Chirata (Gentiana Chirata)

Introduction: Chirata is an Indian member of the Gentian family, a bitter tonic used to stimulate both digestion and general well being. It was used to speed convalescence from serious illness and to increase vitality in those in a worn down state. It is reported to be a cardiac tonic, gastric juice stimulant and accelerative in skin function. It is found to have bitter stomachic, febrifuge and anthelmentic properties. Its juice is found to be an effective remedy for scanty urine, epilepsy and for certain types of mental disorders. It stimulates the appetite, strengthens digestion but does not constipate; it diminishes flatulence and hyperacidity, removes biliousness, if given in atonic dyspepsia, intermittent and other fevers. In combination with acids, alkalies and aromatics, it is given in bilious affections and burning heat of the body. Scientific Name: Swertia chirata

Synonyms: Gentiana chirayita; Swertia chirayita; Felworts; Kiratatikta; Bitter Stick; Chirayta; Chiretta; Chirette; Chireta; Chiraita; Charayatah; Chirette des Indes; East Indian Balmony; Bhunimba; Genciana de la India; Indian Bolonong; Nila-vembu; Indian Gentian; Kairata; Kirata; Kiraita.

Source: The main source of Chirata is vegetable kingdom. This annual is a native of North India, growing in the mountainous districts, and has been held in considerable esteem as a medicine by the Hindus. The whole plant, including the , is very bitter, with the exception of the woody portions of the stouter stems. It is an erect, annual herb with robust stem up to 1.5 m in height. Branches opposite, decussate, terete except near the top. Leaves opposite, sessile lanceolate, 10 by 3.8 cm, acute. Flowers small in panicles; calyx and corolla greenish-yellow, tinged with purple, two glands on each lobe, green, fringed with long hairs. Fruit a capsule, 0.6 cm and upwards, ovoid. Seeds 0.5 mm; polyhedral, smooth. Contains not less than 1.3 percent bitter principle. The whole plant smooth, pale-brown, inodorous, and intensely bitter. Macroscopically Chirata consists mostly of stem with leaves, flowers, fruits and , a peculiar yellowish tinge all over the herb; stem up to one meter and 6 mm broad, glabrous, yellowish- brown to purplish, faintly quadrangular above and cylindrical below, a large continuous easily separable yellow pith. Leaf, opposite, cauline. Broad at the base, ovate or lanceolate, entire, acuminate, glabrous; usually with 5 to 7 prominent lateral veins; branching from the axils of the leaves which ramify further into paniculate inflorescence. , tetramerous 2 to 3 mm broad, ovoid, with 2 glandular depressions near the base of each of the corolla lobes. Fruit superior, bicarpellary, unilocular, ovoid and pointed capsules, with numerous minute reticulated seeds, which are about 0.25 to 0.55 mm long and 0.16 to 0.45 mm broad, irregular ovoid.


Assay: Extract 20 g in boiling water containing 0.5 g of calcium carbonate till the last portion of the extract is devoid of bitterness; concentrate in vacuum and dissolve the residue in hot strong alcohol. Filter while hot and wash the residue three times with 10 ml portions of hot alcohol; remove the alcohol from the filtrate and wash the residue repeatedly with hot water (25, 20, 15 and 10 ml). Shake the filtrate repeatedly with 25, 20, 15 and 10 ml of ethyl acetate shakings; evaporate, dry and weigh. Should contain not less than 1.40 percent w/w of the residue.

Parts Used: The whole fresh plant excluding . Composition: Tincture θ. Drug strength 1/10

Active ingredient: Chirata, fresh pulp containing solids 100 gm. And plant moisture approximately 260 cc. = 360 gm.

Excipient: Strong Alcohol = 730 cc.

To make one thousand cubic centimeters of tincture.

Prover Name: Dr. Kali Kumar Bhattacharya and published in the “Hahnemann of Falgoon”, 1332BS; Mentioned in Drugs of Hindoosthan, 286. Clinical: Fever, , Constipation, Worm infestations, Upset stomach., Loss of appetite, Skin diseases., blood purifier, wounds, tonic for heart, liver, and eyes, cough, scanty urine, sciatica, enlarged spleen and liver, catarrh, intestinal spasms, anemia, obstinate urinary disorders (some say diabetes also), cleanse ulcers. Guiding Symptoms:

1. Dullness of mind; desire to lie down all the time; laziness. 2. Coldness of head; dull pain in temples; gradually extends to the whole head. 3. Hissing sound in the ears. 4. Flushes of heat from the nostril. 5. Pneumonic tuberculosis. Bronchitis and bronchial spasm. 6. Bad taste in mouth, in morning with halitosis, yellowish coating in the center of the tongue; difficult speech; tongue feels heavy. 7. Pain better by hot drinks, worse by morning and evening. 8. Burning sensation and aching pain in extremities. 9. Dyspepia, hyperacidity, flatulence; Great desire for bitter substances and meat. 10. Pain with an enlarged liver and spleen especially right sided renal pain. 11. Dull pain in the kidney especially on the right side, red colored urine with burning during micturition. 12. Weakness of the male sexual organs, impotence with slight discharge of semen. 13. Chronic fever. A noted fever killer in both acute and chronic malarial fevers. Fever may come on at any time of the day and night. But in chronic cases the fever appears usually in the afternoon, painful throat better by hot drinks, hot stage lasting for 3 to 4 hours


with marked thirst, nausea and bilious vomiting and severe burning sensation in eyes. Kalaazar with hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Wards off debility after fever. 14. Cold stage lasts long with nausea and bilious vomiting, no thirst but desire for hot water. 15. Heat stage lasts for about 3 hours with slight thirst. Sweat after heat stage with little perspiration only on axilla, chest and thighs. 16. It is also used in catarrhs, leprosy and some skin diseases.

Particulars: Head: Severe headache in head with chilliness; feeling constriction over forehead. Eye: Severe burning sensation of eye; redness in eye veins. Ear: Humming in ear; External upper part of ear red and heat come out from there.

Nose: Dry nose; sudden sneezing, watery discharge from nose and eye. Mouth: Tasteless and fetid odor from mouth. Stomach: Great desire for bitter substances. Throat: Painful throat better by hot things. Abdomen: Abdomen is bloated, full; continued stool, 3 or 4 times; enlargement of both liver and spleen associated with pain; Enlarged both liver and spleen; Dull pain in the kidney especially on the right side; Ulcers in the intestine worse.

Urine: Weakness of male sexual organs; Urine high red color, burning and dribbling of semen during urination; Diabetes, Lower blood sugar levels ; Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

Chest: Inhalation repeatedly during fever, dry coryza in lungs, feels pain during deep inhalation. Extremities: Aching in feet like rheumatism; pain like electric shock in cores of bone marrow; Better from rubbing. Fever: Acute and chronic malarial fevers; any time of the day and night. But in chronic cases the fever appears usually in the afternoon, painful throat better by hot drinks, hot stage (Temperature 1050 – 1060) lasting for 3 to 4 hours with marked thirst, talks as garrulous, nausea and bilious vomiting, vomiting, and severe burning sensation in hands, feet, mouth and eyes and bursting pain in chest. Dose & Administration: Mother Tincture 10 drops one or two hour’s intervals 3 or 4 times and when decreased temperature, small doses applicable and in case of malarial fever (Temperature 1050 – 1060) lasting for 3 to 4 hours with marked thirst, talks as garrulous, nausea and bilious vomiting, vomiting, and severe burning sensation in hands, feet, mouth and eyes and bursting pain in chest, 30 - 40 drops (03 or 04 times) are very helpful or as directed by the Homoeopathic Physician. Side effects: No significant side effect has been observed in proper doses. Contraindication: There is no known contraindication.


Use in Pregnancy and breast-feeding: The safety of Chirata in pregnancy has not been studied. Therefore it should be used with caution during pregnancy. If necessary consult with Homoeopathic Physician Storage: Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from sunlight. Store in a cool and dry place. Presentation: 30 ml, 100 ml & 450 ml in bottle. Reference: 1. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of M. Bhattacharyya & Co’s., India. 2. Comparative Materia Medica by Dr. N.C. Ghosh, M.D. (U.S.A.), India. 3. 4. 5. 6. charayatah/ 7. Encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia by Dr. P.N. Varma & Dr. Indu Vaid.