L’atelier du fromage

PARFAIT DE FOIE GRAS DE CANARD 19 Duck liver and foie gras parfait, Sauternes poached apricots and served with baguette

GNOCCHI AUX TROIS FROMAGE DU JURA 19.50 Black Truffle Gnocchi, green pea puree, poached organic egg and Jura sauce

SOUPE À L’OIGNON 19.50 Caramelised onions, braised oxtail broth, Comté Marcel Petit & croutons.

LE SAUCISSON DE CANARD AUX TROMPETTES DE LA MORT 19 Homemade duck and black trumpet mushroom , poached organic eggs and Agria potatoes

SELECTION DE FROMAGES ET 22.50 l’Atelier du Fromage cheese and charcuterie platter, , saucisson, Salamanca, Ossau-Iraty, Tomme de Chèvre, Bleu des Basques served with baguette and condiments

BAVETTE DE BOEUF WAGYU 24.50 Wagyu skirt steak, mushrooms ragout and ‘ à la truffe’

DEMI-CANARD FERMIER RÔTI AUX CERISES 32 Free-farmed half duck, cherries, duck fat roasted carrots, sauce Apicius. Cos lettuce, buttermilk dressing and Vieux Brugges cheese

All our produce are made in-house from free-range and organic ingredients Please let our staff know if you have any food allergy

5 McColl St Newmarket Auckland

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SPECIALITÉS 10.00 Ham and cheese croissant Free range ham & Feuilleté Catalan Boursin, tomatoes, basil & Bayonne ham

Croque-Monsieur Classique: free range ham, melted emmental & sauce Mornay : Coppa & Raclette cheese Paprika: Bayonne ham, Chebris & smoked paprika

SANDWICHES 8.00 Le complet: Harmony farm ham, gruyere cheese, tomatoes Le gourmet: Brie, Bayonne ham, cos lettuce, walnut mustard butter Chicken Sandwich: Free range chicken, saffron aioli, pickled onions & salad Le Classique: Saucisson, gherkins, cheese, truffle mayonnaise Le Piquant: Chorizo, Ossau lraty cheese, smoke peppers mayonnaise Le végétarien: Provencal vegetables, goat cheese & black olives tapenade


Wild mushrooms & wash rind cheese Spinach, goat cheese & almonds

Cured Gascony pork belly & onion confit

5 McColl St Newmarket Auckland

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