82 Written Answers to[] Unstarred Questions

The Extradition Treaties/Arrangement concerned provide a legal framework for seeking extradition of persons of any nationality who are wanted in for offences involving imprisonment of at least one year and vice-versa. Such agreements strengthen the friendly relations between India and the countries concerned by providing the legal basis for bilateral cooperation in dealing with elements acting against the national interest of both countries.

Formalities for Russian investment in India

3921. SHRI MANI SHANKAR AIYAR: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Russian authorities have raised their concerns with Government about formalities for Russian investment in India; and

(b) if so, Government’s reaction thereto?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRI E. AHAMED): (a) and (b) Yes. During the recent high level interactions with the Russian side, the issue of promotion of new investments and protection of earlier investments made has been discussed. The Russian side has specifically voiced concerns regarding large scale investments made by Russian firms in the telecom sector. In this context, the Russian side has suggested amending the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement of 1994.

Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements with various countries including Russia are currently under review by the Ministry of Finance.

Visits by foreign Prime Ministers to India

†3922. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH MAHRA: Will the Minister of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the Prime Ministers and heads of various countries who visited India during the year 2012-13; and

(b) the details of the agreements signed between India and those countries, whose Prime Ministers and Heads of the Nations visited India?

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI ): (a) A total of 10 State Visits, 18 Official/Working

†Original notice of the question was received in Hindi. Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 83

Visits and 21 Private/Transit Visits have taken place during the period April, 2012 to March, 2013, a list of which is given in the Statement-I (See below).

(b) The details of the agreements signed during the course of the State/Official/ Working Visits mentioned at (a) above, is given in the Statement-II.


Visits of Heads of various countries to India from April to December, 2012

State visits by Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

Sl. Dignitary Dates No.

12 3

1. H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of April 8-10 State of Qatar

2. H.E. Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the July 10-12 Republic of Singapore and Mrs. Lee Hsien Loong

3. H.E. Mr. Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic September 1-4 of Tajikistan

4. H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian September 10-12 National Authority of the State of Palestine

5. H.E. Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza, President of Republic of September 17-19 Burundi and Mrs. Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza

6. H.E. Ms. Julia Gillard, PM of Australia October 15-17

7. His Majesty Juan Carlos I, King of Spain October 24-27

8. The Right Honourable Mr. Stephen Harper, Prime November 4-9 Minister of Canada and Mrs. Laureen Harper

9. H.E. Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic November 9-13 Republic of Afghanistan

10. H.E. Mr. Viktor Yanukovych, President of Ukraine December 9-12 84 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

12 3

Official/Working visits by Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

1. H.E. Mr. Asif Ali Zardari, President of Pakistan April 8

2. H.E. Dr. Mohamed Waheed, President of Maldives May 11-15

3. H.E. Mr. Fernando Lugo Mendez, President of Paraguay May 23-25

4. H.E. Commodore Josaia Voreque Bainimarama, Prime September 5-8 Minister of Fiji

5. H.E. Mr. Lyonchhen Jigmi Yozer Thinley, Prime September 6-10 Minister of Bhutan and September 19-22

6. H.E. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the September 19-22 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

7. H.E. Mr. Mikhail V. Myasnikovich, Prime Minister of November 13-14 the Republic of Belarus

8. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin December 19-21 Waddaulah, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam

9. H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun December 19-21 Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

10. H.E. Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of December 19-20 the Republic of Indonesia

11. H.E. Mr. Thongsing Thammavong, President of the December 20-21 Lao People’s Democratic Republic

12. H.E. Dato Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, December 19-21 Prime Minister of Malaysia

13. H.E. U. Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the December 20-22 Union of Myanmar

14. H.E. Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the December 20-21 Kingdom of Thailand Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 85

12 3

15. H.E. Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, Prime Minister of the December 20-21 Socialist Republic of Vietnam

16. H.E. Mr. Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of December 19-21 Singapore

17. Mr. Vladimir V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation December 24

18. The Right Honourable Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, President December 24-29 of Nepal

Private/Transit visits of Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

1. H.E. Mr. Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister of March 4-9 Macedonia

2. H.E. Mr. Faustin Archange Touadera, PM of Central African Republic March 17

3. H.E. Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, President of Zambia March 22-30

4. H.E. Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, PM of Bhutan March 24-28

5. H.E. Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of Armenia March 29

6. Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas, Prime Minister of April 5-9 St. Kitts and Nevis

7. H.E. Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of April 6-8 Bhutan

8. His Excellency Commodore Josaia Voreque Bainimarama, April 21-29 Prime Minister of Fiji

9. H.E. Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic June 8-9 of Armenia

10. H.E. Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of June 13 Bhutan 86 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions

12 3

11. Rt. Hon. Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, Prime Minister of June 25 Nepal

12. H.E. Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of June 26-27 Bhutan

13. H.E. Mr. Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech July 4-10 Republic

14. H.E. Mr. Andrus Ansip, Prime Minister of Estonia July 16-17

15. H.E. Dr. Boni Yayi, President of Republic of Benin July 17

16. H.E. Mr. Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, President of Fiji August 5-8

17. H.E. Mr. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun August 29 Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia

18. H.E. Mr. Samuel Hinds, Prime Minister of Guyana October 8-13

19. H.E. Mr. Raila A. Odinga, Prime Minister of the October 30 – Republic of Kenya November 1

20. H.E. Mr. Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic November 4-7

21. H.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of November 7-9 the Republic of Turkey

Visits of Heads of various countries to India from January to March, 2013

State visits by Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

Sl. Dignitary Dates No.

12 3

1. H.E. Mr. Rajkeswur Purryag, President of Mauritius January 3-10

2. H.M. Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, King of January 23-30 Bhutan and Queen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck

3. Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime Minister of February 2-5 Samoa Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 87

12 3

4. H.E. Mr. Francois Hollande, President of France February 14-15

5. H.E. Dr. Mohamed Morsy, President of Egypt March 18-20

Official/Working visits by Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

1. H.E. Mr. Anote Tong, President of Kiribati (For January 29 – DSDS) February 3

2. H.E. Mr. Donald Ramotar, President of Guyana (For January 30 – DSDS) February 4

3. Hon Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, Prime February 2-4 Minister of the Independent State of Samoa (For Asia Leadership Programme on Sustainable Development and Climate Change)

4. H.E. Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley, PM of Bhutan February 7-9

5. Rt. Hon David Cameron, PM of UK February 18-20

Private/Transit visit of Heads of State/Government and equivalent level

1. H.E. Lyonchen Jigmi Y. Thinley, PM of Bhutan January 28

2. H.E. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of the February 08-09 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

3. H.E. Mr. Raja Pervez Ashraf, PM of Pakistan March 9 (Jaipur/Ajmer)

4. H.E. Mr. Daniel Kablan Duncan, PM of Ivory March 16-19 Coast (CII Exim Bank Conclave)

5. H.E. Mr. Rui Duarte Barros, PM of Guinea Bissau March 16-20 (CII Exim Bank Conclave)

6. H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang, PM of Cameroon (CII Exim March 16-19 Bank Conclave)

7. H.E. Mr. Sprent Dabwido, President of Nauru March 16-30 88 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions Information Technology Minister for Petroleum and Natural Minister of Human Resource Minister of Law and Justice Statement-II Affairs for ForeignMinister of State Affairs Affairs Minority and H.E. Dr. Khalid Bin MohammadH.E. Dr. Al-Attiyah, Shri , and the gy and Industry of Al-Sada, Details of agreements signal between India and foreign heads of Government during 2012-13 signal between India and foreign Details of agreements between the Ministry of Ener the State of Qatar and the Ministry Petroleumthe State and Natural Gas of the Republic India. Industryand Energy of Minister Gas Government of the Republic IndiaAffairs. for Foreign Minister of State Communications and Development Al-Attiyah, Government of the State of Qatar Government of the State Signing of agreements between the State of Qatar and Republic of India: April 09, 2012 and Republic of India: of Qatar between the State Signing of agreements Sl.No. Name of the MoU/Agreement/Treaty121. MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Oil and GasSalehBin Mohammed Dr. H.E. Signatory Qatar 3Reddy, Jaipal S. Shri 4 Signatory Indian 2. Educational Exchange Programme between the 3. Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Legal Khalid Bin Mohammad H.E. Dr. Khurshid, Salman Shri Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 89 rade Promotion Organisation ister of State for External ister of State India T Minister of Labour and Employment Chairperson and Managing Director, of Qatar Foreign Affairs of the State of the State of State for of State i Reserve Bank Executive Director, l-Emadi to the Republic of India Heng Swee Keat,H.E. Mr. Kharge, Mallikarjun Shri Affairs of QatarAmbassador of the State to the Republic of India of India Hassan Mohammed RafeiH.E. Mr. Menon, Rita Shrimati Al-Attiyah, Min Republic of Ministry of Education, Government Singapore Vocational concerning Cooperation in the field of Education and Skills Development Labour and Employment, Minister of Education Bank of India Al-Emad Trade Promotion OrganizationTrade (ITPO) on Cooperation Exhibitionsin the Field of Organizing A Ambassador between Ministry of Defence, Government IndiaofMinistry Secretary, Permanent of Ministry Defence Secretary, India in the Field of Cultural Cooperation Minister of Qatar and the Government Signing of Agreements between Republic of Singapore and Republic of India: July 11, 2012 and Republic of India: July 11, between Republic of Singapore Agreements Signing of 1 Memorandum of understanding between Ministry 2.Agreement Extension of the validity Bilateral Chiang Chie Foo, Mr. Sharma, Kant Shashi Shri 5. MoU between the Qatar Central Bank and Reserve Hassan Mohammed Rafei H.E. Mr. Bhaskar, Vijaya Shri P 6.Authority and India Tourism MoU between Qatar 4. of the State Agreement between the Government Khalid Bin H.E. MohammadDr. Ahamed, Shri E. 90 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions ional Capital Territory of Delhi Territory ional Capital Hon’ble Minister of Health and Family Welfare Hon’ble Minister of Labour and Employment of Republic Benjamin Tan,Benjamin Tripathi, Shri Praveen Kumar (Development Institute of Technical(Development Institute of Nat Mahmadamin, Minister of Health the Republic of Tajikistan and the Faizulloevich, Ministry Minister of Labour and Ministry of Defence, Government Singapore and Training for the Conduct of Joint Military DefenceExercises in India Education, GovernmentTechnical and of Training of Delhi and Institute Territory of National Capital Deputy Chief Executive Officer Government of Chief Secretary, Defence of Technical Education, Singapore on CooperationTechnical of Education and Skills Vocational in the field of Education) Development. of the Republic India Welfare Family Ministry of Labour and Employment the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan Ministry of Health the Republic Government of Republic India and the of Labour and Social Protection Population Tajikistan the Republic of Tajikistan of 123. Memorandum of Understanding between Department 3 Dr. 4 Signing of Agreements between Tajikistan and Republic of India: September 03, 2012 and Republic of India: September Tajikistan between Agreements Signing of 1. Agreement between the Ministry of Health and Salimov Nusratullo H.E. Mr. 2. Agreement on Mutual Cooperation between theAzad, Shri Ghulam Nabi Mahmadaminov H.E. Mr. Kharge, Mallikarjun Shri Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 91 and Information Hon’ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Communications Technology Hon’ble Minister for Commerce and Hon’ble Minister of Culture, Alleviation (IC) for Hon’ble Minister of State Affairs Mr. Saidov NuriddinMr. Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Culture the Republic Head of the Committee on Youth Head of the Committee on of Palestinian Liberation the Saidovich, nt of 2012-2015 the year of Excellence in ICT Organization the Republic of India and Governme on Cooperation in the FieldTajikistan Republic of of EducationRepublic of Education of Minister andRepublic of India and Ministry Energy TajikistanIndustry of the Republic Industry and Energy of Minister of Culture Republic India and the Ministry in theTajikistan of Culture the Republic Field of Culture for Tajikistan of the Republic of Tajikistan of Tajikistan of Textiles of Minister and Industry Poverty Urban and Housing of India and the Government Republic in the Field of SportsTajikistan ofof India and the Government State Palestine for Establishing India-Palestine Centre Tourism Sport and Affairs, CommitteeExecutive of Member External for Minister Hon’ble Sports and Affairs Youth 3. Exchange Programme between the Government of H.E. 4. of theTextiles MoU between the Ministry of Gul Sherali, H.E. Mr. 5. Programme of Cooperation between the MinistryAsrori, H.E. MR. Mirzoshohrukh Sharma, Anand Shri Kumari Selja, 6. MoU between the Government of RepublicMaliksho,Negmatov Mr. 11,2012 of Palestine and Republic India: September between State Agreements Signing of 1. MoU between the Government of RepublicMaken, Ajay Shri Saeb M.S. H.E. ErakatMr. Krishna, S.M. Shri 92 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions Affairs Liberation Affairs of Agriculture and for Rural Hon’ble Minister of State ation of Palestinian Liberation International CooperationlivestockAffairs External Development ocational of Palestinian Development Minister of India and the Government of the State ofof India and the Government State V and Technical Palestine for Providing Training Equipment and Training Education CommitteeExecutive of Member Vocational Services for the Ministry of Labour’s in Palestine Training Organiz External for Minister Hon’ble ofof India and the Government State Palestine for Construction and Equipping of CommitteeExecutive of Member Jawaharlal Nehru Secondary School for GirlsAl Shamalyeh and Jawaharlal Nehru Asera in External for Minister Hon’ble Abu Dees Secondary School for Boys in Organization Field of Educationand Affairs External of Minister for Hon’ble Minister of State 2. MoU on Cooperation in the Field of RuralOdette,Kayitesi Ms. H.E. Aditya, Jain Kumar Pradeep Shri 122. MoU between the Government of Republic Saeb M.S. H.E. ErakatMr. 3Krishna, S.M. Shri 3. MoU between the Government of Republic 4 Saeb M.S. H.E. ErakatMr. Krishna, S.M. Shri 18, 2012 between Republic of Burundi and India: September Agreements Signing of 1. Exchange Programme for Cooperation in the Kavakure Laurent, H.E. Mr. Kaur, Preneet Shrimati Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 93 External Affairs of Skills DMC (Australia’s CEO, National Skills and Mining Industry Skills Council) Development Corporation Jose Manuel Garcia-H.E. Mr. Chidambaram, P Shri to IndiaAustraliaof Commissioner High to India Department of Space Secretary, Development Resource and Chairman, ISRO to India between India and Spain for the avoidance ofMarfil, Margallo Finance of Minister Hon’ble Development. Chair and WelfareAustralia High Commissioner of Ministry of Human Secretary, and Medicine Sectorthe Wool Minesand Energy of Minister for Hon’ble Minister of State Australia High Commissioner of Textiles Ministry of Secretary, Signing of Agreements between Kingdom of Spain and Republic of India: October 26, 2012 between Kingdom of Spain and Republic India: October Agreements Signing of 1. Protocol for amending the Convention and protocol 3. Memorandum of understanding on Space4. Memorandum of understanding on Skills Peter Varghese, H.E. Mr. Ray OAM,Barker, Mr. K. Radhakrishnan, Dr. Dilip H.M. Chenoy, Mr. 2. Mobility Memorandum of understanding on Student Peter H.E. Varghese,Mr. Thakur, Ashok Shri 3. MoU on Cooperation in the Field of HealthCome,Manirakiza 17, 2012 Australia and Republic of India: October Mr. H.E. between Agreements Signing of 1. Memorandum of understanding on Cooperation inKaur, Preneet Shrimati Peter Varghese, H.E. Mr. Ms. Kiran Dhingra, 94 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions Minister of Foreign Affairs andAffairs Minister of Foreign Cooperation and Broadcasting Ana PastorHer Excellency Ms. andMinister of Public Works Joshi, C.P. Dr. TransportAna PastorHer Excellency Ms. and Highways Transport Joshi, C.P. Dr. Minister of Railways double taxation and the prevention of Fiscalevasion with respect to taxes on Income andon Capital. and Affairs Foreign of Minister Cooperation Cooperationof Audiovisual Co-Production SectorTransport Road Margallo Marfil,ofADIF Minister of Defenceand RENFE-OPERADORA and Railways Cooperation in the Field ofTechnical Spain on Julian,SectorRailway andWorks Minister of Public Julian, Hon’ble Minister for Information Hon’ble Minister of Defence and Highways and Transport Hon’ble Minister for Road Transport Hon’ble Minister for Road Minister of Railways 4. Memorandum of Understanding on Roads and 5. Memorandum of Understanding between the Indian 122. 3 Memorandum of Understanding on Defence3. Agreement between India and Spain in the Field Pedro H.E. Morenes Mr. Eulate, 4 Jose Manuel Garcia- H.E. Mr. Antony, A.K. Shri Soni, Ambika Shrimati Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 95 Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs Ministry of Overseas Indian Asia Pacific Affairs Canada Gateway and Minister of Asia Pacific and Minister of Gateway through Local Government Bodies, Community India and the Government of Islamic RepublicAssistance Afghanistan regarding Indian Grant of Minister Foreign for Implementation of Small Development Projects Minister Affairs External Hon’ble in the areas of Joint Research and Developmentin Defence Cooperation. President, Research and Vice Defence to Advisor Scientific University, York Innovation, Minister in Information Communication Technology andTechnology in Information Communication Electronics Minister of TradeInternational Minister of for State External and Minister of Administrative ArrangementsAdministrative Trade Minister of International Signing of Agreements between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of India: November 12, 2012 Afghanistan and the Republic of India: November between the Islamic Republic of Agreements Signing of 1. MoU between the Government of Republic Zalmai Rassoul, H.E. Mr. Khurshid, Salman Shri 3. Memorandum of Understanding for Co-operation Robert Hache, Dr. Saraswat, V.K. Dr. 2. Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation The Honourable Edward Fast, Shrimati Preneet Kaur, Signing of Agreements between Canada and Republic of India: November 06, 2012 between Canada and Republic of India: November Agreements Signing of 1. including Agreement on Social Security, The Honourable Edward Fast, Ravi, Vayalar Shri 96 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions External Affairs External Affairs Minister Sudhir Mittal,Aleinik, Sergei Mr. Raheen,Minister of Information and Culture Hon’ble India and the Government of Islamic RepublicAfghanistan on Cooperation in the Field of of Minesof Minister Development of Coal Mineral Resources of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Republic India Concern for Oil and Chemistry,and the State Hon’ble Minister for Coal ofDepartment Secretary, Fertilizers Minister Foreign Deputy Organisations, Charitable Trusts and Educational Trusts Charitable Organisations, Institutions and Vocational of India and the Government IslamicAfghanistan on Cooperation in Republic of the Field of Fertilizer Sector Minesof Minister Government of the Republic India and Afghanistan Government of the Islamic Republic Minister Affairs External Hon’ble 4. MoU between the Government of Republic Shahrani,Wahidullah H.E. Mr. 14,2012 between Belarus and Republic of India: November Agreements Signing of Jaiswal, Shriprakash Shri 1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry Mr. 122. MoU between the Government of Republic 3 Shahrani,Wahidullah H.E. Mr. 3. between theAffairs Youth MoU on Cooperation in Khurshid, Salman Shri 4 Sayed Makhdoom H.E. Mr. Khurshid, Salman Shri Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 97 Uday Kumar Varma,Aleinik, Sergei Mr. of NewEnergy Renewable Republic of Belarus for Cooperation in Potash Fertilizer Supply Resource Development of the Republic Indiaand the Ministry of Education Republic ofMinistry Secretary, Additional Belarus on cooperation in the field of Education” Education Development Resource Human of Minister Deputy First of India and the Government Republic Belarus on cooperation in the Field of Pressand Information Informationof Ministry Secretary, Broadcasting and Minister Foreign Deputy of theCommittee Technology on Science and Republic of Belarus and the Ministry Ministry of New and Secretary, Minister Foreign Deputy and Fertilizers of India and Renewable Energy of the Republic India Renewable Energy and Cooperation on India-Belarus Renewable Energy Department of Pharmaceuticals Industry theMinistry of Health Belarus and the Department Department of of Chemicals Secretary, of Pharmaceutical the Ministry ofMinistry Pharmaceuticals, Fertilizersand Chemicals Deputy Health Minister and Head of the Department of Industry Pharmaceutical 2. Draft “Agreement between the Ministry of HumanAmita Sharma, Ms. 3. Agreement between the Government of Republic Mr. Alexander I. Zhuk, Mr. 4. Memorandum of Understanding between the State Gireesh B. Mr. Pradhan,Aleinik, Sergei Mr. 5. Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Shri Dilsher Singh Kalha, Gennady Godovalnikov, Mr. 98 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions , Earth Sciences Belarus H.E. Mr. Dmytro Salamatin,H.E. Mr. Antony, A.K. Shri Inspection onFlead of the State Energy Atomic Chairperson, H.E. Mr. Kostiantyn Gryshchenko,H.E. Mr. Shri Jaipal S. Reddy, Ukraine Technology Advanced Computing and United Institute ofAcademyInformatics Problems of the National of Sciences Belarus Director General, C-DACHead, Department Administration of Sciences of Academy National of India and the Government Ukraine onCooperation in the Fields of Defence Minister of Defence Ukraine Hon’ble Minister for Defence Technology Commercial Matters between the Republic of Indiaand Ukraine ofAffairs Minister for Foreign Nuclear Board, Government of India and the State Hon’ble Minister for Law and Ukraine Justice of India and the Government Ukraine onCooperation in the Fields of Science and of Affairs Foreign for Minister and Science for Minister Hon’ble 126. Agreement between Centre for Development of Prof. Rajat Moona, 3 10, 2012 between Government of Ukraine and Republic India: December Agreements Signing of 1. Agreement between the Government of Republic 4 Vityaz, Pyotr Mr. 2. Agreement between the Government of Republic 3.Assistance in Civil and on Mutual Legal Treaty Gryshchenko,Kostiantyn Mr. H.E. 4.Kumar, Ashwani Shri Regulatory Energy Atomic between Agreement Mykolaichuk,Olena Ms. Satinder S. Bajaj, Dr. Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 99 Additional Secretary and DG, Bureau of Indian Standards Hon’ble Minister of External Affairs Hon’ble Minister of External , Shrimati Chandresh Kumari Ktoch, rst Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Trade Development and Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Foreign H.E. Mr. Vladimir Medinsky H.E. Mr. Science of the Science Technology Indian Standards and the Ministry of Economic Indian Standards of Ukraine Trade Development and Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine for Exchange Information and Co-operation on Technical of Regulation Nuclear Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Assessment and Quality between the Bureau of Fi Board Regulatory 2013-15 Years for the of Science and Technology, Government of IndiaTechnology, of Science and and the Ministry for Education Minister for Education andand Science for Minister Hon’ble Russian Federation in Science, Technology and Technology Russian Federation in Science, Innovation of Culture the Republic India and Ministry of Culture the Russian Federation Cultureof Minister Russian Culture of Minister Hon’ble Signing of Agreements between Russian Federation: December 24, 2012 between Russian Federation: December Agreements Signing of 1. Consultations 2013-14 Protocol on Foreign Office Russian S. Lavrov, Mr. H.E. Khursheed, Salman Shri 5. Conformity MoU in the Field of Standardisation, Maksyuta,Anatolii Mr. Amanullah, Afzal Shri 2. Memorandum on Cooperation between the Ministry Russian Dmitry Livanov, H.E. Mr. Shri , 3. Cultural Exchange Programme between the Ministry 100 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions Chairman Shrimati Chandresh Kumari Katoch, Foundation Culture and Communication Director-General, Russia Director-General, InvestmentsDirect for Bank of India State Laurent Fabius, H.E. Mr. Sanchar Nigam Ltd., , India and Nigam Ltd., New Delhi,Telephone Mahanagar India and NIS-GLONASS, Russia ‘NIS’OAO Director-General operation in the Railway sector between Nigam Sanchar Bharat Chairman, and the Minister ofTrade Minister of Foreign Sea and Fishing of the FrenchTransportation, Minister andfor External Trade Republic and the Minister of Railways Frederic Cuvillier, H.E. Mr. Republic of India Sea Transportation, Minister of Railways for Minister Hon’ble Fishing and Ltd., New Delhi, India Investment between Russia and India of the Republic India and Government Foreign Minister and H.E. Ms.French Republic for 2013-2015Culture for Minister Hon’ble for Minister Filippetti, Aurelie 5. Memorandum of Understanding between BharatAlexander Chub Mr. 14, 2013 between France and Republic of India: February Agreements Signing of 1. Co- to follow-up and Strengthen Joint Statement Shri R.K. Upadhyay H.E. Ms. Nicole Bricq,2. Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal, Cultural Exchange Programme between the Government 124. Memorandum of Understanding to Promote DirectDmitrievKirill Mr. 3Chaudhuri Pratip Shri 4 Written Answers to[2 MAY, 2013] Unstarred Questions 101 Organisation ister for Higher EducationResource Human Hon’ble H.E. Ms. Genevieve Fioraso, M.M. Pallam Raju, Dr. d’Etudes Spatiales Technology operation in the Fields of Education, HigherEducation and Research between the Governmentof the Republic India and Government Min and Researchthe French Republic. SpaceMinister Development President, Centre National Chairman, Indian Space Research Excellence in Information Technology (CEIT) inTechnology Excellence in Information Egypt Affairs Minister of Foreign of Government IndiaTechnology Information and Ministry of Communications InformationInformationMinister and Affairs Communications Arab Republic of Egypt for External of Technology TechnologyCooperation in Information and Communication Hon’ble Minister for Information and Communications Technology 123. of Intent on the Intensification Co- Letter 3 4 4. of Intent for long term Cooperation in Statement d’Escatha, Yannick Mr. Radhakrishnan, K. Shri Signing of Agreements between Arab Republic of Egypt and Government of the Republic of India: March 19, 2013 Arab Republic of Egypt and Government the India: March between Agreements Signing of 1. MoU for the Establishment of a Centre 2.Amr, Mohamed Kamel H.E. Dr. MoU between Ministry of Communications andKhursheed, Salman Shri Atef Helmy Minister of H.E. Mr. Shri Kapil Sibal, 102 Written Answers to[RAJYA SABHA] Unstarred Questions National Small Industries Mrs. Ghada Fathy Waly,Mrs. Ghada Fathy Managing Director Social FundDirector Managing Cum Chairman Kumar, H.P. Dr. Authority of India Promotion and Management of Cultural Heritage Information Technology of Government IndiaTechnology Information and Ministry of Communications InformationArab Republic of Egypt on of Technology andCommunications of Minister Technology Information Area of Cyber Security Cooperation in the Hon’ble Minister for Information and Communications Technology Republic of India and Social Fund for Development, Arab Republic of Egypt on Cooperation in theField of Micro and Small Enterprises.Development for Authorityrepresented by Industrial Development and the Government of Republic Head of Industrial DevelopmentDirector Managing Cum Chairman Industries Small National Corporation Represented by National Small IndustriesCorporation, New Delhi for Upgradation of a Centre at Shoubra El Kheima, Training Vocational Cairo, Egypt forCultural Heritage and Ministry of State Arab Republic of Egypt for Affairs, Antiquities Cooperation in the Fields of Protection, Preservation, Ambassador of Egypt to IndiaINTACH Chairman, Corporation 123. MoU between Ministry of Communications andAtef Helmy H.E. Mr, 34. MoU between National Small Industries Corporation, Shri Kapil Sibal, 4 5. Agreement between the Government of Egypt Mahmoud El Dr. Garf, Kumar, H.P. Dr. 6.andArt for Trust National Indian MoU-between El-Bakly,Khaled Mr. H.E. Maj. Gen. (Retd.) L.K. Gupta,