Institut Lady Davis de recherches médicales | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES Tania Watts, Ph.D. Professor Department of Sanofi Pasteur Chair in Human Immunology Director, Toronto Human Immunology Network: A FOCIS Center of Excellence TNFR superfamily member GITR and signal 4: a post-priming check-point for accumulation

Tuesday, April 30, 2019 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm LDI BLOOMFIELD LECTURE HALL, F-4 (Ground Floor) 3999, Chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine (Corner of Légaré) Montréal, Québec H3T 1E2 CANADA (Conférence en anglais seulement)

I received my B.Sc. and Ph.D. (with William Paranchych) in from the University of Alberta. As a post-doctoral fellow with Harden McConnell at Stanford University, I developed MHC II-containing membranes to study MHC-peptide-T cell interactions (Watts et al. PNAS 1984, Watts et al. Nature 1986). In 1986, I joined the Department of Immunology, University of Toronto, where I developed an interest in T cell costimulation. In 1997, my group showed that the TNF family member 4-1BBL provided a CD28-independent costimulatory signal to T cells. My current focus is the role of TNF family members, their ligands and signaling adaptors in and cell survival and in protective immunity to viral . I am currently Professor of Immunology, Sanofi Pasteur Chair in Human Immunology and Director of the Faculty of Medicine facility at U of T. I am founding Director of the Toronto Human Immunology Network, a Federation of Clinical Immunological societies Centre of excellence. I am a past President of the Canadian Society for Immunology (CSI) and recipient of the CSI Cinader and Reynolds awards. I have mentored 29 graduate students, 16 post-doctoral fellows, 30 undergraduates and served on advisory committees of >100 students. My research is currently funded by CIHR.

Host: Dr. Alexandre Orthwein (514) 340-8222 x24252 / e-mail: [email protected]