,'12:71. .](). Freshw as-a' Bay. Swan Rivei . W'.A. '('loll. C. R. Sinalley. .i/h/70. In loose rock, mudd sand. |7. Same eolleciion data as (IS |(J. 2 2 / (j / 711. .Jo. Australmd. Leschenanll J1 * 1« I, W.A. Coll. (I. R. Smallev. 3:5/jo. 30. Mandurah. Pell Inlet. W.A. Coll, ( , R. Smallev. 2 V 1 / 7 t'. 70. 71. Esmoulh C .11IS. W.A. Co.I. C, R. Siaallev. 22 21; 10:70. d rawled. II A3. Moreton Bay. South West Rocks. Peel F. Old. Coll.' S. Cook. Scpl. J.)7o. III a. Same ( IS I F\;. 1111)1. Same as ( IS 1 I A3. 1 I 11 > 2. Same as (IS II A3. March i


These Specimens will he deposited in 'File Australia.'! .Museum.

JP> t. From 1111 id finis in Irom of Fannie P.av Motel. Da twin. N.T. 30/1 )/(>»». 2. Darwin. N.T. 7, 35 l«. 3. ( lomniensal will ( 1 i noii Is. .j. Same as J P> 3. 5. Fasl Point. Darwin, N.T. p/to/hd, Commensal with crinoiiR.


I his collection, loaned !>v ihc (hnveisilv. was wtihoul catalogue desigtia I ions, so we hav ' assigned numbers ptcfaced wall) "J ( ". Tl.ey will lie < nialogued upon llieir teltnat to the I tin ei'si 1 v.

JC J. GeollV--y L?ay. Magnelic I.. Old. 17/12/82, 10 mile beach via Bloomshurv. Qld. Coll. /ooloyy Depi. 22/7/(1(1. ( )n sandv bead. 3. Lodeslone, oil' Townsville. Old. ~Coll. /oology Dept. 15/8/(12.' In coral reef.' .].. Townsville breakwater. Qli . (loll. Blackmail, id/7/bb, At low tide under rock-. 5. Kissing Point, Old. t.\! |/(ii. Pools al low water. (i. Far Beach. Maekav. Old. Coll. /.oology Dept. |/f,/(><>. Sand beach. 7. Magnetic I.. Qld. ' 3/3/bb. d. Arcadia Bay, Old. Coll. .V. S. Hopkins. May 1 <)(>b. Under rocks. <7. Kissing Potni. (.Mil. 3 ).'>(>. Iagnetic 1.. QUI. Bingil Bav via EI Arish. 1 };;>,/(».(.. Under rucks, low wafer. (lard well." QUI. Coll. Zoologv'Dept. vi.rMvj. Sandy beach. Geoffrey Bay. Magnetic F. QUI. Coll. J. A. .Johnson. .|,'.|/«>4. Under rocks. Wilson's Beach near Proserpine, Qld. ( loll. Zoology Dept. 1 7/5,'bb. Sandv-mud beai I.. Lodeslone Reel oil' Townsville. Qld. Coll. /oology Dept, 15/8/82. From coral reei. 371 jc Mackay, Old. Coll. Zoology Dept. 21 /f>/<>4. Under piece ok coral on sandv beach Ross River, (,)ld. Coll. C. Fell, 2o/(|/b(i. In burrow. Ceollrev Bav?Magn('!ir I.. Qld. Coll. RK and JB. 14/7/bi. If). Magnelic I.. Qld. Coll. M. Scoll. r,/B/(J(i. From reef/ 20. Mo collection information. Kissing 1' Townsville, Old. Coll. K. McCable, March ipbb. In small intcriii pool. No collection information. Geoffrey Bav. Magnelic I.. Old. ( loll. E. Gregson. i /8/b8. From coral. Taylor Reel.' F. Proserpine, Qld. C loll. A. Hansen. i.|/ pb!l. From coral Kissing Point, Townsville. Old. ( loll. J. Tweddell, (|/b;b8. Fiom undei Alva Beach, Ayr. Old. (lolh W . .A . Green. (j/g/bb. In mud jank. Rowes Bay, Townsville, Old. Co>!1 . |. Tweddell. gpAd'd. "nder rocks. Beach near breakwater, Townsvillle . Old. Coll. F. Ward. (1. nsaI win. giant anemone. Cape Pallarcnda, Townsville. Old. ( loll. 15. 1 hckson, i A <> sandv b Rowes Bav. fownsville. Old. C lol. M. Scott. 7/5/b;!. Shelley Beach. Townsville? Old. ( oil. ( 1. Patterson. 1 o Townsville. O Id. 17/8/70. From a large sponge dred<_ N. of Magnetic 1. Rowes Bay. Townsville. QUI. Coll. \V. R. Dowd. .|,/.4/<>8. I in ler small rock

COLLECTIONS FROM MACLEAY MUSEUM, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY The collections from Macleay Museum were on loan Io the Australian Museum. thus 1! W ere originally la belled consecuIively with our mini hers of I he Ausl ra lia 11 M USI-I MI series. : A M . MM 72. Porl Darwin. N.T. lib. Cape Grenville, Old. 20 lins. in. Percy I.. Old. 1 f) 1. Tasmania. 1 tit). Port 1 )arw in, N.T. 1 7(1. Princess ( lharlotle Bay. Old. 17!!. No collection information. 181. Sue llsel, Torres Sir.. Qld. 20. |. Tasmania. 2b'!. Endeavour River, Cooktown. Old. Same as MM 2b;$. 1 j. Darnlev I., (heal Northeast Channel, Old. ] 2 1 , Same as MM 2!);;. .pit.. Sue llsel. Torres Sir., ()ld.

COLLECTIONS FROM THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM, BRISBANE The "AY" series is die Museum's catalogue designation; we have prefaced it wilh "Q.\1 QM \V <":.-,. Bird I.. Morelon Bay, Old. Coll. Urn. Qld. Sci. Students' Assoc. Goal E. Moreton Bay, Old . Coll. 1 ni\ . Old. Sci. Sim lenls Assoc. 1 leron 1., ( laprieorn ( Jroup. Qld. c loll. T . C. Marshall. 1 2,. 9/49. Same as W 999. 1052. ( 1 recn I., Morelon Bay. Old• 24 hi-] i < ';>:;• Same as W' 1052. f < >3T>- Same as W 1052. Alcvonar ian /one in K( •ran.se sponge. 1 "Kb Morelon Bav. Old. ( loll. \ '. F. Collin. 1-, / 1 /.|.T. 122 4. Mvora mud flats. Morelon B; iv. Old. Coll. Univ. Qld. Sci . Si 1 ideiits Assoc 12b-,. 'fownsville. Qld. Coll. G. Coats, • 1. I 2<)(i. Angourie. N.S.W'. <1/7/4 i. I .| I 7. Mud E. Moreton Bav, Qld. ir»/'An . Coll. U. F. Colli! I.|(I7. Mud E, Morelon Bay. Old. 2l()5. (loll. G. C loats. 24/4/4 1. Amitv. Morelon Bav, ( ) Id. Coll. .J. E. Young, Sept. 1 02 ; '-"-'sr.- Cardwell, Old. Jail. 1889. 224(5. Darnlev E. Qld. ' Coll. Dr ' I'osh. '-^47- Sandgale. Qld. Coll. C. J. Wild. 4/. l/"7- 372

O.M \V 2238. Moreton Bay, Qld. Coll. D. Connor. 2239. South Port, SE. Queensland. 2240. Sandgale, Qld. Coll. T. C. Marshall and G. P. Whitley, 25/10/28. 2242. Dunwich, Qld. 74/62. Mid shore ^oslera. 2243. Victoria Point, Moreton Bay, Qld. 17/2/62. F. C. Vohra's Sta. 3. Zoslera- 2244. Moreton Bay, Qld. Coll. F. C. Vohra, 1962. 2245. Victoria Point, Monion Bay, Qld. 13/6/62. 2246. Moreton Bay, Qld. Coll. F. C. Vohra, 25/7/62. 2247. Soulhporl, SE. Qld. Coll. R. Puhhnan, 1920. 2248. Princess Charlotte Bav, Qld. Coll. ("apt. T. Kerr. 2249. Brihie I., SE. Qld. 2381. 'Frawled oil' C. Moreton, SE. Qld. Coll. B. Harris, April 1965. 2391. Norman River, N. Qld. Coll. Dept Harbours & Marine, 7/6/65. From prawn trawl.


The numbers are ol' the Museum's catalogue; the "QV" is our designation.

OV 1971 10 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. -111. 11, 12, 14. Collected at Green's Beach on the western side of mouth of'famar River, N. Tasmania, Irom 1965-68. 1971 to 9. Collected at Kelso, 3 mi. S. of (ireen's Beach. Tasmania, 8/1/67.


'Phis collection by Dr Goodin was itircly from Diadematid Sea Urchins; we ha e pre his c< lection numbers with "RG"'. olleelion will be returned lo him.

RG >6. Radar Reel, Rod nest L, W.A. 1 111. Co)!. R. Mahon, A. Baynes, R. Gooding. i2/5/<)«). Among spines on ventral side of C,entui\lephaiut\ lemiispinus collected under ledges in rock pools. Blowholes, near Quobba Point, N. W.A. 1 • 2 in. 21/6/69. From chloretone gs of Diadema se!o.\nm collected under coral heads and rocks in the deeper pools. r> fo- Point Moore. Geraldton. W.A. 3 m. 7/6/69. From (.'enlro.Uc/i/mnus InmLsfiinm collected in niches and caves in coral rock on reef. al ' • Oil' Glacier Point, near Cromilla, near Sydney. N.S.W. 4. 5 in. Coll. C. Lawler arid other Underwater Research group members and R. Gooding. 28/6/69. From C.eiilro.siephamis rodger.si collected between rock ridges on reel. frf-'- Bare F. near N. head of Botany Bay, N.S.W. 3-4 in. (.loll. R. Gooding and Under- water Research Group members, 29/6/69. 47a. On reef between light-beacon and Clark L. NF. Old. J m. .July 1969. Coll. from Echinnmclra in rock pool. 71. Waterwich Reef, NF. Qld. 1 m. 25/7/69. From Echinolhrix diadema collected in hollow at base of coral head. 620a. Olf Signal Point. Lord Howe F. N.SAV. 0.57-1. 5 m. 6/2/70. From Coilroslepiianvs rodgersi in lagoon under rocks and coral. 620c. Same as 620a. From 7 npneasles gralil/a. ()2od. Same as 620a. From Hetiocidaris lubercidafa. 620(2 id. Same as (>2od. 621 a. Frscott's Pass, W. side of Ford Howe I. 1 7/2/70. Froin Caitro.stc[diamis rodgersi collected in hollows on rocks and coral. 622a. Ned's Beach, NF. end of Lord llowe 1. j 8/2/70. From Cciilro.slfjihanus rodgersi collected in hollows and crevices of rocks and coral, 623a. Norfolk I. From lagoon side, of reef al E. end of Sydney Bay near entrance to Fniilv Bay. t 2 m. 15/2/70. From (ientroslejdianuy todgersi collected from spaces under rocks and (oral. (.23b. Same as 623a. 1 1/2 111. From Diadema savignyi. 623/(>23(3je3 . Norfolk F. olf mouth of Emily Bay, E, side. 1. 3 111. 26/2/70. From 7ri/meusfes gralilla. 623 1, 2. Norfolk F, rocks on S. side of Anson Bay. 1-1.5 11:1. 22/2/70. From chloretone washings of Helio


'flic "SM" is our preface: I lie "C" numbers are the museum catalogue numbers, while the lour collections without ihe "C" are our designations.

SM C-iGG. East side of Creole Eylandl, N.T. Coll. N. Tindale, Aug. 1921. C-501. Quecnscliffe Reef, Kangaroo E. S.A. Coll. YV. II. Anderson, registered 1925. C-502. St Vincent Gulf, S.A. " Coll. VV. IE Baker. C-504.. Marino Reef, W.A. Coll. W. IE Raker and H. M. Hale-, 1923. C-505. Northern Territory, registered 1925. C-51'1. Glenelg, St Vincent Gulf. S.A'.' *ColI. IE M. HaJ Aug. 1920. Collected after storm. C. -51,-). Queensclille Reef, Kangaroo E, S.A. ("oil. A. Zi<-t , 1888. C-51 7. Nnyls Arch. S.A. 3-4 fins. Coll. F. Wood-Jones, registered 1925. C-518. Kangaroo E, S.A. Coll. A. Zietz. C-805. QueenscliU', Kangaroo E, S.A. Coll. Hah- & Tindale. January, 1926. Intertidal from under stones. C 10GG. 5 mi. olf Semaphore. S.A. 5 fms. Coll. IE M. Hale. C 1074. Glenelg. S.A. Coll. IE M. I laic, registered 192(1. SM 1. Coll. W. B. Greenwood, 30/8/09. 2. Hallcls Cove, S.A. Coll.J. Formby Collin. 3. Point Lincoln. S.A. Coll.' M. Dredge. 29/3/O4. 4. Sniokv Bav, S.A. Coll. F. Wood-bines.


The preface " EM" is ours; the following designations are Museum catalogue numbers.

EM (11 log. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. Sept. 1 935. 12877/C51. Kingston Beach, Derwent Estuary, 'Tasmania. Nov. 1952. Coll. J. R. Cunningham. 12879/1 J-,2. Green L, D'Entrecasleaux Channel, Tasmania. 21/7/48. 15121 /(1325. Point Espcrance, Tasmania. 54 ft. 2/3/58. Coll. M. Tobias. From woodwork of wreck 1 (>(>30/(>425. Near Woody E. D'Enireeaslenux (lhannel. 'I'asmania. Coll. L. Hughes. July 1962. From scallop dredge.


These collections were made by various individuals in the Brisbane area, including sonic attached to the CSIRO; in some cases they lent us the specimens directly, but in some cases the specimens came from the University of Queensland. All will be returned to the University of Queensland, and probably will eventually be placed in the Queensland Museum. The full designation is ours.

UQ 1. Moreton Bay, Qld. Coll. F. Ellway, 25/5/67. Collected from piles at end of Dunvvich Jettv, substrate sandy-mud. Moreton Bay. 3 6 fms. Coll. C. R. Smalley, 13/5/68. Collected in one-half hour prawn trawl during day. from channels of a large sponge caught in trawl, substrate sandy-mud. 3. Moreton Bay. Coll. C. R. Smalley. 14/5/68. Dug up on intertidal gostera beds at Dunwich. Shrimp occupied burrows dug about (i inches into sandy-mud substrate. 4. Moreton Bay. Coll. S. Cook, May 1968. Caught intertidally near jetty at Victoria Point. Substrate mud and rubble. 5. Moreton Bay. Coll. C. Ellway, 25/5/67. From prawn trawl near Dunwich. 6. Moreton Bay. Coll. C. Ellway, 25/5/67. Collected by hand from piles at end of Dunwich Jetty. Substrate sandy-mud. 7. Moreton 15ay. Coll. C. Ellway, 25/5/67. From near Dunwich. 8. Moreton Bay. 3 fms. Dredged in morning. Substrate gritty-muddy sand. <). Jumpinpin, Qld. 5 fms. Coll. T. Helbig, 30/4/68. In bottom of plankton haul. Substrate sandy. 10. Moreton Bay, Qld. 3-6 fms. Coll. C. R. Smalley, 13/5/68. From one-half hour shrimp trawl at day. From channels of large sponge. Substrate sandy-mud. 374

IK.) li. Moreion Bay. Coll. C. R. Sinalley. i 7/5/6!!. Collected l»v grab oil' Dunwieb Jelly oil' a vessel moored at jet I v. Substrate sandy-mud. pi. Moreton Bay. 7 fms. Coll. I .iron. Feb. njtili. From inside large sponge. 13. Moreton Bay. Coll. Moore. Grid Square 7251b. Marc/da Sin. .j.o. 14. Moreton Bav. 7 litis. (loll. Liron. lull. 1 . From inside edge. 17. Moreton Bay. Grid square 47, Mairlda Sin. t b. Moreton Bay, Lot t 2. 17. Moreton Bav. •> 1 r2 lins. ( loll. Moore. Lot <). Manilla Sin. 222. ill. Moreton Bay. 10 litis. (loll. Moore. .j/tt/<>7. Lot 5, Grid Square 7:5:5:57. Marchta Sin. i<). Moieton Bav. Coll. Moore. Lot 11, (.tad S(|uare 71. Marrlda Sin. 4.)5. •JO. Moreton Bay. i<)(>7- No I'm I lita' data. JI. Moreton Bay. Coll. A. J. Bruee. 24 /?>/<>«>. (lolleeted by Proiioxlish at Peel I. from pools amongst oysters and mussel (lals. 22. Moreton Bay. Peel I.. 0.5 m. (loll. A.J. Bruee from yellow sponge, j;;. .Norman River al Karumba, Gulf ol' Carpentaria, Qld. Coll. A. J. Bruce. 1/7,'67. Prom under stones. jj. Gulf of Carpenlaria, Qld. Coll. Liron. ij.i//<>7. From ( irid Square (iBo.-,. Trawled. -a- Gulf of Carpentaria. Qld. !» I'nis. (loll. Moore. 17/11/1)7. Saula Marin Sin. Gulf of Carpentaria. Old. Coll. Moore. 1/2/bb. (bad Square (>7<)c"i. Simla Maria Stn. '5!!. i j7. 1 n-i! NE. Med I.. .Moreton Bay. Qld. 5.7, fms. Coll. C. R. Stnalley. 2.7 2b :;/bd. Sinalley (loll. NO. d. 28. 1 2 1111'. NL. Mud L. 'iota-ton Bay, Old. 3-b fms. Coll. C. R. Sinalley, 7 K/i»/fift. Smallev (loll. No. 1 7. 1 it mud . 2q. Same as UO 28. Sinalley (loll. No. 17. .40. Same as UQuB. Smalley Coll. No. 22. •51. 2 4 mi. I1/. of lower one-ball'of Redelill'e Peninsula. Moreton Bay. Qld. 4 (i lins. Coll. C. R. Smallev. 2 3/5/68. Sinalley Coll. No. 40. 42. Same as UO 31. Small, y Coll. No. 40. 33. 2 mi. P.. Mini L. Moreton Bay, Qld. Coll. L. Wale from shrimp trawl. •.54. <"> mi. P.:. of Scarborough, Moreton Bay. Qld. 4 1/2 fins. Coll. W. Stephenson, 10/1 1 /61. Sandy bottom.


These collections were made by Dr James M. Moullton. of (he Department of Biology. Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Maine, and deposited in ihe Smithsonian Institution by him. The "US" is our prelix; the numbers an- the catalogue numbers of ihe Crustacea section of the Mus,aim.

US 1 ob 1 (>:;. Dunwich, North Stradbroke L, Qld. :;/<)/bo. 1 ob 1 6 p Same as I S 1 06 1 63. 1 ob 1 65. Sam.• as I IS 1 ob 1 65. iobitib. Same as l;S 106163. Under rocks al low tide. 10(11(17. Same as US tobibb. 3/11/60. 123562. Same as I S lobibb. Intertidal, under rocks in (ialiianassa burrows. 1 2;5f,(>;j. Heron I., Capricorn Croup, Qld. 177' t i /' (>. >. Under bench rock W. side, in damp sand only. 1 2:57(1 j. Same as US I 23563. 2!!/1 /bo. S. side. 12 57(17. Wislari Reel", Capriiorn Group, Old. 40/1 o/bo. Under dead (oral on S. side, t 23566. ( ) ne lice I. Reef, (lapricorn Group, Qld. 1/12/60. 1 Quoin 1.. N. end, Porl Curtis, Qld. 25/1/61. Intertidal zone, under rocks. Rocks and coarse sand. 123568. Unnamed islet, W. side of Pacing L. Porl ( urtis, Qld. 27/1/61. J nlerl idal. under rocks. Muddy silt, mangrove island. ( 2:57b)). W. reef., I leron L. ( lapricorn Group, Qld. 6/10/G0. Prom mid-reef, dead stag- horn coral. 124.770. Same as US 123569. 20/1 o/bo. 20 yds out, from pit in base of coral head. 12477). Same as US 1;;77f>f>. Low tide, coral head crevice. Western shallows. 123572. N. of Heron I., Capiicorn Group. Qld. 5/ io/(io. From crevices in dead (oral. 125573. Same as US 123572. Outer edge of N. reef in dead coral. Larger one under 7 ridacaa. 375

-'357 1- Same as US t 2357'- 9/10/60. ('oral heads and roots between island and outer edge of northei n rec -3575- Same as I S i -3a 7-' 20/10:60. Crevices in cora heads. Western shallow s, low- tide. 2357(>- Same as L'S 1. : i 5 7 2 • 22/10/60. -'.5377- Same as L'S r_ :sr>(>5- -357}5- Same as L'S 1. 35<>5- Under de; <1 coral. : 23579- Same as I S 1 35(>5- 23580. I Icrou L, Capricorn (iroup, (.yd 1 <)/1 1 /61 >. L'ndct coral heads in SF. corner. 1 -3J8 • Same as I S 1: :>.r)''!<>- 235«2. North West 1. Capricorn Group, Qld. 29/2/60. SW. par! of reel, undo dead coral pieces. •-'.i.v" ;• Same as I S 1 _ 3 5(5(5. Under de; id coral pieces. 231)!i4- Same as L'S 1 j 3 5(i(i 6/1 0/60. Reef W. of lab., in dead coral. -3.r)f!5- Same as L'S 1 235^5 1 0/1 0/60. S. side, under d< ad coral. 2358b. Same as t \S 1 l 3585. -35'>,7- Same as L'S ; 35(>5- 1 nder cot al rocks. 23588. Same as L'S 1: '3.r)(>5- 19/ |()/l)0. Crevices in dead coral bases. Same as I S 1 -35<>5 20/10/60. S. side, under de id coral. -359°- Same as I S 1 -35(\5- 2 1 / Io/6<). Western reef, cor d head crevice. -35!)1 • Same as I S 1 37)65. 23592- Same as US 1 -35<>5 14/1 i /(»o. F. side, dead cor tl. living coral base 20 ft below low tide. 2.3593- Same as L'S 1 9/1 <);'()(). L'ndcr coral lieac s. outermost edge of reef N. of island. 23594- Same as L'S 1 3.593- 23595- Same as L'S r. 3365- Same as I S 11 35(>5- -'3597- Same as US 11 3565- 23;)9'»- Same as US 11 .>.'>'• .5 - 18/1 2/60. SF. corner of rec '. under dead coral. 23599- Same as US 1 33(i5- 23600. Same as US 2356 -). 9/10/60. N. reef between island and outer edge of reef. Coral heads an d roots. 23601. Same as LIS 1 l 35<>5- 5/10/60. Reef edge. 23602. Facing I.. \\ . side. Port Curtis Old. 26/1/61. Intertidal, under rocks. Rocks and coarse san I. 23603. Dunwich. North Stradbrokc s., Qld. 10/4/61 Inlcrlidal area, under locks in Cti/luuia.t.sa burrows. 23604. L. side, Port C sirtis. () Id. 27/1 '61. ( '.oral debris 5 ft below low tide level. 23605. Same as L'S 11 35<>5- Western H eel' in dead coral. 23607. Same as L'S 1. 3604. 23608. Same as US n 3 3(>5- 30/10/60. 1'nder coral head 23(509. Same as L'S 1 -'.3565 28/1 1 /(io. S. side, under be ach rock in most sand.


This collccbon was without museum catalogue numbers, and we have assigned he lull designation.

VM i. Western I'orl Bav. Victoria. Coll. S. W. Fulton, 23/5/1 406. 2. Green J., Qld. Coll. A. Tubb, Jan. Kir,. 3. Mordialloc P.each. X'ictoria. Coll. W. Kershaw. Nov. 19. 1888. 4. Portland. X'ictoria. From C. Kurt/.c. 20/6/1952. 5. South Australia. Cummins, 1902. (>. Mordialloc Beach. X'ictoria. Pres. C. Johnston, 25/3/1907. 7. Point Cook. X'ictoria. Coll. C. F. Barrel!, 1/4/1905. From dredge. 8. Portland. X'ictoria. Coll. N. Learmonth, 23/!'/1450. 9. S. Brighton, Victoria. Pres. VV. Kershaw. 10. Cheltenham. Victoria. Coll. W. Kershaw, 20/7/1891. Found 011 beach after storm. 11. Same, as \'M 10. 21/7/1891. 12. San Renio, X'ictoria. Coll. A. Tubb, 17/10/1931. 13. Western Port, X'ictoria. Coll.J. II. MacPherson, 2/9/1957. From SF. Oyster beds. 14. Mordialloc Beach, X'ictoria. May 18177. 15. Newport Power Mouse, X'ictoria. Coll. M. A. Morrison, 21/7/1949. 376

YM 16. Portland. Victoria. Coll. Mr Butler, Dec. 1883. 17. Coast of Adelaide to Kangaroo 1., S.A. Coll. R. II. Cummins, 1902. 18. Same as YM 14. 19. Barrier Reel'oil'Cape York, Qld. Coll. C. French, Sept. 1881. 20. Same as Y.V1 16. Oct. 6, 1879. 21. Phillip F. oil' Covves. Victoria. 16 20 this. 1/6/1951. 22. Port YVillunga, S.A. Coll. R. 11. Cummins, 6/4/1906. Fulton collection. 23. Elliot Heads near Bundaberg, Qld. Dec. 1963. 24. Beaumaris, Victoria. 1-2 I'tns. Coll. S. YV. Fulton, 24/11/1900. In rotten reef. 25. Norfolk I. 26. Same as YM 24. In rocks, dredged. 27. San Renio. Western Port, Victoria. Coll. Coghill, 28/1/1909. 28. Hobson's Bav. Victoria. Coll. |. A. Kershaw, K|Oi. 29. Fow Isles, C'reat Barrier Reef, Qld. 30. Olf Rhyll, Western Port, Victoria. 31. Normanvhle, S.A. 32. St Vincent Gulf. S.A. Coll. R. Cummins. 1902. 33. Port Albert. Victoria. Coll. Mattingly, 1903. Dredged. 34. New South Wales. July 18)92. Purchased from Mr Brown. N.S.W. 35. Western Port Bay, Victoria. Pres. S. W. Fulton. 23/5/1906. 36. 'Pom Thumb Fagoon, Porl Kembla, N.S.W. Coll. A. G. Hamilton. March 1902. 924, 925. 933. 948. 949, 956. 957- 962. Port Phillip Bay, near centre. Victoria. 22 24 m. HI70 71. Soft siltv subsuate. | These collections were made during the Port Phillip Bay Zoobenthos Survey by the Marine Pollution Section, Fisheries and Wildlife Department of Victoria, and will be stored, in pari, in the National Museum. We use the Museum prefix followed by (he Fisheries and Wildlife station numbers.J 94 1. Porl Phillip Bav. Western Arm. Victoria. 9 111. 1970. Soft silty substrate.


All numerical designations ate of the Museum, to which we have assigned tin: prefix "WM".

WM 22 65. Near National Fitness Camp, Point Peron, W.A. Coll. R. \V. George, 1/12/61. 23 ('5. Carnarvon Area, W.A. Trawled. 1/12/69. 23 • (15a. 2 mi. WNW. of Cottesloe, W.A. (near buoyi. 2 fms. Coll. R. W. George on Ihnrna. /15/60. 24 -65. Channel Rock Buoy, Darwin, N.T. Coll. R. E. I lannan, 1/9/63. 25 65. Between Mains and Gidlev F, Dampier Arch., W.A. Coll. Royee on Davena. Sand and can al. 26 -65. Same as 25 65, 1/6/60. 21) 65. lYIsarl Group. Iloutman Albrolhos. W.A. Coll. ,J. Allahis. 13/6/60. In crayfish pot. 30 65. 3 4 li olf E. end of Delambre F. Dampier Arch.. W.A. Coll. 15. R. Wilson 01. l)ai ena. 5/5/60. 31 65. Garden F. W.A. Coll. F. R.Thomas, 14/1/64. On reef Hals. 32 65. Rot111 est F, W.A. Coll. G. Diltmcr, 1/7/65. From sponge. 33 65. E. of Pelsari F, Iloutnian Abrolhos, W.A. Dredged at. 20 fms. Coll. M, Cramer, <6/62. 34 65. Exmoulh Gulf or Shark Bay, W'.A. 'frawled. Coll. R. M. McKay on the Peron. Winter, i960. 35 65. NE. of Garden F, W.A. 13 ft. Coll. P. Barrctt-Lennard, 14/3/59. From an old boom pi It-. 36 65. Yardie Creek Station, North West Cape, W.A. Coll. Douglas and Mees, 2/8/59. Under stones on sandy beach. 37-65. Dirk Plartog F, W.A. Coll. J. Sells, - /-l/fj7- From crayfish pots. 38-65. 7 mi. SW. of Bunbury, W.A. 11 fms. Coll.. F. R. V. Lancelin, '3/4/63. 39-65. Yule Point. N. of Cairns, Qld. Coll. G. F. Mees, 11/10/61. 40 -65. Careening Bay, Garden I., W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson and Marine Group, 26/11/61. 41-65. Shark Bay, 40 mi. SW. of Carnarvon, W.A. Trawled. Coll. A. Snell, 1/6/60. 42 65. Lancelin I., W.A. Coll. Neptune Submariners, 14/1/58. 43 -65. Point Quobba, W.A. 24.1 30' S., 113 24' E. Coll. Jan. 59. 44-65. Exmoulh Gulf, W'.A. Colt. W. Dall, 10/9/53. 45 65. NW. ofjurien Bay, W.A. 30 00' S., 114 32' E. Beam Trawl at 70- 75 fim. CSIRO Sta. 3, 25/1/64. Sponge and bryozoa. 377

WM 47-65. Victoria Station, Cottcsloe, cable station, Perth, W.A. Coll. W. H. Butler 16/3/61. 48-65. Trawled oil Mandurah, W.A. Coll. Poole Bros, 4/1/63. 49-65. D'Estrees Bay, S.A. Sample 47. 5/4/53. 51-65. Carnac I., S. reef platform, W.A. Coll. E. P. Hodgkin, 20/12/61. 52-65. South Reef, Penguin I., W.A. Coll. B. Lindsay, 14/11/64. From sponge. 53-65. North of Darwin, N.T. Coll. R. Kersting, 12/11/19 From buoys and beacons near light house. 54-65. W. of Bluff Point, Ceraldton, W.A. 24 1 40' S., 113 ' 03' E. 20 fms. CSIRO Sta. 131. 22/8/68. 55-65. Exmouth Gulf, W.A. Trawled at 1-10 fms. Coll. R. W. McKay on the Peron. Winter, i960. From sponge. 58-65. Same as WM 35-65. 60-65. W. side of Exmouth Gulf, W.A. 8-9 fms. 23/9/53. From sponge. 61-65. Panchoran Buoy, 13/7/61. 62-65. Woody E, Houtman Albrolhos, W.A. Coll. R. P. McMillan. 63-65. SW. of Gerald ton, W.A. 29 05' S., 113 56' E. 71-81 fms. CSIRO Sta. 54. 16/2/(14. 64-65. NW. of Bluff Point, W.A. 27 40' S., 113 20' E. 7 1/2 fms. CSIRO Sta. 208. 10/10/(13. 65-65. Between Eong and Table Is, NW. of Onslow, W.A. F. R. V. Lancclin, 1/8/63. Coarse sand and dead shells. 69 65. N. of Eeschenault, W.A. 47 49 fins. Coll. CSIRO 11/10/63. 70-65. Cockatoo I., W.A. Coll. N. Hoffman. March 1963. In dead coral cracks and hollows. 71-65. NW. of BluIf Point, W.A. 27 40' S., 114 03' E. 70 fms. CSIRO Sta. 31. 22/8/63. 72 65. 5 mi. NE. end ol Rottnest E. W.A, 19 Ims. Coll. R. W. George on Darena. 73 65. Cable Beach, Broome, N. W.A. (loll. W. Goode 011 ihe Dorothea, 6/10/62. 76 65. Point Peron, W.A. Coll. 1). G. Bathgate, 1 1/7/62. In limestone from reef. 77 65. Zecwvk Channel, Houtman Abrolhos, W.A. 21 fms. Coll. F. R. V. Lancclin. 6/3/63. 79 65. 60 mi. W. and N. Bedout E, W.A. Dredged at 25 1ms. Coll. R. W. George, on the Dorothea. 81 65. 23 mi. W. and N. of Bedout E, W.A. Dredged at 25 fins. Coll. R. W. George on the Dorothea, 12/10/62. 82-65. Lancclin E, W.A. Coil. R. Ackcrman, --/3/64. 83-65. Cockburn Sd. W.A. 2 mi. W. of naval base. Dredged in 10 fms. Coll. P. Cawthorn 011 Lancclin. 84 65. NNW. of Bussclton Jetty, W.A. Dredged at 5 fms. Coll. B. R. Wilson and J. Seabrook on Lancclin. 85 65. Near National Fitness Camp, Point Peron. Coll. R. W. George, 1/11/61. In "worm" rock. 86- 65. 5 mi. W. of North Beach, Perth, W.A. 50 ft. Coll. D. Blair, 9/9/61. In sponge. 87-65. Kwinana, Cockburn Sd, W.A. 200-300 yds NW. off #2 buoy. Coll. B. R. Wilson. 10/1/38. 88-65. NW. of Blulf Point, W.A. 27 18' S., 13 16' E. 54 fms. CSIRO Sla. 204. 9/1 89-65. Yampi Sd, W.A. Coll. G. A. Robinson, 1/19/60. 90-65. W. of Gerald ton, W.A. 28 14/ S., 113 '28' E. 60 fms. CSIRO Sta. 4.0, 4/2/64. 91-65. NW. ol Carnarvon, W.A. 22 59'S., 113' 25'E. Beam 4 rawl at 71 fms. CSIRO Sla. 17, 31/1/64. 92-65. Triggs L, near Perth, W.A. Coll. W. II. Butler, 20/4/61. 93'Olf Cleveland Cape, Qld. Dredged in 16 fms. Coll. W. Goode, 24/11/63. 94-65. NW. of Cape Naturaliste, W.A. 33° 40' S., 114" 28' E. 75 fms. CSIRO. Aug. 1963. 95-65. Near bar of South Passage, Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. R. W. George on Daveva, 14/4/60. 96-65. Cockburn Sd, W.A. Coll. F. V. Dante, 9/2/57. 97-65. Emu Point Channel, Albany, W.A. Coll. R. W. George, 15/1/59. 98-65. Reef llat Y'anchep, W.A. Coll. B. Wilson, 27/1/59. Low tide, under stones. 99-^5- Same as WM 85-65. 1/10/61. 101-65. Roeburne, W.A. Coll. C. Lambert, 21/9/59. Under stones on reef flat. 102 -65. "Flat Rocks", Grecnough, near Ceraldton, W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 23/8/58. 378

Busselton, W.A. toll. W . 11. Butler, e'3 82. o4 Fleron I., Capricorn Group, (.del. Coll. R. \\ . George. 7 : 2 1 i. R.eef llai, edge nuclei' rocks.

":") Same as WM 92 -(>5, -()-,. Dirk Hartog I.. W'.A.. ( oil. 1. Sells, ../3f77. From eras ;sl1 p,,{. <>7 (17. Dcnharn, Shark Bav. W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 29 ia 79. of! (>•7. Same as WM 97 (>7.. t.i./-,/(io. 09 85. Same as WM 92 (if,. 1 .}./;{ ;()t. L I -85. 1 2 mi. W. ol Seal 1... K ng (ieorge Sd. W.A Coll. R. W. George. "/3d'- I 2 87. lssp,•ranee Bav. W.A. Coll. W. H. Buller. 20 ] li 779. I3 Rockingham, near Perth, W. \. 8 2 70. J't'O 11 rucks nea 1 old piles. 14 67. Jervois Groyne. Cockhm n Sd, W.A. Cock iiirn Sd >1 us. -y. 13 1 2/7,1' 1. coral lock IN. ol groyne. ' r> 87. Same as WM 97 (>7. 1 | />:<»>. 18 Same as WM 97 (17. 13 fr8o. 1. fms Coll. wiih 1 km.. uiu dredge. San. graw'l.

i 7 ' ... l'Veman ile. W.A. WM ( 1)! lee I ion, - an 1 2. I'.illl ] e I i V -iles. i 8 (>7. Wreck I'oinl. Southern ( iro'.ip. 1 louiman Al aolhos. W. \. Coll. A. Rod 20/3/38. Same as WM 9!! (>3. -87. Pidgeon 1.. Wallahi ("taaip, iloutnian Ahrolhi s. W.A ( oil. P. Bat ret 1 -1 ,en /f/f'). From crtnoids. 2 i Bussehoil, W . \. Cell. \\ . IF P,utler. 1.3..<;.:. 2 2 No data, almost certainlv not I hern W. A. ( 1 >! . K. < ...dir. \ 01; l.ani'rlin. 197;

-"> Same as WM 107 (>->.. -1) I'oinl Gregory. N W. sid • ol Peron Peninsul t. Shark 8 ty. W.A. (loll. 1 Wilson. t/t/()o. 2<> Fancelin 1.'. W.A. Coll j. Shea, Dec, 19I 3. On det k h'oin cray jiots sponges. -7 Good Friday Baa,', lloutm tn Ahrolhos, W..\. Coll. F. R. V. Lain r!in. 28. 2 (.' •28 Same as WM 9a <>3, 1 |/f (io.

21) •1 R> • W. ol Fancelin F. W.A. Id '>0' -S.. it j. 73' F. ( 1SI RO SKI. 48. 7.2 hi. '••() -1)7. Fori Gregory Reel'. i\W. side ol Peron Penile a !a. Shai k lav. W.A, Coll, Wilson. 8/12/82. Under • tones at low title.

") 1 (»7. Vatiioi Sd. Coll. G. A. 1 Lohinson. ,'9.(10, I •V tide. (,3a. WNW. R..Idlest F. W.A. 90 9 1 lins. ( loll. R. W. ( ,01 ge on I' ha fin, 3 '{>•' (>7,1). Point Gregory, NW. sid • of Peron Peninsul 1. Shark 8 iy. W.A. ' Coll. 1 Wilson, t /1 ,'Bo. F1 nder si one oil limestone ret f llai at low tide. • >' > (77. Same as W M 1 20 (>7. a' aM- :; 1 <>7. North of Pel on Mats, Slia ls Bav. W.A. Coll. Poole 1 In is. • '<>2. is f) 83. Fagle Bay. ('.ape Naltira isle. W.A, Coll. 11. R. Wilson 7' 8., 'si- l.'nder 1 ida 1 gnu ate 1 lottliha s. (',7. Samt.' as WM 1 13 (if. 3,: ! 2 '()!. (>5. N W. etid ol Rosemary I. Dampier Arch.. W. A. < oil. ,3 R. Wilson and ( Kend rick. 23 .'«!/(> t. c (77. Oil Garden F, W'.A. Be mi d raw 1. 2 lins. ( oil. (. IS I R ( Ijihi 1 tin. - • 7-.'<> 5, 11 (.5. liopetaim, N. )etl\, W.A. Coll. R. W. ( , a e. I| 1 y|. ( iranite rocks, l,,y •p~ ' 7 > - S. W. I Icrald (lav.' ( )ld. 1 I 1 1 ;•()!. ,97,8, N; ' 1- Fancelin F, W.A'. Coll. ). McKay. March 1 a April On ( ra\ puis. 1 ! (1 i < 11 e \ F, Dampier Aid. . W.A. (loll. Rosa • on /),/, ,7// . 1/680.' From nil idle.

•IT) (if,. W. ol Rottnest F, W.A. 32 00' S., .11 7 ' >0' 73 fms. ( 1SIRO Sta. 17 1 •17 I'f,. 172 mi. SF. Mistaken F, King George Sd. So it lieiai W'. A I 7 fills. Coll. Wilson and ( \\ . K eitdri ek. ' <>:>- Same as WM 1 59 (77. 27 •8 8:. 1 .a .a I'a- Nor I'o k !., linicslone pi itionii at Kingston (loll. F. P. Ilodgkill. 19, Washed from (.•anlnha. Bet ween Gidley and KIM 'tnai'v Is. Dampier \reli.. W.A Muriel King F ( loll. Royce 011 Da- a,',V7. 3/ 7 <>( 1. 30 <>3. Owen Anchorage, irawlei elf FremantJe powe • HOUSE, w. \. Coll. R. \V. G 011 Lain'iHii, (>/1 2,733. (Jo (if,. NW. of Point Gloats, W.A. 22 .72' S.. 113 8/10/83. fn Cape Inscription and (lane Si Crcig. Shark Bay. W. \. 58 iins. Coll. R George on Davena, 1 (>,'5 lii 379

WM 162-65. Exmout.'i Gulf. W.A. Trawled. Coll. Poole Bros. On.-Nov. 1958. 163-65. Cable Siaiion X'ictoria St, Cottcsloe. W.A. Coll. W. 11. Butler, 16/3/61. 104-65. Point Peron. W.A. 6 It. Coll. W. If. Butler. 26/6/60. -65-65. West Point. Darwin. .N.T. Coll. R. I. Hannan, 4/1 tLow water. : 66-65. Good Friday Bay, Houtman Abrolhos, W.A. Dredged 5 Cms. Coll. F. R. X'. Lancclin. 445/65. ;67-65. Shark Bay.' W.A. F.RA'. Peron, Sta. IE 137. 2/7/62. 16B-63. Monkey Mia. Shark Bay, W.A. (loll. A. Kalnias. 25/3/50. In sand at low tide. : 69-65. Same as 1(16 65. 9/7/(12. ! 70-65. N. end Oyster Harbour. W. A. 20 23' S.. 118 29' E. 3 fms. Coll. B. R. Wilson. 2/7:65. In mud. 171-65. Same as W.XI 95 (15. 14/5/60. 172-65. Port Walcoit. W.A. 20' 39' S., 117 10' E. B lins. Coll. Royee on Davena, 3/6/60. 173-65. Shark Bay . 30 mi. S\V. ol" Carnarvon, W.A. 'I'rawlcd. Coll. R. Snell, 1 /O/60. >7.4-65. OIF Parker Point. Roilnest E. W.A. ' Coll. Mr Pollard, 7/8/64. 175-65. Same as W.XI <)j 65. 20/3/61. i 76-65. Cockburn Sd. 2 mi. oil" Rockingham, XV.A. Coll. R. Slack-Smith and G. W. Kendrick. 6/1 .'by. i 77 -65. Same as WM 1 76 65. 178 4)5. Albany. W.A. From octopus stomach collected at town jeltv, Oct. 19(15. 179 -65. Shark'Bay. W.A. Coll. by F. R. X'. Peron haul 5, 2/3/62'. : 80 65. Eancelin E. W. X. Coll. J. Shea. -/12/56. ()n deck Ironi eravpots and sponges. :Mc 65. Rat E. I loulinaii Abrolhos. W.A. Coll. F. Greco. 10/3/63. Inside coral piece caught on cravhsli pot rope in shallow water. •82 65. 5 mi. E. ol North E. Houtman Abrolhos. W.A. Honolulu dredge. Coll. R. W. George on / >11. v nti. 1 4 5 60. Sea \\< ed. coral, sponge. .84 65. Between 'A'" and Whalebone E. F.xmoulh Gull'. W.A. Coll. K. Godfrevs. 78 77. 8.4 65. SW. of (ieraldion. W.A. 29 5' S.. 11;;' 5b' 1'/. 71 .".1 i'ms. CSIRO Sta. 4'j. 1 (: 2 6 p (17. Y.uupi' Sd. X. W.A. ( oil. ( ,. A. Robinson. 1 • 1 ;-<,. 8 6 65. - 8 mi. N, ol' 1 .ong E. ,.»!' ( .W.A. Coll. 11. R. \\ ilson on Dr. .;/,-,. 1 - 'I, b, 87 65. Pa hi 1 beach |c|.'-. ( ...ckburu Sii 65. Yampi Sd. W.A. Coll. (,. A. Robinson. /2/61.' Reel at low lid.-. .1,2 65. W. of Dirk llanog E. W.A. 25 74' S.. 112 48' E. Beam trawl at 70-72 litis. CSIRO Sta. 35. 4/2:64. 'dlk Reef bottom. mar Hashing light. Porl lledland. W.A. Coll. Mr B. Duncan.

: 96 Patches Point Charles. 12 mi. Irom Darwin, N.I. Coll. R.J. Hannen, 1 3/1 1 (13. 11) 7 Same as WM 1 14-65, 1/12/55. 198- 2 mi. E. of E. end of Rottnesl E. W.A. 9 fms. Coll. R. W. George on Davena. 199- Exmouth Gulf. W.A. Trawled 6 fms. ' Coll. CSIRO, Oct. 1955. 200 C'5- W. side of Friday Bay. Houtman Abrolhos, W.A. Dredged 10-15 fms. Coll. F. R. Y. L,matin. 8/3/63. 201- 3 mi. NW. ol l.odge Point. W.A. 34 28' S., 119" 13' E. 8-9 fms. Coll. 1. Patterson. /1/61. From craypot. 202 Beagle E, W.A. 29 : 40' S., 114 52' E. 33 ft. Coll. Poole Bros, March-April, 1959. From crayfish pots or ropes. 203- 65. Same as WM 95-65. Honolulu Dredge at 6 fms. 14/5/60. Sand and weed. 204--65. XV. side of North West. Cape. XV.A. Coll. H. Roberts, --/6/61. Under stones. 205 -65. Cockburn Sd. W.A. 8 ft. Marine Naturalist Club. Inshore. Jetty area. Woodman's Point, near Perth. W.A. Coll. R. W. George, 19/2/61. 208- "65- Eiving under sea urchins Lleliocidaris sp. 209- •65- 2 mi. after Eegendre Is, Dam pier Arch., W.A. Coll. Wilson on Davena, 9/1 1/60. 210 -65- 211- -65. 212- -65- Esperance, W.A. Coll. W. H. Butler, -/u/60. 3 3 -65" . SW. ol' Geraldn.n, W.A. 29 49' S., 114 24/ E. 70-72 fms. CSIRO Sla. 214, 11 /10/63. 214-65. Cockburn s,|. jervois Groyne, W.A. Coll. G. W. Kendrick, 20/10/63. Inter- tidal. under stones. 380

WM 217-65. 2 mi. SW. of Peak I., W'.A. Honolulu dredge at 10 fms. Coll. B. R. Wilson on Davena, 8/6/60. 220-65. Shark Bay, W.A. Pres. 1/7/64. 221-65. Yampi Sd, W.A. Coll. O. A. Robinson, -2/3/60. 222-65. Same as WM 211-65, 8/11/62. 223-65. NW. of Bluff Point, W.A. 27' 18' S., 113'' 16" E. 54 fms. CSIRO Sta., 9/1 225-65. Wood I., Houlman Abrolhos, W.A. Coll. R. P. McMillan, -/5/63. 226-65. 40 mi. W. of Cape Jaubert, W.A. 23 fms. Coll. R. W. George on Dorothea, 13/10/62. On sponge. 227 -65. Yanchep, W.A. 31 ' 33' S., 115 41' E. 15 fms. Coll. B. Hughill, —/5/59- 228-65. Same as WY1 95-65. 14/5/60. 229 -65. Same as WM 92-65. i .4/3/61. 230-65. SW. of Point Gloats, W.A. 23" 05' S., 113' 23' E. 73 fms. CSIRO Sta. 182. 231-65. 3-4 mi. offend of Delambre 1., Dampier Arch. Coll. B. R. Wilson on Davena, 5/6/60. 233-65. NW. Alalus Is, Dampier Arch., W.A. 10 fms. Coll. Royce on Davena, 31/5/60. 235 -65. Woody I., Houtman Abrolhos, W.A. Coll. R. P. McM'illan. 237-65. Bav of Fxmouth Chill -data uncertain, W.A. Coll. K. Godfrey of CSIRO. 238-65. Eagle Hawk 1., Dampier Arch., W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 13/6/60. 239-65. Cockburn Sd, Sta. 31. Coll. W. A. Naturalist Club, 22/2/59. 240-65. Point Peron, W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 1/9/63. Among "worm" rocks. 241-65. Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. Pooh- Bros, -(7/63'. 242-65. Kuri Bay, northern W.A. Coll. Kuri Pearl Lid, -/17/64. 243-65. Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. by F. R. V. Peron. block 16, 8/7/62. 244-65. Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. by F. R. Y. Peron, haul 1, 1/3/62. 24.5-65. Heron J., Capricorn Group, Qld. Coll. R. W. George, 23/6/61. From reef flai. 246-65. NW. of Rottnest F, W.A. Dredged 90-91 fms. Coll. R. W. George 011 Bluefir. Sta. 32, 5/8/62. 247-65. 10-20 mi. W. of FaGrange, W.A. 12-15 (ms. Coll. R. W. George on Dorothea, 1 3110/62. 248 65. 1 1/2 mi. W. of S. cud of Garden 1., W.A. Dredged at 10 fms. Coll. R. W. George on B hie fin, 13/10/62. 250-65. NW. of Rottnest I., W.A. Dredged at 37 fms. Coll. R. W. George on Blue/in 12/8/62. From sponge. 251-65. Riddell Beach, Broome. W.A. Coll. R. Baud and M. MacDonald, 28/12/61. Intertidal, under rocks. 252-65. Between Roebourne and Onslow, W.A. Coll. R. B. Sharp, 8/9/62. Intertidal. 255-G5. NW. of Rollnesl F. W.A. 100 103 fms. Coll. R. W. George on Blue/in, 14/8/62. From sponges. 256 65. Port 1 ledland, W.A. Coll. Gap I. Beamish. 5/7/63. Intertidal. 257-65. Jervois Groyne, Cockburn Sd, W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 3/12/61. 258-65. "1 1/2 mi. \V. of S. end of Garden F, W.A. 10 fms. Coll. R. W. George 011 Bluefin, 1 3/8/62. 265 65. Garden F, near P< rth, W.A. 100 yds olfshore. Coll. R. Dawson and Marine Group. 25/11/61. In coral. 266-65. Garden I., Careening Bay, under naval .jetty, W.A. Coll. Marine Group and Nats Club, 1/3/59. From sponge. 267••65. Garden F, W.A.' Beam trawl. CSIRO Lancelin, - /7/6f>. 268-65. Garden I., W.A. 15 ft. Coll. P. Barreti-Fennard. 1959. 269-65. W. of W. end of Rollnesl F, W.A. Dredged in 74 75 i'ms. Coll. R. W. Ceorgr 011 Bha/ih, 10/8/62. 270 -65. WNW. Rottnest F. W.A. Dredged 95 9!) fms. Coll. R. W. George 011 Blue/in, 4/8/62. On sponges. 271-65. Bunlnuy. W.A. Coll. W. IF Butler, 3/65. 272-65. Mouth of Murchison River, near Ganthcattme Bay, W.A. Coll. 1. McDonald, /1/63. -73 65. S. side of Point Pet on, W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson. 7/12/58. Among worm tubes. 274 65. Exmoulh Gulf, W.A. Dredged at 2 fms. Coll. F. R. V. Lancelin, 28/8/63. 275 -65. Port Hedland, W.A. Coll. A. McKay via P. Barrell-Lennard, 3/5/59. Intertidal. 276-65. Port Dennison, W.A. 29' 17' S., 114" 53' E. Coll. B. R. Wilson/ 24/8/58. 277~()5- Gable Beach, Broome, W.A. Coll. M. McDonald, 27/12/61. In rock pools. 278-65. Yampi Sd, W.A. Coll. G. A. Robinson, -/12/60. 279-65. W. approaches to Mermaid Str., Dampier Arch., W.A. Coll. Royce on Davena, 27/5/60. 281-65. Adele II., W.A. Coll. W. Goode on Dorothea, 18/1/62. From large clam shell. 381

WM 282-65. Cockatoo I., W.A. 16 06'S., 123 08' E. Coll. N. Hoffman, Nov. 1962. From among crinoids. 284-65. Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. Poole Bros on Blucfin, -/14/63. 285-65. Dampier Arch., W.A. Coll. Neptune Submariners. 286-65. Point Gregory, NW. side of Peron Peninsula, Shark Bay, W.A. Coll. 13. R. Wilson, 111160. 288-65. Palm Beach, Rockingham, W.A. Coll. P. Barrett-Eennard, 1959. From jettv piles. 289-65. Same as WM 211-65. -76/59. 290-65. W. of Carnarvon. W.A. 24 59' S., 112 27' E. 71 fms. CSIRO Sta. 197. 8/10/63. 292-65. Cockatoo E, W.A. 16' 06' S., 123" 08. E. Coll. N. Hoffman, mid-1963. 293 -65. N. side of Triggs E, W.A. Coll. W. I E Butler, 8/12/63. From sponge. 294.-65. Swan River, Perth, W.A. Coll. G. Oloughta, /13/65. 295-65. Canning River, near Fremantle, W.A. Coll. K. Sheard. /12/65. 296-65. Yanchep reef flat, W.A. Coll. B. R. Wilson, 27/1/59. 297-65. Same as WM 211 65. —/G/59. 298-65. Same as WM 211 -65. -76/59. 299-65. Yampi Sd, W.A. Coll. G. A. Robinson, -/12/61. 300-65. Same as WM 211-65. —/G/59. 301-65. NIC. of Garden E, W.A. Coll. P. Barrett-Eennard, 15/4/50. On old boom piles. 302-65. Same as WM 301 65. 4/3/59. 304-65. Off Cheyncy Beach, Cheyne Point, W.A. 33 54/ S., 122 32' E. Coll. S. Barker, /r>/[>9- 305-65. Busselton, W.A. Coll. Univ. W.A., 3/4/59. 44-4;). Mandurah, W.A. Coll. P. H. Card, 2/4/49. 93/94, 96. Swan River, Fremantle, W.A. Coll. R. II. Holland, 3/6/46. ,.r)3/'I73- Bathurst Point, Roilnest E, W.A. Coll. E. Claucrl. Jan. or Fed). 1931. 251-78-32. Cottcsloe, W.A. Coll. E. Glauerl, July 1932. 368/9. Bathurst Point, Rollnesl E, W.A. Coll. E. (dauert, Feb. 1930. Found living under urchin lleliocidaris crjlhrogamina. 403/5-38. Swan River, Perth. W.A. Coll. F. E. Capstick, 26/5/38. 409/11-30. Bathurst Point, Roilnest E, W.A. Feb. 1930. 4985. Between fremantle and Ceraldton, W.A. Trawled F.l.S. Endeavour. ('.oil. W. B. Alexander, 1912. 4986. Same as WM 4985. (>052. Fremantle, W.A. Coll. W. B. Alexander, Nov. 1912. From piles of old jelly. 81752. Garden E, W.A. Coll. W. B. Alexander and Mr Justice Burnside'.s partv, 14/14 |. 8)972. Broome, W.A. Coll. W. B. Alexander, (3d. 1914.. ^973- Same as WM ">972. (3d. 1929. 9322. Rottnesl E, W.A. Coll. Chief Inspector Fisheries. Jan. 1920. 998)2. Cottcsloe, W.A. July 1922. 9991. Cot t lesloe, W.A. Coll. E. (dauert, 14/8/22. From dead sponge. 1001 1. Cottcsloe, W.A. Coll. E. (dauert, 2/7/22. From J'osidouia. 10199/10208. Freshwater Bay, olf Swan River, W.A. Coll. (1. E. Glauerl. 26/1 2/22. 10229-34. Same as WM 10199/10208). Coll. A. E. Wear. 1924. 10274. Same as WM 10229 34. ios>8o. Cottcsloe. W.A. Coll. E. Glauerl, June 1923. From sponge. 10381. Same as WM 10380. 10410. Same as WM 1048)0. 1 ().]•.>7. Same as WM 1001 1. 12/12/22. From living sponge. 10468. Same as WM 104,10. July 1928. 10472. Same as WM 9991. 14128. 104,01. Same as WM 9991. 21/1/23. 1 o | > Ha.ne .c: WM 9991. 2/6/24. 1 <)70. S-uii- a . \\ 1 : o j. i o.

Same a- \\ M e„r,M. j See. j. iil)| 1 Freshwater Ibv. olf Swan R'c.ei. W.A. Coll. Mrju-aiec Burnside. April ergo, lit'] , 70,71,72,7;. Canning River, Fremantle, W.A. Coll. Capt. Abjornson. -/6'2b 1178)8,. Swan River. Fremanlle, W.A. Coll. 1). McKenna. 14/8/26. 12112. North Beach. W.A. 31 52' S., 115 45' E. Coll. E. Eulllii/., 4/6/27. 382

I '-!<")'->_> i !')j'i. Ballnnsl 1'oml, Ottll' •si 1 .. W.A. Sepl. I ;)•_!,",. Re 1 .")">7. - Suan River, Frcmam . w. \. Coll. H. Wood. ; i 1 1 ~> ' Swan River, Frenian e, W A. (:oil. l. (ialeman. IT.:, I i of! -(H). Garden 1., W.A. C > . 1 )V ore nan, ••( 1 i i "T)' Same as WM 12112. c;oii. Mi Webl).' 1 l _>o - > ",Swa n River, 1'Yeniand w. \. (:o!h A. R. Slepheuv,; . I ()() • > 7. Swan Ri\-er, at (!ravl< V. w A. Coll. II. Mel fall. 7 I) 7,7.

17:: (io. 1 loul man Akrolhos, S, )iiih ( hoi 0. W .A. ied.'li,'. :_!(><) 7) 7 • SIC. end Dirk 1 lartog ., w. \. Colk Ik Wils ,n. : 57 2 ) !)-- • Swan River, Fremaritl '. w \. 1 "))'> :sn- I5un!)iiry, W.A. ( loll. T. K . M oriartv. (1 •; • 511. 1 1<) a | •;'-!. Swan River, k rema ide WAY ( loll. 1'. K. R. :,;j* •in 7 :»!)• Swan Rival' at narrow S. Fl'e nanlle, W.A Coll. Mi-s \ ! J;! .r)' '!> i . Same as WM <)<)<) 1, .>- (><>;, Swan River at ( Ira vie v. W. V. ( loll, y/io/'jo. 7.in Canning Bridge, Swan Rive »'.. 1 'emanl 1. . W.A. Coll _•.;• GUIDE TO AUTHORS OF AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MEMOIRS AMD RECORDS 1. Scope The Australian Museum publishes in its Rccords and Memoirs the results of original research dealing with material in its collections or with subjects of interest to the Museum, including taxonomic and general zoology, palaeontology, anthropology, mineralogy, and related tields. Contributions of well above average length are published in the Memoirs.

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3. Presentation Papeis should be arranged as follows: (i) The title, which should be concisc and specific. The higher classification of the group dealt with should be indicated in the title of zoological papers; in palaeontological papers the position of a local formation in the world scheme should be indicated. (ii) The author's name and professional address. (iii) A summary not exceeding either 3 per cent of the text or 200 words and intelligible to the reader without reference to the main text. (iv) A list of contents may be included if the paper is very long. (v) Introduction. (vi) The main text of the paper. (vii) Acknowledgments. (viii) References (see below). (ix) Index (in the case of very long papers). The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in pencil at the left-hand margin.

Only the names of genera and species should be underlined. Unless indicated elsewhere in the text, or where nomenclature follows a generally accepted standard (which should be cited), the authority should be cited when any specific name is used for the first time. In taxonomic papers the short form (taxon, author, date, page) should be used in synonymies and the full reference taken to the end of the paper. In synonymies a period and dash (.—) should separate the name of the taxon and the name of the author except in the case of the reference to the original description. Where new species are described the location of the type material must be indicated and Article 73 and associated recommendations of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature should be followed. Dichotomous keys with contrasting parts of couplets adjacent to each other are recommended. In these only the first part of the couplet should be numbered and the beginning of the second indicated with a dash at the left-hand margin. Keys must not use serially indented couplets.

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6. References References should be arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the World Fist of Scientific Periodicals (4th ed.). Titles of all references must be given in full. It will be assumed that the list of references has been checked for accuracy by the author. The following examples may be of assistance: Gibb, J. A., 1966. Tit prcdation and the abundance of Ernarmania conicoluna (Heyl.) on Weeting Heath. Norfolk, 1962-63. J. Anim. Ecol. 35: 43-53, 5 tables, 2 figs. Mavr, E., F. G. Linsley, and R. L. Usinger, 1953. Methods and principles of systematic /ookmv. * McGraw-Hill, New York. Pp. ix, 328, 14 fables, 45 figs. Schone, H., 1961. Complex behaviour. In T, H. Waterman (ed.), The phvsiologv of Crustacea. Vol. 2: 465-520, 22 figs. Academic Press, New York.

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