The Vol. XCVII. NO.12

ou’wester Visit SApril 25, 2012 e Fortnightly Student Newspaper of Rhodes College Relay For Life: A Walk for Hope The weekly Lydia Holmes Staff Writer sassy lesbian column End of the year, end of the rainbow Rin Abernathy Staff Writer is has been a landmark year for queer life at Rhodes College. e Gay-Straight Alliance held its fi rst Prom for All, next year will see the pilot program for LGBT and Ally Pride-themed living, and this year’s queer and ally seniors will have the opportunity to wear rainbow stoles at graduation. is is to say nothing of the constant work that goes into LGBT issues behind the scenes at Rhodes through dedicated faculty, staff , and students. We’re not quite at the same level of rainbow love as Lisa Frank run- ning a Skittles factory, but the year has been pretty suc- cessful nonetheless. Next year, it will get even better. At the moment, however, life is marked by emotional roller coasters that make it hard to see the bigger multicolored picture: graduation and fi nals. With graduation on the horizon, it’s hard not to be misty-eyed about the people soon to leave us behind. I’ll be saying goodbye to close friends, several of whom are mem- bers of the gay mafi a on campus. (Yes, gay mafi a. We’re courtesy of Lydia Holmes secretive, and we run an illegal Italian fashion ring.) As a Rachel Schmeltzer, Veronica Alix, Liz Marlowe, Dorothy Svgdik, Maggie Blake, and Maggie Cupit play junior, I realize that I’ll be in the same position next year: a team game during the early hours of the morning at Relay For Life. more than ready to leave and yet wanting to stay, preparing for the next step in my life. I acknowledge this even as I’m Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. ese are the three turned out and the luminaria ceremony begins. Each name currently sticking my fi ngers in my ears and saying, “La la words that drive Relay For Life. ese words represent the is called out, and it is a time to remember why the event is la la, I can’t hear you,” to the future. I prefer to live in the celebration of life through cancer survivors, the remem- signifi cant and how important it is to keep working toward present, except for the fact that we’re heading into fi nals. brance of those who died from cancer, and the American a cure. During the luminaria ceremony at Rhodes, one of Oh, fi nals. Life is currently defi ned by not sleeping, Cancer Society’s mission to fi ght back to fi nd a cure. ou- our own who suff ered from cancer, Junior Maggie Cupit, drinking Red Bull, being productive by actually studying sands of Relays are conducted every year in the United spoke about her experience in what Rachel said, “brought or working on essays, and not being productive by com- States, and on April 20 Rhodes joined them for our fi rst ever the whole thing home.” plaining on facebook about all the essays and exams we have Relay For Life. But Relay is also about celebrating life. e theme of the left. All students turn into zombies, seeking not brains but Relay For Life is an event where people form teams and Rhodes event was ‘Decades,’ so each team decorated their a free computer and working printer in Barret. All couches come together for one night each year to raise money for can- booth and, in some cases, themed their fundraiser to match will be occupied from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. by those few lucky cer research and services for cancer patients. Participants walk their decade. ere was a good showing of teams ranging students who manage an hour of sleep. is is the week of around a track for up to 24 hours, symbolizing the brutal from friend groups to teams representing one of the many fi fteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty-one facebook truth that cancer never sleeps. Sophomore Rachel Schmeltzer, diff erent organizations on campus. Live entertainment was notifi cations for end-of-the-year events. is is also the this year’s chairperson of the event, said that she “saw Rho- also provided by Rhodes student bands, the Miners 49ers week where I stop buying groceries and spend all my money des as the perfect stage for Relay” since we are such a service- and Moon Afternoon, and CUP (the Rhodes improv. com- on Starbucks. oriented institution. edy group). ere was even a karaoke session where students We have to remember, however, that whatever chal- Rachel has participated in Relay since she was a fresh- could not get enough of showing off their talents for each lenges come our way, Rhodes students rise to the occasion. man in high school. She and her family became involved other. Rachel said, “At its peak we probably had about 200 Study one more hour, write one more page, and down a Five for several reasons, mainly their family and friends. Rachel people and by the morning we still had around 15.” Finally, Hour Energy with that Double Shot (except not that last witnessed cancer’s eff ects with her grandmother and one of to keep things lively, at around midnight there was a wom- one, as your heart will explode like a Mentos in Diet Coke). her best friends. Seeing the people she loves suff er from this anless beauty pageant with the title of “Mr. Relay” on the We’ve learned how to handle adversity, and we’ll continue disease fueled her fi re to keep raising money through Relay line. to handle it. is stays true for both those graduating and For Life. e fundraising goal this year was $10,000, but as the those staying behind. Participating in Relay brings about a common question, last of the donations were counted, the fi nal total came to “Why do you Relay?” is is easily answered during the around $15,000. “I was happy Rhodes supported this so event’s luminaria ceremony. Before and during the event, much,” Rachel said. e immense success of the event is a Have a question or a topic you’d like addressed? bags are sold in honor or in memory of someone who has true testament to the spirit and unity of the campus com- Want advice or opinions full of semi-witty and sarcastic had cancer. ese bags line the track at the event, and a munity, and there are defi nitely plans to continue Relay For answers? Email [email protected]. candle is placed inside. When it gets dark, the lights are Life in years to come. Page 2 Opinion Wednesday, April 25, 2012 The Ways to Avoid Sleep During Finals Sou’wester (as written by a very sleep deprived layout editor) Editor-In-Chief Erica Morozin Jasmine Gilstrap Layout Editor Note: Neither the Rhodes Sou’Wester ghost story), and it will not fail you during time feeling of concentration that the pre- Layout Editor nor the American Medical Association study crunch time. Regular naps are wonder- historic individuals who existed before the Erica Morozin have endorsed any claims below and will ful for tricking your body into thinking it internet likely once felt. not be held legally responsible for any has had those precious eight hours, but can 3. As always, avoid the sweet song of the Copy Editors damages resulting from said advice. You end in misery when you sleep until three pm sugar sirens and steer toward the caffeine Xany Moore could try to contact the writer directly, but instead of three am. If you and your equally goddesses. Hannah Gysin have fun waking her up. procrastinating friend alternate napping ev- Every doctor and internet source will Congratulations, if you are reading this, ery few hours, you can be sure to maximize remind you that sugar makes you crash, but Opinion Editor you are in for a fun finals week. So you’ve both your study productivity and your sleep- please actually heed this advice lest you end Patrick Harris decided either out of necessity or sheer pro- ing allotment. up like my cupcake-addicted friend who will crastination that avoiding sleep as much as 2. When the sleep gods are calling, simply be referred to here as C (perhaps C News Editor possible is an action of utmost importance change rooms, and be wise and (sort of) rest for cupcake or C for Christine. I won’t tell Alex Yu to either ace (or let’s face it, if you’re reading thy eyes. you which). When C gets tired—or happy or this you might just want to pass) your final Alternating both the location of your anything—she eats a cupcake or so. Rough- A&E Editor exams. As someone who is only productive studying and the mode of technology which ly an hour later, she gets tired and feels the Shelby Lund during the wee hours of the night before an you are giving yourself cataracts with is al- need to either nap or eat another. And the assignment (at that beautiful point in time ways essential in staying awake and studying vicious cycle continues. If you wish to stay Sports Editor when my anxiety trumps my inability to con- for insane periods of time. If you cannot hit alert during this week of madness, it is ab- Tyler Springs centrate), I feel like an expert in last minute the gym and pump yourself with endorphins solutely necessary to avoid sugar (BEWARE alertness tips—although I am writing this between every few hours of studying—and OF SUGARY COFFEE DRINKS LIKE Executive Assistants with little sleep so you must forgive me if let’s face it who can because we would have to THE T-CHANG) and to embrace pure Andrea Davis this advice fails. Panda eyes aside (what my start studying before 1 am—then the act of caffeine. My suggestion is a double espresso Swati Pandita coworkers lovingly call it when I look like a simply moving your books across campus in shot with water as a chaser. Trust me, you’ll zombie from skipping sleep), I can get you the crisp night air is likely to wake up even need the water chaser. While you could mix Business Manager through this. You just have to be willing to the most out of it zombie. A change of pace the double espresso with something sweet to Alex LaBat follow a few simple steps to remain as pro- is great in boosting concentration, and for mask the taste of sweaty socks, the sugar will ductive as possible. me, studying for a class in the same class- make you crash. Last school year I regularly Advertising Manager 1. Do NOT nap unless you have a study room I take the class in helps me to concen- consumed a drink called the T-Chang, con- Cierra Martin nap buddy with whom to alternate nap times. trate and wake up. Additionally, as a layout sisting of 3 espresso shots, 3 squirts of dark As someone who, on normal sleep days, editor, I feel and understand the pain of chocolate, 2 squirts of white chocolate, still begs her mother to call her five times staring at a computer screen for hours upon and steamed milk and a hint of caramel. How to Reach Our every morning in fifteen minute intervals, I end. If you feel the burn, please print out I fell asleep within two hours of drinking it cannot stress enough the dangers of napping your notes (PLEASE DO NOT RUN AF- every time (can you say sugar crash?). Authors and Us without an awake buddy. The buddy system TER ME, GREEN RHODES) and study But then again, that drink was good so As the official newspaper of Rho- did not fail in camp (with a few small excep- on actual paper. This can add a newfound maybe you and me should ignore my advice and des College, The Sou’wester is produced tions of that girl I heard about during that sense of energy and will give you the old load up on sugar and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. entirely by students on staff. It functions independently of faculty and administra- tion. The newspaper is published weekly throughout the fall and spring semesters, except during exam periods and breaks. The Off-Campus Dinner The Sou’wester is a member of the Evan Katz Student Media Board, a consortium that Staff Writer includes the editors of all student media After spending every night of the past ness of my visit didn’t stop there, I’m afraid. I it really was nice of them to invite me over so I outlets, class representatives, and at-large three months in a college dorm, I recently happened to take a peek into the fridge, still Sharpied in a few free of cost. As for the rest of representatives from the student body. had the opportunity to eat dinner at a local operating on the commonly-accepted college my bathroom experience, I have to admit that All staff editorials published in The friend’s house with her parents. To be honest, principle of “You have allowed me into your it was a bit disappointing in light of what I’m Sou’wester represent the majority opin- I was blown away by how much I’d forgotten living quarters, therefore I have unrestricted used to. I was able to stand directly in front ion of the Editorial Board composed about off-campus living. access to all your food/DVDs/significant oth- of the toilet instead of striking the acrobatic of section editors and executive editors. For starters, all inhabitants were entirely ers.” The fridge, while at first overwhelming pose I normally use to avoid standing in the Opinions expressed in opinion columns clothed, a lifestyle choice that, for better or with its sheer volume of contents, quickly be- large puddle on our floor, which frankly took and letters-to-the-editor do not necessar- worse, just hasn’t caught on yet in my dorm. came puzzling—where was all the soda? all the fun out of peeing. My aim did increase ily reflect the opinions of The Sou’wester We also ate a meal using actual eating uten- It’s common sense that the primary use of from 75% to at least a 90%, however. Wash- Editorial Board. Letters-to-the-editor sils, which at this point seems a bit overkill any cooling apparatus is to chill mixers, but ing my hands was also a bit lackluster since a are encouraged, but cannot exceed 350 (why buy a fork when pencil chopsticks are this fridge seemed only to contain a minimal hand-towel was right there, making me feel a words; all letters must be signed and will just as effective?). What struck me the most, amount of soy milk. I quickly rationalized little foolish doing my usual “shake and dry” be edited for clarity. however, was how clean the house was. I don’t this, however, when I realized that there must post-wash dance (I did it anyway.) mean this in a “lack of clutter” sense, but in be an even bigger fridge somewhere that’s As my visit neared to a close, an unsettling Reaching The Sou’wester more of “lack of cockroaches” sense. Literally, filled entirely with vanilla coke. I can’t help thought crept out from the corner of my mind I was able to walk from the kitchen to the but mention that I was also a little unsettled —what if this was how one was supposed to Phone: (901) 843-3402 dining room without having my shoes stick by the lack of spilled and congealed food on live? As much as I hate to say it, there’s some- E-mail: [email protected] to the floor—not once! the fridge shelves; my only plausible solution thing about washing the bed sheets more Address: I’ve gotten so used to this sensation while being the fact that they had a dog. After en- than once a semester that just seems, I don’t The Sou’wester in college that at first it was a bit difficult to tertaining my hosts by explaining the rules know, refreshing? As I drove back to campus, 2000 North Parkway balance without any familiar goo to fasten my of a new full-contact sport that my friends I realized that visiting my friend’s house had Memphis, TN 38112-1690 feet to the ground. I’ve actually grown fond of and I recently invented at our Passover Seder provoked a multitude of similar unnerving the mystery adhesive on the tile floor of our named “Matzo Ball,” I excused myself to go thoughts. Opening my dorm door, however, dorm because, now that there’s a real incentive, to the bathroom. On a decorative note, the to my boxer-clad roommate eating tuna fish nobody gives me funny looks anymore for play- bathroom walls were really failing to hit the from a large shot glass really helped to put ing the “lava game” as I make the (impressive) quota for drawings of male genitalia. things back into perspective—this is how leap from our carpet to my bed. The strange- Normally I’d charge for these things, but things are supposed to be.

The Sou’wester Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Opinion Page 3 Mixed Messages on Underage Arabic: A Needed Drinking at Rhodes Option at Rhodes Patrick Harris Julia Fawal Opinion Editor Staff Writer One of the highlights of junior year at Rhodes is inconsistency shouldn’t necessarily be a problem. As Arabic should be off ered at Rhodes College. Personal heritage bias turning 21, a rite-of-passage that the Rhodes admin- matters stand, actually enforcing drinking restric- aside, the reasoning is fairly straightforward. istration marks by seeding the campus mailboxes of tions would require turning Campus Safety into the For one, you would get automatic bragging rights. How cool would the birthday boy or girl with a colorful pamphlet with Untouchables. Nor is it inherently a bad thing that it be to say that you are fl uent in Arabic? You could pretend like you pointers on drinking responsibly. To my knowledge, students above the legal drinking age are largely left know exactly what is saying in his song, “Arab Money.” no one at Rhodes has ever received this little missive to make their own decisions, whatever consequences Fun fact:  at is not possible considering most of what he is singing is without snickering at the implicit absurdity behind it, this entails. Unfortunately, truly harmful and dan- not actually real Arabic. However, I bet you did not know that there is a snippet of college life that speaks volumes about the gerous behavior when it comes to alcohol is far from Arabic in Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.” “Bismillah” is the line sung schizophrenia that affl icts Rhodes when it comes to anomalous on campus, as most students who are hon- right before “No, we will not let you go” and it is a call to God, trans- alcohol. est about their personal experiences or observations lating to “In the name of God;  e most gracious, the most merciful.”  e problem with informing newly-minted legal can attest. Every year student organizations attempt Whip that out at a cocktail (fraternity) party. drinkers of the potential pitfalls of drinking, of course, to raise awareness about sexual assault on campus, Plus, from a professional bragging standpoint, Middle Eastern cor- is that that it lacks a real target audience.  e students without questioning the booze-fueled environment in respondence is forming a strong presence in American life, whether it is who could most use some friendly admonishment which a large portion of such crimes occur. through business, cultural relations, anthropological or historical study, about binge-drinking or drunk driving are unlikely  e ideal administration would be interested etc. Basically, it would look incredible on a resume. Its usefulness might to dutifully wait until age 21 to hit the bottle, while in creating an environment where not remembering not be as widespread as, say, Spanish, but students would stand out as those who abstain or drink little until that point are what you did the night before is stigmatized rather an applicant, and, in this job market, that is imperative. Since it is so unlikely to suddenly transform into problem drink- than taken as evidence of a good time. But engaging uncommon (and diffi cult), there is a high demand for Arabic-speaking ers. Bad habits or responsible ones develop over long with the defects of campus culture is not really pos- individuals, so studying the language would do nothing but increase periods of time. At Rhodes that span of time starts sible with the current admixture of permissiveness and opportunities after graduation. freshman year, since administration polices and cam- denial that characterizes Rhode’s approach to the role Secondly, it is no secret that Middle Easterners are often slightly pus culture making underage drinking normal, if not alcohol plays in student life. I can’t claim to have the misunderstood. It seems like a mystery world to many, which is under- universal. answer to such a predicament, but slick-looking post- standable considering it is a highly complicated region with an extensive On one hand, Rhodes is theoretically bound to cards in my mailbox are defi nitely not it. history and an ever-changing present.  e media also does its share of observe the relevant laws on drinking age, which making things as diffi cult as possible, throwing out confl icting reports is why RAs are still tasked with issuing Alco- and ambiguous terms in an attempt to explain what is truly happen- hol Violations to underage tipplers. Yet as most ing in a land that is not only sacred to, but home to Jews, Christians, of us know, the actual enforcement of this rule and Muslims. My family is from Palestine, but the top most frequent is extremely variable, with most RAs taking a responses I get when people attempt to guess my heritage is either His- “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” approach to their duties panic or “aren’t you Pakighanisinian?’ which is essentially just a com- in this regard. After all, a rigorous application bination of all the Middle Eastern countries that begin with ‘P’ and are of campus alcohol polices would put a serious in the general vicinity. crimp in our collective social lives; most of Rho-  e point is, studying Arabic would bring about a broader under- des’s most popular campus gatherings (from standing and a new perspective on a culture and peoples that are fre- Greek events to Rites of Spring) are impossible quently brought up in American culture and media. It is important to to imagine without a heavy whiff of booze, a have general knowledge on an area that is increasingly relevant both in large portion of which is invariably consumed the news and in the business world. by underclassmen. Furthermore, learning Arabic would help eliminate stereotypes cre- It could hardly be otherwise. Ever since ated due to a lack of knowledge on Middle Eastern culture. Having the Rhodes overhauled its alcohol policy several course off ered at Rhodes could even pave the way to creating a Middle years ago, over-21s have enjoyed a complete lack Eastern studies concentration for students—something entirely possible of alcohol-related restrictions: short of vomiting and useful since the language is also relevant in a variety of departments on Dr. Trout’s shoes, a student above the legal on campus, including Religious Studies, History, International Studies, drinking age can essentially drink when and Economics, Business, and Political Science. where he or she likes. In a tightly-knit residential Finally, why not? Arabic is the fi fth most spoken language in the campus with students of all ages mingling to- world.  at rank places it above German, French, Greek and Russian— gether, this means that the idea of discouraging languages all taught at Rhodes. It also places it above Hebrew, and what younger students from imbibing is a farce. Ev- better way to build a Middle Eastern studies department at Rhodes ery year at freshman orientation, John Blaisdell than off ering both Hebrew and Arabic? tells the assembled students and their parents Sophomore Irem Kahn is in the process of gathering support to pe- that Rhodes does not condone underage drink- tition for Arabic to be added to the Rhodes curriculum. Speak with her ing, and every year actual conditions on campus if you would like more information, support the petition, or even have prove him wrong. an interest in taking Arabic if it were off ered at Rhodes! I generally bear a high tolerance for hypoc- risy, which is arguably the grease for the gears of social order, so the mere fact of the College’s

“In a tightly-knit residential campus with students of all ages mingling together, this means that the idea of discouraging younger stu- dents from imbibing is a farce.”

The Sou’wester Page 4 News Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Student Voice Spring Fever at Rhodes “What are you doing for summer Amy Stout break?” Staff Writer With the semester winding down and fi nals season all off ered the freshmen a chance to come together and rolling around once more, the atmosphere at Rhodes is enjoy each other’s company outside of classes and campus- “I’m moving to busier than ever. Students are celebrating just as eagerly as wide events. they are studying, and that fact is evident in the numer-  e festivities continued with the Rhodes Anime Washington, DC for ous on-campus events that invoke a cheerful, carnivalesque Club’s Fourth Annual Japanese Culture Festival on the the summer to do an air. twenty-second in the Conservatory, an event which allowed internship.” On April 14, Kappa Delta sorority hosted a carnival Rhodes students to come together to celebrate their love of to raise money for Prevent Child Abuse America. Events sushi, anime, and fellowship.  e past few weekends were included tug-of-war and a moon bounce, and Rhodes stu- also notable for being formal weekends, and members of -Samantha Wineke dents poured out to engage in the festivities. Additionally, Greek life along with their dates adeptly balanced studying ‘13 Tri-Delta sorority hosted their annual Powder Puff tourna- with partying in the days leading up to fi nals. ment event on the fi fteenth to raise money for St. Jude. With all of the festivities going on, it might be dif-  e carnival spirit was also evident in the Class of fi cult for students to make time to study. But Rhodes stu- 2015, who sponsored Spring Fling event on the twentieth. dents have a fi rm handle on the importance of scholarship, Freshman Class Council President Ferri Walizai planned and students have spent many late nights in the library or “I’m going to be the event and demonstrated a determined Rhodes spirit around campus, camped out with textbooks and laptops. when it appeared that the Spring Fling would be rained Barret has gone into the fi rst stage of fi nals mode: only working in a day care!” out the day it was set to occur. A hasty relocation into the Rhodes students, faculty, and staff may use the library in Lair later, and freshmen came in droves to enjoy ice cream, these last weeks. popcorn, and good spirits on a dreary Friday afternoon. Rhodes students play just as hard as they study, so it is  e 2015 Class Council has planned and executed several no surprise that carnivals and other festivities have been so -Sumita Montgomery other events this year in an attempt to foster class unity popular on campus this spring. Rhodes has been quick to ‘15 among the record-breakingly large freshman class. Class celebrate this spring, and as the semester continues to come dinners, a hot chocolate social, and this Spring Fling have to an end, students will only fi nd more reasons to rejoice.

“Nothing much. Relaxing and working at a law S u d o k u fi rm in St. Louis.”

-Eliot Gusdorf ‘12 6 5 7 4 1

“After graduation, I’m planning to move back 1 5 7 to the Nashville area to get an internship.” 3 8 2 -Brianna Hoge ‘12 5 7 2 6 8 9

“I will be going to 8 9 3 4 spend the summer in Tibet to learn the Tibetan language”. 6 8 4 -Kaleb Yaniger ‘13 4 6 2 5 9

The Sou’wester Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Advertisements Page 5

The Sou’wester Page 6 Arts & Entertainment Wednesday, April 25, 2012 “One Night Only”: When Rhodes Went To Broadway Jasmine Gilstrap Editor-In-Chief What began with a trailer for what looked like Kevin Price. As an avid Hairspray fan, I was some special on Even Stevens as The Hunger Games deeply saddened when “Mama, I’m a Big Girl turned into a night of traveling through some of Now” was left out of the 2007 film adaptation. the best Broadway musicals of the last decade. Fortunately, Emily, Léerin, and Kilby Rogers, As a self-declared musical addict, I watch Class of ’13, brought the song back and satisfied the Tony’s every year just to see the musical per- my inner Hairspray fan. Spring Awakening will formances one could only see by making a trip to forever be one of my favorite musicals ever, but it New York. Sunday night’s performance of some was nice to see a performance from the musical of Broadway’s best hits from modern musicals, without the seizure-like jumping, although the such as Spring Awakening and last year’s Tony- company did manage some slight spinning for award-winning The Book of Mormon, will defi- their version of “Junk.” nitely tide me over until this year’s award show The performances from Next to Normal, on June 10. “You Don’t Know,” “I Am the One,” and “Su- The first number, “Pandemonium,” from perboy and the Invisible Girl,” captured the The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, drama and emotion which drives the musical. set the audience up perfectly for an evening of It also showed the audience that Corbin likes to art imitating life and vice versa. I was personally jump on things while he sings. As sophomore excited to see the reunion of Corbin Williams, Billy Hopp’s first performance in over two years, Class of ’14, and Katie Marburger, Class of ’13, “I Am Adolpho” from The Drowsy Chaperone, for “Crazier Than You” fromThe Addams Family, his duet with Kilby, was well worth the wait. especially Katie’s attempt to pull a Katniss with His voice combined with the pelvic thrusting the bow and arrow. “There’s a Fine, Fine Line” helped this hard-of-hearing woman remember Student Musician of the from Avenue Q is not the same without seeing Adolpho’s name. Legally Blonde: The Musical is the puppet known as Kate “sing” the words, but another modern musical stand-out for me and Emily Tarr, Class of ’15, did the song justice and “Serious” is the song that sets up the musical’s Week: Matt Everett conveyed the human emotion present in the mu- initial conflict. The performance by Jack and Molly Whitehorn sic that can be missed when it comes out of a Emily transported me back in time to when I A&E Photo Editor puppet’s mouth. first saw the musical and allowed me to once In my years of musical obsession I had never again experience that moment when Elle’s life Hailing from Atlanta, freshman Matt cided about his major, but he knows he come across [title of show] (No, that’s really what begins to change. Everett is a multi-instrumentalist who was is going to do a music minor. He says his it’s called), but after the brilliant performance Ending with “I Wish I Could Go Back to first turned on to music at the age of 6. dream career would be a “rock star,” but Emily gave of “Secondary Characters” with fel- College” from Avenue Q provided myself and “I started piano then and I got really into that he doesn’t “really care about being low freshman Léerin Campbell, I might have to other students in the audience with a preview it. I was performing in recitals around famous” and “it’s not as much about the give the soundtrack a listen. One of the high- of our future. Although finals week is around Atlanta where I would collaborate with end result as it is about the process.” lights of the night for me was the performance of the corner, moments like Sunday will live on other students. I guess that was when I For about three months, he worked “You and Me (But Mostly Me),” from The Book when college becomes a distant memory. At first started developing a love for music.” at Young Avenue Sound, but says he was of Mormon, by Corbin and Jack Dee, Class of the very least, they will personally be a time Born an only child to parents who mostly “working the desk, answering ’15. The staging was perfect, as was the charisma when some of Broadway’s best songs lived hap- owned a dance studio, Everett has been phones, and getting coffee for people.” But Corbin brought to the character that is Elder pily on one stage. around performance all his life. He also on the second night he worked he did get went to a performing arts high school to meet 8Ball, a pioneer in the Memphis that had a great musical theater program. hip-hop scene. “That was pretty cool. I “I did musical theater since I was about just spent the whole night running around 10 or 12 until I was a senior in high and getting him what he needed.” school. By then, I was just sort of done But Everett was having problems with it and ready to move on.” scheduling time to work and he felt that He also took tap and swing lessons he was not getting the amount of experi- at his parents’ studio. “I found that I was ence he desired, so he stopped working better at dancing than I was at acting. I there. However, he does say that he is was so much more comfortable perform- interested in learning enough about re- ing as myself instead of as someone else.” cording and producing to make his own The type of tap dancing that he music one day, but it would never be a learned was a perfect precursor to per- career. “Here’s the thing, after working forming music. “The style of tap that I in the studio I’ve found that I don’t have was learning wasn’t so much about the enough common sense to be an audio look of it; it was more about the music engineer. But, what’s appealing to me is and phrasing. That definitely had an -im taking my own music and being able to pact on my music.” go through all the steps.” Nowadays, Everett plays piano, gui- Everett thinks that there are many tar, drums, banjo, and sings. “My favorite benefits to studying music at a small school, thing to play would have to be the guitar. including the fact that Hassell Hall is open I like it because there’s a certain style and 24/7. “I can get in to any room to play, even element of showiness that appeals to me. if it’s 3:30 in the morning.” I like the way it looks and you get more Finally, to any present and future options musically. You can play rhyth- Rhodes students thinking about study- mic accompaniment or a melodic line. I ing music, he has this to say: “Make sure really like that.” you use the resources to your advantage Everett is much more introverted because at a small school, there are a lot and soft-spoken than one would expect of opportunities. Talk to people. Make for an aspiring musician. He is unde- sure what you need becomes available.”

The Sou’wester Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Arts & Entertainment Page 7 Avengers is what happens when Marvel Studios that his new vision will turn out all right. The takes their individual superhero franchises and film also stars Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans. THIS WEEK IN Top Five: unites them in one gigantic, explosive movie, directed by Joss Whedon of Buffy the Vampire The Dark Knight Rises (July 20th): Last, ENTERTAINMENT Summer Slayer and Firefly fame. When Loki (Tom Hid- but certainly not least, the final chapter of dleston) arrives on Earth hell-bent on taking Christopher Nolan’s latest take on the Caped New Movie Releases over, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) must call Crusader was until a couple weeks ago the most upon the world’s greatest heroes to stop him. anticipated film of the summer, getting edged 4/27/12: Movie Edition But will this unlikely bunch of misfits really be out by The Avengers only due to the latter’s very Shelby Lund able to work as a team? From the overwhelm- close release date. The film picks up eight years The Five-Year Engagement A&E Editor ingly positive early reviews, it seems like they after The Dark Knight, when the mysterious ter- The Raven will. The film also stars Robert Downey Jr., rorist known only as Bane (Tom Hardy) begins The Pirates! Band of Misfits Chris Evans, and Scarlett Johansson. a reign of terror in Gotham which forces Bat- Safe man (Christian Bale) to emerge from hiding Prometheus (June 8th): Ridley Scott’s re- to protect a city which, after the events of the turn to the sci-fi/horror genre that made him previous film, now considers him to be an en- Television Highlights legendary is rumored to be related to his fa- emy. Little more than that is known about the (4/25-5/1) mous Alien franchise, but Scott has remained plot, although Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman incredibly close-lipped on the matter. All we will probably play a big role, but with Nolan Betty White’s Off Their Rock- know is that the film follows a team of explor- directing, it’s definitely going to be good. The ers, Wednesday, 7 pm, NBC. ers who journey into the farthest corner of the film also stars Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, universe searching for the origins of mankind. and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Senior citizens play pranks What they find, however, could spell human- that include a man who repri- ity’s doom, forcing them to fight to save not mands people for walking too only themselves, but the entire human race. fast. The film stars Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, and Michael Fassbender. CSI: Crime Scene Investiga- Brave (June 22nd): Pixar’s latest out- tion, Wednesday, 9 pm, CBS. ing is their first fairy tale, as well as their first The team works with the FBI film with a female protagonist. Merida (Kelly to investigate the death of a Macdonald) is a Scottish princess who defies ballistics expert. an age-old custom which throws her king- dom into chaos. Seeking aid from an old wise woman (Julie Walters), she ends up unleashing The Big Bang Theory, Thurs- day, 7 pm, CBS. Knowledge The biggest superhero movie in the a deadly curse and must undo the spell before it is too late. The film was screened at the begin- of Howard’s sexual history history of cinema, The Avengers has al- ning of April to positive reactions, and looks to ready gotten overwhelmingly positive makes Bernadette reconsider be a return to Pixar’s usual excellence after the their future together. reviews from early screenings. disaster of Cars 2. The film also stars Billy Con- nolly and Emma Thompson. With school almost over, the greatest The Vampire Diaries, Thurs- time of the year is finally here. Not Summer The Amazing Spider-Man (July 6th): The day, 7 pm, CW. Damon and Break—the summer movie season, those won- underdog of this year’s trio of superhero flick, Meredith plan their next move; derful months when all the biggest, action- this reboot of the popular franchise has so far packed blockbusters of the year take theaters Elena and Bonnie choose their been keeping a low profile in comparison toThe dates for the school dance. by storm. But which ones are really worth see- Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. The film is ing? For your enjoyment, here are five summer a new spin on Peter Parker’s (Andrew Garfield) flicks, ordered by release date, that look to be a classic origin story, shifting the focus to Peter’s The heavily anticipated final install- Grimm, Friday, 8 pm, NBC. lot of fun and then some. quest to discover what happened to his missing ment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman An investigation into a con- parents. Director Marc Webb has his hands full trilogy, the film features the introduc- struction worker’s death leads The Avengers (May 4th): Probably the in breathing new life into a character that for tions of two of Batman’s most infamous Nick into a conflict. most anticipated film of the summer, as well most moviegoers of this generation was their foes: Bane (Tom Hardy) and Catwoman as the first official summer blockbuster, The first movie superhero, though hopes are high (Anne Hathaway). Supernatural, Friday, 8 pm, CW. Dick Roman acquires a hard drive that contains sensi- tive information about Dean E3: The Comic-Con of Technology and Sam. Stephanie Berendt Staff Writer Once Upon A Time, Sunday, 7 pm, ABC. August takes Emma For the interactive entertainment indus- associated with video games. Yes, the latest ex- sin’s Creed franchise, Assassin’s Creed III. Blog- try, the most important event of the year is citing developments in video games are why gers and gamers alike wonder if, with all of the on a journey that will show the Electronic Entertainment Expo, popularly people get excited about E3, especially hardcore “leaks” so far in advance of E3, will the Expo be her how to beat Regina. known as E3 and put on by The Entertainment gamers. The Expo tends to feature new game as exciting as it always has been? Or will it turn Software Association. The ESA is “the U.S. as- trailers, talks with developers about upcoming into a snoozefest? Only time—and the opening Castle, Monday, 9 pm, ABC. sociation dedicated to serving the business and games, and even first-looks into game-play. It of the Expo—will tell. When a body with human bite public affairs needs of the companies, publish- gives gamers a chance to see what the future has E3 will be from June 5-7 at the Los Angeles marks is discovered, a witness ing interactive games for video game consoles, in store for them, and perhaps also where the Convention Center. The Expo is unfortunately, handheld devices, personal computers, and the companies are going with their ideas. although understandably, not open to the public. claims a zombie was respon- Internet.” The Expo allows companies to dis- Seeing as most of the tech being revealed However, one can watch it streamed live over the sible. play their newest and most exciting up-and- here, and all of the talks, refer to new products, internet. will definitely be streaming coming games, devices, and other never-before- generally only strategic early reveals are made to the Expo, so if you’re interested, watch the ex- Glee, Tuesday, 7 pm, FOX. seen technology that more often than not will encourage excitement. However, several game citement and see what it’s all about! To find out Kurt and Rachel have an im- end up revolutionizing the industry. titles have already been announced outside of more information about this year’s Expo, visit portant audition; Puck makes a Of course, this event is most popularly E3, such as the next installment of the Assas- and decision about the future.

The Sou’wester Page 8 Sports Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Lynx baseball ready for postseason Brendan Goyette Staff Writer The Rhodes College baseball team finished up a solid has been nothing shy of amazing. Voges has posted a 1.54 regular season this past weekend with a sweep of SCAC rival ERA in 17 relief appearances. Sewanee. The Lynx managed to put up crooked numbers in Rhodes will join Birmingham Southern, Millsaps, all three games, winning by scores of 10-5, 13-3, and 12-2. Trinity, Hendrix, and Dallas in the SCAC tournament So what can we say about the team’s play, judging from this beginning Thursday afternoon. The Lynx (26-13, 10-5 series? Well, the bats have come alive. Senior CF Travis Per- SCAC) have earned themselves a No. 2 seed in the SCAC kins is on an absolute tear at the plate and remains a force East Division, pairing them with Hendrix in the West for to be reckoned with on the base paths (.350, 27-30 SB/Att). their first tournament game on Thursday. Rhodes has faced Junior SS Lynden Pindling continues to make pitchers pay Hendrix twice in the regular season, taking home two wins for their mistakes (.397, .991 OPS, 29 RBI, 21-23 SB/Att), in the process. while junior DH/RHP Matt Burnick and sophomore RF While the Lynx offense has been hot as of late, history Patrick Kilkenny form one of the most dangerous power hit- has taught us that pitching brings success in tournament ting tandems in the league, combining for 22 extra base hits play. The top three starters in the Lynx rotation will pro- and 49 RBI on the year. While the Lynx offense has been in- vide a solid base to work from, but depth will show the consistent at times throughout the spring, the pitching staff squad’s true colors as they move deeper into the tourna- has not. ment. Look for Junior RHP James Todd to pick up some Anchored by senior Austin Carden (8-3, 3.36 ERA), serious innings in the tournament. While he was ham- junior Jackson Baker (7-4, 3.18, 4 CG), and Burnick (5-2, pered by a slow start, he has emerged down the stretch 3.83), the Lynx staff has emerged as one of the deepest in the as a versatile option for the Lynx as a starter or in relief. SCAC. All three starters picked up much-needed victories Sophomore Strother White has also enjoyed a bit of suc- this weekend and benefitted greatly from the offensive -on cess on the mound this year, and all hands must be on slaught. Their arms will all be well-rested heading into this deck come tournament time. week’s postseason tournament. While the departure of 2011 This year’s SCAC tournament features six teams that all grad Hunter Chandler created a massive hole in the Lynx have the ability to beat each on any given day of the week, bullpen, several veterans have stepped in a big way this year so Lynx fans can expect plenty of excitement out of the four- to fill the void. Senior Brian Lainoff has seamlessly plugged courtesy of Stephanie Berendt day double-elimination playoff draw. The tournament will himself into the closer role, picking up 3 saves in 17 appear- Jackson Baker is one of three Lynx pitchers to be played at USA Stadium in Millington, TN and Rhodes ances to go along with a 3.82 ERA, and junior Stuart Voges throw a complete game this spring. will open at 3:00PM Thursday afternoon against Hendrix. Men’s Golf Seeks A Strong Finish Bailey Kimmitt Staff Writer For the second time in four longer to play. years, Rhodes College will host the During practice on Sunday, winds SCAC Men’s Golf Championship consistently topped thirty miles per at Tunica National Golf & Tennis hour, and similar conditions later in Club in northern Mississippi this the week would surely lead to some un- weekend. The Lynx, ranked No. predictable scores. Thankfully, Rhodes 22 in the country, have gradually does have some experience there, plac- moved up in the rankings since the ing sixth in a 21-team tournament held beginning of the season and will last September; on that day, Muslawski certainly contend for the confer- and freshman Scott Hamel placed in the ence title. top 15 with scores of 146 and 149, re- Two weeks ago, the team had a spectively. solid showing at the Emory Spring Last year, the men’s golf team missed Invitational in Atlanta, Georgia. out on being selected to the NCAA The Lynx were led by the steady tournament. However, a strong per- play of sophomores Kevin Bell and formance to close out the 2012 regular Eric Muslawski, who each posted season would likely secure a bid for the a two-day combined total of 148, Lynx to this year‘s national champion- just four strokes over par at the ship at Mission Inn Resort in Orlando. 6,800-yard Druid Hills Golf Club. The champions of 28 conferences receive Their consistency will be needed automatic bids, and a number of at-large again if the team is to win its con- berths are also awarded to round out the ference and return to the NCAA 40-team competition. Championship field. Rhodes’ high national ranking will Tunica National, which held probably earn them an at-large bid even the 2009 SCAC tournament, pres- if they don’t win the SCAC, but noth- ents some unique challenges for ing is guaranteed unless they shoot well. competitors. Its notable lack of On the other hand, if the team plays up trees, which maximizes the effect courtesy of Google Images to its capabilities, there’s no telling just of wind on players’ shots, often The wide-open, hazard-heavy holes at Tunica National can prove very frustrating on a how long their season could continue makes the 7,200-yard course far windy day. beyond this weekend.

The Sou’wester