Unit Two Tourism 第二单元 旅游

1. 对照阅读与译文分析 [14-34] 1) 北海公园 [15] 2) 故宫博物院 [16-23] 3) 八达岭长城 [24-27] 4) 颐和园 [28-29] 5) 香山公园 [30-31] 2. 学翻译 [32-33] 1) 北京饭店欢迎您 [32] 2) 我国的森林旅游业 [33] 3. 作业 [34]


北海公园 About the Park

北海公园位于北京市的中心,是我园现 located in central , 存最悠久、保存最完整的皇家园林之一,距 今已有近千年的历史。 is one of the oldest and most authentically 北海园林的开发始于辽代,金代又在辽 perserved imperial gardens in . It has 代初创的基础上于大定十九年(1179 年)建 成规模宏伟的太宁宫。太宁宫沿袭我国皇家 a history of 1000 years. 园林“一池三山”的规制,并将北宋汴京艮 Beihai has existed throughout the 岳御园中的太湖石移置于琼华岛上。至元四 年( 1267 年),元世祖忽必烈以太宁宫琼华岛 Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. 为中心营建大都,琼华岛及其所在的湖泊被 Most of the buildings now standing were 划入皇城,赐名万寿山、太液池。永乐十八 年(1420 年)明朝正式迁都北京,万寿山、 constructed during Emperor Qianlong's 太液池成为紫禁城西面的御苑,称西苑。明 regin in the (1644-1911 代向南开拓水面,形成三海的格局。清朝承 袭明代的西苑,乾隆时期对北海进行大规模 A.D.). 的改建,奠定了此后的规模和格局。 Beihai was opened to the public in 辛亥革命后,1925 年北海辟为公园对外 开放。1949 年新中国成立后,党和政府对北 1925 and in 1961 it was one of the first 海公园的保护极为重视,拨巨资予以修葺, important cultural sites placed under 1961 年被国务院公布为第一批全园重点文物 保护单位。 protection by the State Council. The park 北海是中国历史园林的艺术杰作。全园 occupies an area of 69 hectares including a 占地 69 公顷(其中水面 39 公顷),主要由琼 华岛、东岸、北岸景区组成。琼华岛上树木 39-hectare lake. In the garden, pavilions 苍郁,殿宇栉比,亭台楼阁,错落有致,白 塔耸立山巅,成为公园的标志,环湖垂柳掩 and towers nestle amid the beautiful

映着濠濮间、画舫斋、静心斋、天王殿、快 scenery of lakes and hills,grass and trees. 雪堂、九龙壁、五龙亭、小西天等众多著名 景点,北海园林博采众长,有北方园林的宏 Carrying on the traditions of garden 阔气势和江南私家园林婉约多姿的风韵,并 landscaping of ancient China Beihai is a 蓄帝王宫苑的富丽堂皇及宗教寺院的庄严肃 穆,气象万千而又浑然一体,是中国园林艺 gem of garden art. 术的瑰宝。

http://www.beihaipark.com.cn/about/index.htm http://www.beihaipark.com.cn/en/about/ index.htm




于北京市中心,前通天安门,后倚景山,东近王府井街市,西临中南海。1961 年,经国务

院批准,故宫被定为全国第一批重点文物保护单位。1987 年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列




至明永乐十八年(1420 年)落成。1911 年,辛亥革命推翻了中国最后的封建帝制--清王朝,

1924 年逊帝溥仪被逐出宫禁。在这前后五百余年中,共有 24 位皇帝曾在这里生活居住和对


紫禁城,四面环有高 10m 的城墙和宽 52m 的护城河。城南北长 961m,东西宽 753m,

占地面积达 780,000 ㎡。城墙四面各设城门一座,其中南面的午门和北面的神武门现专供参






常政务的地方,称为“后寝”。前后两部分宫殿建筑总面积达 163,000 ㎡。整组宫殿建筑布



16 The : A General Survey

The Palace Museum, historically and artistically one of the most comprehensive in China, was established on the foundation of a palace of two dynasties, the Ming and the Qing, and their collection of treasures. Designated by the State Council as being among China’s foremost protected monuments in 1961, the Palace Museum was also named as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached through ; immediately behind it is Prospect Hill, while on the east and west are Wangfujing and . It is a location endowed with cosmic significance by ancient China’s astronomers. Correlating the emperor’s abode, which they considered the pivot of the terrestrial world, with the Pole Star (Ziweiyuan), which they believed to be at the centre of the heavens, they called the palace Zijincheng. Zijincheng was built in 1420 by the third Ming emperor Yongle who, upon usurping the throne, had decided to move his capital north to Beijing. In 1911 the last feudal dynasty, the Qing, fell to the republican revolutionaries. The last emperor, Puyi, continued to live in the palace after his abdication until expelled in 1924. Twenty-four emperors lived and ruled from this palace during this 500-year span. The is surrounded by 10-metre high walls and a 52-metre wide moat. Measuring 961 metres from north to south and 753 metres from east to west, it covers an area of 720,000 square metres. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valour on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today. Once inside, visitors will see the layers of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis. It is a magnificent sight, the buildings’ glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams, all contributing to the sumptuous effect. Known as the Outer Court, the southern portion of the Forbidden City centres on the halls of Supreme Harmony, Central Harmony and Preserving Harmony. These are flanked by the halls of Literary Glory and Military Eminence. It was here that the emperor held court and conducted his grand audiences. Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court at the northern end of the Forbidden City, with the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union and the Palace of Earthly Tranquillity straddling the central axis, surrounded by the Six Palaces of the East and West and the Imperial Garden to the north. Other major buildings include the halls for Worshipping Ancestors and of Imperial Splendour on the east, and the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Pavilion of the Rain of Flowers and the Palace of Benevolent Tranquillity on the west. These contain not only the residences of the emperor and his empress, consorts and concubines but also the venues for religious rites and administrative activities. In total, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163,000 square metres. These were laid out very precisely in accordance with a feudal code of architectural hierarchy which designated specific features for reflecting the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or even dared to come within close proximity of these buildings.

17 辛亥革命后,这座宫殿本应全部收归国有,但按照那时拟定的《清室优待条件》,逊帝


京(沈阳)故宫的文物移至故宫的“前朝”部分,于 1914 年成立了“古物陈列所”。溥仪居


量文物,引起了社会各界的严重关注。1924 年,冯玉祥发动“北京政变”,将溥仪逐出宫禁,


于 1925 年 10 月 10 日在乾清门前广场举行了盛大的建院典礼,并通电全国,宣布故宫博物



经初步清点,清代宫廷遗留下来的文物,据 1925 年公开出版的二十八册《清室善后委









物避敌南迁之策。从 1933 年 2 月至 5 月,宫内重要文物被装成 13,427 箱又 64 包,分五批




1947 年运回南京。在中国人民解放军即将渡江之际,自 1948 年底至 1949 年初,南京国民

党政府从南京库房中挑选出 2,972 箱文物运往台湾,后于台北市士林外双溪建立新馆,公开

对外展出。余下的大批文物,在 1949 年以后陆续运回故宫博物院一万余箱,但至今还有 2,221


18 After the republican revolution, this Palace as a whole would have been sequestered by the Nationalist government were it not for the “Articles of Favourable Treatment of the Qing House” which allowed Puyi to live on in the Inner Court after his abdication. Meanwhile, all the imperial treasures from palaces in Rehe (today’s Chengde) and Mukden (today’s Shenyang) were moved to the Forbidden City for public display in an Antiquities Museum established at the Outer Court in 1914. While confined to the Inner Court, Puyi continuously used such vestiges of influence as still remained to plot his own restoration. He also systematically stole or pawned a huge number of cultural relics under the pretext of granting them as rewards to his courtiers and minions or taking them out for repair. In 1924, during a coup launched by the warlord Feng Yuxiang, Puyi was expelled from the Forbidden City and the management of the palace fell to the charge of a committee set up to deal with the concerns of the deposed imperial family. The committee began a sorting and counting of the imperial treasures. A year of intense preparations later, its members arranged a grand ceremony on 10 October 1925 in front of the Palace of Heavenly Purity to mark the inception of the Palace Museum. News of the opening flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill. According to a 28-volume inventory published in 1925, the treasure trove left by the Qing numbered more than 1,170,000 items including sacrificial vessels and ancient jade artefacts from the earliest dynasties; paintings and calligraphy from the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties; porcelain from the Song and Yuan; a variety of enamelware and lacquerware; gold and silver ornaments; relics in bamboo, wood, horn and gourd shells; religious statues in gold and bronze; as well as numerous imperial robes and ornaments; textiles; and furniture. In addition, there were countless books, literary works and ancient records. All these were divided into separate collections of antiquities, library materials and historical documents and placed under teams of staff to sort and collate. Exhibition halls were opened to display some of the treasures, while writers and editors worked away at publishing in book or journal form all the new areas of research and academic inquiry that the establishment of the museum had ushered in. The Palace Museum was soon a hive of activity. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, the Japanese, having annexed territory in China’s northeast, proceeded to march on Beijing. With this looming crisis, the museum authorities decided to evacuate its collection rather than let it fall into enemy hands or risk destruction in battle. For four frantic months between February and May 1933, the most important pieces in the collection were packed into 13,427 crates and 64 bundles and sent to Shanghai in five batches. From there they were dispatched to Nanjing where a depository was built and a branch of the Palace Museum established. On 7 July 1937 shots fired around Marco Polo Bridge west of Beijing heralded the eruption of the Sino-Japanese War. Within a year, the Japanese had penetrated to most of eastern China. Now the treasures stored in Nanjing had to be moved again, this time by three routes to Sichuan, where they were secreted in three locations, Baxian, Emei and Leshan. Only at the end of the war were they consolidated in Chongqing, whence they were returned to Nanjing in 1947. By then the Nationalists were considerably weakened, and with the imminent takeover by the Communist armies of areas south of the Yangtze, they began their retreat to Taiwan. Between the end of 1948 and the dawn of 1949, the Nationalists picked relics to fill 2,972 crates for shipping across the Strait. A rival Palace Museum was set up in Taipei to display these antiquities. Most of what were left were gradually returned to Beijing, although to this day 2,221 crates remain in safe-keeping in the store in Nanjing.

19 在这场长达十余年的惨烈的战争期间,由于故宫博物院的工作人员不畏艰难险阻,尽职





通河道,清理垃圾。50 年代初,从宫内清除出去的上百年的垃圾竟达 250,000 立方米,自此






















新库房恒温、恒湿,防火、防盗,并采用现代化技术自动控制,可保文物安全无虞。自 1950

年开始,组建了文物修复工厂,1980 年扩建为文物保护科学技术部,继承、利用传统工艺



20 During this tumultuous decade of war and revolution, not one item of the treasures was lost or damaged even though the sheer volume involved was so enormous. This was largely due to the dedicated energy of the Palace Museum staff, whose achievement in preserving these treasures was nothing short of heroic. But it was also as a result of this long period of upheaval that the treasures have been dispersed. Yet the rationale for keeping the collection together, representative as it is of the motherland’s traditional culture, seems so incontestable that most people believe the treasures will be re-united one day. In the early 1950s, shortly after the establishment of the People’s Republic, the Palace Museum staff worked with a new will and enthusiasm to return the Forbidden City to its former glory. Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more. All the tall buildings were equipped with lightning conductors, while modern systems of fire protection and security were installed. It has been a priority with the People’s Government, particularly since the beginning of the reform era in the early 1980s, to keep the surrounding moat dredged and clean. As for the collection of antiquities, a systematic inventory was completed during the 1950s and 1960s, redressing the legacy of inaccurate cataloguing of former times. The collection was moreover augmented, for example by the salvage of a number of precious artefacts from a jumble of apparently worthless objects. After more than a decade of painstaking effort, some 710,000 relics from the Qing palace were retrieved. At the same time, through national allocations, requisitions and private donations, more than 220,000 additional pieces of cultural significance were added, making up for such omissions from the original Qing collection as coloured earthenware from the Stone Age, bronzes and jades from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, pottery tomb figurines from the Han Dynasty, stone sculpture from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and tri-colour glazed pottery from the Tang Dynasty. The ancient paintings, scrolls and calligraphy added to the collection were particularly spectacular. These included, from the Jin Dynasty, Lu Ji’s “Ping fu tie”, Wang Xun’s “Bo yuan tie” and Gu Kai Zhi’s “Luo shen fu tu juan”; from the Sui Dynasty, Zhan Zi Qian’s “You chun tu juan”; from the Tang Dynasty, Han Huang’s “Wu niu tu juan”, Du Mu’s “Zhang hao hao shi juan”; from the Five Dynasties, Gu Hong Zhong’s “Han xi zai ye yan tu juan”; from the Song Dynasty, Li Gong Lin’s “Lin wei yan mu fang tu juan”, Guo Xi’s “Ke shi ping yuan tu”, Zhang Ze Duan’s “Qing ming shang he tu juan” and so on-all gems of art without exception. Unremitting though this attempt at recovery has been, however, there have been further exertions in recent years to acquire such works as Zhang Xian’s “Shi yong tu juan” (Song Dynasty), Nai Xian’s “Cheng nan yong gu shi” (Yuan Dynasty), Shen Zhou’s “Fang huang gong wang fu chun shan ju tu juan” (Ming Dynasty), Shi Tao’s “Gao hu yu ke tu” (Qing Dynasty). The first two were in fact spirited out of the palace by Puyi on the excuse of bestowing them on his brother Pu Jie; they fell into the hands of others and are only now returned to their rightful place in the Palace Museum collection. From the 1950s onwards, the museum’s existing storehouses were completely overhauled to provide a damp-proof and insect-proof environment for the treasures. In the 1990s a new storehouse with a capacity for over 600,000 items was built, equipped with controls for maintaining a constant temperature and humidity, as well as safeguards against fire and theft. A workshop was established in the 1950s and extended in the 1980s to encompass a scientific and technological restoration department. These not only carried forward the traditions of craftsmanship, but also drew upon the discoveries of natural science to facilitate the restoration of damaged relics which have numbered as many as 110,000 pieces in the last decade.

21 为了使院藏瑰宝和广大观众见面,在陈列展览方面,除了保存和复原三大殿、后三宫和










近十几年来,故宫博物院平均每年接待中外观众 600-800 万人次,而且,随着旅游事业





院藏珍品文物全集》(共 60 卷,已出版 18 卷)等等,不胜其数。定期刊物有《故宫博物院


从 1997 年起,为了适应故宫博物院深化改革开放的需要,院内组织机构又进行了重大










22 Besides its continuous refurbishment of the main courts and halls, the museum has opened galleries to display bronzes, porcelain, crafts, paintings and calligraphy, jewellery and clocks to expand the scope of its exhibitions. A number of thematic shows have been held in galleries devoted to temporary exhibitions; in recent years these have included such acclaimed ones as “A Comparison of Authentic and Counterfeit Paintings and Calligraphy”, “Genuine and Imitation Examples of Ancient Porcelain and Materials from Ancient Kilns”, “The Art of Packaging in the Qing Court” and “Selections from the Finest Acquisitions of the Last Fifty Years”. Moving exhibitions have also graced various provincial museums and museums abroad. In fact, since the beginning of the economic reform era, an increasing number of exhibitions have been mounted in countries such as Britain, the USA, France, the former Soviet Union, Germany, Austria, Spain, Australia, Japan and Singapore, among others. All of them have aroused great interest and admiration and played a key part in the promotion of international understanding and cultural exchange. Visitor numbers to the site itself has also risen along with the growth of tourism, in the last decade reaching an average of six to eight million a year. General interest is further stimulated by the Palace Museum’s range of publications touching on both the architecture of its buildings and its vast cultural holdings.Published works encompass Famous Historical Paintings in the Palace Museum Collection, Selected Porcelain from the Palace Museum Collection, National Treasures, Palaces of the Forbidden City, Daily Life in the Forbidden City, A Collection of National Treasures, and The Complete Palace Museum Collection (in 60 volumes, of which 18 have been published so far). There are also two periodicals, The Palace Museum and The Forbidden City. Moving with the times, the Palace Museum’s internal administration has been significantly reorganised since 1997. Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department; and the exhibition, promotion and education department. With substantial investment, the latest technology was deployed by the newly established resources and information centre to set up the Palace Museum website. The website you are now browsing enables all, even those in distant lands, to enjoy a sightseeing tour of this mysterious palace and feast their eyes on its splendid treasures. The creation of a technologically state-of-the-art virtual Imperial Palace is no longer just a dream. By Yang Xin http://www.dpm.org.cn/english/default.asp

23 八达岭

八达岭位于北京西北 60 公里处,东经 116°65’,北纬 40°25’,是峰峦叠嶂的军都山中的 一个山口。明代《长安客话》说,“路从此分,四通八达,故名八达岭,是关山最高者”。 八达岭这名,最早见于金代诗人刘迎的长诗《晚到八达岭下,达旦乃上》和《出八达岭》。 元代,这里称“北口”,是与南口相对而言。南口在北京北郊昌平县境内,从南口到北口, 中间是一条 40 里长的峡谷,峡谷中有万里长城的著名关口“居庸关”,这条峡谷因此得名叫 “关沟”。八达岭高踞关沟北端最高处。这里,两峰夹峙,一道中开,居高临下,形势极其 险要。自八达岭下视居庸关,如建瓴,如窥井。“古人有居庸之险,不在关城,而在八达岭” 之说。八达岭山口的特殊地形,成为历代兵家必争之地,一向驻以重兵把守。八达岭成为军 事战略要地,可追溯到春秋战国。据《史记》记载和近年来文物工作者普查,都证明八达岭 一带在战国时期筑有长城,而今仍见残墙、墩台遗存,其走向,与今明长城大体一致汉习记 载:曾设军都、居庸两座关城。北魏《水经注》说:“居庸关在居庸界,故关名也,南则绝 谷,垒石为关址,崇墉峻壁,非轻功可举……其水历山南,迳军都界……,”因此,有专家 认为汉置居庸关,关址在八达岭。“居庸”之名从何而来?是秦始皇筑长城,从南迁徙一批 贫苦农民和囚徒,到军都山妫川小盆地定居,称为庸徒居处。汉武帝时,将妫川置居庸县(仿 延庆)。《水经注》所记载的关址地形地貌和山水流势,与八达岭的地理环境相同。 一千五百年前的北魏,曾在八达岭一带修筑长城。据《魏书世祖本纪》记载,北魏拓跋 氏太平真君七年(446 年),在国都平城(今大同)以北,修筑长城,名叫“畿上塞围”,东 起上谷军都山(即八达岭一带),西至黄河岸。后来到北齐王朝天保六年(555 年),又修筑 长城,西起大同,经军都山东去,把长城延长到了海边。 八达岭长城在明朝重新修筑。 明太祖朱元璋深知城墙在军事上的重要,当了皇帝后,即“高筑墙”,设防备战,其时 各州府县,也纷纷兴筑城池。朱元璋派大将军徐达、冯胜等率军在北方筑关制塞,修筑长城, 加紧练兵屯田,以防元残余势力南侵。 1403 年,明王朝第三位皇帝明成祖朱棣即位。1420 年,他把都城从南京迁到北京。朱 棣决心统一中国,先后五次御驾亲征,大军深入蒙古高原,最远到达现在苏联境内的鄂嫩河 附近。(1488 年以后),才开始进行浩大而全面的修筑长城工程。经过 270 年的漫长岁月, 先后共有 18 次大规模的修筑工程终于建成一道高墙,东起辽宁省的鸭绿江边,西止于甘肃 省嘉峪关以西的布隆吉,这便是我们通常说的现在还能看到的万里长城。明长城全长 14600 多华里,经过我国北方七个省、市、自治区。无论从工程技术水平和设防的严密程度,都是 以前的长城无法比拟的。在此意义上,可以这样说:我们今天看到的万里长城,始建于春秋 战国,连结于秦始皇时期,完善于明王朝。

24 The History of Badaling Great Wall

The Badaling Great Wall locates the northwest of the Beijing, its position is longitude 116 degrees 65 cents east and latitude 40 degrees 25 cents north, it’s a pass of Jundu mountain. It extends in all directions which is the reason it be called Badaling. The name of Badaling, can be read in the oldest poem “Visit Badaling in the Night” that wrote by Jin dynasty poet LiuYing and “Come out Badaling”. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was called as “North mountain pass”, which is comparative to the “South mountain pass”. The South mountain pass locates in the Changping county, between them is a gorge which extends 20 kilomitres and be called “Juyong Gate”, this gorge is called “GuanGou”. The Badaling Great Wall locates on the ridge of the northern part of the GuanGou. Here, Two peaks face to face, there is a alley between them two, it’s a very strategic place. Look down the JuYong Gate from the Badaling, it looks like a well. The ancients said “The risk of The JuYong Gate is not the Guan city, but the Badaling”. Because of the importance of the Badaling, it has being the place that the military fight against for. The Badaling became the martial strongpoint from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. According to the “Shi Ji” and the work of the archaeologists, we can prove that there is The Great Wall in the Warring States Period in the Badaling. It also consistent with what we can see today. The “Shui Jing Zhu” of North Wei records: “JuYong Gate locates in the JuYong place, there a vertical gorge in the south of it ……” So, the experts Badaling is just the Guan Zhi. The name of “JuYong” comes from a story, Long time ago, the Qin Shi Huang force a group of farmers build The Great Wall, and these farmers dwelled in a country, later the country was named Ju Yong country by the Han Wu Di. 1500 years ago, North Wei built a strap of Great Wall in the Badaling. According to the “Wei Shu Shi Zhu Ben Ji”, in the 446 year, at Datong, the emperor built the Great Wall whose name is “Sai Wei”, The eastern part be in the Badaling and the western part be in bank of The Yellow River. Since to the 555 year, the Great was extended to the sea. The Badaling Great Wall was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Tai Zhu Zhuyuan Zhang understood the importance of the Great Wall, after his ascending the throng, he repaired or rebuilt the Great Wall. Zhuyuan Zhang commanded the general XuDa and FengSheng lead the army to guard on the Great Wall to guard against the force of the Yuan. 1403 year, the 3th emperor of Ming Dynasty ZhuLi ascent the throng. 1420 year, he move the capital from the Nanjing to Beijing. He decided to unify the whole China. 1488 year, he began the vast project of building the Great Wall. Pass through 270 years, The Great Wall was linked one chain. It begins from the Yalu River and end on the Bulongji in the Ganshu province, that is The Great Wall we now refer to. The Ming Great Wall extends more then 7300 kilomitres, passages 7 provinces, citys and municipalitys. Its level of project and recovery extent are both best with the old Great Wall. Now we can say, The Great Wall was built in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period; linked in the Qin Dynasty; perfected in the Ming Dynasty.

25 明代万里长城,再不是单一的一道高墙,而是修筑成“层层布防”的纵深防御体系,重 点地区还修筑了多道城墙、关隘。宁夏、陕西、山西、河北等地,都修筑了长城复线,山西 设置的长城复线就有四条这多。在重要的交通军事要地,修筑多座关城和多道较短的墙,如 雁门关的十里山谷,有 28 道石墙,可谓“寸土设障,步步为营”。 八达岭是历史上许多重大事件的见证。第一位帝王秦始皇东临碣石之后,从八达岭取道 大同,再驾返咸阳,而肖太后巡幸、元太祖入关、元代皇帝每年两次往返北京和上都之间、 明朝帝王北伐、清代天子亲征……八达岭都是必经之地。到于历代皇亲贵族、文人墨客吟诵 八达岭的诗文更是数不胜数,最早留下诗章的是唐代诗人高适,他诗中写到“绝坡水连下, 群山云共高”。至于在那些民族纷争、金戈铁马的岁月,八达岭上更是上演过一幕幕恢宏的 史剧。而今,旧中国的苦难,两千年的历史诸侯争霸,朝代更迭的往事,都已经成为遥远的 过去。长城十万里,文化五十年,时代赋予了八达岭长城以新的使命。它像一座宝贵的历史 丰碑,矗立在万山之巅,闪烁着中华民族文明和智慧的光彩,也现出中华民族坚韧不屈、百 折不挠的伟大品质和精神。它成为联系我国各族人民、海外侨胞、国际友人的友谊纽带。它 是人类珍贵的文化遗产。 新中国成立后,1952 年,担任国务院副总理兼文化教育委员会主任的郭沫若同志提议 修复八达岭长城,接待国内外游人。 清代以来,八达岭长城已日渐荒废。关城西边“北门锁钥”的城台,残毁过半;东边“居 庸外镇”城墩摇摇欲坠;长城城墙的墙身、宇墙、垛口、墙台、敌楼等已是断壁残垣。国务 院作出修复的决定后,有关部门立即行动,尔后又曾进行多次修缮。 1961 年,国务院确定八达岭关城和城墙为全国重点文物保护单位。1984 年,在邓小平 同志“爱我中华,修我长城”的倡议下,古老雄关更换新颜,先后修复敌楼 19 座,城墙全 长 3741 米,使游览总面积达到 1.9 万平米。1986 年,八达岭被评为新北京十六景之一。1987 年,联合国接受万里长城为“世界文化遗产”。1991 年 8 月,八达岭作为万里长城的精华, 在北京故宫博物馆,接受了联合国教科文组织颁发的人类文化遗产证书。1991 年 12 月,在 珠海举行的中国旅游胜地四十佳评选活动揭晓命名大会上(全国候选景点 94 个,回收有效 选票 48 万张),八达岭因其景点著名,以 37 万张的绝对多票数,成为中国旅游胜地四十佳 之首。 八达岭长城驰名中外,誉满全球。它是万里长城向游人开放最早的地段。“不到长城非 好汉”。迄今。八达岭已接待中外游人一亿三千万,先后有尼克松、里根、撒切尔、戈尔巴 乔夫、伊丽莎白、希思等 372 位外国首脑和众多的世界风云人物,登上八达岭观光游览。这 种情况,在世界风光名胜景点中,实属罕见。八达岭长城给来访者,留下了深刻的印象和无 穷的回味。 八达岭长城,作为万里长城的精华,正以古老而年轻的雄姿,迎接慕名而至、纷至沓来 的天下游人。登过长城的人,莫不叹为观止。 http://www.badaling.gov.cn/history/history2.htm

26 The Ming Great Wall, is no longer a simple high wall, but a rigorous recovery system. Ningxia, Shanxi, Shangxi, Heibei all have the parts of the Great Wall. Many Guan citys and short walls were built in this important place, for instance Yanmen Gate etc. The Badaling is the testimony of the fatal historical events. The first emperor Qinshihuang came back to Xianyang, Xiao queen mother went on a tour of inspection, Yuantaizhu enter the Chian etc. The poems and articles are without number. The great historical dramas about the disputes between nations are also without number. Now these things have been become the history. Age endow The Great Wall with the new meaning and mission. It is a historical monument, which stands tall and upright in mountains, materialize the Chinese civilization and sapiential. It has become the bridge between us and foreign people. It is the Oriental culture inheritance belongs to the whole human being. After the People’s Republic of China coming into existence, 1952 year, Guomoruo associate premier suggested rehab the Great Wall to welcome the visitor that come from domestic and fremdness. Since the Qing Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall has been becoming deserted. The city towers to west of Guan city had been destroied severity, the body of the city wall, buttress, wall, fight building etc had been destroied severity too. After the State Department decided to repair it, The Great Wall had been rehabilitated several times. 1961 year, the State Department confirmed the Badaling Great Wall was the significant cultural relic unit to be protected in China. 1984 year, Dengxiaoping called people “Loving our China, repairing our Great Wall”. Now The Great Wall is becoming more and more beautiful and gallant. 1986 years, the Great Wall was choosed one scene of the sixteen scenes in Beijing. 1987 year, the U.N. accept it as the “Oriental culture inheritance of the whole world”. 1991 year, 1992 year, etc. The Badaling Great Wall resound in the whole world, it is the first part which open to tourist of the Great Wall. Heretofore. It has welcome tourists more than 130000000. Nixon, Riken, Sarchel, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yilizabor etc, 372 mugwumps visited the Great Wall. The Badaling Great Wall is the soul of the whole Great Wall, it is welcoming the tourist come from the whole world. The man who has visited The Great Wall are all acclaimed as the peak of perfection. http://www.badaling.gov.cn/english/history/history03.htm

27 颐和园简介

颐和园位于北京西北郊,主要由万寿山和昆明湖组成。早在元明时期,这里就以其优美自然 的田园景色成为“壮观神州第一”的著名游览胜地。今之万寿山,元朝名瓮山,传说有一位老人 在山上掘出一装满宝物的石瓮而得名。山前有湖名瓮山泊。公元 1292 年(元朝至元二十九年), 科学家郭守敬开挖通慧河,将昌平及西山一带泉水汇引湖内,注入宫墙,接济漕运,瓮山泊始成 为调济京城用水的蓄水库。由此至明,环湖先后建有多座颇具影响的寺观,其中尤以湖西北岸的 “大承天护圣寺”规模最巨,楼宇恢弘,汉白玉钓台延入湖中,元朝皇帝常至此泛舟游幸,捕鱼 垂钓。 明朝时,瓮山泊改称西湖,“环湖十里,为一郡之胜地”。每年桃红柳绿时,京城百姓扶老携 幼,争往西湖踏青赏春,名曰:“耍西湖景”。时人尚有“西湖十寺”与“西湖十景”之誉。 公元 1749 年(清朝乾隆十四年)冬,乾隆皇帝弘历为其母祝六十寿辰,将湖山按照园林创 意进行了大规模的疏浚与治理,把湖面向东北扩展,重筑东堤,并在湖中模仿杭州西湖苏堤新筑 了一条贯通南北的西堤并使水面一分为三,保留原西湖东岸上的龙神祠,成为一个较大的岛屿。 同时,把挖湖的泥土,按照造园布局的需求堆筑在山上,使山体形象如一只展翅欲飞的大蝙蝠, 衔哺着酷似寿桃状的湖水,寓形隐意,妙趣天成。 公元 1750 年(清朝乾隆十五年),乾隆皇帝弘历改瓮山名万寿山,西湖名昆明湖。经十余年 土木之功,终于建成了清漪园这座以湖光山色蜚声于世的大型皇家园林。 公元 1860 年(清朝咸丰十年),清漪园与圆明园等著名皇家园囿一起被英法联军焚毁。园内 数以万计的文物珍藏皆被抢掠一空。公元 1886 年(清朝光绪十二年),慈禧太后挪用海军经费等 其他银两,在清漪园废墟上重新修建并于 1888 年改园名为颐和园。1900 年,颐和园又遭到英、 美、德、法、俄、日、意、奥八国联军的野蛮抢掠和破坏,1903 年重新修复。 颐和园按其园林布局可分为前山前湖建筑与后山后湖建筑两大部分。全园总面积近三百公 顷,其中水面占四分之三,园内有古建筑三千余间,面积约七万平方米。 颐和园内的建筑结构皆以自然山水为基础,其建筑形式多模拟江南名胜古迹,或肖其意,或 仿其型,因地制宜地创建了众多绚丽恢宏的廊、桥、亭、榭,殿、宇、楼、台。 颐和园的正门为东宫门,它座西朝东,宫门内外南北对称建有值房及六部九卿的朝房。由宫 门进入仁寿门,是以仁寿殿为主的朝政建筑,为清朝帝后驻园期间处理政务的地方。仁寿殿西北 方分别建有慈禧太后看戏用的德和园大戏楼,光绪皇帝及皇后居住的玉澜堂与宜芸馆,再往西数 十米就是慈禧太后的寝殿乐寿堂。 万寿山南麓,金黄色琉璃瓦顶的排云殿建筑群在郁郁葱葱的松柏簇拥下似众星捧月,溢彩流 光。这组金碧辉煌的建筑自湖岸边的云辉玉宇牌楼起,经排云门、二宫门、排云殿、德辉殿、佛 香阁,终至山颠的智慧海,重廊复殿,层叠上升,贯穿青琐,气势磅礴。巍峨高耸的佛香阁八面 三层,踞山面湖,统领全园。其东面山坡上建有转轮藏和巨大的万寿山昆明湖石碑,西侧建筑是 五方阁及闻名中外的宝云阁铜殿。登上佛香阁,凭栏送目,碧波荡漾的昆明湖上,楼船泛绿,百 舸弄波。蜿蜒曲折的西堤犹如一条翠绿的飘带,萦带南北,横绝天汉。堤上六桥,形态互异、婀 娜多姿。浩淼烟波中,宏大的十七孔桥如长虹偃月倒映水面,涵虚堂、藻鉴堂、治镜阁三座水中 岛屿鼎足而立,寓意神话传说中的“海上三仙山”。在湖畔岸边,还建有著名的石舫,惟妙惟肖 的镇水铜牛,赏春观景的知春亭等点景建筑。 万寿山北麓,地势起伏,花木扶疏,道路幽邃,松柏参天。重峦叠嶂上,仿西藏寺庙建造的 四大部洲建筑群层台耸翠,雄伟庄严。山之脚下,清澈的湖水随山型地貌演变为一条舒缓宁静的 河流,顺地势而开合,依山型而宽窄。两岸树木蓊郁,蔽日遮天,画栋雕梁,时隐时现。后溪河 中游,模拟江南水肆建造的万寿买卖街铺面房,鳞次栉比,错落有致。钱庄、当铺招幌临风;茶 楼、酒馆画旗斜矗。若轻摇画舫,徜徉其间,品一杯浓浓的碧螺香茗,听一曲地道的吴歌软语, 真让人顿生姑苏之想。沿河东游,水尽处,闻溪流琮琮,如琴如瑟,是为谐趣园。小园环池而筑, 游廊相连,厅堂楼榭,精致典雅,“一亭一径,足谐奇趣”。 长于鉴赏的乾隆皇帝有诗曰:“何处燕山最畅情,无双风月属昆明”。颐和园集中国历代造园 艺术之精粹,是中国园林艺术史上的里程碑。古往今来,她以其无以伦比的园林艺术魅力倾倒了 无数中外游客,被人们赞誉为“人间天堂”。1998 年 12 月 2 日,颐和园以“世界几大文明之一 的有力象征”的崇高评价荣列《世界遗产名录》,成为世界级的文化瑰宝。 http://www.summerpalace-china.com/c-speak.htm

28 The : The Curator's Remarks

The Summer Palace is an outstanding example of Chinese imperial garden, and a potent symbol of one of the major world civilizations. In December 1998, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO approved to inscribe Beijing's Summer Palace on the World Heritage List.

In mid-18th century, during the prosperous reign of Emperor Qianlong, the stable society and rich national coffers pushed China to the zenith of the country's feudal history in politics, economy, military, science and culture. Against this background, Emperor Qianlong personally presided over the construction of Qingyi Yuan, the Garden of Clear Ripples. Completed 15 years later, the garden epitomized the scientific and cultural development status of China. It was certainly a remarkable cultural construction project. During the 19th century, the Garden of Clear Ripples was destroyed by the fires of two wars. Later, towards the end of that century, Empress Dowager Cixi had it rebuilt under the name Yihe Yuan, the Garden of Good Health and Harmony. The magnificent and colorful imperial garden thus re-emerged. This famous oriental garden crystallizes the essence of Chinese culture. Her important historical and outstanding artistic values will become all the more prominent.

At the end of the 20th century, the principle of "Cultural Construction of the Garden" guides the Summer Palace to explore deeper into the historical and cultural treasures in this picturesque imperial garden. With the purpose of maintaining the original landscape of the Summer Palace while furthering its function as a cultural heritage, we have endeavored to further enrich the exhibition halls, to develop new cultural tourism services, thus eliciting great interest from both

Chinese and foreign tourists. These warm responses have taught us that "the Cultural Construction of the garden" is in line with people's needs and shall be the strategic direction for the future of the

Summer Palace. It will become a classical garden that boasts a profound culture and at the same time provides first-rate services to better suit the needs of modern life.

Counting from the time when the Garden of Clear Ripples was first built, 250 years has passed.

The Summer Palace is a witness of the prosperity and decline, honor and disgrace of the Chinese nation. With the advent of the new century, we believe that the Summer Palace will become more splendid as China progresses and grows stronger.


29 香山公园

香山公园位于北京西北郊小西山山脉东麓,距城 20 公里,占地 160 公顷,是一座著名


香山公园始建于金大定二十六年(1186 年),距今已有 800 多年历史。元、明、清都在



国联军的焚掠。1956 年开辟为人民公园,经过近半个世纪的建设,现已成为中外闻名的北







香山公园地势崛峻,峰峦叠翠,泉沛林茂。主峰香炉峰(俗称鬼见愁)海拔 557 米。园

内各类树木 26 万余株,仅古树名木就达 5800 多株,约占北京城区的四分之一,森林覆盖率

高达 98%,近年被有关部门测定为北京负氧离子最高的地区之一。公园内人与自然和谐相


尤其是深秋时节,10 万株黄栌如火如荼,气势磅礴,曾被评为“北京新十六景”之一。

香山公园旅游服务设施齐全。游,可乘大型吊椅式游览索道(全长 1400 米,落差 431






30 The Park

The Fragrant Hills Park, about 30 kilometres northwest of Beijing, is one of the most favourite resorts in the city’s outskirts. As the most beautiful sight in autumn Beijing, the park has won its fame all over the world with its maple leaves. The park has a long history of over 800 years. In 1186, in the Jin Dynasty, the Fragrant Hills Temple was built, and later during the Yuan and Ming dynasties several constructions were added to it. During the reign of Qianlong in the Qing period, it was extended to a larger royal garden and given the beautiful name “Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure”. In the 10th year of the Qianlong Era of the Qing Dynasty, Jingyi Garden was set up here which consists of 28 scenic sports and was known as the famous “three hills and five parks” in the suburbs of the city. But the park was looted and burned down by the Eight-Allied Invasion Powers in the early 20th century. In 1956 the Garden first opened to the public. After nearly half a century’s construction, the park has been successfully restored its elegance and beauty. It is now worldwide noted as one of the 10 best parks in Beijing. There is plenty to see in the park. Some well-noted spots include: Zhaomiao (Bright Temple), which was built in 1780 as a residence for the Sixth Panchen Lama. Right behind the Temple is a seven-storey, glazed-tile octagonal pagoda. Bronze bells hanging from the eaves tinkle in breeze. Next to it lies the Studio of Viewing Heart and Spectacles Lake. A small bridge over the lake divides the lake into two parts, resembling a pair of glasses, hence the name. To the south part, you may see Baisongting (The Lacebark Pine Pavilion), the Jade Flower Villa, the Ruins of Xiangshan (Fragrant Hills), Xianglufeng (Incense Burner Peak), Shuangqing Villa—a temporary residence of central leaders before they moved to Zhongnanhai, and Diamond Throne Pagoda (Jinggang Baozuo Ta), an ever resting place of Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Chinese Republic. Fragrant Hills are densily covered by ancient trees. Thus, spring arrives late in the area and summer days are always pleasantly cool. The main peak of Xiangshan Park, Worried Ghost Peak had an elevation of 557 meters. Clouds and mist often engulf its precipitously angled cliffs, which give the two large stone excrescences of the peak a resemblance to incense burners. Nearly 260,000 trees were planted in the park, over 5,800 were years-growing trees, taking account 1/4 of the total number of ancient trees in Beijing. The green coverage is approximated to 98%. According to the report from the local meteorologic bureau, the park is one of those places where the concentration of negative oxyanion was the highest. The Fragrant Hills boasts of its beautiful landscape and tourists through out the four seasons. The most beautiful sight here is the maple leaves. They grow on the smoke trees and turn red after frosts in late autumn. Then all the hills are attired in these maple leaves which seem to reach the rosy clouds in the sky. There are also groves of apricots, pears, peaches and lilacs adding their fragrance, and the more solemn evergreens, whose contribution to the local beauty is unrestricted by seasonal changes. The park was selected one of the 16 most beautiful scenaries in New Beijing. Tourists can take either a Cable Car or Chairlift to the summit (Incense Burner Peak). Also Fragrant Hills Hotel in the park offering Standard Accommodations and Food. Other scenic spots, like Summer Palace, Beijing Plant Garden and the Temple of the Sleeping Buddha (Wo Fo Si) are all within walking distance. http://www.bj-xiangshan.com.cn/doce/gyjs.htm

31 北京饭店欢迎您


你们好! 首先我们代表北京饭店的全体员工对你们以往给予我们的帮助和支持表示衷心地感谢! 新的一年我们在竭诚为各届朋友服务的经营原则下, 又推出了一系列的服务措施:

一、实行公司协议价格 凡通过贵公司预订的房间, 均可享受门市价八折优惠(自双方签订协议之日起执行)

二、生日祝福 凡在我店下榻期间适逢生日的宾客, 都会收到我们总经理为您献上的精美的生日礼物 和美好的祝福。

三、VIP 客人服务 对于公司的重点客人和曾多次下榻我店的客人, 我们将优先安排 VIP 楼层, 献上鲜花和 水果。

四、VIP 客人追踪服务 公司的贵宾和我们的老客户都会在其生日的那天, 接收到我们来自远方的真诚的祝福。

五、中国名酒店俱乐部会员服务 在遍及国内外二十一城市和地区, 中国名酒店俱乐部已拥有会员酒店二十一家, 对于公 司的贵宾, 我店将赠与 VIP 俱乐部会员卡。凭此卡您可在俱乐部会员酒店享受优惠待遇。 尊敬的宾客, 我们恭候着您的客人的光临, 我们将提供给您的客人以热情、周到的服务。

北京饭店销售部 联系人: 张三 电话: 65137304 传真: 65137703

32 我国的森林旅游业

以森林为主要景观的森林旅游业是本世纪 60 年代以来世界各国为有效保护森林, 改善 人类生活环境而兴起的一项独具特色的旅游事业。随着人类文明的进步和生态意识的提高, 崇尚自然、回归自然已成为当代人们越来越强烈的愿望和追求。据联合国有关专家预测, 到 本世纪末, 世界旅游总人数可望达到 30 亿人次, 其中有一半人要到森林中去。森林旅游已成 为当今世界旅游的一大热点, 发展潜力巨大。 森林旅游是指在林区依托森林风景资源发生的以旅游为主要目的的多种形式的野游活 动, 无论这种野游是直接利用森林还是间接利用森林, 都属于森林旅游的范畴。森林旅游是 旅游者对优美的森林生态环境的享受, 是对孕育人类文明的大自然的回归, 更是生活在现代 文明社会中人们对山林野趣的寻觅。它具有放松、猎奇、求知、求新、健身、陶冶情操和激

发艺术创作灵感的多种功能, 具有较强的自然性、真实性、科普性和参与性。 建立森林公园, 开发森林风景资源, 发展森林旅游事业是我们林业部门转变观念、深化 改革、利用自身资源向社会提供高质量的旅游环境而进行的立体开发、综合利用的优势项目, 是发展生态经济型林业的一项重要举措, 也是全面发挥森林多种效益的一项系统工程。发展 森林旅游事业, 顺应了时代潮流, 迎合了人们物质文化生活的需要。因此, 森林旅游业更具 广阔的发展前景。

33 Exercises

Translate the following extracts into English: 1) 北海公园 北海公园原是辽、金、元、明、清历代封建帝王的“御花园”。总面积共有 68.2 公顷。 公园的中心——琼岛,周长 1,913 米,高 32.8 米,是 1179 年(金代)用挖海的泥土堆成的。 岛上白塔建于 1651 年,塔高 35.9 米。 琼岛东北部有“琼岛春阴”碑,为 1751 年建立,附近风光秀丽,过去是燕京八景之一。 海北岸有“五龙亭”,建 于 1602 年,是封建皇帝钓鱼和看焰火的地方;“九龙壁”,建 于 1756 年,全壁用五彩琉璃瓦砌成,两面各有蟠龙九条,姿态生动,反映了我国劳动人民的创造才 能;“铁影壁”,是元代文物。

2) 天坛公园 天坛是明、清两代皇帝“祭天祈谷”的地方,建于 1420 年,占地面积 273 公顷。主要 建筑有祈年殿、圜丘、皇穹宇。 祈年殿建于 1420 年,1545 年改建为一座镏金宝顶的三重檐圆殿,1890 年重修,1971 年又进行了修整。祈年殿是皇帝祈谷的地方,殿高 38 米(包括 6 米高石座),直径 30 米,砖 木结构,中间没有横梁。 皇穹宇建于 1530 年,著名的“回音壁”、“三音石”就在这里。 圜丘建于 1530 年,是皇帝冬至“祭天”和夏季“祈雨”的地方。圜丘是镶有汉白玉石 栏杆的三层石台,站在台面中心说话,声音显得格外宏亮。