CINE—MAC PRODUCTION GUIDE by Del Mehes and Michael Dorland

lawski, Conrad Beaubien creative artist Diane Simard, Micheline Foisy master Gilles Aird asst props Marc cons. Alan Landsburg Lp. Michael d.o-p. David Watkin cam. op. John H. Corriveau asst set dresser Serge he following is a list of films in production (actually before Ironside, Marilyn Liglitstone, Jackie Palmer focus puller Michael Connor Bureau ap. efx. Thomas Fisher, Cliff the cameras) and in negotiation in . Needless to say, Burroughs, James B. Douglas. 2nd asst Jean-Jacques Gervais stills Winger cost des. John Hay asst cost T the films which are still in the project stage are subject to Attila Dory gaffer Jacques Fortier elect des. Blanche Boileau ward, mistress Claude Fortier, Gilles Fortier, Jean Tru- Ren6e April asst ward, mistress changes. A third category, In Pre-production, will be used to deau key grip Serge Grenier grip Robert Louise Jobin ward. Luc l^Flaguais, indicate films which are in active pre-production, having set a Grenier, Gregg Smith, Marion Mailhot Francesca Chamberland head make­ date for the beginning of principal photography and being FILMLINE PRODUCTIONS loc sd. mixer Patrick Rousseau boom- up Suzanne Benoit sp. make-up Ste­ engaged in casting and crewing). Films are listed by the name of woman V^ronique Gabillaud cable- phane Dupuis make-up artists Joan INC. woman Ginette Guillard d. 2Qd unit/ Isaacson, Josiane Deschamps head the company which initiated the project, or with which the (514) 288-5888 sup. ed. Robert Lambert casting hair Aldo Signoretti bair. Gaiten Noi- project is popularly associated. This is not necessarily the name COOK AND PEARY - director Barbara Lambertson extras seux, Leslie Ann Anderson cam. op, Al casting Nadia Rona, Vera Miller asst Smith focus puller Sylvain Brault of the production company. Where the two companies are THE RACE TO THE POLE different, the name of the production company, if known, is also to p. audit Anna-Maria Kontos data loader/clapper Rene Daigle gaffer Made for CBS television movie. Co Please telephone additions and up-dates information to : Emesi Day assoc. p. Steven Felder N.Y. Laberge p. off. asst L6o D. Carpentier therine Moore Lp. Margot Kidder. Ian Cinema Canada 1416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354. auditor Selma Weitz service p. Pieter p, asst 27, with several days in Quebec City. boom Eric Zimmer asst. to p. Patricia nes line p. Joyce Kozy King d. Sheldon ATLANTIS FILMS/ CINELASER Budget: $1 million, p. Claude Bonin, Cahilt, Lise Boileau asst. to accL Anna- Larry, Joe Scanlan sc. Joyce Keener Francois Labont^ d. Jean-Claude La- (514) 842-8753 Maria Kontos pub. rei. Jean Hill set story ed. Roberto Loiederman. Robert KAY ARMATAGE PRODS. brecque p. man. Daniel Louis art d. dresser Norm and Sarrazin props Porter p. co-ord. Debbie Cooke post p. DEAF TO THE CITY Vianney Gauthier unit man. Mario (416) 960-1503 Claudine Charbonneau props buyer co-ord. Jenniver Black post p. aast Low-budget theatrical film based on the Nadeau Ist a.d. Rene Pothier2nd a.d. Jean Bourret on-set propsman Pierre Bruce Mailing p. ace:!. J3fthtu-»K L~"—-«- STORYTELLING Marie-Claire Blais novel, shooting for Luce Richard cont Claudette Messier shooting begins June 23 forone week in Fournier assL propsman Louis Gascon_ —™». wccfMart' Morgan asat to acct five weeks in Montreal as of June 21, one .„ .i-^ii-i- -— -^••^ ««*«• **aih. dept- Elizabeth Keaney assoc. d. Karen and New York on this 60-minute ^gaffBi:-B.^H".i>—•'--- ;r-^^iieV laniel Jobin 2nd asst. cam. Nathalie additional week in Arizona and San _ fe Estrada, Don McCutcheon p. assoc performance film on the art of slory- Klymkiw elec. Jean-Marc Hubert asst. Moliavko-Vitotzky stills Wayne Lipton - -m&Q^§n"through Les Films Ren6 Male Jayne Harris art d. Gerry Holmes asst. elec. St6phane de Ernsted key grip gaffer Daniel Chretien best boy Claude and French television. Fall '83 release, p. art d. Andr^e Brodeau asst to art Jacob Rolling grip Jean-Maurice de Fortier key grip Marc de Ernsted sd. Bernard Ferro p. sec. Edith Plourde dept Debra Deeks set dresser Jeff Ernsled scenic painter Marc Ricard rec. Serge Beauchemin p. acct Murielle unit man. Linda Leduc p. man. Louis Fruitman, Richard Allen asst set boat specialist Luc Baillarg^ casting Liz6-Pothier p. sec. Micheline Cadieux Goyer loc. man. Ren^e Rousseau p. dresser Elizabeth Calderhead, Nadia Nadia Rona, Vera Miller, Rosina Bucci props Daniel Huysmans cost con. CBC sec. Brigitt^ Bouchard d. A. Mazouz 1st Salnick props Jackie Field, Peter Flet­ asst. to unit man. Christian Gagne p. Frangois Laplante cost Suzanne Hare! a.d. Silvan Alexander 2nd a.d. Michel cher costume des. Julie Ganton key (416) 925-3311 assts Richard Marsan, Sylvain Labrec- dresser Marie Davignon makeup Ca­ Vilani conL Andre Gaumond costumes Gayne Gardiner ward. asst. que, Michel Guay Winni drivers Jac­ therine Casaull hair. Thomas Booth Philippe Lavaleite Ist asst. cam. Paul Allison Till hair. Vittorio Monteleone ques Gervais, Jim Disensi ward, driver boom Yvon Benoit ed. Francois Labonl6 Gravel 2nd asst cam. Robert Michon make-up Kathy Southern p. aast VANDERBERG William Folmar driver Paul Bugold asst ed. Louise Blais trainee Jerome stills Lyne Charlebois sd. Marcel Fraser Steven Brandman, Jeff Powers. Gary Six part drama mini-series (3 already asst. to unit man. Christian Gagn6. Labrecque sec. Vision 4 Carole Pilon boom. Jean-Guy Bergeron sd. ed. Vandenbor, Global Personnel p. sup. completed). Shooting begins May 24 to unit pub. Danifele Papineau-Couture Claude Langlois ed. H^l^neGirard aast... Greg Copeland fl, man. Gerry Wilkin­ July 15 ip Toronto, , exec. p/p. 1514) 842-3851 Lp. Anne-Marie Proven- ed. Herv6 Kerlann sd. ed. Claude Lan- son lighting d. Tom Swartz lighting Sam Levene aasoc. p. Harris Verge d. THE HOTEL cher, Gilbert Sicotte, Monique Mercure, glois art d. Michel Marsolais asst. art op. Richard Allen, Tom Fennessy, William Fruet series hd. writer Rob NEW HAMPSHIRE Carmen Tremblay, Amulette Garneau, d. Lynn Trout prop master R^jean gaffer Adrian Goldberg, Martin Har­ ' Forsyth episodes no. 4 and 5 author : Feature film based on John Irving's best- John Wildman, Monique Joly, Roger Harvey props Claude Par^ painter- rison camera Rick Boston. John Fox, John Hunter episodee : David McLaren selling novel, began principal jjhoto- Lebel, Jean Mathieu. d.o.p. Kenneth Qregg ed. Les Brown dec. Fabien Tremblay painter Marc graphy May 2 for seven weeks in Mont­ Les Medon tech. d. Bob Bums post Lemieux assL painter Sylvain Simard audio p. Tony Givirn audio John Mc- asst d. Rob Malenfant art d. Arthur real and two weeks in Tadoussac. Budget; head make-up Louise Mignault asst. Ewen VTH ierry McGuinness boom Mi­ Herriott Lp. Michael Hogan, Susan Hogan, $5.6 million U.S. Co-p. Woodfall Pro­ make-up C^cile Rigault hair. Alain INTERNATIONAL CINEMA chael O'Connor. Gary Oppenheimer vi­ Jennifer Dale, Allan Royal, Stephen ductions : 1514) 931-9134. p. Neil Hartley Thiboulout dresser France Gauvreau, deotape ed.T^rry Pickfordgrlpl^orm Markle, Jan Rubes, Bany Flatman, John co-p. Pieter Kroonenburg, David J. CORPORATION Evans, Yvan pontbn. Jacynthe Vezina gaffer Yves Charbon- Smith Lp. Lpri Hallier, Barbara Law, neau best boytlean Courteau key grip Patterson d. Tony Richardson p. man. (514) 284-9354 Alex Leslie, James Carroll Jordan. Tom Francois Dup^r^ g^^P Michel P^riard Mychele Boudrias p. auditor Lucie Hallick, Mimi Kuzyk, Paul Hecht, Lisa accL Clement Pedneault p. asst. Ri­ Drolet p. coord. Dani^le Rohrbach LOUISIANA Howard, Bruce Fairbaira Ross Petty, SEEING THINGS unit man. Estelle Lemieux 2nd a.d. chard L^veilM L p. Macali No6l, Francois A Canada-France co-produced feature Dave Nichols. Melody Ryane, Dan Buccos, Eight one-hour series. Three shows Anne Murphy CODL France Lachapelle Pratte, Luce Guilbeault, Mitch Martin, film and 6 x 1-hour TV series, began Audra WiUiams, Jamie Dick, Simon already shot. Third show titled I'm Look­ unit pub. Prudence Emery Orion rep. Jacques Godin, France Chevrelte. Yves location shooting Mar, 30 in St. Francis- Reynolds, David Bolt, Sean McCann, ing Through You shot March 28-Apr. 19. Jim Matthews exec, sec to p. Sandy Corbeil, Catherine Colvey, Riva Spier, ville, LA, for 77 days and 13 days in Joyce Gordon, Larry Reynolds, ijllan Fourth episode, titled Seeing R.E.D. Alpha Boucher, Jacques Lussier, Emilio Maltz assts. to co-p. Patricia Cahill, Royal, Teri Austin, James B Douglas, France, scheduled for a mid-summer shooting in June, written by Sheldon Zinno, Nathalie Breuer. Sylvie M6lancon, Lise Boileau p. des. Jocelyn Herbert Neil Dainard, George R. Robertsoa Ri­ completion. Based on the magnolia Chad. p.c. CBC T.V. Drama Dept assoc. Christine Landry, Peter Blackwood, assL to Ms. Herbert Susan Jenkinson chard Farrell. Atf Humphries, Lynn Vogt, melodramas by Maurice Denuzifere, p. Martin Wiener, Duncan Lamb, George Andr^ Lacoste, Robert Higden, Harry art d. John Meighen architect/des. Terry Harford. Annette Terry, Richard exec p. Denis H6roux &, John Keraeny McGowan ejL p. Robert Allen p. Louis Hill, Len Watt, Margarita Stocker, Ir6ne Claude Powell props buyer Frances Comar, Bob Durosiers, Maida Rogerson, p.c, Cin6-Louisiana (Cdnl, Filmas Del Grande and David Barlow d. George Kessler, Mark Walker, Terry Coday, Calder, Francis Seguin on set props- Suzanne Barker, Murray Lowry, Walker [France), Gaumont (France), Antenne McCowan sc. Larry Gaynard.o,p. Nikos Jacques Dufour, Don B^dard. man Jacques Chamberland assL Boone, Linda Carter, Raymond Hunt, 2/Film8 A2 (France), d. Philippe de Birica Evdemon p. dea. Dan Yarhi music propsman Vincent Fournier art des. Reg Dreger, Bob Collins, Eric Fink. Brian co-p. Gabriel Boustani adapt John Mel- Phillip Schreibmaned. Vincent Kent sd. Maurice Tremblay sp. efx. Louis Craig. George, Sharonlyn Sparrow, Call Tim- son, Dominique Fabre & Etienne Perier sc od. Kevin Townshend publicity David Jacques Godbout const sup. Claude mins. Charles Israel p. man. Stephane Reichel McCau§^na Lp. Louis Del Grande, Janet- Simard chief carpenter Normand CONSERViSiON PRODS. d.o.p. Michel Brault 1st a.d. Pierre Laine Green, Martha Gibson, AI Bern ado, Richer carpenter Eudore Leclerc Magny 2nd a.d. Jacques Meihe p. des. Lynne Gordon, Ivan Beaulieu, Frank (416) 474-0613 painter Donald Brown asst. art depL Jack MacAdam unit man. Peter Bray Adamson, Murray Westgate, Louis Negin, Chris Gilmore cos. sup. Thomas Keller NATIONAL FILM BOARD STRANGE BUT TRUE cont Joanne Harwood p. ace, Kay Cec Linder, Hatch Wallace. asst. to cost sup. Fran9ois Laplante Shooring began June 13 in Toronto for22 Lariham set dresaer Linda Allen prop (514) 333-3422 ward, miat Huguette Gagn« ward. days on 18 half-hour taped episodes ST. LOUIS sold to Global, exec. p. Don Carmody John Stowe hair stylist Pierre David One-hour documentary, began shooting p./d. Jim Hanley assoc p. Oriana Bie- hair dresser Bob Pritchett make-up March 19S3 ; additional shooting sche-

July & August 1983 - Cinema Canada/33 CINE MAC

ON LOCATION INTERNATIONAL CINEMA NATIONAL FILM BOARD- LES PRODUCTIONS duled for August 1983 in the St, Louis shore Psychiatric Hospital. Not a Cana­ CORPORATION Winnipeg VIDEOFILMS LTEE district of Montreal. Spring '84 release. dian production. Dist- : Warner Bros. (514) 333-3422 (514) 844-8611 p.c. NFS - Montreal p. Marrin Canell (514) 284-9354 Budget: $4 mln. p. Paul Maslansky d. MEET ME AT exec. p. Barrie Howells d. Derek Mav Hugh Wilson sc. Neil Israel, Pat Proft p. LE CRIME UN AMOUR DE QUARTIER unit pub. Patricia Billing dist NFB man. Jim Margelis Lp. Steve Gutten- THE OCCIDENTAL 13 half-hours, in co-production wiih release date Spring 1984. berg, Cinday Morgan, Bubba Smith. D'OVIDE PLOUFFE A feature film and 4 x 50-minute TV A 90-min. documentary anthropological Radio-Canada and French television. To series based on the novel by Roger study of the urban native Canadian shoot in summer *83. p. Roberi Menard. Lemelin. Canada-France co-production whose traditional culture and lifestyle is NELVANA LTD. with participation of Radio-Canada/ being dramatically altered by the stresses CBC, NFB, Alcan Canada. In pre-produc- of city life, September '83 release. p.c. MAURICE ^~ (4161 863-0091 PRIMEDIA fion thru Spring '83, Shooting July- NFB Winnipeg studio p. Andreas Pouls- "ROCKET" RICHARD THE EDISON TWINS PRODUCTIONS LTD. October in Montreal and Quebec son/Michael Scott exec. p. Jan d'Arcy d. Casting across Canada for lead role as of 13 half-hour childrens' television series City, p.c. Cine-Plouffe (III Inc. p. Norma Bailey dist NFB, early June for this two-hour film and4- for pay and broadcast television. Sched­ Justine Heroux p. man. Micheline hour miniseries. p./d. Roberi M6nard. uled for completion summer '83. p.c. (416) 361-0306 Garant p. sec. Dominique Houle unit Nelvana Ltd., CBC Children's Television man. Josette Perrotta loc. man. Fran- and Disne Cable Channel in the U.S. p. AMATEUR NATURALIST 9ois Sylvestre 2nd unit man. Madeleine NEWFOUNDLAND Ian McDougall. Rozon JVFB coord. Ashley Murrayasst. RONALD L COHEN Shooting began July, 1982 in Europe and NFB coord. Denise Beaudqin accL INDEPENDENT Canada. Will wrap July 1983. 13 half- R^iane Boudreau assL acct Barbara PRODUCTIONS INC. hour programs. Budget: S1.7 million. Pecs, Francine Lagac6 recept./typist FILMMAKERS CO-OP LTD. Pre-sold to CBC, Channel 4 (G.B.) South Linda Ekdahl d. (series) Gilles Carle d. (514) 748-6541 POLICE ACADEMY INC. African Broadcasting Corp., TV. Ontario, (feature) Denys Arcand 1st a.d. Jac­ (709) 726-1720 DRAW Radio-Canada p.c Amateur Naturalist (416) 252-9341 ques W. Benoit 2nd a.d. Monique CROSSPOINTS Prepping begins June 10 On this $4 mln, Prod. Ltd. ex p. PatFerns, PeterKinder- Maranda 3rd a.d. Martha Laing cont theatrical film, shooting as of Aug. 22 for POLICE ACADEMY sley p. Paula Quigley d. Alastair Brown Johanne Pregent d.o.p. Fran^:ois Protat A 60 min, drama for TV scheduled to Coinedy feature film began shooting in begin shooting August, 1983, in New­ six weeks in Alberta, p. Ronald Cohen p. (Cda), Jonathan Harris (Europe) sc. Ge­ 1st asst. cam. Yves Drapeau 2nd asst man. Grace Gilroy d. Steven Stern. Toronto May 30 for 8 weeks at the Lake- rald Durrell' Lp. Gerald DurreJI, Lee cam. Michel Bemier stilts Piroshka foundland, p. Francine Fleming, Paul Durrell M.ihalka framer Jean-Pierre Lachapelle Pope p.c. Nfld. Independent Film­ boom Normand Mercier sd. Claude makers Co-op. Ltd. d. Francine Fleming Hazanavicius, Michel Guiffan, Marc sc. Francine Fleming p. man. Tony Conil ed. (series) Pierre Bemier, Wer­ Duarte. RONGEFER FILMS IN PRE-PRODUCTION ner Nold ed. (feature) Monique Fortier (514) 844-8611 art d. Jocelyn Joly asst. artd. Raymond Dupuis artdept coord. Barbara Shrier PACIFIC WESTERN MY FATHER'S HOUSE FILMLINE prop master Ronald Faut«ux props Shooting for this feature hasbeen pulofl' CANAMEDIA PROD. LTD. Jean Labrecque ensemble dec Jean- PRODUCTIONS until spring-sumnicir '83 exec. p. Denis 16 Servington Cres. PRODUCTIONS INC. Baptiste Tard on-set props Patrice Fortier line p. Robert Menard p. maa Toronto Bengle asst on-set props Ian Lavoie Lise Abastados sc. Alvin Goldman d. (514) 288-5888 painters Sylvie Lacerte, Claire Alary THE TERMINATOR R. Menard ist & and a.d. Michel Gau­ EXOTIC DANCING - head make-up Marie-Angdle Protat Theatrical action feature scheduled for thier, Claire Wojas d.o.p. Paul van der asst make-up Blanche Pierrehumbert THE INSIDE STORY FAT MAN; TAILOR, July 27 shoot in Toronto for 10 weeks. Linden sd. Serge Beauchemin art d. head hair Ga^tan Noiseux cost des. One-hour documentary for pay and net­ SOLDIER, SPY Approximate budget $5 mln. p. Gail Vianney Gauthier l.p. Winston Reckert, work TV. Summer '83 shoot. p./d. Les Theatrical feature film on the terrorist ' Nicole Pelletier asst cost Lise Pinet Hurd exec. p. Barry Healey d. Jim Ca­ dresser Sylvie Rochon wardrobe Lau­ Kerrie Kane, Kale Trotter, August Schel- Harris res. Linda McCabe. kidnapping of U.S. General James Dozier, meron, Hurd unit loc. man. Otta Hanus. rie Drew ward, dresser Louise Gagn6 lenberg pub. reL David Novek Asso­ for late summer '83. Financing from ciates 1514) 284-2113. First Choice, Home Box Office, co-p. chief elec. Don Saari elec. Chuck co-p. Robert Cooper Productions, Toron­ Hughes, John Lewin. CANAMERICA FILM to, in assoc. with First Choice Canadian. Based on Jonathan Beat/s Time Maga­ THE BLOOD OF OTHERS CORPORATION zine article, sc. cons. Beaty. A Canada-France co-production based on the novel by Simone de Beauvoir, 1604) 738-9095 FUN PARK begins shooting July '83 in Paris for 18 TALES OF THE MOUSE Low-budget theatrical film, forsummer weeks, p.c. Cin6-Simone (Cdn), Filmax HOCKEY LEAGUE '83. Financing from First Choice, d. Rafal IFrarice), Antenne 2/Films A2 (France). Zielinski d. Claude Chabrol exec. p. Lamar Card One-hour animation special for pay-TV, p. Denis Heroux and John Kemeny co- "^T"™-*—-"*-»-*th Marmelade Animation PIECES OF ABE p. Gabriel Boustani sc. Brian Moore Ltd. Shooting in , ouag^. t.Tiw-r^««.o—• -^—...-i^atfjjm, forsummer $1,5 mln. exec. p. Ralph Martin d. Mal­ '83. Financing from Firsf Cnoice.- »«.— --fLo.j). Richard Ciupka s. rec. Patrick colm Collett voices Bobby Orr. Denis Bruce Martin Rousseau cu. . ~^ ____,;_ jL^^ lodie Potvin, Richard Brodeur, Kenny Lins- Foster, Michael Ontkean, Kate Heia man. Lambert Wilson, St6phane Audran, BIG BEAR Alexandra Stewart, Christine Laurent. Shooting on 6 X 1-hour series scheduled __ Jean-Pierre Aumont. Cine service for Summer '83, with backing from CBC. CFDC and the Alberta Film Develop­ LAURON PRODUCTIONS CBC ment Corp. Based on the novel by Rudy (416) 925-3311 ext. 4461 Wiebe. sc. cons. Wiebe sc. Peter White, LTD. Jamie Brown exec. p. Michael Spencer (416) 967-6503 GENTLE SINNERS p. David Patterson, Pieter Kroonenburg. Shooting begins August'83 in Manitoba, THE DISABILITY MYTH 2-hourTV special, exec. p. Peter Kelly d. PART II : Education Eric Till sc. Ed Thomason, based on a THE DISABILITY MYTH novel by W.D. Valgardson. FOUR NINE FILM PART III: Transportation Western Canada's PRODUCTION LTD. Two one-hour documentaries for TV. (403) 291-0410 exec. p. William Johnston, Ronald Lillie Full Service Laboratory CORVIDEOCOM LTD. p./d.Alan Aylvvard d.o.p. Nick Stiliadis 291-0411 ed. Har\'ey Zlataratis asst. cam. John (6131 722-2553 Dowcett sd. Dan Latour. JOHN WAKE'S and. Sound Studios BAGATELLES COW COUNTRY THE BILL KOCH STORY 35MM — 16MM A 90-min. drama scheduled for begin A two-hour movie for pay television Ninety-minute documentary TV special shooting in the Ottawa Valley in Septem­ based on the book by Grant MacEwan, to for U.S. TV, in association with SPl Ver­ ber '83. p. Alan While sc. Patrick Gran- be shot in Alberta, August, 1983, with a mont, exec p. William Johnston, Ronald leese d. Stewart Dudlev. budget of $3 mln. With the assistance of Lillie d- Ira Levy d.o.p. Peter William­ the Alberta Motion Picture Development son asst cam. Robert MacDonald. Corp. and the CFDC. p. Maxine Samuels assoc. p. Les Kimber. EAGLE FILMS MARMALADE ANIMATION (CANADA) INC. FOUR NINE FILM LTD. ALPHA CINE (416) 534-7711 PRODUCTIONS LTD. 1604) 689-3123 OUT OF WEDLOCK (403) 291-0410 CALICO CAT Comedy feature begins shooting late Shooting five half-hour children's ani­ SERVICE (403) 266-7482 , summer in Toitjnto for five weelis. Bud­ mated TV specials for pay-TV, home get S45O,00O. Developed with the assis­ JOHN WARE'S video and broadcast TV. Location : tance of the CFDC. p. Gaopal Goel exec, COW COUNTRY Vancouver. Budget: $2.5 mln, with 916 DAVIE STREET p Janesh Dayal d. Harvey Frost sc. Ken A two-hour movie for pay television financing from the Alberta Motion Pic­ Gass Lp. Saul Rubinek, Kate L>Tich, Dixie based on book by Grant McEwan. Sche­ ture Development Corp, Canamerica, VANCOUVER B.C. V6Z 1B8 Seatle. duled to commence shooting in Alberta and First Choice pick-up. exec. p. Ralph in 1984 with budget of 33 mln. With the Martin A. Malcolm CoUetl p. sup. Yvonne TEL. (604) 688-7757 assistance of the Alberta Motion Picture Jackson mus. Bill Skolnik animators Development Corporation, the CFDC Steve Rabatich, Norm Roen, Norm Drew, TELEX 04-507757 and First Choice Canadian Communi­ Al Sens, Hugh Foulds. cations, p. Maxine Samuels assoc. p. Les Kimber.

34/Cinema Canada - July & August 1983 CINE lABTQ

Scotland on a budget of S4 million, p.c Faircrest Films Ltd. p. Budge Crawley THE NOTE PRIIWEDIA PRODUCTIONS IN PRE-PRODUCTION sc. adapted from a novel by Fred Bos- Made for TV movie to begin shooting worth, "The Strange One" d.ap. Robert December'83 in Gasp^and Boston, exec e Hyan ph. Robert Ryan, Patrick Carey sp. p. William Johnston, Ronald Lillie AC LTD. RSL FILMS LTD. TAPESTRY PRODUCTIONS efx ph. Patndt Carey, Robert Ryan Peter Blow. (416) 361-0306 (514) 931-7155 GETTING OUT FRONTIER (416) 863-6677 FiLMUNE PRODUCTIONS Feature to begin shooting spring '84. Scheduled for 1983. Co-production with JOSHUA THEN AND NOW exec. p. Johnston &, Lillie p. Alan Ayl- Telecip in France. Six part dramatic Feature film set to shot in '83 in the MAGGIE AND PIERRE INC. ward. mini-series. Formeriy titled The Adven­ Eastern Townships, with funding THE DISABILITY MYTH tures of Hudson's Bay, exec p. PatFerns July taping In Toronto for First Choice, (514) 878-1469 from HBO, Canadian pay-TV and CBC. p. p. Rick Butler sc. Linda Griffiths, Paul PART IV: Family and Roland GrittL Robert Lantos, Stephen J. Roth sc Mor Thompson l.p. Linda Griffiths. decal Hichler d. Ted Kotcheff. GREENPEACE III & Education Theatrical feature film, budgetted at $10 One-hour documentary special, exec GREY OWL million, on the 1973-74 Greenpeace pro­ p. Johnston & Lillie p./d. Aylward, scheduled for 1983. Co-production with tests against French nuclear testing in S. Yorkshire Television. Based on Lovat Pacific. Underdevelopment with Super- Dickson's biography "Wilderness Man." PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION channel. Scheduled for winter '83-84 on 3 part mini-series for TV. exoc. p. Pat location in New Zealand. MANITOU Ferns and David Cunliffe sc Alan Plater. ACPAV CINEFORT INC. A series of four films based on Dick PRODUCTIONS LTD. HEAVEN ON EARTH Francis horsey-set mysteries, each bud­ (416) 924-2186 Scheduled fof 1983. Co-production with (514) 849-1381 (514) 288-3350 getted at $2.5 million, under develop­ Yorkshire Television. Made for TV ment for Showtime. Scheduled for '84. GO BOY movie, exec. p. Pat Ferns anti David AU PRES DE MA BLONDE A LIFE'S WORK Shooting schedule TBA. exec p. Ralph Cunliffe sc Margaret Atwood and Peter Script in development, to be shot in 1983 Six 12-minute films for children about C. Ellis p. William Davidson sc Davidson, Pearson. sc. Gilles NoSt p. Marc Daigle. work to be shot in various locations based on autography by Roger Caron across-Canada, p. Mary Armstrong, LES FILMS VISION 4 INC. consult Roger Caron. LA FEMME DE L'HOTEL (514) 866-9341 THE LITTLE VAMPIRE llieatrical feature film, to shoot in Octo- HEADING HOME ~ DON'T HIT THE Scheduled for 1983. Nine part children's ber'BS, in Montreal. Budget: $500,000. p. A 60-minute drama aboutthe situation LES CADAVRES drama series. German co-production Bernadette Payeur sc. L^a Pool, Michel of thousands of women who take gar­ PANIC BUTTON Scheduled for 1983 exec p. Ralph C. with Polyphone of Hamburg, exec. p. Langlois d. L6o Pool. ment work into their homes. To be shot DU PLACARD Richard Nielsen and Christoph Mattner. in Montreal, p. Mary Armstrong, Budgeted at $1.2 million, a suspense ElUs p. William Davidson «c William thriller to be shot end-'83. sc. Monique Davidson and Martin Lager, based on a Messier d. Jean-Claude Lord. story by Lager. ARC CINEMA CO. LTD. LES PRODUCTIONS DIMENSIONS 2000 PROD. POUVOIR INTIME (604) 669-9111 Script under development on this $i MUTUAL " DE LA CHOUEHE CANADA LTD. million police thriller, slated for early (514) 288-5719 c/o 569 Sheppard Ave. W. '84. p. Monique Messier sc Vves Simo- PRODUCTIONS LTD. LAST LAUGH neau, Pierre Curzi d. Yves Simoneau. Horror feature with stand-up comedy to Ste. 410 Downsview, Ontario (514) 526-3761 TEENAGERS - LES JEUNES be shot In Vancouver, p.c. Arc Cinema M3H 2R8 • (213) 274-5251 One-hour drama in French and English Development Co. Ltd, exec. p. Peter co-production NFB/ONF. Co-exec. p. Devaney. KORICAN A NEW DAVID 'Franco Batlisla, Bob Verrall co.p. Tom DEATH MOVES Berry, Dennis Sawyer sc. Tom Berry, Two-hour action drama for theatrical COMMUNICATIONS CRONENBERG FILM (no title) Christiane Duchesne d. Marc F. Voizard. release and subsequent pay TV. Shooting Scheduled for Fall '83. exec. p. Pierre CANAMEDIA PROD. LTD. planned for summer 1983 in Toronto, (416) 532-0265 David Productions p. Pierre David 16 Servington Cres., Vancouver. Budget $2.5 milion. Union assoc p. Denise Dinovi sc d. David shoot. p./sc. Alan Rose. MOLLY Crone nberg. LES PRODUCTIONS Toronto; Ontario Project in development p. Michael Korican sc. Bob Ryan adapted from SDA LTEE THE COMET HUNTER book by Charles Perkins. Movie for television,'90 min. Scheduled DOOMSDAY STUDIOS LTa Project under development, p. Pierre (514) 937-3525 for spring 1983 in Ontario, p. Les Harris (902) 422-3494 GOOD-BYE, PAPA David assoc. p. Denise Dinovi. sc Glenn Norman Project in research. p./BC. Michael HIT AND RUN * To begin principal photography in Mon­ FOREIGNERS Korican. ROCK'N'ROLL treal on a $5 mOlion budget, p. Nicole M. This one-hour drama will be shot in Boisvert p. man. Lyse Lafontaine d. Musical on flhn and tape for pay-TV, 96 NATIONAL FILM HOARD Nova Scotia's South Shore in June '83. Robin Spry sc. Douglas Bowie, Arthur inin., scheduled for early 1983. p. Les THE MISINFORMER exec: p. Ramona Mcdonal{i.SC. Bruce Fuller, Spry, based on the book by Tom Harris sc. and mus. John Gray. Project in development p. Michael (Prairie Studio) McKenna Korican sc Erik Knudsen. ' (204) 949-3161 Alderman. THE BOXTY CHRONICLES •Gdn.'Brit. co-pVdduction p. Les Harris 1919 ! - THE WINNIPEG •c. Jamie Brown. GENERAL STRIKE MON PERE, MON AMOUR F.A. INTERNATIONAL KRIZSAN FILM A feature-length drama with documen­ (working title) 654-4462 tary elements shooting in late fall, exec Feature to be 9hol in Montreal with a PRODUCTIONS p. Jan D'Arcy p./d. Derek Mazur, Bob budget of SISM approximately, p. Nicole CANAMERICA FILM THROUGH THE EYES Lower sc. Lower. Boisvert sc Roger Fournier. OF THE PERFORMER (902) 425-6939 CORPORATION A three part television to shot in (604) 738-9095 England and Canada. Scheduled shoot­ MIDDLE OF NOWHERE NELVANA LTD. ing TBA. Its an in-depth look into the Made-for-TV movie. Script in develop­ (416) 863-0091 RIVERCOURT OLDER lives of some of the greatest rock musi­ ment. Shooting scheduled for August,.' Made for TV film from a story by Nyuma cians, exec. p. Peter Bobras p. Walter 1983. p. Corinne Lange d. Les Krizsan. MR. MICROCHIPS PRODUCTIONS LTD. Shats, to shoot in Alberta and Vancouver, Giacomini. A 13-half-hour TV series, pre-sold to C. summer-fall '83. Approx. budget: Channel. (416) 363-4444 $750,000 sc. Graham Crowell. INSIGHT PRODUCTIONS BODY COUNT INTERLOCK VIRGINIA; THE (416) 596-8118 Thriller shooting summer '83 at various LOST LEGACY PHOENIX PICTURES Feature length drama shooting dates B.C. locations. Budget: $1.5 mln. sc T.B.A with a budget of $2.7M. p. Paul Feature to begin shooting in September COMEDY JAM (604) 688-7858 Tom Braidwood, Stephen E. Miller, from 1982 based on an important archeplo- Burford it Michael Anderson sc Tony One-hour comedy special series sche­ their original script^ gical discovery, exec. p. Peter Bobras p. Sheer. duled for summer shoot. p.JohnBrunton CHANNEL ONE Walter Giacomini^ For further informa­ COCAINE BLUES casting director Pamela Roberis. Feature film scheduled for July '83 RTV COMMUNICATIONS llieatrical feature film, shooting in B.C. tion call Peter (4161 654-4462. start Budget and location TBA exec p. and South America, summer '84, sc. David H. Brady p. Ken Kuramoto exec (416) 365-0733 Peter Bryant from an original story by LAURON PRODUCTIONS assoc David Gregson sc Steven Alix Ralph Martin. assL p. Elaine Fleming LEE HARVEY OSWALD FAIRCREST FILMS LTD. LTD. Production to begin spring 1983. Live THE STOCK EXCHANGERS (6131 745-2236 (416) 967-6503 theatre productions of the pJay by Mi­ •c Michael Singh. ONE LAST SUMMER chael Hastings, tape Hill be shot for pay- THE STRANGE ONE* TV. Principal casting in January, exec p. Feature to begin July'84. exec. p. William Robert Chorney. Tony Grillo, Victor Special effects photography has begun. Johnston, Ronald Lillie d. William John­ Tovey d. Jon Michaelson. Location filming in Toronto, Ireland, ston sc. Jay Tielal.

HLACH THK IJECISIOX-MAKERS ! Phone us now U> place .in ad in «)iir Montreal I Mm I eslival special issue of Cinema Canada Ave., Mimlri'al \\2V :iS(i

July & August 1983 - Cinema Canada/35 XTRT MAC

CANDY THE STRIPPER ^ i> PROJECTS IN NEGOTIATION (Formerly NEW ORLEANS) Made for pay-TV feature. Principal photography VANS began Mar 21, wrapped March 26. p.c. STATION WAGONS JINGLES T60 RECORDS & RSL Films Ltd. 1514) 931-7155. For crew Half-hour sitcom pilot. Script in develop­ list, see Cinema Canada No. 95. rent-a-wreck ment, exec p. Roberi Chorney, Tony CARS Grillo. Victor Tovey. FILMWORKS LTD. UNDERCURRENTS (514) 844-0844 Feature-length musical drama com­ pleted principal photography in Ottawa BEAU GESTE IN CONCERT Apr. 20. Editing until late-September. from SEAGULL PRODUCTIONS Concert film, shooting July-August in Fall '83 release, p.c. Raskalnikov-Ed- (514) 932-7868 Montreal, exec. p. Tony Green p. Peter wards Productions (8191 684-0440. For Serapiglia. details, see Cinema Canada No. 95. CALIFORNIA CHABLIS PYGMALION ttZi"^ $8.95 In Vancouver with a $3.5 million budget. Pay-TV adaptation of the G.B, Shaw play, per day p. James Shavick sc Steven Manners UMBARA BROTHERS wrapped April 6. exec. p. Harold Green- CHVW\Aki-1S00 cast Casablanca. FILMS berg p.c. Astral Film Productions Ltd. J (416) 723-8493 (514) 748-6541. STANDARD/TAPESTRY SOJOURN LABATT'S FIRST Adventure c6medy set in Canada and COUNTRY CLASSIC PRODUCTIONS Indonesia. To be distributed throughout A 2 hr. musical concert special for pay- I ^Script Typing (416) 863-6677 the Asian market by P.T. Parkit Films. TV's C-Channel on March 31 in Toronto (613) 224-1313 Budget^, $1.4 million, p. Christopher at Roy Thompson Hall. p.c Primedia Heard (Produced in assoc. with Umbara Productions Ltd. (416) 361-0306. Tapestry Prod, in association with Stan­ Brothers Films) d. Danu Umbara sc Experienced dard Broadcasting developing Canadian Christopher Heard SL Melanie Umbara A MATTER OF CUNNING plays for television. Creative Consultant: Lp. Christopher Heard, (Formerly CUNNING) Made for pay-TV Fast Service Don Harron. feature. Principal photography began April 7, wrapped April 12 in Montreal p.c. RSL Films Ltd. (514) 931-7155. p. Latest IBM Equipment RODEO WITTMAN RICHTER Robert Lantos, Stephen J. Roth exec. p. By Layne Coleman, p. Rick Butler d. Les Andre Fleury, Otto Salamon. Rose, FIIMS, INC. Letters Etc. 10 Britain St., Toronto (416) 364-4321 Ext. 69 Ontario WI5A 1R6 366-1899 THE SUN NEVER SETS ONE-HOUR By Paddy Crean p. Gary McKeehan d. TEENAGER - IT'S TOUGH John Hirsch exec. p. Bryn Matthews. BEING ONE PROGRAMS Musical comedy to begin filming in Toronto June 1983. Budget: approx. $1 SLIM OBSESSION million, exec. p. Peter Wittman d. Ota 60 min. drama For The Record wrapped Richter p. man. Bob Wertheimer p. CO­ Mav 6 in Toronto, To be aired in '83-'84 OP^. Rita Picard. season p.c. CBC-For The Record (416) 925-3311. p. BonitaSiegel, For details see Cinema Canada No. 96. ABORTION IN THE CAN One-hour documentary shot in Canada, U.S., Latin America and Japan, p.c. Na­ Myles Roth labour David Lloyd scenic tional Film Board of Canada (Ontario artist Nick Kosonic painter Harr>' FEATURES Pavelson driver captain David Chud Regional Prod, Centre) (416) 369-3012. HOLLYWOOD drivers Izidore Masallam, Alex Dawes, exec. p. John Spotton, Kathleen Shan­ Allan Zvveig casting Deirdre Bowen non. EROTIC FILM and VIDEO extra cast Peter Lavender ed, Ron P-1 QUEBEC/CANADA 1995 Wisman 1st asst ed. Roberta Kipp 2nd 90 min. video drama for TV shooting in 60 min. drama For The Record shot May FESTIVAL - MOVEMBER 9 -12,1983 asst. ed. Mari Rutka sd. ed. Alban 25-June 8, to be aired '83-'84 season, p.c. Toronto, May 16-29. p.c Primedia Prod. CASH PRIZES ANO DISTRIBUTION DEALS WILL BE AWARDED TO Streeter asst sd. ed. Hayden Streeter CBC - For The Record (416) 925-33ir. Lid. (416) 3G1-03D6, in assoc, with First Lp. Brooke Adams, Samantha Langevin, WINNING ENTRIES! ENTRY DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1983 Choice and CTV. p. Richard Nielsen d. exec. p. Sig Gerber p. Alan Burke d. Categories Include; Narrative, Animation, Documentary & Experimental. Lesleh Donaldson, Ron James, Joseph Rene Bonniere sc. Barry Wexler d.o.p. John McGreevy sc. Richard Nielsen p. Kelly, Benny_D'Onofrio, Isabelle Mejias, Length: Between 30 Seconds and 25 Minutes Ed Long ed. Gord McLeUand. CALL OR WHITE FOR OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK man. Marilyn Stqnehouse unit man. Brenda Woods, Glenn Milligan, Greg Rick Watts Isl a.d. Bill Corcoran 3rd Kozak. Sandra Ciccone, Albert Gentile, SOMETHING TO ^~~ EXPANDED ENTERTAINMENT a.d. Debbie Beers p. coord. Deborah Susan Roman, Nick Kilbertus, David 11S14 Ventura Boulevard - Suite A Zwicker p. aset Joanna Caslon art. d. Gardner, Angaia Fusco, Rocco Magnatta, CELEBRATE Franco de Cotiis lighting d. Peter Ed­ One-hour documentary about golden Studio City, California 91604 Elizabeth Cinello, RenatoMarulli, Patri­ (213) 506-0607 wards cam. op. Barry Bergthorsen s.d. cia Hamilton, Ron White, Barbara Gor­ agers who are still living their lives to" Bryan Day props. Ken Coonlz ivard. don, Michael Reynolds, Lome Cosselte, (he fullest. July '83 release. p.c. NFB/CBC des. Sharon Purdy make-up Paul Rich­ Marcia Diamond, William Lynn, Jim co-production - Montreal (514) 333-3422 mond p. acct. Penny Royce hair Mau­ Chad, , and the Blacklight Per­ exec. p. Adam Symansky d. Donald reen Mestan cont. Mimi VVolch tech. p. formers : Valerie Buhagiar, Dave Mouti, Brittain unit pub. Patricia Billing dist Jim Campbell video op. Clive Davis Paul Pawiuk, Darlene Arsenault, Debbie NFB release date July 1983. CLASS I F I E D casting Deirdre Bowen unit pub. Linda Lim, Debbie Rossen, Shapiro Lp. John Neville, Jackie Bur­ OVERTIME For sale: CP 16RA with 12-120 Toronto Old Timers Hockey Team is the Forsale: EclairACLcamerapaokage. roughs, Martha Henry, , macro, single system sound, 2 mags, Four magazines, Cinema Products .Albert Miilaire, Louise MarJeau, Gary vehicle through which this one-hour documentary examines men at mid life. batteries, rain cover and soft case. In motor, Angenieux viewfinder, Caron Reinecke, Jack Messinger, with sp. ap­ JOY excellent condition, little used, 12-120 MacroZoom, Eclair battery pearance by Moses Znaimer. Fall '83 release. p.c. NFB- Montreal (514) Canada-France co-production feature 333-3422 p. Barrie Howells exec p. Barrie $10,000. Standard wooden tripod pack & international charger. Excel­ iilm,beganFeb.7, wrapped week of Apr. Howells d. Marrin Canell/William Wein- legs, $75. Audio Ltd radio micro­ lent condition, $14,000. Call (604) BLACKLIGHT 18. Canadian p.c. Movie Corp. IX Inc., a traub dist NFB. phone, $500. EK 7250 mag stripe 736-4861. > (96) Feature TV drama for CBC, wrapped subsidiary of RSL Films Ltd,, Montreal 400' rolls, $30 each. EK 7242 mag May 26 after five weeks in Toronto, final (5141, 931-7155. For details, see Cinema WARDAIR stripe 100' roils, $5 each. Call An­ Avenue rd. & Bloor: For lease. Over wrap June 1 in Las Vegas, p.c. Blacklight Canada No. 96. •* -tne-hourdocumentaryprofileofchar thony Steward (416) 486-6598 eves 3000 sq. It. of furnished or unfur­ 542519 Ont. Ltd. (4161 977-5029. exec p. BALCONVILLE ter airline owner Max Ward and the tour­ S w/ends. (98) nished office space. 13 offices from Joseph Cates, Bruce Raymond p. John Taping of the David Fennario play for ist industry, shot in Toronto, Barbados $350.00 to $1500.00 per mpntli. M. Eckert d. Marc Daniels p. roan. C Channel and CBC, in Ottawa at CJOH- and Hawaii. Fall '83 release. p.c. NFB - For rent: 1/2" and 3 1/4" off-line Board room and other facilities pro- David Coatsworth asst. to p./d. Alice TV, completed May 23. p.c. Standard/ Montreal (514! 333-3422 p. Mark Zannis editing. $46. and $60. per hour with vided.Call(4r6)922-7554. (100) Ferrier p. co-ord. Philippa King p. Tapestry Productions f416i 863-6877/ exec. p. Barrie Howells d. William Can­ operator. Video Source Productions ning dist NFB. acct. Heather Mcintosh asst acct 1613) 224-1313. (416) 483-9664. Tom or Garry. For rent: 16mm single or double Susan McKibbon office runner Jesse SINGING A JOY (98) headed Steenbecks. 16 or SSmrn Cohoon Ist a.d. Tony LucibeUo and ICEMAN Moviolas. Will ship anywhere. Also a.d. Richard Flower 3rd a.d. Louise Wrapped May 21, after shooting since IN ANY LANGUAGE Props Rental and Design Services. sound transfer facilities at very com­ Casselman t.a.d./set p.a. Andreas Feb. 21 in Vancouver, Stewart B.C. and One hour featuring Maureen Forrester Chutney and Various Inc. (416) 530- petitive rates. Contact Sunrise Films Blackwell cont Nancy Eagles d.o.p. Churchill Falls, Man. Not a Canadian and Claude Corbeil's cultural trip to 1032. (102) Ltd. (416)968-0636. (1W Mark Irwin Jst cam. asst. Carl Harvey film. p.c Huron Productions 1604) 926- China to conduct opera workshops and (run to the end of the year... I will be 2nd cam. asst Richard Meldazy cam. 7491. For details see Cinema Canada No, give concerts. p.e. NFB - Montreal (514) billing $5.00 monthly) Looking for women crew: cinema- trainee Brian Gedge key grip Carlo -96. 333-3422. p. Tom Daly exec p. Barrie tographers.assistantcamera, sound, Campana grip Ian Taylor, Don Payne Howells d. Malca Gillson d.o.p. Tony For rent: Flatbed 16mm, 8 plate, 2 etc. Send resume to: Womenfilm gaffer Scotty Allen best boy Dave Wil- A CASE OF LIBEL lanzelo, c.s.c. unit pub. Patricia Billing pix. Very reasonable. Call Peter Taping of 90 min. drama wrapped Apr. Canada, 12 Algonquin Ave. Toronto letts electric Sandy Carroll sd. mix. dist NFB release date July 1983. (416)593-8970. (gs) M6R 1K7. (416) 532-8426, (97) Doug Ganton boom Jack Buchanan art 28 at Toronto's Showline Studios. p.c Nederiander Bros. Television and Film CAPTIVE MINDS: d. Karen Bromley 1st asst art d. Dave Two Moviola re-wlnders, 1-hot Productions (416) 446-5311. Women-Jobs On F^lm. Photograph­ Davis trainee art d. Cmdy Zak set dec HYPNOSIS AND BEYOND splicer, plus other accessories. er/Graphic Artist, production co­ Elinor Galbraith, Enrico Campana prop RENO AND THE DOC One-hour documentary exploring vari­ $1500-package. Or best offer. (416) ordinator, production assistant, as­ master Don Mlloyevich asst props. Feature film shot in Toronto, wrapped ous forms of mind control, from simple 487-6155 evgs./961-0499 evgs. sistant editor. Must have exhausted Greg Pelchet ward, master Arthur hypnosis, to far-reaching mind control week of May9 after four weeks. p.c. Ren- (98) UIC benefits within last year. Women Rowsell ward, asst Maureen Gumey Doc Film Prod. Ltd. 14161 96H)553. techniques. July '83 release. p.c. NFB - only need apply. 12-16 weeks this make-up Shonagh labour hair Jenny Headquarters studio (S14) 333-3422 exec For sale: Great 16mm footage & summer and fall. Send resume to: Arbour const man. Joe Curtin hd. p. Adam Symansky d. Pierre Lasry unit sound - Island of Trinidad. Good Womenfilm Canada, 12 Alflonquin carpenter Kirk Cheney carpenter pub. Patricia Billing dist NFB. price. Tom (416) 928-9252. (98) Ave., Toronto M6R 1K7. (97)

36/Cinema Canada - July & August 1983