

A Mechanism for Offshore Transport across the

GUOQING LIN* AND JOSEPH F. A TKINSON Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York

29 June 1998 and 23 July 1999

ABSTRACT This paper explores a possible mechanism to explain an atypical phenomenon observed in the Gulf Stream between the Florida Straits and Cape Hatteras, namely, upgradient transport and associated - to-mean conversion on the cyclonic shear side. The proposed mechanism is based on the results of an experimental study of free surface turbulent jets in a rotating system and on theoretical descriptions of rotating shear ¯ows. Unlike ®eld situations, where effects are always present, the laboratory experiment provides a convenient means of comparing turbulence characteristics in rotating and nonrotating systems. is shown to alter turbulence eddy orientation, thus affecting the momentum transport and energy conversion processes.

1. Introduction observed for nonrotating conditions. The momentum The Gulf Stream is a western sep- and associated energy are thus transported unidirec- arating the northwest coastal from the Sargasso tionally across the Gulf Stream offshore. . It has certain jetlike properties with respect to the The above unusual offshore transports of momentum relative importance of momentum and buoyancy, es- and energy also were reported for four sections at Mi- pecially for the reach of the between ami, Jacksonville, Onslow Bay, and Cape Hatteras the Florida Straits and Cape Hatteras (Stommel 1965). (Webster 1965). Schmitz and Niiler (1969) reexamined The main feature of interest for the present paper is the Webster's estimates, analyzed additional measurements, turbulent transport of momentum and associated baro- and con®rmed Webster's conclusion about signi®cant tropic energy conversion across the . For a eddy-to-mean energy ¯ux in the cyclonic shear side of nonrotating plane jet, mean shear serves as a the Gulf Stream. Brooks and Niiler (1977) later con- source for turbulence, and momentum is always trans- ducted a comprehensive investigation of the energetics ported downgradient, outward from the jet center. Thus, of the Florida Current for the whole cross section in the the associated is converted from mean vicinity of Miami. The same phenomenon, upgradient to turbulence. This is not the case, however, for momentum transport and associated eddy-to-mean en- the Florida Current, where upgradient momentum trans- ergy conversion, occurred on the cyclonic shear (Florida port and the associated eddy-to-mean energy conversion coastal) side, not only in the surface layer as reported occur on the coastal cyclonic shear side. The phenom- by Webster, but also in the deep of the current. enon was ®rst reported by Webster (1961a) in the sur- This was an ``enigma'' then (Brooks and Niiler 1977) face layer of Gulf Stream sections near Miami (about and it is still an ``enigma'' today (P. Niiler 1998, per- 26ЊN) and off Onslow Bay, North Carolina (about sonal communication). Why momentum is transferred 35ЊN). On the side of the stream, the shear upgradient and turbulent energy is converted from eddy is anticyclonic and the momentum transport is down- to mean motion in this system is not yet clear. gradient of the mean velocity shear, similar to those A signi®cant step toward a possible explanation was taken by Webster (1961b), who constructed an idealized elongated eddy, based on measurements crossing a sec- * Current af®liation: Skidaway Institute of , Savan- tion off Onslow Bay, North Carolina, with the major nah, Georgia. axis of the eddy leaning along the mean shear. Such an eddy transports momentum upgradient and supplies en- ergy to the mean shear. This kind of eddy structure has Corresponding author address: Dr. Guoqing Lin, Skidaway Insti- tute of Oceanography, 10 Ocean Science Circle, Savannah, GA been observed from satellite images of the Georgia con- 31411. tinental shelf (Lee et al. 1981) and is also suggested in E-mail: [email protected] recent measurements of eddy structure in the coastal

᭧ 2000 American Meteorological Society 226 JOURNAL OF VOLUME 30 current along the southern shore of Lake Ontario (Pal et al. 1998). A ®eld study on the Gulf Stream eddies off Onslow Bay in both winter and summer seasons further con®rmed the existence of such an eddy structure and its effects on momentum transport and energy con- version (Bane et al. 1981; Brooks and Bane 1983). Dew- ar and Bane (1985) also studied the energetics of the Gulf Stream region in the vicinity of the so-called Charleston Bump at about 32ЊN. Even though the Charleston Bump sets out a major perturbation to the Gulf Stream, momentum is still transported upgradient offshore. The major axes of the eddy ellipses construct- ed from velocity variances also were found to lean with the mean shear. The effects of eddy orientation on momentum trans- port and energy conversion observed by physical ocean- ographers also have been investigated in studies of ro- tating homogeneous and shear turbulence. In a homo- FIG. 1. Schematic of the cross section location for the moving geneous turbulent ¯ow, rotation has been found to cause measurements. alteration of the turbulent structure, as manifested by increasing integral length scales (Ibbetson and Tritton 1975; Jacquin et al. 1990) and by reducing turbulent energy production or decreasing rate of energy transfer ies. Laboratory experiments provide a convenient way from large scales to small scales (Bardina et al. 1985; of comparing transport mechanisms between rotating Cambon and Jacquin 1989; Jacquin et al. 1990; Mansour and nonrotating turbulent jets. Energy conversions from et al. 1992; Cambon et al. 1997). In a plane shear ¯ow, barotropic and baroclinic instability observed in the Bradshaw (1969) suggested an analogy between the gra- Gulf Stream seem to be independent of each other, and dient Richardson number in a strati®ed ¯ow and the the former is larger than the latter (Brooks and Niiler Bradshaw±Richardson number [renamed as such later 1977; Dewar and Bane 1985). The relevance of domi- by Tritton (1992) and Cambon et al. (1994)] in a non- nant barotropic mechanisms in horizontal shear suggests buoyant rotating ¯ow. Rotation enhances or suppresses that it may be of interest to study a barotropic ¯uid. The internal instability in a shear ¯ow in the horizontal following section describes an experiment on a free- plane, in the same way that buoyancy does in the vertical surface turbulent jet in a rotating system, the results of plane. Studies of channel ¯ows have shown that the which show the effects of rotation on the orientation Coriolis affect both local and global stability (Le- and shape of turbulence eddies. zius and Johnston 1971; Johnston et al. 1972; Kristof- fersen and Andersson 1993; Godeferd 1995) and that 2. Rotating surface jet experiment turbulence eddies are elongated in the streamwise di- rection. In the cyclonic side, transition to turbulence is The experiment was conducted in the Rotating Lab- suppressed and negative turbulence production may oc- oratory Facility at the State University of New York at cur. These effects are related to the reorientation of the Buffalo. A test tank 2 m ϫ 3 m in area and 0.3 m deep Reynolds stress tensor by the Coriolis effects in rotating was installed in a self-contained 3.2 m ϫ 5.3 m rotating shear ¯ow (Bidokhti and Tritton 1992; Tritton 1992). room. Water at ¯ow rates up to 1 liter per second was Speci®cally, the major principal axis of the Reynolds pumped into the tank through an open channel inlet 50 stress tensor aligns closer to or ¯ips over to the other cm long ϫ 15 cm wide and about 1.5 cm deep. Neutrally side of the mean ¯ow direction on the cyclonic side in buoyant surface jets were introduced over a backward- a rotating ¯uid, relative to the alignment in a nonrotating facing step into a quiescent deep water basin. Point ¯uid. measurement stations were distributed in the jet stream The key to understanding the turbulent transports of over cross-lines parallel to the head wall. The instru- momentum and energy is found in the orientation of the mentation consisted primarily of a two-dimensional major axis of a turbulence eddy, which corresponds to (2D) cross hot-®lm probe deployed at depth 1.5 cm, the major principal axis of the Reynolds stress tensor. which corresponded to the position of minimum vertical How this orientation changes determines the direction shear effect beneath the surface (Lin 1998). One of the and the extent of transport processes. Since the effects hot-®lm sensors was oriented 45Њ (measuring ␷ 1) and of the 's rotation are always present and these are another 135Њ (␷ 2) counterclockwise from the head wall the very effects that bring about the mean ¯ow of the in the horizontal plane (see Fig. 1). The probe was Gulf Stream, the Coriolis effects on turbulence within mounted on a computerized 3D traverse system and the Gulf Stream may have been overlooked in past stud- velocity signals were digitized using a 12-bit analog-to- JANUARY 2000 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 227

the equivalent eddy frequency. The Xe axis is parallel to the headwall, and the positive Ye axis points in the initial surface jet direction offshore. The phase shift of ␲/4 represents the angle of the ®rst velocity component measured by the ®rst hot-®lm sensor (thicker line drawn in Fig. 1) relative to the headwall. The kinetic energy of such an eddy is the same as the measured turbulent kinetic energy in the Eulerian ®eld. An example equiv- alent eddy with typical eddy frequency of 5 Hz (the inverse of integral timescale) in the experiment is shown in Fig. 2. The eddies are ellipses in shape for anisotropic tur- bulence, which is prevalent in shear ¯ows. In a non- rotating plane jet, the principal angle ␤ is antisym- metrically distributed across the jet stream with respect to the center. The eddies lean against the mean shear FIG. 2. Illustration of an equivalent turbulent eddy trajectory at a on both sides; that is, the orientation of the major axes station. The intervals of the points are equal in . Angle of ␯1 is

45Њ from the Xe axis, ␣␯ and ␣RS are de®ned relative to ␯1, and ␤ is of the eddies is outward from the jet center (Gutmark relative to the direction of the mean resultant velocity. and Wygnanski 1976). Such oriented eddies are ener- gized by mean velocity shear and momentum is trans- ported downgradient. With the in¯uence of rotation, digital converter. Rotating and nonrotating cases were however, the orientation of the principal major axis tested with ®ve different ¯ow rates. shifts anticyclonically (rightward in the Northern Hemi- The velocity data were analyzed to form Reynolds sphere) with respect to the mean ¯ow on both sides of stress tensors in the horizontal plane. The principal ma- a rotating jet, which turns anticyclonically on its own. jor and minor axes of the tensor correspond to the max- Figure 3 shows the results of the principal angle cal- imum and minimum Reynolds normal stresses, respec- culations obtained from the experiment. The horizontal tively. A principal angle, ␤, was de®ned as the angle axes represent the nondimensional transverse distance, between the orientation of the principal major axis and scaled by the longitudinal distance from the ``virtual the corresponding mean resultant velocity direction, origin'' of the jet [de®ned by ®tting jet trajectory data to the theoretical calculations of Savage and Sobey 12␷Ј␷Ј ␷ ␤ ϭ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ϭ tanϪ1 12Ϫ tanϪ1 2 , (1) (1975)]. For rotating cases, the transverse distance is RS V 22 2 ␷ 12ЈϪ␷Ј ␷ 1 measured from local centers of the jet trajectories (for detailed calculations, see Lin 1998). Although the data where ␣ and ␣ are the angles of the principal major RS V are scattered, the trends of the principal angle values axis and the mean resultant velocity, respectively, mea- are identi®able and it is the difference of the trends sured counterclockwise from the ␷ direction (see Fig. 1 between rotating and nonrotating jets that is important. 2). Compared with the trend in nonrotating jets, the effect Applying Taylor's frozen turbulence ®eld hypothesis, of rotation makes the orientation of the major ellipse an equivalent eddy may be constructed from these prin- axis lean closer to (even ¯ip over to) the mean velocity cipal axes. Its streamline is represented by direction in the cyclonic side.

2 Accompanying the orientation shift of the turbulence ͙uЈ␤ ␲ eddy is the shape change by the Coriolis effects. The Xeeϭ sin(␻ t) cos ϩ ␣RS ␻e ΂΃4 eddy shape may be parameterized by ellipticity K,

2 uЈϪ22␷Ј ͙␷ ␤Ј ␤␤ ␲ K ϭ . (3) ϩ cos(␻et) sin ϩ ␣RS , (2a) 22 uЈϩ␤␤␷Ј ␻e ΂΃4 This de®nition of ellipticity is different from that used u 2 ͙ Ј␤ ␲ in plane geometry, but provides the same indication of Yeeϭ sin(␻ t) sin ϩ ␣RS ␻e ΂΃4 the extent of departure from eddy circularity. The pre- sent de®nition is preferable here because it can be re- 2 ͙␷ ␤Ј ␲ lated to the physical processes of turbulence generation Ϫ cos(␻ t) cos ϩ ␣ , (2b) (by shear) and redistribution (by pressure±strain cor- ␻ e 4 RS e ΂΃ relation) (Tennekes and Lumley 1972). With a larger where Xe and Ye are Lagrangian coordinates for the value of K, the elliptic motion is closer to a linear os- 22 equivalent eddy, uЈ␤␤and ␷Ј are the maximum and min- cillation, the turbulence ®eld is more anisotropic and imum Reynolds normal stresses, respectively, and ␻e is the Coriolis effects (working against pressure±strain 228 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 30

correlation) are more pronounced on turbulent energy redistribution. Results from the current experiment are shown in Fig. 4. In this ®gure, results are presented in terms of the entry Froude number and a global . The global Rossby number is de®ned in terms of the average entry velocity and jet penetration length scale L (see Savage and Sobey 1975). This is done for convenience in comparing different tests in the experiment. (It is shown later that a Rossby number based on local ve- locity shear bears more relevance to the present study.) For the nonrotating cases (open symbols in Fig. 4), the ellipticity K remains at about 0.4 along the jet center, which is the value suggested by Tennekes and Lumley (1972) for a plane jet. In addition, this value compares favorably with a well-designed plane jet [calculated from the experimental data of Gutmark and Wygnanski (1976); see Lin (1998) for details]. For the rotating cases (solid symbols in Fig. 4), the jet undergoes geostrophic adjustment. The ellipticity K starts from about 0.4 close to the mouth of the discharge, as though the jet were not subject to the background rotation, and then in- creases to a value of about 0.8. The effect of rotation on eddy ellipticity gradually strengthens as the jet ad- justs itself to geostrophic ¯ow.

3. Discussion The experimental results show the effects of rotation on the turbulence structure through eddy orientation and shape changes. The present analysis is focused on two- FIG. 3. Scatterplot of the principal angle with distance from local center for (a) nonrotating jets and (b) rotating jets for ®ve different dimensional turbulence, although it is recognized that, ¯ow rates. The linear ®tted lines are intended to show the difference in general, vertical may affect the Coriolis ef- in trends only. The virtual origin y0 of the jets is estimated from fects on the horizontal turbulence structure. However, ®tting the experimental trajectory to the theoretical path (Lin 1998). since the two-dimensional were measured at the depth of minimum vertical shear, it is expected that this effect should be a relatively minor quantitative ad- justment, without changing the general conclusions de- scribed here. Discussion of the Coriolis effects on shear stability is presented ®rst, followed by descriptions of

FIG. 4. Comparison of turbulence ellipticity development along the jet stream center line. In the legend, Ros is the global Rossby number

and Fr0 is the entrance Froude number. Nonrotating cases are those without Ros values in the legend box (open symbols). JANUARY 2000 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 229 turbulent kinetic energy redistribution and a qualitative ®rst on the far left side, and then reverses its sign before relationship between rotation intensity and the turbu- reaching the division line (recall that the Reynolds shear lence structure parameters. stress is always negative on the left side of nonrotating For a homogeneous inviscid ¯uid with background jets). These changes correspond respectively to the sup- rotation in the vertical direction, the linearized equations pression of turbulence production and the enhancement of the ¯uctuating momentum components in a two-di- of mean ¯ow by turbulence eddies, as discussed pre- mensional ¯ow may be written as viously. The sign reversal of the Reynolds shear stress, caused by the Coriolis effects, and the subsequent up- pЈץ U 1ץuЈץuЈץ ϩ U ϩ ␷ЈϪ2⍀␷ЈϭϪ (4a) gradient momentum transport and eddy-to-mean energy .x conversion, constitute the key points of this paperץ y ␳ץ xץ tץ and The effect of the Coriolis strati®cation is further illustrated through an analysis of energy redistribution pЈץ ␷Ј 1ץ␷Јץ ϩ U ϩ 2⍀uЈϭϪ , (4b) in the simpli®ed horizontal Reynolds stress equations :y in a two-dimensional ¯owץ x ␳ץ tץ where U is mean velocity in the x direction, uЈ and ␷Ј DuЈ2/2 ϭ uЈ␷Ј␨ ϩ 2⍀uЈ␷Јϩ[OT], (7a) are velocity ¯uctuations in the x and y directions re- Dt spectively, pЈ is pressure ¯uctuation, ⍀ is angular D␷Ј2/2 of the system, ␳ is ¯uid density, and t is time. Elimi- ϭϪ2⍀uЈ␷Јϩ[OT], (7b) nating component uЈ from the above two equations re- Dt sults in DuЈ␷Ј ϭ ␷Ј222␨ Ϫ 2⍀(uЈϪ␷Ј ) ϩ [OT], (7c) U Dtץ 2ץץ ϩ U ␷Јϩ2⍀ 2⍀Ϫ ␷Ј -y where only shear production terms and the Coriolis reץ xץ tץ΂΃΂΃ distribution terms are kept on the right-hand side for pЈץץץ pЈ 1ץ2⍀ ϭϪϩU . (5) illustration purposes (Tritton 1992). All other terms are .[y lumped into [OTץ xץ tץx ␳΂΃ץ ␳ When the reference frame (within the rotation system) Considering the ¯uctuations as though they are riding is rotated by a principal angle ␤, the Reynolds shear on the mean ¯ow U, Eq. (5) is exactly the same equation stress vanishes. The equations for the normal stresses as a forced (by the right-hand-side forcing) spring os- (7a,b) then become cillation. The solution of the associated homogeneous 2 equation for ␷Ј exhibits a natural oscillation frequency DuЈ␤ /2 1 2 ϭ uЈ␤ ␨ sin2␤ ϩ [OT], (8a) ␻BV⍀, Dt 2

2 U D␷ ␤Ј /2 1ץ ␻2 ϭ 2⍀ 2⍀Ϫ ϭ f ( f ϩ ␨) ϭ f␨ , (6) ϭϪ ␷Ј2␨ sin2␤ ϩ [OT]. (8b) ␤ y a Dt 2ץBV⍀ ΂΃ -y A striking phenomenon stems from the above equaץ/Uץwhere f ϭ 2⍀ is the Coriolis parameter, ␨ ϭϪ is relative vorticity, and ␨␣ is absolute vorticity. When tion set. In general, the Reynolds normal stresses are ␨␣ is negative, that is, ␨ ϽϪf in the Northern Hemi- ®rst generated by the velocity shear in the mean ¯ow sphere, the solution for ␷Ј may grow exponentially in direction and then passed on to the other two directions time. Such a condition is necessary for shear instability. by pressure±strain correlation (Tennekes and Lumley Since the derivation process and the form of equation 1972; Hinze 1975). The normal stress in the mean di- are similar to the vertical oscillation of a parcel in a rection is thus the greatest, which is also evidenced by strati®ed ¯uid, with the oscillation frequency de®ned by the fact that |␤| Ͻ 45Њ, as shown in Fig. 3. The rotation the Brunt±VaÈisaÈlaÈ frequency (Phillips 1966), the fre- effect on turbulence changes the eddy orientation, shift- quency de®ned in Eq. (6) was called an equivalent ing the principal major axis rightward across the stream. Brunt±VaÈisaÈlaÈ frequency in rotating (nonbuoyant) ¯ows This results in two scenarios. On the far left cyclonic by Bradshaw (1969). side, where the axis shifts from leaning against the shear For the jet ¯ow investigated in the present study, the to aligning closer to the shear, the Coriolis effects reduce right and left sides of the jet have different stability the isotropic tendency of turbulence. When the axis ¯ips conditions due to different `` strati®ca- over to the other side of the mean ¯ow direction and tion.'' The division between these two sides is marked starts leaning with the shear (Fig. 5), the Coriolis effects by zero absolute vorticity ␨␣. On the right side (␨␣ Ͻ take over the process. In other words, the major com- 0), the ¯ow is destabilized by the negative Coriolis force ponent of the turbulent energy in the mean direction no strati®cation. On the left side (␨␣ Ͼ 0), the ¯ow is sta- longer receives the supply from the mean shear, but bilized, and the principal angle turns rightward, as becomes diminished instead by powering the mean ¯ow. shown in Fig. 3. The Reynolds shear stress is suppressed On the right, anticyclonic side, the Coriolis effects 230 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY VOLUME 30

constant, as the background rotation is intensi®ed, Ros decreases in positive value and ␤ must decrease in pos-

itive value. In the anticyclonic side, as Ros increases in negative value, ␤ must still decrease in negative value. In both cases, ␤ shifts anticyclonically, consistent with the experimental results. The experimental results also show that, as rotation intensi®es, turbulence eddies are elongated and K increases, which is consistent with the analysis from Eq. (8a,b) above. These structure changes, especially the orientation shift, have a direct effect on eddy±mean ¯ow interaction. It should be noted that the local Rossby number de- ®ned above is different from the global Rossby number used in Fig. 4. Although the local Rossby number was not measured directly, it is reasonable to argue that the

FIG. 5. Schematic of eddy±mean interaction. (a) General case of bulk value of the local Rossby number is of the same destabilizing eddy leaning against the mean shear, extracting energy order as the global Rossby number since the turning to decelerate the mean ¯ow; (b) cyclonic shear case of stabilizing radius was about the same as the jet width in the present eddy leaning with the mean shear, supplying energy to accelerate the experiment. From the above discussion, it appears that mean ¯ow. The eddy ellipses represent perturbation streamfunctions at a constant value. the local Rossby number is a more direct indicator of the Coriolis effects on turbulence generated by strong shear. The strong shear is also present in the cyclonic side of the Gulf Stream, where the local Rossby number against the pressure±strain redistribution, perpetuating is as high as 2 (Ϫ2.0 in Fig. 4 of Brooks and Niiler the turbulence toward anisotropy. 1977). It was in this region that eddy-to-mean energy The Coriolis effects on turbulence anisotropy can be conversion was found. examined through the turbulence generating process. Ro- The eddy-to-mean energy conversion has been con- tating the reference frame an angle ␣ the of ceptualized by instability analysis of a two-dimensional the Reynolds shear stress, Eq. (7c) may be expressed as ¯ow (e.g., Pedlosky 1987; Bane et al. 1981; Brooks and Bane 1983; Dewar and Bane 1985). Barotropic insta- DuЈ␣␣␷Ј 1 bility in a two-dimensional ¯ow may be expressed by ϭ ␨ ϩ 2⍀ (␷ЈϪ22uЈ ) Dt ΂΃2 ␣␣ shear production of turbulent energy,

1 2 ␾ dUץ yץ ␾ dUץ ␾ץ ϩ ␨(uЈϩ22␷Ј ) cos2␣ ϩ [OT]. (9) dU 2 ␣␣ ϪuЈ␷Јϭ ϭϪ , (12) ydyץx const ΂΃ץydy ΂΃ץ xץ dy ␾ϭ It is further assumed that this angle follows a ¯uid parcel where the absolute shear stress is at maximum with where ␾ is the streamfunction of the velocity pertur- 2 y) is nonnegative and is symmetricץ/␾ץ) respect to temporal variation (Tritton 1992). By omitting bation. Since [OT], Eq. (9) becomes with respect to the principal major axis of the eddy ellipse, the sign of the instability depends on the average x) . This slopeץ/yץ) ,slope of the stream function 22 uЈϪ␣␣␷Ј 2 ␾ ϭconst cos2␣ ϭ 1 ϩ , (10) is exactly the tangent function of the principal angle ␤. uЈϩ22␷Ј Ro ␣␣΂΃s The eddy-to-mean interaction is shown schematically in where Ros ϭ ␨/2⍀ is a local Rossby number, which may Fig. 5. take negative values. The path of the maximum shear The stabilizing (Fig. 5a) or destabilizing (Fig. 5b) stress is regarded as the turbulence generating process, effect of the eddy on the mean shear ¯ow is well es- and it is shown that its orientation governs and is in the tablished (e.g., Pedlosky 1987). The question that this proximity of the orientation of the major principal axis paper proposes to answer is how the eddy orientation of the Reynolds stress tensor, that is, ␤ ഡ ␣ (Tritton is shifted from one side to the other so as to suppress 1992). Then, Eq. (10) can be expressed in a compact instability or even to generate stability. form relating the principal angle, the turbulence ellip- Comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 5, it is easy to visualize ticity, and the Rossby number, how background rotation affects the principal angle of the turbulence eddies. Equation (11) shows theoretically cos2␤ K(1 ϩ 2/Ro ). (11) ഡ s the effect of rotation on the principal angle. Coriolis This relationship demonstrates the Coriolis effects on effects change the orientation of turbulent eddies, thus the structure of shear turbulence. When a shear ¯ow is changing the energy conversion process, as shown in subject to background rotation, the principal angle shifts Eq. (12). In the cyclonic side, when the principal angle anticyclonically. In the cyclonic shear side, if K is kept becomes smaller, energy transport from the mean ¯ow JANUARY 2000 NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE 231 to turbulence is suppressed. When the principal angle Acknowledgments. This research was supported by changes sign, eddy-to-mean energy conversion occurs New York Sea Grant Institute under Grant R/CCP-3 and and the mean ¯ow is accelerated. This provides one National Science Foundation under Grant OCE possible explanation to the enigma (Brooks and Niiler 9530197. Two anonymous reviewers are thanked for 1977) of the eddy-to-mean energy conversion occurring their comments, which helped to clarify the key points on the coastal cyclonic side of the Gulf Stream. in this paper.

4. Concluding remarks REFERENCES

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