Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 1



Minutes: of the Meeting of the Council held at the Council Offices College Road on Thursday 6 June 2013 at 19.15 hrs.

Minute Nos:

030/2013 Persons Present/Apologies Present: Councillors: A Shaw (Chairman/Town Mayor) R Rotchell (Vice Chairman/Deputy Town Mayor) Mrs S Elford Mrs J Finch Mrs B Grills In attendance: M Sedgwick (Town Clerk) 4 members of the public Apologies: None

031/2013 Declarations of Interest None

032/2013 Dispensations None

033/2013 Public Participation A member of the public commented on the Government’s new policy of fines for drivers questioning how this would be enforced when the police force was being downsized.

The member of public also commented about the 30 minutes free parking in Market Square stating that it was not being enforced.

034/2013 Council Meeting: Minutes 14 May 2013 RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of Camelford Town Council held on Tuesday 14 May 2013 at 19.15 hours having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved and signed.

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr Mrs S Elford seconded the motion.

035/2013 Planning Applications for Consultation RECEIVED the following Planning Applications and RESOLVED to respond accordingly:

Application: PA13/03294 Proposal: Construction of a pair of semi-detached dwellings, existing garage/store to be demolished. See PA11/08352 – decision date 02/12/2011 Location: Warrens Yard Trefrew Road Camelford Applicant: Mr Simon Nightingale Grid Ref: 210786/84018

RESOLVED to support the application Cllr Mrs S Elford proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 2

Application: PA13/03658 Proposal: Rear Conservatory 3000 x 3500 projection x 3000 high Location: 8 Three Corners Close Valley Truckle Camelford Applicant: Mrs Denise Utting Grid Ref: 209964/82780

RESOLVED to support the application Cllr Mrs S Elford proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

------Application: PA13/03753 Proposal: Construction of double/single storey rear extension and first floor extension to form additional bedroom/family room and WC. Location: The Mowhay Mill Lane Camelford Applicant: Mr and Mrs M Robertson Grid Ref: 210487/84261

RESOLVED to support the application Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr Mrs J Finch seconded the motion

------Application: PA13/03825 Proposal: Extensions and Improvements Location: The Farm Shop Trevilla Park Slaughterbridge Camelford Applicant: Mr Richard Hutton Grid Ref: 211025/85460

RESOLVED to support the application Cllr Mrs S Elford proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion ------Application: PA13/04042 Proposal: Construction of a Boiler house and silo Location: Camelford Sports Centre Station Road Camelford Applicant: Forest Fuels Ltd Grid Ref: 210136/83672

RESOLVED to support the application with a caveat that it should be screened effectively

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion

036/2013 Council: Planning Decisions: Approvals NOTED that the following Planning Applications had been APPROVED: Application: PA13/01566 Proposal: Erect a PVCu conservatory to the rear of the property Location: 98 Treclago View Camelford PL32 9AE Applicant: Miss Maynard ------Application: PA13/02043 Proposal: Construction of a double garage within the gardens of Greylake Cottage Location: Greylake Cottage Advent Camelford PL32 9QF Applicant: Mr G Mathews

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 3

037/2013 : Planning Decisions: Refusals NOTED that the following Planning Application had been REFUSED:

Application: PA12/09260 Proposal: Construction of two flats on former workshop site Location: Land East of Rooftops Fore Street Camelford Applicant: Mr A Wallbank

038/2013 Cornwall Council: Planning Decisions: Screening Option: EIA Required NOTED that the following Planning Application Decision: Screening Option: EIA Required

Application: PA13/02853 Proposal: EIA Screening opinion for the erection of a single wind turbine hub height up to 35m with blade diameter 36m Location: Land West of Tregarth Business Park Station Road Camelford Applicant: Aspire Planning

039/2013 Cornwall Council: Planning Decisions: Decided not to make a TPO NOTED that the following Planning Application Decision: Decided not to make a TPO Application: PA13/03368 Proposal: Notification for consent to fell Goat Willow Tree (T1) within a conservation area Location: Jacksons Meadow College Road Camelford PL32 9TL Applicant: Mr David Hicks

040/2013 Finance Report: 15 May – 6 June 2013 RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the Finance Report 15 May – 6 June 2013, including income and expenditure, the budget v actual income and expenditure to date and authorise the payments of Accounts Outstanding (Appendix A).

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

041/2013 Devon & Cornwall Police: Crime Figures NOTED the recent crime figures with outcomes for Camelford. The Council commented that a graph would be useful for comparison of figures.

Report available from the Council Office.

042/2013 Zip Wire Enfield Park: Minute nos: 769/2012 & 023/2013 refer: RECEIVED the report including costings and RESOLVED to have the bearing replaced but should it be difficult to remove the bearing should be sent back to the workshop for pressing.

Cllr A Shaw proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

043/2013 RoSPA Operational Inspections Certificate: Minute no 023/2013 refers: RESOLVED to ratify the Clerk’s actions in booking the RoSPA Operational Inspections course for the groundsman in order to renew his Certificate.

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 4

044/2013 Neigbourhood Plan: Minute nos: 730/2012 & 023/2013 refers: RESOLVED to meet with St Teath Parish Council on Thursday 20 June 2013 subject to St Teath PC being available. Councillors nominated to attend the initial meeting were Mrs S Elford Mrs B Grills and A Shaw. Nominees may be amended once the new Members were in attendance

045/2013 Market Committee: Minute No 026/2013 refers: DISCUSSED the market arrangements in view of the difficulties being experienced. It was proposed that the Council takes on the running of the market through the Clerk. It was agreed to leave the matter on the table until the next meeting when the new Members would be in attendance.

046/2013 Parking Enforcement: Minute No 026/2013 refers: Parking enforcement in the town was discussed in particular vehicles parking on pavements causing roads to be blocked. RESOLVED that Cllr Rotchell takes up the matter with Cornwall Council in his capacity as the Cornwall Councillor.

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion

047/2013 Code of Conduct Training: Minute No 026/2013 refers: RESOLVED that new Members be booked on the free Code of Conduct Training session with Cornwall Council on 2 July 2013 and the Councillor Skills Day with CALC on 20 July 2013.

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion

048/2013 Winter Festival: Minute No 026/2013 refers: DISCUSSED the Winter Festival arrangements and RESOLVED to book the pyrotechnics for Saturday 30 November 2013 when the Christmas lights would be switched on.

RESOLVED to invite the Lighting Committee and fundraising agents to meet with the Council as soon as possible to discuss the event.

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

049/2013 RESOLVED to bring the fireworks event back under Council control.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed the motion/Cllr Mrs S Elford seconded the motion

050/2013 Camelford in Bloom RESOLVED to place an advert in the ‘Camelfordian’ detailing the competition entries; to include window boxes, front gardens, commercial hanging basket and a children’s entry; to be judged by the Mayor on the day of the Camelford Show.

051/2013 Monthly Luncheon Club RESOLVED to host a quarterly afternoon tea for the public. The Council to co-ordinate after consulting with local organisations. The first event to be held in September.

Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 5

052/2013 Bandstand Enfield Park Discussion took place concerning the future of the Town Bandstand. RESOLVED to explore ideas and funding opportunities.

053/2013 RESOLVED to research the Town Team criteria for Portas funding and request that the new Community Network Manager meets with the Council to discuss the Town Team funding.

054/2013 Council Risk Assessment RECEIVED the Council’s Risk Assessment drawn up by the Clerk and RESOLVED unanimously to adopt as the basis for the Council’s Risk Register.

Cllr A Shaw proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

055/2013 August Council Meeting Date RESOLVED to hold only one Council meeting in August on 1 August 2013 at 7.15pm at the Council Offices.

Cllr Mrs J Finch proposed/Cllr Mrs B Grills seconded the motion

056/2013 Flower Festival: Grant Request RESOLVED award a grant of £25 to Lanteglos Flower Festival towards the Council’s flower arrangement noting that the Council will provide a Gorsedh theme.

057/2013 Cornwall Council: Community Emergency/Flood Plan for Camelford RESOLVED to meet with Cornwall Council officers to consider requesting that they bring along the current Emergency/Flood Plan

058/2013 Cornwall Council: Cornwall West Project NOTED correspondence from Cornwall Council concerning the Cycle West Project and agreed to respond with the following comments: (i) Information on the Project needs to be provided within the town; (ii) Signs would be required: a. in the town directing cyclists to the cycle route and signs b. on the cycle route directing cyclists to the town.

Reports from Council Representatives

059/2013 Town Forum NOTED that the office was moving from the One Stop Shop. The Town Forum would be 20 years old this year and an article would be written to include in the ‘Camelfordian’. The next meeting to be held at the Leisure Centre at 7pm on 19 June 2013.

060/2013 Camelford Hall None

061/2013 Chamber of Commerce None

062/2013 Community Network Meeting NOTED that the scheduled CNM for 12 June had been cancelled.

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 6

063/2013 Cornwall Association of Local Councils None

064/2013 Mayor’s Report NOTED that the Mayor: 1. had attended the Mayor Making ceremony at Town Council; 2. was liaising with the builder at the new office; 3. had contacted sign makers regarding the Council’s new office sign. Relevant information would be brought to the next Council meeting; 4. had overseen the final planting of the trees in Jubilee Orchard and all were in bloom; 5. was overseeing the skate park repair at the youth club; 6. had been emptying the CCIC/Town Forum offices at the One Stop Shop; 7. was shortly to attend Mayor Making ceremonies at and Launceston Town Councils.

065/2013 Cornwall Councillor’s Report NOTED that the Cornwall Councillor: 1. had been selected to join the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee and the Finance and Resources Portfolio Advisory Committee; 2. had been selected to be a substitute on the Homes and Communities Portfolio Advisory Committee (each Party on the committee had three substitutes) 3. had attended six training sessions; 4. had attended a meeting at the One Stop Shop on 4 June 2013 with the Cornwall Council Officers for Camelford; 5. reported that all litter bins would in the future combine litter and dog waste; 6. had, following a complaint from a resident, reported fly tipping at the entrance to the old primary; this has since been removed; 7. had secured a contribution of £2,750 towards the office move from Cornwall Council; 8. understood that the One Stop Shop would be sold on the open market in the autumn with one ‘sitting tenant’; 9. had followed up complaints from the public at the Annual Parish meeting concerning housing, policing and licensing. The complaints were being addressed; 10. was to meet with the Housing Manager to discuss the policy for housing; 11. had met with the licensing officer at Cornwall Council and the police twice and would be meeting again in the near future; matters were progressing;

066/2013 Clerk’s Report NOTED updates on the following: 1. Dog Bin/Beechwood Drive 2. Bins at Co-Op Corner – Relocation to Churchfield Car Park 3. Broadwood Footpath: Enfield Park 4. Bus Shelter Clease Road 5. CCTV: Enfield Park 6. Churchfield Car Park: Abandoned vehicle 7. RoSPA Play Inspection Report 8. Brushcutter course 9. First Aid course Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 7

10. Japanese Knotweed 11. Camelford Town Band 12. The Methodist Church 13. The Council’s new website 14. Potholes Mill Lane 15. Anti-Social Behaviour Crime & Policing Bill 2013 Full report available from the Council Office

Other Reports 067/2013 Town Team NOTED that there had been a good response to a Town Team survey.

068/2013 Clease Road NOTED that Soul’s Harbour hedge had been clipped.

069/2013 Newsletters and Circulars Received: NOTED that the following newsletter had been received and was available from the Council Office: 1. CALC: ‘The Week’ – Issue 6 (includes training opportunities)

070/2013 Notification of Meeting/Items For Agenda: 18 June 2013 NOTED the following items for the Council meeting to be held on 18 June 2013: 1. Grass cutting in general areas; 2. Welcome new Members 3. Appointment of new Members to Representatives for the Council; 4. Apologies: Cllrs Mrs J Finch and R Rotchell

071/2013 Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it was advisable that the press and public be excluded and they were instructed to withdraw during the discussion for the following items: 1.Contracts 2.Leases 3.Quotations 4.Co-options for Vacant Seats Cllr R Rotchell proposed/Cllr A Shaw seconded the motion 072/2013 Public Toilets Enfield Park: Cleaning Contract: Minute nos: 731/2013 & 023/2013 refer: RECEIVED quotations from contractors for cleaning the public conveniences at Enfield Park: Contractor 1: £ 9,100 per annum Contractor 2: £ 6,365 per annum Contractor 3: £10,400 per annum

RESOLVED to award the contract to Contractor 2 renewable each year subject to the contract terms.

Cllr A Shaw proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

073/2013 Quotations for Churchfield Car Park Line Marking: Minute nos 747/201 & 023/2013 refer: RECEIVED quotations for Churchfield Car Park line marking: Contractor 1: £2,595 Contractor 2: £2,014.15 Contractor 3: £2,959 RESOLVED to award the contract to Contractor 1 and issue a press release regarding the works.

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 8

Councillor Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr Mrs S Elford seconded the motion

074/2013 Wall – Churchfield Car Park: Minute No 454/2012 & 023/2013 refer: RECEIVED quotations repair of the wall at Churchfield Car Park: Contractor 1: £690 Contractor 2: £2,560 Contractor 3: £3,397

RESOLVED to request that the Contractors re-submit their quotes amended for repair only plus installation of Armco barriers for the length of wall to be repaired.

Cllr A Shaw proposed/Cllr RR seconded the motion

075/2013 Council Solicitor: Leases Public Conveniences Enfield Park/Office One Stop Shop/New Office Premises RECEIVED information and advice from the Council’s Solicitor and RESOLVED that no full searches be carried out for the Public Conveniences and office Leases and to take the solicitor’s advice regarding the Tenancy at Will.

Cllr A Shaw proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

076/2013 Fixtures and Fittings for New Council Office RESOLVED to approve the quotation for carpet and blinds for the new Council Office.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

077/2013 Furniture Removals to New Council Office RESOLVED to approve the quotation for removal of furniture and other items from the One Stop Shop to the new Council Office and consider the costs for supplying a ‘hot desk’ for Cornwall Council Officers at the new premises.

Cllr Mrs B Grills proposed/Cllr R Rotchell seconded the motion

078/2013 Co-options for Vacant Seats – New Information RECEIVED new information and RESOLVED unanimously to co-opt the following persons to the Council: 1. Alan Charles Crosby 2. Lynn L Crockford 3. Shirley Anne Goodman 4. Kenneth Arthur Percival Harris 5. Philip Lessels 6. Christopher Roy Williams New Members to be summoned to the next Council meeting on 18 June 2013 and be requested to make an appointment to meet the Clerk to sign their Acceptance of Office form and complete the Declaration of Interest forms. The meeting closed at 10.10 pm

Signed as a true record...... Chairman Council Meeting/Minutes/6 June/2013 9

Signed as a true record...... Chairman