
Y bak - ST. JOUNS, MICH., Fill DAY; SEI’TEMHER 80, 1880: Number R. C. H. .ythMtn want tn i:iiirap«-> Ttirt«d J. Win. Wood, the roloml rntrhw for the Dtkrt litilae wua In iMroft, Tneailny, THE ITATE FAIR. THK (m NTY.KMB. hii-HiOAN Minutes ; . hVati \. Tnivia hua laa>ii on thran'k Hat, St. Joliiia Iniar hall I'liih, liaa ndumrd to .\Jlaa t'arrie IlniWu, of IMrolt, U vlalt- Bwb Able —Wliat ha haw,Heard Detroit inR ntHtfi^. Gt*f>. Sterl’n, Hew AttracUmixJialijf iiklail all ifc —Geo tye PuhofT . of Po kag OP, wbih? Am iMUpvndoat ^M^iprr, Tlo- l,.v«ina Unplittfa urn r**ioi'<'liisf In a aad Pall.-M>ar County Pair, aa^H^i|n,n Central rottrond whw’h they liav*' had I'onaiih^hle troU- ! t'ttrwrr nf Htati* aad Hpr(ii( Rtn^ta. by flrnry WnlbriJtfr*. J. W. ItraJiaT and I tbquRht wlien'l^it tint of Ahdanwuir The ofWs cm of the lair.o-moedatiou sttttt'aear D ,ICic, hm} his k*^ cntafaial by m ...... riRht. ^ ST. Johns News Co. I>. Ib^ou-ului t’oIiM>ii Ttioimis HromteS ’, Jr., aja-nt Sunda.v in villa pristin a law yeoys nfgu, that 1 would •‘.mtiuiie to make every effort to have ab rtulluiliiiRcn it, u*JM^4^utiiiR mwputa- H. F. .liiten ia aianntinR the'wreak at Grand Unpidn. '' ' never lie eaiiRht in ainiHier siieh a ta raiie triw-tioiis which will please the public ami tion. At 7A aaaU • Tmu * itrlctljr >■ ACvmm *. H«»ii. Otiir Fiillrr la tlir way th*’ Dotntit t'oliiuihiia, Hhio, atteiidiiiR tjie Hmnd Hjenin. Dut alas! the Hf^i is weak and they are suirieHiiiR.------YMiriv adtrcrtialnc ratra mad* kaown on Frar piita it. Read the advertiaeineut on the fourth Chk-femmolei TTa riiRlhl^ihe yartb^ apidtrailoa. t'antonnieut of the 1'iiti‘iari‘ha Millitant. {iHRe heiMietl “The Fulr.” tile foe ia atrouRer tluui New KuRbimi-. 'I'he luiraa t>f for the 2:rU^ trot tm Rfan«.h ctnmt.T pou ltry rtowpc w to a « • HaaInMMi lorabi 5 rrnta per Hue rarh time. , ^bMa l.okt ItHJitiR, of riawtiniiiK, in ria- ^ fcfwmlan^.njapadlnitaiattarAit i lata baa ya.Wni.li ft li.wwti, W. H "liwiwntHi mmA kroRt. 1-1 wnsiiinsi away fr«iiiv horns the Fritlay, (),-tot>er 4, wilf briliit the Isaf iflant.hiR extent. F^. Nnrnr aarh InarrMua. lliW 91 V- artlaville, are rejoieHiiR overa.voiinRlad.ir otlHT^ayiiy H mc wli-ket^ news} tbs state, os thh. is iv larger ituataraa IMrrrtorr < W.'H. t'liHtle eo iirte.1 in Ionia, Mo nday. RsHrfiDR, lost something over MU two* Carda ftf thaaha 3H mala rarh. Jolin (ia.v au wmli. Manias aad llrath nutirra Pm. II IiiiiiImt .vttTtl Hi Fow lor. •Oi' .Mrs. H.III.V R.-Hause is viwHiair her lanai .Nntirra at ataintr ratra. Whn hi bn? A Wnahintua ilin| witth ■natataa prlaonBry~tBBnit»,l, triadN aim I connty lair in the state, llie (fmt home - .Mr. and Mm. I^lliaia Joam, m old pCrSaltlrrorBla will br martr '** Horn, t4> V. K. H mU«\v iind wife, of Vio- daiiRliter at Jaekson. roblssl by the l-ansiuR State fair “apkw Rets I2.M), 2d ♦12.'’,, :bl ♦T.'V, 4th ♦,’M).— tbr Brat trf Itrmnbrr, Marrb. JtitH^anol Srpi. aajra that. W. X. Htoktr ul Hi. JuiiiiN. Iiaa ••OHple over 80 ysom of hrh, HtIiir in Tranalrat nilrrrtlalna payahlrW adraiim. tor, II aim, Similay laat. been adiiiitteil to priurtiee in the Interior Rev. A. D. .Veivtou'a . Hubbuth-ai-laitol RiiR.” .\iiar reatier, I sliull noC Ibat H iu ■'). five to enter, three to st.irt- ^lilfonl township, Tnseula county, disd Addraaa all rt>Blinuntcatluiia t«i Hoi^j^ Mrn. Gw. Winton, of ! de|Nirtnient. ehiHH pree»>ntefllmr>rrm. rnpitiil i-ity. . thla coint.v and will attend'liefore It yeetenla.v, a4t^iiii|Min»ed by Mm. ft. K. theiiiouth of a .iover bull«‘r Hinl had the Murrit F^k, secretary. rompletad it will be one of |^lie hnodsoin- Jadar ofFrvbatr, Jori-ll. rt IM'iiinp atartiHl'foF Wiafonaiu, Seeretar.v Frink will reeelveoiitries next woman, child .lud iKilitH'ian ftsds that at­ '100 varieties of wheat, oats nnd barley. brick buildiiiR near their pnpn^polp tar- tltroarra, A. K. Hralt, Hobrrt W. Oarld Mar’y Hoard of Hrnooj Ezawlurra, K. M. Wtn- Monda.v. Hr will Iw* Ronr all winter. W. H. Huntley r«*tiirne«1 Siinda.v mom- week for the fair. He will l>e found at tended the stntn fair “moiistrtmlty. ” I I.MUVUM'AI. IMIIKKS..^ U,r.v at .\l|s‘iia. it is to be use.i to ctore alua. . ^ — --- — Mra. Hr. rorliin ia I'lijiiyiiiR a viait fnini iiiR, from M'aahiiiRton Terribir.v. He Jiists'e PiiiisirH offii'e. know there are sinful newM|Mi|s'r men who - Hirrf JTHuIbrook offer^ for 1bwt colt juilp ill. ■ * ^ waa )^>ne aix weeka, vlalleil Seattle and will, for a free ride on the c.im dml their from their Pen-lieron staWqn J,»r the sea­ A .vouiiR nmw who wo rked on the furiii Villaaa onirmt. lior iiiotlirr, Mra, .Miir.v Fnllrr, of Maaon. Geo. \. Estes nnd wife wiH visit 11eve- Prraidrnt, John I>. Hrndrraon other |M>inta of bitefrat, n'lid likea it ao dinner, try to make yon tliink that the son of IHXll, use of stallion for iHOO.fl.r,. of S. K, Rmdiiur.r. four mihw from B^ l*rmldmt pro trm, William t'olllna Ilrv. .\. J. Morria, a iiofdirw of Mra. H. liiiid this week aaiti take in the Detroit ex- CVrlt. t'harira I’. Hakrr well that lie will proiMtbl.v ro iiRuin. fair WHS a Rkirions sn, •<»««. Well, it was riwonil ♦10 to Is* applied on use of stul- City, ,1is,ipis*ared Sunday moestsy Trraaurrr, i’. K. Wallaworth M. IVrrin. ia U<*rr viaitiiiR. jmsrtwm Mtatdny.- fur tiie,prupriutura ul the Rre.it show, lioii for ISIK). Tlilrjl ♦.’» to lie ni'iplie.l on iiiR a watch and chain vHlued.SFfSO," Aaaanaor, W M l,rluhtf (*. .yIhuiinf and fimiily will aom i fi** The Koiihomoree of onr H IrIi hiIioo I AT MarakaL^__ ' II. limn “The hvit of tiuu" in a tu}ik to. be dia. yott bet it wms. :The tfwnsso eettiiR use of stalTloii lor 1890. Itii’liard.Bilkev, ov pr 50 yearn o f _fi»rney. Will H. Brunron move to Muuiatiipie. elwted the fol UiwinR -o filferw. htnt FTwhty Hern olHmr. or. Hrnrr Pnlnirr afternoon, for tliie .vfnir: Preeident, .\. msed hy the T. P. M. A. next Smrlay at tiiimsela .t Riorfous “su «Vemh,R,. Ifir^fmurdering bk TruKtrra. W'illlnm CollInN, H. W. Morrhi, fleo (ieo. (}. Whiteonib ptarteil the nieea at .\re you intereetnl? A. Mtml, Edwin K. White, WilUaui .V. Wal- E. •Milkier; vk-e preahlent, Miae f^iih mil it, hilt for a man witii an empty iiis stallion RreniiiiH, and so does Josli^ wife. drtia. WlUtnm Hamilton Ionia, tliia woek. He iafanteetly at home idomai'h it's n .lisnial failure, EldriilRH f,ir his dydesdule staJIion. N IViumittkim —rtaimM: White. roll|n«. Morrie ; Fow Iit: aouretory,- MIW* I'odie iTynii; mb Friiuk M. S)uiuldinR nnd bride enme to K,irly ^fnmla.v I'nomiiig at Haneoi*k, atmmi and aewrra; klorrbi, Stml. Waldron; in the jildRe ’a atiiiifl.' Tlie ptate fair prisuu *s situated uut iu The X kws will Rive u .vi ^H ’ “ sulasTije *' irrailm aad walka: Cotlina. White, Hamll- itor, jliaa Ina IVrriii. St. .bilins, .Monda.v. ‘They are now at .t^bi laizxari, an Italian who bad pre- ' Miaa Miiml Simniiaou, of Dniieroft, n the rountr> ’ on a by tuiil forbid,leii ]iath tion to the one t.ikiiiR ftmt pr*.miuni on tinn petltiooe: Hamilton, ('olllna,Steel; Are .yiiout five months mnrr ftrr laid wnate .Mm. O. L. SininldiiiR's. lutycl to retiiru to Italy but had nibtaed water andllithta; kloriia. Hanillloii.l'olllnM; vieitor nt Mrs. E. F. f’lifTord'a f«l|fe llKleis-fulsAL .iUY P. HAVK.NS. Olll«-e iiverK. * season by .i^^d the mis- hourMoura: W tt> 11 am and J to 5 pm. 1 fallow. The wimk* nuieh is enclose,! by a ShiTiff Rowd, ‘n k^us caHetl upon to.%mke “ of South Ori4, lisltiil at .1. S. OaRtsid's, in the Ikiptiat cliur«*h in thi^ villiiRe, U-- fortnne, Wislnesibiy, to i^* liis |MM-ket. .Mm. X. JL TaRRiirt, of Detroit, ia visit- IsNini feiH'e nlsiiit as IiIrIi as tlie tariff on the arrest which m^.dhrnlfri' a'short re­ -MONEY UU.MXG. ^ Weilneiolay ami Tliumihi.v. tweeii the pnattir. Rev, (’.' W.. Ihniltr.v, iiiR lier iRtither, HiiRh IV. .^iorris. .Mnk wool. The RTonlids are stroiiRly fpianl- IsKik at the state fair. It ,‘ont.iinei| ♦.;:! sistance fniiii loiXJinri. The wounds v»f K'HUIAli MOBT(lAlIE..CuMPAJfY. Ifc H. Wwli.li rtii.l wHi..- wImi li»,B I.....! «>*il Sloii ‘Iu.v -veumii tli. rlinprli l,.v vutei will aei’omiMiny her to Detniit and w^ probably stolen, ns pk'k|HM kets. ^lUmlteil.l I'npllnl $75.(100. t'oriier of eil b.v brass-buttoissl dudes, who are Cnmpano arc prononoi'e.l fatal, and lots- Tker and Spiinit atrmta, St. Johna. Mon ­ visitiiiRkt H. V. IVw leu's the past week, iiskeil him to resiRii. He refiiseil todoiy, M<»ndnv. srmeil to the teeth with jack of clulstand were on Hk^jrrouiid Hint d.iy. ey ta kutB. Inveatmenla tuade. morticntrea for _^niingth flt thn tWfor h he /au j ,4 4,.,.,,^.,.,- zari has a tmilet wound h> the tem|de A Aor plnrea ufiand Utt aulu. 1 have retnnnsl home tti (>»wrRo, N. Y. n.v<4vers. There is ft birRc ImtidinR nenr Mr. .Myr,,n Brown, of 1V,i(,*rb,wn, own ­ wTiTcfi w,iuhl have killed a j^raiiion inau yeiim. The •Jnneral the prison Rate culleil the, tn*,iHury ,le- er of tin* “IRr Star"' ImtiI of i'obimi Cliilia lint Im« will rcHiver. The wKok nffiih* is a TINfK 'J'AHI Mrs.^ Pi Wii ken llml~riiiiu’~iiter. May Deuvw. ltd., arr ^tidtiitj 7 TTP~rF~Trirn(iii Matliew Dlaek, of (Hive, (1iiit1itinn. Mr. Botlee trniiie will len vrSt.Johne L.L.t'.Stf.Resold .>iibiiMliGreenbush ,ba..Re,! their nd. I’iatioii at Pet.mkey. M'ben they get a an below, central atandard time: faimiiiR mills the present se.ison in the'*’ ^ ""I ' pa|Hm. i*r« , |,•„J,.rprisinR men liants ehiiiiRe their n«l- think is altire,! touRli wh«.n the Johnnh-s | Rniivn mvdn't Is* nHlmme.1 of (his. He site and a churte^tliey will build the fin­ iiol.s'H wmr. n....tlmcnpnHoftlLs....: I «'** , ve|-tiH..me„ts .it least 01.0,. ..very two Niicht esprewi...... 'i:OS aiii mmleiis Rive up onr toba, ‘ker aiitl-j»i,-k- ••xhibitetl some very Hue animals, est half-mile tra,-k in the state. Illxeil for (Jraiid KapMn only...... N;.'tU am ' iThe I'MitsTs .W(TP fom irt TtilH tmiyninR. —■ . knives wh.*n we were Ink, *11 prisonem R..»»RutWacouHt«.Monda.v,of,oiim,. Th,* villiiR,* of Clinton isRreatly stiiTfd MomiDK mail...... l(l;JJ am elms. F.mier and wife, .Mm.C.Colem.iii. ' .lonrmil, S4n»t. 1-1. * | " ' - Expremfor (JrA|td Havrn.y.„...... pm •lowii south, but the ImnainR .\ndemon- 1 we ,.nltelt...... 1;JT pm Minrii-I, Sriit. ! 1, in Ht-lohu-. l.y Iw. i i I'. Wi.lilrin, lUi.l .Mm. It. M. Swt ,„irt MliesJ wVs. j.iHin .Mm.,Jn iii l.tif Hilufs. of Hov Ui------1 ■■■ . . . it....17...:??=:7?n7r^-r rr..... I The Y. S. C-. E. and thr ran Is- purrbssol.nT *tir iti'i'------——----- r ul.vxeii but'notililur of/I poisommsmituiv ^timi^ii-bny tiv-hlnt^ to coiUd bin ..f d ■ ,iroof that the prTMhi. t iTthrmUTis rR^ Iiiirk's hotel at KammaKHi.'wnsseorch- Thruttwh tyswuer Sleeper ti» Snspentikfh Mm. G,*,^. .A. Sbs*l enbutaimil about ..re ,1ifTen*nt will hol.la miionncryi-vii, theMetlnsHst iHoathern prison wHh a shilliiiR. ami I | iur ro ,si satisfaction. Mr. lIiiRhes is a isieiirl.v .Monday mqrninR. about ♦7tKI BrMtre. 1»e»l sleeiter to Detroit. •ox.Mu-Ttojtw ■ tlft.s of tTicTr Trieuds at the Sle«*l, Abliiday--jjp|yj,,j^|jj |.(.^|in^4o tin* 111,fortunate ,,f. eliiiO-h, .‘vumbiV eveiiiuR S.*pt.21». 8 u Ik have .vet to S.V the Hmt man WhoeverRot iHrst-i lnss miller nnd n eongsumf Rciitle- worth. Then* were .'Ml Riiests and thqr At Durnml wlIJi Chirairo nnd tirnnil Trunk . vveninR. ______for I'hienwo and tlie west. | fntr. No blame^in |s* attiu-hed to «,'».k. • aptimsl by the IsinsiuRfairRerilhis that „a our nmjir readem in that hs-al- all •■s,-,i|s*«l.— At Detroit, witli .'anada K,Mithert,^_tH£u^ Afnrcn Hiltmiin, of ls)s .Viureh-sl Cal., b«,dy. / “ John Fihlew Is in tlw^ wh,dis.i,b- ever eniuejH.me wi«h a nick. 1 h,i,l -Ml. ity wi|| Hud upon„<.ii t vntral and .Mielit- j who Inis Ists; VlsitlllR at (lU,,. .\. mtcel s, Dr. WlRRim^ hnd n narrow eseais* hist n,ouse of IbOdason. Rnrt* ‘ifslmw & Co., ,-ents wl„*n I w,is,-,iptiin*.iAji,- othe.Mhiy, j rnnninR the mill, (Riiucy.js’ulsi, buuUord -Vllietiii, was entered by bnrglnm on the *"Evm!nX"n eonne.f with (lo eland t.m.t ! irtinmslJxouie, He Went by tf^vny Fri.hiv iift<)riioob. when 11 wheel nu, off Ikdroit. entert^i miiR his i iistomers who whk h I wnsRoiiiR toRive to some p*)<,r | of thi* H,Tsn,naiou'.i.. ‘‘,",F^TSTTis sTmn ns nlRlif oT fh,* 14th. Some rerolrem and diir liiK aavlKatlon. ‘ „ , _ ' .rf Is troit T of his bn^.v TticoviiiR (lie Dr. ami nn- ' attiMiiiiii*' ti;^>i!pQsItion. widow or orjilmn. but it wns l,ik.-n nwa.v | |n>,^.ts it rrnoviite<|;)Mi|M*i-e«landre|Munt' other gmals have ls*,*u missed, ______PasMeiiKers air (irand Trunk and (ireat(io-at ; ' Western railway leave from this i|ei>ot. I •S. S. Walker, Walker St. East; Wiiriwr ' other m.-iith'imni riilinit\witl, him to the' S. .1. WriRlit and wife wtetHuiiTyiiriR last ^ ns s«H)n as they found out I hi„i if, nnd , ,^.,1 ,i„d pn,is*rly flxml np f<,r the aivoin- The M. E. ehnreli at Itiflgeim.r, J-ma- A. II. ATWATKll. Sap't. i W. K. DAVI.W. Oeneral Kn-lsht ami Tassen- , Rniidii.v, Oakland wtre«*t: and Wm. H.• Rreahie nnman-j^* ’" "H'** widow aiTIhave to ro will,-! ,,f jf,|,s,ts. .Vlsiut the 1st of j *♦ ’** I am so well please»J witli tl^ re- Airent. | Wheat. Rnidw iii atr«M*t, havelssm (ttiTTiiiR ' brul^i althoiiRli the Hr.'s riRlit ,inn is ' itRable and tlimw them out hurtiiiR .Mm, | T*l,ere was more water in-tl.ie Mxitli- (h-toU'r he exisi ts to'^have an o|M*ninR . J*1. Is,wery Hiat they gave OMAH HKO.MI.KY. Aseht. St. Johns. j eoncmtc wiilks in (rout""of their r,*sldeii,rs. ; pretty lame .V4 t. The liars** was eaiiRht WriRUt-aad 4lemolb 44iHR the Isirr.v . Dr, j -imlursonx ille than tl **r<* is in the 1j^,| .opj |M,rt.v, 01 whiyh due not iee will him a rec«*ption at the church. Mr. .lam,« L Turner was fonml Riiilty of I V^tliin n fow iulstrl«4l>lstrhi4 No. .» ,011 se<-tioiiset-thni :i*i, ■ (*i"'"'d ji|s*op|e Ji,drtiik ntit oLpad-au 1 hud-tu-- Entry, whem a si-Ixmi I tcai-herwas iaigaRj_„. TTS-nshln nf iitrnrf^>Hlli:;_Joi' *».-..[„■,({(• imtjj /tti.Dbfi o7 thei»c drank, von tfd by the school dlDs*tor. but the schewd He«le«l iJtls will 1m* ilPjiJiMlt***! with VnJenllnr , made and sold this s«*nson .HllO ,^i , •»hu,,xi**i1k tiuitthat ^ riowRrow,, amami ti,»the . (hmj.IXK) fe**t. —------| no*,! ii<»t wonih*r tiiarl eana* liomels*,,st The MicldRaii eonh-mni'e of the M. E. • Kstlsr, a, saUI aiefrlr, up to nml llll■llllllllK bo,ml Wauiltl not allow lieirYmi'nnfr Is*, J^tolsT o, lss„. rinnn nml M|>e,-iflr(it|oiiH i»r 1 , . -ii 1 • .11 1 ' t ' h,irD14^--ttrTrr .MnnRi*r, ‘5. A. Steel and Iv dr.v. The Witter is composeil of about _ ratise shewrts a memls-r trf the Catholh; III .41 ...... , . 4 I liollow ami litheweisis nm imt mTiv Ami I It In ilvshaiif^thnt' UiilhilnK Im* roi^iletcil In sold b,x Gie Hrm III an,\ one\i*aV. ,4 , , . .1 -4 di : w ife and .lames Uuii.inlrsn, attemleii the thmc iuirts . roten oil. four pm ta IT„.*s,lay and the following ap,K,int- ,hnn*h. tiaieXur wlnrs*-ten„ of m-liool. / , * a handful of salt is thrown oh it w ill kill ^AEKNTINK xkl.I.EU. ls*wis Reutley, of Js*biinoi!/is now the _____ . . inter-natioiufl fair at Ih'troit, tins wixi'k.; mst ..mrMvejVaVts sTornu^i •'*"'8 = 1'he Center, the MichiRiui orgattof the HAMTS v L STKiri.K, the most thrifty nsit. Tliemis a is'imlty . , 4'.' , . , , * U. H. firpriiilifiif Htler. \ A. T. HTCtMUS., ilir* ‘i'tor of the .Mutual 'bn* iiisiiranc*' I , „ ,* 1 .!• .1 . and It. (i. Btei*l, M. D. linbhani ami the TTie elmri,^ mil's w1ii,*li you Imvehearil I Prohibition purify, is going to be titoved .ofAiia lor aUouiwR t-oambY JJaslh*s.. U,. v .. , i*.. i- i . -i.' .VImu, .1. W.W . Vi.Virkem I , , > .. • .1 .Misses Net(41* (oiiu anil Etta l-iblew will I puffisl so ^leh, i-onsisted of a rouph* of ' back froif, I.«rnKtngto DetToiT, July, Inti';---- r4>m|Niuy of diiitoii amV Gratiot eo,in- I RO to Hi*i*i] on .vonr prcmiM*s, nml it is tia* Rath. W. A, Taylor til's. ! T .I' ' ' ! . ' 'll '..'Z—T—attend ti»-morn,w ifopher^hitehisl to H hah.v Cai f and al- Rm-kenriilRe, .\. (>. Carman IHIK). - • \ *• ! duty of the pjythmastev to mh* that' nmir otvefl to "ro " aronml the riiiR at three Charlotte. C. Lr Ramhart The Saginaw Penny I’ress, a ilenioerat \ , Rev. I). C. \ViKMl.,iil/o(Ovid,willpi 4.„i h „f t|„.f,nil wmilsRotos. 4*innhisilist,i. t. i "> hum in our jiossession ,v wheat l)e\Vitt, l>. M. Wan! , iuthe.M. E. ehuich/hen*, moridiiR iiiid Them is also a tine of not less than ♦!.■» ' hei-k fbiind on the txa'irtliirt liiiUM^ siptnm. rM-Mii knots an lionr. Tlie last act Was IhiRle, .V. W. Rums daily at Saginaw, is itead. Itdietl e*irsjhe jlate qf^ViiR^ Ihitoii ,-ircuit. \V. W. diutfi, ‘ld fever. can not eoiue. '' sissl. j .‘Ml. 1H71 . It was Riven to John Dunstall IlFii lik'h a ,“,7n ’jih* of taniebnttertliee wen* ; Eaton Ka]iiils, LDelamuriVr ] X Mimpiette woman thinks she bwnn 1*: wm r^Tmt. Elm Hall. K. I.. Niles > • T'lw. »uiJ-i,,. *ei .... .• < .1 I .lofFultoil, (iril I iot l•o,ln t .V, h.V .M. He,, Veil- taehi*il to the tanks of tw,, jaik rabbits] the RoveriHimnt biiilding in that plaisfr I he uoniay s^/iOi,*iRn missinmiry sis ii*- The* stifle^ ipii'tiur of the h*aRUe of • • ami then told to Ri*t them Ell. while tin*' Elsie, Gi*orRe I.. .Mount / fy of the M. |>'. i-^iui-i-h will mis*c^| the Americuii whei*!itieu is ls*iiiR held rii-h iV Co., St. .lohns, and Ihh prie»* jMiid Fowler. su|iplieil by Jai-ob Messner Ren Rark,*r, eilitor of the ReM Cit.v- Ox'hl fair next wix*k. 4(l,(MM) throiiR ,•he**rell. just to ai-enmnns > ehmch \Ne*lm*s 4h|y uex(. at- U t,Mlay apd will be hepl ti/uuor-j* ***,*" ** ’'*'* ^ Grand l-eilRe, Fhlwin Ten,*!, darioii, is said to hare the inshle track Tr.v the News foiii' months h,r 2.7ia*nfi(. ilatc-tla* pruprietom, as |o,id as the dust Gresham. ’I'liomas Voiidr for nr»* ap|siTiitnieiit ns |Htstinnst«*r of 111, luf tj.R^vlt .Ttiutl (>L«iltlmm_fpr the I'U- ,,t |)etl'ojt.**.\mol,R thnirn'tlho e.ii- welebnie showiT of rain visitisl this I’nix- i,r $.>,•. in their throats wnnid alluxv. | Itliaea, C. JaeokcM I that city, nnd some of the re],Qbli,hiii« up siiiiiR .v Cm/. )N*ct to Is* |)r«''S4*nt from'lier«' am, W. .M. .ill exeitiiiR trotliuR riiis* for ♦."lO a sjile WVll. tliank fortune, on tlie si.xth day ' l.aiisinR, Central rliiimh, M. M. ('alien aeetioi, last Snnibi^' mondiiR. l.,insinR, First Church, W. .M. Colby them who think that all tlie mwnrd a rp* * The• f'yisjdtjecl I ^ uhi^h will 1m* t iisislirw-x i % to< ilii-Art' .Smitli. .1. Iv. Diitcher, Ih.niiis Marshall. «M*,*ui r,Hl at the fan .fronml last Momlay of the wis*k the prison doom w,*m idown j Miss Ned Town in tenchliiR th,* Hliejs .Maple lbi[iidH and Gr,s*nhuHh, H. 8 . .Me- piillilean pfiitor shoiihl have is to. get ♦! the thntiRhts itf till* notuils-m of r Hpi.I ~tniliiiiii Diivies. .1. C. lliekw. Chas. ,Moi-e- , afternoiMi aiul Tm*sila.v moriduR,?M*twe«*i, nnlsville school. o|ien nnd wi* esi a|s>i| and althoURl, liiin f Grrgor ' linear for his pa|s*r, in 'frrM«u conIWopd S. C.,7:. at their 4*rvi<*e in the Co 74 oiiRi-eRit- , hiiul, Rii lniril l*liilli|is. Howard Fit ri*r- ’ .Nellie .Shdth owinil hy H. M*. Welister of RT.v. dry anil iieatl.v hurietl will, the dust M.ison, A. D. X,*wton and Ral*,]»*n sass, am trying to rtm~biin .\ rivil enRinei'r from ChicuRo is nbogt .Nashville, .V. K.Jltewart tiiittul chun'h, -'ci-'i p. III., is: “L't your j aid. E. E. Whetstone. Harry IhsiRe. The this vilhiRe, and the Keutm-ky »dallioii | ,,f timnkful tliat w out. He got tliere. / pnlJinldiiR a new atlas of dhtton eouiit.v. liRlit shine.’' 4 Ih'trnit ••lull iias ls*i*n invifevl hy the'elnh j .\lroy H., uw'iiisl hy J. I vison nnd Gisi.W. ] f,.,aa|om's soil om-e iittim an d mn The South Hiind.v MethirMlistxi ham a ltolw*rt Cranson.ivturiiis] to school iit HiM-oml' devehiml to sjwuil Sun duA wiHi them.l Riiiulell of Mt. Pleasant. (akliiR six heats ! i,„.„t|,e fresh aiiT^Tiid ReTa fix*sh ilriuk. Fphriiim V„nls*iRer lost the Potterville, Tliomiis Riley new chiin-h, and am ph*i4seil wiGi It. On imrd iJike. Tui*sila.v morniiiR. • tinner on the h-ft hill,d by its eoiuluR T,i ***' Hi'h'Riil ion fi'om I his plnce will 1 to settle it. Roth horsi*s wei;e in good Ht •Vnd now, lieiir r»*aih*r, we are ro Iiir to S(, Johns, C. G. 'riiomuM .Mma eolhge has iitsiietl a neat little _ ji.. B. Kcciiej',' of Petimkey, is visitiiiR ! rimtact with a riipiill.v levolvin^ saw at th*‘ lh:lr«L*LcLub. _ kind went for all they wen* worth. .Mro.v St. Louis, A. F. Hart have n little Imnd biMik, tellinRnboiitTtrilTIust ’itiitioD. It. took Hmt and fourth heats in 2:.t.*,. Siiepardsviile, (h*orR»* Rullin Ids brothers in St. Johns iiml Riley. | theshop, Saturday. This is the Hrst ue- j Then* will Im* no sale ,d lands for tuxi*s ill hoiH-st St. .lohns next montli nml vve^ Sieklm and .\shly., F. P. Spr.igTie A lisige of Gimn I Tem|4am liaa been Rom to Mr. and ifm.“T'. K. Ih*rkii,s, n (eideuf there n, some time. _ ^ this fall, owiiir to tin* I'hiiitRe in the dr 2:20, and Nelli,* .Smith tmik sii-ond. thinl want you all to come. St. Johns diN-sn't ■ Vermont ville. -I. H. Thoiiiaa fornusl at thesoldlem' bouie, near Uraad Is',y. last Friday, ‘ -i The Ovidfuir assn, mtion have mnd.^. ’’''"I""''* • '’^'••^"ill heieaP' and sixth hi-ats in 2:2HJ4. 2;'n. 2;2H. The fry topnt oni ity aim or mike morefai-i-s ; Wacousta and |M*lt!,, J. W. ,McC,ilIisti*r I Raptils. ^ -IViiitletd, l>. IV. FovV. ' tffth was ,, dead hi*nt and the sixth was ov'T ,1 little eoniity show than a Rantuni; I .V Wavi'ily man saw {his irVa'a l*M»t Mm. i.4ni Kmpps'mttirnisl 7rom Ohio. ! new di'parturi* in Mi'lliiiR ti*-kets. lnKtu.id b'r Is* held on the Hrst .Momhi,\ in Mm.\ Former |>nstoi-s in this county go to ' only w,at by I ‘hroat-latch. The trai-k pullet wotihl mule trying to hover 27 I sticking up nbove the lower, end td the last wn*k. sliRhtly improvi*il in lu'ultli. „f ni'IliuR family tickets for $1 lh«., now R»*f*iori f h-ketsor r*s|uif** 0,e ar Rcueriil inejuires the Hli*s in the ottlci has Isvn measiiriMl aud found to Is* it'i RoiiKc i'rrs. The umyur of onr tuwa: . ,, , ' ...... • . j Issl.uiid thinkingit was a biirglur be aboi- fief iiiom than a mile, wliieh woithrimike I . ‘A I 4 A * I I 1 ^ A I. K. .\. M I . Iv. .\llJllJjl Ull* I. iiiR ,-lam in Ovid. ^ isiyment of 41..'ll h-*, a thket for the of the lioiiiity eh-rk a |s.tiltoii udilressis t hnvt* to gi't H tiMi-yiMr-iilil twiy fti - ’ ; at i' His wife now liuipH. it tw,, sii-oiii Im slower. Rirth,,! thmehor- Rattle Cl|.**k, James Hainiltou to till* i-iieuit i-ourt of the eoiinty in chan write his imiiiRiiml iidilii'ss, we don't Ih'llevne. I.. M. Edmondw Elias Carter, living on s4S lx. Ilaiuiltoii The ,*i,nneil „ri* havipn ,i s«*wer e.vsten, nbtiii* is given each ilelinipiffit laxpa.vsr hy Ah'xaiiiler’s Alslallati,. he hy Ham- and ,-„rry the bshy. and we will mil wait ' Pokagoii. I. R. Talimun Itfil wheat...... ao4x77e A. (I. Hunt, Frank Swain. Freil Swa'i,, of Siirveyeil nnd plrittisl. so th.it when ile- by publjiratfiin in a iii>w>ipa|M>r publisheil bteioniaii. all jwiMlui-em of great H|s*ei|. for till* l.oi-d to aprinlle tlie rdris ’ts juc.t ■ C,»ljeruir;ix__.l. R. Ri,wcj,_ ..... IMMBl.tik ;^(. .I.ihus: l.oni-! Pearl, rd G, DesUis. Ilirlhs. of IS cliililn-n of si-h(M>l ag,* over last The ii'iiiaind of 11 ugh A-Uimi^, father ,,f ex]M*nsM, ls*i-ome"(i charge against thi*| try ami make the groundsHt for a hog to I Hhm* -llnll. ^ • Si'll Its...... ^l.*jnMst., ’’K, llnth...... i...... !, IM i lla.V...... oar. . 1 Dr. A. A. .Mien, of Milvvankis*. leal i*sbiti* to la* sold. - ' j l->s.7,...... j.*i«(aoe A K. Fihlew was in iMroit the H.,|-*. .)f tl.ia phuv. wem brought heoM Samuel R»<*th*r, Esq., a farmer,ilsuit 70; Diiiiiis...... l."i m, but not leasts we will lull eliarge r,Ois*nts ' rlnlis stood at the vnd of the f^tlSOIl, Hatter ...... itiiiaiiHiii...... aa tm ...... lar part of the w>,.k at eudiuR the |-Monday night from Milwaukee for burial. .v’**ai-:>: of age living wi*st of the villagi*. j VV nlertiiw ii ...... 1 H JK for II iiickle’s worlh of eutertainment. | which i-ha^eil hist Friday i tVqpi...... n Itlli-y...... 7 Jl ! TiiHotr ..| .jft .IruRRists- meeting ami the';:Tpositlon. 'I'"* had a narrow i*sca|s. from an ••(tai-k of a j ‘ Come to the fair. . j IVijn. I.*ltiiniin ...... 1...... 11 SI7 I Owimsa,* F;wawli„-: lif<-ame ugly aud tudasl iiiiiin Mr. i-e..* TiTways taken gmai j-.uins to eamfiilly s«*- and will work in rticle tabh fact,,, v. He / V\>s,|lhllilH. Saginaw, Sejit. 2.'l-27. ■ ^•Ihedeirc los 4*r up . II here, and will, •».. (,.,1 j,,,. jj,e fern-**. Ih-fom he Iin-t the l•hoi.-♦*st of thiirfhd'y r«x-« iptsfor Bubiness Locai ^. t*x|K -ts to luiy ten sic-es of laud i.mr Iu ro-.-.^iii/g Ti.ImI,. Huhtuirdstnii, Se]it. 24-27. nuon b.v the pas,or oawhal Imehiii i their retail tmde. When go.ul biilter is' eoi ’IMimtioir. —i )vid Regist 1* 1-1'iiii‘n.j\ tie* fenit*. however, the old Rill-.j Gmnd Rapids, Sept. 2.1-27. ! Ixiw^.—Riack 4* tsey JtiekH hM«t on th# wouani eau dit. Finaiio-s all np. .Pi's- tleinan fell down niiil the steer sttimlthnl •- jit Hi-an-ity we nlwnyn hare R. for we hav'e The hin-lt is ts’iiiR w lehh*il h.V .Mi—- l.i,. Wm. .\. ,\Im*I, ,*o,ii,t.v elerk, bus issueil St. Jntinc. < let. 1 -4. ; road tfc-i V4eea-;tntni Siiy-der'n nn«l Jatnea (or s . vll.'irv . find the ls*„evrh*,iiie nml fell also, stiiling its head on the a Hue i-ohl storage to hold it for such ■ ,\riiisl mug's. Fiutirr fdetis# learaat tb# Hla '•■4-asoii in th** Ri>-hari|s ilisiri*-,, aii*l tl.** following li:^*nsi*s for tin* wii*k ending RI'S f ji, n; = ,ie than l.sst year. \\l have rn-uind near^.Mr. It 's ti'’*t, who sjiw lhal eiuergiiicms. Shiuilil we muke ati error Mekrilnte of TeiW-liers* fCtMinlsatloiit Atr ■ News oH trp,-'''~ . Mii.in.--,rii Fish'T in (lie Wislr,it*dirti i« t. Thni-silsy : had a iieegafa id ••ijtht.v t-^ (li ' ii*emi e: hi* Miily means of siifM.v was i„ tak,' the in our sohs-tioiis we would take it an a ' Fiif left HAW. Fok S-viX:^ =Tti^ ler**' ill Ovid r;r-.vi, ^hip. snip cnH iu the past v and •lie-'t 27tli. aniuial'h.v the horn.*;'and hohl it down. Hi-|il tj—Will.,' H. Ila w siai, Ts i-snsi. Ms. J.1 to return it urnTtuke that that in St. .loliiis l-argel-atw houseIII and barn, flua .location. Would lal»« ' ,\ qui'er liM,king stalk of must ■id Im-* gaihin h.iA eou.-Jtttutly grown duriiig thi' .\f(er iloliiR so for ,1 few minutis and -Ml, K. nu ks. Ki. ji.tiiis .: : . ..2n guilt eiTgi ’r'' YTaiileix'MU'ntier.omjMitiy Ov id. (VI 2r»th. • I’hVfvjsw |4ae# I 1s-cn pbicetl oil our (aide by I*! . ^ thrt’e years ,i( brother t'. (J. Tle'iiuis's l.'l—-t*?iil K. Poster. IIHer...... M.* ii. .M. Wt.VsToN, piircliaM*. Iiiipiir** of Jaa, D. Kntea, r$«il tindiiig the auima'I ili*l m-t sd'iig^rle, he - KIioi In n. ItltiXHn). (Hive . .in iihvays alive to laiet the |s*oph* s Sei '> Hosnl ofHfliool i:xs;;.lit4-rs ci-J it ('• agent. It ha'idi li'v;nr and i... , |so/tori*i**, uu>ll P is now iiioii. fhur. don- v\:. ' viii-ii) is.-**] to Hud ttiai tie w.-is ili'iiil. He|>t 17 —Wfe|>hrl,‘HehnftT. Dsllfls...... 'JA Milts aud lN*sr setye them. c liHik d!"- ; mdy . -« \ db hlrtl what it • as wiieii he Hr :t f iinie. .Y — Hhervsa Peilcw *. VVrstjihsIla Very tmly jiiiua, ■TryTTie Npw- r.,,,,. A UEsiK.viii.K ri':sii!i>>H e on Bailrond having probul-h broken its ni*ek iu fall- H.'lit tM—John lx. Jsrnlis. Iteiiasl. =H* iui twentv St. Joiiniv * Iu Hmts'hias refoitr with i^. bi‘ I ih- l; > ipi-w^^dlorli! mtiiru. iiiif.--<)v id Rc^b.!",-l uiia,. | —Ciars Harper, Hi iigul...... ------^LJ[vjUu;>;,Mftj(lt.ASTij.K Co. ^aye u-ntxi ___ . eonVeHieui'e-.. Int^itb e tR Jaa. D. EaUw;^- rtaitiUnUi f«riit«r o«t f^.uu PB ili« ISth. I iritBiia CBBtlUpi Bt ftiiyjig ^ «__ - « ^ WL, «4^« la • ateta «l Btorva^^ oa Mw ! T^**^^* rr«*rBt»aa liipfaTi iM I 1»U. I r**»rncortJ«pt IT.-^Bi'f* tmwyt ^^tdsn T H^aainps pi“itep *llth ^ a y i .iral tm %U im KtlUrd to UWlPil iUI» CtrwUl Coart «» Mob - re |uijii*r 3i feat* nothlB j ^>_»*aY u Ikiiji (>Dti>ber—the^ ottber upoa tlia 4|lr«»aii^p.a^ rlliijr u : It • , _,___ _ . .. 4 MUtoa ‘ *>•*»»»•*»•«»♦**«*% feny»<> wt >r bult»^*t { aad ara uaually up at fire o ’clock or , ,, • „i : TrpMurr I>f)i>artia«fii pooorrMl. i #r«»wp»l. W. To. pa tiM Ulth, oad Baa i *®r to Btata aa* o Upwo U by U»p oo« rtMP-Hit.4 aa »M ...an *« «wa.a IW ‘ ’iloarUer lb the iporitiDg. In the e

*pa dayo to piooia and tbraa>• of 4^olc oouipoolMM i No^o Witt nlOOMO OO OlO Weather, when they ilpep within 4«**ra, afauiu««d tfip v«iMiit<’tf('(( Ilf roaiity." i Matod oa TO IStb *iralaat lt« TO larpyioua wara fatally lajiud. owa rooognliaaoa, with boada 'flaod at they rliie later,* but they are out before VoasaT llraa dlKr<>yad TO Central Paoifio •\ttia. ■oren. HUIttg In Jke morni ng white but '; ^ , opYoa doya ^ Juatloa Flabt waa prooant iftoa TO da. . ’tmt vuuiniittt^:- ba« -ilid lopdiag rli-orlaff hpniMf ti TO railroad brlrTO at UpjMir Ctiroaiirit. to TO half awbke, the Hindoo repeaia the 35tK trfarra Karaoa Koontalaa oa tba iwb. mad ^atoa.... WM randrrod. A Urga auubar of , 35fK 4111 ia |t Oh tba IStb Dr. Or’lBB, a waalthy phy- wm to bo doclditd. Tba dadaloa la a long thumb- and middle floger, though bo oaa. and Inoludaa a oaraful ravlaw of tha TO aiHtt«T in tho miudn <4 t!i« ciuiiiidttrr ; roapoadlag wo«k o( IWS TO tooraoas ololaa of Claraland, Tana, waa aaataao^ doaa not know why. to taa yeait In tha jranttaatlary for aoaaalt- araota landing up to tba obootlag. lOa TO arbrthw PH. lirr.H4ty or ai.n. xalioa ! TO^Traa-ury DaparV lag a twaira-yMr-.old nhlid. •ubjaot of lurlMolctloa It oayn: ‘^barwlr He preparea for his morning toilet. Id.toiliH proiior Ihinx* Th»ro a'*>i'e^aMr< ahowod oa tba ltUi that tba total Tac Unltad Bratbroa oonferanoa at Ar. «a oonfliot of an authority. Tha dtata la He plucka a twig from the bittor Neera .liffn^t ■vhuu.PkpiTPmi. Wupive j anount of bonila p.irohoMul to dat^ alnoa rowanilth, IIL. Uoauaod two laaHT~Vy. O Hb.ttv rn Jadgb towrier oATa TO ralUd RtaUa crushea one end,between hb teeth, and , , . AKH,va wara 4 par oaato. and •Ub.TT^VW , oburab. artampnHsea a'tootb.twtmh. J{q gpxt the lluoton LbiUuoer of 1 jjm-4 waro^t^ 7 or onnlo. Tba voot of tbooa bonda d«atb of fobn H. Jonm, a plonaar la Morobai haa TO narna powora oa fo'taapTiTg 01^1 aniiHxatii.ii ..r.-oouiirn iHl | wto •;^,5Wl.»ltl | tba iron bu»li^ who assuredaaenrea maay polkpav tha paaee tn^any matter wberala tha oor- draws up water from the well in the yard .wrwtmmn .i i«iffln n»tinl»y- -0.^00..—Aw. mi m*- ■nit -mft Hiw wiIUh. otewirad ilgaly af ta'» l>a4»a*=TOaaii In Liuiiueini'n d mill giitiioif puwtti^ in 'fl txhTrsuliy THCKAST. on the i:iih at Toungotowa^waVo., agadoaTOB* aa tba oherlfl haa wbura county olllolala ora wash bb hands and face. Thb b quick­ eonoornod. Tba powero of tba abarUf ed by the tw.> peiriilea. He would have ^ Ix the rtotolty of N«w York the atonn ty-oeton yean. ly done; he then throws on an extra variurodtr between aU rountrieu on the! ooatlnued »lib nnabaUd rlgw oa TO llth | A aaoNO paamd ,‘*Aoat'* Dinah Tonng aad'd at tha bordara of hla county. Tha Tuesday, Wednesday, . ; . .. 1 .w * I. *1 , towaral wreoba wera repotted aloug the (colored) died oa the l.'lth at Loularllla. ooaotitujpon glraa tha WM I garment, the thicknes and texti^re de ­ Anierican roiititomt and thmiKht H»ih i ooaati and'accounts df. dam^ga. atssaald* | Ky,, ag«.t one hundred and tbirtesn yean t and duty of Seeing that the lawn are faith pending on the season and weather, / rarantpy had nrtlhiug to four from h-e.*; roBtyrtaoentliined toooina lu. Ooamn steam* Foa the week ended on the I4th TO pai» i Hilly axo ont ad Ua says. '•After mature lighta______his Imok a,______takes a few...... pulls with ~iradefiotn Htt.la.m*H Hh.rOo Tttl.Ufoiii.i: 1 ships wars orrlrlng sU right At Lawaa. eoBtage of TO boao-batt clubs In TO Na-J »• oo^ndad that TO homl-euphonloua ”Bi>bble-buWJtBr«»d ______Thursday. Friday, ...... j Dal. nianr ahlia wers reportsd wrockod Uonal Laakua waa aa follows: Boatoa, oide was committed by the pottilonar whlla Jnba KInrIow. nTr^iting the !*«»»! „dotar forty 1 Iras war# l^own to hars IWb; New York. .««; Philadelphia. .551; j eoUng In the dtaobarge of the duty Im. ready logoouA With » passing "R&ma, Morm bngne. Inf-onHl niinvxHtion. if it boon lost Oossn City, Maryland's laadlhg Chicago, .500; Clave land, .474; Indianap. ! poeed upon him by the constitution and Kama," to friend or acquaintance, and , ^OCTOBER 1, 2, 3, m 4,1889 ] were fensihlH, HH hr iH'lb’vd the rmiH.li- summer isaort, and At aaUo City, N. J., alia, 4ftV, PlUaburgh, .4-Jfi; KasMngtoa, { hiwa of TO Culled Hutoa ” a neighborly gosaip by the way, he re­ W0i # ’ wT6ck#cL .904, Amertoaa AaeoolatloB: BrsAtotya, AM; > Commeattng on the ststementa that Nagle pairs to bis place of business. naa would nmkrbiyalpltixmt.; Itttt41 tliiit BA Louis, .Ct4; BalUm'ire, .571; AthlsUo, too hopty, Jndge Hewyer aald Nagle, on Oa TO llth the body of Mias Anna lf«ad, While going he will aediiously avoid eonld n«»t in* hr w.ml.l* favor rwIpriH-ity. the Binghamton young woman Who oom- I AM; Olnolnaatl, AOh; Kansas City, ..441; the scene of action, observing Terry's oo- teS“The Premium List is out of the most lil>eral ever of ­ Treat the raiiHilh»i»pJttu4!ally hbd they mmad SOiclda at Niagara Fntls on th« htR. Colnmhua, AIM; LoulavlUe, .l-UL Wastem <^>n and knowing hla oluuruCter, waa those signs and sounds which may oame to the surfaos oa the Canadian aids Assoolation: Umaha, .72ir HA Panl, .SIX; ‘tne party to determine when* the augur ill for tho dny. Should one are imrt and |utnvt of ns. fered at anj- county, fair in the state and embraces every­ of tbs whirlpool and wan aeonrad. MInneapoUa, ..AtS; (tioax City, .40S; Denver, supreme moment for action had oomo. sneexe, or should be honr the cawing Tbs ronimitlrr will rviKirt to .•.»ngri>rn thing^ in Farm Stock,;Products, Fruits and Household A BALT-mile of ground fust outalds the .4W; miwnukea, .41IP; 8k Joeepb, ■4'JS; Doa. And It ^e honestly acted with reoaonabla of a crow, or the cry of a kite, or should '•a.1 that Iwnly wHI n. ’o .louht .lo h«»hip- town of Plymouth, Pa, settled over a judgment end discretion the law jusUflea Products.-'^BH mtne bn the llth, and afveroi roulea In the Tn-atora of Bamberger, Bloom A Co., him. area If ha erred. „ Tha Judge further be meet an ail-man, or one blind or Itrtnfr lb the mnttrr. mine at the time were killed. 'The ralnera one of the three largest wbolsaals dry* .jays that the facia devalupud la- the e>wa lama, or sum a cat urusa hie path he WAH it provi.l.'iitud.tru.'. ’id.Mital? H.*v. eaoaped. goods and notion Arina in Lnwlavilla Ky., show that Nagla aoted'rlghu Tha homi* would be gr. ‘atly dhtressod as to the O.S the llth Mr*. Margaret A. Dillard, of woe burned on the tfith, the l.wa being f I,. oide wa^ In our opinion,yblearly justifiable i)r. IlHiiry, of (’anion, HI., Afiv.'H f.i th«' day before him. On the other hand, if Easton, Pa., wboM husband waa murdered ‘ WO,aSa During the fire a wall fall, killing In law and In the forni.^ sound prootloal a fox crosrtcs his path, if .ho boars a ^ ^SPEED PREMIUMS $1,500I>^.' -\f:iB6iatotwd pe.sav^fhe-l«»llowinx i.>iiitiiiH- rooently, ooiifeased that her pnrammir. I six men. ' sense was oummendabi.^ avi :i»’i*:mi>av . ~~ gong or shell summoning him* to wor ­ amrr of .Vbruhuui Liu.*olii wliHi Iiiih not William F. Dnriholomew, fired the fatal I In Coloratlo and Wyoming Territory / shot and that she waa an aoeeaaory to the j heavy snow-etorma occurred on the l-ttb ship, or If he meets a Brahman with X.». 1—Fjinncr'H .l.aibic team ra«N», f.ir li.irMcs tlmt arc owned in (linton eoonty, : pnhlbliHl:~'^Thr tten'. IV EXPECTS A WAR. oihua I Ux tbs llth Isaac Friend, a well known his head nnoovored ho would rujuloe, 5IG .lays Iwdor.'the fair and worked .III and alamt a farm, and driven by tmusEa,. Aksm, nil eloqaPBt phwwr Mnthodbt, Josern AvKxxtiTax claimed to bava dla- : Milwaukee merchant, felt down the ela- Blahnp Ftiwlvr H v IIvtos That t htwa tVttt PnrHC f12 to first, fJ4 to sc-ond, f.*. to thir.1. , l{e«Hnt tha Cnnrna of tha UnItaU Stata* bailing , it, as auspicious.. .. Some are so heM a iiirrling iinir SpriiiKflrld hoiiih covered a allrnr mine In the mountains vator shaft In hla etore and was killed. “ Xo. 2—l{nnaitig rae.', purs.'$;jl)i f l.l to flntt, flO to Hccoiid, f.’i to thii^. Half A sTATvx of General Orant waeunralled la K«aiu.iii.g Her aaida«u-na ix^okafor I that If any evll portent mile lieutM. two in tlir.*>. • More thr nnr. nn.l oiirTTa^ .\l.m- ^ hundred and fifty, with appropriate oeremonlee at Fort Laav* Serluns Tm«hl* Within Tea Tear^ occurs on tho way they would return X«». H—Tlin e*,vear-ol«1 me* f.*r li<»rH.*s owiu'.l in dintou county: Puma $3(1; bam '^,lnroln hii.1 H.*vtJr«l oUmr iiHor iiC^ti i fmirth aunivetaary vl the settlement of ; eaworth. Kan., on tha Itth. Chicaoo , Hept IT—Bishop Fowler, of home, have a smoke, or chow a bold to nmt, $1(1 to second, fa to tliinl. of HiHrijn«(l**l.l .ln)\r out to It. Father j Concord, N H., was celehraCea Wilton, N. I A dvicks of the Mih.report th« loan of the Biui Francisco, who haa Just completed a leaf and proceed afreab. —Suience. _ _ - TIUTHMiyAY. • Akrmafpiketimt .lay .m tim'•Sin I bark Oaterina R, from Penaacola for trip around tbe g obe, yesterday morning j Hwanaea, and the captain and fiva -of the expressed the belief that ten years henoa traiyV** ’aibl he pmpheHHNl that in a few | A Stroke of Genius. ■ Xo. 4—2:.'i() ra.-e; I’lirs.- $12 to first, $N to s^'ond, Ut third. O tkk forty sallora wera drownad off orew were drowned. AnMrlcm would pay for Its antt-Cblueee Xo. 0—2:40 race; Purse $7.'Vr^Tf«» flrsf, $2-rt.t secoii.l, $14 to thmlT Lawea, Del, In the great atorm. and aeorat Ths Exposition building at 8k Joaeph. laws with the blno out thiM .'rime .if ^ ••What did 3'rtu ea^'?’’ mid Larkie to ■ X.». H—Tw.i-.vsars-old riu'c: Purse $lo; $7 to first, $.”> to sts'oii.l, $51 to third; bent frini.w in Idomi. ThoHcrpion wax ■ of ablpa were on the I'ith making a bard Mo, with Ite oontente were burned oa tba I Blabop occupied the entire session of the battle for life tbare.' The atorm was aub. I |5ib. cauaing a loaa of Fd ’iU.itHi. I Methodist ' uilnlaters' aeekly meet- her husband after some rathor one ­ two in tliiv<.>, lialf-niile lii'ats. - Xo. 7 —.’l:(M) race; Parse $.oO; $25 to first, $!.'• to ws-oii.l, $U) to third. sUy nKiirdod^MH the* UKiiithinnH of a hlat-1 aiding In the nrtighborhood of Atlantlo I Nxab Columbia City, Ind., lightning I ing yesterdv In a|>eaking about sided talk at tho breakfast table. aat .\lM>litiouii(t, an.l in r.'tiiriiiii); hoiiic : City. N. J., and roporta of the great dam ­ ' struck a obureh on the I.Mh. damaging It ' his obaorvatlons of mlaalonaiy work “I didn ’t say any thing."______i<'nii>AY. __ — the lawyvm l.iiighuil h».I Jokn.] alNiiit it.. age to property in that v.olnlty continued oonatderably and instantly killing two , abroad, the ol*jool of hie. Jwork •‘What's the use of denying iL Tm ______t® come la I children, Ella Frerer and Aggie Rocko- I being to personally In-Ttect tho worktugaof Xo. H—Fl'c.'-for-all luiciag ra.'.*; Pars.* $.50; $2.5 to first, $15 to second, $30 third. Lincoln. h.iw^vPY,VP^, mitaliicdr.'iiui]tii‘(| HlicntMtlcnt fnpljfnidf xhb «f (’ aptafn Jame^ Beea, aged meyer. {jOMlgB______nilxslona In apeakmg of the law not going to disbclicvo my own ears." Xo. O—Fmsfor-all trot: Purs.! $1.5l»; $75 to first, $511 to sec.md, $25 to tldrd. grave. N.itl.’iiig lilH iiiiUHiuil .■iiiidui't, iiix { eixty-nlne yaaro, the oalebraled boat-build , Ix tho Exposition building In Chicago a I prohiblUDg the' ChmeM from oomlnif Hr — “It wasn’t any thing of Importanca." Hest 2 in Jt. o.iliiWinl.>n^rnni«>ilhiiiiliV*iHking: ‘WImt i *'• ‘to I'-th fit PliUburgh, iV, fire on the evening of TO 14lb oaueod a America BUbop Fowler Bald It warn tha • Probably noL ’’ 2 ^ to ttTHt. f 15 to seoud, $10 to third. Beat -5----“ ri~. « 1 It ' nT T niter a prolonged ilineea Captain Beea' looa of SlOO.mw and a panic among the moat dastardly aud dl-guating thing that “Then ' what do you want to know do you tliiiiK of lirfitlicr Akern h.mhi.ui . j mnnnfaotu'er In the world to j tbounandv preaenA but n-ioua waa aaiiono* America ever did, “and, ”, he eaid, with forP" _ Mr. Liu.'oln nqilhNl :_;W.*1I. I .Niiif.nM tlmt ' make a s(eol-i>1ata boak • | ly Injured a alow empbasU which was very im- I huve iicrtT Iwfiiiy Irtyii ko «l***H*h h»i-• A'*'ttoir Nutiouai eucaiupment at Pater. : Puor. J. Wiaa, who recently left*Tex- ‘is win be paid, for some day ••Il<*qitu»e aa J'dur lawfuL??edde 4 wile , , , f '■ ’ *®n. N’. J., on the 1'^ the Hona of Veterann ' ai-kana. Ark., tong with him .HT.OIKI in citah by tb^.blooi. reportevl on the llth. ^e capital waa ‘toy tlilnk. The cro dest Prloce la Cblna said me ne M mtl Mild uwfiiTjiroidiHa**ahle ou a- count forests were uprooted, but no lives were,. r4«4*M( «t D^OO.OOO-One Alan Ilurne4 ! ! Of the heak Tbe cities of Fredericton and loK to Heath. 1 OAldAl-AntM IX ThE’ death of William Gooderham, a ■aeeaplarjr I.Irt of a ramoni SIzIeentL Moncton, X. if , were aurronnded by ttnmea I _H t. Joseph , Mo ., Hept 17. —The fire to the i * ei.fary Urntm. __Fi.ave * awepi away tho- taiatiiaaa immtUom • millionai re ;»t*«tit Ps^ on the nwh ' and tbe expo-itH>n will {u-oo.ted without in- -u.,. Mr- , for ll.oiw a aide, the latter apparmily win- . lahed a prayer. tcrruptlnn until tbe c.o«s. The exblMt j-—ar\d Buildirvg Hardware, distlngulshod for his platy and gen- „,„,.* Teemer i;*latecl that fUnnn. Gaud- > The Gorernmont rejKirt on the lilth euvflis fnrty-stx seres, and .Machinery Halt, mmalty. Itulupniog from the mill he aur's trainer, piirpoaely fotvIiMl him to (ire- showed that the wh-at crop of Franrxi wht4’h contained the Indiifi: lal features, THe would distribute handfuls of corn vent him from winning tbe race. woiil.l Imi ltl.4a>).2I8 heclolliera agalnstV?,- Is but a small feature of th-i whole. One Ix Diooktyn on the nth F. W,.^Ge*awefn. 74«'.7'.'8hcctolU«ra III isn't life was lost, that ot Captain Foster, of among the poor wbh^ ho mcL and The stiiku ot do'-k laborers In Ix>ndon onoe iiiiving acoumulnt^d some silver a tnllHnniii e t0.1l mnnnfactnrer, wna shot Leon. la, who was employed In the cereal 4 dead in bis office by (’In i.tliin^DoTTiTe, ngeil ; was ended on Iho I9tb, tbe men iccu.lng departiuonk I HORSE SHOES, NAILS, eolos b.t gave them all to n mondloaiiL sixty years, whom he had b.iaftnr in S partial ‘ an IncrooAe lit u'agoa 'The Apitebes and cowboys dla:Ingulshed Early evincing a dcalro for know]- Tb ei.ve per-Mtns dio.l from trlchlnasla in ______. . ______the town of KIsIeben Prussia.. H-xony. duT-^ themselves repeatedly dprtu ’.r the n ghl. eije his fnthirr t r'V hnn 'r -a eliocp - . . Ux tou Atlnnlt.- coTt Hi t Atorw. wee —r—tt—r-— ...... s ts- .••Vs pamcutorly by thetf elYoFla to save rngli.g on the l.'itb hutlt was timaphtthe ' • r«n«rt^rf^irln«r from *^**1 ’*"'” Foster. The steel pal.-ice oar, the WhdtnIT Id aTchoiiT In Dhx . Aksixtcun worst wiu. over. Th*. loss I® ".maicr le-. reported dying from „ ,„„h the r..lu..l H a.t.,a waa iradly be became a sub-tutor auJ prepared to aorU and shlpplw*: would a.i.oi.iit lo .iiill the same**" rl|4HiiaM , _ ...... j- ___,------aw.iroloo l, UU sfasst U»w (wsy-of the (‘wntet 4 Ftt.iiH shiifv 'll nan ’oiF .1' li.F Tilre h Fod- food andiron Pumps^ Cutlery,W Hps enter tho prleetho* d, mid ut twenty-* ’ lonii o( dollaira fil.Ut.i. a town of thioe Tlie los* la »(*w estinia'.ed at fi4'Ki,O'0. thousand p«p..lation In Delaware, was en­ •ral eiOporl.im ' and ad j.scnnt build Inga at pine a logjicy .wiG b.'qucnthed himi MeU*ourii«, A..stralla. on the 14th. cau.*ing The exposition Is o|>ea tm usual, and One of tho men la imSscssion of it flod , tirely washed away liy ih* storm, and other . preparaUous are Isilng made tor a grand places wore ha'lly wioi*kii(l. a loss of tL^JUU,u.Ai. Three Hieiiieu wore to Marsoilltfs U> avoid pnvmonL Vin- killed. I reception of 8<*crntnry Je'-enilah Iluakrmd 1\ New York wholas.ile oyster man said ' bis party next Wednesday. CARPENTER’S TOOLS, -GLASS . ooot f.illowed, buL ni.ircifuUy exaetd on the 14th that th-t oy*ter.plan.ers tu-dsu*- ' LATER. only a portion of the^IabL-.- talosd a 1 ss of iioariy ('3, owing to Ix Um. I'r ...clst^o on ihO lt'>tl^*J.i Igo 'law­ RAISING THE WIND. la rotnrning ho took ship to Mar- tlie recO.it great **Urrui yer d'icldvid Ilia: th« kllli.ig .ifJu.|.ru Terry Indiana's Inciimr, It Is Nald, I>oes Mot botio>i, and in tho Gulf of Lj'ons thoy Ix a qi.nrrci over a gari.o of card, on the' for his ua*;,..,I on Jnstioe JFfcId wqs jitsU* I4ihat PtTt'hurii'h I’.i., John Franol.Ukello fiuble. anil oid'jre.! Nsgle. tbs inarsbal who Me4t Her Kx|M>p«e« — Selling Hands te AXIF Till: PLOW BEPaiRS, MflCHIHE OILS, MSOLWE, FEWCE WIRE, erere attai‘ko. 1. Iiy llarbury corr>«xtrs. ' atshbed anti killed hi* hroiher, Michael did ibc shooiitig released from ousUidy. gerure Kiiiida ■ I fiurrondoi'lng only after tlio fiorc'.htt, Fra.ichNk-iila 'l'h*« mnrdcrer eac.iptiil. It w a* ry|i-irt<*d from Lnn lon hsll, of that Mrw Isiiigcry had aeciurod a divorce f7,0li0 iluvn ordered by the Legisl iture -/I . -ai^ksoid IU. ala VOS by their cuptom, ht ' Yuungstuw n. N Y., ut.ide the trip through fiom hor litishniid. <. -r— kui hrww piaei' il -lty Gm-Htalc nffic ‘re with Die rai'lds of the Ntagara gorg.r Ituluw thi ' whoso hands they undured the mo»t A w ii.ii.E ciiAHE by IndE*.r.i of tho Nenh Like Brn*. A t'o , of New Vo: k, who ulfered r Brass Goods and Pipe FiUjniis folia tu a )lM*ll. who bad on ('ai>e Fialterv In which one oauo# wa* lost ' oliidlirg the lohn inadj tor refunding the Via.mnL Imviag boon tmnsfcrr.id a rubber su;l, reached the shore lu safely. and mnv .'iii Itidiaus were dr,wnsor- Detroit —-ggVerstTtTfids. wns'¥nhllyTlbpratcd atid~* ruEMiu NT II.inn.Hox on tho Pith ftppoittl. roa ed B.i.iiT.’t.OUU and )iara an - wnonHous WEST AND'SOUTH. I amount annually In Interest. I'he rate on takoa t4i Home by a renegade of Nloo, od liOwlH A. Uruti, of On. Ua. (kiniini Ix Kaateru i'enuessoe the coai miners of th .* Genorsl laiud Office, vtooM. M Hiock- the diff-ireut loans la \ 51^ and 3 iter cent., whom bo had reolAimiMl. were out on strike on tbe llth for higher . slagor, rcsigoad respectively. Tho Income of the Htatn now 'ills life is a beautiful ex.omple of Wages, aud ii.Hny faniliios *.>ere In want li.vu Ynu.X'iEn, one of the notorious ban ­ falls more than t''’>uh,0Ni short aonuvily of lx ths Coostltutfo al''onventlon at noble, hcrol.i scIf-Kiicrifi.'e. All hTis dit hro(h.*rs serving a llte s*i.ilo.ioe 111 tho paying riinnii.g exiKinsos The officers bo|m CLA^ *TOA • >21 *A ’.A Y 'E, (Theyeuue,-Wy. T a r«*ol.ittoa was passed * t 7 pDosoHsions wore given to tho po >r and HtilLwater (.Minn ) |>enltcuti.U7, dIedonUie to keep tiil.igs going until th* next Legis ­ S . Jonxs. Oil the llth fixing the ucnitjer of Senators pith of cons;Mn|*tli>.i lature U'.cet**, but say it a U1 require very be wont about instructing and com ­ at IPteen sml It* p e sen tat I vex. at thirty, I'ME CU's*c)S NaCnnnl Bank at Kokomo, close figuilng. forting. the former bo servo .oar years and tbe lat­ I.nl , was on the j l h a.ithorls i-l to b.rgm ter two years < In Rtime he vlsltel the co IIj o ( tho busInnM* whh a capital of tuo.'iju. SIX DEAD IN ONE FAMILY. Free Press A aoii.E : In s snsh. d.mr and blind fnotory The two Me dy bi oUiers, who are under eoncler'gerie, hiul the InmiiUis lodged ; Terrible WurTatlly gnvong fttiTd-ea Trav­ WHEN IN ST. JOHNS DONTM. atUak'and. ('uL. exploded ou the lltli, dc- aontouco of d-atU^ MiMuip-ol froni jail on the Id fitoan. ~wboloHome atwrlmoatm. and inollshing the eiig.iie.house, and killing PTih at ^inerset, Ps., by overi»<)werl.*g the eling frntu Iowa lo .tlllwsnkar- taught them to pray. He instru.'ted four men. .'ieverarolbois were aeve;ely shoGff and mortally shooting one of his UooxB. la., Ho: t 17 .—A family named Injured. de) iitlna 7 .emlhal, couaistlog--of (Htietita and . ten -TO CAliId AT- tbe flouting prisriqs, com pared with White Gaps took Wililani Brown, of Helh A passknoeu train was wrecked on tlie ' children, left lumiie.gurly this inOnUi for.! 7 - which tbo coae ’cegerie appeared a tow'nshlp. li.d.,-friiti. his bud on the night inth near ('o.'Hlng, N Y., kliPng tso i-er- Mllwauk-.#.—They went In a- wagon, l>ving I palaoe. I*us-«lug batweun the chulnod of the Iltb, tlsvl hdii to a tree In blaya:d Siinsand wounding ivvuiitr five, aouio^atal- ten days on tho road. N-iwa waa received , ,d- ranks bis tonder heart bU)d at sight pf and gave b'*m fifty lashes on tha hare back ' from them MimiiI y that diphtheria broke Jn tb*. p*-e««n«-e o' his fimlly. 1 . Uao despair of Buiue and Htaiicisin of The Hover-Ign Grand L dge of Grld^eL . out In tbe fa.n ly on fh.dr arrival, and thak—- At C'lurkUale. Miss.. Louis Mm tlmer (col- I alx of tho uhlidreii d.cd iu three diiya, only Dthero. One iu particular draw his at­ oredi, cTiprgeil with aiding In tbe recent lows convened In .•ui.ii d seadoii at ('*yuin Ims, G.. ou tho loth with lepresentaUvrs two recovering. It Is thought they lie* - tention. I'pon inquiry he .disco^crod klll.ng of Eider I’l.ckeit, wa* lyi.olied by a came Infected on tha road, a* uo trace of . mob of aimed men on the I'Jth. from evniy H ate and Tsrritury aud.from H. ROLPH’8'? that thia.tnau hod left a wifeuuJ live the disease I* fi*un,any, at an outlay of tV>,- -£• fwMi, - effiipi Ifg kim«w»lf to fi4t - FHe- lu.lo w* were «d«>pt^ d >»viennchig Houthem ' (ib. 1, started ,lta elnctiio street railway Fumiiure agg Sniienakli EsiaaiisMi Kit A NX Auna, one of the most proinlnont ’ gncnqcy thus occasioned. FinalI 3' tbe outrage's and the murder of blacks, and rg- ' amid general rejoicing ' There are two * sotvli.g to lav ooinplaln's before the I’resl- clU/.* ‘:is of Morg.'in ('ou:ity, (.>., was mur- j tulles of track, llecat.ur now hae eight ' ._,gfllcer consonterl, cloth.*# wcit clmiigcd. dei.t and Oovernors of Soutberu Htate* and de eri at Ms hoiiie 01. th*. Pith by a Mra D.llea of elrotrvc railway tn sucoea^ful op- ' nod'while the lili«:-ated prisoner so.ight gak fur in.estIgHilun HnnipU'U, hU niece, ‘i'ho uiord-r grew out I eratton. Decafriir o .pltai built the Decatur Head of Clinton Avenue, East Side, .bln loved ones Vincent, hound with Gn (be r.’th John Grenland a farmer of a taw sulk ! Ilnea, of which K J. Martin la-inonager. FohP.Kr n*ea in Hotiioi.a snd Ventura galling fntttfrs. plied his our on board near r‘j'j3t*>n-o > liL. killed h'm-^olf be­ / , " cause ooo of h a horse* and a cow w ero co'inUe*. ( al., hull • 11 '.he Pith destroyed' Famine In Foralga l-so'ls. 4ke dlnmut ship, fatally luj^Arnd In a harhed-wirii fencs. liit|ea of leiic IS, rons.ueiahlj timber ant I Mtaa iirAU, isepk I7 .-.A tan.lae prevalla TlM*re he re.na'ned nntU bis reicape A lo.ci. :e <*b* gr;,iii»'d In (h« Tuck-r di- qi'iur build ng*. I thrmighout 15gra, a state of Abyssinia, Where you will finJ a store full of woe hjttuincd by n friend w):o dig- ynroe ca-e in ri.lcrgo on tbs U'tb In iuit Ikv Evzn K.;uo die*t lu tbe Jolhit (IIL) : Baud* of starving )>«assuu are ravaging covered his wbcrcnlxmts. Ho now tell u.lu.iie. urtur ilie first h'lt cH wa* lllt-d. |>« Itentlary on lb*) (ith. He waa serving the coigilry around Hokota- TbI* w-s tbs spssdja.l divorce triul on rec­ an eighteen yurit '.eini t»r lU'jr.UrIng Luey ViE.xxA. l^pt 17 . It la now stated that erected n horpili.l fo r sick Kiul dying ord ■ _ H’ddui:ney<.r ..t ('hlcngn and s'ue .usi*«cted F-.ixo fsmilles In Montenegro are likely to gglley slaves, chx .u rflc-r aa.x‘i^’l«l»- A « A E of r’lire’an'l valiuble cdii!* Irdung- ol li.iVlug |Hile n"d h.ee alvea ; suiter from the famine prevtdiing Uiorw ; flMbiwj A refogo for hoiuuli ss «liildAvn. till; lo »>r* .4. P I rrtio Mi w nv s.iiifM fi om Al.vi k. Ill the—M'wh-t* the It ral ball at ilis Monlgomery County' 'gUttrd U.ut tecul'-Uva .tl.o.isand fa>M>ii*-e* Now l*fntUKe Stenfp*. ^New GOODS# J|o picked up Iktin waifs in tho III that country wore likely soon to be suf- ^ '$ gtrootg, itii.d, Ruaitfxl' utul.'r his long ilnd*) f itroii tlie rith. '* no •..ul.aotiua was Washixu .ox, Xo)*t. • 17 .- The I’rort ofltoa vnlncd ..H-f,* isr ' lc:ltig from fsmhte. D**pnAjinrnl has Itued a.Ii rill'rnisnt K for* m cltmli. irrr«* curi^cd to ihal coui/.irtnblo J A vit;*--DtTrST.i,i* of Findlay, O.. an em- 1 HE st*ge bxtwven I'o eg I'O-.tn'ro stain] a 1 he rinmlmr boOMi. Ill war. faniiiiC. p 'elilcnn: tiiuL-'pTi.ye lu th-' tolling u. 11, waa killed on the Imrn. t'hl , wss stojiynid by a I in I high- called tor n ill lie -alm.it :i,axi,U(i,a»i. 1'lie aiavery hla horoisin i. 'fft's'Tl.xl ‘4:*Di by « pt'c; of tiid hni. itun wld.iliflM'ihitt ns inan 'o.t tl'.e Pith. »bo (le.utiuled and nenni r***e.««4 |.r(.,y4i«g Hr——-1^ ■rlemt ti:i\- rf*'stTe>i hr Wells, F.trgo A Co. trea>ora cliax^d in tM9;1firiUa^. hinu and diirluffd.irluif itriTitrtT greatgicat iiiiin'lutionimin-lutiun ‘’'f ""‘i. (Kstayi*;ir. lo.-bidlng pii] nr and gniiiming...... c;*me t*» ht» iM.ok O.-’r Ulr.>e feot of Uie box and t. 4-lj hn oso.ijis.______1 hi* nes two c -nt sC.iape are to be eiUtur ^ TTsInc ho UH-1 hi* Ixind ro'-r .d Iren jja*»- i Hift igUlibn A TFuaTT-riVL* To-rr dopi-stt of nr«t-clvs* brusM or r-aimlwe. ------• out uTex-LliC.-treni'iien»:i« waiora iuiiitl t'HiVr t'A?* or regu .-.ytr* b frue-’l a yi*l ow .■f'br*i a,;* fio.nd ou the lAlh at negro rhu'ch on Ih-v l.'i)" at ri*ai, G«k, llft^'.ing*. Ni'h, 5we hundred and thirty* Wa >1 Mn-o MfMtev. | Icrrlh*® I’lP'f’nl'i ip thu-« five fert below (Ire suitnco. Jnqjvr !'oiin?.v, M . Iba uegro-'s werr New Y okk . Ht-pt 17 It la oflii.lalljr an ­ An Immense stock of Picture Moufdinos in haif-Biihmergcd l»(i.;.^ s>. III/ hT^irt JWisN list.i A Wiii.KKa, sgt^U niiK'toen yea-a waa Hill'd “ ith hivo f».r (JoI nud in;.c- ybs! --I sitb tW ' llriM.r iq^ulFiSt Uie no.irMowt —Aha^-^Gw*— atuflih Mer* -of th# i- ’ ■ ' ' • Wbl <;* . b:--uiit>il ati*l aco<-inp'i bed. rA.iimilt a Thonina Don ('.i.yp io.v h r fused lo no- and ali.'ii, in l.lc e, 'h* vth y. :\r. tiii . *.i il.r .;iir fair tn '.m • 'Id, IU.. fig k'l'olde on Ui ’ Ib'h <1 Ltigili-n N H . y C«'|A the It d of a.^.iss* for U.elr p.ojwrt/ Oin hand and Frames made to order on suniiiiu'i.-i e::r.)o, it-* dii.xl n* he hud. the Ih « I »i *< * Ih.l.t •'ll (rely of caul drowning 1 wo gl*l ril-t,il* wl;‘i winrin py an K.ngl|«l. ey ti.lM'uP’. Ih sbu kholdera lived Inn li'*ro I’Jiijimlolphiii I’n i-keii K,»i,i ;iimo C»>n(Tiy (rrlua. an4 she aU<,Hit< d the Verio .*. .:■ l- iay killed' glaun that tb Ir p.ofHtrtv t* worth fully . uwi'yt il. t:. .1. tvc'.uie, 'lai de iiu..ted Ibenc-o.’lrc:' !s«t wliiUr. %1 Uiai,(XI) more than uio auH'Utd cffeiet^ NOWJS THtnME! short \ i5iBC.Biii 4^ A iFir wtuft-t Qiq 2!TugaH hove haaa aaJBT~B4* tar. Bvaa in the laAt century thaF torrlWG^ift^ hewUbf UtUs D t^Oaaofc reetlon of the eounda Wh^ I got always pro|H)rtionata to the ternpera^ Matasoad ib tba BUlTwater pMWntftgy ■ • TaaaMari|^tlaa o( iha ■tataa>'' aa4 bofs aaaM lb* assaaiblf aaa. iSC dW ntys-onA-;?^ wTo-FoTi^Hr of Bn^y s aveiy ^ slppU baa elevoo ehUdren. oiaa of siusptfoe at last elalmsd him, snd ter a Wbare tba baaru ata mmrm sad traa. Is Ht' yet beyond ihe reach dT.'tny'gua. ysar past hs has bssa aloWly dytag.' UJ^ Wlro twmatftba watar laia wla# lay flat down, but he would move hla■^mioh os laundry f-oom. or tl^e hold- of , Bedeck lbs smsrsld rsbes of Jens, proached he ran clear up u> the edge * though willing to adopt nominally the end ths most plctursnqns IlguM la modam lacking that osteatatlon which tha plala I when the qimqsphere is loaded with oa men to propoaa marrla^ of the boaqd reof on which he was moisture, so^Hni froe perspiration i» prevailing faith of aay oouatry le outlawry oioa^ his oarssr on satUt. > whioh ihoy may. be sojourners, fa bsea metis up from ths adlo^ing Htatsa of | That bsppy mortals teats walls bore, sitting as if to jump. He got both checked. ExV^rienoe shows that .the Uovsmor Marrlam was psUUonsd to England tbey are Protestants, in Tur­ CHAIkMAN COOLKT, of tha Intap> pardon Bob when It was found that hs wss And when In sorrow they look op dogs on that aids of the shanty waiting drinking pf Ice-N^ater, when the body Mtssourl and Nebraska anTths city was I Ua wipes away tba bittsr tear. key Mohammedans. Morally they are 8 uta Commaroa Commlasloa. pays doosBod______to dts ot oonaoniptloa, but oloia- taasd "to its otmost'sntsrtainlng ths thou- for him, then turned quickly round b over-heated, is\a prolific cause of untrained children. Indifferent to every hlaowB railroad fare, and thinks that' booy wm rofuMd. BMds of visitors. Ths pooasion sraa madsa Ob. may He bs la svery pises . and nin across the roof to. a rickety these attacks (Bob Yftusvsr was bora la JacksoaOouaty, I Whars tbay may dwell a weleoesa rosstt ararybody also ou^bt to follow < his holiday In the city of lamvonworth and as woll pole that stood there. Down tha All degrees of severity are mo£ with, thing but the satisfaction of the deeir* Me., October SO, MM. He wm oos ot a tamll/' And may tbey 'aaatb Hla smiling faea ot the moment, whether that desire be axampla. uf lourtsea ebildrerrslz ot them boya ll>s mucl^ holiday at ths fort aathediacipllns Through all their llvaa ssreaely real. well pole he fled beford the dogs were from the lightest attack of headache faibor was a Ualoa mst, tbougb a sUrsbolUer, ot thoVvv>pa ever allowa llie public build- —G. W. Crofla, la Intsr-Oocaa well awAre Of his In tention . He cut the offspring of lovo, or gneed, or hate^ iNdoelaod tha Good'Templara hara and dlzztaeaa to the sudden stioke and was killed In tko troublous times at tbs tngsld ths dty/wers suitably deooratsd and across some low marsh land on which While tboro is but little Gypsy begun an agitation for prohibition. otttSresk ot tho owii war. Tbo boys oldar from Mkrh ataif on the fort floated ths aa- which ends in death within a /ew nin- some prairie hay hnd been cut and poetry among the English tribes, thsH . Tba whole population of Iceland la biit ibaa Bob wsm membaro ot tjuantraira tional cxd utea Some authorities woul^ make guarntla bead aad after tka war tbey' rs- 1^6 rsKmonlea were opimsd with prayst fiEYNARD’S RDSEa stacked and ran up a hay-slack, l^re three dbUnet degrees of heat prostra ­ “gift and faculty divine” appears pro ­ aeranty tho isand to eighty thousand, tumad to Jaekaon Oonaty 'and started to bra by Rev. B. F. Holland, of the Dspartmsnl be en'ertaineil the dogs as before. He tion, although the line b seldom db- fusely both in Npoln and in thu reniutei — and of these' Mreral tbuuaand are tt|a quiet Ufa of farmers. But tka border waq Of Kansas, -G. A. R. Brl»o»dlor Osasral parte of £uro|>e; and x>oe of Hw most stiUrfwwttta piasioas and tha rough young ^ ii«nart, A Outo Old Fox That Ib TOO SmBTl would come down from the top of the tlnctly drawn in any given oasa Good Templara man soon wearied of thalr neaventf ni Ufa I Merritt, U. H. A-commandly tbo l>ep^ ^ wiu *t« wi. osuMa stack so as to be just a llttlB higher The first ffarlety includes those oases interesting portions of . this book in They are said to bare adopted a career ot n;snt of Ifiasourl. reviuwod ~Uie work of to Be Caught. that which givoe speoimons of the It is said that an invention dvhlch the Grant Monument Aasoolation, by which than tho dogs could jump; then he which show nothing more than a sud- rlolaaea la roTonga fbr tba fata of thalr Homany muse. Thr plooee are mostly promises to revolutionise ttm method father Wbathar tb a excuses .them or ths statue wus sractad and of which bs is would so conduct himself as to keep don faintness, imncuisr weakness and not, tbey earned a rvputatloa for short, • often strange in form, but not ot discharging fire-arms, has been prsshtsnt, and sxplalnsd that the coat of the wumplng Jlns's** nsarttitorlwg Taetlee lb the doge busy jumping up and barking dizziness, with, porhapa nau sea and, daring daeda and hard rldlag. and ono night tribute had been defrayed by public sub- j lofrequ^tTy Inspired^hy genuine poeUd' lately under the consideration of tlie wbaa b Kock Island train was robbed near Ttaies of Oa^gar-Ha Ifaa raa WtHsSHs - -At- him-wJiHfl ■ he 'realcd., -Ai I »P* vomiting. The susfaco of the bo dy b Bcrlptinns in all parts of ths country. Then | Jq Teoling. This sometimes finds expree- liritlsh 'War Odioe. It consists in firing Caacy, la., tba woHi was (vrompUy arad tad ts JCnawtIas WhtI# tlivlag Thaws proached, he wauld-ge--r»HMid on_the oooU the pulse rapid and feeble, General Merritt stepped forward- and amid | slon in ' modes so unexpected ae to the cartridge by electricity. tbo Youngera and iba damea Urotbers. A the cboers of the multitude unveiled the tba Slip. farther side of the stack, so as to keep such eases, rest In a recumbent posi ­ moatb later a auga was robbed In Nevada, have almost the quality of genius. statue of tho great General. The statue is it between himself and m ■, and As I tion in a oool place for a few haurs yielding s'riob booty tn wbat was bellnved to The Gypsy sings thif-^eauty Of hin The demand fur ^.General Grant's be_ tba same gang. In Jonuary a bronse military time's of heroic slxe, nins V walked around it. he would go around. will generally give relief. ______. fppt high upon a .imlislied granite pedeatai I was quite a hpqtor io my youth sweetheart; apostrophises the <}tm and **Memoirs** does not slacken. Mr. fallowing tbo Hot Springs lArk.) stage And the top of the stack was alwayi le the second class of oasos, the waa robbcA and a few ihontbs later came iba of st|ual hci;;ht. The left foot la alighGy j gpii Rave seen actuiflptratecy exhibit- stars with heathen fervor, and oele- Webster says the presses are at work Iron Muuaudn train robbery. Then eama tbs advanced and the left hand holds a papoi I • . . - . u,.* wnul/. ootweeo ua =He thus entertained respiration and heart's action 'ara on large editions for the fall and win­ light at Oaeeola Mo, where Capua Lull, a of oOc IhI appearance, to wh'ch poinU thr ; f** uk lor about half an hour, till effeetod,- and the patient may dieeud- bratee the suooees of the knavish rutee by which ho has gained an advantgge~ ter book trade. So far S'id.OOO sets, Cb.oago man, was ebot. and tba Oad's Hill right forefinger,■"'A albucb hat which all ■ have done cr»-dlt to a Ciusitr or Patrick, thq Hibernian before men- denly of syncope. Active measures traU rahbery followed. ftU-mt. Tnea. t^ . aaootfniTnrt-At once ju ; AOAlllLjcedJox used to livj on over the biisno. Filial affection, also, pr OflftOUO rolu masr h»Te boon sold. up wt-tH n long |inlw,-*»«xl mttsV-he' entered ■ upon at eneoi T'he finds a plaoBpUoe in .hishb ioogs.songs. While "(m approached tho stock to beat him to patient should be removed to a cool Irom is rolled so thin at the Pitte- oa Ua Knosas City fair gronnds In the. pres- |. figure la drujied lii a long millUrv toat, Uit , jjijj n,ymy chickena. I have shows the frankest enjoyment of tha oa Ua K>tosas City death or diive him around so that I spoL the clothing removed or loosened, burgh iron-mills that twelve thousand aace of ta,ouo paraons. cape thrown back over the phouldora. chased him with hounds a doxeri times material side of life, there b ottea'a Xba-Yauauars aud tba dsmea boys got eredlt. could shoot him, but when Patrick and cold water applied to the head. aheets are required to make a single and have set traps ,(ur him yef^r after spirit of profound mel^choly mani- with a good sh iw ot rea.on, for eaob of Uesa approached the stack Mr. Fox jumped Complete reoovery from the effects may Inch in thickness. Light shines or. mas. Bnt tba laat waa Ua graatral. Septem- year witliout'~luoo38S U BB old' iRBtied In thcaa lyriea.—Tha WfH off and m^e his escape. Th »i fall he DO.t take place for years. through one of thes ^ J^Mor muhs stre atcnd tly drifting out of tor snd ordered Css h lor lliywMd to opes the baited with fresh, meat, and covered It and ^11, the face flushed snd the safn. He refused, sad ’l.i tbo struggle wgl'cb I found two game cocks killed in my .Utah towai^'Moxioo, wbore'lh’ey caa over with leaves, and every -day for MINfi^ABOuY HORSEa followed he wss shot .dead. Meantime s futil- hennery and a I^rht of glass broken breathing labored. Generally there b live up to the full_ requirements oL Ltde from door* s^d windows bad been opened three months I found the trap sprung, entire unconsciousness, and sometimes on the gsng, and one robber, fpll dead from bis out of the window in it 1 liupoctBd but no fox. I finally eoncluded'that Ths Exporlsnen of m YstsilwailaaBwxasff their faith, and that altogether fully convulsions. Bp hi ninrf Paraxropha, / burse. Anothllr was, i-ad.y Wounded ss tbey tlie sash where tho gloss had been he jumped 0 over tha trap when ho ten thousand will eventually leave the rode sway; .The b.ih.lltt.were pursued, snd, The tcm|>orature runs excessively Onco during life-time is all any mdQ •Territory. . broken ond sow-some red hair and 1 came out and I sat another trap about stter nesriy s month of meb-g ebaao os puts f i know who the culprit wag at « glfooe. high, and the Aral attempt should be Deed expect to be suited in a family sll romsnoe to the bln-ilt, the three men— two feet outside of the first. Well, he to bring it to the normal point For horse. kind but firm with the horse; Switzerland ' bus apprised Min­ Jsmos, Cole sad H'Af Younger—were raptureA ; He hud sucked the blooil from both got caught there by the fore foot, and thb purpose cold baths and the ap­ petting b as much out of place aa ister Washburne that full indemnity Tbey were' tr ed for murder. pleadei Meole.at Co- low ed blA-traek ln-th« snox,. ~ Ali tha iakr ay lf roTl ^Wig------be made them. <> liiinbiis-Adilrrs* of tho Grand bliO^Ko- ders from the manner of the death of settlers knutr him welL When be It b important to romemher that which by constant use of high nmngera coorag'nr StatUliea. his victlins. At first 1 was inellned to runs be strikes the ground forward j Foif'piifposes of sgenrtUK ■Jirrynren ■ cetrwBL’s; a, Nppt po uring i -I there la littio daingor_froin heat so lo ng and tight reining Is frequent ly the OBflfh h fm.Tim wtTlpitn fnlln g-tirBgff ctr- like an unwilling rnille when com of tha desired sort, says the Chicago rsiii the oiTlvIiig tlelcgntes .and urgau- ' cumstnnccs, .but my farmer, an ancient i as tho pors{>lratlon Ui free. By bear- How often do we see horses worked in ons are lieing roooived liy. the i polled to go fa.ster than he wants to, Tribune, this country appeare- Hibernian, insisted that H was the old I ing thb in mind many who are ex- towns to heavy carts or light carriage* various, escort to tlie meeting of the and the settlers call him “Limping ^sed might no doubt avert thethreat- unable when turned out to gras* to get a railway to tho moon or to some third- hoveceign Orsad Lodge, L O. 0. F. The red fox» “Why,” said I, “a fox kills rate planet or asteroid whose inhab­ Jlro. ” I oned attack by leaving work and seek- their beads to the ground without set­ meeting liisU thrdHg^ tbu entire week, and eats tho chickens. He docs not One winter's day when a new snow itants have npvcr formed or expressed with Impoaing iiarsdes, drilU and other I Ing shelter as soon as tho diminution ting the (ore feet out wide, sometimes I Just make a little hole In the neck and wns on Ihe ground, about n foot deep. an opinion about any thing. ezerciaes each d iJT.^' DCtegaies are )>resent ' 8 uck~tho hiootfTa mIhTt or a weasel I in perspiration Is aotlcod. —Yocaii's going down on one or both knee*. Of representing evory fibate aud TerriCoiy of I found a dead jrooso In the morning i Companion. seUling ono log forward with tha ot her the Union, lirillsh Oluinida and i>«n_ do«'il that wny.^, The announcement is ,made that and taw Jiro'^ tracks. I concluded - mark, the lower Canndl.tn provineiiiod t<>Oh o ItyGovernnr relief. t)n tho front is a tablet inscribed brenkfast He hod oaten he could not Saginaw ! the world people are still living in the which was Dover repaid. The request ran right straight to the ono day*. Beans are the most muscle- Foraker and to tlie city I>,t Mayor Itruck I with tho nainos of tlio battles in which run very fast, and soon I pursued him stone ago, but it is observed that they will be made that the sum be appro ­ Gfunt wascng.vRod. Th«i roar of themoao* ^y, about two iqllos distant T'he producing food given to horsea Horse* and on bebnlf of Odd-Feltows by Grand with two hounds on his track. 1 took arc very glad to emerge into tho age priated for the construction of a Na- f Master HcEiuiey and Grand Paitriorch 11th bears c<|a«!8triiin ilnros of (Jrant snd bay hoar the'shore was covered with in the habit of swallowing food without .a doublo-liurreiod shot-gun and put it of iron as soon luilhey learn someth ing lionai highway from Washington to LYost “ his aid>3s-'llcf. The west side new Ice, extending (Att {icrhaps hall a thoroughly masticating can be cured Grand Sire Underwood delivered the an ­ bt'ors su ln8 whiteOdd.FellowB on the glolm, a being cbnked that morning, bocatise the water became deeper and warmer, cxporlenco a while ago among the iHi- number fully a quarter millloii largur than of tho statue. After the sIhIuc wiisbuYcHod instead of ruDOlng toward bis hole he size of an egg. Callknan at South Botiilcliora, N. Y.. orations on (»euj.*nil Grant wero doilvorod the ice was thinner, till finally there tives of Northejtstera Now Guinea. the meinbe.siiip of any other civilized se. hiid gone off in an opposite direction. Never offer unsolicited advloe for the largiut dlsplacoinont of rock at cret society. Ho madii many roo«»inmeniia-.,b,v K«'nator In;r->il*, of Kansas; General was none. IVell, Jim ran out da tho The Natives hnd already mot a white the modicaliun uf a neighbor'll sick one blatt over made in this country lions regMrtilng ainendm uts of the consrt»-s4llulr. of Topeka, aad Rev. Hcur.v Hwlft, I was drlvinga pair of colts and I dare ice and tho dogs wore close after him; man, and had seen axes and other im- animal; if I* recovers you have noth­ was accomplished rocontly. Twenty- tuUon BUd tbo dfseipdue of thouriior BuJ chiiplHtn of thoG. A. It. Post at Fort I.4»v- not fire the gun from the buggy, as he would run apparently with all bis picmenb Ihiil wore far suporior to ing Vo gain, and a good deal to lose if two thou^and tons of iWk caina crash­ advlsed the ra slat of tl.OUU.OU or mo:e to enworth. MaJ 'r WiUlani Warner, of K"”* ' they would bo frightened and b^ome might for four or five rods; tlicn he their axes of stone or shell. They hi.d quiid a temple for ths home of tha suver- sas City, cx It dlea Before venturing to use or ing down. 'Jlie force used was one" z Coiam.indor of tho G. A. j ^lJJ^lunagcnblo. Tho fox se ’med to elga loKraininc for a si>oo«-h. but would jump to one «1de and The dogs also seen hoop iron, and hod found proscribe a medicine, become thor­ -ton of dynamite ^aco <1 in several know tills; he even seemed to know The rojiort of Ornad Secretary ITom for private bu.slnoss .in WasWiigtou prevented would go sliding along twice as much ..that they could make im|>loraents of oughly acquainted with its nature and tioles, driven to the depth of thirty the United Status shows tho luliowlug sla- hisI being presentpresenL * that I had to tie the colts before I farther jiast him befort' they could ro- iL Dr. Finch h'iid with him a let of action; bolter leave a sick animal feet in tboAolid .rmtiil cur eol rxi>rc.z -s. (118,. 81 . I outs IVopIs 5lalclnz tlrmilesn KrTurta down the ditch, in which there was a it hugely. He finally got out on the the fancy of the untutored savage. with a mucus discharge from one or then a blushing brid^ wont to house­ t>rAII; InvcBled tuaJs. tI.nTi,tlsu.T«. Nurouer to llio K«|*».^UI..n -.f, iSOV. Uitle water, passing within ten feet of tho thin ice where he knew it would But these gewgaws attracted but little I of sraad lodges, 51; grard encainpnit n s, 4.5; tV4HniNrisc>s roe. • i'^ i Never trot or run a horse suffering iivu.'l ever since, she cpiebrated hef twinkle in hht cyo. jm much as to«ny: and bark and return to the safer place. '■ '“‘'f.'’*.?? ’ * “*'* ’ NotwIlhBUinding the fact that thc SU'Iviuis pleased with the bo.'ids fur a short with tymjiaiiltic colic, which presents one hundredth birthday, und~ was 5I1A'«. natreasa. eacaminivnt mem- . h.ivn civen Gie most crtcnslve ad- i **Hnw Is this fi}r highT’ or something Jim got upon his hind legs; he harked, b. r*, l(i«.9T-i. tn«rc. We are after tne Hgain. going tho same way that 1 rescued them, and Jim lazily trotted in some degree the advantage of iron, odd; but it is said female ofllcors were the Kx|Mi:4ltioa rtvl h if, and ills time for tho terlng mcdlcino through the noetrlla XuUx** UrofT, nf-Nrlirnska,'M«4 driving. He was still in tlie ditch away to his hole. ' no present can be more acceptable to quite common in the British army mUtnmr ot ilir (j-nsral l.gnil iiltlri,. F.ast to wake up to Wie fact. (Vimplcte and Ground oil cake in single handfuls at extonslvo mo|is, ptiuis and diagrams have and wo kept aide by side for twenty or Talk about iniitinot I toll you that thorn than iron. Dr. Finsch found that AbuulA hundred and fifty years ago. WAzaiNuTos, Hopt IT. -PrfShlfiil Har- regula r iiitor vaLs.for alt klnda^of stook — tdaiWiav *»ur advautagiHiiis thirty rods, when-ho ran up a leaning - oflimula havc.Vtmsim —A. Maxwjill. Irofl nuU moro VBluablo \ At that time, it is said, persons who rlsun bas aiqiointMl Lvals K. Urolf, Ih a first-cluMS conditi o TT ymwder .—AH----- l<^ off and run aruund it; then think a little piece of hoop iron is a The Influonco of color upop the 00m- I.OH A noki .ks . Cal., H<*pL ll».-7 -Tho Grand started and rsm back to'ihc ditch; then foundation of his dietary. Potatoes are versary of Its founding, has, it is menood pru, t-'W tu the o iy of To- rArmy commituw upjiointed to Investigate treasure, for they have found that they jilexion and goneral tone of the'toilet leilo. He St o ee l•ee;lme a promi- admitted ns an addllioo and a change, «iSilmr^. the oldest house in this ooiin- Chartres against tho miina>rement of tho up the road W» the Iciuilng tree again, ctvn sharpen It on a rock to an "edge or is verj 8lrli:ing. Fair blondes should nent llyure In ixi'.li rs and eoptinurd as but not, as ip Ireland, as the staff of try. The house was built in 1640 for »ucb nnt 1 Kd, vbeii ho mncv>;d to L droin. branch National Holdiers' ILimc at Hanta and this litnF' ho nin up the tree and a point avoid tho lighter shades of blue, which Monica have rftiiorle.1-and the report baa jumped olt of It into a ditch some fifty life. Salad in unlimited quantity afid Hcv. Henry Whitfield, a minister of Neb. In ISTT ho wont to Oinabr, where he bas On the other' h.aad. Dr. Flnsch says aro apt to give an .a.4hy h\ioto the ooin- Since rCMdsd. Attbourb a luronx H''pabl.'ca». that tbo hieat furnlsheil the fo,,t from vritcrc he hnd left It. He frequency from tbe beginning to tlie the Church of Llpgland The stones he met natives on tbe south coast of plexTbn. The darker 8h;tdeB~of Hue-' he was elcoud district Jud^n in isiT on ibe VPU'rans is not up lospoclfivations; that , ...... , " ‘___ Tr.WTi;.-! end of Itj season; mache, corn saliid or lor it were brought on barrows from a Bon-Dartisan tlckei, and.bas s noc attended to prop<'r ilHlrai'tns aro not fnr';Vi;h:Ti;;;;H;;;i^- "p ■« and^ jumped Now Guinea who were still using stone may bo worn more recklossly by tbe lamb Intuco-^ great favorite, al­ ledge a long distance from the slta DCferly all the erim nitl ^nsi^es■ in the districLj that civilians are employed when Inmates Into tlvB rond and snn up the ditch on axes, though they htvd had iron axes blond© than the brighter shades, bo- though. Iwing oaten. It loaves an after At times it was used by the early set­ could do as well; that tho civilians are Imt* the othur Hide and crawled intu a cul­ for some time. He< was astonished cansf^jirowlng out the complexion in A llravjr Lne*. trr fed Hnd lo*Lre!l than the veterans; that taste of one'y having swallowed drugs tlers as a kiinl of fort to defend vert BO small tliat «. dog could not got observe the rapidity with which thi high rtilicf upon an accommodoitlng Nak FRijcrisro. Rrpt 17 —Fires are rag- the quarlerniasiorsertfi’ant and commissary from ftn Bpothecury's shop—dandelion, themselves against the incursions of Ing-UCBi f*pMii({ ValioT Lakes (litl. In Ven­ Bito it; th’i'tl he boltzMi out and retraced MMfild fell trees and fashion logs ini background, and the diirkor iuid more serircant are utterly ln<-<>iur>eteut and that grees and blanched; rmlishes, little hostile savages, and the first roarriago tura Couuty, ronouia County and other tho Govi ’rnor Is n.-sjionslble for this oondl- Ills sl JouN Mi'i.lkn . of Oxford, Me., is A H RELIEF. FOR JOHNSTOWN. and wont buck to where 1 hnd last comjfosltiim of green, and the tawiil- one hundred and tiiirty-three years of nALiTAX. N. H, Hopt. 17. —A large hnnrber seen him. For n long tiino I could beet rooL cold, are all considerable Soros N.iw raci* Conrorninx a Tory lator- n<»8oflbecoinplci.lo'i Is increased. The __^ oga He has led a wandering life, and of men Wure la the 'wood* hunting fur The Sum of at.ll'SI.Olhl In Ke Given the nothing of him. By and by the hounds articlei^ of consumption, of course Mtlnx I'oopic. moo.or^aps.lncronitngly fell ot wearing woolens and loiiving liquor the ditch and rasi along up and duWn brunctU's. bnt ''oil mlaptodto the fair. (Hstanoe wbat tlipy took to be a mnoee. ation of the question of ths final dlstrlbu I oskod a young |>04iHnnL “'Phroe now that tliosbs^modic insurgents are aT6hc.~ Ho runs & fal-tn of “ fOrly-throe Oqe of Uiein Itred, end Immediately a fear- tlmi of tho fio«>l relief f;iie4 wns coiisldeisd It, barked awffllc at tho riRds of tho A pule Innnclle can cITcclivoIy wear "limes a dny. monsieur, so long as it being grnddallyS^s^wly, it may bo, seres, doing most of the work hlmselL ful shiiek w-iia-4uUird. Hurrying to the by tlic cominisslnn y itVtrJuv, and It waa lean ing true, emiffi'd artiund the brush red —^it heightens tbo effect of the lie has always lived on a plain diet they found that tbe -rngle shot bad agreed to gi ve J .hfisfown Ti.fixzj.ooo noW, smoiU-d the hollow slimtp over, .i lasts,” was the answer. Frencn iiean* but surely—ab:iorn^fl-by the envlron- klllwl two liicn wbom they had* mUtokea to bo di-tribiilcd on (h(*sam« basis os toe , brune beauty, it is staled by reliable and bis habits arc romarksbTy regn- - . ji .1 Vi___ k... and when' thev came to tho culvert • “princesses” or “nagooleta ”—are in ing civlllz-illoa. Thcaltered condition for a uuxMie. firstdlsfrtbutlan. Tto* e-Hiimissloii has re- , , , u i. i i.u .< •< t.. ir ■ grrst rrqnert. either hot as a tllnnery of jnodorn society make tlielr wandOT- authority: ' ('riins-Ht sbonid be charily Lnr. «lls only medicine Is wormzroi^. c.4v.>i and hot on h.viid Uvdny they fairly howled with delight, as if indulged In by llie brunetle, biif drlm- which be mnkes into a strong tea and dish. or cold dret.-4Hl os salad wlth.ull more difflcitlL their language Bovon futllaos Iirowaod. ’ #1 tV'*i. 4*rs subj<>ci iflr>niirH4>«s leA yetoom- they bad him. tiiU finally tfiklsg a and vinegar. Boiled haricots, ain't son may bo worn with safety by tbw - drinks when “out of sorta" He is PoBTi-ASD, Gia, H-pL 17. —A whala-ohaas plo ed amoiiqiiiig to (Lt illO and anjwo^a- wide circuit th''y found out that he had is invaded l>y ganjp eiomonto, mixed by Indlans'cif the Noah Hay reservation oo- tioiit to other purls of ihn Htate of (M.lOil. with th.(in plain, hut, or tlrti-^scd as salad co!(U marriages attenute tho strength of the blonde.* ’ quite a philosopher in his way, is of a III Ihe C<>ncmaiieh tjallcy has bt«n iimllng with tn m. . ^ ^ epip* tn as a siib^itritlat Otess Ifi Wl!> Yellow is highly boixunlng to th* genial dlspostUon and a close student dtirrsd rccent'y off < s{>« FiaSGtry, tn which Hmnn tiy—htrwal. and dotted trrvr the one esiioe waa loet and seven Indians were Imh-ii evpesilrtt andparts of the In nh »»p-Tt country the grayhmind ter. An tnJisiH ’iisahle repast with pale brunette, and cspeciBlIy by gRs- of natura Htiiie flfin.rc iti Var W sideM-ilptlons are ^jj| ^ enough, and many map of Enrojib there ore now Httl* drowned. _ tho French .-wurftliig peasant Is bis iighU Y“llow jii-uws paler and softer aTTimingf.vrtrrd^^t^.-cmnrtslnn. ' othe, ho.inda ran oiiirnn hitn; in focL ••collation, ’’; H solid slice of brcml Stationary colonies ot lioiise-dwelling ...... J. T. TuGWHiiiirne, who*6st«riesfoi* III, Krtirw R**mnf>al: Gyp*l'‘». who no longer lake the road {I® artlfielal than in natural a. -J EMCttZLEH ATT£MPTS4iUIC>PE. I think lilJt mpilt h'PL»l'l’* <•"" ontr un eaten ul Ipur op five o cltN'k in the boys br ve in.iiTc btin riiinuus, was born At'cKi.iKii, Hopt 17. The Tateet advioes oTTeVTiTgnrTitrt frequrntty T.dkeu with enters .nto the olive ;;.‘:atlein thebrune ^ T.— .. ____ _ . the fox in an open country ,ln a or fold Uielr tents like the Arabs." io 1827 in Wtistern New York. Ho from Hauiua are liint MallHUta has been •fTIvrfc In an Ezprrsa OITIre steals •OeRond j him or carried mil to Iiim in l!ie tiold!i — skin with a softening effect, givinff it Tr ee Io FIH iiihioei'. ' ftcalghtawny r.Tco. UuL in tho woods. Tbe Gy pies have b-'-cn clearly visi­ taught hiinself-I-atin, French and Ger­ qui.-tly re.Uured to tbe throne. He and ; (Modinpi willi It little grea.^ spread on ble In Knrope for four c«ntnri>'s nnd a a rich, cream,,' UuL that becomes boau- Mateata hnv« '44vk-n ep a lem|>oritry rasi. rAiRO, HI. Pepi ift - nm ao'oiinia of T.' the nn'o I* long. It htwiinply a qnea- it HM a Inxnry-'-and e.»n>iime.l with a tlfnl In ounL'iSt with brillianl block man. He writes at the pwsent lime deiioe on ihe Mnnoiio Islsnil, where they half. They liave been the Ishmeelites almost wholly for the YotiO>ilth'* (Yim- tV. (Vlllaiis, cencctlon clerk In the-joint it. n of eti'iiiCttnc-j. Th'j fox bae tho |<‘sf of sorrel or lcttnc.» laid on it as q eyes and rich dark hair. *1110 nefista w 111 runcdii un'U tbe decisions f>f the Der- ofilcca of the Adaiiia, Hiiotborn >ind Aini*rl- advantiigc In the woolsS H,5 I* smaller of the- moilern world. If at the pr '< nt (i.uiion and makes a handsopie 1dco «w*v . '.thumb pice**: or t'lflr p.H-e 1* talten lang ago discovoreil what the mnila-ir" he ' aro confirtnofL The Germoa „„ oft5<-cw “F ,nore ogje Uian thoil^immls. Tho by a few spring onto 1:1 tlic thinulii d y lh=' law has; cer^red Ut treat them He U a tall, fresh-iookifig man. with ((iiisul at Apia lia< notified TamaaOMi that Frldav. and an emtwzzlcmrat ,of fi»0 woe 7 *^ . . J- .. htrxhly the social pr- sure Is prolm- .rc iluw to purceire. and that is tba4 Gctini.nv I pi« jiude , from giving sujijiort dlt<'overed. A wainml (•«• Rls aiTest was. h*A knowi tha . it la a (Question of en- of the bells -or a clove of garlic K a .very pleasant fdee. Ills hair is the south a red, fiery caj,-*^ciirii is thus bly groalcL fo lljat ii is now or never jilow 'U kCs evAry thing. Dtose . Vrhlto, but othei'|Flso ho dofs not show *** " ">^lpai ly. lasued, but wns not served, a* the yonng durance, and. conooquonMy 1 all tlicso man warn too sick lobe r«Mnovi«d or t«o»M-ape. of his xlticb I hove ridaled did indulged in. to reilnv^ and sea-gn'lh* for ll.ose who vHsh to tn dci's - IcMilifio . -N“ver apply SOU:- direct ly fc AWf bis years He has never car^ for An aUemtrt was n»a
makeup the sh irtage, and not larciipy o1 ar fire mlnntfcn of his ; bread —w hich. perhaps, is jsirt .ally study of ll; ;t.e wandorer.'*. .5 voiuinA xoolcn garm. rV .Mak- a stroo;- "Itol *i*riety and llvd4 in retirement !n Bos ­ liOrtHX UJ,x. SctiL 17. —Ity the Rr* miule with tho (lour of maize. ' Snp- Aaif the amo>»i»t was rai*' ‘d, with wlih-h It time, hut they* pit tilt dti"V5i| fault and entitli'd tin “iiyps'.rs.’’by Adri.in A >uds find UiJ g:inQC»t in jL ton. Hs baa a loste for spoculalinn, In U lal' liw.-. li'ooin A Co’g estabkeh- xnted by this inexjioiisive treat tire t'.dmd. foi '.- ..O f’C'd- ril Inirodwction r (lie lit buii <■“" »>'«“ % ; .4 re-iitno t'..n ‘.r work ilU tmmmuT xin !• it aho in hot w,»U4 4 idL but has -neviT tndnl g ad in it to any tr:—Xre great sxtenL lives and »U|u;s wete wounded. The tosol This s« bon>e faHed, Wltlans nuido an at- minutes, ----- "V : Jniu. All .he Xju. li

' Vf if';- alto!r««Kin, IW^f^hnirutM ftJtAic** 'J'retim UTTP •M^rerf ! doltarh herA* NEU'Hli,n .IH .-v.-Miuir m. - ‘ L '"AL" I As Arab trsrwttan Is s 4«»ert Armw Mot wtUi »wU st wmM.sw»»t mnC oImt. . . *^ 'km’a b4i|Uittl|ul. and jqr.t t(.ktSf loUl .j-Mv j‘‘•y ^ n!ceif«l It OuO.^B tt ws».tti bim m usei— tikhe w>Mts IL 8 o be rnys: .1 fV - ,.r X '' I usiisrt -mm ks «• vsliat wtMMMw. twe«s • ■ ^ " I I*!*- ' >. l!Hl- TblA'tw tbi* rywrirthig. otaar ana bnbbbas ‘"Sura -at- that?. Juat * - l^he rr»Her>fn K Pitt*bai^ ', •prtsg, •gain, pleasQL* I ht. Y‘1'1 «!ait IroB mill mak<‘a /(t%y dollars aday. ' COl’NTlf. COKRESTONIiKNrE.i*"'': ? VewaieA to bla tfpis prtaA At t<>r a I£1b«. he courtg pgaln- wldig His faiACj rfa^r' ocHIbd a BpnnliTag t H# Mid: “i'll iU niy«b^Ua, mA wfiTfeasts fajiir watobes. ahd when ho bat^ tum^ tjfnl blV; IV<. Wmoii .^ ^ / . , ' Ms So tbs .OsUpwXat hs, too. Bsjr tuste.'* A m ■•i^rvAllim Butph at Ik-iiM fVom Mm#- over the last bi 1 ha saya, -with the dir A j-^at niaii.y mop!. Imv.l.;vv. rfuui-aiidairfuui-;.ii.lai*J^< . -'WiUWW'M'n>n ^O- 'FUiauruld . a His lesUierhbaHia b'leil with ss«tsr bitDda, to tJie IVlrnit .-xp.eati..*. ^be.n ,a ct^kln the Newdeaf Us Uu4|{«4 ssrsss tbs bamtas sands of a .giah who knoW« too toux^h M> Loac'aUssws tradgsd tbro* sso tuui ? York Hoiis# for twenty-olght Asd ls4S his Ob'rise st tBr Caliph's fast. Cask Shoe jHo\jse. V wtMrtM) (or lowH Tiif~'1'iv iiii>i iiiii^ f:>r i. whioh.M ’n Miurh u<< ’.ml h »re. * “ ‘Thut'e all—‘tpvi iiteon. ’ .\kitilmHic thr aiulrt:. . ------!— Tbs Caliph tunk tbs Irsthera bnttis up, iakir>U a llttlu doubtful —M'e aaJwiataaif that imil of rln* Kaoeh 1 —oT Lnevola iid. ^ •* ”* rom ^a n nruflfM ir.Wini irffi.Ag» eug TTnuiT yflainli a, S4.4 ihaoh^J Ux SssU wtlb-s-stalks • though wUhiiig. Vo JtMM.'{ili-Krrmiwr, -tr. WttWo ainl ta<* ttf Arden TTonpal'r s e .pii’ tJw TT;. Tiiathn boy-' cloth subsists ob *jThe Place to Buy "Your Fodt.Wesiir. X fhr»^ otliH!-*, \vs-!.; to th« pit. (••lir Ills eoartlets, sussrUa staniUng-hv tb* w|iUa and gone 'o work in . hoE l h- ^♦'mpal and soils papers (ora UtIh; ! At tnncih onp s«tspai< ml *•>(»> iin* vWtiujr Mr. The courtier quickly put tbs bcttle ilowit, hen- pronotnK- it ;■ ; uti-esi. tVfii. , —A|. Kiffol, whose name hdS been i Asd luraed swsy srith aw iiDp*Urnt tromu. cornered bis man, thh buyer hauas it (’huiaber"- r**laHv«< ii»*-.r >< Iflxaived by his great toWg^Tts fltty- \ Uesnwhite tb* Aral.'« {mw lit up wltb (of — i His hspptne^^ srss firest—wittiout altny— over, and the fakir take’- the bills in ' it'JllllHI'JW'.H'HH wpek. , " MAI’I.K llAril‘rt.-:Ji*a;. 'l^H. Me- seven years ald^ Ills Darae> Is i fMalllug hb ’lert the roysl presence. Tbua hU left hand, with the ten dollar bill j Large lavoices of fall aadMr uuill^ lUVVlIVW Hf-Jkool lieirau Moada.v iiiorniKK aitb UoHfor w talking n two wi'el vacation, said to be lloniokhanMn, and his rasr , TbeCMllpA ibiMaddre«-ed bu wultlaa aMat undemoath. straightens them out, and IdiaM Libliia Martin fn ♦ha t rbair. the tlr»a (or ten y«*ars. sons for changing it/wtm unknosm, j **rb« wster In thisbottle U unflt then bends tb«,w^plo bunch back over^i I To diiiik, Md ret I dtil pnrtnkS of it, (jiiitea fH>at Mon«la.v iiinhit hut 11.8. Ih-Kiiy has n ‘ttrfin ‘ than warTaxpwTwT. genruig jruu'.l show your toathing and disgusti rtaniD**! I'aar, fop hinny y^ .im a rwiilant ativee in (mfiaiuv. (Helen F/^olt), which the latter al- . And b>r my CMiphate Td not oSund the last one he says, cheorfully: ' IXTe aim to carri7 tlie ^ost tlaie Af- of Knraka, dtad Wa«lin>H«lny avaniuH;. • Ha Miw. -V. llXCieaaiuger him refhnieil ways ugdd when she played Juliet ; 8o UivlnK, true nod g«ner>us/frlenil” • “ ‘Yon ’ro riglil —my mistake and ! A simplo gift trum one wt^o boUls us dear wan about It* yrnn* old, and Iwivaa a troru HetroiF w'her«> eiie haw iHsai purctam- car II., King of Sweden, is said your trenti ’ or some such amiable iiig her fall -‘m-k of millinery. , 8 bould ne'er ox-eepted be wUb frown or’snesv. iba^ds and soU tliem at tlxo ZaonrMt wlfa, ooa aon Mini two daiiKht«WM. Th»* a manly-looklng monarch. He Look tn the giver's (are—if lots he meant chestnut, hands thz* bills biibk to the Aooept as precious the well-meaai intent irmn.'nitjTntt full 'length, goes down in fiinM^l aaryWi* will !<♦ hHd at tin* (liriM- A lai'ite mimlier of fon-ign pnpilnnpp nt- i/Atands six feet two Inches In his stock- pqaalblo Caeli Prloea. tending -Hie Maple llupidH whwd thi/ tags, is well proportioned, and has , —Thomas Uurke, In Yankee iilSda his trousers pocket with his right tlun rlinifh Kridn.rnttrmoonrttlf o’chwk. year. ‘ gray hair and short, full beard. He is hand: nnd ge'te a silver dollar, which Kwv. Wataoo of Atnpln-ilu^iidw oiHidataB. ,• Mra. i. V. IlaiK* in vlnifiiig i>t St. a gifted orator and la m poet and musi- be shoves Into the stranger's himd,-| M. T. Johim. SHORT CHANGE MEN. • « «. • ,X plan 08 wolL laughs, says something BhpMf’mts. K. M, l.{ichanlH(>ii him mo vis/ onto lijn —Mrs. Harrissn has been im^ed by takes will bapiion,' shtpa the muu on At our stock trf Hatid - LKI^AXON.->-MrM. Charity l'hilli|>M *ua hirm ill Kiems. / «• .. II .1 . * L. w I ®*li if »he approves of dancing, Bow.the BneusiMolous Are Swin­ the shoulder with a laugh, and is gone made BOOTS in Men's, rwy at'k luat wnnk, hut la ^^dtiuK la'ttrt-. B Hlliii-c HiiUm k iiud Mily rtf I- iiltou, Mother she weacs a bustle, what slie j in the cro ’wd, while the ticket buyer Mra. l'*Uu SrHsiona iu icniniiif; ^owlr ut cxmi-l shortly to movcjlito IhcAmiigi*. ... , , , I dled at the Oirouik Boys and Youth’s, ^ T-, thinks of Mrs. Rivos-Chnnler ’s novels, ! Jams his money into his pocket and |imM>nt. tow imhip clerk, luXW. K. Wiirucr villiigc i opinion of Robert Ws- j hurries Into tho tent whore tho ele- liarriann ^'nah kr**])# Arry jKiorl.v, ainl cWk ill plH4^ X K, M. HiclmnlHoii, i-r- mere.” how much time she devotes to Maklug Money ity Chnogtng Twenly-TKtl- j pants are bellowing. I “But the fakir has got the ten-dollnr THE BEST IN CLINTON COUNTY. ti»ul>Hul atHiiit tiiw arniiii todtiiiK Up. sigmsl, Hkx . I iter toilet and other questions equally lar UIIU—Only fine Man In n Thou­ Tbr. riulk-iU H. H. quarterly imiding BimiiicMHyficii ut Ionia aii* very m*ii/i-i in^P^tineuU sand Will Count- HU Change I hill, because when he doubled iEiil will la< helil ill MalJiwton, Saturday and Three Times. I over in counting the sevonteen be five niiifd the Stisd HmnNhtip, hut the* —Florence Nightingale is sixty- Aien ’s Lace and'^i^ 'V: Huinlay naxt. Klder Woml, ]hit«iod It clear over, and his agile lit- ««a^$i.oo. 1.25, iMiuks luiy cvcrytliiug In nil <). K. mid * tie tleg**r erw-hed it into a voi 'y small Congress ’ ddrr. . she has written a letter of sympathy Nearly everybody knows more or Onv7JC« k. of Kuiama-1 fur the Johnstown sufTerors with her ^ less about all the attood.-ini fpaturos ol Warne hav»* gonn to (.akeviaw- to viait own band.,banit' She seldom leaves her*Tr circus—the side show, the horse ■ tho other flhgers were free to use. ; And ihasmudb as the 'sucker' has him- odatrvwrrtliia wrwk. ______’ r,oo K4>tiii>iiciHl to .'10 ihiyn in jail dciiiuiml house n-’w^ays, but keepn up a lively tent, the cooking tent^ tho dressing- C^grectl; ; self Iwl^ uouhibd ”the hflTs, and bos Tli^'fiatron'a picuif in ■r**j>orti'*l aaiyig t hcrciit. "That'n nil right," miid thejiidg'i'. Interest in all that is going on, and room. the red-lemonnde man. and the so<*n the fakir count them, he will mhiiic attends to un enormous corrospondenoe peanut fiend; but not many people, An tl» flic jnil/^_____ ' up the bills without JurlhCi' cxaittiag- . hoes !} •'exelaimed: “There hr no creature ’ many, inrt they prefer not to trampot Fartiiem have romiiieiiee*] ('UttiiiK tiji tion nnd is gone. | alive so dangerous to society, when their fish-like quality from the house- their,miwi. Some of it Ima j'.O'tt.v well / HUMAN SAUhIFiCEa - there is grave work to bo done, as t4>p.s. They swallow their chagrin and “But the fine work doesn't end ' (Iriwi np, blit on good noil iviien* rt Imm Terrible Rite* Paid to the In lu Givis your average 'good man.' This world keep stlcni, while they economize in a there. When the fakir laughingly 1 $2.50 and 3.00, every p>air \yarranted. been projierl.v teiidwl tlierrop iHahoiitaii New Calalntr, .tfrira. claps his mao on tho bock ho puta a 1 yiie Steamer Congo brings news frotQ would be a very good world to live and number of ways to got even on tho nver»K*i <»•♦*• Some j.ieeea iietsl mon* ch«rt^ l£nrk on him which Wraps all | New Calabar of a most revolting sacri­ fight in if it wore not for the ‘good money that the short-cboogo man has time to mutiire. men’ in It.” taken. other fakirs away from him. He may . ^ fice. It seems that a few months ago try to buy red lemonade or peanuts or , Don ’t bu v yOUr Children’s, MisSCS .anH \ OUth’S'ShoeS un- Tlie()nrHOD iTeamery Ima elon<*d up on the ojil King of Kboe died, and, as it • —Andrew Carnegie has one of the 1 A number of years ago I ran across i.iwooiint of the neareity of emim. The finest private estate/ in America. He one cf the mosi accomplished short­ prize i>aclcages„or concert tickets, but I ^ ^J| OUT' customary In that part of the country, he can't do it. The men he hails and ' __ ’ ___' , < - ' , dry weather haa very nuwh retbteeil the owns the whole of erland Island, change workers in this country and the Imdors from Now Calabar went up beckons refuse lo see him 'kind phss off tho coast of (leorgia. with the got well acquainted with. him. He • supply, hu 4 thcH farmers *hmT {latroit-rto pqythoir rosp o rtato the new mon- him by. Tho reason U this: If they splendid old esUvto mf Dungencss, didn't su'pect mo of being a newspajier . jiaP a Crriuiiei'.v antjlie.vought. lYicy havc aqph. Th« trailers were nwnre that I aril him .anmrthing they might cause WAVERLY SCHOOL SHOES, which Georgia gave lo G^eneral (Iroeno.’ man, and'in tho three months that I hem a great help tM) the dairy lamincsi., | for a short time afl^r the old King's | him to bring forth the roll of bills, in 9 • Mk Carnegie has a ma^Kicent btmeb. ^new him I didn't enlighten him. He and Mhotild very much hate to «>c rficm death thi; "In In” rUes aro performed, which case he wniifd police that the eigpteen miles long, all his own; a fine grew very confidential and chatty, ThcY’ beat the world for Hard Knoeks. fail for wiint of p>o|rt.*r laiqiport. hilt they thought that ihoso wore over. , .Ten dollars was missing, and would bo modern villa In place of tho old home­ gave away to m6 the innermost socrota * wu « v'v Thestate fair this I'epr was ivgreat sue- j 'I'lie deceiised monuruh's name wiia apt to raise a. row. Hut if one of them stead, lawns (hat are always gr«*eo, of hls craft He was'ti little, slim fel­ cms. XLa 4uduUikam.i:uiui'le ‘e in nil its' Imphy, aiid._to the Itorror of the Kii-,, should overlook tho signal and bo in- i gliah traders, the “In lu” ceronu)ni©r were at tholr highest when they cif- loss he is eom|H3lled by a rule among. ’ aiinpl.v immcnsi*. The ngi iciiltnral col- { group with glgunlx five oaks in splen­ way of tilting hia head back and look ­ tored Kbgo Town. the fakirs to stand the loss and restore ! lege.made a very flue exhibit in ijenrly all} did confusion. ing at folks with half-closed eyes, Tito rites had been In oiwratlon for the ten dollars or whatever sum It i theIh'tMirtmeiits.■ Wemadea short visit j while he smiled slightly, that was ahiiuttwo mnnth9.nnd a’reiuly about for- j —John Hanks died recently at' h'ls may be. In ca.se a man gives up a ' DUTCHER BRO’S CASH to the I'ollegi* and found ever.vtliing ran-i clever enou'ih to make a groat hit In a ty p«-*oplo had boon slain to appease the farm near Decatur, III., aged eighty- ten inste.ad of a twenty the fakir only i Iiiiig sniiM>tld.V aftiT the MiTiit coiniiKe j eight yeara He wi^k a distant relative dramatic creation. It was perfectly “lu lu” ^ods. Tao oK^ Klpg was tJieit makes five, and if it's a five ,ho proh- I tion. The attendance is InTger than ever; lying In u gr.ive whlqh had lioon dug of Abrabatn Lincoln who sjienV some fetching, but the fine contempt he had nb!y (^1% makes ope. You see there i : SHOE HOUSE. . for the “suckers” whom his,kind bled," Isdore. 'TJu'new piasideiit, (War (’iiiits'jor Tlio hole WHS a large one years of his boylvo'xl and early man- mu-l Im enough hills left in the wad ■ hcHKi on Hanks' fann, dining which and the way he had of'sjvuking of is giving the Is^st of sntisraction. A ' and deep, Kylng In (ho same grave ao that the ub»cDCc of one won't bo ho- I them, was much more sa It was win-' yotiag iiiu'ii from Barry comity. Kngcucl Were nine ,of the King's youngest time ho. .became >lo<’aH3r famoux as a ticciL” j lhive(i|sirt, a graduate from the colle;.-c, ' wives, niid their deatlis had been rail splitter. Durlti,' the campaign of ter time when I knpw him nnd he was "That's a good scheme,” I re-'i resting until the season ojicncd up.' i, has IsvMi Heli.!-t*sl (.rofcHsor of agii<-n|taic brought nlKiut In the most cruel man- IkCf) Huirks created :i furore by oxhio- marked, “but supp >so when tho rob-' approached him u dozen times to gel ill pluiv of Prof, .lohnsoii. X. Y. nor. Kaeh of the poor creaturos bad illng mils A]iUl by Lincoln while u}H)n bery is complete tl»»‘ ptitx’haserof tho i him to tell me all about the short- l)olh her wrists and ankles broken, so his fariq. In that (avnt)>nign Hanks, ticket should take a notion to count change act lioforo ho became pliable. that they could neither walk nor who had ,l)ccn n Democrat, b- camo a hls money againi* ” —^^I'iae rain licie last Siiuday, f He would take a. coin and palm It lui' j crawl. Ill this state and suffering the Kcpublicun and »p«*nl f7,d ns a poUtieal. swusa- 1 had been talking-nhout tho “tole- •'•Ycs?'Vknow. ” I pf-rsisted. "but Hoi'ses, Cattle, Sheep or Svvimf,'and the thrift/’house- unr village si-liool t he comiiig winter. was then laid on them In a Iraviirso tlon. At that barbecue ho fed 3,(XX) paph” method of making short 8Up(K>H0 chnugo. nnd ho spoke up nnd said, Altaoinl i’nrtluw is uboiit tto look arouiuf lorsoniethin^ that will help to quite scornfully, tfie hotel prois*rii alumt«». (. 1st. King, lying exiwtly like tbo iiionnrch’s such a crank should ha|>|ion along, iKsly. No food or ikatcr was given lo In thnL You get only fifty cents Neiiily everybody with their girl or —Uecapse a dude sucks tho bend of oronoTlollnr ouf of that Tiiero'a lots and they do occKsionuiiy, tho instabt her piirscx Yoli should not oiilv mAke the fair a success, the poor creatures, who were loft iu- he starts In to count the money the some one else’sgirl went to the state (air his cane ik no good reii-’on for suppos ­ of ways stronger th.an that!” that position to die. It Is said that ing that it is a sugar ctimL — Muusey's fakir drops tho big bill last weeks Our agent sold tiekete. I asked him what they were. femn hls foT vQiir OAvti bcucfit YOU should not fail ta visit the death did not, a-s a- rule. Uike place for Weekly. band “ldThe ground anaand ‘’catcnoiicalchos tlio* “YVell,” ho 8 lid. taking a roll oP Arteiaas Brjggs wili not carry a wad of four or live days. Pour men were sta- j —Open up tlir erme-tcry' small bills, mostly ones nnd two.^, out buyer by the arm with soino cxclaina- (jyv ivoocls" Stoi ’C of !«M>i cy next year when he attends thef.iir Honed round the grave, arjnod with j Close your bcsri to vsin rrgrcU; tion as: | . Uaeless the sp itbcrary— , of Ills p. ^.ik-t.—kb u. H’iLh.'al.aiidiiij LLuLi'.. iuabu.-;d csiudilitiu, i —With u tl(rh»'*i>l«(f pr;tHp she scltodhis arm if you ’re not care'ul!’ w’ere able to crawl to ^to side of Uio and cnn-s9«.t (heni afToctioija,te!y. est Howe nls4»4oeV iii ^ibout thcsii'in* (iun:t,-(iLike ouf anU with Ol'sartt, horror tbrii dumb. wfidijr ).^Aeke110 .stild, “the Isiys worked ^DUNN.-BUNDAY3G0.C»' In other parts of tbo town further points It out to him, nnd moves awav Tlie fimenii service of Mrs. .Vli. e Brown luxas Wflings. jm jj,,, iijmks in tlio country for them. human socritlcos wore tubing place. in the crowd. Maj- iio the man sus- —A correspondent asks us If ^’e l>o* Thi-y wexai the best graft the boys over (lice Mel'riimb) of Landing, but foriue’iy pi'cts that the* follow tried to rob him, Susp-iidcd from various trees wore the Hove In travollag for health, tender . ntriiclsr Y’'>u see Ih’-y look just a fivo Where you will, find the finest and chcap(fst line of uf this tdi+es, wrt» hebt a: our ehureii tui bodies of sovAiraLmeii. Thc-f jloor fol­ but be lias hls mooey and can make no Mmidiiy. .‘(l.e died of typlioid fever iifl.T rairtaln circumstances wo.do—parlicu- or ten If you don’t show tho figure. lows w'.er*e alrio enduring the most ago- larly .when w/e see a mad tiog «\r a kick, and licsidcs tho fakir IS gone. iilsiHt fonr w«x-k.s Illness.' Hev. Mr. J“Jly()f YVell, this Is the way the Imys take nit'iiig dent!). In sneU insLineos holes runaway horse ooming.- Hurllngkoa Oh, thoro's no wny of catching him. lai using olfirlateil iind juvi -I„N ahl'A- hail l^ii lMir-d-AJmiaih.liLeir feet just the money away from tho ‘sucke'rs.’ Free I’re.ss. \ But, us 1 said, them hm’t one man In n celieiit iiii’l toiii-hiui'dif'-oiii'si*. by theanklos. Through thelujesrop»^ You've noticed a lot of hustlers in Iho thousand tVho will count hls money J^eW Fall &„Wir\ter Qoods —lIes8To-=''**f met Mias...SliapqlyjDut were driivvii and the iiion wei'c then lied crowd selling Uclu-ts nnd saving poo- that one last time.’’—('hlc:igo Moil. shopping to-day. and I never bofors /•’rank Broknw livlti}; tivy^uiles wist of • to a high treti. Tlielr horuls were, of l)Ie Iho tyintblo o f yetting in the jam ; ------i.„_. tliis i-illiige, tiMik first pniaihiiu on hi” realized what a loud voice she has-’A at the ticket wagon, haven't youP , Carving Zulu Babies. roiu-fcO. hanging downward. Tlie rnoii Jennie—“But you must reinember.'my^ thre**-year-olil stallion ; Win. Sn’li.-il.tii 1 Wen leB them to •!slru:■tllle. their hon'or the white m n saw c. na­ but that's probably tlio idea they in­ iiiyors out of a few dollars now and ‘•medicine ,man‘’ he ♦trices no notice .liiroh Driiveaslalf' will iiltiad th«* tive tied by Yho feet nnd ivr-k. Tho w.-hntever of the mullior, but dovotlngo DRESS GOODS'. , . tlicn for tholr profiL ; rope uttaoYrod to the neck was thrown tend to convey. —Ko. heater Tust-Kx- county fair ut St. .Fohas mid «‘ut<*rl;isHiir pross. “A young man with his best girl himself entirely to the child, makes n ' S|HIII of b!ai*ks*ill till' COOI-ll I'hlr-S. ovtT a tree In one dirootloo and the numlier of small jf.tshos in various i roponllached to th<» frat was lied lo a —Tho price of castor oil has been coincs along—or an old man aivno. or List Suniliiy during tl:c tliiimhT utonii parts of the jvior iahint’s body, into] tr-ra in^ tho o'pjiOHlie direction. 'I’he enormously inert nsed by the trust a solid hiislnoss n^an with two or three «1FLANNELSI> M. U. Hill hii’l hi” laost vuby-.blc row kill- of hls farolly; It doesn't matter who it which h-3 rub”. mcdlcMno"'hnd goes on j ropes were IIk’U ilr.swn tightly, sad controllin-g that commodity. Unless hia why rej •iciu.g. s turniu.q next day j eil b.v lighfaiag, iiiukiiig ttii’r cons iu. when the Iwuly was dlste-ud<-d to its ut­ there Is an early reduction people will is, they're all victims —:>nd he.see” a this iit^ghiiofimoii killed by iiglituiiig great crush around the tickot.jRtgOD. Ip make the Incisiuus decia-r nnd rub ‘ most length another nntivo with a have lo castor nnitid for stiinethlng to more medlelnc iirto tlioni. This sec- i this ’«easoii. , hatchet struck tho tmek and sovertMl use as a liubslilute. —Bbiladulphia Thom Isn’t much chanct'-OTgottiiig a - HOSIERY. ond o(>cratlon being performed the, I’rosa tick’-t lherolii_J** ’«*'T{mn ten minutes, Otir ilraia coiiiuii'sl- ijcr. .?n.U’- P. Ba­ the head from tha liody. The head was child is wurde d and dried by being ker, will Irt n job < I d'fSrlillg d.r'lia lirxt Uiid'ii to the grave where the King wn” - BtKik agtmt—“I should like ja ju»4—hrre at hJs rrthow is a young LADTLvS’ PLUSH man with “(’itoh'o mserviHl scats movoil arour. 1 In the smoke of a, wooil , Si^tiud.iy on hCi tiiai.s dp uud .'ll in tlii. ■lying, wliilo tho bo ly was catOn by the shoiy y-oV our-.n**'w ebeap editioWon/of nt rcgutiir prices! How many? We fim, ev«-ntually bciirg daubed all over ' towu>dii]i kuoM'tt ' the (Jniv:-.* aun Ih-- ttaiwuB’iiI uallve.'i, Tliu white men eould tho Kncyiblyptedia BriLinnica.'” Farm­ arc here to rc ieve the rush - at with a reel p;ii(it. which Is r>'n<’wod m Wift draia, commeiiriag ;;t I'in.Tiv. . do nothing to -top llic b'lrtciro is pr:i'*- er -"JMis.fer, you deciln’t show me any fast as it iV’-.-ivs olT for a fieriod of sor- ' / the wagon! No extra ehurgi\ HacqucH and Newmarkets. llocs. us Ui liitcrfore_ willi these “te- 'cyclo|>;i'dias. My l>oy.graduated frtifn (lluirlM* lll)«;k. has 1 II a’”! I-* l »!iio. Mir sir! How many?' and he say eral montlis. Tho cliiid is nwf'aih^wed / llglous ou”!oms” would not Vm* tolerated rolingo this wce’a.”—Burlington Frt*o wiU* will tairy iier .i ♦•.•k iti t no viri'lag please.' which, assiiiiiiiig tljXrTho.maii any mitural food until the vjsits of tho' . - by tho natives niid the live-, of the IVess. “iiu'dicine man” are ended-(this for- ()ur Salc8 Kist VORr WCrc imnicnsc bcC.TMSC Olip pncX ’S WCTC irlatlves/lad friru’ls, buys n**iils, wo—rlti bt> two «hi|- traders would have b’*on lu peril. They /Biid M'oodworth hai- jiut re.tivrl a - “1 want tho Bbrary,” saiil Mr. lars. Ilegiu’tstlie y,iuitgniuiial<'udol­ malily o'ten causing serious eutrtc I , ’ ... • t ' •Ue*V«h>re made ns ^uh'k a retreat fVom qiieinH,** to the off- ’pi'ing), aiul a f«*w i DCVOnd fill CODlpctltlOIl, TniS'VCfir WC sllflli CfUT*/ fl IcITj^C .large stm'k of fall and iv(|liti*r gofsia. Ifi- /tuswell tti the architect, “tti be the the town ns t.huv could. 'I'he ir.iders lar liill, or may bo twenty dollars—if /intends to fir.iii’di Mh'yi'Ki.iiut-i-n g>> ’'l iarge-t and airiest rotim (a the hoiiHe.” Uier«*'s fiii.> p.lace on earth ivh«-rc n days aftorwuni tlr? iiiothor will be semi : - . *,,1 .• learned for ^•ach of the follnVlng ten atsiui her work as usual with the 111. j .Mssi»rtnieiit and scll tlicni fit f^/lTCCS to Slllt tlic UnicR. 4 MseortUM'iit ill hi/, liije miu want with a man w ill Hash ii liig *>111, oiaT where months tiioro w as to l>e a sacriUco of library.” iiilerruptcd .Mra (iaswell, tie one strap, cd lo herb^ek. - Jtruke’s trouble and liul.ility Ix iag ekiaae I b.v ho hadn't utighi tn, it’s ut a elii'iis. r«u m V Aj.!:ctits for the celebrated going lo I’ortlniid, (itjiiid Le(itortlun of the ./sc/aK'rt'tni tt e Tidliiijiti d; uad \\r to he confined in an in ano nayluin man takes iL puls it into hls (KickeL Mulvaney. ” .Mrs. MhIvanity -‘•Sure, •^BADGER 8 TAIE:$HAWL 8 t>^ fie:ir V eana tlie result morbid do- \\v.0i lUc ^ther day. but no property draw” out A handful of bills, token a 14J-, "ak for hr jiuT jir: !ia..l uplearuiit was desl/,yod. K-stern men held mam; phatwuz tlie n.attirer wid ’em?” j.jeHi.n brought al» >ut hy flnnoclal ro­ U'n, a two and/flvu oniM, and bands Miss Rightsert r-They hsid too iniieh Which ’.av'j no sujtcriory in the market. fu»*l |>rr». 'abh trini/ siHih htwtfy mortgages on all the the lump IbTTn/buy’T of soals. IF is TlieSt I,” tr ’iv- ! wltb f ; ver,-?,; P 'nnorly sbo ftandirtl hinivoy blue in them.” ,'lrs. Mulvanoy —’iTml’-, fr—*ly, bHi.h»-ir»l*l< ,.(,11111. ',,1 i,j! M ' ! .4. It' cyclone ij'uliia’t budge 'ora.—Norris­ fired in a luxury that equaled any hivi'BcdliHor()c it so quickly and raunled an...... ”! dare.. .” ay ...... it must tin vs.. hod an of- i ho. !- fi.!! ..{ tiiiiT Vienna h-"" OTcr stsm in its town llctfil’J. eiuHitren ifTiTlfTrs out of It so easily that, feet ,on tbo c-otlica.”—America' Cash for Butter^ and Eggs. nice. |r,idai>!»> pi 'Viitn flit’e and la :fiiTTo famed for - I*hys;«-lan---‘'lIow did tho scflatlve 'o'tent lines tlie man tak’-s it and goes, ^ »a.------; !• L*'. vl.t, her r.f.ii,o:4- di re-Tard of lhij-i.‘44fw»wv pnwd’r /liT’-ct your wife last nighL Lilt the fakir Is B'»r»' if h»‘ »h>es not — “Voii'r*- too fre->h.” said the brine .-.»ek!. i I-'I rjt -.y;; t iji’i"isil.i)ii. Mr. Sq*.itt»? ' ^ Mr. Smith —“Disas- •If be is A eautiiiii” anil knowing pivriy to the Is-c-f. “I. at'knew letlge Ahe n. ’fv. lrou»Iy! !. I’hvsIcian "l>i .a-lrousiyf who is 'di-iid onto’ tlii; tricks of these, corn," replied lh<- Iss-f. uumhly. Dunn . Bunday Nl Co ., —'TIjO t'*» I-* an liiii’st’.lvorv.is Wit II.., XA lit ------ST. JOSflTS, ICICK. r'***." id J- h ruiyii y d

\ i J/ .x