Article Urban Heat Island Intensification during Hot Spells—The Case of during the Summer of 2003

Koen De Ridder 1,*, Bino Maiheu 1, Dirk Lauwaet 1, Ioannis A. Daglis 2,3, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou 2, Kostas Kourtidis 4, Paolo Manunta 5 and Marc Paganini 6 1 VITO—Flemish Institute for Technological Research, B-2400 Mol, Belgium; [email protected] (B.M.); [email protected] (D.L.) 2 Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, 15236 Athens, Greece; [email protected] (I.A.D.); [email protected] (I.K.) 3 Department of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 15784 Athens, Greece 4 Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 67100 Xanthi, Greece; [email protected] 5 Planetek Italia, via Massaua, 12-70132 Bari, Italy; [email protected] 6 European Space Agency, ESRIN, 00044 Frascati, Italy; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +32-14-336751

Academic Editor: Panagiotis Nastos Received: 28 October 2016; Accepted: 17 November 2016; Published: 24 November 2016 Abstract: Heat waves are projected to become more frequent, longer-lasting, and intense. At the same time, urban areas are confronted with the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, which adds to the thermal stress experienced during hot spells. Focusing on the Paris area during the hot summer of 2003, we investigated the influence of heat waves on UHI intensity, i.e., the urban-rural temperature contrast. In a first step, this was done based on observed temperatures from an urban and a rural site, showing that per ◦C increase in the daytime temperature, the nighttime UHI intensity increased by 0.086 ◦C. Recognizing the limited spatial representativeness of the urban experimental site, located in a park, we then performed simulations with an urban climate model, covering the wider Paris area for the summer of 2003. First, a validation was done using the aforementioned temperature measurements to do so. Subsequently, we estimated the sensitivity of the nighttime UHI intensity with respect to the daytime temperature, this time using simulated temperatures of the densely built-up areas in the center of Paris, yielding an increase of UHI intensity of 0.19 ◦C per ◦C increase in the daytime temperature. While these results only apply to the domain and period studied, they do confirm recent reports that the UHI intensity increases during heat waves. The results also show that for the cooler parts of the urban fabric (e.g., parks), the UHI intensification during heat waves is around half of that of the dense urban fabric, thus providing some insights into possible mitigation strategies for the future.

Keywords: urban heat island; urban climate modeling; heat wave episode

1. Introduction Global climate projections that consistently point towards an increase in the number, frequency, and intensity of heat waves [1–3] have shown that extremely hot summers such as the one of 2003 in Europe are likely to become fairly common towards the end of the century. Heat waves claim more victims than any other weather-related disaster [4]. A striking illustration of this stems from the comparison between the death toll attributed to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (amounting to approximately 1500; see [5]) and those of the European heat wave of 2003 (70,000 reported heat-related deaths; see [6]). Often, the health impact of heat waves is minimized by invoking the “harvesting” phenomenon, i.e., the displacement of mortality by days or weeks. Stated

Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3; doi:10.3390/urbansci1010003 Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3 2 of 11 otherwise, frail people die prematurely but not by much, as they would have died soon afterwards anyway. However, it has been shown that, whereas minor heat wave episodes do induce a fair share of harvesting, this effect decreases as a function of the heat wave strength [7]. In particular, for the major European heat wave of 2003, it was found that the harvesting effect was modest [8]. Indeed, while of the 15,000 excess deaths occurring in some 4000 would have died before the end of 2004 in any event, in the absence of the disaster the remaining 11,000 would have lived statistically eight to 11 years longer, thus amounting to an estimated 100,000 lost life-years in France alone [9]. Urban areas, which are now home to the majority of humans, exhibit additional heat stress because of the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Indeed, cities experience air temperatures in excess of rural values, their average nighttime temperatures being higher by a few ◦C, but increasing to 7–8 ◦C and more under favorable conditions. Because of this UHI increment, cities are particularly vulnerable to heat waves. In a recent study on Berlin, it was found found that during heat waves, mortality rates were higher in the city, especially in the most densely built-up districts [10]. In a study on Paris [11], it was concluded that, during the heat wave of the summer of 2003, areas exhibiting the highest remotely sensed nighttime infrared surface temperature suffered the highest excess mortality. Also for the 2003 European heat wave, it was found that heat-related excess mortality was especially high in cities, Paris being featured on top with an excess mortality of nearly 140% during the period of 1–19 August 2003 [12]. Even though this enhanced excess mortality can at least partly be attributed to the vulnerability of the urban population (e.g., a larger share of isolated elderly people), increased mortality has been associated with the urban temperature increment itself [9]. Other studies also have established this combined effect on mortality by ambient conditions (heat exposure) and social vulnerability [13]. More insights regarding the spatial variability of heat mortality are available in [14–20]. In addition, recent studies on cities in the US present evidence that the urban temperature increment itself increases during heat waves. The authors of [21] investigated the impact of the heat wave occurring in the second half of July 1999 in the Midwestern US, with temperatures rising well above 32 ◦C, which resulted in several hundred excess deaths. During this event, the cities of and St. Louis were found to be disproportionally hotter than their rural surroundings, i.e., during the heat wave the UHI intensity of these cities was higher than average. The authors of [22] considered a heat wave episode in Baltimore, and they equally found that during the heat wave, the urban-rural temperature contrast itself increased. The authors of [23,24], analyzing measurements in Madison, also noticed an increase in the UHI intensity on hot days. Here, we tackle a similar research question, i.e., we investigate whether the urban-rural temperature increment gets enhanced during heat waves or not, and to what extent. This is done for the area of Paris (France), using both in situ measurements and model simulation results, for the extended summer (May–September) of 2003. This particular period is characterized by a wide range in temperature conditions, with daytime maximum temperatures down to around 12 ◦C on some days in May, and reaching just short of 40 ◦C on the hottest days during the first half of August of that year. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section2 describes the in situ observational data, which are subsequently used to evaluate the UHI intensity as a function of ambient (background) temperature. Section3 then introduces a simulation conducted with an urban climate model on the Paris area. After validation, the modeling results are used to extend the observation-based results to the entire urban agglomeration of Paris. Finally, Section4 presents the conclusions of this study.

2. Observations The observation-based analysis presented here relies on synoptic meteorological data contained in the archives of the National Climatic Data Center (US), from which we extracted data for one urban and one rural location in the Paris region (see station positions in Figure1). The Paris-Montsouris station (WMO code 071560) is taken as representative for urban climate conditions. It is located in the Montsouris Park near the center of Paris, at a position of approximately 48.81◦N and 2.33◦W. This park Urban Sci. 2016, 1, 3 3 of 11

2.33°W. This park has a diameter of approximately 400 m, and the station is positioned within the park at more than 100 m from the nearest edge. Therefore, the representativity of this location for urban conditions is to be considered with caution (more on this below). The -Villaroche station (WMO code 071530) is located at 48.61°N and 2.68°W, which is near a small airfield 8 km north of the center of Melun, which itself is 35 km from the city center and 20 km from the outskirts of Paris. It is located in the middle of agricultural fields and grassland, at a distance of several kilometers from the nearest human settlement, thus constituting a representative rural station. The analysis conducted here is based on hourly 2 m air temperature observations at both stations Urbanduring Sci. the2017 period, 1, 3 1 May–30 September 2003. Based on these data we constructed a time series3 of 11of hourly UHI intensity by taking, for each hour, the temperature value of Paris minus that of Melun. From this, we then extracted the UHI intensity occurring daily at 10 p.m. UT (which corresponds to has a diameter of approximately 400 m, and the station is positioned within the park at more than midnight in local time). The reason for choosing this particular time is that the UHI exhibits the 100 m from the nearest edge. Therefore, the representativity of this location for urban conditions is to highest intensity in the late evening and early night. Moreover, it has been argued (see, e.g., [11]) that be considered with caution (more on this below). The Melun-Villaroche station (WMO code 071530) nighttime air temperature is the more relevant quantity in explaining heat-related mortality. The is located at 48.61◦N and 2.68◦W, which is near a small airfield 8 km north of the center of Melun, large-scale “ambient” temperature, as a function of which we seek to express the daily evening-time which itself is 35 km from the city center and 20 km from the outskirts of Paris. It is located in the UHI intensity, was taken as the daily temperature occurring in Melun at 2 p.m. UT, at which time the middle of agricultural fields and grassland, at a distance of several kilometers from the nearest human air temperature generally attains its daily maximum value. settlement, thus constituting a representative rural station.

Figure 1. Study domain, centered on the city of Paris. The square white symbols show the positions of Figure 1. Study domain, centered on the city of Paris. The square white symbols show the positions the meteorological stations of Paris-Montsouris and Melun-Villaroche. The color pattern shows the of the meteorological stations of Paris-Montsouris and Melun-Villaroche. The color pattern shows the nighttime (10 p.m. UT) 2 m temperature field averaged for the period May–September, as simulated by nighttime (10 p.m. UT) 2 m temperature field averaged for the period May–September, as simulated the model described in Section3. The solid lines show the highway and main roads. by the model described in Section 3. The solid lines show the highway and main roads.

TheThe analysisprocessing conducted described here above is based resulted on hourly in 153 2 daily m air values temperature of the observationsevening-time at (10 both p.m.) stations UHI duringintensity the and period afternoon 1 May–30 (2 p.m.) September air temperature, 2003. Based which on these will databe further we constructed denoted UHI22 a time and series T14, of hourlyrespectively. UHI intensity In order byto derive taking, robust for each relations hour, thebetween temperature these two value quantities, of Paris further minus processing that of Melun. was Fromdone, this,assigning we then every extracted day of the the UHI considered intensity period occurring to one daily of at four 10 p.m. different UT (which temperature corresponds groups, to midnightaccording in to local the following time). The T14 reason temperature for choosing range this bins: particular 12–18 time°C, 18–24 is that °C, the 24–30 UHI °C, exhibits and >30 the highest°C. The intensity6 °C range in used the late for evening these temperature and early night. bins Moreover,was found it to has constitute been argued a fair (see, trade-off e.g., [11 between]) that nighttime having a airsufficient temperature number is theof UHI22 more relevantsamples quantityin each bin, in explainingwhile still heat-relatedkeeping a sufficient mortality. number The large-scale of bins to “ambient”cover the overall temperature, T14 temperature as a function range of which observed we seek in the to expressperiod studied. the daily Daily evening-time T14 and UHIUHI22 intensity, values was taken as the daily temperature occurring in Melun at 2 p.m. UT, at which time the air temperature generally attains its daily maximum value. The processing described above resulted in 153 daily values of the evening-time (10 p.m.) UHI intensity and afternoon (2 p.m.) air temperature, which will be further denoted UHI22 and T14, respectively. In order to derive robust relations between these two quantities, further processing was done, assigning every day of the considered period to one of four different temperature groups, according to the following T14 temperature range bins: 12–18 ◦C, 18–24 ◦C, 24–30 ◦C, and >30 ◦C. The 6 ◦C range used for these temperature bins was found to constitute a fair trade-off between having Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3 4 of 11 a sufficient number of UHI22 samples in each bin, while still keeping a sufficient number of bins to Urban Sci. 2016, 1, 3 4 of 11 cover the overall T14 temperature range observed in the period studied. Daily T14 and UHI22 values occurringoccurring in in each each of of these these groups groups were were averagedaveraged to yield four four bin-mean bin-mean values values for for T14, T14, together together with with thethe corresponding corresponding mean mean UHI22 UHI22 values. values. TheThe left left panel panel of Figure of Figure2 shows 2 theseshows bin-averaged these bin-averaged UHI22 values UHI22 as avalues function as ofa thefunction corresponding of the T14,corresponding together with T14, their together standard with deviation their standard within each deviation bin. The within slope ofeach the bin. regression The slope line ofof UHI22the ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ againstregression T14 amounts line of UHI22 to 0.086 againstC/ C. T14 Hence, amounts on average, to 0.086 UHI22 °C/°C. values Hence, increase on average, by 0.086 UHI22C for values each C ofincrease increase by in 0.086 T14. °C The for average each °C UHIof increase intensity in T14. during The average the warmest UHI intensity period(approx. during the 3 warmest◦C for the above–30period (approx.◦C range) 3 °C is for about the twiceabove– that30 °C of range) the coolest is about period twice (approx. that of the 1.5 coolest◦C for pe theriod 12–18 (approx.◦C range) 1.5 (Figure°C for2 ).the 12–18 °C range) (Figure 2).

FigureFigure 2. 2.Observed Observed ( left(left)) and and simulated simulated ((rightright)) nighttimenighttime (10 p.m. p.m. UT) UT) urban-rural urban-rural temperature temperature differencedifference between between the the Paris-Montsouris Paris-Montsouris and and Melun-Villaroche Melun-Villaroche observational observational sites, sites, as as a a function function of of the daytimethe daytime (2 p.m. (2 UT)p.m. temperature.UT) temperature. The The error error bars ba denoters denote plus plus and and minus minus one one standard standarddeviation deviation of theof temperatures the temperatures within within each each temperature temperature bin. bin. While While the trendsthe trends in UHI in UHI values values between between bins bins are are fairly clear,fairly it shouldclear, it beshould noticed be noticed that there that is ther a rathere is a rather large variancelarge variance in these in these data. data.

While the observations from these two stations yield relevant insights, they obviously contain While the observations from these two stations yield relevant insights, they obviously contain very incomplete spatial information. More importantly, the urban station (Paris-Montsouris) has a very incomplete spatial information. More importantly, the urban station (Paris-Montsouris) has a limited representativeness with respect to the UHI intensity of Paris, due to the fact that it is located limited representativeness with respect to the UHI intensity of Paris, due to the fact that it is located inside a park. (Unfortunately, data from a station representing truly urban conditions was not available inside a park. (Unfortunately, data from a station representing truly urban conditions was not available to us for the period studied.) Given the well-known cooling properties of urban green areas, this topresumably us for the period underestimates studied.) the Given actual the UHI well-known intensity in cooling the city’s properties built-up zones. of urban Therefore, green areas,we turn this presumablytowards numerical underestimates modeling the to actual complement UHI intensity the observation-based in the city’s built-up analysis zones. described Therefore, above. we turn towards numerical modeling to complement the observation-based analysis described above. 3. Simulation 3. Simulation We conducted a simulation for the larger Paris area for the period May–September 2003, using theWe prognostic conducted urban a simulation climate model for extensively the larger Paris described area forin [25]. the This period model May–September is composed of2003, a surface using theenergy prognostic balance urban scheme climate coupled model extensivelyto an atmospheri describedc boundary in [25]. Thislayer model model. is composedThe approach of a surfaceis a energyprognostic balance one, scheme i.e., starting coupled from to anan atmosphericinitial state, the boundary model calculates layer model. subsequent The approach temperature is a prognostic values one,for i.e., soil, starting vegetation, from the an urban initial substrate, state, the and model the ov calculateserlying air. subsequent The main outcome temperature consists values of hourly for soil, vegetation,raster files the containing urban substrate, relevant meteorological and the overlying quantities air. Thesuch mainas the outcome2 m air temperature. consists of A hourly particular raster filescharacteristic containing of relevant the model meteorological is that the surface quantities energy such balance as thescheme 2 m is air constrained temperature. through A particular a data characteristicassimilation ofprocedure, the model using is that remotely the surface sensed energy thermal balance infrared scheme imagery is constrainedtogether with through a sequential a data assimilationMonte Carlo procedure, (“particle usingfilter”) remotely approach sensed (see, e.g., thermal [26]). infrared imagery together with a sequential Monte CarloWhile (“particlethere is extensive filter”) approach literature (see,on the e.g., subj [26ect]). of mapping air temperature using remotely sensedWhile land there surface is extensive temperature literature [27–61], on our the approach subject of [25] mapping has the air advantage temperature that—by using its remotely being sensedembedded land surfacein a prognostic temperature modeling [27 –approach—it61], our approach yields air [25 temperature] has the advantage also at times that—by when no its land being embeddedsurface temperature in a prognostic is available, modeling i.e., approach—it in between satellite yields passes. air temperature also at times when no land surfaceThe temperature satellite infrared is available, imagery i.e., used in between in our stud satellitey was passes. taken from the MODIS archive containing land surface temperature values derived from 1 km brightness temperature imagery (both daytime Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3 5 of 11

The satellite infrared imagery used in our study was taken from the MODIS archive containing land surface temperature values derived from 1 km brightness temperature imagery (both daytime and nighttime) acquired by the MODIS instruments on board the TERRA and AQUA platforms. The raw imagery was corrected for atmospheric and surface emissivity effects, as described in [62]. The specification of the required terrain parameters is done based on digital raster files containing CORINE land cover, which is available from the European Environment Agency. The spatial distribution of the vegetation abundance is estimated using MODIS imagery containing the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Large-scale meteorological conditions are accounted for by forcing the model with external fields of appropriate quantities, such as temperature, wind vector components, and humidity, from the ERA-Interim archive of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF), which was also used to specify the initial soil temperature and volumetric moisture content. Downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation, which is required as an input for the surface energy balance scheme, is specified from geostationary METEOSAT satellite imagery distributed by the Land Surface Analysis Satellite Applications Facility (Land SAF) of EUMETSAT. Further details regarding the urban climate model, including results of validation exercises, are available in [25,62,63]. The urban climate model was run for the wider Paris area, on a domain covering 100 km × 100 km, at a spatial resolution of 1 km. While this resolution is a constraint imposed by the spatial resolution of the MODIS 1 km thermal satellite imagery, for a large city such as Paris this level of spatial detail is capable of providing an overall temperature pattern at the scale of the agglomeration. As an example, Figure1 shows the average simulated 2 m air temperature occurring at 10 p.m. UT during the period May–September 2003. In order to create confidence in the simulation results, we conducted a validation of the 2 m air temperature, comparing simulated values with observations from the two meteorological stations (Paris-Montsouris and Melun-Villaroche) described in the previous section. In fact, rather than validating the urban and rural temperatures separately, we concentrated on the validation of the urban-rural temperature increment, because this is the main quantity of interest here. However, the spatial resolution (1 km) used in our modeling approach is problematic when comparing simulated temperatures with observed values. Indeed, as mentioned above, the urban observations were taken from a station located inside a park. Given the park’s dimensions (around 400 m across), its surface area occupies only around 16% of a model grid cell, or less in case it is distributed over adjacent grid cells. In order to account for this discrepancy, we designed a simple method to adjust the simulated temperatures for the presence of vegetation, so as to allow a better comparison with the observations acquired in the park. In this method, we considered hourly temperatures simulated at the grid cells containing the positions of the two meteorological stations. For the urban station, we also extracted the hourly simulated temperature of the eight surrounding grid cells, thus yielding a total of nine simulated urban temperature values for every hour of the concerned period. With these temperatures, we then calculated nine hourly UHI intensity time series by subtracting the simultaneous rural values. For each individual hour, we then performed a regression of the nine UHI intensities in the station’s neighborhood with respect to the percentage of impermeable surface within each of the nine selected grid cells. The resulting regression coefficients were then employed to extrapolate the central (i.e., at the urban station’s position) UHI value to conditions of zero percent impermeable surface, hence mimicking the conditions in the park. These adjusted temperatures were then averaged by the hour of the day, to yield a mean diurnal cycle for the period May–September 2003. Figure3 shows the result obtained from the adjusted simulated temperatures, together with the corresponding observed values. The magnitude of the error bars is 0.4 ◦C, which is a value based on the inter-comparison of co-located thermometric measurements (see [64,65]). During most of the day, the model follows the observed values well, except in the early morning (between 4 and 8 a.m. UT). We calculated error statistics for the simulated (against the Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3 6 of 11 observed) UHI intensity values, yielding a mean absolute error of 0.66 ◦C, a correlation coefficient of Urban0.79, andSci. 2016 a bias, 1, 3 of 0.49 ◦C. 6 of 11

Figure 3. ObservedObserved (symbols) (symbols) and and simulated simulated (solid (solid line) line) mean mean diurnal diurnal cycle cycle of the UHI intensity between Paris-Montsouris and Melu Melun-Villaroche,n-Villaroche, for the period May–SeptemberMay–September 2003. The simulated values were adjusted to account for the presence of green vegetation at the Paris-Montsouris station, as explained in the mainmain text.text. The The dashed line shows the non-adjusted simulated value, which corresponds to dense urban substrate.

As a side result, we also calculated the mean diurnal UHI intensity representative of fully urban conditions, i.e.,i.e., usingusing thethe regressionregression relations relations between between the the hourly hourly UHI UHI intensity intensity and and the the abundance abundance of ofimpermeable impermeable surface surface in thein the neighborhood neighborhood of the of urbanthe urban station, station, but thenbut then extrapolated extrapolated towards towards a 100% a 100%impermeable impermeable surface, surface, i.e., densely i.e., densely urban urban conditions. conditions. The result The result is shown is shown in Figure in Figure3 as a 3 dashed as a dashed line, line,and theand difference the difference with with the solid the solid line is line a measure is a measure for the for effect the effect of the of park the onpark the on average the average UHI cycle.UHI Thiscycle. result This revealsresult reveals that throughout that throughout most of themost day, of thethe parkday, exhibitsthe park roughly exhibits half roughly the UHI half intensity the UHI of intensitythe surrounding of the surrounding dense urban dense zones, urban thus confirmingzones, thus the confirming potential the of urbanpotential green of spaceurban asgreen a relevant space asclimate a relevant adaptation climate measure. adaptation measure. Since our focus is on the sensitivity of of the the UHI UHI in intensitytensity with with respect respect to to background background temperature, temperature, we also also conducted conducted a avalidation validation exercise exercise to verify to verify the themodel’s model’s capacity capacity to correctly to correctly reproduce reproduce the slope the ofslope the ofevening-time the evening-time UHI (UHI22) UHI (UHI22) intensity intensity versus versusthe afternoon the afternoon background background temperature temperature (T14). (T14).Following Following the same the sameprocedure procedure as before as before (i.e., (i.e., grouping grouping the the background background temperatures temperatures in in four temperature-range categories),categories), we we constructed constructed a a regression regression between between the the simulated simulated UHI22 UHI22 and and T14, T14, the theresult result of which of which is given is given in the in right-hand the right-hand panel of pane Figurel of2 .Figure With a 2. slope With of a 0.084 slope◦C/ of ◦0.084C, the °C/°C, simulated the simulatedUHI sensitivity UHI sensitivity is very close is tovery the close observation-based to the observation-based value of 0.086 value◦C/ of◦ C0.086 (see °C/°C Section (see2). Section 2). While thisthis resultresult establishes establishes confidence confidence in thein the model’s model’s capacity capacity to reproduce to reproduce observed observed UHI effects UHI effectsfor Paris, for theParis, UHI the sensitivity UHI sensitivity (i.e., the(i.e., regression the regression slope) slope) shown shown in Figure in Figure2 is not2 is not representative representative of ofthe the dense dense urban urban conditions conditions that that characterize characterize most most of of central central Paris. Paris. Instead,Instead, thethe resultsresults only apply to Montsouris Park, in which the urban station is located, and for which we adjustedadjusted simulated temperature values. However, However, our modeling approach approach,, now validated, allows allows us us to assess the UHI sensitivity also also for for the the more more densely densely built-up built-up areas areas of the of thecity. city. To do To so, do for so, each for grid each cell grid in cellthe model in the domainmodel domain we calculated we calculated a bin-average a bin-average T14 T14and and corresponding corresponding bin-average bin-average UHI22 UHI22 value, value, again considering the the four four temperature temperature bins bins specified specified pr previously,eviously, i.e., i.e., 12–18 12–18 °C,◦ C,18–24 18–24 °C,◦ 24–30C, 24–30 °C, ◦andC, and>30 >30°C. This◦C. This time, time, UHI22 UHI22 was was not not calculated calculated with with resp respectect to tothe the temperature temperature at at the the Melun Melun station, station, but with respectrespect toto the the average average temperature temperature of theof the 1% 1% coolest coolest grid grid cells cells occurring occurring in each in ofeach the of maps the which,maps which,from the from land the cover land map cover used map as aused basis as for a thebasis simulations, for the simulations, turned out turned to be mostly out to areasbe mostly covered areas by coveredshort grass. by short This proceduregrass. This resultedprocedure in fourresulted UHI in maps four forUHI each maps of thefor temperatureeach of the temperature ranges considered, ranges considered,as shown in Figureas shown4, which in Figure clearly 4, shows which the clearl effecty ofshows the daytime the effect background of the daytime temperature background on the temperaturenighttime UHI onintensity, the nighttime the latter UHIbecoming intensity, strongerthe latter during becoming the hotterstronger periods. during the hotter periods. Urban Sci. 20172016, 1, 3 7 of 11

Figure 4. NighttimeNighttime (10 (10 p.m. p.m. UT) UT) 2 2mm air air temperature temperature fiel fieldd relative relative to the to theaverage average temperature temperature of the of the1% 1%coolest coolest grid grid cells cells occurring occurring in inthe the domain. domain. Each Each panel panel corresponds corresponds to to a adaytime daytime (2 (2 p.m. UT) temperature rangerange asas specifiedspecified aboveabove eacheach panel.panel.

Based on the results contained in thesethese maps,maps, we againagain estimatedestimated the sensitivitysensitivity (regression slope) of UHI22 with respect to T14, calculating UHI22UHI22 for each of the four temperature bins as the difference between the average of the 1% highest andand that of thethe 1%1% lowestlowest temperaturestemperatures occurring within each of of the the four four maps. maps. Performing Performing a regression a regression analysis analysis between between UHI22 UHI22 and and T14 T14 as before, as before, we weobtained obtained a sensitivity a sensitivity of ofthe the UHI UHI intensity intensity to to the the background background temperature temperature of 0.19 ◦°C/°C,C/◦C, which is nearly double the value obtained previously for the Paris-Montsouris and Melun-Villaroche station pair. ThisThis meansmeans that that the the more more densely densely built built and and therefore therefore warmer warmer city city quarters quarters of Paris of Paris have have their their UHI intensityUHI intensity increased increased by 0.19 by ◦0.19C for °C each for each◦C increase °C increase in the in daytime the daytime background background temperature. temperature. In fact, In betweenfact, between the coolest the coolest 12–18 12–18◦C and °C and hottest hottest > 30 >◦ 30C T14°C T14 bins, bins, UHI22 UHI22 values values increase increase from from 3.73 3.73◦C °C to 7.18to 7.18◦C, °C, respectively, respectively, which which is alsois also nearly nearly a two-fold a two-fold difference. difference.

4. Conclusions Conclusions We conductedconducted an an investigation investigation of of the the relation relation between between the the urban-rural urban-rural temperature temperature increment increment and backgroundand background (large-scale) (large-scale) temperatures temperatures for the for wider the Pariswider area Paris during area the during period the of May–Septemberperiod of May– 2003,September when 2003, a major when heat a wavemajor occurred.heat wave occurred. In aa firstfirst step, step, use use was was made made of of meteorological meteorological measurements measurements from from the Montsouristhe Montsouris station station in Paris, in andParis, from and the from nearby the nearby rural station rural atstation Melun-Villaroche. at Melun-Villaroche. From this, From we foundthis, we a sensitivity found a sensitivity of the nocturnal of the UHInocturnal of 0.086 UHI◦C of per 0.086◦C in °C daytime per °C daytime temperature. The main limitation The main of thislimitation observation-based of this observation- analysis residedbased analysis in the fact resided that the in urbanthe fact temperature that the ur measurementsban temperature were measurements taken from a meteorological were taken from station a locatedmeteorological inside an station urban located park, thus inside not an representing urban park, the thus climatic not representing conditions occurring the climatic in the conditions built-up portionsoccurring of in the the city built-up well. portions of the city well. To addressaddress thisthis issue,issue, wewe conductedconducted urban climateclimate simulations for the wider Paris area at 1 km resolution. Simulation Simulation results results were were validated validated for for (1) (1) the the mean mean diurnal diurnal cycle cycle of the of UHI the UHIintensity intensity (i.e., (i.e.,the urban-rural the urban-rural temperature temperature contrast); contrast); and (2) and the (2) se thensitivity sensitivity (regression (regression slope) slope) of the of nocturnal the nocturnal UHI UHIintensity intensity with withrespect respect to the to daytime the daytime temperature. temperature. In the In theprocess process of ofthis this validation, validation, we we applied applied a aregression-based regression-based correction correction to to the the simulated simulated temper temperaturesatures to to allow allow a a proper proper comparison with the temperatures inin thethe park,park, whichwhich inin thethe modelmodel isis aa sub-gridsub-grid feature.feature. Finally, usingusing the samesame daytimedaytime temperature range bins as for the observation-based analysis, we calculated the sensitivity of the nocturnal UHI intensity with respect to the daytime temperature, temperature, this time withoutwithout the correctioncorrection for thethe presencepresence ofof vegetationvegetation at thethe Paris-MontsourisParis-Montsouris site, hence representing actualactual urbanurban conditions.conditions. This sensitivity waswas foundfound toto amountamount toto approximatelyapproximately 0.190.19◦ °C/°C,C/◦C, meaning that per °C◦C increase in thethe daytimedaytime temperature,temperature, the nighttime UHI intensity increases by 0.19 ◦°C.C. Over a daytime temperature range of a few tens of degrees, this yields several ◦°CC difference in UHI intensity. During the hottest days occurring in the summer of 2003, the nighttime UHI intensity amounted to almost twice the value encountered during the coolest period. Urban Sci. 2017, 1, 3 8 of 11 the hottest days occurring in the summer of 2003, the nighttime UHI intensity amounted to almost twice the value encountered during the coolest period. Based on the above, the main conclusion is that not only are ambient temperatures increased during heat waves, but the latter also intensify the difference between urban and rural temperatures. While we did not investigate this, it can be understood by the fact that the conditions typically inducing strong urban heat islands (clear skies, low wind speed) are generally also those that characterize heat waves. As a result, there is cause for concern regarding the urban heat island effect in shaping future levels of heat stress, especially considering the projections regarding more frequent, longer-lasting, and more intense heat waves. However, while studies on global and regional (extreme) temperature changes abound, a comparatively modest amount of research has been devoted to urban climate projections. Furthermore, the results show that for the cooler parts of the urban fabric (e.g., parks), the UHI intensification during heat waves is around half of that of the dense urban fabric, thus providing some insights into possible mitigation strategies for the future. Finally, despite the fact that our analysis is limited to Paris during the summer of 2003, it clearly adds to the evidence presented by [13,14].

Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge support from the European Space Agency’s Data User Element (DUE) programme under contract number 21913/08/I-LG (Urban Heat Island and Urban Thermography), the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme under grant agreements nos. 308497 (RAMSES) and 308299 (NACLIM), and the Belgian Science Policy Office under contract BR/143/A2 ( Author Contributions: Koen De Ridder and Bino Maiheu developed the numerical model used, and Dirk Lauwaet conducted simulation experiments with it. Ioannis Daglis, Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Kostas Kourtidis, and Paolo Manunta processed the satellite infrared imagery required as input for the urban climate model. Koen De Ridder and Marc Paganini were in charge of the overall design of the study, and the analyses and paper writing were done by Koen De Ridder. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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