Cliddesden Primary School Headteacher’s Newsletter Spring Term Issue 14 24 March 2016

Dear Parents and members of the school community

The final week of term was another busy and eventful one. The final round of the Year 5/6 Tag Rugby took place at on Monday with Cliddesden finishing in 3rd place, narrowly being beaten in two of the games and drawing the final one.

Chestnut Class presented to parents what they had learned about in their rainforest topic and Beech Class had a parent workshop making fruit rocket kebabs.

We had the pleasure of a visit from Councillor Peter Edgar, County Council Executive for Education. He was very impressed with the school and particularly our Junior Leadership team: Amanda, Jack, Carys and Sebastian who gave him an extensive and informative tour around the school.

Today we had a lovely whole school assembly and awards were given to children with 100% attendance for the term; the classes who had the highest overall attendance, Oak; and best punctuality, Willow. Also Lily, Ashritha, Daniel W and Fred received the termly Joy Cups for their hard work and positive attitudes in class.

We thank Miss Price, Miss Entrican and Mr Gunbie for completing their placements at Cliddesden and wish them every success for the future.

We also say goodbye to Fred who has been a pupil at Cliddesden since reception. Fred’s family now live in and he will be starting at Harestock Primary School next term. Fred has always been an outstanding pupil and will be truly missed by staff and children alike. He has shown brilliant commitment to his work and as an all-rounder, has represented Cliddesden in all sports competitions. My own children go to Harestock and I know Fred will be in safe hands. I have informed the Headteacher of just how lucky she is to be having Fred in her school!

CLUBS All children who applied for Chocolate Muffin Club have a place. Please see full list of clubs for next term below.

Mondays – Premier Sport Gymnastics (beginning 18th April) Tuesdays – KS2 Sports (beginning 12th April) Wednesdays – Cricket Years 4/5/6 (beginning 13th April) Thursdays – Premier Sports Streetdance (beginning 14th April) and Chocolate Muffin Club (beginning 21st April)

Debating and Netball clubs will resume later in the summer term-TBC. FUNDRAISING Lots of Socks Day – Thank you to everyone for wearing your odd socks on Monday to raise awareness for World Down Syndrome Day. With your help we raised £100.80 that will go to the charity Stepping Stones.

SCHOOL DINNERS The new menu for next term will be given out today and is available to view on our school website. A reminder that school dinners will be £2:10 from April and remain free for children in Willow and Beech classes. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL For their safety can I remind parents that children should not arrive at school before 8:15am in the morning as the playground is not staffed until then.

If the children are having a lesson or activity taking place on the playground towards the end of the day, please do not enter the playground until they have vacated the area. This is to prevent the children losing focus for the lesson currently in place.

Class teachers will bring their children out onto the playground at the end of the school day. Please ensure that you supervise your children after the pick-up time, again to prevent unnecessary accidents. We expect the same high standard of behaviour in the playground after school as we would during the school day. Please do not allow your children to climb on the benches, run in the quiet garden or squirt water at each other.

Thank you for your support in this matter. MEDICATIONS HELD IN SCHOOL All medications held in school for named pupils are sent home at the end of each term as parents are responsible for ensuring these are in date and particularly for the asthma inhalers that the spacers are cleaned and cylinders replaced as necessary.

Please ensure that you bring the required medications back into school after Easter, in the named original packaging (syringes and bungs are required for liquid medicines) and be prepared to sign all the paperwork. HAPPY EASTER I wish you all a safe and happy Easter holiday. Monday 11th April is an INSET day for staff only. The summer term begins on Tuesday 12th April at 8:45am. NEW ON THE WEBSITE Holiday and Term dates 2016/17 – INSET days have now been confirmed.

Coming soon in March events – PGL, Tag Rugby, Class Workshops, Listen2me concert, visit from Councillor Edgar To view diary dates and class pages, find out about our curriculum, read all about our events in school, view your child’s homework tasks, learn how to stay safe on the internet and much more please visit our school website CONTACT US

Cliddesden Primary School,

Cliddesden, , Hampshire, RG25 2QU

Head teacher: Mr Kenneth Davies

Tel: 01256 321571

Email: [email protected] Website: