The Kings of Wessex Academy Gettingthebest out of ewryone

February 2076

Dear Patents/Carets

RE: Proposal to Establish a Multi Academy Trust and to become an Academy Sponsot

The Governing Body of The Kings of Wessex Academy Trust plans to establish a multi Academy Trust and to become an academy sponsof. Information about this ptoposal and how to comment on the proposal is set out below.

The Governing Body has submitted an application to the Department for Education to establish a Multi Academy Trust to be called the Wessex Learning Trust and to become an approved sponsor. Subject to approval from the Secretary of State and the necessary legil. artangements being in place we plan to establish the Wessex Learning Trust by 1 September 2076. However, the school is not obligated to do so until the contract between the Academy Trust and the Depatment for Education (known as the Funding Agreement) is signed. The Academy Trust will not sign the Funding Agreement until parents and carets of students at the Academy, staff, and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to comment on the ptoposals.

It is proposed that in establishing a Multi Academy Trust The Kings of Wessex Academy will join together with the following Cheddat Valley schools:

o Axbddge Church of England First School a East Brent Church of England First School a Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School a Lympsham Church of England Voluntary Controlled First School a Mark Church of England Voluntary Controlled First School o !7eare Academy First School a First School

lWhat is a Multi Academy Trust? A Multi Academy Trust (L4AT) is a group of Academies that work together in a single Academy Trust. Academies are state schools, who receive funding dfuecdy from the Deparlment fot Education and are independent of Local Authority control.

What is an Academy Sponsor? Thete is an expectation by the Department for Education that successful academies, such as The Kings of Wessex will sponsot schools which are less successfril. The Academy would share its expettise and ptovide leadership support to help a sponsored school improve to achieve a good standard of education for its students. The Depatment for Education would provide us with grart to help build our leadership capacity ^ and future costs would be met by the school that is being sponsored.

What ate the benefits? As a group of schools we have a long historT of working closely together in the Cheddar Valley and we are keen to build on this to ensure that we are able to continue to provide all our children with the very best education. W'e believe that becoming a Multi Academy Trust and joining together in the 'W'essex Learning Trust will bdng the following benefits:


An Ourstanding Chur ch of England A c ademy

Station Road, Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3AQ Telephone: 01934 742608 Fax: 01934 742757 Email [email protected] The Kings of Wessex Academy Trust Ltd Registered in England Company No. 7348580 Page2 Letter to Parents/Carers Proposal to Establish a Multi Academy Trust and to become an Academy Sponsor

o A strongff partnership between our Cheddar Valley Schools. o Improved ptovision and standards fot all our children. . Protecting the ethos and identity of our schools for the future. o Enhanced leadership capacity by wotking mote closely together, to share expertise and responsibilities across academies. o Shated central services including finance and HR. o Greater putchasing power for conftacts meaning cost savings through economies of scale. o Increased oppottunities for capital funding from the Departrnent for Education. o Improved ptofessional developmeflt opportunities to help recruit and retain the best staff. o ,{ sftong degree of protection from rapidly expanding academy chains

Are there any disadvantages? Just as the Academy is now, the Wessex Learning Trust will be directly liable for matters such as insurance, employment liabilities, pensions, health and safety, and, property maintenance. However, all Academies receive more funding from Centtal Govetnment to help them meet these additional costs.

Vhat will happen to stafP Fot staff currently employed by The Kings of W'essex Academy there will be no change in employer and pay and conditions because the Multi Academy Trust is being formed from the existing Academy and the legal entity wiil remain unchanged.

Vhat about admissions? The Wessex Leaming Trust wili deal with admission arrangemeots and vrill still be bound by the national Admissions Code, and Admissions Appeals Code. \7e do not plan to make any changes to the cuffent admission afrangemeots. If the Multi Academy Trust wanted to change its admission arrangements consultation would be required.

Sflill The Kings of Wessex Academy change? We do not intend to change The Kings of STessex Academy except in ways which we think will improve the school even more. For students, it is unlikely that they will see.much, if any, change in their day-to-day school lives. Academies do have the power to deviate from the National Curriculum andvary the length of the school day; however, it is not intended to take any such steps at this stage and we would engage with parentsf carerc and staff if we did ever intend to make such change, in the future.

flow can I find out more? A meeting will be held for parents and carers at The Kings of Wessex Academy on Tuesday l Match 2016 at 7.00pm in the Main Hall. There will be a short ptesentation followed by an oppott""ity to ask questions. We would encourage you to attend if you have any questions, or simply v/ant to learn more.

'We have published a list of ftequently asked questions on our academy website and you can also find more information on the DfE website.

Continued.../ Page 3 Letter to Parents/Carers Proposal to Establish a Multi Academy Trust afld to become an Academy Sponsor

How can I make fepfesentations? Reptesentations can be made in writing to:

Mt Keith Pery Clerk to Govemors The Kings of Wessex Academy Sation Road Cheddar Sometset BS27 3AQ

Ot by email to: [email protected]

The closing date for teptesentations to be made is Thutsday 24March2016.

Any comments or representations which are made about the proposals will be considered by the Goveming Body before a decision is taken to slgn the Funding Agreement. The Goveming Body will not sign the Funding Agteement unless they are content that the ptoposals would be in the best interests of the Academy taking account of all of the legal and practical ramifications.

Yours sincerely,

cL.. /l lL BRIAN KIRKUP CHRIS RICHARDSON Chait of Governors fleadteacher Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Multi Academy Trust?

A Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is a group of Academies that work together in a single Academy Trust. All the Academies are State Schools, receive funding directly from the Department for Education and are independent of Local Authority control.

What will the Multi Academy Trust be called?

Our MAT will be called the Wessex Learning Trust to reflect the historical roots of the region and our focus on children’s learning.

Which schools/academies are planning to join together to form the Wessex Learning Trust?

The following eight Schools plan to form the Wessex Learning Trust:

 Axbridge Church of England First School Academy  East Brent Church of England First School  Hugh Sexey Church of England Middle School  The Kings of Wessex Academy  Lympsham Church of England Voluntary Controlled First School  Mark Church of England Voluntary Controlled First School  Weare Academy First School  Wedmore First School

Why do we want to set up a Multi Academy Trust?

Our Schools and Academies have a long history of working closely together as a family of schools in the Cheddar Valley and we are keen to build on this to ensure that we are able to continue to provide all our children with a world class education. Coming together will bring the following advantages.

 A stronger collaborative partnership between our Cheddar Valley Schools.  Improved educational provision and standards for all our children.  Protecting the ethos and identity of our schools for the future.  Enhanced leadership capacity by working more closely together, to share expertise and responsibilities across Academies.  Shared central services including finance and HR.  Greater purchasing power for contracts meaning cost savings through economies of scale.  Increased opportunities for capital funding from the Department for Education.  Improved professional development opportunities to help recruit and retain the best staff.  A strong degree of protection from rapidly expanding Academy chains.

Why should our small school join a Multi Academy Trust?

The workload of Headteachers in small schools is already very significant with teaching commitments and all the other responsibilities they have. The Trust would be able to take some of the administrative burden away from schools, releasing more time for Heads to focus on Teaching and Learning. There are concerns as to what might happen in future if the current leadership of a small school changes and whether a new Head could be found when recruitment is so difficult. The Trust will be available to support a new Headteacher and the possible reduction in workload that this brings makes membership of the Trust an attractive option. The Trust would also be able to be more flexible in supporting the School with appropriate interim leadership arrangements.


Why aren’t all the Cheddar Valley Schools joining the Trust?

The four Schools that make up the Mendip Edge Federation; Cheddar First School, Draycott and Rodney Stoke First School, and Shipham First School have all been invited to join the Trust but have decided not to become part of the Wessex Learning Trust at this time. We will, of course, continue to work closely with the Mendip Edge Federation as part of the family of Cheddar Valley Schools.

Why are schools forming MATs both locally and nationally?

The Government see the long term future for schools as developing collaboratively through local groupings. Schools can use the strong collaboration and accountability afforded by the MAT to drive up standards and share best practice and services across the trust, replacing aspects of former Local Authority support.

What will happen to nursery provision in my child’s school?

Academies in the Trust will continue to run their own early year’s provision and charge for it as they do now. The Early Years Free Entitlement will continue to be paid by the local authority for 2, 3 and 4 year olds.

Will school transport be affected?

School transport will be unaffected and will continue to be the responsibility of Somerset County Council.

Will an individual academy lose its identity?

A key principle of our MAT is that member Academies maintain their own ethos and character. By working in partnership, the other members of the Trust can achieve higher standards and efficiencies. The MAT will also aim to support its academies in tackling issues, which are common across the group. We would be building on the Cheddar Valley family ethos.

What difference will it make to funding?

Academies in the Trust will continue to be funded as they are now; but for Schools that are not already Academies they will receive an additional sum of money that was previously held by the Local Authority to provide central services. Funding for schools within a MAT is allocated directly from the Government on an individual Academy basis. It is governed through a master Funding Agreement between the Secretary of State and the MAT and supplemental agreements between the Secretary of State and each School within the MAT.

What will happen to land and buildings?

All land and buildings will be either leased or held on license by the Wessex Learning Trust rather than by the individual Academies.

Who pays for the costs to set up the Wessex Learning Trust?

We will receive grants from the Department of Education that will be used to help those Schools that are converting to become Academies and the expenses incurred in Schools joining the Multi Academy Trust.

How will the Wessex Learning Trust be governed?

The Trust will have a Board of Directors who will have overall responsibility for the MAT and will be accountable to the Secretary of State for its performance. The Directors will be appointed from existing Governing Bodies. All Schools will be represented and no one School will have a majority. The Directors will however, have a duty to act in the best interests of the children and staff in the Trust as a whole. At an individual school level every Academy will continue to have a Local Governing Body with parent, staff, community, and where appropriate Diocesan representatives as they do now.


What will be the role of the Church of England in the Multi Academy Trust?

Seven out of the eight Schools are Church of England Voluntary Controlled and will continue to be so when the Multi Academy Trust is formed. To protect the interests of the Church the Diocese of Bath and Wells will appoint 25% of the Trust Members, Directors and Governors. Wedmore First School has no religious designation and this will continue to be the case in the Multi Academy Trust.

How will the pay and conditions of staff be affected?

All staff who are currently employed in Schools/Academies that are joining the Wessex Learning Trust will transfer under the TUPE arrangements to the Trust on their existing pay and conditions. For staff employed by The Kings of Wessex Academy there will be no change in employer and pay and conditions because the Multi Academy Trust is being formed from the existing Academy and the legal entity will remain unchanged.

What will happen to staff pensions?

All teachers will continue to be members of the Teacher’s Pension Scheme and in the case of support staff the Local Government Pension Scheme. The pension rights of all staff will be unaffected by the transfer.

Will staff retain their continuity of service?

All staff whose employment transfers to the Wessex Learning Trust will retain their continuity of service. This means that their previous service will be taken into account in any future calculations.

Will the staff be expected to work in other academies in the Multi Academy Trust?

Nobody will be asked to work in a partner Academy if they did not wish to do so; although having the ability to move staff between Academies could provide a great opportunity for career development if it was needed.

What will happen to Special Educational Needs provision?

There will be no changes to the provision for special educational needs when a school/academy joins the Wessex Learning Trust. Responsibility for the assessment of SEND students and Education Health and Care Plans will continue to rest with Somerset County Council, as will the funding for students with a high level of need.

What will happen to admissions?

All Academies in the Wessex Learning Trust will continue to be non-selective Schools serving their communities. The MAT Board will be the Admissions Authority in the same way as Somerset County Council is for maintained schools and a Governing Body is for a single Academy. We are not proposing to make any changes to our current admission arrangements.

What is the timescale for establishing the Wessex Learning Trust?

Subject to approval from the Secretary of State and the necessary legal arrangements being in place we plan to establish the Wessex Learning Trust by 1 September 2016.