Agenda Regular Meeting Madison County Board of Supervisors

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. County Administration Building, Auditorium 414 N Main Street, Madison, Virginia 22727

Call to Order

Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence

1. Determine Presence of a Quorum / Adopt Agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Reports from Constitutional Officers 4. Reports from County Departments 5. Reports from Committees and Organizations a. Worksession on Potential VDOT Smart Scale Projects ...... Nathan Umberger, VDOT

6. Finance ...... Finance Director Costello a. Claims b. Preliminary Projection of Year End CSA Expenditures

7. Approval of Minutes: June 26 and July 5, 2018 Meetings

8. Old Business a. Report on Potential Opioid Litigation ...... Interim County Attorney Thomas b. Appointment to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission ...... Deputy Clerk Frye c. Request for County Attorney Services Proposals ...... County Administrator Hobbs

9. New Business a. Relocation of Etlan Voting Precinct ...... Interim County Attorney Thomas

10. Information/Correspondence a. Status Report on Projects ...... County Administrator Hobbs

11. Public Comment

12. Closed Session

13. Adjourn

Chairman R. Clay Jackson County Administrator

Vice-Chairman V. R. Shackelford, III Jonathon Weakley County Attorney Madison County Board of BOARD MEMBERS 302 Thrift Road Amber Foster Supervisors P. O. Box 705 Charlotte Hoffman Madison, Virginia 22727 Kevin McGhee (540) 948-7500 (ph) (540) 948-3843 (fax)


DA: July 9, 2018

TO: Board of Supervisors

FR: Jack Hobbs, County Administrator JH

RE: Syria Mountain Estates/Leathers Lane – Communication with Property Owners

Over the past several months Board members have received expressions of concern and other comments on the history, status and future of Leathers Lane.

It is apparent that communication between the individuals involved could be better, and several have begun using Board meetings as a forum for discussing what have historically been issues handled between property owners.

The Board asked Interim County Attorney Sean Gregg to report on the situation on August 1 as a first step toward the possible development of a County response to the situation. Several property owners were asked to provide information for consideration by Mr. Gregg, and there may have been some confusion on the form the report from Mr. Gregg would take in that such a report to the Board may not be a document that would be made available to the public or verbally in an open session.

To clarify that information from all interested parties is welcome and what is expeted to happen on August 1, it would be appropriate to notify everyone that owns property in the subdivision as per the attached. I ask the Board to endorse this proposed course of action.

Chairman Jack Hobbs R. Clay Jackson County Administrator

Vice-Chairman V. R. Shackelford, III Jonathon Weakley County Attorney Madison County Board of BOARD MEMBERS 302 Thrift Road Amber Foster Supervisors P. O. Box 705 Charlotte Hoffman Madison, Virginia 22727 Kevin McGhee (540) 948-7500 (ph) (540) 948-3843 (fax)

July 11, 2018

Syria Mountain Estates Property Owners

RE: Leathers Lane

Dear Madison County Property Owner:

As you are probably aware, there has been much recent discussion and document generation on the topic of the history, status and future use of Leathers Lane in the Syria Mountain Estates subdivision.

The Madison County Board of Supervisors has asked that the County Attorney report on the Leathers Lane matter during its meeting on August 1.This is to ask everyone involved to provide information they believe is appropriate for his review prior to that date. It would be helpful if you would email such information to me at [email protected] or delivered in a format that can be scanned (i.e. loose 8.5x11 papers) to the address above.

The County will post all such documents received regarding this matter on the August 1 meeting portion of the County’s web site ( commission-meeting-joint-3).

Interested individuals should know that the County Attorney’s report may or may not be a document that will be available to them, and any oral report may or may not be made in open session. At this time it is anticipated that the report will be delivered in closed session.

Information on any action the Madison County Board of Supervisors takes that evening will be posted on the meeting web site.


Jack Hobbs County Administrator From: Maria Lain [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2018 7:58 AM To: Clay Jackson ; Jack Hobbs Cc: John Kirby ; Jeanne & Larry Cerniglia ; Larry Cerniglia ; John Lain ; Maria D. Lain Subject: Meeting July 18 or 19

Dear Clay,

This will confirm our conversation yesterday in which you suggested a Leathers Lane lot owner meeting with the Board of Supervisors and the Board’s attorney, to be held around a table to discuss our proposal.

The Cerniglia’s and Lain’s can be present for a meeting on either July 18 or July 19, 2018. We have no time constraints on either of those days.

In preparation for the meeting and prior to the meeting, please confirm that Madison County will ensure that all parties, including the 2 new homeowners, will have received a meeting notice and the proposal and all of the attachments that were provided to the Board of Supervisors and Mr. Hobbs.

Effective some time in June 2018 and also on July 6, 2018, there are 2 new homeowners and information should be sent to the new owners at their permanent residence.

299 Leathers Lane - Tax Parcel 14A-1-1, is no longer owned by James and Elizabeth Petit. We have heard that the new homeowners live in Culpeper.

421 Leathers Lane - Tax Parcel 14A-1-16, effective 7/6/18 will no longer be owned by Thad Stauffer/Louis Vierra. Mr. Stauffer’s contact information is: [email protected] cell: (412) 657-3200. Would Mr. Hobbs please contact Mr. Stauffer to get the address of the new homeowners who live in Washington DC

Thank you for calling this meeting. Let us know of the time, date and location. Because we (Cerniglia’s, Lain’s and Kirby’s) are all traveling between now and the potential July 18/19 meeting, we ask that you communicate with us via email.



Maria D. Lain

Madison County Sheriffs Office Erik J. Weaver, Sheriff Sheriff's Report June 2018 Part-time Deputies as per Va Code 15.2-1609.9

Part-Time Deputy Function Worked

MCSO Unit 11 Law Enforcement 105 MCSO Unit 30 Law Enforcement 24 MCSO Unit 32 Investigator 66 MCSO Unit 33 Court Security 28.5 MCSO Unit 34 Court / LE 69 MCSO Unit 35 Court Security 30.5 MCSO Unit 36 Court Security 67

MADISON COUNTY Page: 1 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:18:40 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------

FD 23 SCHOOL FUND 150205 SCHOOL PROPERTY RENT $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,660.00 $ 660.00- 166.00 161808 TUITION FROM OTHER COUNTY $ 729,997.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 729,997.00 0.00 180301 MISCELLANEOUS REBATES AND REFUNDS $ 5,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,077.02 $ 680,296.80 $ 675,296.80- 13605.9 180901 GAS REVENUE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 837.66 $ 3,718.33 $ 3,718.33- 100.00 180905 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,914.60 $ 3,914.60- 491.46 180916 INSURANCE CLAIMS/ADJUSTMENTS $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 299.84 $ 299.84- 100.00 180932 E-RATE $ 50,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 50,804.68 $ 804.68- 101.61 240334 CTE EQUIPMENT SCH DIVISIONS HIGH $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,009.49 $ 6,934.94 $ 6,934.94- 100.00 240336 CTE STEM-H INDUSTRY CREDENTIALS $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 654.02 $ 654.02- 100.00 240372 STEM RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION AW $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00- 100.00 241001 SALES TAX $ 2,150,687.00 $ 0.00 $ 185,412.32 $ 1,773,343.20 $ 377,343.80 82.45 241002 BASIC SCHOOL AID $ 4,567,752.00 $ 0.00 $ 371,924.15 $ 4,409,167.00 $ 158,585.00 96.53 241003 ISAEP $ 7,859.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,508.01 $ 8,294.01 $ 435.01- 105.54 241004 REMEDIAL SUMMER SCHOOL $ 55,442.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,280.31 $ 47,322.00 $ 8,120.00 85.35 241005 REGULAR FOSTER CARE $ 15,302.00 $ 0.00 $ 30,747.19 $ 58,251.00 $ 42,949.00- 380.68 241007 GIFTED AND TALENTED $ 46,143.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,778.85 $ 44,887.00 $ 1,256.00 97.28 241008 REMEDIAL EDUCATION $ 151,887.00 $ 0.00 $ 12,438.03 $ 147,753.00 $ 4,134.00 97.28 241010 COMPENSATION SUPPLEMENT $ 46,485.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,095.25 $ 45,226.00 $ 1,259.00 97.29 241012 SPECIAL EDUCATION -SOQ $ 599,856.00 $ 0.00 $ 49,123.11 $ 583,531.00 $ 16,325.00 97.28 241014 TEXTBOOK PAYMENTS $ 105,532.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,641.89 $ 102,660.00 $ 2,872.00 97.28 241017 VOCATIONAL SOQ PAYMENT $ 134,583.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,020.51 $ 130,920.00 $ 3,663.00 97.28 241021 SOCIAL SECURITY $ 276,857.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,672.53 $ 269,322.00 $ 7,535.00 97.28 241023 RETIREMENT $ 634,463.00 $ 0.00 $ 51,957.03 $ 617,196.00 $ 17,267.00 97.28 241025 GROUP LIFE $ 19,226.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,574.63 $ 18,703.00 $ 523.00 97.28 241028 EARLY READING INTERVENTION $ 25,549.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,295.27 $ 29,199.00 $ 3,650.00- 114.29 241046 HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION $ 1,105.00 $ 0.00 $ 108.73 $ 869.79 $ 235.21 78.71 241048 SPECIAL EDUCATION - REGIONAL TUIT $ 308,889.00 $ 0.00 $ 194,095.13 $ 285,181.21 $ 23,707.79 92.32 241052 VOCATIONAL EQUIPMENT $ 4,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,000.00 0.00 241053 VOC OCCUPTNL/TECH EDUCATION $ 7,732.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,732.00 0.00 241059 REGULAR/SPECIAL FOSTER CARE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 12,761.58 $ 24,177.00 $ 24,177.00- 100.00 241065 AT RISK FUNDS $ 114,111.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,750.31 $ 110,867.00 $ 3,244.00 97.16 241068 CTE OCCUPATIONAL PREP $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,090.00 $ 3,090.00 $ 3,090.00- 100.00 241070 PRESCHOOL INITIATIVE $ 58,195.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,579.27 $ 58,186.00 $ 9.00 99.98 241071 K-3 CLASS SIZE $ 165,304.00 $ 0.00 $ 29,262.73 $ 160,945.00 $ 4,359.00 97.36 241076 TECHNOLOGY $ 154,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 154,000.00 $ 223,365.00 $ 69,365.00- 145.04 241091 MENTOR TEACHER PROGRAM $ 3,580.00 $ 0.00 $ 372.20 $ 1,861.00 $ 1,719.00 51.98 241092 GOVERNOR'S SECURITY GRANT $ 69,365.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 69,365.00 0.00 242009 ENGLISH AS A 2ND LANGUAGE $ 3,663.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,037.25 $ 4,395.00 $ 732.00- 119.98 242049 INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION COST $ 2,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,964.68 $ 2,964.68 $ 964.68- 148.23 242055 SUPPLEMENTAL LOTTERY PER PUPIL AL $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 45,957.19 $ 256,576.00 $ 256,576.00- 100.00 242061 SOL ALGEBRA READINESS $ 14,765.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,366.15 $ 18,513.85 $ 3,748.85- 125.39 242063 POSITIVE BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION $ 25,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 0.00 100.00 242064 PROJECT GRADUATION-STATE SUMMER $ 3,603.00 $ 0.00 $ 655.09 $ 3,603.00 $ 0.00 100.00 242065 HIGH SCHOOL INNOVATION PROGRAMS $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,335.39 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00- 100.00 242099 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONAL POSITION $ 263,514.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 263,514.00 0.00 242100 INNOVATION FOR HIGH SCHOOLS $ 50,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 50,000.00 0.00 330807 TITLE III $ 986.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,506.39 $ 1,624.68 $ 638.68- 164.77 330814 TITLE I $ 323,401.00 $ 0.00 $ 26,789.88 $ 332,770.31 $ 9,369.31- 102.90 330816 TITLE VI B $ 460,577.00 $ 0.00 $ 30,788.55 $ 344,177.46 $ 116,399.54 74.73 330822 VOCATION EDUCATION FEDERAL FUNDS $ 27,493.00 $ 0.00 $ 24,746.00 $ 28,855.09 $ 1,362.09- 104.95 330824 TITLE II - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPME $ 65,929.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,335.80 $ 89,396.45 $ 23,467.45- 135.60 330825 TITLE IV - DRUG FREE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,181.99 $ 6,181.99 $ 6,181.99- 100.00 330831 PRESCHOOL HANDICAP $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,570.41 $ 11,570.41- 100.00 410510 TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND $ 8,779,633.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,399,875.15 $ 9,068,523.24 $ 288,890.24- 103.29 ------23 SCHOOL FUND $ 20,531,465.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,766,952.71 $20,157,751.58 $ 373,713.42 98.18 ======

MADISON COUNTY Page: 2 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:18:40 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------GRAND TOTAL $ 20,531,465.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,766,952.71 $20,157,751.58 $ 373,713.42 98.18

MADISON COUNTY Page: 1 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:19:28 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------

FD 25 VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 180304 REFUND - PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CLIENT $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 24,154.75 $ 79,401.70 $ 79,401.70- 100.00 240601 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CLIENTS $ 848,664.00 $ 0.00 $ 73,566.05 $ 673,880.52 $ 174,783.48 79.40 330501 PUBLIC ASSIST & WELFARE FEDERAL $ 1,433,738.00 $ 0.00 $ 78,893.52 $ 949,131.39 $ 484,606.61 66.20 410510 TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND $ 496,027.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 601,915.51 $ 105,888.51- 121.35 ------25 VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE $ 2,778,429.00 $ 0.00 $ 176,614.32 $ 2,304,329.12 $ 474,099.88 82.94

FD 26 CSA FUND 180305 CSA REFUND $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 31,551.51 $ 31,551.51- 100.00 240603 CSA POOL REIMBURSEMENT $ 2,045,455.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 939,323.62 $ 1,106,131.38 45.92 240604 CSA FOSTER CARE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 263.99 $ 13,719.58 $ 13,719.58- 100.00 410510 TRANSFERS GENERAL FUND $ 1,000,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 152,961.28 $ 937,292.92 $ 62,707.08 93.73 ------26 CSA FUND $ 3,045,455.00 $ 0.00 $ 153,225.27 $ 1,921,887.63 $ 1,123,567.37 63.11 ======GRAND TOTAL $ 5,823,884.00 $ 0.00 $ 329,839.59 $ 4,226,216.75 $ 1,597,667.25 72.57

MADISON COUNTY Page: 1 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:17:39 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------

FD 10 GENERAL FUND 110101 REAL PROPERTY $ 10,525,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,498,221.71 $10,576,386.39 $ 51,386.39- 100.49 110102 REAL PROPERTY - DELINQUENT $ 440,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 53,291.30 $ 380,946.76 $ 59,053.24 86.58 110103 LAND REDEMPTIONS $ 38,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,112.01 $ 33,271.37 $ 4,728.63 87.56 110201 PUBLIC SERVICE $ 320,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 320,213.58 $ 213.58- 100.07 110301 PERSONAL PROPERTY $ 2,550,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,821,442.37 $ 271,442.37- 110.64 110302 PERSONAL PROPERTY - DELINQUENT $ 412,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 33,033.05 $ 511,252.60 $ 99,252.60- 124.09 110303 MOBILE HOME $ 6,100.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,302.92 $ 202.92- 103.33 110304 MOBILE HOME - DELINQUENT $ 1,200.00 $ 0.00 $ 246.97 $ 1,626.27 $ 426.27- 135.52 110401 MACHINERY & TOOLS $ 70,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 76,066.87 $ 6,066.87- 108.67 110402 MACHINERY & TOOLS - DELINQUENT $ 250.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,386.58 $ 7,136.58- 2954.63 110501 MERCHANT CAPITAL $ 215,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 242,407.46 $ 27,407.46- 112.75 110502 MERCHANT CAPITAL - DELINQUENT $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 129.00 $ 1,676.96 $ 176.96- 111.80 110601 LATE FILING PENALTY $ 50,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,271.83 $ 68,025.38 $ 18,025.38- 136.05 110602 INTEREST - DELINQUENT TAXES $ 100,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,009.90 $ 98,602.70 $ 1,397.30 98.60 110603 PENALTIES - ALL TAXES $ 126,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,012.49 $ 119,457.01 $ 6,542.99 94.81 110605 TAX COLLECTION FEE $ 59,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,310.06 $ 67,239.05 $ 8,239.05- 113.96 120101 LOCAL SALES TAX $ 1,013,054.00 $ 0.00 $ 87,857.26 $ 852,044.11 $ 161,009.89 84.11 120201 CONSUMER UTILITY TAX $ 323,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 29,312.56 $ 316,198.25 $ 6,801.75 97.89 120202 CONSUMPTION TAX $ 39,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,738.12 $ 39,024.34 $ 24.34- 100.06 120203 GROSS RECEIPTS TAX (UTILITIES) $ 20,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,556.21 $ 3,443.79 82.78 120501 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE $ 430,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,367.67 $ 451,059.88 $ 21,059.88- 104.90 120600 BANK FRANCHISE TAX $ 83,400.00 $ 0.00 $ 20,004.00 $ 116,849.00 $ 33,449.00- 140.11 120701 RECORDATION TAXES $ 105,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,895.21 $ 89,763.41 $ 15,236.59 85.49 120703 ADDITIONAL TAXES ON DEEDS $ 30,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,099.61 $ 25,848.95 $ 4,151.05 86.16 121000 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX $ 55,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,550.88 $ 50,749.46 $ 4,250.54 92.27 121100 RESTAURANT FOOD TAXES $ 405,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 43,033.06 $ 420,131.90 $ 15,131.90- 103.74 121600 COMMUNICATIONS TAX (LOC TX THRU S $ 565,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 42,307.89 $ 445,788.60 $ 119,211.40 78.90 130100 ANIMAL LICENSES $ 8,700.00 $ 0.00 $ 412.00 $ 9,092.00 $ 392.00- 104.51 130304 LAND USE APPLICATION FEES $ 22,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,250.00 $ 250.00- 101.14 130305 LAND TRANSFER FEES $ 500.00 $ 0.00 $ 51.30 $ 434.91 $ 65.09 86.98 130307 SUBDIVISION PERMITS $ 48,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 39,785.00 $ 8,715.00 82.03 130308 BUILDING PERMITS $ 65,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,378.06 $ 50,047.52 $ 14,952.48 77.00 130310 ELECTRICAL PERMITS $ 21,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,480.95 $ 18,239.60 $ 2,760.40 86.86 130312 PLUMBING PERMITS $ 8,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 983.00 $ 7,873.00 $ 627.00 92.62 130314 MECHANICAL PERMITS $ 14,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 950.00 $ 12,205.24 $ 1,794.76 87.18 130315 ELEVATOR PERMITS $ 125.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 125.00 $ 0.00 100.00 130316 REINSPECTION FEE $ 500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 650.00 $ 150.00- 130.00 130317 INVESTIGATION FEE $ 150.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 66.67 130318 SEPTIC PERMITS $ 1,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 40.00 $ 440.00 $ 560.00 44.00 130319 SIGN PERMITS $ 500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 150.00 $ 350.00 30.00 130320 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY REQUEST $ 50.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 50.00 0.00 130328 PLAN REVIEW FEES $ 7,800.00 $ 0.00 $ 581.08 $ 5,715.72 $ 2,084.28 73.28 130335 EROSION & SEDIMENT BONDS $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,411.88 $ 15,411.88- 100.00 130338 AGREEMENT IN LIEU OF A PLAN $ 4,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 375.00 $ 5,125.00 $ 1,125.00- 128.12 130339 EROSION & SEDIMENT LAND DIST. PER $ 6,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 43.08 130340 BUILDING STATE LEVY $ 2,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 149.24 $ 1,705.05 $ 794.95 68.20 130399 DMV STOP/RELEASE FEE $ 10,610.00 $ 4,610.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 11,510.00 $ 900.00- 108.48 140101 COURT FINES AND FORFEITURES $ 198,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,019.67 $ 166,753.90 $ 31,246.10 84.22 140102 COURT FINES INTEREST $ 1,100.00 $ 0.00 $ 190.74 $ 1,331.32 $ 231.32- 121.03 140104 ALARM ORDINANCE FINE $ 100.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 100.00 0.00 150101 INTEREST - BANK DEPOSITS $ 32,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,549.91 $ 98,256.50 $ 66,256.50- 307.05 150201 RENT - CLORE PROPERTY $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,701.45 $ 201.45- 113.43 150202 RENT - SOCIAL SERVICES $ 30,790.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 25,658.20 $ 5,131.80 83.33 150203 RENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT $ 33,502.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,791.85 $ 33,502.20 $ 0.20- 100.00 150206 RENT - BLUE RIDGE TASKFORCE $ 16,800.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 12,600.00 25.00 160101 COURT HOUSE MAINTENANCE FEES $ 8,300.00 $ 0.00 $ 554.37 $ 6,673.27 $ 1,626.73 80.40 160103 SHERIFF'S FEES - SERVING COURT PA $ 344.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 343.79 $ 0.21 99.94

MADISON COUNTY Page: 2 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:17:39 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------160105 COURT APPT'D ATTY'S FEES $ 100.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 100.00 0.00 160106 CLERK FEES - OTHER $ 100.00 $ 0.00 $ 11.87 $ 158.98 $ 58.98- 158.98 160107 COURT SECURITY FEES $ 40,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,552.32 $ 30,968.47 $ 9,031.53 77.42 160201 COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY FEES $ 1,200.00 $ 0.00 $ 167.09 $ 1,276.03 $ 76.03- 106.34 160402 AMBULANCE TRANSPORTS $ 310,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,581.70 $ 299,879.32 $ 10,120.68 96.74 160501 JAIL ADMISSION FEE $ 1,300.00 $ 0.00 $ 186.92 $ 2,072.90 $ 772.90- 159.45 160601 PICKUP & BOARDING FEES $ 1,250.00 $ 0.00 $ 137.00 $ 1,757.00 $ 507.00- 140.56 160602 SHELTER - ADOPTIONS $ 12,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,505.00 $ 15,805.00 $ 3,805.00- 131.71 160801 WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL, RECYC $ 115,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,818.80 $ 124,475.35 $ 9,475.35- 108.24 180301 REBATES & REFUNDS $ 75,599.67 $ 1,268.64 $ 3,443.29 $ 52,404.96 $ 23,194.71 69.32 180309 REFUNDS-PRA REIMBURSEMENT FOR SAL $ 52,628.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 42,095.38 $ 10,532.62 79.99 180401 SRO SCHOOLS $ 55,342.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 55,342.00 0.00 180601 LOD-Law Enforcement (VACO) $ 14,700.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,700.00 0.00 180905 SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY $ 2,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,399.00 $ 1,101.00 55.96 180906 SALE OF DOCUMENTS $ 200.00 $ 0.00 $ 12.00 $ 57.00 $ 143.00 28.50 180910 OVERAGES/SHORTAGE $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.60 $ 0.60 $ 0.60- 100.00 180916 INSURANCE CLAIMS/ADJUSTMENTS $ 3,180.15 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,946.77 $ 3,766.62- 218.44 180933 RETURN CHECK FEE $ 250.00 $ 0.00 $ 25.00 $ 250.00 $ 0.00 100.00 180939 PROCEEDS ESCHEATED PROPERTY $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,195.21 $ 7,195.21- 100.00 189911 DEBT SETOFF ADMIN FEE $ 2,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 97.49 $ 2,166.26 $ 166.26- 108.31 220103 MOTOR VEHICLE CARRIER'S TAX $ 500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 208.54 $ 291.46 41.71 220104 MOBILE HOME TITLING TAX $ 8,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 13,555.00 $ 5,555.00- 169.44 220109 PPTRA $ 1,029,053.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,029,052.96 $ 0.04 100.00 220110 MOTOR VEHICLE RENTAL TAX $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 162.13 $ 1,495.17 $ 4.83 99.68 220111 RECORDATION TAX - COMMONWEALTH $ 40,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 22,937.07 $ 17,062.93 57.34 230100 SHARED - COMM ATT'Y $ 171,241.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,309.99 $ 156,613.76 $ 14,627.24 91.46 230200 SHARED - SHERIFF $ 722,851.00 $ 0.00 $ 62,452.20 $ 665,625.28 $ 57,225.72 92.08 230300 SHARED - COMM REVENUE $ 78,010.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,491.70 $ 70,997.92 $ 7,012.08 91.01 230400 SHARED - TREASURER $ 90,416.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,552.53 $ 82,825.58 $ 7,590.42 91.61 230600 SHARED - REGISTRAR & ELECT BRD $ 37,321.79 $ 0.00 $ 37,399.00 $ 37,399.00 $ 77.21- 100.21 230700 SHARED - CLERK OF CIRCUIT CT $ 200,234.00 $ 0.00 $ 16,804.64 $ 183,199.06 $ 17,034.94 91.49 230702 SHARED - CLERK TECHNOLOGY $ 13,411.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,214.97 $ 15,307.47 $ 1,896.47- 114.14 240102 DEPT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE $ 6,385.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 6,588.00 $ 203.00- 103.18 240103 VA DOMESTIC VIOLENCE GRANT $ 45,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 11,250.00 $ 33,750.00 25.00 240104 VA VICTIM WITNESS GRANT $ 13,297.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 9,534.00 $ 3,763.00 71.70 240105 911 WIRELESS FUND $ 41,600.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,787.75 $ 38,638.32 $ 2,961.68 92.88 240115 PSAP Equipment Grant $ 150,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 150,000.00 0.00 240116 SRO State Grant $ 27,646.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 27,646.00 0.00 240117 VITA Wireless grant $ 800.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 800.00 0.00 240119 CLERK-LVA RECORDS GRANT $ 12,458.00 $ 12,458.00 $ 12,458.00 $ 12,458.00 $ 0.00 100.00 240201 FIRE PROGRAM FUND $ 43,725.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 43,725.00 $ 0.00 100.00 240202 EMS - FOUR FOR LIFE $ 14,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 14,000.00 0.00 240204 RSAF Grant $ 74,709.50 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 74,709.50 $ 0.00 100.00 240302 LITTER CONTROL & PESTICIDE GRANTS $ 7,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,077.00 $ 77.00- 101.10 240801 VTA Grant $ 10,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 0.00 100.00 310101 SNP - REAL PROPERTY TAXES $ 85,300.00 $ 0.00 $ 89,711.00 $ 90,215.63 $ 4,915.63- 105.76 330101 GROUND TRANSPORT SAFETY - POLICE $ 10,850.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 4,159.02 $ 6,690.98 38.33 330109 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANTS $ 1,226.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,226.00 0.00 330300 Victim Witness Federal $ 39,891.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 28,602.00 $ 11,289.00 71.70 401402 PROCEEDS FROM BOND 2017 LOAN $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,793.21 $ 3,793.21- 100.00 410515 Transfer from TOT $ 32,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 32,500.00 0.00 499999 ACCUMULATED FUND BALANCE $ 1,198,952.66 $ 73,868.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,198,952.66 0.00 ------10 GENERAL FUND $ 23,422,102.77 $ 92,204.64 $ 2,222,294.74 $21,907,273.65 $ 1,514,829.12 93.53

FD 11 TOT TOURISM FUND 121000 TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX $ 82,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,326.33 $ 74,765.01 $ 7,734.99 90.62

FD 12 TOPPINGS FUND 499999 ACCUMULTED FUND BALANCE $ 15,356.07 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 15,356.07 0.00

MADISON COUNTY Page: 3 FD-SOURCE REVENUES SUMMARY REPORT Date: 07/05/18 for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY 2017-18) Time: 14:17:39 Posted and Distributed Figures Executed By: smurray

Estimated Est. Revenue Revenue Revenue Unrealized Percent Code Description Revenue For JUNE For JUNE YTD Balance Real ------

FD 13 ANIMAL GRANTS AND DONATIONS FUND 180301 REBATES AND REFUNDS $ 58.75 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 58.75 0.00 180951 Animal Donations - Shelter $ 14,079.00 $ 0.00 $ 71.00 $ 16,212.39 $ 2,133.39- 115.15 180952 Animal Donations - Medical Care $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 3,670.65 $ 3,670.65- 100.00 240305 DMV Animal Friendly Plates Grnt $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 290.37 $ 290.37- 100.00 240306 FD 13-SPAY AND NEUTER DONATIONS $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 4.75 $ 4.75- 100.00 499999 ACCUMULTED FUND BALANCE $ 5,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 5,000.00 0.00 ------13 ANIMAL GRANTS AND DONATIONS FUND $ 19,137.75 $ 0.00 $ 71.00 $ 20,178.16 $ 1,040.41- 105.44 ======GRAND TOTAL $ 23,539,096.59 $ 92,204.64 $ 2,230,692.07 $22,002,216.82 $ 1,536,879.77 93.47

Date: June 2018 Inspection Commercial/Multi-Family Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 2 19 1 9 6 2 9 1 11 6 54.00 Additions 1 40 31 5 23 1 119.00 Renovations 5 81 3 66 12 28 2 55 10 258.00 Manufactured/Modular 0 0 0 0 0 0 - A Other Building Related 1 38 1 29 3 0 0 2 70.00 B Other Non Building Related 6 22 2 12 2 2 0 0 10 36.00 Total 15 200 7 147 2 28 2 60 3 66 29 537 Residential Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 46 358 21 129 10 66 12 94 17 113 106 769 Additions 5 117 1 52 8 26 1 30 7 233 Renovations 8 153 10 168 2 61 4 86 3 77 27 545 Manufactured/Modular 38 20 1 12 16 0 87 A Other Building Related 13 174 6 72 1 2 1 5 1 8 22 261 B Other Non Building Related 2 24 5 31 3 1 2 7 61 Total 74 864 43 472 13 141 17 224 22 246 169 1956

Plan Review Commercial/Multi-Family Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 1 15 2 1 0 1 1 19 Additions 1 4 1 0 0 1 1 8 Renovations 4 18 2 10 0 4 6 6 38 Manufactured/Modular 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A Other Building Related 1 17 0 0 0 0 1 17 B Other Non Building Related 14 2 0 0 0 0 16 Total 76821501 04 08998 Residential Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 12 65 0 0 1 0 12 66 Additions 3 28 0 0 0 0 3 28 Renovations 2 41 1 3 1 0 0 3 45 Manufactured/Modular 1 7 0 0 0 1 1 8 A Other Building Related* 1 0 0 0 0 1 42 B Other Non Building Related* 1 7 6 0 0 0 1 13 Total 201481001 01 0121202

Monthly Total of Inspections 198 Madison County Building Official Monthly Total of Plan Reviews 30 Monthly Total of Zoning 2 Inspections Signature: ______Monthly Total of E&S Inspections 48 Monthly Total of Training Hours 3 Print: ______Land Use Date: ______Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Inspections 229 254 210 173 187 180 133 177 247 267 238 198 Plan Reviews 27 23 6 24 22 26 26 20 27 42 27 30 Zoning Inspections 191061130548102 E&S Inspections 59 70 32 46 35 40 54 72 52 60 72 48 Training Hours 28 5 24 24 3 4 0 12 8.5 15 18 3 Land Use 000000000000

F. Y. 2017‐2018 Monthly Inspection Reports 300






0 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Inspections 229 254 210 173 187 180 133 177 247 267 238 198 Plan Reviews 27236 242226262027422730 Zoning Inspections 191061130548102 E&S Inspections 59 70 32 46 35 40 54 72 52 60 72 48 Training Hours 28 5 24 24 3 4 0 12 8.5 15 18 3 Land Use 000000000000 Madison County Building Department - Monthly Permit and Revenue Report Date: June 2018 Permits Commercial/Multi-Family Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 1 53104120 Additions 3100008 Renovations 58074045 Manufactured/Modular 0000000 A Other Building Related 92300027 B Other Non Building Related 11 2 1 1 0 0 1 22 Total 1330161507082122 Residential Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings 4 32 4 26 1 8 4 21 5 28 18 171 Additions 1 26 1 20 518275120 Renovations 5 26 3 65 3 22 26 2 26 13 287 Manufactured/Modular 54044028 A Other Building Related 4 54 2 27 6 3 3 6 153 B Other Non Building Related 4 28 6300463 Total 18 171 10 148 4 44 5 62 9 68 46 822 Erosion and Sediment Control Permits YTD Agreement in lieu of a plan 2 46 *Note A: Permits that are building related; for example: barns, sheds, roofing, decks, demolition, house moving. Plan Review 4 *Note B: Permits that are not building related; for example: pools, signs and fences. Land disturbing permit 4 Total 254

Projected Revenue for Permit Applications Commercial/Multi-Family Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings $409.50 $1,074.70 $229.50 $76.50 $76.50 $371.30 $409.50 $2,763.37 Additions $766.42 $76.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,685.84 Renovations $2,532.65 $743.32 $0.00 $650.50 $280.50 $0.00 $7,291.48 Manufactured/Modular $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 A Other Building Related $839.35 $153.00 $229.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,367.20 B Other Non Building Related $1,224.00 $153.00 $76.50 $76.50 $0.00 $0.00 $76.50 $2,233.80 Total $409.50 $6,437.12 $0.00 $1,355.32 $76.50 $382.50 $0.00 $727.00 $0.00 $651.80 $486.00 $16,341.69 Residential Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings $2,591.68 $18,279.98 $462.91 $4,036.01 $76.50 $612.00 $280.50 $280.50 $418.20 $2,379.66 $3,829.79 $40,412.43 Additions $555.37 $4,632.39 $121.95 $1,561.44 $382.50 $76.50 $612.00 $153.00 $535.50 $906.82 $13,935.44 Renovations $545.25 $4,549.37 $229.50 $5,058.25 $229.50 $1,683.00 $1,988.50 $153.00 $2,064.00 $1,157.25 $26,988.63 Manufactured/Modular $1,791.42 $525.97 $0.00 $306.00 $306.00 $0.00 $4,881.42 A Other Building Related $265.29 $4,979.67 $102.00 $1,630.50 $459.00 $316.20 $142.00 $367.29 $12,564.81 B Other Non Building Related $394.50 $3,467.73 $459.00 $229.50 $0.00 $0.00 $394.50 $7,188.66 Total $4,352.09 $37,700.56 $916.36 $13,271.17 $306.00 $3,366.00 $357.00 $3,503.20 $724.20 $5,427.16 $6,655.65 $105,971.39 Erosion and Sediment Control Permits YTD Agreement in lieu of a plan $250.00 $4,875.00 Plan Review $700.00 Land disturbing permit $1,400.00 Total $250.00 $6,975.00

Estimated Value of Construction Commercial/Multi-Family Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings $64,000 $173,050 $7,650 $2,000 $6,500 $6,400 $64,000 $311,300 Additions $238,009 $75 $0 $0 $0 $0 $476,168 Renovations $1,820,200 $39,710 $0 $158,699 $2,900 $0 $2,246,418 Manufactured/Modular $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 A Other Building Related $61,997 $5,500 $4,500 $0 $0 $0 $131,994 B Other Non Building Related $37,915 $9,250 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $102,330 Total $64,000 $2,331,171 $0 $62,185 $20,000 $26,500 $0 $165,199 $0 $9,300 $84,000 $3,268,210 Residential Building YTD Electrical YTD Fuel Gas YTD Mechanical YTD Plumbing YTD Subtotal YTD New Buildings $1,828,105 $8,888,257 $7,500 $74,000 $800 $13,145 $8,400 $135,846 $14,000 $83,500 $1,858,805 $13,650,246 Additions $85,000 $1,579,025 $1,500 $50,900 $13,929 $3,500 $30,700 $31,954 $42,454 $121,954 $3,220,483 Renovations $114,750 $1,305,405 $3,000 $186,160 $9,400 $79,208 $241,917 $3,250 $54,370 $130,400 $3,108,128 Manufactured/Modular $524,631 $8,500 $0 $18,000 $7,000 $0 $940,262 A Other Building Related $57,750 $1,280,543 $1,250 $69,353 $6,176 $20,000 $13,000 $59,000 $1,960,223 B Other Non Building Related $26,880 $555,940 $131,608 $8,800 $0 $0 $26,880 $1,296,442 Total $2,112,485 $14,133,801 $13,250 $520,521 $10,200 $121,258 $11,900 $446,463 $49,204 $200,324 $2,197,039 $24,175,784

Monthly Total of Commercial Permits 2 Madison County Building Official Monthly Total of Commercial Revenue $486.00 Monthly Total of Commercial Est. Value $84,000 Signature: ______Monthly Total of Residential Permits 46 Monthly Total of Residential Revenue $6,655.65 Print: ______Monthly Total of Residential Est. Value $2,197,039 Monthly Total of E&S Permits 2 Date: ______Monthly Total of E&S Revenue $250.00

Monthly Total of Permits 50 Monthly Total Revenue $7,391.65 Monthly Total Est. Value $2,281,039 Fees Waived$ - Monthly Permits and Revenue Bar Graphs

Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Permits 59 61 20 44 37 51 35 41 69 71 78 48 Revenue $7,056.97 $6,862.29 $2,061.63 $5,277.10 $5,647.84 $9,724.00 $4,228.34 $5,008.46 $5,742.62 $10,674.28 $11,046.65 $7,141.65 Estimate Const. Value $1,126,448 $1,367,497 $582,555 $988,484 $1,409,397 $1,559,074 $856,613 $651,748 $885,456 $2,089,809 $4,218,602 $2,281,039

Permits 90





Permits 40




0 Jul‐17 Aug‐17 Sep‐17 Oct‐17 Nov‐17 Dec‐17 Jan‐18 Feb‐18 Mar‐18 Apr‐18 May‐18 Jun‐18

Revenue $12,000.00



$6,000.00 Revenue



$0.00 Jul‐17 Aug‐17 Sep‐17 Oct‐17 Nov‐17 Dec‐17 Jan‐18 Feb‐18 Mar‐18 Apr‐18 May‐18 Jun‐18

Estimate Const. Value





$2,500,000 Estimate Const. Value $2,000,000




$0 Jul‐17 Aug‐17 Sep‐17 Oct‐17 Nov‐17 Dec‐17 Jan‐18 Feb‐18 Mar‐18 Apr‐18 May‐18 Jun‐18 Director of Emergency Communications Monthly Report

June 2018


• The radio cache was deployed on the search event for 5/31-6-2. Portable radios were deployed to search teams to maintain communication. • Mobile radio deployed to the LP incident at Woodberry on 6/22. This was used to enhance communications in the extreme south end of the county.


• 6-27-2018 – A stake holder meeting was held to discuss the radio project and to develop goals moving forward.

The MCVFD, MEMS, MCSO, Madison Emergency Management and Jack Hobbs were all in attendance. The meeting was very productive and the group became a stake holders committee.

Brian J. Gordon



Dollar Amount On-going Application People Issued cases s Received 2017 June 29 $124,529.00 480 1121 July 28 $121,459.00 468 1090 August 21 $116,468.00 473 1070 September 27 $117,944.00 473 1059 October 31 $114,881.00 469 1037 November 18 $108,202.00 458 992 December 20 $112,000.00 471 1008

2018 January 35 $106,047.00 458 987 February 23 $108,984.00 456 978 March 21 $109,413.00 453 976 April 32 $109,384.00 452 975 May 15 $103,942.00 432 948 June 22 $107,441.00 439 970 Orange Co. 93 $308,032.00 1249 2690 Culpeper 136 $499,069.00 1936 4278 Greene Co. 41 $207,817.50 758 1749 Medicaid

Application Number of s On-going Cases People 2017 June 67 1513 1909 July 57 1517* 1903* August 69 1515* 1898* September 68 1530 1911 October 62 1510** 1892** November 69 1522 1903 December 69 N/A N/A

2018 January 75 1528 1900 February 74 1532 1917 March 81 1558 1957 April 74 1575 1985 May 57 1567 1976 June 65 1561 1963 Orange 158 XXX XXX Culpeper Co. 228 XXX XXX Greene Co. 83 XXX XXX

**Information became available by 12/7/2017 TANF ( Temporary Assistance to Needy Families )

Applications Active on- Mo/Yr Received going Amount 2017 June 8 21 $5,306.00 July 5 21 $4,716.00 August 5 22 $5,371.00 September 4 23 $5,449.00 October 2 19 $4,118.00 November 3 21 $4,783.00 December 4 20 $4,165.00

2018 January 8 20 $4,683.00 February 4 18 $4,222.00 March 6 17 $3,584.00 April 5 17 $4,426.00 May 3 18 $4,152.00 June 9 17 $3,584.00 Yr/Mo General Relief Auxiliary Grants Applicat ions On- Application Amount Receive going Amount s Received On-going Cases Paid d Cases Paid


June 0 0 $0.00 0 4 $1,811.00 July 0 0 $0.00 0 4 $1,811.00 August 0 0 $0.00 0 4 $1,811.00 September 0 0 $0.00 0 4 $1,811.00 October 0 0 $0.00 0 4 $1,811.00 November 0 0 $0.00 0 2 $1,043.00 December 0 0 $0.00 0 2 $1,043.00


January 0 0 $0.00 0 2 $1,043.00 February 1 0 $0.00 0 2 $1,041.00 March 0 1 $500.00 0 3 $1,609.00 April 0 0 $0.00 0 3 $1,609.00 May 0 0 $0.00 0 3 $1,609.00 June 0 0 $0.00 0 3 $1,714.00 Madison County E-911 Monthly Report

2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Totals 2018 911 Home Phones 108 62 225 220 217 176 1008 2018 911 Wireless Phones 354 232 361 276 355 364 1942 2018 911 Total Calls 462 294 586 496 572 540 0 0 0 0 0 0 2950 2017 911 Total Calls 407 427 465 563 536 511 526 474 568 517 474 459 5927 2016 911 TOTALS 463 432 489 450 460 489 547 531 463 552 462 412 5750 2015 911 TOTALS 518 491 548 459 552 693 487 466 476 485 463 445 6083 2014 911 TOTALS 525 580 660 552 574 564 583 447 493 584 540 479 6581 2013 911 TOTALS 643 499 653 658 666 579 676 610 599 616 499 534 7232 2012 911 TOTALS 729 573 821 729 684 785 533 630 552 645 558 563 7802 2011 911 TOTALS 618 546 625 568 629 720 716 661 703 607 756 722 7871

2018 911 Hang Ups 11 10 20 21 35 14 111 2017 911 Hang-ups 23 39 14 19 15 21 26 27 11 15 18 21 249 2016 911 Hang-ups 13 11 22 22 22 14 23 19 17 13 5 11 192 2015 911 Hang-ups 38 24 34 30 35 26 18 17 9 26 16 18 291 2014 911 Hang-ups 26 36 39 35 29 29 33 48 35 35 48 31 424 2013 911 Hang-ups 17 17 18 22 25 9 20 19 6 23 12 19 207 2012 911 Hang-ups 19 13 14 8 8 8 11 14 16 24 16 12 163 2011 911 Hang-ups 30 17 9 24 25 20 17 14 20 8 11 19 214

2018 911 Mis-dials 10 15 13 14 13 17 82 2017 911 Mis-dials 6 18 8 8 14 20 3 14 11 10 5 17 134 2016 911 Mis-dials 13 8 8 10 18 15 15 20 6 10 18 10 151 2015 911 Mis-dials 15 24 18 13 16 7 14 17 16 16 15 10 332 2014 911 Mis-dials 24 24 18 13 13 22 14 19 16 15 11 12 201 2013 911 Mis-dials 6 6 8 9 11 6 11 9 17 14 5 7 109 2012 911 Mis-dials 8 6 8 6 9 8 5 11 6 3 8 3 81 2011 911 Mis-dials 4 3 6 6 10 4 2 7 5 5 8 8 68 Madison County E-911 Monthly Report

2018 911 Open Lines 8 11 14 11 32 26 102 2017 911 Open Lines 6 14 15 18 10 21 24 9 19 17 12 10 175 2016 911 Open Lines 6 12 11 7 14 20 27 23 14 10 9 11 164 2015 911 Open Lines 14 18 26 18 28 20 13 16 11 13 10 7 194 2014 911 Open Lines 23 22 17 29 27 26 38 31 25 17 18 10 283 2013 911 Open Lines 5 8 2 6 3 8 7 7 4 8 4 16 78 2012 911 Open Lines 3 5 1 6 2 6 4 4 5 5 2 6 49 2011 911 Open Lines 4 3 6 3 4 3 3 7 5 8 4 1 51

2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Totals 2018 Alarm Calls 23 21 29 17 36 34 160 2017 Alarm Calls 35 71 24 33 40 37 27 26 25 24 21 17 380 2016 Alarm Calls 45 18 38 24 31 21 24 28 24 25 25 46 349 2015 Alarm Calls 27 26 26 22 44 28 30 32 27 34 38 23 357 2014 Alarm Calls 25 18 17 28 30 26 36 14 17 25 28 28 292 2013 Alarm Calls 15 12 22 22 25 23 17 23 19 18 23 28 247 2012 Alarm Calls 20 20 18 25 21 23 18 11 21 19 21 19 236 2011 Alarm Calls 11 30 27 22 26 41 27 18 23 20 18 13 276

2018 Animal Calls 62 44 63 66 67 64 366 2017 Animal Calls 59 105 87 73 81 71 63 56 61 74 59 61 850 2016 Animal Calls 64 58 75 60 97 70 64 50 75 92 101 65 871 2015 Animal Calls 58 46 55 80 69 61 76 58 45 75 67 64 754 2014 Animal Calls 58 30 81 64 72 80 82 84 64 79 55 80 829 2013 Animal Calls 53 51 49 55 95 60 80 75 74 67 67 32 758 2012 Animal Calls 55 58 82 64 65 80 61 71 87 56 64 55 798 2011 Animal Calls 69 41 80 69 69 73 83 64 73 73 81 76 851

2018 Rescue Calls 173 156 154 133 169 177 962 2017 Rescue Calls 161 130 173 179 183 160 178 185 187 161 137 167 2001 2016 Rescue Calls 184 163 168 157 166 186 167 157 153 150 133 148 1932 2015 Rescue Calls 159 156 169 164 162 151 179 167 169 173 173 151 1973 2014 Rescue Calls 158 145 162 143 168 151 188 157 181 200 150 158 1961 2013 Rescue Calls 173 133 171 176 175 143 210 163 170 171 133 151 1969 2012 Rescue Calls 142 137 173 154 183 170 167 154 146 172 146 159 1903 2011 Rescue Calls 174 119 159 148 178 151 152 159 161 181 181 141 1904 Madison County E-911 Monthly Report

2018 Fire Calls 51 25 89 38 39 43 285 2017 Fire Calls 22 35 44 37 46 54 31 30 35 38 33 26 431 2016 Fire Calls 39 33 24 26 27 42 40 35 29 48 48 50 441 2015 Fire Calls 56 56 51 43 29 18 25 36 40 31 53 38 476 2014 Fire Calls 34 40 49 36 38 33 40 25 36 44 34 29 438 2013 Fire Calls 42 30 64 33 32 26 24 27 23 33 30 44 408 2012 Fire Calls 29 27 32 40 29 60 36 24 26 38 24 26 391 2011 Fire Calls 49 59 27 31 31 33 46 37 29 35 35 24 436

2018 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Totals 2018 Auto Accidents 43 32 26 21 29 35 186 2017 Auto Accidents 41 69 45 47 39 43 30 37 59 46 39 26 521 2016 Auto Accidents 44 42 38 29 38 43 44 45 37 68 89 74 591 2015 Auto Accidents 70 46 48 20 40 29 27 36 42 54 66 36 514 2014 Auto Accidents 55 32 54 36 38 39 34 33 29 66 50 45 511 2013 Auto Accidents 34 24 49 37 39 31 23 21 43 51 66 60 478 2012 Auto Accidents 28 37 19 30 27 46 29 35 30 39 56 62 438 2011 Auto Accidents 76 30 28 29 29 31 29 22 28 53 58 41 454 2010 Auto Accidents 38 61 32 37 40 47 45 30 30 54 51 51 516

2018 Law Enforcement Calls 940 819 1041 952 1188 1069 6009 2017 Law Enforcement Calls 950 925 1029 942 982 1070 985 1055 1060 1080 984 902 11964 2016 Law Enforcement Calls 872 855 1012 955 1021 983 1109 1299 1097 1111 1077 967 12358 2015 Law Enforcement Calls 916 880 992 994 1130 963 989 1148 1031 1038 917 912 11910 2014 Law Enforcement Calls 1048 862 1051 957 1016 1156 1179 1344 1194 1199 1222 922 13150 2013 Law Enforcement Calls 965 988 1077 1096 1059 1103 979 1070 954 1046 1040 995 12372 2012 Law Enforcement Calls 975 1043 990 898 1060 957 1072 1057 1039 1096 1053 1049 12289 2011 Law Enforcement Calls 969 835 1025 984 989 874 1010 848 835 969 960 984 11282 2010 Law Enforcement Calls 848 813 1149 1068 1086 992 1071 1127 1067 1008 965 1013 12207 2009 Law Enforcement Calls 919 812 851 1096 1132 1071 1051 1103 1073 1128 994 882 12112 2008 Law Enforcement Calls 897 839 872 801 849 885 965 915 1056 1008 843 774 10704

July 5, 2018

Attn: Board of Supervisors Re: Eco-Dev&Tourism

• Ribbon Cutting for Bonanno’s official name change June 14 • Ribbon Cutting for Unbound Body Therapies on June 21 • July 11th holding Eco-Dev Round Table with Central VA for Eco-Dev with Secretary of Commerce and Trade, others from Governor’s office and VEDP leadership • Napa in old Service Master building, (have had many business inquiries) • There were about 80 new visitors in the Visitor Center in June, many returns, Facebook randomly gave me a statistic that ours posts (unpaid) reached 7.2thousand people last week and had 1.2 thousand engagements (meaning they clicked on something we posted or shared) • Our Adventure Outdoors ad was placed on Page 3!! • Still sending out leads • CBS’s Tyler Hawn came in for some research on his story on Rapidan Camp and Pres. Hoover • Next Tourism Committee Meeting Sept 11, 1:30pm at the Visitor Center Conf Room! • Scheduling script and videos for Crush Friday commercials • We are in full planning mode for Taste of the Mountains • Working on Fireman’s parade and promotion

Respectfully submitted, Tracey Tracey Gardner Economic Development & Tourism Director Emergency Management Coordinator Report

June 2018


Numerous reports of flooding

Large Gas leak

Traffic hazards


LEPC 6/15

EMC 6/20

RREP 6/20


WEB EOC 6/19

Continuing to make contacts with local and state resources.

John Sherer


Madison County Department of EMS Lewis Jenkins, EMS Director 1449 N. Main St., Madison VA, 22727 Phone: 540-948-4813 Fax: 540-948-4821


EMS Calls: June 1 through June 30, 2018:

Day coverage: Total calls toned: 113 Total calls handled: 113 Average In-County response time to the scene: 9 minutes.

Night coverage: Eleven hours of night coverage on 30 nights Total calls handled: 19


Mark Callahan has resigned from his full-time position. We will be starting the hiring process soon.


All of the crew completed training on our new charting software. The new software should improve our abilities to transfer patient and dispatch data into our sheets.

Multiple employees attended the training conference in Blacksburg. They received water rescue, officer training and several other topics.

Madison County Zoning Office - June, 2018 (FY 17/18)

Report of Fees Collected Number Collected Collected YTD Money Collected Money YTD Zoning Permits 0 0 Zoning Certification Letter 2 3 100 150 Zoning Text Amendment 0 0 Special Use Permits 4 3000 Variances 6 1200 Rezoning 2 4000 Plats: Regular Division 8 13650 Family Division 4 600 Adjustments 21 5250 Physical Surveys 0 0 Boundary Surveys 0 0 Site Plans 5 2500 Copies 1 84 0.25 21 Other 0 0 Ordinances, etc. Comprehensive Plan 0 0 Comprehensive Plan CD 0 0 Zoning Ordinance 1 10 Subdivision Ordinance 0 0 Site Plan Ordinance 0 0 Sub Total 1 3 138 100.25 30381

Zoning Permits Number Issued Issued YTD Money Collected Money YTD Single Family Dwelling 4 44 200 2200 Mobile Home 1 3 50 150 Addition to Single Family Dwelling 10 500 Decks 2 23 100 1150 Accessory Structures 6 31 300 1550 Commercial 3 25 150 1250 Other 1 47 50 2350 Sub Total 2 17 183 850 9150

Agriculture Permit 6 33 150 825 Sub Total 3 6 33 150 825 1 Total (Sub 1 + Sub 2+ Sub 3) 26 354 1100.25 40356

Subdivision Plats Approved Zone Approved YTD Total Conservation-1 0 Madison County Zoning Administrator Agriculture-1 4 Residential-1 1 Printed Name: Carol Ann Davis, Asst. Zon. Admin. Residential-2 0 Residential-3 0 Signature: ______Other 1 Total 0 6 Date: July 2, 2018 MADISON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT

MEETING DATE: July 10, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 05a - Worksession on Potential VDOT Smart Scale Projects


AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Jack Hobbs

TIMING: Potential road improvement projects developed by VDOT were presented to the County Administrator on May 17. Per discussion at the May 22 Board meeting, VDOT worked with the Rappahannock-Rapidan Regional Commission staff to register a series of projects on a placeholder basis to meet a June 1 pre-filing deadline in advance of a VDOT presentation to the Board on June 12. During that session the Board asked VDOT to further develop the contemplated series of projects, consult with both law enforcement and school officials, and lead another worksession at the July 10 Board meeting so that full funding applications can be filed before the August 1 deadline. A major timing issue is that the current VDOT “6- year plan” process is being done on a 2-year cycle, so the next opportunity to ask for projects will be in 2020.

The VDOT folks are scheduled to meet with school and law enforcement personnel at 1:30 on July 10.

DISCUSSION: Updated information on the various projects is scheduled to be delivered before the Board meeting and would be posted on the 10 July meeting page of the web site upon receipt. Material presented on June 12 has been posted per the attached email.



HISTORY: The County’s road improvement needs include the Shelby Road RCUT (restricted crossing u-turn) project, and some whether to pursue additional funding for that is a current issue.

The intersections along US Route 28, particularly the one at Fairgrounds Road, have been discussed over the past six months.

RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the potential projects and give guidance to VDOT and staff on how the Board would prefer to proceed.

ENCLOSURES:  June 16 email, including links to material presented on June 12.

From: Jack Hobbs Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2018 9:13 AM To: Erik Weaver ; 'Barry Penn Hollar' ; '[email protected]' Cc: 'Stuart Samberg' ; Umberger, Nathan (VDOT) ; 'Patrick Mauney' ; 'Matthew Eberhardt' Subject: VDOT/Possible Madison County SmartScale Projects


This is to follow up on VDOT’s SmartScale presentation at the June 12, 2018 Board of Supervisors meeting.

The presentation and graphics that were discussed can be accessed at the (control/click) links below.

The Board asked the VDOT folks to refine all of the project ideas and to prepare for a worksession on possible Madison County SmartScale project applications that would be held in the Board Auditorium during the Board’s July 10 (4 PM) meeting.

The Board indicated that input from law enforcement and (for potential work near school facilities) school officials would be strongly considered during its deliberations on which projects it would officially endorse. I ask that you review the material and discuss concerns with Nathan Umberger and Stuart Samberg at the earliest so that as many items as possible can be resolved before the July 10 session.

Fyi, my comments at this point are: 1. There appears to be an overlap between potential applications 1 and 2. This should be reconciled or mentioned in terms of application 2 being a subset of application 1. 2. Earlier editions of potential application 3 contemplated changes to SR 230 between Pratts and US 29. One rerouted SR 230 along Gibbs Road from the new roundabout to the Sheetz intersection. Some mention of whether these concepts are still being considered would be appropriate. 3. We need to help VDOT and the rest of the team meet the August 1 application deadline.

District Traffic Engineer - Culpeper Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, VA 22701 Office - (540)829-7668 Jack Hobbs [email protected] Madison County STUART M. SAMBERG Project Manager, Traffic SmartScale presentation to BOS by VDOT on 180612 2100 East Cary Street, Suite 309 Richmond, VA 23223 804.771.9115 D | 919.369.0924 C Shelby Road RCUT - drawing presented to BOS by VDOT on 180612 [email protected]

Shelby Road RCUT - original concept graphic presented to BOS by VDOT on 180612

Nathan S. Umberger





MADISON STUDY APPLICATION: AD PAGE 2-1 RO #2#1 D UN O DESIGNED BY: ______AJJ R CHECKED BY: SMS RG ______I DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018 FA SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' W





















DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 1000' 0 1000' 2000' W

























DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' C


























DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' ROUTE 29



DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' ROUTE 29



DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' ROUTE 29



DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' EET S MAIN ST








DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200' D













DATE: ______JULY 10, 2018

SCALE: ______1'' = 100' 0 100' 200'

Madison County 3 Year Spending Trend Children's Services Act FY2016 to FY2018 (estimated)

Fiscal 2016 Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2018 Original Final Year‐end Final Original Final Year‐end Budget Appropriations Actual Original Budget Appropriations Year‐end Actual Budget Appropriations Estimate Total Expenditures

Total CSA Expenditures 2,500,000 3,460,469 3,465,022 3,000,000 3,555,653 3,374,910 3,500,000 3,045,455 2,071,616

Madison County Local Share 938,094 1,281,620 1,276,965 980,000 1,241,204 1,197,195 1,150,000 1,000,000 701,893.00

Change from Prior Year

Total CSA Expenditures 500,000 95,184 (90,112) 500,000 (510,198) (1,303,294)

Madison County Local Share 41,906 (40,416) (79,770) 170,000 (241,204) (495,302)

FY18 Year End Estimate at 07092018


o o


❖ ❖






, c



Agenda Regular Meeting Madison County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. County Administration Building, Auditorium 414 N Main Street, Madison, Virginia 22727

Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence

1. Determine Presence of a Quorum / Adopt agenda 2. Public Comment 3. Constitutional Officers 4. County Departments 5. Committees or Organizations 6. Finance ...... Finance Director Costello a. Claims b. FY18 Budget Items i. Supplemental Budget Appropriation Requests ii. Reassignment of Fund Balances iii. Approve the use of FY18 encumbrances (with amounts to be determined later) c. FY19 Budget Items i. Discussion on School Budget ii. Supplemental Budget Appropriations iii. FY19 Operating Budget Appropriation iv. FY19 Capital Budget Appropriation v. Preapproval of Certain July 2018 Disbursements 7. Minutes a. June 12, 2018 meeting 8. Old Business a. Appointments to the Industrial Development Authority ...... County Administrator Hobbs b. Discussion on County Attorney Replacement ...... County Administrator Hobbs 9. New Business a. 2018 VACo Annual Conference ………………………….….County Administrator Hobbs b. George Washington Carver Funding Proposal…………….County Administrator Hobbs c. Fireworks Permit (Rapidan Baptist Camp)………………..County Administrator Hobbs d. Declaration of Emergency Ratification……………………………..…..Chairman Jackson e. Fireworks Permit (Senterfitt Farms)………………………..County Administrator Hobbs 10. Public Comment 11. Closed Session [(2.2-3711(A)(7) Consultation with Legal Counsel….] 12. Information/Correspondence 13. Adjourn or Continue AMENDMENTS/ADDITIONS DENOTED IN ROYAL BLUE WITH YELLOW HIGHLIGHT




Agenda Joint Meeting Madison County Planning Commission & Madison County Board of Supervisors Wednesday, July 5, 2018 at 7:00 P. M. County Administration Building Auditorium 414 N. Main Street, Madison, Virginia 22727


1. 2. 3.


MEETING DATE: July 10, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 8a – Report on Potential Opioid Litigation


AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Hobbs

TIMING: This matter came to the Board’s attention on May 22 at which time questions were asked of the two groups of attorneys who propose to represent Madison County. The matter was referred to the County Attorney’s office on June 12.

DISCUSSION: Madison County’s involvement in mass tort litigation on the opioid situation is a relatively new item for the County. The issue is complex, has high potential reward but has risk aspects that are not fully understood, and is further complicated by what should be confidential legal strategies.

Interim County Attorney Frank Thomas has indicated that will be able to give a report on his discussions with the proposing attorneys at the Board meeting.




RECOMMENDATION: Hear the report and react to any recommendations offered by Mr. Thomas.



MEETING DATE: July 10, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 8b - Appointment to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission

INDICATED MOTION(s): I move to appoint ______to replace Jonathon Weakley on the Rappahannock River Basin Commission for a term to expire on the latter of January 31, 2019 or until his (or her) replacement is appointed.

AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Jack Hobbs

TIMING: At the June 12 meeting Mr. Weakley asked the Board to appoint someone to replace him on the Rappahannock River Basin Commission. The advertisement noted a July 6 deadline for this appointment.

DISCUSSION: This body is established by the Code of Virginia (see the “reference” for the full charter). It is unclear whether the member appointed by the Board of Supervisors is supposed to be a member of the Board of Supervisors.

Meetings are quarterly at different venues in the Rappahannock River watershed; planned upcoming sessions are as follows:  September 26, 2018 – Rappahannock County  December 5, 2018 – (potentially the Capitol Building in Richmond)  March 20, 2019 – Spotsylvania County  June 19, 2019 – Lancaster County  September 18, 2019 – Culpeper County

As of this writing, no individuals have applied for the appointment.




RECOMMENDATION: A suggested motion is articulated above.

ENCLOSURES:  Advertisement  Qualifications from the Code of Virginia


The Madison County Board of Supervisors is seeking interested citizens for appointment to the Rappahannock River Basin Commission, a regional body whose member include representatives from state and local governments. The Commission's purposes and mission are to provide guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of the water quality and natural resources of the Rappahannock River Basin, to be a forum in which local governments and citizens can discuss issues affecting the Basin's water quality and quantity and other natural resources, and to promote activities by local, state and federal governments and individuals that foster resource stewardship for the environmental and economic health of the Basin. A full description of the Commission’s purpose and duties is contained in §62.1-69.25. et. seq. of the Code of Virginia.

Detail on the assignment can be found on the County website at or at 302 Thrift Road, or by calling 540 948 7500, ext. 101. The deadline for submitting applications online, by mail or in person is July 6, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

Publish: June 21, 2018 June 28, 2018 § 62.1-69.29. Membership; terms; vacancies. The membership of the Commission shall consist of 32 members, which includes 15 legislative members and 17 nonlegislative citizen members, to be appointed as follows: nine members of the House of Delegates, one member each of the Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirtieth, Thirty- first, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-eighth, Eighty-eighth, Ninety-eighth, and Ninety-ninth House of Delegates Districts, as those districts existed on January 1, 2012; six members of the Senate, one member each of the Fourth, Seventeenth, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-seventh, and Twenty-eighth Senatorial Districts, as those districts existed on January 1, 2012; one member or designee of each of the 16 governing bodies of the jurisdictions in which not less than two percent of the jurisdiction is found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin, that at any time pass a resolution containing the language required by § 62.1-69.26, to be appointed by the respective local governing body; and one member or designee of a Soil and Water Conservation District found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin, to be appointed jointly by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin. Nonlegislative citizen members of the Commission shall be citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

All members of the Commission shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. All members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments. For the purposes of this section, "nonlegislative citizen member" means a member of one of the local governing bodies or the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of the jurisdictions found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin.


MEETING DATE: July 6, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 8c - Request for County Attorney Services Proposals


AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Jack Hobbs

TIMING: The Board accepted County Attorney Shackelford’s offer to retire on June 12, 2018, and received a first draft of a county attorney services request for proposals document on June 26.

A proposed timetable for the county attorney replacement process is contained in the draft RFP document.

DISCUSSION: Staff is in the process of updating the draft document to reflect comments received since June 26.

Staff also suggests that the Board should develop an appropriate expression of appreciation for Mr. Shackelford’s service to Madison County that started in 1974, perhaps by appointing a committee that would take the lead on that.




RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the updated RFP document and provide guidance to staff as the Board feels is appropriate.


Draft 180709


Issue Date: July 11, 2018

Due Date and Time: August 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM

Anticipated Interview Date: August 28, 2018

Anticipated Award Decision Date: September 28, 2018

RFP #: 180711

Issuing Agency: Madison County Administrator’s Office 302 Thrift Road P.O. Box 705 Madison, VA 22727

Procurement Contact: Jack Hobbs, County Administrator Phone: 540-948-7500 E-mail: [email protected]


The Madison County Board of Supervisors requests proposals from qualified individuals or firms willing provide services as the Madison County, Virginia County Attorney. A copy of the request for proposals document is available at All proposals shall be delivered in hard copy and digital format per the RFP document to 302 Thrift Road, Madison, VA 22727 no later than 10:00 AM on August 13, 2018. This procurement shall utilize competitive negotiation.

1 Draft 180709

Contents I. General Information & Background ...... 3 II. Qualifications and Scope of Work ...... 3 III. Proposal Format ...... 5 IV. Contract Form ...... 5 V. Submittal Instructions ...... 6 VI. Evaluation & Award ...... 6 Appendix A: Proposal Cover Sheet ...... 8 Appendix B: Anticipated Contract ...... 9

2 Draft 180709

I. General Information & Background

a. Madison County is a rural community located just north of Virginia's geographic center. Nestled below the magnificent Blue Ridge Mountains, the County displays the best of the Virginia Piedmont's character. The County comprises 327 square miles and had a 2016 population of approximately 13,078.

b. Good information on Madison County can be found in documents such as the Comprehensive Plan, annual budget and financial audit reports. Electronic copies of these documents are available on the County web site (

c. In the Madison County budget for fiscal year 2018–2019, the County Attorney’s annual compensation is $56,717, and the amount budgeted for additional legal services is $15,000.

d. The current County Attorney for Madison County, V. R. Shackelford III, who has been serving since 1976, has given notice that he plans to retire as Madison County Attorney upon the earlier of June 30, 2019 (end of the 2018–2019 fiscal year) or the date that the next County Attorney for Madison County begins work.

II. Qualifications and Scope of Work

a. The Madison County Board of Supervisors intends to procure the services of a qualified County Attorney (hereinafter sometimes called “Contractor”) pursuant to §15.2-529 and § 15.2-1542 of the Code of Virginia through this Request for Proposals. The individual serving as County Attorney works at the direction and under the general oversight of the Board of Supervisors and provides legal counsel to most County boards, committees and personnel including constitutional officers. It is anticipated that this will be via an independent contractor arrangement but may involve direct employment if that best suits the interests of Madison County.

b. It is envisioned that the individual appointed to serve as County Attorney will: i. possess a juris doctorate degree from an accredited law school, ii. have experience as a practicing attorney in local government law in Virginia, iii. be a member of the Virginia State bar and be licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and iv. be admitted to practice law in all Virginia state courts.

c. It is anticipated that the individual appointed to serve as County Attorney will possess the following: i. Knowledge of Virginia local government law, legal precedents, court cases and administrative regulations, especially as pertains to land use, taxation, contracts, real estate and eminent domain, public sector employment law, constitutional law and civil litigation. ii. Excellent negotiating skills. iii. A high degree of diplomacy. 3 Draft 180709

iv. Mature judgment. v. The ability to provide informed interpretation and appropriate application of governing law, regulations, policies and procedures. vi. The ability to perform legal research and write legal memoranda. vii. Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills. viii. The ability to manage conflict professionally and effectively. Familiarity with Madison County, its local government and current events is desirable. d. The County Attorney shall be expected to perform the duties found in §15.2-1542 of the Code of Virginia and any and all other duties and functions that the Board of Supervisors shall assign. County Attorney duties include: i. Advising the governing body and all boards, departments, agencies, officials, employees and constitutional officers in the County in civil matters. ii. Issuance of formal written opinions, and issuing informal and routine non- written opinions in areas such as zoning, subdivision and site plan matters, procedures, procurement, FOIA, conflict of interest, etc. iii. Drafting ordinances and resolutions for review and eventual adoption. iv. Preparation of public hearing notices. v. Answering questions raised by the Sheriff, the Commissioner of the Revenue, the Treasurer and the County Administrator or his staff. Other counsel is employed by the Madison County Treasurer (for the purposes of real estate sales associated with the tax collection program administered by that office), the Madison County School Board, and the Madison County Department of Social Services. vi. Attending meetings of the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and other bodies as necessary. vii. Writing and reviewing contracts, leases, deeds, policies, agenda item material and other documents. viii. Holding conferences with elected officials, committee members and County staff to advise on the state of laws generally so as to avoid future problems. ix. Performing all other civil duties not specifically excluded. x. Assisting County staff as required. e. It is anticipated that litigation and other extraordinary legal services will be excluded from the services to be compensated by the annual compensation amount, and that litigation and other extraordinary legal services will be billed at an hourly rate as authorized from time to time by the Board of Supervisors. For legal services to be deemed extraordinary for purposes of this paragraph and paragraph b of Section IV, such determination must be approved by the County Administrator in advance. f. It is anticipated that the Contractor will participate in professional associations such as the Local Government Attorney’s Association of Virginia, with annual membership dues in the Local Government Attorney’s Association of Virginia to be paid by the County. It is anticipated that the Contractor will attend conferences and obtain continuing education at his own expense. g. It is anticipated that while serving as the Madison County Attorney, Contractor will agree not to engage in the private practice of law in any matter that would be a

4 Draft 180709

conflict of interest. It is expected that while serving as the Madison County Attorney, Contractor will endeavor to avoid situations that could be perceived as creating the appearance of a conflict of interest with Madison County.

III. Proposal Format a. Proposals are to be submitted in a simple and economical format, which allows uniform review and easy access to information by evaluators. Emphasis should be placed on completeness and clarity of content.

b. Each printed and electronic copy of the proposal is to be bound or contained in a single volume. All documents that pertain to the proposal should be contained in that single volume.

c. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the Request for Proposal (RFP). i. The cover page at the end of this RFP. ii. An introductory letter of interest containing a statement by the proposer evidencing an understanding of the work to be done as set forth in this RFP, including an acceptance of the terms of this RFP should be provided. iii. A table of contents, which cross-reference the RFP requirements, should be provided. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. All submissions are to be in a narrative form and address the requirements set forth in this RFP. iv. A Statement of Qualifications including any additional information that the Contractor considers pertinent to its qualifications and which respond to the Scope of Services described should be provided. “Additional information” includes but is not limited to: 1. Biographical data on the individuals who will be assigned to the project, including their relevant experience for Virginia local governments by locality. The individual who would be designated the “County Attorney” should be clearly identified. 2. All current certifications, related experience, training, and education of the personnel proposed. v. Narratives clearly articulating the scope of work proposed, exceptions to items listed in the RFP and a draft contract in comparable form to the one at the end of this RFP, conditions, etc. should be provided.

IV. Contract Form a. The County Attorney is an at-will appointment and the appointment may be terminated for or without cause by the Board of Supervisors at any time. It is anticipated that the initial term of contract will be for a two-year period with the intent that it shall be renegotiated for renewal biannually starting in January, 2020.

b. It is anticipated that the contract will provide for an annual amount of compensation for a general grouping of services, with per hour provisions for litigation and other extraordinary legal services.

5 Draft 180709

V. Submittal Instructions a. An authorized representative of the Contractor is expected to sign the proposal.

b. In order to be considered for selection, all contractors must submit a complete response to the RFP. Ten (10) paper copies of each proposal and one digital copy (pdf format on a memory stick in a single file) must be submitted to the County. The Contractor shall make no other distribution of the proposal. Packages containing proposals are to be marked accordingly per instructions on the RFP cover page.

c. Addenda will be issued if necessary. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor to be aware of addenda which will be posted on the Madison County web page. It is anticipated that no addenda will be issued less than three days before the due date.

VI. Evaluation & Award

Madison County will invoke the exemption at §2.2-4344 A2 of the Code of Virginia which exempts the procurement of legal services from the terms of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. However, it is anticipated that legal services proposals will be evaluated as outlined below:

a. An Evaluation Committee shall be formed to review and/or screen all submittals.

b. Each submittal will be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors who has full discretion in this procurement, including suspending the terms of this request for proposal and proceeding as it deems appropriate. Important factors include: i. Experience in working with Virginia local government governing bodies ii. Understanding of municipal government issues and municipal law iii. Familiarity with personnel related matters, including but not limited to personnel handbooks, grievance law, and fair employment practices. iv. Understanding of zoning and property issues v. References and recommendations from local government.

c. The County shall engage in individual negotiation and discussions with one or more Contractors deemed fully qualified, responsible and suitable on the basis of initial responses to provide the required services. Repetitive informal interviews are permitted. Contractors shall be encouraged to elaborate on their qualifications, performance data, and staff expertise pertinent to the proposed contract as well as alternative concepts. On the basis of evaluation factors published in the RFP and all information developed in the selection process to this point, the County shall select the Contractor whose price, qualifications, and proposed services are deemed most meritorious. If a contract satisfactory and advantageous to the County can be negotiated at a price considered fair and reasonable, the award shall be made to that Contractor. Otherwise, negotiations with the Contractor ranked first shall be formally terminated and negotiation conducted with the Contractor ranked second, and so on, until such a contract 6 Draft 180709

can be negotiated at a fair and reasonable price. Should the County determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Contractor is fully qualified, or that one Contractor is clearly more highly qualified and suitable than the others under consideration, a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Contractor. The County reserves the right to award any item or combination of items in the Scope of Services. d. The Request for Proposal and all documents contained herein shall become of the part of the contract executed between the Contractor and the County of Madison, VA.

7 Draft 180709

Appendix A: Proposal Cover Sheet

COUNTY OF MADISON, VIRGINIA RFP #180711 County Attorney Services Issue Date: July 11, 2018 Due Date & Time: August 13, 2018 at 10:00 AM (COMPLETE THIS SHEET AND RETURN AS A COVER PAGE FOR THE PROPOSAL)


QUESTIONS: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to Jack Hobbs at [email protected] at least seven days before the deadline. Answers will be posted in addendum form on the Madison County web site at least 48 hours prior to the deadline. It is the offeror’s responsibility to obtain addenda.

ADDRESS: Proposals should be mailed or hand delivered to: Madison County; 302 Thrift Road/P.O. Box 705; Madison VA 22727. Reference the Due Date and Hour and RFP number in the lower left corner of the return envelope or package.

COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE: In compliance with the Request For Proposals and to all conditions imposed herein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services and goods in accordance with the attached signed proposal or as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation.

Full Legal Name (print) Federal Taxpayer Number (ID#)

DBA Name & Location of Local Office Mailing Address Corporate/Home Office Address

Contact Name/Title Signature (ink) Date

Telephone Number E-mail Address Toll Free Number Fax Number

References: Organization Contact name, phone number & e-mail: Scope of Work:

Organization Contact name, phone number & e-mail: Scope of Work:

Organization Contact name, phone number & e-mail: Scope of Work:

8 Draft 180709

Appendix B: Anticipated Contract

THIS CONTRACT OF REPRESENTATION, made and entered into this ___ day of ______, 2018, by and between THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE COUNTY OF MADISON, VIRGINIA, party of the first part, hereinafter called "COUNTY"; and ______, Esquire, party of the second part, hereinafter called "ATTORNEY"


WHEREAS, the COUNTY is empowered pursuant to the provisions of §15.2-529 and §15.2- 1542 of the Code of Virginia to create, appoint and fix the salary for the office of the County Attorney for the County of Madison; and

WHEREAS, the COUNTY and ATTORNEY have entered into certain negotiations and the COUNTY is desirous of appointing ATTORNEY as County Attorney.

NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT FURTHER WITNESSETH that, for and in consideration of the sum of $______per year paid by the COUNTY to ATTORNEY in equal monthly installments in arrears and the sum of $______per hour for appearances in connection with ATTORNEY's representation of the County of Madison in any matters involving litigation or other extraordinary legal services as more fully hereinafter set forth, ATTORNEY agrees to serve as County Attorney for the County of Madison, Virginia, and the parties further covenant and agree as follows:

1. The duties of the ATTORNEY shall be as follows: a. Advising the governing body and all boards, departments, agencies, officials, employees and constitutional officers in the County in civil matters. b. Issuance of formal written opinions. c. Drafting ordinances which do not require an entire new chapter of the Madison County Code of Ordinances. d. Answering questions raised by the Sheriff, the Commissioner of the Revenue, the Treasurer and the County Administrator or his staff. e. Attending meetings of the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission as necessary. ATTORNEY will attend three regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Board of Supervisors each month. f. Issuing informal non-written opinions on zoning matters. g. Issuing informal non-written opinions on subdivision matters. h. Updating the County Code as needed and interfacing with the County’s code maintenance service as needed. i. Holding conferences with Board members, County employees and committee appointees to advise on the state of laws generally so as to avoid future problems. For example, annual trainings on meeting the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act and the Virginia Conflict of Interests Act and the Virginia Public Procurement Act are expected. j. Performing all other civil duties not specifically excluded.

9 Draft 180709

k. Attending staff meetings and generally being present at the County offices on a scheduled but infrequent basis as may be necessary in connection with the faithful performance of the duties of County Attorney. l. Similar but infrequent services for County-affiliated agencies such as the Board of Zoning Appeals, Madison County Parks and Recreation Authority, Madison County Industrial Development Authority. m. Serve as principal staff to the Madison County Industrial Development Authority.

2. Litigation and other extraordinary legal services are specifically excluded from the legal services shall be compensated by the annual compensation amount of $_____. Litigation and other extraordinary legal services are to be billed at the hourly rate of $____ noted above; provided, however, for legal services to be deemed extraordinary for purposes of this Contract, such determination must be approved by the County Administrator in advance.

3. COUNTY will pay the annual membership fee for the County Attorney in the Local Government. Attorney's Association of Virginia.

4. ATTORNEY will maintain professional liability insurance naming Madison County, the Board of Supervisors of Madison County, it’s employees and agents as additional named insureds in the amount of $_____, and ATTORNEY shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing such coverage to the County Administrator upon request.

5. ATTORNEY agrees to comply with the Virginia conflicts of interest law and the Virginia Code of Professional Responsibility. ATTORNEY agrees not to engage in the private practice of law in any matter that would be a conflict of interest with his representation of COUNTY.

6. It is understood that the County Attorney serves at the pleasure of the Madison County Board of Supervisors and can be terminated for or without cause by the Board of Supervisors and without penalty to Madison County or the Madison County Board of Supervisors; provided, however, in the event of termination without cause, ATTORNEY shall be paid pursuant to this Contract up to the date of termination on a prorated basis. No severance or termination fee is offered or implied by this contract.

7. The initial term of this contract shall commence upon the date it is signed and shall expire on December 31, 2019. It is intended that it shall be renegotiated for renewal biannually starting in January, 2020; as such the County Attorney is subject to reappointment during the first meeting of the term following an odd-year general election, i.e. after new members of the Madison County Board of Supervisors are elected. If ATTORNEY is not reappointed, then this contract becomes null and void and the County Attorney position shall be considered vacant.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Chairman of the Madison County Board of Supervisors, pursuant to a motion passed by the Board of Supervisors for the County of Madison authorizing him to act on its behalf in this matter, and ______, Esquire, hereunto place their signatures on the day first above-written. (Add signature blocks here)

10 Draft 180709

County Attorney Services RFP Advertising/Promotion Plan

See ad on cover of RFP document

1. Daily Progress (once) 2. Madison County web site 3. eVA web site 4. Virginia Local Government Attorneys Association (web site and/or listserve) 5. VML web site 6. VACO web site 7. Direct solicitation to known interested individuals 8. Direct mail to Madison County Bar Association Members


MEETING DATE: July 10, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 9a – Relocation of Etlan Voting Precinct


AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Hobbs

TIMING: It appears that complaints received during the June 5 primary have led to a Madison County Electoral Board proposal to relocate the Etlan voting precinct to Etlan United Methodist Church at 245 Church Hill Road.

The Electoral Board indicates its goal to have this accomplished in time for the November 2018 general election.

DISCUSSION: Apparently the process involves a public hearing before the Board of Supervisors, the adoption of an ordinance and checkoff by both the Virginia State Board of Elections and the Department of Justice.




RECOMMENDATION: Ask Interim County Attorney Frank Thomas to take the lead in gaining all required approvals in support of the electoral board’s proposal.

ENCLOSURES:  June 21, 2018 letter from the Madison County Electoral Board  Archive material from the 2008 Crigelrsville precinct change file


MEETING DATE: July 10, 2018 AGENDA TITLE: 10a – Status Report on Projects


AGENDA CATEGORY: Public Hearing Financial Old Business New Business Other

STAFF LEAD: County Administrator Jack Hobbs

TIMING: This is a report on the current status of a series of ongoing projects and “open” items.

DISCUSSION: Questions from the Board about any item on the list are welcome.

With the FY19 budget process having run its course (except for the resolution of the school budget item), staff is in the process of consolidating lists of uncompleted items from FY18, items articulated in the FY19 budget, capital improvement needs, process improvement and other ideas to set the stage for a discussion on Board priorities and the development of an improved work plan. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A


HISTORY: Staff work on an evolving list of projects and unresolved situations is ongoing. This report is intended to remind and brief Board members on several of these.

RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and make inquiries as appropriate.

ENCLOSURES:  Open projects list

Open Projects as of July 6, 2018

Reassessment The assessors have done significant field work, and we hope to learn about the remaining steps in the process and what will be required of the Board of Supervisors during a meeting on June 18. Recodification Work on the recodification project will resume upon receipt of a package of material from MuniCode expected by the end of July. Vehicle Use Policy The only comment received to date on the latest draft relates to §6-7.3.2. (use of personal equipment for County business) which is already in the policy (i.e. no changes originally proposed). This is under review by the County Attorney Social Services Building The Social Services building “lease” has expired. Staff is still studying the Lease Negotiations situation and working to shift all operating costs to the agency’s reimbursement program. It appears that we may be able to recover most of the cost of the roof replacement, but we can find no clear path that does not include “free rent” for the Social Services department if it remains in that location. Radio System Project 911 directors from Madison, Greene, Fluvanna and Louisa Counties are scheduled to meet on July 9 to discuss how Greene and Madison can join Fluvanna and Louisa in a 4-county public safety radio system. Additional legwork needs to be done before a full report is prepared on this project. Updated Flood Plain A link to the FEMA-proposed “draft” flood plain maps is on the County web Mapping and Ordinance site, and a graphic posted in the Administration Building. Architectural & The CIP committee is scheduled to interview five architects to work on the Engineering Consultant primary school HVAC problem on July 11. Procurement Personnel Study Springsted has been contracted for the budgeted personnel study consulting work. Staff is working to collect information and documents to support that project, and it is hoped that the consultant will be on-site toward the end of July. Criglersville Property The Criglersville committee plans to meet on July 10 (after the Board meeting) to discuss cleaning up the building (for showing to prospective tenants and purchasers) and the steps involved in either demolition or sale of some or all of the property.

Permit documents for the ramp at the museum building have been filed and are under review. Various Pending Studies Documents and information filed and currently under review by others include Underway and Under the permit application package for the museum ramp at the Criglersville school Review museum, the solid waste management plan update, the water supply plan update and the hazard mitigation plan update. The emergency services coordinator has been tasked with reviewing and updating the County’s emergency operations plan.

Motion to Go Into Closed Session: July 10, 2018 V2

I move that the Board convene in a closed session pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(7) for consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation on injuries incurred by the County with respect to the sales and marketing of opioid pain killers, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body.

Foster Jackson Hoffman McGhee Weakley Motion: Second: “Aye”: “Nay”:

Motion to Reconvene In Open Session: I move that the Board re-convene in open session. Foster Jackson Hoffman McGhee Weakley Motion: Second: “Aye”: “Nay”:

Motion to Certify Compliance: I move to certify by roll-call vote that only matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A)(7), only matters that were identified in the motion to convene in a closed session were heard, discussed or considered in the closed meeting. Foster Jackson Hoffman McGhee Weakley Motion: Second: “Aye”: “Nay”:

§ 2.2-3711. Closed meetings authorized for certain limited purposes. A. Public bodies may hold closed meetings only for the following purposes: Personnel 1. Discussion, consideration, or interviews of prospective candidates for employment; assignment, appointment, promotion, performance, demotion, salaries, disciplining, or resignation of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of any public body; and evaluation of performance of departments or schools of public institutions of higher education where such evaluation will necessarily involve discussion of the performance of specific individuals. Any teacher shall be permitted to be present during a closed meeting in which there is a discussion or consideration of a disciplinary matter that involves the teacher and some student and the student involved in the matter is present, provided the teacher makes a written request to be present to the presiding officer of the appropriate board. Nothing in this subdivision, however, shall be construed to authorize a closed meeting by a local governing body or an elected school board to discuss compensation matters that affect the membership of such body or board collectively. Real Estate 3. Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body. Privacy 4. The protection of the privacy of individuals in personal matters not related to public business. Economic Development 5. Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the community. Legal 7. Consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body. For the purposes of this subdivision, "probable litigation" means litigation that has been specifically threatened or on which the public body or its legal counsel has a reasonable basis to believe will be commenced by or against a known party. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure of a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a matter. Legal 8. Consultation with legal counsel employed or retained by a public body regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to permit the closure of a meeting merely because an attorney representing the public body is in attendance or is consulted on a matter. Public Safety 19. Discussion of plans to protect public safety as it relates to terrorist activity or specific cybersecurity threats or vulnerabilities and briefings by staff members, legal counsel, or law-enforcement or emergency service officials concerning actions taken to respond to such matters or a related threat to public safety; discussion of information subject to the exclusion in subdivision 2 or 14 of § 2.2-3705.2, where discussion in an open meeting would jeopardize the safety of any person or the security of any facility, building, structure, information technology system, or software program; or discussion of reports or plans related to the security of any governmental facility, building or structure, or the safety of persons using such facility, building or structure. Negotiations 29. Discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds, including interviews of bidders or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body. Economic Development 39. Discussion or consideration of information subject to the exclusion in subdivision 3 of § 2.2-3705.6 related to economic development.