THE ST! PAUL DAILY GLOBE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY21, 1884. « Board Fruits, Afternoon Quotations. Domestic Dried Extra mess,! 4bbl 12 50 Women's Cos. calf split back D. S. Pol r 1 75 Dressed meats a' roasts, \u25a0 are firm, and good demand ex- pork 10c@12He; pork-.sausages, 12Hc; at the following I*. sl'd di 'd ap'a No. 1 trout, ". 5 0; Misses Cns. calf split back D. 8. p01...... 1 \u25a0 Stocks and. bonds closed .V. Y. B=S£ H 86 ists for home killed butchers :in a small way of belognas 12)4. '. • '" • FINANCIAL .." prices Y. qt'a dr'd ap'a 7% . No.l white fish, 54 b7 60 Onildren's Ous. calf split backD. S. Pol r... 1 00 . . . . \u25a0.-..\u25a0•-. -.. ( bid: \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 cent, .. business,aud in the poorer localities only handling Poultbt and —Turkeys- 22@26c Ib; Vlichqrs Herring, per governments. ,~ ".. 754 bbls 550 Rubber boots and shoes 25 from price per Ohio qrs ".. 7K bb] 325 list \u25a0 the Kansas City ,v The fruit trade, is about chickens: 18@-'oc; wild ducks: teal, 50c, From Pole to " % . 7 . mal- Pole § Three per 99 Fours coupons...* Ind'aqrs bbl 180 same a week ago. receipts 75c, 40c ' HORNEra KEPOBT. cents.. ".. " 34 the as The. were the lard. common pair; squirrels 25c pair. Ateb's Sabsapabilla has its" \u25a0 ' demonstrated coupons '95. .120 Udendr'dap'sbbl 12 60 \u25a0 \u25a0 week ago, 11 Pacific Bs of " " etc. • as cars; prices steady. —Grannlated ll@l2lbs for 1.00; power of cure \u25a0 Wew May 20.— a. m.—Stocks: 4>is 11254 \u25a0 kits..... Leather . . ' same a are Stand- . for all diseases ofthe blood. Touk. Uden bx 13H *»" - latter for STATE BONDS. H011and....l 20 slausole best.. 33ffl Other : produce iis unchanged. The following ard AllYt ©12 lbs for 1.00; extra ClB lbs for 1.00 Declined @1H percent., the Lake Halfpeachea...... " "JJ4. mess 80 Buffalo ex. 85 . The Harpooner's Story. r 14 70 Tenn.6s, 40 Buffalo elan sole 34 quotations are for round lots only. yellowCl4lbs for 1.00. , : "\u25a0% \u25a0' ... 80. La. consols new Mixed peaches.. 30 be5t.;...... :...... '... 3-2% . ... Shore, which sold at Louisville & Nashville 6a 40 6»i driod^box Buffalo Vegetables JTeio Bedford, June 1,1883. Missouri 6s 105 Virginia ' Peeled peeches... ll>!- Spanish 501e...... ,39 ©3* —Receipts increasing ;greasesc; packing —Beans,drylO@l2%c quart; beets Dr. J. C. Ayer & at 30, to 32, Best \u25a0 bushel; Co.—Twenty years ago was feverish and opened rose reacted St. Joe 110 Consols.. 41 peaches Coffee. oak sole ..'.... 38 @42 stock off flavor, tic; dairy, to fair, 10 Si horee radish 10c lb: leeks 50c dozen; a I Delaware, --:California .... French 24 to 80 19 common •wan harpooner in the North Pacific, when live '\u25a0 to and rallied to SIX. Lacka- Term. 6s, 37J4 Deferred* 8 . California plums.. 1854 Fancy Bio calf, Rs .....1 20® @12c; choice dairy, c; choice roll and onions [email protected] bu. parsely 5c bunch; peas, dry others crew myself up 311.4 old 16VS 30 to 38 1 20@ 15©20 quart; ofthe and were laid with declined 1 per cent, to 108 Pitted cherries.... '20 Prime 1654 French calf, lbs x 7 prints 16@18c; creamery 22@25c; extra choice 10c parsnips 75c bushel; rutabagas 60c scurry. Our bodies were bloated, ' wanna &Western 5/5 . RAILROAD BONDS. Raspberries. Boasting. French kip, 60 to 100 85@1 05 - gums swollen , 82 ..12@14 lbs ins@lo • bushel; saurkraat 15c quart; 30@50c \u25a0nd bleeding, teeth loose, Other changes per cent. C. P. Bonds,' 15t.11254 U. P. land grant. .10(554 Hemlock ca1f...... 1 oß@l 20 lb. boxes, 30c. . potatoes purple blotches all *i©?6 Blackberries...... 1254 Mocha 30 Beans— , bushel; lettuce 35c@75c dozen; over us, and our breath seemed rotten. it AFTEKN'OON' REPORT. Erie seconds 63 Sinking fund.... 103 Hemlock kip veal -....;.;-..'. 80@l 20 [email protected]; medium, $2© young onions, Take Fair...... lift Hemlock 52.25 ; navy $2.50(Q 15c@20 dozen; new Bermuda onions, 10c lb.; by and large, we were pretty badly off. All our money. Prime paper Lehigh& \V{..'. 109 . Tex. P. grant 8.. 43 Canned Goods. Java 05©30 upper, per f00t...... 23@ !tt 2.65. lime-juice was accidentally destroyed, No rate for mercantile Hemlock collar, per foot 17@ 19 Bacon and Hams—Long clears bacon, 10&c; rhubarb, 3c or 25c doz. bunches; • radishes 20c@ but the cent. silver, $1.11. Sterling !?t. P. S. C. 1b1.116 1 doKio G. div.. 58 Dozen Syrup. 25c captain had a couple of Ayxb's 4(^51; per Bar Bouds,lst..ll3 \u25a0i lb stand peaches 210 Common molasses 20 Hemlock Harness 82@- 33 dry salt 9 He;'shoulders, S>/i@9c; hams, 13& doz. bunches; green peas,. [email protected] per dozen bottles long, C. P. Oak 36@ 39 peck ; Spinach, 15c@25c Sarsaparilla and gave us that. We recov- exchange unsettled; $4.53®4.84 Sl.B4H® Jlb2da "1 6j@l 90 N. O. do, fair..... 60 harness ©14. per peck; string beans, ered on it quicker than I have ever STOCKS. Ilbstand 165 N. O. do, 70 Roans, O'vr doz , 8 50612 00 Mess Pork—gl7.7s©lß.oo. 80c per peck; asparagus, , seen men 4.Ss'i short. \u25a0 choice.. p doz 00@10 25c<&40c per dozen. brought about by anyotbertreatmentforficurvy, \uams Express..l3o Mobile* 0hi0... -8 Jlb2ds " 140 Syrup, fair 29 Pinks, o $9 00 full 10c each, $1.10 per and a Governments —Firm. Cheese—Old sharp 12c; cream, fall Cucumbers dozen. I've seen good deal of it. Seeing no \u25a0. Allegheny Cent.. 13 . Morris & Sib pie ** 225 Syrup, sugar 32ft115 made, 10@25c in men- Essex*.'. " - Hardware. 14'4@15Hc: new 14c@15c, Dried —Raisins, lb. currents, tion your Almanac of your Sarsaparilla being State Securities—Quiet. Alton & T. II 20 If.,C. &St. L 38 libpie 125 Syrup, choice SO for good you Angers—Best ' Dressed Meats—Beef, city dressed, 8&@ 12 lbs. $1.00; prunes, 12 lbs. for $1.00; dried for scurvy, Ithought ought toknow of irregular. 70 J. T0:, Qallon apples E'ieS 15 3cadditional bbls. O. S. less per cent. 60 \u25a0 —Railroad bonds do preferred... N. Central " in« cut, dis. 9!ic; extraprime apples, New York sliced, 12 this, and so send you the facts. . \u25a0. ' lib 110 6c in gal .. 10 beef, 10c; mutton, city dressed, He per lb. evaporated . \u25a0 tomatoes *..... additional Jenninss ...; Stocks Weak. Delaware, & American...... 90 Norfolk*"32 6®lu 15@20c dried peaches, 25@25c. •.. Respectfully yours, ; Ralph Y. Wingatk. Lackawanna Jib \u25a0 9H@loc; veal, lO@lic. per lb. : 8., K. A X 50 tomatoes..... 75 . kegs. Anger bits—Best O. 8. cut, leas dls. per cent . 60 Western down to IOT1-*, Pacific Mail 37?«, North- C. Northern Pacific.. 21 \u25a02 Ibc'e sn'dl 85 Cordage- narrow, Flour—Patents [email protected]: straight $4.75© Home made Cider Vinegar, 50c gallon. The Canadian -13>» do IT oysters\u25a0 \u25a0 Butts—Wrought discount 60 Trooper's Experience. ern 4s!», New York, Pacific. preferred... 1, lib \u25a0 l 10 — 5.25 'Milk— quart; 60 quart. Pacific preferred Lake Erie Canada South'n.. 33 Wrought loose pin, di5c0unt...... 60 Bakers' XXXX, [email protected]; low grades cream . Mtsven,Basutoland(,S. Africa,) March!,lßß3. , Northwestern.. 101 ? d lib slack 90 H@lmch Cast per & Western 15^, Missouri Pacific «S 7», Lake M 9% acorn, discount 60 [email protected]; Rye flour $3.50©4.00 barrel; Dr. J. C. Ater & Co.—Gentlemen : Central Pacific... 4-,"i do preferred. ..131 It Jib " 160 .12 thread or^inca 10 Chisels— framing, discount 611 Ihave Shore 85?;, Chicago, St. Paul 70%. graham [email protected] per barrel; buckwheat flour, much pleasure to testify to the great value of Milwaukee & Chesapeake &O. 7 N. Y. Central.... lib salmon ;....." 150 6@9or inch.... 11 Sockets firmer, discount ; \u25a0\u25a0 HOLLIBTEE, lIOJj % 60 [email protected]. \u0084 W.C. your Sarsaparilla. We Stocks continue depressed. Wabash, St. Louis do Ist prefd... 15 Ohio 2 lib 2 50 Manilla— Drawing C. S., discount 40 have been stationed Central " knives—Best . —Green, salted, 7H@B*4c; green, here for over two years, during which \u25a0 & Pacific to 9, but do2d prefd*.. 14 Ohio & Miss 2541b ...... 3 00 H4g2!nch 1454 Piles—Nicholson, discount 41' 6@7c; time we preferred was raided down 20 i lb dryflint, 12c; calf, dry, 12!ic; green lie; deer, bad to live in tents. Being under for off Chicago & Alt.. do preferred lobsters" 2 80 12 threador^ Inch Hinges, Strap and T, discount 60@l() such a time what is later returned to Missouri Pacific fell .13154 70 lib 15>i Wrenches, Coe's discount dry, 20@25c; antelope, 20@25c; elk, 20@25c; BROKER, brought on called in this 13%. do preferred... & West.. " :.zW 6@9or inch.... genuine, i0 country "veldt-gores." Ihad those for to 8354, Chicago &Northwestern 101, New York Ontario 9ft liblittle neckolaml 25 Lath , tarred. 11 Coe's imitation, discount 60 buffalo, B@loc, damaged H off. sores t C.,8. OregonNas 76 some time. I was advised to take your Sarsa- Central Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba ..1155-5 Ilb " 200 Bed cords— :. 11 Axes—Hunt's .....I 7to Tallow—No. 1, 6^4@t3£{ ; No. 2, 5%@6c. Grains, Provisions, Stocks. 109^, St. C, St. L. &N.O. 83 Oregon 14 2 1b 2 1 li) parilla, two bottles of which made my sores Telegraph Trans chicken. " 75 Peerless. 7 5o : —Unwashed, 18@21c: washed, 26© 28c. disappear and am now 8754, Long Island 65!;, Western Union C,St.L.Jt Pitts.. 6 Oregon Imp 14 21b turkey 2 90 2 thread Sisal 1 60 Peerless bit 15 rapidly, I quite well. : to cover double - 50 Honey—White clover, 18@20c lb; buckwheat, Room 4 Davidson Block, Paul, Yours truly, T.K. Boden, 0-' a . Near the close, under purchases do preferred. .V23 Pacific Mail :i; =.. Easrlemilk..: ..-..200 8 thread Sisal 2 00 Mattocks, long cutter 9 50 St. Minn. ' Anglo Swiss 14@16clb. - Trooper, Cape Mounted liijlemen. oil C, milk..l 10 6 thread Manilla..2 25 Chains—Cable, shorts, the market rallied and left compara- S. &Cleve.... 41 % Panama 98 5-16 Inch, lb 7 00 —Washington Territory, 30c; New York tively firm. Cleveland & Col.. 33 Peoria, D. &E... 11 Halfsardines^can 20 175 Cable, % inch A ft 6 60 DAILYMARKET .REVIEW Quarters 1254 Sugars. Trace, long, W pair 40 28c. Wisconsin, 25c. ' Gazette says: Delaware &H..;.10054 Pittsburg 138 —75c@80c I": -.; OP THB London, May 20.—The Pall Mall Del. •2 lb raspberries...l 00 Acoffee, standard. 7v Trace, short, V pair 20 per bushel. Ayer's Sarsaparilla last & Lack.....loG^ Pullman Pal. Car. 100 3lb 10 Bdo Well,typair Linseed Oil—Raw, The English bought week more American blackberries..l BJf 20 58c; boiled 61c Lin- Ib Denver &R. G... 11 Beading 30;:; 2 lb red cherries.. 1 35 Extra C 6% Coffee mills, Wilson's, 5g dozen -8 00 seed meal 523@24. mmm aid MILWAUKEE markets! the only thoroughly.effective blood-purifier, stocks than for twelve months previous. Erie 21b white the only medicine that eradicates the poisons 14 -3 Rock island ..2 25 Yellow C 6 1.,, Wood back, No. 2 4 50 Poultry— dressed, per lb; FURNISHED BY WALL of do preferred... St. & .114^ 21bquinces " 165 Granulated No. 301.. 15©16 c & BIGELOW, , Scrofula, Mercury, and Contagioua Disease - 34 L. S. F SO 7Js 8 50 turkeys, dressed, 18©19c; ducks and geese, 13 Morning Board Quotations. East T.. V. & G. preferred... 21b egg plums 1 75 Powdered By. Hammers—Maydole's No. 1&,adz eye 6 50 from tbetsystem. 44 do \u25a0 . 38« 2lb greengages.. 175 Crushed • @15c. These prices are nominal, for scarcely GOVERNMENTS. do preferred... 85£ Kussell's 4 00 COMMISSION MERCHANTS PREPARED BT 854 do Ist pref'd... T'Jl.! 21b pears 175 Cut loaf any birds are offered. i 99 Fours coupon Fort & 8.! Handles No. 2 1 50 . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Three? 3 121 Wayne 12754 SDL St. Paul... 89 2 lb pineapples, Ba- No. 1 Roots(Jledicina) ginseng green, 30c; dry, Room 4 Mannhelmer Building, Southeast Dr. J. Mass* Han. & St. 2 00 corner all : 4!sdo 113 Pacific 6s of '95..120 Joe... 384 do preferred...loß?^ hama brand.. ..2 75 Soap, &c. Shaved, extra 2 65 [email protected]; seneca snake root, 35@38c per ID. Third and Minnesota street. Direct wires to Sold by druggists Price $1; preferred... 88' i Ilb string beans. . vi:: for STOCKS. do St. Paul Man... 87!4 100 Minnesota Soap Co- Hatchets—Shingling No. 2 dozen 6 00 Fruits Apples, fancy red stand, §700 ; Chicago and of bottles $5. 195 Om'a.. 26 21b lima •' - T& ordi- Milwaukee Board Trade Express..l3o J. Harlem St. Paul &* >i 95 Whita Lily 6W Shingling No J, dozen 6 00 nary sound (Operator our Adams N. Central 71 \u25a0 2lb common .. 5(Jc %» stock, $3.50; oranges, Mesmass in office.) & Tex.. do preferred... 88 ceas.. 75 Kose Queen 5'.4 Claw. adAance 6 40 200 Allegheny Cent.. 12 North'nPacific. 21 Houston 38 21b V dozen size, $5.00; 220 size, $4.50; 5i Illinois Texas marrowfat 130 Imperial 5 Stove —Dixon's gr055...... 6 > Mes Alton & T.H 20 do preferred... 4854 Central... 128 Pacific... 1254 " $ sina and Palermo lemons, §3.75®4.00; Cranber- choice creamery 20@22c; fair to good 19 lud., B. & 18 Union 43 2 la small "150 Minnesota 5 Scoops—Steel, No. 4 St. PAtrL, May 20, 1884. do preferred... 70 Northwestern 102 7 West.. Pacific % 150 Star ries, nominal Malaga grapes, 50 lb., B©B. ?.4-5^ ®20c; best dairy 17@18c. Cheese, quiet; Kansas &Texas.. 14 United States 51 21bdamsons SH A- " , N0.6 9 60 Following is to-day's range of prices on the American 90 do preferred... 1325-« "3 2 lbsuccotash 1 65 German No. 6 50; Figs, new, 16c, l«c, 20c per lb.; dates, new cream 12@13c. Eggs steady at 13%© Lake Erie A W.. 10(4 W., St. & P 9 90 black in Milwaukee andChicas'o boards : 8., C. B. A" N!-... 40 K. J. Central.... Ill's L. •7% 2 lb Yarmouthcornl 30 Blue 5 Scoops, Iron,No."4, 7 so frails 6c©7c, fard in boxes, 12c per 14c. Receipts, 18,775 barrels of flour; Lake Shore ... 85fg do preferred... 13 Marshall corn 130 glory. 120D. 3 lb. ; bananas, §[email protected] per 19,445 bushels of wheat; Canada Southern. 385, N. Y.,C. &St. L. 7J4 Call, Mom"? 5 810 bunch. 14,725 bushels Central Louisville & X... Wells A Fargo*.. 100 fruit Lusk...H 00 Mottled' Castile 9 - 6 840 Hickory, large, $1.00; §M of barley. Shipments 17,060 barrels of flour; Pacific... 4354 do preferred... 12 80% Boston ! small, $1.25, I IS II =i & . L., * II m m Alt 132 N. A. & C.... 15 Western U. f.... 53 bak'dbeansl SO White do 6 Screws, patent gimlet point, dis., percent.. 70 walnuts, ; almonds, ha; a " <$ 21,860 wheat; 10,950 of Chicago Ohio Central 254 21b jellies 210 Outcast, 15c 18@20c; Barcelona £ ***t* jif bushels of bushels do preferred...l Ohio & Miss M. &C. Ist pfd.. 10 Homeetake. ... 854 b, doz.. 55 Carriage bolts, its. pei -sent, new list 60@10 zel (filberts) 14c ; pecans, 10@llc; Brazil, 14c; barley. 43 81J4 ll«lo 150 Cocanut oil, dzL 65 I Locks and knobs, new list I '?• g C, do Cd prefd... 5 Iron Silver. 90 2* 60 peanuts, B@l3c; Cocoa nuts, per % a I S B. A 11654 do preferred... SOU 25 Ontario 20 Tiimbler jellies... 85 1144 Nails, 10 to68 2 70 [email protected] ( ..St. &N. 80 10 MeraphisAC gal apple .3 100. L. 0.. Ontario West.. Central 73 4 Vi butt. 50 Blue India. 60 .. [ Casing nails, above common 75 I i3 j. ?: £ P Chicago Produce. C, S. & Cleve... Mich. Quicksilver 54 gal peach d0... sno " White Russian &}i i nails, above common —Mink, [email protected]; coon, 60@80c; lynx, << 41$ O.B.& X 78« St. do " Finishing 1 25 Chicago, May 20.—Flour, was quiet and Cleveland & Col.. 40 Trans 14 Mine's & L... 13 preferred... 2354 54 gal plumdo.. 00 Clinch nails, above common.... 1 75 2.50<5;4.<)0; musk rat. winter 10c, spring 12c, Oregon .... do 19'» gal " f Milwaukee, Delaware & 3...102?| Pacific Mail 37 7 preferred... South. Pacific 54 quince do.. .5 50 Sundries. Tinplates, 10x14, lc ..; 7 00 kitts3: L red fox. [email protected]; kitts. 30@40c; unchanged; good to choice winter wheat flour 3 Missouri Satro 12 gal pear do 5 50 Pig tin,perlb..- Wheat- Del. & Lack 107-;^ Panama 53 Pacific.. 633£ 54 Nutmegs.,. 75 25 silver fox, [email protected], cross [email protected]: otter [email protected] ; soft spring wheat flour [email protected]; Xo H gal mince meat.s CSO Cassia 11 Sheet iron, No. 27, per lb Denver &S. G... 11 Deoria, D. & E.. 11 \u2666Asked sales. JOffered. ', Ex. mat. 01) common 31£ [email protected]; fisher, [email protected]; skunk, 30© 75c; Minnesota bakers' patents; . coup. div. Ex. 2 lb corn beef 3 Cloves 21 Juniata, 3c advance June ! 90? i 90%! 9m 90)4 91)4 108)4 $4.50®5.15; $5.50. §Es. I int. badger, 50(a.75c; wildcat, cat, Erie 15}, Pittsburg 138 tlbdo... 4 90 Allspice 10 Charcoal, 50@60c; house 10 July 92)4 110 ©6,25 ;low grades' [email protected]; rye flour i 2V4c advance @.25c. marten, [email protected]; mi 82k! 93% 93's X ,$3.00 do preferred... 35 Reading 30 % 31b pig's feet Pepper 18 Wood's planished iron No. A wolverine, 4.00©5.00; August ©3.30; 360 10H wolf, [email protected]; prairie Southern Illinois and Missouri winter Fort Wayne 127 Rock Island 114% Sago 6 " No. B 914 wolf, [email protected]: bear, wheat flour [email protected]; Michigan winter & St. St. L. XS. F Pounds. Tapioca 6 Less than bundle," 1c advance j 7.00©12.00; cubs, [email protected]; beaver, Su- wheat Han. Joe... 3854 1954 Nuts. Lake Chicago, [email protected]; to choice do preferreed.. preferred... 403 COMMERCIAL S. 8. Almonds. 2" V: Am'a cheese.. I 714 St. Paul Live " July 67%\ 89% 87J£ 108 X under Central.. preferred.. .108"-i bedings of evil was the week just ended com.- Peanuts 12 Vermicelli 10 Stock. 90)4 89»£ 91)4 good speculative demand became steady, Iml.. B & West.. & Man.. 90 89% 90»illl% and an prices 12£ St.Paul menced, the nervously Pecans 11 OatmealXorthStar2 2 75 Finished Iron and. Steel The live stock market for the week has not August 89% 89>4 ; 89 90)4 advance followed, advancing in all Kansas Texas.. St. & O'ha.. and business world was M»d. H. beans..2 897,. 905£ 112J£ above inside l&c,fluctuated 15£ Paul 27 P. 40 Common been rushing, bat there has been a good steady September.. 89% 90)4 89% 90 12£c figures, declined Lake Erie* W.. -do 88 % excited almost beyond endurance, but the week Pickles. Navy beans 2 6> iron $ 2 1* 112% and closed gales 1054 preferred... . Horseshoe iron demand for local trade. The of l»£c under yesterday; ranged: Shore 85 Pacific has passed without any terrible calamity having Medium, bbls 701 Hominy 4tu S^ snppy cattle has I Mayß6H@Bßc, at %, ; 87S£@ Lake Texas 12. 1? Hops j Swedish iron rt to the i closed 86 June L-ville & 43 clouds have " Hbbls...4fO 30 been about equai demand, but the stock \u25a0 89?ic, closed at Nash... 31 Union Pacific % befallen. The heavy lowering dis- Small, jBert tool steel \u25a0.-'. 14 Chicago,' I .: 88c; July 89«@91Hc, closed at L., N. A. & C 20 States 50 bbls 7 50 Woodenware. Cast plow presented has been for the most part medium Corn— ' 90@90H; Angus* at Vuited persed and the whole storm has been but an do Hbbli* 4 25 2hoop .'.l 5 steel 6 89<&91H, closed at 89 &c; 11. *. C. Ist pfd. 10 Wab., St. German plow steel beef cattle and rough There September closed L. &P. 1% April with few vivid flashes of lightning Gherkins, 14 50 3 hoop pails 1 30 5 stuff. have however 89?4@90}$c, at 89 %c; No. 3 2d prefd... 5 14 shower a bbls... Spring steel 7 few of prime steers which ! Chicago spring do do preferred... J£ have no harm Mixed English. ..12 00 Paper pails 350 been a lots offered, June I 554' 54% I 55H 54% 55 86% ©88c, closed - at 865£ Memphis 29 & Farg0...105 which done great Keg4,s gal Machinery steel ; 0 have commanded prices. s»i Corn, quiet c. & C... Wells small. 2 25 No. 1 tubs 825 fair A |.July ••.. I 57)4 56?8 57'/- 56% 66X 57% and weaker; opened %c lower, T... 55 but an incalculable amount of good Pints, in glass 150 No. 2 7 25 . lot or two .of sheep August...... 1 58 lc the close, • Mich. Central 74 West. Union 7i tubs...- — t choice have 57%j 58)4 57% 58» 8 59 advanced near declined 3£c and Minn's St. L... 13 Quicksilver 4 in clearing the mercantile atmosphere of. Quarts " .....2 40 No. 3 tubs 625 : Lumber. > also been altered and sold at high figures, one ! closed J£c under yesterday; cash 53?jj@54!4C, do preferred... 21 preferred... 24 mnch of the gambling 54 gal, " 3 50 No. 1 churns 9 75 ntICES TO DEALERS ONLY. lot (107 pounds) $5-50 shorn. for I I I closed at 53 He; May 53?s@54?bC, at do noxious element which Gallon 500 No. H The demand closed Mo. Pacific 69 Pullman Car. 103 V. becoming 2churns...... 875 ] sheep has been greater than the supply. Ship- I \u25a0 53%@533£c; 54&@55Hc, Pal. was dangerously hampering to legiti Catsup, pict3" 100 Ho. 3 775 Common Boards $14 no Chicago, . June closed at & churns...... pers hold Hobile&Ohio 9 Cir St. L. Pitts. 75-5 mate trade. The great quarts 150 No. churns >d " '• lica preferring to their flocks over till di- Oats—; 54&©54»c; July 56 ©57 He, closed at panic which was feared " 4 00 Cull vested \u25a1{ fleece and c, Morris &Essex.. 123 do preferred... 22J-4 so much Starch—King-ford's. Wilson singlew'ph'l 75 " ;-.-.-; 8 U0 the the sheering season has 565£c; August 5775©58% closed at 5775@. has affected business onlyin so mnch- Oomm a Stock only X., C. &5t.L.... 38 Sliver Gloss, lib.. Wilson doub wash' 275 Boards 8.10 and 12inch 14 00 now commenced. The following sales will Jane 31"3 31)4 32 31)4 42 58c. Oats infair demand opened ?6@%c higher as ithas warned and cautioned those whose spec- 854 2nd « » '• 1100 31% but •Asked. tßid. Ex. int. §Ex. " " assl'd 9 Star single wasa'dl 75 " " .— sufficiently show the state of the market: 19 Ju'y- 32 32 receded again; cash and May 31©81%e, JOfferel desires likely Corn, paper Ist Fencing selected Id 00 *| 32?4 3214 3214 4i« fir. ulative were to betray their better I Ilb ..854 Tallow candles.. 10-4 2nd native steers (1,100 pounds) at $5.00; 9 head closed at 31@31i£c; June 81K@32Hc, closed Pearl 5 Kirk's Imp savon " 1100 at July judgment, and has brought them more within s?i ! Cull Bpi i (1,100 pounds) at $5.00; -JO head (1,034 pounds) Chicago, 320; . 32©32^c, closed at 32>£@ EVENING REPORT. " 1!) head the bounds of prudent dealing. The failures have .-canting 4x4. 10x12 and 18 ft.. 13 00 lat 85-30; (1,17!) pounds) at $3.50; 19 Pork—l 32?bc; August \u25a0 28 3£ ©2996 c, closed at 28 Money easy at 154 ©2 per cent. 2x4. year 3£ confined exclusively to gamblers and reck- Dry Goods. 14 '• 16 12 50 mixed cattle (1,105 pounds) at $5.30; 32 Minne- <&387bC; 27@27J4c. Rye firm at 61c. Prime paper per been " sota steers (887 at seed mercantile 4©554 . speculators and ; HIAVYbbowh " '20 " 14 00 pounds) at $4.75; 20 head (1073 Ju'-V 17 30 17 40 14 8517 40 18 00 19 30 Barley quiet 72c. Flax firm at $1.69. sent. Sterling less those who have suffered the SHEETINGS. 4xGto Bxlo inclusive as 05; 24 4O;17 Pork and exchange, bankers' bills Hyde Park BV4 Badger State T'ml-ers same scant- pounds) at S3 mixed cattle (1100 pounds) August 17 35 17 30.17 35 17 19 50 excited higher; prices gradually ad- weak most are those who have gambled most. -The LL.. 5% ing. 85 at £4.53©4.84; do. ex. demand, $4.8454® XXXstd Greylock LL .. $4.75; IS head (1020 pounds) at $4.55; 21 head vanced 90©51.05 and the appreciation was mod- eastern bank and brokers breaking have " 1% 59£ ?Oiste3x6 to 2x12 inclusive. - : (993 Chicago, : \u25a0 erately well 4.85 H. failure* Xi 7}. i Lawrence LL 5% '• 12, 14 IB ft pounds) ©4.75: 20 Minnesota I I -/. sustained; cash [email protected]; \u25a0 32 no not affected St. Paul commerce any more than " Illinois A 6 steers (1,090 pounds) at $3.25; 10 head (970 - June [email protected], closed at exports for the week, §5,115,000. " 18 i:i 00 Lard~| $18.07%® Produce would IndianHead Agawam F " "... pounds) at $5.15; 18 head lowa I 18.10; July $17.35®18.12&, at Stocks—The and the breaking of a faro bank. But what 7J£ 5*4 20 " 1401' prime steers closed $18.10® share market was weak lower Wachusetts 7y, Cheesecloth a lpt $3.25. Hogg ; August does affect St. Paul commerce is the stagnant sHgfi; and 2nd Clear, 1 in, l>i. 1& and -1 lnan (1,450 pounds) at early in the week jQly-- i 8 25 8 22 8 37 8 22 8 2711 82 18.1254 $17.40©18.25c105ed atsl7.92K ; throughout the day. Many unfavorable and un- Washington 7 Indian H 7'. v Roiish 48 0") were in good and slow demand, but for August 35 8 32 8 year [email protected]. Lard, stronger 10@15c state of the wheat market; owing to IndianA 1 Buffalo supply a 8 50 8 32 8 37 11 92 and founded reports were circulated and rumors re- this coun- 1/ Standard 7' I 3rd Clear, 1 in, 1%, 1% Inch, K^iura 40 i)« . day or two past the receipts have off and higher; cash [email protected]. Bulk meats in fair try merchants hand mouth IndiunD M Endurance 7'. \u25a0Asek'ctl in, l' fallen garding Russell Sage and his privileges used are pursuing a to 4 4, 1% inca.' Hough 3&<»> the demand has increased. As representative demand; shoulders $0.25; short ribs $8.07 were B _ \u25a0 against policy, and are just purchasing what is. needed SHUTTING STRIFES. " 1 " 2r,uO sales may quoted: 50 head Receipts Shipments short clear $8.05. quiet and unchanged; the market in the afternoon. Prices I B lki, IV,and 2 inch (Xi : be (210 pounds) at Flour, barrels Butter for the hour, and consequently has Dexter " 30 : 157 53.50; 18.531 12,790 creamery 21c; dairy Eggs quiet. Whisky opened H&lfi percent, lower, the latter for there not A 1154 American.... 9,4 B Stock Boards 3« 00 $5.00; head (207 pounds) at 20 head Wheat, bushels 32,379 163,494 18c. been quite the volume of trade the " B 11 Eagle..... I : (ISO pounds) at $3.00: 18 head (247 pounds) at Corn steady. Freights— to Buffalo Louisville & Nashville, which fell off to 30. The during a c " " ...: ..' 3000 79,341 2^c. Amoskeag Moravian 13 D > $5.00. There is a for \u25a0' 207^210 Receipts, 19,000 barrels of ; break brought buyers past seven ' days as there was with the 1054 -. is 00 good demand sheep, and a Oats "' 186,874 91,220 flour 32,000 bush- in for both accounts and week ending May 13. In comparing the railroad PBIST3. A Flooring 3>j 00 fair inquiryfor hogs, both of which are scarce. els of wheat; 74,000 bushels of corn: 187,000 there was of per cent., & j Barley " ." 5,254 8,255 a rally }4@2 Louisville returns of freight we find 54.150,000 lbs shipped ; American.. i... 6 Pacific 8 85 00 Rye bushels of oats; 5,000 bushel 3of rye ; 12,000 c5 '. 2(i ...... :..;.. 11,956 8,502 Nashville Allen's - .: 00 <\u25a0 \u25a0> " bushels of 13,000 again being most conspicuous, selling into the 03,000,000 for the 554 6. On "Change. . barley. Shipments, barrels city, against lbs pre- Manchester Fencing selected ... • Hogs 15,000 shirting Fl"oring .; 18 " of up to 32. Other 54@1 per week, a falling oil of 9,450,009 lbs, " 4?i Bristol 6 no Paul, flour; 168,000 bushels of wheat; 207.000 bush- active shares rose vious or I Cocheco ....6 Robes No. 1 SiiipLaps 16 00 St. May 21.— market yesterday was of cent., but before Lackawanna about 315 cars. Goods shipped out of the city i 654 N0.2 els com; 910,000 bushels of oats; 8,000 bush- midday Delaware, Gloucester 554 Spraguepini 054 " 1500 I very dull and quiet, with no material changes- M. Doran's Reports. .>".'-\u25a0'.' '';'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' of rye; during the Drop Siding a<< \u25a0 els 85,000 bushels barley. Western showed considerable week amounted to 1,459 cars, against I Simpson's .6 fancy.....;. 6 I " same Flooring. • St. ' of weakness and 1,479 Ist and j in quotations. Wheat was merely nominal, mill- Paul, May 20. 2:30, p. of the week preceding, being 20 \u25a0 Clear Siding.. ". 2260 m. On the afternoon board trading declined, under large offerings, to Sub- cars less. Hamilton 6 Oriental." 6 ers are The following quotations, giving the range of * 1062- Of the total receipts 512 cars were merchandise, MerrimnckD 6 A Siding "....". 21 0 | not (raving and holders are not anxious to was active and prices for grain firmer; sequently to and the Freerian. 5 B » the markets during the day, were received byit. this stock returned 108 gen- the remainder being produce, lumber, cattle and I Harmony \u0084.5 Lodi [;; 5 " 1900 unload at present prices. Corn was scarce, noth- wheat closed at 88Ho June; 90J^c July; eral C it; Doran, Commission Merchant: 90Ho list improved. In the afternoon Wabash, heavy goods. The receipts of merchandise were Chester 5 Ballon solid " 00 ing offering on the board, the August. Corn, 55c June; 56 %cJuly; 58 ! Ballon black 654 D ''from selected Fencing...... 1100 but demand was August. 31 &c St. Louis &Pacific preferred was offered' down 1 31 cars less than for the former week, and the 554 Simpson's, black 6 not Oats were WHEAT. Oats %c June; 32*40 July. Gloucester,mourning 554 a Beaded Ceilinjr 50c more than Siding. argent asked for at Monday's 17.95 June; July; per cent, at and prices rapidly. shipments 24 cars less, being . against No. 1 Shingles per 11.., ] '... ; •.-\u25a0 • • Pork, $18.00 $17.85 August, a time declined 600 CO prices, but none were offered. Barley was quiet • MILWAUKEE. CHICAGO. Lard, to 63 4, Pacific 624 for the week inding the ,13th inst. These, CHEVIOTS. 200 $8.12 June; $3.27 1/i July. Missouri Pacific broke G^ Central Cermanin XX 14 Crowe, 8 j *. 1; ;;•••••\u25a0"--•:• ". i and dull, .illyewas enquired for at 1c visible of figures implythat gross amount of \u25a0 « 300 advance on The supply grain on May to 4254, Chicago & Northwestern 23j( to 101, would the i 32 Bates' '" •-. Monday's Ground \u25a0 July. June. July. 17, in 1% sold from St. the " Phi'ris '. 9V4 J-..Lath "- iOO market. feed was tinn with 'S"'r.'Ji- store and in transit, as compiled by the secretary Chicago, & to 6S?i, goods or shipped Paul for past i Angora 11 Castlebar Wincy " enquiry and 9:30 a. 31.; ; 87 Milwaukee St. Paul 3 4, Dela- fell short of the sales of the previous week 1254 Dressing 1 side. $1 per ir. little lightreceipts. There was some 90& 92i£ % 89% of the Chicago • board .of trade.: was: ware, week | Blnck Diamond 10 Amoskeasr 10 • for hay and tut 9:40 92« 88 Lackawanna &Western 3% to 105 Dela- by about 350 tons whether this so or not it is 9j4 Dressing,. per M. \u0084"----: enquiry baled timothy, none was " 90»£ MX 21,578,000 bushels of wheat; 10,674,000 bushels' be Winneconnet Mr.cliester A ilaid...K) Dressing and Matching, $2.00 per Si offered. Seeds wholly neglected. Hogs, 9:50