NORTHYORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL (PROHIBITIONOFHEAVY COMMERCIAL VEHICLES) (VARIOUSROADS, AREA) ORDER2017 NOTICE is hereby given that NorthYorkshire County Councilproposes to make an Orderunder Sections1(1), 2(1), 2(2), 2(4) and3(2) of theRoad TrafficRegulationAct 1984, theeffect of whichwill be to prohibitany heavy commercial vehiclefrom proceeding alongany road or lengthofroad specified in thefollowing tableexcept for certain permittedpurposes whichinclude theconveyanceofgoods to or from premises situated on or adjacentto anyofthose roads,for thepurposes of agriculture on land accessiblefrom andonlyfrom anyofthoseroads or for thegaraging, servicing, repairing of avehicle or forthe vehicletotakeinpetrol, oil, waterorair at premises accessiblefrom andonly from anyofthose roads.The proposed Order will also revokeintheir entiretythe following TrafficRegulationOrders:- “The Councilofthe County of NorthYorkshire (Boroughbridge) (ProhibitionofCommercialVehicles) Order 1977” (as amendedby“NorthYorkshire County Council(Weight Restriction)(Variation) Order 1989”);and “The Councilofthe County of NorthYorkshire (RoecliffeRoad, BishopMonkton)(Prohibition of HeavyCommercial Vehicles of over 3Tons Unladen Weight)Order 1981”. TABLE Prohibition of HeavyCommercial Vehicles Roads in theBoroughbridgeand Aldborough Area C267 ( Road,Horsefair) -From itsjunctionwiththe U3341, to thejunctionwiththe B6265 at Fishergate. B6265( Road,HighStreet,Fishergate, Bridge Street,Leeming Lane)-From itsjunctionwiththe U3341 (Chapel Hill), to thejunctionwiththe C86(CutBridge to Church Lane). AshbourneClose; AshbourneDrive; TheChase;The Riddings;HarnessLane; Hunters Row(Fortheir entire length). C420 -From itsjunctionwiththe A6055 (roundaboutnorthofMinskip), to thejunctionwiththe C267 (Wetherby Road/Roundabout next to Supermarket). U3572 (outsideArden Lodge to Boundary FenceatField Head); AbelClose;Hazel Road; Way; Lawson Avenue;Fothergill Way; BattleClose; Barnaby Way; HarclayGarth;SmithsonGrove; Ladywell Road;Southolme Close; SoutholmeWalk; Springfield Grove; Springfield Road; SpringfieldDrive; Springfield Close; St James’ Meadow;ChurchLane; Church Mews;New Row; FlorenceCourt;Kingfisher Reach; MallardWalk; Lane; Arrows Terrace; ArrowsCrescent;DruidsMeadow;ChatsworthGrove; U3495(Riverside Mews,MowbrayGarth); St Helena;BackLane; Mill Lane;Valuation Lane;Minerva Court;FrontStreet (U3342); BackStreet(U3343) (For their entire length). C277 -From itsjunctionwithHallArm Lane (U3344), to thejunction with theB6265atYork Road. Aldborough Village Street;The Square (For theirentirelength). Roads in theRoecliffe andBishop MonktonArea C263 (Bar Lane,Boroughbridge Road,Hungate) -Fromits junction with theA168,tothe junction with theC377 (KnaresboroughRoad) in Bishop Monkton. Becklands Close; Brickyard Road; Clay PitLane; Thorns Lane;Roecliffe Village; Sheaflands Lane;Lawnfield Drive; Lawnfield Road; Butterfield Close; Renton Close; Claremont Lane (For theirentirelength). Roads in theSkeltononUre andLangthorpeArea C167 (Skelton Road,Skelton to BroomClose, SkeltonLane, to Morrells Wood)–From itsjunction with theB6265 at LeemingLane, to thejunctionwiththe B6265 at Boroughbridge Road. Riverside Gardens; Greenholme Close; BackLane(); Howdlands Lane; LowfieldLane; High Moor Road; Skelton Village; Lodge Lane;Mulwith Lane;BleaPit Lane;Pasture Lane;MoorLane; BackLane(Skelton) (For their entire length). Acopyofthe draftOrder,together with maps showing theroads affectedand astatement of theCouncil’s reasons forproposing to make theOrder maybeinspectedatCountyHall, andatBoroughbridge Community Library andResourceCentre, 17 St James’ Square, Boroughbridge, YorkYO519AR during normal office hours from 6April 2017until 28 April 2017 andalsoviewedonline at If youwishtoobjecttothe proposed Order, youshouldsendthe grounds foryourobjection,inwriting, addressedto "Area 6Boroughbridge HighwaysOffice, StumpCross, Boroughbridge, YorkYO519HU" or by e-mail to [email protected] thewebsite linkabove by 28 April 2017. BARRY KHAN Assistant ChiefExecutive (Legal andDemocratic Services) County Hall NORTHALLERTON Dated6April2017