Church History Columbia

Jon Sherwood | Summer 2015

Church History Quiz

1. When was ’ death and resurrection?

2. When was the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15? What was its main purpose?

3. Approximately when was the last book of the written?

4. What is Gnosticism?

5. When was the ? What was one of its main accomplishments?

6. What time period did Muhammad, the founder of Islam, live?

7. When was the printing press invented?

8. Who was the first person accredited with translating the bible into modern English? When?

9. What was Martin Luther famous for?

10. When did you become a Christian?

Church History 1

Church History Outline

Class 1: “Persecuted” - Early Christian Era (1st-4th Century) ● Rise of Gnosticism1 (2nd Century) ● “Apostolic Fathers”2 - Clement, Ignatius, Hermas, Polycarp, the Didache ● Persecution of Christians3: Nero4, Diocletian5 ● Council of Nicaea6 (325 AD) ● Close of the N.T. Canon (mid 300’s) § Overview of first four centuries • 1st Century: Many lose their first love • 2nd Century: rise of clergy/laity • 3rd Century: superstitions/relics emerge, monastic • 4th Century: Peace with the Empire

Class 2: “Medieval” - Christian Roman Empire & Middle Ages (5th-15th Century) ● Muhammad7 & Islam (600 AD) ● Muslim Conquest: takes over ½ Roman empire by 900 AD ● Christian Crusades8 & Inquisitions9 (1100-1300 AD) ● Printing Press10 (1440 AD) ○ Wycliffe11, Hus12 - early attempts at reformation

1 "Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2003. 19 May. 2015 2 "Apostolic Fathers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 3 "Persecution of - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2003. 19 May. 2015 4 "Nero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2003. 19 May. 2015 5 "Diocletianic Persecution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2007. 19 May. 2015 6 "First Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 7 8 "Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 9 10 "Printing press - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 11 "John Wycliffe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 12

Church History 2

Class 3: “Reformation & Restoration” (16th-21st Century) • Protestant reformation background13 o Martin Luther 95 Thesis14 (1522 AD) o Tyndale15 and English bible16 (1500 AD) • American Restoration (Stone/Campbell) Movement17 (1800’s) o overview § Baptist18 - 1600’s § Methodists19 – 1700’s § Mormonism20 – early 1800 § Adventism21 – mid 1800’s § Jehovah Witness22– Late 1800’s § Sinner's prayer23 becomes prominent – Early 1900’s § Brief ICOC24 history

13 14 "The Ninety-Five Theses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2007. 19 May. 2015 15 "William Tyndale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2004. 19 May. 2015 16 "Tyndale Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2007. 19 May. 2015 17 18 "Baptists - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2003. 3 Jun. 2015 19 20 21 "Adventism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2005. 3 Jun. 2015 22 "Jehovah's Witnesses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." 2003. 3 Jun. 2015 23 24 "International Churches of Christ - Wikipedia, the free ..." 2005. 3 Jun. 2015

Church History 3

Bibliography For Further Study

1. Church History In Plain Language - Bruce Shelley (overview of church history) 2. Will The Real Heretics Please Stand Up - David Bercot (Christian beliefs and lifestyles in early centuries) 3. The Apostolic Fathers - J.B. Lightfoot (writings of ) 4. Turning Points - Mark Noll (major events throughout Christian history) 5. Reviving The Ancient Faith - Richard Hughes (specific history of Church of Christ) 6. A - Joseph Early Jr. (overview of church history) 7. Introduction to The History of Christianity - Tim Dowley (overview of church history) 8. Into All Nations - C Foster Stanback (specific history of International Church of Christ)

Church History 4

Personal Notes


Church History 5

Personal Notes


Church History 6