' ' • --. i -. .H i •••i»:-ftrVr-1 ^ii^.i.-.;i^^..v:;«t^ U m "^ fAtl.il r-'" --"- — ••*'

/'TRUTH WITHOUT• -^!i'»f* Ft ICO CO.,

Oordy W. 8. Petit juror Mar«n (Tins >7» ' Term >72....._v ,...... _ H grandJhror Sept. Term'72 Holtoway A Mealck Bridging and Pauper _ _ __ _ S Tt ____... ____ .._.._ ijury goods 4th Din'1...... "...... Morri* JaVTAi irmwi Jurtr cpYUruk '71' " Twllley li wltneii to grand jury aeptterm . ckhcad 800 HDlfoway J.lLr£bBaUblc Kaa.Sth D+ Morris W. P. pellt jouror aept term '72 72 ' '' .teUraud Holloway E. KTbl»nd*rcV Btarwr TbT .. Mltehell R. O. pettt Juror aepTUrm '71.. Turner L witness for stale aept term 71_ 1 31 shbjcctlo"order Cbunty Cbnnntaafon* '" > .Mills Ucorgo witneaa to grand jury aept Twlgg J witness for,, >t»te aept term era...... _...... 4009 term '* '2...... 72 useeS H nayman . .1078 Holloway Daniel Judge Election 4th Dla't. 800 Malone Edwin wltneaa to grand jury TowOsend L witness f.r Hate MM 'Urn. : Slate Holloway Elijah Taxea paid In Error...... 8 15 sept term *71...... "Sept". S24 Uolloway Kllsha, Road examiner 2 days Morris lllley wltneaa to grand jury trpt Trultt Elijah grand juror march Urm 71. 5th DU't ...... _./,._... i Urnx ?7z...... H...... 113 Travera O D wltneaa lo grand jury mareh 1 43 Hollowayway Ellaha Ltmber for Bridge* Mb ' Moor* Charlca witness U grand jury Mpt term71...... 1700 metil. Dls't...... __ 14 83 tei Twlgg J sr wKneaa to grand Juiy march 700 Holloway KlUba Truste* to roer. MOO Urm 72...... ,...._ lafkrch HopkUaJ- ' not torm Twlgg Jas Jr wltneas td trud jury m*rom 1580 MorrU Leonard wltueas to grand Jury ...... _....— 75 "March Ha,,man W. W.. Bridging & Ptdper aept Urm '72...... IM Trultt J Fwilneaa to grand jory march IS SO coffin 8th Dls't...... _...... 4«7 Mathewa W. of Dan'1 wltnaas to .ngrant term 72...... ^..._ I Term Howard Wm. Bridging "let \)lt'i.J...... 20 Cl Jury sopt term use of Jno. White...... Vhlte...... 490 Toadrlne U P p«Ut jury March ieran n 1000 Howarrd James H.,lrtrM«lat 1st Ws't..... 80 82 Mvldnx J. W, wltneaa to grand juury Sept Truttt R K and eons Putting weight* to Jury Hamblln John S., Brldglnt 4th DU't...... ' 1342 Term '72.. 318 offlco windows...... Sill 75 Harris Wm. Judge of ETeclh>n Ird Dls't.. 8 00 Morris Wrndor wltneaa to grand jury sept' :7S Taylor J A let Judge election lOtb.MUt... 600 BWIEL i OBTKIBlIBwl»1M. fjolyTera Uumphiey* Dr. K. W., Vaccinating Pub. term '72...... " TwUlej T J 24 days Co connnUaJooer...... ( 72.0» «•'• i- ' 4 84 achiMs 5th DU't. nee of U. Huaa- MorrlsR.W.naoofS. II. Havman wit- Twllley T J 7 days extra sertlca-i as Sara* Sl«6 phreykw...... It 00 ueaa for state sept term 'Tl...... Twllley T J mlllag* aa a«Me...... _... SJ80 Harabllu J. K., nrliin Lumber 4th DU't. 884 Twllley Wllllaaa fees for conveying prU> [Inj In Cth Hilnian J. W., use T. W. U. WhIU Road oners to jail and Penitentiary...... m 82 (285 Supervlaor A Bridge Lumber in 7th Nutter's PhelllsKdtaU, House for Elec­ Twllley William iirrloa/pntccw In < r- ^uncan work on Dfrt...... £..-...... -...-...... 4*50 tion and Registration 8th DU'I ...... 800 phans court...... ,o-...... _._. ...^.._._ 4*0 2183 Handy J: If. Prmecntng 'fwliof...... ^.. Twllley William feea as aherUTpf Co...... tH45 saos, f«r UTIE .(XmrLAin and. II* «Inatlug Pub. HcarnJ.N.. Bridge Lumber 3rd Dla't...... «50 O Tllghman Wm B juroron Inquest...... M I>Y8P?P81A. OON8TIPATlds. Horsey A. J., Building Bridge acrasa Tllghman Peter juror on Inspect...... Colic, 2500 Owens Peter use A J d awford Bold 8n- HEADACHE, irk on i>ub'. ftoad Peter* creek aubjwtto order of Coun­ pervlaor In 2ml Dla'l...... 1400 Twllley Wm A juroron Inqueat...... 400 ty Commlsslonera...... _...... _ T2500 Owens Peter lioad Kuperarlsur In 7th Trultt Jamee T juror on Inquest...... Uolloway Mor iccai Koad Supervisor 4th Twllley' Wm If guarding pruonen 'at to meet ;rto»J .lupcrvuion 4 DU't ;;( uae ofDIIJst F*cny.* , WOO Aftrrme.rei ezpcrlmennC li.'t...... *...... 1761 DU'I _...... ,..... 5400 «"S John-vltnea* t» Uraad Jiaa> eV-pi Term of Cmirt...... MOO great and urgent deoM^wo, »«w »«oduc. Irwo "ipor C'offlut...... 2000 Hollowly Monlcnl work hired to be doHe Term '72...... 78 Twllley Levin M guarding prisoners at out original GentilM jnffrfi . » , ". . , , i by Sundry parties...... 400 terms of Court...... 75» Regr. VotoitSth Dla't ..... 2800 Naman P sr grand Jmror pi rtet judge of Election...... COO Hasting Michael J, Bridge Limber 4th Turner Dlst...... 1089 •>: '• ;n: H'.'i term 187:!...... «_.....-:...,. 15 Oo THE PREPARED, . ,, HullJing llrldgcut Kook'a Parker A Morgan Printing for County E800 P grand juror sept term 1872.... 1100 lllOIM.t...... MOO Uumphrevs IE^ Scow lllro for Ferry Toadvln a Liquid form of 8IMMON81 LIVER REfJtJlATdte,- acrn«a River...... _ 1250 Prlee Ix-vln B Fool an J P In 7th DU't... 695 Trader Hyd. grand juror sept term IH72... L. M. CTk of Election 7th DU't... 800 Parker Ml»u« F Road Supervisor In Srd Trader III grand j«rot a«pt term 1872...- 1500 ««»Ulolng all IU wonderful and valuable propor- ai. Judge Klectlun 6th Uli't...... 300 Humphreys U, From J,D. Trultt Fees Ad* MJ.^.....!...... "...... 00 liis'tus. Rlchle Fooks...... W60 Trader A P grand juror aept tern 1371... 1508 tUe, and offer It In - __ I ... ihlell L. J.Cl'k Election 3rd DUX...... >00 Taylo. Ellas petit Jnror lopt term 187S . AnwVnoiP _ 401 OOlDen **' Wm" """"... "ridge Lumberir22sf ft. 4 Haagpbreya II. Coroner...... "...... 810 . subject to order County Commla..... Humphreys H., rl'k of Elect...... (1C superTlsor ara dls't..'...... use L R Dorman'...... Adams K. 8, Euulner vn Public Bocd Ha't. use Rich!* Fooka....."...... 1112 Parsons Adam B Land for Public Road... it RO Thou J petit Juror aept termtent 18TJ. ONE. DOLLAR BOTTLES. fell Nathaniel ttoad Supcrrlior 2nd HumphreVs IU from John DTrulU Ball- Turpln MM in Gth DU't...... ' IffJuly Term '72...... 5, 00 Panum*() WofGW Cottns for Paupers 550 Tingle T wit to grand juryy aept termter 1871 79 COV1WTRT The Powders,'(prk« u b«f.re,')...|l.0t term 71 75 HOS.» TO M DELAWARE AvAttTB WiUdtT •" 'fll Margaret P. Uouse for Election Parker HdRrotofConl Ifouae...... 12 00 Twitched Mrs witness to grand jury sept 'i!l it»*.l: .••«,; WCAUTION1-W II A '74 ...... 1100 Pnmphreysll., from John D Trultt Rih Dla'l '72...... Ralll* Macrh Term l»72...... 1540 Parkrr S Qlllb? r»i>e fur FcrrT...... 800 Urm 'U uae of W Btrckhead...... 87 Undcnon U. W.. Truateofor Paupers..,.-- > Jamci Judge of Elect. In 1871 8ih ' 'Illps and Thorlngton rlglit of wi. Townsend llmlcr K wltneu ( grand ju­ CONSIGNMkNTS SOLICITED. >U't T«r»i '7S...... 1500 Phillips L'rlas Road sypcrTlsor and & AIL RDUOOfSTS. ln'72...... -..--.- - n Jainvd summoning jurura on In* HrVlRtnK In 3rd dl.'t u*e Ueo Robert- &QLD llearn N. TUrand Juror Sep't '7»...... w . IBM White King V Shroud* for Pauper*...... 4M Adams J. 8., Juror on Inquest .- ...... 200 H irrln J. E., IVtlt Juror Sep'l '71...... 2.1 90 ion and Co...... 40 17 B. r. Jan j i W. W., Urand Juror Scut. Paritons 1) J road supervisor nth dU't...... 27 00 Wilson Covlngton Uoad aupirsUw In 3th ; Alien J 8. C., OrM Juror Sept. Tenn. *71 Humphreys Jnaepbns Fttlt. Juror Sept. '72 25 00 DUt use J U Elllotl...... SO.M Armstrong J. B., " " ' ^ 71...... 1740 Holljway Itau'l It.. Petit Juror Sept Term Phlpnln Than W road supervisor 9th d|tees fur'73 890 (K) fOSEfffJfitnd DOMESTIC FTtVmi ' DlsharoVn U.ibt. wltneas to Grand Jury lluflinxton Jesse Urand Juror ParnonsJ Aug Juror on lni]uest...... 5(> White Jameormin...... 1750 alooere...... Conaighmenli Solicited. ->-T '' ':«« <, u»-> Sent. Term 'Tl...... 1 4A '73...... 14 50 Walker T W uso T B Taylor Bridge Lum­ PHILADELPHIA. I ~ MareliTerm, '73...... ";4; : 7» Hitch Geo. W., Grand Juror March Term Pollllt L«vln J Bailiff March Term'73 uae A"cn iV'U- F., Bcgr. VoUra In 7lh PUt IS 00 Duneal Jamea wltneaa to Grand Jury LR Dorman...... 1300 ber In 1st Dlst...... -.. ._... . .' 14 fl Sell. Tenn '72...... 1 33 '73...... 15 00 Wlngata J W Court Foes and convoying HumphreysEJ. witness to Uraud Jury Parker B 11 grand Juror sept term '71...... 13 00 DeuuU John P., witness to Urand Jury Pryor Francis Petit Juror sept termj '72 Prlstojall...... 1700 Sell. Term '72...... 1 31 Msreh'T«rm '73...... 75 WasburneWFlto*dKupervlsorln7lh DUt 4800 Howard Noah J., wltuesa to Urand Jury use L R rvvnnan...... 81 W Beonelt A PrlBn 'or X of tfcplq Douufi Ephralm Jr., wllnoaa to Urand Price L B., petit juror sept torm'72...... 2840 Waaliurne W W Sundry small account...... 14 89 . H- Btb^rti 1M75 Jury Sept. lerm >72...... March-Term '78...... 1 18 Willing Dr J A J Vaccluitlug pub school 2000 1 17 Hughes JiNro 11., witness lo Urand Jury Parsons J. J., )>tllt Juror setp Urm I72_ MM Drlseill John wilneaa to Urand Jury Parsons A. F.,wltnrsi to graiwjury aept 3rd Dbt..._...... _...... _. 4J09 oEk :Comraissioa Merchant tst Mpt. Term '72...... -..••——-•••. Uarch Term '73...... 107 Worcester County annual Int on undebt- 83 00 Hutiiblirevi VVtu. wltnrM to B '.llid Jury t rm '72...... 273 DjoJf Mrs. Kueene wltneas to Uraud Ju- Paraona W. R^ witness to grand jury Mpt edncsa to school Find of said county rj Sept. Torm '71...... 73 Mareh' T«'rm IS...... 73 subject to order of County Commission­ jyOMMIjSION Bowdeo B. B.. Bridging A workU 574 llamMln Jamea B.wlluesii lo'iraadJury term '72...... 75 and Dealer ia Uoad to.4. Dla'l-...... _...... -J DulTy Jam-fi witness lo Urand Jury Sept. I'arker J. B., wltneas to grand Jury aept ers Wlcomlco...... 47414 J108 75 Mareh Term'73...... 1 39 Woolford (t L H 80 Day* aa Judge of Or- Bradley LeTIn Const Fee* I " llollowav John wltocan lo Urand Jury term 1H74 use Wm. Hlrckhc»4...... 1 M FRUIT AMD PBOD1ICE, Brewlnrtou J. W., llagl.trats1 S a is I Dunean Jam it wiluc s for State Sept. Palmer Wm. witness for slate sept termTl 1 93 ph ns conrt...... I 87 Mareh Term'73...... 1 03 White KingV juroron Inquest...,...... ,._ Bllllncham W. A., Material A wort Teno '71...... -....———•—•••— Joe wltuuu toUrand Jury March Powell H. D.. wilneaa for stato sept term • V .__ /. 29 ."9 Howard White Jua" B P -V" EiatatMf *f 284 tforth Delaware Avc., iwcff rorry .« «« .«.«. ..".!; ; , : 251' Drl»kull J"hu S., wllnesa for Stalo Sept. T»rau '7S ...... 73 1872....._....r ...... U...... H«...... 1 M Is T. A., Bridge Lumber " IfDI. I 8 33 Parsons J,V1nif»»fi'f «Me aept lcrm>7! 893 Btepbeu Wllkcns...... PAILADKLPUIA, 500 Houston Knn'l wlli.csi la Urand Jury Williams J of J grand jurorseut term'i2 tin. M.,lla*of House for 13ol 4" D.U n« B. V;.," Mareh Term '73...... 73 Purnell I, witness for alatesept term 1S71 K C«»sUnm«ns« of all klndi «f Conmtry Produce JlOU 7 42 uacDr. U.W.Frceny...... 87.1 Williams E L grand jurorxipt Urm Tt aollcUod. Phillips J.. A.,., iraml Juror march term'71 1.100 Walter L A H grand Juror >ept Urm '72 U80 1 54 Prior \V.J\mlit juror' marclilrrmm l"/3 12N) Woodcock A W grandJurwr aept term '71 Betara* will he praanptly made u ad.Ued. ino IniulrenceaProiUlon for..... 1000 00 WhlleJameaWhile Jamfs pent Juror sept termte TO.... 'Apr Phllllpa/w.,nellijarer marohtorm 1171 . 1340 -' *Urm 72. nurH-nneJt«.«., SOU 75 Perdue J B |H-ilt juror mareh tenn 1872 1310 WnlU King Vpotll Juror sept lluuiids J. It., Uet Judge 600 J 1'arsous A witoeaa u grand J*ry aaarch WahtomT Ap«ltJ*ror»cpt,-...... Urm'72,..-te 300 821 Jackaon F..E. ACoRoul of Court Bo. m... WhIU KlnfV wltneaa to grand Jury »*pt Undle* 0. U, " " » Toim '73 use U. J. MOW term 1872...... 75 ISAAC A. VANSCIVEB,, « " " LnmlMi 10 004 Jackson Thorn a* ^ Bjgr. Voters 1st Parsons J. T., witness to grand jury m*rch Urm 1872...... -...... '...... In5 Dtthnraon James Grand Juror March 1>|B I ...... Waller K M wllne*. to grand jury sept Brown Wm.J., Building new Term '73 use L. R. Dorman...... 1804 term 1872...... i...... - 75 ubject to order of Com..... 5000 Jackson Thorn*. L, Hou»e'"fo'r "riiection ParkaT-jL«Un«*a.to grand Jury march, Urm 1871...... COMMISSION DEALER IN Bub jrE; Jr. Ute BMerWIII Jci-JTuf Deaiala Washington IL, Oraud [Juroi and llcgiitratto» 1st DU*t 10 09 lerm 1*71...... 1 75 While O W wltnea* lo grand jury aept 300 March Term^J...... ;...... 13 tO Isha.-1 O«orge W, work on Public Roads term 18W...... Ueetloo t DU't IS72 _ Dunean Jainca Urand Juror March Term Parsons Frank wltneu lo grand Jury march Bounds I/e»lu " " /' * i 7th PU't...... term 1872...... 75 WhIU t>r witne** la grand jury aepl Fruit*. Berries, Produce, UM B. ] - Moore A Bro...V ...... I ...- 100 !™S ...... 18 00 Johnson KlJOi J>"woft Uomeart...... term 1872...... Banks O., uie L. li. Dormao HauH>)! O DulaBey"l."u'."A.7 'pitlt Juror March Johnson iie«rge '«,'»' on fnqneal...... Wligat* O E wkneas to grand jury aept ''' 1300 Tonu '73...... 12 M Johnson .l»hi. I>, - ''roron Inoueat...... 50 term 1872 wo Wm Blrckh.ad.._...._. Daihlell 11. J^ 1'ulit Juror March Term Robinson Jamea Rcgr. Vottn In loplsl...... »40 « . Pickles. ui 145 Johnsnn The«idor« 1'., » » IT.'Parker Kol.lii.on James (I'k of Election In 10 Dlst. 3 00 William* T H wilne** to grand Jury sept " UetJudge Hec, ''1 » "» 40} 440 Ualliirsr«l Judreelectlun2nddU'l 4 00 term 1871...... Dcnuli Levin C, witness to Uraad Jury Jack-o* T., Bailiff U Sheriff March To J* Holicruon Ueorge Y clerk eleel 1st dlit 800 WhIU T W H wllnesa to erand jury aopt March Term '73...... ,._... . 1* *7a...... i...... *' Itni.'her A tales paid in error...... 03 Urm 1872...... ^...... i bharoon TM wilneaa to Urand Jury Johnson J.'D., wltneas to Orand Jury linlitrluin 111! cU'tk of. 1,-cllon 2nd dlst 300 Wilson James wlincaa to grand Jnry k*pK Brl lrn-, March Term '73...... 75 BeutTer '71...... _...... -.>. term 1*72 uae\V BIrakbead...... _ Bailey Thos. T. Con.t r»e» Dykea Kelluni wltneas to (rrand Jury Huiiell Cuiils road superrlaor In 1st dlst Returna promptly Made. Blrckhead Wm. A Co, Stationery A Jenklus FleMer wltueaa U Urand J«ry use Tliui B Tarlor...... 85 93 White Noah wltnea* to grand Jury *epl olBces ...... »...... '" ...... »»«« 19449 march term 1873 use Ueo L.adly , 111 Sept .Term '72...... Rounds Juhn services u keeper of Alma term 18T2...... Aprlf-3aa ii , ii n u Paupvrao of!870 3034 Jcnklns Wealey wilneaa to Urand J| Hi».ise...... 175 00 Waller V wltneas for state *ep» UrM 1871 » " Fees o Regr ef •mitt*.. SUN E Hopt- Term '72..-...... ^ Uouuils Archibald aervlcoa at Alma While JeBttl* «lln eaa for s tai* aepV Urm Wat. B. COKAWAT. GKOUOK It CHOIM. Bol' L. Sydney Juror on lmo.ueat...... _ 50 English A Stevcni For,^ Keeping Vienna Jackson Janioa, wllueas to Urand llous* ..,...... -...... -.. 15000 ,. H " J. C., Juroi on InQuest...... IBqueai_...... a, ... 50 - '71...... >w«...... Hounds Kmuia tt. rices al Alms Houa*.. M 00 WtllerJoajiVltneuforliiUjanjt Urm _»-_ Jk MinKr i \«r a XT t. f*f\ I " Ueo. W., Juror on Inquttt ..... Ellla J. if.. Cl'k to Llociioa iitli ^VM-.njfWm. ^i*v=-. Ulrekhei. ,,, , UUerT F J rixoidlu.; indices In Caiup- Will B. CONA W AY & CO., Bethanls Adum f>., J. ror on luqncst...... Elleg**! ll.D.,crk to clec. V li-lNPallndoi ftook...... 10000 Wlmbrow'Tr" j"'g"rand junir m»rcTl«rm ^ .f^tsT •>' •• • ' i a. I BurbagoJno. H. Juroron Inquest... .J UUgoolJ.K.,«l'k to Board ''- Rider T F J Fees u clerk of Ihe county 1278 68 lHHBs^**a» . i I ' Wm.S. Juror oalDq«Mt_j*Hfr tit. ....I...... __.. dUh Jouu Jarorou Inqoot.. Elleg«odJ.ai,Alf ulna ' oo Wk*yl*»4TlioJpeUI Jakiormtnh um. Com^s^s^BKerc] WtabryirMU7S. •* tH^lt»»»«s.sa»..ss-..n.i.l.«.s. Jtrata.wroiUrnlwT.-l srr--- —— -"•-• .1 •>-$£?»*£ ^-C-HfilS

I \ -•»'•';'• >V

7th instant; present Judged Irving and T.-.V 1.^ In his life. In fact, all the WhiteClonds JT/OMK AnVKRTIHRMKNTS. Franklin, and nnunl Court officers. deserve to be praised for their admirable The first cnso tried was State vs John coolness and indomitable energy. ay evening, .rf'ltin^ij j j^ . At Tflfi P. Dennis, indicted for soiling liquor on During the game the best feeling im­ \ colored boy named Wm. Leonard Sunday not guilty. Parsons for State, , Jnly 19,1873. aginable existed between the two clubs wns seriously hurt about tho face and head SYHEPllHHTjATHOBSI!! ri i'.rl."c nt *, w'l« »'/ "-'/««'« owned oat of the Orahant
l II. Mnrrlinaj, partner.) tradlnc under the 8ALUBUE1 keeping a disorderly honsein Powellaville. natnred, but determined rivalry. * Both 8BA-8IDK RESUIIT, lltunted name and ni m „{ Kl.«nmlng .fc Merrlman. again*! •* < Guilty and fined $30,00 and tosU-nd com­ nine* were on their metal. Each felt ten were swinging. The accident was the good* and chaltl.-a, laud* ahd lcncni.nl, of six milei from Derlirf, Worcoi- Tratotnr fcirnd, one of Ihe partner* trading an- HAVE recently puifcnased a mitted until fine and coata are paid. Par­ that they had no mean foe to contend lined by Leonard attempting to run un- ______,ler County, Hnrjlnnd, present* Jcrlht name .ml armor TlniothrlUtne * Bru., |nd sons for State and Graham for traYerse.r. ngaiust and each were determined to win cr them while the swing was in motion. I hare levied upon aiid taken In execution all the , Wm. M. Buark appellant nnd defend- if possible, extra ncvoniraodarions and IndnoomeDli for rj*ht, Mil*. eWm, lateral and demand of the UALOVE.I: head*, ent below, TV Hugh Jackson, No. 2 ap­ Ml lover* of »nrf bathing, as well M to filb­ aforeaald Timothy feayne, In aad to WHITE ciocn.' The Dauntless Club of Nanticoko Point ert and gnnnera. Tin home. has been com­ bote beads, enrdopes, card* Ac., Ac., at peals frofti Juatice Pooka' Docket Judg­ efeated the Modocs of Quantico on the ONE HOUSE AND LOT ACKfrT* ment rerened and costs in this court and Quit. Run*. pletely refurnished and rennorated and ao lloaled la thewih H«etkw Dtitrlet of Wleoaleo hortnodeetordt/prioea. Toadvln, P. grounds of the latter on Friday by a score additional storr added, increasing the ac­ county, and I hereby give notice that on MALONE A RICHAEDSON. before the Justice. Handy for appellant, 4 REAL ESTATE SOLD Oftl CrUfiekl for appellee. Oillis, L. F. : 8 of 83 to 17. commodation of tb« HOO.M by the addition TUESDAY, JULY 8th, 1873. CHANGED FOB OTHI Qunby, 3rd B. 8 of sixteen nev, large and airy rootni. On tin Tahiti praeMd to ael) at the Court HnoM dwr In PROPEKTlfia, OK No. 12 Appeals. Clara A. Tnrpin by The Daylights played the Modocs a arrival «f each train at Berlin a Coach will lh« town ofSallabunr, at th rea I- bidder for cath, to tatltfv the nU writ, coat, and JUtmlTAL Of tOSSLS AT SAltStftY FOR Docket. Beplevin, judgment reversed, Jordan. C. 1 tant. The Uayliglsta scalp*! iW Mo­ fee* and charge*. , K UNDRRSIQHBP o«Vr at Privat. i TBMWfMJTXilDWa JVi,YWTU,\KH, 8. Oordy R. F. 8 iness to convey guests to and from thi WILLIAM TWILLEY, Ihe following ptwpajrty, U and judgment de noro for return of pro­ oes. The score stood 40 to 15. Beach. June 14-15 SherlC andr SOBMIWI CwaaUas, Md: perty. Crirfleld for appellant, and Han­ Graham 8. 8. 0 TKWMS $2.00 per day, or $10.00 a Oebooaer Anna Belle, Capt Oodee, from Todd, 2nd B.- 8 dy for appellee. Vnrieties. week. ' . SHERIFFS SALE! 1M Ko. 1. A tract towUlaiar 114 aciwl Waablngtan, light, to E. E. Jaelnon ft Oo. 84 Trials. John W. Turpln vs O. A. 6 miles from SallsDary afl ! Uaiawr, stta- F. Brady, attachment Quashed. Cris- 27 21 ,.. . . Proprietor. BT Tlrtn* nf three vrita ofjfcrf ftflft l«««rt out of the Circuit Court for WhioMlc* ewnlr and to cipally piB*, very thick set field for plaintiff, Spence for defendeut PBLAWABK. C01IBT HODSI, SALISBDBT! Julr-fr 41. m« dlnelMhat I he «uiu of Ix)»IC.C.* iltk. !> Pricefl.»00 one-foorth easfc, balssm to O. R. ef Ihwo'analn.t thn gou.li and ehaltloa, Uada a*d 1 and 3 jean. Schooner B. Stocklr, Capt. Porter, light, M. E. DIOTBICT COXFKREXCK. The tenement* of LoTle C. ftntlh aad Btaactarr W. B. Horsey',-C. ft S. B. DUFFIELD, Manager. GEORGE PAGE A CO ftmtth and Samuel A.Qralian.aad <» aial**' the to M, E. WUliaou, and loading for Waah- Eastern Shore District Conference for the Jones, C. F. 6 1 irada and chattlea, landa and Uneaten la of the LOT h«4 J. Coatalu I TO Aent, S IngtirV*'" H. E. Church, South, convened nt the U. CAMBRIDGE. Dusiness Agent. aforerald Jamea C. Smltt and RUnitmrr W. riaallh rrcm Ballahnr), ImprorsaMSiU sta-aiair t* G. Horsey, P. 3 1 WALSTON, . > Pianist. Patent PottfbUGlreular and Samuel A. Graham and William Mnkhead aad Trapne on Thursday the 3rd, and closed E. Elliott, 1st B. 2 Wm J. Brown, I hare levied upoa.eeiwd aad take* those dsseribed above. OaM-balf of tkls Schooner Capron, Capt Adams, from ita labors on the afternoon of Saturday the H. Phillips, 8. 8. SAW MILLS. In execution all the right, title, lateral claim and aad ii cleared and.la a aigh state a* calli. 5th. Its sessions were held in Aebory Robinson, L. F. 8 demand orthoaaM Jamea CRiaUJila aad to all of vation; tbe baJaacs set. la TMaw 1-lskh ' Church. that traet or parcel of bud which wu deeded to 'rica)$J,500. Schooner Sbmofset, Capt Polk, from Collins, 2nd B. 8 aald Smith by John II. Franklin, Tmt««. bearing Rev. I. B, Dcy, Presiding Elder of this T. Horsey, R. F. 4 2 daleJune l»th, ISM, containing Daltimore, 31f the name of "AMerlci," Dwelllnn Hoaie, a Urg*. asw Bara aad-a-taMr erations of each session. 20 Itualnl In the.Uh Election THitrict of Wleomleo Schooner Ridie, Gapt Malone, .from The district was well represented in the couutjr, Md., and I hereby (Ire notice that on ntcettary oat bulldiairs; loo Aerws fca, « !-' fisdtirrmns lids, to Humphreys & Tilgh- number of "traveling miniotcrs" all be- Mr. D. J. LeCompt of tho Ltghtfbot ENTERTAINMENT TUESDAY, JULY 8th, 1873. (ration, the balance thick Mt with 9ta*war, ing present except one, Rev. Win. E. club, acted as umpire. BT A SEtfCT fOwlPAKY atlhchnnrofto'cloekl1. M. at the Court IToi»e Denmberad by an aged widow's aVwwr. ' Between 1000 and 1200 people witness­ FROM door. In the (own or rVUIshary, I ihall proceed to Evans, pastor at Cambridge, who was ab­ ed the game, and the utmost interest was Portable Steam Engines, poll the above uamrd landa to the hlgheatbldder Schooner. L, 8howeU,C*pt Adams, light, sent on account of ill health. A number forrvh In imhry the ahore named wrlta, dehta, departed for Baltimore, Lumber for Catli- manifested duriug it» continuance. Shingle Machines. Drag and Butting Inlereat* and co«U and fcea and eharfee BOW due LOT No. 4. Conlaln-i 36-aJUrti, Imas-aia ^ oflocal preachers and lavmcn were pres­ FOBB'SGRANDOFEBAEOnSE, Saws- and to become due thereon. menu as abore, M* sail* frets, Kdea-StSittM. ent as delegates. The following list gives 8OMEIISBT COVXTY. . .. Stationery Steam Engine*. WILLIAM TWILLEY, on both sidei of Ike Bail So*L J*nn $ ,. Schooner T. a Taylor, Capt Hillman, the names of those in attendance: BALTIMORE, i. I -Barrel Machinery. Saw (Jummeri June 14, ti Sheriff. 000. - ... ..r Rer. I. D. Dcy, Presiding Elder and Crisfield Postofficc was created a money '•'or A Season of 3 Nights Commencing -Steam Boilers all kinds. President of Conference; Rev. C. E. order office on the 7th instant. Woo4l-Working Macliinery all kinds. SEA BATHING! LOT Ko. 5. Contains 7* Acres, iTeasUes Watte and Mr. Lankford of Eautviltc; U»ug, Mulajr and Sadi Saw Wills. fromSallsbiry, oae-kalf cleared sad 1st a> ADHttTED. On Monday last Mr. Oba- Rev. I. E. Humphreys. Dell Haven, Circuit Court for Somerset will convene AvfeMkMv 15fl, Circular Hawa Inserted, PerfornUd good state ofcaltlTaUosi, ImsiroTw. by a sis-;. tliah Banas, of Worcester county, was, up- Revs. J. Littlctcn, T. R LcCato and Mr. next Monday. ""* • V O V ami Plain Teeth. e story Dwelling, balance th (ck set with atee Weaver, Pungotcague; Rev. I. E. PotU When will be performed Tom Taylor'n PorUblc Oriit MU1«. Uorte Pow- sad Oak Umber, foar miles frosi Tosw Tsyak vjaa. motion of John H. Handy, csqr., ad- and Dr. Broadwater, Atlantic; Rev. M. A camp meeting will be held in the Comedy. U 4 Acl4,*<*title4 ' .. * en. .coin Tin HIO.E, rtek. Prift $700 oa^lulf cask, Mas** ttitted to practice at the Wicomico Bar. Uldham, Pocomoke; Rev. Wm. E. M itch- grove adjoining St. Peter's M. E. Church, Shftfling and Pullcyi. JAMES SCOTT Proprietor. n tweUe mouths. ell. J. I). Jones and W. W. Disharoon, about nine miles from Princess Anne, on STILL WATERS RUN DEEP! Timber Wieels, Log and Lumber Can. THE MABIKE RAILWAY at SlmJ Point Mill Clearing. Hill IS lioUSK will wptn on LOT So. C. Contains 100 Armi SMertb* Wicomico; Rev. P. F. August. Hugh the 25th instant John Mildmay Mr. II. C. STROXO. is undergoing repairs and will soon Jackson and Wm. B. Tilghman, SalUbu- Log Oitntinp Mncbines. LogJackn. Allie TWRNTY-FIFTU day Rail IhMtd and naTlgaUon, all 1st Timber , be ready ibr-operations. This is a much The oat crop has been materially in­ Capt. H.rwksley " F. A. DOUD. Casting nndGeneral Mftcliine Work. of JUNE, and offers Great la- I'rict $4,000. ry; Rev. Mr. Hebard, Berlin; Rev. M. B. Mr. Potter " 0. SPICE. ducemjntato thoae fond of heeded enterprise, and, we predict, will Oolonna, Rev. Levi D. Travera, Dorches­ jured by the recent dry weather. Lcffel » Turbine Water Wucel. toon be one of oar important industries Sir. Markliam " H. PIEWWN. SEA BATHING. LOT No. 7. Containing 1M Acres, asw ter;On" Wm. Auderson, Cambridge.' ' Hon. George R. Dennis lost a valuable " O. W. DOCD. mile from a Rail Road atatioo, owe-half Thursday morning the opening scr Agricultural Engines A Specialty. U ii situated Aboot 14 mil** from Snow Hill, "it. horse lost week from calculi in the blad­ Gimlet " H. Wiusox. cleared and improved by a rnssiauJIons NEWSPAPER .CHAVGE. T. Howard rnon was preached by Rev. P. F. Aueuxt and a Stage Line runs direct to the Bay, Dwelling and neeeasary ottt-bniUlajfa,. ^Rb. der. Mrs. Mildmav Miss PEA HI, PENDI.ETON «-SEND FOB DKSCBIPTINGCATALOOUE-C* whereacomnfodioos and fait sailing boat Moore, « *,., has sold liia interest in the 'Thursday night, sermon by Rev. Mrs. Stcrulioid Miss CARRIE E. MARTIN. -i ly. ' one of the finest Meadows for tbe growth, tt Mr. Oldham on "Holiness." Friday makes two trips per day acroM the ocean, cranberries; a large pdfUon b tblck set with Democratic fltitenger to his partner, Tho 4th was not marked by any pa­ for th* accommodation of passenger*. morning, sermon by Rev. I. E. Potts, on AFTER WHICH, RATIFICATION NOTICE. Wood and Timber of a good quality. Price (Qeorge M. TJpshur, esq., who is rtow sole "Family Religion." Friday night, ser- triotic demonstration in Princess Anne. There 1s a DuWLtXO ALLEY and KK3- $4,000, one-fourth cash, balaace laj o«e, two DUETT-"When a Little Farm we Keep," TAUIUNT attached to tlie HOTEL. The ,''-,' «ditor aad proprietor. The Mettenyer m«* by Rev. M. S. Colonna on Mark 16: We are indebted to tho True Jfaryland- Afixt I^endleton nnd Mr. Dnffirld. Colly Fields et. al. .vi. I In tho Orphans' «ml three rears. Thislaadls slt«a«e«l e*M finest liquors constantly on hnnd. mile from Navigation. '___ Will continac to be published in the inter­ IS ana 16. Saturday morning, sermon tr for the following: r Song "The Bloom is on the Rye," Henrietta KielJ» el. al. | Court for Wicom- The Proprietor Informs tht PUBLIC that est of the Democratic party. by Her. C. E. WutU on 'M/utual Bene­ SEVERE ACCIDENT. We are ioformot Mr. ' | Ico County. he will spare no means to make his HOUSE fit* of Religion and Busincas." Sunday June Term 1872. LOT So. 8. Tbe WashktgUm He4el, te a pleasant summer resort. That his ser­ Priueess Anne. TbU It one of tbe best Be­ rooming, sermon by Rev. O Littlcton on that J. Thomas M. Adams Esq., of Re Concluding with tho Laughable Farce of Ordcroil this J4lh day of Juno, 1873, Hint vant arc pollta and attentive. aaa- TADLE will be furnished with all the lux- business, being large with an muilma ejav- ter's District, on tlie night of the 4th in­ dress to Sabbath School. Sunday night, the stcnm mill of Kufu* Dennis' nen Slasher & Crasher. lilell Trustee, for the sale of the real estate uries of the seasoa. sermon by Hev. Hebard on Act* 24: 25. reniences, with amplw Btablaj as>4 iae ear- stant, Elijah Toadvine deported tliis life Pungotenjrue on the Eastern Shore of Vir F^ainpson Slasher, Mr. C, Spies. of Lev! Fields, deceased be ratified nnd con­ HOARD $3.00 per d.ty, or $11.00 per roundinj*. I'rice $8,OOO, oa ^ey T«Jas»; - On Thursday, Friday andttuturdny, re­ Christopher Crasher Mr. H. C. Strong. firmed unless cause to the contrary thereof week. in the 72nd year of his age. ginia, met with tho misfortune to get his port* were made by pantorn of their re­ Jlr. Blowhnrd Mr. F. A. Doud. lie tliown by exception} tiled on or before Die [June-lR 41.] LOT So. 9. A tract of Umber lastd aOO* In the same district on the morning of spective charges on the following sub­ arm nnd shoulder severely sawed last week Lient, llrowu Mr. H. Picrson. 24lli day of July next: provided a copy of V^ TOWN* TKOPEUTY FOB S.VLE. Acres in Somenat county, a mile* (roes Ibe tue&th, David J. Hay man died of conges­ ject*. by being snatched under the now by thi John Mr. O. W. Doud. this orocr be itiaerted in some paper printed R. 8. B. U. Price $J,00«. Terau moder­ tive chill, aged 65 years. 1. Spiritual State of the church. 2. belt. His brother, Samuel Adams, at tin Itnsa Mix* Pearl Pcndleton. in Wicomico County once in rach of three L Jainea Catholl, having removed to the elljr. 01 ate. missions. 8. Sabbath School. 4. Finan­ Dinah ' Mini Carrie E. Martin. successive weeks before the 14th day of July Raltlmoru, and deemllig It advlitable loacll hla real Both of the above named have long wrilintr, had not heard uircctly from hi evtatc In Salinliury. He has therefore placed tin LOT No. 10. A tractor eieellentfra ce/*. 6. Church Literature. 6. Churvh neit. same In the bauds of the undersigned whn will land about 100 acres cleared and IB been inemberi of the M. E. Church. Property. brother's family, but the report cnme Entire of J'rnyramme Each The report (tales the amount of tales to dispose of it for him, at prlvateaale. ThefollowUuj state of cultivation. Same amoant la __ be $'Ju:..00. ll a deacrlpllon of tho property : Gratifying reports were presented from from other employees at the mill, and wp No. I. One dwelling llouae and Lot, now occupied and timber. Price $3,MO, one-tank eaab, PKI18OXAI.3. Judge Bpencc was in each charge on the nlKive oiijecto. There GEOXGK L. H. WOOI.FOIU),) JuO(fei of balacce In one, two aad three jean. verified by Uio Captain of Suturday'i nJ)0 ct». ____ Childrcn^25 cts. I1CGII JACKSON, } the Orphans by K. W. Humphreys, on Cbeslaul Si. Ikla U very Salisbury thin week. The Judge was look­ were interesting dixrtiiwionson the various Doom open of 71 Commence* at 8. dealralil* property, conveniently located aad all topics before the Conference Irom da^- to stcnmer. JAMBS LAWS. ) Court for tho bulMlurn arc nearly now. LOT Ko. U. A Farm containing 114 ing remarkably hale and hearty. Wicomico County. t. The wharf property, lying between the W. A day. The sessions were very harmonious FATAL ACCIDENT. On the Oth inst. P. II K. and the Klver, and lying between the acres, 4 miles south of Salisbury, near the) 1 Hon George R. Dennis passed through THE SMART YOITNO MAN. Test: Wil. BIRCKHE.VD wharvca of II. Humphreys and Wm, 8. Paraona. E. 3. K.U. Price $1,500, one-IUlh la each, and pleasant Mr. Jacob Hunt nn old and faithful cm He.-. Wills for W.-Co. ThU property Ii tho lait one of the kind which la town on Tuesday en route for Berlin. The Conference closed it<* deliberations likely lobe offered for n\e between tb* B. It. * balance In one, two, three aad fo«r wears. ployee of Hamlilin, Baker A Co., of Fish Tho smartest young fellow in town True Copy, Klver, and la Ihtreforc vcnr valuable* John H. Handy, rs )., attended the ses­ on Saturday afternoon about 6 o'clock. Will instantly know who I mean, Test: WM. DIRCKHEAD, By resolution a vote of thanks wax tend­ ing Island, wns almost instantly killed. 3, 4, 5,6«n<17, OneAne llourw and I-ot In that No. 11. Six Uenscs and Lets la Sell*. sion of Court during Monday and* Tucs- Tim" by some he is cnlled 'country vriyhf' Beg. Wills for W. Co. part of the Town of Salisbury, known aa George­ bury. ered to the friend* at the Trappc for the Mr. H. wus under n canoe in the rail-wa; Thoy will-find him a lung way from town, oncoa Division St. two on Croat 81 and tw< clay. very hospitable manner in which the BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. on Water HI. Theaeare all new exccpl one. am Hon. John W. Crisfield, Henry Page, pit helpvmjf-trrclevate the bont when th green. are built double, each house servea for two ram! 0-In addition to tbeabor* w«j bare members of the Conference had been en­ In his business he prospers npace, lie*, and rent for$*»per yrar,e»cb. esq., and Hon. Isaac D. Jones, paid our tertained. screws tripped nnd tho bont fell crushin No. fl. la an unlmproTed Luton the other aide ( sale various other lots^ to*nssBMf«sj> him into the side of the'pit There wa Is courteous and civil to all, W.S.COSUN&SON, Croas St. and between wlirrv Janaea Janea llvf town m visit tuis week. And proves hix fine sense nnd good tnstr, and Water St. thin lot Is large enough to be divi­ "'for further perUcnlari.sfaJyi* -1 i abundance of room on either side ot tb ded In two building lota. THE CBI.RBP.ATION. Friday, July 4th, Jlu tlrtffiny in riothtt from Tower Hull. N«. (laalotlnJenev. This la a 'good bulMlag MAU>Ife * »tCHAaUM0^4 LAND BALKS. Henry Page, cs^r, as being a beautiful day and otherwise suit­ screws in which he would have bee Where the best and cheapest Clothing lot, already Incloaad. Haaon It a new writ of goo Agents, Sallabnry, ft.. in tho country is to bo found, licnnett ler when In nait. It lira hetweea J. W. Maddox' Trustee, mid, on the 8th instant, the land* able for celebrating our National Inde­ safe. As the boat bcgnn to go down an andB. Calloway'a and la drslrablc dropertr. & Co., No. 618 Market Street, half-wav \ lx>l No. 10. Btluated otcr llumnhreya' mill,"' iHi ti. A. Schuoiacher, known as the Fooks' pendence, the cititcns of Salisbury nnd other man called out for Mr.,II. to "loo Joining tbe property of A. U. Toad Tin and between Fifth and Sixth streets, Philadel­ llouitun. Tula Iii a large LotU>( and will bo'bo 1 aodlaolil In A. G. TOiDYINE Mills, property consisting of one farm surrounding country repared to the Park out" and in his effort to save himself, in phia. GRAIN, SHIP TIMBER, whole, or In parts, to aim the purchaaura. Call an< between the hours of 2 and 8 P. M. to stead of lying flat down he threw hitnacl aeelt. WMOUBALB ABB nBTali, aad o*e half of mills. Lot No. l,one PLEASANT TO REMEMBER. No. 11,12, U, It, l\ U, 17 and II art tight Iota half of milts, was purchased by L. Ma- participate in the exercises announced to in tho only apparent place of danger, And Enttern Shore Lumber, each containing one acre of land, 'adjoining the hands breadth said' ono present woul landa of Henry Fooka, rurnell Johnson and ofliera lone for $100. The farm was purchased take place. At 3 o'clock C. F. Hslland, It U a pleasure to reflect on the mem­ M Stilt* Street, on lha south aide of the county road leading to have saved him. Dr. Tull was summonc ory ot saina dear old friend who has been i-ooks' mill. by I. N.HearnfortlSW). esq., who had previously been constituted Terns mad* known on application to before the Injured man was released fron tried and found true in the hour of need. Also on the same day, by came auction­ President of the meeting, introduced G. A thing you ciin fully rely on is pleasant IMCalono St, l-Uoliordamon the pit, but he was dead before the 1) SADDLSIT,. oiocutiu, mtmte\ eer, J. C. Bush, was sold at Commission­ W. M. Cooper, esq., who read the Dec­ to remember, and this is why so many [Jnne-7-tf arrived. Tho Dr. pronounced his deal Onlrrs Filled for any Decerlptlonor Oak. ers Bale all the real estate of which Thou. laration of Independence in a clear and people buy tho 4qlcgant and substantial Bootv, Shoe*, R«Ml«.iMJt < to have occurred from an internal crush Clothing Being''soldno vcnr -cheap by REFERENCES. A VALUABLE FARM G. Catlin, deceased, consisting of Lot No distinct manner, after which E. Stanley OfflOM of third National aod Eu-hanga Hanki, Dal- Toadvin, esq., delivered a very beautiful ing of the head. Mr. H. bad just warnet Itonnclt & Co., Tower Hall. N->. 518 llnwro. FDUiniU. 1 containing 160 acres to Levin B. New­ Market street, h:ilf-wny between Fifth ALSO For Sale!r*"^" laa ll-tf. some o/tho hands of Jheir danger and Col Wra J.Leonard Puraal Tonlrlp, HalUburr ton for flOOO, Lot No 2 to same, can- oration appropriate to the occasion. At and Sixth street*, Philadelphia. ap-19-3m response to a question whether tho sup Md., MayWtm tUning 148 acres, for $1800. the conclusion ot the literary exercises the . .._ ...__._ . . .._ . .'laellat private nala a TO THE LADIES. NOTICES. 1 VALl'ABI.K KAUM In Wleawleo eoaaty. people adjourned to the adjacent ball ]>ortiiig blocks were all right said the ThU farm U ill as led on Wetlpaaln crook, which ground to witness a ' were, ret was n victim himself. Mr. I I Kmptlea Into the Ntnlleok* rlvtr, about twelve Rev. P. COJtiB, Corresponding Secre­ ST. MAHY'S CATHOLIC Ciiunm.—Sixth f iilU-s from .HollnlMirr. The water ID the crook U 'leaves a wife and 6ve children. Now Millinerj ud tary of the State Temperance Alliance is SOCIAL QAMI Sunday after Pentecost, July 18th, 1873. fi'uldaml navlgalili-lbrvoaaola of light drawght. Tho No blame can attach, to tho firm I laud la acby soil highly Impraved aad well adap- expected * Jweaob in Salisbury, on Sab- of hose ball between tbo Datawares of First maw, at 6 A. M. High mans and •[j^ to Ihe irowihXcereala aad frulla. It UlS- whose extensive and varied works no sermon, at 10:15 A. M. Vouper, Ixwturtf a-fw*' _^ M. E. Church Beaford, said the White Clouds of Salis­ ming Store, bury. Every one expected to see a beaa- rious accident has ever through A benediction, at 7:30 r. M. REV. EDWARD TAYLOR. 33-^velling ALHslUBT, Bsulbfa* IfiiA. II,, rcwrtt yean Uillwrta occurrfd; ^ LVKI horns, ulabllng and all <>4hcr applbmeoal at 7:45 P. M. for agricultural purpoara. proved that this expectation'wis "well - "" " W'dV'BBTKR COUNTY."' ' ' Mh Run-lay after Trln^fftTr'', 1«». The evening service will be the Quar­ BALTIMORE. This KAUM contains about ,. grounded. St. ftn-arrChumh .fUBbvrr terly Union Temperance Meeting. Tbe colored Union Ix;nguo paraded iu n«lay School...... "...... 9 A. M. 250Aoret a«|Mla The game was called at 4 o'clock with Snow llill on tho 4th. timing rlervlee A Holy Cosamunlon...... lOU I'. M. Reference: more or leaa, IN acna of which are cleared and In Mr. Combe will also lecture on Tein- ft-alngSetTto*....'.-.....:...... ?^ T. M. [ftstra Jan. Corner

raiovtl. Tli* Inw in Franklin county U NKW YORK AUVBRTISKXKNT3. BALTIMORE ADVERTI8KMENT8. TOT* I ABttCaTUCR la aaUMii< e»erf Saurta* eMimatH at from fSV.OOO to *100,000- The bottom 1anoVi were oovorcd with w»> GDI NET AND GAUZE CANOPIES. *|HT « ». U Btnawk: t ««ri R>» win >a char***. j dottroving the crop*. Part of the PMladelpMa, hi the UNfa of Wihcnotter in under A New Oinrch Bto. ADVRRTMtNlt RATMt , cotuppllinir otMie of tho firaiato Oor. Oortlantlt Tarlctoo* and ffettiftg;*, And Bait NfiWYORK. fiummer m. tor »!<* , In tie mttbern jbortion of Licking For prnUetlta of Oerilce*, Pl«t«ree aid Mlrrrra, . ____ *w* liter tret laeeflloa. county chips *r*irtfodi are badl v dam­ ON THE dUnof»EAN PLAH. slfcolwa. JvkLotaW Mtlf MM avdlUeiuIr ««ee«- Eafcagga aged. The Newark, Somerset and straits- RICHAffD P. FRENCH, ON AND AFTER MUM] vill« railroad suffered ncvertly. Tw»nty- BOB of the late Col. BICHARD FKKNC1I. of LACS tVrve allies of track were washed oat, and , Mt take* tkla BoUl, Bewlf ItteJi (SUNDAYS: up and cBtlrel* r»»o*ated tin Mate. Ceatrall/ WINDOW SHADES, eveiral bridges destroyed. 1 eated IB tke hoaiHkSBPABTof theCltr. Trains will L«M Clinton oatiaty the grain in shock and B-Ladlea- and UeBtfesMn's I>|B!B( BOOBU At Fdrnlture Blip Oorefingm, Cretonnes that kit standing in the Hold was alike ChiUtaea. prostrated, making It necessary to cot a UBM tl «aa] great part of it by hand. \VAt-BA VEST'S, PASSENGER, In the southern portion of Green county -WITH A. M. A, i the wheat crop Buffered; the estimated ..!',"*:-i/.' MASONIC HALL, ^ /\ Detmar, Irfife fc from fifteen to twenty per cent In UareL the county the losa is SEAFURD, (3 other portions of PRODUCE 719 CHESTNUT STREET. RridK«Tllle, »4« considerably lighter. The weather it still Ju UreenWood, « M showery, and unless it clears up soon the r~mrmlngloa, 7 M wheat crop which ia dead ripe, will be WM. II. BLAXDMBD JAS. 8. C* T»». Uarrlnfton, 7 SI I COHISSIOH Frlton. 7MJ greatly injured. Canterbury, T 4*| la Mnskingttm county, Zanesville.Wah- 817 GREENWICH STREET, BLANDFORD&GWYNN, Woudilde, 74 ington, Perry, Wayne and, Knox town­ NEW YORK. UOVnx'' 7 < ships) suffered moftt. The damage to the Kxptln proBtptljr returned. Cards a»d Stencil Moorton. plato faruUkedat Inb oOce. Brenfora. growing crops cannot be less than ten [May II.*.] SMYRNA, thousand dollar*, besides a heavy loss on Clayton, Commission Merchants Green Rprlnf. Mlwrttef, J«|jr M, I6TS. timber. Blackbird. In the southern part of Duller county Cfr. M. AND DEALERS IN TownacDd, the rain did damage to the craja. A 1IIDDLETUWK, No Mtwtefeeb anylnterwt in the Mt. lleaiant, lane lot of timber wai also blown down. FRUIT, FLOUR AND FEED, Klrkwood, MeecM of OMMtitntiooml DcmocraUc Ia Clark county Uw damage was not groat, Ko. 113 South Charles Street, Kodnry, except in extra work and the inconveni­ And Market Produce of all Kiitdi, Bear, rriwdptM CM look onthedttMtiotiattbe ) VK3KY PIKH, State Road, tome degree of 10- ence of harvesting down grain. REFERENCE 8. New Caalle, prwmt UBM wUbo«t In Union county the wheat crop was Ofnaila I n BROAD AVENTJK, WILM1NUTON Ant UlQMIaO. I Ml A M4 CESTHK AVKSCK, PITT8, GRAHAM * CO. PIlILADEU'lllA, lieit-xie far the MOOCM oftboMprind- badly damaged throughout, especially U. II. KKKSK * BBO. 4«E. '(M» Ibere WM not along the creek* where whole fields were W. WaahlB«ton Market, __ UINXMUUKAKYUL BALTIMOBK, destroyed. In Pickaway county too crops NEW YORK, CHKSNUT.TOWN8RND «CO. M«h>etiT« otfae U Maiyland ftllod by Retarna » *» »ma»pllr a»d eviptlea ntumed or WIL80N a CALMER, April IMy 801 twyUd Democnt*. Now.it destroyed and washed away approximate paMtor. CwaJ, o«««li»llcll«d. $100,000. To this may be added broom- W-lARMfMrBUhed OB application at tkla Onlee TO THE PUBLIC. PASSENGER, 1 Awn are MOW Bep.Ui- within three mile* of CircleTllle, or Niw York. oora, For refereBO* applr to Jaaioa Cano»D,8eJUb«rV. A. M. p.: id oOoa, Why thta change? ! it $35,000. [May X4-3B1.J Tke uadenlfncd havlac left No. 1 North Calvert nni,Yi>F.i.piiJA, s*o 7DSOF priaciplei In Athens county, at Nelaonvillo. the Street, aad taken Wore No. IS* llalilmore Street, HALTIMUltK, * ••a Hocking river overflowed and inundated opposite St. Fault*., where he latend* conducting,a WILMINI1TUN, 10 ID thogteat DcmocnOic pMty Codiran, Nix & Co., New faille, 1UJB the lower part of the town. A Urge fiENTLE MET FltCT-CLloS MOT AMD SHOE Mate Buad, vttf WM orfaalaed have lout their vitality? number of families were compelled to I Bear, 1041 Rodney, 10 SO Wo thlak Mt. Nor i* it becaMc the pol­ leave their bouses and contents and Commission HAW, v; Klrkwood, 10 .W icy of Ibo 4l«|>abUcan party hM btea oal- fly foe their live*, so suddenly and un-j Mt. Plcaaant, 1107 72* exipectedly did the flood come. AND WHOLESALE DKALEBJ IN Weald Most rcipcctfolly tolklt year patronage. MIDULKTOWN, M2S 744 wlatod to wia MM to in Mpport. Yet Towuavud, 1IM 7M The crops in the bottom lands are a He U eo well ntaMbhed ai a Practical BOOT ;LPHIA. we MO that party gaiaiaf trength every Blackbird. 11 ». I 00 total IDS*. The total damage to the crops Domestic FrniU aad Product, MAKER that any comment would be unnreneary, (ireen SuriBf, ^ I14S BIM 9M, relurxi prompiFy a*a«V, 4ay ^a«lM0tata, For every rcoalt there is estimated at *10.000. A great number except that be prupoaea to manufacture an article Clarion, 11 M SI4 tot -o- No. M PARK PLACE, lor SMYllNA, (Arrlt«) 1210 S30 MMtho a c«oai. we shook! be vigilant to of families living along the river in the Breuford, 1*01 819 PEFEIIKVCE8; TkonraaEnoa,Oleaga,B»m; Wm. IlonA AC«, 1-9rranMrevt.BeltfBore: X.Ball* vicinity of Athens have been compelled MoortoB. not 123 XX>Uu*ty ?f»rk t< In XTTORNKr-AT-LA fT, toetafiM. With Mch men the old party aevere losses are reported. In "Union L 11.30 A. M. «nd 7.35 I'. M. Leave Clayu • JOHN H, BBtCTT, UD. P. M. i. eaa MftaMr/ triumph, bat without them co toty the crop* were damaged Jlen to for Smvrno 8.40 A. U. aud 2.00 fiiftaen per cent. In Ripley county the COMMISSION MERCHANT Will attend Krictl* to all legal bnaineu make connection wfih trains to ant fro > Wwtt'la^iaktOMUrt a bard one. If wheat Buffered badly. In Decatur county ioTusted to kim, aud to the aaU of Rea UoTcraud Hlsiionj South. w« nil to take MM of known moral worth the wheat yield will be but one-fourth of * DEALER IN Eitate. CONNECTIONS. aad ability, whan they can be had. and a crop. ALL KINDS OF At TownKH'1, vltlt tbe Keot C«nntr «>•• aubatituta men politicians in whom the Inbbalby county two-third* of the AUGUSTUS I' ARSONS, ana Queen Auna'i and Keitt llnll Koala. M wheat U sprouting very fast. In Dear­ • A TTORNEV-A T-LA W, Ulavion, with Maryland and Drlawari Iti-i, have no eosiBdeace, we may and J born county the lomes to crops will be far FRUIT & PRODUCE SAHSSCIT, MD. Rouil. At IlnrringtoB, with Junction a»«. i to ha dsfcated, ptarkted, of c«>or«e, up in the thousand*, the same report No. 66 DKV STREET, NEAR WEST, Urrukiruter Rail Hoad. At SeaforJ, wi. DORCHESTER A DELAWARE our oppoaeota lad soch mea as we have comes from Fayrtto county. The corn Special attention friren to the col- Den-neater and Del wart Hell Road. \i I. S. ADAMS w ill yield three-fourth* of a crop. lection of claimt. [Jan. C, 1872-tf Dflniar, witb rJiiltruShore Hall Hoard,a-.. described ahora srithxwboas to oppnM us. NEWVOUK. H icorulco aud 1'ocomoke 1U I Roak. WITH- Let tpijtham,la th^l% of our past losses AprM-)m O8TON HUMIMIUEYS, A 8torr*8|>oiled. II. F. KKNNEY, Sup'l". SMS) our fatars praaMets, look to the good H A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, 4. W. BACON. SlLllbtKT, Vn. May, K>, 1872. A.\S. COOK, RAIL ROAD/ e/th* State aad people, and, forgetting The CkareA time* of the 31st Will attend Itrlctly to all builneu m- M1& friends and relation*, erect the be* ultimo, sayK"Tbe marvelon* legend about A«. 921 North DELA WARE A VENUE, tniit jd to liii care. Office over the ilore of FALL ARRANGEMENT. Me* fc-r o*aqe wgardlesf of who auy be the clergyman who died and left behind A. U. Toadrlne 4 Co., Majn Stnri. Notice! Comiiiission Dealer In On and (\fter Tuetday, Oct. l*f, 1871 him a waled packet containing not only a ABOVE POPLAR STREET. PAWF.MIEB TRAIR8, with FRKIOUT CABS dispensation from the Pope to pretend to TAUKS E. ELLEUOOD, On and after Tuctdav, January 7th, PROBiaCE ft FRUITS I allachca, will, until farther BOtke, ras ao Good men will always draw totbeir sup­ be an engl'uh priest, whea he was in re­ PHILADELPHIA, followl,8UHI)AY'HK.XCKrTED: 18T8J LeateCAMBRIDOE__..._____ to* A,M. . port tho heat atea of the oommnnity, and ality a Romaa Catholic, buta list of other ATTORN ET- AT-LAW, 145& 14 West Street. THB KA8TBRN SHOIrK 8TKAJIAOAT CO - EAHT NKW MARKET,___ »7 . 4h«w«M Aha people the Dpammttie party clergya»ea hold'mg similar indulgences, Commission SAMSBBRV, B-U. Near WaaBlBflO Market, " KEDEBAWBUEO,..._...._.ISM " k confound to have been a figment. Mr. Will attenrl promptly to all baslnsss - Will run on* of their Boats at fullowi, ArrlTe at SEAFOBD,.... I_____It W «, wa«t'4r wa hava theae we eaa get enough 1'rebendary Brooks say* that after com­ "FOR THE SALS Of trusted to hit care. (VTeatucr permitting.) uolil further notice. York. TUESDAY AT t O'CLOCK, I'. M l*BT«intAFORD...... _.m^....__.___tia p ir at the tadiaVrMt unltifisl » Make up the municating the itory to the Record, under 1^| ARY LASD STMW WWT COMT AM Y. EVERY Kraptlra D»e*lll7 Kturotd, aad paid for Ifnol " FEIIKRAUtBUBQ,. .... t«T " ; bat if we drive the beat away, the the sensational beading of "Rome,nTact- R. R. Tiei, Wood per Cord, Lum­ For CrisHeld, Onancock, HotTnian'i Couconl dtllTtred U B/K.C*. April 12-3m " KA8TNEWMABKCT,...... :.«M « . ics,' he 'endeavored to varifv it but that For Baltimore Via. Cambridge. Hilei' and Hungar a Wharf*. RETURNINU, Arrlieal CAMBKIUOE,.....J1...... _«»B " iaaithrrai wtfl always UaVc when we do l*are Hungar'seterjr Thunday at«.3oA. ..T*I» tralB uakearloa«ee«BOetloa with tralaiea, when he wrote U the two Admiral* whom ber & Grain G. Fl RMAN & CO., JJ" DetowareluHroad far all potato Kortk aadl sMt pay them ta stay. Now, we respect he had vouched an the executors, both of HE lafifiBTHIUHLAND LIGHT, Cap*. T. M., lunching at the abort landings. KVKRY Mouth of Seafbrd, and with ateaaaen, atCamkrUm.. lUly Mhaah that thb is one of the causes tbrm repudiated all knowledge of the OF KVIRV DESCRIPTION. rl. LcoDird l'"r« CambrU|« erery Moadaf. FRIDAY AT 6 O'CLOCK, P. U. For t'rls- to and froai Baltimore. TWedn«l»r «»,iord»r, makla| eoaneetloa with the D. D. It. R. FltEKillT KKUK1VED UP TO 4.30 P- M lioa. Wm. H. Keee. Seaferd, moralai («seept 8»«day) for I taf Many who deatre U having ernjcwl so great a confidence W.W. DulaaT, " riln (ullewlat MUrfT RKPUKI'AID. Fonts and Produce. foreign and Domestic"' therein. I bad no idea then that the W.W.rsahlrl Laorel. Del. lgbt reeeltedforallilatloBieB the D. . M, TIIOUSON, Supt, »nd 1C. K. Jacktoa * Co., BBllebarr. M4. frrl statement I had received had been already J. A a. M. Whale/, WhaL/tlll., k)d , coaoaaeetlaf Ball Boida. aa4 eantjiyM I). P. R, CLARK, Aftnl, 30,70*76 at extensively efrcalatod ia private circle* Peter L. Da»b " :5 fonth StrMt, lUlilroore. in J/ondon aad elsewhere, as from letters Col. C.W.Jseohs, M. Martlaa, WESiiVASHINGTON MARKET I aiace receivai IhavAfoaad to rave been No.61N.] ure SCdega.- Farenhcit X • • labors T When she is broken down and FEVF.K AND AUGE 1'OWDKIW will effect a euro Brldgurllle, «-W 11 M 410 719 moun- words. It consists Vif alternating bed* of In ea.i«< of the lout-eat •tainlliiK us we'll aa nrovo a UrC'euwoud, «53 1208 440 Jun«»tb,l.r !e jkuinwer^^ T .»»J» • smilosevero'cr* li fo has became a bu rdcn ? By no means. prevontlva In tho forming »I««<-'» or thu dlnfiuie. Fannlngton, 708 1219 45* llarrlugtou, TM 12 «0 . ' tain'and plain, . 'light brown and ash-colored clay and When wo ait down at a city table laden Being purely Vegetable, they act wltb certainty 11 10 Aji .••.! . ' The shrine nf , Hevoral strain belong (o the Miocene Ter­ glow oMixJignattoii.- Why «houU »ot Moorton. k 14 1 S7 . • t«rfi*-* -And dwell in ita bowers, tiary Period, which forma a broad belt they, every one, hare dean tablecloths, to cure the CIIII.IJS In any casoT Brenford, 821 145 SMYHNA, 804 > " • gwett, beautiful one, from SO to 80 miles wide, and margins the early vegetable*, and abund/nee of flrulfc F3K 1 Reasons why they Only Clayton, o» 164 SM . ph, co«i>e to the 3outh, and I'll build thec pulf coast for some hundred miles. It is in season ? Sonic of UutDl 'do, wV .know, 8M 200 GommissioQ Merchants < the Southern equivalent of the Miocene but a great many do not, and the latter should be Used. SIBB3KI1* 84S 212 DEALEB8 IN a hoifw,, or Mauvai«e*Terre* of Nebraska, to cel­ THE1B BEPUTATION 18 ESTAB Townaend, S 61 2 10 AND winter shall never intrusively are the onoa we are writing to. • Thousands of testimonial! have been MIDDLKTUWK, »0» IM 7» ebrated for its extinct animal* which have • One morning's industry will plant a showing that theso 1'OWDEBS have p Mt. Plewut, »1» 24» Klrkwuod, *W SOO FLOUR AND FEED, n-likecaUipa, "tho myrtle and been found-in auch wonderful profusion strawberry bed, especially if the wife lends Inclea [n curlnf ca»e« of long >tandln(, , »M SM '; No. lit Sooth Chari« I entombed Hi' IU rocky strata. We have a haM in setting out plants. Blackber­ them eonald«red nopelea a. _..^,. Bear, «41 SJS " LIVER 1 found in Texas strata remain* of similar THERE IS NO KWK IN TAKING TUESL State Road, » 45 (20 Baltiriiore, M4. The goll-fruitcd orange, the ruby-gemmed ries ud raspberries win grow readily if coataln nothing Injurious, and, therefor*, New Cutln. I 65 S 8S extinct animal*. They have been dis­ one will give them a chance. Currants, noueof the UuKerltiKdlieues so often the result \v;:.»UN»TON Arrive 10 13 S $5 900 vh>e, for wells, ot tho inan r no*trumi* of tbo day. I'byilelan* re- nULJUiZlvUU," 11 45 6 K 1130 PITT8, ORAUAil * CO. £hall .bloom 'round thy dwelling, and covered usually in excavations on «mall provocation, will yield abund­ eoiawend them ai superior to (iulnlneor any other at depths from 30 to 90.feet beneath the ance of delicious fruit; cherries wanton­ known remedy, for Ihuy leavo tbo system tu a r. u. A- M O. II. KKE8E A BKO. shade thee at noo'n, surface, and consist of admirably pre­ LIVE ktaJthy slate, and (be patient beyond the pro­ DALTIMOUIi, " 1 05 1 10 I M DINBMOHBAKYLE. While birds of all mnijc keep amorous ly to be set in the soil, protected for a bability of a rolapae. served bones of two or more species of time, and they will take care of them­ BEWARE OF UOUNTEKFIETS.—Tho genuine SOUTH. horse, not exceeding the common deer iu are put up In square tin boxes, wltb THOMI'HON'S By the gumh of ftad fountains we'll rest selves for a lifetime, and afford food for FEVKR AND AUUE I'OWDKKB stamp on the lid, PASSENGER, PASSENGER. MIXED, ' size, rhinoceros, Uirtoisc, and of a number man and birds. When once a fruit gard­ and Ibu signature of Tlioxrsox ,t ('nixounon of small animals, whose affinities have the wrapper. Ko other cau poulbly be genuine. A. M. P.M. P. M. ,Vo trouble to vex na, no sorrows to grieve. en is planted the satisfaction^ it affords Th« undoralcned hating l not yet been satisfactorily determined.— will insure continued cultivation. Then PHILYDELPIIIA, 810 (00 11 SO Streot, Mid Uken Store No. Me BaUbmotv' Mieel, pb, come to the South, The acidulous water* of the Sour Lake 1IALTI1IOKH, 729 2M 790 oppoaUu BL FaolrM., wbete he l>t«nd*coajiitKUBf a> '••*'•'' Trie ghrine of the sun • the house-wife can be certain of fruit to WmtlNU'lHjS, 1010 fit, u 5S arc derived from decomposition of the put up for winter, and won't be BO sorely- New C'ullc, 1U!(0 8i5 124 * °V 4 l'AnA dwcU hl ito tower*, underlying aluminous aud pyritiferous dtutu Uoud, 10 U (to CENTLEIES' FK8T-CUU BOOT ABB B10K •;»<•<'* Sweet, b&tutif"! ""<>one. puzzled in spring to get up an inviting RHEUMATIC ucar, 1045 700 BhaJef, by which sulphuric acid is set free, dinner. 10 M ' 703 of an/l bcootnM mingled aloag with other ' AND klrkwood, 1057 7 IS ...1 -if ;,: • OKI Pis/done to the South, 'tis the homo It "pays," in every sense, to surround Mt. Pli-aunt, 1107 • 720 ThvPowd mineral ingredients, with the water which one's self with everything that makes life UllHiLKlWX, M -a 744 224 Would moat respectfully scBcH j»«rJ**»s*a»»aV eat b/ No *ky like it* own can deep passioro percolates through the strata. The as­ uleasant; roses aud honeysuckles over Local Paper, Townst-nd, 11 a I 7S4 233 tringent taste of some of the springs ia the front piazta, grapevines at the kitchen Itlacklilrd, II Wl B 00 He U ao well eaUWIah«d » P»»»Hwi BOOT Impart; HORSELINIMENT, Oreen Spring, 1148 «08 MAKEB Uwt any comment --.- BUT n< 71* Mow of it* snmmcr is felt in the soul, due to the alum they contain. porch, and all manner of pleasant fruits Clavton, 11M 814 101 uxcopt that be urupose* to iuuU'U»c«ui» aa The source of the petroleum may be KMY1U»A, (Arrlre) n 10 S 30 fer uvia i And lor* keepeth ever his fervent con­ in tho garden. If any one deserves to live The Greut External Remedy llreuford, 1201 810 trol found in the decomposition of lignite beds well himself, it is the farmer, who feeds Moorton, 1209 823 Ztt£ Oh, here would thy beauty most brilliant- and bituminous shales which ore largely all the rest of the world. for RHEUMATISM, N£U- 1XJVEK, It-24 »31 141 over tbo Miocene region of 129-1 S-14 3M Neatness, Durability 1 ;; Iv beam, developed Some af these Iruito can be transplant­ BALGIA, SPRAINS. Woodslde,' n 40 8 61 And file pasa away like som^dclicate Texas. It ia not improbable that large ed from the woods; we have blackcaps in CauturburT, 12 49 »K r •'•'' Comfort, ':"-!?.:?",:•' I - supplies of petroleum or rock oil may Be BRUISES, &c. F.'lton, 1260 »(rJ 40» dream; our garden that grew in the forest near Harrlnfton, 107 918 4 17 M Each wish of thy heart should realize be, obtained from deep excavations at this by ; blackberries take kindly to a change Equally Good for Man or Beast Faruilugton, III 8 M 451 Equal to any ether houie on tbl* oontlntait at Jan-li-j of the THIS LIMMKNT hu earned for ll»df a reputa­ UrfvnwiHHl, 988 805 And this beautiful land seem an Eden to locality. So for as we know, none of residence, and all the varieties of tion uui'qualkxl in the hktury uf KxttTiial Appllra- IM moderate pilee to ault the ttwea, ' Itrldrnvllli), 137 044 020 *aa»rt*UBt«f tb.ec. wells here have been sunk to a depth ex­ strawberries came from the wild straw­ tlon*. 0.«'Tl>ou»uiid who now KutTur Iroui Hill^U- 158 1000 £47 Uo will keep constantly on fcandan come to the South, ceeding ten feet. The surface indications berry. The prices at which these small MATISM.KEUHAUIIA, Ac., would fiml Immediate I.uurcl, 212 Oil - •. ,,1.. Then, AT THE llor, from all |>a(n by ujingtliis CKUVAIN KKM- Dolmar, 223 (30 •ro~l>'.?»nT.-:.- The ahrinc of tlie nun ; are certainly quite as favorable as were fruits are sold place them within the KIJYIJY. H Is fimullv .rructualc In CUTS.. DfKNS GENTS' BOOTS, SHOES AND And dwell in its bowcrn, those of the now famous oil wells of Penn­ reach of everybody. Tenons who live in 8CALIW, -' Of THTHK N1CCN1CCK. 8O8O11K THE MIXED TUAIN WILL BE RDN SUB to the T1IKOAT. SWKI.I.lNCiS. 1NBLAMMAT1ON8...,^.— raJ.,, i ..,„». JKCTTODELAYSIXCIDEiNTTOFIlEIUH i GAITERS,, , _ 6w(ct, beautiful one. __ sylvania and Northern. Ohio, prior villngcs and have but a small garden plot KK03T HlTKS, TAINS IN TlIliKIDr, Oil BACK discovery by deep borings ot inexhausti­ can get a great deal of comfort out of it at lilTKg of Sl'11>KI!.S or ST1NU.S OK 1NSKCTS. BUSINESS, AND WILL STOP ONLY A ble quantities of this valuable substance. Uno rubUiiB; will In all cue* gtvo liiiuicdtato ro- Of tho tnest qualllr. ' '' Sketch of the slight labor and small expense. The llof, and few apbltcallou* tomplute a cure. STATIONS W1IEUE TIME IS GIVEN. «J-Please glvn uio a call and oWlge, Under thu name of Seneca oil.. British waste matter of a family, carefully econo­ On account or Its |Niweritil puuctratlue proper- NEW CASTLE TRAINS.—Leave Ne. lours reipeclfully Ac., ttaw I«*ke Region, llard- nil, Barbadocs Tar, and Napthae. petro­ mized and applied with judgment, will tie* It Is beyond doubt thu SUllliST IIKMEI>V for i leum has long been extensively employed tho uio«t trouMcsouiu diseases to which Horse* and Caatle fur Wiluiiogton aud Philadelphia Tcmn. feed the garden, and be returned in un- Cattle are liable. It cures SCKATCHICg, old and 7.40 A. M. Leave Philadelphia 12.15 F. .M Ae.j&jxwr. lev UtUimonBtrttt, JLQJVG, tffttUt » fuui*. ^ in medicine and the arta. An an external bought luxury to the table. The case frcah t'uts or Sores, Cbufes pniduccd by the collar and Wilmington 1.25 P. M. far New Cusllv application, in painful swellings, strains or saddle!, Injuries caused br Nalb or S|m treatment of particular dUciuscn in the GIVEN AWAY. Uuad. At llarrington, with Junction a1 > BJM.IMCBT, MP« and Uve adjacent shore. From fho reputed care of which it was scarcely ever known ttruiktvatcr Ittiil Kuiid. At Seaford, wi vjaedioinal property .pfUje water it is Care ol Dairy Cows. IA Fine German Chromo. DerchVHtur and Dclwure Rail Road. \i Special attention given to the col- much retorted to by raralid* from Lou- to fail, provided directions were strictly Ui-lnuir, with Kustcru tiliorc Kail Hoard, a.. lection of claims. _____f JHD. 6, 1872-tf followed, and as among the diseases were WK SEXU *!< KL -.UAST CIIBOUO, MOUXTKD AND icUnA, ArlcAusasaudTeXas. Many ner- The stalls should be kept perfectly clean, BEAKY FOU ri< AUUi'O, FUHKTO HVIIHV AUEXT. \Vicuiuicu aud 1'ucumuku Hal Kuuk. mentioned Home that we had heen taught and not ouly w>, but the walls free from IIUMPIIRRY3, MM* ate aJ*o dntvn*thither from motives lo believe incurable, we could not avoid AOK-STb WANTED VOll II. K. KENNEY, Sup't 0f curiosity nod for recreation. At die cow-webs aud duut ; and not lew essential U N D E 11 G RO U N D ATTOKKBY-AT-LAW, period of my Yr»il"rfi« lako occupied an appearing e little Incredulous. However, ia it that tho managers should be kept May, 36, 1873. •tea of about fang nere*. bat itt one time • it 14 sertftiu that in some form* of Disease clean aUo. If we would only pay a little OR, Will attend strictly to all butineis en- Bint h*T* fegBh spread over several the acid waters are highly beneficial.— attention to the habit*) of our farm ani- ONE DOLLAR Life Below tbo Surfa o, trust jd to his care. Office over the stor* of Among these may be mentioned entan- inali, it would be Men that they are Notice! A. U. Toadrine t Co., Main Street, i more. It I* of an irregularly ellin- chronic B Y TllOS. W. Kfil>.\'. frtmt/anrtbunded by low, neatly eous. affections, rheumatism, scrupulously clean, almost fastidiously no. VU P»KC» Octavo. 130 Kinu MnxrnTlDgi. On and after Tucsxlav, January 7tli, ro*»de«lw«U«pVered with rich verdure. glandular enlargements, chronic diarrll- Much of the benefit of ia lost Relius ImjMciUund ActMoDHbcjoiia Iho l.li; TAMES E. ELLEUOOD, oea, and (>erhaps some others. Much good by giving it badly prepared, and in dirty ofUiy ; Startling Ailvunlufuj Iu all i»rU ofllic 1878, t*»»> Wataw JaMjuito »our, and to u^ost pcr- World; Mloenand Mwlf urlVurtlnn them; Under- ATTORN ET.AT-LAW, l • duarrf cable foetid odor nnd has resulted in numerous coses from the mangers or boxes. Ventilation U impor­ current* of Hoclut/t/ ; (iamtmig(iamtJmig anand Iu llorron : TI1K EASTBRS 8IIOKK STEAUAOAT 00 B«ut)rn> and llu-lr MyiliTlr. ; Tliu Dark \Vay> of SlLlfIVBT, MB. . i tions of long standing. Wlckvdnvi* ; I'rUou* auil tbolr bvcrwts l>ownlu Will run on* of their Moat* at follows, Will attend promptly to all.bastMm *•> oil; iwhicU rises fnrtu different large extent lost if the interior of the !>• Depth»ortbi>8«ii;Straii(«8turlm>f thaUclrc- (WcntUvr permitting.) until further notico: trusted to hit cure. the lake in the form of Bnmll house U not kept clean. It U of little Uon oiCrluo. Tbv t>ook treat* of ux|i?rletic« witli kVEKY TUESDAY AT i O'CLOCK, 1>. M. ; nlgbtiln opium duns andtpuQbliriKbclU TkCARYLAND STEAMBOAT CX>MPAJ*T. ., L add floats npon the surface of A' Smart Agenf. use to admit fresh air to the interior, if it ia prlMin ; tfiurics of oiilua ; adveuturua Kor Crbfirhl, Oimncock, lloffinan's CoiicorJ omcK: ia only there to bo mixed with noxious amoog Indiana; juuru«jra through Scwera and Miles' and Hangar's Wharfs. UETIMN1NU, plr-.>c)r, For Baltimore Via. Cambridge. ruYe at Brut of a beautiful •'Sir!" said a tall, thin man, clad in a emanations arising from the presence of Catacomb* accldeiiti In uilurt, plraKu and Keovo llungnr'i ever/ Tliurad*/ at6.3UA. dirt. Another point to be attended to is tortures of tbu iunuhltlou, wtindurful unr^lurlva, M.,luuching at the above landings. EVKRY her color, but after cxposc- worn, very shining garb, suddenly appear­ ondcrwiirlj burglurlra, underworld of llu great HE ABC steamer IUUIILAMD LIGHT, Capt. «. ouial stopping at Kinlim and InUrmodlaU landings, ana They all begin in some such impressive able condition, As a rule, tho long straw, t«rm» to agents. J.U. Ol'RK dr 11 WE, TUHNINCI, Leave 8now Uill tierj Monday arrlvluK la Baltlmoro at 4 A. II. the foUawUi .kj4a*KDitCOiutantly escape frojn Hartfonl, Coon., ur Cblcaio, 111 at fi o'clock, A. M. touching at the above mornluff. • < of the surface of tljo lijlfc. The way ax that. "A gas burner, sir.'1 I was whioh U generally used, {* used in a way BCDOIC not economical. The way to nao straw, PER ANNUM AOE.STb luudlugs. lloili Duals taking freight for all Kan-rromSKAKOKntJ. Boond trip tkketstt. . '"ihieijrlfQf.baching purposts, buny arranging some papers in a corner, TOM THC Slallou* on the Eift^-rn Snore It. 11. UCTURNINU-Uiavc* Uallluore from Peer 1 fcaj »b« aooommodation of visitors a and having both hands full, with a pen is to cut it with (.he straw cutter, This Llfchl >I. at a V. M. rtery Tue»day, Tkaraday ud may appear to be a costly mode of using KUK1UUT UECEI\'*U1 Ul' TO 4.30 !'• M. Saturday, making connection with the D. D. Is. IL b>iildiji£. has hecn crect- held crttssn'ars In my mouth, I was for GREAT INDUSTRIES AND MUST UKI'HEI'AID. time tho following morning ( aud toutyiai.w»b.rfi*ljr«fow feet, eyes-UROD^ntTne, he started back in dis- dingT^do leave* and fine tanner's bark auaaiufuturo, aud lithe iuo*t eulerlalulng and •t considerable diversity, both in .. ._. horror. "Heaven help us, sir," The amtowiJLJtbich in av«a ordluaji" Ttluablo work ofluronnatlouon •ubJrcuofKeneral circumstances, Hues Trbtn *Ae_ Interest over o(Tj)rull:»th<> public. Waglveouragcut* , ; ap4 relative proportion*- fle exclaimed, "how yon have suffered Ibe^exclu-'-.Vi rlubt of teVr/.nr^-. ''uu of vuf agam* ion Dealer, eral fofurudienU. All oftliein, yield already I Your light, *ir, would not last and bedding saturated with urine and _ ^''Jiii I3« coplc* ui elt(bt days, anotbu, su'iil 'M In Particular attention paid tot be Sals of be." lost, may be fixed by sprinkling the bed­ wo weeks. Our ugciit Iu llurtford >old Xll In ouu lim ana csrburetted Ji^Arogen ga* *ix months lonirer. This must not ra eek. ••vcluieni vf Ibu work seat lo agent* un i or loot abujuKtri-e. The t>ctrJle- Before I could say K word or lift a fing­ ding and the gutters with sulphuric aci '< receipt of stamp, For circulars aud tortu* to Trains will rua as follows: — the oil of vitriol of commerce; lib. Fruits, Eggs, Poultry 1.1 THE t fa ***ri cojffttaiitly ruing in smalt er to stop him he rapidly glided past me afentiUaddreutbopublUhen.J. U. Ill) UK A ItVllK, Leave Leare I, wliieh coajcwuug foro) a team to the table on which the lamp stood.— weight of this will fix tho ammonia of llartfoni.t'ouu., or Chicago, 111. sixty or Ecvaiity gallons of urine. The Hallsburrat 3 13 P. M. 1 Snwo Hill at 7:00 A.M. the-N.w| upon tlio avwrfitcc of the spring*. YbU With a i)ifiiblcne«* (vhjuh rooted wo. to I'llUvllla "-1:09 " . Uucpouco" 7JU " Mo. XX WasUlnften StrMt, * Erie, a •cum in'usually collected In tho morning tbe soot tn apprehension, he whipped off liquid should bo led at once from tbfl Wbal.-yvllle"4:ia '• BERLIN " »:JO " fuoard ( antj |>Ht,up.iu bottle*/or sale. The sides the shade, then tho old burner. In a mo­ bouse to the liquid manure tank:, which Jos. E, Richardson, 81. Manilla " <:W " I Bt. Martins " 8:90 " Between Barclay and Park Place, NEW YOU. Walls will soon puy for itself; the using of sul­ IIKIII-IN "615 " I Whali>yvllle"»:00" 4f ttn-*prinfc* art) aWfticlrty coated with ment the lamp wa* a ruin. "It is a mer­ Oueponeo "ti.tt " I rilUvfllu " D-.SO " Order* for Shipping Promptly Attended to cy of Providence, sir, that I happened to phuric acid will raise the value of the SAIL MAKER, Arr.atSuuw Hill" 0:15" | Arr.atbullibury " 10:10 Aprl at *jr-TlR'uboi, train* rucot with I'hlladeljibla aud Apr M 3u>______nail," liquid manure, that being estimated Over tb« Store of S. U.Somen, Baltluion uiall tralus. ten or twelve dollars a year ' per cow. — R. D. BLLKUOOD, J. K. WILSON. number*, commencing at the end of the "Slop >." I called. "Replace everything CriafieM. Mil, II. B. PITT8, .su ^ftirWa* »rlc«i paid fur uld sulU, ur taken 1» ex* (Hundnyd Executed) Traiiu will ruu as -AND WHOLrSALK*EETAILDEALEK lK-» which iU elliciency to jnuch praised by r'Thcre, sir, you will feel thankful to with the greatest ease. liut not only or n«w uuea. Out. IKMf. I u) lows: should the house, bo kept clean but it w Foreign ft Domestip i who aw? ftetffO * mo us lone iu you live I tho only thing J01IK OTTO. JOHN nirrz. THAINS MOVING NORTH. w [ alxjuXi feat east, of liutt, that troubles mo in the matter in, I know essential that the animals themselves be name, money and HO also. It U unnecessary here to de­ No. 1. No. 2. FRUITS & PRODUCE OP ALB, I am ruining tho spectacle nmkern." Leave CtleflcM 7 «0 A. M. 10 i5 A. M. ^ure of 80d«p, F*u>iJ)ln)jf It yields more "l>o you hear?" I asked. "I shall not scribe in detail the influence which the " llopowcll, 749 HIM petroleum tMM-Kt). 1, n'ad about an equal pay you for it." skin has upon the health of an animal " Jlurlou, 800 1130 KINDS, it performs a most MANVFACrUIlEItS OF " Kln)f»ton, BIS 11 40 •mount of carburutted hydrogen, The He struck a very effective attitude.— suffice it to say, that " Weslovcr, 1200 100 PARK PLACE, \t "Payment! of what consequence is that T important function which cannot be per "NowuiwnJunclciln HIM) 11 » P.M. I could not remove that inetitimable bur­ formed if the coat of tho cow is kept in a " I'lilMC'H ANM£, U IS lit 44 New York- address at once. AND WIlOI.liiAI.r. DKAI.KUH IN " l^irctto, »ao 100 e acauktpmod'U) thin wafor ner for any amount of money, when the filthy condition filled with dust or coated " lulou, 9 49 1 M Apr l»-Sm alternative is the ruin of your valuable over with patches of hardened manuic " Furktown, 1000 1 40 ndof ic but M the writer " rWUbury, 10 *) West' ytbrng kit,agrce»blc. eyesight. For, *lr, your eye* are worth this condition of body induces tho attack ^moli ng . M !• pnfereocu to thu otiicn. The tssto is family in want." lie sigh'd. "Hut duty WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, VVIIIIania'Mldlog 240 TOLLY FOUR YKAR8 OLD, Q to new pomer*. not- shall be done. Tho price 1* threcpence- afflicted, but if they were kept perfect!' June 2Mb, 1-y " retrolcijiH jyhiph U " Kdon, TU 319 I uutntiue*. I know you will regret this momenUry when such cures would be nuce«sary. — For Sale. " Ixirollo, 740 828 . * further east, has » depth hainhuen* in the long years to come, when Prevention 1* better than cure, and by _ HOO StJ Very Pine Pale Sherry, attending lo tho cleanliness of the cow One Bar Mare, Cart irjd JUrpn*. Alioonelar "Scwtowii Juuctluu * IA SM ltfc a ^mnaraturu of Mitlcg*. you arc enjoying tlie benefit* of that iirlugl , suitable fur one or two burst*. " Wmtonr, 8M 410 AND U Bptkotfy. clear and hiw 4 burner. Hut that U not my affair, though much would be prevented. Cow* uhouU fjr at Ibo; DVKKT SK . Unrivx. " Xlnnlun, »00 f23 Coi . ,R^M •&<>»*> »UAr, iu acid- I wu sorry to think of It. Good morning, bo curry-combed, or nt all evcuU ruhbei " Marion, «K 4M Rare Old Port Wines,. ; aboyt equtl to that of lemonade. sir. If at any timo, no matter how loug down carefully several times a day will E. TOADVIIV, UoiHiwel), «30 450 a wisp of straw, and all manure remove* Arrlvi Crbneld, «4S 600 AT flAMK PKICK, ' . become, uu interval, by »ouie • inconceivable acci­ Ko. 1. will take all Itarrtes for Now York In Full "O- f tho dent anything should become out of order from their cout*. AH this may be con at Mr load* that urn trad; ou arrival uf Train. And GOLD SEAL BRANDY, in It, you will And tho uamo of the man­ nidcred troublesome, a* no doubt i* ; bu SALI8UURY, MD. «llla)>i> laku all roiiimon frtliliU for Pflaware Very Choice. »* ufacturer* stamped, ^qn tho Bide, lie good then anything worth doing is not don 1UII llowl aud J'blJaJolj.lUa, wheu extra train I* , . f IB 00 THK UOCKN. ur nut running-. l Uilrty-ouo though tndroparlpetothoirwell-known without trouble, and to make cow* pa No. •!. will Ukc nerrln for both Mew York and lend It Your Orden, cannot surely be • called M unnececaar I'liljjult'll'bla nnd »lll also dull) IxjcaJ work wbi'ii houmi at QlaigaMr, and a man will instant­ filru Train Is not running. ly bo wnt to attend to it." trouble. shl|>iii'r> urn rfiiuln'd to have all llerrlea aud I «ya« beaten] ThU otter to send a nmn Bergen Hotel, "ilicr frrlKlils u( lln' Nlalluns 40 minutes brfure H, & A, C. VAN BEH, Irtvlng tlum u( train* aud hare all purUluiblii No. 1810 Cbes^ut Street. from BcotlMid Into tbu heart of England, How many sick jwoyle wish they wen tirllclc* |ini|icrly Invoiced, In order that tbey'may '*»•—. fl«r tho lapso/if years, to put a gratui- healthy; PiNlEL BEIG1N, Proprietor, ln> lactilvrd and mauiriiitiHl with dhnatt'h. tklpwel Illauk luvoli-r* Wll bo furoUhwl br Agrnli. PHILADKLPHLL ,85 ife*Mtuco-hal(M>eniiy I How many begger men with they wei ^bi]M>Ar* will bo partk'lar and liavo thulf pai-kauu* Feb, 8th-ly. wo* too mudi for ine-TWuilthK : it. & Washington Avenue, liuuibored, boforv *hl|i|>lng, In accordance wltb tlio uuiubvr uirllallon* Iu order that thor way be ru- °uri Kor 1§t rlm OMTUBKUUOl'K^N I'l.AN. tur.ivd wit dl«|ialch. W. THOMSON, ilLISBUEY AALO!iB *Ic RICHARDSON, Editors. "TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR." VQLUME VI. SALISBURY, WICOMICO CO., MARYLAND, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1873.

STATEMENT: Oordy W. 8. P*llt Jnror March Term TO U 54 JarorScptTerm T2...... _...... _...._ 15 M Tirnir E wltneas to grand Jnry aept term CUtk 1 31 fltchell J: H, grand juror Sept. Term Tt 18(0 ' ft' OF THE 15 M ....,..M . 1>>4ti 1 31 EC talon* Simeon grand jaror Bepi T raa '71 CaJlowmr Barn'1 W., wltneaa todrand Ju'rr Holloway A Meilck Bridging and Pauper IfooraT. B, grand juror aepttenn'71 70 4X grand juror aept ten* *71 171* Sept.. T»rm -71 uae Wm.. BirckhcaJrcca 100 good* 4th DU't...... 7._"_...... !.-. 7 87 tforrls Jacob TwineyR''wit'n'eM'u'graiid'jury.ep'i'te'rm Coolbourne Perry W., wltneaatneaa to Grand rTolloway J. H., Constable FeesJlth DU't. 75 Horril W. P. petit fouror aept tens Tl MM IT*/ of ficoico Connty, '78 Ullchell R. C-. petit Jnror lept term '71.. 2890 Jurr Bept. Term '72...... Holloway E. E., Standard Bearer for Turner L witness fiir sU4e'aept terni 7t'.'.'.' »» I 31 to order County Commission- klllla Georn witneu to grand Jury aepl term FOB THE , t for 8tat«"u7e subject Twin J wllneaa for utate sept Wm. Blrckhead...... 10 78 era...... _...... ,.,. 4000 term '/2...... _.... S75 TJuaeS II Hayman.,...-...... '.. __ ... (75 Cwlhoanie P«ry wltnea."for"SiaU Holloway Daniel Judge Election 4th lils't. lou Malono Edwin witness to grand Jury Towniend L wltneas f ir itate aept term FISCAL TEAR Sept. lenu '72.. 324 Holloway KHJah Taxca paid In Error ...... 8 15 a«pt term '71...... K CM for 8ta«~Bepi'. Helloway Ellsha Row! Examiner 1 day* Morris Rilcy wltncaa to grand jury aept Tnillt Eiljah grand juror maixhterrii 72^ 1710 GENERAL SEI ENDING JUNE 1873. 1 43 Sth Dis'l...... ,...... ;:... 400 term '72...... _ ...... * 115 TravenG l> wltneaa to grand Jury march Holloway Ellsha Lumber for Bridges 5th Moore Chsrlcs witness to grand jury aept tjrm 71_...... _ ...._.. ; ...... 1709 Byrd...... , . DU't...... _...... I* 33 term '72...... 75 Twlgg J ir witneu to grand jui y march MAHTTFAL __ Co'llna Joeeph H., Grand Juror Ma.ch 7 00 Holloway EllshuTrustee to Poer...... 36 00 hlalone Levin wltncaa to grand Jury aept term 72...... T...... 75 ITO; 181 IXSIDB IROX 8t*ll»' Term '78...... 1530 Hopklni J. A.J^Rjgr. Voter* 3rd Dls't. 32 00 term '72...... Twlgg Ju Jr wltntit to grand jury march Crmwford H. P. Grand JuroViiarcn Hopklni J. A. J. Cl'k of Election 3rd DU't 100 Morris Leonard wltncaa to grand jury tenn Tt uae of H H Hayman...... _ 71 1M Ho. Delaware Avwi Term 73...... Hayman W. W.. Bridging A Pauper sept term '72...... 199 Trultt J F wllneu to grand Jury march Factory Foot WUltn» «, At m meeting of the County Commto- Cannon Jauiea (irand Juroi March Terai 1560 coffln Sth Dla't...... *....?...... ;.:.. 8*7 Mathcw. W. of Dan'1 witneu to grand term 71...... 75 ionen for Wicomico County, hold in Howard Wm. Bridging 1st DU't...... 2061 jury sept term use of Jno. White...... 420 Toadvlne HP petit Jury march term 71 1580 Mar UMa their office in Salisbury on Tuesday, 17th C«theliJaijj^'£''witneaVto'orana"ju'ry 10 00 Howard Jamea H..Bridging lit DU't...... SO 82 Maddux J.\V\ wltncaa to grand Jary Sept Trultt R K and sous Putting wclghU to March Term i3...... 75 Hamblln John 8., Brldgfe* 4th DU't...... 13 42 Term '72...... __ 1 25 office windows...... n 11 For. ovra FOBTT JTEAB8 Ihla day of July, 1873, at which Wm. Twllley, Cl'k El'cl. Duhicll Margaret P. llous; fur Election Ifrsept term 72... M...... _...... 17 50 Toadvln 8 P wit lo g'd Jury aept term 71 75 Sih Dla'l '72...... _...... _...... 300 '71 A '72 ...... 1100 Puuuilircvs II., from John D Trullt Parker SQ RrntofCoal House-.,,,,,.., 12 00 Twltchell Mm wltnm to grand Jnry sent Bny DO Powders or PREPARED 8IMMQNS1 Andenon II. W.. Trustee (or Paupers...... M 00 Dykn James Judge of Elect, lu 1S7I Sin linilllf Macrh Term 1872...... 1500 ParkerS (J24 llw r«iie for Ferry.,.,,..,,. (00 term -w u.e of W Blrckhead...... :., 17 PHIIIBELPIU. UVKJL 1IKGULATOU uuleu In our engraW " " ' Cl'k to Trailed...... 12 00 DU't...... 300 Humplirers 11^ from John D Trultt Phllllp. and Thorlngton right of way Towniond Heeler E wllnen to grand Ju- Adklns E.& Bridcg Lumber in Gib DU'I.. 4 oa Dnuifhurty Jno. W, Juror on luqucst." M) Itallllr Jan'y Term '73...... 5 00 Middle Neck Mlllda-n >ut.JFct to or­ ry sept term 1871...... 1 81 CONSIGNMENTS BOUOTED. E. J.. " Lumber In'Jth DU't... 21 S9 Dykoi Jame. Jurur on Inqunt...... _ no Wm. J. Humphrey. IlalllrTto Court Sim der of County Commissioner.,..,...,, 10000 T ft TT i IhttLi nn I'll' " IHiun Jim. F. Juror «n Iniguest...... 60 Hayman S. H., Juror on Inqueat...... 50 Parsons Henry of J Bridge Lumber..,,, 11 79 Drydon Allson jurur on Inquest...... lIunl.MiS. u.o W. 8. Gordy Bailiff Svpt. Paiki Thomas J fee* u Constable In 3rd TJ JE ZULIN I M so dla'l,...... Dlman Iwllncse to (rand Jnry -march 1 10 iMuvau Peter juror on lui|uc»l ...... 60 Term 1872...... 1500 13 10 U'riu JJ...... 79 i PI ILADKLPHIA. Duncau Jamea, roroner « Iui,ue>t...... 500 Hustou S., use L. R. Dorni.DllalllffM'ch Panon. Dan'1 F Pauper Coffins,...... 4000 ,. W. O. aballcrpa*). Local Or***. Term '73...... 1500 Phlllln" Urlu Road supervUor and E. Homer, Burlington, N. J. Duncau Jamea lumuionlng Jurora on In- II. F. Chatham, CaahUr FUt*. Sail SOLD Mf ALL SDUOOl so Hiiont...... _...... 100 HMTII M.TGrand Juror Scp't '72...... in no Bridging In 3rd dls't use Gio Robert- '71...... _. ion and Co,,,,, ,, ,,, ,, , ... 49 17 White King V Shroudsfor Pauper...... 438 S. F. Shallcrot*. Mlddletowu, Del. Jan-lt-yr. - Adam. J. 8. Jnror on Inquost.quest. _... Dbharoon W. W., Urand Juror Sept. II .rrU J. E, Potlt Juror Bop't "if. Wilson Covlngton Road aupervlaor In 3th Allan J S. C., OrM JurorrBept. Sept. Term, '72 Term 71...... '_...... 1740 Humphreys Joeepha* Petit Juror8*r-t. -71 Ranou I) J mad supervUor flth dli't,,, 27 00 Pnlppln Tho. W road fee. iw J P filh dls't.,,.,...... ( 70 Walter Robt. Pauper Cofnns...... 300 " John " " K It I'etlt JarorScpt?! _ (of Sam'1 H-Haymnn ...... 75 Waller K M Bridge Lumber l.t Dlst...... PRODUCE " '72 ...... _...... 2 61 L Q.. Petit Juror Sept. Turn '71 ' " t to Graud Jury S*p't. Park*i II H wood for Public olnc*...... » 00 837 ,. Jchu ., .. a .. - ^ «"^^"""- Perdue J II W Ret Juuiro eluctlon 5th dls't 6 Ob Wmnte U G fee. aa J P 3rd Dlst ...... 580 Da»lil<-ll (!«»! Petit Juror Bvpt. Tana Term 115 Williams J F (estate Uxca paid In error... 1 35 ;i use Win. Blrrkhead_.._...... I 75 Pai.niis J Aug public printing In K 4131 Merchants Julias & Anderson. Term, '72...... learn Ryu W-wltnaa* to UIHQV-W^IBP ghorcmati use of Humphrvys and WrlRht Beanchamp Bridge Lumber l.t Commission " llenry for Statu " Duliny I.H.A., wllneu to OMwA Jury "IT ...... -._..__. __ ... SHIP CHANDLERS * GROCRBS Term,'71...... 2 M Sr|it. Tvrm'72...... 87 Sept. Te m 'a...... _..,, 175 00 Nat...... 717 Dirmuu L. W. wltnou to Uraud Jury layman Addtaon wltntaatoGrand Jury for '72 I3i 27 Weit Mlnoa Pauper CofBns ...... _ 500 * GENERAL " Uowaid " ** " " 1 74 ar*ons J Aug '73 While Jame* Hegr voter. 9lh Dl.t...... _...__ Tjnn, '72...... 3 31 S.pl. Term '72...... 75 Sept. Term '72 .... I...... araoni J AugSlatea Altor'y 313 (Ml 1800 FOREIGN and DOMESTIC PRUITB, John " " " " to Grand Jury IIuHlDKlon JC*M Grand Juror Mare1 hlte Jame* offlce Rent for same...... 500 Plilmroon Rnbt. witness 14 00 anoniJ AUR juror on Uque.i M E Brldga-I.uuibcrSlh DUt... . Term '72u.eof Jno. D. Johnaon...... 10 43 . ft-pt. Teml '"!.... '...... 75 Term '73....,,..,,,...,.,..,,.....,. 'arkerSQ Jnror on Inquest. ...,.,.. , 1 14 No. 110 Nflrtk \Uanti. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jnry ilufflnAlon Jame. Graud Juror Ujvti geS*cllon l.l Dlil...... 3M " Jehu II., Wltiiru for SUtu Sept. DMiaroun W. II. wltimn to Grand 10 30 'ollllt John juror nn ln<|uc*l.,,,, .-_. no. Term '72 me Sam'1 H. llaymnu...... U 79 Sc|>t. T.TIII 'Tl u»o(>ustavut W. Whllo 1 50 Tcr'u '7:1,,.,,,.,.,- ..,,..,...._/ ,. 'arson. W 8 Jumr on Inquest,,...... -.... 50 1M NO. 426 SOUTH WHARVES, Andcrsou GUI). PclU Juror Maro'.i Turiu l)a>U lUlilllfv vlliiou tu Grand Jury [luninhrev. Alphoua Grand Jnror Msrrli 'ollllt Louis juror on lni|uc.t,,,,...._ (0 Si pt. Term '72...... 87 Term ' 7:i,'.,.,,...._.,..,,,.. ...,,. . 15 00 (XO*TU HOC OV LOMBARD aTBBKT,) 1S73...... :...... -...... 12 50 Howard Wm. Grand Jnror March T. r.n olllll Levin J Bailiff scpl term '71 UM Conslgnm.nll Solicited. .V * Alkman Wm., Wlbins Grand Jury...... Dasbkll L. M., witness to Gram) Jury 16 50 Lit Dorman,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,.-.... 1750 sionr. -.._,— Aprl»-2m PHILADELPHIA. MarehTorm, '«3...... 73 Svpt. Term '7.'.. ..._...... ,...... 1 66 '73...... , -... Pollllt Levlu J Halllff March Term "It M* Walker TWuMTl _. Alien Wm. F., llejr. Volcrs In 7th DU't 23 UO Dunnii Jame< Wlincm to Grand Jury Illrli Geo. W.,t!r«nJ Juror Mnreh Term LU Doriiiau.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,. KM her in l.t DUl,,,, ...._.... Sept. Icrm '72...... 1 U •73...... ,,...... ,,,,...,, ..,..„,...,.. 13 00 Wlngito J W Court Fee* and conr HumjihreysEd. wllneu to lirund Jury arker BII grind juror lept term '72.,,. 13 00 F. A. PEETTYMA1T, DmiiiU.Iohn P., witness to Grand Jury 75 Pryor Francis Petit Juror icpt term '71 Pris tolall.,.,.... .,. ,,,_.._.. Sept. I'.rm '72...... 1 31 March Term '71...... ,. . uso L R ItonnAU,,,,,. ,,, «,, . (1 80 WuburneW FRoadSupervlwrln7tBiM(t Bennett A Griffin for % of Keeping Deonln Ephralm Jr.. witness to Grand UownrdNoahJ., witneu to (irand Jury Washurno W F Sundry small acooua* .,. Brown4* CO Sharptown Ferry...... /....,. 1K473 March Term '73... .,... ,,...... 1 19 Price L B-pcllt juror sept terra ft...... U 40 •MW Jury Sept. lerm *72...... 1 27 arsou. J. J., petll Juror setp lerm '72 MM Willing Dr J A J Vaccinating pub Mfcwl ^^. J3.BfK.UIi Brewlngton H. J. Janitor to Court...... Hughcn John H, witness to (irand Jury 4SOO " •"*•»*»..«-•»*_ : Commission Merchant 5.M DrUcoll John wllnns to Grand Jury araous A. F, wllneu to grand Jnry lept 3rd Dlit.,..,,,.._.,.,__. ,_..._ BonneUE. T., Lumber lu 10,DU't...... Sept. Term '72...... 2 62 Marcfe Term '73,, ,. ,,,,,,, 1 07 t.rm '71...... 175 Worcester Connty annual Int on nndebt- " " Trusleu to Poor...... 8300 numahreys Wm. wltnou to (irand Jury uld county on Dootly Mm. Kugrnc witness to Grand Ju­ 75 Parsou.W. B, witnru to grand Jury sept dneu lo school Fund of COMMISSION. and Dealer in Bowden B. B., Bridging A work t'X ry Sept. Term '72...... 76 March Term TJ...... term '72,,,.,.,,,, i,,,,, ,. .., 70 subject to order of Connty Commlulon- Read In 4, Dt.'t...... Dairy J>inr» niluea-t.iOrabd Jury Bept. Hamlilln Jnmnn., wllneu to'iraad Jury 'arkcrJ.B., witness lo iir.udjury sept ers Wlromlco,,,,,,.,,,...... ,,., .... 474 K FRUIT AND PRODUCE, Bradley Levin Const Fee* " » "...... 21 US form '72...... 73 March Term '78,...... 1 39 term 1872 uso Win. Blrckhead...... 1 U Wool ford (i L II 80 Day* aa Judge of Gr­ Brewlngton J. W., Magistrate' " 1"...... 19 IS Duncau Jamea wltne a for Slate Bept. Hollowav John wllnau to Grand Jury 'aimer Wm. witneu for stateMptterm72 ( M ab, in court-.,,,.,,.,,..,,...,,,,,_ 12000 28^6*1 feSUkV* Ave., BllllnKkam W, A., Material A work for Term It...... 3(7 Marc* Term'T3,...... ,. ,,,.,... 1 03 owell II. D., wll nu* for stale l.pi term White King V Juror on Inquest,,.,.,,,._ 50 LowerTerry...... DrUkoll John 8., witneu for State Sept. Howard Toe witneu loOraod Jury March K72-...,.,,.,..,,,,,,,,...,:,..,,,, 1M White Jno D P M Examlwr of P^ULADKLPIIIA. llouivU T. A , Bridge Lumber " I, Dls't U 1.1 T«rm "Til..,,,...... ,...,...... ,,...,. 75 Hte*>b*u WUkena.,.,.,.,,...,.,,...... 9M of House for Klec. " 4 800 Torm '72...... S3* anons J., witneu f«r slate aept term '71 ( M | CenalgamlnU of all klnda ef Country Praduc* Byrl Mrs. II, V«e Dennis £. '.V., wllneaa for Bute Sept. Heaston Sara'1 witneu to Grand Jnry nrnell I, wltnau for iteteMpt term 1871 WII1UBU J of J grandjuraraanttcrm 'Tl 13 N Bradley Chas. D. Coffins for Paupera... 3100 TfrmJ '72...... 7 a March Torm '73...... 75 uMDr.O.W.Freeny,,,,,,,,,,,,. 875 WIHUaaa B L grand luroratipt tenn *71 1300 oUcltod. BenncttJeahu* Material A Work for Dennis Ephralm witneu for Slate Sept. 'hllllp.J.A^ grand Juror march term'71 1500 Walter LA H grand lurorupt term *71 1390 Order* tad CowlguunU OcarwcUvaly fceUrna will b* promptly made aa advUed. Sharptown Ferry...... 13 M Term '72...... 1M riorW.P, petit Juror march term 1873 1280 Woadcock A W grand Jurur lept terra '73 1.100 BurbageV. 8., CPk of Elec « IM.'t 1871 300 Iniolvencei Provision for.,,,,.,.,,_..... 1000 00 Juror «rpt term'72,.. 27.' Apri»-3n> 300 arls Sarah wltneai for State March 'hllllpa J. W.,pollljurorni»rohterm 1872 1.140 White Jame* petit BentiHt O. G., " " 1* " " Term '73...... 75 'erduej B pctll juror march term 1N71 1310 White Kfno- V pelll Juror .epl lerm '71. 2770 Bounds J. R., Rot Judge " 1 " COO Dlxon Geerge wltnm for Btalo March VaraoniA wllneu to grand Jnry march Walaton T A petit juror *cpl lerm '71.,. 1T740 I. MATLACK. Bmlley C. C., " " 10 300 3 21 . VANSdVER, 606 Trim '7J us. II. J. Brewlngton...... Jackson E.G. & Co Rent of Court Roi m., 10000 term 1872.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,. 75 White KlngV wllneu to grandjuryiept " " " Lumber 10 " " Douaherty Sip wltueaa for State March Jacknon Thomas L., Regr. Voter. 1st '.rsons J. T. witneu to grand jury uinrch term 18<1...... ,,,., .., .. , ,,,- 111 GENERAL Brown Wm. J., Building new Read In 5 Term '73...... 7 00 Dls't..,..,...... ,,..,.,,,.,.,,,...... 23 00 term 1871,,.,,,. ,, . ,,.,,., 75 Wilier E M wltnu' to grand Jury *cpt subject to order of Com...... MOO 107 COMMISSION DEALER IN Cl'k uf DUharoon Jamea Grand Juror March Jacksuu Thoma. L., Uott^o for Election Parks T.J., wllneu to grand jury march leraa 1(71.....,...... "...... Bush J. C., Jr. UM Rider Williams Term '73 use L. R. Dorman...... 13 00 and Rcglstrallon Isl Dls't. ,...,,,,.., 10 00 lerm 1871..,,,...... ,-, _ . 1 75 While G W Wllneu to grand Jury lept Election 9 Dla't 1871...... Dennis Washington R., Grand Juror jam (t«i>rice W^ work ou Public Roads 'anon. Frank witneu 10 grand Jury march t.rm 1871,...... ,,...... 150 (Jommission (^erchant Bounds Levin " " " 1 " March Term '7J...... IS SO 7th DU't...... 3 00 Urm U72,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,...... 75 White Dr witneu to grand Jvry sept Fruits, Berries, Produce, use 0. K. Moore A Bro...... 100 Duncan Jauiea Grand Juror March Term Johnson Klljah Juror on Iiiqueat,,,,,, 5* t.rm 1871,,.. ...,...... 1 43 "Bank. G., u«e L. R. Dorman Hauling on '73 ...... •••••••••••••••••••••• 18 00 50 WJngale G E wllneu to grand Jury sept Rod 7 DU'I...... 1100 T-u nson (ieorgc Juror on lno,ve»l-,., ... R For the Sale of Fmit Dulaney I. H. A^ Petit Juror March nson John D^ Jurorou Inoiieit.,.,,. 50 J.mes Rcgr. Voter* In lODIst..,, 1800 term 1871 uae Wm Bjrckhead..,,.,., 111 Pickles, B«sh J.C.,8r. Magistrate's Fee* 0 Dls't... 14.1 12 SO Robinson Williams T II wllneaa to grand jury sspt RelJudge Elec, " 1B72 «00 nnon Theodore P., us* B. II. Parker Kohlnion Jsuie. Cl'k nf F.lrcllou lu 10 DUt.. 8 00 Daahioll II. jV,Te'l!lV^'ur<)r''MaJreh"Teriu HallKTSept. Term '72,,,,,,...... 10 00 Hoblnson J.of E., Judg(MV.vnUBYB*\ -^ PHILADELPHIA. Dennla Le'ln C., wllneaa to Grand Jury J»hn : . . . . .- ". . -. j-i". 1150 In error,. ,-.,,, (93 term iioa,,,,,,-._...,.., Brewlngton rV A., brldtlag Mh dial 71... 7 5* March Term TO...... 139 R her A taxes paM WUaon James witneu to iui sept Bailey Tho.. T. Const Pee* " 1 " 4 a nson J. U, witneu to Grand Jury stoMitWBRU clerk of .-luctlonlnd dlst 300 __~.. '• i > UharooD T, wllatwa To Grand Jary Sept Ter 'Tl,.,.-,,,,,,....,.... 150 supervisor In lit dlst term 1872 use W Wrekhead...... 14* Return* promptly Mad*. Blrcklind Wm. A Co, Stationary Ac for March Terra '73...... 73 Ruuell CurUa roud White HoihwllneM to grand jury aept ...... 15*49 Jenklns Fielder witneu lo Grand Jury me Tho* B Taylor,,,-.,...... ,,..,., 35 93 A»rl»-3m mou ...... Dyke. Kellum wttneaa to grand Jury Sepl .Term '72...... ,,,,,.,,....,.,., «5 term 1872...... -...... _..f...... 130 Cenilgnmtnla Selklted A Adiaace* Pti u MUM pmperac of l»70...... _. KM 111 Round* John service* u keeper of * Inu 1372 343 112 M march Urn 1873 uaa Oeo Bradly...... Jenkl- iklni Woaley wll ness to Grand Jury Uouso...... * ..,,..,.,.,...... *...... M 173 M Waller V witness for state aept lerm " « Fmultegrof wills...... Scpf Term '72.,,,.,,,.,,.,...... ,.,. >5 While Jenule witness for state aept terai May l*4m Wli. B. COXA WAT. Oiottoit U. Caoea. Bell L. Sydney Juror on Inquwt...... 50 Round* Archibald services at Alms 1872...... _...... «...... __ ...... _ _.» 1(2 J. C., Junti on Inqueat ...... 50 K Jack:ksou Jauu^, witneu lo Grand Jury House,,...... ,,...... ,,,,..,-,, . 10000 " Engllili A StcTcns For^ Keeping Vienna Scpl Torm '71...... (1 Waller Joe B witness for stale Jany Una " Oeo. W., Juror on Inqucat...... 50 Round. Emma services at Alms House,. CO 00 1871...... 138 & CO., P., Ji.ror on Ino,ue>l..,- 50 292 W Jenklns G. of J- use Wm. Blrckhead wlt- 1M Ulder T F J recoidlnx Indices lu Camp- . WM. B. CONAWAY Brthards Adam Kills J° irVcfk"to Election '(Mb i iiu'l.'.'.'.'.'"." 300 icss to crand jury sept term 1H73,. 39* 10000 Wlmhrow W J grand juror march term '71 1(10 Burbage Jno. 11. Juror on Inque.1...... 50 lx:lls I'm Index llook.,,,,,,,,,,,. Wrlglil Rlirshy grand juror march term '71 15 M) " Wui. S. Juror on Inquest ...... 50 Ellegood R. D., cl'k to elec. V Dl.'l...... 300 Jackvvmv)ii Wm..u»oT.F.J.Rldur..... wllneu for Hldnr T F J Fvt-s u clork of I bo couuly 1275 58 1IUOI1ES, CpVIKQTOH AND- 5fl Ellegoo.l J.E., cl'k to Board Commlslon- rJUleSoiil.Tcrm '72...... 300 Ueddish John juror on liuiucst. .,,.,, AU White T W II petit Juror march term 1171 1250 Brlttlngharu Kydn 7, Juror on Inqueat... 40000 Johnson J. !>., wilueu for Slale supt term Whayland Tho J petit Juror march term Commission Merchants, Brewlngtou H. J., Crier lo Court...... 77 7« ttt...... ,...... •.>...»>•••*.••••••••••••>•••»••••• Hlchardsou Wm juror on lni|ue!>t,,,,,, 50 . <»,.,• Elleguod J. E., Attorney to Board Commla- IK72...... 75 Ulchanlson Zaduk Juror on Inijuosl,...... 50 1873...... _ ...... 1320 Bush Sain'l, Guarding Prbwnan UM L. R. aa Leonard witneu for Stale aept WlmbrowM M petit Juror march term 1871 1130 ' lt)RTUE8ALEOKALLaUND8OF Don "Bc'pT. 1 50 alonera...... 7«00 Jarm BoborUon Haiul W Petit Juror scut term EtansA. J.. Graud Juror Sept. Term '72 1800 term 1«72...... 187 ' 1872 use of L U Dorm.".,, ,. , ,, 31 20 White Henry allneas for slate July term BTaffley Wy Lavlu, Uraud Juror on Petit Juier March ,_.,_.,-.,__., (10 SHIP TeiWni...... - - "Se'pl ISM ElllottB., Grand Juror Sept. Term '71.. 1600 Johnson Jofllah' ofB. Roberlson llobt G Pelll Juror aept term E. T...Ujrand Juror E>an> Robl. Petit Jurur Bept Term '72 3350 Term 1140 UM...... 31 20 Total amounl of property In Wicomico EllegoodJ. E., wltueaa to Grand Jnry Jame. Mo. Paupor Comni A Foei aa Roberlaou ,Iamei of S pcUJJuror icpl County for Iho year 1871, subject to Avrat *71..-.>.&-. ,...*...... 17 10 1373 Brewfogton ^ wlwa* V B. D»r«w» Pit- sept term '72...... 7J ..I'., '73,.,...... term lBt2.,,.,..,,,,>;; u! *l> .... 21 13 taxal Ion. ,,,.,,,..,.,.,.,,«,,,, . O§VUt> 1 ' 'Hardware, .. UJnrorarpt T«m '71...... 17 M Ktinil. W., wltnea. to Grand Jury Sept. Jackson Hugh SO days u Judge ( Rlall John wilucu L Tol«l Anil inbrialsid by levy for th* Dealer la fetwJJRC. fT UM L. a Dorman Petit Term -71...... , .....«... WM Tenii IDTir., - * 1 81 ii^'liy"'T forlhoy^nr li<71,,,*,,,, , 2*^(410 juiwr AajiL Ten*. '71 .. .-. . «...... M 1* EllloU W.. wlluea. for Slate March '71 *~~ tJu7SuTnr{riTJrAl»-1llJ"Lbr l«vy forth* EBUtl J. H, wUnvss to l"etlt Jary Marck for the year f» TJ0171 Anchors, Chain PaBelH wmt>erlt Juror on Sep4 Term 5ri!i7.< ,i.?,;~IPwl 7 M slate Galraoliod aad Bar Uon'a^lWa, Deck IE A. WHARK, PUILADA. MOO jtrn '73... _ ..._« ...... __. .Bridging In l.t Dfet... Huark WM grand JuftrM ___ _. 15 00 Connty Levy as declared -, , Dlla T.. wltneaa to Qiuii i*ij March f Election Conimlulouvrs on each (100. fSKf 70 ct. Atwt*-*»i ""*" " " ' "" RUey San.ami I M petit Juror 1MiMb term '73 14 Oil 17 eta Int, Bnn aid' anriiJM MBf Sept. Term '?!...... - .~.~_ ------1 U to* Robertion Thoa of B petit JurorrMarch Mate Levy as declared for 11^13...... [eta Benjamin A. J.. Wltuess to Graajd Jury Unn 1878...... _...... 15 80 Tolal Slat* and county levy for 1171..,,. OFFIOB, 40 HOdBta BTKfjiT. Sept. Tenn '72...... 1 M Published ky order of the Counly (Vimmlulone May !*-« TAYLOR'S HOTEL. BrohawnJohu \Vllneu to Graud Jury Fkriaw B. F., Rrgl>l< ' Voters In 4th Dls't l.lniMO. W, A Bro. Material and work In pursuance of Section 1, Article 28, of Ibe Codo ol Jtrte- City, JV. J. Jept. Term '72 , ,._.,,-,..,,,,,,,. 73 Fartow R F . .i.ml^Uon Publlo Itoad /or Lower Ferry...... u n 8 Public Guneral Laws of Maryland. Jeuo Wllneu to Grand Jury 4lh Wa't ...... 200 Hmlth L 8 II Bridge Lumber In 4th Dlst 1350 Baker Mn. Ix-/n>rdCi.\V,Judru Itlchlo Fooka Mag. Hunt A Fuel fur Prlnoocrs...... 2973 JAB. E. EI.LEOOOD, l.lcijj (i. W., and llro. 1'aupvr Colnns...... 750 tiomurs.t County Coniiiitn^loiiora -An­ OppoalU the New J«r»eT"lUllroad Depot; nrar Jury Sepl. Torm '72...... 1 03 UtralrsVirs4lh Dls't...... I 23 Ijirmore J. M., Judge of Election Olh llls't 1200 Clerk to CommUalonen. Bounds John of Wm. Wltnuu to Grand Farlow Hilly II., use of same, work on nual Inl on tJl,90»,00 U R Donds sub­ June 17th, 1873 41.. AQIWT8 tbeNew Jeraey C«»tral, Morris 4 t««i, New V.rk UrrailieJH. E, Road Supervisor 3rd Dls't 4850 ject to orvler ofCouuty Commlsilonen A Erie, and Northern Railroad Depots; near the Jury boiit. Term '71 ...... 1 M Roads 4th liU't...... 3 00 J< lilll. P.. I'aupor Coffln...... a oo Bell George Wltnau to Grand Jury Sepl. Farlow Hilly II.. us.' of asjuie, Uouao for tVlcomlco Co...... 1.114 48 Cunard Steamers, and within twelve minute, of MAnore J. A, Boarding 1'rlsoucrs lu ooui- 8cho.il KiinJ for Public .School...... 801 10 00 WM. M. TUOROUQHGOOD, Wall atroM, Caual Street, and City Hall. T.ruPTl...... 1 M ReKlstratlon 4th Dls't...... 2 00 ^%nel Jail ...... _...... 1331 HV£ott & Terpei te Grand Jary lirldglng In 4th Dla't...... 17 53 Burnlus Fund Coutlnirrnt Kxpeniea...... 300000 LYMAN K18K, Proprietor. BurbageWm. S.,Wltneea Fookeltlrhle Lltllel< nRdm'd H. Itoad Suporvl.or In momoiis Ilr K M Vaccinating Public Sept. Term '71...,,...-.,,,-., ..,.., 1 31 Fooki Klchie l< Days as County CommU. M 00 611, DU'I. us« ofKllsha S. Trultt...... 1800 BLACKSMITH. AprM-lr 4 Days...... 12 00 Kchooln Tlh I>lsl...... MOOO Burbiiio Emory II., Wltneu t» Grand " " Kilraser«lce» Llttl.lon Ixlm'd Hush Culter oo Now Bliockloy W Kurveylnit pub road Intlh Mei Jury Sepl. Term '72...... 1 11 " " Mlllage as same...... II 00 Read...... 1 00 I.I. kinds of work which the wsnt. and neota- Commission G. W., Vaccinating Puulle Dill use of W L Lav...... 1200 Bradlry UeurKe L., wllneu to Grand Jury Freenr Dr. Laws Win. L. Brldg* Luuibur 5U feut In Sluuui Ja> llrldico Lumber In 7th Dlst..... 1 08 sllln. of the public duuiaud, such LA PIERRE HOUSE, Hepl. Term '72...... 1 50 School. 4th Ulst...... 43 00 «th Dla't...... 841 A 87 Inntj ud KS titMWkt Ik, Commls. 34 00 SooltJ J Cl'k orKlocllon In Uh Dial...... 300 MACHINERV. v .^ Bradlry L. M., wltueu to Grand Jury Freeny Elijah 24 days as County Lawi Jamei 31 Daya aa Judgu Orphans' riiullhLlttlvton Judgo ufElecllon 7lh Dlst 800 39ROA.D OHESTNTJT. Sepl. Term '71...... " " Eitra Serrlccs aa aauie 3 Court...... 124 00 da r ...... ,.. ». *««...... 9 00 SO Btatou J LBcrvic. aa Co Cuuimlulonur EDGED TOOIA North EaU Corner Bound. John wltnuatoGraud Jury Sept. Lllllulon Edm'd Juror on luquut...... 6 Days...... 1800 J. T. MOTT, ) MBW-TOBK. Term'71...... 1 13 Frreny KlUah Mileage as same...... 7 60 Lewis II. P., Juror on Inquest...... 50 Hlaton J L ml logo aa Co Commluloner... 4'JU HORSE SHOEING, ' ' Philadelphia. Bowden A. B., Wllneu to Urand Jury Farrlniton W. IU Bridge Lumber 2nd Lannore M.W. J.. PotU Juror Sept. C. W.TEKPKNING./ 6 61 Huved John use ham) H Ilayman wllueas CAUUIAQE WORK, ' " ( B|isulal ittiBllta (Ivan I* U* return ef Sept. Term '72...... 310 DIsY...... Term '71...... 34 80 for Slalo sept term 1372...... II 79 Bowden II. a, WltneutoGi'd Jury Sept. Fooks llandy Maglstrati-a Tees 'Jib DU't 8 13 Long John H., u.e Win. Kircklioad wit- EmpU**. Mart** J. B. BDTTElWOKTn, Proprietor. 2M 1 OU Slatou Hoi, I T use of L R Dorman grand and *v«ry othorjob of work In the province o Term 1872...... Fooks C.C., Cl'k of Klrctliin Tib DU'I...... IIOM to Graud Jury Bept. Term '71. 73 juror March Urni 1H78...... 15 00 Brl'ikley H. J.. Wllnexto Grand Jury. FookiS. II., Hi Wiring Hli Dls't ...... 7 SO Lown WlUon witness toGiauU Jury Sept. Smith Thoa wltiiv.i IP grand Jury March Terms S3,5O per Day. Sepl. Term '72 uae Ju E. EHrgOou 348 " " Clork cif l:lcdlo i Slh l)U't. 3 00 Term'72...... 1 03 Oencral BlackMmithing, e J term IH73 ...... X...... 75 Those Who Buy The April l»-ly Brltllnirham Sydney Wllniu for Slale Took, llandy Coroner on Inijuml...... 5 00 Lowe A.J..wllu«. totirand Jury Hvpt. Stevcns Tho. wllueas to graiid Jury March xeculcd at the shorteat poulble notice and Kepi Term 72...... 417 Freeny J. J. H.lllff lo Bhenr January Term '72 USD of Win. nlrckhc.nl...... 115 term 1873...... -...... _...... 75 reaaonablo pricea. BurbiKC, Kmory Wllneu for Slate srpt Term '78...... 8 03 Lemon Itlchard witness lo Grand Jury Kturcls P W juror on Inijumt...... 50 No Job. aro «ver turned away. Term '71...... 2*2 Freeny J. J., wltnea. to Grand Jury Bept. K.MII.'lerm'72...... 100 Hinllb T II Juror on Inquest...... 50 WorkshuiM fronting on Cauidcn and Lomban . H. HAVNBS, Bounds F. A. Gr'd Juror March Term Term '71...... 1 II Long John II., wllneu for Mate March Klnuan 1 W juror on Inqiiot ...... 50 ill., near IneCamdeti bridge. 1770 Furbush Mary It., wllnoss to Grand Jury Term '73 ...... 75 Smith l>r WT wllnoa. to grand jury sept Order* for work are rtMuwIfully solicited. Brattairjoaeph"peiiljuro'r Mr-h Uni"7( 1460 Sept. Term '7i...... I S3 Laixrell Uaiu'l A-, Grand Juror March PRODUCE term IH72...... 73 WM. M.TUOROUUIIGOOD, BoundsG. A. Pellt Juror March Term Fook»C.C.. wltnoss toGrand Jury Sept. Tsrm '73...... 21 0 SnellluKlt wltucMtogrand jury .ept term 7:1 ...... 900 Term '72...... 87 Leonard W. J., Pellt Juror March Term 1872...... 107 BalUbury, Md. Bodswo'rth J L Petit Juror March Term Fooka Merrill II., wltueii to Grand Jury 13 50 Suclllog Jack«>n wilnos . tograiidjury sept M ll-UTl-ly. Commission Iflerciant, ISM rlept' Term 'i2...... 73 Lav. John W., Putll Juror March Tenu . term 71...... 114 Bradley""Levi'n'"witneai "to Gr'd' Jury' Freuny K.lijnli witness to Graud Jury "'""""""'"""""M""'"""""""" 13 40 Rmllh L wllneu lograud jury appt term 71 M FAUIf1i:H8' SUPPLIES. Marrh Term '73...... 73 Ik-pi. Term '72...... 1 03 3'alman u wltneas lo grand Jury Kpt lerm oee £ aso Bu.hUaniufl Wllnostodr'd Jury March Kreunr G»o. IL.Grand Jurur March Term 1372...... Term '73 use L. R. Dorroau...... 75 'T/...... 14 80 Malbsws Daniel E., Iload Supervisor In Srabreese Tubmnn wlluea. to granil Jury THE ANDREW COB PliOBPHATC, FULTON ROW, Bradluy l>. D., wllnos* to Grand Jury Farrluglou W. II., Pellt Juror March Hlh Uls't...... 57 00 l«pt lerm IB71...... I 15 March Term "73...... I jf Tenn '72...... 14 00 Malhews IHuiltil E., 1900 feut Bridging In HnecdJ wltTO(iUOWINOSTR.lW. DRKtHiKD.tlAMt; FRUITS, KUIM, Ac., Ac. Crawford Henry Homo .orElectARegb- 4th Uls'l...... 1 00 Scott (I uso II llyrd tonraudjury march IIE11RIKS. Aprte-am __ tratlon 2 IMe'l...... 1000 Gray Wm. II., work on Iron safe InCl'k'i Melsi>u Joliu llrldgu Lumber lu loth Dls't 1350 term 1871...... " "...... 700 GROUND BONKS. Crawford 11. N. Jnd^eof Klecl 2nd m.i 2UO Oordy Il°'i) ','ii'oad'li'.ain'inii'r'i'li'ilth ui's'i'. 3 70 Muslck Liaao F., Fom BS J. 1'., lu 3rd SEVtHG KINEGllOIJND PLASTER, Cau.ny Wm. I'., JuJuo ol KKi-l. Mh DU'I. 300 4 00 Dls't...... 9 25 POTAMII, VITRIOL, AC W. J. fc I. H. IUVE.1PORT Cl'k Cuurt of ai>pual< Dcfc'. ociatii In wtl. (ioelun Wm. J., Bridge Lumber In 7lh Mjrrls U'oiiard wltnua for Stale Sopl. T Trailer Sydney L Court fee. 7th dUt...... THOMAH' SMOOTHING HARUUW. WILL NEVER REGRET IT. ter mill mil «ubj«t to order of Couiuy lll.'l.. Term'72.. 9 5 MALTA 1110N 1IKAM ' 3830 Gonly II. II., .luiliiu l.liH-tlon In 9lh DU'I. 8 (M Mvilck[click lii'iijiiulnllcnU t\ 1'etlt Juror March Talbot Cuiiuly CiimmlMloiiur. co»la of Coiniuhsluiiers trial of Imnd suit I'rawford and Gor­ IMIIJIIl.KSIIOVKL I'UIW, 'Produce .. Conllwrne Perry W.work ou Pub. Road Gunly WjG, Uel. Judgulu 4th Uls't. 8 IK) Turin '73, 13 40 WHITMAN'S METAL UNKD "ill snl miTiilr-".~M"-T — Thul ••«• use Ju. Duncan....,, ,. ...,....,",., 873 (loslee Alex. I'eu.tablu Fuu In 2nd Dls't. 1 DO MIlcUll Wesley wllneu to Urand Jury dy v. 1'Toadvlu mid iilUurs...... 400 00 CLHUMMhJtl'...,__ Cou'Wno Perry W. 157V ft. Bridging uso Glle. Kllphalet Pellt Juror Kept. T.rui March Term '79,,,,,,,.,,...... ,....,. 71 Trusleeiof poor of Wicomico County... . 31100 00 Commission for collecllnir...... 12(10 00 WHITMAN'S 1XMUCCOSCRKW8. Jaint. Duucau,...... 23 l>8 18 70 Maloue A Richardson Public Printing Taxe* FIEtD AND GAIIDKN SELDS, ' Commission Mierchants CooperThos.H., Road Hupervlior A BrlJg- Gun by Ham'1 wltneu to Grand Jury Sept. for '73,, , . .,..., ....,...,..., 187 15 Trulll Nllas J brlduo luuibur 4lh Jlil...... 30 33 And nlargc btuck of uvury dUcrlptlen of - 1»**».' • ' • , ' l»gl»lhDli'tu*e Elijah Fn*ny.>...... ,.. 4097 Term '72...... 1 50 Morris Arnold wllnm* for Statu July Todd Dr (i W and llro Tiuolunllug public andlk giwat*rwtoly,vMji*iwwr*j vUVUriOTt7B.UtAirOD.ULKA.lur Cary V.lxmeaer Road Supervlaur and Guileo Richard wtlueu to Uruid Juar Tarm'71,.,., ...... 1 4 71 00 tuktasiiU than any outer. Bridging *lh Wit...... «7 90 Sept. Term '72...... t 39 Malone Simeon Bridge Lumber In 7th Todd DrG W and llru poll uiurteu ciam Agricultural Implomonto, Crl.ft.kl Jub.n. V, Attorney fur Slate In (Hills Wm. wltuvaa to (Irani Jury S*pt. Dl.'t,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,.,.,...... ,. 7 7, of (ii'o l*arsous...... A 00 Stall ud KntUiien. ' • * ,...,,,,,.i, 20 00 Term '72 uso Win. Ulrckhead...... 1 50 MltchellJ. 1U Bridge Lumber In 4th Toadvln M J tan. paid lu error...... II W 'CANNED QOOl!>S, rftb 1*01. 1 UO Glllls 11. L-wlluauloqraad Jdrjr Bapt. DU't,...... ,,,,,,.... .,...... ,,.. 18 5 Twlford A W bridge lumber loth dUt... A M __._.,___-__.-. _ _ tod DU'I. 400 Term '72...... 1 50 Maddux 8. W.B, Bridge Lumber lu 5th Tarr J U defending criminal...... MOO No. 94 PARK PLACE, . OMkell Jaa««* &, CMUtaCto Fee. Mh * * 45 Oordy John, wltneuto Grand Jury B*pt. DU'U,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,, , .. To«d>ln A G chain for onuil room...... It OS E. WHITMAN A SONS, Campb.ll A., Pat. Index Hyitem subject Term '71...... 1M Maaaey J. R., Bridge Lumber lu 5lh DU't 18 1* TnrpU John W Reg totera la* dUt...... 1*00 AM. 140 «t 147 WM ft*H Strett, to order of County Comiululounrs..... 250 00 Gordy Levin 8:, vllneu to Grand Jury Morris B. 8., Cl'k at Election Alb Dla'l..... 1M TUn»OBa L J hpuae for election and fuel (Flnldoor weal of Waahlnglon Btroot) Coulbnuru. Prrry W., Juror on IUIIUMI 50 Bept.Term '71.,...... 1 M MurrUWm.P.,JuilgvofEleellun8thl4i'l (M • no Oppoalte IhaMallby Hew*. Cathell Wm. H, wlluen lo Grand Jury Glllll George wllueu to Grand Jury Sept. Morris J. L., Ret. Judge ol Klectlou In Mh Tllakmaa M J bridge lumber 3rd dUt..n BALTIMORE, MT>. A.rillS-**. ftlt M« VKWYORK. Bept. Term'7»...... l M Term '71...... 78 Taylor Hiram roed auMrTlaer l.t dUt..... M50 tox Thomu wltBMfJU Grand Jury Sept. Grav.aer B. IS Grand Juror March Torm Morris Jacob ItotJudgo'of'iaeciion'i'n'ith Taylor Hiram bridge lunbnr 1(1 dUt...... IS 61 WlLJi.lX01 Cow/rinmraU of Fnilt aollclted AatUfaotory (e- Term "71...... «,..»»:,...... , , . , 1 38 '78...... 15 80 IN*'!.,.,,...... *...... „„..„..„. « oo Trullt U K aii'l .vius rcnlof ollli-«s...... t l» 00 |OU ' » . ftraUmeJ ^towort lealrou.of making HI Cannon J*m*e wlluui lo Uraud Jury Uordy W.G., Uraai Juror March T*ru Morris T. C., Ucgr. Voters In 8|h DU'I,,, 28 V Tlnulel' wlluen lo(ruinl Juiy sept Unit [ xUl» Ct ahlpiueuu. B*pt. Term '72...... 13 McGmth Wm. ua« of L. R. Dormau Graud aid doubtless have obviated Walworth, at the Hoffman House, in this inffton. BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. NKW YOBK APV|I&TISKMBHT8. Bd homicide. A careful exam- city. Walworth drew a pistol and The flineral of the President's father ttbo owe fails to diaeloa* any threatened to shodt him. This WM while will take place nt ftfelncik to-morrow A OBIKET AN1> GAUZE CANOPIES, ho .rttljag nod decisions of the Mrs. WalworUi was seeking a divorce. afternoon. Tho body will be interred flinHEW nUlfiL,UniTT th» tnal, Md the judgment np- Tlic c\idcnco of two ncliooln)asters of in.Spring Grove Cemetery1, £v "* and . Cortyypt ft New Cliorcb Sts. prcj j>rn should be affirmed with coots, the prisoner tended to prove tuft he bad Ttlrlctons .tad tfcttinfffl, hief Justice Barbour dissented from tHe occjuional fits of mental aberration.. ._ even California Wltent' ? For protection of Cornice., PIctnrw and Hlrrtn, NEW YORK. tlmt matter, about tbe nctaiiiovja of his colleagues. He held Other testimony was. given w to the tricolor*. Job Lola or With the >nrtv that ca that the i le that a carrier most protect singular conduct of -the prisoner on , Estimate*. ON rtE-E^ROPKAN PLAN. Dnvia; MW the whole ti IIIR pasAcnghrit ngninst personal violence various occasions, and the Court ad­ Tlie San FrAiiciaco Bulletin rays.'"The LACE CURTAINS and 'IRICHAND i it« beginning. I now in limited to Uiosc cases where by tho na­ journed. latest compiled returns of the wheat crop 8m of tin laU Col. AICHASD FKBKCB, you will pttWwn iv*4h ture of the carrying the power of self-de­ in this State show au estimated yield for WINDO$T SHADES, TTP-Kranch'iHoul,hat fnit'tHttuT ~ ~UVra -- thUHoM,« -- '~ -"}! * not have oa, at tho time he wns fence or escape is limited, as on n vossel Politicitllvotes. tbo ensuing harvest year of over 13,000,- I «»M (n ill* lentstich us is \vorn by or in n steam railroad car, and does not Furniture Slip Coverings,. Cretonne*. 000 centals. It is now given out that . Chintzes. ' ' ' - " did have over his shoulders apply to the slow going and easily stopped A Furmer's Orange has been organized the surplus for export will be full AS large article of clothing «omc- street can. in Jefferson county, West Virginia. aa for the past year. The system of com­ a"Havelock." It was not in Tbo Memphis Avalantke thinks thai piling returns of the yield of tho ceresle concealed. He wore a hat. and "the pressure might bo lifted a litUeby by the various agricultural societies and -' MABOXIC 1ULL, not carrv a pail of water no his head, the publication of the names of a few granges of the Stato is a new feature, and carry pall, bucket, «r kettle in any- IMMIGRATION TO TH« BTATB A MOTH more possible and impossible candidates! OMervee to-be encouraged. It is fortunate '*fft : CHESTNUT STREET. IN THE RIGHT DIKECTIOS FACILITIES for Governor of Tennessee." | that these returns have been published Jun*2Mh, VlT- To the beat of my recollection, he car- TO E»OU«IH SPTTLBIM. V General D. H. Hitt says, in the col­ thjjs early in tho season, so that J.hey .ried notliing whatever in his hands. His may 'have their influence in 'attracting WM. II. BuKotoao : JAS. a. OWTIX. wife did not tell any person that her [CorrnpODdeim «T tho Baltlmvn OaiitUu} umns of the (kidhern Home: "We have LYSCHBURO,, June 28,1873. opposed Orantism, not merely because of tonnage to this port.- *~ huMtand might hurt somebody if be cot its hatred to the South, but because it has exanpcmtcd. She behaved like a ladv, The English residents of Lynchburg never failed to support moneyed mon­ BALTIMORE ADVKUTISEMENTS. BLAHDFOIID 'GW and he as a gentleman, though manifestly had a dinner hero on Tuesday, 24th June opolies, railroad swindles, and all com­ he was chagrined nt£being taken into for the purpose of discussing the propriety binations of against labor. There custody. Our soldiers behaved like gen­ ot organizing a "club" to aid Uieir Eng­ has not been a single frand concocted tleman, as they were, and our officers like lish friends in the "old country." IB pur­ against the interests of tho laboring clas­ Commission Merchants ty, July 0,1873. honorable, brave men; and the foolish chasing land in this State. Those who ses which has not found a friend in stories that went (he newspaper rounds have purchased lands here have been so the AND DEAI^EBS IN of the day, telling how woifishly he de­ swindled hy the misrepresentations of Administration." which ported himself, are all false. 1 know land agents that they have finally deter­ Tlie Chicago Tribune concludes on able FLOUR AND FEED, ! '; M Baltimore on Uie ISth ult, comprising what I am writing about. I saw Jefferson mined to orpmiize a "club" for the pur­ review of Senator Carpenter's speech by GRAIN, SHIP TIMBER, No. 112 South Charltl Street, And 11& or 40 Editors, with 5 or Davis many times while he was staying pose of collecting all information about saying: "Mr. Carpenter's speech may be Baltimore, Md. 6 invited regarded as tho forlorn hope ot thesnlary- and S servants, were handsomely in Portland, several years a:*o, and I think the Innds offered for sale, and imparting And Eaitern Shore Lumber, REFERENCES. < ft* I was the first prfe who recognized him the same to their friends in England wh5, grabbcni, iwd it has failed. The effort PITTS, ORAHAM A CO. I. I M3 « W4 CENTWJ AVEMVl^ entertained nn board the staunch steam­ at the time of ^is arrest. When it was wish to purchase. At tlie "club-rooms" ranyn have been honestly conceived,, but it II. II. UKKSKAI1KO. W. WaihlortoBJUrkti,« er "Stmte of Virginia" on their way down was* nmlortuimtely. .1 undertaken.iii.' Thortif ap­ b\S«ulk DINSMOHKA KYLK. known that he was certainly taken, some Englishmen, on arriving; here, wilt meet am- CHESNinyiOWNSKNDACO. . . . HEW the Bay, and on their arrival at Rich- newspaper correspondent I knew his their friends nnd get nil the information pic will join with him with n slight vi WILSON A I'ALMKIU April IWT anu nsdr proiaptl tion. in the closing sentiment of his j and eatpUei rtt'« HMNsd, wen received and entertained at name at the time fabricated the story they may need about what lands are for pdd for. CenilgnmeiiUiollelWd. about the disguise in an old woman's speech : "\Ve may hone that the present sale, quality, price, Ac. Ordtrs Filled Tor any Ppccrlpllon TO THE PUBLIC. orK\'m. H. Tifck, and Hon. I. D. Jones, two tempt that cbtit&fa put upon him. I been deemed necessary for two reasons: lished a card in answer to inquiries, nnd four honorary member*, after which the think so, too, only I would never per­ First. Tobrinz together those English­ requests, nnd for the appointment of TglT)K, Commission Merchants, tion were Uken in carriages and petrate a falsehood that by any means men who have already purchased htnd county superintendents, when 'vacancies WouW mail rnpcctfuilf M>Hcll yoar pstroiife. A)n> WHOLE8ALS DGJXtkiJ fiT rn around the City. Much interest would become history. And further. I hero, that they may become acquainted occur, explaining that tho "Plan ofOr- would never slander a woman who has with each other, and dirtcusa the value, ganiMttion of the Conservative pnriy in FLOUR and COMMISSIOIT Ho !» >o veil MtiblliliH >i » Pnctlnl BOOT i manifested by our party in the ex.tm- M.VKTtll Hint unjr comment would be unntcMurr, Domestic Fruits fturJiProduoc,' shown so much devotion ns Mrs. Davis qualities, Ac., of land in the State. Virifin'm" provides that each city nnd axoeitl-lliJl lie prjpo»o» to manufacture »o «rUer*on to find a single officer or sold­ correct information ns to the qualities, will appoint a city 01 county committee 59 S.C ALVERT St. »nnd ohlln, O* Uie I4th, wo started for tlic \Yhito information as he may desire. clnnfrrii llnxt I have aucurcd by doo » No, gai Fulton Street, flnlphur Springs, where we arrived »t a The population of Athens id now nbout "AJAX." 0. Tilton of 1'rltsljurg, 1'ft,, the paloiit right forty thousand, and U rapidly increasing throughout the Common" for llm &Q1YG, l,ite bwr in the cvtninr. Stopping at wealth i^ein the habit of passing very The" principal streets are all wcll_ paved 11*8. .Vo. 1S9 IIMimcre Street, opperilt a.faaSI. New York. >m " (tordonsTille for dinner, where we were tiie n;iir* in front of the liouscs beir virtuous resolutions in denunciation oX "Woman's Friend," April 12-5m Apr 2(Xtm .handsomely entertained, as the gncsts of what ia sternali^rd ns tlio "salary grab." or down nt the expense of Uvyonrncra [Bjr Atlantic Calilr.] KMUKI, MALONK, the Chesapeake & Ohio R. B. Co, st Cov- and the roadways yt, welrT kept ' SPAIN. ConccdingVnr the s.iko of tbo argument STEAM WASHER, Hint nlj tbaUws i>f en snid in the public givinp me the sole ri^lit tu sell tiic snruo . JOHN H, BENNETTr.' -> 1ngto«|j«re took tea, after leaving D'hich up. The house* bear a '"pLaTrcnt;hiAj."^ pri- rnosrrcTS OF PEACE NO m-rrrEn ,tc houses of nitx!er;ite|iy^(.t readily nt prewt condemn -.lory of UK- course of the wnslicr in thu counties uf Wicoiuieo nnd IfD. we pa\Jfel oirer tb« highest point of the MADRID, June 30. A dUpntch from Worceslcr, nnd I expert soon to Imve n sup­ W.HI attond strietly to* all. legal COMMISSION MERCHANT and liotel.-i and other Congressmen in respect of thn increase builntss Allegbacy attaining the hi^lit of 2: (lie ronuii.'indcr of tlie (tovcrnment troops of Hnlnry fa ontirelv ju*t, and that tlic ply on Imntl nii'l rciu.'j tor fn!c. ln:n.v[ (.f! to kiru, and to tfce ««le of B«« Tlinuses in good positions yield at Seville nnnounco" tlmt ho hits been conventions in reeolvi'iis that the repre ft*t kore ike If rel of the sex Ke.tr tu 800 per annum. There are three compelIt-il to withdraw big forces from I. n. A. DDLHT, scntntives who accepted the increased pay KOKKTOWN, Md. j. KINDS OF j* Mt. ESKott, tlie highest pop^.-^nT Va., principal and fintt class hotels in the tlmt fity, in »nier to prevent n conflict are a set of knaves did a very proper tf AUGUSTUS t'lftg'n.-JvT tlie White Sul- square of which the royal palnej forms between the citizens and soldiers. Jan. 4th 1873,-ir. one side, and thing, it seems a little singular that neith­ 8? 9- IFRUIT jib«r we passed Sunday the 15th, some of several others in the JEoiw UAVOXXB, June 30. Intelligence Iitu er the press nor the Conventions li^ve had street and eWwhere. The cost of living readied here that four thousand men of 9ALISSCITr 110. tmr party going to church, some keeping a word to say in rfiferencn to Governor MALTM HOUSE. No. 8« QEY STRERT, in the principal hotels is twetro francs the 1'rovinco of Biscay liav-e declared Hartranft's acceptance ». 0, IBTO-tf NE^fYORK, tiful gjoupds aiyyiiadinc ti*esa celebra­ calculated at oii« franc, fifty contiinci vor of Don Carlo*. The insurgents ap­ on* of the conscientious and nnco godly more. The roooii arc of good size, lofty pointed officers for the province and mu* gentlemen who are in tho habit of pour-, ted Spring*, and occasionally t«»ting their and thoroughly well famished, and tbe nieipaltie* from among their own num­ C. B. HOGAN Proprietor. limped waters, while hot' a few of the fag out the vials of their pious wrath on ^. W. BACON, (bod unexceptionable. ber, in the interest of the Carlist move­ tbo bends of the good-for-nothing Con­ REDUCTION OF FARE. Mb. more romantic yonng guests were roam- Of the public buildiags screr.il have ment. gressmen, please to "rise and explain T" Will attend ftrlclly t» ail boiiimai. « - 981 North DELA WA»$A rag over the mountain pecks, surround­ >een constructed by ta« government, but irxDmin, June 30. The Oareln to-di\y N' consideration of tho general dccli»» trnstid to his care, dffiea orer tH« stor* of A.O. Toadtinr * Co., KUIn Stnti. ing the Spviags tinning an amphitheatre, many mof« by private liberalitv. The publjxhdl a decree of tlie Government, in­ Iin cost of all necessaries »ppcrUininj U cathedral i« very largo, lofty, aad built on stituting a modal in commemoration of President «rant's Cottage Ho\(-l Kefp'mx, Ihc pricf of UbnrSJwill be searching for relics, to lake with them as Uie plan of the tantft Soph m in Constan­ ttie Cuban war, which in to b« bestowed At Long Branch. itnd allrr Jnnunry 1«V 18"0> lo TAMES E. ^BHJLADELPHIA^ memento*, and «ot «a« of diem left tinople. It is handsomely nnd well, upon Hiich officers and soldiers of the Per Day, without a pebble or s«me otlier memento thuogh not perbaps very ricbly.decorated 8pnni»li nrmy as distinguished theniHclvoi Tlic President's cottngo in of course cue A TTOTIN KTC- ATT-I^AW, ] Commission and has but little marble. It has been in the suppression of tbe rebellion. of the "nhow places" of the lirnnch. twing dctarmined that nothing will be left KtMSBBIIT, HO. ''/.'^''BDRTire tram the renowned precipice known as finished as much as fifteen year*, and »as People from n distance, who have read done in tlin future to make the "Mullbf' Will attend promptly to all- builnMS rf tbe Lover's Leap. therefore, one of the Sr< great undertak­ AUSTRIA. and heard much nbout its "regnl magnifi­ wbntit b(u been iuit^'.Rjt second to none trusted to Nil c«re. in tbccity. ' [J»n 25-y On Uie 16th, we bade adieu to Uic ings of the yoanir government. Another A BnU.LI.VhT KETK DISTIXOUIrtHEn cence" and splendor, nre driving down to \fA ^. Ife Tufa, Wood jfer' Cord, White Mphir, hoping that the, time was important church is now nearly complet­ UUMTH. it from tlio hotels, and when it i» pointed ed, scarcely Ins large, aim certainly not VI«XXA, June 30 Oenernl DeSch- out to them hy the driver their liiccs per­ THOS H. KOONS, r Baltimore Via,. Cambrld»a». b«* fc<9»a»n Mt far iu the mistic future when we 1cm creditable as a building. Besides ceptibly lengthen. "You don't mean to (Formerly: trt* O. W. B. BartUtty tight be permitted t* pay another visit weinitT, Ambassador of thu German Km- IE I M lUaiwi U UJH__ these churches there nrc several lew im­ pcror, aud liin wife gave a brilliant fete tell me (Hat U the place I" one hears them WITH _ . LMBST* awita raokrMc* *»»rj « he White Bolpliur, and uot be so portant, as well uf (te Greek Clmreh per­ and rcceudon on Saturdity evening. saying. Probably Uiey mar be there when WWaaadaj a*4 PrUay at fcM I', at, »« . yMssed for tine. suasion as Eomon Catholic ajkd Proieat- A«iong tLo disUatguished persons pres­ groat Caesar himself is dmiog out in hi» James W. Ourley. of IB* UortbaMtr A l*la*«M tnltv fcwav L ast I am sorry to say tltat a vtrjr prety chariot, drawn by fiery HteedM. Then the IMPORTER OF ttepplnf at Kuala* ud laMnatdUUIaodlsf Arriving at Uie new city «f Charleston ent were the Kwpress Aurusta, of Ger­ arri'lx lav slataen U 4 A. M. tl Engiisli church i* provided, bat ao clergy­ many, Uic Emperor and Km press of Aus­ axtoninhmcnt of the visitor hi* Recreated. ajornln(._ f.«.**A«~*^ Roo»4trip .. man has yet been found to iwrforiH re­ The chnr'mt turns out to IN; a common Hardware, Cutleryr &G. Cot. II. C. Uoo«Uu. Sarrna. IH1. fa* capital of West Virginia, where we tria, the Princes and Archdukes of tho ______BaUUawr* Treat Peer 1 Wtr. M. 8Hmkia«ar», fto?*r. «t* received by Mayor Snydcr :nd a gular service in it, Although the hntfll* royal Cunilics of Pruiwia and Austria, buggy, the fiery steeds n young colt, ond No. 17 North Howard St, Light at. alt P.M. «»«rj TMOtor, TaaiWi? anda Uon. Wm. H. llou, tk«r«M,.- are crowded sritli BngluiL travellers, many reprcxcntolivcs of the English nnd Civaar himself linn not a suigle million of BtliMdar, aukl>c eonawctlM *1U Ib* D. D. B. R. W. W. DuUajr, " . _, larg* Mmber of citltens, hccompanied by Educational in*titai5oai have from the power by his side. ibrrtipondence A'. Y. Baltimore ,Md time th« folloMlnf moralng (tlttpl 8w4ay) (*r 1 MhUV LauNl, Del. ., ^tbaod «f asawuc, from thcoeo we were German nobilitv now vixitiiig the Uui « *. Sgmford. ,,.. Mil first been among the maia objecte of in­ vorsal ExptMiUon, the family of Hon. Timrt. Vnt«ktn«4>U*droraUitatl«ntiMi th* D. A P. J. A 8.M. WhaUr, WhiltrtlUk, tU terest to the Modern Greek*. and coniwcilDit Kail R the great 8*Uworki«fCoL Hale and large and convenient baU mat very hanu- KILED BY LIQHTNINO. DEVEIES, YOUNG & CO. th«Cotup«»7 No.M Ufktat. HaUfanf*. KobenO. Todd, 8oowklll, sonie university was bjailt by the govern­ of the Diplomatic Corps, and others. others, and CampheU coal mines, after AVHOLESALJi DE.VLEE8 IN ment, and has been long completed and ITALY. FCRT1IKB PA1ITICVLAR8 OF THE FATA4, WM, JOHNSON, April 1»-1T which ve returned to the city and were ia UHC ; butevcu this owes much to funds BOLT AT REHODOTII DEAC11. handsomely provided by private persons, who have TUB I.ATB TKHKIBLK esterUined at tbe Halo ^HrKCIIB) IN kUIXB HUKDKRIW OF ffooFS swri> SSOES» OHNEUAL PRODt'CRAKD a. House, whkli cloned the festivities of tlic appreciated the importance of iU in­ HOITHE8 I»KaTROYF.D I/MS OF LIFE Hrief mention was made in the Gun- fluence am the rUiajr, generation. la/- THE J'BOPI.F. IK TRBaOR. mrrrial, ycstctduy, of the killing, of n uian 310 Went Baltimore Slrett, PRODUCB AKD OXXBIfAt. Within the walU of the "^_ of at Helioboth bv tho lightning. Later nrtwtcn Howard atd Liberty Ala; Dealery ON tSe 17th, we departed fraa this bnnrfxomc hall fi^^JaToTie^ ceremonies, in WILLIAM UKVKIKM, intelligence confirms tho report, and fur- ALKX. YOUNO. Tartlcular alUBtlra paid toth«M*»f ItewiUful little city in the mountains, and which th«vc>H(fpre>ient Uie nucleus of a country north o fnrthcr particulars. When B. K.<». DEVK1K8. ,> Baltlmora, Md. jtrrived at Uktutiagtou the present tcrmi- picturejtrilcry. no lately presented by Venice, where its effects were terrible, ^ up, C April 12-1 jr. / . triotic .^Egwg^ Poultry, jilofthsCXAO. E.B., in time for a good foreign Greek that tbe pic- both in loss of life and ruin of property. slieltcrinT ure» are merely laid on tbe floor against At Ik-lliino four persons were killed nnd hut Terrcnce Short.(printcd 'fto. dinner and an examination of a wall. There "are also extensive mu­ many injured. At 1'ieve Dalpago sev­ Stanli-y Hliort) the mnu killed," niut an­ >n Stml, seums of natucal history, rich in local eral were injured. At Torres two were other man were in nn upper room. \The collection*, especially of tlic fossil bones fait of rain was nn unusually heavy Tpn*. \. L mmm & BttwteoDarcUj and Park Ptae», NEW Tt)BK. Jicve they are going to killed, at Cyrago four, at Puos eleven, nt found at 1'ikenue, near Marathon, and Visone two, and at Cuvessago one. and filtering through tho foundation COMMISSION DEALER IN Orders for Shipping ProuipUy Attendedto j^r-wh'ich is destined to rival described by M. Cinudry. Duplicates of Oo»» Saiilakanr, Doter. Dtl. Several churches arc in ruins. Many wall caused it to crumble. The work inn; Apr M 3m ______HOB. Joc.P.Vnmrrra.norrr.D*!. ' j. («« hope their prosperit|r will most uf these are in Paris, but there are were badly shattered, and hundreds o'f nlnrmed, nt once gathered u^> their tools Tbompwn A Brnn, PhllkdalaMax R. U. ELLKUOOfr, J. IU WILSON. ro bounds.) They richly deserve nn other similar collections in Europe. houses hnvc been levelled with tlic ground. nnd started for the hotel tlir nigh thc%»l- Fruits, Vegetables & .:•<•_ i- ' ; P. 8praa»e«, tMvraa D.). ~- Thare is a library, which is entirely pub- Tbe inhabitants have not yet recovered ting rain, and all hnd qtiittod the build­ • I.H. A.DoUnfr. Kortlovn.Md lie-in tl e strictest sense of the word, bo- wirrr J. W. Nl*ylon, Iturtln, Md. .< from their terror, nnd thousands are en­ ing but Whorl, who was in tho act of Poultry, J,W.- - Cooper, -^ Whltlejiburf, ' hllAjaburc, D«l.I Here tlie line steamer Flectwood re­ ing o] en to every one nnd greatly fre- camped in tbe fields, but there has been jumping from tho door when tho fntnl T. C. Ure*n,Wh , D.U, ceived u« in fine style, and took us to th« mieatcd. It is chiefly provided with no recurrence of the shocks. liolt descended and striking him killed ISTos. .246. 2O8 & 2O9 JOHN COMBES, Greek book* nt present, but is c >n«tantly him instantly. None of his companions Xjuoen city «f the West, where we were receiving additions from all countries nnd THE MIXIirmtlAL CIIIHIB. KEDGWAY liandsunwly enUrtalned at the expense were hurt. WEST. WASHINGTON MARKKT, in all languages. English nnd French ROME, June 30. The ministerial crisis Fool of Fulton I'icr, Commission Merchant 4>f4fce aasocuttiou, here we met many of books arc duly appreciated. The library continues. The negotiations Iwtiveen Outrage Upon Indian*. F. A. wiKRiHSON, 1 TO'e^rrr Vrtflr -AKD WHOI.^ALE A RCTAh, DEALER 11C- N. W. Corner our old acquaintances, and enjoyed s\iM« occupies a Ionic nuiU- of roomx, exceeding­ Signor Minghctti and tho Deputies have (. .K.W1I.K1SHONJ Allow/ iUin- ly well adapted for the purpose, and well been broken off, nnd Minghctti will aU I.AUAMIK (WIOMISO), Juno 30. The Market 8t, and Delaware Avenue, nver Uw beautiful city, stopping at the lighted. 'J hey are lined with a series of tempt the creation of a cabinet out of tbe All Onlarn received will lie promptly Klteudod to. Foreign & Domestic Exposition Hall, snd otlicr pdattt «f in­ Lnrnniic KnlinnJ leaving on Uie niomlng ot the 17tU >c foil IK! excellent bunts of l»rd liyron New York Iflnllcrn. nprinpn, ono hundred nnd forty miles and Btationeiy. JAMES B. UPSETT, and Oenernl Church. Giue ICt Magtuiur. ' "" KINDS, '-T*7 J. L BUTTKBWOttTtl,- lor Lou!iviHa>4»y the w«y of tlio SliorU went of here, on tho Union Pacific llnil- T- Newton Eurtz, Bup't. Jinc, arrivingk*ti.e Chiult House where narraranvK LHUIT.VIXO AXJ> luis roiul. ThcMe Iiidinns Imvo recently b*cn 10O PARK PJLACB, ^ dinncr> droro ovor Pecuniary Ijlnbility or IXTKXHE HEAT. ^ ncciiMcd of committing H»mu dcprcdntioiiH, rruLisnr-ii, Htor«d it* ravcrfl*, ^tamOcn, alcoves, Avenue Kailroad (!>)inpany fur ptrunlsry lady and ncrioiuly injuring unothrr. It Kixtccn ponicx, n lot of blniikc'.H, Kiuldlca, Oiipinltc th« 4IMnllhy.l[ou]p," Nov it the Umi to form Your CLUBS. CODtll fee., and returned U> HinvliiiH. Tho In­ f p*i"g" and Uivcm. KvUiruing at a Utc damnprcn for tlic IOM of hot husband also Htruck a number nf lionsvs in diflVrcnt HALTIMOKE. MD. FINE OL1? HYB WHISKY, 7th in tbrotifjb the ucgliecnco of its employees parts of IXIMI; IslHiid, burning two bnrns dium nro much oxcitcd. A general Ute Ontri for l«lo,«l thofouri/ uhnltmlr print, a largo And Wholesale Dealers in treme L«ur to Ix>ulsTilli', much pleased with In giving Foster tlin opportunity to mur­ at Jamaica, and thu residence of Peter wnr in fcnrod, which will Ht-riotisly in­ FULLY FOUR YEA IDI OLD, thcgi HIT adventure. der him. The Court be.low gave her judg­ \Vcnncrat Foster'* Meiulotv. A heavy terfere with timber, niining nnd other i/i- M por irJIon. Or, In large battle*, twunly pa«k*d Xaval Worn, Ship ChanSlety, &e+ ganio ment for 9/i,000, and tlio qtiCNtioii being rain nlno full, extinguishing numcroiM UT.^UI throughout thin region. SCHOOL BOOKS, In caiei. til 00 por dona, of bo Fram Ixtuifville, we crossed tp Indian- fires In the wood*. KKTnN08,OILl,TWINK,8E'NE TKIHI nun*, tlio defendant* nppealeui», and from tticncu to After briefly Htatinx tho general law ol At Ixtng llrnnch and on the Jersey spvciiil MityH feare'Old Port Wines, const, steady ruin fell yesterday from 10 tho itnmcdiitto cnuso of the Paper*, Knvelojio, Pent, PHILADELPHIA. C'tiksfo tlie (lotlmm of tho West. the liability of common carriers, the dentil of .IOMKC (Iriint wo* soften ing of the i AT SAME PRICE,. April It-ly Judgft Him! that tho primary cause of the o'clock in the morning until nearly sunset Inks and STATIONERY Oeuorally. E.8. tu rilUburg, AUoona. llurris but none full here. bruin nnd the npi|inl marrow, though ho , GOLD §EAL BRANDY, B.OI1 i laintiff's injury iiitlic lo« of her lius- had been suHuring for a year from a par­ A larKO AMftrlmont of Vary ItallJiuore, where we Arrived I1I.AVK ACCOUNT AND Rl-X'OIin Ch«lo«. L.W] liuid may be djrtctly traced to tho de- WAI.WOIlTIITiUAL. alytic stroke. '1 hero were present at tbe noOKH IIOOTUBUOIKN. i J.i jmm Ui» MUi, Much pleased with findants themselves, who entrusted tho Alwayi on hand, or nad« to order promptly ruled URIEL HUM, I'pon the opening of the Walworth dying bcdnldo tho Presidents mother, to may pattern, with or without printed >* *! « hM \t YHf Mm, B.&.I. \ we fc«d « > *"J hoard, hoping that conduct of their business, alfci the safety trial this afternoon, Mrs. WA) worth con­ MM. Roao, the PrMident's aunt, Mrs.. of Oxfert Mln**, and In Itw wan actelaiitfal 01 Utdir IIIUUM ngcra to person* iucomp«- manner. Brwdrt. L.O.I u* to tar distant tinued her testimony, showing that her Matculf, two grandchildren, a physician, I 8. r when we tttit for the IK rHee. or rcf ardteas of .their late husUnd's mind bad been aflbctcd and a private soldier, who had been de­ BOOKi Mn, G, IV --- - - 1. green. Koivat II. Mfirrlm&it, portnrm tnuitnfc under the SAlfSBURY, Hd. W. Waiiuvtiglit.'iR. E. .1. niinr and Aim or r'lommtiiK A Morrln.an, affftlnst In his business he prospers apace, tlio fcoodfl mud cliattlc*, Iliad* and U> no men Is of "si" Isconrtconn nnd civil to all, Tl ninth? Rnyne, onn of tlip purtncra trading un- fit" HAVB recently purcha«ed ti 12 And proveH his fine spnso and good taste, dvr the name and Arm of Tltuolliy Ray no A Bro., I hitva levied UIMHI fcml taken Inryvcuiion all tho plmcUd JOB PBIMTIHO rnuss, and are Time of game two 'houre. Umpire By dretiing in clollin/rom Tower Hall. rlitlit, tlllo. claim, Inturvflt nnd demand of the HALONE& RICHARDSON, new prepared to eucecate all «tylea of small Dr. ITS. Ifcll. ___' . ... t\ here the best and cheapest Clothing aCorciiftad Timothy Rayne, In and to drcolar work, till beads, letter heads, in tho coiiiitr)- is to bo found. IJentiett ONE HOUSE:A.ND LOT ' note hesdm, mirelopM, emrda Ac., Ac., at THK MARYLANDEB, .lowfiVing oHhe & Co., No. 513 JInrkct Street, half-way situated In the Ith Election Plitrlct nf.Wlcomlco ibort notice for city ptioj., hoax published in the Bachelor last week between Fifth and Sixth strceU, Philadel­ county ,~and I hereby give notice tint on REAL ESTATE SOLD OR EX- Very Cordial Invi­ to the effect that tho Cfcnhfcri B. B. dab' phia. TUESDAY, JULY 8th, 1878. » CHANGED FOR OTHER of Salisbury wodld play a tnatclrgnmo on I ih«H proceed to nil it the Court Honaa d >*r In PBOPEETIE8. ON tation the 4th with anvTjhib on tbe fcninsuli I PLEASANT TO REMEMBER. Ih.tovnoriialUbury.althekour.of I o'clock 1*. , . COMMISSION. to Patronize at-the above dwcrltwd property to the hl«he*t Tm • ttouuTT Idtvr for Wweerter for $60. says it lemma that the B. B. Club bidder lor cuh,tattlUft£h« uU writ, cotta aad the Very coanlrte wld-to be 76 cents on the one of Beaford has accepted the challenge and jt is a pieteurc few aad chart**. miTR UNDERSIGNED offeritPrirMoStlo, hvBdf^t dollar*, ___ that the game will bo called at 4 o'clock." orjr ot fame dear old friend who has been WILLIAM TWILLEY, A the following property, la AVko*jlco, This beats the musquito story, hollow I tr^ed_nml found true in the hour of need. June It-it Sheriff. «nd Somcract Countiei, Md: Largest Clothing House, RKy.'P. OOMVR, corresponding Secre­ In the first place, tho Seaford club did A thing you can fully rclyvJn is pleasant tary iifthe Bute Temperance Alliance, not accept any challenge to play for $50. to remember, nnd this is why so many SHERIFFS SALE ! Lot No. 1. A tract containing 134 »cm, wiA be in Salitbary on 8abb*th 13th of Thev were invited by the people uuy the elegant and substantial 8 mllf i from S»liilinnr all ID Umber, prin­ ^.ti* SIXTH & MARKETSTS. White Clouds Clothing being sold so very cheap by out cipally pine, rery thick let. J«ly, and the week following. to play A social game, and came as the oftMCIreult-Oourt for Wlcamltu county and to He U expectea to preach on Sabbath guests of that plucky body of base ball- Bennett A Co., Tower Hall. No. 518 UK directed at tliu »ulU of U-vl C. C. Smith, two 1'ricc $1.600 one-fourth cash, balance in Market street, half-way between Fifth ofthem'ijtalnjl tho gooil> nnd ohnltlm, lantls and 1 2 and 3 yeart. and Ibctare on Teuporanee four nights luts. Lastly, the Afarylandrr bas been tenriui'nu of IxiTleC. Smith and Stanalmrr W. WANAMAKER & during the week. most beautifully taken in with regard to and Sixth streets, Philadelphia. ap-19-8m Hmltb aud Samuel A.lirflliam.aml onu o^aiuat the nmKtii and chattlt*. tnnil!i anil tcnemontii of the LOT No, 2. Contains 1TO Acres, 5 miles tho $50. part of the affair. However, we afore*alr The levy for this county is 88 cents on BOSTON MASS. uld Smith hr JahnR.r>aukUa, Tnutce. bearing the one hundred dollars. date Juno 1Mb, 1M», containing •I'-** New York. Captain and crew all saved. LOT Xo. 3. Contains 153 Acrcf, five miles WITH John Miller lost a ham the other night CJOMMISSION & WHOLESALE 117 Acres or Land from Salisbury, Improved by a ulngta ilory through the kindness (f) of ono of those more or IMS, );nown hy the nnmcof "Aldorler," Dwelling House, a large new Burn nnd other THE LAUREL BRABS BAXD was in 8«1- DEALERS IN FRITS & COUN­ ultuatM In t heath Kloutlon Dlttrlct of Wleomlco on Thuredav hut and remained light fingered fellows that give tbo Prin- couM|r, Mi)., anil 1 hereby giro notice that OQ necessary out buililiugi; i 00 Acres In cul­ ," ,<^ .BINGHAM & LOtffr hours. While here they tuned cens Anno people so much trouble. TRY PRODUCE tivation, the balance thick set with Timber, , JULY 8th, 1873. ineumbered by au aged willow's dower. their horns' and treated our |>eople to Rev. A. C. Hcaton, Pastor of the Pres­ Rtrr»wl>crrlo«. Peaolirn, Poarn, KK& Poultry A C. at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. «t the Court Houne one very fine rmMfc.' In the nflernoon byterian Church, Princess Anne, has onilKnirutn !»lyromiuuiili>n...... lO}{ P. M. IBJI1IS IIOUSB will epcn on LOT So. C. Contains 200 Acres, neixrthe P.EFEREXCICS:-Thomas Enos, Odema, Data; Wm. Pond A Co., 1W Tratt Street. BdtUirkl" ttfafill ttt. Mary'1 Churcli.Tyaskm. Co., Washington Market, New York ; Fra«ce!i 8/IVMen. ITS W. Wvhlnrtnn Mrfwt," -' 'C OUR FRUIT dealers arc a live wide­ tion for the purpose of nominating dele- Atlic TWKNTY-KIFTH day Ruil Uond nnd navigation, all In Timber. , l-hlcago; Wrrluglon Bennot A Co., 14 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. - . awake set of fellows, and keep tilings on Kates to the Suite convention will meet In F.venlnR Servlct...... »J< P. M. of JUNB, nnd offers 11 rent in­ I'rict §4,000. May 10-3ra " M. E. Church, Salwlmry, Ilev. N. M. Drown. ducements to those the move. F. looks out towards Califor­ Princess Anne on the 29th instant. Pa.ilor. I'renchlng every Sunday al 10:30 A. 31. and fond of nia, J. towards Camden. Q. down tho riv­ 7 r. M. Sunday School al 2 P.M. LOT Xo. 7. Containing 2.18 Acres, one There is to bo a marine railway at SEA BATHING. mile from n Rail lload .Station, one-half er, J. A W. towardn the forest over the Cruficld. Trinity SI. K. Church, South, KMIihnry, Kev.r. .(Jam, and F. toward* tho 1'ark nnd De­ K. Annual Pastor. Preachlui; every Sunday at I0.au It \> siMmtcd about 14 miles from Snow Hill, clcnreil and improved by a commodious pot. All is life nnd bustle. A basket or A new Methodist Church is to he built A. M., anil 7 I*. M. riuuday School nt '1 l*. M. nml ix Stage 1/ine. runs direct to the Hay, Dwelling and necessary ont-biiililings, with nt Anbury, two miles from Criaficld, size M. P. rhiirch. Sallnlmry. Ilev. J. I.. Ml!l«. Pajfor. where n commoilirjus ami fust suiliiig boat one of the finest llemlowa for the growth of box of berries don't eland any clmncc ; gun,lay School at 9 A. M. Preaching every Sunday makes I wo trips per dur across tlin ocenn, 50 x 75 feet with basement, tower, arched nt toi.iu A. M., and 1-M r. u. cr/uberric.\v», and ia , Wieonilcn I'renljyterjftn ("hur.'h. Sili.ilnlry, Itev. J- to cost $8,000 J.Smyili, l'.u-|i«r Sorvleewvery sundny at 10'^ A. There Un IluWT.IN'G ALLF.Y anil RKS- $4,000,nnc-fonrth cmli, balance in one, two it all seems to keep up trade no'v that the A..M.UU I otT^I'.JI. Salih.ith Jx-U.ii.l at !i A. M. TAfKAXTntlrxched to the IIUTKL. Tbe anil throe years. This land is situated Htrawberrics are gone. Peaches will soin one CORRESl'OyflKA'CE. finest lii|iiors ronstnntly on bund. uiilo from Navigntion. bexine, and then you may look out for Tlic 1'rnuriotor inlurms the 1'L'IILIO tlmt Charley. Go, in Charley, anil ''make HO.MK he nill ?|mrc no mrnns to make his lll)l'8E LOT Xo. 8. The Washington Hotel, in llo.mc howl."' 'We know you can da it. FIIUITLAND, July 1, 1873. a plc.isnnt Etimmcr resjrl. That his ser- PrinctH.-i Anne. This if une of tho best Ho­ J/i'Mr* EiUton: van's »re polite an'I attentive, nml Hint hid tels on tlio Peninmlii, having a fine run of TOTUOfF who desire to escape the ag- ATT UK TAttLK will be limiisliuil \viih all the lux­ Imsinef 3, being large witli all modern con­ gruvutionj^ncidcnt to town life during Perhaps, after nn interval of several uries of Hie jensoa. veniences, with niuplu Slublcs nnd lino sur- the executive hcnt.i of dimmer, Scott's weeks, a won! on the demise of our vitiate HOAItl) $'.'.00 per d,ij, or $11.00 per Price fH,ooo, on easy Terms. Ocean House and Coffin's Synepuxcnt mi^ht not he1 altogether out of plnco. SYNEPUXENTMEOUSE!! ivcclc. Buy House otrurespecinlntlract'ions. Both Forktnwn was born in 1820, .Mr. Jacob [June-23 41.] LOT No. 0. A Irnct of timber Innil of200 houses have boen thoroughly rcuirt'at-oU Morris being iU founder, and died July This will known unil favorite Aerea in tSoincrfat county, S uiilee from tlic SKA-SIDK UKSOHT, sitiintnl Al.f.MIU: TOWN I'KOl'l'.UTV FOK SALE. K. d. U. U. Price $3,OUO. Term) moJer- .pod provided with jcomforta nnd conve- 1st 1873 of nn ovdor issued by tlio 1'tist in ilrs from licrlin. \Vurce«- V nienccs heretofore wnnting, and the pro- Ofjlco Department.. Hut, although Kork- ,. Jnmr^ C.ltliell, hnvinc; rennvixl tntjie elty of nlc. prj^tprs thereof promise good Uililo I'arc to^n as i'nrktown'm morally extinct, yet. ___ trr oiloiy, UnrjlBinl, lircsetits llattlutiitc, HU'1 ilet:uxlUM it ydvUalite t'i *.-H hl« real l,OT Xo. 10. A trixet of c-t] tlic lew! »rj%'.t IffK acres cleiireil ntul in gooil L and lijinn of the nniperty : nnd timber. 1'ricc $3,500, one-fourth cash, ' 'her column. melodious luuua of No. 1. UniMlirellluii llnuMantl |j»t,no*occupied .'"ilucce in one, Forktown, like tnitoy other, pl»ce« of plctfly rrtunii«li«i and rttmovaud aad an br E. WJJiWtff,iwiy.5,i*oJ.'liittpjiU't.4^/f «r •rtr\~ two and tbreo years. sweerinflv ililitional story IncrcMioK the ac>. rfntralile properlr, conveniently located aud ill DORCHESTER more note, hits had" it* up* auri down*, to COBimodation of lb* Honsc by thf «t. TheTrie wharf N£*rt'y, I;laiMwwa the W. 4 _.«Hrf Jury roomi. On I^M P. »E. B. and JtaTTver, aad lylac batwotn the Ml««,nMN*4««lllof Solllburv, tt TwetfTP petit* UrdmB.- m»4vn rtlral «f each train nt Berlin r. C9»eh ' will *.)ifl>'wharvea(rTIl.iniai>tii«y«ini> _ ^ ^_^_r ..- -. fTiii. R Par* .. R. S. U. K. I'ricc $1,500, one-n!(\li In c»«h, WTH- health. "Our faith U devastating fire ana (loom. Tlio _ to in -"raiting in convey pM8th(c*r» to the YM* properly iiThVlul'one ofthcklnd which li balance iu one, two, three and (our yrarf. and hadmvs of Hfc hav6 'licro bcen likely to be oltbral fc>r»aln Iml voen the U. K. A rjBtancortfi6aw«i»ing taiagible, the Manse. Svift sallliij; boatu nhvayi i* rea I- Blrer, and I* therefore very valuable- . RJUXi »rtsV|iilii *mt» neft^ntwe do not kaliedcscopically jlixplayed in pictures of iuoss to couvjey gucsU to and from tbo I4Sl *and7. On.nno ([onmi and No. 12. Six Houses nod LcU In Saltt- A! s. COQK; expect tho Marylandtr to appreciate this ; mnny IIUCH, com pitting tlic every day his­ part off l»o Town of IkUUburjr, known a« burv. Bench. Uwn, one.** Dtv Won Kt two on Cma tit and two FALL Jience, when it throws mud at us wo cotr- tories thnt mark the pawing months and P»rv4at qr $10.00 a oa Water St. Thene are all now except one, and On aud (\fltr placently sulTer it HO to be, well knowing yours of humanity. Joy and Grief Imvo are built dimh!»\ ranh Mime aorvea for two fami­ addition to Iho above wo have for Commission Dealer In that expostulation MaH -vain. The Mary- here found an abiding nlrteo. Th« tender lies, and rcnl forjsi por year, oarh. . sale various other lots, too numerous to men. T>ASSENr.rB TRAIXS, wit* ...... __ No. S. IT an unlmpro«eetircon J. \V. M:uldox'» pursue the even tenor of its way unmolest­ and some of nil ages have been utlled to lot (inil B. C'alloway's anil lideilrahledroportv. lx»vc SEAFOUP...... _ Patent Portable Ciroolar I*t No. 10. Mtnated ofcr lliiiuphirr*' mill, ad- Emptied Spctdllv rttumed. andpil.l for Ifnol " KEI>KU.U.<«HLMIO,...... _ ed. pass into the grcft> Beyond. The four Jotnlnnthe propertv of A. (I. Toad tin and Dr. A. G. TOADVINE & CO. illTcrM to It. U.Co. April l2-3m " K.\STKEW MARKET,.-. SAW MILLS, llontioii. Thin l» a largo l/>l and will be aold .In doll Arrive at l-AMllRllHJl^._.. . seasons of life, Spring, Summer, Autumn ALIO tTaTIQNMV A PORUitE wholu, or Inpartt, Iu iiilt the purchuun. Call and Ox Wednesday night of loot week, n and Winter, have laid tlic imprcfwnf their eelt. WHOLXaiLBAIDBtTklLDSALmU 111 TUU train makrt dm. oaoawlUa vltk TEAM KNOINI8, No. II, 12. 1.1, 14, f., 10, 17 ami 1* art fight lota. G. FURMAN & CO., he Delaware Rallroaa foe ill polpto dlarracefht row put the finale to festival fingers upon it, and nt lost tho inexorable No. 5 Bohro«d«r BU. each containing ono aero of land, "adjoining the 4^"),-: V'-v South or Scaronl.and with Steamcrm, beWinNeWtown for the benefit of the spirit of modi-rn progress and change, BALTIMOKX, HO. land, of Henry Kook», Pnrnell JohnMn aad oikore, which respects not the thing* lortd by on the aoulh aide of the county rwd leading to BEKEIiL M. P. ChuieU of Uuit place. It seems Foaki' mill. that a young nun named Frank Duer our forefathers, hns ruthlessly swept away Term, made known on application to Hardware, Qneensware, J«ite4 the hall where the festival was its nnmc. Three times laid in ashes by SADDLERY, GKOCM.RIKS, JUTS, Cmmission Kerchants , >«Id fith the a»owed Intention of thnuh- the fire fiend, three times, Phoenix like, it [June-7-if] i»K ¥r. W*rr*ter R'chard«on, a young arose from its ashes; but now, alas, Fork- Boots, Shoes, Roulj-mavle Clothing, IN Wholesale & EctaH Deader to'1 " eBtjcmw residing in Ncwtown, who hail town will never rise again. It is dead. A VALUABLE FARM ncqrredhis dmpTeatnre by preventing But, while there nro many pfeasaitt re­ Portable Steam Engmrs, FUNITTaB: CARPETINCS, NATTlMiS fcC. Fruits and Produce^- at of .Mi pats from maltreating a son of collections nnd holy memories as-nocinfcd ShingU Machine*. Drag and Dutting J«B ll-tf. SAI.ISnfHV. Md. f r. Wm J. Long the Sunday previous. iu our ininds nnd hearts «|iUi the old Saxrs- - For Sale! ~^ About 10 o'clock in the evening Kich- nnmc, yet we cannot regret its extinction Slnllonery Steam Enpinrs. 30, 75 & 76 ./f-l Bvrcl Machinery. Saw Gnmmon .'ll it prlr»lr«lo a TO THE LADIES. New Goodi opeilng it Taf Ira nbon entered the hall and was im­ We desired a change, nnd feel glnit to _L VALUAHU: KAHM Iu Wlcomlcu (ounty. WESTWASH1NGTONMARKET mediately tet upon by young Duer, who have accomplished it. We are plc:uStcam rtollers nil kinds. Tlilx farm In ituitrd nn Wctipquln ercrk, which ,, . No. 61 N. IIowahf*tfe« benn to nee abusive language and Anally, very well pleased indeed, with the name \Vooil-\VovVli\R Mnchincry atl kinds. miptln( tin Into tlio NunttcoVr river, nhnnt Iwrlvo O FVRMAN. of FRUITLAXP, and propose to try and (J:\np, Mnlny nnd Sash SnW Mills. mllex fmm Kallntiury.ry. TlTho water In tbe Now Millinery and Trim­ W.ll.FUWM... . NKW TOnK. tmok him In tho CMC, thereupon a sonfflo holiland navigably fitr voii»el»n. iKnnieotHto the abnvn addret.. SouicrMt COUBI *-l'rompt attention Jnl't to ill rn •ift n'«.-.;|'t occasion for for assembling his friends corn and vegetables folks nro wearing March 25-tf. fia. GOLDSMITH & JEWELLER and highest market rale, alwaya ohtalnnl. nnd, tacked by them, either to bent or brighter and shorter faces. Colly Fields ct. al. vs. In tho Orphans' MaKh 2»-.tni. kill Richardson. Itichardsp.n knew noth­ Times have been a little brisker here Henrietta Fields ct. al. Court for Wicom- S- B. OOH- ' "•' " ' •< • li .'.QJSl f ico County. OF I LILMTURE. SlrnrlU fi>r'mar«ln| furnUhfd tntt»f^ffff^ ing of tlio scemc until ho arrived at the since tho location of J. II. Bacon's steam Shipplnc Orden carrfull/ f9\ up- Cia}l»ffi«a>« hall, and, M n metier of course, wns un- mill, or in other words money has circu­ June Term 1872. IUPORTKK AND DKALKR 1M ' ' I will sell nt nuction on Snttmlnr tho LJU..I.VY , , - J tepaitod tt take purl with any sort of meat lated more freely. * 34ib uj^-.«f Jnnc, 1M3. tlmt 21nt Inst. nt 2 o'clock, P. M., a lot o? Fur­ Fine Watches, Rich Jewelry and Sllvtr Ytnrt. Corner of Fiflh and Hnrkel i'KOiip;ri,y HADK. , in so discriKJitablo n row, and contcuted Wo desired a Htcom mill, and by little the sulo made nrl.l reported by Levtlk. M. Da- niture used only one year in the Into par- Dcitoritcferea«ee'ij^B.' ' u ^ himself by defending his life as best ho rflbrt obtained one. Now we are unxioiiH shiell Trustee, for tho Bale, of the real estate n«lrHmhllnBlnllllt« rurli'llit". Or.li-n. «tUuil- Mar 17 >>» fxrald. Mis wounds are not dangerous. for a mil road, If tho cars would ijm of Lcvi Fields, deceased bo ratified and con­ nonngre, con»Utnig of lied StenUn, Stoves, od to wllli l>ln|iuleh. Kvcry attention puliilonunt- AxDfJtTcxnixa TO Kixu RTUEET, firmed unless cause lo the contrary thereof Chnirn, CarpotH itc. Terms oCwalo, R cred­ neii aiiililuratdllty In tint manuriwture anil repair from 8ali>it>ury to Vienna I am sure, the it of six mouths with note and approved oTJcwrlry. Kluu Walchvi rcpalriil liy Kinrrlrneitl . THE BALL FIELD. people in tliis neighborhood would awnl:c be ulioivu by exception* lilcd on or bcforo tho Workmen. April IJ-lm. WILMINGTON DELAWARE: RICIIARD^SMiTffi from their lethargy, and apparently ho 24th day of July next: provided a copy of security on nil sums over five tlollare, : -.41' Tho second and deciding (fume of tho cdowed with new life; hut hero we nro in this briiorbelpiertej In somu paper printed nnd all Hum' under tbnt amount tlio cash ThU now, largo »ml eonimodloiiii HOOM> will :« in Wlcomico County once, iu each of throe. will DO required. FOR THE o»;n«U«»l'llwr CLASS lloTlib, on Tliumday series of threw botw«un tlio IMioiiiix club and "out place," with no encouragement ^f n ll nth, H7U. of Laurel, nnd the AVIiito Clouds of Snl- to v/ork, have to cart our marketing twelve Mirccssivc weeks before tho 24lh day of July I. If. A. DULAXY, The interior arrangement orthU hulldlnx It oil SALISBOTtT, M4-, next. . . . Triwtee. 1873. FRUIT SEASON 1873. mlroMn. Tbo p»rl«r«. itrawlnR-nioiui, Ac. ini " ' f.i. isbury, WOH played on the grounds nt Sal­ miles over lieury roads lieforo wo can dis­ eleK»ntlvfiirnli'liitl;.inil the i-leeplng apnrtinenta * ' isbury on Wednesday morning la«t. Tlio pose of it consequently ninny of us only Tho report itatcn theabiount of sales to J. F. TULL, whleh ura nttcd nut wllli «'«ry inudurn ip|illaner be SUOi.OO. PALI: OFTWO VALUAIILK orulllltyi:idconirurt,wlll»cv 1IUOI1 JACK»QX, ! . MhoOn'hanii lly rlrtno of t.inilocrco of Hie Circuit Cortrt Tor MOUNT AND JIMESON, IIOf»KelTiiriUf»elllllr«f'>r the aiiiMlvst vcntlln the gnmo very favorably, scoring J runs We anticipate a plcaannl lime, on tho JAMES LAWS. ) &mrl for lennilei* eounly. Tho unlnliMl ti> value ilevlile, nml mak« nalnof tlir chamU-n. oiiext«ii»lvv«kwofllir Ifrlnwuro am scored 1 run. Un tlio 2nd inning tho Lau­ "turn out," aiid we expect the Ljurcl real rBtntn of ThonuiH II. Tallin latn of Wlcuuili-o mmiss ion Dealers (Mirlnllnua rl>ur«; anil fmm tho pruiiioudK, thur' Ten: WM. IIIUCKIIEAD county tleceanwl herehy clru notice Unit I lie' will In IVM, lliTrlM, IVaehra unit All KINDS OK liKpinnininle rtew ui.l"M«l. cmltrtu-lim tho hill rel men were whitewashed. The gntno liriiHi Hand; beside wo have n famous Ilcg: \VIHs for \V. Co. ofl'iir at pnlillc nuL-llon at 1'racy'n llolullu tho Town aadvalli-ynofilii- Ha.»l'- llrmulywliu), uii»urpa»jei continued with spirit until the end of the mineral spring : no we hope to ho favoroJ True Copy, of.Halliliury, on III tilCliiriM,|ui.-mil* nml beauty, COUNTRY PKODUGE. Thii 1'riii-rli'liir Inn ln'«-li«'l «larl;^ «»|it;rlenee li N, 7th inning when, on account of tho ex­ with tho presence) of uiuny Salisbury la iu, Test: - WM. IIIRCKIIEAD, TUESDAY JULY Slh, 1873, 21'JJi A SU MEKCHANTfl UOW,. the niairueni'-iit ul linti l«, mnl havliiu .erun-J th 1UKKW WEST WASHIK«1TOS MAltKCT, ervlce «f cwinpi'tenl »v.| treme heat, the Pho>nix captain called and QuunticfinniiM. Hog. Wills for VV. Co. at Jo'rloclcr. M.all the real Kept coti.Ontl. oa buB'l. eao.aki«!M to BVBfl«» the game. Tho White Clouds' won tho Mr. Joseph llrattan'H youngest child mlato of irhlrh tlio NKW YOHK. jp>red to K!VK h»llkl'ni'tli>n li> »H >ho niny I'.ivnr th paid Thoniiit Cl. Cnllln Uleil nulxv<] cininjitlng of CI.AVTO.N with Ihelriwlroniwe; T..rui»iii.d.Ti,-riUi) tvcry rrawnable'|iriM*i ' i n. » i.rt»i game by a score of 52 to 12. The batting cloned lior eyes to earthly Bcene* on the two l''ami!« In Tya*klu illntrlrt. oflhl!! eonnty, "Mr.Tull n'lll aero* nf laud tshlijpluK fiinli will bo fuiinil nt ill utatlonn an Ilia Of t'hr ehnlr.Al klnil.-i. «twjr» In «»* *^f^ " White Clouds, who knocked fearfully, fair, uioro or IOM. tu >uli lame or »ualt iMr**. a«>rk*B nnd earned many runs. . '< Ainlfnrawhlliiwai Riven ril im UNPErwiUXKD n»n|ient.i fur tho owner l,nl No t. Thnnirm on wUlch Oc.irsoW. Callin roaa, »l«iattUUofflceaud Mnibbed lei-lully miltixl for a I'liynlelan. Thera on tho Miinii tyrinn] Tliv'alxir. uiiuiixl Karmiiaro A. CLOSE, i famllk-i «uit |i*rU'»roe inDtaV: iiiai.'uniiniKlliiu'i uthuti on tlm piein(»eii and n (Inn ttnuly lociili .1, biJug uotL within limn limn a mlllu R B. Toadvln, P. 3 . ( ., ,. .« npenlniiror nduvtiir. Any DIM ilmirlnK agooil In- »f Navlxalilr »ulJV anil am nlclily pruluctlvK, f ' For 1878. v: eountrr.Ml E.OHIrt,L P. 4 *-!>-!« Kocnl Vnrietieti. callnu wlll>l» w«ll tooxaiuluu this propvrly buforu nml fine ooll for Irufektug anil i* a raroeuaiico fora piirchaiilnK uUewhvre . ~ 9 *, ' cood, tmrxln In nal (Mtaln. , Men's Youths' and Boys' TheOUlPE l» now |mMU)i«JQ«arto|My t*tw« , 1st B. new supply of summer Clolbinsv ~\A Kor fuilhcr partlmilar«ariuljr to Ihebalanoeln thmiefuafaaouoal InilalawnU of CLOTHW3. it of One rDolUr or more for I»ee4» MB* ate MAU»JI<, OH, FCLTN CT1MT, H« For Boots, Shoos ortl 0»lt«r»..gfi (a A. The nnderalgned .bat one large Double Bering Jane 7-MTO 21 J. Wood & Co. eonnd wajion f-«r »!« millable . rarm purpotnl TO R £. K. IV oneiineilenlrlncln if. - ' . pun:hi«»aeheu|i wugun w ill uu For OonU FurnUUiBf Go6d». well In eall on th Eioout at thl» Office. M. Pi 1 J. Wood & Co. | JU) J4-lf i MALONU 'tyei ofUoodi tad moot W»ly cutler*. May U ?M JAMKtVfg Rorlinl'r. S. If \ WmfZ::f 'J.ZK • . ' » •"•.tsWX ~- •-.;••--." *.-*• = ""* •'^ *% -« *•• \ . • • **> _ ^ 0 4 „ * • * ;

'••el trhi bob joat like hlmeolf. Hf tbere- Political llote*. READ TMI0. tn that te TtaAehrM. mart loot to It Never known that hie wift hakeaTog; ai>*so fbrth. MOUT YXAB* OH mow, A CHANCE' The Syracuse Courier ridicules the tricky •/{ ASDAl M AUUAQR- legislation oftbe Republican party of New '-•JBi A Fa if«r Bant. York on the liquor question, and thinks -it $; THOMPSON'S «i J 1Ua HMy ktVlMM CM to tell, A very happy and uncommonly roman­ that it has fallen into the old error of try­ • ••ill A TOTJ3W Inrof.TRn WAN KILLED. tic marriage was celebrated a few days ing to please everybody, and pleasing FEVER & AGITEPO WDERS •Uf*l , tat tnw it b*r,all of that I for my nobody. •^r Yhow I !** it, used ago, at the Grand Hotel, Ban Francisco. POR THE PERMANENT CUBfl OF .'1 1! toMit: -Tnie A flttel tbjiif n«nt, whose details are. In 1862, George Marshall, a young lawyer The Boston Advertiter, . debating the e oould worthy thegrVipbie pen of a Cummin; in New Jersey, flung aside his law books, Civil Service reform, says : "No rules are Chills & Fever. Dumb Ague or ON AND AFTKB MOMDA^AprU JUt,»8 MttaUetaaaiallt" And tb bis the way occurred reoMtly at Chudderghout, In­ and took up arms on the Northern sldo, good for anything which do not insure the any form of Intermittent dia. Tbe victim was Mr. Joseph Gay, a ambitious to serve his country and to successful applicants for positions against (SUNDAYS EXCEPTBD,) Ma haunt Soaday morning young man connected with the English win fame on the battle field. For brave­ arbitrary removal. Men whose services Fever. Train* will Leave M Follow.: kanfat me. Just as the buck­ Public Works Department. A man-eater ry he was promoted to the rank of ser­ are worth -having will not submit to the wheat bliiiiied. Hie SUB had gone had been infestimr the region where be geant, and shortly thereafter, while near requisite examination unless there is held THE8REATEST DSGOVRY NORTH heayea; the ifomiu was stopping, ana many bad fallen vic­ Harper's Ferry, he was sent on a secret oat to them the prospect of a reasonably ever the stubble; Uw tims. mission by the general in command of secure tenure of the positions they seek/' i OF THE AGE! •'» .M tat the air; the beet hammed Hearing of his depredations, Mr. Mar­ the division to which his regiment be­ The Lyochburg Republican says : "The P. 1L rett, English engineer in the place, and a SUBSCRIBE IM wwtin longed. While preceding' in tbe direc­ present Administration, from iu very in­ MOlacaMa n 4eMHUtinff In their _._ lie* • 4* -UT' keen sportsman, started in pursuit, accom­ tion of Leeeburg he happened to peas a _, _ _ tka eoBetltutloB at ihe above, and BOB. more Uarel, 1117 panied by Mr. Gay, who was staying with ception to tbe present time, has been so dffleolt to eure by the aaual mod., of practice. The BEAFOBD, us* l^> | farm-house, and beard a woman's criei. marked and characterised by atrocious PEVKft AND AUOK POWDEBfl wul «AM a i tk» tSBT»la> were dot* to bis heuse, and spring from an adjacent thicket at Mr. him, but the urgency of his expedition we see tho journalistic guns turned in the the* eonaldend hopelea a. Bodney, 104 be) MM* to eat the.* whh his family, no Marrett, who had just sufficient time to right direction? |Not immediately, we THERE IB MO HffiK IN TAKING THEM, Dear, §41 su was inexorable, and he had to depart contain nothing Injnrlona, aad, therefore, State Boad, B43 1» $3 tbat be looked «po* them aa his own. No drop on his knees and fire, the ball strik­ almost immediately. At Antictam a fear "there is a divinity which doth nene of the lingering dlaeaaee afarflen the retnU New Cutle, »M» ao an loaataaM tbM done. The nedcehog ing the animal on the lower jaw, which it hedge the king about." of the nanr noatrama of the dayrfjrhyalelana r*. WILMINGTON Arrive isu • M battin QSMsjdnar te after him, and took lieutenant he was wounded, and was commend them aa enperl.r to liulnloeor any other PHILADELPHIA. 11 s» completely shattered. carried to a barn and left there. He was The Fredericksburg Herald warns known remedy, for they leave tta* lyatem In a A-M. hMW«yfe»tfe» field. He had not gone Before Mr. Marrett could rise the tiger giniansof the evil effects of the new move­ LITE healthy atato, and tbe patient beyond the pro­ BALTIMOUE, " I OS »U • M wrr » IkxMa tbe-bonee, and waa about to fast sinking, when several ladies ap­ bability of a-relapee. was upon him. A desperate struggle was proached, and his eyes brightened when ment in Louisiana. It says : "There is BEWABB OP CODKTERFIET8.-The genuine 80VTB. tan. ha* by tbe thorn-bash which stands the consequence, and the tiger, Mr. Mar­ among them he saw Miss Mayfield. The no political right that the negroes of Lou­ an put up IB aquar. tin boiee, with THOMPSON'S tbeMMbra tbe field, near the turnip- rett and shikaree all rolled over each oth­ isiana do not now enjoy. lieanregard I FEVEn AND AOUE FOWDEB8 atamp oc the lid, PASSENOEB, PASSENGER. MIXED,''' the hare, who had wounded officer was conveyed to the and the ilgnatureof TunHraoii 4 er in the melee. house of her father, who had removed to promises more than simplylpolitical rights. the wrapper. Nu other cau poealbly be genuine. A. M. P.M. P. M. i ft rcd nothing to the hed- perfectly, and had resolved to correspond. Mt.PIeu.nt, HOT TtC vary hig him most savagely, attacking him with Once more tho lieutenant was wounded which stands as a huge dividing w*ll be­ ...... ^^ 7 ^ ^^ but aaM to the hedgehog his claws alone, as his under jaw was ren­ tween the races." a moat seoruful mien. at Nashville and thereafter, most unac­ Local Paper. Towniend, UM 7M t». dered useless from tbe shot he hod re­ countably, the letters which had been The question of tbo selection of a can­ UlackLlrd. 1138 io« then, that thou art ceived from Mr. Marrett's rifle. didate for Governor of Virginia by the Urcen Hprlng, 11« »«s :02T3 here in tbe field so early On Mr. Marrctt regaining conscious­ passing constantly betweeen himself and Clayton, IIU S14 *0>l Tlio Pow Mayfield, ceased to pass. Thinking he. Conservatives of that State is still a vexed The Gre^t External Remedy SMYRNA, (Arrive) U10 SM Suut If i ness, he found he was deserted by all ex­ problem. The Richmond Enquirer says : llrcnford, 1201' Sl» *!«» taking a walk," said thehedge- cept the shikaree who was knocked down had giveu ptfense, Lieutenant Marshall for RHETJMATISM, NEU­ Moortou, 1K» 534 ;ravo up writing, and when tho war camo "As day after day goes by, and tho event­ DOVEK, MZ4 fS7 141 with him in the encounter, but who was to an end, he set out for California, and ful 6th of August draws nearer and near­ RALGIA, SPRAINS, Wyoiulug; 11W 144 Jot-' Bu* n< walk," lugbedthe hare; not much hurt; and a few paces off was , . IMS 8*1 LlVEJt began business in San Jose. Three er, tho interest of everybody in tho Con­ BRUISES, ftc. Cauterbory4 It45 »M wrapper. thoee legs tho man-eater, still engaged in mauling weeks ago, poring over the overland servative nomination increases. Name »Uua, ISM »M Uiibrukvi and mangling his helpless victim. Equally Good for Man or Beast. HarrlngtOD, 107 SIS 4 17 pofsengor list, be noticed the name "Miss after name has been brought forward r'Mulogtou, I.is I'M 4*U , :«"*•• 'ii 1U* ami»ir vexed th> hedgehog hugely HU first impulse was to seize his rifle; Ellen Mayfield." Ten years had elapsed, through the press, until the number of THIS LINIMKNT liu rarnnl for lUrlf a reputa­ Greenwood, 118 >M eo». *rh* aodd stand almost anything, but but this was found to be perfectly useless, prominent, competent and available men tion unequalled In tho hUU>ry of .External Aniillca' llridgevlllii, 1S7 146 it having been consideraoly damaged du­ but the old love returned with ardor at ttona.. S^Thousan*! vlio now Kufl'ur fnmt IcflHU- SEAf^OlUJ, 190 1000 147 ;.„ dsc kts kf« be did not like to have spoken sight ot tho name, and Mr. Marshall sped mentioned is quite ample for such a se­ MATISM, NEUBAUilA.Ar., wi>u!di>inl liuuinllatc Laurel, ar eiii lanitl^ bow., bscaose they were crooked by na- ring the struggle with tho tiger. The lection as cannot but be acceptable to the AT JHB relief, from all pain by ualiiKthUCEIITAlN-REM- iK-lluar. 2-24. fM< brute now seeing Mr. Afarrctt move about, away to Sacramento to intercept the train. EDY. It l» Kiiiallv Vfluctunl In CVTti, liUHNH. In one of the palace cars he discovered party. It is as mncb impossible now to SCALD8, STIKKj5rX«, t)K T11K NKrK.S«)HE THE MIXED TRAIN WILL BK RON 8UU- tbiakeat, perhaps," said the left Mr. Gay and retired a short distance, Miss Mayfield. There was an instant make a safe prediction as to the one THROAT, SWKI,L1NC.S. lNr'LAM.M.VTtON8, J EOT TO DKLA VS INC IDKNT TO fffiEIOUU' to tbe bare, "thou oould'st do apparently waiting to see what his inten­ FBI 1ST BITK8, TAINH IN TIIKSlIlK, OH HACK recognition and a glad meeting, and mar­ among tbe many who will be. chosen for 1I1TES of MI'JDEIW or STINiiS «»F INSrXTS. UUS1NKSS, AND WILL STOP ONLY *t tbiaje own legs !" tions were. tho championship of the Conservative One rabMlig will in all canct Rlvu Immediate re- Mr. Marrett who, strange to snr, vrns riage was the natural result as soon as it STATIONS WHKRK.TIUfi.lS GIVEN. .Ju what I do think," said the could possibly take place. Now the cause in the coming contest as it was two illef, and few applications roiupfoto a cure. -, I,«e.»« N«,> 'in..-.Bll; twain jare housekeeping at San Jose. months ago." :tle« It In lx>yon,1 doulit the SUHIisT KKMKDY fur Caslle for \\ilicington and Fbiladel)>Bt« it poo the trial," quoth shikaree ran up at once to rescue Mr. Tbe mysterious h'uiitu in the correspond­ the rqO5t lr«ulile»umt;tlliiravs tb iridcN IlorfleflntKl "I bet that if we run a Gay ; but no sooner had they approached Tho Nctv York Pott, telling the ."plain Callll are llal.lo. U cunfi WlKATCHKsl, <,W and 7.40 A, II, Leave 1'UilaiklpUU 10.15 V. W the pr-»trnle form than the monster made ence was caused by A thieving, miacliiev- truth nbout the bnck pay larceny," says: rnnh (hila or Horca, Cbafii proilucrd by th« collar aud W'ihnin|{tou 1.25 P. II. for New C'aslla- . l,beat tbee hollow." ous postmaster's son. or laddie, livjurit* caux-d bv Nalln or Spllnta erii Blte Uaghable. thon with thy a dash at them, aud once more took pos­ •'Tho excuse oflerod by Congressmen, torlnf^ fln*li i»r Hoof*, ilruifcca, Spralna. Swei'ney, SMYIINAUIUMGU TtlAlNS.-Arfdtllon . irMM tW hare, "bat I've session of hU victim, standing right that they do not think it necessary to Spavin, Thriuli, and all Dlncaava which dcatruy to tbui« above, l«a«* Smyrna for CUjU i. nothing LiLe'a Good Start. drnw the money and refund it,' is too the Hoof, or Uonoii of the- Feet. HblM ajalnst It if trri rr* T~ bent up- across the almost lifeless body and look­ WKUU., MllKCTIONSaccompany each bottle. ll.au A. M. aad 7.35 P. U. Leave ClarU i ll'Wbafstkebetr' ing around with an air of conscious much iu thu nature of a quibble. Many Tho abovv arc I'repanxl only by fop Sihyrno 8.4U A. ii. aud 2.0V P. It. l<> Afaldem loads d'or and * bottle of strength aad defiance, and challenging as After breakfast I struggled to a camp- instances arc on record of Congressmen make oounculioo with tralo> ta> aod Iron1 r said tbe hedgehog. it were any one to approach him. fire just in time to hear Charley H. suy, who have made, much ado ol leaving Cer­ €/ra\vford «& Dover au«l Stations Southt The boaters and others who hod nil this Undo Pleasant, you are tho only man tain sums of money to bo "covered bock 141 Itrlut itreet, -"-" tbe hare, ^Wl in then, in the company who got a box and n let- J intoi tho Treasury, and nflcnvards claim* it m*T come off at once." time remained inactive and silent spec­ And told by Stortkoepen generally throughout the At Towniend, with the K*M Caunly MI.! -HajTiere'saosuchaosuch hurrhurry," said the tators of n hat WA.S being enacted at a dis­ tcr yesterday, and you have a goodxl wife I ingi and drawing them. Senators Shertnan country. and no mistake." Unci» rtrWIibi|i"and Edmunfts W/KJ %wt intovd 'to draw J«a, V, 187J-1T. 'and'Queen Auna's and-Kent Rail Uoads. fit bedgebog. Tm still quite hungry; HI tance, nov gradually approached, aua af­ . rta* 'it "PCOrW, nnd tho company coramw>ramis- theirl share of this back pay, but circum­ Clay ton, with Maryland aod Dataware Ri<\\-) gobomeanda«t*bitj)f_ br^kfast flrst; ter a great deal of persuasion, Mr. Mar- " Hood. Ai witbia half akWr FUJbe here again on rettioduced tLen» to charge «WW'ie ^Tn V*4^; rePlied> "Yes, we have lived togeth- stances may change their minds as the GIVEN AWAY. a bodv.aaA with the aid oTtom-toms, etc., er nigh fortv years, and she U about as minds of others have been changed, and and succeeded in frightening him away to a I K00^ * th« bert ot 'em. There ain't no if not, their heirs atay claiWif years after w2th*ttibTthe bedgehVmnt his way, 1A Fine German )>,.)nitir, uiib^EutcraSBOc* tMbllotrd, MM! trouble, Charley, in having of a good wife they may have died. The objection to WB uro'AVib'.'.OAiiT cirBoko, HOUSTKD AKD fiw tbe hare) waa also content neighboring bill, where he waa >oou lost Wivouitvo aud fooouok. B«l Koaai, Os tba way tbe hedgehog thought to sight of. if you jert start right. It's all in the start, the back pay is not a legal but a ntbral BCADT roa raiMUio, racato BVBJHT *«»»*. Mr. Gay was taken home and for a time boy. Yon see 1 married what was called one. It ia no lees an outrageous anvdif- AGENTS WAOTKtVFOB ' Hv 9. t£X»KY, Caaatgai The hare traits to his long legs, bat seemed to progress favorably, but a chok- a putty gal, and so she was, and I took irraceful act. because perpetrated under n N D K a 6 RO u JST i> M«y, M, 1873. Itl (Neb him for all that ; he's n fine gen­ iug sensation at last seized him, and he her to my new log-bouse, what I had al­ the form of law, an* no. Senator, or Con­ OB, tleman. to be Hire ; bat he's only stupid expired, a victim of his first tiger hunt. ready plenty of meal and bacon, and such gressman can clear baa record ityxrti it ONE DOLLAR fcflow, and pay he shall f other tiling* as a poor man ought to have. without taking every legal step accetfttry. Lifo Below tbe Suifn» •«, Notice t Mow. when the hedgehog dime tn bin A Comical Catastrophe. "Next day I went to gettin' shingles, to place tbe plunder beyond Ins reach.- sr rnos. w. KKOX. hoe)**, be said to his wife, "Wife, dress and when I come home sue hadn't got on —————————MM————————— nt Pagea Octavo. 130 Fine Engravlnga. On and after Tuesday, January Ttir dinner. I didn't say anything, bat got "When a young warrior becomes enam­ alatea lafciotab and A«cMent> beyond the Light thyself ia mvgear, quickly ; thou most go DISASTROUS ADVESTUREOF'A JEALOUS ofDay ;Martllnr A'lrcntutw In all parta of the 1878, dinner for her and me, aud she eat jest as ored, he fastens his hone near the wig­ World; M|UM and Mode of Working them; Under­ TUB EASTBRN SHOBOt STIAMAOAT 00 "What's all this about r said the wife. YOUKO MAN. hearty as if she had been working. The wam of tho squaw whoso hand be seeks, current* uf Society; (laniljllng and lit llorrura: next day 't\var the name thing, and while where he is left four days. If she fail* Caverna and their MTitcrloa ; The IMrk Wara of Will rua one of thsir 'BoiUs at follovf, Tve bet the hare a golden louls d'or Wkkednae. : PrUoui and. their Hecnta ; Itownln (Weather permiltiog.) until further nolle* j Mda bottle of brandy that I beat him in Courting in a boarding-house is one of my dander got up I didu'tsay nothing, to feed and water the horse during that the Depthaof the Sea; Strlngo Morlee of the Detee* those things that is always attended with tloa orcrime. The book Ireata of experience with kvBUY TUESDAY AT i O'CLOCK, P.H, jaw, as* tbon most be br." and again she eat heartily, as if she liked time, the master is rejected, but if she ac­ rlgaaat; Bight* In ewhnn dea. anAgambllag htlbr For CrUfieUi, Ouaocook, Uoffraaa'i COQCOT& "O, BIT dear husband!" began the great annoyances and inconveniences, es­ my cooking mightily. The third day I cept* his offer she grooms and kindly Uf. In urlaon; Blorlea uf elllta ; attoenturvr pecially if the conning couple wish to came home monstrous tired, and I said to cares for tho hone, and then ties him to aaioag Indiana; Journcya through Bewen eacF UiUi' and Ifaingar Wbwf.. KKTUUK W0r MfHHa/* vife to err. "art thou foolish T Calaeoaib* acdd.aU In mine*, plntUa and piracy, Leave Uungw's ererr Tbotsdajr at 6 JO A. ha* the* quite loat thin* understanding T bide themselves from K»a, in tbe comer her, "Where** my dinner}" Blie said, tbe wigwam of her lover, aa much as to l.rtHKeofw IBqulilUont wonderful burglarlea, orncK of tbe parlor. The regular Boarder argues U.,tQucbiD« aHUaioMUadUgt. BVEQX. Hoar a*.* AM wiah to ran trace with "Look here. Pleasant Batkins, I ain't sny, "I am willing to be your slave and avderworU borgfarlca. undurwurld at the great KKIDAYATS-U'CtOOK, H. M. For CrB-- , that he has as much right to the parlors tltlta, gwine to be cook* for no tnan^and if you do your work. At tho marriage the sa­ We want agarrtf for thla work oa which we give field, Oaancooit, Hltt'i Wharf, C«**r Mall. -Held, thy mwth, wlfc/'eaid the bedfe- as any of the other boarders, and refuses want dinner you must cook it yourself." ges and sachemes meet together, and the xclualT. Uritory. *f»aUcaa make tlOOawcek Kehubotli. Nawlowa tai 8a«ir Kill. MB- to take the hint that two are company IB aelllng thU book. b>M f«r elrcutave-Mdipeclal "that's myb»sin«ss; don't meddle Here the pint waa reached as you will bride is not un frequently loaded with tenaa t* anata. J.B. BVKM A HYDX, TURN I.SO, L«»M 8aow HIM tvnj Kondajt March I drat tbywlf and that three make a crowd. Then, again, see." forty to fifty pounds of silver and copper' BavMbr«,Cofli at 5 o'clock, A, M. toitcMtiK at tb* «U>«« aad then come along. it often happens that the back patriot is "I cooked dinner without saying any­ trinket.." ANNUM laudingi. Uotb BuaU t>king freight for all. the hedgehog's wife do? let out as a sleeping room, and that words thing, and after me and she nau eat I Stallout on the kVilerv Snort It* K. to fellow whether she would or uttered, or kisses given in MM parlors are went across the road and cut three THERE is no place in the country where WANTED „.,.. FKKtUlIT ItKCKtVKU Uf 1ii>4:3« I'M, a. When they were on the way tofrethr distinctly beard in tho.adjoining room, chincapin switches and went back, and it Graud Juries do a more flourishing ba»i GREAT INDUSTRIES AND MUST BKPUKl'AIO. er tbe hedgehog aaid to bis wife : ;rNow and it invariably happens that when a ever you seed a gal get a larrunin I give ness than in New York. Eleven indict­ OF THE UNITED rJTATEB. WM, TUOUSU.V,«upt, listea to what I have to say. See't thou, young gentleman boarder finds a sweet­ her one then ana thar. She went straight ments, have been found against Ingenoll. lM*P.a)naaa» it, then 1" and with that each .heir sulxlulwequent appearance in Court we debt, which the Btato will probably nave "4J'l " ritllUkt " «;*> " faaead hliasilf in hk furrow, and the hare in quesnon. When beau No. 2 started fo*r Dave failed to be informed. Perhaps to pay, 15,483, G02. Tho whole indebted­ Jas. E. BichardBon. St. Martia> " 440 " M. Mwttae" S-JO " OnuoalU his chamber on Tuesday night he observ­ liard fate decreed that they should join, ness will not full far short of forty mil­ 11EUL1N M fcl5 " WbakTiUU"M»" tlioHfoWl. eosueted one, two, three t and away he SAIL MAKER, Murptmco. PUuiAl. " »» " AKrlo arl .weal like a atom-wind down the field ed through the transom over the parlor for impatient yearn, metaphorically as lions of dollars. That has been the rcr Arr. alHuo 1IIU"6:1S Arr.._..._. at ____..Salutary " .....I f'uiinru Kfl Bat the hedgehog ran about three steps door opening into .the hall, that a dim well as really, the "mail nnny of "maiden suit of the rule of Wnrmoth, Kellogg and Oter th« Store of 3. n.Someii. A«-Tlical>u>o tralaa nuetwba rUkvaalDhla aae> Wall >lrul euxi thea docked down in the furrow mm light was burning in the apartment, and attorneys." We And a certain lliss their colleagues. Three of the Southern Grisfield, Md. Balllniorg mall tralaa, mtetni. he also heard what he supposed to be Hulett, ofMt Vernon, Illinois, an ex­ States, of which Louisiana is one, are Will Cut. Mmko 'and rupalr »iJU. Manufactv* B.B.F1TT8, . ception, and we hand her a step further drifting inevitably into either repudiation n«bln(B, T«DU, 8*cki*n-bi»ttr»nl«« of C11ANQEOF 80HEDULB. hog's wife called out to him, "I'm here al­ lor and brenk up the courting match, be the eternal fitness of things her first rrAblllty to itlraou, If any otht'r WITW nccOAI putrunoKi' be hobeito, he went to his room. After prcparin) of Mount Calvcry where Christ was cruci­ KiTbrd. If MJMlt>10( lncn'a*cur«. Csplalos aud owuun ol rim*tU, larguorimalt. osrt te ateet hlsa, for, as every one knows, himself for bed it occurred to him that he up Mitt* Hulett took her scat at the trial ta­ fied. Tbo Oriental Topographical Corps, Vuuld do well to Kh « litui a trial On arid a»t«r Monday. May 1Mb, J873, J. the hedgehog's wife looks like her bus- might quietly slip down stairs, and by ble, calm an a May morning, laid imiilo sent out from England to study the IIl§rbeflt prlcr* paitl for uld §»!) , or taken In ei- (Sundays Kzceptcd) Iraius will ruu aa standing upon the newel post of the stair her hat, to which a gallant and trembling topography of Itiblo lands, think they or nev ou««. Oct. 'W-tf. follow*: Terl way railing he would just peep over the April ll Hat the bare thought: There's some- bailiff had utterly failed to object, and Imvo at lost found tho spot so hallowed to "joiiN urro. JOHN DUTZ. TRAINS MOVING MOUTH. I wtOM about this t Another race t transom of the porlor door and see what niudo her statement short nnd to thu point Christians, in tho hill on the aide of name, money and was going on within the parlor. It wan and over in ten minuten. Then tho butch­ DiimtiHciis gate, near the north wall of No. I. Nov 2. t again I Aad away be went away late at night, the rest of the bonrders had Jerusalem. Tbo profile of this hill U OTTO Leave CrlaAvld 73UA.M. MMA.M. to AAtttra). wind, ao tbat bis ears lay flat er, through a legal friend, told hi* title. " llupewtll, 745 11M ihbkMd. Bat tbe hedgehog's wife retired to real, and he had no fears of be­ Mi** Hulett cloned. Slio went for the skull-shaped, and this peculiarity ¥AN«FACTUUK118 OF " Marlou, euo ing seen. butcher. Hhc held him" up (o the acorn strengthens tho sup|>ositlon that it is rcaf- " klngaton, * I* 0ajra4«iietl/li>ber place. When the At least such was his argument, and it Iv the HCCIIC of tho crucifixion, which Is " W»atov«r, IIM MWttMw to tb* upper end the hedgehog of mankind. 8lio drew a picture of the "MewtowuJiinctolu 8M il:MM P.It. Mlteiaattoblaa, "I'm here already." was not mai.y seconds thereafter before butcher big, strong, luitly, a being in tbu ddu:rihed in tho Iliblv as a "place called AMD WHOLESALE DKALER8 IN " I'll IN 1-8 ANNE, « 19 he was standing upon the newel |rJii-l ifcaaU, 'Tin here already I" in tho parlor to ru*h into thu hull, ju«t in WOK with tho young lady advocntc. kRNINSULAR UUUSK, " Korktowu, 7 IS .05 B*t the four and seventieth time the time to see Clmrluy attempt the dillicult tho intended bride, "I bad intended llan- Edeu, 713 S|5 feat of trying to conceal nearly six feet of nnb for myself." IIin reason was not con­ Lorwlto, 740 StS hiM mmtt no aaore te tbe end. lu tho jlpnche ConrUkip. UAIM STBRKT,—SALISRCKY, Mo, " 1'KINC'MANNK, »OU 145 tphMUof tbefteUba tell to tbe earth thiuly-cliul uumanity With a shirt lomt sidered suiHcient. "Ncwlown Junction H IA *55 than throe fe«t in length. , 4 IS Mri lay dead «po» the spot. Even tliwe copper-colored cut-tbroata, J. TBACY, Proprietor. " KlngtUin, too 4SS ^ dka iMefaaW took tb* louis d'or and Tho young lady utturud a piercing shriek, trio Apache Indians, have a touch of del- \|Mont Northern" is suggested as n name, " Marion, » 15 4S5 ran bock iuto the parlor and fainted. for tho child bom to tho wifo of Hant " lloiwwrll, « US 4SD ibAikfbraiidy be bad won, called iuicy and romance in them. From a lec­ For Sale. ArrUo Crbtteld, a* / the furrow*, aad both went Char If y then sped up tho «Uir» and at ture delivered in Ban Francisco by Col. CrUtian, the Knqulmatix, one of the Po- tit • «e vauh landing encountered malu and fc- InrJK survivors, on the floating ice-field, No. 1. will take all tlerriM for New York la VuU attMTi aad if they have not died John C. Oarmany, the following account One Ray Mare, C>rt uid ll.rnm Aluionelir car lu«l. lint arc rvwJ/ un .rrlril ut Train. And M*t*UU, So happened It that tnalo boanlurs, who had boon awakened of their courting ctutomsis taken : one hundred miles further north Jjjjnn BBriagWVagon »uiuble fur una ur two burwri. will alw take all rvaaTii«.> OrricK. Hall Hoad and 1-ullxlrluhla, whea extra trala U young lady in tho parlor. In the morn­ "Every young girl is at liberty to re­ not running. , and since that time uo fuse a nuiUir for her baud. Tho father, TOADVII¥ He. J. wtlluk. BerrlM for both_ Hew York I of running a race ing Char try failed to put In an appear* An old gentleman named John Smith Philadelphia nud will alao do all Loeal worki whaa aoco at tho breakfast table, and at noon mother and brother are prohibited from extra Train U not ruuuln g. ho caused hi* baggage to bo mured to an­ Interfering in bur choice. Her person is has got married, lie says be doesn't A.ttorney at Law, Bhlpiiere' ire are reunlnd to hava all Berrtee eat st U, flrat,«liat at her own disposal. After a brief court­ want the name to become extinct. other_._.. rrvlghU..»lMl at the Htatloaa 49 mlnuUa before sr high aad nighty be may ship the lover makes a formal proposal SALISBURY, MD. leavlag tfine ef Iralna have all shams* it haen to hist by offering ao many horses. Horses are AD Irishman aad a Yankw met at a OOeefour doors from the PENINSULAR MI bumble mao.even • r*. Ulauk Invuloea will be furoUhod bv Ai ajawt d*er eotMthlitf out of place. We a standard of value among the Indians. Uvem.snd there was but one bed for them. "*"•' HOUSE. 8hl»p.ra will he Bartklar aa>4 hav. UeS a«V ; a«d secondly, that iueti at baariof a geutleaiaii As the squaw docs all tbe work, hones BBMMnd. hafgre tj-l>»l '- ••••-'— » On retiring, tbe Yankee aaid he did uot AAADaU.n|k>r lit elaw Plaaea-imt « was a bacnVlor, u was, are accepted aw uu equivalent for her la­ cam which aide of the bed betook. "Then," «WW trial eFagaali. Addrou U,B Plan* (X Baober ot Htaltoaa la 01 him. ir, «V4 Vrocd.w.y, Hew Kurk. turaed wit dkpakk. aaid 1'ut, "you may take tho under side." W. TIIOM80N, Sup't