M-estimation in Low-rank Matrix Factorization: a General Framework

Peng Liu1,∗ Wei Tu2,∗ Jingyu Zhao3 Yi Liu2 Linglong Kong2,† Guodong Li3 Bei Jiang2 Hengshuai Yao4 Guangjian Tian5 1School of Mathematics, and Actuarial Science, University of Kent 2Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta 3Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Hong Kong 4 Huawei Hi-Silicon, Canada 5Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, Hong Kong, China Emails: [email protected]. {wei.tu, yliu16, lkong, bei1}@ualberta. {gladys17, gdli}@hku.hk. {hengshuai.yao, tian.guangjian}@huawei.com

Abstract—Many problems in science and engineering can be Matrix factorization arguably is the most popular and in- reduced to the recovery of an unknown large matrix from a small tuitive approach for low-rank matrix recovery. The basic idea number of random linear measurements. Matrix factorization is to decompose the low-rank matrix X ∈ m×n into the arguably is the most popular approach for low-rank matrix R recovery. Many methods have been proposed using different loss product of two matrices functions, such as the most widely used L2 loss, more robust X = U >V, (1) choices L1 and Huber loss, and quantile and expectile loss for skewed data. All of them can be unified into the framework of M- where U ∈ Rr×m and V ∈ Rr×n. In many practical problems, estimation. In this paper, we present a general framework of low- the rank of a matrix is known or can be estimated in advance; rank matrix factorization based on M-estimation in statistics. The framework mainly involves two steps: we first apply Nesterov’s see, for example, the rigid and nonrigid structures from motion smoothing technique to obtain an optimal smooth approximation as well as image recovery. The matrix U and V can also be for non-smooth loss functions, such as L1 and quantile loss; interpreted as latent factors that drive the unknown matrix X. secondly, we exploit an alternative updating scheme along with Matrix factorization is usually based on L2 loss, i.e. square Nesterov’s momentum method at each step to minimize the loss, which is optimal for Gaussian errors. However, its smoothed . Strong theoretical convergence guarantee has been developed for the general framework, and extensive performance may be severely deteriorated when the data is numerical experiments have been conducted to illustrate the contaminated by . For example, in a collaborate filter- performance of the proposed algorithm. ing system, some popular items have a lot of ratings regardless Index Terms—matrix recovery, M-estimation, matrix factor- of whether they are useful, while others have fewer ones. There ization, robustness, statistical foundation may even exist shilling attacks, i.e. a user may consistently give positive feedback to their products or negative feedback I.INTRODUCTION to their competitors regardless of the items themselves [6]. Recently there are a few attempts to address this problem; see, Motivation. In matrix recovery from linear measurements, for example, [2], [7]. However, to the best of our knowledge, we are interested in recovering an unknown matrix X ∈ m×n R they focus on either L or quantile loss, and are only useful from p < mn linear measurements b = Tr(A>X), where 1 i i in limited scenarios. For low-rank matrix recovery under M- each A ∈ m×n is a measurement matrix, i = 1, . . . p. i R estimation, He et al. [8] studied the use of a few smooth loss Usually it is expensive or even impossible to fully sample functions such as Huber and Welsch in this setting. In this the entire matrix X, and we are left with a highly incomplete paper, we propose a more general framework that is applicable set of observations. In general it is not always possible to to any M-estimation loss function, smooth or non-smooth, recovery X under such settings. However, if we impose a low- and provide theoretical convergence guarantee on the proposed rank structure on X, it is possible to exploit this structure and state-of-the-art algorithm. efficiently estimate X. The problem of matrix recovery arises This paper introduces a general framework of M-estimation in a wide range of applications, such as collaborate filtering [9]–[11] on matrix factorization. Specifically, we consider loss [1], image recovery [2], structure from motion, photometric functions related to M-estimation for matrix factorization. M- stereo [3], system identification [4] and computer network estimation is defined in a way similar to the well-known termi- tomography [5]. nology “Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE)” in statistics, and has many good properties that are similar to those of *These authors contributed equally to this work. †Correspondence Author. Part of the work is done during a sabbatical at MLE. Meanwhile, it still retains intuitive interpretation. The Huawei. proposed class of loss functions includes well-known L1 and L2 loss as special cases. In practice, we choose a suitable Objective M Function M-estimation procedure according to our knowledge of the data and the specific nature of the problem. For example, Huber loss enjoys the property of smoothness as L2 loss and Smooth? robustness as L1 loss. no The loss functions of some M-estimation procedures are yes Nesterov’s smooth, such as the L2 loss, while some others are non-smooth Solve smooth smoothing such as L1 and quantile loss. Note that the resulting objective problem functions all have a bilinear structure due to the decomposition technique at Eq. (1). For non-smooth cases, we first consider Nesterov’s smoothing method to obtain an optimal smooth approximation Initialization [12], and the bilinear structure is preserved. The alternating minimization method is hence used to search for the solutions. t+1 t t At each step, we employ Nesterov’s momentum method to AltMin: U = NAGU (U ,V ) accelerate the convergence, and it turns out to find the global optima easily. Figure 1 gives the flowchart of the proposed t+1 t+1 t algorithm. Theoretical convergence analysis is conducted for AltMin: V = NAGV (U ,V ) both smooth and non-smooth loss functions. Contributions. We summarize our contributions below. no Converge? 1. We propose to do matrix factorization based on the loss functions of M-estimation procedures. The proposed yes framework is very general and applicable to any M- estimate loss function, which gives us flexibility in se- U,b Vb lecting a suitable loss for specific problems. 2. We propose to use Nesterov’s smoothing technique to Figure 1: Flowchart of the whole algorithm obtain an optimal smooth approximation when the loss function is non-smooth. 3. We consider the Nesterov’s momentum method, rather Rp be an affine transformation with the ith entry of A(X) −1 Pp than gradient descent methods, to perform the optimiza- being hAi,Xi, and M(x) = p i=1 L(xi) for a vector > tion at each step of the alternating minimization, which x = (x1, ..., xp) . We can then rewrite (3) into a more greatly accelerates the convergence. compact form 4. We provide theoretical convergence guarantees for the min M(b − A(U >V )). (4) proposed algorithm. r×m r×n U∈R ,V ∈R 5. We illustrate the usefulness of our method by conducting extensive numerical experiments on both synthetic data A. The case that M is not smooth and real data. The loss function L(·), and hence M(·), may be non- smooth in some M-estimation procedures, such as the L1 II.METHODOLOGY FRAMEWORK loss. For this non-smooth case, we first employ Nesterov’s ∗ m×n Let X ∈ R be the target low-rank matrix, and Ai ∈ smoothing method to obtain an optimal smooth approximation; Rm×n with 1 ≤ i ≤ p be given measurement matrices. Here see [12] (pp. 129-132). Ai’s can be the same or different with each other. We assume Specifically, we first assume that the objective function M > the observed signals b = (b1, ..., bp) have the structure has the following structure ∗ bi = hAi,X i + i, i = 1, . . . , p, (2) M(b − A(U >V )) = Mˆ (b − A(U >V )) (5) > n > ˆ o where hAi,Xi := Tr(Ai X) and i is the error term. Suppose + max hB(b − A(U V )), ui2 − φ(u) , that the rank of matrix X∗ is no more than r with r  u ∗ ∗> ∗ min(m, n, p). We then have the decomposition X = U V , where Mˆ (·) is continuous and convex; see Eq. (2.2) in [12]. and the matrix can be recovered by solving a non-convex Then the objective function M can be approximated by optimization problem > > p Mπ(b − A(U V )) = Mˆ (b − A(U V )) (6) 1 X > n o min L(bi − hAi,U V i), (3) > ˆ U∈ r×m,V ∈ r×n p + max hB(b − (U V )), ui2 − φ(u) − πd2(u) , R R i=1 u where L(·) is the loss function used an M-estimation proce- where π is a positive smoothness parameter. Note that Mπ(·) 2 dure. For example, L(y) = y for the L2 loss and L(y) = |y| is smooth and can be optimized by many available gradient- m×n for the L1 loss. Here L(·) usually is convex. Let A : R → based methods. B. Alternating Minimization i.e., a rough output is sufficient. Our simulation experiments Due to the bilinear form with respect to U and V in the show that, after several iterations of the SVP algorithm, the objective functions Eq. (4) and Eq. (6), we consider an al- resulting values are close to the true ones, while it is not the ternating minimization scheme. Specifically, in each iteration, case for random initialization. we keep one of U and V fixed, optimize over the other, and Algorithm 1 can be rewritten into a compact form then switch in the next iteration until the algorithm converges. t+1 t t  Details can be found in Figure 1. X ← Pr X − ξt∇X M(b − A(X )) , Moreover, direct optimization of Eq. (4) may lead to where P denotes the operation of projection onto the space of unstable solutions, and this paper solves this problem by r rank-r matrices. Moreover, the original objective function M, adopting the regularization method via Procrustes flow in rather than the regularized one at Eq. (7), is used in Algorithm [13]. Specifically, rather than Eq. (4), we attempt to do the 1, and for the non-smooth case we will use M at Eq. (6). optimization below π

min M(b−A(U >V ))+λkUU > −VV >k2 , (7) IV. ALGORITHM r×m r×n F U∈R ,V ∈R There are two layers of iterations in our algorithm: the where k · k stands for the Frobenius norm, and the ad hoc F outer layer is the alternating minimization procedure; and the choice of λ is 1/16. Denote by Mλ(U, V ) the regularized inner layer employs Nesterov’s momentum algorithm to obtain version (7), and all algorithms designed below are for this updated values of U t+1 or V t+1. objective function. For the case with non-smooth M, we can similarly define the regularized objective function, denoted by λ λ Algorithm 2: Nesterov’s accelerate gradient (NAG) Mπ(U, V ), and all algorithms for M (U, V ) can then be applied. method Input: U t, V t, momentum parameter γ, learning rate III.INITIALIZATION η, and tolerance 2 When the starting values of U and V are orthogonal (or Output: U t+1 almost orthogonal) to the true space, an alternating minimiza- 1 Repeat t t λ t t t tion algorithm may never converge to true values, and hence 2 ν(i) = γν(i−1) + η∇U M (U(i−1) − γν(i−1),V )) an initialization procedure is needed to avoid this situation. t t t 3 U(i) = U(i−1) + ν(i) Here we adopt the singular value projection (SVP), which t t 4 Until kU(i) − U(i−1)kF ≤ 2 originates from [14] and was later used by [13] to provide the initial values of U and V for the designed algorithm in the next section. The main difference between our method and We first introduce the inner layer, where the Nesterov’s the original one is summarized into Line 2 of Algorithm 1, momentum method is used to update the values of U t and where we use a loss function related to M-estimation, V t to those of U t+1 and V t+1. Algorithm 2 gives the details t p of updating the value of U , and we denote it by NAGU t 1 X t λ ∇ M(b − A(X )) = − L˙(b − A(X ))A , for simplicity. Here the gradient ∇U M (U, V ) is defined as X p i i=1 the gradient with respect to U, and similarly we can define ∇ Mλ(U, V ). Moreover, νt stands for the momentum term, where L˙(·) is the first derivative of L(·). V (i) γ is the momentum parameter, and η is the learning rate. The value of γ is usually chosen to be around 0.9; see [15] and Algorithm 1: Initialization by SVP algorithm [16]. Similarly, we can give the detailed algorithm for updating t Input: A, b, tolerance 1, step size ξt with the value of V , and it can be denoted by NAGV . 0 t = 0, 1, ··· , and X = 0m×n The alternating minimization method is employed for the t+1 Output: X outer layer of iterations; see Algorithm 3 for details. The final 1 Repeat solutions can be denoted by Ub and Vb, and we then can use t+1 t t 2 Y ← X − ξt∇X M(b − A(X )) Ub>Vb to approximate the low-rank matrix X∗. t+1 3 Compute top r singular vectors of Y : Ur, Σr,Vr t+1 4 X ← U Σ V r r r Algorithm 3: Alternating Minimization 5 t ← t + 1 0 0 t+1 t Input: U , V 6 Until kX − X kF ≤ 1 Output: Ub, Vb 1 Repeat It is noteworthy to point out that Algorithm 1 can be directly t t+1 t t 2 Update U with U = NAGU (U ,V ) used to recover the matrix X∗ if it is iterated for sufficient t t+1 t+1 t 3 Update V with V = NAGV (U ,V ) times. However, the singular value calculation here is time- 4 Until converge consuming when the dimension of matrix X∗ is large. In this initialization step, we do not need a very small tolerance 1, V. CONVERGENCE RESULTS Theorem 2. (Convergence of optimal solution of smoothed + π‡> π‡ ‡> ‡ Suppose that U and V are a pair of solutions, i.e. X = objective function) As π → 0 , we have U V → U V . > U V . It then holds that, for an orthonormal matrix R sat- The above theorem guarantees that the optimal solution of > † † isfying R R = Ir, U = RU and V = RV are another the smoothed object function converges to that of the non- pair of solutions. To evaluate the performance of the proposed smooth one as the smoothness parameter π tends to zero. algorithm, we first define a distance between two matrices Theorem 2 is one of our important contributions. In the † † literature, most of the state-of-the-art smoothing methods dist(U, U ) = min kU − RU kF , r×r > R∈R :R R=Ir were given without theoretical justifications; see, for example, [18]. Theorem 2 implies that the optimal solution for the where U, U † ∈ r×m with m ≥ r; see [13]. R smooth approximation indeed converges to the solution of Definition 1. (Restricted Isometry Property (RIP)) A linear the non-smooth objective function, i.e. the smooth and non- map A satisfies the r-RIP with constant δr, if smooth objective functions lead to the same results under some regularity conditions. Under matrix factorization settings, Yang (1 − δ )kXk2 ≤ kA(X)k2 ≤ (1 + δ )kXk2 r F 2 r F et al. [19] considered Nesterov’s smoothing method to obtain a is satisfied for all matrices X ∈ Rm×n of rank at most r. smooth approximation, while it handled nonnegative matrices only, which is a much simpler problem compared with the m×n Theorem 1. Let X ∈ R be a rank r matrix, with singular one in this paper. Moreover, no strong theoretical convergence values σ1(X) ≥ σ2(X) ≥ · · · ≥ σr(X) > 0 and condition guarantee was provided there. > number κ = σ1(X)/σr(X). Denote by X = A ΣB the > 1/2 m×r corresponding SVD decomposition. Let U = A Σ ∈ R VI.NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS and V = B>Σ1/2 ∈ n×r. Assume that A satisfies a rank- R As a robust alternative to L loss, L loss brings compu- 6r RIP condition with RIP constant σ < 1 , ξ = 1 . Then 2 1 √ 6r 25 t p tation difficulties since it is not smooth. Using the Nesterov’s using T0 ≥ 3 log( rκ) + 5 iterations in Algorithm 1 yields a smoothing method, we obtained the well-known Huber loss: solution U0,V0 obeying  1 2     2µ |a| for |a| ≤ µ U0 U 1 Lµ(a) = µ , dist , ≤ σr(U). (8) |a| − otherwise V0 V 4 2 Furthermore, starting from any initial solution obeying (8), where µ is the smoothness parameter, and Lµ(a) approaches the tth iterate of Algorithm 3 satisfies that the L1 loss as µ decreases. In this experiments section, we compare the performance of Huber and L loss.     2 Ut U 1 t µ˜ 1 + δr dist , ≤ (1 − τ˜1) σr(U) (9) Vt V 4 ξ˜ 1 − δr A. Synthetic data Eq. (8) in the above theorem guarantees that, under the We first generate a matrix X of size m × n by sampling RIP assumption on linear measurements A, our algorithm can each entry from the Gaussian distribution N (0, 1), and the true ∗ achieve a good initialization. Eq. (9) states that, starting from a matrix X is obtained via truncated singular value decomposi- sufficiently accurate initialization, the algorithm exhibits a lin- tion (SVD) by keeping the first r largest singular values. The ear convergence rate. Moreover, the specific convergence rates sampling matrices Ai, i = 1, . . . , p are independently pro- of the initialization at Eq. (8) and the alternating minimization duced by sampling each entry from the Gaussian distribution N (0, 1). To evaluate the robustness of the proposed method, at Eq. (9) both depend on the RIP constant δ6r. Jain et al. [14] and Tu et al. [13] built the convergence result we consider eight distributions for the error term i: (a) No for alternating minimization under least square matrix fac- error; (b) N (0, 2); (c) N (0, 10); (d) logN (0, 1); (e) Cauchy; torization, however, their proving methods cannot be directly (f) t(3); (g) Pareto(1, 1); (h) 0.9N (0, 1) + 0.1N (100, 1). adopted to derive the results at Eq. (8). This paper extends Note that (e) and (g) are heavy-tailed with the first-order [14]’s SVP method to more general objective functions based moment being infinite. We consider two loss functions for the on M-estimation, and a detailed proof of the convergence of recovery: Huber and L2 loss, and there are 100 replications SVP initialization is also provided. For the linear convergence for each error distribution with m = n = 100, r = 10 and at Eq. (9), Tu et al. [13] gave a similar result, while the gradi- p = 5000. ent descent method was used for the alternating minimization. We consider the following three metrics for evaluation: (1) ∗ > ∗ This paper adopts the proof technique in [17] to establish the relative error (RE): ||X −Ub Vb||F /||X ||F ; (2) recovery rate linear convergence of the alternating minimization based on (RR): fraction of the elements whose element-wise relative Nesterov’s momentum method. error is smaller than 5%, where element-wise relative error is ∗ > ∗ When M is not smooth, the regularized objective function defined as |(Xij − (Ub Vb)ij)/Xij|; (3) test error (MSE): a ∗ ∗ ∗ Mλ, defined in Eq. (7), is also not smooth, while the function test set {A , b } with p = 100 was generated using the same λ ‡ ‡ λ pipeline, and the test error is defined as p∗−1kA∗(U >V ) − Mπ is smooth. Denote {U ,V } = minU,V M (U, V ) and b b π‡ π‡ λ b∗k2. For both RE and MSE, a smaller value is desired, while a {U ,V } = minU,V Mπ(U, V ). value closer to one indicates better performance for RR. Table I presents the results based on the average of 100 replications, Figure 2 gives box plots of recovery rates for different and we highlight preferable figures by boldface. error distributions and loss functions. It can be seen that When the data is very heavy-tailed (error (e) and (g)), recovery rates vary within a small scale, and the observations the algorithm diverges for some cases. Table II shows the are consistent with those in Table I. Overall, the algorithm percentages of convergent repetitions. For the other six distri- with Huber loss is comparable to that with L2 loss in special butions, the algorithm converges for all replications. Moreover, cases (error a-c) and significantly better in general cases (error we observe that scaling down the learning rate can make d-h). the algorithm converge, but this severely slows down the algorithm. When starting with a larger learning rate, the algorithm with L2 loss tends to diverge, while that with the Huber loss converges faster.

Error Loss RE RR MSE Huber 0.003 0.960 0.030 (a) L2 0.003 0.969 0.022 Huber 0.030 0.650 2.885 (b) L2 0.028 0.671 2.487 Huber 0.163 0.185 84.628 (c) L2 0.141 0.211 63.040 Huber 0.028 0.667 2.617 (d) L2 0.038 0.580 4.571 Huber 0.039 0.570 4.832 (e) L2 1.083 0.037 4742 Huber 0.020 0.757 1.238 (f) Figure 2: Box plots of recovery rates under Huber (left) and L2 0.024 0.711 1.862 L2 (right) loss functions with eight error distributions: (a) No Huber 0.068 0.399 14.68 (g) error; (b) N (0, 2); (c) N (0, 10); (d) logN (0, 1); (e) Cauchy; L2 1.825 0.021 12451 (f) t(3); (g) Pareto(1, 1); (h) 0.9N (0, 1) + 0.1N (100, 1). Huber 0.025 0.704 1.920 (h) L2 0.494 0.063 791.1 Table I: Simulation results for synthetic data with eight er- B. Real data ror distributions: (a) No error; (b) N (0, 2); (c) N (0, 10); We further demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our (d) logN (0, 1); (e) Cauchy; (f) t(3); (g) Pareto(1, 1); (h) low-rank matrix recovery algorithm by applying it to two real 0.9N (0, 1) + 0.1N (100, 1). examples. The first is a chlorine concentration dataset, available in [20]. The dataset contains a matrix of chlorine concentration Error Huber L2 levels collected in a water distribution system. The observa- (e) 99.4% 80.0% tions in each row are collected at a certain location, and the (g) 100.0% 62.8% columns correspond to observations at consecutive time points. The second is compressed sensing of the MIT logo [14], Table II: Percentage of the replications where the algo- [21], which is a 38 × 72 gray-scale image, see Figure 3. rithm converges for two error distributions: (e) Cauchy; (g) Pareto(1, 1).

When there is no error, Huber and L2 loss are comparable, both reaching a recovery rate over 96%. In terms of the metrics presented, L2 loss is better than Huber loss when the error Figure 3: MIT logo is normally distributed. However, Huber loss is more robust when error introduces bias, skewness or outliers. Huber loss 1) Chlorine concentration recovery: We use a sub-matrix ∗ has a substantial advantage over L2 loss especially when the of size 120×180 as our ground truth matrix X and generated error is skewed (error d) or heavy-tailed (error f). When the p = 4200 sensing matrices and linear measurements according linear measurements are biased (error h) or contaminated by to (2). We set r = 6 since the rank-6 truncated SVD of X∗ heavy-tailed outliers (errors e & g), matrix recovery using L2 achieves a relative low error of 0.069. In this experiment, as recovers only less than 7% of entries and has very large MSE, in [22], we use outliers to replace measurements bis, and the ∗ while employing Huber loss allows the procedure to recover outliers are sampled from N (0, 10kX kF ). The replacement at least 40% of the entries and the recovery error is less than happens with probability 1% or 5%, which is denoted by error 7% in general. distributions (i) and (j), respectively. As a comparison, we Error Loss RE RR Huber 0.095 0.130 (a) L2 0.102 0.121 Huber 0.448 0.032 (c) L2 0.432 0.032 Huber 0.097 0.132 (i) L2 12.587 0.002 Huber 0.114 0.109 (j) L2 N.A. Table III: Performance of Chlorine concentration recovery with four error distributions: (a) No error; (c) N (0, 10); (i) ∗ 1% outliers with outliers sampled from N (0, 10kX kF ); (j) ∗ 5% outliers with outliers sampled from N (0, 10kX kF ). also consider the cases with no error and the error distribution of N (0, 10), which correspond to error distributions (a) and Figure 4: Chlorine concentration recovery: no error (c) in the synthetic data, respectively. Table III gives the sensing performance under different lev- els of outliers. The recovery rates are all low, and this possibly is due to the fact that X∗ has many entries close to zero. As a result, the relative error might be a more informative metric here. The Huber and L2 loss have comparable performance when there is no error (see also Figure 4) or normal error of a moderate scale (see also Figure 5). Replacing 1% or 5% of the ∗ measurements with N (0, 10kX kF ) outliers hardly affects the recovery if Huber loss is used. However, for L2 loss, the result is severely affected by outliers. When there are 5% outliers, the algorithm is either too slow or divergent, thus the result is not available (N.A.). Figure 4-7 visualize the element-wise comparison between the true matrix and the recovery results by plotting the second row of the matrices in a plot. Figure 4 shows that recovery is good when there is no error. Figure 5 shows that Figure 5: Chlorine concentration recovery: N (0, 10) error both procedures are affected by the N (0, 10) noise, but the reconstructed values still share the same pattern with the true values. When there are 1% outliers, using the L2 loss results in large fluctuations and can not recover the matrix (see Figure 6). In contrast, using Huber loss allows us to recover the true X∗ even when 5% of the observations are outliers, see Figure 7. 2) Compressed sensing of MIT logo: We use the gray- scale logo as the ground truth matrix, which can be well- approximated by a rank-4 matrix (RE = 0.0194 by truncated SVD). We set m = 38, n = 72, r = 4, and take p = 1200 measurements using (2). Figure 8 visually compares the sens- ing results under L2 loss and Huber loss. If Huber loss is used, the MIT logo can be recovered in all 4 scenarios examined. Recall that the N (0, 10) noise is the most adverse case for Huber loss among the eight error distributions tested using synthetic dataset. In this MIT logo experiment, the reconstructed image is still recognizable when error follows N (0, 10). For the other 3 types of errors, the Figure 6: Chlorine concentration recovery: 1% recovery error is hardly noticeable. On the other hand, using L2 loss allows us to recover the logo when there is no or Normal error. Under Normal error, L2 loss has a slight advantage over Huber loss, as the outcome Error Loss RE RR Huber 0.024 0.547 (a) L2 0.026 0.538 Huber 0.275 0.105 (c) L2 0.235 0.113 Huber 0.063 0.380 (e) L2 9.795 0.002 Huber 0.043 0.487 (h) L2 0.951 0.035 Table IV: Recovery of MIT logo with four error distributions: (a) No error; (c) N (0, 10); (e) Cauchy; (h) 0.9N (0, 1) + 0.1N (100, 1).

demonstrate that the Huber loss function provides more robust performance for skewed and/or heavy-tailed data comparing Figure 7: Chlorine concentration recovery: 5% outlier with L2 loss.

APPENDIX Appendix A: Proof Sketch of Theorem 1 (a) Huber, no error (b) L2, no error The proof of the convergence shares the same nature with the combined analysis of [13], [23] and [17], thus we only provide a road map. We first present theorems where M is smooth. The follow- (c) Huber, N (0, 10) (d) L2, N (0, 10) ing assumptions are made on the function M(·): 1 Assume that M(A(Y ) − b) − M(A(X) − b) ≥ 2 h∇M(A(X) − b),Y − Xi + ξkA(X) − A(Y )k2. This assumption is the ξ-strong convexity assumption in [24]. 2 Assume that M(A(Y ) − b) − M(A(X) − b) ≤ (e) Huber, Cauchy (f) L2, Cauchy 2 h∇M(A(X) − b),Y − Xi + ηkA(X) − A(Y )k2. 3 Without loss of generality, assume X∗ is the optimal matrix, then M(A(X∗) − b) = 0 and M(X) ≥ 0. 4 Assume that M also defines a matrix norm when acts on 2 2 (g) Huber, Gaussian mixture (h) L2, Gaussian mixture a matrix X, and c1kXk2 ≤ M(X) ≤ c2kXk2. Figure 8: Compressed sensing of MIT logo. (a) No error; (b) Remark: Assumption 1-2 defines the condition number of N (0, 2); (c) N (0, 10); (d) logN (0, 1); (e) Cauchy; (f) t(3); the function M(·), similar assumptions also appear in [25]. (g) Pareto(1, 1); (h) 0.9N (0, 1) + 0.1N (100, 1). Usually κ = η/ξ is called the condition number of a function f [26].

Lemma A.1. [27] Let A satisfy 2r-RIP with constant δ2r. is a bit clearer. The reconstructed image is very blurred when Then for all matrices X, Y of rank at most r, we have Gaussian mixture error presents, and can not be recognized under Cauchy error. Numerical metrics are supplied in Table |hA(X), A(Y )i − hX,Y i| ≤ δ2rkXkF kY kF . IV. The next lemma characterizes the convergence rate of the VII.CONCLUSION initialization procedure: This paper proposes to use M-estimation in the problem Lemma A.2. [28] Let X ∈ Rm×n be an arbitrary matrix of matrix factorization for low-rank matrix recovery. The p proposed framework is very general, and it includes the of rank r. Let b = A(X) ∈ R be p linear measurements. Consider the iterative updates popular L1, L2 and quantile loss functions as special cases. Especially the Huber M-estimation enjoys good robustness Y t+1 ← P Y t − ξ ∇ M(A(Y t) − b) , property, and the loss function is smooth. The alternating r t X minimization method is applied at each step, and Nesterov’s where Y i are m × n matrices. Then momentum method is employed to accelerate the convergence. t t 0 The numerical experiments on both synthetic data and real data kY − XkF ≤ ψ(A) kY − XkF 2 2 t t C kek holds, where ψ(A) is defined as Proof. Let the current solution X satisfy M(X ) ≥ 2 . By lemma A.3 and b − A(X∗) = e, we have ψ(A) = 2sup kXkF =kY kF =1,rank(X)≤2r,rank(Y )≤2r |hA(X), A(Y )i − hX,Y i|. kek2  1 + δ  M(Xt+1) ≤ + ξ 2k − η kb − A(Xt) − ek2 2 1 − δ We can prove this lemma by using the results of Theorem 2k kek2  1 + δ  A.1. ≤ + ξ 2k − η kb − A(Xt)k2 First, we prove that the initialization procedure indeed 2 1 − δ2k converges to the true value of X. −2e>(b − A(Xt)) + kek2 M(Xt)  1 + δ  2M(Xt) A. Proof of Eq. (8) in Theorem 1 ≤ + ξ 2k − η C2 1 − δ C2 Lemma A.3 (Initialization). Assume that ξ 1+δ2k − η > 0. √ 2k 1−δ2k t t ˜ ∗ M(X ) 2M(X ) Denote M(X) = M(A(X) − b). Let X be an optimal + + √ solution and let Xt be the value obtained by Algorithm 1 c1 C c1 at tth iteration. Then = DM(Xt).  1 + δ  ˜ t+1 ˜ t 2k ∗ t 2 0 2 M(X ) ≤ M(X ) + ξ − η kA(X − X )k2. Since D < 1, combining the fact that M(X ) ≤ c2kbk , by 1 − δ 2 2 2k l 1 (C +ε)kek m taking t = log D log 2c kbk2 , we complete the proof. Proof. From assumption, we have 2 2 M˜ (Xt+1) − M˜ (Xt) The following lemma is adapted from [13]: ≤ h∇M˜ (Xt),Xt+1 − Xti + ξkA(Xt+1) − A(Xt)k2 m×n 2 Lemma A.4. Let X1,X2 ∈ R be two rank r matrices ˜ t t+1 t t+1 t 2 > > ≤ h∇M(X ),X − X i + ξ(1 + δ2k)kX − X kF with SVD decomposition X1 = A1 Σ1B1, X2 = A2 Σ2B2. > 1/2 m×r > 1/2 t+1 t For l = 1, 2, define Ul = Al Σl ∈ R , Vl = Bl Σl ∈ where the last inequality comes from RIP. Let Y = X − n×r 1 R . Assume X1,X2 obey kX2 − X1k ≤ σr(X1). Then 1 ∇M˜ (Xt), and 2 2ξ(1+δ2k)     2 ˜ t t t 2 2 U2 U1 2 kX2 − X1kF ft(X) = h∇M(X ),X − X i + ξ(1 + δ2k)kX − X kF . dist , ≤ √ . V2 V1 2 − 1 σr(X1) Then Combine Lemma A.1 and A.4, and follow a similar√ route ft(X) = ξ(1 + δ2k) of [13], we can prove that using more than 3 log( rκ) + 5   t+1 2 1 ˜ t 2 iterations of Algorithm 1, we can obtain kX − Y kF − 2 2 k∇M(X )kF 4ξ (1 + δ2k)  U   U  1 t+1 t+1 t+1 ∗ 0 By definition, Pk(Y ) = X , then ft(X ) ≤ ft(X ). dist , ≤ σr(U). V0 V 4 Thus M˜ (Xt+1) − M˜ (Xt) ≤ f (Xt+1) ≤ f (X∗) Thus we finished the proof of convergence in the initializa- t t tion procedure. Next, we prove the linear convergence of the ˜ t ∗ t ∗ t 2 = h∇M(X ),X − X i + ξ(1 + δ2k)kX − X kF main algorithm on the penalized objective function. ˜ t ∗ t 1 + δ2k ∗ t 2 We first rewrite the objective function (7) by using the up- ≤ ∇M(X ),X − X i + ξ kA(X ) − A(X )kF 1 − δ2k lifting technique, so that it is easier to simultaneously consider ˜ t ∗ t ∗ t 2 ≤ ∇M(X ),X − X i + ηkA(X ) − A(X )kF M and the regularization term. To see this, consider rank r   m×n > 1 + δ2k ∗ t 2 matrix X ∈ R with SVD decomposition X = U ΣV . + ξ − η kA(X ) − A(X )kF m×n (m+n)×(m+n) 1 − δ2k Define Sym : R → R as ˜ ∗ ˜ t ≤ M(X ) − M(X )  0 X    m×m 1 + δ2k Sym(X) = > . ∗ t 2 X 0n×n + ξ − η kA(X ) − A(X )kF 1 − δ2k   A11 A12 Given the block matrix A = with A11 ∈ A21 A22 Theorem A.1. Let b = A(X∗) + e for rank k ma- m×m m×n n×m n×n , A12 ∈ , A21 ∈ , A22 ∈ , ∗ p 1 R R  R  R trix X for an error vector e ∈ R , D = C2 + A11 0m×n    q  define Pdiag(A) = and Poff(A) = 1+δ2k 2 2 1 1 0 A ξ − η 2 + + . Then, under the assump- n×m 22 1−δ2k C c1 C c1   1 0m×m A12 (m+n)×(m+n) p tion that D < 1, Algorithm 1 with step size ηt = out- Define B : → as the 2ξ(1+δ2k) A 0 R R puts a matrix X of rank at most k such that M(A(X) − b) ≤ 21 n×n 2 2 2 uplifted version of the A operator 2 kek l 1 (C +ε)kek m (C + ε) , where ε ≥ 0, in at most log 2 2 log D 2c2kbk2 iterations. B(X)k = hBk,Xi, where Bk = Sym(Ak). k > > ε˜−ε˜(1−τ˜) † ˜ Define W = [U ,V ]. As a result, we can rewrite object that τ˜ ≤ ε . Since Vk still satisfies Assumption 1 function (7) as: and 2, without loss of generality, assume the corresponding parameter are ξ˜ and η˜. g(W ) = g(U, V ) ∗ Next we want to study the relation between Wt − W and > > > 2 = M(b − A(U V )) + λkUU − VV kF V˜t. This involves Assumption 1 and 2 as well as Lemma A.1. 1 With rough handling of the gradient part in Assumption 1 and = M B(Sym(U >V )) − Sym(X) (10) 2 2, we can obtain 1 + λkSym(U >V ) − Sym(X)k2 . ξ˜kA(W ) − A(W ∗)k2 ≤ (1 − τ˜)tµ˜kA(W ) − A(W ∗)k2 +ε. ˜ 2 F t 2 0 2 From equation (10) we can see that two parts of the penalized Notice that ε˜ can be made arbitrary small so that objective function have similar structures. ξ˜kA(W ) − A(W ∗)k2 ≤ (1 − τ˜ )tµ˜kA(W ) − A(W ∗)k2 As a result, although we made Assumptions 1, 2, 4 on t 2 1 0 2 the original function M, we can see from (10) that the and 1 − τ˜1 can still be larger than 0 smaller than 1. Employ penalized objective function still retains a similar property. As the RIP property, we have for Assumption 3, we can also use some location transform ξ˜(1 − δ )kW − W ∗k2 ≤ (1 − τ˜ )tµ˜(1 + δ )kW − W ∗k2. techniques to make the penalized objective function satisfies r t 2 1 r 0 2 this assumption. Thus, we can deal with the penalized objec- Thus tive function or the unpenalized objective function in a similar     Ut U way. dist , Vt V Then, similar to [13], the alternating minimization together µ˜ 1 + δ  U   U  with Nesterov’s momentum algorithm with respect to U and ≤ (1 − τ˜ )t r dist 0 , 1 ˜ V V V (sub-matrices of W ) can be written as a NAG algorithm ξ 1 − δr 0 applied to g(W ) with respect to W . 1 t µ˜ 1 + δr ≤ (1 − τ˜1) σr(U). For the convergence analysis of the Nesterov’s momentum 4 ξ˜ 1 − δr algorithm, we employ the following lemma, which is a theo- Theorem 1 is proved. rem in [17]. Remark on (10): From (10), we provide a guideline with λ Lemma A.5. For minimization problem minx∈X f(x), where respect to the selection of compared with [13], by combining x is a vector, using the Lyapunov function (10) and Assumption 4. ∗ 2 Appendix B: Proof Sketch of Theorem 2 V˜k = f(yk) + ξkzk − x k , Proof. Employ Theorem 1 in [29] and Lemma 3 in [30] we it can be shown that know that

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