LESSON 2 – THE BOOK OF MINI-STUDY Judith Reprimands Israel and Devises a Plan DAY 1 – JUDITH 6:1-21 1. What did you find new or interesting from the lecture?

2. a. Despite Achior’s counsel, what did decide to do?

b. How has the world declared war on God today?

3. a. According to verse 3, where did Holofernes place his hope to defeat the Israelites?

b. Apply Psalm 20:7-10 to the situation.

c. Upon what do you think adversaries of the Lord rely today?

d. How do you think they will be defeated?

4. What is the irony of Holofernes’ statement to Achior, “you shall not see my face after today?” (See Jdt 14:6)

5. How did the Israelites’ reaction to Achior’s account show their faith in God?

DAY 2 – JUDITH 7:1-32 6. a. What strategy to defeat the Israelites did the leaders of the army propose to Holofernes?

b. According to verse 15, why were they punishing the Israelites?

c. What happened to other nations who met Holofernes peaceably (chapter 3)?

7. a. What physical and spiritual effects did the Israelites suffer as a result of the siege?

b. Read Exodus 17:1-7. How were they acting in a similar way to their ancestors?

c. What provision from the Lord had they forgotten?

d. What memory of the Lord’s provision for you in the past can help you in a current situation? (Personal)

8. a. What was Uzziah's response to their despair?

b. Share a time when the Lord sent someone to inspire courage in you. (Personal)

DAYS 3 & 4 – JUDITH 8:1-36 9. a. What was Judith’s reputation?

b. Read 1 Timothy 5:9-15. What good works are listed as proof of a widow’s good reputation? And what pitfalls should all widows (all people) be careful to avoid?

c. What is the benefit of a good reputation?

10. What misjudgments about man’s relationship with God did Judith accuse the elders of making? (See also Mt 4:7)

11. a. How does Judith’s advice exemplify abandonment to divine providence? (See CCC 305)

b. What role does free will play in divine providence? (See CCC 307)

c. How does abandonment to divine providence help us? (See CCC 2547)

12. a. Why did Judith think they should be grateful for their trials?

b. Hebrews 12:5-13 fleshes out Judith’s wisdom stated in Judith 8:27. What do you find most helpful for your own life from this Hebrews passage?

13. a. What was Uzziah’s response to Judith’s speech?

b. According to CCC 1806, St. Thomas Aquinas describes prudence as “right reason in action.” How did Judith exhibit prudence?

14. Contrast Uzziah’s expectation from God in verse 31 with Judith’s expectation in verse 33.

DAY 5 – JUDITH 9:1 – 10:23 15. What favors did Judith ask of God?

16. a. How does Judith describe God’s omnipotence (verses 9:5-6)?

b. The only divine attribute named in the Creed is God’s omnipotence. What word is used in the Creed to express this quality and how does CCC 268-269 explain it?

17. a. What are the titles of God Judith uses in verses 11 and 12?

b. In what type of prayer in the Church do we call upon the different titles of God, Jesus or Mary?

18. Along with the spiritual preparation of prayer, what physical preparations did Judith make for her mission?

19. a. Physical beauty is a gift from God. Do you think Judith used her gift of beauty in a moral way?

b. What is God’s purpose for beauty? (See Wis 13:5; CCC 41)

c. What are some noble and ignoble ways of using the gift of beauty?

20. How did God use Judith’s attributes to bring her safely before Holofernes?

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