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> N R A hf a k B >. e e TH E KEN YA G A ZETTE Ptvblishcd by Altllodty of the RepubW of Kenra (Registered as a NewspaN et tlle G.P.O.) Vol. C- No. 38 NA. IROBI, 10th July, 1998 Price Sh. 35 =.- . - - ..======..- - - ' '- ...a- - .- = == = =

CONTEN TS GAZETTE NOTICES GAD'I'IB NGTIcBs-(& n/#.) PAGE P&GB Ihe Constitution of Kcnya-Appointment o'f a Judge The Land Acquiskion Act-qnterftion to Acquk'e of A'ppeal, etc. . . . k ...... 1234 Land, gtc. 1246 1247 'I'he Natlonal Examlnaltions Counci'l Act- Probate a'nd Administradtion 1247-1264 Appoîntment of Chakman ...... 1334 n e fbmlxanies Act- Memb'ars' Volumtary W indinp The M oi University Ad- Appoînitmcnt of Vice- up, etc. . .' . . 1264-12:5 Chancellor ...... 1234 3X' e State Gorporations Act- Appointment The 'Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited- Gxhairm'an ...... 1234 Fue'l f-bst Adjustment ...... 1>6 rf'he Local Govermnent Act-u ppoîntnwntg . . 1234 The Veterinary Stzrgx ns Act-c eznoval df Namo 1266 Tlte Valuaiion Côr Ratin'g Azt-Draft Valuatîon Roll 1234 Lecal G overmnent Ntytfc 1266 The Rating Azt- Aippolntment of Valuùrs, etc. 1235 Loss o'f Policles, yte...... 1267 R e L'tw of Succession Act- Apgolnsmcnt . . 1235 Di'sposal of Unoollede M otor Vehicl> 1267 l'he Commission of Inquiry Act-Rules and Prôceedure ...... 1235-1236 Change tyf Names 1'6i Liquor Iai'ccnsin; ...... 1236 'rhe Registraltion of Titles Act- lssue o'f a Provisio- na1 Certilicat, . . . . 123$ SUPPLEM ENT No. 3% The Registered Land Att-qssue of a New Ccrtificate Blll.% 1998 ef' Lease, etc...... 1276 IAAOB '1Xe M lning A'ot-Appllcation for Exolusivo Pèospxting Licence, etc. '...... 1236-1277 33- Toadzcrs Sewi'ce tssion tAmtndmotl 'Bill. 1998 ...... 373 Custmms and Exoist D ent-x oedg Heltl in ' tqe Cuatmns W arehouse, J.K .I.A., etc. . . . . 1237-1245 (Pulflished ms Speclal hste, on 7:1 July. 199:)

. ( jzyy 1234 TI'IB KEW A GAZEW E 10th July, 1993

CORRIGENDUM GAzs'in'E NgncE No. 3468 IN Gazdte Notice No. 647: of 1997, o!l pdgé' 2050, amend the name oî 'tlle polling area of Watmifor Prlmaly 'f#IP, STATE CORPORATIONS AG School which is in (Easpt C4nstituency- ll8, regbtratîon ICcp. 466) centro No. 118/60 to read fsKipkabus'' instead of

fl.N EXERCBE o!f tihe powers cenferred by sedtion 6 (yf th: State Coirporaticns Act. 1., Danlel Toroitieh arap Mol, Pregi- GAzl!'rrlz NolqcE No. 3464 dertt arld Commander-in-chlef of the Arme.d Forces of the THE CONSTITUTrON OF K'ENYA Repub'-lc of Kenya, appoint- APPOINTX NT OF A JUDGE OF APPEAL Hxuot.n R. M xGounx IN EXERCBE ef thc powers conferred by section 61 (2) of tlve Constltution of Kenya, T, Daniel Toroitlch arap M oi, tt'y 'be chainnan o!f t14c Kenya Sisal Board for a pgriod of tb.rt'to President and Cötmmandor-in-chtef o.f t'he Armed Ferce: pf the (3) years, with effecit from 15th June, 1998. Requlyliz of kEnya, aotlng ln âccordance with 'th: advl'ce of tho Judlcial Service Commission, appoint- ' Dasted the 9,t!h July, 1998. HONOURABLE LADY JusTlcE EFFIB OwUOR D. T. &RAP MOl, Presîdent. to be a judge o,f appoql wlth esed from 7th July, 1998. Dated tthe 7Th July, 1998. D. T. ARA.P M ()1, President. THE STATE CORPORATIONS AW GAZE'I'I'B NoTlcs No. 3465 (Cap. 466) Apeolxnœx'r op CIUIRMAN THE CONSTITUTION OF KCNYA .dlN EXERCBTZ of the powors coaferred by section 6 oï the Apeollrrc xr oiz.pulsxE JIJDGES State Corporations Aot, 1), Daniel Toroitich arap M oi, Presi- $1.N EXBRCBE o.f tlw powors confarred by section 61 (2) dellt and Commander-inzchief of the Armed Forces of tbe of tlw Con.stllrution (if Kenya, 1, Daniel Toroitich arap M oi, Republic of Kenya, appoint- President and Commantlor-fn-ztrhbf o'f the Arm'ed Forcea of the Republit of Kenya, acting in aocordance with the advice of thz M ARK Too Judichl Servic.e Cono issipn, apgoint- ' ' to ble chailrman o'f ctlle Kenya Spgalr Autherity for a period of Jal)n W alter Onyango Odeno, tbree (3) years, .with ezect from 30t11 M areih, 1998. Jqhqson Kiptonui Mitey, ' ljitari Peter George Wawemu, Dated the 9th July, 1998. Jackson Kasanga Mulwa, . , p. T. zxap Mol, tm be ptgsne judges witk eieet f rom 7tk July, 1998. Presld.nt - Dated th e 7,th July. 1998. D . T. KRAP M OI, 'GAZETTE NoTIcE N0. 3470 Presidenl. THB LOCAL OOVERNM BNT AW GzzErre Nolqcs .NO. 3466 (Cap. 265) APFOINTMENTS THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAM INATIONS ' TN EXERCISE o'f t/he powcrs conferred by sectbn 231 (1 ) COUNCIL ACT en'd section 245 f 1) of the Loscal 'Government Açt, the Mi/lste:f '(.Cap. 225A) for Local Authorities appoints- AWOINTMENT oF CHAIRMAN Stanliey Orang'o Ogzuku, IN EXERCISB of the pow/ers conferircd by sectibn 5 (1) of Claudiug M blnda, the Kenya National Examinations Cbuncil Act, 1, Daniel Tozoitith to conduot an wextrazardlnairy snspection of the acceuna and arap Mol, Prczdent alzd Commander-in-chitf of the A'nnad records and to co.nduct lnveFtlgations, reeearcheg and enquiries Forca of pthe Reptlblfc ôf Kenya, apgoint- into the gencral aidmlnistration and inancial managememt of JAPIAET C. KIPI'OON (PRoF.) M unicipal Coundl ot M alindi. ' ' F.s the clmirman, Kcnm National Examination: Councit for Dxted tlle 3rd July, 19:8. R porlod of 'thret (3) years, wiltlt elïect from 1st July, 1998. S. K. ONGERI, . Dated tlle 3rd Ju1#,' 1998. ., . . r s v Auws x oj Mlnister yor Locml At4/>tlrllfev. Presfdenf.

G izm'rE N orlcR No. 3467 GAZE'I'J'E M m cs NO. 3471 THE M OI IJNIVERSFIY AW (Cap. 210A) THB VALUATION F@R RATING ACT APN INTMBNT or VICE-CHANCEU-OR (CJp. 266) I'N EXERCISE cf $he powers conferred by sectlon 16 (1) of THE MUNX IPAL CODNCIL OF LIM URU the Moi Univcrsify Agt, 'I, Daniel Toroitich amp M oi, Presi- DRAFT VALIJATIY ROLL dolt and Commandtr-i'n-chîef of tke Armed Forces of the IN EXERCISE cf the powers conftrred uN n m. by se o.' Repubïc of Kenya and Chancellor of Moi UniveBity, appoint- 6 of tlw Valuation for Rating Act. .1 declare that the valuer i.n preparing any draft valuation rolls, need mekher RAPH&BL MUNAVIJ (PRor.) nor izlclude in any such roll tl= m lue ef tlle land or tl)* t* be vice-dmncevor of Moi Universky .for a perlM lt foe am = en't for improvement ratm. (4) years, wltk esed from 3rd luly, 1%98. Dated the 2nd June, 1998. m' e, . . te#sthœ 3rd July. 199K (a j D. T. ARAP M11: s. K oxœ at Pre-udear. >Ie . /or z.J- Aus- *s. 10th July, 1998 TH E KENYA G AZEW E 1235

GAZETTE Noerlcs No. 3472 GAzerrs NoTlcs No. 3476 THE RATING ACT 'I'HE LAW OF SUCCESSION AG (Cap. 267) (Cap. 1f*) THE M UNICIPAL COUNCIL OF APPOINTMENT APPOINTMSNT olr VAl-uERs IN EXERCISE of the' powers conferred by section 47 of the IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon me by section 7 Law of Succession Act, the Chief Justice appoints- of the Rating Act, I approve the appointment of- THRIMISA W . W AMAE

J. K. Mwinzi. B.A. LAND scoN. MIsK R.v., resident magistrate at . to represent the High Court for the N. Nyakora, B.A. I-AND scox. MlsK R.v., purposes of that section. C. M uchunku. B.A. LAND scox. MlsK R.v., . Dated the 1st July, 1998. as valuers ' of Limuru Municipal Council. Z. R. CHESONI. Dated the 2nd Junes 1998 Chief Justice. S. K. ONGERI. Minister for Local Authorities. GAZETT'E No-rlcE No. 3477 GAZEG E NorncE No. 3473 THE 'COM MISSIONS OF INOUIRY AG THE RATING ACT (CGP. 1W) (Cap. 267) JUDICIAL COMMISSION OF INOUIRY 'ITIE M UNICIPAL COUNCIL OF LIM URU Runlïs AND PR(x'I.:I>t)RIf TIME FoR VAL-UA'rIoN THIS Commission of Inquiry has been convcned pursuant to its IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon me by section 2 appointment to inquire into tribal clashcs in Kenya. as stated in of the Valuation for Rating Act Gazette Notice No. 3312, published on lst July. 1998. Clnd , I declare 31st December. 1997 as Gazette Notice No the time for valuation. . 3313, published on l st July. 1998. D The commissioners make thc following rulcs for the conduct ated the 2nd June, 1998. and management of the proceedings of the inquiry under section 9 S K. ONGERI, Of the Commissions of Inquiry Act.

Minister for Local Authorities. (a)erjje Attorney-oeneral appcars as amiç'tts ct/rïfltz. (b) Subject to section 9 of the said Act. the Commission of Inquiry shall sit daily. at 9 a.m.s from Monday to Friday. G (c) The commissioners may direct that the public shall not be AZETT'E No-ncE No. 3474 admitted to aII or to any spccified part of the proceedings of THE RATING AG the inquiry, and subject to any such dircction. thc inquiry shall be held in public. but thc coiumissioners may cxcludc (Cap. 267) any person or class of persons from aIl or any part of thc. ' THE MUNICIPAL COUN cIL OF LIMURU Pfoceedings of the inquiry if satisficd that it is dcsirable so. .to do for the preservation of ordcr. for the duc conduct ol FLAT RATE the inquiry. or for the protection of thc pcrson, property or . IN EXERCISE of the powers. reputation of any witncss in thc inquiry or any pcrson conferred by sec,tion 5 (1) (a) of referred to in the course of the proceedings thcreof the Raiing Act , and , I approve that a flat rate of: may, if satisfied that it is desirablc for any of the purposes (a) KSh. 20 per acre p.a. be levied on alI pieces of Iand in the aforesaid so to do, order that no person shall publish thc council area of jurisdiction. ' name, address or photograph of any such witncss or person or any evidence or information whcrcby hc would be likcly (b) KSh. 10 per acre p.a. on al1 the forest areas. to be identified and any person who contravencs such an Dated the 2nd June order shall without prejudice to section l21 of the Penal , 1998. Code. be guilty of an offence and Iiablc to a fine not S. K. ONGERI, exceeding five thousand shillings. Minister f0r Local Authorities. (d) Without the leave of the commissioners . po evidence shall be adduced in Public to the inquiry concerning or relating to ...... - ...... - . -. ..- .- . . . -. .. . aaay-matter- ' jcjal to the sccurity of the State or the Head of State. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 3475 (e) Any pers' on who is in any w' ay implicated or concerned in THE RATING AG any matter under inquiry shall be entitled to be representcd by an advocate. (Cap. 167) THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF LIMURU (f) Any other person who desires to be so represented may. by leave of the commission, be so represented. ADOHION OF METHOD OF RATING (g) The counsel assisting the inquiry will present evidence IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon me by section 4 relating to the inquiry referred to in the terms of reference (1) (b) of the Rating Act, I approve 'that the Municipal Council of of the inquiry. wLimthuinr ut haedior ptasr esait eo vf ajlurei srdaitcet ioasn the form of'rating to be applied (h) The counsel assisting the inquiry will warn witnesses that . after examination-in-chief they may also be cross-examined Dated the 2nd June, 1998. by him.

s. K. ONGERI, .(i) The commissioners may summon any person or persons to Miniater for Local Authorities. I testify on oath and may call for the production of books, 1236 THE KENYA GAZETTE 10th July, 1998

planj and documents that the commissioners may requlre. GAZE'I'T'E NorlcE No. 3480 (j) Any person who is in any way implicatcd or concerned in 'I'HE REGISTERED LAND ACV any matter under inquiry may adduce material evidence in (cap. 3œ , section 35) his behalf in connection with thc matter under inquiry. ISSUE OF A NEW CERTIFICATE OF LEASE (k) The' commissioners may call for any further evidence on any point relating to any matter beforc thcm and may recall any. HaWtiHmEalRi EHAasSs a(n1a) liA, lbihoutshe ionf HPa.Otim. aBlio Hx a8s2s9a5n9a,l i Manodm j )2a) sMy uinr tatzhae witness for further examination. Republic of Kenya, are reyistered as proprietors in fee slmple of (l) Evidence shall be adduced by question and answer method that piece of lànd sltuate mthin Municipaltty, Momba- . sa Distlict, known as Mèmbasa/Block * 271, and whereas Dated the 10th July. 1998. Stlfficient evidence has been adduced to show that the certificate of llase issued thereof has been lost. notice is given that after the A. M. AKIW UMI. explration of sixty (N)) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a' Judge of Appeal, new certifigate of lease provided that no objection. has been f.'hairman. Commission fJ/' lnquiry. ''CCCWed mthin that period. ' Dated the' 10th July, 1998.

. K. K. GITHII, . - - gand Rqutrar, Mombz a.


(Cap. 121) ! aajs REGISTERES I-AND AcT KlLIy'I LI()tJ()R LIf'p:NSING Cotllt'r (Cap. 300, section 35) Statutory Meeting Issus op- A NEw LAND TITI -E DEED NOTICE is given tbat thc ncxt statutory mecting of WHEREAS Jane Njoki Mwangi, (ID/1520581), of P.O. Box Liquor Licensing Court will be held in the District Commission- 45958 Najrobi in the Republic of eres office on 9ti1 November, 1998 at !().(x) a.m C . Kenya. is registered as . Proprletor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of Iand Applications to be considered at this meeting whcther for new. Containing 0.05 hectares or thereabotit. siluate in the district of renewal. transfer. removal or conversion of licences should be , registered under title No. KlD/Kaputei North/187, and submitted on the prescribed form G.P. 147 (or form G.P. 148 in whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the case of transfer or removal) in triplicate. with a KSh. l() adhesivc . land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that revenue stamp affixed on the original copy only and addressed to after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall the chairman. Kilifi Liquor Licensing Court. P.O. Box 29. Kilifi. usue a new land title deed provided that no objection has been so as to rcach him on or before 25th Septembcr. 1998. received within th-at period. Late applications will only be considcred if received on or p M KlHIU before 9th October 1998. and on payment of KSb. 5(:1 being latc Dated the 10th July, 1998. ' ya-nd Regu,trar application fee. . K , ajiado Dlàtrict. Applicants for new. transfer. removal or conversion of Iicences must appear in person before the liquor qcensiny court or be represented by an advocate. Attcndance in court by renewal applicant is optional unlcss there is an objection in which casc GAZETT'E NOTICE NO. 3482 attendance is desirable. THE R EGISTERED LAND AW licAenpcpe liacnadn ts efonrd rheins eawpapll imcautsiot na tbtay crhe gai sptehroctdo cpoopsyt ofr dheisl ipvererv ito buys Lcap. 3œ , section 35) hand. Issus 'oF A Nsw LAND TITLE DEED J. A. ABDUBA, WHEREAS Georgq Njau Mwagiru, of P.O. Box 10965, Kiltfi Liquor LicenaiCnhg aiCrmouarnt. aNbasiorloubtei ionw tnhe rsRheip uibntllecr eosft Kofe nthpat, pisi erceeg oisfte lraendd acso nptraoipnljnegt o4r. 0i5n hectares or thereabout, situate in the Jistrict of Nyandarua, repistered under title No. Nyandarua/M al ewa/518, and wherqas . sufficiynt evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed lssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (*) days from the dqte hereof, I shall issue a . new land title deed provided that no oblection has been received G within that period. AZED'E No'ncs No. 3479 . Dated the 10th July, 1998. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES AW

(cap. A. N. NJOROGE, 281. section 71) guand pegutrar, Issus os A PRovlsloxAu CEkvllucA'rs N'tmdarua/samburu Dlxlrïcfl. WHEREAS (1) Said Mohamed Mutawaa. (2) Salim Mohamed Mutawaa and others, aIl of P.O. Box 99875. Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors of that piece of land known as portl'o n/subdivision No. 162, section VI. mainland GAZETTE NOTIC'E NO. 3483 north within Mombasa Municipality in the Mombasa District. THE MlxjxG Acvr held by a certitkate of title registered as C.R. 2023/1. and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the said (Cap. 306) certitkate of title issued thereof has been lost. notice is given that A after the expiration of ninety (W)) days from the date hereof, l ppujcavjox soR Ax Excl-uslvE PROSPEG ING LlcsNcE shall issue a provisional certificate of title provided that no NOTICE is given that an application under section 18 (2) of the objection has been received within that period. Mining Act, has .been made by Messrs. Francescon Mineral D Holdings Limited of P.O. Box 24179, Nairöbi, Kenya, for an ated the 10th July, 1998. excusive prospectlng licence to prospect for ntm-precious miner- T . N. M UIRURI, alS Over the area described in the schedule hereto and the said Senior Regiatrar of Titles, Mombasa. aPPlication has been accepted for consideration. 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEU E 1237

thence on a grid bearing of 3* degrees at a distance of 6 ' By virtue of section 17 (1) (#) of the Mining Act, the said area of land is therefore excluded from prosyecting and mining except kilometres to the point of commencement. as regards and prospecting and mining nghts granted in respect of W . S. SIAMBI. the said area or any part thereof. Commissioner of Mines and Geology. Any objection to the grant of the exclusive prospecting Iicence may be made in writing to the Commissioner of Mines and GAZS'I'TE No'rlcs No. 3485 Geology, P.O. Box 3(:09, within thirty (30) days from THE MINING AG the date of publication of this notice. ' SCHEDULB (Cap. 306) Ap area of approximately 6 square kilometres situated in APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAI. LICENQ'E M wingi District of , delineated on Topo Sheet, Mw i ngi 137/3 of Scale 1:50.(K and more particularly described as NOTICE is given that an application under section 18 (2) of the M ining Act, has been made by Joseph Kamau Mbiriri, of P.O. follows- Box 24020, Nairobi, Kenya, for a special licence to prospect for Commencing at point GA' grid reference DK 12* 50; precious and non-precious minerals over the area described in the thence on a grid bearing of 090' for an approximate distance schedule hereto and the said application has bcen accepted for of 3 kilometres to point KCB'' grid reference DK 15* 50; consideration. thence on a grid bearing of 270 degrees for an approximate By virtve of section 17 (1) (dj of the Mining Act. the said area distance of 3 kilometres to point RD'' grid reference DK of land is therefore re-opened for prospecting and mining. 12* 30; Any objection to the grant of the special licence may be made in writing to the ,commissioner of Mines and Geology. P.O. Box thence on a grid bearing of 3* degrees for an approximate 3(K*9, Nairobi, within thirty (30) days from the date of distance of 2 kilometres to the point of commencement. publication of this notice. W . S. SIAMBI, Scneoul-E An area of approximately 25 Commissioner OJ Mines and Geology. .0 square kilometres consisting of blocks A and B situated ih Kuraze GAZETTE No'rlcE No. 3484 P . District of Coast 19r9o/v4ince, and delineated on Topo Sheets. Umba 91/3 and Mwena THE M INING AG , both of Editions ND .O.S.. and of Scale 1:5f)J:#) and more particularly described as follows- (Cap. 306) Block A: 18.5 square kilometres APPLICATION FOR AN CXCLUSIVE PROSPEG ING LICENCE Commencing at point ''A'* grid reference DF 7(X)21(): NOTICE is given that an application under section 18 (2) of the Mining Act, has been made by Messrs. M ining and Allied thence on a grid bearing of 340 degrees for a distance of Engineering Services, of P.O. Box 51402. Nairobi, Kenya, for an approximately 2.5 kilometres to point .'F.' grid reference DF exclusive proslycting licence to prospect for minerals over the 717230) area described ln the schedule hereto and the said application has thencç on a grid bearing of 123 degrees for a distance of been accepted for consideration. approximately 6.5 kilometres to point $'C*' grid referehce DF By virtue of section 17 (1) (#) of the Mining Act. the said area 771195; of land is therefore exduded from prospecting and mining except thence on a grid bearing of 204 degrees for a distance of as regards and prospecting and mining rights granted in respect of approximately 2.7 kilometres to point ''D'' grid reference DF the said area or any part thereof. 7* 170; - Any objection to the grant of the exilusive prospecting licence thence on a grid bearing of 304 degrees for a distance of may be made in writing to the Commissioner of Mines and approximately 7.3 kilometres to the point of commencdment Geology, P.O. Box 3(* 9, Nairobi, within thirty (30) days from . the date of publication of this notice. Block B: 6.5 square kilometres SCHBDULE Commencing at point *'A'' grid reference DF 687287; An area of approximately 36 square kilometres situated in thence on a grid bearing of 84 degrees for a distance of Kajiado District of Rift Valliy Province, delineated on the Isinya ' approximately 3.2 kilometres to point 'B'* grid reference DF Topo Sheet 161/2 of Scale 1:50.(G) and more particularly 718290) described as follows'- ' thence on a grid bearing of 174 degrees for a distance of approximately 1 .9 kiiometres to point *'C*' grid reference DF Commencing at point .$A'' grid reference BJ7œ 160; 720272; . thence on a grid bearing of 90 degrees to point '.B'' grid thence on a grid bearing of 256 degrees for a distance of reference BJ7* 160 at a distance of 6 kilometres; approximately 3.0 kilometres to point '.D'' grid reference DF 691265; thence on a grid bearing of 180 degrees point .C'' gnd thence on a grid bearing of 350 degrees for a distqnce of reference BJ7601œ at a distance of 6 kilometres; approximately 2.3 kilometres to the point of commencement. ' thence on a grid bearing of 270 degrees to point '.D' grid ' W S. SIAMBI, reference 7* 1œ at a distance of 6 kilometres; Commissioner of Mines and Geology.


NOTICE is given that unless the undermentioned goods are entered and removed from the Customs W areh. ouse. within twenty-one (21) days from the date of this notice, they will be deemed to have been abandoned to the Customs and Excise Department. Lot No. NAP No. Airway Bill No. Consignee Description of Gtmtf.s

339/98 314/98 020-64765024 Party M usicraft M anufacturing Limited, . P.O. Box 43468, Nairobi 3 packages 125 kg. parts 1238 THE KENYA GAZETI'E 10th July. 1998

Lot No. NAP No. Afru y Bill No. Consignee Description of Gooff.ç

315/98 129-165548* 32* Solomon M buguà. P.O. Box fW@.?3, Nairobi 2 packages 25 kg. personal dfects. 31&, 98 74+ 161935 Arkia Dan Odongo, P.O. Box 13912, Nairobi 1 package76 kg. personal effects. 347/98 317/98 761-50744783 Save tbe Children. P.O. Box 3*.)96, Nairobi 1 package 11.5 kg. relief cargo. 31&98 12* 24679825/ 7191842 Unlike (K) Limited, P.O. Box 70108, Nairobi 1 package 6 kg. calendars. 319/98 072e 132% Adan M ukityrick, P.O. Box 1K 10, Nairobi 1 package 18 kg. menu cards. 321/98 12+20581374/ . 350177 W em Freight Consultants 1 package 3 kg. photocopiers spares 34*98 32198 055-431*582 S. K. Daina (Dr.), Mega Proj. . Leaders, P.O . Box 13072, Nairobi 1 package 7 kg. printed matter. 324/98 7(> 16263752 Bank of Baroda (K). P.O. Box 3œ33, Nairobi 2 packages 36 kg. printed matter. 325/98 020-.23307* 3 Rapid Kate, P.O. Box 72693, Nairobi 1 package 30 kg. pipes. 329/98 050-4œ 14162 Trypanosomiasis Institute, Kikuyu 1 package 18 kg. centrafuges. 349/98 3> 98 12*215413% Prodex (K) Limited, P.O. Box 48185, Nairobi 1 package 9 kg. printed matter. C5G5*98 074-694523- Kçljya Broadcasting Corporation. P.O. Box 30456, Nairobi 1 package 1 kg. video tapes. C5G59/98 085-45+ 7376 Machelson Investments, Moldavam (Mr.), Mokomani Road, Mombasa 1 package 1œ kg. wine. C5G * 98 M W8-.074-4421 5032 HW B 078- 77& Computer Applications. P.O. Box 53441, Nairobi 3 packages 7 kg. computer parts. 35*98 2*/98 02+ 568675(w (+8930 Kodak (K) Limited, P.O. Box 18210, Nairobi 1 package 7.5 kg. photographic. 323/98 125-20285016 Italte, Nairobi 1 package 10 kg. electricals. 32&98 129-2 1763770/ (M6842 Aircraft G asing, P.O. Box 11837, Nairobi 1 package 113 kg. acsessory parts. 351/98 327/98 020-56763652 taeka Moore, P.O. Box 31 . Gilgil 2 packages 12 kg. personal effects. 32*98 7t+ 161536* R.M .A. lnternational 1 package 2 kg. courier. 331/98 085-07734415/ 5A5141 l , Unknown l package 1 kg. parts 33198 07*.24œ 5 l 44/ . 212629 Unknown 1 package 3 kg. spares. 057-1257361* 244199 Hyundai Motors Limited, P.O. Box 19349. Nairobi 1 package 57 kg. service parts. 35198 335/98 23+*3033310 Graham Andrews. Pepsicolla Company. E.A.. Nairobi 1 package 40 kg. soft drinks. 33&98 02* 98423463 Kenya Power and Lighting, Nairobi 6 packages 80 kg. electricals. 337/98 t1w-165592* Rose Wahito. Nairobi 6 packages 80 kg. electricals. 353/98 33&98 214-733651 7& 40707684 Eveready Batteries, P.O. Box 44765. Nairobi l package 1 kg. spare parts. 339/98 16&+ 963954 Highidge Batteries 3 packages 50 kg. spices. 3* 8 083-51 148230 Amjid Rasool. P.O. Box 1O , Nairobi 2 packages 50 kg. printed matter. 341/98 08> 46761326 Beach M . Bush Limited, P.O . Box ' 45312, Nairobi l package 4 kg. fabric. 34198 12* 21880725/ 1101072 Grand Filter Limiled. P.O. Box 3* 72, Nairobi 4 packages 250 kg. filter paper. 355/98 33398 706-15970102 Kenya Shell 1 package.ls kg. magazines. 3* 98 098-701655831 Lornho Motors E.A. 1 package 43 kg. auto spares. 34*98 05*- Alitalia, P.O. Box 72651, Nairobi 84 packages 220 kg. coffee cups. 345/98 706-15751470 Unknown 1 package 1 kg. parts. 35* 8 349/98 129-22048704 Unknown 1 package 26 kg. B.C.D. 35*98 706-16593415 Kenya Army. Nairobi 1 package 4 kg. accessory pals. 351/98 051-35193815 S.C. Bank Wc BAT, P.O. Box 72.585, Nairobi 1 package 22 kg. spares. 35198 706-1613361 W ambani Osundwa Edward, P.O. Box 16989, Nairobi 1 package 50 kg. personal effects. 357*8 35398 083-0118395 Farouk Klub. P.O. Box 10 21 , Nairobi 2 packages 143 kg. rubber samples. 354/98 125-76040381/ 41463682 K.C.B. Wc (K), Nairobi 1 package 73 kg. new locomotive spares. 355/98 083-68843423 Pumrx (K) Limited, P.O. Box 67031 Nalrobi 1 package 0.5 kg. pump parts. 35*98 35&98 02* 18735253 Professional Dist.. P.O. Box 62550, Nairobi 10 packages 142 kg. electricals. .- -- .- = .- 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1239

Lot No. NAP No. Airwuy Bill No. Consignee Description of Good.ç

35&98 08> 7* 45320 Eagles Aviation Limited. P.O . Box 93926, Mombasa 1 package 2 kg. adhesive. 359/98 359/98 057-1* 79285/ 8473152 Unknown 1 package 3 kg. auto parts. 3* /98 057-48676202 P. S. Manku 1 package 27 kg. personal goods. 361/98 125-9W13742/ 4378339 Unknown l package 5 kg. pharmaceuticals.

Lot No. >W# No Couignee Description of fbozt:.

3*/98 107231/27-* 98 M ark Antoine Jean. do French Embassy. P.O. Box 54480, Nairobi . . . . 1 unit used Land-Rover, chassis No. ZAF530703. engine No. 3H fMf!z!2A. 361/98 0499612-5-98 . . A. H. Vadera. do P.O. Box 48271, Nairobi 1 unit BM W reg. No. HI94FNN, chassis No. No. W BAHB520l0BCO 3653. 362298 112262/22-4-98 Mohamed Ibrahim, P.O. Box 85, 1 unit Peugeot 504 motor vehicle. engine No. L(MWN,; chassis No. LP4GM450 (* 3697. reg. No. M N/GN Model 1983. 363/98 112288 . . Sigma Feeds Limited. P.O. Box 18138, Nairobi ...... 1 unit Toyota motor vehicle. reg. No. TEG4 LN 85-+ 1924. engine No. 21 29!!407- 24(+ c.. model 1988. '


Lot No. /W# No. Consignee Description of Goods

367/98 112399/18.4-98 l unit BMW . chassis No. WBAAA3108O741 1397. 36&98 112269/21+ 98 - 1 unit Peugeot 504. reg. No. C355848. chassis No. LR 134079. engine No. M I4081. 369/98 112271/2$-5-98 - 1 unit Nissan Sunny, reg. No. AC 3802. chassis No. 813517842. engine No. . cAB42969B. 370/98 112273/7-5-98 . . 1 unit Peugeot 5G . reg. No. CB 14634.

c.hassis No. 1+ 4GM45œ 2967. engine No. ItN Z. 371/98 112275/13-5-98 - 1 unit motor vehicle. reg. No. FBR 2887-, chassis No. LP 4DM41(K)3D , engine No. . M 408310. 37198 112281/1> 5-98 l unit Peugeot. reg. No. DGP 394GP. chassis No. LP 4BM 45(/)111- , epgine No. T 5719443. 373/98 11234524-5-98 1 uhit BMW , reg. No. CPFNIGP. chassis No. 0AP 988* . engine No. 05567077. 374/98 1123* 2* 5-98 1 unit Mercedes Benz. reg. No. FNB 6354P. èhassis No. 12421855(> 1, engine No. 102963* 1 18773. 375/98 11203*22-1* 97 1 unit Peugeot TZB 23* . chassis No. LP4DM 4œ 7351. engine No. N 12057. 37&98 112347/24-5-98 1 unit Peugeot 504. reg. No. DVL 510GP, chassis No. LP 4DM 41t:34696. engine No. 1% 389. 365/98 112263/22-4-96 1 navy blue bag cosmetics. 3* 98 112283/2* 5-98 9 bales second-hand clothes.

Lot No. NAP No. Airway Bill No. CsnWgaee Description of Gooff.ç

383/98 j4&98 71+ 16234072 Cannon Aluminium Fabr., P.O. Box 30781, Nairobi 25 packages 924 kg. diaries. 347/98 057-351169* Italian Design Furniture Limited, P.O. Box 537724 Nairobi. 1 package 6 kg. furniture. 384/98 357/98 020-19239544 Safair (m-Y) Limited, P.O. Box 47578, Nairobi 2 packages 3* kg. polyester webb. 36198 7t+ 16180 3&8637 B.S. UBHI, P.O. Box 48686, . Nairobi 2 packages O kg. books. 385/98 365/98 7(- 16229113 Francis G.K. Maina, Nairobi, do Kenya Railways 4 packages 255 kg. personal effects. 1240 TH E KENYA GAZEU E 10th July, 1998

Lot No. NA P Nt). Airway Bill NO. Consinnee Description Of Goo#3'

38&98 3* 98 055012556493 Lornho Motors E .A.. P.O. Box . 49794, Nairobi 1 package 37.5 kg. truck parts. 3*/98 055-997(+ 51 Alitalia. P.O . Box 72651. Nairobi 24 packages 192 kg. caterings. 3* 98 7(1-.1587* 34 JAI Radia Budget Rent a Car, 3 Nairobi 1 package 45 kg. promotional material. 67/98 020-* 74 1021/

234199 M umias Sugar Company, Private . Bag: 1 package 11 kg . 387/98 369/98 020 . spares. -.7(G +334 Logistlcs Suppliers, P.O. Box 54653, 38& Nairobi 4 packages 412 kg. hexamining cookers. 98 370/98 085-30233732 Interreact Limited. P.O. Box 389/98 37198 057 18œ 1. Nairobi 1 package 430 kg. spares. - 5œ 18765 General Printers Limited, P.O. Box 373/98 7(+ 16287375 N 18(m1 , Nairobi 1 package 177 kg. spare parts. ruman Supplies, P.O. Box 38613, 30/ Nairobi 3 packages 56 kg. samples. 98 374/98 057-51 1951 .74 George and Anne Khasian, P.O. 391/ ' Box 52618. Nairobi 6 packages 35 kg. personal effects. 98 37&5/98 7(b.-1* 38595 Prasum Construction 1 package 105 kg. emery hand drill. 377/98 015678-05œ7402 Uorticultural Ccntre &) packages 3,(* kg. baby corn (maize). - 88263803/ 392/ 23042810 Ambira Training, Nairobi 1 package 255 kg. agricultural materials. 98 37&98 12* 521786 Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited. P.O. Box 30177, Nairobi 1 package 7 kg. electrical instrument. CSC7III/9B 085-55127155 Atlas Copco- (K)r P.O. Box ' 41:7). Nairobl Compressor parts C5W(B2/98 074-364046*5 Panalpina (K) Limited. P.d. Box . 42(1, 'Nairobi 1 package 7 kg. stomi products. (25C./* 3/98 074-41 151261 Milton Lore. P.O. Box 404, Athi 393 River 1 package 70 kg. packing material. /98 CSC/(N /98 08* 2921735 Sudan Programme do Norwegian Cburch Aid, P.O . Box 52802. Nairobi 1 package 305 kg. relief cargo. C5C/* 3/98 085-11)39330 Peter Musyoka clo W ambua Muthiu. P.O. Box 30789. Nairobi 1 package 3.5 kg. hotpehold goöds. C5C/(G#98 085-50131292 General Printers Limited, tel. No. (25C 532264. Nairobi 1 package l 14 kg. paper. ./* 7/98 085-1 1039556 Norvatis Pharma Services Inc.. 4* 57. Nairobi l package 61 kg. promotional material. C5C/- 98 074034330240/ 233*3 Ashok Orbhrai do PA (K) Limited 2 packages 9 kg. personal effects.

394/88 ' C542/*9/98 074-3393452 GTZ Parasupe Projcct, P.O. Box 395/98 (25& 07 416*7 :Nairobi 4 packages 106.3 kg. copier. 0/98 07!--4* 76741 WHO Llasion Office for Somalia. P.O. Box 45335, Nairobi 1() packages 224 kg. lab equipment. 3*/98 C5W 071/98 074-39154080 S.G.S. (K). P.O. Box 721 l8, Nairobi 2 packages 19.6 kg. printed matter. (25G 072/98 1* -91339533 Embassy of lran. P.O. Box 49170. Nairobi 1 package l50 kg. tabule. C5& 073/98 085-52452330 W HO Liasion Office, P.O. Box 45335. . ' Nairobi 14 packages 167 kg. lab equipment.

C5&074/98 085-5'8 377491 Jos Hansen and Soehne (E.A.) 397/9 Limited, Nairobi 1 package l98 kg. pharmaceuticals. 8 C5G07&98 085-58389240/ 013* 184 Nalin Nail Works Limited. P.O . Box 43530, Nairobi 3 packages l 17 kg. roller C5C/07&98 07*33413795 Kenya Union of Food and Allied . . 39&98 Workers. P.O . Box 46818. Nairobi 2 packages 41 .8 kg. printed matter. ' C5G 079/98 074.42f/1.4855/ (* 12153 Bima Limited, P.O. Box 49872, 399/ Nairobi ' 2 packages 194 kg. copiers. 98 (25C/079/98 074-8261378'6 TNT Express. P.O. Box 41520. . .' Nairobi 2 packages 35 kg. library mat C5C/080/98 07449 133324/ . (:*797703 Universal Engineering System, P.O. Box 17729, Nairobi . 2 packages 50 kg. blades. CSC/08l/98 061-* 562774 Pat .Borradaile. British Airways, P.O. Box 19073. Nairobi 1 package 7 kg. aircraft technology C5C,/082/98 074/495 108M Luisco Trading Company. P.O. Box . 52513. Nairobi 0.2 kg. advertisemcnt matersal. C5C,/083/98 085-58427272/ 25113866 Kenya Breweries Limited, P.O. Box 4* /98 (2542/084/98 085 30161 '!Nairobi l package 53 kg. spare parts. - 56696441 Impteaslng Fortunato. P.O. Box 40770, Nairobi 2 packages 226 kg. spare parts. 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEU E 1241

Lot No. NAP No. Airway Bl1I No. Consignee Descrlption of Gt/tp#:

C5C7085/98 074-39578125/ 053313 Pioneer Plumbers Limited, P.O. Box 42636. Nairobi 1 package 28 kg. sanutaeware fittings. 401/98 C5C7087/98 085-58427390/ 25066184 St. Partricks High School. P.O. Box 310, 22 packages 291.5 kg. sports shoes. C5f708&98 085-59955140 Kiwi Brands Limited, P.O. Box 30457, Nairobi 1 package 17 kg. aerosol valves tubes and caps. C5C708&98 085-63259011 Kenafro Computers Limited, P.O. Box 49229, Nairobi 1 package 36 kg. electrical equipment. 40198 C547989/98 074-34893596 Bima Limited, P.O. Box 49872, Nairobi 3 packages 29l kg. copiers 403/98 C547090/98 618-50711581 Oxfam/Merlin, P.O. Box 4* 80.

Nairobi 5 packages 46 kg. communication equipment. C5C7094/98 074-43397421 TNT Express W orldwide, P.O. Box Nairobi 1 package 80 kg. research material. C5C2095/98 074-35216974 E.A. Packaging Industries, P.O. Box 30146, Nairobi 1 package 19 kg. machinery. CsC709*98 074-35935012 K.A.R.I., P.O. Box 14733. Nairobi l package 10 kg. spare parts. csC7097/98 085-63274680 TNT Express W orldwide, P.O. Box 41520, Nairobi 1 package 6.6 kg. chemicals. Csc/09/98 074-35079236 Air (K) Aviation, P.O. Box 30357, Nairobi package 0.6 kg. aircraft parts. csC7100/98 083-02216874 Tegma (K) Limited, P.O. Box 67582, S Nairobi 1 package 6 kg. spare parts. C5C710198 074-72349093 r. Teleco, Nairobi, P.O. Box 22773. Nairobi 1 package 14 kg. shipping memo. 404/98 C547103/98 074-34894134/ 00012278 Bima Limited. P.O . Box 49872, Nairobi 3 packages 291 kg. copiers. C5C2104/98 074-73516785 Juanco SPS Limited, P.O. Box 20528, Nairobi ' 1 package 1 kg. dangerous goods. C5C710&98 085-02943942 Japheth Kimutai, St. Patricks High ' School, P.O. Box 310, Iten 1 package 9 kg. sporting equipment. C547107/98 085-02943942 Misoi Kipkirui, St. Patricks High School :P.O. Box 310, Nairobi, Iten 1 package 9 kg. sporting equipment. C5G 10&98 074-35508502 Kenya Alrways, P.O. Box 1WX)2, Nairobi 1 packages 4 kg. printed matter. C5C7109/98 074-35932046 Metal Crowns Limited, P.O. Box Cl45484, Nairobi 1 package 2* 'kg. adjusting disc. 4* 98 C5C?110/98 085-599449631 ay W orks Limited. P.O. Box A48202, Nairobi 1 package 2* kg. adjusting disk. C5C7111/98 074-85046032 ssociated Mobile Dist.. P.O. Box 18386, Nairobi 1 . package 10 kg. manual. C5C2115/98 085-25720715 Orion Pager Limited, tel. 557658. Nairobl .2 packages 88 kg. 407/98 379/98 706-16267650 Spring Industries Limited, P.O . Box paper. 72115, Nairobi 1 package 25 kg. assorted P.T.S. 380/98 706-16563271 K.C.B. a/c Nzoia Sugar, P.O. Box 285. 1 package 64 kg. shaft. 408/98 381/98 176-11138374 Atieno Tom Ouko, P.O. Box 553, 3 packages 273 kg. shoes. 387798 176-11138396 Atieno Tom Ouko, P.O. Box 553, Kitale 4 packages 344 kg. shoes. 409/98 383/98 055-99766025 Alitalia, P.O. Box 72651. Nairobi 44 packages 346 kg. caterings. 385/98 706-16167756 Kisonge Joosaph, P,O. Box 22807, Nairobi 5 packages 115 kg. plastics. 410/98 38&98 125-80035303 China Electric Po' wer Tech. Imp. and E. Nairobi 4 packages 120 kg. accessories. 387/98 125-07720624 Habib Bank Limited a/c Intergold, P.O. Box 19501, Nairobg 5 packages 150 kg. tools. 38&98 020-59147713 Sametract Cassini and Tonolo Limited. P.O. Box 11325, Nairobi 1 package 139 kg. jaws. 3*/98 635-02184151 Rahemu Abdul Abbas, Yemen Station, Nairobi 3 packages 10 kg. 391/98 020-18361980 Farm Machinery Dist., P.O. Box 25, pampers. 1 packages 18 kg. 402/98 706-16560040 J spares. oseph G. Kamau 1 package 31.5 kg. personal effects.

Dated the 3rd July, 1998.

S. K. CHEBII, Commiasioner of C'xçft)pl.ç and Excise. 1242 . THE KENYA GAZETTE 10th July, 1998

GAZS'IYE Nfyrlcs No. 3487 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE DEPARTMENT SALE BY PUBLIC Aucnox NOTICE is given that the undermentioned goods will be sold by public auction at the Customs W arehouse, Kilindini on 4th August, 1W 8. Interested buyers may view the goods at the customs warehouse. Kilindini on Friday, 31st July, 1998 and M onday, 3rd August, 1998 during office hours.

' - . . . -.. . R Lot No. Ship 's Name and Date Mlrà.ç and Numbers Description of Gtmtf.#

315/98 MSC EmiliaW4-12-97 ITLU 5284050 1 x40' container S.T.C. 440 cartons used school books. 31&98 Durban Star/1> l2-97 MLCU 4439968 1 x40? container S.T.C. 422 bales and bags used clothing. 31&98 Panama Maru/1&.1-98 MOLU 8026012 1x40' container S.T.C. 1,650 cartons coffee mtlgs. 320/98 J . Turchese/zl-l 1-97 LM CU 0370247 1x20' container S.T.C. 13 packages miracle ' mills and auto electronic generator. 321/98 Candia/7-12-94 . . INBU 2712446 l x20, container S.T.C. 108 drums brandy. 322/98 Candia/7-l2-94 . . 9109103 l x20' container S.T.C. 36 drums cane brandy. 323/98 MSC EmiliasQ7-7-97 MSCU 1012949 1 X20' container S.T.C. 860 bags caustic soda. . . 324/98 Pa' cific W ind/3l-12-97 MOLU (:358271 1x20, container S.T.C. 436 cartons mens jeans and jackets. 325/98 Panama Maru/16-l-98 M OLU (X)18031 1 X40, container S.T.C. 535 cartons ladies brassiers and panties. 32&98 MSC Anna M aria/l&-1-98 TRLU 2057208 l x20' container S.T.C. 480 bags Palis Pakistan white rice. 327/98 M CS Anna M aria/18-1-98 GSTU 2649376 1 x20' container S.T.C. 480 bags Palis Pakistan white rice. 32&98 Concord Daisen/27-l-98 M OLU ()1 l 1972 1 x40' contéiner S.T.C. 574 cartons tapentry suitcases and travel bags. 329/98 African Senator/28-1-98 CRXU 4262970 1 x40, container S.T.C. 395 cartons used school books. ' 33*98 Kota AbadP6-2-98 IEAU 95(M* 2 1 x40' container S.T.C. 545 cartons general merchandisc radio cassette recorders. 331/98 Kota Abadi/&.z-g: MLCU 4562967 l x4()' container S.T.C. 1.080 cartons general merchandise. 332/98 Pacific Wind/g-z-g: POCU 1(58384 ' . . 1 x4()' container S.T.'C. 1,080 cartons . general mercbandise. 333/98 Floriana/ltL-z-g8 . . MSCU 41:)5820 1 x4()' container S.T.C. 436 packages complete kitchens. 334/98 Floriana/lth-z-g8 . . TRLU 4388648 l x4(), container S.T.C. 41 l packages complete , jjto ens.

KlNtlswAv M()'l'()ks (K) L'rly.

Lot No. Ship's Nfk/ne and Date Marks and Numbers Dtqcrïp/ïrla of GWoJI'

33&98 Violet Acc/ltp l 1-97 G- 128.2.98-98171:) KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832194. 337/98 Violet Acc/!(>.l 1-97 . G . 136.2.98-981725 KlA pick-up cbassis No. 6832480. 33*98 Violct Acc/ltp l 1-97 G. 183.2.9+.974676 KIA pick-up chassis N(). 6#3231 5. 339/98 Violct Acc/ltll 1-97 G. 147.2.98-981736 KIA pick-up cbassis No. 6832368. 340/98 Violet Acc/ltll 1-97 G. 138.2.98-974514 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832344. 341/98 Violet Acc/ltll 1-97 G. l3l .2.98-981729 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832453. 342/98 Violet Acc/ltpl 1-97 G. 124.2.98 . . . . KIA plck-pp chassis No. 68j2342. 343/98 Violct Acc/ltçl 1-97 G. 126.2.98-981519 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832367. 34!/98 Violet Acc/llll 1-97 G . l 51 .2.98-974722 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832652. ' 345/98 Violct Acc/ltpl 1-97 G . 145.2.98-974516 KIA pick-up chassis No. 683231 2. 34&98 Violct Acc/ltbl 1-97 G. 145.2.98-981 732 KlA pick-up chassis No. 6832233. 347/98 Violet Acc/ltçl 1-97 G. 135.2.98-98 1738 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832343. 34198 Violet Acc/1(>.1 1-97 G . 149.2.98-9747 14 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832369. 349/98 Violet Acc/ltçl 1-97 G. 142.2.98-98 1738 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832192. 350/98 Violct Acc/ltll 1-97 G. 1 37 .2.98-98 ! 517 Kl A pick-up chassis No. 6832345. 351/98 Violet Acc/ltçl 1-97 G. 153.2.98-974721) KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832479. 352/98 Violct Acc/lt/-l 1-97 G. 148.2.98-981728 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832346. 353/98 Violct Acc/lt/-l 1-97 G. l 29.2.98-9747 15 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832 196. 354/98 Violct Acc/ltll 1-97 G. 157.2.98-974725 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832 195. 555/98 Violet Acc/lll-.l !-.97 (;. 143.2.98-9747 18 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831659. 35&98 Violct Acc/lt/-l 1-97 ($. 1 85.2.98 . . KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832454. 357/98 Violct Acc/lt/l 1-97 fJ. 146.2.98 . . KIA pick-up chassis N(). 683237(). 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA G AZEW E 1243

Lot No. Ship's Name and Date Mlrk,ç and Numbers Description of Gootiç

35&98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.139.2.98-981735 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831657. 359/98 Violet Ace/1G 11-97 G .130.2.98-974510 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831655. 3* /98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832477. 361/98 Violet Ac,e/10-11-97 G.158.2.98-981727 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831696. 36198 Violet Ace/1G 11-97 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832261. 363/98 Violet A:e/10-11-97 G.150.2.98-974691 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831693. 3-/98 Violpt Ace/1X11-97 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832193. 365/98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.127.2.98-981734 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832371. 3* 98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.154.2.98-974511 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831653. 367/98 Violet Ace/1X 11-97 G.132.2.98-981739 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831652. 36&98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.140.2.98-974515 KlA pick-up chassis No. 6832314. 369/98 Violet Ace/1X 11-97 G.123.2.98-974518 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832232. 370/98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.152.2.98-981726 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831650. 371/98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G .134.2.98-981731 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832313. 372298 Violet Ace/1X 11-97 G .186.2.98-974512 KIA pick-up chassis No. 68322* . 373/98 Violet Ace/10-11-97 G.184.2.98-981520 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6832316. 374/98 Violet Ace/10-11s97 G.144.2.98-9714721 KIA pick-up chassis No. 6831651. 375/98 M aersk 5ky/24-9-96 G.IS.Z.98-YMB (/.)6 Used Nissan Sunny. chassis No. G8122-03219.

37&98 Jolly Marrone/lFé-g; Rot. 829 G.83.9.97-TIUM 0M 522 Used Leyland truck, chassis No.. EF 429* . . 381/98 Maçrsk Cloud Rot 121/30-1-98 G .103.3.98-KKUIBBNG-14270 1 unit Hilux Surf Toyota, chassis N0.- 9549. 382298 Microwave Rot 230/22-2-98 G .!0! YMB-030 Toyota Hilu x ,chassis No. LN13-(V 16144. eng. No. 2> 2122991. 384/98 Maersk Cloud G.1%.3.98-KKLUBBNG=J4270 Toyota Hilllx Surf, chassis No. * -51m 774. 385/98 Vivien Rot œ 1/1-1-98 G.141.3.98 Used Nissan Homy, qhassis No. E23-016250.' 386/98 Sukarawan Rot 115/28-1-98 G.52.4.9$-YM8 074 Toyota Corolla, chassis No. AE-92-5039986. 387/98 M aersk Mombasa Rot 1414/ 18-10-97 G.47.4.98-DX8W-42472.G 4%3 Used Rover, chassis No. SAXXW SW E-BAD- 412886. 38*98 Maersk Cloud Rot 121/30-1-98 G.102.3.9>KKLUBàNG-143W Used Nissan Homy, chassis No. E23-025588. 389/98 Valeria Rot 1588/1* 12-97 G.99.4.98-NYS œ 43-,86-237 Used Toyota Starlet, chusis No. EN 1-5424791. 3* /98 Valeria Rot 158*1* 12-97 G.9Z.4.9&-NYK * 43-86237 Used Toyota Cresta, chassis No. GX71-31W 222. 391/98 Valeria Rot 1588/15-12-97 6 .94.4.98-NYK17-* 43-86237 Used Nissan Blue Bird. chassis No. W I 572480. 392/98 Vivien Rot œ 1/1-1-98 G .ISO.3.98-NYKS- Nissan Silvi am chassis No. K513-2* 0 7. 393/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 G.98.4.98-NYK5..œ 4386237 Toyota Mark II, chassis No. GX7I-fWI(e 3. 395/98 Phoenix Acè 170/10-2-98 G.88.4.98-258-717477 Used Toyota Starlet, chassis No. Em 1-5528076. 396/98 Phoenix Ace 170/10-2-98 G.87.4.98-258 735030 Used Toyota Corolla? chassis No. œ 17352. 397/98 Phoenix Ace 170/10-2-98 G.89.4.98-258-717483 Used Toyota Starle q chassis No. Em1-5494911. 398/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 G.93.4.98-NYK5-04386237 Used Toyota M ark II, chassis No. GX71- yzgjw s. 399/98 Maersk Cloud Rot 121/30-1-98 G.IIKI.3.9> KLUBB-BBNG 4406 Used Toyota Corolla. chassis No. AE91-52515 ' 57. 4œ /98 Sukarawan Rot 115/28-1-98 ( 8.r.9* 1 Toyota Coroll a Tchassis No. EE90-0199762. 401/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 365652 Used Nissan C.aravan. chassis No. VHGEZA 111757. . 402/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 G.97.4.98-NYK+œ 4386237 Toyota Mark II, chassis No. YR21.4*58* 5. 404/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 (3.1* .4.98-NYK14m 386237 Toyota Mark II, chassis No. K.1(N :X1539. 405/98 Valeria Rot 221/20-2-98 998045-G.129.4.98-NYK5 * 439-8919 Toyota Hilux pick-up, chassis No. YNNJ- 5* 5057. ' 407/98 Lilac Ace Rot 1082/8-8-97 970831-G.204.4.98 KIA pick-up (Hyundai), chassis No. 6831689. 408/9à Lilac Ace Rot 1082/8-8-97 970769- Hyund awi chassis No. 6831698. 409/98 Valeria Rot 221/20-2-98* 4398916 Used Nissan Homy, chassis No. VYGEZG 4* 5801. 410/98 Microwave Rot 230/22-2-98 G .35.4.9&-NM8 œ 1 Toyota Corolla, chassis No. AE1œ -31> 2401. 411/98 Microwave Rot 230/22-2-98 G.43.4.98-NM8 * 5 Toyota Corolla. chassis No. AE91- 301393-3013939. 412/98 E. Brilliance Rot 156/6-2-98 G .149.4.9&-YMB 070 Used Nissan M icrowave, chassis No. F81276341 1. 413/98 Valeria Rot 221/20-2-98 G.128.4.98-NYKS (m 4398920 Used Mitsubishi Pajero, chassis No. 1(M46- 3*6279. 416/98 E. Brilliance Rot 156/6-2-98 ( 37321 Used Volkswagen, chassis No. % 56255, eng. No. 101672. 417/98 M . Bright Rot 18/4-1-98 G.80.3.98-HMM CBXB-36925 Toyota Corolla, chassis No. AE91-5150508. 41&98 CM BT. Serengeti Rot 11-7-98 G.50.12.97-Reg. No. F126 DOL. Used BM W saloon, W BAACI2* 27773K . eng. No. (126e192. 419/98 Valeria Rot 221/20-2-98 6 .130.4.98-NYK&.œ 4398918 Nissan Homy, chassis No. VRGE 24-532785. 420/98 Valeria Rot 1588/13-11-97 G.95.4.98-NYK1404386237 Used Nissan M arch, chassis No. K10-631446. 421/98 E. Brilliance Rot 15&6-2-98 G.143.4.9&-YM8 121 Used Toyota Carina, chassis No. AA* ..(KM.2705. 422/98 N. Sukarawan Rot 115/28-1-98 G.123.4.98-YM 8 082 Used Subaru Legacy. chassis No. 8c -016217. 423/98 M . W ind Rot 231/21-2-98 998016-G.171.4.98 Used M itsubishi Fuso truck. chassis No. 8U80-52981. 424/98 M. Wind Rot 231/21-2-98 996356- 137 Toyota Supra, chassis No. (3A70.4*22738. 1244 THE KENYA GAZE'IVE 10th Julys 1998

Lot No. ship's Name and Date Marks and Numbers Description of Goot/x

428/98 Valcria Rot 1588/13-1 1-97 966543=6. l 2.4.98 NYKV- (34365970 Used Nissan bus, chassis No. VA31K-02X4, ' eng. No. KUA31 K. 429/98 Valefia Rot 221/2(12-98 99 132&-6. l4t).4.98-NYKS

.t:)43989 14 Toyota Corona, chassis 'No. STI-162-73046()1 , eng. No. 35-9073850. 430/98 Magic W ave Rot 231/21-7-98 990264-G.24.5.98-N548 136 Used Toyota twin' cam, chassis No. 0127407. 431/98 Vivien Rot (x)1/1-1-98 990623-6. l51 .3.98 Toyota Hiace. chassis No. 700492. 432/98 Kenya Star Rot 1427/1* 1 1-96 94936j- 21MPIE 38558 Used MBW 3'18L, chassis No. WBAAC- ' . 710401443178. 434/98 Jolly Marrofle R()t 829/18-4+97 91882% G72.8.97-Messrs. . Comboni Missionaqies, Comboni Father. P.O. . Btu 21 102, Nairobi New Toyota Land Cruiser, chassis No. 9501197.

Sff IzE.)1A Gflol')s

435/98 D014353 of 6-3-98 . , ...... One unit used lsuzu Troùper, reg. No. KAB 5860, chassis No. . 71(34146, eng. No 356999. ' 436/98 . D024955 of 24-3-98 . . One unit used Toyota Sprinter DX station wagon, 1295 c.c., chassis ' No. EE964150588. 437/98 DO 1546t) of 12-* 97 . . One unit Mercedes Benz truck, chassis. No. 3953421/4346882. 438/98 DO 154t;(, of 12-9-97 . . One unit used trailer. serial No. 86012 BAUJ 1986. 439/98 D0 154(/1 t)f 122-9-97 . . One unit Mercedes Benz saloon, chassis. No. 1240101 A 489419. 440/98 9177 of 13-3.-98 . . 252 bales S.T.C. printed fabrics. 441/98 9187 of 21-4-98 1 12 packages S.T.C. lndian fabrics. 442/98 018253 of 12-3-98 l x20' container No. 5101.U-286337-2 S.T.C. 2* bales cotton printed T/C poplin.

Dated the 26th Junc. 1998. e H. P. C. NDU NG'U, Deputy Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Southern Region, Mombasa.

GAZII-j'E N()'fIcE N(). 3488 CUS-INOM S AND EXCISE DEPARTM ENT X (J ï M ) l ')x Id I .: I .I ) I N ' l 'I I I :' (7 t / s' l '( ) M s 'W A R l .' I I ( ) t 7 s l ( . K I I . IN l ) I N I ' ' : NOTICE 'i: givcn that unlcss the andcrmentioncd gtlods are entercd and removed l'rom the Customs Warehousc, within twenty-one (2 l ) days from theydatc of this ntllicc- they will bc dce'med t(' hllvc bcen abêlndoned to thc Custtlms and Excise Depilrtment.

Lot No. Ship 's Nlznt' and Dfzlt, Marks JNJ Nunlberx 1)e5'('r/p/ïf)ll 0j* Gt?(>Jx ' . . .1 . . . .

-!43/98 Kota Alam/27-2=98 . . . . PCIU 964 1514 l x4()' containcr S.T.C. 947 cartons radio cassette rccorders.

4!4/98 MSC Sarah/24-3-.98 .. . . , GSTU 35(17771 l x2()' container S.T.C. 470 bags Pakistan white rice. !/!5/98 MSC Sarah/24-3-98 . . , . MSCU l 1.5321)6 l X2()* container S.T.C. 470 bays Pakistan white rice. 44&98 WEC Rottertdafn/zg-llht)) HARU 2t)31:)5 l x2()' containcr S.T.C. l .5(10 plcccs uscd tyrcs. 447/98 ' Maersk Zambezi/ztl-z-g'ji . . VECU 63764(:) l ::2(1' container S.T.C. 102 packages made-up tcxtiles. 448/98 Jolly Rubino . , . . .IMCU (322 l 1651 1 X2()' container S.-r.C. 3 boxcs gear unit. 449/98 Jolly Turchesc/z'l-l 1-97 IMCU ()292627 l ::2()' container S.T.C. l motor vehicles chassis No. W DB l 261)2-21(XX)6529. 450/98 Kota Pusaka/zM l 1-97 PCIU 4440749 1 x4t)' container S.T.C. 1 ,t)80 cartons 14' black and white tclcvision scts with singlc speaker. 451/98 Pacific ExpresW24=l-98 . . PCIU 44 l 3255 l X4f)' container S.T.C. l .080 cartons general merchandise. 452/98 P. & 0. Ned. Nacala/l 1-3-98 SAM U 22110723 l x2()' container S.T.C. 3(16 packagcs rcady-made garlnents, perfume cosmetics and other household items. 453/98 Magic W ind/z 1-2-98 . . 992()83-G. 159/4-98 . Y51:..292 . . . . Used Toyota Cbrolla, cbassis No. AE-9123128485. 454/98 Valeria/20-2-98 9962 I4-G. 139/4-98 . . Used Nissan Homy. chassis No. VYCE24-()123l(). 455/98 Valeria/2(LQ-98 . . 99 1 395-G. 1 34/4-98 . . Toyota Carina, chassis No. E117(y-()022337. 45&98 Magic W ind/z 1-2--98 . . 9*5623-G . I 75/4-98 . . Toyota Starlet. chassis No. EP7 1-539 1 100. 457/98 E. Alliance/ztvs-% . . ' 9445 l()-G. 135/4-98 . , Toyota Dyna, chassis No. 8172(1037778. 458/98 E- Brilliance-/fy-z-g8 . . . . 989744-G. 146/4-98 . . Toyota m,ni bas, chassis No. YH61 G-0()0.1 172. 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1245

z-0, xo. ship, s xa m e -',,-s oa. uarks and xumbers oescrib ,r?,, o?. ok,t,d-. .

459/98 Morning érigl1t/4-l-g8 999014-G. 82./3-.98 HMMCBXB-368.3() Toyota Corolla . chassis No. AE9 1-364(W(B5. 460/98 Violet Ace/l 1-3-98 1()9598-6. 176/4-98 . . T()y()ta Hilux Surf . chassis No. LN6 1-1:) l 5554.

461/98 M . W ind/21-2-98 996282-6. l 74/4-98 . . . Datsun pick-up. chassis N(?. PGB2 l-t#)5t)26. 462/98 Violet Ace/l 1-3-98 l()7634-G. 18()/4-98 . . Toyota Land Cruisera chassis N(). H2J75-(k,4() 1 l 8. 463/98 M . W in(I/21-2-98 996272-6. 169/4-98 . , Toyota Corolla, chassis N(?. EE l (16-1:) l 4578. 464/98 Valeria/20-2-98 992 1()9-G . 1 37/4-98 NYKS-()()43-8874() Njssan Homy, chassis No. YH85-(x)t)3819. engine N(). . E24-(34:)87 ! J. . 465/98 Violet Ace/l 1-3-98 1()9668-G. 200/4-98 . . Toyota Cor()IIa. chassis No. AEC) I -325961 7. 466/98 VaIeria/2(#-2-98 998038-G . 133/4-98 . . Datsun pick-up, chassis No. PGD 22 1-4k5575. 467/98 M . Wind/21-2-98 . . 992206-G . 16/4-98 . . Toyota Starlet. chassis No. EP7 I-5 l 9 I l 95. 468/98 Maersk CIoud/30-1-98 99 l62 l-G. 1()1/3-.98 . . Nissan Sunny pick-uj. chassis No. GB l 22-()4 I 533. 469/98 M . W ave/22-2-98 998365-6 . 39/4-98 . . Toyota Corona , chassls No. AT l 75-(y) I 5987. cngine No. 44-2570603. . 470/98 M . W ind/21-2-98 . . 997981-G. 1 58/4-98 . . Mitsubishi Fuso. chassis No. BE2 1 1-6)661)6. 471/98 Moray Bank/2&Q-98 996363-G. 13/5-98 . . Toyota mtldel T.s chassis No. JTIWO-YRZ 1(354/-84278. 472/98 Global Progress/15-2-98 992449-G. l 7/5-98 () l MSA-l67 . . . . Toyota Corolttl. chassis No. EE197-44(354361 . 473/98 Violet Ace/10-1-98 . . 9891 79-G. 2()2/4-98 . . Toyota Starlct, chassis No, EL 3(&1) 1 56987. ' 474/98 Doal/Mangan/18-7-97 954559-6. 19/5-98 D62 Toyota C()rtlllit. chassis No. JTI E()-EE8(/-(#) l 69672. 475/98 Moray Bank/28-2-98 996367-D01 . . . . Toyota Tcrccl . chassis No. 236654. 476/98 Magic Win(1/21-2-98 . . 996058-6. 165/4-98 . . Toyota Corolla, chassis No. AE9 l-8t) l 5335. 477/98 Microwave/22-2-98 . . 996 1 98-G. 36/4-98 . . Toyota Corolla. chassis N(). AE l (/)-.3()28263. 478/98 Vivien/l-1-98 . .' . . 990689-6. 1.49/3-98 . . Mitsubishi Delicaa chassis No. P l 5t/-()56k)3 I 7. 479/98 Magic 5k//2&-3-98 . . l 1 2319-G. 80/5-98 . . N issan Sunny. chassis No. FB l 3-1:)468 l . 480/98 Magic W lnd/2 1-2-98 . . 9926 l 7-G. 166/4-98 . . Toyota Carina, chùssis No. AT l 711-7t,653 l ('$. 481/98 Violet Ace/1()-l-98 . . 997()5(1-6. 86/3-98 . . Toyota Sprintcr, chassis N(). AR95-1)4)584()6. 482/98 E. Brilliancc/6-z-g8 . . 98971* 6. 147/4-98 . . Used Suzuki Jeepa chassis No. TAOIW-8327 l l s engine No. ' G 16A-197898. ' ' 483/98 E. BriIliance/6-2-98 . . 992885-G . l 48/4-98 . . Used Toyota Hiace, chassis N(). 1-1451V.4:)58562. E. BrilIiance/6-2-98 . . 989664-G . 142/4-98 . . Used Toyota Corl'na, chassis No. STl 71)-.4t38779 l . 484/98 Magic 5ky/2&-3-98 . . l 12764/6 . 78/5-98 Toyota Corolla . chassis No. AE9 1-(/185() l 8. 485/98 Jolly Maronne/-g; . . 9296()7 , . . . Ford Transit pick-up. chassis No. 3t?243f)F01. . 486/98 Jolly Marrone/-g7 9296()7 , . Used tractor modcl BUHEER, chassis No. 323()F3N). chassis N(). 49955 l . SW. 57 l 7()(/-3 (2434) cc. ). 487/98 Unknown NiI Nissan Sunnya chassis No. B l 2-723367. 488/98 Unknown NiI . . Volkswagcn Polo. chaysis No. WVW22287.-.2W0-. l 2796. 489/98 Unknown P/L 891()4 l Nissan. chassis No. . FN 14- 11)7-279. ' . ' 490/98 Hyundai/gs . . . . . HB 1 3-5t5353 Nissan Sunny. 491/98 Unknown 8952 19 . . . . Honda Accord. CAI- 1318()7. 492/98 Unknown . . . . NiI . . Toyota Ctlronas ST 1761-6)(11(1733.

493/98 Unknown . . . . Ni.1 . . Nissan Sunny, cflassis No. HB 12-281)5 l . . 494/98 E. Alliancc/unknown 892149 . . Toyota Sprinter. chassis No. EE98-,(k)4 l 36(1. 495/98 Unknown NiI Toyota Coronas chassis No. STl 7t/-7t:)5435.

' () I-:I'>()sI'1'lïI) (J( )f )I)s

Löt No. De1p osited Receipt No. and Date Dewcr/p/ïorl of Gkmtlj, .

496/98 D.R. 9079/14-3-98 4x2()' containèr Nos. TRLU-3332 19-8. -1-R1-1.7-345693-8. 5XXU-66644 1-8. COSU-5()3293-2, S.T.C. I 84() bags rice. 497/98 D.R. 083753/5-5-98 , . 2)4 2()' containcr Nos. LMCU-I) l 7 l 51-7. LMCU-()27 I 37-3, 3x 4()/ containcr Nos. . LMCU-.()44753-9. LMCU-04455l-4, LMCU-()4 I 965-(). S.T.C. foodstuffs. 498/98 D.R. 9192/21-5-98 l x4t)' container No. G5-1-U-78545166 S.T.C. 525 .bales usçd clothing. .

Së!lzlfI) G()()I:s

. Lot No. Notice of Seizure No.* and Dale Ileçcrf/afïf?a of GWOJC

499/98 D 27220/17-3-98 2x20' container Nos. POCU-()I2871-3 and KNLU-3094l8()(), S.T.C. 2,88t) cascs red wine.

Dated the 19th June, 1998.

H. P. C. NDUNG'U, Deputy Commissioner of C'tu/fya'l.ç and Fxcge, Southern Regionb Xrpzn/zl.îl. 1246 THE KENYA GAZE'ITE 10th July, 1998

GAZE'I'I'S NoilcE No. 3489 THE LAND AFOUISITION AW (Cap. 295) INTSNTION To AcoumE LAND IN PURSUANCE of Kction 6 (2) of the Land Acquisition Act, I rive noticothat the Government intends to acquire the following laùd for Kongowea W holesale Market Access Road, M ombasa M uniclpality. Scusoutz

Approximate Area to be Plot No. Regiatration Unit Registered Owner Acquired jzl Hectares

425 Section I Mainland North Maimuna Gathoni Hamisi 0.1262

Plnnm of the affected land may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Commissioner of Lands, Ardhi Hquse. Nairobi. Dated the 26th M arch, 1998. W ILSON GACANJA. Commissioner of 1,lzl#.ç. ou s,vs xlm cs xo. 34x ' 'ITIE LAND ACOUISITION AW (Cap. 295) INTENTION To Acoullts LAND IN PURSUANCE of section 6 (2) of the Land Acquisition Act, I give notice that the Government intends to acquire the following land for Customs housing; SCHEDULS

Approximate Area to be L.R. No. Reghtration Section Regétered Ownerls) Acquired in Acres

. %w 1147 ...... Waqf Commissioners . . 0.* 14 1 148 Malindi ...... Waqf C' ommissioners . . 0.0487

Plans of the affected land may be inspected during oftice hours at the office of the Commissioner of Lands, Ardhi House, Nairobi and at the laands Office, Mombasa. Dated the 2pd April, 1998. W ILSON GACANJA commusioner sy Lknds.

GAZEU E Ncrncs No. 3491 ' 'I'HE LAND ACOUISITION AG (Cop. 295) INoulltv IN PURSUANCE of section 9 (1) of the Land Acquisition Act, I give notice that an inquiry shall be held at the District Lands Office, Momb:sa. on Wednesday. 26th August. 1998. at 10.œ a.m. for the hearing of claims to compensation by the persons interested in the followlng land: . scjjsouus

Approximate Area to be Plot No. Ae:sj'/ra/ïtpa Unit Registered Owner Arquired in Hectares

425 Section I M ainland North M aimuna Gathoni . . . . 0.1262

Evcry N rv)n who is intcrestcd in thc land is rcquired to deliver to me, not later than the day of inquiry, a written claim to compensation. Datcd the 26th March. 1*8. WILSON GACANJA. Commissioner of facadl'. lûth July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1247

GAzsrre Nm qcs No. 3492 THE LAND ACOUISITION AW (Cap. 295) INOUIRY IN PURSUANCE of section 9 (1) of the t-and Amuisition Act, I give notice that an injuiry shall be held at the District Commissioner's Office Malindi, on n ursday, 27th August, 1* 8, at 10.œ a.m . for the hearing of the clalms to compensation by persons interested in the followlng land: SCHEDULE

Approximate Area to be L.R. No. Registration Unit Reggfered Ownerls) Acquired in Hectarez

1147 Malindi . . W aqf Commissioners . . 0.* 14 ' 1148 Malindi . . W aqf Commissioners . . 0.% 87

Every person who is interested in the land is required to deliver to me, not later than the day of the inquiry. a written claim to compensation. . Dated the 2nd April, 1* 8. W IU ON GACANJA, ' Commizsioner of faai.

GAZE> Nowcs No. 3493 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that after thirty (30) days from the date of this Gazette, I intend to apply to the High Court at Eldoret for representation of the estates of the persons named in the second column of the schedule hereto, who died on the dates respectively set forth against their names. And further take notice that aII persons having any claims against or interests in the estates of the said deceased persons are required to Prove such claims or interests before me within two (2) months from the èate of this Gazette, after which date the claims and interests so proved will be paid and satisfied and the seveial estates distributed according to Iaw. SCHSDULE Public Trustee's Date of T'ezll/e or Cllue No. Name of Deceeed Address Death fale- le 9/97 Rhoda Khalibwa Gwayumba . . P.O. Box 1X , Turbo 2-11-97 Iltesute 1&97 Chelagat Kopilq Chepaikoyi P.O. Box 27, Soy . . 4-5-95 Intestâte 19/97 Evans Kipkorir Kiprono . . P.O. Box 3712. Eldoret 23-12-96 Intestate 3*97 Pius Kibor Kipsang - . P-O. Box 12œ , Eldoret . . & .1* 95 Inteetate 3197 Henry Gitahi Kinyanjui . . P.o. Box 89, Kitale . . 15-3-97 Intestate 32/97 Moses Limo Kipngetuny P.O. Box 131, Kapkabet . . 12-5-88 lntestate 42197 Samuel n euri n uo . . P.O. Box 2818. Eldoret . . 12-11-96 lntestate 45/97 Jairus Ongeta Ondiegi . . P.O . Box 83, Kapcherop . . 26-2-95 Intestate 62/97 Kiplagat Kamargong . . P.O. Box f1, Ainabkoi . . 14-3-96 Intestate 69/97 Felister Khadenge W anyama P.O. Box 181. Kipkaren River 15-2-97 Iptest@te 73/97 Francis Madiro Oyeyo . . P.O. Box 259, Eldoret 18* -91 Intestate 73/97 Grace Chesang . . . . - 18-3-97 lntestate 83/97 Nicholas Kimutai Kwambai P.O. Box 1299, Eldoret 13-12-96 Intestate 8&97 Joseph Kipngetich Yelon P.O. Box 3, Timboroa 12-9-95 lntestate 91/97 Cheykaitany Kwambal Sawe P.O. Box 425, Iten 22-7-% Intestate 95/97 Davld Tororei Tenai P.O . Box 2826. Eldoret 1 Intestate 9&97 Kipyego Singei . . P.O . Box 5540. Eldoret 9-.9.-% lntestate 1(> 97 Gakonyo Gatei . . . . P.O. Box 542, Eldortt 1+ 9-,95 lntestate 10*97 Joseyh Kosgei Chebet . . P.O. Box 1036, Eldoret 18-12-96 Intestate 1* /97 Eumce Koimur Sumunge P.O. Box 96, Moiben . . 2-5-97 Intestate 112/97 Joshua Kiprono Kotut . . P.O. Box 725, . . 1.+ 97 Intestate 121/97 Francis Waithaka Kamau P.O. Box 41, Eldoret . . . 2* 9-97 Intestate 124/97 Julius Kandie Ruto . . P.O. Box 11, Chepyemit . . 5-11-97 Intestate 127/97 Khayumbi A/enza . . P.O. Box 3*1, Eldoret . .' 19-3-97 Intestate 12&97 Solomon Ettlanga Otunga P.O. Box M 1. Kitale . . . . 15-3-94 Intestate 134/97 Elijah Kipsugut Magutt . . P.O. Box 937, Eldoret . . ' . . 1-7-91 lntestate 13&97 Jacob Kiterie Chesiyri ' . . P.O. Box 205, Kam nêuria ..- ' 4-9-93 1-- *- 13*97 Jonan Amai Osura . . P.O. Box 205, . . 14-* 93 Imtestate 139/97 Ernest Kimaiyo Tarus . . P.O. Box 7194, Eldoret . . . . r &-Y .W lntestate 1401/978 PVhicitliosr A Immusa lAh dSuekcahe re . . . . P.O. Box 413, 3L8o.d Ewldaro ret . . ;z:1- ,-.yu)z . -22 -*93 Intestate 4/98 î Augustine Hosea M okaya Onyari P.O. Box 4X), Kisii . . ': . . - 6-12-97 Intatate 7*8 Joseph Kiptarus Koskei . . . . P.O. Box 475, ''rurM . . ' . , 1t%-1-97 lntatate 9/98 Ephraim Wendoshigali Etambo P.O. Box 1576, Eldoret . . j .. 21-1 1-97 Intestate '

1248 THE KENYA GAZETT'E 10th July, 1998 ' S( ' îl i.l h')t ) i .ît2.-.f C>(.ttî It./. ) '

1()/98 Edward Kimosop Kigen . . P.O. Box 1()5, Ainabkoi . . 1t1-6-96 lntestate 12/98 H4run Clwboi . . . . P.O. Box' 19. Kapsabet . . 15-8-97 I ntestate l 5/98 Shadrack Ogada Madanji P.O. Box 52, Kipkabus r . 3-9-94 Intestate 2 1/98 Susap Chcpkuto M aritim ' . . P.O. Box 2795, Eldoret . . 25-11-97 Intestate 31/98 Rebccca Chcpkoech Kipsigak . . P.O. Box 39. . . 1-1-98 Intestate 34/98 W ilson Koech Biwott . . P.O.. Box 432. Eldoret . . 10-2-98 lntestate 37/98 Petcr Kanyoro Njoroge , . P.O.. Box 2470, Eldoret . . 7-2-98 Intestate 38/98 Lokweycn Kosipir Esinyen P.O. Box 4()4. . . 25-2-96 Intestate l 3/98 Annc Sogey . . . . P.O. Box 764, Eldoret . . 8-3-98 Intestate 41/98 Philip Kcyari Njaya . . P.O . Box 13. Moi's Bridge 1427-93 Intestate 42/98 Pctcr Odhiambo Oyugi . . P.O. Box 8()91 s Eldoret . . 14-7-93 Intestate 43/98 Raphael Lokoli Adukoni P.O.. Box 227, Lodwar . . 29-6-95 Intestate 5t)/98 Mary Nanjala Wameya . . . . P.O. Box 2757. Kitale . . 3t19-96 Intestate 54/98 Raymond Kipkcmoi Chcrono . . P.O. B tsx 234 ,Ite'n ' . . 11-9-97 Intestate ' (41/98 Boiyo Arap Songony . . P.O. Box 5692. Eldoret . . 15-3-98 Intestate (8/98 Frank Kimutai Agui . . . P.O. Box 27(1. Itcn . . 31-12-96 Intestate 74/98 Dariicl Kimining Sirgoi . . P.O. Box 6596, Eldoret . . 7-10-96 Intestate 82/98 Paul Kimaiyo Bor . . . . P.O. Box 7378. Eldoret . . 25-3-98 Inkestate . 84/98 Alex 01tx) Adhura . . P.O. Box 1923, . . 2.5-.1-96 Intestate 13/98 Julius Kimcngich Kirarci P.O. Box 3605, Eldoret . . 1-2-98 Intestate 93/98 David Lawakori . . . . P. 0. Box 454, Lodwar . . 2(1-7-96 Intestate

Eldorct , 1 8tb Junc. 1998.

GAzEa-nf N()'I'lt'!E N(). 3494 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI CAtpse No. 484 olr 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By Gedion Opiyo Rachier. of P.O. Box 373. Yala in Kenya, the TAKE NOTICE that applications having been madc in this deceased's nephew, through Messrs. Oraro and Rachier. advo- tburt j n: ' cates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration intcstate . . CAt/slî N(). 1993 ()1. 1997 to the estate of Paul Masime Mngamo. Iate of bistric't in Kenya, who died.at' St. Mary Maternity Nursing Home in Kenya. By Mohammed Ano Jigos of P.O. Box 16()49. Nairobi in on 6th January, 1995. Kenya? the dvceased's eldest brother. through Mcssrs. Kaburu ald Co.. . advocates of Nairobi. for a grant of letters of CAgss No. 718 oF 1998 administration intestate to the estate of M arkos Washa Buno. late By (l) Beatrice Nyakanini Mwangi and' (2) John Kamau of M arsabit in Kenya. wbo died at Kcnyatta National Hospital in .Mwangi. both of P.O. W angige in Kenya's tle deceased's widow Kenya, on 15th April. 1996. ' and son. respectively, through Messrs. Peter Odero and Co.. . Caosil Nt). 2 l87 ()1. 1996 . advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration . intestate to the estate of Tirus Mwangangi Machatia, late of By ( l)' ' Kioi Watunu. of P.O. Box 134, Kagumo in Kcnya and in Kenya. who died at M . P. Shah Hospital in Kenya, on (2) Samuel Ki'oiq . of P.O, Box 55264. Nairobi in Kenya. the deceased :s brothers. through M . N . Ngethe. advocate of Nairobi, 8th Aprila 1996. for a grprit of Ietters of administration intestate 'to the 'cstate of CAusE No. 795 oir 1998 Elizabeth W ambui Gitundu. late of Gacarage in Kenya. who died By (1 ) Margaret Kemunto Nyatichi Gibuni' and (2) John at A.I.C. Githumu HeaIth Centre in Xenyaa on 1()th April. 1996. Mokaya Ogera, both of P.O. Box 3065.6. Nairobi in Kenya. the CAUSE No. 2647 oy' 1997 deceased's sister and father. respectively. sthrough Messrs. Mose and Mose. advocates of Nairobi. for a grant of letters of Byk (1) S/pme Nyambo, (2) Sera Wanjiku and (3) Salome. administration intestate to the estate of Gladys Kwamboka Wanliru. aIt of P.O. Box 47092. Nairobi in Kenya. the deceased's M okaya, late of Kemera. Nyamira in Kenyas who died at District widowsa thtough Messrs. L. M. Ombete and Co., advocates ()f Hospital. in Kenya, on 6th pçcember, 1997. Nairobis for a grant of lçtters of administration intestate to the estate qf James Wainaina Nganga. late of Nairobi in Kenya, who C, Auss No. 801 ofr 1998 died ar P.C.B.A. Kikuyu Hospital in Kenya. on 21st March, 1989. By (1) Harbans Singh Amrit and (2) Kqmal Prakash Amrit. CAuse' No. 198 oF 1998 both of P.O. Box 45443, Nairobi in .ltknya. the executors named in the deceased's will, thr'ough M essrs. Shah and Shah. advocates By (1) David Njoroge Gitau, (2) Francis Muthama Kihoro and of Nairobi, for a grant of probate o'f the wil of Viro Kartor Singh (3) Lucy Wambui Muchene, all of P.O. Box 29126. Nairobi in alias Vil'o Kaur Amlit. late of Nairobi in Kenya, wbo died at Kenya, tàe deceased's nephews and niece, respectively, for a M . P. Shah Hospital in Kenya. on 20th January. 1998. grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of Peris Wanjiiu Githae, late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Coast CAuss No. 890 o: 1998 General Hospital in Kenya, on 20th January, 1997. By (1) Josephine Watiri Michuki and (2) Nicora Mugwe Stefano. both of P.O. Box 549% , Nairobi in Kenya. the CAtlss No. 497 os 1998 deceased's sister and nephew, respectively. through M essrs. By Npncy Kangetbe. of P.O. Box 23066. Nairobi in Kenya, the Kigalm and Associates, advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters dece- . *s granddaugbterv through M essrs. Kangetbe N. m . and of administration intestate to the estate of Stephen Macharia Co., advocatts of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration M urai, Iate of Murang'a District in Kenya, who died at Nazareth intestate to the estpte of Lucy Wanjiku Mungai, late of Kiambu Hospital in Kenya, on 5th January. 1998. 10th July. 1998 THE KENYA GAZBTT'E 1249

CAusE No. 1015 oF 1998 CAUSE No. 195 olr 1O 7 By (1) Robina Moraa Nyangau and (2) James Masaki N. By (1) Nyamai Mulandi and (2) Poeth Kavindu Wilson. both of M ongare. both of P.O. Box 75235 Nairobi in Kenya, the P.O. Box 67. Wamunyu in . Kepya. the deceased*s father and deceased's widow and uncle, respectively, for a grant of Ietters of wldpw, res'pectively, for a grant of letters of adminislration administration intestate to the estate of Thomas Ogero Nyank- intestate to the estate of W ilson W ambua Nyamais late of abaria, Iate of Nyamira in Kenya, who died at Kenyatta National W amunyu Location. who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Hospital in Kenya, on 8th September, 1997. * Kenya, on 25th June, 1997. CAIJSE No. 1037 oF 1998 CAusil No. 2)5 f)F 1997 By (1) Janet Akeyo Awiti and (2) Moses Ochicng Awiti.' both By (1) Elizabeth Munyiva Lucas and (2) Benjamin Kioko of P.O. Box 56448, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's sister-in-law Lucas, both of P.O. Box 980. M échakos in. Kenya. the dcceased's and brother-in-law, respectively, for a grant of letters of mother and brother. respectively. for a grant of Iettcrs of administration intestate to the estate of Veronica Akoth Isanda, administration intestate to the estate of Danicl M ulci Lucas. late Iate of Otiende, Langata in Kenya, who died at Aga Khan of Location in Kenya. who died at St. Jamcs Hospital in Hospital in Kenya, on 29th September, 1997. Kenya, on 4th March. 1997. CAUSE No. 1054 olr 1998 Cxuslï No. 228 op 1997 By (1) Christine Mbuli Kimwele and (2) Moses Mudale Opiyo. By M usyindu Kimandi Suva. k:f P.O . W amunyu in Kenya, the b0th of P.O. Box 30656, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's widow deceased's widow. for a grant of letters of administration intestate and son, respectively, through Messrs. Amuga and Co.. advo- to the estate of Samuel Kimandi Suva, Iate of W amunyv Location cates of Nairobi, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate in Ktnya, who, died at Nyaani. District in Kcnya, on to the estate of Philip Amolo Opiyo alias Phillip Amda, Iate of 22nd December, 1996. . in Kenya, who died at Karen in Kenya, on 17th November, 1995. CAIJSE No. 92 oF 1998 By M usau W ambua, of P.O. Matuu in Kenya, the deccased's Czw sE No. 1071 op 1998 son. for a grant of ltyters of administration inteslate to the tsla.tr By (1) Lucy Njoki Horia and (2) Jane Nyambura Ndungu, b0th of W ambua Kasina Musau, late of Ikaatini Location in Kepya. of P.O. Box 58239, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceasedïs widow qnd Who died there on 23rd' October, 1993. - sister-in-law, respectively, for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of George M acharia W achira. late of The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown Nairobi in Kenya, who died at Mater Hospital in Kenya, on 16th to the contrary and ajgearance vntered in this respqcy within April. 1997. thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in thç Kenya Gazette. ' CAuss No. 1099 opx 1998 By (1) lshwar Jadavji Rughani and (2) Rajesh Maneklal Dated the 29th June. 1998. Rughani, both pf P.O. Box 47540, Nairobi in Kenya, the JENNIFER THUITA. executor's named in the deceased's wil, through B. M . Ouadros, advocate of Nairobi, for a grant of profate of the will of Maneklal Deputy Registrar, Machakos. Jadavji Ruyhani, late of Nairobi in Kenya. who died at Jamnagar in India, on 17th June, 1997. GAzErrs Notlcit No. 3496 CAIJSE No. 1119 olz 1998 By (1) Loise Wairimu and (2) Elizabeth Wanjiku Wairiuko. IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ACHAKOS both pf P.O. Box 38663, Nairobi in Kenya, the deceased's mother PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION and sister, respectively, through Messrs. N. Kinyanjui and Co.. TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this advocates of Nairobi, for a grant of letters of administration court in: intestate to the estate of Catherine Wanjiru Wairiuko, late of Kiambu in Kenya, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital in CAusE No. l69 ofr 1997 Kenya, on 6th July, 1996. By (1) Mbogo Benjamin Stephen and (2) Dorcas Kazi 'Mbogo. The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown both of P.O. Box 70833. Nairobi in Kenya. for a grant of letters of to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within administration intestgte to the estate of'Eugene Kombo Mbogo. thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the late of Taftaxavetsa oistrfct, who dfed at Nairobi-Mombasa Road Kenya Gazette. in Kenya, on 15th Aptil, 1996. Datcd the 27th May, 1998. The court will procee; to issue the same unless caqse be shown to the contrary and appearance entered in this respect wilhin C. K. NJAI. thfrty (30) days fro.m the date of publication 'of this noticv in the Principal Deputy Registrar, Nairobi. Kênya Gazqtte. Nole.--rhe wills mentioned above have been deposited in and are Dated the' 4tlA February, 1998.' open to inspection at the court. N. 0. M ASARA. Deputy Registrar, Machekos.

GAZE'I'TE No'rlcE No. 3495 IN TZE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOS GAZE'I'TE No'nce No. 3497 PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ACHAKOS TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this court in; PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this CAtlsll No. 142 opq 1997 court in: By Susan ltumbi Kyunguti, of P.O. Box 1131, in CAusE No. 146 oF 1996 Kenya, the deceased's widow, for a grant of letters of administra- By Arcata Kavesu W athome. of P tion intestate to the estate of John Fredrick Kyunguti, Iate of ..O. Bdx 45, Kivaani in Kathome Location in Kenya. who died at Kathlani Hospttal in Kenya, the deceased's mother, ft')r a gran: of lettpn of admirtistra- Kenya, on 5th June, 1996. tiop intessate to the estate of Pius Ndambuki Wathomt, late of 1250 THE KENYA GAZETFE 10th July, 1998

Kangundo Location in Kenya, who died at Kapsabet Hospital in GAZE= E NoTlcE No. 35œ Kenya, on 14th April, 1996. IN 'ITIE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U n e court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance entered in this respe' ct within PROBATE AND ADM INISTM TION thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the TAKE NOTICE that an application having been madè in this Kenya Gazette. coud in: Dated the 19th February, 1998. CAusE No. 284 op 1M By Kumidini Ramniklal Vadher, through A ajni K. Somaia, E. N. MAINA, advtxate of Kisumu, for a grant of probate of the will of Deputy Registrar, Machakos. Vallabhad% Devji Derodra, late of Kisumu in Kenya, who died there in 1* 5. n e court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown GAZET'I'E No'ncE No. 3498 to the contrary and apm arance in this resN ct entered within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MACHAKOS Kenya Gaze/le. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Dated the 31st Octoe r, 1#M . TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this court in: 0. A. SEWX, CAUSB No. 88 oF 1998 Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Ayfe.-n e wil mentioned above has been deN sited in and is By John Mwania Ngui Kihyithyo, of P.O. Box 192, Wamunyu in Kenya, the deceased's son, for a grant of letters of administra- om n to itlsm ction at the court. tion intestate to the estate of Charles Kinyithyo Nzioka, late of W amunyu Location; who died at M achakos Hospital in Kenya, on 11st December, 1995. n e court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown GAZETTB No'ncE No. 3501 to tbe contrary and appearance entered in this rcspect within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKUkU Kenya Gazette. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJOROGE M UTIRA GICHAU OF Dated the 28th May, 1998. N N . NJAGI, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Deputy Registrar, Machakos. SuccEssloN CAusE No. 482 oF 1997 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a GxzE'rrE No-ncE No. 3499 grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital, Nyahur- IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT ELDORET uru, on 1st November, 1994, has been filed in this relistry by (1) PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION John N. Kamau, (2) Michael Kahura and (3) James N au, in their capacities as sons of the deceased. TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Court in: ' to the making of the Iyoyosed grant are invited and must be CAusE No. 220 o!z 1997 lodjed in this registry wlthln thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. . B 9(1) Siokwei Cherutich, (2) Koleta K'imoi Cherutich and (3) ' And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in Elizabeth Cherutich Kibor, all of P.O. Box 35, Kapsowar in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the Kenya. for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make estate of Paulo Cherutich Kibor, Iate of Kapsowar Sub-location, the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. in Kenya, who died there on 16th May, 1993. Dated the 16th September, 1997. CAIJSE No. 291 op 1997 W . K. 'TUIYOT, By Pauline Chemanyor, of P.O. Box 3, Eldoret in Kenya, Deputy Registrar, Nakurù. through Messrs. Chemwok and Co., advocates, for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of Jelimo Tapkili Bundi, late of Uasin Gishu District in Kenya, who died at Ilula Farm in Kenya, on 2nd June, 1997. GAZE'IVE Norcs No. 3502 CAUSE No. 38 olr 1998 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU By (1) John Kagiri Joel Karumba and (2) Njenga Grhegua, IN 'I'HE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY the deceased's brother and brother-in-law, respectively, through TABUTANY OF KERICHO Messrs. Nyairo and Co., advocates, for a grant of probate of PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION written will to the estate of Benson. Kiburu Joel Karumba,'late of SuccBssloN CAusE No. 242 op' 1998 Eldoret in Kenya, who died on 12th December, 1996. LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant' of letters of administration intestate to the estate of thc CAusE No. 134 olr 1998 above-named deceased, who died at Chepsoen, Kericho, on 14th By Esther Jesire Ruto, of P.O . Box 2874, Eldoret in Kenya, the Japuary, 1998, has been filed in this registry by John Kirui, in his deceased's widow, for a grant of lctters of administration intestate capacity as son of the deceased. to the estate of Charles Kibiego Kangogoa late of Uasin Gishu in And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Kenya. who died at Ngomongo Police Line, Kasarani in Kenya, to the making of the groposed grant are invited and must be on 6th September, 1997. lodjed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. The court will procced to issue the same unless cause be shown lo the contrary and appearance in this respect cntered within And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in thirty (A)) days 'from the datc of publication of this notice in the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the Kenya Gaz4we. K ,sxo date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make . A. NG , the grant as prayed or to make juch order as it thinks fit. Dated lhe 29th June. 1* 8. Deputy NtWiç/rlr, E ldorel. Dated the 10th June. 1998. ' Nole-n e will mentioned abtlvc has been dcposited in and is E. B. ACHIENG, om n to insa clion at thc court. Deputy Regix/rar, Nakum . 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1251

GAZETTE NcrlcE No. 3503 Gxzsvl's Nc)'l.lcs No. 35(1 IN 'I'HE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MA'ITER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPNGENO OMOLO KIJARO OF NAKURU CHIR/HIR OF KERICHO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION éROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SpccEsslox CAIJSE No. 244 olr 1998 Sut't'!4sslllN CAtlslz. N(). 254 ()1. 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL thc parties conccrned take no/icc that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestatc to the cstate of thç above-named deceased 2who died at Siaya, on 8th June. 1998. has above-named deceased. who dicd at St. Lconard*s Hospital. on been filed in this reglstry by Gabriel Ochieng Kijaro, in his 2nd September. 1994. has bcen filed in this rcgistry by Edna capacity as Widower of the deceased. Chepkemoi Chirchir. in her capacity as widow of the dcccased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And furtber take notice that objcctions in the prescribcd form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the groposed grant are invitcd and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodyed in this registry wlthin thirty (31)) days of publication of this notice. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice tbat if no objcction has becn Iodgcd in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in thc prescribed form within thirty (3()) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, thc court may pfocccd to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. thc grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the 11th June, 1998. Datcd the 22nd Junc. 1998. H. A. OW INO. H. A. OW INO. Deputy Registrar. Nakurti. Deputy Regbçtrar, Nakuru.

GAzsvre NoTlcB No. 3504 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN 'FHE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTAYB OF DANIEL IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF STEPHEN CHIRCHIR LANGAT OF NAXURU ONYANGO W AKHUNGU OF NAKURU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAusc No. 265 o!r 1* 8 Succssslox CAt/S!k: No. 246 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petitionfor a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of. the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of thc above-named deceased, wbo died at Lelmokwo Secondary above-named deceased. who died at District Hospital. Nakuru. School. on 23rd May, 1*8, has been filed in this registry by on 18th June, 1980, has been filed in this registry by Veronicah Kipsang A. Koske. m his capacity as fatber of the deceased. Achieng Onyango, in her c?pacity as widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take noticc that objcctions in the prescribed form to the making of the çroposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodled in this registry wlthln thirty (30) days of publication of this lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. notive. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirtj (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated tbe 23:4 lune. 1998. Dated the 12th June. 1998. E. B. ACHIENG, H. A. OW INO. Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. Deputy Regàtrar, Nakuru.

GAze'l're Nonncs No. 3505 G azlsl-l'tt N(yI'1t'js N ( ) , 35(38 IN THE HIGH COURY OF KENYA AT NAKURU IN 'IHE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF LAKTANO IN THE HIGH COURT .OF KENYA AT NAKURU BALIAT OF BARINGO IN THE MATFER OF 'I'HE ESTATE OF BERNARD PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION M BOGW A ALIAS BERNARD MBUGUA OF NAKURU Succssslox CAuss No. 250 os 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerr d take notice that a petition for a Succssslox CAtpss No. 288 oF 1998 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-name'd deceased , who died at Baringo'F. T. C.. Koibatek! grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of tbe on 20th May. 1996. has been filed in this registry by (1) Kimol above-named deciased, who died at Lakeview. on 12th January, Laktano, and (2) Tamining Laktano in their capacities as widows 1998. has been filed in this registry by M ary W ambui Ndaba. in of the deceased. her capacity as widow of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to tbe making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry wIthln thirty (30) days of publication of this lodged in this registry wlthln thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. notice. And further take notice that if no objcction has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prrscribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as iy thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the l 1th June, 1998. Dated the 1st July, 199*. H. A. OW INO, H. A. OWINO, Deputy Registrar, Nakuru. Deputy Seggfrlr, Nakuru. 1252 THE KENY/ GAZE'JTE 10th July, 1998


SuccEsslox CAuss .NO. 215 os 1997 PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION LET ALL the partiej concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEsslox CAuslï No. 32 oiz 1998 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a

above-named deceased, who died at Igoki Location, on 30th grant of letters .of. administration intestat.ç to the estate of the December, 1976, has been filed in this registry by Igoki Michai. of above-namçd deceased. who died' at Bufiertu'i, on 5th August, P.O. Box 480, Nkubu, iq his capacity as an administrator of the 1985, has been.-filed in this registry by Alfanso M atara, of P.O. deceasod's estate. . Box 106, Mauat in his capacity as an administrator of the And further take notice that objections i.n the prescribed form deceasedfs estate. to the making of the pro'posed grant are invite' d and must be And further take notice.that objections in the prescribed form lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication ot this to the making of the prpposed grant are invited and must be nollce. Iodyed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in notlce. dthis registry in thç prescribed form within thi.rty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in ate of publication of this notice, the court may proceed 'to make this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of .publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make Dated the 23rd April, 1998. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. D. K. GICHUKI, Dated the 10th March, 1998. Depaty Registrar, Meru. D. K. GICHUKI, Deputy Registrar, Meru.

GAZE'I'TC NOTICE Nf). 3510 GAzEl-rs NoTlcs No. 3513 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE M ATT'ER OF THE ESTATE OF M 'MBORI IN THE MATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF M'RUKW ARU GACHOGU ALIAS MBOROKI KAJOGI M'M BOROKI PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIUN SuccEsslox CAuss No. 233 oF 1997 SuccEsslox C' AusE No. 44 olz 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take potice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the abové-named deceased, who died at Ruiri, on 12th July: 1984, has above-named deceased, who died at M eru Hospital, on 7th been filed in this registry by John Bundi M 'Mborokl, of P.O. December, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Sarah Kiiru Ruiri Location, in his capacity as an administrator of the Rukwaru, of P.O. Box 632, M eru, in her capacity as an deceased's estate. ' administratrix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form . And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the yroposed grant are inkited and must be to the making of the yroposed grant. are invited and musr be lodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this lodjed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice., notlce. ' , And further take notice that if no objectiim has bven lodged in And further taye notice that if no tlbjegtion ha< been-lodgèd'i!i this registry in the prescribed form within thiçty (30) days of the. this registry jn tht prescribed form within thirty .(30) days of tlie date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of ppblicatlon of this notice, the court may proceed to make the xgrant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or té make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 3rd Septemberq' 1997. Dated the 4th March, 1998. . S. A. W AM WAYI, S. A. W AMW AYI, Deputy Registrar, M eru. . Deputy Registrar, Meru.

Ghzsrl'E Nonxlcs No. 3514 Glzlï-la'ls NOTIf'E Nf). 3511 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SUSAN IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF ANAM PIU KAREGI ROBERT TUARUGOJI PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAuss No. 52 olr 1998 Sufx-tïsslflx CAusE No. 1 olr 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the partics.concerned take notice tbatva petition for a grant of Ietters of administratipn intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kinoru, on 11th November, abovc-namcd deceased . who dicd at Ntakira, in 1950. has been 1 993 , has been filed in' this registry by Charles Mithika. of P..O. filcd in this rcgistry by Angelo Kinoti Mbatia, of P.O. Box 6, Box 174. Merus in his capacity as an administrator 'of the M cru. in his capacity ar an administrator of the deceased's estate. deceased's estate. And furtbcr takc nc tice that objections in the prescribed. form And fprther take notice that objections in the prescfibcd forni t() the making ()f the proposed grant are invited and , must be to the making of the proposed grant ar'e iny,i.ted, pnd kmus! bç lodged in this rqgijtry within thirty (30./ days'i)f 'ptlbliczion,of this Itydje' d in this registry within thirty (A)) days of publication of this . ntltlcc . notj ce . ' h. And further takc ntltice that if no objection has becn lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in lhis rcgistry in thc prcscribed fllrm within thirty (A)) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the dlltc ()f publicatitln ()f this nlltice, thc court may proceed t() make date of publication of this nqtice. the court may proceed to make thtt grant as praycd ()r t(1 make such (lrdcr as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or 'to make such order as it thinks fit. Iàatcd the 2.1st M ayx 1998. Dated the 23rd M arch, 1998. D. K. GICHUKI, S. A. WAMWAYI, Dcpuly fttwiA'/rfzr, gkleru. Deputy Registrar, Meru. TH E KENYA GAZETTE 1253

GAZETTE Non'lcs No. 3515 GAzlïrriï NO-I-ICE No. 3518 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ERU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEDION IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS MW IRIGI DANIEL NDEGE M 'IKIRIM A PROBAW AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . SuccEssloN CAusE No. 97 olz 1998 Succiïsslox CAusE No. 112 OF 1998 LET ALL the parties çoncerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of tho above-named deceased, who died at Kenyatta National Hospital, grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the on 12th June, 1997, has been filed in this registry by M ary above-named deceased. who died at Chogoria Hospital, has been M uthomi M 'Nanu, of P.O. Box 621 Meru, in her capacity as an filed in this registry by M ary Nchekei Francis, of P.O. Box 261. adininistratrix of the deceased's estate. Chogoria, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's And further take notice that objections in tbe prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the groposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry wilhin thirty (30) days of publicatioù of this lodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication (yf this notice. notice. . ' And further take notice tllat if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in tbe prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prqyed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 24th June, 1998. Dated the 24tà June, 1998. D. K. GICHUKI. D. K. GICHUKI, Deputy Registrar, Meru. Deputy Registrar, Meru.

GAZERU'E N()'I.IcE No. 3516 GAzE'rl'p: N()'I'Icp: N() . 35 l 9 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU 4 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ERU IN THE/MATTER OF 'ITIE ESTATE OF M 'KIRIGIA IN THE M A'ITER OF THE ESTATE OF GEOFFREY M 'M URURU ALIAS M 'RIMBERIA M'MURURU M 'IMANYARA ALIAS IMANYARA MARETE PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBA'I'E AND ADM INISTRATION SuccsssloN CAIJSE No. 121 os 1998 Succssslox CAusE No. 98 oF 1998 . . LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for'a ùET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a jetition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Kiirua, on 21st April, 1991, above-named deceased, who died at Nkubu Hospital, on 18th has been filed in this registry by Janet Kathure M'Kirigla, of P.O. January, 1998, has .been filed in this registry by Gladys Gatiria Box 1079, Meru, in his cajacity as an administratrix of the M 'Imanyara, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's deceajed's estate. ' estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the Iyoposed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodled in this registry wlthm thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. notlce. . . And further take noticr that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in ' date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. dâte of pgblication of this notice, the cou' rt may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 24th June, 1998. . Dated the 24th June, 1998. D. K. GICHUKI, D Deputy Registrar, Meru. . K. GICHUKI, Deputy Registrar, M eru.

GAzswc No'rlcr: No. 3520 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT MERU GAZEA'I'E NoTlc'E No. 3517 IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF NATHAN KIRUGI M'RAICHAU IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT M ERU PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION IN THE MATFER OF THE ESTATE OF M 'RUKARIA SuccsssloN CAusE No. 134 olp 1998 M'KIRERA ALIAS RUKARIA M 'TUM I ALIAS RUKARIA LET ALL the parties conccrned take notice that a petition for a M UTUM I grant of lettcrs of administration intestate to the estate of the. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION above-named deceased, who died at Hospital, on 8th StlccEsslox CAuss No. 99 oF 1998 January, 19* , has been filed in this registe by Nancy Karuta LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a Kirugi, of P.O . Kibirichia, in her capacity as an administratrix of grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the the deceased's estate. above-named deceased, who died at Laisamis. on 3rd February, And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form 1998, has been filed in this registry by Stephen Nkonje Rukaria, to the making of the prom sed grant are invited and must be of P.O. Box 39813, Nairobi, in his capacity as an admlnistrator of Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of.tbis the deceased's estate. notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this noticey the court may prœ eed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 24th June, 1998. Dated the 26th June, 1* 8. ' D. K. GICHUKI, N . H . OUN DU . Deputy Regùtrar, Meru. Deputy Aegiçfrur, M eru. 1254 THE KENYA GAZETTE 10th July, 1998

GAzirl-re Nl)'rlt-iz: Nt). 3521 GAzErrc NOTICE No. 3524 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN TVE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISiI IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MW AMBA IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF M ICHAEL NYAKUNDI OF KISII DISTRIG AUKA AUKA OF KISII DISTRIG PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAuss No. 472 oF 1997 SuccEssloN CAusE No. 162 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties conceqped take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestatt to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Mwayichana, on 22nd above-named deceased, who died at Aburi, on 20th October September. 1983, *as been filed in this repstl'y by Nyaboke , ocation. P.O. Marani. Klsii. in her 1997, has been filed in this registry by (1) Bathseba Kerubo Auka Mwamba, of Igemo Sub-lx and (2) Peris Nyachama Auka, both of Eburi Sub-location, capacity as widow of the deceised. Getenga Location. P.O.' Box 10, Etago. in their capacities as And further take notice that objections in the prescribe.d form widows of the deceased. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the presiribed form lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of p. ubjication of this to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be notlce. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objection has bcen lodged in notice. this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may procced to make And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make Dated the 2 1st October, 1 997. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' J. N. M . W ANJALA. D' ated the 23rd June, 1998. Deputy Registrar, Kisii. N. A. OW INO. De'puty Registrar, Xil.

Gazlspl-l'ls Ntn'I(.Is N() . 3522 GAZEG E NoTlcs No. 3525 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KERUBO IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF OMOTE GESW AYA NYAM ARATANDI OF K1S11 DISTRIG NYAMBATI 0F KISII DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEssloN CAtlsls Nf). l44 olr 1998 ' SuccsssloN CAuss No. 159 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate lo the estate of lhe grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased. who dicd at Bonyaikoma. Kiabiraa. on above-namcd deceased. who died at Kisii Townshipk. on 1st 5th Decembers 1O 1 . has been filed in this rcgistry by Yuvinalis August, 1985, has been filed in this registry by David Sangaka Okonjo Giswaya. of Bosongo Location. P.O. Box 35. Kisii. in his Abuga. of Bobaracho Sub-location, Bosongo Location. P.O. Box capaclty as son of the deceased. 2321 , Kisii. in his capacity as grandson of the deceased. And further take nolice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the qréscribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this Iodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. notice. And further take notice that if no objection has bcen Iodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in thc prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may procecd to make date i)f publicalion of this notice. the court may proceed to make ' the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 12th June. 1* 8. ' Dated thc 25th June. 1998. W . K. TUIYOT. KATHOKA NGOMO, Depuly Registrar, Kisii. Deputy Registrar, Ki%ii.

GAzIn-I'Is N(yI.l(-I6 N(). 3523 GAzI5'l-rI's Nt)-I'l(:-I.! No. 3526 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE 0/ AYIECHO IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF OM WANDO ONDIEGI OF KISII DISTRIW AYIEKO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Stx-t'llsslflN CAusln' N(). l55 ()1. 1998 Surn aqloN CAusE No. 170 oF 1* 8 LET ALL the parties concerned takc noticc thaf a pctition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notix that a G tition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thc estate of the grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased. who dicd at Kawerç IIA Sub-location. on ahwe-nated dl- - d, who died at Bomoire Nyarlmba, on 26th 20th July. 1983. has been filed in this registry by Gcorge Novem% r, 1* 1, has % en 5led in this registry by NyaO ke Onyango. of Kokwanyo W est Sub-location. P.O. Box 41 . Omwando, of Nyaramba &lb-lteation Getenga I w'-tion, P.O. Mawego. in his capacity as grandson of thc deceased. Box 346, Kisii, In her capacity as m dow of the deœ aKd. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescried form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proBv d grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this le ged in this registry within thirty (M) days of publication of this notice. ' notiœ . And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodgcd in And further take notiœ that if no objedion has Y n leged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of tbe this registry in te prexrilxd form within t*irty (%) days of tlw date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notiœ , the court may pre- -d to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 26th June, 1998. Dated the 1st July, 1W 8. N. A. OW INO. w . x. w jyoer, Deputy Registrar, Kisii. Deputy XeW frx, Kéû. ' . 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1255

GAZETTR NoerlcE No. 3527 GAZEAq.S No-rlçs No. 3531) IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISII IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE MATIER OF THE ESTATE OF CHRISANTO IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH ONCHOKE M AKOMBI OF CENTRAL KISII OGUTU ONYANGO PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Succssslox CAuss No. 175 oF 1998 , StlccEssloN CAtlsl! Nf). 183 (11.* 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice thl'! 14 Ptttitit'n ftlr a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intcstate to th: estate of tbe above-named deceased. who died at Gekomu, on 27th April, above-named deceased. who died at Aga Khan Hospital. Kisumu. 1993, has been tiled in this registry by (1) Hellen Nyaboke has been filed in this rtgistry by ( 1) Monita Anyango Onyango and (2) Edward Ochieng Onyanyo. both of P.O. Box 48(32. Onchoke and (2) Pustina Bosibori Moruri, both of Nyaura Kisumu, in their respcctive capaclties as widow and son of thc Sub-location, Bosongo Location, 'P.O . Box 2* 1, Kisii, in their capacities as widows of the deceased. deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objcctions in the prescribed form to the making of the Iyoposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be lodqed in this registry mthm thirty (30) days of publication of this lodged in this registry within thirty (3()) days of publication of this notlce. notice. And further take notice tbat if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objcction bas been lodgcd in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (3(3) days of thc date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this noticc. the court may proceed to makc the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. Dated the 6th July, 1998. Datèd the 23rd June. 1998. W . K. TUIYOT, F. A. MABELE. Deputy Registrar, Kisii. Depuly Registrar. Sj.çwr?1I/.

GAZE'I'rE No'rlcE No. 3528 GAZETI.S NçyrlcE No. 3531 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KERICHO IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF JONATHAN IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF ZADOCK KIPKOECH A. NGENO ALIAS KIPKOECH A. NGENO M UM BO RAMA ALIAS ZADOCK M UM BO PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccsssloN CAusE No. 24 oF 1998 SuccBssloN CArss No. 197 oF 1* 8. LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice tbat a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to thc estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased :who died at Litein Sub-location. on 31st above-named deceased, who died at Kodhœ k East Sub-location, .May, 1992, haj been flled in this registry by Grace Chepkoech Kabondo East Location. . has lxen filed in Ngeno. of P.O. Box 101. Litein. in her capacity as an administrat- this registry by Daudi Juma Zadock. in his capacity as son of the rix of the deceased's estate. deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be to the making of tbe yroNsed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publicaîion of this lodqed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of tbis notlce. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may procee' d to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks R . Dated the 29th April. 1998. Dated the 6th July, 1* 8. H . 1. ONGUDI. N. M. KIRIBA. Deputy Registran Kericho. Deputy Reggtmr, Ktàum%

GAzsrrs Noerlcs No. 3529 GAzsl-l'E NoTlt-E No. 3532 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE HIGR COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF GEORGE ANGELA ACHIENG EDW IN ODERO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccsssloN CAtlss No. 314 o!r 1997 SuccEssloN CAuse No. 202 oF 1O 8 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties'concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of thi above-namcd deceased, who died at New Nyanza General above-named deceased, who died at Kisumu. on 18th June, 1997. Hospital, Kisumu, on 8th September. 1997, has been t'iled in this has been filed in this registg by Winnie Wanjiku Ngumi, in her registry by Rose Anne Odado Nyangor. in her capacity as mother capacity as an administratrlx of the deceased's estate. of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form 'to the making of the yromsed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry Wlthin thirly (30) days of publication of this lodyed in this registry within thirty (30) dàys of publication of this notlce. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make tlle grant as prayed or to make sucll order as it tàinks 5t. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 23rd June. 1998. N . M . KIRIBA , F. A- M ABELE, Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. Deputy Registrar, Kùumu. 1256 THE KENYA G AZETFE 10th July, 1998

GAzmx NoTlcE No. 3533 GAzEvl'n Novics No. 3536 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT BUNGOMA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF SIM IYU SUDI ODHIAMBO ONGANYO M ACHANJA PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAIJSE No. 203 o>' 1998 Succssslox Cnuse No. 83 ofz 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition 'for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate t() the estate of the above-named deceased, who died on 26th May, 1998, has been above-named deceased, who died at Namono Village, South filed in this registry by Onyango Ogutu. in his capacity as father of Kanduyi Sub-location, on 31st M ay, 1994, has been filed in ihis the deceased. ' . registry by Juma Simiyu Kinyosi, in his capacity as anradministra- And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form tor of .the deceased's estate. . ' to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the j'rescribed form lodqed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this to the making of the proposed grant are invited and. must be notlce. . lodgqd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in noticc. . . this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that lf no objection has been lodged in date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed ttl make tllis registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make Datéd the 18th June, 1998. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. N.' M . KIRIBA, Dated the 17th June, 1998. Deputy Registrar, Kisumu. JACOB OMBONYA, Deputy Registrar, Bungoma.

GAZETU'E NolnlcE N(). 3534 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUMU NOTICE No. 3537 IN THE M AW ER OF THE ESTATE OF ISMAIL VIRJI IN THE KADHI'S COURT AT BUNGOMA BAW A IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF JUM A ',, PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SAIDI IBOSO SuccEsslox CAuss No. 21 1 (')F 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEssloN CAIJSE No. 2 olz 1998 grant of probate of thc will of the above-named deceased, who LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for il died at Aga Khan Hospital, on 15th June. 1996s has been filed in grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the thjs registry by (1) Laila Bawa and (2) Alnoor Bawa, both of P.O. above-named deceased, who died at Namasanda Village, Bungo- Box 1908, Kisumu, in their capacities as executors named in the ma District, on 31st December. 1997, has bèen filed in this will of the deceased. . registry by Jane Kaveza Tsimonywa alias Salma, of P.O. Box 18, And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Bungoma, in her capacity as widow of the deceased. to the making of the proposcd grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed fprm lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this to the makinp of the proposed grant are invited and must be notice. . lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication ofthis And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in. notice. . this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodgèd in date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice., the court may proceed to make Dated the 24th June, 1998. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. N. M . KIRIBA, Dated the 31st M arch, 1998. Deputy Regiatrar, Kisumu. B. A. ABUBAKAR, District Registrar, Bungoma. Note.-l'be Will. mentioned above has been dcposited in and is open to inspection at the œourt.

GAzc-l'rs N(')'I'If'Iî No. 3535 GAZE'IX Noerlcs No. 3538 IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KISUM U IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAM EGA ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SHADRACK IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL ADEM OGONY AMABWA SHIKUNZI PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Sucriïsslt-lN CAt)SE No. 2l8 op' 1998 StptE'ciïssltlx CAUSIZ No. 326 ttA>*(')l' 1997 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administratiop intestate to the estate of the graùt of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named dcceased. who died at Kokwiri Sub-locationa above-'named deceased, who died 'at Mukhonje Sub-location, t'!n Kisumu. on 16th March, 1998, has been filed in this registry by ltlth July. 1987, has been Tiled in this registry by Laban Jumba Julia Akinyi Adcm. in her capacity as widow of the deceased. Amabwa, in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take noticc that objcctions in the prescribcd form And further take notice that objections in the pr'escribed form t() thc .making of the proposcd grant arc invited and must be t() the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be ltldged in this registry within thirty (3()) days of publication of this lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. ' notice. And furthcr takc ntlticc that if n() objcction has bcen Iodged in And furthcc takc notice that if no objection has been Iodged in lhis rcgistry in thc prcscribcd form within thirty (3()) days ()f the this rcgistry in the prescribed form 'within thirty (30) days of the dale ()f publicalitln of this ntlticc. thc ctlurt may proceed t() make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make lhe grant as praycd (,r t() maktt such (lrdcr as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated thc 3()th Junc . l 998. Datcd the 12th February, I 998. F. A. MABELE. C. 0. KANYANGI. I.le;)lllv Scgjx/rfzr, Kisunlu. Deputy /?tx/.s'rrlr, . GAzplrry- No.rlcl No. 3539 GAZE'IU'E NovlcE No. 3542 IN THE SENIOX PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA IN THE M ATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF MUNGARA IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF MARTIN NGANGA MIKHALA LUTENYO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Succssslolq CxtlsE No. 285 op 1996 SuccsssloN Causs No. 282 ()p' 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned takc notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the cstate ()f the above-named deceased, who died at Naaro, Mathuri, on 12th above-named dcccased, who died at Shisejeri Sub-location. on September, 1995, has been filed in this registry by (1) ' Willys 15th August. 1974. has been filed in this registry by James Mungai, (2) Esbon Muguthi and (3) John Muguthi Waithima, In Luchacha, in his capacity as grandsoh of the deceased. their capacities as administrators of the deceascd's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed forp And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be is lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of th. lodgcd in this registry within thirty (30) days of publicqtion of this notice. And further take noticc that if no objection has been Iodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in tbis registry in tbe prescribed form within thirty (3% days of thç this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such ordcr as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Datcd the 9th Junc, 1998. Dated the 15th October, 1996. C. 0. KANYANGI, S. N. MUTUKU, . Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. District Registrar, Thika.

GAzp:'I-I.E No-rlcE No. 3543 Gzkzrïl-rE NorlclR No. 3540 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NJOROGE IN THE IJIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAMEGA GICHANA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF (1) ZAKARIA PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION KETUKHA AND (2) PEJI KUTEKHA LUMULA SuccEssloN CAIJSE No.' 205 olz 1998 . PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a Su(('c-sssltlx CAustï No. 298 of' 1998 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-named deceased, who died on 13th May ?1990, has been grant of letters of administration intcstate tb the estate of the filed in this registry by Gichana M urechi, in hls capacity is an above-named deceased, who died at Shibuname, on 1st Septem- . administrator of the deceased's estate.. ber, 1984, and 11th September, 1985, respectively, has been .filed And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form in this registry by Hellen S. Ingato, in her capacity as granddaugh- to the making of the Iyoposed grant are invited and must be ter of the deceased. lodged in this registry Wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that objcctions in the prescribed form notice. to thc making of the pnlposed grant are' invited and must l)e And further take notice, that if no objection has been lodged in Iodged in this registry within thirty (3()) days of publication of this this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the notice. date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make And further take notice that if n() objection has been lodged in the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. this registry in tbe prescribed form within 'thirty (30) days of the Dated the 16th June, 1998. date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make . the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. E. 0. AWINO, Dated the 17th June. 1998. District Registrar, Thika. ' C. 0. KANYANGI, Deputy Rtrlldxs,/rfzr, Kakamega. GazErru No'rlcs No. 3544 IN THE SENIOR PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT M IGORI GAzlsvr? No'rltze No. 3541 IN THE MATFER OF THE ESTATE OF ZAKARIA DINGA DINGA OF MIGORI DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT KAKAM EGA SuccœssloN CAusE No. 87 oF 1O8 IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSECK LET ALL tlle parties concerned take notice that a m tition for a ISIAHO MUSILA grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION above-named deceased, who died at Kawere l Sub-lœ ation, on Succssslox CAusE No. 30l oir 1998 12th August, 1* 1, has % en 5led in this registry by I .sT.$drn LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a Achieng Dinga, of P.O. Box 124, Suna, in his capadty as Kn of grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the the deceased. above-named deceased, who died at M usoli, on 10th October, And further take notice that objections in the pree v form 1980, has been filed in this registry by Oliver Musila M utondo, in to tlle making of the propsed grant are invited and must lx his capacity as son of the deceased. lodged in this registry withm thirty (Y) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in notice. ' this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has lxen leged in date of publication of this notice: the court may proceed to make this registry in the preKri-d form witllin tllirty (D) dap of te the grant as praycd or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice, the œ urt may przv- d to make Dated the 25th June, 1998. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks 5t. Dated the 1st July, 1* 8. C. 0. KANYANGI, N: 0. ATEYA! Deputy Registrar, Kakamega. District #egiçlre, Mqod. 1258 THE KENYA GAZE'IVE 10th July, 1998

GAZ/ATS Ntm ci! No. 3545 GAzsrr: NoTlcE No. 3548 IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT THIKA AT NYAHURURU IN THE M A'ITER OF 'FHE ESTATE OF FAITH IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF PAUL WANJA NDUATI KANJA NGUGI OF OL'JORO OROK, NYANDARUA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION StlccsssloN Causs No. 216 oF 1998 SuccEsslox CAuss No. 67 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerncd take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate pf Jile grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of tlw ahwe-named deceased. who died at Nairobi, on 27th Agril, 1995. above-named deceased, who dicd at M airo-lnya Nursing Home, has been filed in this registry by Bernard Nduati M ithlya, in his on 2nd September, 1997, has been filed in this registry bj James capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate. Nguqi Ngari. of P.O. Box 148. Oljoro Orok. in his capamty as an And furtber take notice that objections in the prescribed form ad mlni strator of the deceased i estate. to the making of the Iyoposed grant are invited and must be W nd further take notice that objections in the prescribed form lejed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this to the making of the qroposed grant are invited and must be notlce. lodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in notice. . this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make sucb order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice, tbe court may proceed to make Dated the 24th June, 10 8. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. . ' G. N. NGARI, Dated the 8th June, 1998. District Registrar, Thika. W ANJIRU KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. GAz.!'I7'l.! N(yI'It-I! N1). 3546

IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT GAzin-rE 'Nowrlcs No. 3549 ' AT THIKA IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHYLLIS AT NYAHURURU W AITHIRA NJOKA ALIAS PHYLLIS W AITHERA NJOKA ALIAS PHYLLIS W AITHERA IN THE MA'IVER OF THE ESTATE OF MIRIAM PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION W AMBUI KIARIE OF PASSENGA, NYANDARUA Sulq'ç'brssltlN CAusE No. 22l olr 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the partics concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEssloN CAIJSE No. 73 oF 1998 grant of Icttcrs of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-namcd deceascd. who died at Githumu Health Centre. on grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the 21st Dcccmber, lW 7. has becn filed in this registry by Nganga âbove-named deceased, who died at 01 Kalou, Nyandarua. on 29th July, 1*5. has been filed in this registry by John Mbugua Njoka. in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased*s estate. Kiarie. in his capacity as an administrator of the deceased's estate And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that odjections in the prescribwd form. to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must lx to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodqed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. . lodjed in this registry within thkty (30) days of pubjication of this notlce. ! . And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publicalion of tbis notice. the court may proceed to make date of publication of tbis notîct, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or tp make such order as it thinks fit Dated the 29th June. 1998. ' . . Dated tlle 17th June. 1998 /. 0. AWINO. . District Registrar. Thika. W ANJIRU KARANJA, District Registrar, Nyahururu. Gazlsrrs N()'ncE N(). 3547 ' IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT GAzEn s Noaalcs No. 3550 AT M URANG'A IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF SAM UEL AT KERICHO DANIEL KARUGO ALIAS KARUGO DANIEL SAMUEL IN THE M ATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ENOCK ALIAS KARUGO GITHIGA KITOI MAINA PROBATE AND ADM INBTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION StlccEssloN CAusE No. 81 oy' 1998 SuccsssloN CAuss No, 16 oF 1997 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased. who died at P.C.E.A. Kikuyu-llospital, above-named deceased. who died at Kaplong Hospital, on 9th has been filed in this registry by (1) Joyce Wanjiku Karygo and (2) October, 1997, has been filed in this registry by Joseph Kiptonui Leah Wangui Karupo. lyoth of P.O. Box 1%. Murang*a, in their Rono, of.P.O. Box 135, Sosiot, in his capacity as an administrator capacities as adminlstratrices of the deceased's estate. of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodjed in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notlce. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in AM fuçtber take notice tlut if no objection ilas bûen Iodged in tbis registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribcd form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks tit. Dated the 3rd June, 1998. Dated the 16th January, 1998. . A. M . KING'OO ' H. 1. ONG'UDI, District Regiatrar, M urang'a. ' District Registrar, Kericho. 10th July, 1998 TH E KENYA GA ZETT'E 1259

GAZE'I'TE NovrlcE No. 3551 GAZETI'E NOTICE NO. 3553 IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRJNCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KERICHO AT EMBU PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION IN THE MATFER OF TIIE ESTATE OF KIURA NJUKI OF EMBU DISTRIW TAKE NOTICE that applications having been made in this PROBATE AND ADMINISTRXTION court in: Succw lox CAusB No. 55 oF 1M CAuse No. 13 op- 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a m tition for a By (1) Esther Chepkoros Ngelel and (2) Alice Chelangat grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the Ngelel, both of P.O. Box 35, Kiptere ifi Kenya. for a grant of aM ve-named decea d, who died at Embu Distrid, on 11th July, letters of administration intestate to the estate of Zakaria' 1W 5, has been filed in this re#stry by Silas Peter Ndwiga GaOra, Kapkitany Ngelel, Iate of Kiptere in Kenya. who died at Tenwek of P.O. Box 105, Embu, in his capacity as Kn of the decen-zl. Hospital in Kenya, on 11th July, 1988. And further take notice that objections in the prexvied form to the making of the prolmsed grant are invited and must % CAuss No. 45 oir 1998 lodged in this registry within thirty (K) days of publication of this By Kipkemoi Ngasura. of P.O. Box 81 , Sotik in Kenya. for a notice. grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate (yf And furthzr take notice that if no objection haq % en le ged in Chepkwony arap Chebotibik alias Chepkwony arap Chebotibuk, this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (M) days of the late of Kapkatet in Kenya. who died there on 1st February 1972. date of publiption of this notice, the court may prœeed to make , the grant a: prayed or to make such order as it thinks 5t. CAusE No. 47 oy 1998 Dated the gth April, 1W 7. By Kipsitele Ruto, of P.O. Box 356. Kericho in Kenya, for a E. M . MUTAHI, grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of Kipruto District Regiç/r/r, Embu. arap Chepkwony, Iate of Kapsoit. Kericho in Kenya, who died there on 6th August. 1981. CAuse No. 49 oy 1998 GAZB'IE Nçm cE No. 3554 By Jane Kanyi Mburu. of P.O. Box 40. Koru in Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestàte to the estate of Mary IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT W angui Kamau, . late of Kericho in Kenya, who died on 27th AT EMBU April, 1981. IN THE MATIER OF 'IIIE ESTATE OF KIRIAMITI CAuss No. 52 olr 1998 KAREYU ALIAS KIRIAM ITI RUMINJU OF SIAKAGO PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION By ( 1) Samuel Kiprop Lelgo and (2) Lucy Cherono Sang, both of P.O. Box 69, Chesinendet, Kericho in Kenyas for a grant of Su- ssloN CAusE No. 56 oF 1M letters of administration intestate to the estate of Luka Mzee LET ALL the parties œ ncerned take notiœ that a N tition for a Sang, Iate of Chepseon in Kenya, who died on loth November. grant of letten of administration intestate to the estate of the 1991 . above-nm ed deceased, who died on 11th Noveme r, 1W 1, has been flled in this registry by Ireri m- lnju, of Siakago, in Ms The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown' capacity as xm of the deceased. to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within And further take notiœ that obje-ions in the prexrie d form thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice in the to the making of the pro- d grant are invited and must lM Kenya Gazetle. lodyed in this registry within thirty (M) days of publication of this notlce. Dated the 23rd June. 1998. And further take notiœ that if no objeeon has %çn legbd in this registry in the pree ed form within thirty (M) dap of the H . 1. ON G'UDI . date of publication of tMs notice, the œ urt may prM md to make Dislrict Regislrar, Kericho. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks 5t. Dated the 2kth June, 1* 8. V. W . W ANDERA, Dhtrict Regllmr, Embu.

GAzIf'I-I'l! N()'1'lCE NO. 3552 GAzsrrs Novlcs No. 3555 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KERICHO IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGIWRATE'S COURT IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF KIPNGENO AT EMBU ARAP CHEMW OR IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF GACHIGU PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION MATHIGATI OF EM BU StlccEssloN CAusE No. 43 oF 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccsssloN CAusE No. 25 oF 1997 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-named deceased. who died on 27th July, 1983. has been grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the filed in this registry by Ruth Chepkoech Chemwor. of P.O. Box above-named deceased. who died at Embu, on 10th December 1995. has been filed in this Kgistry by Ireri Gachigu . (+, Kiptere, in her capacity as an administratrix of the deceased's Ki . of estate. anjokoma, Embu. in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within tbirty (30) days of publication of this lodjed in this registry within thirty (30)'days of publication of this notice. ' . notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in tlw prescribed form within tbirty (30) days of the date tif publication of this notice, thc court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make sucb order as it tbinks fit. Dated the 5th June. 1998. Dated the 22nd Junea !998. ROBERT M OCHACHE V. W . W ANDERA, District Registrar. Kericho. District Aeggt-r, Embu. 1260 THE KENYA GA ZE'TTE 10th July, 1998

GAzsvrs NoTIèE No. 3556 GAZE'I'TE No'rlcE No. 3559 IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU AT EMBU IN THE MATTER OF THE EjTATE OF NDWIGA IN THE MAW ER UF THE ESTATE OF ANJELO M UGURU OF KYENI, EM BU NDW IGA KAMW AGIRE OF KYENI, EM BU PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAusc No. 122 oF 1998 SuccEsslox CAus!ï No. 133 op 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned tak: notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Embu, on 1st July, 1992, has above-named deceased, who died at Mater Hospital, Nairobi, on been tiled in this registry by Sara Kiura Wachira, of P.O. Box 86, . 23rd July, 1996, has been filed in this registry bay Nicasio Njue Runyenjes, in her capacity as an administratrix of tbe deceased's Kamwagire, of P.O. Box 2(x), Embu, in his capacity as brother of estatc. the deceased. And further take notice that objcctions in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceèd to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. ' Dated the 25th June, 1998. ' Dated the 25th June, 1998. V. W . W ANDERA, V. W . WANDERA, District Registrar, Embu. District StWg/rtzr, Embu. .

GAZE'I'TE No'rlcn No. 3560 GAzcrrs No'rlcE No. 3557 IN THE PRINCIPAL 'MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT EMBU AT EMBU IN THE M ATIER oF THE ESTATE OF W ILLIAM IN THE MATTER OF 'I'HE ESTATE OF NDERI NJUKI NJUGUNA NJIHIA OF EM BU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Succssslox CAusE No. 125 os 1998 SuccEssloN CAusE No. 137 oF 1* 8 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestate lo the estate of the above-named deceased. who died at Embu, on 3rd April, 3997, above-named deceased, Fho died at Kirinyaga District, on 13th has been filed in this registry by Jamima Wanjira Kiura, of November, 19*, has been 5led in this registry by Margaret S. Gatunduri, in her capacity as daughter of the deceased. Wanjiku, of P.O. Box 694, Embu, in her capa dty as widow of the And further. take notice that objections in the prescribed form deceased. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this to the making of the prom sed grant' are invited and must be notice. lodled in this registry within thirty (:*) days of publicatiol of this And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in notlce. ' this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make thks registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make Dated the 18th June, 1998. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks 5t. ' V. W . W ANDERA, Dated the 1st July, 1*8. District Registrar, Embu. M. W . WANDERA, District Regiatrar, Embu.

GAzsrrs No'rlcE No. 3558 GAZE= E NoncE No. 3561 IN 'ITIE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE PRINCIPAL MAGISTRAW 'S COURT AT EMBU AT EMBU IN THE M ATI'ER OF THE ESTATE OF ISAIAH IN THE M ATFER OF THE ESTATE OF MUGUI M WARANJIRI KANGITI OF KIBUGU, EMBU M ACHI OF RUNYENJES PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION . SuctwllssloN Czquss No. 126 (>F 1998 SuccEuloN CAusB No. 140 oF 1998 LET ALL the partiel concerned takc notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased. who died at Embu, on 5th Noyember, above-named deceased, who died at Embu District, on 16th 1987, has been filed in this registry by Alice Kavia Nyaga. of December, 1985, has been 5led in this registry by M buku Kuvuta, Embu. in hcr capacity as widow of the deceased. of Runyenjes, in his capacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the preKribed form to the making of thc proposed grant are invited and must be to the makipg of tlw yrolu ed grant a#e invited and must be lodged in this rcgistry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodjed in this registry mthin thirty (30) days of publication of this noticc. notlce. And further takc notice that if no objcction has bcen lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this rcgistry in the prescribcd fllrm within thirty (3()) days of thc this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the datc of publication 'bf this notice. thc court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed 'or t(). makc such (lrdcr as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated thc 19th Junc. 1998. Dated the 2nd July, 1W 8. V. W . W ANDERA. V. W . W ANDERA. . Dixtricl fttxàslrflr, Embu. Daf/fcl Regiatrar, Embu. 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEW E 1261

GAzsvrE NoTlcE No. 3562 GAZE= E NoTlcs No. 3565 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT M URANG'A AT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PETER IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS NGUGI M UTUNGA OF M URANG'A DISTRICT KARIUKI MATHENGE PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEsslo?q CAIJSE Nç). l26 olc 1998 SuccEsslox CAtlss No. 300 olr 1994 LET ALL the parties concerned taky notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Gikindu, on 1 1th M ay, 1989, above-named deceased, who died at Kabari Sub-location. on 30th has been filed in this rcyistry by Francis Machira Mutunga. of August. 1991, has b een filed in this registry by Mary Ngima P.O. Box 834, Murang'a. ln his capacity as an administrator of the Kariuki, of P.O. Box 58. Kerugoya, in her capacity as an deceased's estate. administratrix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must. be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of aublication of this lodged in this registry within thirty (3(8 days of publication of this notice. ' notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order ls it thinks fit. Dated the 26th June, 1998. Dated the 8th September, 1998. . E N J . B. A. OLUKOYES . MAINA, bistrict Regiîlrtpr, Kerugoya. District Registrar, M urang'a.

GAZE'I'TE No'rlcE No. 3566 GAzerrE No'rlcl . No. 3563 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU AT KANGEMA IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE Of KAMORE IN THE MAT'IY R OF THE ESTATE OF JANE KARUKU OF LARI VILLAGE, LARI LOCATION. NDUTA KIRURI ' KIAM BU DISTRICT PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION Stx'c'lizssl('lx ClAt/slz No. 59 ofr 1997 Succssslox CAuss No. 93 ov 1998 LET ALL the partics concerned take notice that a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased '!who died at Kiruri Sub-location, on 6th above-named deceased, who died at Nazareth Hospital, on 12th April, 1988, has been flled in this registry by W aweru Kiruri, of September. 1981, has been filed in this registry by (1) Jacinta P.O. Box 183, Kangema, in his capacity as an administrator of the Wanjiku Kamore and (2) Michael Mwangi Karuku, both of P.O. deceased's estate. Box 64, Uplands. in their respective capacities as widow and And further take notice that objections in (he prescribed form brother of the deceased. to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be And further take notice that objections in the prescribed' form lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this to the paking of the proposed grant are invited and must bc notice. . Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this And further take notice that if no objecdon has been lodged in notice. this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in . date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make this registry in the 'prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make Dated the 2,9th October, 1997. ' the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. H. N. NDUNGU, Dated the 22nd June. 1998. P. N. MORIGORI, pistrict Registrar, Kangema. District Registrar, Kiambu.

G AzErrs NoTlcs No. 3564 GAZE'I'I'E No'rlcE No. 3567 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT KANGEM A AT KIAM BU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF M W ANGI IN THE M A'IVER OF THE ESTATE OF SAM SON GICHERE MW AURA KAGURU OF KIRENGA VILLAGE, PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LARI LOCATION, KIAMBU DISTRIG Succssslox CAUSE No. 47 oF 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccBssloN CAgss No. 136 oF 1* 8 grant of letters of administration intestate to. the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-named deceased, who died at Gakira, on 30th August, grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the 1997, has been filed in this registry by Rachael W aithira Mwangi. above-named deceased, who died at Kire'nga, on 1st August, of P.O. Box 35 Kangema, in her capacity as an administratrix of ' 1995, has been filed in this registry by Peter Mbuthia, of P.O. Box the deceased's estate. 341, Limuru, in his cayacity as son of the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notlce that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the prop sed grant are invited and must ile lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodled in this registry withln thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry i'n the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. tbe grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 30th June, 1998. Dated the 3rd June, 1998. H . N. NDUNG'UN J. G. KINGORI, District Registrar, Kannema. District Regùtrar. Kiambu. ï262 THE KENYA GAZEW E 10th July. 1998

GAZErrE NoTlcs No. 3568 GAZEO E NoT!cE No. 3571 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT KIAMBU AT KARATINA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THUKU IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF WAIYAI M W IRIKIA OF RIRONI VILLAGE. LIMURU LOCATION, GACHUGI KIAMBU DISTRIW PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION SuccEssloN CAIJSE No. 24 op 1998 SuccEssloN CAusE No. 159 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a'petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Karindi Nyeri, on 27th above-named deceased, who died at Nazareth Hospital, on 21st October, 1995, has been filed in this registry by , Samwel Gachugi March, 1998, has been filed in this registry by Eunice Wanjiku Kariuki, of .P.O. Box 70, Gakindu, in his capacity as ' an Thuku, of è.0. Box 265', Limuru, in her capacity as widow of the administrator of the deceased's estate. deceased'. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the yroposed grant are invited and must be lodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this Iodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. notj ce. ' And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no obgection has been lodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this regist? in the prescribed form whhin thirty (30) days of the date of publication of tbis notice, tbe court may proceed to niake date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order. as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 20tN M ay, 1998, Dated the 25th June, 1998, M. A. M LANGA , K. W . KIARIE, District Regiarar, Kiambu. District Registrar, Karatina.

GAZE'I'FS NoTlcs No. 3569 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT GAzsrrE NoTlcE No. 3572 AT KIAMBU ' IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMUEL AT KARATINA KAM AU KIHUBO OF KAM AE VILLAGE, IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTAYE OF KIAMBATI KINALE LOCATION, KIAM BU DISTRIW KIHARA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBA'IE AND ADM INISTRATION SuccEsslox CAUSE No. 166 oF 1998 SuccEssloN CAusE No. 31 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice tbat a petition for a LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased. who died at Kamae, Kinale. on 17th above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital, Karatina, Februay, 1992, has been filed in this registry by (1) Bernice on 27th January, 1992, has been filed in this registry by Joyce W angm Kamau and (2) Joseph Ngure Kamau, both of P.O. Box Mumbi Kiambati, of P.O. Bok 74, Mukurweini, in her capacity as 51611. Nairobi, in their respective capacities as widow and son of an administratrix of the deceased's estate. the deceased. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form to the making of the yroposed grant are invited zand must be to the making of the yroposed granî are invited and must be Ieged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this lodged in this registry wlthin thirty (30) days of publication of this noticb. notice. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed forl within thirty (30) days of the datq of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice. the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. the grant as prayed or to make. such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 23rd June, 1998. Dated the 3()th June. 1998. P. N. MORIGORI, K. W . KIARIE, Distritt Seglà/rlrs Kiambu. District Registrar, Karatina. ' GA

GAzilrrs No'rlcs No. 3574 Gazsrrs Novjcs No. 3577 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT NYAMIRA IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE M AU ER OF THE ESTATE OF SAMW EL AT NYAM IRA MAKW ORO S/O AGW ORA IN THE M AU ER OF 'FHE ESTATE OF M ORAA PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION OBARE ALIAS KW AM BOKA OBARE Successlow CAusE No. 9 oF 1998 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEsslox CAusE No.' 12 olr 1998 grant of Ietters of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a , Kisii, on grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the 2nd Fcbruary, 1975, has been filed in this registry by Esther above-named deceased, who died at Timi, on 16th February, Nyanchama Makworo, of P.O. Box 1208, Kisii. in her capacity as 1998, has been filed in this registry by Francis Ocharo Obare, of widow of the deceased. Timi Sub-location, P.O. Box 2, Nyamira, in his capacity as son of And further take notice that if no objection has been Iodged in the deceased. this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make And further take notice that objections in the prejcribed form the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be . lodqed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this Dated the 2nd July, 1998. ' notlce. . JOSHUA KIARIE, And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in District Registrar, Nyamira. this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed tö make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 2nd July, 1998. GAzelx No'ncE No. 3575 JOSHUA KIARIE. IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT District Registrar, Nyamira. AT NYAMIRA IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF MOMANYI SIM BE GAZE'I-I'E NorlcE No. 3578 PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT SuccEsslox CAuss No. 10 oF 1998 AT' LET ALL tbe parties concerned take notice that a petition for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION above-named deceased. who died at Timi, on 6th October, 1971, TAKE NOTICE that an application having been made in this has been filed in this registry by (1) Henry Mmoga Momanyi, (2) court in: David 0. Momanyi, (3) Alfred S. Momanyi and (4) Peterson M. M omanyi, aIl of P.O. Box 1208, Kisii, in their capacities as sons of CAuss No. 24 oF 1998 the deceased. . By Alexander M waluma Teri, of P.O . Box 90434, M ombasa in And fuither take notice that objections in the prescribed form Kenya, for a grant of letters of administration intestate to the to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be estate of W alter Teri, late of Mbale, Taitax aveta District in lodjed .in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this Kenya, who died in 1961. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in The court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be shown this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the to the contrary and appearance in this respect entered within date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make thirty (30) days from the date of publication of' this notice in the the grant as pre ed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Kenya Gazette. Dated the 2nd July. 1998. Dated the 23rd June,' 1998. JOSHUA KIARIE, District Registrar, Nyamira. NDUKU NJUKI, District Regglrlr, Voi. GAzErrs NOTICE No. 3576 . GAzsvrE NorncE No 3579 IN THE SENIOR RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT AT . NYAMIRA IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MAW ER OF THE ESTATE OF NYAOMA AT KERUGOYA NYABERI IN THE MAW ER OF 'ITIE ESTATE OF BENSON PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION NYAGA KABUCHI SuccsssloN CAUSE No. 11 op 1998 PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a SuccEsslow CAUSE No. 83 oF 1998 grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a above-named deceased, who died at District Hospital, Nyamira, grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the on 26th April, 1985, has been filed in this registry by (1) Samwel above-named deceased, who died at Karikoini. Kathiga, on 24th Nyakundi and (2) Bathseba Moraa Nayoma, both of P.O. Box Febiuary, 1991, has been filed in this registry by Virginia M ichere 1208, Kisii, in their respective capacities as son and widow of the Nyaja, of P.O. Box 297, Kerugoya, in her capacity as an deceased. admlnistratlix of the deceased's estate. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form And further take notice th. at objections in the preKribed form to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Iodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this lodjed in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this notice. notlce. And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in And further take notice that if no objection has been lodgcd in this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit . the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 2nd July, 1998. Dated the 25th June, 1* 8. JOSHUA KIARIE, W . N. NJAGE. Dbfrfcf Registrar, Nyamira. Diatrict Registrar. Kerugoya. 1264 THE KENYA GAZEW E . 10th July. 1998

GAZETTE NoTlcs No. 3580 Gxzsrr/ NoTlcs No. 3583 IN THE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'N COURT THE COMPANIES AG AT MW INGI (Cap. 486) IN THE M A'ITER OF THE ESTATE OF M UKULA AND THITU M BAKO IN THE M AU ER OF FIRST NATIONAL FINANCE BANK PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION LIMITED, NAIROBI SuccEssloN CAuss No. 4 oF 1998 LET ALL the parties concerned tAke notice that a petition for a ABPOINTMENT oF A RECEIVER grant of letters of administration intestate to the estate of the TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of the legal above-named deceased, who died at Kyome Location, charge registered under certificate of registration of a Mortjage District, on 1st January, 1997, has been filed in this registry by dated 9th August, 1996, the First National Finance Bank Limlted, Francis Mwaniki M ukula, in his capacity as an administrator of Nairobi, on tbe 27th Maj: 1998, appointed Vipul Shah of Vipul the deceaked's estate. Shah & Comqany: Certlfled Public Accountants, Kenya, P.O. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form Box 46986 !Nalrpbl, as receiver of all those parcels of land known to the making of the proposed grant are inkited 'and must be as Nairobl/Block 137/2-110, respectively, of Letvington West lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this :state Limited, P.O. Box 68067, Nairobi. notice. Take furthi r notice that the receiver accept no responsibility And further take notice that if no objection has been lodged in for any transactions entéred into with the said company withtmt this re' gistry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the his pnor written authority. - Dated the 27th M ay, 1998. VIPUL SHAH date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make , the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Receiver. Dated the 28th May, 1998. GAgE'I'TE NoTlcs No. 3584 A. K. KANIARU, District Regiatrar, M wingi. THE COMPANIES AW (Cap. 486) GAzs'r'rlï No'rlcs No. 3581 AND IN THE RESIDEMT MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN THE MATTER OFTHE COMBINED GUARD SERVICES AT SIAYA LIM ITED MEMSERS' VOLUNTARY W INDING-UP IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GRADO OBAMBO ALIAS GERADO OMBAMBO OGONYA NOTICE is given pursuant to section 272 of the Companies Act PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION that Christopher Kariuki Kamuyu and Patrick Nganga Mwaniki being shareholders of Combine'd Guard Services Limited. a SticcEssloN CArss No. 24 olz 1996 . limited liability company iùcorporated in Kenya, on 14th Novem- LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a ber, 1986, passed the following resolution on 30th June, 1998: grant of lettçrs of administration intestate to the estate of the above-named deceased, who died at Sough Rambula Sub- n at the company be wound-up voluntary and that Njoroge Location, Siaya District, on 15th June, 1974, has been filed in this Obadiah Kimani, of P.O- Box 20122 :be and is appointed registry by Egidius Osino Ombambo, of P.O. Box 121, Sigomere, liquidator for the pumoses of such wlnding-up. in his capacity as son of the deceased. Dated the 8th July, 1998. x o KIMANI And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form , to the making of the proposed grant are invited and must be Liquidator. lodged in this registry within thirty (30) days of publication of this GAZETTE No1'lcE No. 3585 notice. I And further take notice that if no objection has beçn lodged in THE COM PANIES ACT this registry in the prescribed form within thirty (30) days of the ' (Cap. 486) date of publication of this notice, the court may proceed to make INTENDED Dlssolam ox the grant as prayed or to make such order as it thinks fit. Dated the 19th June, 1998.. PURSUANT to section 339 (3) of the above Act, it is notified C. 0. OM OLO, that at the expiration of three (3) months from the date of this Gazette, the names of the undermentioned companies will District Reghtrar, Siaya. , unless cause be shown to the contrary be struck off the register of the companies and the companies will be dissolved GAzIï'I-I'i! N(')'rIç'E N(). 3582 . 29366 Asco Enterprises (K) Limited. IN THE RESIDENT M AGISTRATE'S COURT 31753 Arc Enterprises Limited. AT SIAYA 63517 Arboretum Apàrtments Limited. IN THE MAU ER OF THE ESTATE OF (1) OTEDO 71954 Abilene Investments Limited. OTUTO AND (2) JUNAI OUMA ABUANDA 48454 Advertising Items Limited. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION 54527 Boulder (Kenya) Limited. - 31520 Choda Enterprises Limited. . StlccEssloN CAusE Nf). 26 oy 1998 19932 LET ALL the parties concerned take notice that a petition for a ' Camerama (K) Limited. 47266 China Town Company Limited. grant ()f lctters of administration intestate to the estate of the 18045 Cafi Farming Consultants Limited. abtlvc-named deceased, who died at Pap-oriang Sub-location, on 37948 Dur-A-Afrique Ayencies Kenya Limited. 1()th Octobcr. 1994 and 3()th April. 1997, respectively, has been 45316 Drywood Hotel Llmited. filcd in this rcgistry by Georgc Abuanda Ouma, of Pap-oriang 6711 Endesha Limited. Sub-location, in his capacity as son of the deceased. 53574 Expo W holesalers Limited. And further take notice that objections in the prescribed form 44041 Extram (East Africa) Limited. to the making of . the proposed grant are invited and must be 55468 Focal Point Limited. ltldged in this registry within thirty (3()) days of'publication of this 62213 Fort Chemicals Limited. ntlticc. 8320 Future Stores Limited. And furthcr take notice that if no objectibn has been lodged in 25794 Hitesh (Batiks and Crafts) Limited. this regislry in the prescribcd form within thirty (3t)) days of the 19107 Health and Beauty Products (Salcs and Marketing) date ()f publicatitln ()f this ntltice, the cotlrt may proceed to make Limited. 11249 thc yrant as praycd ()r t() makc such order as it thinks fit. Health and Beauty Prod'ucts Limited. Diitcd thc l 7th June. 1998. . 29241 Jani Associates Limited. C. 0. OMOLO. 65758 Kenya East Travel and Tours Limited. District Regixlrar, Siaya. 60954 Kimathi Electronics Limited. 10th July, 1998 THE KENYA GAZEU E 1265

Kiptoon Properties Limited. 27199 Cupack Limited. Lonrho East Africa M anagement Services Limited. 23495 Ches Limited. Laba lnvestment Limited. .75007 Chihi Industries Ljmited. M anyara Company Limited. 60918 Dolphin Restaurants Limited. Macjack Trading Company Limited. 28553 Delta Computer Senices. Limited. M ini Blakes and Clutch Limited. 10400 Diamond Internatipnal Radio M anufacturers Mini Blakelinings Limited. Company Limited. . Nylon Ropes Limited. Economic Estates Limited. Omega Micro Systems Limited. Economic Fresh Provision Stores Limited. Pamico Kenya Limited. Enwat Kenya Limited. . Ouadrun Limited. Econo Eighty Four Supermarket Limited. Ouadfin Limited. Ferrari M otors Limited. Commercial Carpet Limited. Fast Forward Television Limited. Timpro Limited. George W illiamson Accounting and Management Githiga Mwangi and Associated Limited. Services Limited. Woodridge Techtrade Company Limited. Gift Packs Limited. Luxury Homes Development Company Limited. Investments Limited. Ouadfund Limited. Forest Dream lnvestment Limited. Polo Dry Cleaners Limited. Grain Specialist E.P.Z. Limited. Soods Heritage Limited. Incar Entertainment Limited. Ouadsold Limited. Information Systems Training Limited. Ouadtil Limited. Informgtion Systems Holding Limited. Ouadsum Limited. lnformation Syltems Manpower Limited. Ouadcom Limited. Below the Line Advertising Limited. Ouadtrade Limited. . Kenya Products Sales and Export Limited. Ouadstock Limited. Kosy Limited. Quadheld Limited. Kitchen Craft Limited. Ratna Aviation Limited. Kentrade Limited. Safari Supermarket Limited. Kenya Food M anufacturers Limited. Symphony Limited. . Kensens Limited. Lamu Enterprises Limited. Trading Trucks Limited. . Thembere W omen Company Limited. Davis Computer Systems Limited. Tropical Coffee Trading Company Limited. Mitaboni Katani Comqany Limited. Utajaribu Enterprises Limited. M onitor Holdings Limlted. U.S.A. Industrial Bank Limited. Mara Hippo Camp Limited. W est Kenya Booksellers Limited. M imosa. Secretarial Services Limited. W altham Limited. M uhimu Marketing and Suppliers Limiœd. Yale Property Limited. New Horizon Travel Agency Limited. Zari Limited. Nzunguka Gurudumu Limited. Chemifina Limited. Ideal Freight Kenya Limiteds Saki Limited. Enza M arketing Enterprises Company Limited. Eva Investments Limited. Olaro Limited. Euro Bakers and Caterers Limited. Prudent Investments Limited. Intra Land Agencies Limited. Regal M otors Limited. Kericho W ater and Sanitation Company Limited. Phool Limited. Kenfranka Exports Limited. Reefel Manufacturers Limited. Rostum Limited. Fashion Knitwear (Kenya) Limited. Rugongo Limited. Real Holdings Limited. Dated the 9th June, 1998 Sonia Souvenirs Limited. Sonia Boutique Limited. P. OMONDI-M BAGO, Sunlodges Management Services Limited. Registrar of Companies. Shamrock Furniture Limited. Somo Holdings Limited. . Thembere W omen Company Limited. GAZE'I-I'E No'rlcs No. 3586 Thomas Sanderson and Forbes Limited. Tim Trees (1976) Limited. THE COMPANIES AG Tazama Holdinjs Limited. (Cap. 486) The General Flshing Company Limited. Typography Limited. Dlssol-tnqox Utopia Limited. PURSUANT to section 339, subsection (5) of the above Act, it Vishwood (Kenya) Limited. is notified for general information that the undermentioned W indmark Enterprises Limited. companies have, this' day been struck off the register of companies W atermaker Limited. and that the companies are dissolved. Zari Limited. Fast Forward Limited. 46204 q Acme Foods Limited. Fast Forward Productions Limited. 7187 Associated Insurance Agencies (K) Limited. Gusii M walimu lnv#stments Company Limited. 69513 Alkesh Enterprises Limited. Xenya Salt Industries Limited. 18276 African Steel Pipe Company Limited. Archi Systems Limited. 43237 Auto Parts Industries Limited. Fun Rides Limited. 20341 Accross Africa Tours Limited. Gikomba Autospares Limited. 27038 Bhadhari Equipment Limited. Del Bonton Limited. 18782 Blueridge Company Limited. Brookside Garden Investments Limited. 15964 B.P. Nairobi Service Station Limited. 15132 Ciba Geigy (East Africa) Limited. 30949 Commercial Tools Limited. Dated the 16th June, 1* 8 41946 Chiromo Properties Limited. 44291 Catering Managers (Holdings) Limited. P. OMONDI-MBAGO, 64384 . Chandni Enterprises Limited. Renist-r of Companies. 1266 THE KENYA G AZETTE 10th July, 1998

GAZE'I'I'E Novlcs No. 3587 . THE KENYA POW ER AND LIGHTING COMPANY LIM ITED THE METHODS OF CHARGE (K.P.L.C.) BY-LAWS, 1996 FUEL CosT ADJUSTMBNT PURSUANT to by-law 6 of the Methods of Chargc (K.P.L.C.) By-laws, 1996, notice is given that all prices for electrical energy specitied in part 11 of the said by-laws will be liable to a fuel cost adjustment of plus 20.6 cents per kWh. for aIl meter readings taken in July, 1998. IqFORMATION RBOIJIRED Bv Bv-LAw 6 (b) is:

Fuel rrice in Variation from Power Station Sh.IKg. (Ci) in May, 1998 prices Units in k1P/l. June, ./W: Sh.lKg. lncretu'el (Gt) (Decrease)

Kipçvu Thermal .. . . . 9.œ (0.8) 14,489,9* Kipevu Gas Turbine (JB) . . 16.24 (1.44) 6,487,(* Kipevu Gas Turbine (IPP) 9.75 (2.15 23,0. 66,046 Nairobi South Gas Turbine . . - - - Nairobi South Diesel (IPP) . . 15.02 (0.62) 20,*5,4œ Diesel . . . . - . . - - - Garissa Diesel ...... 28.88 0.57 549,445 Lamu Diesel ...... 23.75 - 324,895 Lodwar Diesel 28.47 - 149,479 Diesel 36.29 (27.79) 170,555 Diesel 23.82 (0. 14) 326,520 Diesel . . 31.36 - 157,480 Diesel 33.43 121,257 '

Total units' generateu and purchased including Hydro (G) = 373,719,958 kwb. 1- N' KIMANI, company secreta'y.

GAzo'r'rs NoTlcE No. 3588 'I'HE KENYA POW ER AND LIGHTING COM PANY LIMITED THE METHODS OF CHARGE (K.P.L.C.) BY-LAWS, 1996 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE ADJUSTMENT PURSUANT to by-law 7 of the Methods of Charge (K.P.L.C.) By-laws, 1996, notice is given that aIl prices for electrical energy specified in pal't 11 of the said by-laws will be liable to a foreign exchange rate adjustment of minus û cents per kWh. for all meter readings taken on or after 1st July, 1998. ' INFORMATION REOUIRED BY BY-LAW 7 (b) is:

Foreign Loan Principal and Interest Payments or Charges for 01104198 .to 30106198 Qalrfer Foreign Locad Projected Actual Variation KSh. KSh. KSh. (Y) (X) (X) - (Y)

. TO-I'AL 501,946,396.98 431,216,484.98 -70,729,911.55 Total units generated and purchased including Hydro in the Iast quarter (G) = 1,124,654,302 kWh. J . N . KIM ANI, Company Secretary.


(Cap. 3%) (Cap. 265) REMOVAL oF NAME AIYROVAL OF BY -LAWS NOTICE is given that the Kenya Veterinary éoard has, in NOTICE is given to the general public that in exercise of the exercise of Nwers conferred by section 19 (1) of the Vetcrinary powers conferred by the provisions of section 204 (3) of the Local Surgeons Act, directed the removal of- Government Act, the Minister for Local Authorities has ISANDA MARTIN (No. œ 1145) approved the Bungoma Municipal Council (Slaughterhouse, Meat and Poultry) By-laws !1998, and the same shall come into from the register of veterinary surgeons with effect from the 1st effect on the date of pubhcation of this notice. January, 1* 8. n e said G rson is no Ionger allowed to practise veterinary medicine. Dated tbe 7th May, 1998. Dated the 9th June. 1W 8. R. S. KIMANZI, B. S. MUNIALO. Registrar. Acting Town Clerk. llth July, 1998 THE KENYA: GM ETTE 1267

GAD -IB NOTIèB No. 3591 GAzh-rrs NOTICE No. 3595 THE J'UBILEE INSURAN CE COMPANY LIMITED M IS. WABERI MOTOR WORKS ' ': (Incdfheratçd ln ' Kenya) ' DISPOSAL OF tINCOLLECTEN AYOTbR AJEHICLES NOTICE ls gîven in pursuance o.f section 5 of the Uncoxected Head Oflice : P.O. Box 30376, Nairobi Gtyad. s Ac! (Cap 38), to the owners of the moltor vehice , (1) . . . taoss os Pol-lcv KQB 181 , (2) KRB 706, (3) 'KWP 264, (4) ' KJ'K 179 and (5) Dolîcy Nbs. 125.535 & 125536 ût lJ2c l'ame crlff on the P/e o! K'RQ 242, by (1) Abdtllahi Og1'e, (2) Abdi Kadir, (3) Noor A1i G rr/ct'?r Zulliklr rc/ijl '(.$4 râ'.).' ' ' Ogle, (4) Abdi Noor anl:l (5) W'ali Ta r Mokhamcd, remectivdy! ' to takc delivol'y of th'a ta'ld Juotor vehiclca from M /s. Waben APPLICATIGN ' llas bccfa made to this company for tle Motor Works, withsn twentpone (21) days from tlle date hereof tkkuo of the above npmborocl pollcies, the oplginals 'havlng tlpon paymem't of a1l outstanding chafge' s fer repairs plug l:rzén repo/ted as logt or miCsp' llaced. Notica is' given thnt ' unlesq storagc chargcs and any încidental costs lncludlng the costs of pbjection is lodge'd to 'fhe contralry at lthe oflice of the comgany p'ublishing this noticc falling which the saitl motor vehîcles within ' thi:rty '(30) tltty: flpcrn 'tlïe date of this notice, duplleàta will be sold cltlher by 'public auction cIr by private trtaty a.K;d policie,s will bo issucd, wllioh w'ill be the sole' evidence of the tha 'prooeeds of tlttl sale stlsall be defrayed againsst any accued conlraot:. . . ' . . . . dhamges and the balance if any shall remain alt the tywner's oredit but shoul' d tûore be a shortifall, the owner s'hall be liable D ated the l:th,lune, 1998. thereof. ' L w ANJO'H'I Dated the 12th January, 1998. Senîor M cacger, Lîje Department. A. M. YPSUF & 'F . M. YUSUF, Directors.

THE JUBILE'E INSURANCE COM PANY LIM WED TOYOTA KBNYA (slncörporatcd în Kenya) Dlsposxl- oF Uxcot.netn'Bn Gooog flead Oflice ; P.O. Box 30376, Nai'robi NOTICE is issued ptrvsuant .fo the provlsions of the Uncol- Loss OF PoLlcY lectcd IGootls Act (Ca'p. 38), to Abu M oh' amed, of P.O. Box Policy No'. 100744 in the llJ/lle and on the life (# Abdttlmajîd 69495, Nairobi, as owacr o.f mroltolr vehicle, registraptio'n No. M(?/lc??7c# Adam. KAC 555A, Toyotz Cerolla, to take delivory of the said motm vehlcle from 'Toyota Kenya, Worksihop along Ulhuru Highway/ APPLICATION has beea made to 'tfhis company for the Lusaka Road, Nairo.bi, P.'0. Box 45912, Nagpobi, within tllîrty issue of the above numbered policy, the criginal having been (30) days from 'the date hel-eolf upon paynrn't of a2 out- roported as lost rar m'isplaced. Notice is given that unless stalqding chargcs for. repair:s plu's 'storage chalrges a'nd any . @bjection is lodged to tlhe contrary at lthe office of the comgany Jncidontal cests including . rtlhe cosit o'f publishing tltis notict withln thirty (30) dlays fpcm the datc of ,t'hli's 'notice, dppllcate failing which t'h'a said motor velhicl'o wi'; be sold eithe? pollcy wrl!ll be issucd, whicll wil'l bc the sole ovldmnce of t'he by public auction o'r by private Itreaty antl the preceeds of ttt contfact. sale s'hal'l be defkrayc:l against any accrued chargts and the balance if any s'hall remain at the owrszr's credit but shoMlkl Dated tho llùh iune, 1998. there bz a shert'fall, the owner shali be liable. L. WANJOHI, Datzd the 22nd June, 1998. Setlor Mcncger, Life Department. M . M . OMAR, Finnnclal Controller. GAzlrnv Ntyncs No. 3593 THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COM PANY LIM ITED CHANGE OF NAM E (Incorperate'd Cn Kenya) TAKE NOTICE that by a tlflcd poll dated 5th March, 199!. Head Ofllca : P.O. Box 30376, Nairobt duly executed and trcgTstored in the Registry of Documrnts alt Nalirobl in Volum'c D1, Fölio 748/ 321, File DXXVI, by our Loss ()i? Pol-icg client, J'u.gtlrl .'NJce Gatumuta, of P.O. B'ox 572, Embu hl t1% Pelky No. 494220 i1t //?d namc Jnlf on f/le D/e */ Sfïrî/rtk! Rrpublic o'f Kenya, formerly known as Jugtin J. Gatumutz, somchal'd Izrfryj sialdc. fonmally and absolutely renounccd and abandoned tlze u$e of APPLICATION has boen made ta tllis company for the his formcr name Justin J. Galtumuta and in iiou thereof assu- issue ef the above numbered pcdicy: d la orlginal havlng med and adopted the name Justin Njue lGatumuta for &l1 been reportcd as loyt or misplaccd. Notlcc is gîven tbat unless purposes an'd authorizes and requests a1l persons at a!l times objection is lodged to the conzrary a.t 'rhe eKcc of the comqany to designate, describe and address him by his assumed nam. wkllin thirty (30) days from the date of t'hls notice, dupltcate Justi'a Njue Gatumvrta only. policy will be issued, whieh wi,!l be tàe sole evidence of tlle Da:ted tlhe 22nd May. 1998. corttraot. NJIRU & COMPANY, Advocates /tv Justin Niue Gatumuta, Dated tlle 18tb. June, 1998. yorznerly ànown as Jux/fn J. Gfdumufd.

GAZErl'sNoTlcE No. 3598 CHANGE OF NAME GAZU''Z-I'S 'NoTlce No. 3594 TAKE NOTTCE chat by a decd po'l dazred 5* .Rm' &, 199:, TH; JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMIW D dulj executed and registered in rthe Regîstl'y of Documents at MNafrgoasai ti nJ aVnoetl umKea rlPukIi, , Fofl bP .O15.5 /B4o3x8 ,4R72lt7 8,D X'NXeiVeHb,i blnr mt11e@., LOSTJSTOLEN CERTIFICàTBS OF ATOTOR INSURANCB Republic o.f Kenyay' fiormerly known. as Marraret ' W angu WE wish to inforiti menibers (yf the public that tlx followisg Muohomba, formally and absllultely renounced 'and abandoned 15 mlter cerftffic'ates o'f i/mlnance ace lrost or stolen and that the use of my foqrmor name Margarot W angu Muckomba and ânybo# tlsing one of tqcm is doing so at qis/her own risk. in lieu there/f assumcd and adogted the name M argaret Janct W e shall nat be liable for any ola.*l.m, kss o.r consequence Katiuki fc'r all purpcses and autlzorize a'nd requtst a11 N s'om qdxing from' tbeir use. ' at a11 zimes to desknate, descrlbe and addrv me by my asgumed name M argttfat Janet Kariuki G ly. A 2791Q1 tê A 279125 Dalted ifhe ht July. 1998. P. M AG IARfA, MARGARET JANET KMUUKI. . Senlor Manager. formerly known c: Movret H't:nzu Mucltomb.. R zY /à Underwrltktg Depvlmell. 1268 THE KANYA GAZETTE 10th July, 199#

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