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'- ~..:-.. HE " A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests,of the Eight Thousand. Colored People in Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor

$1.00 a-Year. 5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska, October 2-3, 1915 Volume I. Number 17 FrencbLeaderHonors Think On' hese Things he Star of Ethiopia" Negro For Heroic Act A StrikingfPageant ... "THE THING THAT GOES THE FARTHEST TOWARDS MAKING LI FE WORTH WHILE, Carried Treasure Safe on Back Three I History of the Negro Race, Depicted Days Behind German THAT COSTS THE LEAST AND DOES THE MOST, in Five Symbolic Scenes, Wins Lines. IS JUST A PLEASANT SMILE." Hearty Applause.

SAVES FIFTY THOUSAND FRANCS PROF. DU BOIS TH E AUTHOR - Escapes From Foe-First of Turkos Spectacle. Presented Under Auspices -~ Receiving Legion of of Horizon Guil

Washington, D. C., Oct. 22.-Begin- Paris, Oct. 10.-(Correspondence of Ining with the prehistoric ages and the Associated Press)-The first and ending with a. prophecy of a future of only troop~r of the Turkos, or French I happiness, peace, progress and pros- black troops from Senegal and AI- perity, "The St.ar of Ethiopia," pre- geria, to receive t.he Legion of Honor spnted at the Ameri.can .League ball from the French government is a park, under the auspices of the Hor- thick-set, coal-blac]{, middle-agE'd in- izon Guild of New York, held the at, fantryman who went through one of tention of several thousand persons the queer experiences of the war. at each performanc.e. With symbolic While operations wcre active at thE' music and dances, and a brilliant dis- front a short time ago, it was dl'ler- play of cost.umes, the history of the mjned to fall back from a givt'n point. Negro race was presented in such and this Turko was given the small manner as to bring forth frequent and steel safe containing 50,000 francs in heart.y applause. government funds to carry back to Large searchlights were used to ii- the new position. luminate the actors and actresses. The He was given a donkey and. started size of the ball field enabled them to off with the safe and treasure. Sud· move about With', a freedom which denly. however, all the plans of re- added greatly to the realis'm of the moval were interrupted by a German THE REV. W..ILLIAM TATE OSBORNE, M. A. pageant. Even with the large size of raid, which swept the Turkos. and all the erstwhile stage taken into consid. Pastor St. John's A. M. E. Church. other troops. with their horSEs and eration, tbe 1,000 Or more participants .supplies, into the utmost confusion. I- . , were sufficient to give a vivid impres- i Many were killed and the whole force Atlanta Policeman Shoots Special Pullman For sion of savage hordes swarming into I was badly scattered. It was taken A Ten-Year-Old Boy Three Colored Students Egypt, or of the Union armies sweep'i for granted that the Turko with the ing into the South and lib~rating the safe and treasure was certainly lost, slavl:'s. . as even those not burdened with Atlanla, Ga., Oct. 22.-The wanlon Atlanta Ga., Oct. 22.-Because a The First Scene. heavy Joadfl had been swept awax in carf'lessness and brutality of the aver· white m~n.1 coming from Louisville, Five scenes are used'; to depij::~ the the Impetuous ral·d. age Atlanta policeman is strikingly Ky., obj.ected to the pr.esenee of three . . - .' . . I history of the Negro race. In the firs.t Some days later the French out- shown in the act of Mounted Officer young colored people III ·the Pullman the discm~ery of how to weld- iron is posts were astonished to have the C. H. Brannan, who, on Wednesday car, the Lopisville & Nashville rail- ihe p-rincillal feature, 'Here th.e a1)Q.­ Turko, witli the ·safe on his back, afternoon, October 6, shot Edward road put on~'a special sleeper fc:r the riglnes take their .first 'g~essi:ve trudge into camp. His donkey had Shepard, a little 10·year-old Negro boy, accommoda'on of three young col· step, through le'arDing th use f th been .klited', and for three days he had who was carrying lunch to his brother, ored studen s, from. Louisville tClf,At-: wonderful metal.. l been,luslde the German lines carry· who works in Block's candy factory.' lanta, Tues1ay, OctOber 5. _ In the s€cond scene the moreprimi. ·ing.a steel safe on his back. He never The' policeman had absolutely no Miss Loui~e Matthews. d·aughter of tive men are seen mixing with the ·IE!t 'goof the.sa:!e. When the Turko case against the boy, who, with a com- Prof. W..Bl Matthews, principal of mulattoes oJ Egypt. RushIng out of lin.es were swep~ into confusion hy the panion, was passing near the junction Central higti school; Miss Willie Mo· the wilderness with their spears, ·machin·e. gunfire, he first 10st.."".J:,Ijg ,of the A. B.& A. railr(>ad and West see, daught~r of Revenue Agent Wtl- ready to slay, the warriors are balfeg, do~eYand then 'with his safe crept Hunter street, with a loaf of bread Ham Mosee, ~and Ru'fus ~:McKinney.a:l1, .a:pp<\.rently thro~gi:t t;b.e :civi:lizatiQ'il! '. 'under' som!:! bushes. The German lilies. wrapped up.under h1s arm. Officer' of Louisville,were. en route'. to this whi,clt .greets theiT ,eyes. They' "ex.' tU~hed pa~t his hidtilg place.· and hE! Brannan reportedlhat he saw the two city to enter: Atlanta university. Their change gre~iJngs' w-ith t,lie Egtptni.ns,

>. . ,was left b'eh~nd the G:erIIlfuIHines. . 'N~g~o boys wlth bundl.es,llnd com· rallroadticlrets'. ha4'been 'pur'chased '~~d .th.e 'I:estiltj~ a'Ii'h!-termari:lage Of .:·H~. ~iept-'"(;once~ied. ~uring the 'day manded them.to .. halt. They did' not ~nd PUlim~n: il.c~omUi<>!iations:secured;.the-races, .Here the. i'Starof',]i!Lb,ippia" .:<'. '~nd at' night,: with die safe on hishait a~d ·th~ pOlicemaiifired.ashe·fj·utw!ien.they·ent~nitt-r.f.itif.Pulii:lill;n.iS·iIliningbtighHi:" . .. . ; . ',.. ': 1)a~k;, picked' iHs"way forward 'throughClllims, to'· scare tile boy, expect~ng car at the 'L. &' ~t lJ,nio-ilstation,. ·:this is .follo'we.d; iIi' the tli.ird .SGene~ ~thJ~GeriIlIiitr~ar ·~nd:Broa.d~ay, g:uatdto '-i3omenew1 the'btiUet, to 'strike '8. stonewaj·i nea,rTenth . LouiSVille;:' apy the c)lIniin'ation of.. the ..African clv, .' ::~.':.. ~~.;,.'.:c""·'·••'·aem·;.·\n.p~.;~.':.~.••:.a.~nl.:d:.,·.,e.~':I·.~ar.:l.iId·~.·~.i".d~.s·odw·~mn·.~.'.S;t.;~tkh·e"et.t~".s····'a~fPr.. e~:nan'·'n~.·.~d ..: ·'~:;t~I:~:=:::.. ~~~:~~~le:n~~~:'~: :::~~;:.' .r::n:.g~£t::::.:to:j~c~il~···t:;rd~::~~' "~~Z:~~~·5~~.:~t~e;;:re~ih:~t~;~i~~ the body. c.' :. '" .' '.,' , . fhe;· saimicar. Wit4. the',. three·:youngtif .·diverse.· religions battling,.fo~',su: .ir~astitebefore.Mie·'ast·onjSl:l·edFreri~h :,:Bhi~nan took the bOyto'tbe Cdmer ;folks, .', .. ',.-' .... . ·Pl'em~cy.w:e~ken,·. tb,een~irer.bey 'gave' hini the Legiim of Honor. 'ca11eq . a .,m·ady -ho~plt~l ·arp.bttlance..:. .. ~r ,.e,~. 0.- .. I .. ' .:. 'liit{ ih~ In.t~'.~la:V~ry:>,'· .. .., .'<:,c .: . 'and th~'wh61~:!T~ihi1l:!nfwas'drawn:uiJShe~ard~'\;Vus taken to, 'th'fGradi-hos- .~t~~r.~ _sleeP~r: :wa~ ~.?,~~:. ~n... '.. "'. " -:' '. rhe~ Uberation.. of" the -Slaves. . . ":'.' .' ",'>.,' .•.' ' ',., , " .• '; ,·t···.. ,". ",'. •- ,•.•' •. '1'" '->l·t· It- ,young students ,were lDVIted.IDto -It." ...., .' " . .': all ,he Tei:ei'ved'}t}r~~.the.r~presl:mta<~IaJ:';J.~~:~fI.~:fl:9';It~~a,"'C()Jl.Ul}~n:>..; '1\:8 '~fit~isi~te'~ ~a~~'en~~rii;" tHey -w~fe ":. ~ext ·i,B.-shown slavery" in .~efi;~a. tlv~' g.ovein,(D~nY'~_~~?3~~~e ,tl~.e· IB:'ll(j~t: :~.x.~;~~.~~,},l!.~ti;be WI~ 1~Y.~''';·'':'''; ~e'titled prej~-' U~~er tb~ /~ave overs~er' '. ". of'the. ro the service, bu't'- the the lash:.of. _.' -. . : .. ' ac~l,de.' or..k~~ .~.t,.,~on·o~~:~''hllh.f' '-PilI'S and six months of sel'vicp_ Assl or l:Jenry t'llX should be made in thE'lr hehalf. for 1-,-- --: Studio Pat 1prSlln Hlk.! ll. A. EdllOlm Eo w. Sherman : the betterment of the colored racf' ...... -0--9--0-0-0...... •••-.-...... -.-.·•••..··0••0 •••••0 ••0 ••• (t-o-o-.-o...-o-..o-o..o-.-....-.··...-.-o-e··o-.•··.-o.·o-·o-~ aids in our civilization. No /?:rEatpr SATURDAY IS CANDY 0 Y 4 , AT THE REXALL STORES an ard aundry worlt could be done than the work Dr_ 241111, Near Lake Street Mavety is engaged in." ~1r. Fairbanks lb. hox .\lal'g1IeritL' Chocolatedher. ; LUmt'OTO cJtudio + l'il'_,-·inslp:ld of 60c. fOI'_ ... _.. _.3ge T ! paid a high complillwnl to Doo],er ,T I 11,_ box narl"~ Saturday CandY- • Modern Photog-raplJ.\' Phone V'v'ebster 130 in::lp;ul d[ [,0(', for 2;9c -Washington. I 1 lb_ "illt ('hoeolates-instE'ad of 50e. t 1515-17 Farnam St. Omaha He said there could be no greater­ Tor "...... 29c f Phone DouR'. :~()O-t • Tel. Douelas 840 2109 Cumlne: St. 1 11,_ I·n"' Joshua Hoarhound Candy " ; work than that in which Mr. Washing· I il'r .' . 14c ....~...... -. ••• 0 • ...... ---.-...... _ ...... -o.....c ..• '-. Lic:-gpl1-~ I'ut and Fruit ChOCOlates, ton is engaged for the uplift and bet· I '111, for SOc terment of the Negro. It pa~'s to trade where ~'ou can surely find ev.. r~' article desired and ~a \"t"'\ Illoney on it as well. TENTH CAVALRY GREETED RAZORS AND FOUNTAIN PENS IN SAN FRANCIS.CO $:'_00 31ag-netic- Stl'el Ha"or for_ .... 93e Your ('hoiee of '6 dozen kinds hi/{h GROSS FURNACES AND AUTO SUPPLIES g-rade l~azors at. each. __ 98e "l'C pl,g-_ Gillette Bla"':"s for. . 3ge San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 22.-ThE' ~;J.OO (;iIlette Razor for . __ $3.89 YES-ICE CREAM famous Tenth cavalry, one of the LUMBER AND nation's most t'fficient troops of fight­ Sherman & McConnell any 81 yle, for any occasion ing men, after serving four Yfars on Drue Co. WRECKING, J. A. DALZELL the international boundary bne he· Qualily Firs' tween t?e United States and Mexico, 4 Good Drug Stores 1 1824 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 618 arrived triumphantly here on the lOth i ·~....,--·······"···---, 21S1 and IPaUI Streets of October. They were welcomed in Z--... C!- - -.- ! the mas'!> cordial and hearty manner i CO'" L Buy + i w, C, Bullard Plul Hoagland D. P. B.n.dlct 't by all citizens. Their future home' at :t ~ From +, •"•"••• __+_._--._...... ~~ tbe Presidio will be the occasion of 1 L. N. BUNCE & CO. I 1. Remembelij and. Don't I tBullard, Hoagland &Benedict! many social atliairs in Oakland and ii'I LllM.BER f Slin Francis.co. The Defender corre- t 2509 No. 241h Street Tel. Websler 7802 t I FQrget I. t Oltice, 20th and Izard Sts. i spondent met with words of welcome ~_ """ "".! i ! Phone Doug. 4- i8 . Omaha., .Neb. + t p.~tronlze ' f~How ~-:oe .and_. , ';-praise -is everywhere given for ~._.- - _ -...... , to 1 ttl·tqeb 1 whoof tl ea.p- I' -- e·, •.•.• ' .•.1 '••...... 1 . ·i their manly and' soldierly bearing. I J prec a~lO:~d~:o~i:~ I t speeiaffOr this week ' ..... Link~1 :They reDr.. esen·t the highest type of ;- D .'. j f ; - f Friendship Bracelet Gold ''''. military; efficiency. let - . anclog.. _I H.ALPERSON I InlledorSlerlingSilver • + Wholenale 'deuler in + 15ceacb $1.50'dozen. :;;:;;:;~~~=-:::'- °p~:le i'' ,.' t r~~;l:eWt:"·~~:;~~~~60CI .' T ti . d tE'lgraving.ifree·O""·_L~F_JIE_~Qj_w.,..H_~~~ ·~.:..yy_s_r~...;eO_et_M_. -_P_A.,.~_Y-,","..,.! I stippers 'I· I iIII 1_w...... Qf"Wi'chi'(aare enthusiastleover the f .A, dain.ty Sl,ipper ai~:lj.-Ys adds .. - _,.-. ,...._- _i 1t PlliYS to advertise in The Monitor. ·:~~'~h.·e~r.ij.je~.f_~.~.. ~.L.·.,...·.a·_·_·bOl·eu...vf.~acUlil~tPY._.,~W~l;tlhl_~~.~.I~sds.~ ~ ~llie·be~~-~~~~.·~·· ~~~~~-~~~-~~~----~--~~~.~'-~---~~~~ .'" • \,. ""--U. m . t would: like to Sh~wyouourh~e.' i •.. (Wjl~OOHfi!~~~@~I!ID!!!!!J~)t )t )t ~.1ID!llii~~ -Pen~{asexecutive~. bee~ ~re.· It,:_I~·.·' . \:::; .Georgia has ._,·'t'--_-.·_Of. '.s__ 'I.iPp_el-·.'_S. _.._A.t 0_til' .st.._. •. y_. Qil...>... '. _, '===9 .)t. It.lt'lt . - :tbe me~n~..~i-:.~xceP!311t·work.in the -I;Wm')~O donbt tind exac~lY what )( -;'We makeasidt;--LargeststQCk'.of, -'. fjch~ool. :T.li~re,}ii:J:~·-n1.Qt'etJiaD:.3QO stU'i you -h~we been looking-'fol',

...... ,•.•'"i-:-•... Directory.· t an Swellest Affair t vices daily at 7 a. m. and 9 a. m. Fri· T i Baptist- days at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7: 30 a. ! of the season, + & T " Bethel-Twenty-ninth and T streets m., 11 a. m. and 7: 30 p. m. Sundtay t will be given by the ~ South Omaha. The Rev. J. C. Brown, School at 12: 45 p. m. , ; pastor, residence 467 South Thirty­ first street. Services, Morning, 11; Methodist- evening, 7: 30; Sunday School 1 p_ m.; Allen Chapel, A. M. E., 181 South I Autumn eaf A hetic C ub i ;f- . ~ B. Y, P. B.; 6: 30 p. m.; praise service, Twenty-fifth street,' South Omaha.­ 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Harry Shepherd, pastor. J... i es ay, ctober 26t i I Residence. 181 South Twenty-fifth • • , Mt. Moriah-Twenty-sixth and Sew· street. Services: Preaching, 11 a. t~ at Alamo all i~ ard streets. Th.e Rev. W. B. M. Scott, m.; Sunday School, 1:30 p. ril. + • pastor. Services: Sun~ay School, 9:30 t & \ t Music by f L ... a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Grove 1\'!. E.-Twenty-second and T + B. Y. P. D. at ..6 p, m. Seward streets. The Rev. G. G. Logan. ~ Devereaux s Full Orchestra ! pastor. Residence, 1628 North TW6ln- I i ;. , Zion - Twenty-sixth and Franklin ty-second street. Services: Sunday J t Dancing until 2 p. m. Tickets, 35c a person f i (temporary location). The Rev. W. F. School at 10 a. m,; preaching at 11 a. i ~ Botts, pasto,r; residence, 2522 Grant I m. and 7: 30 p. m.; Epworth League, 1 : Ii street. Telephone Webster 5838. Ser- I 6: 30 p. m. I You can't afford to miss this one. I' t f vices: Devotional hour, ~O: 30 a. m.; O·..o.. o.~.· ..4---O'-·O....o-O.....·.o.••-o••o ••o...... o.••••o ••o.•o .•o •. o.•0'.0"0"$" ..··.-O··O-O··lE..O..~••••••••G ....,...O ••O-.....O••O ..O••O-...·.-..00 preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday School, St. John's A. M. E.-Eighteenth and 1 " 1 to 2 '~:' m.; pastor's Bible class. 2 to I . 1- \Vebster streets. The Rev. W. T. Os­ ! ..o-o--o-o-o-••••-o 1I!I ••O -O Q ••O.o<)•• O •••••O ••O ••O ••04. ·0··0·· 0··.· .g.·o··o·.o,·o··o-o-.··.- ··.·..-...o-.-o-o ·9-00 ·.·.O.0.0·.! 3 p. ill.; ·B. Y. P. D., 6:30 p. m.; choir borne, pastor. Residence, 613 North i ~ i··' devotion, 7: 30 p. m.; preaching 8 p. m. Eigliteenth street. Teler-hone Doug· i In the Modern Wilderness of ~ las 5914. Seryices: Sunday, 11 a. m. b ; Eplscopal- and 8 p. m., preaching; 12 noon. class; & ,; f: >' '. I;: + + Church of St. Philip the Deacoll- 1:15 1>. m., Sunday School; 7 p. m .. Waste in Distribution " I,, Twenty-first noor Paul street. The Endeavor; Wednetsday, 8 p. m .. pray­ ~ I ! ! Rev. John Albert Williams. rector. er 'a.nd class meetings. Everybody . Residence, 1119 North Twenty-first made welcome at all of these mee't­ i t street. 'relephone Webstel' 4243. Ser- lings. .) - L I I• e s Stores ! , "THE STAR OF ETHIOPIA" iSTATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP f t Point the Way to Economy i ~ A STRIKING PAGEANT' AND MANAGEMENT f , , I '\ i·.o ·.·~.·.·· -_ _ 0 ••9 0 " ••9 •••••••••••00 0- . (Continued from first pag-e,) Statement of the ownership, man- .~. - .----.------agenJcnt, circulation, etc., I'equ)red by ,> stantly wave at them and drive them the act of August 24. 1912, of The 'j ,. back until finally, under the Star of :Monitor. published weekly at Omaha. I' SAVES Ethiopia, the men and women of the '1 Neb., 1'01' October 1st, 1915:

...)1 race are truly liberated. setting uP. . ROSENBLATT YOU h' 01' the Tower 'of LIg· ht, W h'IC IS bUI'It 0f'l Name " edItor. Rev. John Albert; . b S' J t· WIIlHl.ms. 1119 North Twenty-first Knowledge La or. Clence, us l<:e. . , Istreet. Ornaha. Neb.; managing edItor, 7Sc On every -ton of Specialty Lump Coal. Art and Love. R J h . Alb W'll' b' '. ev. on ert I lams; usmeS8 Others ch'a(ge for the sa~e grade $5.50. Chorus .of 200 Sing. manag01" Joseph' La Oour, Jr.; pub- 1'he musical numbers. at 'the end of lisher, Rev. John Albert Williams. ,Our pr,ice is $4.75. the performance are particularly Known bondholders. mortgagees and pleasing. .Two hundred voices were other security holders, holding 1 per in the chorus which 'contributed to the cent or more of total amount of bonds, Rosenblatt Cut Price .. Coaleo. musical program. mortgages, or other securiti.es: None.. Do~glal530 Ni<:h~a~ One of the most poptjlar ·features Tel. 122;i Street JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS. I .' was the dancing of Mrs. Dora Cole Norman. Another spectacle which Sworn to and subscribed before me . r ." brought forth uhstinted aPTllause was thfs 9th day of October, 1915. r ·..··f- ·..··..·..·..·..·..···· BERG SUITS ME · • •..• ,_ _··· ·~· 1 a drill by the First separate.battal­ (Seal) SILAS ROBBINS, ion of the National Guard of the Dis- . Notary Public. trict of Columbia. (My commission expires li'ebruary Dr:' W: E.' B'.' Du Bois, magazine ed- 2, 1921. ·itor·aud president of the Horizon i lJoys'School I Guild, was in direct charge of the per- COL. FRANKLIN A. DENISON formance.The National Pageant and SECURES APPOINTMENT . Dramatic Association, mc.. of this i • I . Suits I cIty, COcp];lerated with the HorL~n the. production. ' linCh~~gOD:~~~O~ct.c:;m:n~;n:ra~:~ .Gnil4in; '1+. With 'two pairs of- pants l Eigh~h regiment', n-iinois National . . f .::~;,~.~::O~t,C::V:~T::~b;~~:~:~h~~7';;~i:i:~: . .'I·.·$3.8 5 .1'. licailist,~te Ceutral CgIn!iiitteeniet pri been· in public life for.. a number of .' .... J tliiL.6tlii'n~t:; iitang,e.d:foV-a. eonvfm. years and ·a!'ivays"inade: good."" He '. ·:~blaeO.;e.y ~w lli.ee.hr'.·~e ~.torb.~.:l·: ·:.;d'.:.·.~.a; '.:~.O ~t r.·.~b·.n i.-,·.·~ ·.~t.a.·~ ~._.h. t.~.:.t.( ~ ~. ·.-~._ :.:.~~ i;$·:.~.·~,r.· ln~,,:~i~a;::~r:Jth~~:Jt~P~:~~t:Zfetat~rntt~:! ·...••.'.'.. ..·rn..n..s·•.·1...•:t.•.•·.r..·t.. .•··.a.h.• ..aO..•I•.•.}e·w.. !.lltd.:·o=..h ..n.·•.ei:.h.fa·.•....':b:s·.r.·e..N.:n·.·.l.. ..;.,w... ..cu....•..·.,t••.•••. ..o.:.•. .. ;.e..·.·::.;,.:..c••.•. .•e.•. e...• f..r.·..e.:...... •·.•gim.O.C..f..·.:..•.·:...o.h.h.:.e.:.•.•...•.•.• .•... ..,•... •...ro....:....••... .. w \hh"~ltl;hnt ...i~~Knbj¢

.' :', - '- formed ~that th~- hotel ni.anafwrilen.t: 4id pol~ted -teal est:a.te expert' and.,fs'DO-W . -.c ..

.. '., not· ~li'ow them, they 'at olice. r.epalr-ed- .the·.job,· He rec~lve", .'2,000. a year. ' .',..'.'." ..:'"ZI·6·.·-."..,..~.-'~ '.' : '.' :..t1,._.;~.".. ' .~!~ . . ••~ -. '.::'10 the Pythhi-n Temple'and. held' th~lr' ::Thi.,-.on fs.lhe. ~lxiIi bJg- appoJntm~nt·that· . c"u_ .th..,.'-".:' . '. me Ung B.nd,' elected. the.h;: delegates. has.' bf,!~n • ~ade' by Ma.yO~· .'WUlJam . Hence'. the.' ~ght j!l on.. Look ~ut· tor Hale' Thorn'PloD, .. a81d~ ...t~om: the 700 . the "Black. and Tans"· at 'ihe:'comlng' .men· who 'are'-working -jl) .the city and' ".. . ,p.-;J...., .' natlona'l C~.DveD.uon.·.· .... :.: :'county government. .... 4 THE MONITOR' r··...... ·..·..·...······-·-...·-·.. ···~ ..~-- ...... '1-· SWEET TON'ED' I There's Ort.ffee THE MONITOR I Schmoller & Mueller f Sold in Omaha ! Pianos and Player Pianos .. Weekly Newspaper devoted to the civic, social -and religious ! that never fails to satisfy..-It pos- I interests of the Colored People of Omaha and vicinity, with the desIre Sold direct from factory + sesses full strength. and IS there- I fore economical. It has a most to con1ribute something to the _general good and upbuilding of the to home, eliminating the ·coi.':l'iii1unity. i delicIOUS fJavor. therefore pleaSing middleman's profit, wh1'ch ~ the most particular taste. Published Every Saturday. means a saving of $75 to i A $k your erocer toda7 lor $150. Enter-ed as Second-Class Mail Matter July 2, 1915, at the Post­ I Bird Brand Coffee M~ny different styles to ~ office at Omaha, Neb., under the act of March 3, 1879. It':; cost is :150 per ponnd. or $1.00 I'er select from. three pOUn(llan. It will nOl (lisappolDt THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor and Publisher_ Sold on terms of $5.00 per Y0U. I Lucille Skaggs Edwards, William Garnett Haynes and Ellsworth W. month. i German-American Coffee Pryor, Associate Editors. t Free Stool and Sc'arf. i Company Joseph LaCour, Jr., Advertising and Circulation Manager. Schmolier & uell~r t SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.00 per year. Piano Co. t Advertising rates, 50 cents an inch pE'r issuE'. f 1311-13 Farnam Street Address, The Monitor, 1119 North Twenty-first street, Omaha. i DISLIKES 'S1JNDAYISM TOO. A SUCCESSFUL PASTOR. t ormal Health Institule .I The Los Angeles Post is very evl· The Rev. \\'illiam Tale Osborne, Scientific and Electric Massage .I ,I dently in accord with us in our dis- 1 l\f. A., has been returned by bis con- )-Iydrotherap,' ToniC' Baths like of Sundayism. How intelligent! ference to the pastoralf' of St. John's Reality l'ultllre Health l'ulture t + . people can stand for his claptrap and A. M. E. church, where he has served :\'er ,'ou'. Acute and Chronic' Diseases ...... 0 ..0-.•• 0 ...... -0-0 8 • • • • .....-.-Q...-O·...... o-e-o t t' :-;u"('l'~,rll)),' Tr"ated \\'ithout )lrllgs. buffoonery and go in 0 ecs.asles over most acceptably for the past I href' ._o_o-. -o-o·..·o..•__-o...-o...... -o~...o-~ his com~l?,nplace utterances is more years. The following brief facts DR. GEO. WELLS, PARKER, Director. than we can understand. The Post about him are thf'refore limely and s. \\'. ('''1'. lHh Clnd ])ouglas (t'pstairs) t I appreciate the voices its dissent from Sundayism in will be of interest to our rl-'adprs and. I the L}llowing Sundayesque style: 'we belif've. an inspiral ion 10 our t patronage of the "We have never admired Billy Sun· : youlh. ,-...... -0-0--...... • •••• •• ., i colored people i day's brand of Christianity. His un· i f GET NEXT TO THESE PRICES ttl bridled, heedless, insolent loquacity, Hp was born just bf'forp Ihp out­ ~ ~ Plain Shll"lI? IOC 1.1 a,-J JJ~'Jleck + and his vulgar bibble-babble shock I brE'a'k of thE' Civil war at a little Pleated Shirts 12c .I IIor y our religious sensibility. The easy place callE'd BurnI Corn, in :\[ onroe 1 OM~lIa~iAUr~iolt7i~Oo! 1512~ Dodge St. f prodigality with which he deals out county, Alabama. When hf' was about o_o-.,..o-~ f Tel. Web. 7788 ! ;..o-o-- o" - o-o_o o ..o•.o_ his cheap, coarse, chin-music; the ver- «>n years old Col. Jonathan Merriam, f • 0-0-... ,• 0 •• o...... -o-o-.-o-o-...... ~~..._....-o...o nacular of the sophistry which he em· u di:;tinguished Union o[fict'r and one ...o-._._o.....·~·o_.-.- ...... _....-.-.-. II II III III " t •.·.-.-.··.··.··.··0-.··....0-.-.-.•• 0•• G...... oo9-.00-! ploys with such apparent overweening of Illinois' rno;;t bonorf'd sons, bf'ing t When in Need of Shirts Try ; superc.iliousness, and the· curious at· South, took a fancy to the bright lit· titude. of the general public to hE'ar tie 1'\ egro "lad, and the boy 104im, so Th~. ~~~~~y ~!~~~~?,~~. ~O. t II URGESS! 1 1°.: his balderdash and rhodomontade, be !J!'ought William llOnw with him to I T He Can Fit You give us the impres~ion that he is a Atlanta, Ill., and treated him as kind­ I Phone Doug. 805 I Doug. 4113 318 So. 18th St. ! dangerous man. While on most ques- Iy as a son. He did chorf's on· tbe ~ ~o~~:: ~~' ~~~~:: ~.::.f ...... -o - ...... -i Lions he has proven himself weak, 'he farm and was taught by the Mer­ ...... is more so when it ~mes to the ques- riams and. subsequently, ~~ the v.ote .··-.-.··....0.0-·...0-.-. •••••• II ••••••• ! C1 ...... ····....-.-········· ·····, Lion of the brotherhood of man and hu- of the pupils, he was permlttf'd to at­ fPhone Douglas 1652 Phone South 701 Phone Webster 4829 t Floral Designs lor All Occasions 1 man fellowship. He is a veritable tend the district school. Anxious to f tWo J. CATTIN COMPANY , F. H. SWANSON nincompoop, bushwhacker and ninny- give him educational advantages: he PLUMBING AND i I I FLORIST • hammer when it comes to the ques· was sent to "'\Vheaton collegE', Wbeat­ i STEAM FllTlNG l I Cut Flowers and Potted Plants t tion of treating the· Negro decently. on, Ill. He was thE' only colored stu­ Omlha~ OllleB, 532 N. 24th St. &rtlnhault, 1411 II. Illb St.+ t910 110. 24th St. Neb. t t South Omaha Omaha + Although he claims to have been dent and the young!:'st in the scbool, ~ i •••••••• II•II•II• 1.1 II •••• i I" ••• II ••• I" •• I•I i called of God to bring all sinners to and was a general favorite. He was Him, he draws the color line almost graduated in the class of 1876. His everywhere h,e goes. We don't like classmates were M. L. Holt, now a his brand of Christianity 'and we successful Congregational minister doubt if any fair-minded, jllsticE'-lov- and -ex-college president, residing at Something About ing; sane and polite people do in any Neligh, Neb.; J. F. SnYder, now de- .part of our country. ceased, who was a prominent Chicago I Government Ownership lawy~r; o W.·I. Wheaton, a well·to-do 1 farmer at Wheaton, Ill.; J. L. Strat· I No. 7 LET'S PAY FOR OLD FOLKS' HqME. ton, now a prominent Congregational minister at Ottawa, Kas.; Miss Gussie America has private it on long distance calls Let's pay for the Old Folks' Home Smith, now Mrs. Dodd of Washington; ownersh1'p and ope.ra·tl·o.n d d f hr .by Christmas.'who • at a ,splendid Christ· Miss Felicia H. Hiatt, now Mrs. Scott • re uee . rom t ee to two mas' gift this ,yin be for our race in of Chicago; and Miss Emily D. Knight of telephpnes; one prov~ miIiuteg. Omaha. to present to themselves. Itoi Xork, Ill. Among his fellow stu- ince in Canada has tried Nov., l~ll----Ohalrman can .be done. By "us," we mean the dents there at that time by whom he governm~nt ownership. of Telephone Oommission ~ 'ciolored ~eopleo{Omaha and vicinity, is highly. esteemed were S"amuel H. ; reported $150,Qoo loss for and there are nearly 8,000 oius.. ~~dgewick, now on the supreme bench Here is the record: year, withno.provisioD . Ellminatethe children; :if 'you please':' :of this state, alld O. N. Carter, of the j l:I,nuary, 1908 -Gov- for ;depreciation. ~a:ft>diho~ewhoarenotwage earners. supreme bench Of Illinois. Osborne ernmeIit 'purchas-June, .' 1912 ...... 'Reduce the nUDiber·.,jfJihoE!e.whohavewanteil to study law. ins frie:nded BeU:: 'releplJ,one . Public'distniistm ability'to' giv:e .to only . i,oO~ l.l.f1dthe wan.ted him to e.nter. the Congorega· in M' • .. "' .. task.... .'is an....easy,".one: . There is a .. balc tionalniinistry.He decided to teach property ...'.. am· .go.v.emm.. ·..' ent ma... ··n. 'anee·,,...... of' about."' $900,.'.'due :on teh prop~.. '.Illd ·ear.n..· mo.ney to." pay his wa.y toba. . .' . agemen.t··... f···o.· r··c····e· d" .·elttYWhiehtheNegrowomeJ}:'s. Chl'iB~-through'~ law ~chool.Hetaught at . March, 19o.8-Teleph().l1e·;,q()J#~ ·6th'assoCiation.is buying o:ii:.P.ink~.e.Y Pa,'lm,yra'for five. years an(Hh~n;join~ Rates for .certain .' ~sionJoreiJ' .'... sire~t.:. A'n,a;Verige~f$i:oO"froml,Ooo ·ed.'the 'M~thd_distBaiid decided to en~ classes·:'of.se1-v1ce:...... '.J1:iIY;~19~';~ t·~~rdrO~.;~.·.le,.·.··t;.·:.w.·.,.: ~~.i'·'··e·.'· :,'.'~.'·~.:.o.: r.·c.~·~.~.:er.}.·pp~e: ~.:.· incr~aqe:d;~,~5::per:~~t·; .lncr~a.se·()f " °L'fe: ...... p.·•...... :p' terthe?4etholIistiniriistry;o .He was' ·20 per Celit hi l. .. i... .. ~a~ch;;,;~ ·1919~.p~.~-::r&te~put·iJi<: g _ordained'hi 1886.artdhasbeidseveral ":' ." .. e1fect.. · .• '. tbe~5elv~~·;~aY~'.tJie " balan~e !I~e on lfuportani' pastor~te:~niotliriheih~ becm;)'Il.Qf·teI~phorie·,CQDuni8.. . >,....: '. . .. '. this I!icip~rty. :< Theil -)ater, whep wemg:Hi~hibaI;'co.1umbia::~nd- Macohsitin'decla.red·miilr tea" '. Th- t '.' f-' 0 ."'cIa II ~Mo'where: r.emh.'in~dftve·ye~;~:: "'W)l:'·'.:.·ee'M·'rr:~.a··a::r·l.t~~·.·Qe:h":~"·.""":"1109'Wl":lr.·,~.D·T···· ·ci.::r:i.D~~.gf~r·,·~~.tP·· e.:~.': :.'l()~, :,~., ;",'., i1£;:~~~t::!~~S~jt~itneed'$()fuethin'g'bjg:ger'leVusca1l'on (i~:~:~~~j:~~~~~~li:'~tti~.";;:..~~;~l~·tf.,li).~! .""'·gi!l.,:':tP!~~(~;~'i:;~~.f:;e SUfJf::::i;j The "Monitor will 'receive,. publisll as .was· also..true ~f hi~';f0i'Iller:J:}as"" ",~ci· c9~trJJ>u~ons'(o; torat~8. .·~8,: iDdfc~ting:the;esteein,:in p!!-y ovei:' the pur- .j'. ~. po.se. WhO WUl be. ~e :ilrilt_ coritribu- which .fie was, held' jq' Seattle trbn:\· .. .:. :. '. ~ ·IEBRASKA· -TELEPHOIE -COMPANY '...'tor? .' .Let 'the .ciill~r~.grve their pen: j\mong other ·letters .W:~ '~el~c't' tbl!S ''- .:- .. uies· .and njckel~·. and .- ihegio~1!-}iP/l . .' .. . ". 'their dbll~rs,

Men or women wanting work are Miss Elrette Smith, of Springfield, requested _ to register their names Ill., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Bow­ .. with the Negro Christian \Vomen's ler, 2711 North Twenty·eighth street. I " Sale I association, 3027 Pinkney street; tel­ , i ephone Colfax 754. Please state what Dependable dress making. ,Prices 0 - kin,d of work is·,desired. The associa­ reasonable. Miss Gladys Counsello'r, :.~, ., Ii tion is endeavoring to establish an 2428 Lake street. Webster 604. r t ". employment agency through which persons wanting work and peopllO A reception will be held at Mt. Mol" t An immense Stock of watches, t wanting workers can be accommo· iah Baptist church, Twenty-sixth and ! diamonds and high grade + dated. Seward streets, next Thursday even· ~ -i' ing, October 28, from 7:30 to 11, in t jewelry For sale~2 acres and new 6-room honor of the Rev. and Mrs. \V. M. 13. t house. Aristocratic suburb. Easy Scott, who were recently married in I i payments. Will' Johnson, atlorney, Boston. An interesting program of , T Fourteenth and Douglas. addresses and music will bE' givpn. i ABO UTi ~", The speakers will be the Rev. W. T. + i, Mrs. Dorris Thornton of 2818 :'vliami Osbornf', thf' Rev. W. F. Botts, t11., ; i street had as dinner guests Sunday Itev. J. C. Brown, South Side, lhp T Rev. J. W. Morton, of Council I3luffs; t afternoon in honor of her mother, (~. Mrs. Goodlow, of Red Oak, Ia., Mrs. the Rev. W. M. B. Scott, the Rev. i Sarah Lewis, Miss Mary L. Goodchild, G. Logan, the Rev. John Albert Will· ! t Mrs. SpHlard, Mrs. Ha:-old Davis, Mrs. iams, Will N. Johnson, Mrs. L. Lewis I[ I P RIC E • Lottie Cooper and the Misses Beat· and Mr. H. L. Anderson. A male + i rice Bonita and Elizabeth Spilla rd. quartette. composed of Vernon Rou· t ; !{·ttE', LE'I'oy Kelly, Edward Miller and + + E. RouletlE' will Sing: the Misses V'io- ~ , A succesliful meeling of the Negro la Hibblpr and Z. Graham will rpnopr ! + Women's Christian Association was a duel, asd Mrs. W. M. B. Scott will I held at the Old Folks' Home \Vednes­ I sing a solo. \, i day afternoon. The president, 1'1rs. t Dependable dress making. Prices ~ M. D. Marshall, presided at the busi· i reasonable. Miss Gladys Counsellor, T ness session. Quite a number of visi­ i 2·128 Lake street. Webster 604: f T tors were present and a few new T ! -.-. ----.-.~. members joined or renewed theIr ...... - - The Misses Beulah .and Frances membership. . Encouraging l.etters Bi'itton of Twenty·ninth and Lake were read from Mrs. Frances Jackson, streets entertained at dinner Sunday r-i·liiIIT-T-T~--· president of the Sojourner Truth the Misses Beulah Butler and·Aline Wi 'mTIij TO, 'Home, and Mrs. James Mason, pres'i- Bently and Messrs. Thomas Roulette, dent .of the Phyllis Wheatley Home, . Le Roy Kelly, Ed,ward Miller and Her­ of Buffalo, N, Y.,. who had learned of t ~$ h f bert Glover. The quartet sang sevE'fal Ii ~ th.e home here through Mrs. J. W. ! I I, $ I . pleasing selections. SmUh's visit in Buffalo. Each letter + t contained a crisp dollar biU as a J 1 Harrison and Stewart, two popular t .+ tangible token of interest. At this colored performers, were at the Em· •T j• meeting a payment of $200. was made press this week. They were .guests at on the property and a substantia! bal· the Patton hotel. ance is left in the treasury, as a re­ sult of the money raised at or through The Y, V. P. Circle and the B. Y. I,:.T the get-together meeting and the As­ ·1 P. TJ. of the Zion Baptist church will • sociation's share of the recent collec­ tion taken at th.e "Billy" Sunday tab· give a joint entertainment Friday, Oc- ':.":':' I' tober 29. The feature of the pro- ernaclefor it and Zion Baptist church. gram will be a comedy sketch by Mr. .. The associatio'n received from this Thomas Eoulette and Mr. Edward Mil- T source $136.40. • leI'. ; Mrs. R. Dewey Allen, 2215 Charles ! After we .had go.ne to press last street, has been quite ill fOr several I.:. • week-we received advice that the days. plans had been changed about brin&", ~= + .. jng 'the remains. or'· the:' late Mrs. . , .. AH.ARVEST HOME DINNER. t Hii.mpto~ ·A.Watson to Oiuaha 'for...... • ., .',. A Harvest Home diimer will be .i.; 'bliri~lanilUtat interment' w~uld be served at I-tolfuesbaU, f~rn~:erlY cailed , ma~e at .~heridan, W-yo; . .Petersori's hi.ii. 'TwentY-f~uiihalld; .i I. !... Tu~sday e~ening, .:J... .. Burdette streets bc- t ·.MiilS Mai-y'L.·.'Goodchtld. of Chicago ~ober2'6th" from"6b'cloCk until 9. f . . .. . ·)~t1;I·tot, -h~il:re /rllUr~dady_inorningt afb;;~·G{)9(llri1,ls{cuhtil12 o'clock. The , '. A CA.SE.·. WEI.SR.'E. ·Y.·O iF .. ' a.·.»easant·;summer, jyided. be ween p~oceedilate~to'b~;given to :8t. PhU- , ".. .:~~#:~~tr~:::Il~~::;Ji:::~A~~~: ··{p~s ehu~·ch.The followingm'enu will . WAN:TTQSEEl?ASYANb::·w£it I.· i\:gU:e8t.atsth~hiiip·s rectory; • .tl~.;;"J:';eJi~ts:d:Aut.fimn. L~af''Ha~' with ". W'tli" ·"C :EZ"G:C;ht hside ofy()tt['~i'rrOi" f ·...•·~~:~::~~~f{f~,~~1a~~*l~~ ir€~~~J:l:~~.Pl ....~s.ea·"r .• ·.·t~Jt~~~:~!t~l\~t:~~Ic~;t&ilr1~~J~~··#; ..f:·. ·. ". .,,>:;. '. ,'\." :':;;.J .. ;,'~C6~~ ~8;l,ad."'· .~:;.',.. ,'. ,;':::' : ~,t1tt~,W:lt,h"t1;ie sh,lj,Q:es·:,you '.n,Q;Wi;;h,a::ve:!·ilIfdy'¢ostS·2brif one-third .... ,~.. , ~. ".. .. .' Ttie ,Owl .. Club m.er-:a,t thE! home ot :-"D:Elssert: :'Watson An:;Surpdse .'Wlth~<:;'~...•.e·..ti.,·..t·.. ci..tl.:;~p..~.r. ·.tc? o.p~riit¢ .. p~,t~e.~:~Qc.;),tP$l,.•..~Q>.::::.: ' " ". . ., ':'. ". Mr. Larry 'Peoples wedn~day'.night::;tSm:ifb. ~a~c'e:'" ,,' .",);.:';, '.; t· . , .' •• J ••'. " . '.' .' • .'. '. " ,.. .•.. . ·.:':·:.Our speci'al. represeritatiYe.'> Will call at 'yo;tl;:r.'J10tt1..~.~ to' .-.-- ..The Wallaco hoine-ma.~e:;Jrolls;-'··d.etii()llsfrate.. t:Qe li~rh. ts' t:o you; ...... Miia 'LOuise Be'ek8 an'Ii' Mfss .Beato' . coir~e. '.. '.-. :.' . -'.. I' •• " . : rfee' '~Yle '. or. LOs.··A.rigelea·. are the::The::comJillhee: IS8s. follows:':· ~s.~ .'. ..." gueata ot Mrs. J. 8,ellera. or-2320 North. C...Il:- Ricks, l\{r.li~ '1. S.· LaCour, .Mx:s.· :O~m.ah·{l:~·.,:G·:as , ',. .Twenty:.efghth aven.u.e.. ·· They . ~are'Georg~ .Watson;.:Mrs.: E. R. West. '. ',J • '. ··,Company·. 'Oiriilli~ InchidJng~ ·.tblnklng..' of milking' .their; '. AdnllsBion',' 'dJnner, 350;:'- :'. .1509:Howard Street. . . 'D()uglas 605.' ..' . boDi~. 'idv: ,'. ',' . ·1

·.6,: THE MONITOR ~:-:·O~·-u-r--~·~--o-.-~~e-n-a-n-d-.-C~h-i~l-d-r-e-n~'rD~;::~:ii~M-A-~-~-~-;-!-~-~-Q-.~K·~:-~-~-R~E.

",..', It suit until you see us. I 1620 Harney St.. State Bank Bldg. ~~.: Conducted by Lu~ille Skaggs Edwards, i Most reasonable a·nd + Where I:u'ger facilities eD:I!?le them ~~~~~~.~.~.:~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' i reliable ladies cloak and suit I togiveyoubfilerNcrv~e . .'.'. --;;-- POUNCE, "What would we ever do if PUppy t store in Omaha. + We recommend Pounce's owner should come bark," t f ;'~: ~,~ ~.".:c···HOVi-··ij:e The Slale Furnilure Co• . Made H is Little Friends Cicely exclaimed one nigbt as tbey I + Always high price samples t Corner 14th and Dodf,{e Sts. . Happy. were putting bim to bed in bis bas-! on hand at reasonable I as the most reliaLJle, accommodat­ The door flew open (Billy bad for- ket. t Ing and economical fundt ure SLare gotten to latch it) and something soft It was tbe Vf'ry next day, when the I t prices to buy from. a:nd black and silky dashed across four wp.re out for a walk, or rather a I ; t 0 the room and into Cicely's lap. In a run, for Puppy Pounce didn't like to! BON0 F F i 0_ __ ..-.•••.-. •••- ••••....-, second. more it was off with her arith- wall" that sOlnet h ing happened. The f t t NORTHRUP t metic book held fast between two childrf'll wpre used to seeing their ! N Y kS I St +LETTER DUPLICATING COMPANY + rows of sharp white teeth. puppy malle suddf'n dives and t ew or amp e ore t I "LE'l'TEROLOCi!S'l'S" I Then this little bit of fur and frol- pounce's, but sf'ldom bad tbey seen I + I ti~e +TYPEWRITTEN CIRCULAR LETTERS t icsomeness,. spying Billy's necktie, him. dash. so wildly as hf' did this t 206 No. 16th St. l TPlJODe: DOll;':. oli8'; Ortlcc. + iRes. Weh. Itl,.! "on Paxton Blnell t dropped the first prize and mac8 for straight II1tO tlw arms of a IIt~lf' girl -0.." - - ...... I :...... • .-.•••_ •••••••••.-0_•••••••••0 0-.- -.-•..•..• . ht d I' d But who was sitting in an automobile the two brIg .. ang Ing en s. I ,....._ ..- ...... , !-.. -o..•..o······..•..·.-.-.t--....-. ···0-9··l before anyone could even think of drawn up hy the curbing. I ! t saying Jack Robinson, the lively little "It is my own dear lost puppy," she T ASK YOUR GROCER + t HENRI H. CLAIBORNE !, .: 0 visitor had left·· Billy and was kissing cried to the gentll'I1lan who was get- l FOR T ! Notary Public + Baby DumIlkins' chubby cheeks with ling into the car. And to the little I' !Tip Top rea i t, Justice of the Peace ; a, funny soft pink tongue. bundle of fur in hpr lap shf' went on: + i , Tel Hed /·IUI t No wonder the Dollivers were too "\\'hf're have you been this long. long ~ Best Bread Made i i; Res. Doul;'. 61~l\ 512-13 Paxton Block , much .surpris.ed to do anything but limf'?" Then she caught a glimpse i-o-o ••••••• ----- ...... • -e o _._._ • •••·• ······-·-o ••• ~-o--, stare at the newcomer. of the threr childrf'n. Billy was try- Z- -_ ------1 ...0_0_._.-0_0 0 •••-0 Oddly enough, Dumpkins. who still ing \'f'ry hard not to forgf't he was a t Tailor M~~eA~o~~f~:8to Order t t EstalJlished 1890 t.: found talking in long sentences hard boy; Cicf'ly was blinking a"iay the ~ .. t C. J. CARLSON Dealer in ! work, w'is the first to speak. teus in her f'yes and, Bahy Dumpkins t BURGESS CORSET CO. t i "p.uppy pounce," said the baby, very sobbed: "I want Pupp~· Pounce... ! I I Shoes and Gents Furnishings f slowly and distinctly. Hl'aring his name, Puppy Pounce T 318 South 18th St. ~ ~ Phone Doug. 4113 + i1514 North 24th St. Omaha. Neb. + And Puppy Pounce he became to jumped out oE thf' car and began to O-o-e-o-o- __ ...- o-_ . • 0 _ _ _._.··._.··.-.··· • • the Dolliver family from that very tug at thE' Dollivf'rs' jackets at the ...._" 0_ 0_ 0_ _ 0 ..0 ••0 •••••~ minute. And how he did pounce! One same limp looking at thE' little girl in f t minute it was at mother's apron tlw" automobilf'. + $ Moriart I strings; the next, at Billy's shoe lac- "HE' wants to introduce us," she ~ ; PLUMBER t ings and a second later there was a callt'd, and smiled so pleasantly that tU.&..JL.&.IL I + tug at Cicely's buttons. Then after the childrE'n drew Dearer. !lou N. 20th St. Tel. Web. 3553 + ; ~ a wild whisking and scampering "I know it must have bf'en you who Sig s ...._ 0-. ··•· ··•··•·· ·· ··•··•·..-.-.-·-· around the room, he wound Billy's ha\·e taken care of my puppy." !' _ o..o _e-.-._._.··..·· ··.-.·.._o ~ ball under the sofa and yfith a. g.reat The Dollivers nodded. but nobody Browning and falling t Start Saving Now t deal of wagging of a stubby tall and f It h· I'k t II . ~...,. ., f' muc I f' a ung. 1 leaves again call our at­ lODe Dollar will open aD account In the! much shaking of a pair of silky ears, I tention to the promise + savioes Deparlmrol Z.' he coaxed each Dolliver to have a The girl continuf'd: "~y father and 'r of the i I were traveling and puppy was tied that summer and win­ game, . . d· f I~ shpp~ i United States Nat'l Bank ! "Oh, please. mother, IDay we keep the baggage car. He out 0 ter shall not cease. i 1801 end i'anmm Streets ; hiril?" Cicely begged. IllS collar and got off the tram some- ...... I ••••• ~-.-...... "0·h d y yes" Billy entreated. where, but we had no Idea where. I Prudent people pre­ , 0 sa , ... d "PUppy Pounce stay," added Dump- thank you, oh, so much for bemg lun pare. Are you ready EMERSON LAUNDRY to my dog." kins. with yotirautumn F. S. MOREY, Proprietor .. "But he must belong to somebody,'" Dumpkins~ who had 810pped crying, dress? If not, why mother. reminded them. Yet Puppy began to wail again. not? 1303-05 Pounce seemed to .belong to the Dol- . "Now, don't you ·tl;Jink this is a nice liver children as much a>1 to' anyone, plan," suggested the little girl's fa­ We can help you.' Phone Webster 820 for aithough :the town was searched ther. ':vVe're just starting on another , ...... ~...... e-. _•• ••....-.-...... -.-...... , no· owner was found. long journey tomorrow. You see, my + POPULAR PRICE MILLINERY ·."But how can we have a dog?" Mrs. little daughter and 1 travel a great f -Dolliver objected. "It seems to me deal, But the puppy evidently .doesn't ThomasI I. i .,"... we are a pretty busy family with,out like to travel and anybody can see iMcMAHON MILLINERY CO.t taking' in a frisky puppy." that he does like to live with you." Kilpat~ick t1512 Douglas St. OMAHA+ ' .. '''But. mother, if you'll only let him Then. turnirrg to the little girl, he &·CO. I (lipl'ltl~lrB) . ! . : . !!tay," Biliy coaxed, "we'll help ever questioned: "What do you say, Mar- i-e-. i :.': ... . so much· more· tha~ we do now\ . I'll, garet, to asking these young people if •.. ·try to r~member to put my things theY won't look after the pet a while .. . ···a:way. 'and; shut the doors and--" longer?" , I· .'. ';Ari:d t~i). ~tudy: m,Y·atitbm!,!tic with- "It is a nice plan," Margaret an­ mit" b~fri:g remiided." Cicely put in.· swered, a little regr·etfully, and she i~·An.d Dumpldp:i:LwiU 'I'tayinside the. put Puppy Pounce into Dumpkins' We Print the ,,:·gat~'W:h~n:moihe~:says:so•. won't yori, arms. :riUniPkiIls?;~··BillY' added, . . . Then the Dollivers, all smiles, to- .)<;Stay insidk.,~he..gate," saidPU1nJr"~her with Puppy Pounce, friskier :·<&8>· ...... than' ever, were bundled into the car -':.;~FA'puppy is a~good.


'.' :.~ .7 .... ': .' ,,:.. - harmless gas-as evidenced by its avoided in the use of ra<;lium salts in .' presence in soda water and decom­ medicine. These same sores were eLA 'FI:ED posing baking powders-is the product found to develop when musk was thrown off from the lungs. -- kept in proximity to the. body for any considerable length of time. Investl- ADVERT-I SIN G Radioctivity of Musk. gation showed the activity of musk RATES-1lk cents a word for single In one of the recent science jour· to be similar to that of radium, but insertions, 1 cent a word for two or ~~~~"",,-', ~~.Poisoning. "'- --_····..:···.• by Automobile. nals, it was reported that experiments in a smaller dEgree. more insertions. No advertisement (By Edwin F.Bowers, M. D.) had been made on the well-known The powerful odor and carrying for less than 15c. Cash should ac­ "I have heard that automobile gas substance. musk, which resulted in power of musk lue attributed to this company advertisement. is. dangerous. Is this true, and why 7" the discovery that it has some of the radioctivity. This fact is important FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. '. i When a gas engine is running it gi n­ properties exhibited by radium com· in that it opens up a new field of in· erates a variety of deadly gases. One pounds. vestigation in perfumes and odors. :Kewly painted and papered rooms, of these is ·unexploded gasoline or ben­ Musk is one of the very old SUb-! toilet, bath and laundry; $6 month. zin'e vapor, another is carbon-monoxid stances used as a perfume, and is Beyond tlH' years th€ soul shall find Heal. if desired. Webster 3184, ---'-wh~di is the same deadly gas that characterized by its very strong and I That. endless peace for which it -Modern furnished rooms, 1819 Izard human beings or animals throw off lasting odor. It is obtained from the! pined, street. Tyler 2519. from the lungs. musk deer of Asia. , ..! For light. appears. blind One modern desirable, furnished . Last spring a Chicago doctor was When the compounds of radiulfl are I And to the eyes that stili were room, close in. 2824 Douglas street. allowed to be near the body for too \Vil h blood and tE'ars. f overcome by this vapor while in his Harney 4822. garage, "tinkering" with the engine, long a time, they often result in the [ Their sight shall come all unconfined and died before help could reach him. production of sores upon the flesh., Beyond the years. Nicely furnished rooms, with hot Dr. Mary O'Malley, speaking recently This is one of the dangers to be' -Paul Lawrencf' Dunbar. and cold water, at reasonable rates. i before the International CongrESS on 2417 Caldwell street. Webster 5434. Hygiene. reported the case of a pa- :mti!tooglfjmtm!ltlltllldgrltlft!;tlltilt,!:!!&l'ffig!gjIH.1@ItIl:~~I!;j@gj~jgjlHJ~~I!!I@1!!l1!!l1HillAW Furnished rooms with hot and cold ~I~~""l:'u:~-,·.· water; furnace heat. 1810 No. 23rd Plltienttient ovel:comerecov-eredby fromgas pC'isoning.the immediateThis lit 30 Days r'ee Y'r-18 ,;; strept. Webster 3401. toxemia, but became mentalfy unbal· Desirable furnished rooms; hot and anced a week later. ~ cold water; reasonabie rates. 2408 T~ chief danger, of course, lies in I ON RANGES, HEATING STOVES, GAS .STOVES I~~~ Erskine street. working with the engines in close, un, ~ : ventilated rooms or cabins, where the !g! Nicely furnished roms; modern; for gentlemen only; $2.00 a week in ad· victim gets a large and concentrated THIS IS OUR ANSWER TO THE QUES- I vance. Mrs. Fanny Roberts, 2103 No. dose from the engine exhaust. 'itl I~ ~ TION, "ARE YOUR STOVES RELIABLE?" ~ '27th street. Webst-er 7099. And lately it has been contended, rgJ @ ~l·~. ~ Clean, modern furnished room, close that many of the fatal accidents sus· TRY FOR YOURSELF AFTER YOU HAVE I!!: tained by areonauts occur as a result ~~ COMPARED THE PRICE, ~ to both Dodge and 24th street carlines, of loss of control over the aeroplane 1!l iii: Mrs. Ellen Golden. 2302 North 25th from temporary unconsciousness caus,- ~ ~_~. street. Webster 448. ed by inhaling the poisonous gases ~! ij] Clean, modern, furn41hed rooms, grnerated by their engines. ~! ~ Our Prices Ar with bot and cold water. On Dodge One peculiul' thing' about this gas; AS Lo~ AS the ; and Twenty-fourth car lines, walk­ poisoning is that resistancE' to it docs ~,. yy ',. I ing distance business center. MrS!. not depend upon mere physical ~ IUJ A. Banks, 912 North 20th Street. Doug· strength. A weak slip of a woman ,~ Lowest and We ; las 4379. may withst.and a saturation in gaso· ~ I ~'f line fumes that would completely II Stand. Back of [I Mrs. L. M. BentleY-Webster, first t'-...J·/ "ftoor" a robust rt1an. It' ~ class modern fur-nished rooms. 1702 Nt In the eVE'nt of one being overcome E Stove Sold I 26th St. Phone Webster 4769. . by gas poisoning, the same measures iIt' . very l!tjt should be taken as with any other'"ase : Nicely furnished rooms. $1.50 an -. .;: of asphyxiation. The clothing should It .~, II up per week. Mrs. Hay.e~. 18'36 N imnledlately' h.e loosened, and if .a: USE THl=STOVE YOU SELECT FOR 30 DAYS.,-WE; WILL IN- '~_: 23rd St. Webster 5639. l pu.lmotor and its crewis not availablf, STALL IT AND IF IT IS NOT ALL WE CLAIM FOR.. I'i',"WE TAKE ~ I' FOR SALE-MISCELU\NEOUS. artificial respiration should be re.sort· : . IT OUT AND IT DOESN'T COST YOU A CENT. It It ed to. CORSETS made to measure, $.3,5 I The fac(~ and chest should be slapped 'lit If You Keep-It, You Pay. For' It At and up: Mrs. Hayes, 182t!· No. 23d.St smartly with towels wru.pg out in cold .~ l: \Vater, and stimulants-snch as black $5 Monthly Payments,'or 1as arraneed It If you have an,ytlling to dispose 0 , coffee~should be administer.ect, p~nd· : l!ta Want Ad in The Monitdr'wiil sell i . ing such Hmo 'as a' doctor or a nurse : ~ with hypodermics of strychnia or nit· Oak eatl·ng~S·tov· es I HAlR GOODS, all kinds. ~--Fi~m roglycp.rln may reach the patil;nt. . It straightening combs. Mrs. Hayes....:.1S·2 No. 23rd St. . '!, .. But it were far better to prevept $8•00 $8.50, $11.50 the condition. So. if an automobile I It engipe pr6ves refractory, open the: I and u~ WANTED. ·garage door while w.orking on it... Or, I WAtlTEIJ--Corre'spondents lind su better' stin, run ·the machine out into' . scription solicitorsfor'The.Monitor i the' open air....· ' .. Base -Burners· Nebraska 'dties ·a~d·towns. ... i ." ::bl~~:pre~~d'ing:~lipping was taken S3·'·.7.·,·.··.5:0;:a.·n··d· u. p: It' -.,...... ;..~-~_~~-.:.::,--'--'--""--'---.+ . from. the 81m'day Magazine of one of- . . '. WANTED:,.....A. mid(he-~gedwomil. \tb;e la~g~ papers inthe:e~t. T-he"'1~~.· . .: ...• . . whod.esires,-a .nice,~home. , For fur ' --":' .:-:cie is niumin3:tijig, i~' mOre. ways\l1art '~'R" . . '. 't.het informatiOn.' ~allWebster 996~ 1 ;. one'. .' . ",' '.' .. ,; a",e~·· ..... The:.·effec't~·.of~enziIie Il1ade1iKe.n~viwi~h·o~rr~i .'. ··.. vlt't>ors·:werl'). $''2' 4' 7' 5'·-':$"'2' 9" '00 a'n'"d' '. p "siiOlpS . ".. ". ,(, .•.'. :. ..'U "It" shoer:epair'in~t.llOds/one-titthth .. .. ." ,@".cost;·.SOld .un¢aii~'·:Heating, DyeS' It . 2li;;s~iith·:1.4thSt~O'fulih~. . .,,~ .' . "'," ""';':'C"'...•. "." .... : '"c:'''''I'''''''''d'''':':'M""" If" bl' R" . ': .,',','.,', " ','.' :9S0U,..·.t.. 1l;.M,·iu#.,s't.""..•.....:,.c.·.. ',:.o.·.'.·,u.·.:·.•. n,'.·.,,ell ;iJiwrs "" ': ,those or an expertinentll,l;.tt}rn:ot.mlhd,t" -:~ ·";:>:.,opp·er.. a '. a ~a.e a·~ges.;\·.'~ , ~L, . ',. c.: '. " ' ': ,', . it' lI'llglit be.·mentl~neli:if)i~t Bii~h'tYi:;. ..',', ,,,." " :' "'! ",, ~ •• ~ ••• •.••."" ." ~ " .' ,"" t ';.. :.' dangerou~ r.esulls i\re::i.iketY.tb:~fohoW'; ,,;.Stewart. ~tove~.:and.'Range;s}<· ,.NOW'S. .• THE 11'M~:~;: ~~·.~~~:r~t~~~i:aE)~::t~~:;:~ti~:~;"·· '-~:' .'TO PLANT'[JULBS I . .:. ,: ,'::. ·Ditmit.Jewel· Gas Stoves:':' Ariot.her· point' ~es~rv1ng ~e'ntlo~ .is :,'" Ask' ~a'. slIe t1:te' Round 'Oak Combi.natlon·;R·ange that". burna ·co..!,· Tulip, Hyacinth· '.tbat Dr. Bo""ers' 'Informs us tha't i car· • :Wo'od-"'and . gal"W.lthout .chan\Ie of part·•. · .'., ...... ' .. 'Nardss,us Crocus J~ eml~led rrQm.~the _ bon nlODox14 :ex-; . - "-Lily .' ·.~amehaual ot'an autoinobl1e,glv~n·"o~llnd·lhal:thlsi O· 'h '. ··d S··· W··· lfi" I.O' .. Por Winter and :Spring Blo'om deadly gas'ls th~8 from·the; '. . r·c.·. '. a·· rI~.. .' '.: ...'1. :·e'''. ·m·'. ,0. '. . : lunp, The 8ource- or Information'; Is de8ired~ for the limited 'r'et-erences : .. STEWART 'SEED STORE, at' co~mand do not subatim'iiate' this 1 414-418-418 South'l8th Sl~. 119 North 16th Strett st~lemint.·< It', fa.' . COmmOnly." Jit,ated.;; . '. Paymenle to Sidt Your. convenle'nce . (Opposite Post om.ee)i that carbon dioxide. a· comparatively-: .- ." .... - ... .'. . ". .. ;:_~nJ!Ift'tirMb'@'@'@[email protected]'§'J'p'§'§8§'iji8iil@8§'8'H'8181i1i#I#lDJJWUliI

.: " '8,' THE MONITOR

, r--'...... ~,.,~,',~..---.;.,------...,I A 'SUCC~SSFUL PASTOR. '. .., (;- "" - ~ . i:.;: .... :': ~e~$of the Lodges 1I (Continued from fourth_page,) The Business wot4I . .~,"' ," 'Jiratetnities lone from the leading Presbyteri Business Enterprises Conducted by Colored People-Help Them to .'! 'i ','- .~-. minister of that city: Grow by Your Patronage. November 8, 1912. To the Ministers, -.' .....,;a,....,=.""-:,-}. ;~ __ .' _. Maaonlc. .,.;.~: . ,.Rough~~AShler Lodge No. 74, A. F, Omaha, Nebraska. THE PEOPLES DRUG STORE My dear brethren: &::k"M., Omaha Neb. Meetings, first DR. A. G. EDWARDS 109 Soulh 14th Streel It affords me more than pleasure to ~oda "and thil:'d Tuesdays in each month. Drugs, CigarR and introduce and recommend to your Physician and SurlIeon Toilet lind Rubber Goods J:, H. 'Wa::kefield, W. M.; E. C. Under­ Special AnentioU to prescrlpllons confidence and fellowship, the Rev. Residence and Office. 2~ll Erskine St. We appreclale yourpatroDago wood, 'S.ecretary. W. T. Osborne. He had cbargE' of the "EXcersior Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Phone Douelas 144. colored M. E. cburcb III tnl':' cfly for Phone Web. 71 Neb. Meetings first and third qmiilia., a number of years. He buill a mag­ Thursdays in each month. nificient little churcb herE'. He not TERRELL'S DRUG STORE , ZahaTemple No. 52, A. E. A. U. u. A ERICAN HAND LAUNDRY only served his own people faithfully, Graduatc Plwrmllclst LEWIS AND POLK, Props. M. "R,_•• Omll,ha. Np.h. Mep.ting-J'; the Prompt Delivery Excellent Sen-ice conscientiously and loyally, but was Ladies' and children's fine dr~s· ,-.-, f~rth. :W~dnel!day in each month. N. -Web. 4443 24lh and Granl a valuable force in our city rorJighl­ es and clothes given sp,ecial at­ Jliiiiter~ Ili~ PQtentate; Charles W. eousness, purity and the sah'alion of tpnlion. Dundle washing. Work Dickerson,lil, Recorder. O'rders Promptly Filled all people. He is wort hy of your 8.palrlnc and Storlnl . called for and deli;vered-p Get our ~hatrer Chapter No. 42, O. E. S., prices. confidence. I regret that he has left Omaha, Neb. '~eetings first third North Side Phone Web. 6118, 1809 N. 24th St. aild this cHy. Friday' in each month. Maggie Ran­ Second-Hand Slore Praying God's blessing- Ulloil all in 80m, R. M. Elnora Obee, Secretary. R.B.RHODES your federation, I am, Dealer in Your friedd, New and Second Halld Furniture Rescue Lodge No. 25, A. F. & A. M., and Stoves M. A. :-'IATTHE\\', Household Goods Bought and Sold Omaha, Neb. 'Meetings first and third First PreslJyterian Church, Rentals and Real Estate #Monday in each month. Lodge rooms, Seattle, Wash, 2522 Lake St. Omaha. Neb, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. The RE'v, 1\11'. Osborne h"" !wen ! .-.-...... -....- -, ~urrell, H. William W. M.; Warner, twice marriE'd. His first wif., was ! + Secretary. Miss Parthenia TIUCkUPI- of J\-IonroE' ! • L. HERMAN! Omaha Lodge No. 146, A. F. and ~ i City, Mo. She died at Macon. Mo" Contracting, Plast'ering I A. M., Omaha, Neb. Meetings first fifteen years ago. Their 1\\"0 childrE'n, and third Fridays of every month. and General Repair Work ! a promising son and daug-hler. within Lodge room 1018 Douglas street. Will Walnut'S30 T a fE'W months follOWE'd t1w loving wifp .-· ...... -....-o-...... -..-.-.-•..•-•..•..•~....i N. Johnson, W. M.; Wynn McCulloch, and'mother. Thl't'e grass~' mounds in Secretary. -..7 Macon a waken tendE'r Plllol ions in Keystone Lodge No.4, K. of P., F. J. THOMPSON'S thE: hE-art. of the pastor of St. John's. Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Twelve years ago hp was unill'd in BOOT BLACK PARLOR Thursday of each month. C. Lewis, marriage to Miss EarlilH' Jackson of "'e also save you 30 per cent on C. C.; A. Marshall, K. of R. S. Glasgow, Mo., a highly pstpE'med laundry. After August 1st: manu­ school teacher, who has proven a facturers and jobbers of boot black supplies and everything .pertaining Western Star No.1, K. of P.-Meet­ ...-orthy helpmeet of her hu~nd. to the trade. Wholesale and retail. ings second and fourth ';rhursdays in To help make the world bettrr and Free employment a~ency for bar­ each month. J. N. Thomas. C. C.; E. to win the esteem of one's fellow ))len ber shop porters. Special attention R Ro.binson, K. of R. and S. is an honor aU may covet. This is to all kinds of Ia,dies'shoes.. Give MADAM LEVER the possibility whicb lies before us us a trLal ' M,BnUf.~lIIr•• 103 South Fourteenth St. The World'S WolKIerful Hair Omaha Lodge No. 2226, Grand Unit­ all. Not meteors that fla;sh and d;s­ Grower and Shampoo ~d Order of Odd Fellows. Meeting appear, but stars that shine with a , " . "air Dressine and ManlcurtllS nights, the first and third Thursdays steady light count most in darkness. t Res. Phone Web, 4831' Omce Doug.' 4287 ~ 913 N. 21th Ave. Phli Hme, 1417 otea:ch month. Lodge rooms, 2522lh • AMOS P.:S.C~IJGGS t i Attorney-at.-Law, I Lake street. L. S. Moates, N. G.; J. , 220 South 13th Slreet •

. :"..-

,:', oJ:.,' .The, ...... - . :~' Btoomfielll· Hotel·: " . . 11~118 SOUdi NIaIII SL

Real EState aad·losurance Strictly ~ode(., and ,~~.to-dat~ .•.... ~ , , Prices mode'r~'te " 220 South 13:th St~'; Omaha/Nell;' . (Over P9pe!8 Drug' S~re)

I '.' •• , •" I• e.. I,•• "••• t'. '. i •• I• I
