1 NGU THEMATIC ISSUE NO.1 ISSN 2535-7042, printed edition ISSN 2535-7050, online edition MINERALS FOR THE GREEN ECONOMY Cover and layout: NGU, Communication & Public Relations Text: Tom Heldal, Henrik Schiellerup & Kari Aslaksen Aasly. Translated by Rognvald Boyd First edition november 2016 Edited edition january 2019 CONTENTS







REFERENCES RESOURCES IN ...... 20 THE MINERAL INDUSTRY IN NORWAY – STATUS AND FUTURE...... 24 1) EU 2016: European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials: Raw Materials Scoreboard. ( PUBLIC-PRIVATE COOPERATION...... 26

2) The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials TEN POINTS TO FOLLOW UP AND ACHIEVE...... 27 (

3) EU, 2014: Communication from the Commission: On the review of the list of critical raw materials for the EU and the implementation of the Raw Materials Initiative (

4) Mineralressurser i Norge 2015. Mineralstatistikk og bergindustriberetning. Norges geologiske undersøkelse og Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning, 2016

5) UNEP, 2011. Recycling rates of metals (

6) International Copper Study Group: The World Copper Factbook 2015 ( 2092-2015-10-03-icsg-factbook-2015?Itemid=0)

7) Pedersen & Bjerkgård: Sea-floor massive sulphides in Arctic waters (Mineral resources in the Arctic)

8) Müller, A. 2013. The chemistry of the mobile phones Nokia Nuron 5230, Nokia 5130 and Sony Ericsson W595. NGU rapport 2013-026, 23p

9) 17 Goals to Transform Our World:


Mainland Norway has a varied geology with THE GREEN ECONOMY possibilities for the discovery of many types of mineral resource. Each region has potential for particular types of resource. Known and indicated resources in the ground have a possible value of close to NOK 2,500 billion.

TROMS Nickel, PGE, graphite, gold, calcium carbonate, dolomite FINNMARK Iron, copper, quartz, gold, nickel, PGE, nepheline syenite, slate

NORDLAND Iron, copper, zinc, gold, nickel, lead, beryl- lium, calcium carbonate, dolomite, quartz, graphite, talc, marble, soapstone

TRØNDELAG Copper, zinc, lead, calcium carbonate, talc, slate Global industrialisation has always been followed by an increasing demand for both the volume and type of raw materials. The high-technological revolution and the transition to a green economy have led to a need for use of a steadily increasing part of the Periodic Table – here illustrated by the development in the number of elements needed in core technologies in the last three hundred years. Figure based on 1.

HEDMARK-OPPLAND Copper, zinc, nickel, calcium carbonate, VESTLANDET slate, soapstone Titanium, iron, copper, gold, vanadium, olivine, phosphate, talc, quartz, The development of a green led to new technological developments. The transition to a green economy will ne- calcium carbonate, economy will, like all the major The Stone Age was replaced by the cessitate a major focus on green technol- slate, aggregate Bronze Age in the same way as green ogy. The main focus will be on renewable or export changes in history, require more energy will replace the use of fossil fuels. energy (bio-energy, hydrogen, water, wind use of mineral resources. Almost all useful elements in the Periodic and sun), better storage and less loss of Table are now, in modern society, avail- energy (batteries and energy transport), ØSTLANDET OG SØRLANDET able to us, a development which allows reduction in the use of fossil energy (elec- Copper, gold, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, Mineral resources have, throughout the use of ever more advanced technologies. trification of vehicles, lighter materials) cobalt, niobium, REE, silver, fluorspar, history of mankind, been decisive for phosphate, block stone Resources for which there was little use and advanced, smart technology. wellbeing and development. Each new 20 years ago are now absolute neces- epoch has been characterised by the sities for high-technology applications Most of these sectors are mineral-inten- availability of new mineral resources for which we all use. sive. In the long term it should be possible use in mankind's toolkit, which, in turn, to facilitate recirculation of a large part

4 5 of the resources we use. Population sary resources from rocks and surficial and challenges, and also sketch ways in NORWAY, THE EUROPEAN UNION growth and, not least, improvements in sediments, until the available store of which private-public partnerships can standards of living, will, however, lead recyclable material in society is large contribute to achieving key goals. to further increases in demand which enough to be significant and the recycling AND THE UNITED NATIONS cannot, in the short term, be met by technology good enough to process it. We recirculated materials. We must thus, will, in the following chapters, examine for the foreseeable future, meet our different aspects of the minerals needed needs by extracting most of the neces- in a green economy, Norway's potential The green transition will necessitate an with both production and technology to 2020, established public-private industry ever more effective and cleaner miner- a greener world in the coming decades. partnerships aimed at strengthening al extraction and processing industry. the three axes. Every second year an This means that emissions during produc- There are, however, some stumbling analysis containing a set of 24 indica- tion must be reduced and that resources blocks. Resources which are vitally im- tors ("Raw materials score board"1) is and tailings must be utilised better. portant for development of, and supply produced in order to monitor progress There will also be major challenges in to Europe's ever greener value chains can in the EU's overall activity in this field. making our enormous consumption of be difficult to access. This is not due to a These analyses have a broad profile, from construction raw materials greener, by lack of such resources in Earth's crust, the future demand for raw materials, via thinking of "short transport" solutions. but because their availability is governed exploration, investigation of deposits by national and/or private monopolies, and extraction in Europe, to recirculation Norway and the European Union are well in addition to the fact that restrictions and sustainability in the industry. The equipped for a green transition. The min- on exports of important raw materials analyses form an important foundation eral industry has made much progress have become increasingly common in for development of political action plans in development of sustainable solutions1 the world in recent decades1. in the EU. and Europe leads in terms of both de- velopment of technology and solutions This was the starting point for the Eu- The member countries of the United for collecting materials for recycling. ropean Union's Raw Materials Initiative Nations approved, in autumn 2015, We may add that Europe has a demo- in 2008: it described three main axes: a set of shared sustainability goals. The graphic development and standard of secure good and sustainable trade re- 17 goals and 169 subsidiary goals are living profile which is favourable for a gimes for raw materials, secure supply a shared work plan for elimination of gradual transition to a circular economy. of raw materials in Europe and stimu- poverty, combating discrimination and late effective resource utilisation and terminating climate change by 2030. Norway and the other Nordic countries recycling. The Commission presents, at Achievement of the green transition are world leaders in mining technology, regular intervals, an updated list of raw and improved social conditions are and the region leads Europe in terms of materials which are particularly import- core concepts for achieving these goals. production of both mineral raw materials ant and vulnerable, so-called critical raw Questions related to minerals will thus be and refined metals. Access to resources, materials3. important in the work aimed at reaching stable political government, the will to these goals9. regulate and focus on both innovation and The Commission has, in addition to es- the environment mean that Norway and tablishing research programmes linked the other Nordic countries can contribute to the Raw Materials Initiative, via Horizon

Norway participates in many of the actions and initiatives which are implemented at European level, via NGU, the universities and research institutes. Norway does not, however, participate in the part which covers analyses and indicators. These are reserved for EU member states. The connection between R&D and policy development

Eurogeosurveys, the European cooperative organisation for national geological is therefore weaker in Norway than in the EU. The visibility of Norway's role in the surveys, published, in 2015, a map showing the known deposits of minerals and European context as well as initiatives for public-private cooperation, are weakened. metals which are critical for European industry and the European economy. The project demonstrates Europe's own potential for averting political or strategically Thus, even though Norway's role in the basic activities in the Raw Materials Initiative motivated supply crises in a continent which is heavily dependent on import of is strong, implementation at the national level is in suspense, pending possible new mineral raw materials. directives which Norway will be committed to following.


Demand for copper is increasing and the demand for copper in less than 20 has increased exponentially throughout years. There is a great need for discovery history. Copper has many applications and development of new copper deposits Several metals and minerals are of particular importance in but 75% of the copper which is mined is in order to secure the development of used for transport of electric current in prosperity and the transition to a greener implementing the green transition. This applies to materials one or other context. Everything which society. Norway has, historically, been a which, with minimal encroachment and consumption, are is to be electrified requires copper and very important producer of copper and absolutely critical in climate- and environmentally friendly copper is completely indispensable in active exploration for copper continues the green transition. Increased prosper- in Norway today. Large resources may energy production, minerals which are used directly in en- ity, urbanisation and population growth still lie in the bedrock in Norway, but vironmental applications, and materials which are of vital have always driven the global increase in there is also a potential for economically importance for modern technology. Many elements and min- demand for copper. The need for copper mineable deposits on the seabed in Nor- in the green transition is a new, import- wegian territorial waters. The important erals with unique properties are necessary for the increasing ant and additional "driver". The green copper deposits, Nussir and Ulveryggen, degree of electrification in the transport sector, and these are transition and the increase in the global in Repparfjord in Finnmark county are needed in steadily increasing quantities. We call them "green middle class from 1,800 million in 2009 to being developed for production within a 4,900 million already in 2030 will double few years. minerals" and will describe some of them here.

• An electric car needs 3 times as • 3,600 tons of copper is required for • Two new wind turbines were set up much copper as a conventional car building a wind park with a capacity every single hour in China in 2015. – about 80 kg. of 1000 MW, the size which is being planned in Trøndelag county: this is equivalent to the area of a football pitch covered with a 5 cm-thick plate of copper.

VerdensWorld consumption forbruk av ra nert of refined kobber, copper, 1900-2014. 1900 – 2014. Tall iData 1000 in tonn1000 tons.

24 000

20 000

Increasing need for resources 16 000

We are efficient in recirculating copper but demand for copper is increasing exponen- tially as a result of population growth and 12 000 increased prosperity.

The world is therefore dependent on a steady increase in the number of new copper 8 000 mines, even though we recirculate over half the amount of metal used6. Global copper consumption increased by 3.4% annually between 1900 and 2014. Consumption is 4 000 expected to pass 50 million tons annually during the 2040s.


1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000


The global population and efforts to political conflict. The phosphate in this Graphite is a soft, grey mineral which twice as much graphite as lithium, and achieve greater prosperity are increasing. area is mined from deposits which are consists solely of the element carbon. it is estimated that the development of The world must have more food. Mineral also enriched in uranium and cadmium. Everyone has related to graphite because fuel-cell technology will cause a major fertiliser has an enormous effect on the The heavy metals have, over the years, the "lead" in a pencil consists of graphite, increase in demand for natural graphite. yield of agricultural soil and is essential either followed the fertiliser onto agricul- typically blended with clay to adjust the The quality of the natural graphite is crit- for maintenance of food production in tural soil or have accumulated in waste writing hardness. Graphite has, howev- ical for an application in high technology, many parts of the world. Phosphate, heaps at the mining sites. "Green phos- er, unique properties in relation to the and many known deposits on Norway nitrogen and potassium are the most phate" will be important for the future green transition: in the future ultra-thin meet the necessary quality standard. important nutrients for the world's and Norway has considerable resources layers of graphite, called "graphene", may Skaland Graphite's mine on Senja is the corn. The largest deposits are, and the which may be suitable for exploitation form the basis for a new technological most important producer of high-quality greatest production of phosphate come – the largest deposit is located east of revolution. Lithium-ion batteries, which natural graphite in Europe. from the phosphorite deposits in North in county. are the central energy source in almost Africa, partly in areas in which there is all portable electronic items, contain


Rare earth metals (Rare Earth Elements, The rare earth metals have been the Norway has several small deposits, and Lithium is the lightest metal which exists Leaf, has a battery which contains 4 kg. REE) are the collective names used subject of much attention in recent years one single, very large deposit of rare and, in the Periodic System, is element lithium, while the battery in a Tesla is for 16 elements (the lanthanoids and because China has exploited it's produc- earth metals. It is located at Ulefoss in no. 3. Lithium is used in many contexts, much larger and requires much more yttrium) which have quite unique prop- tion monopoly for political purposes. The Telemark county and is one of Europe's but most of it ends up either in ceramic lithium. Norway has, at the present, no erties in relation to modern technology. different metals have many, varied appli- largest. products or in batteries. Demand for known mineable deposits of lithium, but The elements commonly occur together cations: particularly important sectors lithium continues to increase because a Norwegian company, Nordic Mining, in "rare earth minerals": very advanced include batteries, electric motors, wind of increasing electrification in the trans- has ownership involvement in a lithium processes are required in order to turbines, catalysers, screen technology port sector and growth in consumer deposit in Finland. separate the metals from each other. and energy-efficient LED-light, all of technology, which requires effective, China completely dominates world which are important in the green world light batteries. Lithium is, in fact, one of production. Norway and the remainder of the future. the few raw materials for which prices of Europe have to import all we need. have increased throughout the global raw material price collapse in recent years. A small electric car, such as a Nissan


Titanium, in the form of TiO2 - titanium of titanium and Titania's mine in Hauge Extremely pure quartz is a vitally import- is, however, demanding: Quartz Corp's occur as single- or main-resource de- dioxide – was part of an earlier phase i Dalane is responsible for 6% of world ant resource, for, among others, solar technological solutions are critical for posits but are extracted as by-products of green development which took place production. A new titanium project on cell producers and in the semiconductor the value of the mineral product. from deposits being mined primarily for in the last century. Lead had, until then, Engebøfjellet in Førdefjor may, with time, industry. The solar cell industry requires other components. Geological knowledge, been the main additive for giving paint a further increase Norway's importance as highly refined raw materials, even though Solar cell production requires, in addi- understanding of the resources, political white colour. Old lead-based white paint a titanium producer. the initial resource is very pure quartz. tion to quartz, like much high technology will and regulations are necessary in or- can contain up to several tens of % of The company Quartz Corp AS produces, otherwise, numerous other elements der to ensure that the World's increasing lead and remain as an important source in Norway, ultra-pure quartz at their plant with special properties, which contribute need for elements of this kind can be of pollution in the soil, especially in our at Drag, south of Narvik. The path from a to the solar cells being effective and met with a minimum of encroachment cities. Norway has very large resources deposit of ultra-pure quartz to a saleable economic to produce. Several of the on nature and culture. raw material for solar cell production elements, for example indium, do not

• Titanium is stronger than steel but • Titanium, is a metal which our • Titanium dioxide is a non-poisonous is 42% lighter and is therefore used bodies tolerate: it is therefore used in pigment which makes paint, foods in aircraft fuselages. A Boeing 787 implants and in artificial limbs. and other products white. You will find Dreamliner contains 15% titanium. titanium dioxide in soft ice cream, sun cream and in toothpaste.


Tellurium 100 282 Olivine is, in fact, a green mineral – also increasing extent, used in removing heavy when you find it in nature. Olivine is one metals from soil or water or for covering Indium 100 278 of our most important industrial minerals polluted ground, e.g. in harbour areas. Tin 100 286 and Norway produces almost half of the Sibelco Europe's olivine mine at Åheim global production. Most of the olivine is the world's largest and the region has Silver 100 287 is used as a flux in iron pellets in blast several other deposits of world class. furnaces, but olivine also has a green Gallium 100 200 side. Olivine has special properties in Selenium 100 225 adsorption of heavy metals and is, to an

Tin Cadmium 100 279 Lead Silver Silicon Indium Copper Gallium Selenium Cadmium Tellurium Copper 100 286

Lead 100 286 Estimate of the percentage increase in demand in for selected elements for solar energy up to 20301. Silicon 100 286

12 13 Planning for and establishment of areas material will reduce the environmental important measure for reduction of the LOCAL USE OF ROCK MATERIALS for temporary storage of construction impact of such projects. This must be load on the environment and for society. materials near a harbour or railway will used by mapping the quality of the rock Such plans can form the basis for secur- constitute appropriate steps for increas- bodies as construction resources in an ing raw-material needs, both nationally ing transport by railway or by ship. early phase of planning, and by devel- and locally, for securing that the material opment of extraction techniques and used is of sufficient quality, so that other Large road- and railway-projects are production methods which secure more raw-materials with unique qualities are being planned for future development high-value use of construction materials. not used where there is no need for their Norway needs large quantities and hard-rock aggregate/per- ported for short distances. Local sourcing in Norway. Achieving a mass balance in specific qualities. these projects by planned use of con- Good, long-term plans for management of stone for construction of son/year. of stone is environmentally favourable, as is the case also for food. The population struction-site material as construction of construction materials will be an infrastructure such as roads, Construction materials should be sup- of the cities will increase strongly in the railway lines and other large plied locally. Transport costs for delivery coming years. This will lead to increased constructions. Norwegian of these heavy materials for distances of demand for construction materials and over 30 kilometres will exceed the price greater difficulty in ensuring local sup- consumption is equivalent to for the construction materials. Most con- plies of these materials. This trend ne- The anticipated population increase in the one truckload of , gravel struction materials are therefore trans- cessitates long-term planning: planners region will lead to an approximate need for. 339 million tons of construction raw materials up to 2040.

This corresponds to the top of Gaustatoppen. Where is all the rock going to come from?

• 20% of all heavy transport on roads • 120,000 tons of hard-rock aggregate must ensure that society does not build tion materials. We anticipate that a larger railway freight reduces carbon dioxide in Norway consists of trucks loaded are needed to build 1 kilometre of four- on top of the materials needed for the proportion of construction materials for emissions by at least 80% compared with gravel and hard-rock aggregate lane motorway. actual buildings. areas with intensive development will, in with road freight. Several of the largest the future, be transported by sea from hard-rock aggregate deposits in Norway • 4 million truckloads of construction • 50,000 tons of hard-rock aggregate Freight of stone from the location where deposits on the coast. are based on freight by sea. Transport raw materials are transported every are needed to build 1 kilometre of it is extracted to the location where it is to by ship can also be important for cities year in Norway. Every additional double-track railway. be used involves the use of heavy trucks A larger proportion of raw materials of close to the sea. The challenge in using kilometre of transport distance which have impacts on the road network this type is transported, in other coun- trains or ships is the need for large areas results in an additional 4 million extra • 3,000 tons of hard-rock aggregate, and the environment and also cause tries, by railway. Several of the largest for receipt and temporary storage of the truck-kilometres on Norwegian roads. or 250 truck-loads, are needed to build increased pollution. It will be necessary, deposits which can meet the future needs construction materials, before they can a school. in the future, to look for solutions which of the Oslo region are located near avail- be freighted onwards to the market. minimise the environmental impact from able infrastructure for railway transport. both extraction and transport of construc- Studies from Great Britain show that

14 15 which such footprints can be reduced. tainability does not necessarily mean heavy metals from old mine-waste tips. GREEN PRODUCTION total utilisation of all deposits, but there A financially responsible mining company It is of great importance to assess wheth- may, nevertheless, be a considerable will not, in our times, abandon waste tips er many of the old mine tips on which potential in innovative thinking on use of which are as rich in sulphides and metals the government expends many millions major sources of waste materials, and, as was done in the past, but it can still be of NOK every year, in order to minimise if possible, establishment of new value a problem that possible reactive materi- environmental damage, could be exploit- chains based on mine waste. als are left, exposed to air and running ed commercially. The metal content in water for a very long time. Slumping Greener mines will reduce the parts of the tips close to several disused When mine waste must ultimately be and slides from waste disposal sites on mines is higher than what could, today, deposited this should be done in a way land have caused several environmental environmental foot print in the be considered to be mineable rock. The which has the least possible impact on catastrophes in the world. This risk may future, but it is not certain that need is therefore great for mapping and the local environment. There are several increase as a result of more extreme this can be done without waste characterisation of these waste tips. ways in which mine waste can be depos- weather in the future. Technology exists for increased use of ited. tipping. secondary resources from aggregate pro- A third form of waste disposal is backfill- Hard-rock aggregate deposits are tra- duction as fine fractions in concrete- and Marine disposal of mine waste has the ing of mineral waste production into the ditionally operated as open pits. Under- asphalt production. The raw material has advantage that the waste is literally laid mine cavity or open pit as the operation ground operation is a good alternative traditionally been adapted to concrete on the seabed and is therefore much less progresses. This is a solution which may where this is operation-technically possi- and asphalt recipes. It can be anticipated exposed to slides. Such submarine waste be appropriate for certain types of mining ble. Underground operation means a less that there will, in the future, be a greater deposits will, in some cases, be consol- operation, but not for all. environmentally disfigured landscape, degree of adaptation of the recipe to the idated quite rapidly, in such a way that and less dust and noise for which the raw material which is available, in order the material becomes inert and stable. Whether the one or other type of deposi- industry is commonly criticised. The rock to achieve optimal us of the resources. Marine waste deposits will, however, in- tion is best in a given situation depends caverns which remain when the aggre- fluence the biodiversity of the waters. It is on many factors. The best practice in one gate has been blasted out can easily be It is, despite various innovative solutions thus important that the consequences of area may be the worst in another area. used for tipping of waste rock. There are which may become economically viable marine disposal are assessed thoroughly We must therefore aim for thorough re- many advantages in going underground in the future, probable that deposition and that the disposal site is monitored search and smart planning, and secure for rock even though underground oper- of surplus rock material is a factor with systematically. good regulation and monitoring of the ation costs more than open-pit operation. which we will have to live so long as re- deposition process so that defined limits In addition, an integrated operation with sources are being extracted from rocks. are not exceeded. several production processes within the Even if it may be theoretically possible Waste disposal on land is, in many cases, same area will be very advantageous. to use this waste rock for a practical the only possible solution. The waste dis- An aggregate operation with, for exam- purpose, this does not necessarily mean posal sites require large areas. We have, ple, integrated plants for concrete- and that it is desirable relative to the market in Norway, a great deal of negative expe- asphalt production and –recirculation will or the environment to do so. Good sus- rience from acidification and leakage of reduce transport costs considerably.

Fana Stein & Gjenvinning in operate a • New technology involving robotifica- combined recycling plant and aggregate works tion of mining may make it profitable underground. This type of operation reduces the environmental impact in the local environment to exploit small and rich deposits to a and also reduces the transport needs, in that greater extent than previously. fewer empty trucks have to drive in and out of the plant Foto: Lars Libach • Future technology may make it simpler, technically, to exploit deposits Reuse of rock materials is an important foremost internationally as regards en- Rich and easily accessible metallic re- which contain a blend of metals and supplement to ordinary construction vironmental footprint, and is comparable sources are, to a large extent, used up. industrial minerals. This can lead materials, but will not meet the demand with European standards. Norway has, in Mines are being established globally on to economically viable production, alone. Over 9 million tons is used annual- addition, a mineral industry which uses ever-lower grade but large deposits, and better utilisation of the resources and ly in Greater Oslo alone – the capital plus renewable energy: this is an important, the deposits are at increasing depths. reduced waste from deposits with the 45 nearby municipalities. positive factor compared with most Fifty years ago it was not commonly pay- several valuable components. other countries in the world. Norwegian able to open a copper mine with a grade It is inevitable that extraction and pro- industry is also among the foremost in of less than 1.5% Cu: there are, today, • Certain minerals, such as olivine, cessing of mineral raw materials set a the world in reduction of emissions to mines operating at 0.3% Cu. This type of may, in time, and with the right tech- footprint on the external environment. the atmosphere, a sector in which devel- operation results in very large tonnages nology, be used in mineral production, The green transition presupposes the opment is moving in the right direction. of waste rock material. This leads to a in a process where CO2 is, at the same greatest possible reduction in the neg- There are, nevertheless, challenges: low degree of utilisation, higher energy time, bound in the residual products. Walling stones are produced at this stone quarry ative impact on nature. Norway has a these are primarily related to utilisation consumption and large tips of mineral in Larvik from rock which is surplus to the The result will be a combination of mineral industry which is among the of the raw materials. waste. We can envisage several ways in requirements for larvikite production. resource extraction and storage of Foto: Peer Richard Neeb greenhouse gases.


Most non-renewable resources A typical cell phone contains ca. 0.02 g. of tity of resources required to manufacture will, in the long term, become gold. If all the gold in iPhones sold in 2013 the products with which we surround had been extracted from a single mine ourselves. It is obvious that such a level renewable, through recircula- this would leave a hole corresponding to of consumption cannot be sustainable tion. a 6 km. long road tunnel. This example in the long term if it is based solely on gives a modest perspective on the quan- extraction of the resources from rock.

There is great variation in how effectively we recirculate different materials. The figure shows "end of life" recirculation rates for 60 elements. UNEP, 2011. Recycling rates of metals 5

Gold: 0,04 % Silver: 0,15 % Copper: 24,9 % Nickel: 3,10 % Zinc: 2,74 % Tin: 0,74 % Cobalt: 0,09 % Chronium: 0,44 %

Mobile-phone high technology depends on very many mineral resources. The example above shows a selection of metals, analysed in a crushed Nokia 5230 cell phone.8

Europe is approaching a zero growth- the growth in recycled copper for several There is, in addition, focus on increased level in population. This will lead to some decades to come. effort by the producers of electronic prod- metals (especially iron, copper, gold and ucts to design these so as to facilitate

other major metals) being increasingly The situation is different for other raw recirculation. The aggregate plant at the Velde AS stone supplied by recirculation in the future. materials. Technology has, so far, not quarry at is integrated with the concrete and asphalt station and a modern The technology is in place and has been advanced sufficiently as to allow easy recipient plant for construction materials. implemented in commercial applications recirculation of special metals. Much This reduces the transport needs and the environmental impact. and we are skilful in recirculation of these research and innovation in both pri- Foto: Velde AS metals. At a global level however, the vate and publicly funded organisations growth in demand for copper will exceed will, however, improve this situation.

18 19 RESOURCES IN NORWAY Metals Industrial minerals Natural stone Sand, gravel, hard-rock aggregate Norway is a historically im- exploration activity and on attracting tion in the future. These are deposits of portant producer of numerous international capital to the industry. Nor- a type for which we see that the global way has, through the special allocations trend in grades (the percentage content Figures for the estimated gross resource value "in the ground" for groups of Norwegian important metals and industrial MINN and MINS focussed on mineral of minerals or metals) is gradually ap- mineral resources (billion Norwegian crowns). The figures, though they are speculative and depend, of course on market developments, give a certain image of the possibilities for value minerals and the potential for resource investigations in North- and proaching the levels in known deposits creation in a 100-year perspective. The processing value for a resource value of NOK 2,500 new discoveries is still large. South-Norway succeeded in establish- in Norway, or trends relating to particular billion will be ca. NOK 8,000 billion. ing a similar framework for collection of qualities which can make deposits eco- The Fennoscandian Shield which en- data. The data basis available in Norway nomically viable. Advances in process compasses Norway, Sweden, Finland is still, however, weaker than those which technology are another factor which and northwest Russia is considered to exist in the neighbouring countries. can bring known deposits into play, and Value chains in the mineral industry can be complex and are often international. The three examples below illustrate this. Zinc be Europe's most prospective area and On the other hand the potential in Norway additional benefits such as disposal production in Norway is based on imported raw materials. Super-pure quartz combines both Norwegian and imported raw new world-class deposits are still being is correspondingly large: the challenge of CO2 may also increase profitability. materials, as does the value chain for titanium dioxide. found in the Shield. Sweden and Finland now is to discover the deposits concealed The potential for continued exploitation, have both focussed major efforts, using under overburden or at greater depths – development and process improvement VALUE CHAIN ULTRA-PURE QUARTZ the national geological surveys and other or, perhaps, on the seabed. is, in any case, considerable. It is thus national institutional systems, on their important in land use planning to know mining industries, work very intensively Norway also has known deposits which as much as possible about where the EXTRACTION on creating favourable conditions for can, we believe, be suitable for exploita- potential is regarded as significant. Quartz, (feldspar, mica) EXPORT PRODUCTION Semiconductors, solar Super-pure quartz energy, optics, fibre optics, FUTURE POTENTIAL RESOURCE TYPES Feldspar halogen lamps, ceramic IMPORT Mica products, filler in paint, plastic, rubber Existing and potential exploitation possibilities: Large Titanium, copper, iron, olivine, quartz/silica, car- Quartz concentrate resources, established value chains and technology bonate rocks, nepheline syenite, graphite, aggregate, natural stone Major potential for the future: large resources and Rare earth metals (REE), zinc, nickel, lead, molybde- VALUE CHAIN ILMENITE/TITANIUM DIOXIDE potential for new discoveries, in addition to increas- num, magnesium, phosphate, talc ing demand EXTRACTION PROCESSING PURIFICATION Limited potential for future exploitation: Cobalt, silver, vanadium, niobium, gold, beryllium, Ilmenite (Hauge i Dalane lmenite concentrate TiO2 (Fredrikstad) fluorspar, feldspar, garnet, mica, sand and gravel (Hauge i Dalane)

less resources and potential for new discoveries Wolfram, chromium, aluminium, PGE, scandium, tantalum, gallium, indium, aluminosilicates IMPORT PURIFICATION EXPORT Ilmenite concentrate TiO2 and pig iron White paint, cosmetics,

We have, even though we cannot foresee the future markets for mineral resources, grouped those resources (Senegal) (Tyssedal) plastic, food, etc. which we can find in mainland-Norway into four groups according to: presumed future potential, our knowledge of them and their importance for society. Resources which are critical according to the EU classification of 2014 are indicated in red font, while green underlining indicates resources which are particularly important for green energy. VALUE CHAIN ZINC

The prices of most of the resources are financial crisis in 2008. Prices have, we will, in time, see the same effects USED IN NORWAY governed by a global market: China's however, fallen from 2012 to 2015 and in Norway. Exploration companies and IMPORT PRODUCTION Aluminium industry explosive economic growth and resource exploration companies which are de- investors must, however, be cultivated Zinc concentrate from Zinc metal, zinc alloys, needs from 2000 up to 2012 dictated the pendent on risk capital have had difficult and fed with basic information and data mines, zinc clinker from sulphuric acid, aluminium agenda in the mineral industry through- circumstances. There has been a strong so that they can implement their object smelters, fluorspar, fluoride anhydrit EXPORT out the globe. The prices of both energy increase in activity in our neighbouring investigations in the right places, with aluminium hydrate Steel industry, foundry and mineral resources rose constantly, countries, which suggests a belief in an the required permits and the necessary products, mineral fertiliser except for the short-lived effect of the upturn in the trends, and we expect that predictability.

20 21 The potential for mineral deposits of all types is still large in Norway and these resources, with the right framework conditions, can yield both profit on extraction and downstream value creation in a world in development. Norway's territorial waters encom- biology around these active metal sourc- smokers have been identified, but map- pass many hundred kilometres of the es. The deposits on the seabed are of in- ping has only just begun and will require Mid-Atlantic Ridge along which active terest primarily because of their content considerable resources. The potential formation of metal deposits takes place of copper, but also zinc, gold and other for exploitation and value creation from from so-called "black smokers". Bothe the metals can be found in deep-marine de- possible deposits is large, because the

Ulveryggen/ Tana, kvartsitt University of Bergen and NTNU have had posits. The potential for major discoveries Norwegian oil industry is a world-leader Nussir, kobber Skallelv, kvartsitt ORE DEPOSITS " INDUSTRIAL MINERALS " Bjørnevatn, jern " Stjernøy, Svanvik, kvarts expeditions to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in considerable for the marine territories: in marine technology. IMPORTANT DEPOSITS Karenhaugen, PGE/kobber IMPORTANT DEPOSITS nefelinsyenitt/apatitt " " " Gallujav'ri, nikkel/ Reinfjord, nikkel/PGE Gjeddevann, kobber/PGE gull/arsen Karlsøy, dolomitt order to study both the geology and the several hydrothermal fields with black " Rai'tevarri, kobber/gull Nakken, dolomitt " Trælen, grafitt Bidjovagge, gull/kobber Skøelv, dolomitt

Jennestad, grafitt Breivoll, kalkstein Evenes, kalkstein Fjelldalsheia, kalkstein " Bruvann, nikkel/kobber Hekkelstrand, dolomitt Kjøpsvik, kalkstein Drag, kvarts Linnajarvi, talk Hammerfall, dolomitt Ertenvågdalen, dolomitt Løvgavlen, dolomitt " Sulitjelma, kobber/gull Mårnes, kvartsitt Misvær, apatitt Kvithammaren, dolomitt

Nasafjell, kvarts " " Ørtfjell, jern Høgtuva, beryllium " Nakkan/Altermark, talk Mofjellet, sink/kobber/bly/gull Øyjord, kalkstein Seljeli, dolomitt Melkfjell, kvartsitt Fagervollan, kalkstein Granåsen, dolomitt

Hattfjelldal, dolomitt Kolsvik, gull Akselberg, kalkstein " " Joma, kobber/sink Kongsmoen kalkstein " Hestvika, kalkstein " Skorovatn, kobber/sink Skiftesmyr/Godejord, kobber/sink Raudfjellet, magnesitt/talk

Verdal, kalkstein Visnes/ Naas/ Langnes, " Løkken, kobber/sink kalkstein Gåsvatn, kalkstein Glærum, kalkstein " Rødsand, jern " Hersjø/Røros-Tydal, kobber/sink " Vakkerlien, nikkel/kobber Breivik, kalkstein Raudbergvik, olivin " Onilsavatn, olivin Grimsdal/Folldal, sink Åheim, olivin Steinsvik, olivin Engebøfjellet/Naustdal, Bryggja, olivin " rutil/titan " " Espedalen, nikkel INI PRODUCTIONDRIFT Engebøfjellet, rutil/granat INI DPRODUCTIONRIFT " " Gausdal, kalkstein Orkheia, rutil/titan " POSSIBLEMULIG F FUTURERAMTID PRODUCTIONIG DRIFT POSSIBLEMULIG F RFUTUREAMTID IPRODUCTIONG DRIFT Furuberget, kalkstein Raudberget, talk Gudvangen, anortositt Nordli, molybden " Hole, kalkstein Kvalvik, kvarts Ertelien, nikkel " Nesodden, kvarts

" Kisgruva, kobber/sink/selen Lassedalen, flusspat Fen, niob/REE " " Kodal, titan/jern/fosfor Hesjafjellet, kvarts Kodal, apatitt Dalen-Bjørntvedt, kalkstein , ilmenitt/ Knaben, molybden " Bjerkreim, apatitt Kragerø, kvartsitt vanadium " Evje, feltspat " Tellnes, ilmenitt/nikkel Glamsland, feltspat/kvarts

$ Friarfjord, skifer $ Loppa, skifer Nyelv, gneis $ Repparfjord NATURAL STONE DEPOSITS GRAVEL- AND AGGREGATE DEPOSITS Bjørnevatn $ Alta, skifer IMPORTANT DEPOSITS IMPORTANT DEPOSITS $ Kautokeino, kvartsitt

Kubbavika Røyrvik Grasdalen

Såt Linnajarvi, kleberstein Espevik Sauaskolten $ Jøsneset $ Fauske, marmor Dyneneset Beiarn, granitt $ $ Ljøshammaren, marmor Soppaland Valheim Fonndalen Tveit Tau 2 Risavika Tomma

Røyneberg Velde Løland Sandnesjøen Vaule Nedre Espedal Nordre Kalberg Dirdal Søndre Kalberg

Snåsa, skifer Nord-Fosen $ $ Lierne, skifer AGGREGATE, IN PRODUCTION Ottersbo Ørsjødal PUKK I DRIFT

Gjøbergsheia Lia GRAVEL,GRUS I DINR PRODUCTIONIFT Vassfjell Skjøla $ Bruhagen Søberg Forseth AGGREGATE,PUKK, MULI POSSIBLEG FRAMT IFUTUREDIG DR IPRODUCTIONFT Støren, trondhjemitt Visnes Stokkan Fremo $ Rennebu, trondhjemitt GRAVEL,GRUS, M POSSIBLEULIG FRA FUTUREMTIDIG PRODUCTION DRIFT Gjermundsnes, gneis $ Oppd$al, skifer

Skipperdalen Hensmoen Eggemoen $ Gloppen, skifer $ Dyrstad Kurillbakken Vilberg Otta, skifer/kleberstein $ INI DPRODUCTIONRIFT Gulestø Kilemoen $ Førde, gneis Seljestokken Hadeland $ Hovinmoen Værlandet, breksje $ Skar Glosli POSSIBLEMULIG F RFUTUREAMTIDI PRODUCTIONG DRIFT Stubberud Bjønndalen Halsvik Jordalsnuten Steinskogen Huken Bondkall $ Eikefet Voss, skifer Askøy Lyngås Lierskogen Feiring bruk Ytre Arna $ Vinterbro Fana Jondal, skifer Grorud, syenitt Lundaneset Verket-Hurum $ Steinåsen Sveio, gneis Røyken, granitt $ $ Mona Deep marine resources. Known fields with active metal precipitation from Karmøy, Stulen-Høgåsen-Dyrkollåsen kvartsitt Lauvåskollen black smokers along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.7 $ Larvik, larvikitt $ Sætre/Høgåsen $$ $ Bjørndalen Iddefjord, granitt Geiteryggen Fokserød Nenset Valleråsen Skutvikåsen Hedrum $ Gjermestadknuten $ Dalen Hegrestad Bjorhus Tjølling Høgilt Valberg Tvedalen Hellvik/Sirevåg, Lædre Ostervikknuten Rugslandmoen Brække anortositt Studedalen Hausvik Ringknuten


The mining industry in Norway was hard-rock aggregate and continually from the Middle Ages to the had a turnover of NOK 12.5 gravel. It was reported for 2015 present and have formed the basis for paid employment, value creation and billion in 2015, of which the that employment in the mining exports. Operation of Norway's mineral export component amounted industry amounted to 5,551 resources has been the origin of the to 52%. 97.6 million tons of person-years. Norwegian process- and metallurgical industry which currently employs 24,000 mineral resources were sold in Metals, industrial minerals and construc- Norwegians4. Norway last year, of which 89% tion raw materials have been exploited

Processing of mineral Industries which use min- Extraction NOK 13 billion raw materials eral products NOK 100 billion NOK 515 billion (24,000 person years) (>300,000 person years)

The slag tips at Røros give a good illustration of the enormous volumes of rock which have been extracted from the mines. The picture shows the clear traces of extraction of ballast material. Export Import Export NOK 7 billion NOK 25 billion NOK 55 billion districts. A large number of Norwegian Norwegian mineral industry in the future. local resources in a broad sense: the CO2 cities and towns have their origins pre- We have many of the types of resources footprint must be reduced in this part of Mineral value chain, Norway 2014 cisely in activities related to the mineral which the future will demand more of, the branch and both primary and recircu- industry. and we have a great potential for creation lated materials must be used more effi- of new, innovative value chains. We have ciently. This places requirements on both Norwegian mineral deposits have, over large Nussir deposit in Finnmark county, Natural stone and construction raw The Norwegian mineral industry has, process-technology and –knowledge, those who use the resources and those time, been exploited for a large range of and a planned mine at Engebøfjell in materials have become an increasingly over time, been favoured with a consid- and the petroleum industry has been who manage them. It is bad environmen- metals. The list encompasses: copper, Førdefjord may be a new producer of important sector. In West Norway there erable density of exploitable resources, responsible for development of compe- tal policy to contribute to increased road zinc, lead, iron, titanium, chromium, titanium minerals. are several large aggregate deposits a feature which has formed the basis for tence centres which can certainly serve transport for construction raw materials nickel, cobalt, vanadium, molybdenum, with a quality which is attractive on the industry, technological advances and an other natural resource industries as well by closing a city-near aggregate plant, wolfram, niobium, silver, and gold. Metal Metallic ores dominated production in European market. In addition to domestic innovative thinking, which are used to as oil and gas. and an industry which must develop an production at the present is mainly lim- past centuries but industrial minerals consumption we export aggregate to a this day. About 90% of the value creation ever more sustainable production needs ited to iron and titanium from the large are the most important of the two types value of NOK 1.3 billion and natural stone occurs within 5 km. of the coastline. There is therefore no reason to believe both good land areas and a long time mines, respectively of Rana Gruber and of resource at the present. The industrial (mainly larvikite) to a value of NOK 670 Clean, renewable water power forms ca. that the mineral industry (including pro- horizon for planning. Titania, but there is still a limited pro- mineral sector is dominant in number of million. 96% of the production capacity in Norway cessing) will be smaller than at present duction of iron from Sydvaranger Gruve, operations, production and number of and the availability of green energy is a in the future, given that our own and the following the bankruptcy in 2015, and of employees by carbonate minerals such Extraction of minerals, metals and con- major Norwegian advantage for a highly world's need for such resources will cer- molybdenum from Knaben Gruve in Vest as limestone and dolomite. Norway has, struction material resources, processing energy-intensive process industry. tainly not decline for a long time. Agder county. New mining projects are, in addition, production of olivine, nephe- and beneficiation as well as shipping however, being developed and Norway line syenite, quartz of many different create and have created, possibilities Precisely the abundance of resources Our consumption of construction raw may, in the near future, again become a qualities, feldspar and graphite. for settlement and for value-creating and renewable energy are the most im- materials is also increasing. Development copper producer, with operation of the industry in many Norwegian cities and portant nature-given advantages of the in this sector will concentrate on use of


Good public-private co-opera- application of the knowledge in industry A great deal of land area management MAP THE RAW MATERIALS more sound, it would be positive to in- is locally based: this commonly leads to tion has great importance for Increase geophysical, geological and volve industry to a greater extent in these strong divergence in practice from place geochemical mapping until we have the green transition. It can take activities. to place, and the level of knowledge of complete national-coverage data sets. MANAGEMENT FOR place in several arenas. planners and decision makers is variable. Develop 3-dimensional models for areas SUSTAINABILITY A specific initiative to strengthen this with deep-seated deposits. Better management of resources and We have, in Norway, good traditions for component in land management would Stimulate exploration activity. public-private co-operation in relation be to develop good guides which take operation by incorporation of indicators APPLIED RESEARCH AND DEVEL- for sustainability and better guidance to important challenges for society. OPMENT as a starting point: "Best practice" for a We can also achieve this in relation to the sustainable development in relation to for land-area managers and decision There are several good systems for SECURE THE makers. green transition. There are, in addition to minerals. RAW MATERIALS industrial policy framework conditions of public-private co-operation on applied a more general nature, several specific research. The mineral industry, howev- National-coverage data sets for land-area areas in which a focussed co-operation er, has not been a major user of these management which show the distribution SHORT TRANSPORT can lead to major benefits. systems. The applied research groups SUSTAINABILITY GOALS of mineral deposits, their importance OF CONSTRUCTION which have a focus on the mineralindus- The European Innovation Partnership and the potential for new discoveries. MATERIALS try (mainly NTNU, NGU, SINTEF and the on Raw Materials (EIP-RM) is a large Increased consideration of mineral re- Shrewd management and utilisation of University of Tromsø) have good co-oper- initiative in Europe in which public and sources in land-area management. construction raw materials with the aim ative relationships with each other, in the KNOWLEDGE-INFRASTRUCTURE private organisations in Norway also par- of reducing emissions, especially related case of NGU-NTNU structured in a formal ticipate. Within the EU there has been a to transport. Public authorities, through governmental co-operation encompassing laboratories considerable effort to develop a so-called USE THE RAW MATERIALS bodies and universities, have a responsi- and students. The cluster co-operation, "scoreboard" for mineral resources so More use of surplus materials. Make the bility for production of basic knowledge Mineral Cluster Norway, is also positive: as to raise the level of the co-operation surplus materials and their application OUT IN THE WORLD which is of benefit to industry. Knowledge it functions as a co-operative arena for closer to decision makers. This encom- areas better known in a larger market. Participation in international, especially of natural resources – where they are to industry and the public research centres. passes numerous indicators which can Aim for total utilization in the production. European, co-operative platforms related be found and how they can best be uti- Much of the Norwegian mineral industry, be useful in assessing possibilities and to resources and sustainability. lised is important for the development of both within extraction and especially challenges along the whole value chain industry, just as the physical infrastruc- within exploration, consists of small or for mineral resources, also in relation to WEAKER FOOTPRINT ture is important for increasing commu- medium-sized companies with limited recycling and sustainable management. Reduce the footprint in the external en- OUT IN THE BLUE nication and transport possibilities. resources relative to the cost of major, Development and future updating and vironment: lower energy consumption, National mapping of mineral resources Many initiatives in Norway lead in the strategic efforts. The cluster co-operation maintenance are a co-operation between electrification, zero-emission of poison- and biological diversity in the deep ocean. direction of "open government". These can, in this context, contribute to project the EU Commission and industry. Norway ous materials. "Best possible" practice will increase the possibilities for industry development and greater use of R&D is not a participant in this part of the EU for waste disposal, better knowledge to utilise knowledge from mapping and services. project. "Scoreboard" is being developed of the long-term effects in various type OUT TO THE PEOPLE research. This encompasses in general without data from Norway. Consideration of waste disposal facility. Monitoring of Better, broader communication on the modern geological and geophysical maps should therefore be given to development waste facilities. importance of minerals and construction of the whole country, good interpretations of a similar national co-operation which raw materials in the green transition. of the geology in important deposit areas, LAND AREA- AND RESOURCE can provide us with a corresponding together with open, good downloading MANAGEMENT overview of developments at the national NEW VALUE CHAINS solutions. NGU has responsibility for the New, greener value chains for process- Ensuring a sustainable, good manage- level and a sound basis for comparison mapping, and, together with the univer- with the rest of Europe. ing of mineral raw materials combined sities, carries out research which leads ment of our land areas and resources is a with value chains for better utilization of to better interpretations of deposit areas public responsibility. Much work is being surplus materials. Research on mineral at depth. In order to make the "bridge" carried out at present to focus attention beneficiation processes which consume between knowledge production and the within land area management on poten- CO2. tially important resources for the future.

26 27 Visiting Address: Leiv Eirikssons vei 39 7040 Trondheim Norway phone: +47 73 90 40 00

E-mail: [email protected]