H1176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 26, 2015 was repeatedly victim to brutal and ra- In a matter of hours, funding for the legacy of the Pullman community of cially-motivated pogroms, darkly Department will expire, thereby forc- Chicago. reminiscent of the days of the Arme- ing thousands of essential employees to Last week, President Obama des- nian genocide. Hundreds were mur- put their lives on the line without pay. ignated Pullman as a national monu- dered, thousands were displaced, and State and local law enforcement oper- ment, ensuring that Pullman’s herit- the Armenian community, both in ations will be among the hardest hit if age as an industrial innovator and Artsakh and in exile, continues to bear we allow funding to lapse. labor leader lives on. the scars from the brutal attacks in By bringing a clean spending bill to Pullman played a vital role in our Sumgait, Kirovabad, and Baku. the floor, we have the power to prevent Nation’s labor and civil rights move- When the people of Nagorno- the dangerous partial shutdown of the ments. It is the birthplace of the Karabakh officially declared independ- government. Our Nation’s security is Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, ence on December 10, 1991, they were at stake here, and another day of inac- our Nation’s first Black labor union, met with full-scale war lasting until tion by this Congress is unacceptable. and it was a major battleground in the 1994. Even today, the people of Let’s vote on a clean spending bill national fight for fair wages and safe Nagorno-Karabakh are still forced to today. working conditions. live under constant cease-fire viola- Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- I thank the countless dedicated peo- tions by Azerbaijan. sent that the House bring up H.R. 861, ple who worked with me and before me As we commemorate the somber an- the clean Department of Homeland Se- to make this designation possible. niversary marking the struggle of the curity funding bill that would keep the Pullman National Monument will pre- Nagorno-Karabakh people, we wish for Department open so it can carry out serve Pullman’s legacy and ensure that the peaceful resolution of this conflict the mission of keeping the American the community will continue to thrive and hope that its citizens will be free people safe. for generations to come. to determine their own future. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. f f TROTT). As the Chair previously ad- vised, that request cannot be enter- FCC EXPANDING AUTHORITY OVER REMEMBERING MIDDLE EAST BE- INTERNET LIEVERS KILLED FOR THEIR tained absent appropriate clearance. FAITH f (Mr. YODER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. HULTGREN asked and was HONORING RENE GAGNON ON THE minute and to revise and extend his re- given permission to address the House 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BAT- marks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend TLE OF Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, I rise his remarks.) (Mr. GUINTA asked and was given today in opposition to this administra- Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. Speaker, in the permission to address the House for 1 tion’s continued policy of governing past few weeks, the Islamic State has minute and to revise and extend his re- from behind closed doors and using the targeted religious minorities through- marks.) executive branch to take more freedom out the Middle East, including the Mr. GUINTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise away from the American people. Yazidis in Iraq and the 21 Coptic Chris- today to honor the courage and sac- Today the Federal Communications tians executed in Libya. rifice demonstrated by our marines, Commission will vote for an unprece- This week, ISIS has abducted more specifically Corporal Rene Gagnon, a dented expansion of its authority over than 200 Assyrian Christians. We pray Granite Stater, during the Battle of the Internet, without providing any earnestly for their release and for com- Iwo Jima. public discourse on the details of the fort for their families. Gagnon was selected and participated These murderers want us to tremble proposal. in what is arguably the most cele- at their physical brutality, but an even What we do know about this govern- brated American flag raising in our Na- more sinister violence is at work, a ment invasion into the Internet is tion’s history. deeply troubling. The Internet has been sustained and strategic campaign Immortalized by AP photographer against religious freedom. This is the a source of great creativity, invest- , six U.S. Marines, in- ment, and economic growth, an area of God-given freedom to hold any belief— cluding Corporal Gagnon, raised the or none at all—without coercion or re- freedom, where innovation has flour- colors above on the ished and entrepreneurs, startups, and prisal. fifth day of the month-long battle for Global attention is and should be anyone with an idea has opportunity. Iwo Jima. transfixed on those killed for their What is Washington’s answer to this Born to immigrants from Quebec, faith in the Middle East; yet more than booming marketplace? Government Gagnon grew up in Manchester, New three-quarters of the world’s popu- control and regulation. Hampshire, and left in 1943 after being lation lives under regimes that restrict One of the Commissioners has re- drafted. He elected to join the United belief. ferred to it as ‘‘a solution that won’t States Marine Corps. Our Nation’s first freedom is not and work to a problem that doesn’t exist.’’ As part of Operation Detachment, a should not be bound by geography or This is deeply troubling. total of 92,000 men, 70,000 Americans, nation. We must defend religious free- I know of no industry that has be- and 22,000 Japanese, fought to secure dom at all times and in all places, or come more vibrant, more free, or led to Iwo Jima, a tiny island controlled by this violent cycle will continue. more innovation after a government the Japanese that was no larger than takeover. Allowing the FCC to des- f one-third the size of Manhattan. ignate the Internet a regulated utility FUND THE DEPARTMENT OF As we commemorate the 70th anni- will increase taxes and allow govern- HOMELAND SECURITY versary of Iwo Jima, let us take a mo- ment to decide pricing, cost, content, (Mr. SCHIFF asked and was given ment to honor Corporal Gagnon and or anything else. This is the camel’s permission to address the House for 1 the rest of our Nation’s Greatest Gen- nose under the tent. minute.) eration who fought bravely to secure The FCC should release its proposals Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise to and preserve our Nation’s democracy and allow the American people back join my colleagues in urging the GOP during World War II. behind its closed doors. leadership to advance legislation that f f will keep the American people safe by b 1215 continuing to fund the Department of DHS SHUTDOWN Homeland Security. PULLMAN NATIONAL MONUMENT (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given Just yesterday, with the arrest of (Ms. KELLY of Illinois asked and was permission to address the House for 1 three suspects in plan- given permission to address the House minute.) ning to assist terror groups or join for 1 minute.) Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, there ISIS, we see the continuing imperative Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I are just 2 days left until the Depart- of a vibrant homeland security effort. rise today to celebrate the history and ment of Homeland Security shuts

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Feb 27, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.015 H26FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE February 26, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1177 down. The Department charged with We have to fix those problems. We Camille’s leadership, she was able to keeping Americans safe is set to run must correct HIPAA so families can turn things around and put The Com- out of funding tomorrow all because help their loved ones get well. We must munity House back on a strong fiscal Republicans in Congress insist on man- act now before another 40,000 die by foundation. Her efforts to rebrand, re- ufacturing political crises instead of suicide, before thousands more end up market, and retool every business unit working to help hardworking Ameri- in jail, homeless, or victims of crime, were instrumental in the turnaround. cans get ahead. and before more families suffer. The Community House is a corner- A shutdown would mean that those I invite Democrats and Republicans stone of the Birmingham community. charged every day with protecting our to join me as I reintroduce the Helping Over 210,000 youth, adults, seniors, and safety would all be expected to report Families in Mental Health Crisis Act. business professionals take advantage for duty without any promise of a pay- f of The Community House classes, lec- check. In my home State of New Jer- tures, and programs each year. All this DHS SHUTDOWN sey, that would mean that over 4,000 is accomplished with a small staff of Department of Homeland Security em- (Mr. HIMES asked and was given per- less than 40 people, which is augmented ployees, including nearly 1,600 Active mission to address the House for 1 by 700 part-time staff, teachers, and Duty Coast Guard members, would go minute and to revise and extend his re- volunteers. to work without any pay. marks.) Under Camille’s leadership, there is Payments to help Sandy victims re- Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, I have the no doubt The Community House will cover would also not be able to be proc- privilege of serving on the House Intel- continue to survive and serve south- essed in the event of a shutdown. Those ligence Committee. And just yesterday, east Michigan, and I believe the best is families have already suffered enough. in a hearing entitled ‘‘Worldwide yet to come. It is my honor to pay trib- They don’t need a Republican shut- Threats,’’ I sat with the Chiefs of our ute today to Camille James’ accom- down making things even more dif- Intelligence Services to learn about plishments and the great work that ficult. those worldwide threats. The meeting continues at the Birmingham Commu- Ensuring the safety of the American was classified, but the summary is this: nity House. people should never be a partisan issue. there are people out there who would f And now is the time to come together count it a smashing success to reap and do what is right to protect all of death and destruction on the home- JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY: MOST our families. land. DIVERSE CITY IN AMERICA Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Yet my Republican friends have engi- (Mr. SIRES asked and was given per- sent that the House bring up H.R. 861, neered a situation where, in 2 days, the mission to address the House for 1 the clean Department of Homeland Se- Department of Homeland Security will minute.) curity funding bill that would keep the shut down. It is not because they don’t Mr. SIRES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Department open so it can carry out have an alternative to get in the way to acknowledge Jersey City, New Jer- its mission of keeping the American of the President’s immigration initia- sey, on its diversity and economic people safe. The SPEAKER pro tempore. As the tive. A judge in Texas ruled with them. growth. In the shadows of the Statue of Chair previously advised, that request Now, I think that judge is going to be Liberty, Jersey City is the second larg- cannot be entertained absent appro- overturned, but a judge ruled with est city in New Jersey and was re- priate clearance. them. Yet they are going to shut down cently named the country’s most di- the Department of Homeland Security. verse city. f I don’t understand that, but I have Jersey City’s history as a city of im- THE HELPING FAMILIES IN got two questions: migrants has contributed to its current MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS ACT If we shut down DHS and, heaven for- economic boom. In the late 19th and (Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania asked bid, there is a natural disaster that de- early 20th century, an influx of immi- and was given permission to address stroys a community in Oklahoma or grants from Europe flocked to Jersey the House for 1 minute and to revise Connecticut, what are we—what are City to achieve the American Dream. and extend his remarks.) you going to tell the American people? Increasingly, immigrants have now Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. If, heaven forbid, one of those people been arriving from South America, Speaker, this morning, Connecticut who wishes this Nation ill succeeds and Asia, Africa, and the Middle East seek- Senator CHRIS MURPHY and I outlined a the Department of Homeland Security ing the same American Dream and vision for real bipartisan mental health is shut down, what will we—what will finding it in Jersey City. reform. Our legislation will have some you tell the American people? Immigrants to the city have long differences but also many similarities. f contributed to the economy by opening Both will fix the shortage of psy- small businesses and joining the job A TRIBUTE TO CAMILLE JAYNE chiatric beds; get more mental health market. Just in the past year, Jersey AND COMMUNITY HOUSE workers, such as psychiatrists, psy- City has seen an upgrade in its credit chologists, and social workers to help; (Mr. TROTT asked and was given per- rating, a continued decline in unem- integrate physical and mental health mission to address the House for 1 ployment, and an ever-increasing sky- care; fix the rule which says severely minute.) line. As further proof of Jersey City’s mentally ill patients on Medicaid can’t Mr. TROTT. Mr. Speaker, I come to diversity, over half of the residents see two doctors on the same day; and the floor today to pay tribute to speak a language other than English at better coordinate the staggering 112 Camille Jayne, the chair of the board home, and the city council is com- Federal agencies that deal with severe of The Community House in Bir- prised with a wide array of individuals mental illness. mingham, Michigan. The Community from different ethnic backgrounds. My bill, the Helping Families in Men- House is a 92-year-old nonprofit organi- Jersey City is a true American melt- tal Health Crisis Act, will also allow zation with a mission to impact the ing pot, and I applaud Mayor Steve treatment before tragedy. During the lives of those it serves through edu- Fulop and the residents of Jersey City trial of the former marine who killed cation and outreach experiences. on its continued progress. Iraq war veteran Chris Kyle, the moth- When The Community House was f er of the defendant begged VA doctors badly in need of a major overhaul, it to keep her son in psychiatric treat- hired Camille Jayne in 2012. Camille is ALYSSA FERGUSON’S WELL ment just days before he shot and a strategic business, planning, mar- (Mr. OLSON asked and was given per- killed the decorated sharpshooter. keting, and operations expert who mission to address the House for 1 The reality is the system doesn’t re- brought over 30 years of experience to minute and to revise and extend his re- spond until after a crisis has occurred, The Community House. Camille’s im- marks.) because the only way to get treatment pact has been tremendous. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to is if the individual is imminently hom- In 2011, The Community House had share a story with the American peo- icidal or suicidal. an operating loss, but through ple, a story of courage, love, and faith.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:35 Feb 27, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26FE7.017 H26FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE