The forum is held within the international specialized exhibition ExpoDrev. Venue: SIBERIA Expocentre, Aviatorov Street 19, Krasnoyarsk. Dates: September 5-7, 2017.

Organized by: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Center of Forest Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Region – branch of Roslesozashchita, Forest Fireproof Center, Forest Service, Vostsiblesproekt – East Siberian Branch of the State Forest Inventory «Roslesinforg», Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Timber Manufacturers, Interregional public organization of entrepreneurs of Siberia «Siberia without Boundaries», Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev, Forest Technical School, Sukachev Forest Institute, Eastern Siberian Association of Biotechnological Clusters, Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company.


Draft of August 28, 2017

September 5 (Tuesday)

Registration of participants of the plenary session. 09:30-10:00 Amphitheatre conference hall, Siberia Expocentre, 3rd floor. PLENARY SESSION «Forest conservation, protection and regeneration as guarantors of the resources security in the Russian Federation».

Organizer: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Moderator: V.N. Vekshin, Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

Reports: 1. Providing forest protection, conservation and regeneration on the territories of Siberian Federal District. Speaker: Yu.A. Ivanov, Deputy Head of Department for the federal state forest 10:00-18:00 supervision and federal state forest fires supervision, control over execution of delegated authorities in forestry affairs in the Krasnoyarsk region, Republics of Khakassia and Tyva by territorial entities of the Russian Federation at the Forestry Department from Siberian Federal District. 2. Execution of delegated authorities in forestry affairs by the Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Speaker: D.A. Selin, First Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 3. Experience of implementation of the pilot project on harvested wood marking in Irkutsk oblast. Speaker: V.A. Shirokov, Head of Forestry office at the Ministry of Forest Complex of the Irkutsk Oblast. 4. Sanitary and pathology state of forests in the Krasnoyarsk region. Monitoring of forest regeneration. Speaker: V. V. Soldatov, Director of the Center of Forest Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Region – branch of Roslesozashchita. 5. About ways of cooperation between forest fireproof science and practices. Speaker: P.A. Tsvetkov, Head of the Forest Pyrology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute.

Amphitheatre conference hall, Siberia Expocentre, 3rdfloor. Logging machinery in action: work of the demonstration ground.

Organizer: Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company. 10:00-17:00 Participants: OOO Timbermash Baikal (John Deere), OOO Remtekhnika (Ponsse), Kesla Oyj.

Demo ground (to the right of Siberia Expocentre, exit from Pavilion 2). Presentation of Investment Projects of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 10:00-17:00 Booth B 615, Pavilion 2, Siberian Expocentre. Registration of participants of the seminar. 09:30-10:00 Pavilion 4, 1st floor, Siberia Expocentre. Seminar «Why the market of custom-build furniture is turning down, and how to sell furniture at a premium while others are dumping».

Presenter: Sergei Aleksandrov, Founder and General Manager of the International Furniture Personnel Center, the author of four best-selling books on the development of wholesale and retail sales in furniture industry.

Topics to be discussed:

• How to sell furniture at a premium while others are dumping? • What to do in order to gain in sales? • How to persuade a customer that your prices are low? • Principles of sales organization and development in the context of scarcity of customers. 10:00-11:50 • How to offer mid-segment furniture in a down economy? • How to merchandise furniture items in a show room, a store? • How to encourage customer to make a purchase? • How to supervise salesmen? • Inspiring employees motivation for getting the most out of work and plan performance. • Salesmen-designers control points, or how to not to be taken in by the phrase «whole market is idle now».

Organizers: Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company, International Furniture Personnel Center.

The seminar is fee-based, preliminary registration is required!

Pavilion 4, 1st floor, Siberia Expocentre.


Official opening ceremony of the 19th International woodworking exhibition ExpoDrev 2017 and the 2nd Krasnoyarsk Timber Industrial Forum. 12:00-12:30

Exhibition hall, 1st floor, Siberia Expocentre. Presentation of the exposition of the 19thInternational woodworking exhibition 12:30-13:00 ExpoDrev 2017. 12:00-13:00 Lunch. Places where you can have lunch: • Cafeteria, 1st floor; • Siberia restaurant, 1st floor; • Riva cafe, 3rd floor; • Restaurant, 5th floor. 13:00-13:30 Registration of the round table participants. Conference hall 2, Grand Hall Siberia. 13:30-15:30 Round table «Delegated authority management at the regional level. Experience of territorial entities».

Organizer: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

1. Delegated authority management at the regional level. Experience of territorial entities. Speaker: M.V. Orlov, Head of the Forest Supervision and Delegated Authority Control Management Office. 2. Execution of delegated authorities by the Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Speaker: V.N. Vekshin, Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 3. Cluster policy as an instrument of comprehensive solution for applying natural potential of the Tomsk oblast. Speaker: O.V. Bunkov, Chairman of the Committee for Forest Industry Complex at Tomsk Oblast Forestry Department. 4. Challenging issues in the implementation of delegated authorities on the territory of the Altai region. Speaker: Chernykh V.A., Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Head of the Altai Region Forest Administration Office.

Conference hall 2, Grand Hall Siberia. 15:30-16:00 Registration of the meeting participants. Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre. 16:00-18:00 Meeting of Siberian Accord Coordination Board on Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources.

Organizer: Interregional public organization of entrepreneurs of Siberia «Siberia without Boundaries».

Moderator: V.N. Aksenov, Deputy Chairman of the executive committee at Siberian Accord. Co-moderator: V. Yu. Malanin, President of Siberia without Boundaries.

1. About attraction of investments for small and mid-sized business within implementation of environmentally-friendly projects in forest industry.


Speaker: V.N. Aksenov, Deputy Chairman of the executive committee at Siberian Accord. 2. About the mos t common violations of environmental law so far as relevant to was te management, protection of atmospheric air. About the scheme of lumber waste recycling. Speaker: V.A. Chasovitin, Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 3. Commitme nt of s mall-sized wood processing business to zero waste manufacturing. Imperfection of the legal framework in terms of wood management requirements. Speaker: V.Yu. Malanin, President of Siberia without Boundaries. 4. About compliance with sanitary legislation within production and consumption waste management at woodworking enterprises. Speaker: S.V. Soloshchenko, Head of Department of Environmental Sanitation Supervision at Rospotrebnadzor in the Krasnoyarsk Region. 5. Execution of fire safety rules at small-sized enterprises in forest industry. Speaker: A.Yu Murzin, Deputy Head of the Chief Directorate of EMERCOM of for the Krasnoyarsk Region, head of supervisory activities (Chief State Fire Inspector of the Krasnoyarsk Region). 6. Experience of collaboration between authorities and forest companies of Tomsk oblast on wood waste recycling. Speaker: M.V. Malkevich, Head of Forestry Department of Tomsk Oblast. 7. About protection of business rights upon examination by regulatory authorities. Speakers: S.V. Russkikh, Business Rights Commissioner for the Krasnoyarsk Region; Yu.N. Zdanovich, Head of the department of supervision over observance of business rights, Counselor of Justice at Public Prosecution Office of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre

September 6 (Wednesday)

Registration of the round table participants. 09:30-10:00 Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre Round table «Ways to increase efficiency of forest management with regards to forest conservation and countering illegal logging».

Organizers: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Forest Fireproof Center, Sukachev Forest Institute.

Reports: 1. Arrangement of forest fire conservation on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk 10:00-12:00 region. Speaker: D.A. Selin, First Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region (A.Yu. Karnaukhov, Head of the Forest Protection and Conservation Department at Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region). 2. Forest supervision in accordance with the law. Speaker: A.G. Bolshakov, Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 3. Forest fire conservation and implementation of modern technology for forest fires detection and extinguishing in the Krasnoyarsk region.


Speaker: O.V. Netyagin, Head of the Forest Fireproof Center. 4. Improving the assessment and forecasting of the natural fire hazard in forests. Speaker: A.V. Volokitina, leading research associate of the Forest Pyrology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 5. New national and foreign engineering and hardware solutions for forest fire fighting: innovations and the most interesting modernization experience. Speaker: A.V. Bryukhanov, senior research associate of the Forest Pyrology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute.

Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre. Registration of participants of the seminar. 09:30-10:00 Pavilion 4, Siberia Expocentre, 1st floor. Seminar «Why the market of custom-build furniture is turning down, and how to sell furniture at a premium while others are dumping».

Presenter: Sergei Aleksandrov, Founder and General Manager of the International Furniture Personnel Center, the author of four best-selling books on the development of wholesale and retail sales in furniture industry.

Topics to be discussed:

• How to sell furniture at a premium while others are dumping? • What to do in order to gain in sales? • How to persuade a customer that your prices are low? • Principles of sales organization and development in the context of scarcity of customers. 10:00-18:00 • How to offer mid-segment furniture in a down economy? • How to merchandise furniture items in a show room, a store? • How to encourage customer to make a purchase? • How to supervise salesmen? • Inspiring employees motivation for getting the most out of work and plan performance. • Salesmen-designers control points, or how to not to be taken in by the phrase «whole market is idle now».

Organizers: Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company, International Furniture Personnel Center.

The seminar is fee-based, preliminary registration is required!

Pavilion 4, 1st floor, Siberia Expocentre. Logging machinery in action: work of the demonstration ground.

Organzier: Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company. 10:00-17:00 Participants: OOO Timbermash Baikal (John Deere), OOO Remtekhnika (Ponsse), Kesla Oyj.

Demo ground (to the right of Siberia Expocentre, exit from Pavilion 2).


Presentation of Investment Projects of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 10:00-17:00 Booth B 615, Pavilion 2, Siberian Expocentre. Professional skill competition for operators of hydraulic manipulators.

10:30-15:00 Organizer: Podjomnye Machiny Company (Lifting machines).

Outdoor exposition in front of Siberia Expocentre. Round table «Siberian Academic Association».

Organizer: Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev.

Welcoming speech: I.V. Kovalev, rector of SibSUST n.a. M.F. Reshetnev.

Reports: 1. About strategic concerns of Siberian Academic Association. Speaker: P.G. Kolesnikov, dean of Personnel Training Faculty at SibSUST n.a. M.F. Reshetnev. 11:00-13:00 2. About lines of cooperation between members of Siberian Academic Association. Speakers: A.A. Voroshilova, pro-rector for international cooperation and extended education at SibSUST n.a. M.F. Reshetnev; Yu.Yu. Loginov, pro-rector for academic and innovation work at SibSUST n.a. M.F. Reshetnev. 3. Panel discussion of articles of the Agreement and Regulations on Siberian Academic Association. Participants of the discussion: top managers and ministers. 4. Execution of the Agreement and Regulations on Siberian Academic Association.

Academic Council Chamber, Mira prospect 82, Krasnoyarsk. 12:00-13:00 Lunch. Places where you can have lunch: • Cafeteria, 1st floor; • Siberia restaurant, 1st floor; • Riva cafe, 3rd floor; • Restaurant, 5th floor. 12:30-13:00 Registration of the round table participants. Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre. 13:00-15:00 Round table «Ways to increase efficiency of forest management with regards to forest protection».

Organizer: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Center of Forest Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Region – branch of Roslesozashchita, Sukachev Forest Institute.

Reports: 1. Impact of pest harborage areas on primary resources in the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: V.V. Soldatov, Director of the Center of Forest Protection of the 6

Krasnoyarsk Region. 2. Implementation of measures for fight against breeding grounds of Siberian silk moth on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: D.A. Selin, First Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 3. Sanitary and pathology state of forests in the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: E.M. Ostropitskaya, Head of the Department for Forest Conservation and State Forest Pathology Monitoring at Center of Forest Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Region – branch of Roslesozashchita. 4. Invaders in Russian forests: a global problem on the national level. Speaker: Yu.N. Baranchikov, Head of the Forest Zoology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 5. Climate change and gradation of injurious insects. Speaker: V.I. Kharuk, Head of the Forest Monitoring Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 6. Early warning of Siberian silk moth epidemics on the basis of the population dynamics modeling. Speaker: E.N. Palnikova, Professor at the Environment and Forest Protection Chair at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. Reshetnev. 7. Krasnoyarsk region: prediction of Polygraphus proximus invasion growth. Speaker: Yu.N. Baranchikov, Head of the Forest Zoology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 8. Pheromone monitoring - lost opportunity of prediction of Siberian silk moth epidemics. Speaker: V.M. Petko, research associate of the Forest Zoology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 9. Reduction of risks during plantation growth of forestry in the phase of designing high-site forest lands using data bases and GIS within the solution to the problem of forestry enhancement. Speaker: I.V. Tikhonova, senior research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute.

Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre. 15:00-15:30 Registration of the round table participants. Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia International Exhibition and Business Center 15:30-17:30 Round table «Forest regeneration: issues, challenges, necessity».

Organizer: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

Reports: 1. Efficiency of forest restoration measures on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: D.A. Selin, First Deputy Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region (S.V. Gorohova, Head of the Forest Restoration Arrangement Department at the Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region). 2. Preservation of the best clones of Siberian cedar. Speaker: G.V. Kuznetsova, senior research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 3. State of the forest regeneration via examples of Nevonskoye Forestry and Dzerzhinskoye Forestry in the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: A.V. Kocheva, Head of the Department «Krasnoyarsk Seed Station» at Center of Forest Protection of the Krasnoyarsk Region – branch of Roslesozashchita.


4. Development of productive plantations of Scotch pine by selection of population breeds. Speaker: N.A. Kuzmina, senior research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. Со-speaker: R.S. Kuzmin, research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 5. Causes of disease of dark coniferous trees in the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: I.D. Grodnitskaya, Head of the Microbiology and Ecologic biotechnology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 6. Using somatic embryogenesis for plantation growing of forest. Speaker: I.N. Tretiakova, leading research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 7. Prospects of growing spruce species in conditions of Middle Siberia. Speaker: M.I. Sedayeva, junior research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 8. Diagnostics of sowing qualities of seeds of Siberian larch ecotypes and forms. Speaker: T.S. Sedelnikova, senior research associate of the Forest Genetics and Selection Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 9. Using wood processing wastes, which were exposed to bioconversion, for optimization of soil microbiocenosis for artificial forest growing. Speaker: G.I. Antonov, research associate of the Microbiology and Ecologic biotechnology Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 10. Equipment for forest regeneration. Speaker: Klas-Håkan Ljungberg, President of BRACKE FOREST AB (Sweden); Interpreting: V.I. Boldakov, General Manager of Timbermash Baikal LLC (Official dealer of John Deere in Siberian Federal District).

Large conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre.

September 7 (Thursday)

Registration of participants of panel discussion «Structural changes on international and domestic forest markets, reformation of forest sector: 9:30-10:00 innovative development». Amphitheatre conference hall, 3rd floor, Siberia Expocentre.


Panel discussion «Structural changes on international and domestic forest marke ts , reformation of forest sector: innovative development».

Organizer: Eastern Siberian Association of Biotechnological Clusters featuring: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Krasnoyarsk Region Timber Manufacturers Union, Regional Engineering Center «Biotekh», AO Agency of Business Development and Microcredit Organization, Krasnoyarsk region office of OPORA ROSSII, Siberian Research and Educational Consortium, ООО Invest, State corporation «Tekhpolymer», ООО Ecosorb, «Architecton», «Tyoplaya Rus», «Kraslesinvest», Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company. Supported by: Krasnoyarsk Region Council of Municipal Formations, Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology of Krasnoyarsk Region Legislative Assembly, Ministry of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Committee on Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region Legislative Assembly, Interregional public organization of entrepreneurs of Siberia «Siberia without Boundaries», (Krasnoyarsk Region State-Owned Enterprise Center of Utilities Development), Regional Engineering Center «Bio technologies and processing of plant materials» (REC «Biotekh»), Krasnoyarsk Region Environmental Union, Union of Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Krasnoyarsk Region Timber Manufacturers Union, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Goods Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Krasnoyarsk Region Agricultural Union, Forest Technology Institute at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev, Divnogorsk Forest Technical School, branch of the Reshetnev University, Sukachev Forest Institute, Siberian Federal University, Siberian Research and Educational Consortium, Special Design and Technological Bureau «Nauka» of Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, School of Engineering and Construction at Siberian Federal University.

Moderator: N.I. Bugayenko – President of Eastern Siberian Association of Biotechnological Clusters.

Welcoming speeches: • A.I. Matyushenko – Advisor to Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region; • Yu.A. Lapshin – Vice-Chairman of Government of the Krasnoyarsk Region; • V.N. Vekshin – Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region; • A.O. Pervukhin – Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

Panel session «Structural changes on international and domestic forest markets, reformation of forest sector: innovative development».

In spite of the sustained growth of the output in forest industry complex, its contribution to GDP is less than 1 %. The preparation and public hearing of Russian forest complex development strategy 2030 is now being brought to a conclusion. The 10:00-12:00 strategy is meant to allow building of a new portfolio of efficient productions and value-added products. There are also the following top-priority objectives: provision 9

of accessible raw-materials base, development of human resources, technological and scientific potential as well as improvement of industry management system. How new technologies will help take a quality step in the industry development? How to solve infrastructure problem in the industry? Will the extension of wooden construction become a new opportunity to grow?

Section № 1. Forest industry reformation.

Moderator: O.V. Bunkov, Chairman of the Committee for Forest Industry Complex at Tomsk Oblast Forestry Department. Co-moderator: M.Yu Gurevich.

Speakers: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Topic: «Forest sector as an important part of Krasnoyarsk region economy and employment in rural area» (A speaker is to be defined). P.V. Trushevsky, Moscow, OOO Lesnaya Certifikatsiya (Forest Certification). Topic: «Wastes as a barrier to forest industry development in Siberia. Review for waste recycling capabilities». A.M. Martyanov, Divnogorsk Innovation Council. Topic: «Circular economy of bio-based wood resources. Implementation of cluster initiative in the Krasnoyarsk region forest complex». I.N. Pavlov, Deputy Director of Sukachev Forest Institute. Topic: «Bio-based technologies in forest economy sector (generation of new social, economic and environmental values)». A.V. Khokhryakov, Mayor of Lesosibirsk (Krasnoyarsk region). Topic: «Lesosibirsk – a capital town of forest cluster (market development, operating performance, business processes changes, development of new products)». Yu.M. Pavlov, Director of Divnogorsk Forest Technical School. Topic: «Academic cluster in Krasnoyarsk region forest sector (initiative of Divnogorsk Forest Technical School). Innovation-based future». A.M. Sumarokov, Russian representative of Springer Maschinenfabrik GmbH (Austria). Topic: «Guidelines for modernization of sawmilling and woodworking enterprises in Russia with the involvement of Springer Maschinenfabrik GmbH».

Discussion participants: Eastern Siberian Association of Biotechnological Clusters, Sukachev Forest Institute, Regional Engineering Center «Biotekh», ОАО Agency of Innovative Activity Development in the Krasnoyarsk Region, Siberian Federal University, Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Siberian Research and Education Consortium, Ministry of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Committee for Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region Legislative Assembly, Union of Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Krasnoyarsk Region Timber Manufacturers Union, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Goods Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Forest Technology Institute at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev Divnogorsk Forest Technical School, individual representatives of forest and construction business, Krasnoyarsk Region Environmental Union. 12:00-12:30 Break


Section № 2. Development of internal market of wooden house-building as the basic driver of forest industry development.

Moderators: А.М. Martyanov, А.V. Bannikov.

Speakers: ООО Promstroyles, Saint Petersburg. Topic: «Development of internal market of multi-storey house-building from massive composite wooden panels (CTL-technology)». А.V. Bannikov, director of «Architecton». Topic: «Development of regulatory base for multi-storey wooden house-building». S.А. Kozupitsa, Deputy Minister of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 12:30-14:30 Topic: «Development of material and technical facilities in Moscow oblast to complete the state programme of social wooden house-building (schools, hospitals, kindergartens, municipal housing, rental housing, state services, infrastructure)». I.S. Inzhutov, Siberian Federal University, Institute of Construction. Topic: «Model of circular economy in forest sector. Supply chains».

Discussion participants: LPK Sibiri (Timber Industrial Complex of Siberia journal), Professional builder journal, ООО Ecodrev (Tver), Kraslesinvest, Siblesco LDK-1, Novoyeniseyskiy timber chemica l complex (NLKhK), Sukachev Forest Institute, Regional Engineering Center, ОАО Agency of Innovative Activity Development in the Krasnoyarsk Region, Siberian Federal University, Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Siberian Research and Education Consortium, Ministry of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Committee of Construction and Utilities of the Legislative Assembly of the K rasnoyarsk Region, Union of Central Chamber of Trade and Industry, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Krasnoyarsk Region Timber Manufacturers Union, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Goods Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Forest Technology Institute at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev, Divnogorsk Forest Technical School. 14:30-15:30 Lunch

Section № 3. Strategic initiatives for development of forest economy sector in the Krasnoyarsk Region up to 2030. (Science and innovations. Information and cluster policy. Biotechnologies. Waste recycling. Bio energy. Development of bioenergy engineering).

Moderator: M.Yu. Gurevich. Co-moderators: N.I. Bugayenko, President of Eastern Siberian Association of Biotechnolo gica l Clusters, D. Chirkov, director of Regional Engineering Center of the Krasnoyarsk Region («Biotekh»).

Speakers: O.V. Bunkov, Chairman of the Committee for Forest Industry Complex at Tomsk Oblast Forestry Department. Topic: «Development of bioenergy products manufacturing as an efficient way to recycle distributed wood residue. System and ecological factors». 11

P. Bilenko, со-speaker S. Lysenko, engineering company «Tekner» (Kaluga). Topic: «Manufacturing of premium quality wood coal as an efficient technology of sawmilling waste recycling». Discussion participants:

V.V. Dutchenko, Head of Kuraginsky district. Topic: «Ways out in waste recycling issues». V.V. Belenya, Head of Birilyussky district. Topic: to be defined. 15:00-17:30 D.N. Zhiravlev, Director of ООО Ecosorb. Topic: «Wood waste utilization for production of highly efficient sorbents and bio fuel». А.М. Martyanov, Director of ООО Yenisey Invest. Topic: «Wood waste utilization in the industry of building materials». V.А. Kolobukhov. Topic: «Analysis of opportunities for production and realization of solid types of bio fuel of the Krasnoyarsk Region». D. Chirkov. Topic: «Goals and tasks of the Regional Engineering Center BIOTEKH».

Heads and leading specialists of the municipalities from forest districts of the Krasnoyarsk Region, students and post-graduate students from educational institutions of forestry, construction, energy and utilities spheres, LPK Sibiri (Timber Industrial Complex of Siberia journal), Professional builder journal, State corporation «Tekhpolymer», ООО Ecodrev (Tver), Politexnir Austria, Wjartsila Finland, Sukachev Forest Institute, Regional Engineering Center, ОАО Agency of Innovative Activity Development in the Krasnoyarsk Region, Siberian Federal University, Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Siberian Research and Education Consortium, Ministry of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Committee of Construction and Utilities of the Krasnoyarsk Region Legislative Assembly, Union of Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Krasnoyarsk Region Timber Manufacturers Union, Krasnoyarsk Region Union of Goods Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs, Forest Technologies Institute at Siberian State University named after Reshetnev, Divnogorsk Forest Technical School, «Taigamash», «Kraslesinvest», «Tyoplaya Rus», «Soyuz project» (Kovrov), «Baltkotlomash» (Saint-Petersburg), «EcoDrev» (Tver), «Spetsmontazh» (Tver), «Sibirskaya pelletnaya kompaniya» (Siberian Pellet Company) (Tomsk oblast), «Siblesco», «Maltat», «DOK Yenisey», LDK-1, Novoyeniseyskiy timber chemical 17:30-18:00 complex (NLKhK).

Development of recommendations after the working meeting.

Amphitheatre conference hall, Siberia Expocentre, 3rd floor. Logging machinery in action: work of the demonstration ground.

Organizer: Krasnoyarsk Fair Exhibition Company. 10:00-17:00 Participants: OOO Timbermash Baikal (John Deere), OOO Remtekhnika (Ponsse), Kesla Oyj.

Demo ground (to the right of Siberia Expocentre, exit from Pavilion 2).


Presentation of Investment Projects of the Krasnoyarsk Region. 10:00-17:00 Booth B 615, Pavilion 2, Siberian Expocentre. 12:00-13:00 Lunch.

Places where you can have lunch: • Cafeteria, 1st floor; • Siberia restaurant, 1st floor; • Riva cafe, 3rd floor; • Restaurant, 5th floor. 12:30-13:00 Registration of the round table participants. Small conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre Round table «New vision of staff management system in forest industry».

Organizers: Ministry of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region, Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. academician M.F. Reshetnev, Divnogorsk Forest Technology School.

Reports: 1. Skills training in forest industry. Speaker: I.M. Bobkovskaya, Head of Department of Professional education and Career Guidance at Krasnoyarsk Region Labour and Employment Agency. 2. New approaches to staff training for forest industry. 13:00-15:00 Speaker: D.N. Derevyannykh, Deputy Pro-rector of Education, associate professor at Siberian State University of Science and Technology n.a. Reshetnev. 3. Formation of key competences as the main instrument for assurance of the demand for graduates. Speaker: Yu.M. Pavlov, Director of Divnogorsk Forest Technology School. 4. Employer-sponsored education as the main element of the corporate orientation of graduates. Speaker: O.G. Skvoznyakova, Deputy Director of Education at Divnogorsk Forest Technology School. 5. Staff management at AO Kraslesinvest. Speaker: N.A. Amosova, HR Manager at AO Kraslesinvest. Small conference hall, 2nd floor, Siberia Expocentre 15:00-15:30 Registration of the round table participants. Conference hall 2, Grand Hall Siberia. 15:30-17:30 Meeting of crop wild relatives section in the course of activities of Siberian Accord Coordination Board on Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources.

Organizer: Siberian Accord Interregional Association.

Reports: 1. Interregional cooperation on multiple use of forest resources in Siberian region. Speaker: V.N. Aksenov, Deputy Chairman of the executive committee at Siberian Accord, Deputy Chairman of Coordination Board on Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources. 2. «Krasnoyarsk region. Development of crop wild relatives sector by means of cooperation between harvesters and processors». Speaker: V.N. Vekshin, Minister of Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Region 13

3. Key problems in crop wild relatives sector and suggestions to solve them. Speaker: N.N. Bobyleva, General Manager of Union of Crop Wild Relatives Processors. 4. Requirements and opportunities for the increase of forest hectare effectiveness. Speaker: N.F. Makarenko, Expert Advisor to the Governor of Tomsk oblast on agricultural policy and nature management, Secretary of Coordination Board on Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources. 5. Administrative barriers to the export of crop wild relatives. Speaker: A.I. Nikitin, General Manager of the Tomsk Manufacturing Company «S AVA». 6. Assessment of non-timbe r resources productivity in the Krasnoyarsk region. Speaker: A.S. Shishikin, Head of the Technogenic Forest Ecosystems Laboratory at Sukachev Forest Institute. 7. Government support for export-oriented enterprises. Speaker: T.V. Andreeva, Head of the separate subdivision of Russian Export Centre JSC in Krasnoyarsk.

Conference hall 2, Grand Hall Siberia. Official awarding ceremony of the 19th International woodworking exhibition ExpoDrev 2017 and the 2nd Krasnoyarsk Timber Industrial Forum. 16:00-16:30

Exhibition hall, 1st floor, Siberia Expocentre