A Spectral Nonlocal Block for Deep Neural Networks

Lei Zhu* 1 Qi She* 1 Lidan Zhang 1 Ping Guo 1 Intel Research Lab China, Beijing, China [email protected]

Abstract Sun, 2015). Secondly, stacking more layers cannot always The nonlocal-based blocks are designed for cap- increase the effective receptive fields (Luo et al., 2016), turing long-range spatial-temporal dependencies which indicates the convolutional layers may still lack the in computer vision tasks. Although having shown mechanism to efficiently model these dependencies. excellent performances, they lack the mechanism To address these issues, inspired by the classical “nonlocal to encode the rich, structured information among mean” method in image denoising field, Wang et al.(2018) elements in an image. In this paper, to theoreti- proposes the nonlocal block to encode the “full-range” de- cally analyze the property of these nonlocal-based pendencies in one module by exploring the relation between blocks, we provide a unified approach to interpret- pairwise positions. For each central position, the nonlocal ing them, where we view them as a graph filter block firstly computes the pairwise relations between the generated on a fully-connected graph. When the central position and all positions to form an attention , graph filter is approximated by Chebyshev poly- and then aggregates the features of all positions by weighted nomials, a generalized formulation can be derived mean according to the attention map. The aggregated fea- for explaining the existing nonlocal-based blocks tures are filtered by the convolutional and finally (e.g., nonlocal block, nonlocal stage, double at- added to the features of each central position to form the tention block). Furthermore, we propose an effi- output. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, the nonlo- cient and robust spectral nonlocal block, which cal neural network1 has been widely applied in image and can be flexibly inserted into deep neural networks video classification (Wang et al., 2018; Yue et al., 2018; Tao to catch the long-range dependencies between spa- et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2018), image segmentation (Huang tial pixels or temporal frames. Experimental re- et al., 2019; Yue et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018) and person sults demonstrate the clear-cut improvements and re-identification (Liao et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019) tasks. practical applicabilities of the spectral nonlocal 2 block on image classification (Cifar-10/100, Ima- The nonlocal (mean) operator in the nonlocal block is re- geNet), fine-grained image classification (CUB- lated to the spatial-based graph , which takes the 200), action recognition (UCF-101), and person aggregation of the central position/node and its neighbor po- re-identification (ILID-SVID, Mars, Prid-2011) sitions/nodes in the image/graph to get a new representation. tasks. Battaglia et al.(2018) shows the relation of the nonlocal block and the spatial-based graph in Message Passing Network (Gilmer et al., 2017). However, the nonlo- arXiv:1911.01059v4 [cs.CV] 10 Feb 2020 1. Introduction cal block focuses on a fully-connected graph, considering all the other positions in the image. Instead, the spatial based Capturing the long-range spatial-temporal dependencies be- graph convolution focuses on a sparse graph, which natu- tween spatial pixels or temporal frames plays a crucial role rally eliminates the redundant information. Specifically, the in the computer vision tasks. Convolutional neural net- affinity matrix (the similarity metric of pairwise positions) works (CNNs) are inherently limited by their convolution computed in the nonlocal block is obtained from all the fea- operators which are devoted to capture local features and re- tures of the upper layer, thus leading to the interference of lations, e.g., a 7 × 7 region, and are inefficient in modeling feature aggregations. Therefore, the current nonlocal block long-range dependencies. Deep CNNs model these depen- needs an elaborate arrangement for its position, number, and dencies, which commonly refers to enlarge receptive fields, channel number to eliminate this negative effect. via stacking multiple convolution operators. However, two 1 unfavorable issues are raised in practice. Firstly, repeating The nonlocal neural network is the deep CNNs with nonlocal block inserted 2 convolutional operations comes with higher computation The nonlocal block consists a nonlocal operator and a residual connection and memory cost as well as the risk of over-fitting (He & Spectral Nonlocal Block

Figure 1. The spatial (A) and spectral (B) view of a nonlocal block. The pink dots indicate each patch in the feature map and the “Aggregation” means calculating the weighted mean as the numerator of Eq. (1). The dotted arrows mean “copy” and full arrows mean “feed forward”. The green bars are the node features and the length means their strength (best view in color).

To increase the robustness and applicability of the nonlocal ing nonlocal blocks in multiple vision tasks, including block in real-world applications, from the spectral-based image classification, fine-grained image classification, graph convolution views (Defferrard et al., 2016b;a; Levie action recognition, and person re-identification. et al., 2018), we reformulate the nonlocal block based on the property of graph spectral domain. As shown in Fig.1, the 2. Preliminary input image is fed into the convolutional layers to extract discriminative features such as the wing, the head, the claw In this paper, we use bold uppercase characters to denote and the neck. These features can be seen as the input of the matrix-valued random variable and italic bold uppercase the nonlocal block. Different from the spatial view which to denote the matrix. Vectors are denoted with lowercase. firstly aggregates the input features by weighted mean and The Nonlocal Block (NL) follows the nonlocal operator that then uses convolutional operator to filter as in Fig.1 A, our calculates a weighted mean between the features of each spectral view constructs a fully-connected graph based on position and all possible positions as shown in Fig.1 A. The their similarity and then directly filters the input features in nonlocal operator is defined as: a global view profited by the graph filter shown in Fig.1 B. P h i In practice, the Chebyshev polynomials is utilized to ap- j f(Xi,:, Xj,:)g(Xj,:) proximate the graph filter for reducing the number of pa- F (Xi,:) = , (1) P f(X , X ) rameters and computational cost (Phillips, 2003). This ap- j i,: j,: proximated formulation has successfully filled the gap be- where X ∈ RN×C1 is the input feature map, i, j are the tween the spectral view and the spatial view of the nonlocal position indexes in the feature map, f(·) is the affinity kernel block (Wu et al., 2019). Thus other extended nonlocal-based which can adopt the “Dot Product”, “Traditional Gaussian”, e.g., blocks ( nonlocal block, nonlocal stage, double atten- “Embedded Gaussian” or other kernel metrics with a finite tion block) can be further theoretically interpreted in the Frobenius norm. g(·) is a linear embedding that is defined as: spectral view. C1×Cs g(Xj,:) = Xj,:WZ with WZ ∈ R . Here N is the Based on the points above, we propose Spectral Nonlocal total positions of each features and C1,Cs are the number of Block (SNL) that concerns the rich, structured information channels for the input and the transferred features. j When in an image via encoding the graph structure. The SNL inserting the NL block into the network structure, a linear guarantees the existence of the graph spectral domain and transformation and a residual connection are added: has more mathematical guarantees to improve its robustness and accuracy. In a nutshell, our contributions are threefold: Yi,: = Xi,: + F (Xi,:)W, (2)

where W ∈ RCs×C1 is the weight matrix. • We have theoretically bridged the gap between non- local block (spatial-based approaches) and the graph spectral filter method (spectral-based approach) 3. Spectral Nonlocal (SNL) Block

• We propose a spectral nonlocal block as an efficient, The nonlocal operator can be explained under the graph simple, and generic component of deep neural net- spectral domain. It can be briefly divided into two steps: works, which captures long-range spatial-temporal de- generating a fully-connected graph to model the relation pendencies between spatial pixels or temporal frames. between the position pairs; converting the input features into the graph domain and learning a graph filter. In this section, • The SNL achieves a clear-cut improvement over exist- we firstly give the definition of the spectral view for the Spectral Nonlocal Block nonlocal operator. Then, we interpret other nonlocal-based Property 1. Theorem.1 requires the graph Laplacian L operators from this spectral view. Finally, we propose the has non-singular eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Thus, the Spectral Nonlocal (SNL) Block and highlight its properties. affinity matrix A should be non-negative and symmetric. Remark 1. Based on Theorem.1, new nonlocal operators 3.1. Nonlocal block in the spectral view can be theoretically designed by using different types of graph filter such as the Chebyshev filter (Defferrard et al., The matrix form of the nonlocal operator in Eq. (1) is: 2016a;b), the graph wavelet filter (Hammond et al., 2011) −1 F (X) = (DM M)ZW = AZW, (3) and the Caylet filter (Levie et al., 2018). In this work, we utilize the Chebyshev filter. where M = (M ), M = f(X , X ) and Z = XW . ij ij i,: j,: Z Different from the spectral-based graph con- The matrix M ∈ N×N is composed by pairwise similari- Remark 2. R volutions that focus on the sparse graph with fixed struc- ties between pixels. Z ∈ N×Cs is the transferred feature R ture (Defferrard et al., 2016a), Theorem.1 focuses on the map that compresses the channels of X by a linear trans- fully-connected graph structure in which affinity matrix A formation with W ∈ C1×Cs . D is diagonal matrix Z R M is obtained by the affinity function on the deep features. which contains the degree of each vertex of M. Then, we reformulate the nonlocal block by merging the The graph filter Ω in Eq. (5) contains N parameters. Due nonlocal operator and the filter matrix W: to the well-approximation and the conciseness (Hammond et al., 2011) of the Chebyshev polynomials, we utilize it to Y = X + F (X)W = X + F(A, Z). (4) reduce the N parameters into k (k is the order of polynomi- k  N F(A, Z) is called as “nonlocal operator” in the paper. als, and ). For simplicity, we assume that the input Z has one channel. Then the graph filter approximated by Definition: In this view, F(A, Z) can be seen as firstly kth-order Chebyshev polynomials is formulated as: computing the affinity matrix A that defines a graph spec- K−1 tral domain and then learns a filter for graph spectral fea- X F(A, Z) = θˆ T (L)Z, (6) tures. Specifically, a fully-connected graph G = { , A, Z} k k e V k=0 is firstly constructed, in which V is the vertex set. Then, the node feature Z is transformed into the graph spectral s.t.Tk(Le) = 2LeTk−1(Le) − Tk−2(Le), domain by the graph Fourier transformation F (Z). Finally, ˆ where T0(Le) = IN and T1(Le) = Le. θk is the coefficient a graph filter gθ is generated to enhance the feature discrim- ination. Details of this graph Fourier transformation and the of the kth term, Le = 2L/λmax − IN . Since L is a normal- graph filter can be found in the Appendix.A. ized graph Laplacican, the maximum eigenvalue λmax = 2, which makes Le = −A (Shuman et al., 2013). Thus Eq. (6) From this perspective, we interpret the nonlocal operator in can be further derived as: the graph spectral view as below. K−1 N×N X k Theorem 1. Given an affinity matrix A ∈ R and the F(A, Z) = θ0Z + θ1AZ + θkA Z, (7) N×Cs signal Z ∈ R , the nonlocal operator is the same k=2 as filtering the signal Z in the graph domain of a fully- where θ can be learned via SGD. connected weighted graph G: k Extending Eq. (7) into multiple channels, we can get a F(A, Z) = Z ∗ g = UΩU >Z (5) G θ generalized formulation of the nonlocal operator: with L = D − A = U >ΛU, L K−1 X k N×N F(A, Z) = ZW + AZW + A ZW , (8) where the graph filter Ω ∈ R is a diagonal matrix, i.e., 1 2 k+1 k=2 Ω = diag(ω), ω = (ω1, ω2, ··· , ωn). The fully-connected graph G = ( , Z, A) has the vertex set , node feature Cs×C1 V V where F (A, Z) is the nonlocal operator, Wk ∈ R . Z and affinity matrix A. Λ = diag{λ , λ , ··· , λ } 1 2 N Property 2. Eq. (8) requires that the graph Laplacican and U = {u , u , ··· , u } are the eigenvalues and eigen- 1 2 N L is a normalized Laplacican whose maximum eigenvalue vectors of the graph Laplacian L, respectively. D is the L satisfies λ = 2. Thus, L = 2L/λ − I = −A. degree matrix of L. max e max N Remark 3. Eq. (8) gives the connection between spatial The main difference between Theorem.1 and the spatial view and spectral view of the nonlocal operator, in which the view of nonlocal (Wang et al., 2018) is that the former learns graph filter is expressed by the aggregation between the kth a graph filter to obtain the feature under the spectral domain neighbor nodes, i.e., all nodes for nonlocal. Thus, existing while the latter filters the feature by the convolutional oper- nonlocal-based structures can be theoretically analyzed by ator without concerning the graph structure. Eq. (8) in the spectral view. Spectral Nonlocal Block

Table 1. Summary of nonlocal-based blocks in the spectral view. Our model has less constraints and is more flexible. Models Vertex (|V|) Edge (|E|) Affinity Matrix (A) Node Feature (Z) Formulation of F (A, Z) PK−1 k Spectral Form - - - - ZW1 + AZW2 + k=2 A ZWk −1 NL N N × N DM M XWZ AZW 2 A N N × N M¯ XWZ AZW −1 CGNL NCs NCs × NCs DM M vec(XWZ ) AZW −1 NS N N × N DM M XWZ −ZW + AZW −1 CC N N × N DC M (C M) X AZW 1 1 − 2 − 2 Ours: SNL N N × N D MDˆ XWZ ZW1 + AZW2 Mˆ Mˆ

3.2. Relations with other nonlocal-based operators Compact Generalized Nonlocal Block (Yue et al., 2018). Below we interpret other state-of-the-art nonlocal-based The compact generalized nonlocal (CGNL) block catches operators from the spectral view, and elaborate 5 types of cross-channel clues, which generalizes the nonlocal block existing nonlocal-based blocks are special cases of Eq. (8) via further considering the correlations between pairwise under certain graph structure and assumption. More detail channels. The CGNL operator can be reformulated as: proofs can be found in our Appendix.B. F (A, Z) = AzW = D−1MzW, (11) Original Nonlocal Block (Wang et al., 2018). g M NC×1 with z = vec(Z) ∈ R , Eq. (3) gives the formulation of the original nonlocal (NL) operator in the original nonlocal block. Our generalized where F (·) is the CGNL operator, vec(Z) reshapes the formulation in Eq. (8) becomes the original NL operator g feature Z by merging channel into positions. Thus, when when using the second term AZW2 with the asymmetric −1 constructing a more complex fully-connected graph that has affinity matrix A = DM M to construct the graph. N × Cs nodes and using the second term for approximation, Nonlocal Stage (Tao et al., 2018). our generalized formulation turns into the CGNL operator. Although the CGNL operator can model the dependencies To enable multiple NL operator in the deep networks, the between channels by its complex graph structure, it also in- Nonlocal Stage (NS) operator uses the graph Laplacian 2 2 2 creases the parameters of graph filter from N Cs to N Cs . L = IN − A as the affinity matrix A, making the NS follow the diffusion nature: Criss-Cross Attention Block (Huang et al., 2019) To model long-range dependencies with the lightweight F¯(A, Z) = (IN − A)ZW, (9) architecture and efficient computation, Huang et al.(2019) where F¯(·) is the NS operator. Our generalized formulation introduces the criss-cross attention block (CC), which can turns into the NS operator when using the 1st-order Cheby- be further reformulated as: shev approximation ZW1 + AZW2 with the assumption −1 that W1 = −W2. Fc(X) = (C (DM M))ZW = AXe W (12) ( Double Attention Block (Chen et al., 2018). 1 ri = rj||ci = cj with Cij = , To gather features in the entire space and then distribute 0 else them back to each location, Chen et al.(2018) proposes a two-step operator which can be reformulated as: where Fc(·) is the CC operator, ri is the index of row, ci is the index of column and is the Hadamard product. We h i can see that our generalized formulation can also turn into Fa(X) = σ(XWφ)σ(XWψ) (XWg)W the CC operator when using the second term AXe W2 with ¯ ¯ ¯ = MZW = AZW = Fa(A, Z), (10) the node feature X. In this view, the CC operator can be seen as masking some edges of the fully-connected graph 2 where Fa(·) is the “A operator” and σ(·) is the softmax structure (by setting Cij = 0) to improve the efficiency. C1×Cs function. Wφ,ψ,g ∈ R are three weight matrices. Our generalized formulation turns into the A2 operator when 3.3. The proposed spectral nonlocal block only using the second term AZ¯ W2 with the affinity matrix A¯ = σ(XWφ)σ(XWψ). Compared with the original NL, Formulation: Based on Eq. (8), we propose a more rational the two softmax operators used to form A¯ can eliminate nonlocal-based block called the Spectral Nonlocal Block fallacious value of XWφ, XWψ (i.e., negative value). (SNL) that concerns the property under the graph spectral Spectral Nonlocal Block

Figure 2. The implementation of the Spectral Nonlocal Block. A. Three feature maps φ, ψ, Z are generated by feeding the input feature map X into three 1 × 1 convolutions. Then, a normalized symmetrization affinity matrix A is obtained by generating affinity kernel on φ and ψ. B. The second term of Eq. (13) is calculated with Z and the affinity matrix A. Each row of A contains a N-dimension spatial attention map (heat maps) and z1, z2, ···, zn are the column vectors of Z (for simplicity, here we pick n = 4 where the white squares are the central positions we visualize). C. The graph filter is approximated by respectively feeding AZ, Z into two convolutions and then add them together as in Eq. (13). Finally, batch normalization is conducted and the result is added with X to obtain the output Y. domain with more complete approximation as: 1st-order approximation, which hinders their performance. However, our SNL uses a symmetry affinity matrix and Y = X + Fs(A, Z) = X + ZW1 + AZW2, (13) a more complete approximation, which improves the ro- − 1 − 1 s.t. A = D 2 MDˆ 2 , Mˆ = (M + M >)/2 bustness and performance when added into the deep neural Mˆ Mˆ network.

Cs×C1 where Fs(A, Z) is the SNL operator, W1, W2 ∈ R , Implementation: The implementation details of the SNL W2 are two parameter matrixes. block is shown in Fig.2. The input feature map X ∈ Remark 4. The proposed SNL uses a symmetric affinity RW ×H×C1 is firstly fed into three 1×1 convolutions with − 1 − 1 C1×Cs matrix A = D 2 MDˆ 2 to ensure the existence of the the weight kernels: Wφ,ψ,g ∈ R to subtract the num- Mˆ Mˆ WH×C real eigenvalue, which definitely satisfies the precondition of ber of channels and then reshaped into R s . One of the WH×C defining a graph filter. Thus, our SNL is more stable when output Z ∈ R s is used as the transferred feature map inserted into the deep neural networks. to reduce the calculation complexity, while the other two outputs Φ, Ψ ∈ WH×Cs are used to get the affinity matrix Remark 5. The proposed SNL uses the complete form of R A with the affinity kernel function f(·). Then, A is made to 1 -order Chebyshev Approximation which is a more accu- st be symmetric and normalized as in Eq. (13). Finally, with rate approximation of the graph filter. Thus, our SNL can the affinity matrix A and the transferred feature map Z, the give the parameters a liberal learning space with only one output of the nonlocal block can be obtained by the Eq. (13). more parameter matrix. Cs×C1 Specifically, the two weight matrices W1,2 ∈ R are The summary of our SNL and other nonlocal-based opera- implemented by two 1×1 convolutions. tors in the spectral view is shown in Table1. For the affinity matrix, we can see except for our SNL, other nonlocal-based 4. Experiments operators use the random walk normalized (NL, NS, CGNL, CC) or the non-normalized affinity matrix (A2) whose sym- In this section, we design the ablation experiments to test the metry is not guaranteed and depends on the affinity kernel. robustness of nonlocal-based blocks with different numbers, This makes the affinity matrix against Property.1 and leads different positions, and different channels when inserted to the non-existence of the graph spectral domain. Thus, into deep models. Then, we show performance of the pro- their robustness and flexibility are weakened. posed SNL in 4 vision tasks, including image classification (Cifar-10/100 3, ImageNet 4), fine-grained image classifi- For the approximation, we can see that except for our SNL, 3 https://www.cs.toronto.edu/ kriz/cifar.html all other nonlocal-based operators only use the second term 4 2 http://www.image-net.org/ (NL, A , CGNL, CC) or the 1st-order approximation with sharing weight (NS) rather than the complete form of the Spectral Nonlocal Block

Table 2. The Performances of Nonlocal-based Blocks with Different Number of Transferred Channels on CIFAR-100 No Reduction Reduction by Two Times Reduction by Four Times Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 + NL 75.29↓0.04 94.07↑0.10 + NL 75.31↓0.02 92.84↓1.13 + NL 75.50↑0.17 93.75↓0.22 + NS 75.39↑0.06 93.00↓0.97 + NS 75.83↑0.50 93.87↓0.10 + NS 75.61↑0.28 93.66↓0.31 + A2 75.51↑0.18 92.90↓1.07 + A2 75.58↑0.25 94.27↑0.30 + A2 75.61↑0.28 93.61↓0.36 + CGNL 74.71↓0.62 93.60↓0.37 + CGNL 75.75↑0.42 93.74↓0.23 + CGNL 75.27↓0.06 93.05↓0.92 + SNL 76.34↑1.01 94.48↑0.51 + SNL 76.41↑1.08 94.38↑0.41 + SNL 76.02↑0.69 94.08↑0.11

Table 3. The Performances of Nonlocal-based Blocks Inserted into Different Position of Deep Networks on CIFAR-100 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 + NL 75.31↓0.02 92.84↓1.13 + NL 75.64↑0.31 93.79↓0.18 + NL 75.28↓0.05 93.93↓0.04 + NS 75.83↑0.50 93.87↓0.10 + NS 75.74↑0.41 94.02↑0.05 + NS 75.44↑0.11 93.86↓0.11 + A2 75.58↑0.25 94.27↑0.30 + A2 75.60↑0.27 93.82↓0.15 + A2 75.21↓0.12 93.65↓0.32 + CGNL 75.75↑0.42 93.74↓0.23 + CGNL 74.54↓0.79 92.65↓1.32 + CGNL 74.90↓0.43 92.46↓1.51 + SNL 76.41↑1.08 94.38↑0.41 + SNL 76.29↑0.96 94.27↑0.30 + SNL 75.68↑0.35 93.90↓0.07 cation (CUB-200 5), action recognition (UCF-101 6). The introduces the noise when calculating the affinity matrix experimental results on the person re-identification tested A. However, if Cs is too small, it is hard to reconstruct with ILID-SVID (Wang et al., 2014), Mars (Spr, 2016), the output feature map due to inadequate features. To test and Prid-2011 (Hirzer et al., 2011) datasets are given in the robustness for the value of the Cs, we generate three the Appendix.D. All the methods are implemented using types of models with different Cs setting: “No Reduction” PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019) toolbox with an Intel Core i9 (Cs = C1), “Reduction by Two Times” (Cs = C1/2), “Re- CPU and 8 Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti GPUs. duction by Four Times ” (Cs = C1/4). Table2 shows the experimental results of the 3 types of models with different 4.1. Ablation experiments on CIFAR-100 nonlocal-based blocks. Our SNL block outperforms other models profited by the flexibility for learning. Experimental Setup The ablation experiments are con- ducted on CIFAR-100 dataset which contains 60, 000 im- Moreover, from Table2, we can see that the performances ages of 100 classes. We use 50, 000 images as the training of the CGNL steeply drop when the number of the trans- set and 10, 000 images as the testing set. PreResNet56 (He ferred channels increases. This is because the CGNL block et al., 2016a) is used as the backbone network. Unless other- concerns the relations between channels. When the number wise specified, we set Cs = C1/2 and add 1 nonlocal-based of the transferred channels increases, the relations between block right after the second residual block in the early stage the redundant channels seriously interfere with its effects. (res1). The initial learning rate 0.1 is used with the weight Overall, our SNL block is the most robust for the large num- decay 10−4 and momentum 0.9. The learning rate is divided ber of transferred channels (our model rises 1.01% in Top1 by 10 at 150 and 250 epochs. All the models are trained while the best of others only rise 0.18% over the backbone). for 300 epochs. We choose the evaluation criterion of the The stage/position for adding the nonlocal-based blocks classification accuracy: Top1 and Top5 accuracy, which The nonlocal-based blocks can be added into the different means the model prediction (the one with the highest proba- stages of the preResNet to form the Nonlocal Network. bility) is exactly the expected label and 5 highest probability In Tao et al.(2018), the nonlocal-based blocks are added predictions contains the expected label. into the early stage of the preResNet to catch the long- The number of channels in transferred feature space range relations. Here we show the performances of adding The nonlocal-based block firstly reduces the channels of different types of nonlocal-based blocks into the 3 stages original feature map C1 into the transferred feature space (the first, the second and the third stage of the preResNet). Cs to reduce the computation complexity. If Cs is too large, The experimental results are shown in Table3. We can the feature map will contain redundant information which see that the performances of the NL block is lower than the backbones when added into the early stage. However, 5 http://www.vision.caltech.edu/visipedia/CUB-200.html 6 our proposed SNL block has averagely 1.08% improvement https://www.crcv.ucf.edu/data/UCF101.php over the backbone when added into the early stage, which is Spectral Nonlocal Block

Table 4. Experiments for Adding Different Types of Nonocal-based Blocks into PreResnet56 and ResNet50 on CIFAR-10/100 Dataset CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) ResNet50 94.94↑0.00 99.87↑0.00 PreResnet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 ResNet50 76.50↑0.00 93.14↑0.00 + NL 94.01↓0.93 99.82↓0.05 + NL 75.31↓0.02 92.84↓1.33 + NL 76.77↑0.27 93.55↑0.41 + NS 95.15↑0.21 99.88↑0.01 + NS 75.83↑0.50 93.87↓0.10 + NS 77.90↑1.40 94.34↑1.20 + A2 94.41↓0.53 99.83↓0.05 + A2 75.58↑0.25 94.27↑0.30 + A2 77.30↑0.80 93.40↑0.26 + CGNL 94.49↓0.45 99.92↑0.05 + CGNL 75.75↑0.42 93.74↓0.23 + CGNL 74.88↓1.62 92.56↓0.58 + SNL 95.32↑0.38 99.94↑0.07 + SNL 76.41↑1.08 94.38↑0.39 + SNL 78.17↑1.67 94.17↑1.03 more than twice over other types of nonlocal-based blocks fication accuracy rises about 0.38%, which is nearly twice (0.42% for the best case). over other types of nonlocal-based blocks (the best is 0.21%). As the experiments on CIFAR100 shown in Table4, The number of the nonlocal-based blocks We test the using our proposed block brings significant improvements robustness for adding nonlocal-based blocks into the back- about 1.67% with ResNet50. While using a more simple bone. The results are shown in Table5.“ ×3” means three backbone PreResnet56 as shown in Table4, our model can blocks are added into the stage 1, 2, and 3 respectively, and still generate 1.08% improvement which is not marginal. the accuracy in the brackets represent their results. We can see that adding three proposed SNL operators into differ- The results of ImageNet are shown in Table6. Note that ent stages of the backbone generates a larger improvement other baselines are reported with the scores in their paper. (1.37%) than the NS operator and NL operator. This is be- We can see that compared with the nonlocal-based blocks, cause when adding NS and NL into the early stage, these our SNL achieves a clear-cut improvement (1.96%) with two models cannot well aggregate the low-level features and a minor increment in complexity (0.51G Flops and 2.62M interfere with the following blocks. of Size compared with original 4.14G Flops and 25.56M). Moreover, our SNL is also superior to other types of blocks Table 5. Experiments for Adding Different Number of Nonlocal- such as SE block (Hu et al., 2018b), CGD block(He et al., based Blocks into PreResNet56 on CIFAR-100 2019), GE block(Hu et al., 2018a)(0.11% higher in Top1 Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) and 2.02M lower in size than the GE block). PreResNet56 75.33↑0.00 93.97↑0.00 + NL (×3†) 75.31↓0.02 (74.34↓0.99) 92.84↓1.13 (93.11↓0.86) ↑0.50 ↓0.33 ↓0.10 ↓0.40 Table 6. Experiments for adding different types of nonocal-based + NS (×3) 75.83 (75.00 ) 93.87 (93.57 ) blocks into Resnet50 on ImageNet + A2 (×3) 75.58↑0.25 (75.63↑0.33) 94.27↑0.30 (94.12↑0.15) ↑0.42 ↑0.63 ↓0.23 ↓0.87 Models Top1 (%) Flops (G) Size (M) + CGNL (×3) 75.75 ( 75.96 ) 93.74 (93.10 ) ↑0.00 ↑1.08 ↑1.37 ↑0.41 ↓0.03 ResNet50 76.15 4.14 25.56 + SNL (×3) 76.41 (76.70 ) 94.38 (93.94 ) ↑0.75 + CGD 76.90 +0.01 +0.02 † The number in the bracket means the performance when adding + SE 77.72↑1.57 +0.10 +2.62 3 this kind of nonlocal-based blocks in the network. + GE 78.00↑1.85 +0.10 +5.64 + NL 76.70↑0.55 +0.41 +2.09 + A2 77.00↑0.85 +0.41 +2.62 4.2. Applications on computer vision tasks + CGNL 77.32↑1.17 +0.41 +2.09 Image Classification CIFAR-10/100 and ImageNet are + SNL 78.11↑1.96 +0.51 +2.62 tested and our SNL outperforms other types of the nonlocal- based blocks on these standard benchmarks. We use the We also visualize the output feature maps of the ResNet50 ResNet50 (He et al., 2016b) as the backbone and insert the with SNL and the original ResNet50 in Fig.3 A. Benefited SNL block right before the last residual block of res4 for from the rich and structured information considered in SNL, fair comparison. Other settings for the CIFAR-10/100 are the response of the similar features between long-range spa- the same as our ablation experiments (Sec. 4.1). For the Im- tial positions are enhanced as shown in the two mushroom, ageNet, the initial learning rate 0.01 is used with the weight balls, and those animals. Moreover, Fig.3 B shows the decay 10−4 and momentum 0.9. The learning rate is di- attention maps produced by our SNL and the original NL vided by 31 at 61 and 81 epochs. All the models are trained block where the “Pink” and “Orange” dots are the central for 110 epochs. The “floating-point operations per second” positions and the heatmaps represent the similarity between (Flops) and the “model size” (Size) are used to compare the the central position and other positions. Compared with the computation complexity and memory consumption. original NL block, SNL can pay more attention to the cru- Table4 shows the experimental results on the CIFAR10 cial parts than the original NL block profited by the better dataset. When adding one proposed block, the Top1 classi- approximation formation as discussed in Sec. 3.3. Spectral Nonlocal Block

Figure 3. A. The visualization of the feature maps when adding SNL into the ResNet50 backbone. B. The visualization of the attention maps for two positions (“Pink” and “Orange” dots). The heatmaps show the strength of similarity between them and other positions.

Fine-grained Image Classification The experiments for for the temporal frames. We follow the I3D structure (Hara the fine-grained classification are generated on the Birds- et al., 2018) which uses k × k × k kernels to replace the 200-2011 (CUB-200) dataset which contains 11, 788 images convolution operator in the residual block for learning seam- of 200 categories of different birds. We use 5, 994 images less spatial-temporal feature extractors. The weights are as the training set and 5, 794 images as the testing set as initialized by the pre-trained I3D model on Kinetics dataset Yue et al.(2018). We use the ResNet50 model pre-trained (Kay et al., 2017). Inserting nonlocal-based blocks into the on ImageNet as the backbone and train the models for to- I3D can help to capture the relations between frame pairs tal 110 epochs with the initial learning rate 0.1 which is with long distance and improve the feature representation. subsequently divided by 10 at 31, 61, 81 epochs. Table7 We train the models with the initial learning rate of 0.01 (CUB-200) shows that our model can generate (0.59%) im- which is subsequently divided by 10 each 40 epochs. The provement. Compared with the CGNL block concerning training stops at the 100 epochs. Other hyper-parameters of channel-wise relations, our SNL is just a bit lower in Top1 the experimental setup are the same as in Sec. 4.1. (0.12%). That is because the dependencies between chan- Table7 (UCF-101) shows the results on the action recog- nels play an important role in the fine-grained classification. nition. The network with our proposed block can generate However, these channel dependencies of CGNL can impede significant improvements (2.82%) than the I3D and out- the practical implementations, which needs elaborate prepa- performs all other nonlocal-based models on the UCF-101 rations for the number of channels per block, the number of dataset. This shows that our proposed SNL is also effective blocks and their positions as shown in Table2,3,5. Com- for catching the long-range dependencies between the tem- pared with the other non-channel concerned nonlocal block, poral frames. We also conduct the experiments on UCF-101 our SNL has improvements with a large margin. dataset with other state-of-the-art action recognition models in our Appendix.C including the P3D (Qiu et al., 2017), the Table 7. Experiments for Nonocal-based Blocks Added into MARS (Crasto et al., 2019), and the VTN (Kozlov et al., ResNet50 and I3D on CUB-200 and UCF-101 Datasets 2019). All of them demonstrate that our SNL block can CUB-200 UCF-101 easily improve the recognition accuracy when added into Models Top1 (%) Top5 (%) Top1 (%) Top5 (%) these SOTAs. ResNet50/I3D† 85.43↑0.00 96.70↑0.00 81.57↑0.00 95.40↑0.00 + NL 85.34↓0.09 96.77↑0.07 82.88↑1.31 95.74↑0.34 + NS 85.54↑0.11 96.56↓0.14 82.50↑0.93 95.84↑0.44 5. Conclusion + A2 85.91↑0.48 96.56↓0.14 82.68↑1.11 95.85↑0.45 + CGNL 86.14↑0.71 96.34↓0.36 83.38↑1.81 95.42↑0.02 In this paper, we propose a spectral nonlocal (SNL) block + SNL 86.02↑0.59 96.65↓0.05 84.39↑2.82 97.66↑2.26 for capturing the long-range dependencies between spatial pixels (image classification) or temporal frames (video clas- † The ResNet50 is used for CUB-200 dataset as the network bones sification). Inspired by the nonlocal-based blocks, we inter- and I3D is used for UCF-101 dataset. pret and extend them in the graph view, and design the SNL block, which is more robust and effective. Experimental Action Recognition Experiments are conducted on the results demonstrate the clear-cut improvements across im- UCF-101 dataset, which contains 9, 537 videos for 101 dif- age classification, fine-grained image classification, action ferent human actions. We use 7, 912 videos as the training recognition, and person re-identification tasks. set and 1, 625 videos as the testing set. Our SNL block are tested on the UCF-101 dataset for capturing the dependence Spectral Nonlocal Block

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A. Graph and graph filter B.1. Nonlocal Block The classical Fourier transform is defined as: The Nonlocal (NL) Block in the spectral view is the same as G = ( , D−1M, Z) Z defining the graph V and then using the Fˆ(ξ) := F, e−2πiξt = F (t)e−2πiξtdt (14) second term of the Chebyshev Polynomail to approximate R the graph filter. is the expansion of a function f in terms of the complex Proof. The target is to meet the definition of the nonlocal exponentials. mean operator given in the Eq.(1) in Wang et al.(2018): ˆ Analogously, the graph Fourier transform F of any function P h i f(Xi,:, Xj,:)g(Xj,:) F ∈ RN on the vertices of a graph G is defined as the j Oi,: = P W (18) expansion of F in terms of the eigenvectors of the graph j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) Laplacian: We firstly define the graph G = ( , A, Z) to represent the N V ˆ X ∗ graph structure of the nonlocal operator, where the affinity F (λl) := hF , uli = F (i)u (i) (15) l matrix A is calculated by: i=1 where λ = {λ1, λ2, ..., λl, ...} and U = {u1, u2, ...ul, ...} −1 A = D M, M = f(Xi,:, Xj,:) (19) are the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the graph Laplacian, M ∗ > ul is the lth column vector of U . Thus, each element of the affinity matrix A is: The inverse graph Fourier transform Fˆ−1 then given by −1 f(Xi,:, Xj,:) Aij = (DM M)ij = P (20) N j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) ˆ−1 X F (λl) = F (i)ul(i) (16) i=1 The graph filter Ω on G is approximated by the Chebyshev Polynomail (Eq. (8) in our paper). When only choosing the Based on the graph Fourier transform, the graph convolution second term, it becomes : of the input signal x with a filter gθ can be defined as F (A, Z) = AZW (21) −1 x ∗G gθ = F (F (x) F (g)) (17) Then taking Eq. (20) into this equation, it becomes: where the Hadamard product. If we denote a filter as P h i > f(Xi,:, Xj,:)g(Xj,:) gθ = diag(U ) j Fi,:(A, Z) = P W (22) j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) B. Details of the Proving for the relations We give the details of the relationship between other non- local operators in the spectral view discussed in our pa- B.2. Nonlocal Stage per (Sec.3.2). In the following proving, we assume that × X ∈ RN C, Z = g(X) = XWZ , Mij = f(Xi, Xj). The Nonlocal Stage (NS) in the spectral view is the same as −1 All the normalized term uses the inverse of the degree 1/di defining the graph G = (V, D M, Z) and then using the P M where di = j f(Xi, Xj). We also merge the output of 1st-order Chebyshev Polynomail to approximate the graph N×C the operators with the weight kernel W ∈ R and de- filter with the condition W1 = W2 = −W. fines it as O for consistency. Thus the target formulations in this section are a bit different with the definition in their Proof. The target is to meet the definition of the nonlocal own papers. stage operator given in the Eq. (8) in Tao et al.(2018) when Spectral Nonlocal Block merging it with the weight kernel W ∈ RN×C : h i T a P O = σ(θ(X))σ(φ(X) g(X)) = f (Xi, Xj)XW f(Xi,:, Xj,:)(Zj,: − Zi,:) j (29) Oi,: = P W (23) j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) The difference between the double A2 operator and the NL operator is only the kernel function that calculating the Similar with the proof of NL, we can get each element of affinity matrix (Chen et al., 2018). Thus we can use the the affinity matrix A as: similar proving strategy to reformulate the graph view of A2 operator into the spectral view as in A.1. −1 f(Xi,:, Xj,:) Aij = (DM M)ij = P (24) j f(Xi,:, Xj,:)

The graph filter Ω on G is approximated by the Chebyshev B.4. Compact Generalized Nonlocal Block Polynomail (Eq. (8) in our paper). When using the 1 -order st When grouping all channels into one group, the Compact Chebyshev Approximation, it becomes: Generalized Nonlocal Block in the spectral view is the f −1 f same as defining the graph G = (V , DM f M , vec(Z)) F (A, Z) = ZW1 − AZW2 (25) and then using the second term of the Chebyshev Poly- nomail to approximate the graph filter, i.e F (A, Z) = When sharing the weight for W and W , i.e W = W = −1 f 1 2 1 2 DM f M vec(Z)W . Note that due to the dimension of −W, we get: the input feature vec(Z) ∈ RNC×1 which is different with other nonlocal operators, here we uses M f , Af ∈ NC×NC F (A, Z) = AZW − ZW (26) R for clearity.

Then, taking it into element-wise with Z = g(X) = Proof. The target is to meet the definition of the nonlocal means operator given in the Eq.(7-8, 13) in Yue et al.(2018) XWZ and Eq.24, this formulation becomes: when merging it with the weight kernel W ∈ RN×C : h i P f(X , X )Z W j i,: j,: j,: vec(O) = f(vec(X), vec(X))vec(Z)W (30) Fi,:(A, Z) = P − ZiW (27) j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) For simplirity, we use x to represent vec(X), thus the target P j f(Xi,:,Xj,:) becomes: Due to the fact that P = 1, we can get: j f(Xi,:,Xj,:) o = f(x, x)zW (31) P h i f(Xi,:, Xj,:)Zj,:W j G = ( f , Af , z) Fi(A, Z) = Then, we define the graph V to define the P f(X , X ) f j i,: j,: nonlocal operator in the spectral view, where the set V P contains each index (including position and channel) of the j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) − P Zi,:W vector x. The affinity matrix A is calculated by: j,: f(Xi,:, Xj,:) h i P f(X , X )(Z − Z ) j i,: j,: j,: i,: Af = M f , M f = f(x, x) (32) = P W (28) j f(Xi,:, Xj,:) The graph filter Ω on G is approximated by the Chebyshev Polynomail. When only choosing the second term, it be- comes: B.3. Double Attention Block F (Af , z) = Af zW = f(x, x)zW (33) The Double Attention Block in the spectral view is the same as defining the graph G = (V, M, Z) and then using the second term of the Chebyshev Polynomail to approximate the graph filter, i.e F (A, Z) = MZW: B.5. Criss-Cross Attention Block Proof. The target is to meet the definition of the A2 operator The Criss-Cross Attention Block in the spectral view is the −1 given in the Eq.(7) in Chen et al.(2018): same as defining the graph G = (V, DC M C M, X) Spectral Nonlocal Block and then using the second term of the Chebyshev Polyno- C. External Experiment on Action mail to approximate the graph filter with node feature X: Recognization

Proof. The target is to meet the definition of the criss-cross For Pseudo 3D Convolutional Network (P3D) and Motion- attention operator given in the Eq. (2) in Huang et al.(2019): augmented RGB Stream (MARS), our SNL block are in- serted into the Pseudo- 3D right before the last residual layer P i f(Xi,:, Xj,:)Xj,: of the res3. For the Video Transformer Network (VTN), X j∈V Oi,: = AijΦj,: = P W we replace its multi-head self-attention blocks (paralleled- i f(X , X ) i j∈ i,: j,: j∈V V connected NL blocks) into our SNL blocks. We use the model pre-trained on Kinetic dataset and fine-tuning on the in which the set Vi is collection of feature vector in V which UCF-101 dataset. Other setting such as the learning rate are in the same row or column with position u. and training epochs are the same as the experiment on I3D in our paper. Then, we define the graph G = (V, Ae, X) to represennt the criss-cross attention operator in the spectral view. The We can see that all the performance are improved when affinity matrix Ae is calculated by: adding our proposed SNL model especially when training end-to-end on the small-scale dataset. In sum, our SNL blocks have shown superior results across three SOTAs (the −1 VTN and MARS) in the action recognition tasks (0.30% Ae = DC M C M, M = f(Xi, Xj) ( improvement with VTN, 0.50% improvement with MARS). 1 j ∈ Vi Cij = , 0 else Table 8. Experiments with state-of-the-art backbone Models Top1(%) We use Mf to represent C M, i.e. Mf = C M. Thus, P3D 81.23↑0.00 each element of the affinity matrix Mf is: P3D + SNL 82.65↑1.42 VTN 90.06↑0.00 ( i 90.34↑0.30 Mij j ∈ V VTN + SNL Mfij = , ↑0.00 0 else MARS 92.29 MARS + SNL 92.79↑0.50

Thus, we can get the defination of each element in the affin- ity matrix Ae: D. Experiment on Video Person Re-identification

( f(Xi,Xj ) i P , j ∈ For the backbone, we follow the strategy of Gao & Nevatia i f(Xi,Xj ) V Aeij = j∈V , 0, else (2018) that use the pooling (RTMtp) to fuse the spatial- temporal features. (Note that the models are totally trained on ilidsvid and prid2011 rather than fintuning the pretrained The graph filter Ω on G is approximated by the Chebyshev model on Mars.) We only insert the SNL block into the Polynomail (Eq. 8 in our paper). When using the second ResNet50 (right before the last residual block of res4) in term to approximate, it becomes: RTMtp. Other block setting are the same as the setting for fine-grained image classification on CUB in our paper. F (Ae, X) = AXe W (34) For all those datasets we train the model with Adam with the initial learning rate 3e − 4, the weight decay 5e − 4. When taking Eq.34 into this formulation, we can get: The learning rate is divided by 200 at 400 epochs. All the models are trained for 500 epochs with the Cross Entropy P i f(Xi,:, Xj,:)Xj,: and Triplet Loss(margin = 0.3). We use rank-1 accuracy j∈V X Fi,:(Ae, X) = ( P + 0Xj,:)W i f(X , X ) (Rank1) and men average precision (mAP) to evaluate the j∈ i,: j,: i V j∈ /V performance for the models. P i f(Xi,:, Xj,:)Xj,: j∈V = P W For the large scale dataset Mars(Spr, 2016) which contains i f(Xi,:, Xj,:) j∈V 1261 pedestrians captured by at least 2 cameras. The bound- (35) ing boxes are generated by the detection algorithm DPM and tracking algorithm GMMCP, which forms 20715 person sequences. From Table.9 (Mars), we can see that our SNL Spectral Nonlocal Block

Table 9. Experiments on Video-Person Reidentification Mars ILID-SVID PRID-2011 Models Rank1(%) mAP(%) Models Rank1(%) mAP(%) Models Rank1(%) mAP(%) ResNet50tp 82.30↑0.00 75.70↑0.00 ResNet50tp 74.70↑0.00 81.60↑0.00 ResNet50tp 86.50↑0.00 90.50↑0.00 + NL 83.21↑0.91 76.54↑0.84 + NL 75.30↑0.60 83.00↑1.40 + NL 85.40↓1.10 89.70↓0.80 + SNL 83.40↑1.10 76.80↑1.10 + SNL 76.30↑1.60 84.80↑3.20 + SNL 88.80↑2.30 92.40↑1.90 can generate 1.10% improvement both on Rank1 and mAP than the backbone, which are both higher than the original nonlocal block (0.91%onRank1, 0.84% on mAP). We also generate experiments on two relatively small datasets: ILID-SVID datasets which contains 300 pedestri- ans captured by two cameras with 600 tracklets; PRID-2011 dataset which contains 200 pedestrians captured by two cam- eras with 400 tracklets. From Table.9 (ILID-SVID), we can see that our model can generate 1.60% and 3.20% improve- ment on the Rank1 and mAP respectively for the ILID-SVID dataset. Moreover, on PRID-2011, we get a more higher improvement (2.30% on Rank1, 1.90% on mAP) as shown in Table.9 (PRID-2011).