Chair of Food & Sustainable Agriculture Systems at College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine

Clinical Associate Professor at New York University's Robert F Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Millennium Institute (MI) USA: President and CEO since May 2005

Professor of Developmental Sociology Cornell University

Author (Diet for a Small Planet), cofounder of Food First: The Institute for Food and Development Policy and the Small Planet Institute

George W. Pack Professor of Natural Resources and Environment at the School of Natural Resources and Environment of the University of Michigan, USA

Principal Researcher and Team Leader for Agroecology and Food Sovereignty at the UK based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)


April 25th, 2012

To Uphold: 1. Citations for evidence-based claims

2. Disclosure of potential con!ict of interest, whether "nancial or other associations

3. Accurate representation of the publication by the Press in its promotion. April 25, 2012

Esteemed Delegates of Oxford University Press:

We have prepared the material herein to underscore how seriously we take our appeal to you to re- establish certain fundamental standards.

While our initial concern was prompted by a particular book, the response of Oxford University Press has²to our surprise and dismay²revealed a deeper problem. By defending the book Food Politics, as well as the way it is promoted, in a letter dated September 13, 2011, the Press communicated to us that this book meets its standards. In so doing, the Press affirmed that its policy does not require meeting the following three widely recognized academic standards: citations for evidence-based claims; full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest (whether financial or other associations); and accurate promotion of publications. It is this position by the Press, and its unwillingness even to discuss our concerns, that compelled us to undertake a petition.

On standard one: Citations are lacking not just in Food Politics but in other Oxford University Press books that address critical and controversial public issues. Examples include The Bottom Billion and Nuclear Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know. But whether one book or many, our point is that Oxford University Press demonstrates that its policy does not require citations concerning the evidence-based claims of its authors. Without citations, how can readers evaluate the credibility of a work? Without citations, how can the Press uphold its commitment to a quality review by peers?

On standard two: In the September 13th letter, the Press indicates that only financial ties need to be disclosed, whereas widely accepted standards require disclosure of any association that, if revealed, FRXOGEHSHUFHLYHGWRKDYHLQIOXHQFHGWKHDXWKRU¶VFRYHUDJHRIthe subject. The Society of 3URIHVVLRQDO-RXUQDOLVWV¶&RGHRI(WKLFVIRUH[DPSOHLQFOXGHVWKHIROORZLQJ³$YRLGFRQIOLFWVRI interest, real or perceived; remain free of associations and activities that may compromise integrity or GDPDJHFUHGLELOLW\«GLVFORVHXQDYRLGDEOHFRQIOLFWV´Surely an academic publisher's standards should be at least as high as those of journalists.


As many of the more than 5,000 signers of the Petition point out, meeting such standards is expected even of undergraduates. A common theme in WKHVLJQHUV¶FRPPHQWVLVDODUPWKDW2[IRUG8QLYHUVLW\ 3UHVV¶VDFWLRQVUHIOHFWDQLQGHIHQVLEOHSROLF\WKDWIDLOVWRPHHWWKHKLJKVWDQGDUGVIRUZKLFKWKH3UHVV has long been trusted. Many suggest that in a time of eroding standards in popular media, Oxford University Press and other academic publishers are needed more than ever as protectors of the value of integrity in communication that they hold dear.

We therefore perceive the matter we raise as not about a particular book or books; rather, it concerns policy²policy at the heart of public trust on which democratic society depends. We continue to

1 hope that you will see how strongly readers want to trust Oxford University Press and that you will therefore re-establish these standards.


Professor Molly Anderson

Professor John Gershman

Dr. Hans Herren

Frances Moore Lappé

Professor Philip McMichael

Professor Ivette Perfecto

Dr. Michel Pimbert


COMMENTS FROM SIGNERS from the online Scholarly Standards at Risk petition as of April 19th, 2012 # 4,899 08:12, Apr 19, Mr. Bruce Tanner, CA The degradation of literary standards in the interests of corrupt power is truly shocking and dismaying.

# 4,893 05:49, Apr 19, Mrs. Alissa Goefron, Malaysia Don't get seduced by Monsanto. OUP should be helping people to think for themselves.

# 4,892 03:26, Apr 19, Name not displayed, HI The world does not need more bias, it needs the truth!

# 4,891 03:01, Apr 19, Mr. John McCormick, Australia As someone who has spent 8 years as a student in higher education, I am astonished that Oxford University no longer thinks that citations are necessary for work submitted to it; that the university does not mind if authors have possible, hidden, conflicts of interest; and that the university is happy to publish opinion as fact.

# 4,889 00:46, Apr 19, Matt Kramer, TX As a third year undergrad, I am constantly being instructed to cite all sources. I am constantly being reminded of the importance of employing ethical standards in my research. The selective blindness of the guiding leaders of Oxford Press and Oxford University in regard to the issues highlighted in this petition hints at the power of corporate influence to compromise the quality of education and research. Dear Delegates and Academic Staff of Oxford University and Oxford University Press: please do not ignore the humanity of the efforts made to create this petition. If you do, your ego sabotages and demeans what was heretofore a sacrosanct office representing the best of academia. What will be left will be a joke parading in academic clothes, a joke that has the potential to destroy everything Oxford University has represented for centuries. Is the seduction of corporate money truly that powerful? If so, may God have mercy on your souls.

# 4,881 18:28, Apr 18, Sarah Clark, NC With every beat of your heart..freedom rings by the innate forces within...we must honor true freedom and liberty that comes from within....though the world is adrift in chaos....true power is love and truth and courage and humility.....when will the egos of others be diminished by the light of truth?? Will the courageous please stand?!!!!! LOVE ALWAYS WINS!! TRUTH ALWAYS PREVAILS....HOPE NEVER FADES.....AND JUSTICE REIGNS ON.... PEACE TO YOU READING THIS NOW....UNITED IN LOVE & TRUTH...STAND AND DELIVER..SHINE ON.....

# 4,871 14:01, Apr 18, Ms. Jeannine Bardo, NY If this definition from Oxford Dictionary online is to be trusted it may help clarify and guide your publishing policies. Pronunciation: /ܼQޖWܭgrܼti/ noun [mass noun] 1the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles: a gentleman of complete integrity 2the state of being whole and undivided: upholding territorial integrity and national sovereignty the condition of being unified or sound in construction: the structural integrity of the novel internal consistency or lack of corruption in electronic data: [as modifier]: integrity checking

# 4,866 13:49, Apr 18, Mr. Stephen Knight, United Kingdom Transparency is demanded at the very highest levels of government. The same SHOULD be even more so true of educational institutions, and publications using such bodies. PLEASE make it so!

# 4,865 13:28, Apr 18, Mr. Paul Kirk, IN Glad to see the efforts being made to uphold publishing standards and work.

# 4,861 12:21, Apr 18, Mr. William P. White, PA I can't believe the Oxford University Press has let its standards for publication fall so low. How does a reader or researcher dare believe anything published by the Press?

# 4,859 11:38, Apr 18, Eugene Brandewie, KY These basic tenets of publishing policy is what determines an academic press from anyone with a word processor and a printer. If these standards cannot be met, then I can find no reason to choose Oxford University Press as a viable choice for reading material and self-education.


# 4,850 08:37, Apr 18, Mr. Scott Boggs, NC Please raise your bar after having apparently lowered it to the ground. Please don't allow advocates for corporate profiteering to publish without full disclosure of their associations.

# 4,844 08:03, Apr 18, Mr. D. Lancon, CA ... you have established research standards, but in the case of "Food Politics" by Robert Paarlberg, you are waiving those standards?? Please to explain the double standard.

# 4,843 07:49, Apr 18, Ms. Barbara Vaile, MN Return to your formerly stringent standards.

# 4,841 07:39, Apr 18, Mr. dale mellinger, DE truth will set you free!

# 4,837 07:03, Apr 18, Mr. richard baker, United Kingdom I am deeply saddened to learn that one of the most trusted names in publishing has allowed itself to become, in this instance, nothing more than a shill for one of the most evil corporations in history.

# 4,834 06:21, Apr 18, Mary Green, IL I hold Oxford University Press to a higher standard; to be a model for other publishers. This is disappointing.

# 4,832 06:01, Apr 18, frank cogan, MA I have purchased several Oxford University Press books, including the compressed version of the OED. You will lose me as a customer unless you return to your once respected standards.

# 4,828 04:14, Apr 18, Victoria Bawtree, France I can't believe it!

# 4,826 03:19, Apr 18, Ms. Joanne Dunlap, ME In an age of increasingly unsubstantiated claims and statements, it is essential that some publishes continue to hold to these simple standards.

# 4,823 01:01, Apr 18, Ms. emily chadbourne, NC I am alarmed at the generally quite casual citation of sources in both books and daily news coverage. I believe that information remains our greatest tool, and it must try and be accurate. Opinions that run so far from what has been observed world wide, like those in this book, denying the negative impact of GM foods, threaten our ability to find real ways to improve the world's foods. Clearly genetically modified crops have wrecked havoc on many species: butterflies, bees, birds; on the eco system: creating non propagating seeds; on the economy; and on our health, by creating mineral deprived produce. Monsanto warnings should be displayed like cigarette warnings. emily chadbourne

# 4,815 19:29, Apr 17, Mrs. Julia Apt, OR I will be able to remember Oxford Press from all the English movies and TV programs that I have watched. Always had high regard of your University. Now I will never buy another book published by your Press.

# 4,813 18:53, Apr 17, Ms. Martina Dinale, CT it is nothing less than VOMIT-MAKING that Oxford University Press...OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS for god's sake !!!- has to be pestered to possession of a working set of scholarly ethics??? You must be joking.

# 4,811 18:33, Apr 17, Jason Prince, QC This story provides us with another example of a direct incursion of private interest into our public interest institutions. Oxford's academic press? The British Government should intervene, as this surely affects the reputation of the country. The frightening thing is: just how broad is the problem? How deep does it go? And what must be done to stop it?

# 4,808 18:01, Apr 17, Mr. Matthew Shultz, ON Funny how in the presence of money and power, scholarship can so rapidly begin to smell of propaganda. One recalls the Nature paper a few years back, in which 1/3 of biomedical researchers admitted to faking their results


(suggesting to many of us that far more of you are in fact doing so). To find that the rot extends to the Oxford University Press is sad, but not unexpected. What would be unexpected - a pleasant surprise even - would be if those of the Delegates who care about the future reputation of science and academia were to do their all to tear this corruption out at the root. It's up to you whether or not you take a stand against this, and against those amongst you who are owned by it (and I'm sure you know who they are). But people trust you less and less as things like this continue. The 'Net, ladies and gentlemen, is watching. It is your move (and inaction is also a move).

# 4,807 17:56, Apr 17, Mrs. Patti Jo Edwards, OR Shame on you! You are held to a high standard and yet you fall to the corruption of Monsanto and Dow. I used to trust you to have honor and integrity. I know too much about biotech agricultural creations and their effect on our health and the health of our environments to believe you have not been compromised. Shame!

# 4,799 16:12, Apr 17, Shannon Koenig, MA I used to work for Harvard University Press. There's no way they would have stooped this low (at that time). Really, really sloppy of you, Oxford.

# 4,797 16:03, Apr 17, Dr. Douglas Manfredi, NY I am saddened and disappointed by the failure of and prestigious Oxford University Press to address the serious publishing policy issues raised by Frances Moore Lappe. You have a tradition to uphold. Please rise to the occasion. Thank you Douglas Manfredi, MD

# 4,795 15:20, Apr 17, Ms. Joan Gabrie, PA Why would you damage your credibility?

# 4,793 14:41, Apr 17, John Callaghan, United Kingdom I expect higher standards from the O.U.P. otherwise what distinguishes it from the gutter press?

# 4,790 13:55, Apr 17, Mr. Edward Noonan, IL How can these people consider themselves of scholars? It lowers the reputation of Oxford University Press and Oxford University itself. Shameful.

# 4,787 12:51, Apr 17, Robyn Guinn, BC so now universities are propaganda tools just like the idiot box television? it's bad enough that we must decipher the fictional crap the corporate controlled news feeds us but now we also must take with a grain a salt what we read from university publications? do these places of so called "higher learning" really think we are idiots?

# 4,785 12:41, Apr 17, Ms. Deborah Hill, WA I work in an academic library and recognize that the quality of work we have come to expect from OUP is in grave danger if these standards are not met.

# 4,784 12:36, Apr 17, Mr. Joey Burke, MD The British Commonwealth of Southern Maryland supports this letter.

# 4,776 11:48, Apr 17, Janine Pineo, ME "Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence." - Henri Frederic Amiel As a journalist, I find that the silence from the author, the Delegates and all associated to be outrageous. Have the courage to disclose vital information and let the individual decide what weight to assign to it. Or are you in the business of "if you say it often enough, it becomes truth"?

# 4,774 11:41, Apr 17, Mr. Nick Riley, United Kingdom Outrageous betrayal of trust!

# 4,762 10:02, Apr 17, Mr. Tristan Mariethoz, Switzerland Labels are the only reference we have to be confident with the expected quality of products or services... Please keep the Oxford University Press as a reference standard!

# 4,760 09:46, Apr 17, Mr. Dan Payne, United Kingdom What happened to disclosure...


# 4,759 09:20, Apr 17, Mr. Ann Marie Dunn, NC I am amazed that an institution of your caliber would be willing to publish something that did not have the information to back up the claims in the book. I thought that was something that was necessary for publication.

# 4,758 09:01, Apr 17, Robert Young, FL Very disappointed in OUP!!

# 4,756 08:49, Apr 17, Ms. J Miller, BC We must all take much more care to stay conscious now. Is this the tip of the iceberg or has the iceberg already melted?

# 4,753 08:34, Apr 17, Dr. Peter Wilhelmsson, Sweden Please break ties from corporations that cloud and hinder objective true science. Stand by your high ethical, scientific and academic standards. Look and debate all issues from different angles. Peter Wilhelmsson Sweden.

# 4,749 08:31, Apr 17, Ms. Siobhan Flynn, United Kingdom As a purchaser of OUP's books I am dismayed to read about this example of poor standards. The ramifications of any such tendency are indeed worrying

# 4,746 08:03, Apr 17, Mrs. rosemary woods, ID I am a Brit living in America and I always thought of the British to have high standards. It seems that almost everyone in America has a price thanks to the "Lobbyists" I was outraged to read this story and fully support this petitiion. Good Luck.

# 4,745 08:01, Apr 17, Mr. philip watson, United Kingdom surely these are obvious factors needed for correct information.

# 4,740 07:38, Apr 17, Ms. Jay Brightwater, United Kingdom I am sure Oxford Press will be delighted that so many people are signing to support them in ensuring the implementation of the three aspects of the publishing policy listed in this petition, which the public assume to be their basic standards. Thank you.

# 4,739 07:34, Apr 17, Name not displayed, NY Even Wikipedia has citations!

# 4,736 07:18, Apr 17, Roger Domagalski, Poland It's a damn shame that Oxford University Press appears to have caved to corporate interests. I am a translator and I have a good number of your titles on my bookshelves, but I will not be adding any new ones until you change your policy.

# 4,735 07:02, Apr 17, Ms. Hilary Callaghan, MI As a librarian, I will be particularly interested in your response to this petition. Librarians instruct patrons to examine exactly these types of criteria in evaluating a source. I am shocked that Oxford Press does not adhere to these minimal standards and will keep that in mind in determining book purchases and in advising patrons.

# 4,734 06:47, Apr 17, Mrs. Jane Francis, OR There is so much mis-information on the web and in the media. We want scholars to cite their sources and present the truth.

# 4,722 04:50, Apr 17, Name not displayed, WI As a doctoral student, these standards for publishing are the "basics" to which we adhere, and expect to find in any peer reviewed journal. Thus, the lack of such sources in a book on a particularly controversial topic where the potential for bias exists, and at a time when the integrity of adherence to rigorous scientific processes are being questioned, upholding such minimal expectations as citations for evidence-based claims and disclosure of any and all potential conflicts of interest is the minimum I would expect from Oxford.

# 4,720 04:27, Apr 17, Ms. Jane Birdsong, WV We expect Oxford University to hold their publishing arm accountable for anything they put into print. Who is

9 running the show over there? Citations for evidence-based claims are absolutely necessary; and any conflict of interest or previous connection should be disclosed.

# 4,719 04:26, Apr 17, Mr. peter swanepoel, South Africa Shame on Oxford!

# 4,712 00:10, Apr 17, Sandi Metzger, OR Transparency is essential for democratic discourse and equally essential in scholarly publication standards.

# 4,710 22:16, Apr 16, Ms. Joan Gibson, BC Hm no disclosure, no citations has Oxford University Press sunk to the level of a 10c pocketbook publisher

# 4,709 21:41, Apr 16, Ms. Claudia Laufer, CA I am extremely concerned to see the unprofessional standards of Oxford University Press, not only as a health care provider in regards to the conflict of interesting and false reporting of your book "Food Politics," but also as a concerned ex-journalist. For any press with your status, it is expected that potential conflict of interest, whether through finances or other association, be openly declared. Not only that, but to list "studies" without citations is despicable. We have main stream media to confuse its viewers and misinform them with sponsored lies - we don't need so-called scholarly organizations to do the same!

# 4,708 21:40, Apr 16, Ms. Brenda Hewson, BC Full disclosure, no more lies.

# 4,702 20:34, Apr 16, Mr. Bill Franke, Taiwan Not a single citation except the Old Testament and the titles of a few books. This book is not scholarship but unsupported personal opinion. It is as worthless as a politician's unsubstantiated political claims without citations. OUP should be ashamed of itself for debasing scholarly standards this way.

# 4,701 20:23, Apr 16, Nate Otto, OR Please insist on at least the level of citations in your press-published works that you ask of your students.

# 4,696 19:12, Apr 16, Mr. Howie Singer, BC The truth is out there so lets try to maintain it.

# 4,695 19:00, Apr 16, Mrs. Karen Feltham, OH For more impact, add a personal comment here

# 4,694 18:56, Apr 16, Name not displayed, NJ I am appalled at the state of affairs in oxford press. One day press will collapse along its Lies.

# 4,685 18:06, Apr 16, Dr. E. Ann Clark, ON I an appalled and outraged to imagine that Oxford University Press would consider publishing a book without disclosing the clear conflict of interest of its author, and his funding source. Please stand up for the values of academic integrity.

# 4,684 17:59, Apr 16, Mr. Paul Arenson, Japan As a TESOL professional, I will refuse to use Oxdford Univ. Press books in my classes until you address this issue. We would expect such irresponsibility from FOX News, not from a respectable publisher. Nothing forthcoming, no way I will use your books in my classes. And I will urge JALT and Intl TESOL to do the same.

# 4,671 16:03, Apr 16, Carole Riley, Australia I studied science at the University of Sydney and we were taught that anything we write had to be backed up by citing the sources of our statements. I am shocked that this minimal standard is no longer required in books published by the OUP.

# 4,664 15:39, Apr 16, Konradi, Germany I was shocked when i looked up some of the books flawed with the critizised points. Developments like this only further increase the ongoing decay of scientific standards which can not be tolerated.


# 4,660 15:04, Apr 16, brant mcgee, AK I am appalled that the Oxford University Press would sell their imprimatur so cheaply. I was shocked to learn that the most venerable publisher in the world would publish books without proper academic sourcing and without identifying any author's relationships with any group with a position on the issues covered.

# 4,658 15:01, Apr 16, Mr. Mark Kelly, UT Publishing any scholarly work should presuppose that the author(s) should and must, demonstrate what the sources are for their conclusions. That is, unless there is an element of religion to the thinking- which perhaps, in some way is evident with this book. The religion in question is the worship of capitalism- i.e. profit.

# 4,648 13:41, Apr 16, Name not displayed, CA People tend to remember who is honest and who is not.

# 4,647 13:31, Apr 16, Name not displayed, UT I am very disappointed in you, in your policies.... do not insult our intelligence by not disclosing an author's relationships with companies, products,any organization that might have bearing on the topic....we will still read the book, but if you are transparent, it will help us analyze the author's points. Thank you...Ms. Kathleen Lundy

# 4,644 13:04, Apr 16, Ms. Dee Halzack, MA This is one more example of Big Bucks trampling on the 99%. Because when Big Bucks influences information flow, the 99% is not receiving all the information it needs to make decisions--it is only receiving information Big Bucks thinks will make the 99% decide in its favor.

# 4,641 12:38, Apr 16, Ms. Jennifer Clarke, Denmark In a time when misinformation flourishes like no other it is imperative that publishers maintain the reputation and high standards that have been attributed to their name.

# 4,634 11:34, Apr 16, Name not displayed, OR If we can't trust OUP, whom can we trust?

# 4,633 11:30, Apr 16, Mr. Chris Packer, TN The reliability of Oxford University Press is in question.

# 4,629 11:15, Apr 16, Mr. Peter Hugger, OR The world needs credible academic institutions. This is my plea for Oxford University Press to better vet the material it chooses to publish.

# 4,626 11:04, Apr 16, Linda Grobe, IL If this is the level to which Oxford Press publishing standards have fallen, I certainly see no reason to purchase what they publish in the future.

# 4,623 10:43, Apr 16, Dr. Sidney Halperen, TX Could anyone argue with the need to present evidence for arguments with their children and/or grandchildren? Does not the public, at large, deserve the same consideration from any organization presented as an authority on facts?

# 4,616 09:39, Apr 16, Ms. Dianna Vosburg, MA Covert, corporate propaganda is everywhere now, and it is infiltrating academic institutions as it has media. That poses a danger to democracy, which absolutely requires an informed populace to create meaningful, evidence-based, and responsive public policy. I'm tired of the shills.

# 4,615 09:36, Apr 16, Ms. Elena Featherston, CA Oxford University Press has been the Gold Standard of scholarly publishing don't compromise it and the press's integrity now.

# 4,614 09:27, Apr 16, Dr. James Bridges, NJ I am a university professor who uses texts from Oxford University Press. Please do not weaken your standards.


# 4,613 09:22, Apr 16, Name not displayed, NV The decline of ethical standards at Oxford and other prestigious universities is actually nothing new; it has been going on since before WWII. Oxford and other institutions are driving academia back to the Middle Ages, when scholars were nothing more than servants of the ruling elite. Shame on them.

# 4,602 08:42, Apr 16, Ms. Annett Blechstein, Hong Kong Where is the integrity gone? Another of these "brand' names that misuses its status? I hope not.

# 4,598 08:25, Apr 16, Mr. Brian Angel, IL Conflicts-of-Interest MUST be disclosed in the credits at the beginning of the book / document !!!

# 4,596 08:19, Apr 16, Mr. Jean-François Defosse, Belgium I am shocked by what I learn, in your article read on AlterNet, to be the irresponsible publishing policy of what I regarded as a prestigious British university. I am afraid now the cancer of conflict of interest must be rife in the academic circles. We are entering dark ages for academic freedom indeed when academic standards are comparable to those of Fox News and when the Gates Foundation, Monsato and the likes call the shots...

# 4,592 08:09, Apr 16, joão barrote, Portugal Totally right, you are absollutly right!!! Go ahead. And thank you very much for acting this way.

# 4,589 07:53, Apr 16, Kathleen Dobie, IN Without adhering to these standards, the Oxford University Press cannot hope to retain its reputation for integrity.

# 4,583 07:22, Apr 16, Mr. Stephen McMahon, CA The Oxford University Press has been a thoroughly disreputable organization ever since they paid Cyrus I. Scofield, in 1907, to RE-write the bible & insert the horrible zionist & dispensationalist ideology in something Oxford calls the "King James" bible. And the world has suffered from this horrible rapture propaganda ever since! Please read "Mr. Scofield and His Book" by M. Canfield to learn what scurrilous miscreants control that horrible publisher. There are no worse people on Earth, believe me.

# 4,582 07:18, Apr 16, ken thomas, United Kingdom How can OUP publications be used in any research otherwise???

# 4,580 07:05, Apr 16, Winifred Thrall, WI It appears that the credibility of Oxford University and its press have been compromised by the lack of citations, full disclosure of possible conflict of interest and accurate promotional information.

# 4,579 06:45, Apr 16, Barbara Thomalla, MN Evidenced Based Practice is essential in the healthcare field and Evidenced Based Journalism is essential in our media savey world so readers can sort out which story to support and which story is shared opinion.

# 4,578 06:44, Apr 16, Diana Haskins, IL "Absent transparency and commitment to evidence-based argument (impossible if authors provide no sources for claims!) democracy's lifeblood -- open, fair dialogue -- drains away."

# 4,577 06:44, Apr 16, Mr. Clark Killick, United Kingdom Please uphold your own stated standards for publication. With multiple important debates becoming increasingly polarised, we need academic standards in publishing more than ever.

# 4,576 06:37, Apr 16, John Hauf, CA I work in an academic library and would advise my colleagues to look carefully at any further purchases of OUP publications.

# 4,573 06:12, Apr 16, Mr. James Love, NC The erosion of standards of publication and scholarly research must not be compromised! The lack of proper research methods would make all research meaningless. That would mean poorly researched areas such as the Geriatric Blind that I researched and published might as well have never been proformed.


# 4,570 06:01, Apr 16, Dr. Sonstegard, OH OUP studies are generally boring, stuffy affairs that refuse to have any fun with their subjects, and now they're not even definitive or trustworthy.

# 4,563 04:41, Apr 16, john grab, CA Full disclosure of associations and connections with corporate and/or political institutions must be required for publication with OUP. I will boycott your publications and urge others to do so if this standard is not upheld.

# 4,561 04:18, Apr 16, Dr. Guy Lancaster, AR I often find Oxford University Press books to be reliable examples of scholarship, and so this latest trend in publishing works without citations and by authors who have a real and tangible conflict of interest to be most disturbing. Is OUP now to be simply another PR arm for Monsanto and their ilk?

# 4,557 02:18, Apr 16, Mr. Mark Harding, Australia I have always held Oxford University Press in high regard amongst the worlds publishers. However, publishing works without citations of evidence to back up claims greatly degrades your standards. Especially so when the author has ties to one side or another of an argument and even more so when that side involves big business. People are no longer naive enough to think that academics are uncorruptable. Big business is buying and corrupting scientific research at an alarming rate. By allowing the publication of scientific literature without citations and disclosure of conflicts of interest, you are in effect aiding and abetting this corruption. I would like to think that all of you have much stronger ethics and morals than that.

# 4,556 01:39, Apr 16, Mr. Craig Hattersley, TX What has happened to true scholarship?

# 4,552 01:04, Apr 16, Douglas Kowalewski, IL Corporations are buying everything. Once the finish purchasing the best universities, there is no hope of stopping their greed and controlling every person in the world.

# 4,550 00:35, Apr 16, Mrs. Valerie Franks, United Kingdom OUP losing all credibility by not maintaining standards. Who has been bought out?

# 4,538 22:38, Apr 15, Ernie O'Byrne, OR That you would degrade your standards so, makes me question everything that I now see published under the Oxford University Press imprimatur. Have you no shame, sirs?

# 4,533 22:02, Apr 15, Ms. Jeanne Yacoubou, MD shame on you, Oxford!

# 4,531 21:53, Apr 15, Stephen Wallace, AZ Being an English ex-pat I am appalled by the lack of oversight and arrogance being displayed. If you cannot support honesty and quality, why not consider removing the "Oxford University" part from your name?

# 4,529 21:30, Apr 15, James Long, CA Surely any book published by Oxford University Press would meet this petition's criteria at a minimum.

# 4,526 21:18, Apr 15, Ms. GinaGriffith Griffith, WV Oxford? Wikipedia? What's the difference now? Oh! Right. Wikipedia has more integrity.

# 4,525 21:17, Apr 15, sheila brown, WA i feel monsanto`s "secret"takeover of our food is a great threat to human health and to the health of our entire ecosystem. i support these scholars totally and hope that you will give attention to their ideas.

# 4,524 21:17, Apr 15, Mrs. Kathy Shimata, HI I am deeply disappointed to hear that Oxford Press' standards have fallen so far.


# 4,523 21:15, Apr 15, Dr. Harry Corsover, CO Without standards such as these, academicians and scholars will not consider Oxford University Press credible as a publisher.

# 4,522 21:12, Apr 15, Mr. Timothy Stinson, OR Should this petition fall short of its objective, the next action must be more direct, in the form of a boycott of OUP, across all subjects, all titles. Also, consider an Occupy action at OUP's U.S. corporate headquarters.

# 4,517 20:54, Apr 15, Mr. Quist, NY Oxford Press has traditionally been a gold standard publisher, but this throws its credibility into serious doubt. In the absence of a clear statement, and insistence, that the press follow basic academic and journalistic standards of citation and full disclosure, I no longer be able to regard the Press' publications as authoritative.

# 4,516 20:53, Apr 15, Mr. Brian Moen, CA Political interests should not be allowed to cause academic standards to be abandoned.

# 4,509 20:06, Apr 15, Valorie Scott, MA The fact that no one was willing to meet and discuss the situation is very telling. There is something to hide.

# 4,506 20:01, Apr 15, Mr. David Stephens, AL I am absolutely appalled that a university press would publish a book that makes factual claims with NO documentation.

# 4,505 19:59, Apr 15, Mr. Charlie Perkins, KY We do not need another Fox News. We must maintain scholarly standards. Please!

# 4,500 19:50, Apr 15, Ms. Joan Denoo, WA When a claim is made, include a citation. Reveal conflict of interest, financial or association.

# 4,497 19:35, Apr 15, Barry McCuan, NM It a great disappointment that the gold-standard of publishers have decided to abdicate your position and become just another rag merchant.

# 4,495 19:29, Apr 15, Mr. Stashenko Hempeck, MN Considering the respect Oxford University Press has garnered over the years, and the tradition Oxford has, it is more than somewhat incongruous that books bearing the OUP label have appeared that would seem to be more on the lines of sensational journalism than rigorous academic work. I shall have to revisit my past decisions to use OUP material in my own university classes.

# 4,493 19:22, Apr 15, Ms. Roberta Camp, PA I would think Oxford University Press would already have standards like these in place for its publications. If not, it's a problem for the press's scholarly reputation.

# 4,488 19:15, Apr 15, Mr. Dean Wynveen, WA The article bringing Oxford University Press's Scholarly Standards into question is disturbing. All my life I have held Oxford U. Press in high esteem. That a book on food and politics lacked citation for strong claims is unconscionable, and downright scary. Is "truth" really just up for the highest bidder now? If not, how would we know?

# 4,486 19:11, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NC Any publication that claims to use and discuss factual material must provide the sources of the material. Without it, any claim to credibility can and should be questioned.

# 4,482 19:01, Apr 15, Mr. Harold Calder, NH One cannot make informed decisions from incorrect, misguided or distorted information: and it is a growing trend. It is critical that that high media communication ethical standards be set and maintained while conflicts of interest, however mild, should always be shown. Apparently Oxford University Press is shaming it's reputation that may take years to regain. Shame on them: they are trashings the standards of previous OUP leaders. Let's get rid of them.


# 4,477 18:38, Apr 15, Dr. Robert Bryant, NC Oxford University Press appears to be setting a bad example for science reporting.

# 4,475 18:34, Apr 15, Mr. Kent Spriggs, FL As the author of a 2700 page treatise on employment discrimination law, I suggest these standards should be seen as elementary and essential.

# 4,473 18:24, Apr 15, Ms. Elizabeth McCracken, NY When the Oxford press looses credibility just where does one go?

# 4,472 18:22, Apr 15, Dr. Ruth Anthony-Gardner, PA I no longer trust Oxford University Press.

# 4,469 18:10, Apr 15, Peter Johnson, AR Oxfords reputation should not be allowed to tarnish for the sake of corporate dollars.

# 4,468 18:10, Apr 15, Name not displayed, MI In a world of bitter partisanship, Oxford University should be one source of information that remains above reproach. Publishing works without the necessary citations and inadequate or no disclosures of potential conflict of interest leaves your university open to legitimate concerns of partisanship. Please consider implementing the three publishing suggestions given in this petition. Your university's reputation is at stake.

# 4,465 18:09, Apr 15, Dr. MaryKelly Sutton MD, CA As a physician with 40 years experience, I am saddened to hear a scion of intellectual achievement has abandoned intellectual integrity. The human race suffers when a dangerous practice is whitewashed. You need to urgently correct your massive oversights. Thank you.

# 4,463 18:03, Apr 15, Paul de Burgh-Day, Australia As the proud owners of the 20 vol Complete Oxford Encyclopedia, and as an implacable foe of GMOs, knowing as I do their real purpose - I am seriously disappointed that OUP has compromised its long standing and well earned integrity .

# 4,462 18:03, Apr 15, Ms. Eleanor Fox, NY Why should teachers try to convince their students that "factual" claims need supporting evidence when Oxford University Press doesn't care about it?

# 4,459 17:58, Apr 15, Mr. David Travers, Australia As a student currently in my honours year at the Australian National University, I cannot stress enough how much it disturbs me to see that an esteemed university press would not adhere to the strict academic standards which ensure universities remain beacons of truth in a world of lazy journalism and public misinformation.

# 4,458 17:57, Apr 15, Dr. Carol Thompson, AR I am more than dismayed. I have regarded Oxford University Press as an unimpeachable source for scholarship, but no more. Disgruntled, disappointed, and in thorough disbelief,I have decided to forgo any scholarly association with Oxford University Press. You should be ashamed of yourselves!

# 4,457 17:57, Apr 15, Mr. Wayne Slater-Lunsford, CA If the world cannot rely on OUP to uphold these most fundamental standards, on whom are we to rely?

# 4,453 17:47, Apr 15, Ms. Grace Gershuny, VT The widespread popular suspicion of academics is bound to be affirmed by this revelation - please take a stand for the principle of academic integrity.

# 4,449 17:32, Apr 15, Mr. James Herring, NJ I've spent 35 years in newspaper and magazine publishing and am appalled at the erosion of professional standards during that time. But the OUP's sellout marks a new and very serious low at a time when accurately reported, factually correct information is so vitally needed and so hard to find. Oxford's "management" is truly contemptible for their refusal to honor the most basic tenets of serious publishing.


# 4,443 17:22, Apr 15, Pierre Beaulieu, QC I am outraged about these lower standards and consider that it is an urgent matter that the transgression be redressed.

# 4,438 17:14, Apr 15, Mr. John Newton, Australia I fully endorse this call for changes to the OUP's publishing standards

# 4,433 16:52, Apr 15, Laura Cayford, NY Iam shocked you are publlishing claims without citations for evidence.

# 4,432 16:50, Apr 15, Ms. kathryn jones, CO It is truly shocking to know that a pubic outcry is necessary to bring your attention to the OBVIOUS! I want to know who is funding your acquiescence! Shame shame shame on you for calling yourselves "academicians"!

# 4,431 16:49, Apr 15, Ms. Rukshana Enjjineer, BC By failing to inform his readership of significant conflicts of interest whether overt or indirect - such as via front groups - this "author" violates the reader's right to transparency and accountability.

# 4,425 16:19, Apr 15, Ms. Carol Ashley, MN I'm appalled that citation is not required for at Oxford University Press.

# 4,424 16:18, Apr 15, Ms. Shirley Frederick, SD We in South Dakota, a state that produces a lot of corn and corn fed beef, are well aware of the negative impact Monsanto is having here and around the world. All who care about small farmers, human health, and the health of the earth must stand together and inform people of what lies ahead if that company and its allies are allowed to take control of the world's food supply.

# 4,421 16:16, Apr 15, Jane McCloskey, ME I believe that Monsanto has consistently used political power to replace intellectual and scientific integrity in the scientific investigation and discussion of GMO crops and foods and their effects on humans and the environment. If Oxford University press is publishing books supporting Monsanto claims without proper references, it is joining the Monsanto corruption, and spending Oxford University Press's intellectual capital and reputation. And also the reputation of Oxford University itself.

# 4,417 16:13, Apr 15, Mrs. Christina Papadakis, WA I find it appalling that something can be published without citing sources and without disclosure of clear conflict of interest. We need to rely on (supposedly) authoritative information if a democracy is to work.

# 4,416 16:12, Apr 15, Mr. William Morrison, VT As someone who has worked at universities and has been involved in scientific endeavours all my life, I was quite taken aback to find out that Oxford University Press not only does not abide by the highest standards, but apparently does not follow even the most basic ones. Like many of the others who have signed this petition, I had thought I could rely on the information published by Oxford. I suggest you remedy this immediately.

# 4,415 16:12, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Applewhite, TX So now we have corporate control of Oxford? What a brave new world!

# 4,414 16:11, Apr 15, jan deininger, NM In the long run, you will suffer more from the ruination of your brand, than you would have by not accepting whatever bribe was offered for the substandard publications. (Because I am sure there is some monetary reason for the purported relaxation of standards.)

# 4,412 15:49, Apr 15, Ms. Loraine Sherman, FL The corruption stinks!!! With all the INDEPENDENT evidence now available about the unsustainability of GM/GE crops, does Oxford University Press really stand behind this propaganda? Really? Of course, there were no citations, there aren't any!


# 4,410 15:44, Apr 15, Name not displayed, TX In a society where bad behavior is constantly rewarded, we must protect the few remaining areas of true knowledge and academic standards.

# 4,409 15:44, Apr 15, Rosemary Moser, VT Without an informed populace there is no such thing as democracy. Stop hiding the truth.

# 4,405 15:36, Apr 15, Dr. Yvonne M Hansen, Ed D, TX Unless and until Oxford University Press establishes the pollicy addressed in this petition, I shall no longer cite any publication of OUP in my writings.

# 4,404 15:31, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA I will reconsider what books I use with my students.

# 4,403 15:30, Apr 15, Mr. Mark Wood, United Kingdom I find it astonishing that this esteemed establishment allows publication of unsubstantiated material and would hope this petition mat stop these?

# 4,401 15:27, Apr 15, Mr. Hazen Pratt, MN Oxford has a reputation for high standards. Please deserve this reputation.

# 4,395 15:09, Apr 15, Richard Gilmore, HI The lack of citations and disclosure of conflict of interest approaches the realm of the Fox News' "Some people are saying..." backup. Is that good enough for Oxford?

# 4,394 15:08, Apr 15, alexander kazarinoff, MI do the right thing. uphold standards.

# 4,390 15:02, Apr 15, Ms. Susan Quaintance, NY Citations are always relevant and necessary. Their claims may be refuted, but their presence is proof of credibility.

# 4,385 14:42, Apr 15, Wayne Kelly, OR How is it that Oxford Universitycan even consider publishing ANYTHING without these bare minimum standards?!

# 4,372 14:14, Apr 15, Mrs. Sandra Uribe, TX I am a community college professor. My students are required to devulge all sources in MLA format when completing a research paper. We expect nothing less from a respected publishing company. I intend to share this information with my colleagues and students this week.

# 4,371 14:14, Apr 15, Dr. \Susan Clarke, MN Oxford University Press is THE press for scholarly works. Scholarly works, by definition, have citations - otherwise they are merely opinion and not useful to researchers. Stick with the standards of centuries and make sure ALL of your authors have citations.

# 4,369 14:10, Apr 15, Daniel Lucas, OH Just as the med journals have been bought, just as corporate news has been turned to propaganda, now academia has whored itself as well. Has anyone phucking read Orwell?

# 4,365 14:02, Apr 15, Michael Adelaide, MB When the academic is no longer held accountable for accepting assistance that would help to corrupt his/her findings, we begin to live in one scary world.

# 4,361 14:01, Apr 15, Mr. Phillip Torres, NC A Harvard professor once wrote: "It's crucial to always cite your sources." I might have made this up, though, since I don't provide a citation. (Good work!)


# 4,360 13:56, Apr 15, Jillian Dyer, OH If there is any chance that somebody's personal ties to a company or interest group might influence the way they present information, that information NEEDS to be accessible, regardless of whether or not they get paid.

# 4,359 13:55, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NC are there other "scholarly works" whose writer's corporate sponsorship has been hidden from readers? I will be writing to my alma maters' bookstores( U of Chicago & U of N.C.) to protest this listing.

# 4,357 13:45, Apr 15, Michael Campbell, WA A prestigious academic press should maintain the highest standards of scholarship. We, the public, need your rigor.

# 4,350 13:27, Apr 15, Ms. Karin Anderson, TX How can we trust any of your publications if there is no substantiation of claims made or disclosure of conflicts of interest?

# 4,349 13:24, Apr 15, Ms. Anne Holder, TX Do not undermine scientific standards at this point; we need them more than eger if any democracy is to survive.

# 4,348 13:23, Apr 15, Dr. Jonathan Schorsch, NY As the author of two scholarly books, I am shocked, dismayed and outraged by the kind of shoddy research and publications standards OU Press is displaying for some of its books on vitally important public topics. I urge the press to tighten its standards, for the good of the reading public.

# 4,344 13:13, Apr 15, Mr. Greg Quist, CA It appears that I must be selective in reading books from your press.

# 4,340 12:59, Apr 15, Jenifer Lawrence, WA As a university student, I am highly concerned that the information provided in Oxford University Press publications is unreliable. Please reconsider your publishing standards and support scholarly research and science- based knowledge, rather than allow political and corporate influence to sway your judgement.

# 4,338 12:57, Apr 15, Ms. Erica Brodman, NY I have always held Oxford University Press in high esteem - until now. Frankly, I am shocked to hear that basic scholarly standards (that ensure evidence-based arguments and some degree of objectivity) are not being met. I'm also appalled to know that Oxford University Press is giving industry affiliated individuals a legitimate and seemingly respectable platform to spread misleading (and possibly dangerous) information. Due to the narrow audience to which it caters, I'd imagine that Oxford University Press publications are not in high demand to begin with. That said, it may be in Oxford's best interest to maintain its academic (and ethical) integrity - or risk losing support from the public, students and the majority of honest academics altogether.

# 4,334 12:49, Apr 15, Ms. Carol Edgerton, WI Please reinstate the well-recognized scientific and scholarly standards of citations for evidence-based claims, disclosure of conflicts of interest, and accurate representation of the publication in promotion. When scholarly standards are lowered by such a distinguished press as Oxford's, the value of scientific and scholarly inquiry reportage can no longer be trusted.

# 4,332 12:33, Apr 15, Mr. Edward Miessner, LA I have blog posts that cite sources... your academic references, all of them, need to, too, so people can look into their claims!

# 4,329 12:27, Apr 15, Richard Watson, MN Seems simple enough, seems reasonable, would be expected of Oxford University Press. Something untoward has happened within that organization. We need to know what if we are ever to trust them again.

# 4,326 12:19, Apr 15, Dr. James Watt, CO Dear Colleagues: I add my signature to this petition because I suspect that your institution is being used by money driven scum to promote hidden agendas. I base my suspicions on the high-handed and, now all-to-familiar pattern of

18 unexplained denial employed by representatives of the press in New York and there at O.U.P.'s offices in Oxford. The refusal to even meet to discuss with concerned scholars is more than disturbing; it is disgusting.

# 4,321 12:11, Apr 15, Ms. KS Hanna, MN Transparency, please. Disclosure, please. Oh, and by the way, TRUTH PLEASE.

# 4,319 12:08, Apr 15, Name not displayed, ME As a non-scientist, I rely upon the views of Scientist who undergo the rigors of the scientific method.Oxford University Press should not lower themselves to Fox News standards...

# 4,318 12:07, Apr 15, Ms. C.M. Concepcion, IA If this is the new academic standard coming from Europe's oldest university, then we are all in very serious trouble.

# 4,317 12:06, Apr 15, Dan Pasley, CA I think that "stop imprimatur abuse" makes a dandy poster for the thinking anarchist.

# 4,316 12:04, Apr 15, Dr. Ben Liles, TX As a scientist I just expect citations of sources and recognition of possible conflicts of interest in papers and books I read. I find it astonishing that Oxford U Press would publish anything lacking those basic necessities.

# 4,312 11:59, Apr 15, Mr. David Morgan, OR Keep 'em honest...

# 4,311 11:57, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NY Ladies and Gentlemen, You shouldn't need to be petitioned to adhere to these basic guidelines. I'm so disappointed in Oxford University Press -- another reliable source bites the dust.

# 4,305 11:41, Apr 15, arlene hickory, IL As a health care professional I am concerned about the erosion of standards.

# 4,295 11:18, Apr 15, Dr. Kevin Tuite, QC This is the least that readers should expect from an academic press.

# 4,294 11:17, Apr 15, Mrs. Mary Michaelis, OH I have collected, read, depended on, and shared widely many Oxford University Press books in the past. I am deeply disappointed that the standards for which I trusted OUP are no longer maintained.

# 4,292 11:10, Apr 15, Mr. Manolo Segura MacDonald, Spain Because of your current sloppy policies my faith in the accuracy of your publications has been seriously undermined.

# 4,291 11:09, Apr 15, Dr. Dan Webster, GA As an academic I find the actions of Oxford University Press appalling.

# 4,289 11:06, Apr 15, Dr. Kristina Boylan, NY As a graduate of Oxford, I am ashamed that its press should become associated with such a boldfaced advertisement for an exploitative business model masquerading as "science"!

# 4,286 11:01, Apr 15, Mr. Ralph Moore, MD I expect fair, honest and balanced information especially from Oxford University Press full disclosure is absolutely imperative.

# 4,284 10:54, Apr 15, George Sullivan, FL What good is press freedom if we cannot trust the press to present unbiased truthful information?

# 4,282 10:52, Apr 15, Ms. Judith Wittner, IL As an Oxford author (Gendered Worlds) I am shocked and dismayed.



# 4,272 10:41, Apr 15, Dr. Erick Heroux, OR Corporate shills should not be ushered into an academic publication without first meeting standards for peer review and scholarly evidence. Lacking these, Oxford University Press will not be known as an academic publisher, but rather as just another haven for hacks.

# 4,268 10:31, Apr 15, Ms. kathy missal, ME I was dismayed to learn that Oxford University Press has such weak (and in some cases non-existent) scholarly standards in it's publishing policy. This lack of disregard for strict standards does much to demean the name Oxford.

# 4,255 10:01, Apr 15, Dr. Joyce Ley, OR Stand up for standards before they become a distant memory! Thank you for bringing this to our attention,

# 4,254 10:01, Apr 15, Ms. Sharon Alderman, CO Please quit supporting the big agribusiness which is only telling lies and half truths to the people of this country. We all know that you are lining your pockets with the money of Monsanto and the biotech industry. How do you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning? You will all be responsible for this grave deception and you will not like the outcome if you don't start doing your and using integrity as a guideline, not your selfish egos.

# 4,249 09:50, Apr 15, Mr. Ava Strong, CA I expect and demand that Oxford University Press hold itself to the highest of standards in accepting and publishing materials. To do so is to uphold the great Oxford name. To refuse to do so is to begin the slow, inexorable ride into oblivion.

# 4,247 09:49, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Monahan, GA How can the Oxford University Press possibly remain the gold standard of scholarly publishing without having a publishing policy that includes the items in this petition?

# 4,246 09:49, Apr 15, Charles Newlin, OR Why would a premier scholarly press publish a book that is neither scholarly nor honest? This can only undercut Oxford Press's credibility and raise questions about improper influence on your decisions.

# 4,237 09:34, Apr 15, Ms. Valerie Brinton, CA I am horrified to think that I can no longer rely on Oxford University Press to uphold basic standards of scholarship. Am I to assume that soon I would be able to gain a degree from Oxford University based on research papers that cite no sources and that support the views of organizations I am associated with, without disclosing this. I find it grossly negligent and suspect that this has not been handled already.

# 4,235 09:31, Apr 15, Mr. gordon, MA Who knew this was a level to which Oxford could stoop.

# 4,232 09:26, Apr 15, Mrs. Ivan Huber, CA OUP: This is shameful behavior. I would have never been able to get away with this lack of citations!

# 4,230 09:21, Apr 15, Penelope Hernandez, NY I wrote many papers in college (as a history major) and NONE would have been accepted without citations. It is inexcusable that a University press should do so.

# 4,225 09:17, Apr 15, Barbara Elsbeth, VT citations are critical for any scholarly work....simple as that.... without them we are adrift in a sea of babel...this is a critcal finding. Thank you Frances Moore Lappe!

# 4,224 09:17, Apr 15, Lorna Nelson, NC I am shocked that we must request that you uphold traditional standards of scholarship.


# 4,220 09:14, Apr 15, Ms. Jacquie Schmall, CA The lack of information citation by Oxford Press is an astonishing, and disappointing, disclosure, and should be remedied.

# 4,218 09:14, Apr 15, Mr. Edward Vaughn, WA The actions of the Oxford U. Press border on intellectual dishonesty. Hold them to their (previous) high standards.

# 4,216 09:14, Apr 15, Tom Rutherford, ON Oxford Unsubstantiated Polemicists? Shameful !

# 4,215 09:08, Apr 15, Mr. James Snively, MD Until now I had not been aware that Rupert Murdoch owned Oxford University.

# 4,214 09:07, Apr 15, Mr. Mike Laino, FL If they decide to continue with the lax standards I will no longer buy from them. Just what we need, another Fox.

# 4,207 09:01, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA I am appalled that the standards for reporting are not even up to that of high school citations. Oxford University Press needs to be ashamed that they have let the standards fall to this level. Please reconsider your position on this matter.

# 4,206 09:01, Apr 15, Mr. Kevin Bartoy, WA I am an author who has been published by OUP and this is very disappointing. We must hold our press, particularly our academic press, to a high standard. This appears to be a case of corporations creeping into academia. This problem is rife throughout the United States and now it seems to be making great inroads in England as well.

# 4,200 08:52, Apr 15, Dr. Bill Wiist, AZ As the editor, and co-author, of an Oxford University Press, NY, book about corporations "The Bottom Line or Public Health" that does contain extensive reference sources, I join in asking OUP to establish and adhere to the publishing policy recommended here.

# 4,198 08:49, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NH I can not respect the total lack of academic standards. This lack of integrity puts Oxford university Press on the same level as rupert murdochs biased products. Has Oxford been bought or did Oxford sell out?

# 4,193 08:24, Apr 15, Mary Fantacone, OR As a researcher in academia, I'm very dismayed that Oxford University Press has published, and held firm to it's decision to publish, a book without citations. In my opinion, OUP has been the gold standard in scholarly publications accessible to the average citizen; now I doubt whether that is still true. Please do not lower your standards to where opinion is fact. Additionally, please do not deny your readers the information necessary to critically evaluate the bias of the author(s) by hiding the author's credentials on the subject, including their associations with pertinent organizations.

# 4,192 08:21, Apr 15, Mr. Stu Basden, IL Conflict of interest is serious business. Make sure it is revealed!

# 4,188 08:19, Apr 15, Mr. Trevor Kezwer, ON Why should the future generations pay for the corruption of current generations. The consequences of the wholesale creation of 'facts' by a distinguished university press are too great to fathom. When academia lowers its standards, the general population lowers its standards and humanity enters a dark age. Have some integrity, please.

# 4,183 07:45, Apr 15, Name not displayed, GA It is unthinkable that Oxford University Press would publish a book on such a complex subject as food politics - with NO citations. How can that be allowed? This book renders Oxford as one more example of the collapse of standards and ethics in many of our most "respected" institutions. Care you not?

# 4,176 07:21, Apr 15, Steve Cooper, GA If claims lack facts, then how can you expect those reading those claims, to take them seriously?


# 4,174 07:08, Apr 15, Dr. Kathleen Crittenden, WI As a scholar and author in Oxford University Press publications, I am sad to learn of your failure to follow these strongly-held standards of academic publishing.

# 4,166 05:24, Apr 15, Dr. Rick Hesch, SK I echo everything Lappe has written regarding academic standards and the Oxford University Press.

# 4,162 01:59, Apr 15, Dr. Vasilis Vassalos, Greece I believe it is essential for University presses to maintain high scholarly standards for published manuscripts. I believe Oxford University Press is delinquent in its duty to the academic audience if it accepts publications with poorly sourced or cited material. I believe the Delegates should take a stand on the particular issues of the petition.

# 4,161 01:06, Apr 15, Ms. Connie gardner, CO P rolling wayI wonder what the parents of babies at Monsanto feed their kids?

# 4,156 21:36, Apr 14, Mr. dearing fauntleroy, CO Wake up!!!!

# 4,145 19:45, Apr 14, Mr. Ron Lane, PA As a customer, buying your books and subscribing to one of your online dictionaries for my translations, I am dismayed, for since Peace Corps days in the 60's, and graduate studies at Penn in the 80's I have followed the issues of food and agriculture, and I really find it hard to believe that you would think so little of your respected position as to publish a la Faux News.

# 4,142 19:33, Apr 14, Ms. Bonnie Breckenridge, CA It is very troubling to me that OUP, with a long history of trustworthy scholarly publication, is now bending the standards that it followed to the highest degree, and especially when this particular publication involves such an important topic. As others have noted, if this publication does not include disclosure of potential conflict of interest and citations for evidence-based claims, it should be clearly identified as opinion, not as scholarly research which readers can trust as unbiased.

# 4,141 19:14, Apr 14, Dr. Bristol Pitts, ME The Clock Is Running Out, is it not?.

# 4,139 18:58, Apr 14, Ms. Kalyani Silva, ON Your reputation for integrity is on the line here, do the right thing or people will know that you have sold your "soul" to the devil - Monsanto. Down the chute you will go never to recover.

# 4,138 18:55, Apr 14, Ms. Kate Grace, NJ Our very survival as individuals and as a species depends upon an honest unadulterated food supply. Publications on such an important topic must be correctly written, cited and free from conflicts of interest!

# 4,137 18:51, Apr 14, Mr. ray anderson, OR Thanks to congress, this chaos has come about, from the patent laws, they ok'd We should use the liberal congressmen 4 Target. practice!!

# 4,132 17:47, Apr 14, Mrs. Arlene Patoray, NJ How do you just disregard academic standards and honesty?

# 4,128 16:59, Apr 14, Kathryn Burns, NC Please give Frances Moore Lappe a hearing on this. As a university professor, I'm concerned about the issues she's raised.

# 4,127 16:56, Apr 14, Judith Bill, VA It is very disappointing that a beacon of integrity has shown such disregard for scholarly standards. It will take years of constant vigilance to restore your once highly regarded reputation.


# 4,124 16:43, Apr 14, Ms. Susan Larkin, TX So how much did you get for writing that? Or was it a ghost writer that you can blame it on? Surely you received no financial reward from the big company called Monsanto, did you? Please keep the fight clean.

# 4,120 16:10, Apr 14, Ms. Cheryl Adam, CA As an editor, I'm appalled at Oxford's refusal to hold basic standards regarding citations and conflicts of interest. All evidence-based claims require proof, and an author's affiliations should never be hidden.

# 4,118 15:43, Apr 14, Ms. Judith Poxon, CA As an academic, and a member of the American Academy of Religion, with whom Oxford University Press has a professional relationship, I am especially appalled to learn that Oxford is willing to publish any work that fails to meet the basic standards of academic and scholarly publishing.

# 4,113 14:50, Apr 14, Dr. Christy Hargesheimer, NE If my college students submitted a research report without citations, they would not receive a passing grade. It appears now that the venerable OUP has received failing marks.

# 4,111 14:28, Apr 14, Ms. Alyce Guinn, AZ Standards? What standards? Seems as if OUP has sold out. I guess they are in the same camp as many/most of our US polititians as well as our many companies and corporations. Shame on you, Oxford! Your world standing is seriously tarnished.

# 4,109 14:11, Apr 14, Leah McIntosh, TX It is very troubling to me that OUP, with a long history of trustworthy scholarly publication, is now bending the standards that it followed to the highest degree, and especially when this particular publication involves such an important topic. As others have noted, if this publication does not include disclosure of potential conflict of interest and citations for evidence-based claims, it should be clearly identified as opinion, not as scholarly research which readers can trust as unbiased.

# 4,105 14:02, Apr 14, Ben Stoken, AZ No citations? Scholarly? I graduated college in 1971. I guess standards have changed since then. By the way, how much did you get from Monsanto last year?

# 4,104 13:38, Apr 14, Ms. Bonnie Lill, MI If we cannot trust Oxford University Press to meet the basic standards of citation to support the legitimacy of the evidence on which they base their claims, how shall we continue to view them - as scholars..or as common shills for big monied interests?

# 4,102 13:30, Apr 14, Ms. Louise Calabro, NY The fox guarding the hen house? Full disclosure is warranted here.

# 4,101 13:26, Apr 14, Dr. Bruce Berman, ON My research program and my colleagues have published in numerous OUP publications and failure to maintain these standards of scholarly integrity and editorial process will undermine the credibility of all research published by the press.

# 4,097 12:52, Apr 14, Mrs. Leona Bochantin, MO We need transparency.

# 4,096 12:48, Apr 14, Mr. Richard Hoffman, WA All food should be grown for nutritional value and not for how robust or large the product is. Both would be great but nutritional content should be the number one consideration. How well it grows or how bobust the crop is should ALWAYS be a secondary consideration. Grow food for the human bodies, not for the benefit of the Mega- corporation farmers...

# 4,095 12:45, Apr 14, Mrs. charlene arndt, TX I am only a consumer and do not want any chemical in my food products.


# 4,094 12:40, Apr 14, Richard Smiley, BC In my postgraduate studies, I came to depend on a number of publishing houses as being reliable and professional. Yours was one of them. Don't disappoint me now.

# 4,093 12:04, Apr 14, Mary Barkalow, OH I find it very distressing that a press associated with one of the world's great educational instituations does not hold to a higher standard.

# 4,086 11:07, Apr 14, Elizabeth Nyeko, United Kingdom I trust with the persuasion from this campaign, the university of Oxford will assess and take note of the desperate needs across its various departments and set good standards of practice for the future.

# 4,083 10:44, Apr 14, Ms. Wendie Stauffer, CO Your actions in this regard to date are UNBELIEVABLE ~ you ARE capable of doing the RIGHT thing!

# 4,069 09:28, Apr 14, Name not displayed, Spain My support against Monsanto and the conflict of interest

# 4,058 07:25, Apr 14, Name not displayed, CA we need transparency and honesty in all aspects of our culture and lives. tell the truth!

# 4,057 07:09, Apr 14, Name not displayed, MI It is only your own precious institution that you tarnish by spreading misinformation so shamelessly. So be my guest, shoot your credibility in the foot. The world is watching, and very few of us are fooled by Monsanto.

# 4,053 06:18, Apr 14, Andrea Loft, NY otherwise put it in the OPINION or maybe fiction Category

# 4,052 06:16, Apr 14, Mrs. Karin Silverman, MD A high school research paper without proper citations would get a failing mark.

# 4,046 05:39, Apr 14, Ms. A J Moore, United Kingdom Academic standards in this country are eroding like a soft cliff in Suffolk. Oxford UP needs to hold the line on publishing integrity or British academic reliability and excellence is surely ended.

# 4,045 05:35, Apr 14, Mara Beldavs, WI The line between fiction and non-fiction are being blurred. The editors are abandoning their responsibility to the public.

# 4,037 02:09, Apr 14, Ms. Harriet Smartt, SC As an educator, and consumer I wish to know the truth about the resources used in publishing and how their affiliations might influence their views - as we know they do.

# 4,036 02:09, Apr 14, Yekaterina Sorokina, CA It is fair to say that having been an advisor to Monsanto's CEO, Dr. Paarlberg, may have a bias. As an author of a book dealing with the issue of GMO's it is imperative that his former ties to Monsanto be disclosed.

# 4,029 22:26, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CT This is important.

# 4,028 22:23, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CA Entities like Oxford University Press need to disclose what kind of conflicts of interest such an author like robert paarlberg has with the subject of his book. No more deceptions and lies. Thank you.

# 4,018 21:01, Apr 13, Mr. Rikardo Jahnke, WI You know the style/composition rules; stick by them.


# 4,014 19:59, Apr 13, Mr. Robert Gardner, OR Stand up and do the right thing and declare the truth.

# 4,013 19:52, Apr 13, Gregory Lendeck, NY This is ugly business that will stain the fine reputation and high standards of the Oxford University Press. As a teacher I find this disquieting to say the least.

# 4,009 19:32, Apr 13, Ms. Mary Orr, NM You only bring doubt on whatever you publish by trying to hide the facts and protect the potential conflict of interest. Be forthcoming!

# 4,006 19:07, Apr 13, Mr. Ken Lauter, TX You are trashing a splendid institution. WHY?

# 4,005 19:01, Apr 13, Mr. Edward Howard, NY This issue is very important to me and needs attention.

# 4,001 18:36, Apr 13, Ms. Cathy Lilienthal, WA Please folks , lets have full integrity. Thank you

# 4,000 18:31, Apr 13, Name not displayed, VT Citations! Citations!Citations! There are so many lies out there...we might find the truth through citations. If there are none, there is probably a reason!

# 3,998 18:10, Apr 13, Mr. Robert Robbins, MN People need to know when the author is in bed with the subject.

# 3,997 18:02, Apr 13, Lisa Svenson, NH I am an avid reader, and a firm believer in the value of validity of the work I read. I buy a lot of books. I have a library in my home. It is disheartening to think that work that may be presented as or presumed to be scholarly would lack citations, and that disclosure would be omitted. Disclosure can come with the caveat that we did not receive monetary contributions for the creation of the work, but the association is likely to bias an author, and is important. I am less likely to buy books that appear to have questionable content.

# 3,991 17:09, Apr 13, Ken Gates, KS This situation makes me fear scholarly publishing may go the way so much journalism has gone--downhill.

# 3,986 16:36, Apr 13, Ms. Carol Hollander, FL As an independent publisher of scholarly books, I applaud this effort. Publishers should be allies with authors in upholding scholarly standards. I am appalled by the press's crass disregard for scholarship.

# 3,984 16:19, Apr 13, Mr. Harry Mickalide, RI When a trusted source releases uncited works, our democracy suffers.

# 3,982 16:15, Apr 13, D Chang, HI Citations should always be included for claims made so readers can check up on them for further information.

# 3,976 15:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, WA How could it possibly be evidence-based without citations?

# 3,975 14:52, Apr 13, Mr. L. Parrish, CA

# 3,964 13:35, Apr 13, Dr. Julia Kahrl, ME As a former academic, I hope that the Oxford University Press will regain its status as a press which honors and practices the standards of good scholarly research.

# 3,956 13:13, Apr 13, Leslie Newman, FL Please re-commit to your integrity as a respected publisher and establish standards for the works you publish.


# 3,945 12:53, Apr 13, Mr. Glen Anderson, WA This scandal could undermine the credibility of Oxford University Press. The consequences could be disastrous for the academic and publishing worlds -- but especially disastrous for YOU RIGHT NOW!

# 3,942 12:22, Apr 13, Teresa Lacques, CA What a come-down of a once revered publishing press.

# 3,937 12:02, Apr 13, Ms. Janice Giudicelli, NJ It is shocking that Oxford University Press would allow publications with no references cited. It is equally shocking that OUP would knowingly let itself be influenced by partisan interests.

# 3,922 10:43, Apr 13, Ms. Catherine Gentile, CA despicable not to have a disclosure of potential conflict of interest!

# 3,918 10:39, Apr 13, Mr. Gerold Hanck, IL As a teacher and an academic I am appalled that Oxford University Press seems to consider having an author cite the sources he used as some sort of unusual or onerous requirement. Assertions of fact are mere assertions if one will not allow readers the opportunity to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the assertions. Without citations how is one supposed to determine whether cited opinions or quotations are accurate? Surely Oxford University Press knows all this but is just too embarrassed to fess up.

# 3,914 10:35, Apr 13, Nan Schweiger, CA Kudos to Frances Lappe for again taking a stand for the health of people around the world. Perhaps Oxford University Press will wake up to its moral obligation of printing the truth.

# 3,907 10:29, Apr 13, Dr. James Uleman, NY I am an Oxford author, and interested in preserving the integrity of the Press.

# 3,904 10:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NY Brava, brava. Now attack the dreadful message Monsanto is imparting to children via their recently published book in which they illustrate the advantages of genetic engineering!! Horrifying!

# 3,902 09:53, Apr 13, Ms. delphyne woods, IL Oxford University Press is disgraced by the publication of such trash.

# 3,899 09:52, Apr 13, Mrs. Carol DelRosso, WV Another conflict of interest.

# 3,896 09:49, Apr 13, Name not displayed, KS It's time to stand up to the corporate giants.

# 3,890 09:19, Apr 13, Mrs. Martha Dragovich, CA

# 3,889 09:18, Apr 13, Ms. Wendy Mcgowan, OR

# 3,888 09:15, Apr 13, Name not displayed, HI Thank you for creating a new policy of publishing integrity at Oxford Press by setting forth a strict policy that includes accuracy and honesty...

# 3,887 09:14, Apr 13, nancy stauner, WI if theres truth theres nothing to hide.

# 3,884 09:14, Apr 13, Ms. Ann Fenner, AR Citations must be made for evidence-based claims. Disclosu

# 3,883 09:13, Apr 13, Ms. Amy Anderson, NY The esteemed Oxford University participating in corporate brainwashing? What a sad world we live in...


# 3,869 08:25, Apr 13, Jim Gleckler, WA Corporate propaganda must be exposed and prevented! Citizens: unite against Citizens United decision and for accountability.

# 3,866 08:15, Apr 13, Mickey Stellavato, OR If you do not uphold these standards, we will have truly descended into the mire of fascism.

# 3,857 07:41, Apr 13, Jill Cliburn, NM Research credibility is more important than ever-- Please be a leader by upholding good publishing standards!

# 3,848 07:10, Apr 13, Ms. virginia brown, NY As an adjunct professor in SUNY Binghamton's bioengineering department, I strongly urge OUP to uphold its standards. We all respect and depend on you.

# 3,844 07:02, Apr 13, Ms. Kimberly Nieman, MN For shame, full disclosure of conflicts of interest is required for all scientific journals, I would expect the same level of credibility from Oxford U Press, what a disappointment.

# 3,839 06:53, Apr 13, Bonnie Preston, ME I spent my career as a community college librarian trying to teach students to use evidence, not opinions or unsupported assertions, as the basis for their decisions. This is not an easy task, and when respected and authoritative publishers fail to do it, it becomes virtually impossible.

# 3,837 06:50, Apr 13, Dr. John Corbett, Australia As an academic, I'm astonished that the basic scholarly standards for publications have not been maintained by Oxford University Press here. It is shameful.

# 3,833 06:47, Apr 13, Dr. John Wolff, KY OUP should know better.

# 3,823 06:04, Apr 13, Joan Beer, MI Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know, the book is full of unsubstantiated claims - no citations whatsoever - but its author, Robert Paarlberg, was an advisor to the CEO of Monsanto. The Gates Foundation, which supported Paarlberg's work, is a Monsanto shareholder. Please help save organic food and disclose these facts.

# 3,817 05:55, Apr 13, Name not displayed, OH Has our country's business community really lost all their morat fiber? Soon we will fulfill the movie Soilent Green. It makes me so sad that we have desended so far into the muck

# 3,814 05:47, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NJ I was greatly distressed to learn that you are so uncritical of manuscripts submitted to you for publication. As a journalist and fiction author,I look for reliable sources that can be trusted to present accuracy and full disclosure. Now that I know Oxford University Press does neither, I will be relying on other sources for my work and will consider Oxford University Press-published books as suspect.

# 3,813 05:46, Apr 13, Mrs. Susan Rands, United Kingdom These are such basic requirements for any work claiming academic credibility I am amazed and and a little dismayed that this petition is needed.

# 3,797 04:20, Apr 13, Ms. fritzi cohen, WA This problem is pervasive. It encourages junk science, and I would say junk media that simply repeats what in fact is biased, subjective information.

# 3,793 03:58, Apr 13, Sheila Burr, ON Let's keep some things sacred, like independent academic excellence!


# 3,783 02:48, Apr 13, Mr. Herminio Martins, United Kingdom These are minimal requirements for a University Press, let alone OUP! Debasement of academic standards is a matter of serious concern. Not discussing objections of this sort is troubling.

# 3,780 01:53, Apr 13, Ms. Sandra Piper, WA Oxford University Press publishing reputation is at risk here. Show us by upholding your previous publishing policies that it still means something and are not just riding on your past reputation.

# 3,770 00:45, Apr 13, Dayle Moseley, BC These would seem to be bare minimum standards for an academically associated institution.

# 3,759 23:32, Apr 12, Dr. Zoe Alexander, HI Scholarly Standards are important -- especially for Oxford University Press.

# 3,744 22:33, Apr 12, Ms. Radha Vignola, CA I trust Frances Moore Lappe. I do not trust Monsanto's buddies.

# 3,735 22:01, Apr 12, Roddy Erickson, WA I'm disappointed that these three criteria are not in effect as a matter of course.

# 3,716 21:15, Apr 12, Ms. sundra r allen, UT Unbiased science serves us best!

# 3,713 21:13, Apr 12, Mr. Randy Kiel, IL As a society we need to understand what is being done and make sure that we do not continue to allow organizations such as Monsanto to get away with these types of shenanigans.

# 3,712 21:10, Apr 12, Mary Saunders, OR I cherished a poem from St. over the years, in an excellent translation I found from your press. It is with great disappointment that I sign this protest about a book where interested patronage had to be discovered by a diligent reviewer. U.S. researchers are increasing alert to the difference between science on call for industry and independent science. Groups such as the Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), which was showcased in the movie The Eleventh Hour, have been started here to support independent science. Even with far fewer resources, these groups are winning search-engine-optimization skirmishes. Industry-promoting scientists are sometimes willing to disclose. I hope you will encourage them to opt for voluntary transparency, rather than having to be outed after publication.

# 3,702 20:54, Apr 12, Janet Nesselbush, CA Just as Americans should know if former employees of chemical companies hold positions at the USDA, we need to know who is behind a book about food politics. An advisor to Monsanto's CEO hardly seems an impartial observer. The advisor's position with Monsanto should be prominently revealed in the book; and there should be citations for all claims made by the author. Otherwise, the book is just biotech propaganda designed to fool readers.

# 3,698 20:41, Apr 12, Dr. Michael Perkovich, IL I would never allow my students to turn in a paper without sources. Your press obviously does--and further shows bad faith in refusing to address this matter. I, therefore, have lost my faith in Oxford University Press.

# 3,678 20:10, Apr 12, Mrs. Sue Ann Bartecko, BC Robert Paarlberg was my professor at Wellesley College. Shame on him, and shaem on Oxford University Press.

# 3,671 19:54, Apr 12, Mrs. Bernadette Maness, AR Publishing a volume such as Paarlberg's Food Politics, with NO sources cited and with OBVIOUS conflicts of interest, leads me to believe that OUP is on the take, letting their standards slide for money under the table. This is incredible behavior and extremely disappointing!!

# 3,670 19:53, Apr 12, Ms. joyce lindsey, TX I am really shocked to learn that Oxford U. Press, a publisher of textbooks, some of which I use in my teaching, does not have higher scholarly standards, but it is not too late to remedy that deficiency.


# 3,668 19:45, Apr 12, Dr. Danielle Montague-Judd, UT Documentation for evidence-based claims and inclusion of conflict of interest disclosures are vital!

# 3,654 19:32, Apr 12, Charles MacDonald, QC Though a sassenach university, i, and Scots in general, have always held it in the highest esteem. Shame on you, Dr. Hamilton, for being party to this decline in intellectual rigor.

# 3,652 19:30, Apr 12, Ms. Megan Mcinnis, WA Oxford! I had thought of you as more trustworthy than this.

# 3,643 19:19, Apr 12, Zoe Chapman, CA Can't believe this of Oxford.

# 3,640 19:17, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Albrecht, PA This book is just more propaganda by the 1%,in their(your) quest to destroy the 99%.Only problem-the mass awakening of consciousness is far outpacing your ability to continue to brainwash the remaining sheeple.So,once again,you've revealed yourselves as just another soldier in the War On Humanity.

# 3,639 19:17, Apr 12, Will Nields, FL Full disclosure is a no brainer. Do the right thing!

# 3,638 19:16, Apr 12, Ms. Carolyn Jackson, NY I always think of Oxford as the most exacting and scrupulous publisher. This is so disappointing.

# 3,637 19:16, Apr 12, Ms. lynmari calabi, CA Conflicts of interest are just that... it is unfair to people, to receive tainted information from an unreliable source.

# 3,633 19:09, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Kujundzic, BC As a serious reader, seeking supported information, I would appreciate your serious attention to this request.

# 3,625 18:59, Apr 12, Dr. Alexa Fleckenstein, MA As a physician, I want truth be told to my patients.

# 3,624 18:58, Apr 12, Mr. John Kesich, PA I was disappointed to learn that Oxford University Press failed to live up to the standards I expect for scientific books in the case of Robert Paarlberg's Food Politics.

# 3,623 18:57, Apr 12, Name not displayed, United Kingdom I work with voluntary organisations on educational programmes

# 3,616 18:53, Apr 12, Mr. William Nelson, NY Connections like this should be exposed when the author's objectivity is so blatantly compromised

# 3,614 18:52, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MI Is there nothing MONSANTO doesn't control????

# 3,606 18:39, Apr 12, Crystal Schulte, OH This is ridiculous that ANY book be published with "claims" and no citations or sources to back up the claims. The blatant lying of corporations and slores of the business world, i.e. Monsanto, is appalling and this book needs to represent the author and all quotes honestly as is expected of any other literature presented as fact.

# 3,605 18:39, Apr 12, Mr. Win Southworth, NC The value of unbiased, transparent facts is paramount.

# 3,604 18:38, Apr 12, Mr. Lucius Chiaraviglio, MA Undisclosed conflicts of interest discredit all works from the same publisher.

# 3,603 18:37, Apr 12, Ms. Molly Geppert, CO


# 3,602 18:37, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Sundstrom, ON As an historian and business person, I know that the integrity of underlying data is key. Books that include political assertions without citations -- in fact, assertions without any factual validation -- degrade the impact of scholarship and erode the authority of the renowned Oxford University Press.

# 3,582 18:15, Apr 12, Mr. Kurt Oldenbrook, IN Undisclosed conflicts of interest are not in the interests of the people.

# 3,579 18:09, Apr 12, Mr. stephen josephson, CA honest transparentcy is of the highest order in all of lifes interactions fess up O.U.P. honesty is job number one JUST DO IT

# 3,575 18:03, Apr 12, Mrs. Arletta Adair, CO This is a REALLY important issue. Thank you for all you are doing to address this critical issue of openness and truth in the press. Thank you.

# 3,558 17:46, Apr 12, Ms. Beverly Foster, PA Academic integrity is at stake. Do not become like the Land Grant University "animal science" colleges here in the US, in which the "research" is done by money and personnel from big ag.

# 3,553 17:43, Apr 12, Mr. Adam Cornford, CA My brother,now retired from the UN, earned his doctorate in Economics from Nuffield College. My cousin Daniel earned a 2-1 in PPE at Oxford. Over the years I myself have relied as a scholar on OUP's standards. This is an utter disgrace. You have brought shame on a great university and a great press.

# 3,528 17:22, Apr 12, Ms. Mary Ridge, OR unsubstantiated claims belong in gossip columns

# 3,526 17:19, Apr 12, susan washington, New Zealand By not showing transparency and honesty, you make a mockery of academia.

# 3,520 17:10, Apr 12, Mrs. susan bower, CA In this era of lies, I am sad that even Oxford University Press is willing to compromise the truth for a sale.

# 3,513 17:03, Apr 12, Bethea verDorn, NJ As an educator, I am dismayed that Oxford University Press has allowed violations of the very principles I teach my writing students (using textbooks published by Oxford, no less!).

# 3,503 16:53, Apr 12, Dr. Chelsea Snelgrove, GA If a scholarly publication does not conform to basic standards of evidence and disclosure, then it is no better than propaganda.

# 3,496 16:43, Apr 12, Ms. Ellen Arnold, AZ At the very least if it isn't a fact there should be a statement that it's an opinion.

# 3,492 16:39, Apr 12, Ms. Alice Green, CO Looks like Monsanto not only has bought and paid for the souls of many of our elected officials but also owns the souls of the Oxford University and Press.

# 3,491 16:39, Apr 12, Mrs. Diane Taylor, AZ In attempting to be informed about vital topics, I might read a book by your university press. How disappointing to find out that you print books that make unsubstantiated claims by authors in the pocket, one way or another, of various companies. If I can't trust publications by university presses to be impartial and to give accurate (with citations) information, what sources CAN I trust??????

# 3,476 16:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Karen Judd, IN If we can¶t trust it, what good is it?


# 3,467 16:15, Apr 12, Mr. Richard Pasichnyk, OR I now have a much less favorable image of Oxford University Press.

# 3,465 16:13, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Holt, IL There has got to be a standard for truth. Big corp. consciously spend money on false claims to endorse their agenda. Please put a stop to this and make a law that delivers repercussions for such activities.

# 3,464 16:13, Apr 12, Mrs. Tania Messina, AZ How unfortunate that many universities now cave in to corporate money! After all, how can one resist Monsanto or the Gates Foundation? It's all about that greedy short-sighted view.

# 3,455 16:04, Apr 12, Castle O'Neill, VA I will find it very difficult to respect Oxford University Press as a publisher if you publish this book. I will also stop buying your publications.

# 3,439 15:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Elizabeth Handler, NY You have a reputation for veracity, which is at risk right now. Once lost, it cannot be regained.

# 3,436 15:48, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NV Please make sure that you publish responsibly.

# 3,430 15:43, Apr 12, Mike Thomsen, BC Shame on Oxford!

# 3,429 15:42, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah Erickson, HI We the people of Earth have a right to clean wholesome food.

# 3,417 15:30, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah La Place, OR It sounds like the book is fiction and should be presented that way. Let's get standards correct and accurate.

# 3,408 15:27, Apr 12, janet williams, AZ SHAME!

# 3,403 15:20, Apr 12, Dr. Russell Dunckley, TX It is appalling that a press with the reputation of Oxford University Press has not already adopted and enforced these standards. Maybe Oxford University Press should disclose it's potential conflicts of interest that would make it ignore such fundamental principles for this kind of publication.

# 3,399 15:15, Apr 12, Ms. Juli Chamberlin, CA I was shocked to learn that the scholarly standards contained in this petition are not already in place at Oxford University Press. Without them, uour reputation is at stake, as is our society's foundation for democracy.

# 3,394 15:12, Apr 12, Dr. David Strom, CA Personally, I am shocked by such poor standards by any university press, let alone the Oxford University Press.

# 3,378 14:59, Apr 12, Ms. Sally Stephens, OR Boy, I'd be embarrassed if I were you!

# 3,374 14:54, Apr 12, Nichole Schaad, SC You can't claim and publish something without documented facts and research to support said claims, that is called "Fiction" and should be published as such.

# 3,368 14:52, Apr 12, Ms. Jessica Tsao, CA Why shouldn't we know if the scholar information we are getting are funded by Monsanto? Seriously, this is a breach in our trust in science!


# 3,356 14:36, Apr 12, sarah mason, NH WalMarting of the Oxford University Press. A sad day to know its published works aren't worth the time or money and best avoided.

# 3,351 14:33, Apr 12, Ms. Marilyn Chin, CA More than ever, we need transparency in relationships. Full disclosure allows everyone to evaluate the information from a honest perspective

# 3,341 14:24, Apr 12, Ms. Linda Kade, CA Your press, associated with Oxford University, supposedly stands for strict accountability and proper vetting of information. Please maintain those standards!

# 3,336 14:16, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL How unethical of you to not enforce basic standards!

# 3,335 14:15, Apr 12, Bernadine Young, MA Apply appropriate scholarly standards, please!

# 3,322 14:10, Apr 12, Mr. Edward O'Neill, NJ Who has the better subversive technique, the CIA or Monsanto?

# 3,320 14:09, Apr 12, Ms. Amyellen Leib, NY Duping the People is abhorrent, despicable and evil. Do not stoop to such gutter standards; You will lose credibility!

# 3,316 14:06, Apr 12, Ms. Skye Coe, HI 'Nuf Already!! Come on folks at Oxford . . straighten up and fly right!!

# 3,315 14:06, Apr 12, Mr. walter levenhagen, OH personal integrity is a critical part of scholarship. such conflicts look bad for the institution.

# 3,293 13:52, Apr 12, Betty Roman, OH Do the right thing.

# 3,288 13:49, Apr 12, Dr. Richard Schwager, CA Keep Oxford's estemed name unsullied- reveal that this book may well be VERY biased.

# 3,260 13:27, Apr 12, Mr. Cesar Raposo, NY Call a spade a spade, hiding behind a title is just as bad as saying your a doctor after taking BIO 101!

# 3,258 13:25, Apr 12, Ms. Ayn Lowry, CA As a former university employee at the University of California, Berkeley, and a journalist focussing on environmental issues, I have seen first hand the damage that the weakening of academic standards can cause. Please update your policy to ensure that academics and the public alike are well served by your press.

# 3,255 13:24, Apr 12, Mrs. sherrie munday, CO Looks like a LOT of conflict of interest to me.... WE the people have spoken....

# 3,254 13:24, Apr 12, Ms. Rachel Muto, NY As a mother and social worker who knows that knowledge can be power, I am ashamed and disappointed in these efforts to pass off unsubstantiated ideas off as "knowledge". My motto is, People before profits!

# 3,246 13:19, Apr 12, Mr. Art Glick, WV I expected more from the Oxford Press!

# 3,237 13:14, Apr 12, Sinan Bruat, Turkey If you are a Code A publisher (acc. to CERES valuation system!), then you need to have Class A relations, as Gates Foundation and Monsanto, to keep publishing non-scientific "stuff". So long reputability.


# 3,231 13:12, Apr 12, Ms. Pam Irvin, GA Shameful! This is not allowed even in Middle School, and should not be tolerated by Oxford University Press!

# 3,224 13:10, Apr 12, Mrs. Martina Patterson, Germany For more impact, add a personal comment here

# 3,221 13:10, Apr 12, Name not displayed, WA In an increasingly complex world of information overload, it is vital for publishing companies, like yours, to uphold high publishing standards so consumers have access to accurate information instead of biased propaganda. Please consider updating your scholarly standards. Thank-you.

# 3,217 13:09, Apr 12, Ms. Julie Edgar, PA this is absolutely correct-- corporate publishers need to understand that people and readers will not stand for this kind of irresponsibility.

# 3,215 13:09, Apr 12, Name not displayed, AZ Please take a stand.

# 3,207 13:08, Apr 12, Ms. Elisse De Sio, CA In order to promulgate intelligence and literacy, statements must be based on substantiated facts, not hearsay. Please consider this in future publications. Thank you.

# 3,206 13:08, Apr 12, Mr. Steve Summers, CA Publication of "Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know" is far below the standards of OUP. What has happened? Surely you were not mesmerized by the corporate credentials of the author, Paarlberg. These are meaningless in a publication that purports to represent facts, and truth.

# 3,203 13:07, Apr 12, Tina Snyder, NV I teach elementary school. Even my middle school students are taught to use citations!

# 3,198 13:01, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Watters, OR The conflict of interest here is obvious and the lack of citations is flagrant.

# 3,192 12:56, Apr 12, Ms. JoAnn Keller, CO Disclosure of information is most important.

# 3,189 12:54, Apr 12, Ms. KAREN JONES, CA Outrageous disinformation. Full disclosure should have been given. How can these people sleep at night?

# 3,178 12:39, Apr 12, MC Hagerty, CA Financial ties must always be disclosed. Only those with no financial ties to big business are to be believed.

# 3,177 12:39, Apr 12, Mr. Eugene Craig, CA Academic and literary integrity DO count. Documentation and the citation of legitimate sources are elementary for professional standards - and are expected of any publishing house that wishes to be considered as such.

# 3,172 12:31, Apr 12, Ms. Denise Auld, WA We, the people of the World, have had our trust in public and private institutions and governments violated. Repeatedly. Oxford University Press stands at a crossroads today. Choose carefully, for you have jeopardized our trust, and we are watching.

# 3,164 12:28, Apr 12, Mr. Philip Dawes, United Kingdom Oxford University Press, historically an international beacon of literary excellence, should now embark on a new course of literary integrity. We see on a daily basis, what was once the standard of honour, trust and truth in business has given way to deception, fraud and lies for quick monetary profit. This cannot continue; such low principles lead to societal decay, cancer and death.


# 3,163 12:27, Apr 12, Dr. Nenah Sylver, AZ As an internationally published author and researcher in the science/medical fields, I know how important it is to maintain the highest standards of excellence. This includes knowing not only who is doing the research, but also who is supporting that research. Oxford University Press is blemishing its record--not to mention hoodwinking the public--by publishing such shoddy material and propaganda under the guise of "science." Shame on you!

# 3,156 12:20, Apr 12, Mr. Harlan Holmes, PA Another publisher weighed down by the crushing burden of millions of pieces of paper containing pictures of dead presidents, generals, and statesmen.

# 3,153 12:18, Apr 12, Mr. Charles Byrne, IL As an academic philosopher, and longtime consumer of OUP books (I even visited the Press to see the mecca of academic publishing!), I am outraged by this disastrous weakening of academic standards. If OUP is going to allow books like this to be published under its banner, it will become no better than the many pop-book self-publishers out there.

# 3,152 12:17, Apr 12, Linda Thompson, CO Without these safeguards, you're just pushing propaganda.

# 3,143 12:10, Apr 12, Dr. Walter Johnson, ID Please show your readers unbiased publications. Don't let Oxford Press become just another publisher we cannot trust. I can read the National Enquirer anytime.

# 3,142 12:10, Apr 12, Chris Dancey, ON Integrity is essential in publications, just as it is in people. Have you lowered your standards? If so, raise them now and apologize for the mistake. You will be forgiven, if you don't do it again. You will be discredited if you do take the low road.

# 3,141 12:10, Apr 12, Leroy Frankel, CO This sure looks like a case of the fox in the henhouse. I would appreciate knowing that I'm being fed the corporate line.

# 3,129 12:05, Apr 12, Nancy Sosnove, WA We expect higher standards from Oxford University, not pandering.

# 3,127 12:04, Apr 12, Jack Ucciferri, CA I'm actually dumbfounded that the requested points are not already incorporated into your publishing policy.

# 3,120 12:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Sara Reilly, OR I'm shocked by, and extremely disappointed in, Oxford University Press.

# 3,114 12:01, Apr 12, Ms. Cassandra B. Lista, CA The Oxford Press support of such UNscholarly work is a slap in the face of all true academics and their endeavors. HOW DARE Oxford Press commit such a heinous act!!

# 3,113 12:01, Apr 12, Laurie O'Neill, NC I work for a university. It is shocking that your standards are not higher than this - is it a result of monetary and/or political influence?

# 3,103 11:57, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA When we aren't informed as to the chemical company connections of the author, we find that we are being "fed" more propaganda by those with the most money. We are the ones that have the most at stake in this, not those who's only interest is to make money at all costs--which includes the health of this nation.

# 3,102 11:56, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA I am astonished that a work lacking citations for evidence-based claims meets the Press's standards. Is Monsanto covertly donating money to the University?


# 3,093 11:51, Apr 12, Ms. Sharon DeWees, WA From now on this is what we should expect from Oxford University Press?

# 3,084 11:43, Apr 12, Anne Richardson-Daniel, CA Free Speech - YES! Information about who is speaking - YES! Propaganda without citing real evidence? No! If the alternative health industry is held to this standard, shouldn't the chemical companies be held to the same standard? YES!

# 3,078 11:40, Apr 12, Laura Bernstein, IL Another example of how agribusiness is contaminating our world! Oxford University Press--take note and learn from this.

# 3,077 11:40, Apr 12, Mr. Walter Morgan, CO There are too many unsupported claims floating around today - The perceived integrity of the publishing company is its greatest asset.

# 3,071 11:34, Apr 12, Mrs. Berenice Bauer, IL You have lost all credibility with me.

# 3,055 11:31, Apr 12, Ms. Wendy Ebersberger, VA I am surprised and disappointed to learn that the requested standards are not already those of Oxford University Press.

# 3,041 11:25, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MI It's hard to know if this calculated and intentional, who can know if your weren't paid off. Either way it's a shame that your press allowed this and certainly diminishes your credibility.

# 3,040 11:24, Apr 12, Lisa Grandstaff, PA This is truly shocking for an institution such as Oxford, which, up until now, I would NEVER have suspected would allow such poor judgment to be executed, in the name of $. One less bright light in the academic universe, surely... what a pity.

# 3,037 11:24, Apr 12, Dave Weaver, NM These dammed companies will stop at nothing, it seems. The crazy cabal thru corporations like Monsanto seemed determined to conduct chemical warfare by filling the air with chem trails and our food with toxins to numerous to keep track. And now you want to publish a book of fabrication and lies? Please don't. Human beings are precious, not something that needs to be killed off thru chemical warfare.

# 3,035 11:24, Apr 12, Ms. Laurel Zyvoloski, FL I would not expect this from Oxford University Press!

# 3,028 11:22, Apr 12, Mr. Charles Langner, WI We want the truth,the whole truth & nothing but the truth.

# 3,027 11:22, Apr 12, Bernadette Mahfood, MN

# 3,026 11:21, Apr 12, Mr. Christopher Childs, MN It is astonishing that the Oxford University Press would not already have in place such commonsense standards as these.

# 3,023 11:21, Apr 12, Mr. Hans van den Broek, Netherlands The more as Humans included the more as 10.000.000 Beekeepers they must know that GMO- STAIN-IPM SEEDS with their and other Toxic Chemicals is the biggest Crime in the Human Beekeeper see I with own eyes the results in my Beehives with other words how Toxic is the Air, the Water, the Soil, the Plants, the Bush, the Trees why will Humans pay their 194 Governments tax included their 'own' and other people their poisoning? Fructose in your Fruit-Vegetable-example in Honey is allways with one or een cocktail on Toxic Chemicals it is like 100% of CHEMICAL DUST why will the more as Humans pay for CHEMICAL DUST? Why come the more as 10.000.000 Beekeepers with their Honey Bees 'NOT' in action they

35 make an mistake when they given away for FREE or sell their allways Cancer giving Beeproducts...... did written an Beekeeper.

# 3,020 11:18, Apr 12, Name not displayed, PA There are so many people who do not understand the need for citations when "scientific statements of fact" are made. When skillfully inaccurate statements are made in a book or journal that's published by an esteemed company such as yours they are accepted by a large number of people who believe the judgment of your editors, that what they have read or heard, is incontrovertibly correct. It is beyond irresponsible for Oxford Press to publish this way.

# 3,009 11:12, Apr 12, Ms. N Refes, NY Why would Oxford risk their reputation by publishing a thinly veiled promotion for Monsanto and GM foods? In my opinion the approval and distribution of GM foods is our greatest threat. It is a threat to the survival of our species.

# 3,008 11:12, Apr 12, Mrs. Denise Teague, TN For Once Somebody Do the Right Thing !

# 3,002 11:09, Apr 12, Dr. Teresa Harrison, KS As with anything, from our food to what we are told, in this country, we have a right to know the facts and the truth.

# 2,998 11:08, Apr 12, Ms. Kyle Rolnick, OR Learning of the lack of quality academic standards for the books you publish, and your decision to ignore Lappe's criticism has certainly changed my opinion of Oxford Press.

# 2,994 11:07, Apr 12, Ms. Kathleen Alexander, TX conflict of interest...tell the truth...the public is not that ignorant nor uninformed to not demand factual evidence. who owns oxford press???

# 2,992 11:07, Apr 12, Mr. GERARD F. GAUDIN, LA Do Not "Dumb Down" Higher Education, as you have done to Grade Schools!!!

# 2,988 11:05, Apr 12, Bonnie Orgren, IA Sadly there is a long history of conflict of interest and a generally lack of honesty and ethics in research. I'd like to see trust restored to scholarly research and study.

# 2,984 11:04, Apr 12, Peter Leonard, NM This is an important issue!

# 2,982 11:04, Apr 12, Ms. Gayle Janzen, WA Oxford University Press should be doing a little more vetting before it prints a book like Food Politics. This book is a backdoor way of promoting GM foods since the author has ties to Monsanto, but this wasn't disclosed in the book. How can we believe anything in the book is true?

# 2,976 11:02, Apr 12, Mr. Anupam Paul, India A book without proper citation is meaningless

# 2,975 11:02, Apr 12, Mrs. Sofia Byrne, NH OMG! What are you doing to us?

# 2,972 11:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Vonda Ellis, WA Full disclosure protects you and gives you an authority and respect not otherwise earned. Please change your policies. As an avid reader myself, I would fully support publishers who had this type of policy. Thank you

# 2,967 10:59, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Roth, CA As a college professor I am appalled at the lack of scholarship displayed in "Food Politics." You undermine the credibility of your press.


# 2,966 10:59, Apr 12, Dr. sonia Rosa Lokey, CA The food bounty that GOD has created does not need to be MESSED with and international and sovereign law should make biotechnology or tampering with the perfect food that GOD made...illegal. And certainly hiding fact from fiction should not be tolerated.

# 2,961 10:57, Apr 12, Ms. Sibylle Preuschat, NJ If the accusations made by Frances Moore Lappe are accurate, Oxford University Press stands to lose its good reputation, and make a contribution to destructive directions on our planet, all at the same time.

# 2,947 10:52, Apr 12, Charles Newman, FL It's important to me to be able to evaluate an authors theses and conclusions based upon the evidence presented. This evidence also includes any possible biases or conflicts of interest that may have led to those conclusions. I don't understand why publishers should be exempt from a form of truth in advertising.

# 2,921 10:41, Apr 12, Ms. Peggy Jayne`, HI I am surprised that the oxford University Press has such shoddy requirements for their authors.

# 2,918 10:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Judith Bohler, PA I am dismayed at the conflict of interest.

# 2,913 10:38, Apr 12, Mr. Mark Casazza, NY Please don't destroy your reputation for academic excellence by lending your name to pure corporate propaganda.

# 2,910 10:37, Apr 12, Mr. Christopher Neal, TX How about some honesty in the publishing business? Perhaps you were unaware, but it should be rectified NOW!

# 2,899 10:35, Apr 12, Ms. Erin Harris, NM Your credibility is on the line. How foolish to risk it!

# 2,896 10:34, Apr 12, Ms. Kara Deen, CA Citations, disclosures, and accurate representation should be common sense for all publishing. With out them you may as well be printing tabloid magazines.

# 2,893 10:33, Apr 12, Ms. Macy Zwanzig, WA As a graduate student currently studying research design and standards, this is appalling.

# 2,892 10:33, Apr 12, Dianne Tanaka, CA We want and need transparency - especially when offering information that is to appear 'unbiased'.

# 2,867 10:25, Apr 12, Ms. Kay Wuthier, CO We deserve to know the truth.

# 2,857 10:22, Apr 12, Elizabeth Whitman, OR Without strict adherence to academic standards, trust in Oxford University Press is lost. A reputation built over years can be mired in seconds.

# 2,850 10:19, Apr 12, Ms. Ruth Reddaway, WA Yet another attempt by Big Industry to gain false credibility by using you.

# 2,849 10:19, Apr 12, Mr. Edmund Venella, NJ Cite your sources with detail and get the corporate whores into the light of day where their connections can be scrutinized!

# 2,844 10:18, Apr 12, Dr. Jeanie Keltner, CA This shameful and deceptive behavior is far from what I have considered the high standards of Oxford Univ. Press.

# 2,836 10:14, Apr 12, Ms. Patsy Kelley, ID This is why "science" is being ridiculed by many--facts are no longer facts


# 2,819 10:04, Apr 12, David Edwards, CA What are you thinking. If you don't fix this, I will never trust Oxford Press again.

# 2,803 09:57, Apr 12, Mr. Wayne Heckman, CA More corporate lies and bullshit.

# 2,795 09:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Geraldine Meyer, IL Why are Monsanto and Dow hiding their connection? Afraid of the truth??

# 2,792 09:44, Apr 12, Mrs. Claire Perricelli, CA Don't ignore these issues and add to the dumbing down of humanity.

# 2,788 09:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Pamela Johnston, GA To so flaunt the accepted standards of publishing is shocking and disappointing. PLEASE stand up for truth and accuracy in your publications.

# 2,767 09:33, Apr 12, Mr. Andrew Fenton, CA No wonder why our world is deteriorating.

# 2,758 09:28, Apr 12, Mr. Leo Ashton, CA I am disappointed that Oxford University Press would publish a book that would get a failing grade if handed in an academic paper at any self-respecting academic institution.

# 2,751 08:18, Apr 12, Ms. Grace , CT All that is being asked of you is a return to standards of 20 years ago--Which is necessary for anybody to be able to tell where an author is coming from.

# 2,748 06:17, Apr 12, Mr. Brendan Heath, ON I am truly disappointed that Oxford University Press would publish a book that would get a failing grade if handed in an academic paper at any self-respecting academic institution.

# 2,743 02:01, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Spearman, MN This is evidence of the on-going effort to control the information given to the public in regard to important issues. Now, we have corporations controlling the academic press and changing their historical standards. Is this about money?

# 2,742 01:48, Apr 12, Hedwig Emmerig, Germany Holding an MSc from Oxford University and now working in politics, I'm very disappointed about these news. Publications of Oxford University Press are thus loosing their credibility. We will not buy the book "Food Politics" and we will be reluctant to order any other OUP publication in the future.

# 2,736 18:32, Apr 11, Lewis McGregor, ME Get real !! This is a slippery slope. How does it feel to be compared to Fox News?

# 2,733 17:49, Apr 11, Mr. Mayor Marty B O'Malley, PA Oxford University Press is damaging its long held fine reputation for excellence in scholarship.

# 2,730 16:54, Apr 11, Dr. A.J. Hill, CO The fact that a petition should be necessary in this instance speaks volumes about the decline in standards at The Press. How very sad.

# 2,727 16:38, Apr 11, Mrs. Nancy Ray, NY Another gold standard lost.

# 2,726 16:37, Apr 11, Ms. Kris Heather, Australia Go get em ... and make them be accountable for what is truth !


# 2,725 16:22, Apr 11, Nancy Heule, AB I am still reeling from the discovery that Oxford University Press does NOT adhere to standards of transparency, and declaration of possible conflict of interest. I don't want to believe this about one of the most respected publishers in the world. Please change and take the high road in this matter and in the future. Nancy in Canada

# 2,719 15:04, Apr 11, Mr. Diarmuid Lyng, Ireland This is important in a time where journalistic standards are falling. Oxford being associated with this publication carries with it a weight of expectation that should be fulfilled, not abused.

# 2,718 14:48, Apr 11, Mr. John R. Detweiler, Mexico University educator who has used materials published by OUP and would advocate for their removal from the curriculum if scholarly standards are not maintained.

# 2,716 14:14, Apr 11, Name not displayed, Bermuda To say the least, I am shocked at such sloppiness

# 2,715 14:06, Apr 11, James Henderson, VA Your Press should follow the same rules as all college freshmen are required to do. Most profs will flunk a student who refuses to cite sources. And this is going on at Oxford?

# 2,714 14:04, Apr 11, Christopher Murry, MD Academic standards are not for sale.

# 2,708 11:59, Apr 11, Jeffrey Cope, CA Failure to put these standards into place threatens the credibility of all Oxford University Press publications--past and future, and threatens to degrade public discourse and reduce, by however tiny an amount, the health of our society.

# 2,705 11:37, Apr 11, Jason Neiss, OR I have always found Oxford University Press to be the standard bearer for accurate scientific scholarship. I find the publishing of Paarlberg's books, with unsourced factual claims, to be deeply disturbing. I hope that OUP will seriously consider revising their policy and maintaining their position as the world's most trusted academic publisher.

# 2,704 11:32, Apr 11, Michael Sauber, NM I see through Emperor OUP's clothes.

# 2,703 11:27, Apr 11, Mr. Eric Young, ON I always dreamed of going to Oxford. This saddens me greatly.

# 2,700 09:20, Apr 11, Dr. Tim McLay, ON Seriously? Oxford is publishing books without citations to support claims and evidence. Should we rename you to Öxford Univ Tabloid"?

# 2,697 08:20, Apr 11, Ms. Rebecca Jordan-Young, NY As a professor and scholar, I share the serious concerns raised by the authors of this petition. Scholarly presses should demand citational support for the works they release, or the very meaning of scholarly publishing is lost.

# 2,696 08:18, Apr 11, Mr. Laurence Topliffe, IA I have a BS degree in Communication. To not cite the source of the statements in any book is just plain wrong and it jeopardizes your impartiality, integrity and credibility. Why would your standards be lower than international standards?

# 2,685 05:56, Apr 11, Dr. Rebecca Brown, NH I have no confidence in your publications until you adhere to the standards proposed. I plan to use your case as an example of lack of evidence-based publication for my students. Shame on you.


# 2,684 05:49, Apr 11, Christian Heyne, Germany The position of Oxford University Press and Oxford University is an appalling model of academic and ethical decay! They contribute to the destruction of our world just like Monsanto, Goldman Sachs, Raytheon or Pfizer. Shame!!!

# 2,682 04:49, Apr 11, Name not displayed, Australia Oxford University Press will be forever tarnished if you continually deny discussions on this important issue. If nothing is done, I'll petition University of Melbourne academics and students (a group I currently belong to) to never publish their work with OUP.

# 2,675 00:21, Apr 11, Dr. Mark Fettes, BC I have long admired the scholarly record of the Press, and am deeply disturbed by indications that it is no longer applying basic academic and ethical standards. Please adopt more stringent policies towards your publications!

# 2,674 23:46, Apr 10, Mark Bachelder, CA It is time to transform how we are living on the planet. "Business as usual" is killing our planet. Where is the University of Oxford going to stand in this transformation?

# 2,669 21:28, Apr 10, Name not displayed, United Kingdom Academic standards seem increasingly to be subject to financial pressures. Science, academic research and discussion should at all times have higher, and more trustworthy standards than simply tailoring so called scientific debate to garner financial gain, or to satisfy the agendas of those with the largest wallets.

# 2,668 21:28, Apr 10, Dr. Nicholas Wickenden, AB This doesn't sound like the sort of Press that Dr Fell, for one, strove to build up

# 2,665 20:36, Apr 10, Bonnie Bucqueroux, MI As an academic and an author, I am appalled that your publishing house has ignored requests to discuss these important standards.

# 2,663 20:32, Apr 10, John Bradley, QC As a community organizer involved in political and social debates I want to know that any book is well-sourced, well-researched and is free from institutional or corporate bias or influence

# 2,658 19:02, Apr 10, Mr. Ken Pite, BC C'mon guys, credibility is a terrible thing to lose.

# 2,657 19:02, Apr 10, Mr. Gary Ross, Australia Given that Oxford is still (rightly) regarded as one of the world's premier universities, surely it is fitting that the university's publishers be held to the same standards as the rest of the university.

# 2,655 18:36, Apr 10, Ms. Jane Way, BC Honesty is the base of democracy! Thank you

# 2,654 18:33, Apr 10, Mr. John Roppolo, MO As an educator, I stress the importance of establishing credibility in research through citations. I would expect nothing less than strict adherence to such standards by the Oxford University Press.

# 2,650 17:44, Apr 10, Name not displayed, NY I'm utterly appalled at both the lack of transparency and the stonewalling Oxford U Press has demonstrated. For shame!!!

# 2,649 17:43, Apr 10, Mrs. Elma Parker, ON All for more transparency and facual reportiing.

# 2,646 17:09, Apr 10, Kathleen Landers-Appell, OH I have enjoyed many Oxford University Press publications over the years and am very shocked and disappointed at

40 the loss of standards, citations and outright falsehoods published in your publication, Food Politics. I will now have to consider your once venerated publishing house with as much suspicion as a late-night television commercial.

# 2,643 15:59, Apr 10, Ms. Susan Ingram, CA Allowing corporate shills to publish unsupported claims as research, no citations required, undermines all true research and destroys the reputation of academia.

# 2,642 15:57, Apr 10, Gillian Gurish, MA As a recent college graduate who spent 4 years studying literature and tirelessly citing every step of the way, I am truly horrified at the lack of disclosure and credit displayed by some of the books Ms. Lappe mentions and will cease any future purchases of books from this press until I can be assured of their truthfulness and transparency.

# 2,640 15:48, Apr 10, Elizabeth Rainwater, TN As a retired journalist and editor I have always been very careful to cite sources of information. Why would Oxford University Press not do the same? I need an answer for this.

# 2,639 15:32, Apr 10, Mr. Toby Webster, United Kingdom I am surprised this petition has become necessary.

# 2,638 15:28, Apr 10, Ms. V Young, NC I am extremely shocked & disappointed by this lack of proper citation.

# 2,637 15:14, Apr 10, Mr. Peter Adler, NY For most of my working life as journalist and editor I regarded OUP as the gold standard of editorial excellence. Please help me regain my faith in you.

# 2,634 14:44, Apr 10, Kathy Smith, NM I am appalled that the standards of the Oxford University Press has chosen to let this work slide through without evidence of it's accuracy. Please return to upholding standards that Oxford can be proud of and quit publishing rubbish.

# 2,633 14:36, Apr 10, Dr. Thomas Atwater, AR Retired Prof. of Philosophy

# 2,632 14:32, Apr 10, Mr. Donald J Bingham, PA It's hard to believe that an academic publisher is so lacking in ethics.

# 2,631 14:10, Apr 10, Ms. Karen Roberts, CA Any university or scholarly press that does NOT adhere to these standards can no longer be considered valid or reputable; especially when they promote such unsubstantiated material as factual and trustworthy. Shame on you, Oxford.

# 2,628 13:48, Apr 10, Dr. Marc Murison, AZ That a petition such as this is even necessary is horrifying. If you don't understand why, then you are woefully inappropriate to your job. Wise up.

# 2,626 13:31, Apr 10, Name not displayed, IL As a university student, I am appalled that you would publish any material that does not citations to support its claims. What happened to your standards?

# 2,624 13:28, Apr 10, Ms. Mary Noble, AZ You can try to kill truth, but it is yourself that will ultimately suffer. If you gain the whole world, but lose your own soul, what have you gained but a place with other soulless creatures. Sleep well?

# 2,623 13:14, Apr 10, MJ Cavallo, DC Your standards are not adequate if you allow this sort of shoddy scholarship to pass. MJ Cavallo, Business Reference Librarian, Library of Congress


# 2,612 11:52, Apr 10, Debra Baumann, CA I grew up believing that the "Oxford" brand represented truth, integrity and the highest academic standards. Please don't disappoint me.

# 2,611 11:51, Apr 10, Dr. James McGillivray, ON Has England and Oxford sunk so low that this petition is necessary?

# 2,610 11:49, Apr 10, Ms. Dara Gibson, GA I've always equated Oxford University Press with high standards. Please do not now begin to stoop to the level of political charlatans and entertainment "journalists."

# 2,602 11:13, Apr 10, Christy Staats, OR Please don't dumb down your publications. I've always respected the Oxford University Press in the past, but nonfiction & reference books without citing sources is like reporting gossip as actual news. Please return to your old time-tested tried & true standards of academic excellence. Reference your facts, and provide transparency by disclosing all affiliations!

# 2,600 11:00, Apr 10, Laurie Atwater, MI Please establish these standards. I would like to continue to have the confidence and respect I have always enjoyed in the Oxford University Press. The disclosures recently have seriously damaged your reputation with me!

# 2,596 10:39, Apr 10, Ms. sheila wilensky, AZ What's with the venerable Oxford University Press? No citations? Is this an economic decision or pure malfeasance?

# 2,594 10:15, Apr 10, Mrs. Frances Nokes, BC Standing up for standards! For truth and freedom from fascism, in resistance to the world of Orwell's 1984.

# 2,582 08:37, Apr 10, Name not displayed, WA It is outrageous that our scholarly standards are at risk. They should be utterly ashamed of their lack of integrity and self serving and corrupt actions.

# 2,580 08:27, Apr 10, Name not displayed, OR I urge the Oxford Press to support an informed citizenry through requiring citations for evidence-based claims and requiring transparency of any real or potential perceived conflict of interest of its authors.

# 2,576 08:08, Apr 10, Mr. Thomas Swenson, CO Just another example of a failed institution, abdicating intellectual and moral integrity. Unfortunately, the list is endless.

# 2,573 07:54, Apr 10, Ms. Judy Ogren, MN We need accurate journalism with rigorous high academic standards. The health of people and the planet is suffering in service of the almighty corporation. It must stop.

# 2,571 07:45, Apr 10, Dr. Myra Mendible, FM I teach my university students the importance of citing sources and the ways that peer-reviewed scholarship differs from "mainstream" publications in its adgerence to the highest standards of disclosure and its rigorous documentation of sources. That Oxford UP should accept anything less than we expect from high school students is shameful.

# 2,570 07:40, Apr 10, Ms. Cathy Greenall, United Kingdom I am shocked at Oxford University's lax approach to evidence-based research and lack of openness

# 2,565 07:31, Apr 10, Mr. Kennedy Wells, South Africa Stop cow towing to corporate pressure

# 2,562 07:12, Apr 10, Rolf Berg, MI I am a lawyer and share your concern regarding the absence in so much of our media or the basic standards required for the honest exchange of ideas necessary for an informed democracy.


# 2,559 06:45, Apr 10, Dr. Glenn Lane, OK The absence of citations and disclosure of potential conflicts of interests or other associations are unacceptable omissions of the part of serious authors or distinguished publishing organizations.

# 2,557 06:33, Apr 10, Mr. William Colbath, ME Your institution has been corrupted by taking bribes from as yet unidentified sources. Ask yourselves this question..." does profit trump human life?" You have lowered yourselves down into the muck where Massey Energy lives.

# 2,555 05:43, Apr 10, Mr. Michael E. Pody, PA I cannot believe a fine academic institution has sunk to this level.

# 2,554 $SU0LFKDá0DVáRZVNL3RODQG Most of my science education comes from books published by OUP. I want to be able to know that it's based on verifiable research and is not just profitable witchcraft.

# 2,540 02:32, Apr 10, Ms. Theresa Grice, BC Your worldwide reputation is at a critical junction, of no longer being renowned for having Integrity,and...

# 2,538 01:48, Apr 10, Mr. James Pryor, PA I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of History at Carnegie Mellon University and am currently completing a dissertation that explores the twentieth century U.S. food system. I am currently teaching an undergraduate course on food history and as I work with students on their final papers in the coming weeks I plan to advise them to avoid citing Robert Paarlberg's "Food Politics" for the reasons outlined in this petition.

# 2,533 23:27, Apr 09, Ms. Beverly Weeks, AZ To sustain our way of life demands a continuation of Scholarly Standards. Without this our world tumbles into upheaval and unable to even communicate. There must remain a base line to which we all hold true.

# 2,531 23:00, Apr 09, Dr. J. Joshua, CA Dear Oxford University Press, As a graduate student instructor who has repeatedly used Robert Paarlberg's poorly cited work in my classes as an example of poor quality research, I strongly urge you to consider revising your publishing policy to insist that authors provide complete and accurate citations for their claims and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. Until you do so, you will continue to tarnish the image of your press. Sincerely, J. Joshua

# 2,526 22:27, Apr 09, Anoel Rinaldi, OR Oxford University Press: You have done your reputation a great disservice by not disclosing potential conflicts of interest and not citing claims. For shame!

# 2,522 21:51, Apr 09, Name not displayed, ON The Earth does not need Monsanto's products or ideas.

# 2,516 21:09, Apr 09, Donna Halliday, ON If this issue is not satisfied,much as it would grieve me, I will never buy another book from Oxford Press

# 2,515 21:02, Apr 09, Jack Myers, WA Please show me by your actions that you too are not on the take from lobbyists.

# 2,514 21:01, Apr 09, Bill Copenhaven, OK

# 2,513 20:57, Apr 09, Ms. Paula Evans, AB This is an important cause. With so much information around, we need to trust some presses.

# 2,509 20:36, Apr 09, Alexandra Lehane, Australia Good way to lose credibility Oxford!


# 2,502 20:04, Apr 09, Ms. Jean Murphy, WA Pathetic: even my community college students have to cite sources.

# 2,501 20:03, Apr 09, Dr. Franklin Southworth, NY Professor Emeritus of South Asian Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania (ret. 1998)

# 2,493 19:25, Apr 09, Ken Panton, ON It is beyond me why an academic publisher of stature (for now) that relies upon its reputation to sell books and ideas, would act with such disregard for some basic notions of scientific inquiry.

# 2,488 18:18, Apr 09, Dr. John Thomlinson, CA Tsk, tsk. Any book from a "scholarly" press that does not include citations for evidence-based claims calls the reputation of the press into doubt. Refusal to discuss the matter removes that doubt.

# 2,487 18:12, Apr 09, Ms. Karen Schreiber, NH As a trained health professional with two graduate degrees, I am appalled at the lack of academic standards shown in the approval of this appallingly biased and poorly researched book. Lending the name of any respected scholarly institution to this piece of shoddy "scholarship" is a betrayal of the trust placed in you and rightfully endangers your own reputation.

# 2,486 18:00, Apr 09, Mrs. Patricia Gibbs, BC Failure to hold the line on basic standards guarantees that the edifice which supports you will crumble. Please act now to restore Oxford's reputation.

# 2,485 17:58, Apr 09, Margaret Spreitzer, MI

# 2,484 17:55, Apr 09, Dr. Monica Frolander-Ulf, PA As an anthropology professor I continue to expect from my students high standards in research, including standard academic requirements for disclosure of the sources of one's information. I'm appalled at the distortions and deliberate misinformation that pass for "news" at Fox News and right-wing radio stations, but far more shocked to learn that Oxford University Press is sinking to similar lows. What is going on? Have you abandoned your primary mission, to enlighten and to inform, which is essential for any functioning democracy?

# 2,475 16:17, Apr 09, Mr. Tyrone Degenhardt, AB Publish non-cited books as fiction or opinion pieces. I agree actions will decide what it valuable knowledge and Oxford Press seems to be following Faux news. Shame

# 2,474 16:15, Apr 09, Ms. Christine Whelley, WI This is an affront to the institution of higher education. It is outrageous that Oxford University of all places condones this behaviour. I am thoroughly disgusted and hope that you will honor the long held academic necessity of requiring citations for all claims. I would like to think that Oxford is a step above Fox News.

# 2,470 16:09, Apr 09, Dr. James Wilce, AZ As an OUP author, I have been very disturbed to read evidence of books being published that completely lack citations.

# 2,468 15:49, Apr 09, Ms. Miriam Wyman, ON I wholeheartedly agree that these three provisions are fundamental for any kind of credibility and am dismayed to learn that Oxford University Press has actually been omitting these provisions.

# 2,462 15:16, Apr 09, Mr. Ted Millan, WA I teach middle school, and one of the criterion I teach about evaluating sources is the credibility and reputation of the source. Oxford University Press is lessening its authority and prestige as a reputable information source by not adhering to basic scholarly publishing standards.

# 2,458 15:05, Apr 09, Mr. philip hormbrey, AZ As A Brit resident in U.S., I'm embarassed tosee such an appalling loss of standards by what was a pillar of integrity. OUP, you should be ashamed!!


# 2,456 14:53, Apr 09, Mr. Peter Belmont, NY Oxford University (and its press) once had and may in future have a high reputation. The publication of politically- tendentious books as if science or even-handed analysis ruins that reputations.

# 2,448 14:29, Apr 09, Mr. Daniel Freund, NY Citations and disclosure of conflicting interests, PLEASE! (or it can't hopnestly be called "scholarly")

# 2,444 14:14, Apr 09, Ms. Sarah Benton, PA Thank you for lifting the cover off the cesspool!

# 2,439 13:56, Apr 09, Linda Elder, BC Change your practise or wear your reputation: OUP = Obnoxious Unethical Profiteers

# 2,438 13:54, Apr 09, Ms. Inez Sylvester, NY Thank God for you. The world needs more people like you who care enough to uphold scholastic standards. We already have a sick population by the deception practiced by the pharmaceutical companies and now we stand at risk with our food!

# 2,432 13:35, Apr 09, Name not displayed, IL Once a publisher abandons its fact-checking, scholarly oversight, it becomes obsolete. May as well just read/purchase self-published titles where anything goes. Publishers losing their credibility will be the death of publishing.

# 2,430 13:23, Apr 09, Ms. Jo Morton, OR I have always naively believed that a university press could be trusted to have high standards of truth and accuracy. Oxford U. is, I hope, the only exception to that.

# 2,426 12:31, Apr 09, Ms. kb saine, VA as an artist and a scholar, i depend on the Oxford University Press' publications when i cite my own research. please assure me i can count on the quality and validity of the Press' publications.

# 2,424 12:14, Apr 09, Leone Graf, MN I have always considered Oxford University Press as one of the best publishers of information. Now I will have to have doubt about the books you and other major university publishers publish unless you lead the way back to clear evidence based claims.

# 2,420 11:36, Apr 09, Mr. Paul Haeder, WA We have to hold all people accountable for their ties to big corporations that can poison the pool of science and unbiased research. We must have accountability in government and private industry, as well as foundations and so- called think tanks. Why would Oxford U Press not work with the global movement for more transparency. This is shameful on many levels.

# 2,417 11:35, Apr 09, Anthony Villarreal, CA Please stop pandering to special interests. Uphold academic standards or change your name to Oxford Unscrupulous Propagandists.

# 2,415 11:34, Apr 09, Mr. Zeke Hoskin, WA I have been concerned for a long time about the corruption of refereed publications by the pharmaceutical industry, and I had considered OUP books as almost equivalent to journal articles in terms of reliability. Please use this opportunity to raise your standards back to where they belong.

# 2,407 11:10, Apr 09, Sheila Moore, PA It is unbelievable to me in this day and age that such a prestigious organization would not follow, at a minimum, standards that they surely would expect from others.

# 2,405 11:04, Apr 09, Mr. Thomas Lines, United Kingdom (Author, 'Making Poverty: A History')


# 2,399 10:50, Apr 09, Dr. Kirsten Gruesz, CA Any entity with "university press" in its title MUST follow these central precepts.

# 2,397 10:46, Apr 09, Ms. Karen Gillmore, BC I am shocked that such a respected Press would dismiss concerns about the sources and connections of their authors. I can only wonder who or what is supporting Oxford University Press. Does Monsanto have its tendrils here as well?

# 2,391 10:37, Apr 09, Michael Townsend, IL Dollarship before Scholarship! Oxford press sells it's reputation to the highest bidder. Somebody investigate how much they were paid under-the-table to publish this book (and God knows how many others). I didn't know they had expanded into the "self-publishing"market. Oxford=No Shame...Total Denial.

# 2,387 10:21, Apr 09, Ms. Annette Klapstein, WA Oxford University Press just fell off a cliff in my estimation. When I was a student - from high school through university and law school - we were certainly always required to provide citations. An allegedly scholarly book should be held to at least those standards!

# 2,386 10:20, Apr 09, Mr. Saul Fortunoff, WA Don't let the $ corrupt your process.

# 2,381 10:06, Apr 09, cat fox, WA Everything needs citations. Whose pockets are you in, anyway?

# 2,380 10:04, Apr 09, Mr. herbert browne, WA As Federal research funds are being replaced by ag-industry at our Land Grant universities, the focus of that research is being narrowed, to suit those donors. This is a kind of co-optation that bodes ill for both 'traditional' agriculture and the small farmer community... and our society, in general. ^..^

# 2,378 09:57, Apr 09, Dr. Alice Macpherson, BC Astonished and dismayed at the apparent lack of concern for rigorous academic standards.

# 2,371 09:44, Apr 09, Jody Emel, MA I am quite interested in better understanding how this sort of thing can happen.

# 2,370 09:43, Apr 09, Name not displayed, ON I am a mature student, who has recently finished a year-long undergraduate course in writing and rhetoric at the University of Toronto. My professor holds academic standards in high regard, and I hope that Oxford UP will as well.

# 2,366 09:36, Apr 09, Philip Solman, BC For the Oxford University Press to retain the respect it rightfully deserves, these simple publishing standards must be adhered to. Publishing standards have slipped so far elsewhere, which is precisely why we need the Oxford University Press to be a beacon of transparency and full-disclosure. Thank you. Philip Solman - publisher - Edible Vancouver magazine

# 2,362 09:33, Apr 09, Lotta Chan, CA After just graduating from Yale University with a Masters in Environmental Management, the idea of publishing anything without credible sourcing is appalling to me. If your books make substantial and controversial claims, they need to be cited. Conflicts of interest are equally important in making known.

# 2,359 09:26, Apr 09, Mr. Evan Girard, NH It's imperative that the standards and ethics of scholarly research remain true for the greater benefit of society. Help to lead the way, Oxford! Thank you, Mrs. Frances Moore Lappé.

# 2,353 09:24, Apr 09, Dana Leystra, IL I was a bit alarmed to hear that Oxford University Press no longer holds itself to the standards that teachers require of their high school students. I hope that this will become a trend.


# 2,349 09:12, Apr 09, Mr. Dennis Daniel, CA As a minister who speaks publicly on issues of social concern, I depend on information derived from carefully considered, well informed, intellectually honest sources. It would be a great loss to me, to the world, and to the Oxford University Press itself if your academic standards are allowed to decline.

# 2,346 09:09, Apr 09, Ms. Beverly DiBell, OH We expect more from an academic press!

# 2,340 08:57, Apr 09, Ms. Holley Atkinson, NY Full disclosure and transparency please.

# 2,339 08:54, Apr 09, Mr. Kevin Anderson, FL I would think that evidence-based claims would require citations-- especially those that arrive at different conclusions from the largest analysis of world hunger: The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development. This report clearly indicates that agroecology holds the most promise in eradicating world hunger:

# 2,335 08:52, Apr 09, Dr. Friedhelm von Mering, Germany The blatant ignorance of basic scientific standards shown by people, organizations or corporate interest groups that claim to achere to "science-based" principles is a serious threat to public trust in Science and scientific objectivity. If institution like OUP do not adhere to strict scientific principles, nobody else will!

# 2,327 08:32, Apr 09, Mr. William Cimino, FL We expect more from Oxford University Press!

# 2,323 08:31, Apr 09, Gwen Schmidt, AB Honesty and Integrity are key words for everything in this life.

# 2,322 08:29, Apr 09, Caitlin McIntyre, MB It behooves the academy, and academic presses, to be at the vanguard of an ethical global food movement, and not capitulate to multinational interests and talking points.

# 2,320 08:28, Apr 09, Name not displayed, MI Oxford Press--why do you debase your institution?

# 2,317 08:27, Apr 09, Jeff Powell, United Kingdom OUP would do well to provide academic leadership on this issue.

# 2,315 08:26, Apr 09, Mr. Dolsy Smith, DC As a librarian (and one who regularly buys OUP books for our university library), I sincerely hope Oxford University Press will make a better effort to uphold the basic standards of academic inquiry.

# 2,314 08:02, Apr 09, Name not displayed, CA Even my young children are learning to cite sources for their middle school reports - the lack of citations is a travesty that undermines the reputation of the Oxford University Press.

# 2,312 08:00, Apr 09, Ms. Natalie Sauer, United Kingdom Let us all fight together against the pandemia of corporate-science culture in Britain, and for the independence of our elite universities, whose academic standards are day by day being sacrificed on the alter of market interests. World scientist Arpad Pusztai was attacked and humiliated in 1998 by the Royal Society and Oxbridge academics for having revealed in a rigorous study, later published in the The Lancet, the danger of GMOs - that's a fact. The elite on the side of the people, NOT the corporates!

# 2,307 07:45, Apr 09, Dr. Nancy Lovell, AB As a university professor and scholarly author myself, I'm appalled that your esteemed press would publish a book devoid of citations for evidence-based claims. I hold my undergraduates to a higher standard.


# 2,306 07:31, Apr 09, Mr. Jim Whitworth, BC Although I don't fall into the categories mentioned at the bottom of the post, I do care about the Oxford UniversityPress response; it is appalling and shows a lack of honesty, accuracy and integrity. It is a sad sign of the times.

# 2,305 07:26, Apr 09, Dr. Mohamed Alibhai, WA I have looked upon OUP as the model university publishing house that university presses in developing countries, especially Africa, should study carefully and learn from. I know that many Western universities have come under the grip of corporate money---John Le Carre's Constant Gardner dealt with that issue---but I really trusted the top- flight university presses in Britain---Oxford and Cambridge---to be strong enough to resist the temptations being dangled by corporate money. How wrong I was. Once corporate money takes over a university, there is no going back.

# 2,302 07:19, Apr 09, Ms. Joyce Marie Cockerham, NY No University should ever allow its name to be associated with a publication that does not meet these standards. (I am on the staff of an academic library).

# 2,299 07:03, Apr 09, Sharon Perrone, DC It's common sense.

# 2,298 06:52, Apr 09, Mr. David Frenk, MN As an undergraduate at Oxford and later as a graduate student, I depended upon OUP as a reliable source and a role model for other university presses. It is sad to see the standards slipping.

# 2,289 06:18, Apr 09, Mr. Peter Brenton, United Kingdom Not good publicity for OUP. Serve them right

# 2,287 05:59, Apr 09, Mr. Joel Ventresca, CA Thank you for bringing this important issue to the attention of the public.

# 2,285 05:52, Apr 09, S Lensky, NY If the Press has "met its standards" without doing any of this, its standards are deplorably low.

# 2,282 05:41, Apr 09, Dr. John Cook, MA As a scientist who regularly has to sign conflict of interest and disclosure statements for peer review and grant proposals, I am utterly dismayed that Oxford Univ Press does not hold to these accepted standards of credibility. I will think twice about reading and recommending materials you publish henceforth.

# 2,281 05:35, Apr 09, Andrea Langston, VA Thank you for pursuing this vital work!

# 2,278 05:28, Apr 09, Ronald Haynes, United Kingdom Thank you, these are essential principles which any publisher should exemplify. For transparency, I work at Cambridge University and trust that this Press would support these three key points.

# 2,276 05:22, Apr 09, Name not displayed, MA Students need to learn appropriate standards of presenting evidence. If Oxford University Press doesn't follow standards, there's no way anyone else will.

# 2,275 05:18, Apr 09, Ms. Amandah van Merlin, AB When we as scholars choose to engage in debate we stand on the scholarship that has come before. This is the strength of scholarly standards. We ignore these at our risk.

# 2,271 04:46, Apr 09, Dr. Randi Kristensen, DC As a faculty member teaching the conventions of establishing integrity in academic research to first-year college students, I would have expected Oxford to be the last publisher to violate those expectations. There are any number of publishers available who don't observe the first two policy measures requested in this petition. Surely Oxford doesn't need to lower its standards that far in order to attract titles?


# 2,267 03:48, Apr 09, Jim Bingen, MI Thank you for this important initiative!! Oxford's decision to publish essentially masks the role of very powerful players.

# 2,263 02:54, Apr 09, Dr. David Marchesi, United Kingdom There is, at least, a prima facie case to answer by the Delegates, often considered as paragons of publishing virtue. I wonder... in the PoMo world where skimmed-milk masquerades as cream.

# 2,261 02:18, Apr 09, Mrs. GILLIAN ROWLANDS, United Kingdom Even in the most controlled states the mind is still free. If intellectual life tosses its basic principles to the wind and allows itself to be controlled by the highest bidder, then it loses all credibility and dies.

# 2,258 01:23, Apr 09, Mr. Spencer Selander, WA Oxford University Press used to have a sterling reputation, restore that reputation by adopting at least these minimal standards.

# 2,257 01:07, Apr 09, Rosalind Robinson, CA These are such obvious basic standards for a reputable press, it's amazing that we have to launch a CAMPAIGN, no less, to get Oxford (of all places!) to adopt them. Surely you cheapen your publishing house by not adopting and implementing these standards.

# 2,255 00:49, Apr 09, Mr. Michael Lekas, WA I prefer to hold all scholarly works to these standards. Perhaps you can create a spinoff press for Editorial writing?

# 2,249 23:49, Apr 08, Dr. Donald McMorland, New Zealand Having read something of the background to this petition, I am shocked that a reputable press of one of the world's major universities appears to have dropped its standards to this level. Whatever the motivations behind this, they cannot be equal to the importance of maintaining the principles at stake.

# 2,248 23:43, Apr 08, Name not displayed, MT I am very disappointed that what I thought was a prestigious college has been bought off by Monsanto and Bill Gates.

# 2,246 23:25, Apr 08, Dr. James Duffin, WA If we do not uphold scholarly standards we will lose the confidence of the general public.

# 2,235 20:41, Apr 08, Geri Pettitt, IA Transparency is critical to the heart of what a Democracy is all about!!!!

# 2,233 20:37, Apr 08, Virginia Vaidhyanathan, FL Oxford University Press bears the standard for excellence in intellectual honesty. We have trusted it for generations. It is more important than ever in this age of pervasive communications, that we may continue to trust OUP.

# 2,222 19:36, Apr 08, Dr. Ellen , MA Shame.

# 2,221 19:15, Apr 08, jon albright, WA please don't sell my name and no solicitations please. thank,s

# 2,220 19:13, Apr 08, Name not displayed, NJ Please do remember that credibility once lost is difficult to recover.

# 2,218 18:54, Apr 08, Mr. J. Rueben Males, WA Faculty of Oxford speak out now.

# 2,217 18:48, Apr 08, Name not displayed, ME I've been following this connection between Monsanto and Bill Gates and am now completely disheartened by it.


# 2,216 18:43, Apr 08, Dr. Herbert Fox, MA

# 2,215 18:35, Apr 08, Name not displayed, IL

# 2,214 18:16, Apr 08, Ms. Marjorie Rosenfeld, CA As a former member of the Southern Methodist University faculty, I was horrified to hear that Oxford University Press would publish a supposedly scholarly tome without proper citations for information conveyed. Lack of citations leaves a book open to a charge that the information in it is not factual but merely representative of its author's opinions.

# 2,213 18:11, Apr 08, Mr. Reilly, MA In all ethical transactions one must not only avoid impropriety but even the appearance of impropriety.

# 2,207 17:28, Apr 08, Mrs. Sharon Damkaer, WA As a retired editor and freelance writer, I am shocked at OUP's slipped standards for publishing Paarlberg's book Food Politics.

# 2,196 15:44, Apr 08, Mrs. Melissa Minya, IL Is anyone holding themselves to the standards that I used to associate with the Oxford University Press? What a shame!

# 2,192 15:15, Apr 08, Ms. Thelma Follett, WA What is this world coming to? Has everyone sold out? Peer reviewed means nothing to any of us anymore.Thank heavens a few persistent scholars are speaking up.

# 2,189 14:48, Apr 08, Mr. John Porretto, TX What a shame that this University cannot be transparent about their work.

# 2,187 14:29, Apr 08, Name not displayed, NY Please be worthy of the respect you've earned. It can easily be obliterated - you are on your way to doing it now.

# 2,177 12:12, Apr 08, Dr. Eileen Joy, OH It's incredibly disappointing that one of the best university presses in the world would disregard their own supposedly higher standards.

# 2,175 12:04, Apr 08, Barbara George, CA As a 9th grader in the early 50's I had to show citations and original sources in term papers and use a university format for presentation footnotes, etc. What happened? When did opinion become the standard? How is opinion to be evaluated without knowledge of the author's background, potential biases and education? Return to the scholarly format and treat each as a thesis needing defense by peer review.

# 2,174 12:02, Apr 08, Ms. Miriam Weber, AZ Please take a hard look at your existing citation standards. Your credibility is at risk.

# 2,168 11:21, Apr 08, Ms. margie ghiz-gillies, CA I owned a bookstore for 25 years and carried many (more than B&N,etc) Oxford titles. I will forward this petition to all my collegues

# 2,167 11:12, Apr 08, Ms. Rita Bowles, WA You were once the finest press in the world. You can be so again. In the meantime, I won't be referencing your publications.

# 2,166 11:08, Apr 08, Ms. Isabel Cordova, NM Oxford U Press = Disgusting - Shameful

# 2,157 10:34, Apr 08, Name not displayed, MI I will stop buying or reading any books by Oxford University Press until their policy of citations and disclosure is changed.


# 2,156 10:32, Apr 08, scott Gray, CA Truth ,please!!

# 2,148 09:26, Apr 08, Bruce Graves, NC We would expect any and all conclusions to be strenuously argued from a point of bias. That being said, citing of facts and studies and independent authority on the matter becomes that much more necessary to properly carry the conclusion.

# 2,144 09:02, Apr 08, Dr. Charles Serrao, QC I often read books from Oxford University Press - so its adoption of low standards shocks me. I will inform my colleagues. Thanks for exposing this scandal, and keep up your good work.

# 2,138 08:07, Apr 08, Janet Edens Conover, SC One of the most fundamental factors in civilization is information and its authenticity. Information is power. I should think U.S. political scene would be an object lesson in the dangers of allowing falsehoods to be presented as truth. To allow opinion to masquerade as fact exacts a terrible cost on society as a whole, and destroys the credibility of institutions, such as yours.

# 2,137 08:07, Apr 08, Dr. James Quigley, NJ Fraud is defined as deceit, trickery, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage. That is what Oxford is doing by not requiring disclosure.

# 2,136 08:05, Apr 08, b dijker, CA The actions and position of Oxford University Press are shameful.

# 2,135 08:02, Apr 08, June Meek, OH BA degree in Communications, minor in Political Science. I could not get away with writing a paper or book without a bibliography. It is shocking to find out that Oxford routinely allows this. If Oxford wants to remain a respected & trusted University, it must go back to the standards of bibliography/sources.

# 2,133 07:50, Apr 08, Mr. Joel Wollin, MN Oxford University Press sullies it's name by not requiring the authors for whom it publishes to live up to the same standards that any undergraduate college student is required to comply with. By allowing your publishing standards to be debased in such a way, you blacken the reputation of every scholar for whom you publish, as well as the reputation of acedemia as a whole. Failure to correct your course will lead to Oxford University Press to be known as a source for works of fiction, as opposed to a source for works of scholarship. Shame on you.

# 2,126 06:31, Apr 08, Craig Ciccone, MI As a historian and educator, I am dismayed by Oxford University Press' skylark attitude concerning its having published a completely unsourced book. Without rigorous scholarly standards of citation and transparency, Oxford University Press produces nothing more than glorified blogs...or worse, a hard copy versions of Fox News.

# 2,122 06:15, Apr 08, Dr. Frances Griffiths, NC If we cannot trust scholarly standards, we are back to the time of religious disputes. The good name of Oxford is too precious to squander so easily.

# 2,119 05:55, Apr 08, Sarah MacColl, ME As a personal fitness trainer I like to provide my clients with facts to help them eat and move well. I'll be a lot more careful about my use of books published by the OUP now.

# 2,115 05:47, Apr 08, Mr. David Sligh, VA Oxford University Press has been the "gold standard" for works of real credibility and importance. To publish books without citations for supposed facts in an academic press is a break in quality and common sense that I would have considered unthinkable. The Oxford Univ. Press name will be forever tarnished for me if you fail to respond to the simple and basic requests of this petition. Please maintain the quality and integrity that has been entrusted to you.


# 2,112 05:11, Apr 08, Mr. Mikael Silfors, Sweden As a student I'm stunned by the fact that seal of quality i thought The Oxford University Press represented, is actually void.

# 2,108 04:29, Apr 08, Mr. Dean Lockyer, United Kingdom As a resident of Oxford I have always been proud of its reputation world wide for its center of educational excellence and I was disturbed by OUP lowering its standards.

# 2,100 03:08, Apr 08, Mr. Gary Jones, IL When I was in college, my term papers would have likely been marked down a grade if I were to fail to footnote or cite my sources in some way. Nowadays, lowering journalistic and scholarly standards are perfectly acceptable as long as you tow the corporate line and support the Military Industrial Complex, and you may even land a generous grant to boot.

# 2,098 03:03, Apr 08, Tadit Anderson, OH I have watched the standards of academia capitualte to the influence of usurious corporate interests for a long time. It has seemed that the professionalization of intellectual honesty and acuity has been replaced by the measures of corporate indenturing and academic courtiers.The hope and prayer that some shred of integrity remains by which the leadership and vision might be relied upon to correct the descent into rubble and self contempt by way of the enshrining of all standards, which have been hollowed out from above and metered by a culture of righteous contempt and greed. Reinstate authentic and sound intellectual standards, so that discourse of progress and humanity might rely on the intergrity of a fading enlightenment.

# 2,097 02:59, Apr 08, Mr. souchier, France How could the until now respected Oxford University Press not respect and promote basic Scholarly Standards? Please come back to common sense.

# 2,095 02:37, Apr 08, Ms. Nicola Evans, United Kingdom It sounds as if it should never have been published.

# 2,093 02:17, Apr 08, Dr. Mark LeVine, CA This is a very distressing development and shows what happens when money counts more than knowledge in academia.

# 2,091 01:48, Apr 08, Name not displayed, FL Have a shred of ethics, clean up your act, comply with these demands.

# 2,086 01:13, Apr 08, Terry Sharp, AZ I stand for maintaining scholarly standards, Oxford University Press must return to these standards, if not they will render themselves irrelevant.

# 2,084 01:04, Apr 08, Dr. Lloyd Lawrence, MB The OUP has given no reason for abandoning its academic standards. This action aims at reducing scholarly publications to the level of gossip magazines. It is shameful, dishonest, and inexcusable.

# 2,082 00:08, Apr 08, Ms. Suzanne Cowan, CA As a retired academic, I am outraged that Oxford University Press, once an admired leader in scholarly publishing, seems to have utterly abandoned its standards of careful research and thorough referencing. It is a sad day for scholarship.

# 2,081 23:59, Apr 07, Ms. rosemary morrow, Australia How can we trust Oxford U Press? Restore integrity

# 2,080 23:54, Apr 07, Dr. Frances Schmechel, New Zealand I'm very sad and dismayed to learn of the low standards that Oxford Univ Press has adopted. It destroys the Oxford name and reputation.


# 2,076 23:29, Apr 07, Mr. Tefel Hall, CA Please uphold academic standards!

# 2,074 23:12, Apr 07, Ms. Heather Johnson, MA As a researcher, I'm deeply concerned about the lack of scholastic publication standards shown by Oxford University Press. It diminishes my trust in the content of the work published.

# 2,066 22:25, Apr 07, Susan Davenport, BC These minimum standards need to be upheld in order to retain credibility.

# 2,064 22:16, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Huggler, WI Since Oxford University Press has reduced its' standard for citations etc. I'd be interested in knowing which publishers maintain the "gold" standard.

# 2,063 22:12, Apr 07, Dr. Hercules D. Morphopoulos, CA Your prestige and your reputation are at stake. I certainly need see your defense in order to come to my own conclusion.

# 2,062 22:01, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Tarnoff, BC I am surprised and disappointed in your response to this issue, as I have purchased a number of excellent books from Oxford University Press

# 2,059 21:47, Apr 07, Meg Simonds, CA Citations back up your argument. If you can't cite them, the books, articles or whatever have no teeth and are suspect. They are just propaganda with nothing to them back up.

# 2,057 21:44, Apr 07, Mrs. Nancy R. Griffith, CA Please restore my faith in the Oxford University Press by agreeing to the included publishing policy.

# 2,055 21:32, Apr 07, Dr. Robert Ross, OH You're academic standards may have sunk to crap level but mine have not. Don't look for any more book sales from me.

# 2,051 21:26, Apr 07, Lanny Cotler, CA As a teacher, scientist, farmer, and writer, I am deeply saddened and concerned that Oxford University Press has to be asked to agree to these three publishing policies.

# 2,049 21:19, Apr 07, Mr. David Wojtowicz, AZ Outrageous neglect of what was once considered common standards by such a prestigious organization further erodes your own credibility...

# 2,048 21:17, Apr 07, Mr. Graham Smith, New Zealand ,DPVRGLVDSSRLQWHG:KRFDQ\RXWUXVW"³2[IRUG8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV´XVHGWRFRXQWIRUUHOLDELOLW\LQDFDGHPLF integrity. To fail to require your publications to match these basic tenets: citations for evidence-based claims; disclosure of potential conflict of interest, whether financial or other associations; and accurate representation of the publication by the Press in its promotions, a slur on the good name of Oxford University. Do you receive funding from the Gates Foundation?

# 2,042 20:44, Apr 07, Ms. Shashwati Goswami, India This is the most outrageous thing happening in the world of academics.

# 2,040 20:32, Apr 07, Ms. Susan Carr, FL When I lived overseas, I trusted OUP books to be realiable resources - especially in parts of the world where the truth was either abused or simply ignored as a matter of routine. Don't let that image be damaged by ignoring basic rules of research learned by most of us in High School or earlier.

# 2,037 20:19, Apr 07, karen deslierres, MI I'm not surprised. I had heard on another topic that Oxford University Press had been sold off to an independent and

53 not totally reliable NY group that of course wished to capitalize on the fame and credibility of Oxford etc. to further it's own FOX [Murdoch et al] news type of agenda.

# 2,035 20:14, Apr 07, Dr. Piers Stephens, GA As an a academic, a reviews editor for scholarly journals and a democratic citizen concerned for probity and honesty in journalism and publishing, I am horrified to hear that Oxford University Press's standards have fallen to so low a point.

# 2,033 20:00, Apr 07, Dr. Claudio Schuftan, Viet Nam Shame Oxford University Press. Not even agreening to a face to face meeting.

# 2,031 19:54, Apr 07, Mr. Steven Fisher, MN As an instructor, I am dismayed at the thought that Oxford University Press would have lower scholarly standards than that required of my children, my students (5-12th grades), and myself.

# 2,029 19:40, Apr 07, Ms. M.L. Hammond, ON So Monsanto's insidious tentacles have reached Oxford University Press. Truly frightening.

# 2,026 19:35, Apr 07, Ms. deetje boler, CA As a former employee of a university press (Columbia University Press) and one who respects academic standards I am deeply shocked to learn that Oxford University Press appears to have been corrupted. Say it ain't so, Joe!

# 2,022 19:22, Apr 07, Dr. Bob Farrell, FL The obvious problem here is that Oxford University Press is masquerading as a university press while forgetting the importance of the clause "evidence-based."

# 2,021 19:15, Apr 07, Ms. Wendy Greenblatt, PA Please do the right thing.

# 2,020 19:15, Apr 07, Dr. Margaret Niederer, IL As an educator, I am appalled that standards as the recommeded in the publishing policy are not in place by the Oxford University Press. This is inredible! Oxford Press has lost its status with this revelation and does not appear to be any more reliable than the Murdock publications. and has the same conflict of interest issues.

# 2,019 19:14, Apr 07, steven maiken, CA Propaganda has no place at Oxford, mmmyesss.

# 2,018 19:13, Apr 07, Gregory Eicher, CO Please, re-establish the credibility of Oxford Press.

# 2,017 19:11, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NC In this age of vitriol and propaganda, the world needs a shining example of journalistic and publishing excellence. You can be one such example if your standards are kept above reproach.

# 2,016 19:03, Apr 07, Mr. Graeme Sephton, MA Democracies depend on the citizenry being well-informed. Please maintain your standards. Don't go tabloid on us.

# 2,012 18:40, Apr 07, Ms. Wilma Ralls, CA The article speaks to me as I have been noticing lately a steady lack of critical thinking among people today who have, supposedly, been well educated in the US. I have been attributing it to the heavy 'corporate' influence in education in the last decade. Perhaps her story is reflecting some of that. The responses she got sound a lot like the rejections I read about on CD coming from the government when denying FOIA requests for information they don't want to reveal

# 2,008 18:31, Apr 07, E.M. Champagne, VT Monsanto has bought out OUP now, too?


# 2,004 18:10, Apr 07, Jan Coe, Australia I am a librarian and I find it almost unbelievable that OUP gave the green light to a book that did not follow the most basic conventions for a scholarly work.

# 2,002 18:09, Apr 07, Mike Donnelly, MO This needs to be addressed immediately

# 1,998 17:47, Apr 07, Ms. Drina Read, BC One would expect Oxford University Press to demonstrate integrity in publishing.

# 1,997 17:45, Apr 07, Ms. Glenn Fieldman, Ph.D., CA I do academic writing and research myself. Validating one's claims is what gives a scholar's writing value and allows others to check one's sources for themselves. The practice of supporting one's claims also forces a writer into constant self-examination that is likely to improve his/her work. Please assure us that Oxford University Press is committed to high standards for publications by agreeing to meet the petition's three conditions.

# 1,996 17:41, Apr 07, Mike Kaulbars, ON Oxford was a name I thought I could trust, apparently that is no longer true.

# 1,995 17:40, Apr 07, Ms. Kathleen Pastryk, AZ Accuracy is of paramount importance in the publishing world, especially when it affects human nutrition. Oxford University Press has a sterling reputation to uphold. If we cannot trust its publications, where are we to go?

# 1,992 17:27, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Lyons, CA I am a priest. If I just spurted out "quotes", claiming they were Scriptural, without providing "chapter and verse," what would people think of me? Scholarship, on which Oxford has built its nearly 1,000 years of excellence, depends on provable accuracy and transparency. We NEED to know the source(s) of the information on which any claim, disputed or otherwise, is made. Scholarship is care and accuracy taken in reporting of facts.

# 1,987 17:11, Apr 07, Mrs. Joyce Ellwanger, WI As an educator, I am perplexed as to why you would not require citations for evidence-based claims. I would expect a high academic scholarship bar from the Oxford University Press. Must I really beware of the scholarship of authors you choose to publish? It seems so.

# 1,986 17:05, Apr 07, Mr. Gavin Wall, Australia Why are GMOs shrouded in a stench of corruption with the truth extremely difficult to find amidst the web of deceit? Proponents of GMOs will resort to undignified, undemocratic and fraudulent trickery in order to manipulate opinion or market opportunities.

# 1,982 16:47, Apr 07, Dr. Eduardo Santa Cruz, IN Are big corporations not only taking over our governements and bank, but also over our academic institutions and the so called reputable university presses like Oxford's used to be?

# 1,981 16:47, Apr 07, Dr. Harold Jacobs, CA Speaking as a professor, I have always held Oxford University Press in high esteem. One could always assume that the non-fiction books it published met high scholarly standards, whether one agreed with the arguments presented or not. Failure to live up to those standards in all cases would imply a drastic loss of integrity and failure to carry out the Press's mandate.

# 1,975 16:33, Apr 07, Mason Taylor, WA Danger! Oxford University Press is losing integrity. Will this loss extend to Oxford University as a whole?

# 1,972 16:27, Apr 07, Mr. Douglas Jones, Australia Accuracy is important in elements affecting our ability to behave as independent citizens accepting their role in making informed truthful votes in a democracy. The current world is one in which deception, akin to advertising, plays an unwarranted role.


# 1,969 16:22, Apr 07, G Michael Moore, CO Please do not lower the credibility of OUP by publishing books without defensible intellectual rigor.

# 1,965 16:10, Apr 07, Mr. Jerry McConoughey, OR Hear, hear, gentlemen.

# 1,958 15:56, Apr 07, Yvonne Dauphin, AZ Thank you for pursuing this problem. Lack of integrity in individual writers should not be allowed to corrupt the formerly reputable publishers we depend on for quality.

# 1,957 15:55, Apr 07, Ms. Joan Taslitz, OH I want to be able to trust your publications. Please do as requested.

# 1,955 15:54, Apr 07, Mr. Henry Schreiber, OR Do the honorable thing!

# 1,954 15:51, Apr 07, Mr. Hugh Sansom, NY University presses have been declining for years, bending to profit demands. It's a shame to see Oxford lead the way.

# 1,953 15:46, Apr 07, Richard Hudon, ON I am a researcher and never make a claim without evidence. Why should an academic press not require this of itself as well.

# 1,952 15:45, Apr 07, Mrs. Julie Pitt, ME I am an educator and am dismayed at what appears to be a policy of repeating falsehoods to make them true. I will not consider purchasing another publication from Oxford University Press again.

# 1,946 15:32, Apr 07, Ms. Sarah McKee, MA I am appalled. How could you? For half a millenium, the Oxford University Press has been the gold standard for scholarship in the English-speaking world. Trashing this is a travesty of all for which Oxford supposedly has stood. Sarah McKee LL.B. University of London

# 1,944 15:27, Apr 07, Mr. Geoff Egan, AB Dumbing down the press does NOT add to your prestige-it diminishes your credibility.

# 1,943 15:25, Apr 07, Ms. Sabra Woodworth, BC So glad you're following up on this line of endeavor!!

# 1,942 15:13, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NH This is salary

# 1,941 15:13, Apr 07, mark & Judy Wenzel, MI Oxford Press Staffers: Are you telling us that your standards - which you claim the book meets - are to allow authors to make central claims without any support? Surely, that's not your standard. Why are you pulling our leg? mark and Judy Wenzel

# 1,940 15:12, Apr 07, Dr. Dan Brook, CA Food for Thought---and Action at

# 1,936 14:57, Apr 07, Mr. Garry Jantzen, OR OUP - please don't disillusion and disappoint!

# 1,932 14:37, Apr 07, Teresa J Frakes, OR I conclude Oxford University is compromised by monetary contributions from ??? It's getting to be quite ordinary, isn't it?


# 1,930 14:32, Apr 07, Jo Hannan, OR As a former bookseller and a believer in the importance of transparency, please reconsider how you vet the books you publish. Thanks, Jo Hannan

# 1,929 14:31, Apr 07, Susan & James Schiller, CO We need reliable publications for the 21st century. We have enough unscholarly references and don't need yours to join this group.

# 1,927 14:29, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Shetterly, ME It appears that the Oxford University Press has chosen to protect the author rather than the truth. It can only suggest their own complicity in promoting the interests of corporations like Monsanto.

# 1,926 14:29, Apr 07, Mr. Marc Wanner, NY It is shocking that a petition is needed to ask an academic press to uphold the most basic of academic standards!

# 1,919 14:06, Apr 07, Frank Brodhead, NY Will OUP be famously untrustworthy? It looks that way.

# 1,917 14:03, Apr 07, Ms. Irene Schumacher, AZ I fully support the three requests by Frances Lappe. Please do not lower the standards of academic press. It is a dreadful risk to publish potential falsehoods and diminishes academic standards for all. Irene Schumacher

# 1,915 13:57, Apr 07, Murray Reiss, BC I find it very distressing that Oxford University Press, whose publications I have always held in such high esteem, would show such a wanton disregard for the basics of academic discourse. I feel the press must meet the concerns expressed in this petition to restore its credibility.

# 1,910 13:43, Apr 07, Ms. Jennifer Hor, Australia Evidence-based information is a cornerstone of scientific, legal and other inquiry and resesrch. It is necessary for a properly functioning democracy and a fair justice systm. Accountability, openness and transparency help combat corruption and hold us all to high ethical standards. I support this petition.

# 1,909 13:42, Apr 07, Dr. inga bjornsdottir, CA Thanks for your efforts, and good luck in Oxford!

# 1,908 13:41, Apr 07, Nancy Mead, CA The world needs standards now more than ever before. Please note that your reputation is now badly tarnished, and your policies are in need of review

# 1,906 13:40, Apr 07, Ms. Ashley Carter, AL As a history minor, I find this deplorable.

# 1,905 13:34, Apr 07, Mr. steven jennings, Germany That the University is owned by a variety of billionaires is not news, sadly merely confirmed by such appalling scholarship.

# 1,904 13:33, Apr 07, Dr. George Appell, ME I am shocked at the behavior of the Oxford University press. I will now be vary cautious in references to their books.

# 1,903 13:33, Apr 07, pierre dawson, WA This petition asks no more than common sense in science requires. Without these protections journals become indistinguishable from supermarket tabloids.

# 1,898 13:04, Apr 07, Basia Miller, NM Cambridge University Press published our translation of Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws in 1989--Montesquieu was arguably the first author to use footnotes with the intention of inviting the reader to confirm the author's understanding. It is a tradition of the great University Presses that they uphold the highest standards of scholarship in

57 publication. Please consider Frances Lappe's observations as crucial to the continuing superiority of England's presses. Thank you.

# 1,896 13:02, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NJ One expects higher standards from Oxford University Press.

# 1,895 12:57, Apr 07, Dr. Annu Jalais, United Kingdom This is alarming and not the first time OUP has caved in to corporation/political pressure! In 2008 OUP India unceremoniously decided to stop publication RIWKHRQO\WZRERRNV 3DXOD5LFKPDQ¶V0DQ\5DPD\DQDVDQG9LQD\ 'KDUZDGNHU¶V7KH&ROOHFWHG(VVD\VRI$.5DPDQXMDQ FRQWDLQLQJ5DPDQXMDQ¶VHVVD\7KLVKDSSHQHGWRFRLQFLGH with legal proceedings instituted inter alia against OUP India by fringe religious DQGFXOWXUDOJURXSV283,QGLD¶V prolonged subsequent silence on this matter lent widespread credence to the contention that OUP India caved in to H[WHUQDOSUHVVXUHWKHUHE\FRPSURPLVLQJLWVVWDWHGJRDOVRI³«>IXUWKHULQJ@H[FHOOHQFHLQUHVHDUFKVFKRODUVKLS«E\ SXEOLVKLQJZRUOGZLGH´ KWWSNDILODRUJR[IRUG-university-members-demand-that-oup-india-stand-by- ramanujan-essay/)

# 1,889 12:38, Apr 07, Dr. Hilary Standing, United Kingdom This is an extraordinary debasement of established rules of scholarship and disclosure

# 1,888 12:38, Apr 07, Mr. William Carr, MI It is beyond credulity that an old established entity such as Oxford Press would ignore basic journalistic standards. The fact that they refuse to even speak about the matter is damning. Either they're trying to cover up a serious lapse in judgement, or someone very high up in their organization has sold out to the Right Wing. The truth will come out. Best to act quickly and salvage your reputation, before you become the next Geraldo Rivera, sans mustache.

# 1,887 12:31, Apr 07, Ms. Sue Stroud, BC I expect the highest of all standards from Oxford University Press, You have had my trust for many, many years. Trust and full declaration of all sources matters if democracy is to survive. I was taught that it is vital to know an author's bias and therefore you have a democratic obligation to me to make that bias clearly available. Besides you shouldn't be publishing rubbish. If you want my business you'll establish the policy outlined in this petition immediately.

# 1,879 12:21, Apr 07, Roger Widenoja, OR To be worth reading, a book must contain far more than hearsay from special interests.

# 1,877 12:16, Apr 07, Ann McNeal, MA As an emerita professor of biology, I am shocked at the lack of scholarly standards in this case.

# 1,876 12:14, Apr 07, Mr. Barry Olsen, NY Oxford University Press has an international reputation for high standards. Your lack of response to this issue has severely tarnished that reputation. Please take action to restore the integrity of your venerable institution.

# 1,874 12:09, Apr 07, Ms. Jeni Hunneyball, United Kingdom

# 1,873 11:59, Apr 07, Dr. Timothy Van Meter, OH I support the three requests for academic integrity contained in this petition.

# 1,871 11:52, Apr 07, Dr. Jon Brewster, MI Please restore our respect for your publishing house by adhering to these principles. We mistakenly thought that you always had done so.

# 1,869 11:42, Apr 07, Mr. C S Lloyd, United Kingdom The real truth about GM foods should not be hidden.

# 1,864 11:35, Apr 07, Deborah Dakin, IA This form rejected my college e-mail apparently b/c I subscribe to this service on my home account. So be it. However, I am in academia and this goes right to the core of my profession. In recent years, I have found myself struggling to make my students value the validity and quality of their information over the ease and speed they can

58 access "facts" over the internet. Now I see it's not only my students I have to be concerned about. How distressing! Especially for those of us working with undergraduates and trying to show them the value of peer-reviewed opinions.

# 1,861 11:33, Apr 07, Name not displayed, TX OUP has stood for the highest standards in publishing. If you must earn the extra pound or dollar or euro with popular titles, then print it with another imprint, subsidiary to your OUP brand. By publishing popular screeds on the University presses, you are harming the reputation of Oxford University itself.

# 1,860 11:33, Apr 07, Mr. cletus stein, TX Do you really want to lose all credibility?

# 1,859 11:33, Apr 07, Ruth Wegehaupt, SD Informed citizenry who can make judgements based upon accurate information is the cornerstone and foundation of a sustainable democracy. How can citizens make informed decisions about their electoral choices if they cannot depend on the accuracy of information. The press in general, and University based publishers in particular have an obligation to meet these three basic standards at an absolute minimum. My students in high school have to follow these standards, how can a historically trusted and trustworthy institutions such as Oxford do less?

# 1,856 11:32, Apr 07, Ms. Joan Davis, FL If authenticity and scholarly standards are not met, we are in deep trouble. What are we to believe then?

# 1,855 11:31, Apr 07, Ms. Jo Bohna, ID Can we no longer trust Oxford Press?

# 1,852 11:31, Apr 07, Dr. Helen Giambruni, CA Oxford Press will certainly lose its standing as a major scholarly press if it does not uphold these standards. For shame!

# 1,850 11:23, Apr 07, Dr. Koteswara Vemuri, PA I grudgingly learnt to live with Fox, but a university Press that lost its way - that too, Oxford!!

# 1,849 11:22, Apr 07, Mr. Seth Besenski, AB I have an academic background, and I would fail a paper with such a disregard for evidence, regardless of the merit of its argument, simply because it would fail to meet the standards of academic honesty that underpin the very fabric of academic discourse. I've told my students never to cite a web source with no citations, but one wonders if your average professor would investigate a source from such a reputable publisher. Surely this could have been published via some vanity publisher. An unsupported argument hinders academic discourse. Of course you must know this, given your position in such a prestigious publishing house. Shame on you.

# 1,847 11:21, Apr 07, Name not displayed, CT Any organization of distinction would not hesitate to comply with this request for honesty and transparency

# 1,846 11:10, Apr 07, Ms. Cheryl A. Aaron, IL I do not have to be an scholarly wizard to understand the consequences of dumming down standards. The ultimate outcome will be dummed down students. The power of the demoncrary rests on an enlightened electorate. Oxford University Press has enjoyed of legacy of literary trust from its clientele. Losing that trust will lead to a diminishiment of users.

# 1,845 11:08, Apr 07, Ms. Pamela Larry, CA No wonder corporations have been given the green light to monopolize the world with their secret tactics. It's aided and abetted by an industry that we count on to be rigorous in its standards. We count on and trust you! Please listen to this scholar's plea. Thank you.

# 1,843 11:04, Apr 07, Mr. Marker Ramsey, WI This is despicable. So it's okay to abandon scholarship as long as it supports your position!.. BS sir BS!


# 1,841 11:02, Apr 07, Dr. M Buckley, CA Please, Delegates of Oxford University Press, take these concerns seriously.

# 1,840 10:58, Apr 07, Ms. Louise Silver, MA Citations, full disclosure, and accurate promotion would be the sine qua non of a scholarly publication. As a well- respected scholarly press, you jeopardize your long-held reputation when you publish material that fails to meet this basic standard.

# 1,838 10:57, Apr 07, Merrylees Turner, MA Lack of academic standards is shocking and threatens democracy everywhere. What's wrong with you guys?

# 1,837 10:53, Apr 07, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, United Kingdom As someone who has spent close to 20 years reclaiming science for the public good, I am truly astonished at the demise of sholarly standards at OUP. I will never publish with them or buy any of their books again.

# 1,833 10:47, Apr 07, Ms. Robin Brooks, ME My son, a high school student, is learning to cite his sources for an academic essay. This is basic to scholarly work. Please restore your credibility as a Press and establish clear scholarly standards for your publications.

# 1,831 10:45, Apr 07, john mudd, NY Disgraceful that you would lower your standards to tabloid journalism. You have added to the propaganda that is our undoing: The distortion of truth that is misleading and destroying to humankind.

# 1,829 10:44, Apr 07, Dr. Elisabeth Puur, Sweden When the Academia has lost it, the confidence, the faith, the trust ... what´s left? That is a huge democracy problem

# 1,828 10:43, Apr 07, Ana Livingston Paddock, NM We need truth and honesty from Oxford U Press.

# 1,825 10:42, Apr 07, Mrs. PRUDENCE C GREEN, MA If the Oxford University Press feels citations for factual information are immaterial, why do you go under the name of University, whose life blood involves gathering, analysis and dissemination of such information??? Are you interested in "standard" or accuracy" Or do you think it doesn't matter?

# 1,820 10:33, Apr 07, Dr. Arielle Smith, GA So, it comes down to "bought and sold" or "honest and truthful" - which will you be?

# 1,818 10:33, Apr 07, Mr. william morgan, IA Tired of respected publications getting bought out by Monsanto - this has got to stop.

# 1,817 10:32, Apr 07, Jessica Kostenblatt, NY This is absolutely essential and should not be compromised!

# 1,814 10:31, Apr 07, bobby wengronowitz, MA Paarlberg's book was a joke. At least now we partially know why.

# 1,812 10:28, Apr 07, Mr. Karl Samp, MN You can and should do better than this!

# 1,810 10:21, Apr 07, Mr. Michael Johnston, MI Credibility, integrity and respect does not come about when a long respected and admired published stoops to the most coarse "swilling for the shilling!" Please stop before decades of respect are lost!

# 1,809 10:18, Apr 07, Cathie Lowmiller, CA Without fact based journalism and full disclosure, I worry about the future of civilization. I didn't know the rot had spread from America to England. Distressing.


# 1,807 10:12, Apr 07, Ms. Carolyn Knoll, HI We are asking for basic scholarly standards. Oxford University Press' reputation is at risk if these standards are not met.

# 1,806 10:12, Apr 07, Thomas Graff, MT Even high school students way out here in the wilds of Montana know that one must have and must cite sources in papers. I am stunned by this turn of events at OUP.

# 1,800 10:04, Apr 07, Ms. Joann Thompson, WA This is vital to rational and verifiable discourse.

# 1,799 10:03, Apr 07, Ms. evangeline moen, MN I have sought out and own Oxford Press materials for most of my 70 years...Now will need to pay attention to your politics before I look to you for academic input.

# 1,798 10:03, Apr 07, Dr. Joan Kirk, AK I support evidence based claims, disclosure of conflict of interest and accurate representation of the publication by the Press.

# 1,797 10:02, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Cable, MA I rush to support this petition after reading about the shocking lapse of academic standards at OUP which I have always hitherto so much admired. "Why is it so hot, and what am I doing in this handbasket?!"

# 1,796 10:02, Apr 07, Kate Ragan, VA I have had such respect for your Press. Please don't disappoint me.

# 1,791 09:56, Apr 07, Mr. Kirk Teeters, AR I can not believe that as prestigious an institution as Oxford University Press would ignore these standards.

# 1,790 09:55, Apr 07, Mrs. Kim Pritchard, TX What is the point of publishing information that does not have the 3 standards listed? Why should our students have standards if one of the most prestigious Press companies does not?

# 1,782 09:51, Apr 07, Shireen HUQ, Bangladesh Shocked! Do not expect this from OUP.

# 1,777 09:49, Apr 07, Ms. patricia lang, WA Full disclosure as required by scholarly standards

# 1,776 09:48, Apr 07, Dr. Harold Welch, MB Hard for me to believe Oxford press could stoop this low.

# 1,771 09:39, Apr 07, Dr. Sarah Roche-Mahdi, MA As a scholar, I am truly horrified by such utter lack of minimal academic standards. Shame on Oxford for publishing such works and shame again for refusal to be held to account

# 1,770 09:39, Apr 07, Mrs. Cathryn Croall, CA Even my 9th grader cites her sources. Come on Oxford University Press, we cannot have truthful debates when sources are not cited. I will not be buying books from Oxford University Press until you correct this.

# 1,768 09:38, Apr 07, Ms. Katherine Hix, VA What OUP ought to do is republish "Food Politics..." (and any other citation-lacking tome) with credible sources (not the work of corporate advisors or stockholders in the subject matter) and withdraw the current version. Unless there aren't any credible sources, and it's all opinion.

# 1,767 09:36, Apr 07, Mrs. Jan Woods, CA For any scholarly work to be considered valid, sources must be cited. For a scholar who knows this to fail to do so is frankly, immediately suspicious. The piece he has written degenerates then to mere propaganda. Propaganda is not

61 the speech of free nations, it is the speech of dictatorships. I urge the Oxford University press to republish any publication unworthy of a democratic society using the highest standards of scholarship--which means of course cited thoroughly.

# 1,766 09:34, Apr 07, Mr. Vito Danelli, CT We must always strive for intellectual honesty!

# 1,763 09:29, Apr 07, Dr. Paul Berger, ON I receive frequent messages about Oxford University Press titles and will, in the future, boycott OUP if the three very reasonable requests are not honoured. This is a matter of integrity and the future of the earth, not just books. Paul

# 1,762 09:28, Apr 07, Hugh Rout, United Kingdom A once respected establishment, how sad

# 1,759 09:24, Apr 07, Dr. Janet Barwell, TX As an academic, I am appalled to read that the Oxford Press does not follow the most basic standards for quality research and authorship. This must be changed immediately.

# 1,757 09:21, Apr 07, Dr. Kathryn Fuller, CA How could such a highly-regarded university press not even require citations for evidence-based claims in the books it publishes?

# 1,754 09:21, Apr 07, Mr. Ravi Kallianpur, TX Thank you. Knowledge is not opinion

# 1,753 09:21, Apr 07, Dr. Gary Davis, IL I object to Oxford's failure to maintain rigorous academic standards in its publications.

# 1,748 09:20, Apr 07, Laura Proctor, BC If there is no evidence, if the author is connected with one party in a debate and if the publisher fails to identify these shortcomings, we should trust NEITHER the author NOR the publisher. And what of the other OUP authors?

# 1,745 09:19, Apr 07, Mr. saiful islam, United Kingdom i find the oxford university press's lowering of standards shameless and abhorable - i would like it changed asap and a public apology

# 1,744 09:19, Apr 07, Christina Duvander, QC Please adhere to the accepted standards for scholarly publishing. There is enough shoddy work already circulating, we do not need more!

# 1,742 09:19, Apr 07, Mr. Michael DeHaven, NC As a teacher in a state funded school for students exceptionally talented in mathematics and science, I find the behavior of Oxford University Press in this matter to be both cowardly and shameful.

# 1,741 09:19, Apr 07, Mrs. Pamela De Maigret, CA As a journalist, I am particularly concerned.

# 1,740 09:09, Apr 07, Barb Brass, CA Humanity is certainly in decline when our most prestigious and respected institutions of higher learning fail to uphold common standards for accuracy.

# 1,739 09:08, Apr 07, Mr. Douglas Baty, MT Please reconsider your standards. We need to be able to trust the objectivity of University Presses, particularly one as respected as 'Oxford University Press'.

# 1,738 09:05, Apr 07, Bernard McDowell, OR These very same basic notions of logic, science, and solid academic guidelines have been committed to by American

62 medical journals which then turned around and violated them until the next scandal. Anything less proves Oxford U Press should be ignored!

# 1,737 09:02, Apr 07, Mr. Michael Lewis, BC Get with the program Oxford Press. We need transparency and genuine scholarship if we are to have any chances of meeting the challenges we face as a species.

# 1,730 08:56, Apr 07, Mr. William A. Johnson, FL The standards requested are basic and necessary - without them I will no longer buy your publications.

# 1,728 08:54, Apr 07, Mr. D. Downing, PA Something other than the appellation "University", even preceded by "Oxford" has to establish a books value and authority beyond the mere fact that it is in print. Ever hear of "Chariots of the Gods"?

# 1,726 08:51, Apr 07, Mr. Roger Beck, OH Once your reputation for publishing intellectually truthful publications is lost, you will not be able easily regain it.

# 1,722 08:46, Apr 07, Dr. Carol Toris, SC I'm appalled to learn that you publish supposedly scholarly works without requiring citations for factual claims. I'm saddened to learn that a publisher I once respected has come to this.

# 1,720 08:44, Apr 07, Ms. Hannah Hinchman, CA It's ever more crucial now, when science in general is under attack, that we demand the highest standards from publishers who address these issues.

# 1,719 08:43, Apr 07, Jim Martens, BC I've always respected your position in the Commonwealth, and in the free world, as a standard bearer - especially in marked contrast to the shoddy prostitution that poses as the American press. Please, retract your hand from the corporate behemoth that is power at every level and juncture in the USA (and increasingly in Canada). Freedom and democracy cannot afford a sellout at any level.

# 1,718 08:42, Apr 07, Nancy Small, TX How can I justify to my undergraduates the ethical standards of research and scholarship if a leader like OUP doesn't follow these basic rules?

# 1,714 08:41, Apr 07, Ms. Gail Henigman, CA The fact that such an esteemed establishment as yours can be bought and paid for scares the bejeesus out of me making me think there is really no hope for the world continuing on as is. Overly dramatic statement by me? I don't think so. One by one icoms of integrity such as yours are falling to the monsters of greed and denial. You really can remedy this by admitting your and changing your misbehavior; do it, please.

# 1,713 08:41, Apr 07, Eric Whittington, CA As a bookseller, owner of Bird & Beckett Books in San Francisco, I'm embarrassed to note that I need to add a caveat when I recommend an OUP title to a customer. Please bring your standards up to the level that Ms. Lappe is recommending.

# 1,712 08:39, Apr 07, Ms. Joan McBride, FL Absent these standards, you should clearly label these works as "Public Relations" or, perhaps, "Modern Mythology". Do you not bring that level of integrity to your work? Shame!

# 1,709 08:36, Apr 07, Mr. george indruszewski, Denmark 'double' standards at Oxford: another sure sign of ethical decline

# 1,707 08:33, Apr 07, Dr. Brigitte schulz, CT I would hope that you take this petition very seriously to maintain your reputation in the world of scholarship.


# 1,703 08:31, Apr 07, Mr. Chris Lewis, VA As an Englishman living in America I am particularly disappointed in the apparent reduction of standards of the OUP. I try to promote Old World qualities and values, here in the colonies, and you are letting me down!

# 1,702 08:31, Apr 07, Dr. Jerry Martien, CA It would appear British publishing is following the example of British tabloid journalism. A pity.

# 1,701 08:29, Apr 07, Dr. Joan Bazar, CA This failure to uphold standards of disclosure dismays me, as a journalist and a psychologist. Please take steps to regain your reputation.

# 1,700 08:29, Apr 07, Ms. Betsy Crofts, PA A lack of citations suggests cowardice to this reader, a retired teacher who gave no credit to student work that did not include accurate attributions.

# 1,698 08:26, Apr 07, Mr. Jan Veitch, ON I'm astonished and disappointed that this petition is even necessary. What differentiates the Oxford University Press from Wikipedia?

# 1,697 08:25, Apr 07, Mary Henzi, PA As a former middle and high school librarian who taught students the importance of citing their sources of information, I am appalled at the behavior of an "esteemed" university press. What IS going on here?

# 1,694 08:21, Apr 07, Dr. katherine van wormer, IA I write for Oxford U. Press; they usually have such high standards I couldn't even cite magazine articles in my books so I'm really shocked to hear this. I didn't care for the outsourcing of copy editing to non-English speaking countries either. But on the whole I love Oxford U. Press. I just reviewed a fine book on ecological sustainability for Oxford. Please remove these biased food books from the catalogue.

# 1,693 08:21, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Everett, MD I am appalled at the apparent lack of transparency shown by Oxford University Press with respect to its published works and their authors' potential conflicts of interests and related lack of disclosure standards

# 1,692 08:19, Apr 07, Ms. Sherylann Miller, CA Cost keep rising and standards falling???? Help!

# 1,691 08:17, Apr 07, Mr. Eben Ross, CT Your reputation is tarnished, when will you decide being honest and forthright is a minimum standard?

# 1,690 08:17, Apr 07, Dr. Christoph Wagner, Germany This is worse than I ever thought, I would use the term "corruption completed". Glad I am retired, how could I uphold the old standards if they disappeared?

# 1,688 08:15, Apr 07, Dr. Dennis Maher, NY This issue threatens honesty and truth in publishing, in academia, in the press, and in politics. I trust publishers to print citations with claims such as are made here and to disclose conflicts of interest.

# 1,685 08:10, Apr 07, Dr. Jim Bob Stephenson, MI If this charge against ou is accurate, I am indeed disappointed in your abandonment of the rules of scholarship

# 1,682 08:06, Apr 07, Michelle Gross, MN I am Manager of Staff Training and Development for an 850+ physician multispecialty practice. In this role, I frequently develop courses for physicians and nurses. In developing these courses, I would not use any source without proper citation of evidence-based claims. Further, I examine the disclosures and associations of authors. It is distressing that Oxford Press materials do not meet these long-established standards and, thus, would be unusable in my work.


# 1,680 08:04, Apr 07, Susan Zencka, WI I am so disappointed in Oxford University Press's ignoring basic standards of scholarship - visiting the Press was a highlight of my trip to Oxford last year. I have always counted on Oxford University Press to uphold appropriate scholarly standards.

# 1,679 08:03, Apr 07, Kathleen McGregor, OR I am particularly shocked by the lack of citations. It is my habit to question the validity of "facts" and statements presented as truth in any text that does not show citations. I am disappointed at the OUP's policy on this, as well as on the lack of disclosure of the author's association with a related industry. Please believe me when I say that I feel the same way about publications that represent my own views on a subject.

# 1,676 08:02, Apr 07, Dr. Byron Danelius, MN A publisher with world-wide distinction shouldn't have to be told the very basics of the rules it should follow!

# 1,673 07:57, Apr 07, Bonnie Potter, ME These requests seem to represent a minimal standard for a prestigious publisher such as Oxford University Press. How do they justify their policy?

# 1,672 07:56, Apr 07, Rita Bright, CA Knowledge is freedom, information is key.

# 1,671 07:54, Apr 07, Mr. Tom Viator, AZ "Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues."

# 1,670 07:54, Apr 07, William Svoboda, WA Shame on you!

# 1,667 07:50, Apr 07, Name not displayed, AZ I write as a physician, a concerned citizen of Earth, and as the grandson of distinguished Oxford graduate and Cambridge professor Eric Walker.

# 1,665 07:48, Apr 07, Dr. David Klein, CA As a U.S. academic, I am shocked by the low standards of Oxford University Press. It will be difficult for me to take seriously its publications in the future.

# 1,662 07:48, Apr 07, Ms. Mary Bess, FL The truth can only free you if it's, in fact, true.

# 1,661 07:44, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NJ I appreciate, more than can be expressed, the energies being directed by our colleagues at They are not the only ones out there that are watching. Oxford really must act on this.

# 1,658 07:43, Apr 07, Mr. Roger Nehring, SD It is a shame that such measures must be taken merely to ask an academic publisher to uphold such minimal standards.

# 1,657 07:42, Apr 07, Dr. David Ker Thomson, ON I've always respected Oxford UP, used their work in my classes without reservation. Please reassure me that I was wise to have done so, and that I would be wise to continue. Coming clean decisively would save a lot of bother and letter writing...

# 1,656 07:42, Apr 07, Abe Baggins, ME This is so basic. It is hard to believe that we, the people, have to request scholars of such distinction to actually act scholarly.

# 1,655 07:40, Apr 07, Ms. Ronelle Moehrke, GA As a beginning author - your lack of standards scare me!!


# 1,654 07:40, Apr 07, David Phillips, TX I appreciate thoughtful debate for the richer perspectives and understanding it gives me on issues, and I feel that thoughtful people, no matter their "label" or side of a debate could support these standards of scholarship: 1) Citations for evidence-based claims 2) Full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest (whether financial or other associations). 3) Accurate promotion of publications. Let's set a good example.

# 1,643 07:35, Apr 07, Rich Becker, IL Don't let the Oxford brand become degraded.

# 1,640 07:35, Apr 07, Douglas Dirks, PA I request you, as the Delegates of Oxford University Press, to establish the following as its publishing policy: 1. Citations for evidence-based claims; 2. Disclosure of potential conflict of interest, whether financial or other associations; and 3. Accurate representation of the publication by the Press in its promotion. Without these standards books published by the Oxford University Press lose all credibility and the reputation of your organization is at severe risk of ruin. Thank you for paying attention to our petition to improve the standards and performance of your organization, Douglas Dirks

# 1,639 07:35, Apr 07, Ms. Carissa Snedeker, NV I am not asking that you censor your writers, merely that you hold to the highest standards of academic excellence.

# 1,635 07:33, Apr 07, Ms. Patricia Anzideo, NY As a public librarian, I always trusted Oxford Univ Press for accuracy in its publications. This issue casts serious doubt on OUP integrity.

# 1,634 07:32, Apr 07, Mr. Jared Blumer, PA As you know, scholarly work must fit rigorous guidelines. These three standards can help you to improve your credibility and provide information to the public that we can trust.

# 1,632 07:32, Apr 07, Mr. Don Schneider, FL I am so terribly disappointed with the Oxford University Press. It is a shame that they have so tarnished an impeccable reputation for petty politics!

# 1,623 07:25, Apr 07, Mark Goldman, WA I see compromises to intellectual integrity creeping into our culture everywhere I look, but to see it at Oxford University Press is most distressing. This is an obvious blunder by OUP. Please protect the priciples of intellectual integrity that are so important to human development. Thank you, Mark A. Goldman

# 1,620 07:23, Apr 07, Mrs. Irene Chang, OK Food politics matters a LOT. One in 32 boys in the State of Utah is now born with AUTISM!!!

# 1,614 07:06, Apr 07, Quinn Stretton, United Kingdom Without these standards the reputation of the Oxford University Press is diminished.

# 1,612 06:57, Apr 07, Ms. Jo Hauser, NC I believe that if we loose an unbiased and unreliable press we will have loss the fight to ever try to achieve democracy anywhere.

# 1,606 06:01, Apr 07, Mrs. Linda Nash, TX How can I teach my students the importance of citation if Oxford doesn't require the same of its publications?

# 1,596 03:38, Apr 07, Tom Bensman, OH Come on, Delegates----this is a no-brainer----and you have brains. Don't give in to those who want to pay you to act as if you don't. Do the right thing. We count on you.

# 1,594 01:52, Apr 07, Mr. Kristof Nordin, WI Let's make sure that if people actually make the effort to pick up a book these days that it is something that is worth that effort.


# 1,590 00:25, Apr 07, Daniel Villarreal, CA I am proud of the fact that I studied in Oxford, but the university's support of such poor academic standards is embarrassing.

# 1,588 00:14, Apr 07, Karl Frederick, CA You have already lost credibility. Are you going to reclaim it, or abandon it?

# 1,585 23:05, Apr 06, Ms. Bridget O'Brien, WA It is completely absurd that you would publish a text intended to be scholarly reference with no citations for fact- checking. ABSURD!

# 1,584 22:53, Apr 06, Mr. Gray Pattillo, CA My whole career as a government auditor required meticulous documentation and citation every assertion I made. In that regard, I would expect an organization like the Oxford University Press (OUP) to be the standard bearer of credibility by insisting on highest standards documentation and citations. Now I am distressed that I can no longer rely on OUP as a credibility source.

# 1,583 22:10, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Solon, WY Though a retired Episcopal Priest, I still purchase books published by Oxford. This revelation causes me concern relative to my interest in human rights.

# 1,580 21:46, Apr 06, Mr. Peter Hay, BC As an author who has been proud to have had four books published by OUP in New York, I am amazed by the lack of responsiveness from the current leadership at the Press to meet and discuss these reasonable criticisms of scholarly standards. Hope this petition will be received with a more reasonable spirit.

# 1,578 21:24, Apr 06, Stuart Zitin, NC You must be kidding!

# 1,577 20:57, Apr 06, Dr. Nancy Ries, NY Until I see some public statement from Oxford on this, I will neither trust nor BUY any Oxford books.

# 1,575 20:43, Apr 06, Ms. Jean Epling, FL I am shocked by the lack of standards and complacent attitude demonstrated by Oxford University Press.

# 1,570 20:23, Apr 06, Mr. Thomas Woods, United Kingdom I would have hoped that Oxford University- an institution that for many is seen as the holy grail of academic learning in our country would have held itself to higher standards with regard to publishing.

# 1,565 19:56, Apr 06, Mr. Thomas Gillespie, CA I expect transparency and conflicts of interest disclosed simply as a part of honesty. If you want others to accept and follow your claims, then citations are absolutely essential.

# 1,560 19:25, Apr 06, Dr. Charles Young, AR My sophomores have to cite, so should you.

# 1,559 19:22, Apr 06, Mr. David Grey, BC As a secondary school department head who orders books from your company, I demand that you adhere to time- honoured academic standards that require citations and a rigorous peer review process. I hope Oxford University Press succumbing to the right-wing drift towards spurious attacks on science gaining momentum in the US and Britain, among others.

# 1,558 19:15, Apr 06, Ms. Christina Surowiec, PA My credentials are M.A. in Policy Analysis, Johns Hopkins Univ. (1994), with a concentration in environmental policy. As claims become more dubious, they become more shrill. Slippage in basic scholarly standards is unworthy of an institution that identifies itself as an elite promulgator of knowledge and a forum for legitimate, unbiased debate and discussion..


# 1,557 19:10, Apr 06, Dr. Michael Keefer, ON OUP's abdication of scholarly standards in books addressing matters of key public interest is shameful. Michael Keefer, Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph

# 1,556 19:07, Apr 06, David Holmquist, IL Ms Lappe makes the crucial connection between the health of our democracy and the integrity of our debates. To paraphrase an old saw, the first casualty of class war is the truth.

# 1,553 19:02, Apr 06, william nichols, CA Act responsibly...publishing material without citations for stated "facts" is unacceptable.

# 1,552 19:02, Apr 06, Mr. Jim Anderson, CA Standards is what distinguishes a scholarly book from a trashy paperback.

# 1,548 18:26, Apr 06, Ms. Mimi Hanley, OH I have just finished reading Ms. Lappe's article and I must say that I was as shocked and dismayed as she was to read of the loose and low standards that Oxford Press had displayed regarding the publication in question. Please give her committee's petition your full attention as the principles that they represent impact and threaten our basic democratic freedoms. Please give this important matter the highest degree of consideration. Thank you, Mimi Hanley

# 1,544 17:43, Apr 06, Mr. Steven Holt, OR I am deeply saddened to hear your academic standards have slipped so badly.

# 1,541 17:17, Apr 06, Mr. John Walchak, FL If the publishing arm of one of the oldest universities on Earth cannot uphold basic standards of scholarship, then perhaps there's naught left but to wait for the asteroid.

# 1,540 17:15, Apr 06, Dr. Phil Klein, IA As a university professor who has used several Oxford U. Press's books, I am shocked by this continuing scandal. Please put things right!

# 1,539 17:14, Apr 06, Martha Cutler, NC As a university reference librarian I always trusted publications from Oxford Press. Now I see I may have been mistaken in doing so!

# 1,537 17:02, Apr 06, Dr. Raymond Beiersdorfer, OH I am surprised that these standards are not already being followed.

# 1,536 16:33, Apr 06, Margaret McClintock, ON Makes one wonder what else about Oxford's reputation is undeserved.

# 1,535 16:32, Apr 06, Joanne Naiman, BC As a both a writer of an introductory sociology textbook, and as a longtime professor of sociology, I was simply shocked that Oxford U. Press would allow such a book to be published. I have failed first-year students for less.

# 1,534 16:28, Apr 06, Dr. Jennifer Wells, CA Dear Sirs and Madams, As a scholar, I'm concerned with excellence and non-partisanship throughout our educational institutions, including our very best presses. I hope you will take these concerns to heart, and ensure that Oxford University Press continues to hold it's place in the world of scholarship. A loss of confidence and excellence at your press is a loss for us all. all the best, Jennifer Wells Professor, San Francisco CA

# 1,532 16:24, Apr 06, Michael Shaughnessy, CA I am a high school teacher who requires peer-reviewed sources with citations for research projects. I am afraid I might have to exclude Oxford University Press as a legitimate source.

# 1,531 16:17, Apr 06, Mr. Wind Harps, OR "What's the Difference Between Fox News and Oxford University Press?" If none, another in a series of final steps.


# 1,526 15:38, Apr 06, Michael Hecht, CA Not maintaining these standards reduces the Press to nothing more than a supporter of taudry, dime-store novels.

# 1,524 15:26, Apr 06, Mrs. Melissa Bigg, NC Without truth..scholarship just doesn't exist.

# 1,522 15:15, Apr 06, William Cline, Japan I am shocked by the lax standards of OUP. I am a teacher and would not accept writing by my students equal to what you sell under your name.

# 1,521 15:15, Apr 06, Jim DeVoto, IL I have reviewed many books published the OUP which deal with classical antiquity (my Ph.D. is in ancient Greek history), so I find it very distressing that the press apparently has different, quite rigorous standards for works published on "musty old stuff" from those on modern things. To make money, would the press publish an astronomy text, e.g., whose purpose is to refute the theory of heliocentricity? How about creationism, creation "science," "intelligent" design or whatever people who purvey such non-sense are calling it these days? If the press needs money and someone was willing to fund it, would the delegates give their approval? These are disturbing questions that the press should honestly and forthrightly confront, J. DeVoto, Ph.D.

# 1,519 15:13, Apr 06, Dr. Jesse Chanley, AZ We need to have fact-based evidence to support our political positions. Oxford University Press should require its authors to reference their evidence.

# 1,516 14:59, Apr 06, Dr. robert mackenzie, BC Cecil must be rolling in his grave.

# 1,515 14:59, Apr 06, Ms. Carole Larivee, NC If we can't trust Oxford University, who can we trust?

# 1,513 14:56, Apr 06, Mr. tom santoni, FL OUP - your reputation is in question. The world needs accurate information. Please agree to these simple, straight- forward policy requests.

# 1,512 14:56, Apr 06, Dr. Douglas Sloan, NY I am an emeritus professor at Columbia University. In the past I have always held Oxford University Press in the highest esteem, but this betrayal by the Press of basic academic standards calls into the most serious question my previous judgement.

# 1,510 14:55, Apr 06, Mr. Liam Carton, Belgium While unsurprised, I am none the less shocked that the continuing erosion of academic standards has now expanded to encompass Oxford University Press.

# 1,508 14:53, Apr 06, Lauren Turner, WA Please act to protect your reputation and credibility. Otherwise, you may hold as much influence as any newsstand gossip column.

# 1,505 14:49, Apr 06, Mr. Tony Duncombe, Bahamas Oxford University Press lowering standards - is nothing sacred?

# 1,504 14:48, Apr 06, Jeffrey Smith, IA This form of biased reporting is found throughout the GMO discussion, and has now tarnished, if not trashed, Oxford University Press' formerly good name. What a shame.

# 1,503 14:46, Apr 06, Dr. Ron McFarland, ID If you people at Oxford University Press haven't the decency to feel embarrassed for yourselves, then please know that I am embarrassed on your behalf.


# 1,502 14:46, Apr 06, Ms. Ellen Kaplan-Maxfield, MA As a freelance editor and indexer, I am shocked by the practices described in this article and will think twice before buying a book published by OUP.

# 1,499 14:32, Apr 06, Barbara Conkey, CO Integrity is a model for all of us

# 1,494 14:10, Apr 06, Dr. Craig Brestrup, TX The issues addressed in this petition came as a surprise to me. I have always held Oxford U. Press in high regard, and believe you must respond or risk your reputation.

# 1,493 14:06, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA There are certain standards of proof required that any writer must meet. The 1st is to have a prima facie case: assertions which, if taken on face value, prove a proposition being asserted. Another is the burden of proof: You must have appropriate evidence to back up your assertions. There clearly are higher standards of argument that we require from a publication from Oxford University that are clearly higher than shop talk at the workplace watercooler, or housewives conversing at the picket fence as they do the laundry, or such.

# 1,490 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. Mary Stromquist, OR The co-option of rational discussion by corporate entities in their own interest is a direct assault on democracy, not to mention on reason.

# 1,489 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. sam duncombe, Bahamas Really thought better of Oxford University Press - makes one believe that you really cannot believe in anything anymore.

# 1,488 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Moye, WI Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised but I was; it's a business after all. Still, the public and your readership deserve basic scholarly standards. Thank you FML!

# 1,486 14:02, Apr 06, Catrina Stroud, WA If the corporate dictatorship can force even Oxford University Press-the gold standard of academic publishing-to prostitute itself,then protest at this point seems hopeless. Nonetheless, I sign this petition and wish us all the best of British luck.

# 1,485 13:57, Apr 06, Bruce dunn, NY It would be nice to know real from fake.

# 1,484 13:54, Apr 06, Ms. Darla O'Brian, WA Readers in a democratic society have a right to know the truth. I urge you to adopt the proposed publishing policy.

# 1,478 13:40, Apr 06, barry reese, TX how unfortunate, though helpful (in avoiding garbage), to learn that oup no longer can be trusted to reliably pubish intellectually honest work.

# 1,476 13:22, Apr 06, Colleen Carpenter, MN I am shocked and utterly disappointed. As a scholar and teacher, I often talk to my students about how to distinguish reliable from unreliable sources--and just last week I went on and on about how amazing Oxford is, and how you can ALWAYS trust Oxford UP. Looks like I need to revisit that speech. Oxford, live up to your reputation!! Fix this now!!!

# 1,474 13:22, Apr 06, LOLLY EGGERS, IA As a librarian it is sad to hear that Oxford University Press has lowered its standards on what they are publishing!

# 1,473 13:21, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NY University Librarian with direct involvement in scholarly publication purchases/licenses worth $millions$ ...including business with OUP


# 1,472 13:21, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Costa, NY As a graduate of Oxford University, I'm especially shocked by the slovenly and unbelievably unprofessional behavior of the OUP in regard to the issues F. M. Lappé has raised. I hope you will meet with her and address these extremely serious issues which affect the whole credibility of the OUP and the University as well.

# 1,470 13:19, Apr 06, Lawrence Halvey Goodwin, WV The policy we are requesting is the least we can expect from a prestigious publisher like Oxford University Press.

# 1,467 13:15, Apr 06, Dean Klassen, AB As a citizen who is always engaged in learning, I know that the upholding these standards is CRITICAL in maintaining a valid understanding of issues within the population. If those with the power at Oxford University Press truly believe in science, they will reverse course and uphold these standards.

# 1,465 13:13, Apr 06, Mr. Neil Blomquist, CA It appears Monsanto's corporate strategy has penetrated the heart of what nurtures a free and open society, the acedemic world. Oxford Press needs to take a hard look at their values.

# 1,463 13:08, Apr 06, Name not displayed, IA We certainly expect higher standards from Oxford University Press and I am sorely disappointed by the lack of desire to improve your process.

# 1,462 13:08, Apr 06, Marion Stuenkel, WI I am a graduate of Oberlin College. When the college president spoke to our freshman assembly he told us that five years from our graduation we would have forgotten most of what we had specifically learned but that we would not have forgotten the most important, how to research what we needed to know in the situation we would be in in the future. A huge part of that was how to evaluate the source of the information. If a person looking something up cannot evaluate the experience of the author he/she cannot decide what is true or needed. To do what Oxford has done and refuses to correct is to negate the understood purpose of a university press. What good becomes an institutional education?

# 1,459 13:06, Apr 06, Dr. James Holstun, NY (Oxford published my first book, in 1987). Here's another thing to think about, Oxford: what kind of author would WANT to be published without citations? If that were me, I wouldn't want to be part of any club that would have me for a member.

# 1,457 13:02, Apr 06, Ms. Darlene Catello, IN Please continue to earn the respect that your press has received in the past.

# 1,456 13:00, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA The trend to cut down citations seems to be an increasingly problematic trend in lesser academic presses seeking to cut down costs, access a broader lay (non-academic) readership by lowering the bar of serious scholarly protocols of research. They are starting to resemble trade books. It is distressing to see Oxford U PRess follow the same slippery road.

# 1,453 12:56, Apr 06, Mr. Theodore Pfohl, NY As a librarian, I am dismayed that a prestigious academic press such as the OUP would publish any book that does not meet basic academic standards.

# 1,451 12:54, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Danielson, BC A poorly referenced academic paper loses all credibility. And so will Oxford University Press if this continues.

# 1,499 14:32, Apr 06, Barbara Conkey, CO Integrity is a model for all of us

# 1,494 14:10, Apr 06, Dr. Craig Brestrup, TX The issues addressed in this petition came as a surprise to me. I have always held Oxford U. Press in high regard, and believe you must respond or risk your reputation.


# 1,493 14:06, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA There are certain standards of proof required that any writer must meet. The 1st is to have a prima facie case: assertions which, if taken on face value, prove a proposition being asserted. Another is the burden of proof: You must have appropriate evidence to back up your assertions. There clearly are higher standards of argument that we require from a publication from Oxford University that are clearly higher than shop talk at the workplace watercooler, or housewives conversing at the picket fence as they do the laundry, or such.

# 1,490 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. Mary Stromquist, OR The co-option of rational discussion by corporate entities in their own interest is a direct assault on democracy, not to mention on reason.

# 1,489 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. sam duncombe, Bahamas Really thought better of Oxford University Press - makes one believe that you really cannot believe in anything anymore.

# 1,488 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Moye, WI Perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised but I was; it's a business after all. Still, the public and your readership deserve basic scholarly standards. Thank you FML!

# 1,486 14:02, Apr 06, Catrina Stroud, WA If the corporate dictatorship can force even Oxford University Press-the gold standard of academic publishing-to prostitute itself,then protest at this point seems hopeless. Nonetheless, I sign this petition and wish us all the best of British luck.

# 1,485 13:57, Apr 06, Bruce dunn, NY It would be nice to know real from fake.

# 1,484 13:54, Apr 06, Ms. Darla O'Brian, WA Readers in a democratic society have a right to know the truth. I urge you to adopt the proposed publishing policy.

# 1,478 13:40, Apr 06, barry reese, TX how unfortunate, though helpful (in avoiding garbage), to learn that oup no longer can be trusted to reliably pubish intellectually honest work.

# 1,476 13:22, Apr 06, Colleen Carpenter, MN I am shocked and utterly disappointed. As a scholar and teacher, I often talk to my students about how to distinguish reliable from unreliable sources--and just last week I went on and on about how amazing Oxford is, and how you can ALWAYS trust Oxford UP. Looks like I need to revisit that speech. Oxford, live up to your reputation!! Fix this now!!!

# 1,474 13:22, Apr 06, LOLLY EGGERS, IA As a librarian it is sad to hear that Oxford University Press has lowered its standards on what they are publishing!

# 1,473 13:21, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NY University Librarian with direct involvement in scholarly publication purchases/licenses worth $millions$ ...including business with OUP

# 1,472 13:21, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Costa, NY As a graduate of Oxford University, I'm especially shocked by the slovenly and unbelievably unprofessional behavior of the OUP in regard to the issues F. M. Lappé has raised. I hope you will meet with her and address these extremely serious issues which affect the whole credibility of the OUP and the University as well.

# 1,470 13:19, Apr 06, Lawrence Halvey Goodwin, WV The policy we are requesting is the least we can expect from a prestigious publisher like Oxford University Press.

# 1,467 13:15, Apr 06, Dean Klassen, AB As a citizen who is always engaged in learning, I know that the upholding these standards is CRITICAL in

72 maintaining a valid understanding of issues within the population. If those with the power at Oxford University Press truly believe in science, they will reverse course and uphold these standards.

# 1,465 13:13, Apr 06, Mr. Neil Blomquist, CA It appears Monsanto's corporate strategy has penetrated the heart of what nurtures a free and open society, the acedemic world. Oxford Press needs to take a hard look at their values.

# 1,463 13:08, Apr 06, Name not displayed, IA We certainly expect higher standards from Oxford University Press and I am sorely disappointed by the lack of desire to improve your process.

# 1,462 13:08, Apr 06, Marion Stuenkel, WI I am a graduate of Oberlin College. When the college president spoke to our freshman assembly he told us that five years from our graduation we would have forgotten most of what we had specifically learned but that we would not have forgotten the most important, how to research what we needed to know in the situation we would be in in the future. A huge part of that was how to evaluate the source of the information. If a person looking something up cannot evaluate the experience of the author he/she cannot decide what is true or needed. To do what Oxford has done and refuses to correct is to negate the understood purpose of a university press. What good becomes an institutional education?

# 1,459 13:06, Apr 06, Dr. James Holstun, NY (Oxford published my first book, in 1987). Here's another thing to think about, Oxford: what kind of author would WANT to be published without citations? If that were me, I wouldn't want to be part of any club that would have me for a member.

# 1,457 13:02, Apr 06, Ms. Darlene Catello, IN Please continue to earn the respect that your press has received in the past.

# 1,456 13:00, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA The trend to cut down citations seems to be an increasingly problematic trend in lesser academic presses seeking to cut down costs, access a broader lay (non-academic) readership by lowering the bar of serious scholarly protocols of research. They are starting to resemble trade books. It is distressing to see Oxford U PRess follow the same slippery road.

# 1,453 12:56, Apr 06, Mr. Theodore Pfohl, NY As a librarian, I am dismayed that a prestigious academic press such as the OUP would publish any book that does not meet basic academic standards.

# 1,451 12:54, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Danielson, BC A poorly referenced academic paper loses all credibility. And so will Oxford University Press if this continues.

# 1,398 10:32, Apr 06, Connie Wachala, IN As a teacher of writing, I struggle to made students understand the importance of scholarly integrity. It would be a comfort to know that Oxford University Press follows these standards of critical inquiry and fairness.

# 1,397 10:31, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Silva, MA Oxford University Press should be upholding the highest standards of objective journalism. I urge you to consider and act on this request. We have enough faux news and information in the world.

# 1,394 10:27, Apr 06, Name not displayed, WI "Standards at Risk"

# 1,393 10:26, Apr 06, Dr. Alice Dan, IL As a Professor of Health Sciences and Nursing, I appeal to reason--please protect health by not publishing propaganda for corporations.


# 1,387 10:10, Apr 06, Dr. Somnath ZUTSHI, India As a decades long buyer of OUP publications, I find it difficult to contemplate that it has so happily decided to slacken its academic standards. .

# 1,383 10:01, Apr 06, Diane Curlette, CO Please uphold your institution's reputation for publishing accurate, well-supported research.

# 1,380 09:56, Apr 06, Ms. Judith Gorman, RI If Oxford University Press is no longer invested in the basic integrity of the books they publish, something nasty has happened there.

# 1,379 09:54, Apr 06, Mr. David Robinson, PA Thank you for standing up vital standards!

# 1,377 09:53, Apr 06, Ms. Diane Squire, CA I'm shocked that Oxford University Press, has been reduced to publishing trash data. What happend to old standards? Deeply sad. Clearly, old trustworthy sources are no longer that.

# 1,368 09:36, Apr 06, James Emberger, NB As a citizen involved in arguing the cases of several serious world-wide issues, I need to know that the information used by both sides is both verifiable and untainted.

# 1,365 09:25, Apr 06, Mr. Stephen Pile, WA In this internet world, we need thoughtful, cited, and honest journalism. Please adopt the publishing policy advocated by this petition.

# 1,364 09:23, Apr 06, Ms. Ann Rick, CO If citation, disclosure and accurate representation are not the foundation of your publishing practice, what is the point of publishing at all?

# 1,360 08:56, Apr 06, Janet B Scott, MA If Oxford will not uphold these standards, who will?

# 1,358 08:54, Apr 06, Mr. Mike Carolus, NE Et tu Oxford University?

# 1,354 08:41, Apr 06, Mrs. Denise Garland, NC Revealing truths and citing sources and quality writing has been a quality of Oxford University Press. Publications like this (without citations) puts my respect and use of OUP sources as suspect and therefore unusable in research. Do it right!

# 1,353 08:40, Apr 06, Theresa Zaydel, MI kindly distinguish fact from opinion

# 1,352 08:39, Apr 06, Dr. David Kristjanson-Gural, PA As a scholar that studies and teaches about media misrepresentation, I find it very troubling that you do not take seriously this reasonable request.

# 1,350 08:22, Apr 06, Ms. Loretta Valenski, NC I do not even accept scientific current event papers from my high school science students without verifiable references. Without the above standards your reputation as a legitimate source of information is being destroyed.

# 1,349 08:01, Apr 06, Dr. Peter Schroeder, CA As a scientist myself I cannot fathom that you would put your imprint on anything that doesn't live up to the most basic ideas of proper scholarly conduct. If we as scientists do not uphold those standards anymore things are truly falling apart. In the name of all of science: affirm the importance of impeccable scholarly conduct!


# 1,348 07:29, Apr 06, Mr. Gary Jones, MA They obviously have no shame, not to mention personal or professional integrity. In fact, I doubt they ever have.

# 1,347 07:28, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NH These three standards are a bare minimum for academic integrity, and I'm surprised that OUP doesn't already require them of its authors.

# 1,345 07:16, Apr 06, Mr. Gregory Stricherz, MN I had an ESL textbok published by Oxford University Press while I was teaching in Japan some 30 years ago. I was extremely proud. Now I'm disappointed.

# 1,344 06:48, Apr 06, Mr. David Woodbury, QC If not Oxford, who will stand up for scholarly standards?

# 1,340 05:41, Apr 06, Ms. Jytte Nhanenge, Mozambique Beyond doubt these three basic scholarly standards are a must. In fact I would add more information in any scientific based research due to subjectivity. As the post-modern feminist Donna Haraway says, any research is done by a situated person with ideas determined by own experiences, knowledge, and inspired by certain theories. The combination of this is the foundation for claims of knowledge, which therefore is bias. To hold the researcher accountable for his or her beliefs and statements, Haraway finds that the researcher must clearly state all subjective issues. This includes disclosure of the researcher's position, statement of his/her situatedness (gender, class, race), and particular bias for which he or she can be held accountable in the knowledge produced. In this way, the outcome of a research cannot be obscured by claims of objectivity. Oxford University Press and Dr. Paarlberg did not follow these ethical standards when "Food Politics" was published.

# 1,339 05:37, Apr 06, Mr. Randy Fullerton, MS The world has never needed standards of excellence more than it does now. The people require disclosure, transparency and accountability.

# 1,331 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. Ara Merjian, NY The Press's refusal even to meet to discuss this matter suggests a basic disdain for dialectical integrity - something further betrayed this lowering of the bar for publication. As a frequent reader of the Press's products I am disturbed and alarmed.

# 1,330 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. John Moffett, MD I have been invited to write a chapter for an upcoming Oxford University Press book on magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The fact that Oxford's standards for publication are virtually non-existent makes me very concerned that my time might be better spent on writing a peer-reviewed article for a journal instead. I will be awaiting Oxford's response to these concerns.

# 1,329 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. Jackie Smith, PA I am a researcher and educator and am disgusted to learn of OUP's failures to uphold professional norms. It is part of the larger corporate corruption of our political and social order.

# 1,320 04:37, Apr 06, Ms. Lezley McDouall, NC I depend upon scholarly works to BE scholarly. The absence of these basic standards would seem to leave Oxford University Press outside that category. Please address this, for all our sakes.

# 1,319 04:32, Apr 06, Robert Mannion, NY As a professional librarian, I would refrain from selecting or approving Oxford University Press books that are not fully indexed.

# 1,315 04:06, Apr 06, Michael Meyer, WI I have always, as both student and teacher, depended upon Oxford University Press as the standard for both scholarship and integrity in publishing. It is deeply disturbing that these standards are no longer seen as important, and worse, that an apparent attitude of arrogance against those who would seek to recall Oxford to its historic ethical and editorial excellence is all that is offered.


# 1,313 04:02, Apr 06, Mr. Bruce Smith, NY The well earned prestige Oxford University Press is trampled by what appears to be a total disregard of it's professed standards: as a department of the University of Oxford, OUP "furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education..." Lack of citations and full disclosure profoundly demean anything resembling "excellence".

# 1,308 03:39, Apr 06, ROBERT Bick, MA I've managed bookstores for three decades and have been shocked by the increasing lack of attribution in even the most serious academic titles. Oxford UP should be a leader AGAINST this lowering of standards, not a efener.

# 1,307 03:36, Apr 06, Robert Lipton, MI I actually am astounded at Oxford's reaction to Scholarly Standards at Risk, seems kind of obvious, its something we always have to do when writing academic articles.

# 1,306 03:32, Apr 06, Linda Leehman, VT I want to know the context in which the information I read is developed.

# 1,304 03:24, Apr 06, Richard Martin, VA I expect an Academic press to present factual information with citations to indicate the origin of said facts. Apparently Oxford University Press doesn't feel that testable information is necessary to sell books.

# 1,302 03:09, Apr 06, Mr. Hillel Weintraub, Australia As a teacher in high school for many years, and a professor of communication at a university in Japan, I have long been an admirer of the standards of publications of Oxford University Press. However, I was disappointed and amazed to learn of the slacking of your standards on the website of . I hope that you will rectify this situation through announcement and in future publications

# 1,301 03:02, Apr 06, Dr. John Peck, CT I edit and translate for the Philemon Foundation, which publishes in association with Princeton U.P. These matters directly affect my own commitments as a scholar and writer.

# 1,300 02:51, Apr 06, Mr. Tom Waldman, CA Please Don't Follow the Lead of Fox News. Honor Transparency!

# 1,299 02:32, Apr 06, Lisa Savage, ME We who teach expect the Oxford Univ. Press to maintain at least secondary school standards for citing sources.

# 1,298 02:30, Apr 06, Frederick Kackley, NM Powerful financial interests are systemically required serve themselves. It's their survival. (Noam Chomsky). They must smother our full awareness of connections which get in the way of their agendas. It is obvious they are fighting for their lives when they corrupt intellectual inquiry.

# 1,297 02:20, Apr 06, Mr. alex brown, United Kingdom as a journalist, I was staggered.

# 1,296 02:19, Apr 06, Dr. Adrew Lugg, QC I am surprising and sorry I have to sign this. OUP!!!

# 1,294 02:12, Apr 06, Ian Powell, United Kingdom Disclose this: name whoever owns Oxford University Press on the cover of every book.

# 1,293 02:12, Apr 06, Dr. Michael Schoenhals, Sweden Defend the foundation of our disciplines: the supremacy of evidence!

# 1,292 02:11, Apr 06, Mrs. Gillian Davies-Nippel, United Kingdom As a student at the University of Glasgow I am absolutely appalled. OUP publishes academic textbook used by millions. If they are prepared to lower their standards of publishing and citation where does that leave the students who rely upon them for accuracy?


# 1,289 02:09, Apr 06, Mrs. Stacia Nordin, WI Oxford, shame on you, I'd love to hear why you aren't addressing these issues on your own. I used to think highly of you, I hope I still will be able to after this.

# 1,288 02:08, Apr 06, john steppling, Norway Do NOT allow this sort of propaganda to destroy a once respected publishing name.

# 1,286 01:44, Apr 06, Ms. Nina Flannery, OK I can hardly believe Oxford University Press has failed the academic and civilized discourse it once represented.

# 1,284 01:23, Apr 06, Alice Depret, France Shame that blantant propaganda in favor of Agribusiness is published without reference to any sources in this publication.....

# 1,282 00:45, Apr 06, Ms. Meris Michaels, NY Please preserve the standards and integrity of the Oxford University Press.

# 1,279 00:21, Apr 06, Ms. Katherine Showalter, CA This is a matter of trust.

# 1,278 00:18, Apr 06, Amy Ultch, CA Don't sell out!

# 1,276 00:01, Apr 06, Dr. Jeremy Hayllar, Australia BA Jurisprudence Oxon 1979 Physician / Educator Come on guys, surely you can do better than this?

# 1,275 23:46, Apr 05, Janet Strothman, CA All presses should be responsible for the accuracy of their publications by requiring citation of sources, but University Presses should be especially careful.

# 1,273 23:40, Apr 05, Cliff Boyer, OR It's a question of credibility. Lies and the dismissal of facts are now the coin of the realm in our public discourse. This is basic and shouldn't even be a matter for debate.

# 1,272 23:37, Apr 05, Mrs. Janet Matthews, NY Your website states that, as a department of the University of Oxford, OUP "furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education..." Under present circumstances, that description rings somewhat hollow. I imagine Humphrey Milford, among other luminaries in OUP's history, is revolving in his grave.

# 1,268 23:27, Apr 05, Mr. Joe Wallace, WA Oxford University Press undermines its credibility by failing to acknowledge it has been remiss in publishing schlock that doesn't meet basic academic standards.

# 1,267 23:17, Apr 05, David Peterson, TX I have lived in Oxford and have always had great admiration for the university. With that said, I am appalled at the apparent practice of the Press to not uphold even the most basic rudiments of academic publishing by passing off books (that are little more than personal opinion) as works of disciplined and unbiased research. I cannot help but to be very disappointed in the Press, and by extension, the university from which it derives support.

# 1,266 23:16, Apr 05, Mr. Dennis DuBois, Denmark We are trying to help you to maintain your standards. Why would you not listen?

# 1,263 23:06, Apr 05, Mr. Joey Smith, CA this is basic!

# 1,261 22:50, Apr 05, Dr. Steven Willett, OR Publishing books without citations to substantiate factual claims is shameful for any academic press let alone one whose history has been so distinguished.


# 1,258 22:29, Apr 05, Dr. Rik Smith, WA I too was surprised at the lack of citations in this book and the misrepresentation of the book's content. I urge the Delegates to provide an explanation for this lapse in scholarly standards.

# 1,256 22:28, Apr 05, Mr. John P. McCormack, CA It seems to me that one of the world's premier academic presses should hold to the standards of academic discourse. It is shocking that you should even need the goad of this petition to do so.

# 1,255 22:28, Apr 05, Ms. Annie Young, MN I mean really - Oxford Press. Time to go back to school I guess and learn how to write reports and research papers.

# 1,253 22:25, Apr 05, Dr. Thomas Scruggs Jr, CA I am a professor in music, and any book without citations is simply unprofessional -- and so is any press that would stoop to printing it.

# 1,251 22:19, Apr 05, Keith Aubrey, WA As a college teacher, I'm very disappointed with the OUP's lack of professionalism in the publishing of a supposedly scholarly work without citations. Without citations, I assume work is bogus. So the OUP has publishied a bogus book, and apparently more than one. Your reputation is slipping, people.

# 1,250 22:18, Apr 05, Mr. michael wade, NC Oxford? Unbelievable!!

# 1,243 22:09, Apr 05, Kathy Stennes, MN Food, nutrition, hunger. Issues of too great of an importance to not have publications that lack full disclosure, accuracy and fully referenced. Please consider tightening your publication policies to prevent misrepresentation on such vital issues as our food. Thank you.

# 1,242 22:06, Apr 05, Janaia Donaldson, CA Keep your standards of discourse and publication high. We look to the academic press like yourselves for integrity and full disclosure.

# 1,241 22:06, Apr 05, Ms. Demetria Shew, WA I work in a library and have been telling students that Oxford is reliable and citations? Even our community college students must have citations!

# 1,239 22:05, Apr 05, Ms. Carolyn Ballard, SC I'm appalled that OUP, one of the standard bearers for scholarly standards in writing, has failed to uphold those standards. Have you, along with so many other political, academic, business, media, etc. institutions succumbed to the power of the almighty dollar? Have you forgotten that a good name cannot be bought?

# 1,233 22:04, Apr 05, Dr. Tom Sager, MO As a retired academic, I tell you truly that academics are just as dishonest as other journalists. That includes, of course, Foxford Press.

# 1,231 22:03, Apr 05, Mr. Charles Rowe, CA I am amazed to learn the Oxford University Press publishes and endorses books that do not provide evidence for the author's claims; do not disclose conflict of interest; and is not accurate in its promotion of its books. Shame On You!

# 1,229 22:02, Apr 05, Chester McQueary, CO In representing the traditions of Oxford University, if the standards and critical criteria in book publishing become those of mere commercialism, then you will have truly failed your calling. I hope you will move to rectify this corrosive situation at once.

# 1,223 22:01, Apr 05, Dr. Adrian Ryan, Australia I have always regarded OUP as the gold standard for academic publishing. To discover that it has retreated from this is both a shock and a severe disappointment.


# 1,222 22:01, Apr 05, Dr. jeffrey masson, New Zealand I completely agree that this is outrageous and I am deeply puzzled, worried and dismayed that OUP will not even discuss the matter!

# 1,220 21:59, Apr 05, Dr. John Kane, CO I knew university presses were in trouble finanacially, but now I wonder if they can be bought

# 1,213 21:57, Apr 05, Andreas Reichelt, ON lowering standards is the equivalent of eating your seedcorn. would OUP be able to compete with the Random Houses of today? the only reason we're paying your ridiculous prices is because of quality.

# 1,212 21:56, Apr 05, Mr. Edward Bear, CA The more we allow the standards we bring to research and fact-finding to deteriorate, the more we will see our entire future deteriorate. We cannot help but reap what we have sown.

# 1,211 21:56, Apr 05, Ms. Jean Thompson, CA It's truly a sad, sad day when information coming from The Oxford University Press ( a publisher that is historically respected) cannot be trusted or when a book that seems to be factual really is not. I've been an educator all my professional life Now I know more than ever that whenever something is stated as fact, it must be checked with evidence as well as any possible conflicts of interest of the writer and publisher. We must teach our students to be consummate critical thinkers.

# 1,210 21:56, Apr 05, Mr. Stirling Kirkbride, Fiji Keep up the good work Ms. Lappe

# 1,209 21:55, Apr 05, Mr. Mark Hazell, BC I am shocked that Oxford University Press would publish a political tract disguised as a scientific study, and then refuse to discuss the matter with concerned readers who have many reasons to doubt the veracity and accuracy of the positions espoused.

# 1,205 21:54, Apr 05, Dr. Charles Meece, CA Do the RIGHT thing!

# 1,203 21:53, Apr 05, Mr. Anthony Famularo, ON If an academic press eschews the most basic practises of academic writing and publishing, then what's its point in existing? If this book "met the criteria," then the criteria are insufficient, if not corrupted.

# 1,201 21:52, Apr 05, Ms. Cynthia Kennedy, WA I am a college professor who expects her college freshman to use academic resources. I regularly allow Oxford University Press sources to be cited, but can no longer trust your ability to examine your texts for academic merit. Until you adhere to basic academic standards, I will not adopt your texts, nor allow my students to use them as academic source. I hope you decide to change your policies.

# 1,199 21:50, Apr 05, John and Debby Hanrahan, DC As a long-time journalist and author who relies on the integrity of works published by prestigious publishers, I am alarmed that Oxford University Press has apparently let slide standards regarding citations for evidence-based claims and conflicts of interest.

# 1,198 21:49, Apr 05, Ms. Joy Al-Sofi, WA Basic ethical standards can only be met when an institution upholds the three policy objectives of citations, disclosure and accurate representation of the contents of any work that it publishes.

# 1,195 21:48, Apr 05, Mr. Peter Hainey, OR Please uphold the standards for which Oxford University Press has become known. Once confidence is lost by your public, and by potential authors, you will spend a very long time trying to re-establish it. Authors and readers will go elsewhere.


# 1,194 21:48, Apr 05, Dr. Nim Batchelor, NC I am outraged at the decision to publish a book without citations.

# 1,193 21:48, Apr 05, Mr. Henry Bennett, OR Oxford University Press is rapidly losing the high reputation it used to enjoy!

# 1,192 21:48, Apr 05, Mrs. Magdalene Iglar, TX I am appalled that a press of your prestigious center of learning has such low standards.

# 1,190 21:47, Apr 05, Ms. Elizabeth Wright, WA As an educator, I can't recommend that anyone read this book, or indeed any book published by Oxford University Press if these are your standards.

# 1,188 21:47, Apr 05, Ormsby Ford, QC A classic example of "the castration of perception by central courts of power" (Adorno) as even the hallowed environments of learning prostrate themselves ahead of the march of "inverted totalitarianism"! Shame on OUP

# 1,186 21:46, Apr 05, Mr. John M Repp, WA We so need honest debate now on a whole range of issues and these rules would help further that debate. Our future is on the line.

# 1,184 21:44, Apr 05, Mr. John Atwater, CO Books without citations are more commonly known as fiction.

# 1,182 21:43, Apr 05, ERwin Kerr, PA I assume that Oxford University Press is a credible and trustworthy publisher by virtue of its name. Thank you for working to make it so.

# 1,178 21:42, Apr 05, Ms. Pamela Nummela, MN I no longer trust that Oxford University Press has integrity. I certainly shall not buy books printed by your press ever again!

# 1,177 21:41, Apr 05, Peter Harrell, FL Why would you want to destroy your reputation and brand by violating these basic standards?

# 1,176 21:41, Apr 05, Mr. Justin Matys, MA How can i force my students to back up their work with citation when you will not do the same for professionals?

# 1,175 21:40, Apr 05, Paul Manske, NY Come on,, I'd expect this from a Fox News. From you I expect some intellectual integrity.

# 1,173 21:40, Apr 05, Name not displayed, OR I am a very concerned citizen who is dismayed by this lack of professional standards.

# 1,172 21:39, Apr 05, Mr. Paul Jacoby, WV Transparancy is vital to Democratic choice. Broadcast networks and pulp media are not required to be transparant. It is vital that a publishing house such as Oxford provide transparancy in it's publications as a buffer against the runaway extremism of opinionated media outlets.

# 1,170 21:39, Apr 05, jean scott-honig, WI Democracy requires truth & transparency...please return to these standards.

# 1,169 21:38, Apr 05, Name not displayed, PA As a student and as a teacher, this was and is unacceptable!

# 1,167 21:38, Apr 05, Ms. Charlotte Trolinger, MT As a previous university faculty member for 24 years, I am very dismayed to see Oxford University Press failing to uphold the scholarly publishing standards it has itself created. I urge your reconsideration.


# 1,166 21:38, Apr 05, Carolyn McLuskie, CA I am shocked to find out that you allowed to be published a book full of lies about the crisis of food policy in the world without requiring citations and proof. Even more distressing is that your New York "chief" and your Oxford "delegates" say the book meets your standards. I can only surmise that you have been bribed by Monsanto and other food corporations. I am shocked that a university as venerable as Oxford would stoop to accepting money in return for putting its stamp and its reputation behind propaganda. I feel the world deserves to know how much you were paid. There can be no other reason than bribery for you to overthrow your own standards and print a book with no citations, no disclosure of conflict of interest, and no accuracy. This is a sickening revelation that has crushed my hitherto great respect for your press. Is Oxford University Press so desperate for cash that it allows its name to be bought? With critical issues of a safe food supply being threatened by massive agri-businesses, you have chosen to throw your reputation behind the polluters. What's next? A book by the Dutch explaining why it was justified in castrating young boys who reported the priests who had raped them to the police? Will you charge the Catholic Church the same amount you charged Monsanto and the agri-businesses to print their lies?

# 1,162 21:36, Apr 05, Ms. Rita Voors, IN Your issues are stated clearly and succinctly. I am shoked at the dismissive attitude of Oxford. I shall be hesitant to purchase their work in the future.

# 1,156 21:33, Apr 05, Dr. John Schaefer, IL As a chemical physicist I always respected your publications as thoroughly scholarly. On a subject as vital as world food policy I am appalled you would publish political screed.

# 1,153 21:32, Apr 05, Mr. Norman West, NY As a teacher and an attendee at one of Oxford University's prestigious summer institutes, I am concerned about the challenge to scholarly standards posed by the petition. It deserves to be investigated and responded to with a credible reply and, if necessary, internal reforms.

# 1,152 21:31, Apr 05, Steve Schmidt, GA Expediency has overtaken accuracy, honesty and clarity - sad what this portends for the future.

# 1,151 21:29, Apr 05, Mr. Alan Young, HI Transparency and openness are needed in this.

# 1,147 21:26, Apr 05, Peter Lach-Newinsky, Australia These standards should be self-evident.

# 1,146 21:25, Apr 05, Dr. Stephen Mulkey, ME As a scientist, scholar, and president of Unity College, I urge the Delegates to offer an explanation for the lapses in scholarship that have been noted.

# 1,145 21:25, Apr 05, Dr. Dennis Sapire, CA I was shocked to read how low your standards for publication have become...and my confidence in your brand has been shaken.

# 1,144 21:24, Apr 05, Mr. Philip Virgil, TX outrageous

# 1,143 21:24, Apr 05, Margaret Koster, CA How sad that one cannot trust a venerable institution such as Oxford University.

# 1,136 21:17, Apr 05, Joel Tyner, NY These three requests are just basic; please honor them!

# 1,133 21:16, Apr 05, Mr. Nicholas Moe, MN Traceable provenance of claims is essential in this age of fast-and-loose corporate media. Nicholas Moe John's Abbey and University Collegeville, Minnesota, USA


# 1,132 21:15, Apr 05, Mr. Perry Phillips, OH How can Oxford University Press publish controversial books like Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know without insisting the author, who is compromised by his role in industry, cite his sources? How embarrassing! Humiliating for anyone who has ever taught at a University.

# 1,131 21:15, Apr 05, Mr. Nick Niederlander, WI As a librarian, I have relied on OUP as a publisher of integrity. Please don't throw that away!

# 1,128 21:03, Apr 05, Mr. Josh Roll, OR Please help us save this world and our humanity. Cite!!

# 1,124 20:59, Apr 05, Ms. Susan Raikes Sugar, HI Absolutely essential -- and essential to find out why Oxford University has thrown in the towel and is now tacitly underwriting the journalism without standards for which Fox News is famously unashamed. This is frightening, frustrating and disheartening in the extreme. .

# 1,118 20:50, Apr 05, Ms. Linda Langlois, IN This is becoming more and more a concern for us all. Now a scholarly press is not adhering to these standards, too. It's like a disintegration.

# 1,115 20:46, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA I am sure Oxford University Press basks in the reflected glow from C.S. Lewis's literary creations; he famously relished vigorous, open debate and questioning. I was taught as long ago as high school English classes that failure to cite sources, known possible sources of bias and so forth was intellectually dishonest. Your press's peer - review process must hold to that standard, or be seen as corrupt.

# 1,111 20:31, Apr 05, Mr. Leonard H. Fremont, OH To understand the horrible impact Monsanto is having on the planet, read The World According to Monsanto, and Food, Inc. Your article is truly criminal and we can no longer respect The Oxford University Press Ihad looked up to for generations.

# 1,110 20:30, Apr 05, Mr. Roger Kent Haywood, NC I am appalled that a formerly reputable publisher would not require citations of statements presented as fact. I will certainly avoid any purchases from Oxford University Press. You dispoil the name "Oxford".

# 1,106 20:24, Apr 05, Dr. Warren Ingber, NY If Oxford University Press cannot implement this policy across the board, it should launch a new imprint for the exceptions. I have several suggestions for a trade name, but none is fit to include in a public petition.

# 1,099 19:57, Apr 05, Cassandra Medley, NY Disclosure please, for ACCURATE representation of your publication conflicts of interest.

# 1,092 19:19, Apr 05, Dr. Loraine Hutchins, MD this has been a concern of mine for a long time and I am so glad to see it being addressed.

# 1,090 18:52, Apr 05, Ms. Carolyn Dixon, AK One of the causes of the sad state of public discourse today is the fact that anyone can make any claims they want to with no need for evidence of any kind.

# 1,088 18:43, Apr 05, Mr. William Allen, CT It is disappointing the such a renown institution would compromise it's standards suggesting that money and World domination through "legitimized" propaganda was more important than truth.

# 1,087 18:29, Apr 05, Ms. Gunter Pfaff, CA Why would they expect people to pay big money for Fox News in print?

# 1,085 18:20, Apr 05, Ms. Ruth Schwartz, CA I worked for six years at the University of California Press and there was a distinction between trade books and

82 scholarly books, and the trade books very often did not have the kind of extensive citations that the scholarly books had. However, the subject matter of the trade books was along the lines of The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. Such books were clearly promoted as "trade" books. The subject matter of Food Politics screams for the need for citations AND disclosure of conflict of interest.

# 1,084 18:16, Apr 05, Mr. Charles Wyrostok, WV It's a sign of the economic times. OUP must be beholden. Shame.

# 1,083 18:16, Apr 05, James Bennett, VA Basic standards such as these ought to be in place already---otherwise Oxford University Press cannot be taken seriously.

# 1,082 18:16, Apr 05, Ms. Barbara Keller, WA There are so few areas in the public arena where one can now turn to discover truth and weigh a proper course both for personal and for political action. The University presses, of which Oxford has formerly been the most prestigious, have been the one place one could reliably turn for vetted truth. Please return to this historic standard. At this point in history, we really have no where else to turn.

# 1,081 18:13, Apr 05, Ms. MARY Baumslag, NY For a renowned university to exhibit such a viewpoint is more than merely troubling. It is against all the intellectual values of such an institution. One wonders what Cambridge would do with this. One is either committed to intellectual honesty or one is not. Q.E.D.

# 1,072 18:06, Apr 05, Dr. David Eastwood, NY My field is chiefly literature. I own about 75 Oxford UP books. My personal peeve hitherto has been the shoddy copy editing/proofreading by both authors and editors in the past 3 decades. The problems addressed in this petition go beyond that and into the realm of intellectual honesty and trustworthiness, without which our society is in grave danger. I have observed during the past 50 years an alarming debasement in academic standards and requirements, which I largely attribute to the pressures of society (including parents, corporations, and political parties) on university administrators and other school administrators. I would hope that Oxford UP would care enough at least to be discuss this petition's issues with those who are now expressing concern. David R. Eastwood (retired professor of English, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY 11024)

# 1,069 18:04, Apr 05, Candy Paulson, PA I rely on the honesty and reliability of Oxford University Press and it is unconscionable that you have published something without citations. Peer reviews for are essential to the validity of any arguments. The world community deserves better.

# 1,068 18:03, Apr 05, Ann Rounds, CA It is unconscionable that a university as prestigious as Oxford would support and publish unsubstantiated opinion posing as research!

# 1,066 18:02, Apr 05, Mrs. Susan Deckhart, PA We cannot continue to respect the Oxford University Press if it does not hold to acceptable academic standards.

# 1,065 18:01, Apr 05, J. Lynett Gillette, CA I work in a research library. Please keep Oxford University Press books something we can keep purchasing - citations are a must.

# 1,059 17:53, Apr 05, Ms. Donna Fuchsluger, PA I am disappointed at the ludicrously low publication standards being used by Oxford U Press.

# 1,058 17:52, Apr 05, Mr. george beres, OR As a journalist of 60 years, I see this issue as much a question of journalistic ethics as it is publishing integrity. - George Beres


# 1,057 17:51, Apr 05, Mr. Jeffrey Vetter, CO I assumed these standards already existed given the University association. That they are not is truly shocking and shameful.

# 1,056 17:50, Apr 05, Mrs. Florence Goshdigian, CT I am disappointed. Oxford Press has always carried the most prestige and credibility for American readers. Without any references this book is fiction. Have you become a vanity press for corporate interests?

# 1,050 17:43, Apr 05, Mr. Mark Takefman, China OUP: Your integrity and the democratic public discourse demands you maintain high scholarly standards.

# 1,043 17:33, Apr 05, Mr. Steven Smith, MN Standards should not go backwards in the 21st century. Really.

# 1,042 17:30, Apr 05, Mr. Larry Gibson, CA It's shameful that a revered institution like Oxford would be so lack in codifying it's sources for publication. If distinguished institutions lower their standards as you have, our veracity as a haven for higher education is in jeopardy. Cordially, Larry Gibson

# 1,038 17:28, Apr 05, Dr. nicholas biddle, PA As a trained historian, I'm appalled at Oxford University Press's apparent sell-out to big money. This reeks of corporate domination. Remember World War II? Where is your spine for honesty and integrity?

# 1,037 17:26, Apr 05, Mr. Frederick Holder, Australia I value Oxford University, both as an institution of higher learning and a publishing press, very highly in terms of academic excellence. This slip in standards is very disappointing and needs to be redressed.

# 1,033 17:20, Apr 05, Dr. Graeme MacQueen, ON I have a Ph.D. from Harvard University and have taught in Canada (McMaster University) for 30 years. I believe the request we are making of Oxford University Press is very, very reasonable and I will be quite shocked if it is denied.

# 1,032 17:19, Apr 05, Dr. Paul Mountfort, New Zealand What? Oxford Vanity Press for industry shills who eschew citation and disclosure? Shame!

# 1,030 17:17, Apr 05, Mr. Rudy Rogalsky, BC I'm astonished that OUP does not already adhere to the standards we're suggesting. I will never buy or borrow an OUP published book until I have checked for citatiions and potential conflict of interest.

# 1,029 17:16, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Carson, NJ I urge you to uphold the most basic standards for publishing potentially controversial material.

# 1,028 17:15, Apr 05, Leonard Joy, CA OUP's behaviour is a shocking surprise that erodes the trust in its integrity that it has built over the years. We need a mea culpa.

# 1,026 17:13, Apr 05, Mr. Lawrence Ribnick, CO Oxford U. Press: Who can we trust?

# 1,025 17:13, Apr 05, Colleen Clark, MA Shocking to read that a university press does not hold itself to the standards expected of even high school, much less college, students. Just shocking. And inexcusable.

# 1,022 17:12, Apr 05, Ms. Thalia Doukas, MD I support this initiative as I believe all hope of a democratic future depends on upholding accountability and transparency right now ...

# 1,020 17:10, Apr 05, Name not displayed, IN Do the right thing Oxford!


# 1,019 17:10, Apr 05, Ms. Catherine Murphy, MN Please uphold the standards so that your publications can be trusted.

# 1,018 17:09, Apr 05, Mr. Edward La Combe, FL For how little has Oxford sold its name?

# 1,015 17:07, Apr 05, Mr. andre horvath, TX transparency in every respect please. I don't appreciate dishonesty at all

# 1,008 17:01, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Obszanski, ON While this lowering of academic standards should not be tolerated, it is unfortunately not surprising. Intellectuals typically serve power and privilege and this is just another example. Harold Rosenberg described intellectuals as "The Herd of Independent Minds," in an essay and this remains true to this day. If you serve power and privilege, whether it be state power or corporate power, you will be justly rewarded in your career.

# 1,005 16:56, Apr 05, Mr. Jeff Mousseau, ON I am truly distressed that Oxford University Press would lower it's standards to allow books without citations. OUP was once considered a world leader in peer reviewed, scholarly publications. With this petition, I urge UOP to review it's standards and procedures to restore itself.

# 1,002 16:54, Apr 05, Mrs. Nancy Oden, ME Oxford University Press has a reputation to uphold. Would you tarnish it by publishing works which do not give citations for their statements? And which make claims which are clearly false as even cursory research exposes? Please uphold your reputation as an honest, trustworthy publisher by demanding of all authors that which this Petition requests. Thank you.

# 999 16:52, Apr 05, Judith Kroeger, PA By not requiring citations and potential personal conflicts of interest, your press, and by extension, all academic presses cheapen scholarship. You're a field leader and maintaining the highest standards must remain a high priority.

# 996 16:49, Apr 05, Andrew Cunningham, BC Please ensure an unbiased approach to your publishing otherwise you will lose even more credibility.

# 995 16:46, Apr 05, Walter Fields, BC Do the right thing!

# 993 16:44, Apr 05, Ms. Lynn Faulkner, NM Your reputation is at risk here.

# 992 16:43, Apr 05, Mr. David Rohrlich, MA As an academic, I am surprised that the Oxford University Press has no higher standards than the commercial press.

# 986 16:37, Apr 05, Mr. Richard Guard, Japan Does not public discourse rely on accountability?

# 984 16:35, Apr 05, Kerry Walker, MI I expect that academically promoted books will be well cited and have serious peer review prior to printing and distributing.

# 983 16:35, Apr 05, Ms. Janet Hanson, MT Always looked to the UK and Oxford for facts, rules, laws...with the glaring exception of Tony B. How disappointing. You have shatered my hopes for truth in journalism.

# 982 16:35, Apr 05, Name not displayed, BC This departure from accepted academic standards by none other than Oxford University Press leaves me both saddened and disturbed.


# 977 16:28, Apr 05, Ms. Abby Smith, WA At the very least a university press should require that authors cite references, and disclose potential conflicts of interest. I teach at a college and require my students to appreciate the weight of academic standards so I was quite surprised to discover Oxford University Press sadly sees no need to respect this tradition.

# 976 16:26, Apr 05, Mr. Gene Engene, WA Is it just OUP, or have the standards of the University itself fallen so far ,that its academic staff no longer know the standards to which any academic/scholarly work must be held? Hundreds of thousands of faculty, both active and retired, are concerned about this, not only at Oxford, but world-wide.

# 971 16:23, Apr 05, Dr. Lynda Richards, MO My dissertation had pages of documentation!

# 966 16:16, Apr 05, Dr. Sherryl Kleinman, NC As a scholar, I find this outrageous. What led to the lowering of standards?

# 965 16:15, Apr 05, John Thomas, OR I never suspected Oxford U. Press was equivalent to Fox Commentary (seldom news), and would publish such second rate material. I shall be more careful in the future to avoid Ox U Press publicationsl

# 952 16:04, Apr 05, Mr. Greg Allen, WI I'm a long time fan of the Press. It is beneath the press to make claims without citations and to not disclose potential conflicts of interest. Now I'm skeptical of a Press I once considered unimpeachable.

# 947 15:58, Apr 05, Mr. Phil Mundt, AR As a retired educator, this is shocking;Oxford University Press lowering its standards!

# 946 15:58, Apr 05, Ms. donna soszynski, NY The World expects the Oxford Press to have integrity with all their publications. Please meet for Frances Moore Lappe. Thank you.

# 944 15:56, Apr 05, Chris Riger, MA How dare you aid and abet the poisoning of our world AND of truth, accuracy and the common well being of all?

# 942 15:56, Apr 05, Rebecca Dale, OH As a retired librarian, I'm shocked at the lack of scholarly standards revealed by Ms. Lappe. Even high school students are held to higher standards.

# 940 15:54, Apr 05, Dr. William Slavick, ME If it lacks a source, it is likely untrue.

# 939 15:52, Apr 05, Laura Hofer, OR As a Harvard University and Columbia University graduate, I ask that you uphold the standards on this petition regarding scholarship.

# 938 15:52, Apr 05, Dr. Aart Dolman, MT Yes, for many years I have been very concerned about the lack of academic standards in the Oxford University Press.

# 934 15:50, Apr 05, Kirk Anderson, MN How can an Oxford Univ. Press book not have citations? Do their students' papers not require them either? And no potential-conflict-of-interest-disclosure about the author consulting for the CEO of a company he's writing about in the book? I would have thought having "Oxford Univ. Press" on a book would be a hard-earned seal of approval for thorough, well-researched work.

# 930 15:43, Apr 05, Lydia Lord, OR I am very disappointed in you!


# 929 15:42, Apr 05, Dr. Steve Roddy, CA I hope OUP decides to the right thing, and withdraw this book until the appropriate changes are made to bring it in conformity with standard academic practices.

# 927 15:39, Apr 05, Mrs. Aurelie Jacques, NH Thank you for your advocacy.

# 926 15:36, Apr 05, Mr. Wayne Johnson, CA We must have unbiased writing and reporting, humanity demands it!

# 925 15:34, Apr 05, Mr. David Nobel, MA I am frankly shocked that the eminent Oxford University Press has apparently lowered its standards to the point where such a petition is even necessary. Has corporate influence penetrated to the heart of academia this quickly? This smells suspiciously like "benefactor-friendly" decisions are being made. Nothing else makes sense. Should we dig deep enough, I trust we would uncover a money trail that explains all.

# 924 15:34, Apr 05, Mrs. Harriet McNamara, CA As a retired librarian I am shocked that your publishing policy does not include citations for claims supposedly evidence-based.

# 922 15:32, Apr 05, Name not displayed, GA I am 70 years of age and have often used Oxford University Press publications to further my self-education. I support the Scholarly Standards enumerated by this petition.

# 918 15:30, Apr 05, Mr. John Dickerson, GA I expect better of Oxford University Press!

# 913 15:26, Apr 05, jakob jaggy, CA If it makes no sense, I suggest you follow the money trail. The question than is, does Oxford University Press get money from any company , that would benefit getting their information out through a channel with (so far) good reputation? Just remember, reputations can not be bought back once lost.

# 911 15:23, Apr 05, Rachel Goodwin, MA Actually, I am deeply saddened that such basic standards are followed by Oxford Press and will now think twice before buying a book from this press. Rachel Goodwin

# 908 15:21, Apr 05, James Prendergast, IL I would expect higher publication standards from a publisher with the reputation of Oxford University Press.

# 907 15:19, Apr 05, Mrs. Phillup Brinkman, MI Oxford University should be deeply ashamed! This is a slap in the face to the Crown, and to English citizens in the U.K.

# 905 15:17, Apr 05, Karen Wilkison, AZ Without citations for evidence-based claims, real information is compromised by doubt. Accurate representation of publications by the Press are crucial to freedom and information.

# 904 15:16, Apr 05, Pamela Halsey, VA It is very distressing to me that I am no longer able to trust that publications from the Oxford University Press have adequate documentation for an author's claims as well as disclosure of potential conflict of interest. It is sad that Oxford University Press no longer upholds the scholarly standards that once were part of the OUP reputation.

# 901 15:16, Apr 05, Ms. Roberta Beach, MN I expect Oxford University Press to hold the same high standards as OU's admissions department. Even the bestselling "Fast-Food Nation" contained references!

# 900 15:15, Apr 05, Mr. Richard Lemmer, Japan I teach academic writing classes at universities in Japan and would not consider accepting a paper without citations.


# 899 15:14, Apr 05, Mr. Justin Mutrux, MO What Monsanto has done to plants and to our food is insanity. Look at the obesity epidemic for proof.

# 898 15:14, Apr 05, Robert Mikulewicz, NJ Was the book in question a ratty little paperback printed on acid newsprint?

# 897 15:14, Apr 05, Ms. Patricia Goldsmith, NY I am shocked that OUP does not require citations for facts as part of its policy. The failure to disclose associations and conflicts of interest opens the Press to the appearance, if not the fact, of corruption. Please uphold reasonable, basic academic standards!

# 896 15:13, Apr 05, Nicoli Bailey, AK I have trusted Oxford University Press during these dark days of financial and corporate takeover of our planet....until now. For shame. Money buys nearly everyone's soul, doesn't it. I keep waiting, and I am in my mid- fifties, to find out what my price far, I would still rather be in jail than collude with the ugliness, the wickedness, the unacceptability of fascism.

# 894 15:13, Apr 05, Mr. Michael Warner, IN Holy Cow, Has the Oxford press gone to hell in a hand-basket or what>

# 893 15:12, Apr 05, Mr. Kenton Rhoades, MA I'm shocked that such a venerable institution would omit something so standard and important - unless there is something they wish to hide....

# 892 15:10, Apr 05, Alan Van Zuuk, OR Has Monsanto silenced OUP as well? Or is OUP now striving to outdo Facebook for triviality?

# 890 15:10, Apr 05, Dr. Thomas Boyle, TX As someone who earned a PhD, I know the importance of citing sources for any claims I make, the importance of disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, and the importance of accurately representing one's work. I believe the Oxford University press should duly reflect these important values in their publications.

# 889 15:10, Apr 05, Frank Burke, LA )URP3DXO&ROOLHU V7KH%RWWRP%LOOLRQWKHDXWKRUH[SODLQLQJZK\KLV283ERRNKDV12IRRWQRWHVµ7KLVERRNLV an attempt to shift thinking; it is written to be read, and so I have kept clear of footnotes and the rest of the usual JULPDSSDUDWXVRISURIHVVLRQDOVFKRODUVKLS,KDYHWULHGWRZULWHVRPHWKLQJWKDW\RXFDQHQMR\UHDGLQJ%XWGRQ¶WOHW that lead you to conclude that what I have to say is just a load of froth. Underpinning the book are a mass of WHFKQLFDOSDSHUVSXEOLVKHGLQSURIHVVLRQDOMRXUQDOVDQGVXEMHFWHGWREOLQGUHIHUHHLQJ¶ S[LL ,I,KDGZULWWHQVXFKD statement in high school I would have certainly failed.

# 888 15:10, Apr 05, Dr. Bruce Lanphear, BC If Oxford Press's standards fail to include citations or to rely on scientific evidence, it will impact my decision to purchase Oxford's texts or recommend them for readings in my courses.

# 887 15:09, Apr 05, Name not displayed, NY IU'm really shocked because I thought that Oxford of all places stood for academic excellence

# 884 15:09, Apr 05, Ms. Myrna Miller, CA I am a retired Community College president. I beg you to honor the standards that I and my fellow academicians have worked to instill in our students.

# 879 15:08, Apr 05, Paul Cardwell, TX I will certainly be less likely to cite one of your books in the future, considering your sloppy standards of scholarship. Maybe you aren't as bad as Fox (and probably don't hack computers either), but I question where you stand on the credibility scale relative to Wikipedia.


# 878 15:08, Apr 05, Mr. Gerry Danby, United Kingdom OUP is an institution whose integrity must be unimpeachable. Do not compromise it with a basic lack of professional standards, respect the need for citations and conflicts to be transparent.

# 877 15:08, Apr 05, Alexander Murray, IL It comes as a shock to know how commercialized the OUP has become. Where are its former qualities? Is it too late to restore them?

# 876 15:08, Apr 05, Mr. Lawrence Tvorak, FL When reasonable standards of academic review are apparently abandoned, Oxford University Press becomes a common purveyor of popular fiction. I am shocked and deeply disappointed that you would rather sully the reputation of the Oxford University than address this problem and reaffirm your commitment to publishing integrity.

# 874 15:07, Apr 05, Ms. Aliza Keddem, OR I teach at a university and trust that publications by you and others live up to academic standards by giving citations and disclosures if a convlict of interest may exist.

# 873 15:07, Apr 05, Sheelu Weber, India Unbelievable that OUP doesn't require citations to support factual claims. What's really going on here? Who's in whose pocket?

# 872 15:07, Apr 05, Mrs. Leona Merrin, NV The documentation about Monsanta is expected to be clear, for which Oxford University Press bears responsibility. We sincerely hope to see disclosure from the publisher as one whose imprimatur connotes authenticity.

# 870 15:07, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA Remember respect and integrity must be earned and maintained. Simply because you are the famous Oxford University Press does not give you immunity from having your reputation diminished from your lack of intellectual standards.

# 866 14:59, Apr 05, Dr. John P. Dwyer, FL OUP has been my life-long standard for academic/ scholarly excellence. Friends of mine who've published through OUP automatically rise to the highest esteem. Not so any more. You're hardly better than Viking!

# 865 14:59, Apr 05, Ms. Nancy Hatfield, MA Multi-national Big Business corporatists are teaching at major universities throughout the U.S. as well, corrupting students with their winner take all at any expense ideology -- just look at John Yoo, who wrote Bush's torture memos, at UC Berkeley, California -- and others writing and teaching after their direct role in the banking (and therefore war) fraud committed around the world with government assistance!!! It's outrageous and there will be hell to pay.

# 864 14:58, Apr 05, Ms. Diane Lefer, CA I would think twice before allowing students to use, in their own studies, books published by a university press with such shoddy oversight and failure to maintain scholarly standards.

# 863 14:57, Apr 05, Ms. Sarah Moore, United Kingdom As a MSc-level food policy student this book is not on our reading list. Our lecturers, including Professor Tim Lang, constantly reiterate the need for citations to back up claims. I think that publishing books without citations is against the interests of OUP as no one will want to buy books with such low academic standards. I own many food policy books but would not be interested in buying this one.

# 862 14:57, Apr 05, Ms. Mina Johnson, TX Personal essays have their place, but they are no substitute for academic rigor.

# 858 14:53, Apr 05, Mrs. Kathryn Steele, OR What is the difference between Fox News and Oxford University Press? None whatever, if citations are not required

89 in scholarly works that seek to persuade. Your reluctance to address this issue is dismaying. I will beware of Oxford University Press from now on.

# 850 14:47, Apr 05, Lynn Wurzburg, VT I would never expect the Oxford University Press to not uphold the highest standards- I'm very disappointed and troubled by this.

# 848 14:46, Apr 05, Robyn Delfin, NY I am shocked that Oxford University Press does not require footnotes or study information. Any one can make a claim if they have a doctorate?

# 847 14:46, Apr 05, Frank Shulse, MO Please honor and support academic standards by requiring said standards of Oxford University Press. Thank you, Frank Shulse

# 845 14:43, Apr 05, Ms. SARAH MOORE, United Kingdom As a food activist, and follower of food politics & a mature student new to academia entering anthropology I simply cannot believe that one of the first rules I have learned about disclosure and potential conflict of interest has been so flagrantly by-passed at the very heart of academic excellence. This is important to redress.

# 844 14:42, Apr 05, Herbert Thomas, ME Oxford University Press, thy reputation is damaged!

# 842 14:41, Apr 05, Ms. Susan Snasdell, AZ This just shows how much we are being deceived.

# 841 14:41, Apr 05, Name not displayed, TX As an academic, I was distressed to learn that Oxford University Press does not require all of its publications to have citations for evidence-based claims and that full disclosure of conflict of interest is not required for authors of its publications.

# 839 14:40, Apr 05, Mr. Bud Maynard, CA Democracy, like good journalism and good science, requires honesty and integrity to work. Oxford Press needs to uphold these standards and require all potential conflicts of interest and relevant associations to be disclosed.

# 838 14:40, Apr 05, Paul McCarthy, CO I will think twice before purchasing another book from Oxford Univeristy Press.

# 836 14:38, Apr 05, Dr. Carol Langford, MA Your credibility is at stake! We need you to keep academic review standards HIGH

# 833 14:30, Apr 05, J.W. Smith, AZ And this goes much deeper. Perception has been so totally managed worldwide that a large share of solid citations are citing pure nonsense with not relevance to reality. Citing Frances Moore Lappe's work, and a few others are exceptions. Most are citing trash. J.W. Smith, author of the soon to be released No Poverty No Wars No Taxes.

# 832 14:28, Apr 05, eli elliott, CA keep them honest

# 830 14:24, Apr 05, mike koran, MA Know Weigh truth is safely sought hearing feeling-thoughts of many voices challenging choices examining fruits our guessed truths produce

# 829 14:24, Apr 05, Michelle Martin, WA I was surprised that such a prestigious university press would allow publication of work that can not be realistically be used for research. Without citations, readers who question the author's assertions have no way to quickly verify the facts. These three items are reasonable and at the very least will bring readers' confidence back in books published by your press.


# 826 14:15, Apr 05, Mr. Christopher Dudley, NM I depend on University presses in my work as a documentary filmmaker. I have cited Oxford University Press' publications in the past. Until they commit to integrity in their publications I will not use them in works of my own.

# 825 14:13, Apr 05, Ms. Christie Hakim, CA As a researcher, I have long regarded Oxford University Press as perhaps the top scholarly publisher in the world. No longer. After learning that the press has issued works on both food and nuclear policy without any citations or references -- and and that blatantly represent corporate views -- I no longer consider the press to be credible. I urge it to reform.

# 823 14:07, Apr 05, Mr. Corey Jackson, Australia Despite the decreasing quality of intellectual debate and analysis in the USA, I had previously held European systems as a hold out against this trend. Oxford University Press has now become a publisher that does not meet the criteria of citations in academic work. Nor is it an example of intelligent, academic debate. Fox news and Kerry Packer must be very pleased with your efforts.

# 815 13:57, Apr 05, Dr. Donald Cameron, PA As a physician who has to defend my opinions every day to patients, I strongly believe Oxford Un. Press should demonstrate the basis of what it prints.

# 812 13:49, Apr 05, Mrs. Alwine Tighi, NV Disclosing such gross conflict of interest is not enough. Gates and Monsanto should be forced to name all their consultants and name publishing "scientific" papers. We cannot let Gates and Monsanto reign over the entire world through Oxford.

# 809 13:43, Apr 05, Dr. william Willers, WI The dismissive attitude of officers at Oxford Press, this after having the situation explained to them, is the most appalling aspect of this entire scenario.

# 807 13:43, Apr 05, Mr. Jim Kasper, FL For the good of the planet.

# 806 13:42, Apr 05, Mr. Hal Lewis, PA Without question I'm not surprised that Oxford University Press has sunk to the level of this. Just look at their recent products.

# 804 13:39, Apr 05, John Cleveland, LA Has Oxford University sold out to Monsanto?

# 803 13:37, Apr 05, Tim Goncharoff, CA This shocking departure from minimal standards for academic publications demeans your great institution. We expect better from you.

# 801 13:35, Apr 05, Dr. Arnold Nurock, HI Spread The Word!

# 799 13:30, Apr 05, Mr. Daniel Raphael, WA I have bought books published by OUP; until and unless you restore confidence in your professionalism and integrity, I will not be a return customer.

# 798 13:28, Apr 05, Ms. Karen Jones, RN, PA As an MSN candidate I am aware of the need to uphold academic standards. Do not lose your standing to this mistake.

# 790 13:15, Apr 05, ranney moss, AZ As the owner of a large general book store,I am appalled to learn that Oxford is not following standard rules in citing sources for claims of fact or citing disclosure of conflict of interest in citing those facts.I have always thought Oxford was top of the line, now I have to rethink my belief when giving recommendations to my customers.


# 789 13:14, Apr 05, Ms. Marian McCain, United Kingdom By not requiring citations for evidence-based claims, the OUP is sullying the reputation of one of the world's most prestigious universities.

# 788 13:10, Apr 05, Mrs. Annegret Torspecken, Germany It is inevitable to provide full disclosure and proper citation of sources in academic writing. Especially for Universities with a reputation! Without this proper disclosure, it makes it even more clear that the books without it are a product of motive, not research and fact.

# 786 13:07, Apr 05, Maryellen Lewis, MI Standards like this are essential in a knowledge-based economy.

# 785 13:07, Apr 05, Name not displayed, OR If corporations can buy academia's support... then academia is no longer true to its mission.

# 784 13:02, Apr 05, kiki la porta, CA I am volunteer advocate for sustainable living, resilient communities, and policy change that will support the health and well-being of all. I am also a communications professional whose affiliations and predilections are transparently disclosed to all my clients. Surely Oxford University Press has an obligation to live up to its own reputation by establishing standards worthy of the trust your name elicits. Surely the precautionary principle prevails in academic publishing just as it does in policy: what is the harm in telling the whole truth? what is the harm in not doing so?

# 783 12:59, Apr 05, Linda Hassler, AR Oxford University Press's reputation is definitely besmirched by these findings.

# 774 20:30, Mar 31, David Landskov, MA Of all universities, Oxford is especially expected to maintain standards.

# 766 10:11, Mar 26, Name not displayed, NY It is absolutely necessary to proveide full disclosure and proper citation of sources in academic writing. Without this proper disclosure, it makes it even more clear that the books without it are a product of motive, not research and fact.

# 761 20:51, Mar 24, Sarah Edwards, VT Please. As a legislator, I think that this is the right thing to do, Disclosure is a hallmark of democracy.

# 745 11:38, Mar 21, Ms. Donna Atkinson, WA Unfortunately, educators solely rely on the reputation of Oxford University Press as a publisher of reliable scholarly texts without researching the standards with which the text was written. Although educators must also be responsible for this piece of fluff being read by students as gospel, Oxford University Press is disgracing publishing by accepting this product without requiring minimal credible citations, the author's credentials and by marketing as if it were a work of sensationalized fact.

# 739 15:18, Mar 20, Kevan Bundell, United Kingdom

# 737 12:17, Mar 20, Ms. Charlene Day, ON Our world is changing and our standards of integrity need to keep up.

# 713 14:00, Mar 18, Dr. Nancy Matthews, IL Transparency is essential; we need to know when scholars have been, or even might have been, "bought."

# 711 12:14, Mar 18, Dale Branum, TX C'mon Oxford Press, Get honest. We need your integrity.

# 706 06:12, Mar 18, Kathleen Usher, NC Keep your reputation at a high standard by asking for this documentation of evidence-based claims.


# 703 12:09, Mar 17, Lynne Harkins, CA With our very food supply and control hanging in the balance, the most rigorous standards of inquiry and fact- finding must be upheld or it's meaningless. be upheld

# 701 09:26, Mar 17, Ms. catherine mclaughlin, MA I've always taught my kids that everyone comes with biases and assumptions; always try to find out the background of any author presenting ideas as fact or ideas for policy. But how can one do this when that information is negligently left out?

# 698 17:42, Mar 16, Sybil Garrison, CT I cannot believe that you would publish books without any citations or references...

# 695 16:23, Mar 16, Mr. Tom Aageson, NM Your press will be severely tarnished...every title not just this title. It is probably the motive of profit that has led to this unethical publishing decision. Tom Aageson

# 691 12:57, Mar 16, Ms. Sandra Cole, WA This state of affairs is just inexcusable. Oxford University Press should know better, and I presume you do. Public standards of truth are currently below whale excrement. This book would just be a contribution to an even lower standard.

# 690 12:26, Mar 16, Dr. Christopher Kolb, KY As a professor of anthropology who teaches about food production and policy, I was shocked and disappointed that Oxford University Press published the book Food Politics by Robert Paarlberg. The book is not academic or even credible in any sense of the terms. I find its publication by Oxford to be a shocking lapse in editorial judgment. You can be assured I will be very slow to use titles from Oxford University Press in my courses in the future.

# 689 12:26, Mar 16, Jen Kantzer, WA full disclosure!

# 688 12:01, Mar 16, Ms. Anne Hogan, NY Without disclosing a food author's relationship to a company as high profile and infamous in the food world as Monsanto, we might as well not even bother to read the book. Without full disclosure we don't have the whole truth -- we merely have the opinions of someone who used to be an adviser to Monsanto; clearly not an accurate source of information on which consumers can rely.

# 685 11:13, Mar 16, Mr. Jay Smith, NY If universities, as the vanguards of civilization, do not maintain high standards of scholarship by acknowledging sources for citations, conflict of interest disclosures, the erosion and corruption of intellectual integrity will inevitably corrupt and erode standards in all of society.

# 683 10:04, Mar 16, Lara Villavicencio, MN Uncited claims lead to the creation of unfounded facts. Facts are often used to influence decision making. Let's get the facts from evidenced based claims.

# 676 08:11, Mar 16, Yanina Aldao, PA Even high school students are mandated to use citations and list their sources for essays. Is not that difficult, anybody can do it!!!!

# 673 07:24, Mar 16, Henry Lanford, ME I was trained as a scientist; the basic rules are very simple and extremely important.

# 667 05:47, Mar 16, Mr. Fred Jakobcic, MI Integrity is lacking with Monsanto.

# 655 20:57, Mar 15, Mrs. Patricia Sundermeyer, CA This is a very fair request. Surely you want to be an example of the integrity and openness you would expect from others.


# 647 19:20, Mar 15, Dr. Wendy Repovich, WA My students will not pass my Research and Analysis course unless they learn how to cite their sources and be able to determine whether an author may be biased. I would hate to have an OUP book have to be my "what not to do" example. Follow academic standards or take University out of your name.

# 644 18:27, Mar 15, Katie Forster, WA We're on to you. Clean up your act!!

# 642 17:42, Mar 15, Mr. Glyn Wyeth, Australia Integrity is easy to lose and difficult to regain. Please act with wisdom. Glyn Wyeth

# 641 17:25, Mar 15, Riccardo Schulz, PA Monsanto's public relations efforts reflect almost exactly that of the pesticide makers of a generation ago; Frances Moore Lappe is the Rachel Carson of our generation; we would do well to listen to her.

# 638 17:12, Mar 15, Kirk Etherton, MA It's not just "scholarly standards" at risk: it's Oxford's reputation. From my own extensive reading of independent sources, and discussions with scientist-friends, Monsanto has a rather--shall we say--"unsavory" reputation, even compared with many other multinational corporations. O.U.P. must take a strong stand NOW; otherwise, you will quickly earn a reputation for worthlessness--and even Monsanto won't be interested. Sincerely, Kirk

# 636 17:11, Mar 15, Mrs. jo sippie-gora, NJ Oxford University Press has, and can still, maintain a higher publishing policy.

# 634 16:25, Mar 15, Kaitlin Bray, NY Academic integrity

# 631 16:04, Mar 15, William Brinnier, NY Monsanto acts like they are infallable and answerable to no-one! They are NOT and must he held accountable for their crimes against nature and food. Oxford University Press should be held to the same rule.

# 628 15:52, Mar 15, Michael Gannon, OR Monsanto has been squashing dissent all over America regarding its various products and their insidious destruction of our natural environment.

# 612 14:07, Mar 15, Mrs. Claudia Booth, LA Your press has always been my bench mark of integrity and scholarly support as a teacher and non-stop student. Please live up to this. Thank you sincerely Claudia Booth

# 610 14:02, Mar 15, Dr. Gene Hatfield, GA I was trained as a Ph.D. to believe that academic integrity is at the heart of the research process. There is no way the strengh of research can be tested without citing the evidence supporting such claims. In addition, when connections exist which might bias one's research or perspective, such connections should be disclosed. I hope that the Oxford University Press which for years has been a leader among academic publishers will adopt the requested changes in your publishing policy.

# 609 14:00, Mar 15, Paul Duckworth, PA I am a librarian, having worked both in academic and public libraries in the U.S. and have always had high respect for OUP. Now, after this editorial error on your part, I ask you to re-evaluate your standards for scholarship and impartiality.

# 608 13:57, Mar 15, Ms. Vivian Gilbert, CO Shame on OUP for not living up to the standards expected of every student in their writing!

# 605 13:47, Mar 15, Mr. Frank Hill, CA If an author is a shill for a corporation, readers should be informed of that.


# 601 13:29, Mar 15, Crystal Atamian, WA I find it disgraceful that a book by such a prominent press does not provide citations. As an academic and a freelance writer I ask that you maintain scholarly standards. My students continually ask me why citations and academic honesty matter. How can I hold them to a standard that a university press does not follow?

# 595 13:11, Mar 15, Robert Zevin, MA In a time when universities are becoming increasingly commercial enterprizes and truth is losing ground to glib simplifications, advertisements and self-serving lies, it is more essential than ever that academic presses cling to standards of evidence and disclosure that are now under assault.

# 594 13:10, Mar 15, Betty Wells, IA I support the disclosure of conflicts of interest. Corporations such as Monsanto have incredible power; full disclosure is the best path to avoid even the appearance of conflict. Citations for evidence-based claims is a no- brainer. Come on, OUP, you can and must do better. I expect it.

# 592 13:06, Mar 15, Name not displayed, CO together, we can choose to end the Age of Deception

# 590 13:04, Mar 15, Jennifer Zollner, VT We are dismayed to learn that an Oxford University Press book on food includes no sources for its many claims and fails to disclose that the author has been an advisor to Monsanto. We hope you will make this situation right as well as reverse this trend immediately.

# 583 12:41, Mar 15, Mr. David Richard, CT I am a publisher in the health book field, and I am particularly concerned about these issues of intellectual and moral integrity.

# 582 12:38, Mar 15, Thomas Lyon, NY We must maintain independent standards. Corporate infiltration and manipulation is insidious and pervsive.

# 581 12:36, Mar 15, Ms. Susan Curry, PA

# 580 12:34, Mar 15, Ms. Rachel Matthews, CA I fail to understand how you could allow multi-National such as Monsanto hijack educational discourse on food production and how this could possibly elevate open discussions about what we eat in America. Please take pride in your responsibilities and act in the manner in which accountability of the highest order is something you excel to provide.

# 579 12:32, Mar 15, Name not displayed, CA please take this seriously and take responsibility for your errors and unconscious behavior. such a distinguished company has the opportunity to do better for us all who care about how our seeds and the food they create will effect us.just give us the truth...please!

# 575 12:29, Mar 15, Nicholas Hummel, MA I am currently writing a thesis for my undergraduate degree and am held to certain guidelines and restrictions. Shouldn't the highest academic institutions be held to the same basic degree of transparency as I am?

# 572 12:28, Mar 15, Mr. Mark Lipson, CA You have done great disservice to informed debate.

# 569 12:20, Mar 15, Dr. Federico Krause, AB The book provides a reference listing in the form of a "Suggestions for Further Reading" that is keyed to each section of the book. This type of referencing is not helpful because it is next to impossible to link a particularly statement in the book to the reference in question. This, if nothing else, is lazy scholarship.

# 563 11:56, Mar 15, Jill Fekete, MA I taught my sixth grade science students to always cite their sources and to be aware of bias/conflict of's discouraging to have to try to teach a respected company to do the same...


# 560 11:53, Mar 15, Thomas Boyle, MD How about showing a little professional and intellectual integrity? That's not too much to ask of a university press, is it?

# 557 11:50, Mar 15, monroe sheppard, United Kingdom transparency is so important and if someone is to be writing on subjects and they have ties to money interests, they must be up front about it. thanks

# 554 11:45, Mar 15, Ms. B campbell, MA It's bad enough on Fox news, and so many other so -called moderate news media!! There is NO excuse for you folks to be so dishonest! SHAME on you!

# 544 11:24, Mar 14, Mr. John Bengel, MA My goodness! This is so beneath you, I would have thought! We need to see full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, authentic citations for claims that are evidence-based, and accurate, fair representation by Oxford of it's publications in it's marketing, promotion, and representation to the public. If these are not present and accurate, potential readers are misled. I feel almost certain that Oxford University Press does not want that! But barring full transparency and correct scholarly presentation in these publications, I am afraid you are veering into the world of publishing propaganda. Is that what you intended and is that the world you want the public to see you residing in?

# 543 13:52, Mar 11, Rachel Myr, Norway As a graduate student in public health, I am very concerned that scholarly standards be maintained for the public good.

# 536 16:14, Mar 08, Dr. Winona Wynn, WA As an English and Humanties Chair and a Ph.D. level researcher, I am interested in and committed to high academic standards. As a Native American Scholar, I can only hope that academic/intellectual standards remain steadfast and rigorous, so that people of color remain appropriately and equally informed. In this pivotal historical moment, we need to see the unmasked truth. Full disclosure is critical to our survival as thinking, responsive beings.

# 526 20:26, Mar 03, Bill Butler, MN Monsanto must pay well

# 519 08:33, Feb 28, Name not displayed, CO It is very concerning that proper citations and information about the author's biases are not being represented in scholarly texts. This is one of the largest risks to democracy. I believe that the highest standards need to be upheld by our publishers and demanded by our scholarly writers.

# 515 09:34, Feb 23, Max Ajl, NY PhD candidate, Cornell

# 513 20:55, Feb 20, Brittney Mercer, FL Imagine all the people, sharing all the world -- you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

# 509 16:16, Feb 16, Mr. Axel Rincke, Germany In Germany, the Oxford Universaty has a very good reputation, so far. It would be very disappointing, if science over there became influenced by lobbyism and could not be called science anymore. Fortunately, we also have some good universities in Germany, but hopefully the Oxford university could keep its good reputation.

# 504 10:00, Feb 16, Tobias Schlicker, Germany Science must be kept as impartial as possible and especially it must preserve standards!

# 494 20:48, Feb 10, Jesse Davisson, FL Monsanto is threatening the livelihood of food producers access the globe with monopolization of food resources, and making sustainable farming practices illegal that are a basic human right. Oxford university should say no to this text.


# 487 07:26, Feb 09, Mr. Frank Costanza, IL If the three issues in the petition are not addressed then how will anyone know when some one is citing fact or trying to persuade with mis-representations and a hidden agenda. I urge you to please maintain scholarly standards.

# 486 13:24, Feb 08, Mrs. Carole Shorney, United Kingdom Signed as Secretary of SE Essex Organic Gardeners, affiliated to Garden Organic and the Soil Association

# 484 11:01, Feb 07, Rudy Knoop, CA Monsanto is notorious for its brutal assaults on farmers who don't choose to buy their products, some (many) of which are destructive of the very gene pool all life depends on!

# 481 01:22, Feb 06, Name not displayed, United Kingdom I feel that the heart of real democracy and wise decision making is to be correctly informed. Therefore I feel it critical that the gold standard of academic publishing is firmly upheld. I urge care and attention to this area. Thanks.

# 477 07:05, Feb 04, Mr. Marty Blanchard, SK I have lost any faith or trust in any writings or publications that Oxford indorses or publishes, Step up and do the right thing . I have concerns being a farmer

# 475 20:43, Feb 03, Ms. erin heineman, ON Frances Moore Lappe talked about the need for proper procedure in disclosing the funding sources for scientific studies, and directed the attendees to this petition. Essential for scholarly standards.

# 473 22:03, Feb 02, Kelly Bell, OR Accurate citations for claims of fact and disclosure of personal and professional associations of the author are are basic standards of non-fiction publications. Is the text we are discussing representative of the other titles of the Oxford University Press? I hope not.

# 469 04:02, Feb 02, Ms. Miriam Strouse, NY OUP and Oxford University can restore their reputations by adopting more transparent policies. We want sound, unbiased science to inform public policy.

# 465 12:55, Feb 01, Name not displayed, United Kingdom Not acceptable

# 463 12:19, Feb 01, Name not displayed, ON Up until now I have trusted the Oxford University Press brand. I am shocked to learn how Oxford did not disclose an author's conflict of interest or require citation of controversial evidence. By not following common sense or maintaining quality standards, I can no longer trust their future publications.

# 461 08:25, Feb 01, Ms. Claire Mayer, NJ There is so much misinformation re the food issue, we depend on Oxford to present the true and documented facts. Marian Nestle's on Food Politics is an example the scholarship that is needed.

# 460 03:08, Feb 01, Ms. E. Dawson, ON I support full disclosure in reputable publishing. One expects this from University publishers such as the OUP.

# 458 18:52, Jan 31, Ms. jeannie graham, BC Publishing propaganda under the guise of scholarship, on behalf of a corporation that puts food systems and farmers at risk, will in time expose Oxford and its press to lawsuits and possible payment of damages. How will this affect Oxford's access to grants in years and decades to come? Not well, I suspect

# 456 18:14, Jan 31, Mr. Ernest J.P. Muhly, MD Sad to learn that you are lowering your quality standards in order to simply make more money.

# 454 17:33, Jan 31, Mrs. Linda Clark, MA Another once well respected institution shows its untrustworthiness.


# 449 10:37, Jan 31, Mr. Faramarz Farbod, PA Please do the right thing and reestablish trust in Oxford U. press.

# 448 08:15, Jan 31, John Adams, United Kingdom ,QRWHWKDW3DDUOEHUJ¶VERRNZDVUHDGDQGGLVFXVVHGE\VWXGHQWVWDNLQJDFODVVFDOOHGµ)HHGLQJWKH)XWXUH± the Role RI6FLHQFH%DVHG$JULFXOWXUH¶UXQEy the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University in 2011. Paarlberg was also one of the invited speakers, along with Wayne Parrott and Pamela Ronald. See speaker poster at: The reflections of the students ( ) demonstrate conviction in the ability of technology to deal with the problem, and suggest they have digested much of the hype surrounding biotechnology in particular. This is very worrying in students who will be the scientists of the future. Given the response of OUP to a critique of the book: ( ), it is puzzling that the book was used in DQDFDGHPLFFRQWH[WDW068DWDOO³7KHERRNVLQWKHVHULHVDUHLQWHQGHGIRUJHQHUDOUHDGHUVWRSURYLGHDSULPHUWR major debates on topics of current importance. As such, we do not include citations in the books, and the books are intentionally short and succinct. We strive to be as inclusive as possible with regard to the issues, but, as all of the books are written by recognized experts with clear views, it is generally unavoidable that they will favor certain DUJXPHQWV´ &KQDSNR 7KHUHLVno problem with favouring certain arguments so long as convincing evidence is properly cited to validate the argument. Presumably, Robert Paarlberg was invited to author the book in the knowledge of his bias towards advocating corporate-controlled technology as the solution to the problem of future food supply. The OUP associate editor responsible, Angela Chnapko was, by her own admission, well acquainted ZLWKKLVµVFKRODUVKLSDQGH[SHUWLVH¶%\WKHVDPHWRNHQWKRVHRUJDQLVLQJWKHFODVVDW068PXVWKDYHNQown of his particular leaning, whether it is professionally, financially or ideologically based?

# 445 13:33, Jan 30, Mrs. Gina Cooke, United Kingdom If we cannot trust such well renowned publishers as OUP who can we trust? Where can we get high quality impartial scholarly works from? Please consider your publicity policy as per tis petition

# 444 13:19, Jan 30, Ms. Judy Hindley, United Kingdom I am a writer and educator, and like many of the informed public, rely on publishers like you to uphold the highest standards. A lapse such is this is extremely distressing. I trust that having been asked to reconsider, you will see the importance of doing so, and will amend the situation as soon as possible.

# 443 11:35, Jan 30, Mr. Len Aldis, United Kingdom Sorry to see that such a petition is needed but we cannot allow Monsanto to interfere with the high standards of the OUP.

# 442 09:01, Jan 30, Mr. Ken Neal, United Kingdom It is most important that, in this time of lack of commercial integrity, we can rely on our academic press to uphold the highest standards.

# 437 02:51, Jan 30, James Smith, United Kingdom I must admit I am really very surprised at the existence of this petition at all - slipping standards at the Oxford University Press? Not good. Not good at all.

# 435 14:38, Jan 29, Ms. Cherry Lavell, United Kingdom Just another example of the murky ways in which big companies can operate. Transparency is vital.

# 434 12:15, Jan 29, Rory Short, South Africa As a retired academic I know how absolutely essential it is that citations are given with evidence based claims in scholarly papers. If such citations are absent the paper forfeits all claim to be scholarly.

# 432 08:19, Jan 29, Mrs. Margaret Morris, United Kingdom Citation is an essential part of scholarship. Without it material must be treated as suspect.

# 431 06:47, Jan 29, Mr. John Shave, United Kingdom It is vital to maintain nutrality when presenting a book as scientific. It has been a continual problem in getting

98 acurate information about GM crops. Don't make it worse by supporting a book that does not give nevidence to support claims.

# 428 23:20, Jan 28, Mrs. Cedar Barstow, CO This is a statement that should be treated with respect and an investigation that is worthy of Oxford University Press.

# 424 20:22, Jan 28, wanda oreilly, NY You can't call yourself scholarly if you are ignorant of the problems genetically modified plants are. Pretend ignorance is a crime against humanity.

# 418 13:08, Jan 27, Paul Swann, United Kingdom Please reflect on the issues that have been raised and uphold the good name of Oxford University Press.

# 410 17:56, Jan 26, Dr. Stewart Guthrie, CO As an Oxford author (Faces in the Clouds, 1993), I know that OUP's usual standards for scholarship are high. The publication of this book is an exception.

# 405 16:09, Jan 26, kathleen Haggerty, CO These should be minimum standards for any reputable publication; especially a Univesity.

# 404 16:08, Jan 26, Steve Johnson, MD Publishing propaganda under the guise of scholarship, on behalf of a corporation that puts food systems and farmers at risk, will in time expose Oxford and its press to lawsuits and possible payment of damages. How will this affect Oxford's access to grants in years and decades to come? Not well, I suspect.

# 398 13:15, Jan 26, Zia Parker, CO I am dismayed to learn that there is a revolving door between academia and Monsanto in addition to the well-known revolving door between Congress, the Supreme Court, the USDA, and Monsanto. Is it too late to retrieve our Democracy? It is up to each one of us to step up to the plate and speak out, as the loss may mean more than we can imagine.

# 395 12:06, Jan 26, Dr. Thomas Daly, CO Oxford, As a health educator I am very disappointed that you would lower your standards and join the crowded field of misinformation and biased reporting. This book is an info-mercial for the corporate food industry and should be labeled as such.

# 390 11:29, Jan 26, dave payne, CO In this day of incomplete disclosure, many profiteer from endorsing products they have a personal financial interest in. Together with summarily dismissing other data that doesn't fit his preconceived conclusions, his "academic" paper, turns the whole premise of science into rubbish. In turn, it is this lack of discernment in what you publish into mere special interest advertising.

# 386 15:32, Jan 25, Nikki Spangenburg, NM It is discouraging that an institution like this would bend its own standards while claiming that there was no conflict of interest when the facts state otherwise. To publish something with a singular view on the issue is deeply disturbing and puts Oxford Universities reputation for excellence clearly at risk. It is extremely disappointing to see them sell out. Especially to a corporation like Monsanto..

# 380 13:07, Jan 25, Dr. Phil McCraken, United Kingdom Monsanto is exporting US ag technology to competitors - they should be stiopped

# 379 12:54, Jan 25, Mr. Craig Neal, MN I strongly support this petition and support its academic policy.

# 378 12:44, Jan 25, Ms. Dariel Blackburn, CO


It is useless to have Scholarly publications when the people publishing don't site their sources and are simply mouth pieces for corporations. We must adhere to stricter guidelines so that we can look to these publications as guidance in how to make knowledgable choices in our lives.

# 374 10:40, Jan 25, Dr. Emma Cornell, OR Do not allow conflicts of interest to be undisclosed! Support academic standards & ethics in works published by "university" press.

# 372 10:18, Jan 25, Ms. Juliet Wittman, CO I am a retired faculty member from the University of Colorado,and I have always respected Oxford University Press. It's distressing to think you would publish a book by an author with strong ties to a company like Monsanto.

# 371 10:12, Jan 25, Evan Ravitz, CO It's obvious $ is Oxford's goal here. So promote the Oxford brand, not Monsanto's!

# 370 10:06, Jan 25, Ms. Cynthia Sterne, CA If academia can't be trusted for unbiased reporting, who can? Your reporting is unethical, dishonest & damaging to those who see Oxford University Press & believe they're receiving fact based journalism. Shame!

# 366 08:29, Jan 25, Mr. Duane Elgin, CA I support truth and accuracy in scholarly publications. These distortions and omissions by Oxford University Press will be remembered! The web does not forget.

# 365 07:46, Jan 25, Lydia Alexander, TX Publication by an academic press should stand for intellectual integrity, not "stand in" for it.

# 353 13:08, Jan 23, Matthew Hundhammer, CA Please require Mr. Paarlberg to provide citations for his book's claims and to present his partisan stance and financial vested interest. Acadamia is our last chance to preserve unadulturated Truth. We cannot allow any slip in our standards. Thank you, Matt

# 345 11:15, Jan 23, Greg Leonard, CA Academic rigor is the foundation of real knowledge.

# 341 10:00, Jan 23, Timothy Galarneau, CA Working with undergraduate students across the US on curricular and co-curricular programming and action education research projects related to their food system I will share the concern raised here and propose a boycott of OUP food related publications to be used in classes and materials until this inquiry is addressed forthright.

# 338 15:03, Jan 22, Ms. Kleoniki Kipourou, Belgium It is imperative that academic publishing retain its credibility. Disclosure of potential conflict of interests of the writer(s) is a pre-requisite to allow a reader evaluate more objectively the background of a writer and the purpose of each academic work.

# 336 04:25, Jan 22, Dr. Jose Ramon Olarieta, Spain I simply coul not finish reading the book given the absolutely biased views offered by Prof. Paarlberg

# 335 20:11, Jan 21, Mr. Kevin Coleman, United Kingdom With the main target of this publication being young and impressionable students it is impeerative that they receive unbiased and intelectually stimulating information, not biased and politically directed propaganda. Time to ditch the corporations involvement...... no matter how much they put into the coffers. You cannot buy an education. Its got to be learned correctly.

# 332 15:38, Jan 21, Martha Richmond, MA I support all provisions of the petition. Citations for evidence-based claims and full disclosure of conflict of interest are essential to the integrety of any scholar standards. I fail to understand why Oxford University Press does not provide this information in this case.


# 330 14:20, Jan 21, Dr. Jonathan Latham, NY I have read this book. It does no credit to OUP. sincerely JR Latham (PhD)

# 319 10:13, Jan 19, Alison Cohen, NY Publishing companies have a responsibility to ensure that information presented in its publications is evidenced- based and not industry-influenced. Shame on this respected scholarly publishing company for not sticking to its usual high academic standards!

# 311 15:17, Jan 18, John Gray, Australia so everything's for sale? Uni's are corporations now too.

# 303 11:56, Jan 18, Name not displayed, United Kingdom This guy is a known Monsanto man. Please do your research before lending your good name to propaganda.

# 302 11:50, Jan 18, Ms. Madeleine Love, Australia An academic publishing unit is failing to uphold basic standards of scholarship - shame!

# 299 10:12, Jan 18, Name not displayed, United Kingdom Stop this pro-corporation propaganda masquerading as academia!

# 298 09:37, Jan 18, Ms. Meg OLSON, MO Shame on academia for falling prey to corporations!

# 294 07:04, Jan 18, Ms. Isabelle Stengers, Belgium As a University teacher I am distressed at the perspective of students buying such a book with the kind of trust they feel they may have in Oxford UP.

# 291 06:42, Jan 18, Mr. Anthony C. Tweedale, Belgium Science is knowledge, only obtained if its claims are transperent and testable. Get with it, OUP!

# 285 05:37, Jan 18, Aviva Gold, NY Not citing sources or potential conflicts of interest dilutes the power of the academic press in general.

# 277 19:44, Jan 17, Katie Khoury, DC As the publishing house of texts which are found in the United States' premier colleges and universities, it is unfathomable that you would be producing texts with blatant and socially-irresponsible political biases which lack proper citations. Please know that I will not support such an organization.

# 265 12:27, Jan 17, Brian Sharpe, IL Non-objective publications without full disclosure have no academic value and leave consumers to suspect ulterior financial motives only.

# 264 12:22, Jan 17, Christina Schiavoni, NY Please don't let corporate agribusiness interests lower your standards. We expect--and demand--better!

# 263 12:16, Jan 17, Name not displayed, NY 15 years of teaching undergraduates in psychology to do decent research shows that maintaining research standards is vital to critical thinking.

# 255 09:40, Jan 17, Ted Quaday, CA Oxford University Press, you can do better. It is crucial to our understanding of key issues that those charged with doing serious academic analysis be held to the absolute highest standards. Those who publish such analysis have a crucial role in seeing that those standards are applied.

# 251 09:04, Jan 17, Ms. Tracy Frisch, NY As a journalist, credible sources are essential so I was dismayed and astonished that such a well-respected press as yours would taint its credibility with such unscholarly practices.


# 250 08:57, Jan 17, Dr. Viki Sonntag, WA I value scholarship over industry tie. I would hope Oxford University Press would do the same.

# 247 08:39, Jan 17, Annie Thompson, IA Please don't tarnish the excellent reputation of your university by publishing this book. Stand by good science!

# 246 08:38, Jan 17, Ms. Yvonne Scott, NC We see how deeply Monsanto will reach to provide disinformation. It saddens me to consider a once-renowned scholastic publisher diminishing their standards and ethics and bowing to a corporation. Whatever the reasons, I hope you can regain your integrity, your reputation by pulling this totally biased publication from your listing.

# 244 08:29, Jan 17, Glenda McPherson, NY I will take this incident into account when choosing textbooks as well as books for my own reading because this leads me to question the standards that Oxford University Press use when publishing. The accuracy of all of your books now stands in question.

# 236 08:26, Jan 17, Cathryn Wellner, BC We look to Oxford University Press for academic integrity. This book makes me wonder if money is talking here rather than scholarship.

# 234 07:00, Jan 17, Dr. Tony Weis, ON This book is so shoddy and problematic it is hard to know where to begin -- it reads like one long, unreferenced rant. I was shocked and dismayed that any academic press would publish such a thing.

# 233 06:09, Jan 17, Dr. Rachel Bezner Kerr, ON I am highly concerned about Oxford University Press failing to ensure adequate evidence, disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, and accurate representation of the publication "Food Politics". This topic is a critical one for our future and for agriculture and food scholars as we try to find appropriate, viable and sustainable means to ensure food for the world's population. OUP has a responsibility to ensure high scientific standards to address this issue.

# 228 20:17, Jan 16, Dr. Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti, Mexico Finally, someone spoke out on the issue of biased research; still a long path to go;

# 227 17:23, Jan 16, Dr. Dianne Rocheleau, MA I am surprised that Oxford University Press has slipped into this practice and I urge you to remedy the good name of the press by addressing the egregious breaches of academic standards and the ethics of disclosure with respect to vested interest/bias.

# 223 11:31, Jan 16, Wendy Wolford, NY Citations should be a minimum requirement for scholarly work; this book presents a particular perspective and pretends to neutrality.

# 222 10:45, Jan 16, Sarah How, NY A librarian's perspective: this is shameful negligence on the part of Oxford University Press.

# 220 09:56, Jan 16, Hannah Wittman, BC We encourage OUP to uphold scholarly standards of disclosure of conflict of interest, and for adequate editorial and peer-reviewed scrutiny of the scientific validity of claims made by authors published by OUP.

# 213 06:04, Jan 16, Name not displayed, NC The examination of food systems in our world has serious ethical and environmental implications. Therefore when exploring related issues, it is imparative that claims are supported by solid evidence. As a public health practitioner working in the area of food insecurity, I am particularly concerned with this issue.

# 203 15:17, Jan 15, Dr. Charles Thompson, NC As we witness unprecedented growth in food studies in our universities, we need the strong support of academic presses and the assurance that our collective work is backed with sound scholarly standards.


# 201 13:31, Jan 15, Mr. Tjerk Dalhuisen, Netherlands VERY DISAPPOINTING AND FAR BELOW STANDARD

# 190 08:00, Jan 15, Dr. Douglas Boucher, MD Senior Lecturer, Hood College, Frederick, MD

# 186 06:26, Jan 15, Mr. Robert Segraves, MD It is vital that the Delegates of Oxford University Press, long a bastion of academic excellence and discipline, revisit "Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know" in light of the widely available scholarly evidence available in both the EU and America regarding the long term affects of the use of chemically based insecticides, preservatives, and fertilizers that Monsanto markets. Further, a serious assessment of the political and business strategies of Monsanto need to be evaluated for their true effects. Intimidation of governments, questionable financial relations with political figures, and questionable prosecution of farmers bring into question the discussions Robert Paarlberg puts forth in his book.

# 180 17:20, Jan 14, Katlyn Morris, VT Thank you for bringing this very important issue forward.

# 179 16:22, Jan 14, Cynthia Price, MI As an editor and reporter, I feel honor-bound to uphold standards of attribution, accuracy and thoroughness in my work despite the onslaught of "journalistic" endeavor that undermines those standards. How much more significant it is that a well-respected publishing house like Oxford University Press not fail in its rigor as it puts information out into the world!

# 175 15:38, Jan 14, Parker Filer, CA I am almost as shocked by Paarlberg's highly-biased and thinly-veiled personal views as I am by how poorly he defends them. As academics and professionals our credibility is established by the quality of our research and maintained by peer-evaluation. Oxford University Press must hold itself to a higher standard of scholarly integrity or accept the erosion of credibility.

# 169 14:26, Jan 14, David Kane, DC Oxford needs to maintain its standards - so few institutions still do.

# 168 13:40, Jan 14, Dr. Stacy Philpott, OH

# 167 13:15, Jan 14, Mrs. Allison Jack, NY As a PhD candidate at Cornell I teach undergraduates the basics of supporting their claims with published evidence. This is the core of the academic enterprise. I'm very concerned that any university press would fail to uphold this standard.

# 165 12:16, Jan 14, Dr. Kathleen McAfee, CA I do research, teach and publish on global food and hunger. I have long been dismayed that Robert Paarlberg is taken seriously by anyone, especially those who care about scientific evidence, which he does not.

# 160 07:46, Jan 14, Dr. Gerald Smith, MI i am distressed that Oxford University would lend their reputation to such a blatant, unbalanced commercial effort.

# 159 07:06, Jan 14, Dr. Catherine Badgley, MI We count on academic presses not only to support majority and minority points of view but also to conform to high standards of scholarship, including documentation of sources and declarations of conflicts of interest. Such practices strengthen controversial books.

# 156 05:20, Jan 14, Mr. William Morris, VT And here I thought corporate "perspectives" were only a problem in Biomedical research. Food science is on the line!


# 155 04:31, Jan 14, Dr. V. Ernesto Mendez, VT This is a most important campaign. Academic research should remain free of corporate influence, especially when it is about food.

# 151 17:58, Jan 13, Mr. Zachary Domike, New Zealand Monsanto's products are unique, but not tested prior to introduction in the world food supply. Now superbugs risk all mankind for the profits of Monsanto.Tests and studies are STILL the priority. Zachary

# 148 13:00, Jan 13, Ms. Kathleen Borst, CA It is only when there is something to hide that little details are left off.

# 141 11:33, Jan 13, Ms. Cynthia Hillinger, CA As a student of water and wastewater science, I have done a lot of reading on the environment and food production. I find it appalling that any 'Academic' press would publish ANYTHING by anyone with ties to Monsanto, who, in my opinion, is systematically destroying our environment, our health and our future. To make a book that praises this company, a textbook, is extremely irresponsible, and makes me suspect of your financial ties.

# 138 08:52, Jan 13, Mr. Alistair Whitby, United Kingdom a sad day for scholarly integrity. OUP make amends!

# 137 08:13, Jan 13, Ms. Ingrid Heindorf, Germany I fully support this petition and ask hereby together with co-signatories OUP to change immediately its publishing policy!

# 136 07:35, Jan 13, Mr. David Andrews, JD, DC It is a disaster when publishers ignore academic and professional standards

# 123 15:40, Jan 12, Kyra Xavia, New Zealand I stand behind this petition to uphold scholarly standards that are at risk.

# 119 14:07, Jan 12, Mr. Heydon Buchanan, IN It seems to me that at a minimum the author's financial connection to Monsanto should be included in the preface and author's bio.

# 118 14:05, Jan 12, Nikhil Aziz, MA Executive Director, Grassroots International

# 113 12:37, Jan 12, Ms. PJ Dynes, CA You decimate your brand by claiming that a book is objective while being a cloaked partisan voice for Monsanto and it's profit-oriented harm to our planet and peoples. Please withdraw this book and recommit to truly objective standards that serve truth and our shared well-being.

# 104 09:00, Jan 12, Mr. Steven McFadden, NE To protect scientific integrity potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed.

# 103 08:47, Jan 12, Dr. Anne Black, VT Best wishes!

# 102 08:23, Jan 12, Dr. Ashok Khosla, India Dishonest "science", a subset of Corruption, is the single greatest threat to civilization and possibly humanty as a whole.

# 100 08:00, Jan 12, Dr. Maja Goepel, Germany Scientific integrity has to be protected as a common good. OUP has been an anchor for high quality in this respect. Please do not waiver in this, especially not in times where increasing seas of often indepmoney-driven information make such islands of endence indispensable.


# 99 07:49, Jan 12, Dr. Richard Rowe, MA I strongly agree with the concerns about the failure of OUP to use its own standards in the publication of Food Politics.

# 95 23:55, Jan 11, karin hammill, Spain because we need transparency and fairness

# 94 18:55, Jan 11, Ms. Anuradha Mittal, CA

# 93 18:25, Jan 11, Molly Rockamann, MO This appalling lack of standards makes me second-guess the authority of ANY book published by Oxford University Press.

# 89 14:32, Jan 11, Susannah Rowe, MA In my field (academic medicine) scholarly publications require full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. I do not believe that Oxford University Press has held the authors of this publication to appropriate standards regarding disclosure of similar conflicts of interest.

# 86 13:20, Jan 11, Dr. Richard Wallace, PA There should be no hesitation on the part of OUP or any other academic press to make completely transparent the scholarly processes behind any of its publications.

# 84 12:57, Jan 11, Dr. Joseph Collins, CA As a long-time researcher and educator in the field, I am appalled.

# 83 12:22, Jan 11, Joe Lamb, CA To deal with increasingly complex issues, like food security, we need an informed citizenry, and, therefore, need be able to trust that our most prestigious presses are maintaining high scholarly standards.

# 82 10:26, Jan 11, Mr. Michael Harris, CT Disgusting that we would teach children destructive perspectives.

# 70 17:04, Dec 18, Mr. David Moodie, FL Oxford University Press would be right in asking me to provide evidence about a claim that Monsanto invests in the Press and the University! I may believe that the publishing of Paarlberg's Food Politics indicates that Monsanto is behind the book, but I can't yet support that claim. Let Paarlberg share his sources with us. Level playing field, Democracy 101, what everybody needs to know.

# 67 05:40, Dec 17, Anna Hanchett, MA We must be able to trace the sources of information in our books. There is so much undocumented information coming through our electronic media that we are becoming a very misinformed public. Books are one of the few permanent ways we can check the validity of the information we are getting.

# 64 13:54, Dec 16, Mr. David Forrest, Spain With this development, the day is soon coming when the imprint "Oxford University Press" will mean no more than "News Corporation" or "Penguin Books". Gentlemen, people nowadays wise up quicker than they used to. You need to stand for something. Or perhaps you already have.

# 62 11:47, Dec 16, Mr. Steve Ettlinger, NY As a science writer, I deplore the lack of citations and hiding of professional links and obligations.

# 57 04:30, Dec 16, Dr. Steve Bergman, MA Frankie Lappe is a "food" scholar of unparalled integrity. Your published book is "hack" work. Please recall and destroy all copies.

# 55 00:59, Dec 16, Ms. Yew Yew, CO Oxford credibility gaps-lower in literacy standards.


# 53 20:14, Dec 15, Michael Schwager, ID I am in awe of Oxford U, and hope I can still be so.

# 51 19:38, Dec 15, Ms. Jen Chapin, NY Board Secretary, WhyHunger

# 48 18:02, Dec 15, Ms. Romola Georgia, CA I am appalled to hear of a scholarly book without citations and without acknowledging that it is written by a Monsanto advisor.

# 47 18:02, Dec 15, Anne Blackstone, CA Now, more than ever, we need transparency regarding financial and other associations.

# 45 16:38, Dec 15, David Brenner, IA You must have bibliographic citations in academic work.

# 43 16:11, Dec 15, Ms. Hannah Meara, Ph.D., CA As a grandparent and educator, I count on university presses to maintain a high level of standards for referencing claims. We want our young people to have clear ethical models for revealing evidence.

# 42 15:58, Dec 15, Mrs. Daphne T Stevens, MA You are tarnished in my eyes. Your catalog arriving in our house use to be a treat.

# 41 15:57, Dec 15, Mr. John McKenna, United Kingdom Academic standards should be rigorous and inviolable.

# 36 14:35, Dec 15, Mr. John Berg, MA I'm appalled to OUP's move away from academic standards.

# 34 14:32, Dec 15, Name not displayed, OR It is an essential practice in this age of information to be able to discern who is paying for what study and why. There are too many incendiary allegations and not enough unbiased facts. Particularly with a company like Monsanto, we need to beware of miscommunications. There is a lot of money at stake, and there are those who seem to be blinded by this. Please act with integrity.

# 33 14:24, Dec 15, colleen rourke, CA As a graduate student, I would flunk without full, traceable citations!

# 29 14:02, Dec 15, Dr. Karen Hurley, BC The scholarly writing on food and food systems is a relatively new field. It is important that high scholarly standards are upheld to keep the field viable and strong.

# 28 13:53, Dec 15, anne-eileen trucksess, NJ the world expects the best of oxford university press. please don't let down your standards.

# 24 13:31, Dec 15, jazmin locke, MA In order to educate our socierty we denpend on reliable resources. The more unreliable and mistaken work that is pubished and available, the le4ss valid any of the argument will become. We need reliable resources.

# 21 13:03, Dec 15, Dr. Paul Lizotte, NH I require standards of scholarship of my students. You should do no less.


SIGNERS OF THE ONLINE SCHOLARLY STANDARDS AT RISK PETITION as of April 19th, 2012 # 4,901 09:32, Apr 19, Name not displayed, GA # 4,872 14:27, Apr 18, Amy Rus, MN

# 4,900 08:40, Apr 19, Don` Preister, NE # 4,871 14:01, Apr 18, Ms. Jeannine Bardo, NY

# 4,898 08:02, Apr 19, Ms. RoseMarie Raccioppi, # 4,870 13:59, Apr 18, Alex Hibala, MT NY # 4,869 13:56, Apr 18, Mr. David Rowland, UT # 4,897 07:01, Apr 19, Ms. Laura Baldwin, AK # 4,868 13:55, Apr 18, Mr. Vince L, FL # 4,896 06:21, Apr 19, Ms. Deborah Evans, MO # 4,867 13:51, Apr 18, Mrs. Sheila Mandell, FL # 4,895 06:14, Apr 19, Ms. Alyssa Owens, NH # 4,866 13:49, Apr 18, Mr. Stephen Knight, United # 4,894 05:55, Apr 19, Joao Muniz, Brazil Kingdom

# 4,893 05:49, Apr 19, Mrs. Alissa Goefron, # 4,865 13:28, Apr 18, Mr. Paul Kirk, IN Malaysia # 4,864 13:01, Apr 18, Name not displayed, SC # 4,892 03:26, Apr 19, Name not displayed, HI # 4,863 12:53, Apr 18, Mr. James Sengheiser, MO # 4,891 03:01, Apr 19, Mr. John McCormick, Australia # 4,862 12:32, Apr 18, Mrs. Toni Matthews, OR

# 4,890 01:43, Apr 19, alicia landis, CA # 4,861 12:21, Apr 18, Mr. William P. White, PA

# 4,889 00:46, Apr 19, Matt Kramer, TX # 4,860 12:19, Apr 18, Ms. Christine Cameron, NY

# 4,888 00:43, Apr 19, Jerry Dingus, VA # 4,859 11:38, Apr 18, Eugene Brandewie, KY

# 4,887 00:34, Apr 19, Name not displayed, CA # 4,858 11:05, Apr 18, Mr. Kenneth Davies, United Kingdom # 4,886 00:17, Apr 19, Dr. Albrecht Zimmermann, Belgium # 4,857 11:03, Apr 18, Mrs. Julie Rowe, IL

# 4,885 23:33, Apr 18, Name not displayed, AZ # 4,856 10:15, Apr 18, Darryn , OR

# 4,884 23:12, Apr 18, Ms. Rachel Nadj, VA # 4,855 09:58, Apr 18, Ms. Robin Sager Whitney, CA # 4,883 21:53, Apr 18, Name not displayed, CA # 4,854 09:21, Apr 18, Dr. William Albott, KS # 4,882 20:04, Apr 18, Mr. Damien Buck, FL # 4,853 08:58, Apr 18, Ms. lisa ryan, IN # 4,881 18:28, Apr 18, Sarah Clark, NC # 4,852 08:52, Apr 18, Mr. geoff richcreek, CA # 4,880 17:56, Apr 18, michelle heath, OR # 4,851 08:47, Apr 18, Ms. Christina Mendrinos, NC # 4,879 17:36, Apr 18, Mrs. tracey chen, CA # 4,850 08:37, Apr 18, Mr. Scott Boggs, NC # 4,878 17:35, Apr 18, Name not displayed, NC # 4,849 08:24, Apr 18, Mrs. Laurie York, CA # 4,877 16:18, Apr 18, Mr. Bob Hamburg, PA # 4,848 08:23, Apr 18, Ms. Julie Schoenstein, FL # 4,876 16:13, Apr 18, Ms. Akasha Riener, ID # 4,847 08:15, Apr 18, Angie Wolfe, CO # 4,875 15:30, Apr 18, Name not displayed, CA # 4,846 08:09, Apr 18, Alan Crawford, CA # 4,874 15:09, Apr 18, Ms. Karin Anderson, CA # 4,845 08:06, Apr 18, Ms. Gary Sanders, CA # 4,873 15:06, Apr 18, Mr. zack thomsen, CA # 4,844 08:03, Apr 18, Mr. D. Lancon, CA


# 4,843 07:49, Apr 18, Ms. Barbara Vaile, MN # 4,814 19:14, Apr 17, Mrs. Tracia Sedivy, MN

# 4,842 07:40, Apr 18, Ms. connie campbell, VA # 4,813 18:53, Apr 17, Ms. Martina Dinale, CT

# 4,841 07:39, Apr 18, Mr. dale mellinger, DE # 4,812 18:45, Apr 17, Mr. Connor Edington, CT

# 4,840 07:29, Apr 18, Mr. Todd Jenkins, CA # 4,811 18:33, Apr 17, Jason Prince, QC

# 4,839 07:28, Apr 18, Mr. Shawn Woodyard, NM # 4,810 18:17, Apr 17, art farkas, CA

# 4,838 07:03, Apr 18, Name not displayed, # 4,809 18:03, Apr 17, Mr. Paul Barnett, NJ Netherlands # 4,808 18:01, Apr 17, Mr. Matthew Shultz, ON # 4,837 07:03, Apr 18, Mr. richard baker, United Kingdom # 4,807 17:56, Apr 17, Mrs. Patti Jo Edwards, OR

# 4,836 07:03, Apr 18, Kathleen Lehn, VT # 4,806 17:43, Apr 17, Mr. kevin anderson, HI

# 4,835 06:34, Apr 18, Marianne Vetter, NJ # 4,805 17:37, Apr 17, Mr. Mike Raymond, MI

# 4,834 06:21, Apr 18, Mary Green, IL # 4,803 17:30, Apr 17, Mr. Ed Boyd, NJ

# 4,833 06:13, Apr 18, Madeline Perkins, NC # 4,802 17:08, Apr 17, Sheree du Bois, CA

# 4,832 06:01, Apr 18, frank cogan, MA # 4,801 17:05, Apr 17, Benjamin Coomer, CO

# 4,831 05:48, Apr 18, Mr. pat donovan, ON # 4,800 16:14, Apr 17, Robin Tennstedt, CO

# 4,830 05:02, Apr 18, Étienne Blondeau, QC # 4,799 16:12, Apr 17, Shannon Koenig, MA

# 4,829 04:21, Apr 18, Emily M Sack, NY # 4,798 16:08, Apr 17, Vicki Berglund, MI

# 4,828 04:14, Apr 18, Victoria Bawtree, France # 4,797 16:03, Apr 17, Dr. Douglas Manfredi, NY

# 4,827 04:13, Apr 18, Stephanie Wells, WI # 4,796 15:44, Apr 17, Ms. Jean Senogles, South Africa # 4,826 03:19, Apr 18, Ms. Joanne Dunlap, ME # 4,795 15:20, Apr 17, Ms. Joan Gabrie, PA # 4,824 01:17, Apr 18, Dr. Geoffrey Mead, United Kingdom # 4,794 14:52, Apr 17, Ms. Lois Fuller, NM

# 4,823 01:01, Apr 18, Ms. emily chadbourne, NC # 4,793 14:41, Apr 17, John Callaghan, United Kingdom # 4,822 00:40, Apr 18, Mr. Tony Bell, TX # 4,792 14:03, Apr 17, Ms. Mary Bobb, FL # 4,821 00:22, Apr 18, Ms. Abby Dahlquist, MN # 4,791 13:55, Apr 17, Ms. Cynthia Wood, CA # 4,820 22:20, Apr 17, Karen Eichhorn, NY # 4,790 13:55, Apr 17, Mr. Edward Noonan, IL # 4,819 22:05, Apr 17, Mr. Shamuuna-Algazi Latifu, NY # 4,789 13:27, Apr 17, Mrs. carol reom, CA

# 4,818 21:26, Apr 17, Name not displayed, CA # 4,788 13:06, Apr 17, Mr. Will Romano, WA

# 4,817 20:44, Apr 17, Fred Brown, WV # 4,787 12:51, Apr 17, Robyn Guinn, BC

# 4,816 20:23, Apr 17, David Haley, PA # 4,786 12:49, Apr 17, Elise York, KY

# 4,815 19:29, Apr 17, Mrs. Julia Apt, OR # 4,785 12:41, Apr 17, Ms. Deborah Hill, WA


# 4,784 12:36, Apr 17, Mr. Joey Burke, MD # 4,759 09:20, Apr 17, Mr. Ann Marie Dunn, NC

# 4,783 12:29, Apr 17, Mrs. Bette Feltham, OH # 4,758 09:01, Apr 17, Robert Young, FL

# 4,757 08:49, Apr 17, Zoe Koufopoulos, CA # 4,782 12:16, Apr 17, Mrs. marlene weale, United Kingdom # 4,756 08:49, Apr 17, Ms. J Miller, BC

# 4,781 12:03, Apr 17, Mr. Guy Zahller, CA # 4,755 08:44, Apr 17, Mr. Richard Smith, MA

# 4,780 12:01, Apr 17, Ms. A Tower, GA # 4,754 08:36, Apr 17, Brian LaFleur, TX

# 4,779 11:57, Apr 17, Name not displayed, CO # 4,753 08:34, Apr 17, Dr. Peter Wilhelmsson, Sweden # 4,778 11:53, Apr 17, Ms. Theresa Rothenbach, TX # 4,752 08:33, Apr 17, Ms. Penny Webster-Brown, # 4,777 11:52, Apr 17, Lene Simonnes, United United Kingdom Kingdom # 4,751 08:33, Apr 17, Name not displayed, PA # 4,776 11:48, Apr 17, Janine Pineo, ME # 4,750 08:32, Apr 17, Mr. Mark Baker-Munton, # 4,775 11:42, Apr 17, Mr. John Grabowski, CA United Kingdom

# 4,774 11:41, Apr 17, Mr. Nick Riley, United # 4,749 08:31, Apr 17, Ms. Siobhan Flynn, United Kingdom Kingdom

# 4,773 11:38, Apr 17, Mrs. Juliet Romano, WA # 4,748 08:31, Apr 17, Mr. Danny Smets, Belgium

# 4,772 11:28, Apr 17, Victoria Ward, CA # 4,747 08:30, Apr 17, Ms. Lidia Gheza, United Kingdom # 4,771 11:26, Apr 17, Joanna Hingle, WA # 4,746 08:03, Apr 17, Mrs. rosemary woods, ID # 4,770 11:15, Apr 17, Name not displayed, GA # 4,745 08:01, Apr 17, Mr. philip watson, United # 4,769 11:04, Apr 17, Heather O'Hara, CA Kingdom

# 4,768 10:30, Apr 17, Mrs. Marika Walker, United # 4,744 07:52, Apr 17, Farhan Malik, NY Kingdom # 4,743 07:47, Apr 17, Mrs. Sarah Cook, United # 4,767 10:21, Apr 17, Ms. julie houg, CA Kingdom

# 4,766 10:13, Apr 17, Mr. John-James Lloyd, # 4,742 07:43, Apr 17, Mr. Austin Chehrazi, CA United Kingdom # 4,741 07:42, Apr 17, Ms. Patsy Brennan, NY # 4,765 10:10, Apr 17, Mr. Carl Motsenbocker, LA # 4,740 07:38, Apr 17, Ms. Jay Brightwater, United # 4,764 10:07, Apr 17, Name not displayed, Croatia Kingdom

# 4,763 10:02, Apr 17, Marcus Murphy, United # 4,739 07:34, Apr 17, Name not displayed, NY Kingdom # 4,738 07:34, Apr 17, Ms. S Zwart, Netherlands # 4,762 10:02, Apr 17, Mr. Tristan Mariethoz, Switzerland # 4,737 07:28, Apr 17, Rachel Shaw, MA

# 4,761 10:02, Apr 17, Joyce Bichler, CA # 4,736 07:18, Apr 17, Roger Domagalski, Poland

# 4,760 09:46, Apr 17, Mr. Dan Payne, United # 4,735 07:02, Apr 17, Ms. Hilary Callaghan, MI Kingdom # 4,734 06:47, Apr 17, Mrs. Jane Francis, OR


# 4,733 06:47, Apr 17, Mr. Piotr Sipika, NJ # 4,706 21:19, Apr 16, Mr. CIgy Cyriac, UT

# 4,732 06:46, Apr 17, Deborah Wagner, MD # 4,705 21:01, Apr 16, R Graham, CA

# 4,731 05:54, Apr 17, Laura Silvers-Chase, OK # 4,704 20:56, Apr 16, Mr. Arthur Silberman, CA

# 4,730 05:36, Apr 17, Ms. Diane Thompson, ME # 4,703 20:49, Apr 16, Philip Riley, NY

# 4,729 05:22, Apr 17, Mrs. Elizabeth Merz, MN # 4,702 20:34, Apr 16, Mr. Bill Franke, Taiwan

# 4,728 05:21, Apr 17, Mrs. Julie Dike, VA # 4,701 20:23, Apr 16, Nate Otto, OR

# 4,727 05:19, Apr 17, Dr. Karl Schmidt, SD # 4,700 19:48, Apr 16, Dr. Susan Swanson, MN

# 4,726 05:09, Apr 17, Kel Bode, OH # 4,699 19:46, Apr 16, Mrs. Patricia Vazquez, Mexico # 4,725 05:02, Apr 17, Ms. DIANE DICRANIAN, ME # 4,698 19:28, Apr 16, Jeremy Buchanan, IN

# 4,724 05:01, Apr 17, heather vahila, OH # 4,697 19:22, Apr 16, Ms. Susan Zalon, CA

# 4,723 04:52, Apr 17, Dr. Branwen Gruffydd Jones, # 4,696 19:12, Apr 16, Mr. Howie Singer, BC United Kingdom # 4,695 19:00, Apr 16, Mrs. Karen Feltham, OH # 4,722 04:50, Apr 17, Name not displayed, WI # 4,694 18:56, Apr 16, Name not displayed, NJ

# 4,721 04:38, Apr 17, Name not displayed, NE # 4,693 18:56, Apr 16, Linda Furlini, QC

# 4,720 04:27, Apr 17, Ms. Jane Birdsong, WV # 4,692 18:48, Apr 16, Mrs. Mary Boyle, WI

# 4,719 04:26, Apr 17, Mr. peter swanepoel, South # 4,691 18:47, Apr 16, Linda Greene, IN Africa # 4,690 18:39, Apr 16, Mr. Joseph Massey, NY # 4,718 04:22, Apr 17, Margaret Dolomont, ME # 4,689 18:39, Apr 16, Mr. John McDermott, United # 4,717 03:53, Apr 17, Helen Wallace, United Kingdom Kingdom # 4,688 18:38, Apr 16, Mr. Lynn Abbott, WI # 4,716 03:53, Apr 17, Mr. Jim Gerritsen, ME # 4,687 18:34, Apr 16, Chris Vivas, NY # 4,715 03:38, Apr 17, erik müllerhof, Denmark # 4,686 18:11, Apr 16, Mr. Edward Iwanicki, CT # 4,714 03:18, Apr 17, Hilary Clark, ME # 4,685 18:06, Apr 16, Dr. E. Ann Clark, ON # 4,713 03:13, Apr 17, Mr. Phill Joshua, Australia # 4,684 17:59, Apr 16, Mr. Paul Arenson, Japan # 4,712 00:10, Apr 17, Sandi Metzger, OR # 4,683 17:41, Apr 16, Ms. Mary Orazem, NC # 4,711 22:50, Apr 16, Reisa Jaffe, CA # 4,682 17:34, Apr 16, Mr. Nicholas Hawthorne, CA # 4,710 22:16, Apr 16, Ms. Joan Gibson, BC # 4,681 17:28, Apr 16, Ms. Rochelle Keesler, PA # 4,709 21:41, Apr 16, Ms. Claudia Laufer, CA # 4,680 17:24, Apr 16, Dr. Shawn Gorman, PA # 4,708 21:40, Apr 16, Ms. Brenda Hewson, BC # 4,679 17:11, Apr 16, Name not displayed, CA # 4,707 21:33, Apr 16, Name not displayed, NY # 4,678 17:08, Apr 16, Ms. Susaan Aram, CA


# 4,677 16:55, Apr 16, Ms. Sharon Mullane, CA # 4,648 13:41, Apr 16, Name not displayed, CA

# 4,676 16:27, Apr 16, Lesa Tessman, MI # 4,647 13:31, Apr 16, Name not displayed, UT

# 4,675 16:20, Apr 16, Jason Readshaw, AB # 4,646 13:21, Apr 16, Veronica AntaL, OR

# 4,674 16:17, Apr 16, Mr. John Carlson, Australia # 4,645 13:16, Apr 16, Ms. penelope jophnstone, CA

# 4,673 16:13, Apr 16, Ms. Denise Fitch, CT # 4,644 13:04, Apr 16, Ms. Dee Halzack, MA

# 4,672 16:11, Apr 16, Name not displayed, New # 4,643 12:47, Apr 16, Ms. Angela Lilly, OH Zealand # 4,642 12:41, Apr 16, Ms. debra link, NM # 4,671 16:03, Apr 16, Carole Riley, Australia # 4,641 12:38, Apr 16, Ms. Jennifer Clarke, # 4,670 15:56, Apr 16, Ms. Michal Schonbrun, Israel Denmark

# 4,669 15:51, Apr 16, Ms. Elizabeth Min, ON # 4,640 12:23, Apr 16, R. A. Frager, ON

# 4,668 15:48, Apr 16, Dr. John Walker, WA # 4,639 12:21, Apr 16, Ms. Joanne Frazer, CA

# 4,667 15:48, Apr 16, Mr. Sam Conner, OR # 4,638 12:07, Apr 16, Cait Zowarka, CT

# 4,666 15:43, Apr 16, Ms. Christine Lane, WA # 4,637 11:50, Apr 16, Elizabeth Archodominion, WA # 4,665 15:39, Apr 16, Ms. B Menkes, NY # 4,636 11:43, Apr 16, Dr. Stephanie Hitztaler, NY # 4,664 15:39, Apr 16, Michael Konradi, Germany # 4,635 11:40, Apr 16, Aslak Flaate, Norway # 4,663 15:23, Apr 16, Mr. Gene Derig, WA # 4,634 11:34, Apr 16, Name not displayed, OR # 4,662 15:13, Apr 16, Mr. Alex Beutel, WI # 4,633 11:30, Apr 16, Mr. Chris Packer, TN # 4,661 15:07, Apr 16, Mr. Andrew Benton, PA # 4,632 11:28, Apr 16, Matthew Cyr, NJ # 4,660 15:04, Apr 16, brant mcgee, AK # 4,631 11:28, Apr 16, Mrs. Ferrell Stein, MO # 4,659 15:01, Apr 16, Mrs. Arden Stanton, MI # 4,630 11:28, Apr 16, Korey Peterson, WI # 4,658 15:01, Apr 16, Mr. Mark Kelly, UT # 4,629 11:15, Apr 16, Mr. Peter Hugger, OR # 4,657 14:49, Apr 16, Mr. Brian Emmons, HI # 4,628 11:08, Apr 16, Mr. Stephen Jones Sr., MA # 4,656 14:41, Apr 16, Name not displayed, ON # 4,627 11:05, Apr 16, Ms. Judith Cohen, CA # 4,655 14:30, Apr 16, Mr. Ralph Novy, WI # 4,626 11:04, Apr 16, Linda Grobe, IL # 4,654 14:26, Apr 16, Mr. Scott Species, WA FYI # 4,625 11:01, Apr 16, Andrew Heule, ON

# 4,653 14:10, Apr 16, Barbara Brandler, NY # 4,624 10:46, Apr 16, Mr. Sean Robertson, ON

# 4,652 14:07, Apr 16, Jill Bohr , AK # 4,623 10:43, Apr 16, Dr. Sidney Halperen, TX

# 4,651 13:58, Apr 16, Mr. Brian Edwards, UT # 4,622 10:33, Apr 16, Cory Nowosiadly, NY

# 4,650 13:56, Apr 16, Mr. Grant Pult, IL # 4,621 10:15, Apr 16, Mr. Mark Austin, WA

# 4,649 13:50, Apr 16, Ms. Jenny Bodwell, IN # 4,620 10:06, Apr 16, Susan Burian, NY


# 4,619 10:05, Apr 16, thomas daniell, CA # 4,591 08:02, Apr 16, Mr. Thomas Goodwin, G.G., NV # 4,618 09:57, Apr 16, Mr. Robert Gross, NC # 4590 07:59, Apr 16, Mr. Ashley Randall, GA # 4,617 09:51, Apr 16, Mr. Robert Shannon, SD # 4,589 07:53, Apr 16, Kathleen Dobie, IN # 4,616 09:39, Apr 16, Ms. Dianna Vosburg, MA # 4,588 07:40, Apr 16, Dr. Jan Servaes, MA # 4,615 09:36, Apr 16, Ms. Elena Featherston, CA # 4,587 07:39, Apr 16, Name not displayed, ON # 4,614 09:27, Apr 16, Dr. James Bridges, NJ # 4,586 07:32, Apr 16, Mr. Leonard Douglass, PA # 4,613 09:22, Apr 16, Name not displayed, NV # 4,585 07:27, Apr 16, Dr. David Adams, MN # 4,612 09:18, Apr 16, Ms. Janice Rivera, WA # 4,584 07:26, Apr 16, Frank Morgan, AZ # 4,611 09:11, Apr 16, Wilbur Dockery, GA # 4,583 07:22, Apr 16, Mr. Stephen McMahon, CA # 4,610 09:10, Apr 16, Larry Harper, CA # 4,582 07:18, Apr 16, ken thomas, United Kingdom # 4,609 09:10, Apr 16, Mr. Anthony Cain, United Kingdom # 4,581 07:10, Apr 16, Ms. phyllis Crawford, MD

# 4,608 09:01, Apr 16, Mr. Scott Butterfield, IA # 4,580 07:05, Apr 16, Winifred Thrall, WI

# 4,607 09:01, Apr 16, leigh lennox, WA # 4,579 06:45, Apr 16, Barbara Thomalla, MN

# 4,605 08:58, Apr 16, Mr. Henry Kaufman, MA # 4,578 06:44, Apr 16, Diana Haskins, IL

# 4,604 08:55, Apr 16, Name not displayed, WI # 4,577 06:44, Apr 16, Mr. Clark Killick, United Kingdom # 4,603 08:52, Apr 16, Mr. Robert Bardin, NY # 4,576 06:37, Apr 16, John Hauf, CA # 4,602 08:42, Apr 16, Ms. Annett Blechstein, Hong Kong # 4,575 06:36, Apr 16, Name not displayed, CA

# 4,601 08:42, Apr 16, Mr. jack gibberd, United # 4,574 06:18, Apr 16, Dr. james starkey, FL Kingdom # 4,573 06:12, Apr 16, Mr. James Love, NC # 4,600 08:28, Apr 16, Loo Catalano, MA # 4,572 06:09, Apr 16, John Kluge, LA # 4,599 08:27, Apr 16, Robert Wilson, VT # 4,571 06:04, Apr 16, Mr. Alfonso Merlo, VA # 4,598 08:25, Apr 16, Mr. Brian Angel, IL # 4,570 06:01, Apr 16, Dr. Adam Sonstegard, OH # 4,597 08:20, Apr 16, Ms. Lylianna Nazario, NY # 4,569 05:53, Apr 16, Ms. Carol Morrison, VT # 4,596 08:19, Apr 16, Mr. Jean-François Defosse, Belgium # 4,568 05:52, Apr 16, Gwen Papp, MI

# 4,595 08:18, Apr 16, Randy Shaffer, CO # 4,567 05:43, Apr 16, Julian Marshall, Netherlands

# 4,594 08:14, Apr 16, Mrs. Patraicia McGuire, CO # 4,566 05:21, Apr 16, Charles Pluym, VT

# 4,593 08:13, Apr 16, Name not displayed, CA # 4,565 05:03, Apr 16, ella fitzbag, TX

# 4,592 08:09, Apr 16, joão barrote, Portugal # 4,564 04:49, Apr 16, Mrs. caroline schaffer, CT

# 4,563 04:41, Apr 16, john grab, CA


# 4,562 04:34, Apr 16, Steve McGough, MA # 4,533 22:02, Apr 15, Ms. Jeanne Yacoubou, MD

# 4,561 04:18, Apr 16, Dr. Guy Lancaster, AR # 4,532 21:54, Apr 15, Mr. Paul Luksch, WA

# 4,560 04:15, Apr 16, Ms. Julie Woodman, # 4,531 21:53, Apr 15, Stephen Wallace, AZ Australia # 4,530 21:39, Apr 15, Mr. Stephen Greenberg, CA # 4,559 04:04, Apr 16, David Brazee, NE # 4,529 21:30, Apr 15, James Long, CA # 4,558 02:57, Apr 16, hugh wilson, VA # 4,528 21:25, Apr 15, Mr. Jeff Ewing, OR # 4,557 02:18, Apr 16, Mr. Mark Harding, Australia # 4,527 21:20, Apr 15, Mr. Chuck VonDerAhe, AL # 4,556 01:39, Apr 16, Mr. Craig Hattersley, TX # 4,526 21:18, Apr 15, Ms. GinaGriffith Griffith, # 4,555 01:39, Apr 16, Mr. Tolga Suslu, Turkey WV

# 4,554 01:15, Apr 16, John Adams, MI # 4,525 21:17, Apr 15, sheila brown, WA

# 4,553 01:11, Apr 16, Name not displayed, United # 4,524 21:17, Apr 15, Mrs. Kathy Shimata, HI Kingdom # 4,523 21:15, Apr 15, Dr. Harry Corsover, CO # 4,552 01:04, Apr 16, Douglas Kowalewski, IL # 4,522 21:12, Apr 15, Mr. Timothy Stinson, OR # 4,551 00:55, Apr 16, Mr. Todd Marek, IL # 4,521 21:08, Apr 15, Ms. Kim Haley, TX # 4,550 00:35, Apr 16, Mrs. Valerie Franks, United Kingdom # 4,520 21:01, Apr 15, Mr. Carl Wilson, WA

# 4,549 00:34, Apr 16, Ms. Carol North, CA # 4,519 21:01, Apr 15, Ms. Harriet Belkin, CA

# 4,548 00:00, Apr 16, caitlin haynes, CO # 4,518 21:01, Apr 15, Mrs. Alexandra Loureiro, NJ

# 4,547 23:57, Apr 15, Dr. Becky Talyn, CA # 4,517 20:54, Apr 15, Mr. David Quist, NY

# 4,546 23:53, Apr 15, Lois Kimball, WA # 4,516 20:53, Apr 15, Mr. Brian Moen, CA

# 4,545 23:52, Apr 15, Ms. Gretchen Hanger, MN # 4,515 20:46, Apr 15, Mr. Syvalia Hyman, III, MA

# 4,544 23:42, Apr 15, Kirk Johnson, Japan # 4,514 20:33, Apr 15, larry tolemy, NV

# 4,543 23:16, Apr 15, Edward Cruver, WA # 4,513 20:32, Apr 15, Dr. Aaron Gleason, NY

# 4,542 23:14, Apr 15, Ms. Debi Canody, OH # 4,512 20:28, Apr 15, Margaret Barry, NM

# 4,541 23:02, Apr 15, Sheila Hartfield, CA # 4,511 20:19, Apr 15, Mr. ira ballen, NY

# 4,540 22:52, Apr 15, Dr. Katherine Harper, CA # 4,510 20:09, Apr 15, kristy cole, OH

# 4,539 22:40, Apr 15, Barbara Schiltz, WA # 4,509 20:06, Apr 15, Valorie Scott, MA

# 4,538 22:38, Apr 15, Ernie O'Byrne, OR # 4,508 20:05, Apr 15, Dr. Michael Truscello, AB

# 4,537 22:35, Apr 15, Mr. Eric Dynamic, CA # 4,507 20:04, Apr 15, Mr. Bernardo mujica, Peru

# 4,536 22:25, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, MI # 4,506 20:01, Apr 15, Mr. David Stephens, AL

# 4,535 22:13, Apr 15, Mr. Phil Bolden, CA # 4,505 19:59, Apr 15, Mr. Charlie Perkins, KY

# 4,534 22:07, Apr 15, Name not displayed, TX # 4,504 19:56, Apr 15, Name not displayed, AL


# 4,503 19:55, Apr 15, Mr. Larry Davis, KS # 4,474 18:34, Apr 15, franz buhler, AZ

# 4,502 19:53, Apr 15, Mr. max girouard, WA # 4,473 18:24, Apr 15, Ms. Elizabeth McCracken, NY # 4,501 19:51, Apr 15, Geoffrey Le Blanc, BC # 4,472 18:22, Apr 15, Dr. Ruth Anthony-Gardner, # 4,500 19:50, Apr 15, Ms. Joan Denoo, WA PA

# 4,499 19:44, Apr 15, gerri burdick, OR # 4,471 18:17, Apr 15, malcolm pumpa, Australia

# 4,498 19:43, Apr 15, Ms. Lauren Bouyea, CA # 4,470 18:15, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Cook, NE

# 4,497 19:35, Apr 15, Barry McCuan, NM # 4,469 18:10, Apr 15, Peter Johnson, AR

# 4,496 19:34, Apr 15, Mr. Edwin Thomas, PA # 4,468 18:10, Apr 15, Name not displayed, MI

# 4,495 19:29, Apr 15, Mr. Stashenko Hempeck, # 4,467 18:09, Apr 15, Mary Isbell, CA MN # 4,466 18:09, Apr 15, M Hebb, VT # 4,494 19:27, Apr 15, Ms. Karen Peterson, IL # 4,465 18:09, Apr 15, Dr. MaryKelly Sutton MD, # 4,493 19:22, Apr 15, Ms. Roberta Camp, PA CA

# 4,492 19:19, Apr 15, Dr. Brett Garrett, CA # 4,464 18:08, Apr 15, Anna Pierce, CA

# 4,491 19:18, Apr 15, Mr. John Corso, ON # 4,463 18:03, Apr 15, Paul de Burgh-Day, Australia

# 4,490 19:15, Apr 15, Ms. Priscilla Myco, PA # 4,462 18:03, Apr 15, Ms. Eleanor Fox, NY

# 4,489 19:15, Apr 15, Colleen O'Brien, CO # 4,461 18:01, Apr 15, Ms. Linda Howe, MA

# 4,488 19:15, Apr 15, Mr. Dean Wynveen, WA # 4,460 18:01, Apr 15, Mr. Eric Rose, NY

# 4,487 19:14, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NM # 4,459 17:58, Apr 15, Mr. David Travers, Australia

# 4,486 19:11, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NC # 4,458 17:57, Apr 15, Dr. Carol Thompson, AR

# 4,485 19:10, Apr 15, Mr. Oren Davidson, NY # 4,457 17:57, Apr 15, Mr. Wayne Slater-Lunsford, CA # 4,484 19:04, Apr 15, Mr. John Nettleton, OR # 4,456 17:52, Apr 15, Name not displayed, WA # 4,483 19:01, Apr 15, Mrs. Frances Strege, IN # 4,455 17:51, Apr 15, Alana Schwartz, NY # 4,482 19:01, Apr 15, Mr. Harold Calder, NH # 4,454 17:50, Apr 15, Mrs. Jas Hickey, NJ # 4,481 18:58, Apr 15, Mr. Roger MacDonald-Evoy, WY # 4,453 17:47, Apr 15, Ms. Grace Gershuny, VT.

# 4,480 18:52, Apr 15, Mr. niall glancy, France # 4,452 17:43, Apr 15, kristy schutt, MN

# 4,479 18:50, Apr 15, Mr. David Turnoy, WA # 4,451 17:39, Apr 15, Julie Parcells, MD

# 4,478 18:41, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NJ # 4,450 17:34, Apr 15, Name not displayed, QC

# 4,477 18:38, Apr 15, Dr. Robert Bryant, NC # 4,449 17:32, Apr 15, Mr. James Herring, NJ

# 4,476 18:37, Apr 15, Mrs. L. Quinones, FL # 4,448 17:32, Apr 15, Mr. Richard Wurtz, ME

# 4,475 18:34, Apr 15, Mr. Kent Spriggs, FL # 4,447 17:31, Apr 15, Mr. eric campbell, NY


# 4,446 17:31, Apr 15, Mr. Daniel Pruitt, GA # 4,415 16:12, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Applewhite, TX

# 4,445 17:26, Apr 15, Mr. Everett Bennett, CO # 4,414 16:11, Apr 15, jan deininger, NM

# 4,444 17:25, Apr 15, Mrs. Megan Taylor, OH # 4,413 15:53, Apr 15, Ms. Martin Lepkowski, RI

# 4,443 17:22, Apr 15, Pierre Beaulieu, QC # 4,412 15:49, Apr 15, Ms. Loraine Sherman, FL

# 4,442 17:22, Apr 15, Mr. Dan Mortenson, AK # 4,411 15:44, Apr 15, Glenn Rudolph, CO

# 4,441 17:20, Apr 15, Dr. Henry Weinberg, CA # 4,410 15:44, Apr 15, Name not displayed, TX

# 4,439 17:18, Apr 15, Margo Praus, CA # 4,409 15:44, Apr 15, Rosemary Moser, VT

# 4,438 17:14, Apr 15, Mr. John Newton, Australia # 4,408 15:38, Apr 15, Ms. Molly Grace McNeill, OH # 4,437 17:06, Apr 15, Jonathan Hollis, Australia # 4,407 15:38, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA # 4,436 17:06, Apr 15, Mrs. Julia Anderson, MS # 4,405 15:36, Apr 15, Dr. Yvonne M Hansen, Ed D, # 4,435 17:05, Apr 15, Keith Hackett, FL TX

# 4,434 17:05, Apr 15, Mrs. Agnes Mouroulis, CA # 4,404 15:31, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA

# 4,433 16:52, Apr 15, Laura Cayford, NY # 4,403 15:30, Apr 15, Mr. Mark Wood, United Kingdom # 4,432 16:50, Apr 15, Ms. kathryn jones, CO # 4,402 15:28, Apr 15, Mr. Michael Rice, MN # 4,431 16:49, Apr 15, Ms. Rukshana Enjjineer, BC # 4,401 15:27, Apr 15, Mr. Hazen Pratt, MN # 4,430 16:48, Apr 15, Myrto Ashe, CA #4,400 15:25, Apr 15, Tony Sutton, ON # 4,429 16:36, Apr 15, Mr. Frank Thomas, CA # 4,399 15:17, Apr 15, Ms. Marjorie Monteleon, ME # 4,428 16:30, Apr 15, Name not displayed, WI # 4,398 15:15, Apr 15, Chris Rurik, WA # 4,427 16:23, Apr 15, Mr. Armando Aspiras, CA # 4,397 15:13, Apr 15, Mr. Gary Rossi, DC # 4,426 16:22, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NY # 4,396 15:10, Apr 15, Mr. Michael Prior, MD # 4,425 16:19, Apr 15, Ms. Carol Ashley, MN I'm appalled that citation is not required for at Oxford # 4,395 15:09, Apr 15, Richard Gilmore, HI University Press. # 4,394 15:08, Apr 15, alexander kazarinoff, MI # 4,424 16:18, Apr 15, Ms. Shirley Frederick, SD # 4,393 15:04, Apr 15, maureen reynolds, BC # 4,422 16:16, Apr 15, Dr. Michelle Perro, CA # 4,392 15:03, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Neill, VA # 4,421 16:16, Apr 15, Jane McCloskey, ME # 4,391 15:02, Apr 15, charles wilson, IN # 4,420 16:16, Apr 15, Mr. Ronald Shafer, IL # 4,390 15:02, Apr 15, Ms. Susan Quaintance, NY # 4,419 16:14, Apr 15, Dr. Mary Sale, MO # 4,389 15:01, Apr 15, Julio Miles, CA # 4,418 16:13, Apr 15, Mrs. James Denison, CA # 4,388 14:56, Apr 15, Tamsin Taylor, OR # 4,417 16:13, Apr 15, Mrs. Christina Papadakis, WA # 4,387 14:49, Apr 15, Mrs. julia c ferguson, MS

# 4,416 16:12, Apr 15, Mr. William Morrison, VT # 4,386 14:46, Apr 15, shamas nanji, AB


# 4,385 14:42, Apr 15, Wayne Kelly, OR # 4,355 13:45, Apr 15, Mr. Carl Burger, MO

# 4,384 14:39, Apr 15, Regina Galbick, OR # 4,354 13:43, Apr 15, Name not displayed, IA

# 4,383 14:38, Apr 15, Mrs. Luvenia Vaughan, FL # 4,353 13:41, Apr 15, Mrs. carol schuster, NY

# 4,382 14:36, Apr 15, Ms. Dawn Surya, WV # 4,352 13:36, Apr 15, Ms. Janet Neihart, MN

# 4,381 14:35, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA # 4,351 13:31, Apr 15, Sandy Rounds, VT

# 4,380 14:33, Apr 15, Mr. V. John Bonner, CO # 4,350 13:27, Apr 15, Ms. Karin Anderson, TX

# 4,379 14:27, Apr 15, Mr. Kentaro Watari, CA # 4,349 13:24, Apr 15, Ms. Anne Holder, TX

# 4,378 14:27, Apr 15, Mr. Kenyon Davenport, NC # 4,348 13:23, Apr 15, Dr. Jonathan Schorsch, NY

# 4,377 14:24, Apr 15, Ms. Paz Hilfinger-Pardo, # 4,347 13:18, Apr 15, Mr. King El, NY Argentina # 4,346 13:18, Apr 15, Angela Deeds, CO # 4,376 14:24, Apr 15, Mr. Charles Grinnell, MA # 4,345 13:14, Apr 15, Paul Manning, ON # 4,375 14:22, Apr 15, John Ballinger, NY # 4,344 13:13, Apr 15, Mr. Greg Quist, CA. # 4,374 14:18, Apr 15, Mr. Ian Bovington, Australia # 4,343 13:13, Apr 15, Dean Brailey, MI # 4,373 14:18, Apr 15, Mr. Floyd Ottoson, CA # 4,342 13:13, Apr 15, Ms. Christina Fredrickson, # 4,372 14:14, Apr 15, Mrs. Sandra Uribe, TX OR

# 4,371 14:14, Apr 15, Dr. \Susan Clarke, MN # 4,341 13:13, Apr 15, Mrs. Shelley Galloway, FL

# 4,370 14:12, Apr 15, Ms. bobbie taravella, CT # 4,340 12:59, Apr 15, Jenifer Lawrence, WA

# 4,369 14:10, Apr 15, Daniel Lucas, OH # 4,339 12:58, Apr 15, Gabor Stefanik, Hungary

# 4,368 14:04, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA # 4,338 12:57, Apr 15, Ms. Erica Brodman, NY

# 4,367 14:04, Apr 15, Ms. Maurya McCall, PA # 4,337 12:56, Apr 15, Chris Lee, CO

# 4,366 14:03, Apr 15, Ms. Helen Dickey, CA # 4,336 12:53, Apr 15, Mr. james buhler, MN

# 4,365 14:02, Apr 15, Michael Adelaide, MB # 4,335 12:51, Apr 15, Ms. Hannah Freed, CA

# 4,364 14:02, Apr 15, Ms. Rachael Dornbrook, WI # 4,334 12:49, Apr 15, Ms. Carol Edgerton, WI

# 4,363 14:02, Apr 15, Mr. Kris Harker, PA # 4,333 12:44, Apr 15, Ms. Jean Slocum, WA

# 4,362 14:02, Apr 15, John Milton, CO # 4,332 12:33, Apr 15, Mr. Edward Miessner, LA

# 4,361 14:01, Apr 15, Mr. Phillip Torres, NC # 4,331 12:32, Apr 15, Lisa Everett, KS

# 4,360 13:56, Apr 15, Jillian Dyer, OH # 4,330 12:29, Apr 15, Mrs. Susan West, CA

# 4,359 13:55, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NC # 4,329 12:27, Apr 15, Richard Watson, MN

# 4,358 13:50, Apr 15, Mr. John McCahan, FL # 4,328 12:22, Apr 15, Katie Zukoski, CA

# 4,357 13:45, Apr 15, Michael Campbell, WA # 4,327 12:21, Apr 15, Ms. Esther Wolk, MA

# 4,356 13:45, Apr 15, paula carter, WY # 4,326 12:19, Apr 15, Dr. James Watt, CO


# 4,325 12:17, Apr 15, Andrew Kripner, NC # 4,295 11:18, Apr 15, Dr. Kevin Tuite, QC

# 4,324 12:16, Apr 15, Sarah Burich, WA # 4,294 11:17, Apr 15, Mrs. Mary Michaelis, OH

# 4,323 12:15, Apr 15, Name not displayed, United # 4,293 11:14, Apr 15, James Matson, PA Kingdom # 4,292 11:10, Apr 15, Mr. Manolo Segura # 4,322 12:13, Apr 15, Mr. Linc Cole, FL MacDonald, Spain

# 4,321 12:11, Apr 15, Ms. KS Hanna, MN # 4,291 11:09, Apr 15, Dr. Dan Webster, GA

# 4,320 12:09, Apr 15, Kathleen Welsh, IA # 4,290 11:06, Apr 15, James Leven, United Kingdom # 4,319 12:08, Apr 15, Name not displayed, ME # 4,289 11:06, Apr 15, Dr. Kristina Boylan, NY # 4,318 12:07, Apr 15, Ms. C.M. Concepcion, IA # 4,288 11:01, Apr 15, Mr. Efrain Sanchez, Puerto # 4,317 12:06, Apr 15, Dan Pasley, CA Rico

# 4,316 12:04, Apr 15, Dr. Ben Liles, TX # 4,287 11:01, Apr 15, Mr. Jack Holmes, WI

# 4,315 12:03, Apr 15, Mrs. Maureen Fahlberg, NV # 4,286 11:01, Apr 15, Mr. Ralph Moore, MD

# 4,314 12:02, Apr 15, Jennifer Moore, FL # 4,285 10:59, Apr 15, Mr. Rodney Maekawa, CA

# 4,313 12:01, Apr 15, Jeffrey Douglass, ID # 4,284 10:54, Apr 15, George Sullivan, FL

# 4,312 11:59, Apr 15, Mr. David Morgan, OR # 4,283 10:52, Apr 15, Mrs. susie kinzie, WI Keep 'em honest... # 4,282 10:52, Apr 15, Ms. Judith Wittner, IL # 4,311 11:57, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NY # 4,281 10:50, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA # 4,310 11:57, Apr 15, Mr. Matthew Swyers, CA # 4,280 10:50, Apr 15, Ms. Loretta Land, United # 4,309 11:52, Apr 15, Dr. Zubair Amir, IL Kingdom

# 4,308 11:45, Apr 15, Mr. James P Savage III, VA # 4,279 10:49, Apr 15, Dr. Katherine Terrell, NY

# 4,307 11:45, Apr 15, Ms. Tanya Stewart, KY # 4,278 10:47, Apr 15, Mrs. Dagrun Heggem, Norway # 4,306 11:45, Apr 15, Ms. Lois Briggs, FL # 4,277 10:47, Apr 15, Mr. Christopher Paddon, OR # 4,305 11:41, Apr 15, arlene hickory, IL # 4,276 10:46, Apr 15, Mrs. Vivian Komori, CA # 4,304 11:40, Apr 15, Ms. Jeniah Lee, ON # 4,275 10:46, Apr 15, Mr. robert rozelle, TX # 4,303 11:39, Apr 15, Ms. Susan Williams, DC # 4,274 10:45, Apr 15, Mr. David McIntosh, CA # 4,301 11:37, Apr 15, Mr. Jacques Cinq-Mars, QC # 4,273 10:44, Apr 15, Mr. GEORGE LOVEDAY, # 4,300 11:33, Apr 15, Dr. Mary Lyn Stoll, IN CA

# 4,299 11:29, Apr 15, Daniel DeMeyer, IL # 4,272 10:41, Apr 15, Dr. Erick Heroux, OR

# 4,298 11:25, Apr 15, Robert Guttman, WA # 4,271 10:37, Apr 15, Mr. Ejay Clark, CT

# 4,297 11:22, Apr 15, Ms. Barrie Stebbings, CA # 4,270 10:34, Apr 15, Dr. Joyce Barry, NY

# 4,296 11:20, Apr 15, Lawrence Turk, NC # 4,269 10:34, Apr 15, Ms. Judy Burris, CA


# 4,268 10:31, Apr 15, Ms. kathy missal, ME # 4,239 09:38, Apr 15, Al Kubilius, IL

# 4,267 10:31, Apr 15, William Rigby, NC # 4,238 09:36, Apr 15, Mrs. Melinda Vargo, CA

# 4,266 10:29, Apr 15, Laura Lewis, United # 4,237 09:34, Apr 15, Ms. Valerie Brinton, CA Kingdom # 4,236 09:32, Apr 15, Dr. Gloria Raheja, MN # 4,265 10:28, Apr 15, Dr. Anne Lacsamana, NY # 4,235 09:31, Apr 15, Mr. joel gordon, MA # 4,264 10:26, Apr 15, Alan Papscun, MA # 4,234 09:28, Apr 15, Ms. Cetta Mainwaring, # 4,263 10:26, Apr 15, Jigna Desai, MN United Kingdom

# 4,262 10:07, Apr 15, Ms. judith Knaiz, PA # 4,233 09:27, Apr 15, Ms. brenda stone, MI

# 4,261 10:04, Apr 15, Dr. Brenda Grant, WA # 4,232 09:26, Apr 15, Mrs. Ivan Huber, CA

# 4,260 10:03, Apr 15, Mr. Gregory Hall, CA # 4,231 09:24, Apr 15, Suzanne Rideout Wilkins, PA

# 4,259 10:02, Apr 15, Mr. Andrew Markoff, FL # 4,230 09:21, Apr 15, Penelope Hernandez, NY

# 4,258 10:02, Apr 15, m lepczyk, MI # 4,229 09:18, Apr 15, Kheiron Quayle, CA

# 4,257 10:01, Apr 15, charles sereno, IL # 4,228 09:18, Apr 15, Dr. Susan Greenbaum, FL

# 4,256 10:01, Apr 15, Lannette rangel, CA # 4,227 09:18, Apr 15, Ms. Roseann Dudrick, CA

# 4,255 10:01, Apr 15, Dr. Joyce Ley, OR # 4,226 09:18, Apr 15, Karen Ausfahl, CO

# 4,254 10:01, Apr 15, Ms. Sharon Alderman, CO # 4,225 09:17, Apr 15, Barbara Elsbeth, VT

# 4,253 10:01, Apr 15, Mr. Omar Ott, VA # 4,224 09:17, Apr 15, Lorna Nelson, NC

# 4,252 09:57, Apr 15, Ms. Ellenie Ash, OH # 4,223 09:17, Apr 15, George Feltham, OH

# 4,251 09:52, Apr 15, Nick stowell, WA # 4,222 09:17, Apr 15, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 4,250 09:50, Apr 15, Ms. Catherine Twohill, NY # 4,221 09:17, Apr 15, Ms. Becky Daiss, VA # 4,249 09:50, Apr 15, Mr. Ava Strong, CA # 4,220 09:14, Apr 15, Ms. Jacquie Schmall, CA # 4,248 09:49, Apr 15, mike guthrie, OR # 4,219 09:14, Apr 15, Mrs. Andrea Strickland, WA # 4,247 09:49, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Monahan, GA # 4,218 09:14, Apr 15, Mr. Edward Vaughn, WA # 4,246 09:49, Apr 15, Charles Newlin, OR # 4,217 09:14, Apr 15, Mr. guillermo cancio, FL # 4,245 09:48, Apr 15, Violet Hickey, MI # 4,216 09:14, Apr 15, Tom Rutherford, ON # 4,244 09:47, Apr 15, Sharon Silva, CA # 4,215 09:08, Apr 15, Mr. James Snively, MD # 4,243 09:46, Apr 15, Yvonne England, CA # 4,214 09:07, Apr 15, Mr. Mike Laino, FL # 4,242 09:43, Apr 15, Ms. Sharyl Carter, NC # 4,213 09:05, Apr 15, Norwood Creech, AR # 4,241 09:42, Apr 15, Steven Combes, FL # 4,212 09:03, Apr 15, Mr. Bert Bowers, ON # 4,240 09:38, Apr 15, Mrs. Sandy Maytham, South Africa # 4,211 09:03, Apr 15, Name not displayed, OR


# 4,210 09:03, Apr 15, Mr. Anthony Sciolino, MT # 4,180 07:32, Apr 15, Mrs. Karen Angstadt, FL

# 4,209 09:02, Apr 15, Ryan Mireles, NM # 4,179 07:30, Apr 15, Aimee Erb, FL

# 4,208 09:02, Apr 15, Ms. Anita Yu, MI # 4,178 07:22, Apr 15, guy erdman, CA

# 4,207 09:01, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CA # 4,177 07:21, Apr 15, Edwin Dysinger, TN

# 4,206 09:01, Apr 15, Mr. Kevin Bartoy, WA # 4,176 07:21, Apr 15, Steve Cooper, GA

# 4,205 09:01, Apr 15, Mrs. Bette Andresen, NM # 4,175 07:14, Apr 15, Mr. Jean-Claude Touzin, QC

# 4,204 09:01, Apr 15, Mr. Kyle Hall, CO # 4,174 07:08, Apr 15, Dr. Kathleen Crittenden, WI

# 4,203 08:57, Apr 15, Bob Kao, United Kingdom # 4,173 07:01, Apr 15, Mrs. j p, OR

# 4,202 08:55, Apr 15, Dr. Merelyn Dolins, NJ # 4,172 06:53, Apr 15, Ms. Jan McCreary, NM

# 4,201 08:54, Apr 15, Dr. Allan Brockway, FL # 4,171 06:34, Apr 15, Dr. Joan Budd, NY

# 4,200 08:52, Apr 15, Dr. Bill Wiist, AZ # 4,170 06:30, Apr 15, Dr. Steven Chamberlin, IL

# 4,199 08:50, Apr 15, Dr. George Bolton, OR # 4,169 06:14, Apr 15, Dr. Thomas Marois, United Kingdom # 4,198 08:49, Apr 15, Name not displayed, NH # 4,168 05:38, Apr 15, Name not displayed, VA # 4,197 08:47, Apr 15, Name not displayed, IL # 4,167 05:28, Apr 15, Sue Gordon, CO # 4,196 08:47, Apr 15, Mr. Mark Laustrup, WI # 4,166 05:24, Apr 15, Dr. Rick Hesch, SK # 4,195 08:26, Apr 15, Ms. kat dancer schwartz, AR # 4,165 04:11, Apr 15, Name not displayed, WA # 4,194 08:26, Apr 15, Ms. Emilee Wu, WA # 4,164 03:39, Apr 15, Mr. Hans B. Dülmer, # 4,193 08:24, Apr 15, Mary Fantacone, OR Germany

# 4,192 08:21, Apr 15, Mr. Stu Basden, IL # 4,163 02:30, Apr 15, Ms. Nicole Strathmann, MO

# 4,191 08:20, Apr 15, Name not displayed, SC # 4,162 01:59, Apr 15, Dr. Vasilis Vassalos, Greece

# 4,190 08:19, Apr 15, Ms. Anne Padilla, NM # 4,161 01:06, Apr 15, Ms. Connie gardner, CO

# 4,189 08:19, Apr 15, Mr. ROBERT HAYS, NM # 4,160 00:22, Apr 15, patricia daniels, CA

# 4,188 08:19, Apr 15, Mr. Trevor Kezwer, ON # 4,159 23:54, Apr 14, Ms. Sondra Katz, MD

# 4,187 08:18, Apr 15, Mr. Paul Moss, MN # 4,158 22:45, Apr 14, Ms. geri pilcher, WA

# 4,186 08:04, Apr 15, Ms. pegg gannon, ME # 4,157 21:45, Apr 14, Ms. kathleen warren, CA

# 4,185 07:56, Apr 15, Ms. susan benagh, TX # 4,156 21:36, Apr 14, Mr. dearing fauntleroy, CO

# 4,184 07:46, Apr 15, Name not displayed, CO # 4,155 21:31, Apr 14, Mary Ann Baclawski, OR

# 4,183 07:45, Apr 15, Name not displayed, GA # 4,154 21:24, Apr 14, Stephanie Sponsel, NE

# 4,182 07:45, Apr 15, Mr. Thomas Swoffer, WA # 4,153 20:56, Apr 14, Mr. william buckans, CA

# 4,181 07:35, Apr 15, Ms. Lynn Bytyci, GA # 4,152 20:54, Apr 14, Name not displayed, CA


# 4,151 20:48, Apr 14, Name not displayed, WA # 4,121 16:10, Apr 14, Mr. Greg Mohr, CA

# 4,150 20:35, Apr 14, Charles Deming, WI # 4,120 16:10, Apr 14, Ms. Cheryl Adam, CA

# 4,149 20:33, Apr 14, Ms. Diana Diekmann, CA # 4,119 16:09, Apr 14, Name not displayed, IL

# 4,148 20:15, Apr 14, Mr. William Koeppen, CO # 4,118 15:43, Apr 14, Ms. Judith Poxon, CA

# 4,147 20:08, Apr 14, Ms. Hope Peterson, TX # 4,117 15:26, Apr 14, constance mulcahy, MA

# 4,146 19:58, Apr 14, Ms. Cynthia Fontaine, RI # 4,116 15:22, Apr 14, kate eickelberg, CA

# 4,145 19:45, Apr 14, Mr. Ron Lane, PA # 4,115 15:18, Apr 14, Ms. cafrol mastan, WA

# 4,144 19:42, Apr 14, Mr. Scott Krutsch, NC # 4,114 15:03, Apr 14, Mr. George Pawlik, FL

# 4,143 19:34, Apr 14, Ms. shelley frazier, NC # 4,113 14:50, Apr 14, Dr. Christy Hargesheimer, NE # 4,142 19:33, Apr 14, Ms. Bonnie Breckenridge, CA # 4,112 14:44, Apr 14, Dr. Francine Dolins, MI

# 4,141 19:14, Apr 14, Dr. Bristol Pitts, ME # 4,111 14:28, Apr 14, Ms. Alyce Guinn, AZ

# 4,140 19:09, Apr 14, Name not displayed, NM # 4,110 14:25, Apr 14, Mrs. Yvonne Zaganelli- Brown, ON # 4,139 18:58, Apr 14, Ms. Kalyani Silva, ON # 4,109 14:11, Apr 14, Leah McIntosh, TX # 4,138 18:55, Apr 14, Ms. Kate Grace, NJ # 4,108 14:09, Apr 14, Mrs. Susan Kepner, NH # 4,137 18:51, Apr 14, Mr. ray anderson, OR # 4,107 14:05, Apr 14, Mr. Douglas Estes, CA # 4,136 18:04, Apr 14, Ms. Wanda Ballentine, MN # 4,106 14:04, Apr 14, Mrs. Marlies Lee, CA # 4,135 17:55, Apr 14, Dr. Deborah E. Moore, MA # 4,105 14:02, Apr 14, Ben Stoken, AZ # 4,134 17:55, Apr 14, Ms. michelle autin, LA # 4,104 13:38, Apr 14, Ms. Bonnie Lill, MI # 4,133 17:53, Apr 14, Ms. Christie Childs, CA # 4,103 13:34, Apr 14, nancy loddengaard, NH # 4,132 17:47, Apr 14, Mrs. Arlene Patoray, NJ # 4,102 13:30, Apr 14, Ms. Louise Calabro, NY # 4,131 17:39, Apr 14, Roland Goyette, UT # 4,101 13:26, Apr 14, Dr. Bruce Berman, ON # 4,130 17:22, Apr 14, Mr. Roderick Brown, CA # 4,100 13:23, Apr 14, Mr. Gene Ulmer, UT # 4,129 17:04, Apr 14, Ms. katherine raisz, MA # 4,099 13:17, Apr 14, Mrs. Deborah Wiersma, MO # 4,128 16:59, Apr 14, Kathryn Burns, NC # 4,098 13:10, Apr 14, Mr. Graeme Manson, ON # 4,127 16:56, Apr 14, Judith Bill, VA # 4,097 12:52, Apr 14, Mrs. Leona Bochantin, MO # 4,126 16:47, Apr 14, Ms. Megan Roemer, CO # 4,096 12:48, Apr 14, Mr. Richard Hoffman, WA # 4,125 16:47, Apr 14, Cindy Bieman, CO # 4,095 12:45, Apr 14, Mrs. charlene arndt, TX # 4,124 16:43, Apr 14, Ms. Susan Larkin, TX # 4,094 12:40, Apr 14, Richard Smiley, BC # 4,123 16:34, Apr 14, Ms. lori weber, TN # 4,093 12:04, Apr 14, Mary Barkalow, OH # 4,122 16:16, Apr 14, Mrs. Christina Marcus, NY


# 4,092 12:02, Apr 14, Mr. James McDaniel, FL # 4,063 08:42, Apr 14, Ms. Elisabeth Fiekowsky, CA # 4,091 11:55, Apr 14, Ms. Kaye Fulcher, NC # 4,062 08:37, Apr 14, Mr. John Leithauser, MI # 4,090 11:44, Apr 14, Ms. Alice Reiter, IN # 4,061 08:06, Apr 14, Mr. Andrew Perry, ON # 4,089 11:25, Apr 14, Ms. Karen Tracy, CA # 4,060 07:29, Apr 14, Mr. Donald Kosak, WI # 4,088 11:24, Apr 14, Mr. Donald Levesque, IA # 4,059 07:28, Apr 14, Ms. SONIA SOARES, Brazil # 4,087 11:08, Apr 14, Ms. Michelle McBee, IN # 4,058 07:25, Apr 14, Name not displayed, CA # 4,086 11:07, Apr 14, Elizabeth Nyeko, United Kingdom # 4,057 07:09, Apr 14, Name not displayed, MI

# 4,085 10:56, Apr 14, Cynthia Baldwin, MI # 4,056 07:04, Apr 14, Leilani M Torres, NY # 4,084 10:50, Apr 14, Mike Thomas, CO # 4,055 07:02, Apr 14, Mrs. Denise Ketterer, TN # 4,083 10:44, Apr 14, Ms. Wendie Stauffer, CO # 4,054 06:36, Apr 14, Ms. sheila ganch, IL # 4,082 10:28, Apr 14, Leslie Slater, AK # 4,053 06:18, Apr 14, Andrea Loft, NY # 4,081 10:25, Apr 14, Ms. Maureen Stapler Crowell, OR # 4,052 06:16, Apr 14, Mrs. Karin Silverman, MD

# 4,080 10:24, Apr 14, Ms. Marlene Lande, NV # 4,051 05:59, Apr 14, Mr. Gary Tonkin, MN

# 4,079 10:07, Apr 14, Ms. sheila shapiro, MT # 4,050 05:49, Apr 14, Mr. Robert Allen, MO

# 4,078 10:06, Apr 14, Alexander Birrer, CA # 4,049 05:43, Apr 14, Ms. Mary Kay Goble, MI

# 4,077 10:05, Apr 14, Mr. Benjamin Bernhardt, CA # 4,048 05:42, Apr 14, Ms. argyle baukol, WA

# 4,076 10:05, Apr 14, Mr. Terry Schaunaman, ND # 4,047 05:40, Apr 14, Mrs. Tonya DiFiore, CO

# 4,075 10:02, Apr 14, Katherine Bernhardt, CA # 4,046 05:39, Apr 14, Ms. A J Moore, United Kingdom # 4,074 09:59, Apr 14, Sarah Sundquist, CA # 4,045 05:35, Apr 14, Mara Beldavs, WI # 4,073 09:52, Apr 14, Mrs. Beth Martinez, CO # 4,044 05:21, Apr 14, Mr. David Proudfoot, WV # 4,072 09:43, Apr 14, Mrs. Betty Walters, CO # 4,043 04:53, Apr 14, Mr. cam krosnoff, IN # 4,071 09:30, Apr 14, Ms. Janet Black, MS # 4,042 04:48, Apr 14, Mrs. Andrea Rider, United # 4,070 09:30, Apr 14, William C. Briggs, Jr., CA Kingdom

# 4,069 09:28, Apr 14, Name not displayed, Spain # 4,040 03:19, Apr 14, Mr. phillip basham, Australia

# 4,068 09:22, Apr 14, Ms. Loralee Clark, VA # 4,039 03:01, Apr 14, Mrs. Janet Ford, United Kingdom # 4,067 09:22, Apr 14, Ms. Jane Davidson, NJ # 4,038 02:44, Apr 14, Mr. Ken Lucas, CA # 4,066 09:10, Apr 14, Mrs. Katy Eulette, NJ # 4,037 02:09, Apr 14, Ms. Harriet Smartt, SC # 4,065 09:03, Apr 14, Dr. justin pullen, FL # 4,036 02:09, Apr 14, Yekaterina Sorokina, CA # 4,064 08:56, Apr 14, Dr. Charlotte Gilmore, CA


# 4,035 01:37, Apr 14, Name not displayed, CA # 4,004 18:52, Apr 13, Joan Clague, TX

# 4,034 01:09, Apr 14, Mr. Jay Clark, MI # 4,003 18:42, Apr 13, David Fogle, CA

# 4,033 00:13, Apr 14, Ms. Sherrie Valdez, CA # 4,002 18:39, Apr 13, Ms. Carrie Mullen, NY

# 4,032 00:02, Apr 14, Kathleen Harris, IL # 4,001 18:36, Apr 13, Ms. Cathy Lilienthal, WA

# 4,031 23:06, Apr 13, Ms. Jacqueline Wright, HI # 4,000 18:31, Apr 13, Name not displayed, VT

# 4,030 22:54, Apr 13, Ms. Ann Guirao, CA # 3,998 18:10, Apr 13, Mr. Robert Robbins, MN

# 4,029 22:26, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CT # 3,997 18:02, Apr 13, Lisa Svenson, NH

# 4,028 22:23, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CA # 3,996 17:54, Apr 13, Eric Moring, NY

# 4,027 22:20, Apr 13, Mr. Allan Widmeyer, CA # 3,995 17:52, Apr 13, Mr. Alan Langrall, IL

# 4,026 22:10, Apr 13, Ms. arlene dreste, AZ # 3,994 17:41, Apr 13, laura schneider, WI

# 4,024 21:46, Apr 13, Ms. Jessie Casteel, TX # 3,993 17:29, Apr 13, Ms. Pamela Vouros Callahan, IN # 4,023 21:39, Apr 13, Ms. Cyndi Kahn, CA # 3,992 17:16, Apr 13, Ms. Krystal Weilage, MT # 4,022 21:32, Apr 13, Mr. Daniel Zelter, CA # 3,991 17:09, Apr 13, Ken Gates, KS # 4,021 21:24, Apr 13, Name not displayed, FL # 3,990 17:05, Apr 13, Dr. Joseph Dallett, NY # 4,020 21:07, Apr 13, Mr. Leroy Gebhart, FL # 3,989 17:01, Apr 13, Sondra Lewis, WI # 4,019 21:05, Apr 13, constance milligan, CA # 3,988 16:52, Apr 13, Mrs. Gayle Rogalski, FL # 4,018 21:01, Apr 13, Mr. Rikardo Jahnke, WI # 3,987 16:46, Apr 13, Ms. Pat Morrison, TX # 4,017 20:46, Apr 13, Mr. Mitch Cohen, CA # 3,986 16:36, Apr 13, Ms. Carol Hollander, FL # 4,016 20:23, Apr 13, Mr. Peter Barnes, CA # 3,985 16:26, Apr 13, Mrs. Lynn Hall, AZ # 4,015 20:13, Apr 13, Mrs. Brigitte K., NY # 3,984 16:19, Apr 13, Mr. Harry Mickalide, RI # 4,014 19:59, Apr 13, Mr. Robert Gardner, OR # 3,983 16:19, Apr 13, Mr. j roberts, OR # 4,013 19:52, Apr 13, Gregory Lendeck, NY # 3,982 16:15, Apr 13, D Chang, HI # 4,012 19:49, Apr 13, Ms. Alison Denning, CA # 3,981 15:59, Apr 13, Dr. Bruce Grelle, CA # 4,011 19:37, Apr 13, Christine Williams, FL # 3,980 15:58, Apr 13, Name not displayed, PA # 4,010 19:33, Apr 13, Ms. elizabeth Alexander, CA # 3,979 15:56, Apr 13, Donna Nina, NJ # 4,009 19:32, Apr 13, Ms. Mary Orr, NM # 3,978 15:53, Apr 13, Mr. dave luxem, WA # 4,008 19:13, Apr 13, Mr. John Rokas, MI # 3,977 15:33, Apr 13, Bill Johnston, SK # 4,007 19:11, Apr 13, DBE Fpremost, FL # 3,976 15:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, WA # 4,006 19:07, Apr 13, Mr. Ken Lauter, TX # 3,975 14:52, Apr 13, Mr. L. Parrish, CA # 4,005 19:01, Apr 13, Mr. Edward Howard, NY # 3,974 14:51, Apr 13, Name not displayed, VA


# 3,973 14:46, Apr 13, Mr. David Carlson, MN # 3,944 12:46, Apr 13, Mrs. Martha Chambers, TX

# 3,972 14:31, Apr 13, Bonita Staas, IL # 3,943 12:43, Apr 13, Dr. Dana Goodrich, CA

# 3,971 14:21, Apr 13, Ms. Christine Sumner, NY # 3,942 12:22, Apr 13, Teresa Lacques, CA What a come-down of a once revered publishing # 3,970 14:21, Apr 13, Mr. Brian Kleiner, CO press.

# 3,969 14:20, Apr 13, Ms. Rowena Caldwell, TX # 3,941 12:18, Apr 13, Ms. Amy Schumacher, OH

# 3,968 14:10, Apr 13, Mrs. Jane Bock, CA # 3,940 12:14, Apr 13, Mr. Ed Elliott, CA

# 3,967 13:57, Apr 13, Ms. Kathe Garbrick, KS # 3,939 12:08, Apr 13, Mr. Jeffery Stackle, MO

# 3,966 13:51, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CO # 3,938 12:02, Apr 13, Julie Singet, BC

# 3,965 13:42, Apr 13, Mr. charles mclachlan, # 3,937 12:02, Apr 13, Ms. Janice Giudicelli, NJ United Kingdom # 3,936 12:02, Apr 13, H Fleishon, MA # 3,964 13:35, Apr 13, Dr. Julia Kahrl, ME # 3,935 12:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CA

# 3,963 13:34, Apr 13, Ms. Gay Chung, CA # 3,934 11:47, Apr 13, Mrs. Angelika Wohlfarth, Germany # 3,962 13:29, Apr 13, Daniel Lipson, NY # 3,933 11:41, Apr 13, Bernie Zelazny, TX # 3,961 13:26, Apr 13, Ms. Caro Mitchell, TX # 3,932 11:35, Apr 13, Mr. Pierce Delahunt, NY # 3,960 13:23, Apr 13, Ms. Kathleen Canfield, CT # 3,931 11:31, Apr 13, Ms. Carolyn Eden, WA # 3,959 13:20, Apr 13, Mr. Stephen Alley, TX # 3,930 11:25, Apr 13, Ms. Pauline Wahlquist, MN # 3,958 13:17, Apr 13, Dr. Gregory Pais, PA # 3,929 11:22, Apr 13, Ms. SHARON LEE, OR # 3,957 13:15, Apr 13, Ms. Cynthia Norton, CA # 3,928 11:17, Apr 13, Mr. Steven Kennedy, LA # 3,956 13:13, Apr 13, Leslie Newman, FL # 3,927 11:16, Apr 13, Mr. diego rossi, Italy # 3,955 13:13, Apr 13, Mr. AJ Hager, PA # 3,926 11:16, Apr 13, Mr. William Hodge, NH # 3,954 13:12, Apr 13, Ms. Elisabeth Webber, CO # 3,925 11:08, Apr 13, Brian Duffy, MA # 3,953 13:12, Apr 13, Ms. Melissa Middlebrook, WA # 3,924 10:57, Apr 13, Ms. Elizabeth Kim, MD

# 3,952 13:11, Apr 13, Mr. Richard Marshall, CA # 3,923 10:53, Apr 13, j d, FM

# 3,951 13:03, Apr 13, Ms. Patti Farris, OR # 3,922 10:43, Apr 13, Ms. Catherine Gentile, CA

# 3,950 13:03, Apr 13, Mr. wm dabby, FL # 3,921 10:43, Apr 13, Mr. Thomas Halter`, MA

# 3,949 13:01, Apr 13, Ms. Diane Berliner, CA # 3,920 10:42, Apr 13, Ms. Nancy Squier, AZ

# 3,948 12:59, Apr 13, Paul Tuff, CA # 3,919 10:40, Apr 13, Belinda King, KS

# 3,947 12:58, Apr 13, Ms. Tara Stling, CA # 3,918 10:39, Apr 13, Mr. Gerold Hanck, IL

# 3,946 12:54, Apr 13, Ms. Konstanze Hickey, FL # 3,917 10:36, Apr 13, Name not displayed, WI

# 3,945 12:53, Apr 13, Mr. Glen Anderson, WA # 3,916 10:36, Apr 13, Name not displayed, IL


# 3,915 10:36, Apr 13, Kim Griffiths, IL # 3,885 09:14, Apr 13, Frankie DeMarco, NY

# 3,914 10:35, Apr 13, Nan Schweiger, CA # 3,884 09:14, Apr 13, Ms. Ann Fenner, AR

# 3,913 10:35, Apr 13, Maryalice Webb, MA # 3,883 09:13, Apr 13, Ms. Amy Anderson, NY

# 3,912 10:32, Apr 13, Mr. Brock Vinton, DE # 3,882 09:11, Apr 13, Lynn VARVARO, MO

# 3,911 10:31, Apr 13, Lynn Taylor, WA # 3,881 09:08, Apr 13, Linda Ballantine, WA

# 3,910 10:31, Apr 13, Mrs. Tracy Dilossi, PA # 3,880 08:59, Apr 13, Ms. Nancy Juskowich, PA

# 3,909 10:29, Apr 13, Ms. Jan Tervydis, IL # 3,879 08:58, Apr 13, Ms. Emily Doutre, NY

# 3,908 10:29, Apr 13, Michele McIntosh, NC # 3,878 08:53, Apr 13, Ms. Beverly Martin, MI

# 3,907 10:29, Apr 13, Dr. James Uleman, NY # 3,877 08:46, Apr 13, Ms. Katherine Iosif, WA

# 3,906 10:04, Apr 13, Viviana Fain-Binda, United # 3,876 08:43, Apr 13, Dr. Trent Hamann, NY Kingdom # 3,875 08:42, Apr 13, Ms. Judith Sookne, NC # 3,905 10:01, Apr 13, Michelle Spragg, BC # 3,874 08:38, Apr 13, Mr. b c, NY # 3,904 10:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NY # 3,873 08:38, Apr 13, Ms. Hazel McCoy, CO # 3,903 09:57, Apr 13, Dr. Kathryn Mason, PA # 3,872 08:30, Apr 13, Carrie Lovelace, CA # 3,902 09:53, Apr 13, Ms. delphyne woods, IL # 3,871 08:30, Apr 13, Mr. j rosen, NY # 3,901 09:53, Apr 13, Sylvan Grey, OR # 3,870 08:26, Apr 13, Ms. Deborah Luscomb, CO # 3,900 09:53, Apr 13, Mr. Kyle Haines, OR # 3,869 08:25, Apr 13, Jim Gleckler, WA # 3,899 09:52, Apr 13, Mrs. Carol DelRosso, WV # 3,868 08:24, Apr 13, Mrs. Margot VanEtten, NY # 3,898 09:51, Apr 13, Michael Anderson, CO # 3,867 08:16, Apr 13, Agnes Palko, Sweden # 3,897 09:50, Apr 13, Ms. Elvira Pachon, CA # 3,866 08:15, Apr 13, Mickey Stellavato, OR # 3,896 09:49, Apr 13, Name not displayed, KS # 3,865 08:04, Apr 13, Lea Cohen, France # 3,895 09:32, Apr 13, Ms. Ronit Corry, CA # 3,864 08:04, Apr 13, Thomas Dorsey, MA # 3,894 09:31, Apr 13, Marla Carlson, SK # 3,863 08:04, Apr 13, Ms. Oceanah D'amore, OR # 3,893 09:28, Apr 13, Mr. Vern Eide, CA # 3,862 08:03, Apr 13, Ms. Sharon Callahan, NJ # 3,892 09:23, Apr 13, Ms. Helen Logan Hays, OR # 3,861 08:01, Apr 13, Mr. Bob Thomas, OR # 3,891 09:20, Apr 13, valerie burt, CA # 3,860 07:56, Apr 13, Mrs. KIM SPRINGER, PA # 3,890 09:19, Apr 13, Mrs. Martha Dragovich, CA # 3,859 07:52, Apr 13, Ms. Jennifer Richter, TX # 3,889 09:18, Apr 13, Ms. Wendy Mcgowan, OR # 3,858 07:46, Apr 13, Mrs. Katherine Nolan, CA # 3,888 09:15, Apr 13, Name not displayed, HI # 3,857 07:41, Apr 13, Jill Cliburn, NM # 3,887 09:14, Apr 13, nancy stauner, WI # 3,856 07:36, Apr 13, Dr. Robert Klauber, IA # 3,886 09:14, Apr 13, Dennis Earley, CA


# 3,855 07:28, Apr 13, Charlie Williams, MI # 3,825 06:20, Apr 13, Kirsten Mortimer, WI

# 3,854 07:28, Apr 13, Mr. steve adler, IL # 3,824 06:13, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NM

# 3,853 07:26, Apr 13, sam melvin, MI # 3,823 06:04, Apr 13, Joan Beer, MI

# 3,852 07:25, Apr 13, Mrs. Donna Thelander, NH # 3,822 06:04, Apr 13, Beth Schartner, WI

# 3,851 07:23, Apr 13, Mrs. Georgene Nigbor, WI # 3,821 06:02, Apr 13, Ms. Katherine Doberne, CA

# 3,850 07:13, Apr 13, Mr. mike ferro, MA # 3,820 05:58, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NY

# 3,849 07:11, Apr 13, Jane Johnson, IN # 3,819 05:57, Apr 13, Kelly Roach, TN

# 3,848 07:10, Apr 13, Ms. virginia brown, NY # 3,818 05:56, Apr 13, Dr. Peggy Miller, OK

# 3,847 07:09, Apr 13, Joan Stanton, GA # 3,817 05:55, Apr 13, Name not displayed, OH

# 3,846 07:09, Apr 13, Mr. John Bigler, SC # 3,816 05:50, Apr 13, Ms. naomi lever, United Kingdom # 3,845 07:03, Apr 13, Gloria Hughes, VA # 3,815 05:48, Apr 13, Mrs. Ann Green, NC # 3,844 07:02, Apr 13, Ms. Kimberly Nieman, MN # 3,814 05:47, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NJ # 3,843 07:02, Apr 13, Name not displayed, WI # 3,813 05:46, Apr 13, Mrs. Susan Rands, United # 3,842 07:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CA Kingdom

# 3,841 06:55, Apr 13, Mrs. Barbara Wolfrum, IL # 3,812 05:45, Apr 13, Ms. Carole Onderdonk, CO

# 3,840 06:53, Apr 13, Name not displayed, DE # 3,811 05:41, Apr 13, Ms. Rosemary Maziarz, IL

# 3,839 06:53, Apr 13, Bonnie Preston, ME # 3,810 05:38, Apr 13, Ms. elaine highsmith, TN

# 3,838 06:51, Apr 13, Danielle Zora, CT # 3,809 05:36, Apr 13, nyrees titchener, United Kingdom # 3,837 06:50, Apr 13, Dr. John Corbett, Australia # 3,808 05:34, Apr 13, Barbara Good, NC # 3,836 06:49, Apr 13, Anne Kaeser, CA # 3,807 05:34, Apr 13, Mr. Randy Gilbert, GA # 3,835 06:48, Apr 13, Mr. Jim Giddings, NH # 3,806 05:34, Apr 13, pauline nivens, FL # 3,834 06:47, Apr 13, Ms. Jonna McConnell, WA # 3,805 05:31, Apr 13, Mr. John Kertes, PA # 3,833 06:47, Apr 13, Dr. John Wolff, KY # 3,804 05:31, Apr 13, Mrs. Chris Paterson, VT # 3,832 06:30, Apr 13, Mr. Robert McCormack, Switzerland # 3,803 05:27, Apr 13, Ms. Donna Simms, NY

# 3,831 06:26, Apr 13, Mr. Siamak Vossoughi, CA # 3,802 05:05, Apr 13, Kris Loman, WI

# 3,830 06:25, Apr 13, Mr. Nick Berezansky, NJ # 3,801 05:02, Apr 13, Name not displayed, MI

# 3,829 06:25, Apr 13, Mr. Don Bolanos, WA # 3,800 05:01, Apr 13, Kenneth Ruby, NH

# 3,828 06:24, Apr 13, Ms. Diane Granahan, CA # 3,799 04:51, Apr 13, Ms. Dianne Powers Wright, OH # 3,827 06:22, Apr 13, Dr. Edward Dodge, TX # 3,798 04:30, Apr 13, Stephanie Benard, NY # 3,826 06:22, Apr 13, Carol Robben, IL


# 3,797 04:20, Apr 13, Ms. fritzi cohen, WA # 3,768 00:24, Apr 13, Mr. Steve Ford, WY

# 3,796 04:18, Apr 13, Name not displayed, MI # 3,767 00:20, Apr 13, Mr. Art Hanson, MI

# 3,795 04:16, Apr 13, Dr. Ken Farley, FL # 3,766 00:12, Apr 13, Mr. Erv Amdahl, AZ

# 3,794 03:59, Apr 13, Mrs. Ilse Raaijmakers, # 3,765 00:08, Apr 13, Ms. catherine Stubberfield, Netherlands United Kingdom

# 3,793 03:58, Apr 13, Sheila Burr, ON # 3,764 00:04, Apr 13, Ms. Martha Patton, TX

# 3,792 03:52, Apr 13, Ms. Janet Kitsmiller, FL # 3,763 00:01, Apr 13, Ms. Karen Berger, CA

# 3,791 03:51, Apr 13, Name not displayed, CT # 3,762 23:44, Apr 12, john jet, IL

# 3,790 03:35, Apr 13, Mrs. Jeannie Johnson, TN # 3,761 23:44, Apr 12, Mrs. Margarita Ruiz, NJ

# 3,789 03:30, Apr 13, gail richens, NH # 3,760 23:41, Apr 12, Mr. jESSE WILLIAMS, OH

# 3,788 03:03, Apr 13, renee vankuren, NY # 3,759 23:32, Apr 12, Dr. Zoe Alexander, HI

# 3,787 03:01, Apr 13, Ms. Gillian Drake, MA # 3,758 23:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Dorothy Osak, CA

# 3,786 03:01, Apr 13, Name not displayed, FL # 3,757 23:28, Apr 12, tim briggs, WI

# 3,785 02:54, Apr 13, Mr. Barry De Jasu, MA # 3,756 23:05, Apr 12, Name not displayed, IL

# 3,784 02:49, Apr 13, Name not displayed, NY # 3,755 23:04, Apr 12, ed atkins, CA

# 3,783 02:48, Apr 13, Mr. Herminio Martins, # 3,754 23:01, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Ng, CA United Kingdom # 3,753 23:01, Apr 12, Mr. Marc Beschler, NY # 3,782 02:24, Apr 13, Mrs. Jeri Iversen, CA # 3,752 22:59, Apr 12, Ms. Kim Wells, TX # 3,781 02:13, Apr 13, Ms. lori barrie, HI # 3,751 22:52, Apr 12, Ms. Deena Caruso, CA # 3,780 01:53, Apr 13, Ms. Sandra Piper, WA # 3,750 22:49, Apr 12, Ms. rox sumner, MN # 3,779 01:52, Apr 13, Mr. George Hagans, NC # 3,749 22:48, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,778 01:48, Apr 13, Ms. lisa fideldy, CA # 3,748 22:44, Apr 12, Mr. Thomas Nelson, PA # 3,777 01:34, Apr 13, Josie Fleck, NC # 3,747 22:35, Apr 12, Ms. elana levy, CA # 3,776 01:23, Apr 13, Mrs. Laura Lopez, FL # 3,746 22:35, Apr 12, Christopher Lish, CA # 3,775 01:21, Apr 13, Ms. Shana Adams, CA # 3,745 22:33, Apr 12, Mr. Warwick Neal, Australia # 3,774 01:14, Apr 13, Isabel Baltazar, Portugal # 3,744 22:33, Apr 12, Ms. Radha Vignola, CA # 3,773 01:08, Apr 13, Mrs. Rebecca Lowery, MD # 3,743 22:27, Apr 12, Mrs. Viviane Paolini, FL # 3,772 00:48, Apr 13, Ms. Liana Wong, CA # 3,742 22:27, Apr 12, Mr. Ken Greenwald, CA # 3,771 00:46, Apr 13, Mr. KB Kannampilly, India # 3,741 22:21, Apr 12, Ms. Judith Alter, CA # 3,770 00:45, Apr 13, Dayle Moseley, BC # 3,740 22:18, Apr 12, Mr. Clarence Hagmeier, CA # 3,769 00:30, Apr 13, Mr. Oscar Revilla Alguacil, Spain # 3,739 22:17, Apr 12, Mr. Morgan Clark, NJ


# 3,738 22:15, Apr 12, Ms. margaret beresford, QC # 3,707 21:04, Apr 12, Ms. Janice Foss, CA

# 3,737 22:08, Apr 12, judith weil, CO # 3,706 21:04, Apr 12, Mrs. Irma Brandt, CA

# 3,736 22:05, Apr 12, Mr. Henry Miller, CA # 3,705 21:03, Apr 12, Susan Crawford, OH

# 3,735 22:01, Apr 12, Roddy Erickson, WA # 3,704 21:01, Apr 12, Mr. David Skolnick, CA

# 3,734 21:54, Apr 12, Ms. Becky Creswel, OR # 3,703 20:56, Apr 12, Ms. Joan Bunney, TX

# 3,733 21:54, Apr 12, Ms. Catherine Cole, CO # 3,702 20:54, Apr 12, Janet Nesselbush, CA

# 3,732 21:53, Apr 12, Ms. Heather Persellin, AZ # 3,701 20:51, Apr 12, virginia mcbride, MN

# 3,731 21:51, Apr 12, Ms. Elaine Fischer, TX # 3,700 20:47, Apr 12, Mr. Dean Taylor, CA

# 3,730 21:44, Apr 12, Ms. Ruth Aydelott, CO # 3,699 20:43, Apr 12, Ms. shannon braman, FL

# 3,729 21:38, Apr 12, Mr. Wayne Gray, PA # 3,698 20:41, Apr 12, Dr. Michael Perkovich, IL

# 3,728 21:33, Apr 12, Ms. maria budner, CA # 3,697 20:41, Apr 12, Mr. weber weber, NY

# 3,727 21:27, Apr 12, Bonnie Bokenkamp, VT # 3,696 20:40, Apr 12, Ms. Theo Giesy, VA

# 3,726 21:27, Apr 12, Sharon Hoffman, PA # 3,695 20:36, Apr 12, Mr. Lyle Oberg, AZ

# 3,725 21:26, Apr 12, Ms. Laura Borst, TX # 3,694 20:35, Apr 12, Linda Kirk, TX

# 3,723 21:21, Apr 12, Deborah Wallace, SC # 3,693 20:34, Apr 12, Ms. Elaine Livingston, NY

# 3,722 21:20, Apr 12, Steve Pryputniewicz, CA # 3,692 20:33, Apr 12, Ms. Kim O'Connell, MA

# 3,721 21:20, Apr 12, Sally Simpson, TX # 3,691 20:28, Apr 12, Mrs. Lynn Woolf, AL

# 3,720 21:19, Apr 12, Mr. Edward LeBlanc, NM # 3,690 20:21, Apr 12, Ms. Rebecca Haigh, MN

# 3,719 21:18, Apr 12, Mr. Robert Rodgers, TX # 3,689 20:21, Apr 12, Mr. Dirk Hoekstra, CA

# 3,718 21:17, Apr 12, Ms. vicki pasco, MI # 3,688 20:19, Apr 12, Ms. B.A. McClintock, HI

# 3,717 21:17, Apr 12, Ms. Cathy Greenwalt, VA # 3,687 20:19, Apr 12, Ms. Denise Lytle, NJ

# 3,716 21:15, Apr 12, Ms. sundra r allen, UT # 3,686 20:17, Apr 12, Ms. Arlene Pantalone, CA

# 3,715 21:15, Apr 12, Ms. Susan Saltzman, PA # 3,685 20:16, Apr 12, Ms. Kathleen Wolfe, WA

# 3,714 21:14, Apr 12, Kristin Martensen, IA # 3,684 20:15, Apr 12, Ms. Dawn Kosec, OH

# 3,713 21:13, Apr 12, Mr. Randy Kiel, IL # 3,683 20:13, Apr 12, Ms. Francoise LaMonica, MA # 3,712 21:10, Apr 12, Mary Saunders, OR # 3,682 20:13, Apr 12, Mrs. Sally Small, OH # 3,711 21:07, Apr 12, Mr. Werner Bergman, WA # 3,681 20:13, Apr 12, Kathy Martinez, CO # 3,710 21:06, Apr 12, Mr. Jaime Valenzuela, CA # 3,680 20:11, Apr 12, Mr. Ed Fiedler, TX # 3,709 21:04, Apr 12, Ms. Marie Moscato Foxton, NY # 3,679 20:11, Apr 12, Bonnie Alexander, CA

# 3,708 21:04, Apr 12, Christa Morf, HI # 3,678 20:10, Apr 12, Mrs. Sue Ann Bartecko, BC


# 3,677 20:08, Apr 12, Mr. Daniel Tourigny, BC # 3,648 19:23, Apr 12, Nan McMurry, WA

# 3,676 20:07, Apr 12, Mr. jim Yarbrough, CA # 3,647 19:23, Apr 12, Jolene Giese, IL

# 3,675 20:06, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CO # 3,646 19:23, Apr 12, Ms. Christine Pikala, MN

# 3,674 20:04, Apr 12, Ms. LINDA # 3,645 19:22, Apr 12, Name not displayed, VA GALANTOWICZ, NC # 3,644 19:21, Apr 12, Gerlando Palazzotto, CA # 3,673 20:03, Apr 12, Mr. Jim Toczynski, MI # 3,643 19:19, Apr 12, Zoe Chapman, CA # 3,672 19:57, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Vesper, CA # 3,642 19:18, Apr 12, Mrs. Mary Gomez, TX # 3,671 19:54, Apr 12, Mrs. Bernadette Maness, AR # 3,641 19:18, Apr 12, Dr. gerald alberts, TX # 3,670 19:53, Apr 12, Ms. joyce lindsey, TX # 3,640 19:17, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Albrecht, PA # 3,669 19:52, Apr 12, Mr. Chris Jones, TX # 3,639 19:17, Apr 12, Will Nields, FL # 3,668 19:45, Apr 12, Dr. Danielle Montague-Judd, UT # 3,638 19:16, Apr 12, Ms. Carolyn Jackson, NY

# 3,667 19:43, Apr 12, Christine Danner, MI # 3,637 19:16, Apr 12, Ms. lynmari calabi, CA

# 3,666 19:43, Apr 12, Dr. Rachael Wooten, NC # 3,636 19:13, Apr 12, Mrs. Melissa Gonzalez, FL

# 3,665 19:42, Apr 12, Mrs. Gloria Lieberstein, NJ # 3,635 19:10, Apr 12, Mrs. Fran Jean-Bart, FL

# 3,664 19:41, Apr 12, Hazen Parsons, OR # 3,634 19:09, Apr 12, Ms. Judy Dragon, CA

# 3,663 19:41, Apr 12, Michelle Lee, NC # 3,633 19:09, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Kujundzic, BC

# 3,662 19:40, Apr 12, Ms. Lisa Gosnell, DE # 3,632 19:07, Apr 12, Mr. John Eberenz, NY

# 3,661 19:39, Apr 12, Mr. Kermit Cuff, CA # 3,631 19:07, Apr 12, Ms. suzanne tauber, NM

# 3,660 19:38, Apr 12, Mrs. Laura Cardona, TX # 3,630 19:06, Apr 12, Mrs. Maryanne Owens, FL

# 3,659 19:37, Apr 12, Ms. Patricia Elaine Mason, # 3,629 19:04, Apr 12, Ms. Amy Colla, CA CA # 3,628 19:03, Apr 12, Joel Blumert, CT # 3,658 19:36, Apr 12, Ms. Annmarie Lucchesi, CA # 3,627 19:00, Apr 12, Ms. Mary Dunleavy, IA # 3,657 19:35, Apr 12, Name not displayed, PA # 3,626 18:59, Apr 12, jon hepworth, CA # 3,656 19:33, Apr 12, Ms. Sheila Pratt, BC # 3,625 18:59, Apr 12, Dr. Alexa Fleckenstein, MA # 3,655 19:33, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,624 18:58, Apr 12, Mr. John Kesich, PA # 3,654 19:32, Apr 12, Charles MacDonald, QC # 3,623 18:57, Apr 12, Name not displayed, United # 3,653 19:31, Apr 12, Mr. Adam Loomis, NY Kingdom

# 3,652 19:30, Apr 12, Ms. Megan Mcinnis, WA # 3,622 18:56, Apr 12, Dan Walters, ID

# 3,651 19:25, Apr 12, Mrs. Mary Siegler, CO # 3,621 18:56, Apr 12, Mr. Ken Schefter, KS

# 3,650 19:25, Apr 12, Dr. Harrison Albert, CO # 3,620 18:55, Apr 12, Ms. cindy font, FL

# 3,649 19:24, Apr 12, Ms. liz sigel, CA # 3,619 18:55, Apr 12, Ms. Emily Heller, AZ


# 3,618 18:54, Apr 12, Mr. Randy Harper, Northern # 3,587 18:19, Apr 12, Ms. Gitta Brandt, MD Mariana Islands # 3,586 18:18, Apr 12, Ms. Barbara Walrafen, AZ # 3,617 18:53, Apr 12, Mrs. Ellen Beschler, NY # 3,585 18:17, Apr 12, Mrs. Jean Matthews, PA # 3,616 18:53, Apr 12, Mr. William Nelson, NY # 3,584 18:17, Apr 12, Ms. Bess Katerinsky, NY # 3,615 18:53, Apr 12, Kathy Woo, CA # 3,583 18:17, Apr 12, Mr. Steven Goldstone, NY # 3,614 18:52, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MI # 3,582 18:15, Apr 12, Mr. Kurt Oldenbrook, IN # 3,613 18:52, Apr 12, Ms. Marilu Romero, CA # 3,581 18:14, Apr 12, Mr. Rick Wood, NY # 3,612 18:51, Apr 12, Mrs. Jan Nelson, NJ # 3,580 18:12, Apr 12, Ms. Kathryn Melton, TX # 3,611 18:46, Apr 12, Mr. James Hemby, NC # 3,579 18:09, Apr 12, Mr. stephen josephson, CA # 3,610 18:44, Apr 12, Ms. Susan Boyce, OR # 3,578 18:06, Apr 12, Mr. Matthew Quellas, CA # 3,609 18:41, Apr 12, Julie Ebert, NC # 3,577 18:04, Apr 12, Mr. Llew Taylor, PA # 3,608 18:40, Apr 12, lynne lillie, KS # 3,576 18:03, Apr 12, Ms. Barbara and Jim Dale, # 3,606 18:39, Apr 12, Crystal Schulte, OH IA

# 3,605 18:39, Apr 12, Mr. Win Southworth, NC # 3,575 18:03, Apr 12, Mrs. Arletta Adair, CO

# 3,604 18:38, Apr 12, Mr. Lucius Chiaraviglio, MA # 3,574 18:01, Apr 12, Ms. Joanna Behrens, WY

# 3,603 18:37, Apr 12, Ms. Molly Geppert, CO # 3,573 18:01, Apr 12, Mr. William Grosh, CA

# 3,602 18:37, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Sundstrom, ON # 3,572 17:59, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Smith, NJ

# 3,601 18:34, Apr 12, Ms. Sandra Lee, WA # 3,571 17:59, Apr 12, Mr. stu philips, OR

# 3,600 18:32, Apr 12, susan stewart, CA # 3,570 17:57, Apr 12, Catherine Gordon, NM

# 3,599 18:31, Apr 12, Ms. diana patterson, WA # 3,569 17:56, Apr 12, Ms. Deanna Reed, NY

# 3,598 18:30, Apr 12, Mr. r Grau, NC # 3,568 17:54, Apr 12, Mrs. Allyson Unzen, ID

# 3,597 18:24, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,567 17:52, Apr 12, Barbara Woolley, NH

# 3,596 18:24, Apr 12, Mrs. Carol Preston, OK # 3,566 17:52, Apr 12, Mrs. Sharon Kumpf, CA

# 3,595 18:22, Apr 12, Mrs. Susanne Morris, NY # 3,564 17:51, Apr 12, Lin Smathers, NC

# 3,594 18:22, Apr 12, Mrs. Lois Fournier, MA # 3,563 17:49, Apr 12, Dr. David B. Chandler, DE

# 3,593 18:22, Apr 12, Deborah Vidal, CA # 3,562 17:48, Apr 12, JudIth Shaffer, MA

# 3,592 18:21, Apr 12, Ms. cynthia ziegler, CO # 3,561 17:48, Apr 12, lena canepa, NH

# 3,591 18:20, Apr 12, John Riggs, NV # 3,560 17:47, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NY

# 3,590 18:20, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,559 17:47, Apr 12, G Lionz, WA

# 3,589 18:20, Apr 12, Ms. vaughan greene, FL # 3,558 17:46, Apr 12, Ms. Beverly Foster, PA

# 3,588 18:19, Apr 12, Ms. becky myers, AZ # 3,557 17:45, Apr 12, Mr. Alan Haggard, CA


# 3,556 17:45, Apr 12, jaime mitchell, CT # 3,526 17:19, Apr 12, susan washington, New Zealand # 3,555 17:45, Apr 12, Ms. Victoria Knight, FL # 3,525 17:18, Apr 12, Mrs. Evelyn Hutto, SC # 3,554 17:44, Apr 12, Mrs. Ruth Yacko, CA # 3,523 17:16, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NC # 3,553 17:43, Apr 12, Mr. Adam Cornford, CA # 3,522 17:15, Apr 12, David Cosby, NC # 3,552 17:40, Apr 12, Mr. Kenneth Bowman, FL # 3,521 17:11, Apr 12, Mrs. Jan Ehrenhaft, IL # 3,551 17:40, Apr 12, Ms. Denise Dardarian, CA # 3,520 17:10, Apr 12, Mrs. susan bower, CA # 3,550 17:40, Apr 12, Mr. Luan Le, TX # 3,519 17:08, Apr 12, Ms. Brenda Gaines, OR # 3,549 17:39, Apr 12, janine adair, CO # 3,518 17:07, Apr 12, Mr. Jorge Penate, IN # 3,548 17:38, Apr 12, Susanna Alis, FL # 3,517 17:06, Apr 12, Mr. Jeff Thayer, CA # 3,547 17:37, Apr 12, Mr. Clinton Crow, FL # 3,516 17:04, Apr 12, Mr. Scott Crockett, OR # 3,546 17:37, Apr 12, anne marie havel, VT # 3,515 17:04, Apr 12, Mr. Trushar Mody, GA # 3,545 17:36, Apr 12, Ms. marcia bailey, NC # 3,514 17:03, Apr 12, Dagny Hanner, MI # 3,544 17:33, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NC # 3,513 17:03, Apr 12, Bethea verDorn, NJ # 3,543 17:33, Apr 12, Mrs. Linda Pierce, TX # 3,512 17:01, Apr 12, Angela Gielen, BC # 3,542 17:32, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,511 17:01, Apr 12, John Benschoter, LA # 3,541 17:30, Apr 12, Ms. Nancy Moysiuk, ON # 3,510 17:01, Apr 12, jennely cardona, FL # 3,540 17:30, Apr 12, Mr. RIchard Hersh, FL # 3,509 16:59, Apr 12, Ms. Brooke Pekkala, MN # 3,539 17:29, Apr 12, Dr. Vincent Palladino, NM # 3,508 16:56, Apr 12, Mr. Kenneth Bird, NY # 3,538 17:29, Apr 12, Name not displayed, TN # 3,507 16:54, Apr 12, Ms. Leah Eister-Hargrave, # 3,537 17:28, Apr 12, Janet Baczuk, MA WA

# 3,536 17:27, Apr 12, Ms. anasa lewis, MO # 3,506 16:54, Apr 12, Ms. Tanya Dunckel, MI

# 3,535 17:27, Apr 12, Ms. Elaine Alfaro, CA # 3,505 16:53, Apr 12, Ms. Claire Gregory, IN

# 3,534 17:27, Apr 12, Maia Maia, CA # 3,504 16:53, Apr 12, Rebekah Rice, NY

# 3,533 17:26, Apr 12, Lynn Cosmos, WA # 3,503 16:53, Apr 12, Dr. Chelsea Snelgrove, GA

# 3,532 17:26, Apr 12, Robertta Clarke, CA # 3,502 16:51, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA

# 3,531 17:25, Apr 12, Mrs. Angie Rubschlager, WA # 3,501 16:47, Apr 12, Ms. Heather Stanley, BC

# 3,530 17:25, Apr 12, Ms. Sharon McIntosh, MI # 3,500 16:47, Apr 12, Cici Fuel, AZ

# 3,529 17:23, Apr 12, ABIGALI BERG, WA # 3,499 16:47, Apr 12, Mr. Gary Dean, WY

# 3,528 17:22, Apr 12, Ms. Mary Ridge, OR # 3,498 16:44, Apr 12, Ms. Maryann Smale, ME

# 3,527 17:22, Apr 12, Marisa Tacket, AZ # 3,497 16:44, Apr 12, Ms. Leslie Henderson, BC


# 3,496 16:43, Apr 12, Ms. Ellen Arnold, AZ # 3,466 16:14, Apr 12, Joanna Peders, OH

# 3,495 16:42, Apr 12, laurie engle, NY # 3,465 16:13, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Holt, IL

# 3,494 16:42, Apr 12, Mr. charles parent, VT # 3,464 16:13, Apr 12, Mrs. Tania Messina, AZ

# 3,493 16:42, Apr 12, Ms. Gypsy Elan, IN # 3,461 16:08, Apr 12, Angela Gipple, IA

# 3,492 16:39, Apr 12, Ms. Alice Green, CO # 3,460 16:08, Apr 12, Mr. Scott Duncan, NC

# 3,491 16:39, Apr 12, Mrs. Diane Taylor, AZ # 3,459 16:07, Apr 12, Mrs. Sherry Salomon, MD

# 3,490 16:39, Apr 12, Mr. Yogesh Angrish, CA # 3,458 16:07, Apr 12, Ms. judith Hazelton, VT

# 3,489 16:39, Apr 12, Sue Perry, NY # 3,457 16:07, Apr 12, Mr. ronald maxson, CA

# 3,488 16:38, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL # 3,456 16:04, Apr 12, Marcello Lanfranchi, NC

# 3,487 16:37, Apr 12, Mr. Stewart Rosenkrantz, FL # 3,455 16:04, Apr 12, Castle O'Neill, VA

# 3,486 16:37, Apr 12, Terry Poplawski, CA # 3,454 16:04, Apr 12, Ms. Dianne Douglas, AZ

# 3,485 16:36, Apr 12, Ms. Rania Bakr, FL # 3,453 16:03, Apr 12, Ms. Christine Frisco, CA

# 3,484 16:36, Apr 12, Ms. Edith Coleman, DE # 3,452 16:02, Apr 12, Harvey Hiebel, CA

# 3,483 16:36, Apr 12, W. York, IN # 3,451 16:01, Apr 12, Susan Heffernon, TN

# 3,482 16:33, Apr 12, Askjel Madalhar, CO # 3,450 16:01, Apr 12, craig scheunemann, IL

# 3,481 16:31, Apr 12, Mrs. Holly Yee, NY # 3,449 15:59, Apr 12, Mr. Steven Daniels, NJ

# 3,480 16:31, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,448 15:59, Apr 12, Mr. Matthew Unfried, MD

# 3,479 16:30, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NY # 3,447 15:57, Apr 12, James Crawford, IL

# 3,478 16:30, Apr 12, Mr. Patrick Hollis, PA # 3,446 15:54, Apr 12, Ms. Karen Vincent, WA

# 3,477 16:30, Apr 12, Ms. Tauny Kasuya, CA # 3,445 15:54, Apr 12, Ms. Bonnie Kenny, CO

# 3,476 16:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Karen Judd, IN # 3,444 15:53, Apr 12, Name not displayed, TX

# 3,475 16:30, Apr 12, Mr. Dan Doepker, OH # 3,443 15:53, Apr 12, Dr. Dr Callahan, WA

# 3,474 16:25, Apr 12, Ms. Demelza Costa, OR # 3,442 15:52, Apr 12, Dr. Bryan Brunner, PR

# 3,473 16:24, Apr 12, Lynde Howe, MT # 3,441 15:52, Apr 12, Maradel Gale, WA

# 3,472 16:22, Apr 12, Mr. Joe Lechuga, CA # 3,440 15:51, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Rosenberg, United Kingdom # 3,471 16:22, Apr 12, Mrs. Cedrine Bell, MA # 3,439 15:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Elizabeth Handler, NY # 3,470 16:16, Apr 12, Ms. Josephine Hall, WA # 3,438 15:49, Apr 12, Mr. David Osterhoudt, CA # 3,469 16:16, Apr 12, Rob Latousek, WI # 3,437 15:48, Apr 12, Peter Oppenheimer, CA # 3,468 16:15, Apr 12, Mr. Daniel del Vecchio, KY # 3,436 15:48, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NV # 3,467 16:15, Apr 12, Mr. Richard Pasichnyk, OR # 3,435 15:48, Apr 12, Carol Lucas, OR


# 3,434 15:47, Apr 12, Mr. Jason O'Neill, TX # 3,404 15:21, Apr 12, Ms. Sarah Rosenberg, CA

# 3,433 15:46, Apr 12, Mr. gary leigh, CA # 3,403 15:20, Apr 12, Dr. Russell Dunckley, TX

# 3,432 15:45, Apr 12, Ms. Natalie Van Leekwijck, # 3,402 15:19, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah Peel, TN Belgium # 3,401 15:19, Apr 12, Mrs. Barbara Searles, WA # 3,431 15:43, Apr 12, Ms. Annie Ryan, MA # 3,400 15:16, Apr 12, Ms. Lenore Nieters, CA # 3,430 15:43, Apr 12, Mike Thomsen, BC # 3,399 15:15, Apr 12, Ms. Juli Chamberlin, CA # 3,429 15:42, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah Erickson, HI # 3,398 15:14, Apr 12, Vanda J Gerhart, AZ # 3,428 15:41, Apr 12, Dr. gene chorostecki, NM # 3,397 15:13, Apr 12, Mrs. joyce flaherty, IL # 3,427 15:40, Apr 12, Ms. Janet Bernhard, VT # 3,396 15:13, Apr 12, Linda Martin, FL # 3,426 15:40, Apr 12, Name not displayed, RI # 3,395 15:12, Apr 12, Mr. gerard GUARINO, FL # 3,425 15:39, Apr 12, Mr. Mark Salamon, CA # 3,394 15:12, Apr 12, Dr. David Strom, CA # 3,424 15:38, Apr 12, Mrs. Karen Whissen, OH # 3,393 15:09, Apr 12, Mr. John Sofos, NY # 3,423 15:37, Apr 12, Mr. jonathan rakofsky, FL # 3,392 15:07, Apr 12, Alice Zachmann, MN # 3,422 15:37, Apr 12, Ms. Frances Harriman, PA # 3,391 15:06, Apr 12, Mr. r znyski, NJ # 3,421 15:36, Apr 12, Ms. Karen Stacey, IL # 3,390 15:05, Apr 12, Mr. James Wheelock, PA # 3,420 15:35, Apr 12, Jonathan Jensen, UT # 3,389 15:04, Apr 12, S Zajonc, WA # 3,419 15:33, Apr 12, Mr. Jim Dailey, MA # 3,388 15:04, Apr 12, Ms. Hellen Baridon, TX # 3,418 15:31, Apr 12, Ms. jessica miller, FL # 3,387 15:03, Apr 12, Ms. Ruth Stambaugh, NC # 3,417 15:30, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah La Place, OR # 3,386 15:03, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,416 15:29, Apr 12, Mr. Russell Wolfe, WI # 3,385 15:03, Apr 12, Ms. Sarah Wintucky, CA # 3,415 15:29, Apr 12, Ms. Patricia Zylius, CA # 3,384 15:01, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NC # 3,414 15:29, Apr 12, Elissa Hoeger, NJ # 3,383 15:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Linda Newkirk, AL # 3,413 15:29, Apr 12, Dr. Robert Reavis, AZ # 3,382 15:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Julie Wade, TX # 3,412 15:28, Apr 12, Ms. Martha Ennis, NM # 3,381 15:01, Apr 12, Mr. James Jessup, WA # 3,411 15:27, Apr 12, Mrs. Helene Harrison, BC # 3,380 15:01, Apr 12, Ms. dena seki, CA # 3,410 15:27, Apr 12, Mrs. Patricia Chelmecki, IL # 3,379 14:59, Apr 12, Mr. Todd Hauser, WA # 3,409 15:27, Apr 12, Mr. John Neumeister, NY # 3,378 14:59, Apr 12, Ms. Sally Stephens, OR # 3,408 15:27, Apr 12, janet williams, AZ # 3,377 14:56, Apr 12, Ms. Nancy Hediger, IL # 3,407 15:26, Apr 12, Mr. Dan Magee, GA # 3,376 14:56, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,406 15:26, Apr 12, Mr. David Lillie, CO # 3,375 14:54, Apr 12, Joy Perkal, MD # 3,405 15:23, Apr 12, Mr. Michael Church, MA


# 3,374 14:54, Apr 12, Nichole Schaad, SC # 3,344 14:28, Apr 12, Ms. Amy Darby, NY

# 3,373 14:54, Apr 12, Gibson A Craig, MA # 3,343 14:28, Apr 12, Michael Salzman, MO

# 3,372 14:52, Apr 12, Mr. Michael Tregaron, CT # 3,342 14:25, Apr 12, Ms. Martha Carlisle, WA

# 3,370 14:52, Apr 12, Deanne Luzaich, CA # 3,341 14:24, Apr 12, Ms. Linda Kade, CA

# 3,369 14:52, Apr 12, Mr. Stephen Taylor, PA # 3,340 14:23, Apr 12, Mr. Christian Heinold, CA

# 3,368 14:52, Apr 12, Ms. Jessica Tsao, CA # 3,339 14:21, Apr 12, S Kass, NY

# 3,367 14:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Selva Carnevale, # 3,338 14:17, Apr 12, Ms. Jan Ellis, WA Argentina # 3,337 14:17, Apr 12, Dr. Lloyd Strachan, ON # 3,366 14:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Dorothy Dankanyin, CT # 3,336 14:16, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL # 3,365 14:46, Apr 12, Ms. Judy Taylor, CA # 3,335 14:15, Apr 12, Bernadine Young, MA # 3,364 14:46, Apr 12, Ms. Krista Hess-Mills, HI # 3,334 14:15, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Sutton, MA # 3,363 14:45, Apr 12, Mr. Gary Hall, ID # 3,333 14:15, Apr 12, Mrs. Ruth Bescript, AZ # 3,362 14:44, Apr 12, Mr. Mike Melton, TX # 3,332 14:15, Apr 12, Ms. Terry Tedesco-Kerrick, # 3,361 14:43, Apr 12, Ms. Maryrose Wilson, PA AZ

# 3,360 14:42, Apr 12, Ms. Larisa Walk, MN # 3,331 14:14, Apr 12, Mr. Dan Meier, IA

# 3,359 14:40, Apr 12, Mrs. Mariah Flood, MN # 3,330 14:14, Apr 12, Mrs. Darlene Jakusz, WI

# 3,358 14:40, Apr 12, Mr. James Brunton, FL # 3,329 14:14, Apr 12, Michael Tucker, OH

# 3,357 14:38, Apr 12, Mrs. Brenda Briney, IL # 3,328 14:13, Apr 12, Dr. Janice Vranka, OR

# 3,356 14:36, Apr 12, sarah mason, NH # 3,327 14:12, Apr 12, Mr. Richard Zuckerman, NJ

# 3,355 14:36, Apr 12, Mrs. Barbara Welch, TX # 3,326 14:12, Apr 12, Ms. Jeanne Nix, NV

# 3,354 14:36, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,325 14:12, Apr 12, Ms. Emily Copeland, WA

# 3,353 14:35, Apr 12, Name not displayed, VT # 3,324 14:11, Apr 12, Ms. Judith Wolcott, CA

# 3,352 14:34, Apr 12, Ms. Janice Pumphrey- # 3,323 14:11, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL Willison, MD # 3,322 14:10, Apr 12, Mr. Edward O'Neill, NJ # 3,351 14:33, Apr 12, Ms. Marilyn Chin, CA # 3,321 14:10, Apr 12, Mr. Douglas Cooke, NY # 3,350 14:32, Apr 12, Ms. Dolores Pieper, IN # 3,320 14:09, Apr 12, Ms. Amyellen Leib, NY # 3,349 14:32, Apr 12, Sherry Owens, TN # 3,319 14:07, Apr 12, Mr. James Conway, MN # 3,348 14:31, Apr 12, Mrs. Kristyn MacPhail, CO # 3,318 14:07, Apr 12, Mr. Gerard Redpath, VA # 3,347 14:30, Apr 12, Mr. Jeff Harrington, MN # 3,317 14:06, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MA # 3,346 14:30, Apr 12, Ms. Judith Walker, OR # 3,316 14:06, Apr 12, Ms. Skye Coe, HI # 3,345 14:30, Apr 12, Ms. Ellen Waff, CT # 3,315 14:06, Apr 12, Mr. walter levenhagen, OH


# 3,314 14:06, Apr 12, Mr. Kevin Darcy, WA # 3,285 13:48, Apr 12, Mr. Vic Burton, MO

# 3,313 14:05, Apr 12, Mrs. Jennifer Pritchard, NV # 3,284 13:47, Apr 12, Hope Pratt, ME

# 3,312 14:05, Apr 12, Ms. Julia Marie Gillett, CO # 3,283 13:46, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NM

# 3,311 14:05, Apr 12, Patrick Schmitz, CA # 3,282 13:45, Apr 12, Marilynn Marsh, CA

# 3,310 14:05, Apr 12, Mrs. Juliana Benner, ID # 3,281 13:45, Apr 12, M. Fletcher, MD

# 3,309 14:02, Apr 12, Claudia Martinez, CA # 3,280 13:45, Apr 12, Mr. John Ashley, CA

# 3,308 14:01, Apr 12, Mr. John Miller, WA # 3,279 13:42, Apr 12, Wendi Kuon, HI

# 3,307 14:01, Apr 12, Ms. Bonnie Faith, MA # 3,278 13:42, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL

# 3,306 13:59, Apr 12, Mrs. Alicia Tunby, NC # 3,277 13:42, Apr 12, Ms. Janice Hallman, MN

# 3,305 13:59, Apr 12, Ms. julia castelli gair, Costa # 3,276 13:42, Apr 12, Mr. Greg Kitchen, MI Rica # 3,275 13:41, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NC # 3,304 13:59, Apr 12, Mr. James Macey, HI # 3,274 13:40, Apr 12, Barbara Cascio, CT # 3,303 13:58, Apr 12, Dr. Joel Saeks, OH # 3,273 13:40, Apr 12, Ms. Gabriella Turek, New # 3,302 13:57, Apr 12, Ms. Emily Boone, KY Zealand

# 3,301 13:57, Apr 12, Mr. Thomas Wilmore, TX # 3,272 13:39, Apr 12, Dr. Tom Small, MI

# 3,300 13:57, Apr 12, Mrs. Patty Navarrete, NM # 3,271 13:37, Apr 12, Mr. Jeff Martin, TN

# 3,299 13:56, Apr 12, Dr. David Schwartz, VA # 3,270 13:36, Apr 12, Kathleen Pearson, AK

# 3,298 13:55, Apr 12, Ms. Linda Henning, CA # 3,269 13:34, Apr 12, Catherine Dubis, IL

# 3,297 13:54, Apr 12, Mr. Donald Angell, MI # 3,268 13:33, Apr 12, Mr. Rick Lewis, CA

# 3,296 13:53, Apr 12, Mr. Joshua Bluhm, NY # 3,267 13:32, Apr 12, Dr. Gary Lamson, MN

# 3,295 13:53, Apr 12, Ms. J Stufflebeam, OR # 3,266 13:30, Apr 12, Mr. Ron Chacey, CO

# 3,294 13:52, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,265 13:29, Apr 12, a mogavero, NY

# 3,293 13:52, Apr 12, Betty Roman, OH # 3,264 13:29, Apr 12, Lillian Schulz, OR

# 3,292 13:51, Apr 12, Ms. Dawn Kimble, CO # 3,263 13:28, Apr 12, Dr. Jenny Pompilio, OR

# 3,291 13:50, Apr 12, Rhys MacLean, IL # 3,262 13:27, Apr 12, Mrs. Lenore Baum, NC

# 3,290 13:50, Apr 12, Mr. Ben Adams, CA # 3,261 13:27, Apr 12, Name not displayed, IL

# 3,289 13:50, Apr 12, Mr. Michael Potvin-Frost, # 3,260 13:27, Apr 12, Mr. Cesar Raposo, NY NY # 3,259 13:25, Apr 12, Rachel Palacio, NV # 3,288 13:49, Apr 12, Dr. Richard Schwager, CA # 3,258 13:25, Apr 12, Ms. Ayn Lowry, CA # 3,287 13:49, Apr 12, Mrs. Elizabeth Jaconelli, AZ # 3,257 13:24, Apr 12, Ms. lisa bergerud, MN # 3,286 13:48, Apr 12, Mr. James Bill, CA # 3,256 13:24, Apr 12, Mrs. Darcy Larimore, PA


# 3,255 13:24, Apr 12, Mrs. sherrie munday, CO # 3,225 13:11, Apr 12, Ms. sue davies, CA

# 3,254 13:24, Apr 12, Ms. Rachel Muto, NY # 3,224 13:10, Apr 12, Mrs. Martina Patterson, Germany # 3,253 13:23, Apr 12, Name not displayed, WI # 3,223 13:10, Apr 12, Ms. Laura Pierson, IL # 3,252 13:23, Apr 12, Mrs. Aubrie Parham, SC # 3,221 13:10, Apr 12, Name not displayed, WA # 3,251 13:22, Apr 12, Mr. zion woods, CA # 3,220 13:10, Apr 12, Ms. darynne jessler, CA # 3,250 13:22, Apr 12, Mr. Andrew Presgraves, VA # 3,219 13:10, Apr 12, Mr. Bulmaro Martinez, IL # 3,249 13:22, Apr 12, Mrs. Vivian Valtri Burgess, VT # 3,217 13:09, Apr 12, Ms. Julie Edgar, PA

# 3,248 13:20, Apr 12, Ms. Kathleen Hanson, MI # 3,216 13:09, Apr 12, Ms. Christine Markley, IL

# 3,247 13:19, Apr 12, Mr. Leonard Jamiol, MA # 3,215 13:09, Apr 12, Name not displayed, AZ

# 3,246 13:19, Apr 12, Mr. Art Glick, WV # 3,214 13:09, Apr 12, Dr. Adina Parsley, WA

# 3,245 13:19, Apr 12, Ms. Sharon Albistegui, CA # 3,213 13:09, Apr 12, Mrs. Jan Balcom, CA

# 3,244 13:18, Apr 12, Ms. Amy Guskin, PA # 3,212 13:09, Apr 12, Julio Nunes, NJ

# 3,243 13:18, Apr 12, Ms. Susan Thompson, AZ # 3,211 13:09, Apr 12, Ms. Linda Rivera, NY

# 3,242 13:17, Apr 12, Ms. Janet Koenig, NJ # 3,210 13:09, Apr 12, Ms. Dawn Odonnell, NY

# 3,241 13:16, Apr 12, Ms. Judy Thompson, WA # 3,209 13:08, Apr 12, Mr. Amit Shoham, CA

# 3,240 13:16, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CO # 3,208 13:08, Apr 12, Natalie Luna, CA

# 3,239 13:14, Apr 12, Ms. Sheri Kuticka, CA # 3,207 13:08, Apr 12, Ms. Elisse De Sio, CA

# 3,238 13:14, Apr 12, Ms. Abby Squires, MA # 3,206 13:08, Apr 12, Mr. Steve Summers, CA

# 3,237 13:14, Apr 12, Sinan Bruat, Turkey # 3,205 13:08, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA

# 3,236 13:14, Apr 12, Ms. Susan Inman, MI # 3,204 13:07, Apr 12, Mr. doug krause, MB

# 3,235 13:13, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Schaef, PA # 3,203 13:07, Apr 12, Tina Snyder, NV

# 3,234 13:13, Apr 12, Ms. Nancy Earle, ME # 3,202 13:07, Apr 12, Mr. Thomas Giblin, NY

# 3,233 13:12, Apr 12, Mr. r kim, AZ # 3,201 13:01, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Gorges, VT

# 3,232 13:12, Apr 12, Ms. Julie Stradel-Graf, MN # 3,200 13:01, Apr 12, Mr. ROBERT RENNER, TX

# 3,231 13:12, Apr 12, Ms. Pam Irvin, GA # 3,199 13:01, Apr 12, david shore, NY

# 3,230 13:11, Apr 12, Patricia Nance, UT # 3,198 13:01, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Watters, OR

# 3,229 13:11, Apr 12, Ms. Patricia Sorrell, WI # 3,197 13:01, Apr 12, Mr. Philip Dennany, IN

# 3,228 13:11, Apr 12, Silver Smith, WA # 3,196 13:01, Apr 12, Jennifer Nitz, MT

# 3,227 13:11, Apr 12, Mr. Harald Conradi, CA # 3,195 13:01, Apr 12, Mark Santora, VA

# 3,226 13:11, Apr 12, Michael West, NY # 3,194 12:57, Apr 12, sandy fuchs, WI


# 3,193 12:57, Apr 12, Ms. Nina Keefer, CO # 3,163 12:27, Apr 12, Dr. Nenah Sylver, AZ

# 3,192 12:56, Apr 12, Ms. JoAnn Keller, CO # 3,162 12:26, Apr 12, Ms. Barbara Wood, WA

# 3,191 12:56, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NM # 3,161 12:24, Apr 12, Mr. Fred Griffem, NY

# 3,190 12:54, Apr 12, Mr. Ethan Winogrand, NY # 3,160 12:23, Apr 12, Ms. Katherine Nelson, NJ

# 3,189 12:54, Apr 12, Ms. KAREN JONES, CA # 3,159 12:22, Apr 12, Bruce Thomas, MA

# 3,188 12:53, Apr 12, Dr. Lori Girshick, AZ # 3,158 12:22, Apr 12, Mr. Bruce McMahon, IL

# 3,187 12:52, Apr 12, Mrs. Kristina Tyler, NJ # 3,157 12:21, Apr 12, Johanna Cummings, NY

# 3,186 12:45, Apr 12, Mrs. Terrie Williams, TX # 3,156 12:20, Apr 12, Mr. Harlan Holmes, PA

# 3,185 12:44, Apr 12, Ms. Gloria Morotti, FL # 3,155 12:20, Apr 12, Heather Hutson, CA

# 3,184 12:43, Apr 12, Ms. judith smith, CA # 3,154 12:19, Apr 12, Ms. Helen Seiler, IL

# 3,183 12:43, Apr 12, Ms. Lynne Preston, CA # 3,153 12:18, Apr 12, Mr. Charles Byrne, IL

# 3,182 12:41, Apr 12, Dr. Judith Arcana, OR # 3,152 12:17, Apr 12, Linda Thompson, CO

# 3,181 12:41, Apr 12, Mike Gustine, PA # 3,151 12:17, Apr 12, Mrs. CAROL HENDERSON, IL # 3,180 12:41, Apr 12, Ms. Florence Erwin, BC # 3,150 12:17, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Magathan, CA # 3,179 12:40, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MI # 3,149 12:15, Apr 12, Mr. Carlos Mares, CA # 3,178 12:39, Apr 12, MC Hagerty, CA # 3,148 12:14, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Mcmullen, UT # 3,177 12:39, Apr 12, Mr. Eugene Craig, CA # 3,147 12:14, Apr 12, Ms. Fiona Priskich, Australia # 3,176 12:38, Apr 12, Sammy Low, WA # 3,146 12:13, Apr 12, Marianne Freidberg, CT # 3,175 12:36, Apr 12, lorie a bemrose, CA # 3,145 12:11, Apr 12, Mr. Rashid Patch, CA # 3,174 12:35, Apr 12, Mr. Todd Lee, NC # 3,144 12:11, Apr 12, Mr. PAUL STEIN, NY # 3,173 12:33, Apr 12, Mr. Kyle Chidester, CA # 3,143 12:10, Apr 12, Dr. Walter Johnson, ID # 3,172 12:31, Apr 12, Ms. Denise Auld, WA # 3,142 12:10, Apr 12, Chris Dancey, ON # 3,171 12:31, Apr 12, Marty Kraft, MO # 3,141 12:10, Apr 12, Leroy Frankel, CO # 3,170 12:30, Apr 12, Tim Schleicher, MN # 3,140 12:10, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Davis, MA # 3,169 12:30, Apr 12, Mr. Humberto Zarate, TX # 3,139 12:09, Apr 12, Ms. DeeAnn Gillispie, AR # 3,168 12:30, Apr 12, Mr. Murray Fines, SK # 3,138 12:09, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Callaghan, CA # 3,167 12:30, Apr 12, Mr. Nick Bariloni, CA # 3,137 12:09, Apr 12, Mr. Edward Ramsey, AZ # 3,166 12:29, Apr 12, Mrs. Mary Ann Wolf, NM # 3,136 12:09, Apr 12, Ms. Inna Prodan, NJ # 3,165 12:29, Apr 12, Ms. Jean Deybrook, CA # 3,135 12:08, Apr 12, Ms. Laurel McKeever, CA # 3,164 12:28, Apr 12, Mr. Philip Dawes, United Kingdom # 3,134 12:07, Apr 12, Mr. Benjamin Bodea, CA


# 3,133 12:06, Apr 12, Mr. Rich Ryan, NM # 3,102 11:56, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA

# 3,132 12:05, Apr 12, Mr. Mark Mees, NM # 3,101 11:56, Apr 12, Garry Cobbum, IN

# 3,131 12:05, Apr 12, Name not displayed, OR # 3,100 11:54, Apr 12, Mrs. Cortney Murphy, PA

# 3,130 12:05, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Watts, WA # 3,099 11:54, Apr 12, FIona Bohane, NV

# 3,129 12:05, Apr 12, Nancy Sosnove, WA # 3,098 11:54, Apr 12, Frances Lueders, NY

# 3,128 12:04, Apr 12, Mr. Charles McKibben, PA # 3,097 11:53, Apr 12, Mr. FULVIO FIORENTINI, Italy # 3,127 12:04, Apr 12, Jack Ucciferri, CA # 3,096 11:52, Apr 12, Mr. Pieter VanderBent, ON # 3,126 12:04, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,095 11:51, Apr 12, Mrs. Casey Jo Remy, ID # 3,125 12:03, Apr 12, Ms. Briana Rose, CA # 3,094 11:51, Apr 12, Mr. David Miliotis, CA # 3,124 12:03, Apr 12, Mr. k. west, TX # 3,093 11:51, Apr 12, Ms. Sharon DeWees, WA # 3,123 12:03, Apr 12, Joyce Larsen, CA # 3,092 11:50, Apr 12, Mr. Allen Mckitrick, NM # 3,122 12:03, Apr 12, Ms. Michelle Murphy, NJ # 3,091 11:49, Apr 12, K Bottomley, NC # 3,121 12:02, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 3,090 11:48, Apr 12, Ms. L. Shaffer, CO # 3,120 12:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Sara Reilly, OR # 3,089 11:46, Apr 12, Elaine Kracht, CA # 3,119 12:01, Apr 12, Sarah Nash, ON # 3,088 11:45, Apr 12, Ms. Donna Greenwell, NY # 3,118 12:01, Apr 12, Mr. Bryon Young, IA # 3,087 11:44, Apr 12, Mr. Mark and Judy Harvey, # 3,117 12:01, Apr 12, Pamela Gentry, CA PA

# 3,116 12:01, Apr 12, laramie paxton, CA # 3,086 11:44, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NY

# 3,115 12:01, Apr 12, Ms. Elizabeth Reese, MS # 3,085 11:43, Apr 12, Mrs. Carol Craig, GA

# 3,114 12:01, Apr 12, Ms. Cassandra B. Lista, CA # 3,084 11:43, Apr 12, Anne Richardson-Daniel, CA

# 3,113 12:01, Apr 12, Laurie O'Neill, NC # 3,083 11:42, Apr 12, Dr. Betty Phillips, NC

# 3,112 11:59, Apr 12, Mrs. Kathy Lindner, CA # 3,082 11:42, Apr 12, Mrs. Paulette Smith, VA

# 3,111 11:58, Apr 12, Mr. John Sothcott, United # 3,081 11:41, Apr 12, Beth Alley, VA Kingdom # 3,080 11:41, Apr 12, Ms. Nancy Russell, PA # 3,110 11:58, Apr 12, Mr. Steven Adkison, AL # 3,079 11:40, Apr 12, Mr. Daniel Foss, FL # 3,109 11:58, Apr 12, Mr. Darrel Joy, IN # 3,078 11:40, Apr 12, Laura Bernstein, IL # 3,108 11:58, Apr 12, Ms. Wanda Huelsman, OH # 3,077 11:40, Apr 12, Mr. Walter Morgan, CO # 3,107 11:58, Apr 12, Dan Vega, AR # 3,076 11:40, Apr 12, Mr. Dennis Ingham, MI # 3,106 11:58, Apr 12, Fred Ippolito, NJ # 3,075 11:38, Apr 12, Ms. Sue Earle, BC # 3,104 11:58, Apr 12, Mrs. Nancy Vogel, CT # 3,074 11:35, Apr 12, Ms. Kathy Motsinger, ID # 3,103 11:57, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA


# 3,073 11:35, Apr 12, Mr. Heinz Hoeke, UT # 3,043 11:28, Apr 12, Ms. Stacey Laves-Khalifa, TX # 3,072 11:35, Apr 12, Ms. Judith Beck, OR # 3,042 11:26, Apr 12, Kristen Cashman, CA # 3,071 11:34, Apr 12, Mrs. Berenice Bauer, IL # 3,041 11:25, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MI # 3,070 11:34, Apr 12, Mr. John Flynn, PA # 3,040 11:24, Apr 12, Lisa Grandstaff, PA # 3,069 11:34, Apr 12, Stacey Bjongaard, MN # 3,039 11:24, Apr 12, Dr. Thomas Dannecker, CA # 3,068 11:34, Apr 12, Dr. Valerie Netherland, OR # 3,038 11:24, Apr 12, Marcy Lynn, NY # 3,067 11:34, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MA # 3,037 11:24, Apr 12, Dave Weaver, NM # 3,066 11:34, Apr 12, Ms. Theresa King, IN # 3,036 11:24, Apr 12, Mrs. Dee Dee Kurko, CT # 3,065 11:33, Apr 12, Mr. William Sowa, IN # 3,035 11:24, Apr 12, Ms. Laurel Zyvoloski, FL # 3,064 11:33, Apr 12, Ms. Christina Conroy, WA # 3,034 11:23, Apr 12, christine Peterson, MD # 3,063 11:33, Apr 12, Dr. Mha Atma S Khalsa, CA # 3,033 11:23, Apr 12, Ms. Rebecca Branham, HI # 3,062 11:33, Apr 12, Don Najita, HI # 3,032 11:22, Apr 12, Stephen Oder, OR # 3,061 11:32, Apr 12, Joan Detrick, WA # 3,031 11:22, Apr 12, Mr. Arnold Gore, NY # 3,060 11:32, Apr 12, Mr. david florin, WI # 3,030 11:22, Apr 12, Kelsey Sims-Meyers, MA # 3,059 11:32, Apr 12, Mrs. Carol Smith, IL # 3,029 11:22, Apr 12, Name not displayed, PA # 3,058 11:31, Apr 12, Maureen Powers, AK # 3,028 11:22, Apr 12, Mr. Charles Langner, WI # 3,057 11:31, Apr 12, jack hepler, VA # 3,027 11:22, Apr 12, Bernadette Mahfood, MN # 3,056 11:31, Apr 12, Name not displayed, GA # 3,026 11:21, Apr 12, Mr. Christopher Childs, MN # 3,055 11:31, Apr 12, Ms. Wendy Ebersberger, VA # 3,025 11:21, Apr 12, Ms. Rachel Berger, NY # 3,054 11:30, Apr 12, Ms. Ruth Busch, AL # 3,024 11:21, Apr 12, Ms. philippa kingsley, GA # 3,053 11:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Emily Williams, MS # 3,023 11:21, Apr 12, Mr. Hans van den Broek, # 3,052 11:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Doree Lipson, NY Netherlands

# 3,051 11:30, Apr 12, Molly Willcox, ME # 3,022 11:21, Apr 12, Ms. Pierina Provenzano, NY

# 3,050 11:30, Apr 12, Ms. Christine Roane, MA # 3,021 11:20, Apr 12, Lynn Oxford, MO

# 3,049 11:29, Apr 12, Ms. Jessica Hoffman, CO # 3,020 11:18, Apr 12, Name not displayed, PA

# 3,048 11:29, Apr 12, Ms. Marguerite O'Rourke, # 3,019 11:18, Apr 12, Ms. Leigh Willmore, MI MD # 3,018 11:17, Apr 12, Ms. Chris Stay, WA # 3,047 11:28, Apr 12, Mr. Nayeem Aslam, IL # 3,017 11:16, Apr 12, d miller, NM # 3,046 11:28, Apr 12, Mrs. Melody Flynn, NJ # 3,016 11:15, Apr 12, Mr. Steve Anderson, CO # 3,045 11:28, Apr 12, Ms. Karen Katz, FL # 3,015 11:14, Apr 12, France Benoit, NT # 3,044 11:28, Apr 12, Ms. Karen Toman, TN


# 3,014 11:14, Apr 12, Zia Domic, CA # 2,984 11:04, Apr 12, Peter Leonard, NM

# 3,013 11:14, Apr 12, Charles Shelly, NM # 2,983 11:04, Apr 12, Ms. Michele Temple, NY

# 3,012 11:14, Apr 12, Aryn Gabai, NJ # 2,982 11:04, Apr 12, Ms. Gayle Janzen, WA

# 3,011 11:13, Apr 12, Ms. Shirley Crenshaw, MO # 2,981 11:03, Apr 12, Stephen Matera, WA

# 3,010 11:13, Apr 12, Elinore Rampe, OH # 2,980 11:03, Apr 12, Mrs. Judith Winter, MO

# 3,009 11:12, Apr 12, Ms. N Refes, NY # 2,979 11:02, Apr 12, Mr. Arnie Welber, FL

# 3,008 11:12, Apr 12, Mrs. Denise Teague, TN # 2,978 11:02, Apr 12, Mrs. Kelley Fitzpatrick, OH

# 3,007 11:11, Apr 12, Mr. Dennis Feichtinger, MI # 2,977 11:02, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CO

# 3,006 11:11, Apr 12, Mrs. Yasmina Samahy, TX # 2,976 11:02, Apr 12, Mr. Anupam Paul, India

# 3,005 11:10, Apr 12, ingrid ramsay, CA # 2,975 11:02, Apr 12, Mrs. Sofia Byrne, NH

# 3,004 11:09, Apr 12, Tony Chrobak, MI # 2,974 11:02, Apr 12, Mr. Todd Snyder, CA

# 3,003 11:09, Apr 12, Ms. Michelle Moore, OR # 2,973 11:02, Apr 12, Ms. Linda Jungers, CO

# 3,002 11:09, Apr 12, Dr. Teresa Harrison, KS # 2,972 11:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Vonda Ellis, WA

# 3,001 11:09, Apr 12, Lisa Levine, NY # 2,971 11:01, Apr 12, Ms. Elizabeth Rainoldi, MA

# 3,000 11:09, Apr 12, Lumiel Kim-Hammerich, CA # 2,970 11:01, Apr 12, Ms. Phyllis M Andrews, NY

# 2,999 11:09, Apr 12, Patti Gindoff, NY # 2,969 10:59, Apr 12, Lynn Mattingly, CO

# 2,998 11:08, Apr 12, Ms. Kyle Rolnick, OR # 2,968 10:59, Apr 12, Ms. Danielle Saunders, WA

# 2,997 11:08, Apr 12, Name not displayed, IL # 2,967 10:59, Apr 12, Ms. Robin Roth, CA

# 2,996 11:08, Apr 12, Ms. Pam Videen, MN # 2,966 10:59, Apr 12, Dr. sonia Rosa Lokey, CA

# 2,995 11:08, Apr 12, Ms. Julia Russell, ID # 2,965 10:58, Apr 12, Mr. Jeff Kline, CA

# 2,994 11:07, Apr 12, Ms. Kathleen Alexander, TX # 2,964 10:58, Apr 12, Mr. Andre Correia, Portugal

# 2,993 11:07, Apr 12, Ms. Elizabeth Hickman, WA # 2,963 10:57, Apr 12, Name not displayed, PA

# 2,992 11:07, Apr 12, Mr. GERARD F. GAUDIN, # 2,962 10:57, Apr 12, Mrs. Jenny Hawke, UT LA # 2,961 10:57, Apr 12, Ms. Sibylle Preuschat, NJ # 2,991 11:07, Apr 12, Mrs. Christina DiJulio, CO # 2,960 10:56, Apr 12, Mrs. Lori Lorant, WA # 2,990 11:06, Apr 12, Dr. David Gerke, NM # 2,959 10:56, Apr 12, Mrs. Lori Peterson, MA # 2,989 11:06, Apr 12, Ms. Bobbie Knight, CO # 2,958 10:56, Apr 12, Jane Collins, NY # 2,988 11:05, Apr 12, Bonnie Orgren, IA # 2,957 10:56, Apr 12, Elaine Mayer, MN # 2,987 11:05, Apr 12, carol easton, CA # 2,956 10:55, Apr 12, Ms. Beverly Simone, NY # 2,986 11:05, Apr 12, Mr. Mike Nestor, OH # 2,955 10:55, Apr 12, carrie hiestand, WI # 2,985 11:05, Apr 12, Name not displayed, MO


# 2,954 10:55, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NY # 2,923 10:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Ruthie Bernaert, HI

# 2,953 10:55, Apr 12, Peggy Hinsman, OR # 2,922 10:41, Apr 12, Mr. Robert Jenks, PA

# 2,952 10:53, Apr 12, jan lochner, CA # 2,921 10:41, Apr 12, Ms. Peggy Jayne`, HI

# 2,951 10:53, Apr 12, Ms. vaughn potter, CA # 2,920 10:41, Apr 12, Ms. Cynkay Morningsong, CA # 2,950 10:52, Apr 12, Mr. Ronald Lockwood, MD # 2,919 10:41, Apr 12, Mr. William Dinger Jr, OK # 2,949 10:52, Apr 12, Ms. Anne Vrba, TX # 2,918 10:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Judith Bohler, PA # 2,948 10:52, Apr 12, Mrs. Leah Goering, MO I am dismayed at the conflict of interest.

# 2,947 10:52, Apr 12, Charles Newman, FL # 2,917 10:39, Apr 12, Ms. Melanie Andrus, CA

# 2,946 10:51, Apr 12, Ms. Connie Chambers, ID # 2,916 10:39, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL

# 2,945 10:51, Apr 12, Teresa Flaherty, OR # 2,915 10:39, Apr 12, Andrew Shepard, VT

# 2,944 10:51, Apr 12, Name not displayed, TX # 2,914 10:38, Apr 12, Name not displayed, IL

# 2,943 10:50, Apr 12, Name not displayed, ME # 2,913 10:38, Apr 12, Mr. Mark Casazza, NY

# 2,942 10:49, Apr 12, Mrs. Connie Lippert, SC # 2,911 10:38, Apr 12, Ms. marci kelley, MO

# 2,941 10:48, Apr 12, Greta Loeffelbein, OR # 2,910 10:37, Apr 12, Mr. Christopher Neal, TX

# 2,940 10:48, Apr 12, Ms. Ilse funk, NY # 2,909 10:37, Apr 12, Ms. Vanessa Nixon Klein, WA # 2,939 10:47, Apr 12, Ms. Beth Goodson, Switzerland # 2,908 10:37, Apr 12, Lora Maurer, MA

# 2,938 10:47, Apr 12, Mr. Eric Johnson, NJ # 2,907 10:37, Apr 12, Mrs. Lea Ann Rolla, WA

# 2,937 10:46, Apr 12, Ms. mary foster, OR # 2,906 10:37, Apr 12, Donald Walsh, VA

# 2,936 10:46, Apr 12, Mrs. Helen Hanna, CA # 2,905 10:37, Apr 12, Carmen Corado, CA

# 2,935 10:46, Apr 12, Mrs. Anne Lambert, NM # 2,904 10:37, Apr 12, Ranjit Singh, WI

# 2,934 10:46, Apr 12, Mr. Jack Paulson, CO # 2,903 10:37, Apr 12, Name not displayed, WI

# 2,932 10:45, Apr 12, Rob Thalmann, NM # 2,902 10:37, Apr 12, Mr. Joe Ginsburg, WA

# 2,931 10:44, Apr 12, Mrs. Mary Ellen Korman, PA # 2,901 10:37, Apr 12, Ms. Sandra Donahue, ME

# 2,930 10:43, Apr 12, Ms. Meredith Barton, NY # 2,900 10:36, Apr 12, Mr. Bruce Eggum, WI

# 2,929 10:43, Apr 12, Elizabeth LaCava, IN # 2,899 10:35, Apr 12, Ms. Erin Harris, NM Your credibility is on the line. How foolish to risk it! # 2,928 10:42, Apr 12, Ms. Holly Brown, FL # 2,898 10:35, Apr 12, Mrs. Kathleen Morris, OH # 2,927 10:42, Apr 12, Mr. Devin Henry, NY # 2,897 10:34, Apr 12, Ms. Janet Rutigliano, CO # 2,926 10:42, Apr 12, Ms. linda blair, MT # 2,896 10:34, Apr 12, Ms. Kara Deen, CA # 2,925 10:42, Apr 12, Mr. James Freeberg, OR # 2,895 10:33, Apr 12, Mrs. Ericka Cero Wood, AZ # 2,924 10:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Melanie Pasinski, NY


# 2,894 10:33, Apr 12, Ms. Natasha Krochina, WY # 2,864 10:25, Apr 12, Mr. sperry andrews, AZ

# 2,893 10:33, Apr 12, Ms. Macy Zwanzig, WA # 2,863 10:24, Apr 12, Ms. Florence Leppert, NV

# 2,892 10:33, Apr 12, Dianne Tanaka, CA # 2,862 10:24, Apr 12, Ms. lisa rochelle, PA

# 2,891 10:33, Apr 12, Mr. Joe Muscara, TX # 2,861 10:23, Apr 12, Mr. Rui Moreira, NJ

# 2,890 10:32, Apr 12, Ms. Lynne & Bill Starrett, # 2,860 10:22, Apr 12, Ms. Ellen McMaster, PA PA # 2,859 10:22, Apr 12, Tina Graziano, VA # 2,889 10:32, Apr 12, Mr. Brent Rocks, OR # 2,858 10:22, Apr 12, Ms. Carmi Bowles, CA # 2,888 10:32, Apr 12, Name not displayed, NM # 2,857 10:22, Apr 12, Elizabeth Whitman, OR # 2,887 10:32, Apr 12, Mr. Dennis Lipter, NY # 2,856 10:21, Apr 12, Ms. maureen canny, WA # 2,886 10:31, Apr 12, Ms. Candice Hartmann, WA # 2,855 10:20, Apr 12, Ms. Allison Kotzig, FL # 2,885 10:31, Apr 12, susannah mills, CA # 2,854 10:19, Apr 12, Ms. Allyson Harper, MN # 2,884 10:31, Apr 12, Ms. Pam Scoville, NJ # 2,853 10:19, Apr 12, Ms. Caryn Cowin, CA # 2,883 10:30, Apr 12, Mrs. Dian Berger, ID # 2,852 10:19, Apr 12, Mr. Lorenz Steininger, # 2,882 10:29, Apr 12, Mr. Ian Shelley, OR Germany

# 2,881 10:29, Apr 12, Mrs. Carol Cox, VA # 2,851 10:19, Apr 12, Mr. Brian Beinlich, OR

# 2,880 10:28, Apr 12, Ms. MaryAnna Foskett, MA # 2,850 10:19, Apr 12, Ms. Ruth Reddaway, WA

# 2,879 10:28, Apr 12, Erik Nielsen, VT # 2,849 10:19, Apr 12, Mr. Edmund Venella, NJ

# 2,878 10:28, Apr 12, Ms. Victoria Linehan, NM # 2,848 10:19, Apr 12, Ms. Frances Seegert, OR

# 2,877 10:28, Apr 12, Mr. Allen Symonds, CO # 2,847 10:18, Apr 12, Mr. Adrian Suarez, FL

# 2,876 10:27, Apr 12, Mr. James Kelly, CT # 2,846 10:18, Apr 12, Julia Lawlor, NJ

# 2,875 10:27, Apr 12, Ms. Pamela Engler, WA # 2,845 10:18, Apr 12, Mr. Chris Drumright, TN

# 2,874 10:27, Apr 12, Donald Eskelund, ME # 2,844 10:18, Apr 12, Dr. Jeanie Keltner, CA

# 2,873 10:27, Apr 12, Mr. Bob Welsh, OR # 2,843 10:18, Apr 12, Mrs. Barbara Green, OR

# 2,872 10:27, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CO # 2,842 10:18, Apr 12, Ms. Marguerite King, NY

# 2,871 10:26, Apr 12, Ms. Glenna Adams, UT # 2,841 10:17, Apr 12, Mr. Michael Crowden, MO

# 2,870 10:26, Apr 12, Name not displayed, OH # 2,840 10:16, Apr 12, Mr. Eliot Kaplan, WA

# 2,869 10:26, Apr 12, Karen Jackson, CA # 2,839 10:15, Apr 12, Mr. Roger Wechsler, WA

# 2,868 10:26, Apr 12, Mr. Ken Rawley, NY # 2,838 10:14, Apr 12, Mrs. Claudia Karll, WA

# 2,867 10:25, Apr 12, Ms. Kay Wuthier, CO # 2,837 10:14, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Collins, DE

# 2,866 10:25, Apr 12, Ms. Reeta Roo, CA # 2,836 10:14, Apr 12, Ms. Patsy Kelley, ID

# 2,865 10:25, Apr 12, Mr. Daniel Reid, TX # 2,835 10:14, Apr 12, Mr. Jared Mabie, CA


# 2,834 10:13, Apr 12, Mr. william fingerson, CA # 2,804 09:58, Apr 12, Ms. Noalani Terry, CO

# 2,833 10:13, Apr 12, Janet Thew, CA # 2,803 09:57, Apr 12, Mr. Wayne Heckman, CA

# 2,832 10:12, Apr 12, James & Rita Grauer, OR # 2,802 09:57, Apr 12, Mrs. lisa lovell, CO

# 2,831 10:11, Apr 12, Dr. Andrea Finlay, CA # 2,801 09:55, Apr 12, Mr. curt johnson, CO

# 2,830 10:11, Apr 12, Dr. Danita D. Sorenson, CA # 2,800 09:55, Apr 12, Mrs. Toni Parks, AZ

# 2,829 10:11, Apr 12, Mr. Larry Chinn, CA # 2,799 09:54, Apr 12, CecilleOBrien OBrien, CA

# 2,828 10:11, Apr 12, Mr. Dicron Meneshian, CT # 2,798 09:53, Apr 12, Mr. Michael Duffey, FL

# 2,827 10:10, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 2,797 09:53, Apr 12, Ms. Caroline Metzler, CO

# 2,826 10:08, Apr 12, James Connolly, CA # 2,796 09:51, Apr 12, Ms. Janel Watkins, CA

# 2,825 10:08, Apr 12, Mrs. Marsha Jarvis, CA # 2,795 09:50, Apr 12, Mrs. Geraldine Meyer, IL

# 2,824 10:08, Apr 12, Ms. roberta E. newman, CA # 2,794 09:48, Apr 12, Ms. Lee Ann Taylor, CA

# 2,823 10:08, Apr 12, Name not displayed, AR # 2,793 09:46, Apr 12, Sayo Iseri, CA

# 2,822 10:08, Apr 12, Dr. Behnoosh Armani, CA # 2,792 09:44, Apr 12, Mrs. Claire Perricelli, CA

# 2,821 10:04, Apr 12, Mr. John Edman, CA # 2,791 09:44, Apr 12, Mr. Nathan Knecht, CO

# 2,820 10:04, Apr 12, lisa bornfriend, CO # 2,790 09:44, Apr 12, Matt Fredricey, CO

# 2,819 10:04, Apr 12, David Edwards, CA # 2,789 09:43, Apr 12, Ms. Ellen Sanders, CA

# 2,818 10:04, Apr 12, Mr. Roy T Zahn, CA # 2,788 09:41, Apr 12, Mrs. Pamela Johnston, GA

# 2,817 10:03, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 2,787 09:41, Apr 12, Ms. Natylie Baldwin, CA

# 2,816 10:03, Apr 12, Deanna Lavery, KS # 2,786 09:40, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Ryan, CA

# 2,815 10:03, Apr 12, Ms. Helen Crisp, CO # 2,785 09:40, Apr 12, Mrs. julie retzlaff, CA

# 2,814 10:03, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA # 2,784 09:40, Apr 12, Ms. carol banever, CA

# 2,813 10:02, Apr 12, Celia Duffy, CA # 2,783 09:40, Apr 12, Mr. Jose Teposte, CA

# 2,812 10:02, Apr 12, Mr. Stephen Gliva, IL # 2,782 09:39, Apr 12, Mr. Tim Hayes, CA

# 2,811 10:02, Apr 12, Ms. kathy smith, AK # 2,781 09:39, Apr 12, Mr. William Eichinger, CA

# 2,810 10:02, Apr 12, Mr. David Leonard, CA # 2,780 09:38, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Grindrod, CA

# 2,809 10:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Dorothy Wallis, CO # 2,779 09:38, Apr 12, Nicole McCann, DC

# 2,808 10:01, Apr 12, Mr. Dewey Fish, LA # 2,778 09:38, Apr 12, Dr. susan Peirce, CO

# 2,807 10:01, Apr 12, linda stannard, CO # 2,777 09:37, Apr 12, Mr. Yasiu Kruszynski, Poland # 2,806 10:01, Apr 12, Mr. Paul Morse, CA # 2,776 09:36, Apr 12, Allen Burns, CA # 2,805 09:59, Apr 12, Philip Brown, IL # 2,775 09:36, Apr 12, Mr. David Ernst, KY


# 2,774 09:36, Apr 12, Mr. Jason LaBerge, CA # 2,745 03:01, Apr 12, Mrs. Dagmar Brandt, Germany # 2,773 09:35, Apr 12, Ms. Ann Rennacker, CA # 2,744 02:08, Apr 12, Name not displayed, United # 2,772 09:34, Apr 12, Name not displayed, FL Kingdom

# 2,771 09:33, Apr 12, Ms. Jennifer Hoyt, CO # 2,743 02:01, Apr 12, Ms. Carol Spearman, MN

# 2,770 09:33, Apr 12, Ms. Janet Zampieri, AZ # 2,742 01:48, Apr 12, Hedwig Emmerig, Germany

# 2,769 09:33, Apr 12, Charles Sharoubim, FL # 2,741 01:31, Apr 12, Mr. Tim O'Reilly, Australia

# 2,768 09:33, Apr 12, Bradley Yantzer, CA # 2,740 01:31, Apr 12, Kirti Singh, India

# 2,767 09:33, Apr 12, Mr. Andrew Fenton, CA # 2,739 01:25, Apr 12, Johanna Kovitz, MA

# 2,766 09:32, Apr 12, Mr. Martin Landa, AZ # 2,738 20:26, Apr 11, Dr. Thomas Ambrogi, CA

# 2,765 09:32, Apr 12, Mr. Fred Ferraris, CO # 2,737 18:43, Apr 11, David Alper, MB

# 2,764 09:32, Apr 12, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, FL # 2,736 18:32, Apr 11, Lewis McGregor, ME

# 2,763 09:30, Apr 12, Ms. Ebony Yarbrough, FL # 2,735 18:32, Apr 11, Mrs. cheryl northcott, ON

# 2,762 09:30, Apr 12, Ms. Heidi Hetzel, IL # 2,734 18:29, Apr 11, Ms. SongLinh Lu, NY

# 2,761 09:30, Apr 12, Mr. James Doeppers, CA # 2,733 17:49, Apr 11, Mr. Mayor Marty B O'Malley, PA # 2,760 09:28, Apr 12, Mr. brett golov, FL # 2,732 17:29, Apr 11, Melba Dlugonski, OR # 2,759 09:28, Apr 12, Kandis Gilmore, CA # 2,731 17:07, Apr 11, Rob Gray, Australia # 2,758 09:28, Apr 12, Mr. Leo Ashton, CA # 2,730 16:54, Apr 11, Dr. A.J. Hill, CO # 2,757 09:28, Apr 12, Ms. Gudrun Dennis, FL # 2,729 16:46, Apr 11, Ms. Carmela Leone, # 2,756 09:27, Apr 12, Name not displayed, CA Australia

# 2,755 09:27, Apr 12, Dr. Rachel Toomim, FL # 2,728 16:41, Apr 11, Mr. Richard Rushforth, NJ

# 2,754 09:26, Apr 12, Mr. Jonathan Sirotek, CO # 2,727 16:38, Apr 11, Mrs. Nancy Ray, NY

# 2,753 09:25, Apr 12, Ms. Deborah Eiseman, CA # 2,726 16:37, Apr 11, Ms. Kris Heather, Australia

# 2,752 09:23, Apr 12, Ms. Cate Waidyatilleka, HI # 2,725 16:22, Apr 11, Nancy Heule, AB

# 2,751 08:18, Apr 12, Ms. Grace Adams, CT # 2,724 16:21, Apr 11, Mrs. Cheri Singleton, MN

# 2,750 07:55, Apr 12, Ms. liberty blueskyes, NM # 2,723 15:52, Apr 11, Katherine Liden, NM # 2,749 06:33, Apr 12, Ms. M. TERESA MASCARENHAS, MA # 2,722 15:29, Apr 11, Mrs. Crystal Cox, IN

# 2,748 06:17, Apr 12, Mr. Brendan Heath, ON # 2,721 15:21, Apr 11, Mr. Larry Erickson, OR

# 2,747 05:11, Apr 12, Helen Balgooyen, ME # 2,720 15:07, Apr 11, Mr. Aston Clulow, Australia

# 2,746 04:17, Apr 12, Mr. julian haffegee, United # 2,719 15:04, Apr 11, Mr. Diarmuid Lyng, Ireland Kingdom


# 2,718 14:48, Apr 11, Mr. John R. Detweiler, Mexico # 2,692 07:04, Apr 11, Karen Daughtry, IL

# 2,717 14:23, Apr 11, Ms. Kerry Fountain, # 2,691 06:57, Apr 11, Mrs. Lexy Correia, Bermuda Australia # 2,690 06:57, Apr 11, Maiyim Baron, WA # 2,716 14:14, Apr 11, Name not displayed, Bermuda # 2,689 06:50, Apr 11, Susan Atkinson, OK

# 2,715 14:06, Apr 11, James Henderson, V # 2,688 06:33, Apr 11, Mr. Donald Crawford, FL

# 2,714 14:04, Apr 11, Christopher Murry, MD # 2,687 06:26, Apr 11, Ms. Amanda White, IN

# 2,713 13:48, Apr 11, Name not displayed, CT # 2,686 06:00, Apr 11, Patricia McHargue, NY

# 2,712 13:33, Apr 11, Mrs. Marsha Smith, DE # 2,685 05:56, Apr 11, Dr. Rebecca Brown, NH

# 2,711 13:26, Apr 11, Dr. Ian Schindler, France # 2,684 05:49, Apr 11, Christian Heyne, Germany

# 2,710 12:36, Apr 11, Name not displayed, MA # 2,683 05:47, Apr 11, Mr. Dennis Schvejda, NJ

# 2,709 12:30, Apr 11, Bob Aldrich, CA # 2,682 04:49, Apr 11, Name not displayed, Australia # 2,708 11:59, Apr 11, Jeffrey Cope, CA # 2,681 04:38, Apr 11, Mr. David Alpert, NY # 2,707 11:56, Apr 11, Patrick Welch, SK # 2,680 03:57, Apr 11, Mr. Sean O'Sullivan, # 2,706 11:47, Apr 11, james becket, CA Australia

# 2,705 11:37, Apr 11, Jason Neiss, OR # 2,679 03:40, Apr 11, Mr. Trodville Roach, MA

# 2,678 03:39, Apr 11, Ms. Debra Garceau, RI # 2,704 11:32, Apr 11, Michael Sauber, NM # 2,677 03:23, Apr 11, Mr. robert gardiner, VA # 2,703 11:27, Apr 11, Mr. Eric Young, ON # 2,676 03:16, Apr 11, Mr. Dale Hug, WI # 2,702 11:22, Apr 11, Ms. Diana Philip, MA # 2,675 00:21, Apr 11, Dr. Mark Fettes, BC # 2,701 11:21, Apr 11, Dr. Alan Tillotson, DE # 2,674 23:46, Apr 10, Mark Bachelder, CA # 2,700 09:20, Apr 11, Dr. Tim McLay, ON # 2,673 23:31, Apr 10, Paul Hines, IN # 2,699 08:28, Apr 11, Ms. lisa burling, ON # 2,672 22:48, Apr 10, Name not displayed, DC # 2,698 08:26, Apr 11, Dr. Johannes Rueter, Switzerland # 2,671 22:07, Apr 10, Name not displayed, LA

# 2,670 21:46, Apr 10, Mrs. Rita Valent, NV # 2,697 08:20, Apr 11, Ms. Rebecca Jordan-Young, NY # 2,669 21:28, Apr 10, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 2,696 08:18, Apr 11, Mr. Laurence Topliffe, IA # 2,668 21:28, Apr 10, Dr. Nicholas Wickenden, AB # 2,695 07:49, Apr 11, Dr. Alastair Jenkins, Norway # 2,667 20:52, Apr 10, Klaus SChaaf, Germany # 2,694 07:43, Apr 11, Ms. Zoe Edmunds, NY # 2,666 20:37, Apr 10, Alice Herscovitch, QC # 2,693 07:33, Apr 11, Mr. David Milford, WA


# 2,665 20:36, Apr 10, Bonnie Bucqueroux, MI # 2,636 15:05, Apr 10, Mr. henry kantrowitz, CA

# 2,664 20:32, Apr 10, James Stewart, Australia # 2,635 15:01, Apr 10, Zainil Dempsey, Australia

# 2,663 20:32, Apr 10, John Bradley, QC # 2,634 14:44, Apr 10, Kathy Smith, NM

# 2,662 20:13, Apr 10, Ms. Ieneke van Houten, BC # 2,633 14:36, Apr 10, Dr. Thomas Atwater, AR

# 2,661 20:07, Apr 10, Ms. subahsree basu, PA # 2,632 14:32, Apr 10, Mr. Donald J Bingham, PA

# 2,660 19:54, Apr 10, Dick Berliner, 9 # 2,631 14:10, Apr 10, Ms. Karen Roberts, CA

# 2,659 19:34, Apr 10, Richard Tolfa, CA # 2,630 14:02, Apr 10, Dr. Scott Eastham, New Zealand # 2,658 19:02, Apr 10, Mr. Ken Pite, BC # 2,629 14:00, Apr 10, Name not displayed, CA # 2,657 19:02, Apr 10, Mr. Gary Ross, Australia # 2,628 13:48, Apr 10, Dr. Marc Murison, AZ # 2,656 18:59, Apr 10, Mr. Robert Zimmer, AB # 2,627 13:46, Apr 10, Name not displayed, AZ # 2,655 18:36, Apr 10, Ms. Jane Way, BC # 2,626 13:31, Apr 10, Name not displayed, IL # 2,654 18:33, Apr 10, Mr. John Roppolo, MO # 2,625 13:31, Apr 10, Ele Watts, WA # 2,653 18:33, Apr 10, Name not displayed, NY # 2,624 13:28, Apr 10, Ms. Mary Noble, AZ # 2,652 18:14, Apr 10, Mr. John JOerg, FL # 2,623 13:14, Apr 10, MJ Cavallo, DC # 2,651 18:01, Apr 10, Robert Kinnard, OH # 2,622 13:02, Apr 10, ian robertson, ON # 2,650 17:44, Apr 10, Name not displayed, NY # 2,621 13:00, Apr 10, Diana Curington, NH # 2,649 17:43, Apr 10, Mrs. Elma Parker, ON # 2,620 12:54, Apr 10, Ramsay Harik, IN # 2,648 17:38, Apr 10, Sindre Fjeldstad, Norway # 2,619 12:47, Apr 10, Mr. robert humphrey, CA # 2,647 17:21, Apr 10, Ms. Janae Choquette, WA # 2,618 12:27, Apr 10, Mr. k taylor, FL # 2,646 17:09, Apr 10, Kathleen Landers-Appell, OH # 2,617 12:21, Apr 10, Mr. John G. Cartwright, Switzerland # 2,645 16:31, Apr 10, Ardeth Bolin, WA # 2,616 12:20, Apr 10, Ms. Siena Chrisman, NY # 2,644 16:31, Apr 10, Mrs. Raina Broadstone, IA # 2,615 12:00, Apr 10, Kyle Furlane, OH # 2,643 15:59, Apr 10, Ms. Susan Ingram, CA # 2,614 11:59, Apr 10, Ms. Myrna Spiegler, CA # 2,642 15:57, Apr 10, Gillian Gurish, MA # 2,613 11:58, Apr 10, Ms. Kyle Foley, MA # 2,641 15:52, Apr 10, Ms. Rachel Matsuoka, CA # 2,612 11:52, Apr 10, Debra Baumann, CA # 2,640 15:48, Apr 10, Elizabeth Rainwater, TN # 2,611 11:51, Apr 10, Dr. James McGillivray, ON # 2,639 15:32, Apr 10, Mr. Toby Webster, United Kingdom # 2,610 11:49, Apr 10, Ms. Dara Gibson, GA

# 2,638 15:28, Apr 10, Ms. V Young, NC # 2,609 11:49, Apr 10, Mrs. Annie Middleton, TN

# 2,637 15:14, Apr 10, Mr. Peter Adler, NY # 2,608 11:47, Apr 10, Name not displayed, MA


# 2,607 11:47, Apr 10, Mrs. caroline cohen, France # 2,577 08:11, Apr 10, Mr. T van de Werff, Netherlands # 2,606 11:34, Apr 10, Ms. rachel magrdichian, CA # 2,576 08:08, Apr 10, Mr. Thomas Swenson, CO # 2,605 11:31, Apr 10, Julia Meisel, CT # 2,575 08:00, Apr 10, Dr. Yorick Wilks, United # 2,604 11:14, Apr 10, Ms. Marianne Pendleton, NY Kingdom

# 2,603 11:13, Apr 10, Ms. Sarah Moran, WA # 2,574 07:56, Apr 10, Name not displayed, NY

# 2,602 11:13, Apr 10, Christy Staats, OR # 2,573 07:54, Apr 10, Ms. Judy Ogren, MN

# 2,601 11:05, Apr 10, Anthony Cordova, OH # 2,572 07:50, Apr 10, Mr. Andreas Mitzschke, Netherlands # 2,600 11:00, Apr 10, Laurie Atwater, MI # 2,571 07:45, Apr 10, Dr. Myra Mendible, FM # 2,599 10:48, Apr 10, Mrs. D Walt, CT # 2,570 07:40, Apr 10, Ms. Cathy Greenall, United # 2,598 10:47, Apr 10, Anshika Kumar, WA Kingdom

# 2,597 10:40, Apr 10, Ms. Theresa Plenge, CA # 2,569 07:39, Apr 10, Ms. Janet Jordan, WA

# 2,596 10:39, Apr 10, Ms. sheila wilensky, AZ # 2,568 07:39, Apr 10, Mr. John Sivec, PA

# 2,595 10:31, Apr 10, Name not displayed, CA # 2,567 07:32, Apr 10, Martin Voelker, CO

# 2,594 10:15, Apr 10, Mrs. Frances Nokes, BC # 2,566 07:31, Apr 10, Dr. Michael Clase, ON

# 2,593 10:06, Apr 10, Kelsey Blakley, AZ # 2,565 07:31, Apr 10, Mr. Kennedy Wells, South Africa # 2,592 10:00, Apr 10, Dr. Charles Knight, MA # 2,564 07:28, Apr 10, Mr. Andrew Starkey, OH # 2,591 09:56, Apr 10, Johannes Amberg, NC # 2,563 07:23, Apr 10, Name not displayed, WA # 2,590 09:52, Apr 10, Pat Swift, BC # 2,562 07:12, Apr 10, Rolf Berg, MI # 2,589 09:26, Apr 10, Mrs. Shauna Sadowski, CA # 2,561 07:06, Apr 10, Jenn Baumstein, NY # 2,588 09:25, Apr 10, Patricia Coleman, NY # 2,560 07:06, Apr 10, Mr. Justin DeBlois, PA # 2,587 09:21, Apr 10, Ms. Jane Waterston, ON # 2,559 06:45, Apr 10, Dr. Glenn Lane, OK # 2,586 09:16, Apr 10, Ms. Colleen Rain, WA # 2,558 06:41, Apr 10, Mrs. Nancy John, TX # 2,585 09:01, Apr 10, Ms. Angela Keller-Herzog, ON # 2,557 06:33, Apr 10, Mr. William Colbath, ME

# 2,584 08:51, Apr 10, Chris Singer, BC # 2,556 05:48, Apr 10, Lauren Boos, WI

# 2,583 08:45, Apr 10, Ms. Christina Encinas, AZ # 2,555 05:43, Apr 10, Mr. Michael E. Pody, PA

# 2,582 08:37, Apr 10, Name not displayed, WA # 2,554 05:36, ASU0LFKDá0DVáRZVNL3RODQG

# 2,581 08:32, Apr 10, Julia O'C, VT # 2,553 05:19, Apr 10, Mary Slater, MA

# 2,580 08:27, Apr 10, Name not displayed, OR # 2,552 05:14, Apr 10, Name not displayed, OH

# 2,579 08:18, Apr 10, Mr. Vincent Desjardins, IN # 2,551 05:14, Apr 10, Mrs. Marianna Manley, IL # 2,578 08:12, Apr 10, Michael Sands, OH


# 2,550 05:13, Apr 10, Name not displayed, MN # 2,522 21:51, Apr 09, Name not displayed, ON

# 2,549 05:10, Apr 10, Jenna Troup, PA # 2,521 21:46, Apr 09, Mr. Michael Mora, CA

# 2,548 05:08, Apr 10, Allan Golden, NY # 2,520 21:24, Apr 09, Dr. Andrea Jones, CA

# 2,547 05:04, Apr 10, Ms. Kristina Johnson, AZ # 2,519 21:20, Apr 09, Jami Montano, TX

# 2,546 05:04, Apr 10, Rachelle Faroul, NY # 2,518 21:13, Apr 09, Kyle Khellaf, CT

# 2,545 04:56, Apr 10, Dr. Ema Vyroubalova, # 2,517 21:11, Apr 09, Matt Privratsky, MN Ireland # 2,516 21:09, Apr 09, Donna Halliday, ON # 2,544 03:44, Apr 10, Name not displayed, Netherlands # 2,515 21:02, Apr 09, Jack Myers, WA

# 2,543 02:50, Apr 10, Ms. Jane Craven, BC # 2,514 21:01, Apr 09, Bill Copenhaven, OK

# 2,542 02:50, Apr 10, Ms. Cornelia Fuchs, # 2,513 20:57, Apr 09, Ms. Paula Evans, AB Switzerland # 2,512 20:40, Apr 09, Mrs. barbara markowitz, CA # 2,541 02:33, Apr 10, Clare Johnson, United Kingdom # 2,511 20:39, Apr 09, Mrs. Andi Colt, Australia

# 2,540 02:32, Apr 10, Ms. Theresa Grice, BC # 2,510 20:39, Apr 09, Chris Iberle, WA

# 2,539 02:00, Apr 10, Mr. Bruce Katz, CA # 2,509 20:36, Apr 09, Alexandra Lehane, Australia

# 2,538 01:48, Apr 10, Mr. James Pryor, PA # 2,508 20:34, Apr 09, Name not displayed, AR

# 2,536 01:00, Apr 10, Gabriele Kern, Germany # 2,507 20:25, Apr 09, Mr. Nathan Orsi, MA

# 2,535 00:53, Apr 10, Alexander Lundy, CO # 2,506 20:19, Apr 09, Mrs. Shirley Turnbull, AB

# 2,534 23:34, Apr 09, Ms. Karman Pate, IN # 2,505 20:17, Apr 09, Richard G. Loomis, MA

# 2,533 23:27, Apr 09, Ms. Beverly Weeks, AZ # 2,504 20:10, Apr 09, GW Hoffman, NY

# 2,532 23:00, Apr 09, Name not displayed, WA # 2,503 20:04, Apr 09, Laurel Bowman, BC

# 2,531 23:00, Apr 09, Dr. J. Joshua, CA # 2,502 20:04, Apr 09, Ms. Jean Murphy, WA

# 2,530 22:57, Apr 09, Gordon Jackson, AZ # 2,501 20:03, Apr 09, Dr. Franklin Southworth, NY

# 2,529 22:54, Apr 09, Dr. Jean Goetinck, AZ # 2,500 19:51, Apr 09, Dr. Loren Ballanti, WA

# 2,528 22:33, Apr 09, Dr. Donald Sauer, NM # 2,499 19:50, Apr 09, Dr. Helmut Burkhardt, ON

# 2,527 22:28, Apr 09, Mr. Stephen Edwards, # 2,498 19:48, Apr 09, Mr. Murray Lumley, ON Australia # 2,497 19:42, Apr 09, Dr. John Sorenson, ON # 2,526 22:27, Apr 09, Anoel Rinaldi, OR # 2,496 19:37, Apr 09, Ms. Magdalena Cabrera, CA # 2,525 22:04, Apr 09, Brenda Williams, BC # 2,495 19:34, Apr 09, Chelsea Eickert, WA # 2,524 22:01, Apr 09, Name not displayed, CA # 2,494 19:28, Apr 09, Marisa Hendron, WA # 2,523 21:59, Apr 09, Jennifer Gradecki, CA # 2,493 19:25, Apr 09, Ken Panton, ON


# 2,492 19:06, Apr 09, Mr. Kenneth Gibson, ON # 2,464 15:26, Apr 09, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 2,491 18:57, Apr 09, Michael Conrad, WA # 2,463 15:21, Apr 09, Lauren Kay, MI # 2,490 18:41, Apr 09, Name not displayed, Luxembourg # 2,462 15:16, Apr 09, Mr. Ted Millan, WA

# 2,489 18:37, Apr 09, heather lehman, WA # 2,461 15:13, Apr 09, Mrs. Nancy Black, MO

# 2,488 18:18, Apr 09, Dr. John Thomlinson, CA # 2,460 15:12, Apr 09, Mr. Dakota Hain, WA

# 2,487 18:12, Apr 09, Ms. Karen Schreiber, NH # 2,459 15:11, Apr 09, Name not displayed, VA

# 2,486 18:00, Apr 09, Mrs. Patricia Gibbs, BC # 2,458 15:05, Apr 09, Mr. philip hormbrey, AZ

# 2,485 17:58, Apr 09, Margaret Spreitzer, MI # 2,457 15:01, Apr 09, Julia Lovrin, New Zealand

# 2,484 17:55, Apr 09, Dr. Monica Frolander-Ulf, # 2,456 14:53, Apr 09, Mr. Peter Belmont, NY PA # 2,455 14:51, Apr 09, Yvonne Kaethler, ON # 2,483 17:47, Apr 09, Ms. Dawn Sparks, BC # 2,454 14:50, Apr 09, Dr. Judith Pine, WA # 2,482 17:35, Apr 09, Kristen Williams, MO # 2,453 14:50, Apr 09, Jean Muenchen, MI # 2,481 17:35, Apr 09, Ms. patricia kahler, Australia # 2,452 14:37, Apr 09, Ms. Ellen Sweetin, WA # 2,480 17:34, Apr 09, Hilla Abel, CO # 2,451 14:37, Apr 09, anne kennedy, WA # 2,479 16:53, Apr 09, Carol Cutler, PA # 2,450 14:35, Apr 09, Linda Gobberdiel, IA # 2,478 16:51, Apr 09, Name not displayed, Australia # 2,449 14:33, Apr 09, Dr. Jo Murphy-Lawless, Ireland # 2,477 16:37, Apr 09, Marc Grossberg, WA # 2,448 14:29, Apr 09, Mr. Daniel Freund, NY # 2,476 16:35, Apr 09, Dr. Joan P Mencher, NY # 2,447 14:26, Apr 09, Mr. Ricardo Silva, Portugal # 2,475 16:17, Apr 09, Mr. Tyrone Degenhardt, AB # 2,446 14:25, Apr 09, Mr. Nathan Sidney, Australia # 2,474 16:15, Apr 09, Ms. Christine Whelley, WI # 2,445 14:24, Apr 09, Ross Kirshenbaum, WA # 2,473 16:13, Apr 09, S Kalnins, MN # 2,444 14:14, Apr 09, Ms. Sarah Benton, PA # 2,472 16:13, Apr 09, Ms. Heather Lange, ON # 2,443 14:11, Apr 09, Marilyn Borchardt, CA # 2,471 16:10, Apr 09, Bhavani Jaroff, NY # 2,442 14:11, Apr 09, Name not displayed, United # 2,470 16:09, Apr 09, Dr. James Wilce, AZ Kingdom

# 2,469 16:08, Apr 09, jacqueline alfo, NY # 2,441 14:02, Apr 09, Mr. Jussi Hakala, Finland

# 2,468 15:49, Apr 09, Ms. Miriam Wyman, ON # 2,440 13:58, Apr 09, Ms. Peg Nicholson, MO

# 2,467 15:45, Apr 09, Dominick Gokgoz, CA # 2,439 13:56, Apr 09, Linda Elder, BC

# 2,466 15:45, Apr 09, Denny & Sheila Linn, CO # 2,438 13:54, Apr 09, Ms. Inez Sylvester, NY

# 2,465 15:33, Apr 09, Ms. Jeani Brent, CA # 2,437 13:52, Apr 09, Stacy Reed, VA


# 2,436 13:49, Apr 09, Mr. William Garcia, New # 2,405 11:04, Apr 09, Mr. Thomas Lines, United Zealand Kingdom

# 2,434 13:35, Apr 09, Dr. Hilary Worthen, MA # 2,404 11:03, Apr 09, Ms. Ayala Ben-Chaim, MA

# 2,433 13:35, Apr 09, Dr. William Forthman, CA # 2,403 11:01, Apr 09, Ms. Lynne Irvine, MI

# 2,432 13:35, Apr 09, Name not displayed, IL # 2,402 10:55, Apr 09, Nancy Davis, IA

# 2,431 13:25, Apr 09, Ms. Mari Sedeer, MA # 2,401 10:52, Apr 09, Ms. Candace Hogan, CA

# 2,430 13:23, Apr 09, Ms. Jo Morton, OR # 2,400 10:51, Apr 09, Robert Berger, MD

# 2,428 13:13, Apr 09, kendra fergus, MN # 2,399 10:50, Apr 09, Dr. Kirsten Gruesz, CA.

# 2,427 12:58, Apr 09, Mr. Richard Lipke, WA # 2,398 10:46, Apr 09, Dr. Christine McCullum- Gomez, TX # 2,426 12:31, Apr 09, Ms. kb saine, VA # 2,397 10:46, Apr 09, Ms. Karen Gillmore, BC # 2,425 12:31, Apr 09, Name not displayed, MA # 2,396 10:45, Apr 09, Heather Day, WA # 2,424 12:14, Apr 09, Leone Graf, MN # 2,395 10:44, Apr 09, Ms. Caroline Smialek, NY # 2,423 12:01, Apr 09, Lauren Tatarsky, CO # 2,394 10:43, Apr 09, Name not displayed, AB # 2,422 11:51, Apr 09, Charles Butterworth, DC # 2,393 10:42, Apr 09, Mr. Douglas Woodard, ON # 2,421 11:41, Apr 09, Name not displayed, NY # 2,392 10:41, Apr 09, Ms. Beth Sherman, CA # 2,420 11:36, Apr 09, Mr. Paul Haeder, WA # 2,391 10:37, Apr 09, Michael Townsend, IL # 2,419 11:35, Apr 09, Elizabeth Schwartz, OR # 2,390 10:37, Apr 09, Name not displayed, United # 2,418 11:35, Apr 09, John M Miller, NY Kingdom

# 2,417 11:35, Apr 09, Anthony Villarreal, CA # 2,389 10:32, Apr 09, Mr. Kevin Bartels, TN

# 2,416 11:35, Apr 09, Name not displayed, ON # 2,388 10:31, Apr 09, Kevin Duffy, United Kingdom # 2,415 11:34, Apr 09, Mr. Zeke Hoskin, WA # 2,387 10:21, Apr 09, Ms. Annette Klapstein, WA # 2,414 11:33, Apr 09, Name not displayed, TX # 2,386 10:20, Apr 09, Mr. Saul Fortunoff, WA # 2,413 11:32, Apr 09, Ms. Loretta McGrath, NM # 2,385 10:19, Apr 09, Steven Kurtz, ME # 2,412 11:31, Apr 09, Ms. Shana Greene, WA # 2,384 10:18, Apr 09, Mr. James Lake, MB # 2,411 11:31, Apr 09, candice c, NY # 2,383 10:13, Apr 09, Ms. Andrea Cade, BC # 2,410 11:29, Apr 09, John Nolte, CA # 2,382 10:09, Apr 09, Katie Pence-Robbins, CA # 2,409 11:27, Apr 09, Doug Gurian-Sherman, MD # 2,381 10:06, Apr 09, cat fox, WA # 2,408 11:13, Apr 09, Sarah Gruen, WA # 2,380 10:04, Apr 09, Mr. herbert browne, WA # 2,407 11:10, Apr 09, Sheila Moore, PA # 2,379 09:58, Apr 09, Mr. Joshua Marker, CA # 2,406 11:04, Apr 09, Ms. Sheilah Davidson, NY # 2,378 09:57, Apr 09, Dr. Alice Macpherson, BC


# 2,377 09:57, Apr 09, Sean Burns, WA # 2,346 09:09, Apr 09, Ms. Beverly DiBell, OH

# 2,376 09:51, Apr 09, Mr. Donald Clark, TN # 2,345 09:08, Apr 09, Brooke Lasher, CA

# 2,374 09:47, Apr 09, Marni Salmon, NY # 2,344 09:07, Apr 09, Ms. dawn turner, CO

# 2,373 09:45, Apr 09, M AlekXandra Aneiros, NC # 2,343 09:03, Apr 09, Nicole Mason, CA

# 2,372 09:45, Apr 09, Dr. Edward K Fujimoto, CA # 2,342 09:02, Apr 09, Dr. Stuart Wray, United Kingdom # 2,371 09:44, Apr 09, Jody Emel, MA # 2,341 09:01, Apr 09, Dr. Kami Pothukuchi, MI # 2,370 09:43, Apr 09, Name not displayed, ON # 2,340 08:57, Apr 09, Ms. Holley Atkinson, NY # 2,369 09:42, Apr 09, Elizabeth Williams, VA # 2,339 08:54, Apr 09, Mr. Kevin Anderson, FL # 2,368 09:42, Apr 09, Elizabeth Shaw, VA # 2,338 08:54, Apr 09, Mr. Michael John Herz, FL # 2,367 09:36, Apr 09, Dr. Miriam Jones, NB # 2,336 08:52, Apr 09, Ms. Anessa Novasio, WA # 2,366 09:36, Apr 09, Philip Solman, BC # 2,335 08:52, Apr 09, Dr. Friedhelm von Mering, # 2,365 09:35, Apr 09, Mr. Braedy Chapman, AB Germany

# 2,364 09:35, Apr 09, Christine Black, NY # 2,334 08:51, Apr 09, Ms. dorothy griswold, MI

# 2,363 09:34, Apr 09, Lauren Levin, CA # 2,333 08:50, Apr 09, Ms. Judith McGeary, TX

# 2,362 09:33, Apr 09, Lotta Chan, CA # 2,332 08:38, Apr 09, Mr. Rudy Arredondo, MD

# 2,361 09:32, Apr 09, Lisa Fencik, NY # 2,331 08:38, Apr 09, Mr. Alex LaBant, PA

# 2,360 09:29, Apr 09, Ms. Lois Sturm, NY # 2,330 08:36, Apr 09, Mr. Justin Leonard, NC

# 2,359 09:26, Apr 09, Mr. Evan Girard, NH # 2,329 08:33, Apr 09, Mr. Michael Kessler, DC

# 2,358 09:26, Apr 09, Dr. Ray Lopez, TX # 2,328 08:33, Apr 09, Dr. Scott Uzelman, ON

# 2,357 09:24, Apr 09, Dr. LuAnn Cooley, GA # 2,327 08:32, Apr 09, Mr. William Cimino, FL

# 2,356 09:24, Apr 09, Christine Betley, MD # 2,326 08:32, Apr 09, Mr. Matt Young, NH

# 2,355 09:24, Apr 09, Kathryn Alexander, CO # 2,325 08:32, Apr 09, Ms. Amy Blankstein, NY

# 2,354 09:24, Apr 09, Lyndsay Hughes, DC # 2,324 08:31, Apr 09, Kimberly Goldstein, MA

# 2,353 09:24, Apr 09, Dana Leystra, IL # 2,323 08:31, Apr 09, Gwen Schmidt, AB

# 2,352 09:16, Apr 09, Mr. Tim Ogborn, DC # 2,322 08:29, Apr 09, Caitlin McIntyre, MB

# 2,351 09:13, Apr 09, Ms. Amy Parente, CA # 2,321 08:29, Apr 09, Ms. Wendy Steiner, CA

# 2,350 09:12, Apr 09, Ms. Martha Brown, CA # 2,320 08:28, Apr 09, Name not displayed, MI

# 2,349 09:12, Apr 09, Mr. Dennis Daniel, CA # 2,319 08:28, Apr 09, Earl Finden, WI

# 2,348 09:11, Apr 09, Ms. Eileen Pfluger, NY # 2,318 08:27, Apr 09, Dr. Scott Haddow, United Kingdom # 2,347 09:10, Apr 09, Ms. Uma Miller, CA # 2,317 08:27, Apr 09, Jeff Powell, United Kingdom


# 2,316 08:27, Apr 09, Ms. Tracy Prowse, ON # 2,289 06:18, Apr 09, Mr. Peter Brenton, United Kingdom # 2,315 08:26, Apr 09, Mr. Dolsy Smith, DC # 2,288 06:01, Apr 09, Dr. cheryl fury, NB # 2,314 08:02, Apr 09, Name not displayed, CA # 2,287 05:59, Apr 09, Mr. Joel Ventresca, CA # 2,313 08:01, Apr 09, Ms. Janice MacDonald, AB # 2,286 05:56, Apr 09, Mr. P E Hawley, AL # 2,312 08:00, Apr 09, Ms. Natalie Sauer, United Kingdom # 2,285 05:52, Apr 09, S Lensky, NY

# 2,311 07:49, Apr 09, Name not displayed, United # 2,284 05:51, Apr 09, Ms. Ruby Ghuznavi, Kingdom Bangladesh

# 2,310 07:48, Apr 09, Name not displayed, FL # 2,283 05:47, Apr 09, Mr. Bob Dahlstrom, FL

# 2,309 07:47, Apr 09, Michael Norton, NY # 2,282 05:41, Apr 09, Dr. John Cook, MA

# 2,308 07:47, Apr 09, Adam Turtle, TN # 2,281 05:35, Apr 09, Andrea Langston, VA

# 2,307 07:45, Apr 09, Dr. Nancy Lovell, AB # 2,280 05:31, Apr 09, Karla Mallette, MI

# 2,306 07:31, Apr 09, Mr. Jim Whitworth, BC # 2,279 05:31, Apr 09, Doug Zachary, TX

# 2,305 07:26, Apr 09, Dr. Mohamed Alibhai, WA # 2,278 05:28, Apr 09, Ronald Haynes, United Kingdom # 2,304 07:20, Apr 09, Dr. Stan Nadel, Austria # 2,277 05:26, Apr 09, Ms. Marianne van Ophuijsen, # 2,303 07:19, Apr 09, Mr. Murali Shanmugavelan, Netherlands United Kingdom # 2,276 05:22, Apr 09, Name not displayed, MA # 2,302 07:19, Apr 09, Ms. Joyce Marie Cockerham, NY # 2,275 05:18, Apr 09, Ms. Amandah van Merlin, AB # 2,301 07:17, Apr 09, Mr. Daniel Landry, QC # 2,274 04:59, Apr 09, Nicole Equerme, MA # 2,300 07:10, Apr 09, Dr. Andrea Staskowska, NY # 2,273 04:58, Apr 09, Mr. Rafal Kowalski, # 2,299 07:03, Apr 09, Sharon Perrone, DC Switzerland

# 2,298 06:52, Apr 09, Mr. David Frenk, MN # 2,272 04:57, Apr 09, Name not displayed, NY

# 2,297 06:51, Apr 09, Madeline Holder, MB # 2,271 04:46, Apr 09, Dr. Randi Kristensen, DC

# 2,296 06:45, Apr 09, Name not displayed, AB # 2,270 04:34, Apr 09, valerie maclaren-english, FL

# 2,295 06:44, Apr 09, Dr. Kathleen Comerford, GA # 2,269 04:24, Apr 09, Mr. Brian Dalton, CA

# 2,294 06:34, Apr 09, Tara McNerney, DC # 2,268 04:19, Apr 09, Leslie Guidwra, CA

# 2,293 06:31, Apr 09, V Schultz, CA # 2,267 03:48, Apr 09, Jim Bingen, MI

# 2,292 06:31, Apr 09, Dr. Thomas Goud, NB # 2,266 03:37, Apr 09, Ms. megan noble, United Kingdom # 2,291 06:24, Apr 09, Alicia Bing, ON # 2,265 03:31, Apr 09, Mr. richard grier-reynolds, # 2,290 06:23, Apr 09, Mr. William Jones, NB DE

# 2,264 03:09, Apr 09, Mr. James Culleny, MA


# 2,263 02:54, Apr 09, Dr. David Marchesi, United # 2,236 20:47, Apr 08, Mr. Hal Smith, NY Kingdom # 2,235 20:41, Apr 08, Geri Pettitt, IA # 2,262 02:31, Apr 09, Lee Willoughby, CO # 2,234 20:38, Apr 08, Ms. Carole White, CA # 2,261 02:18, Apr 09, Mrs. GILLIAN ROWLANDS, United Kingdom # 2,233 20:37, Apr 08, Virginia Vaidhyanathan, FL

# 2,260 02:12, Apr 09, Mr. Luca Saiu, France # 2,232 20:32, Apr 08, Rachel Jacobsohn, IL

# 2,259 01:26, Apr 09, Mr. thanzeel nazer, India # 2,231 20:31, Apr 08, Ms. Joanie Trussel, CO

# 2,258 01:23, Apr 09, Mr. Spencer Selander, WA # 2,230 20:31, Apr 08, Dr. Stephen Muecke, Australia # 2,257 01:07, Apr 09, Rosalind Robinson, CA # 2,229 20:26, Apr 08, Dr. K Baxter, United # 2,256 00:55, Apr 09, Michael Farrelly, Tanzania, Kingdom United Republic Of # 2,228 20:26, Apr 08, Ms. S Michaels, MO # 2,255 00:49, Apr 09, Mr. Michael Lekas, WA # 2,227 20:24, Apr 08, Dr. Martin Schiffenbauer, # 2,254 00:33, Apr 09, Mr. Mats Ek, Sweden CA

# 2,253 00:26, Apr 09, Dr. Richard Stallman, MA # 2,226 20:01, Apr 08, Ms. Nicole Lindsay, Australia # 2,252 00:26, Apr 09, Ms. Linda Laddin, France # 2,225 19:53, Apr 08, Name not displayed, CO # 2,251 00:25, Apr 09, Ann Strahm, CA # 2,224 19:41, Apr 08, Marion Reich, CA # 2,250 23:50, Apr 08, Name not displayed, HI # 2,223 19:41, Apr 08, Julia Feinberg, DC # 2,249 23:49, Apr 08, Dr. Donald McMorland, New Zealand # 2,222 19:36, Apr 08, Dr. Ellen Solomon, MA

# 2,248 23:43, Apr 08, Name not displayed, MT # 2,221 19:15, Apr 08, jon albright, WA

# 2,247 23:42, Apr 08, Name not displayed, CA # 2,220 19:13, Apr 08, Name not displayed, NJ

# 2,246 23:25, Apr 08, Dr. James Duffin, WA # 2,219 18:59, Apr 08, Joan Phelan, CA

# 2,245 23:21, Apr 08, Dr. Madhusudan Katti, CA # 2,218 18:54, Apr 08, Mr. J. Rueben Males, WA

# 2,244 22:15, Apr 08, Ms. Jashodhara Dasgupta, # 2,217 18:48, Apr 08, Name not displayed, ME India # 2,216 18:43, Apr 08, Dr. Herbert Fox, MA # 2,243 22:11, Apr 08, Dr. cat koehn, OR # 2,215 18:35, Apr 08, Name not displayed, IL # 2,242 21:48, Apr 08, Mrs. Barbara Brown, Bosnia And Herzegovina # 2,214 18:16, Apr 08, Ms. Marjorie Rosenfeld, CA

# 2,241 21:38, Apr 08, Dr. Analisa Taylor, OR # 2,213 18:11, Apr 08, Mr. Jeremiah Reilly, MA

# 2,240 21:35, Apr 08, Name not displayed, CA # 2,212 18:08, Apr 08, Mrs. Sharon Braveman, MD

# 2,239 21:10, Apr 08, Mr. Vladimir Strugatsky, CA # 2,211 17:49, Apr 08, Dr. Victor Lane, NY

# 2,238 21:04, Apr 08, Ms. Kathleen O'Shea, WA # 2,210 17:43, Apr 08, Ms. Kristina Baumli, PA

# 2,237 20:48, Apr 08, Mr. Jai Pushp, India # 2,209 17:41, Apr 08, Ms. Patricia Kolon, MI


# 2,208 17:38, Apr 08, Dr. Mary Liepold, MD # 2,177 12:12, Apr 08, Dr. Eileen Joy, OH

# 2,207 17:28, Apr 08, Mrs. Sharon Damkaer, WA # 2,176 12:07, Apr 08, Ms. Pam Ramirez, CA

# 2,206 16:51, Apr 08, Mrs. Anne Thureson, WA # 2,175 12:04, Apr 08, Barbara George, CA

# 2,205 16:35, Apr 08, Ms. Mary Lou Finley, CA # 2,174 12:02, Apr 08, Ms. Miriam Weber, AZ

# 2,204 16:29, Apr 08, diana simonton, VA # 2,173 11:56, Apr 08, Judith Neamtan, BC

# 2,203 16:22, Apr 08, Ms. Carol Follett, WA # 2,172 11:55, Apr 08, Mr. Benny Rees, United Kingdom # 2,202 16:18, Apr 08, Ms. Kathie Aberman, NY # 2,171 11:53, Apr 08, John W, WA # 2,201 16:11, Apr 08, Will Mernagh, MA # 2,170 11:32, Apr 08, Mr. HERBERT SHROYER, # 2,199 15:59, Apr 08, Dr. Patricia Ingham, IN OH

# 2,198 15:50, Apr 08, Mr. David Niskanen, MO # 2,169 11:22, Apr 08, Christian Hartleben, PA

# 2,197 15:47, Apr 08, Stavroula Harissis, IL # 2,168 11:21, Apr 08, Ms. margie ghiz-gillies, CA

# 2,196 15:44, Apr 08, Mrs. Melissa Minya, IL # 2,167 11:12, Apr 08, Ms. Rita Bowles, WA

# 2,195 15:41, Apr 08, Mr. Paul Engstrom, CA # 2,166 11:08, Apr 08, Ms. Isabel Cordova, NM

# 2,194 15:38, Apr 08, Susan Matthews, TX # 2,165 11:04, Apr 08, Dr. Sharon Kinoshita, CA

# 2,193 15:32, Apr 08, Dr. Heather Houser, TX # 2,164 11:03, Apr 08, Michael Winkler, CA

# 2,192 15:15, Apr 08, Ms. Thelma Follett, WA # 2,163 11:03, Apr 08, Dr. Hannah Frisch, IL

# 2,191 15:11, Apr 08, Mr. Kirk Butler, FL # 2,162 11:00, Apr 08, Dr. Carole Browner, CA

# 2,190 14:53, Apr 08, Dr. Barbara Chasin, NY # 2,161 10:59, Apr 08, Mrs. Claudio Fogu, CA

# 2,189 14:48, Apr 08, Mr. John Porretto, TX # 2,160 10:38, Apr 08, Mr. George Biro, ON

# 2,188 14:31, Apr 08, Mr. Randall Esperas, CA # 2,159 10:35, Apr 08, Dr. Aranye Fradenburg, CA

# 2,187 14:29, Apr 08, Name not displayed, NY # 2,158 10:35, Apr 08, Dr. Ronnie Lipschutz, CA

# 2,186 14:19, Apr 08, Ms. Valerie Guinan, CA # 2,157 10:34, Apr 08, Name not displayed, MI

# 2,185 14:16, Apr 08, Name not displayed, ON # 2,156 10:32, Apr 08, scott Gray, CA

# 2,184 14:07, Apr 08, Ms. Ann Tattersall, OR # 2,155 10:29, Apr 08, Mr. joe evans, WA

# 2,183 14:03, Apr 08, Dan Edelstein, CA # 2,153 09:51, Apr 08, Dr. David Harris, MN

# 2,182 13:53, Apr 08, Mr. Louis Landesman, VA # 2,152 09:35, Apr 08, Ms. Gina Hoffses, ME

# 2,181 13:38, Apr 08, Name not displayed, ON # 2,151 09:34, Apr 08, Sue Kay, WA

# 2,180 13:37, Apr 08, Dr. Dennis Kortheuer, CA # 2,150 09:33, Apr 08, Ms. Julienne Travers, Italy

# 2,179 13:13, Apr 08, Name not displayed, ON # 2,149 09:31, Apr 08, Mr. Pete Hart, CA

# 2,178 13:04, Apr 08, rachel murphy, Italy # 2,148 09:26, Apr 08, Bruce Graves, NC


# 2,147 09:23, Apr 08, Ms. Mary Haffey, GA # 2,117 05:52, Apr 08, Ms. Marilen Nelson, NV

# 2,146 09:07, Apr 08, Ms. Betty Kelly, VA # 2,116 05:51, Apr 08, Mrs. Lorraine Gilmore, NM

# 2,145 09:03, Apr 08, Mrs. Claire Maggard, WA # 2,115 05:47, Apr 08, Mr. David Sligh, VA

# 2,144 09:02, Apr 08, Dr. Charles Serrao, QC # 2,114 05:43, Apr 08, Mr. Gary Melhart, IL

# 2,143 08:59, Apr 08, Ms. Philippa Arthan, United # 2,113 05:39, Apr 08, Dr. Ronald Parry, TX Kingdom # 2,112 05:11, Apr 08, Mr. Mikael Silfors, Sweden # 2,142 08:46, Apr 08, Gay Nemeth, ON # 2,111 05:10, Apr 08, Name not displayed, IL # 2,141 08:28, Apr 08, Mr. Hickey, GA # 2,110 05:01, Apr 08, Ms. Angel Bravo-Salgado, # 2,140 08:25, Apr 08, Maria Hamlin Zuniga, TX Nicaragua # 2,109 04:59, Apr 08, Cheryl Towne, NY # 2,139 08:10, Apr 08, Mr. Steven Katz, KY # 2,108 04:29, Apr 08, Mr. Dean Lockyer, United # 2,138 08:07, Apr 08, Janet Edens Conover, SC Kingdom

# 2,137 08:07, Apr 08, Dr. James Quigley, NJ # 2,107 04:28, Apr 08, Mr. Brian Bates, United Kingdom # 2,136 08:05, Apr 08, b dijker, CA # 2,106 04:18, Apr 08, Mr. Peter Whittaker, United # 2,135 08:02, Apr 08, June Meek, OH Kingdom

# 2,134 07:54, Apr 08, Yuval Sivan, MA # 2,105 04:00, Apr 08, Ms. Jenny Shaw, United Kingdom # 2,133 07:50, Apr 08, Mr. Joel Wollin, MN # 2,104 03:59, Apr 08, Mr. Mike McCampbell, PA # 2,132 07:16, Apr 08, Ms. C. Riplinger, IL # 2,103 03:50, Apr 08, Mr. John Lowrey, OK # 2,131 07:16, Apr 08, Mr. Lowell Fletcher, KY # 2,102 03:36, Apr 08, Mrs. Linda Quinet, France # 2,130 06:55, Apr 08, Mr. Edward Roohan, CA # 2,101 03:23, Apr 08, George Black, United # 2,129 06:49, Apr 08, Ms. Ruth Lamborn, NY Kingdom

# 2,128 06:44, Apr 08, Mr. Fred Springfield, OH # 2,100 03:08, Apr 08, Mr. Gary Jones, IL

# 2,127 06:31, Apr 08, Dr. Manosh Chowdhury, # 2,099 03:06, Apr 08, Mr. Henry Lee Wostenberg, Bangladesh AB

# 2,126 06:31, Apr 08, Craig Ciccone, MI # 2,098 03:03, Apr 08, Tadit Anderson, OH

# 2,125 06:18, Apr 08, Mrs. Delores Hardin, FL # 2,097 02:59, Apr 08, Mr. raphael souchier, France

# 2,124 06:16, Apr 08, Jim Shipsky, ME # 2,096 02:46, Apr 08, Dr. Erik Millstone, United Kingdom # 2,123 06:15, Apr 08, Ms. Clementine Oval, NY # 2,095 02:37, Apr 08, Ms. Nicola Evans, United # 2,122 06:15, Apr 08, Dr. Frances Griffiths, NC Kingdom

# 2,121 06:00, Apr 08, Mr. Rod Lopez-Fabrega, CT # 2,094 02:34, Apr 08, Roeland Grolus, Belgium

# 2,120 05:56, Apr 08, Usha Iyer, PA # 2,093 02:17, Apr 08, Dr. Mark LeVine, CA # 2,119 05:55, Apr 08, Sarah MacColl, ME


# 2,092 01:53, Apr 08, Tom Latter, United Kingdom # 2,064 22:16, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Huggler, WI

# 2,091 01:48, Apr 08, Name not displayed, FL # 2,063 22:12, Apr 07, Dr. Hercules D. Morphopoulos, CA # 2,090 01:44, Apr 08, marion wood, New Zealand # 2,062 22:01, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Tarnoff, BC # 2,089 01:31, Apr 08, Alec Bamford, Thailand # 2,061 21:53, Apr 07, Ms. CHRISTINE # 2,088 01:29, Apr 08, Ms. Susan Gill, AK VANHOEK, NY

# 2,087 01:15, Apr 08, Susan Harley, United # 2,060 21:52, Apr 07, Rolando Arango, CA Kingdom # 2,059 21:47, Apr 07, Meg Simonds, CA # 2,086 01:13, Apr 08, Terry Sharp, AZ # 2,058 21:45, Apr 07, Name not displayed, CA # 2,085 01:12, Apr 08, Gerry Ohannessian, United Kingdom # 2,057 21:44, Apr 07, Mrs. Nancy R. Griffith, CA

# 2,084 01:04, Apr 08, Dr. Lloyd Lawrence, MB # 2,056 21:41, Apr 07, Doris Allen, CA

# 2,083 00:34, Apr 08, Mrs. A Stone, WA # 2,055 21:32, Apr 07, Dr. Robert Ross, OH

# 2,082 00:08, Apr 08, Ms. Suzanne Cowan, CA # 2,054 21:31, Apr 07, Name not displayed, AK

# 2,081 23:59, Apr 07, Ms. rosemary morrow, # 2,053 21:29, Apr 07, Spencer Payne, FL Australia # 2,052 21:26, Apr 07, Mr. Gautam Singh, India # 2,080 23:54, Apr 07, Dr. Frances Schmechel, New Zealand # 2,051 21:26, Apr 07, Lanny Cotler, CA

# 2,079 23:43, Apr 07, Dr. David Legge, Australia # 2,050 21:25, Apr 07, Jared Boschen, PA

# 2,078 23:40, Apr 07, Dr. Susan Shoemaker, MN # 2,049 21:19, Apr 07, Mr. David Wojtowicz, AZ

# 2,077 23:39, Apr 07, Dr. Philip Gasper, WI # 2,048 21:17, Apr 07, Mr. Graham Smith, New Zealand # 2,076 23:29, Apr 07, Mr. Tefel Hall, CA # 2,047 21:08, Apr 07, Dr. Dale Fitzgibbons, IL # 2,075 23:16, Apr 07, Gayle McIntyre, ON # 2,046 21:04, Apr 07, Dennis Smith, WA # 2,074 23:12, Apr 07, Ms. Heather Johnson, MA # 2,045 21:03, Apr 07, Mr. TOM CIVILETTI, OR # 2,073 22:56, Apr 07, Ms. Karen B Scarvie, WA # 2,044 21:01, Apr 07, Ms. Adele Gladstone-Gilbert, # 2,072 22:55, Apr 07, Mr. Vitaly Volmensky, CA MA

# 2,071 22:48, Apr 07, Name not displayed, PA # 2,043 20:55, Apr 07, Dr. Laura Hjort, MN

# 2,070 22:48, Apr 07, Mrs. Judith Janes, WA # 2,042 20:44, Apr 07, Ms. Shashwati Goswami, India # 2,069 22:45, Apr 07, Kathy Whittam, BC # 2,041 20:34, Apr 07, Ms. Sara Haney, TX # 2,068 22:40, Apr 07, Laura Glauberman, CA # 2,040 20:32, Apr 07, Ms. Susan Carr, FL # 2,067 22:32, Apr 07, lee greeley, AK # 2,039 20:31, Apr 07, Worth Green, TX # 2,066 22:25, Apr 07, Susan Davenport, BC # 2,038 20:28, Apr 07, Ms. Teri Dobson, WA # 2,065 22:21, Apr 07, Varsha Basheer, India


# 2,037 20:19, Apr 07, karen deslierres, MI # 2,009 18:31, Apr 07, Patti Hermes, IL

# 2,036 20:16, Apr 07, Mr. Paul Alexander, NY # 2,008 18:31, Apr 07, E.M. Champagne, VT

# 2,035 20:14, Apr 07, Dr. Piers Stephens, GA # 2,007 18:18, Apr 07, Christine Choi, CA

# 2,034 20:06, Apr 07, Dr. Cheryl Lans, BC # 2,006 18:15, Apr 07, Mr. john gourley, CA

# 2,033 20:00, Apr 07, Dr. Claudio Schuftan, Viet # 2,005 18:14, Apr 07, Mr. ned pearlstein, CA Nam # 2,004 18:10, Apr 07, Jan Coe, Australia # 2,032 19:56, Apr 07, Mrs. Verona Murray, CA # 2,003 18:09, Apr 07, steve bloom, MD # 2,031 19:54, Apr 07, Mr. Steven Fisher, MN # 2,002 18:09, Apr 07, Mike Donnelly, MO # 2,030 19:51, Apr 07, Ms. Patricia Clucas, CA # 2,001 17:51, Apr 07, Mrs. Meribeth Sullivan, WI # 2,029 19:40, Apr 07, Ms. M.L. Hammond, ON # 2,000 17:51, Apr 07, Sharon R. Weinblatt, IL # 2,028 19:39, Apr 07, Ms. Sharuna Verghis, Malaysia # 1,999 17:47, Apr 07, Marissa Moorman, IN

# 2,027 19:38, Apr 07, Mr. Russell Skinner, WI # 1,998 17:47, Apr 07, Ms. Drina Read, BC

# 2,026 19:35, Apr 07, Ms. deetje boler, CA # 1,997 17:45, Apr 07, Ms. Glenn Fieldman, Ph.D., CA # 2,025 19:34, Apr 07, Dr. mark solomon, MA # 1,996 17:41, Apr 07, Mike Kaulbars, ON # 2,024 19:32, Apr 07, Ms. Janet Glover, AZ # 1,995 17:40, Apr 07, Ms. Kathleen Pastryk, AZ # 2,023 19:31, Apr 07, Dr. Kristy King, WA # 1,994 17:31, Apr 07, laurel major, VA # 2,022 19:22, Apr 07, Dr. Bob Farrell, FL # 1,993 17:29, Apr 07, Ms. Jody Lane, GA # 2,021 19:15, Apr 07, Ms. Wendy Greenblatt, PA # 1,992 17:27, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Lyons, CA # 2,020 19:15, Apr 07, Dr. Margaret Niederer, IL # 1,991 17:27, Apr 07, Ms. Suzette Dewey, NJ # 2,019 19:14, Apr 07, steven maiken, CA # 1,990 17:19, Apr 07, Tim Pence, WV # 2,018 19:13, Apr 07, Gregory Eicher, CO # 1,989 17:17, Apr 07, Richard Conroy, AZ # 2,017 19:11, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NC # 1,988 17:17, Apr 07, Dee Hunt, Australia # 2,016 19:03, Apr 07, Mr. Graeme Sephton, MA # 1,987 17:11, Apr 07, Mrs. Joyce Ellwanger, WI # 2,015 18:46, Apr 07, Mr. Alan Gamble, MI # 1,986 17:05, Apr 07, Mr. Gavin Wall, Australia # 2,014 18:46, Apr 07, Luis Amauri Suárez Zayas, PR # 1,985 17:00, Apr 07, Ms. Jill Whelan, IN

# 2,013 18:45, Apr 07, Mrs. Alexandra McMullen, # 1,984 16:56, Apr 07, Dr. Cynthia Brown, WA Hong Kong # 1,983 16:53, Apr 07, Brian Jarvis, TX # 2,012 18:40, Apr 07, Ms. Wilma Ralls, CA # 1,982 16:47, Apr 07, Dr. Eduardo Santa Cruz, IN # 2,011 18:31, Apr 07, Mr. David Laing, ME # 1,981 16:47, Apr 07, Dr. Harold Jacobs, CA # 2,010 18:31, Apr 07, Dr. Thomas McEvilley, NY # 1,980 16:44, Apr 07, Mr. Manuel Costa, ON


# 1,979 16:38, Apr 07, Ms. Deanna Homer, OK # 1,950 15:41, Apr 07, Terrence Smyth, WA

# 1,978 16:36, Apr 07, Mr. Glenn S Gardner, CA # 1,949 15:39, Apr 07, D Bass, TX

# 1,977 16:35, Apr 07, Mr. Louis Revesz, NJ # 1,948 15:37, Apr 07, Ms. Jayne Wilson, BC

# 1,976 16:34, Apr 07, Mr. Peter Cummins, # 1,947 15:36, Apr 07, Name not displayed, United Australia Kingdom

# 1,975 16:33, Apr 07, Mason Taylor, WA # 1,946 15:32, Apr 07, Ms. Sarah McKee, MA

# 1,974 16:32, Apr 07, Bob Greenbaum, OH # 1,945 15:32, Apr 07, Ms. Jackie McManus, WA

# 1,973 16:31, Apr 07, Dr. Ida Braun, CA # 1,944 15:27, Apr 07, Mr. Geoff Egan, AB.

# 1,972 16:27, Apr 07, Mr. Douglas Jones, Australia # 1,943 15:25, Apr 07, Ms. Sabra Woodworth, BC

# 1,971 16:26, Apr 07, Mr. John Steinmetz, CA # 1,942 15:13, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NH

# 1,970 16:25, Apr 07, Mr. dylan keating, United # 1,941 15:13, Apr 07, mark & Judy Wenzel, MI Kingdom # 1,940 15:12, Apr 07, Dr. Dan Brook, CA # 1,969 16:22, Apr 07, G Michael Moore, CO # 1,939 15:08, Apr 07, Dr. Monika Mehta, NY # 1,968 16:21, Apr 07, Marc Bennett, NY # 1,938 15:06, Apr 07, Patrick Carano, OH # 1,967 16:15, Apr 07, Ms. lynn macdougall- flemign, NC # 1,937 15:05, Apr 07, Mr. Peter Kelley, NH

# 1,966 16:10, Apr 07, Mr. Len Conly, CA # 1,936 14:57, Apr 07, Mr. Garry Jantzen, OR

# 1,965 16:10, Apr 07, Mr. Jerry McConoughey, OR # 1,935 14:52, Apr 07, Zach Resnick, NY

# 1,964 16:08, Apr 07, Jane Kilthei, BC # 1,934 14:45, Apr 07, Dr. Nicki Saroca, Australia

# 1,963 16:07, Apr 07, Neil Willcox, Grenada # 1,933 14:43, Apr 07, Mr. Peter Edmondson, United Kingdom # 1,962 16:07, Apr 07, Mrs. Judith Fleming, FL # 1,932 14:37, Apr 07, Teresa J Frakes, OR # 1,961 16:00, Apr 07, Judy Rowland, NM # 1,931 14:36, Apr 07, Laura Adler, VA # 1,960 15:58, Apr 07, Mr. David Loneragan, Australia # 1,930 14:32, Apr 07, Jo Hannan, OR

# 1,958 15:56, Apr 07, Yvonne Dauphin, AZ # 1,929 14:31, Apr 07, Susan & James Schiller, CO

# 1,957 15:55, Apr 07, Ms. Joan Taslitz, OH # 1,928 14:29, Apr 07, Mr. Graham Lingley, United Kingdom # 1,956 15:55, Apr 07, Ms. Glenda Noble, MN # 1,927 14:29, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Shetterly, ME # 1,955 15:54, Apr 07, Mr. Henry Schreiber, OR # 1,926 14:29, Apr 07, Mr. Marc Wanner, NY # 1,954 15:51, Apr 07, Mr. Hugh Sansom, NY # 1,925 14:28, Apr 07, Lin Rout, United Kingdom # 1,953 15:46, Apr 07, Richard Hudon, ON # 1,924 14:23, Apr 07, Ms. Dorothy Allyn, PA # 1,952 15:45, Apr 07, Mrs. Julie Pitt, ME # 1,923 14:19, Apr 07, Penina Coopersmith, ON # 1,951 15:41, Apr 07, Ms. Bernadette Keenan, BC # 1,922 14:18, Apr 07, Name not displayed, Sweden


# 1,921 14:15, Apr 07, Ms. Judy Ericson, NY # 1,892 12:43, Apr 07, Mr. Paul Gillett, CO

# 1,920 14:15, Apr 07, Susan Orenstein, CA # 1,891 12:40, Apr 07, Norma Feaster, PA

# 1,919 14:06, Apr 07, Frank Brodhead, NY # 1,890 12:40, Apr 07, Ms. Sharon Swan, CA

# 1,918 14:05, Apr 07, Mrs. Phyllis Erwin, VT # 1,889 12:38, Apr 07, Dr. Hilary Standing, United Kingdom # 1,917 14:03, Apr 07, Ms. Irene Schumacher, AZ # 1,888 12:38, Apr 07, Mr. William Carr, MI # 1,916 14:03, Apr 07, WARREN FELT, CA # 1,887 12:31, Apr 07, Ms. Sue Stroud, BC # 1,915 13:57, Apr 07, Murray Reiss, BC # 1,886 12:28, Apr 07, Dr. Wayne Harris, FL # 1,914 13:54, Apr 07, kath feingold, NY # 1,885 12:27, Apr 07, Clayton Morgareidge, OR # 1,913 13:54, Apr 07, Mr. George Harris, MB # 1,884 12:26, Apr 07, Mr. Norman Frank, CA # 1,912 13:49, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NY # 1,883 12:26, Apr 07, timothe seelbach, OR # 1,911 13:43, Apr 07, Ms. Denise Thomas, MI # 1,882 12:23, Apr 07, Brian Burch, ON # 1,910 13:43, Apr 07, Ms. Jennifer Hor, Australia # 1,881 12:23, Apr 07, Ms. J McCray, OH # 1,909 13:42, Apr 07, Dr. inga bjornsdottir, CA # 1,880 12:22, Apr 07, emma maas, WA # 1,908 13:41, Apr 07, Nancy Mead, CA # 1,879 12:21, Apr 07, Roger Widenoja, OR # 1,907 13:40, Apr 07, Ms. Donna Fricke, ME # 1,878 12:18, Apr 07, Dr. Barbara Carter, NM # 1,906 13:40, Apr 07, Ms. Ashley Carter, AL # 1,877 12:16, Apr 07, Ann McNeal, MA # 1,905 13:34, Apr 07, Mr. steven jennings, Germany # 1,876 12:14, Apr 07, Mr. Barry Olsen, NY

# 1,904 13:33, Apr 07, Dr. George Appell, ME # 1,875 12:12, Apr 07, Dr. Ronald Lacey, TX

# 1,903 13:33, Apr 07, pierre dawson, WA # 1,874 12:09, Apr 07, Ms. Jeni Hunneyball, United Kingdom # 1,902 13:32, Apr 07, Jean Lewis, United Kingdom # 1,873 11:59, Apr 07, Dr. Timothy Van Meter, OH # 1,901 13:31, Apr 07, Ms. Rose Sessions, MO # 1,872 11:53, Apr 07, Name not displayed, OR # 1,900 13:28, Apr 07, Robert Vogelsang, IL # 1,871 11:52, Apr 07, Dr. Jon Brewster, MI # 1,899 13:13, Apr 07, Ms. rose garden, KY # 1,870 11:44, Apr 07, Mr. Ron Kroutel, OH # 1,898 13:04, Apr 07, Basia Miller, NM # 1,869 11:42, Apr 07, Mr. C S Lloyd, United # 1,897 13:03, Apr 07, Dr. Vinod Saranathan, United Kingdom Kingdom # 1,868 11:41, Apr 07, Mrs. Camila Rivera, Sweden # 1,896 13:02, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NJ # 1,867 11:37, Apr 07, Ms. Tessa Burrington, United # 1,895 12:57, Apr 07, Dr. Annu Jalais, United Kingdom Kingdom # 1,866 11:37, Apr 07, Mr. David Raleigh, CA # 1,894 12:48, Apr 07, Elizabeth Hargrave, NC # 1,865 11:36, Apr 07, Mr. Rod Nordberg, MN # 1,893 12:47, Apr 07, steve milligan, CO


# 1,864 11:35, Apr 07, Deborah Dakin, IA # 1,836 10:50, Apr 07, Mr. Joseph Battaglia, MA

# 1,863 11:34, Apr 07, Dr. Patricia Williams, GA # 1,835 10:49, Apr 07, Ms. Andrea Orcutt, IL

# 1,862 11:34, Apr 07, Ms. joanna Spinoza, CA # 1,834 10:48, Apr 07, James Ivancie, OR

# 1,861 11:33, Apr 07, Name not displayed, TX # 1,833 10:47, Apr 07, Ms. Robin Brooks, ME

# 1,860 11:33, Apr 07, Mr. cletus stein, TX # 1,832 10:47, Apr 07, Broos Nemanic, CA

# 1,859 11:33, Apr 07, Ruth Wegehaupt, SD # 1,831 10:45, Apr 07, john mudd, NY

# 1,858 11:33, Apr 07, Name not displayed, MT # 1,830 10:45, Apr 07, Gallu, France

# 1,857 11:32, Apr 07, Name not displayed, TX # 1,829 10:44, Apr 07, Dr. Elisabeth Puur, Sweden

# 1,856 11:32, Apr 07, Ms. Joan Davis, FL # 1,828 10:43, Apr 07, Ana Livingston Paddock, NM # 1,855 11:31, Apr 07, Ms. Jo Bohna, ID # 1,827 10:43, Apr 07, John Munter, MN # 1,854 11:31, Apr 07, Name not displayed, CA # 1,826 10:43, Apr 07, Dr. Jerry McCoy, IL # 1,853 11:31, Apr 07, Betty Hargis, CA # 1,825 10:42, Apr 07, Mrs. PRUDENCE C # 1,852 11:31, Apr 07, Dr. Helen Giambruni, CA GREEN, MA

# 1,851 11:26, Apr 07, Mrs. nat mann, HI # 1,824 10:40, Apr 07, william glaser, FL

# 1,850 11:23, Apr 07, Dr. Koteswara Vemuri, PA # 1,823 10:38, Apr 07, Dale Woloshin, ON

# 1,822 10:36, Apr 07, Ms. Mary Gray Rust, TX # 1,849 11:22, Apr 07, Mr. Seth Besenski, AB # 1,821 10:35, Apr 07, Carol Stewart, BC # 1,848 11:21, Apr 07, Ms. Mary Ann Ford, MI # 1,820 10:33, Apr 07, Dr. Arielle Smith, GA # 1,847 11:21, Apr 07, Name not displayed, CT # 1,819 10:33, Apr 07, Dr. Juana Celia Djelal, PA # 1,846 11:10, Apr 07, Ms. Cheryl A. Aaron, IL # 1,818 10:33, Apr 07, Mr. william morgan, IA # 1,845 11:08, Apr 07, Ms. Pamela Larry, CA # 1,817 10:32, Apr 07, Jessica Kostenblatt, NY # 1,844 11:04, Apr 07, Mr. Gary Jarrett, NC # 1,816 10:32, Apr 07, Mr. Smith, MA # 1,843 11:04, Apr 07, Mr. Marker Ramsey, WI # 1,815 10:31, Apr 07, Sandra Cundiff, PA # 1,842 11:02, Apr 07, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 1,814 10:31, Apr 07, bobby wengronowitz, MA

# 1,841 11:02, Apr 07, Dr. M Buckley, CA # 1,813 10:28, Apr 07, Ms. Mary delavalette, NB

# 1,840 10:58, Apr 07, Ms. Louise Silver, MA # 1,812 10:28, Apr 07, Mr. Karl Samp, MN

# 1,839 10:57, Apr 07, Dr. Peter Romilly, United # 1,811 10:22, Apr 07, Mr. Redmond O Connell, CA Kingdom # 1,810 10:21, Apr 07, Mr. Michael Johnston, MI # 1,838 10:57, Apr 07, Merrylees Turner, MA # 1,809 10:18, Apr 07, Cathie Lowmiller, CA # 1,837 10:53, Apr 07, Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, United Kingdom # 1,808 10:13, Apr 07, Dan Brannan, SC


# 1,807 10:12, Apr 07, Ms. Carolyn Knoll, HI # 1,778 09:51, Apr 07, Dr. Thom Markham, CA

# 1,806 10:12, Apr 07, Thomas Graff, MT # 1,777 09:49, Apr 07, Ms. patricia lang, WA

# 1,805 10:10, Apr 07, Deborah Pate, United # 1,776 09:48, Apr 07, Dr. Harold Welch, MB Kingdom # 1,775 09:46, Apr 07, Jacqueline Shock, PA # 1,804 10:09, Apr 07, maheen sultan, Bangladesh # 1,774 09:42, Apr 07, Michael Brislen, VA # 1,803 10:08, Apr 07, Ms. Deborah Rubin, FL # 1,773 09:41, Apr 07, Joseph Reid, WA # 1,802 10:06, Apr 07, Jolynn Jarboe, CO # 1,772 09:40, Apr 07, Mr. Luther Weeks, CT # 1,801 10:05, Apr 07, Dr. Christina Cedillo, OK # 1,771 09:39, Apr 07, Dr. Sarah Roche-Mahdi, MA # 1,800 10:04, Apr 07, Ms. Joann Thompson, WA # 1,770 09:39, Apr 07, Mrs. Cathryn Croall, CA # 1,799 10:03, Apr 07, Ms. evangeline moen, MN # 1,769 09:38, Apr 07, Ms. Deborah VanDetta, OR # 1,798 10:03, Apr 07, Dr. Joan Kirk, AK # 1,768 09:38, Apr 07, Ms. Katherine Hix, VA # 1,797 10:02, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Cable, MA # 1,767 09:36, Apr 07, Mrs. Jan Woods, CA # 1,796 10:02, Apr 07, Kate Ragan, VA # 1,766 09:34, Apr 07, Mr. Vito Danelli, CT # 1,795 10:02, Apr 07, Mr. Kenny Lerner, NY # 1,765 09:31, Apr 07, Mr. Stephen Perkins, CA # 1,794 10:02, Apr 07, Dr. Florence Newman, MD # 1,764 09:31, Apr 07, Stefani Jaster, TX # 1,793 09:58, Apr 07, Ms. shereeliz caldwell, CA # 1,763 09:29, Apr 07, Dr. Paul Berger, ON # 1,792 09:57, Apr 07, Dr. Fred Runkel, WA # 1,762 09:28, Apr 07, Hugh Rout, United Kingdom # 1,791 09:56, Apr 07, Mr. Kirk Teeters, AR # 1,761 09:27, Apr 07, Ms. Jennifer Lyons, WI # 1,790 09:55, Apr 07, Mrs. Kim Pritchard, TX # 1,760 09:26, Apr 07, Ms. Lella Lowe, AL

# 1,789 09:54, Apr 07, Mr. charles Ross, CA # 1,759 09:24, Apr 07, Dr. Janet Barwell, TX

# 1,788 09:54, Apr 07, Name not displayed, United # 1,758 09:23, Apr 07, Ms. Catherine Johnson, MD Kingdom # 1,757 09:21, Apr 07, Dr. Kathryn Fuller, CA # 1,787 09:53, Apr 07, Dr. Milene Morfei, NY # 1,756 09:21, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Gerzon, MA # 1,786 09:52, Apr 07, Name not displayed, KY # 1,755 09:21, Apr 07, Mrs. Dorothy Larco, OR # 1,785 09:52, Apr 07, Name not displayed, MN # 1,754 09:21, Apr 07, Mr. Ravi Kallianpur, TX # 1,784 09:51, Apr 07, Dr. allen lomax, NC # 1,753 09:21, Apr 07, Dr. Gary Davis, IL # 1,783 09:51, Apr 07, Ms. Jessica Roe, DC # 1,752 09:20, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Moskowitz, CA # 1,782 09:51, Apr 07, Shireen HUQ, Bangladesh # 1,751 09:20, Apr 07, Ms. cheryl planert, ND # 1,781 09:51, Apr 07, Mr. Simon Lavoie, QC # 1,750 09:20, Apr 07, Ms. Christine Cameron, NY # 1,780 09:51, Apr 07, Roxanne Flornoy, France # 1,749 09:20, Apr 07, Name not displayed, WA # 1,779 09:51, Apr 07, Glenn Destatte, CA


# 1,748 09:20, Apr 07, Laura Proctor, BC # 1,719 08:43, Apr 07, Jim Martens, BC

# 1,747 09:20, Apr 07, Ms. Rosemary Dixon, IL # 1,718 08:42, Apr 07, Nancy Small, TX

# 1,746 09:19, Apr 07, Ms. Janet Beazlie, CA # 1,717 08:42, Apr 07, Leslie Kolkmeier, IL

# 1,745 09:19, Apr 07, Mr. saiful islam, United # 1,716 08:42, Apr 07, John F. Levin, CA Kingdom # 1,715 08:41, Apr 07, Myron Simmons, NM # 1,744 09:19, Apr 07, Christina Duvander, QC # 1,714 08:41, Apr 07, Ms. Gail Henigman, CA # 1,743 09:19, Apr 07, Name not displayed, ME # 1,713 08:41, Apr 07, Eric Whittington, CA. # 1,742 09:19, Apr 07, Mr. Michael DeHaven, NC # 1,712 08:39, Apr 07, Ms. Joan McBride, FL # 1,741 09:19, Apr 07, Mrs. Pamela De Maigret, CA # 1,711 08:39, Apr 07, Melonie Magruder, CA # 1,740 09:09, Apr 07, Barb Brass, CA # 1,710 08:37, Apr 07, Sylvia Hopkins, CA # 1,739 09:08, Apr 07, Mr. Douglas Baty, MT # 1,709 08:36, Apr 07, Mr. george indruszewski, # 1,738 09:05, Apr 07, Bernard McDowell, OR Denmark

# 1,737 09:02, Apr 07, Mr. Michael Lewis, BC # 1,708 08:36, Apr 07, Ms. Peggy Heller, MD

# 1,736 09:02, Apr 07, Janet McCann, UT # 1,707 08:33, Apr 07, Dr. Brigitte schulz, CT

# 1,735 08:58, Apr 07, Ms. Carole Daley, OH # 1,706 08:33, Apr 07, susana hegstrom, CA

# 1,734 08:58, Apr 07, Georgia Conroy, AZ # 1,705 08:32, Apr 07, Dr. Tamara Ostapowicz, MO

# 1,733 08:58, Apr 07, Mr. Doug Westendorp, MN # 1,704 08:32, Apr 07, Chuck Tawney, MI

# 1,732 08:57, Apr 07, Mr. Arnold Kotler, HI # 1,703 08:31, Apr 07, Mr. Chris Lewis, VA

# 1,731 08:57, Apr 07, Joyce Burstein, NY # 1,702 08:31, Apr 07, Dr. Jerry Martien, CA

# 1,730 08:56, Apr 07, Mr. William A. Johnson, FL # 1,701 08:29, Apr 07, Dr. Joan Bazar, CA

# 1,729 08:55, Apr 07, Mr. Kevin Shlosberg, CA # 1,700 08:29, Apr 07, Ms. Betsy Crofts, PA

# 1,728 08:54, Apr 07, Mr. D. Downing, PA # 1,699 08:27, Apr 07, Ruth Mortensen, IL

# 1,727 08:52, Apr 07, Ms. JENIFER ELSAESSER, # 1,698 08:26, Apr 07, Mr. Jan Veitch, ON OH # 1,697 08:25, Apr 07, Mary Henzi, PA # 1,726 08:51, Apr 07, Mr. Roger Beck, OH # 1,696 08:23, Apr 07, Suzanne H. Lehman, MA # 1,725 08:49, Apr 07, Dr. L. Kent Bendall, CT # 1,695 08:22, Apr 07, Mr. Seymour Alexander, # 1,724 08:48, Apr 07, Ms. ivis nasir, NC United Kingdom

# 1,723 08:47, Apr 07, Ms. Maureen Meehan, TX # 1,694 08:21, Apr 07, Dr. katherine van wormer, IA

# 1,722 08:46, Apr 07, Dr. Carol Toris, SC # 1,693 08:21, Apr 07, Mr. Richard Everett, MD

# 1,721 08:45, Apr 07, Bill Distler, WA # 1,692 08:19, Apr 07, Ms. Sherylann Miller, CA

# 1,720 08:44, Apr 07, Ms. Hannah Hinchman, CA # 1,691 08:17, Apr 07, Mr. Eben Ross, CT


# 1,690 08:17, Apr 07, Dr. Christoph Wagner, # 1,661 07:44, Apr 07, Name not displayed, NJ Germany # 1,660 07:44, Apr 07, Mark Methven, IL # 1,689 08:17, Apr 07, Mr. walter hanson, WA # 1,659 07:43, Apr 07, Dr. William Hope, VA # 1,688 08:15, Apr 07, Dr. Dennis Maher, NY # 1,658 07:43, Apr 07, Mr. Roger Nehring, SD # 1,687 08:12, Apr 07, Sharon Flores, CA # 1,657 07:42, Apr 07, Dr. David Ker Thomson, ON # 1,686 08:10, Apr 07, Bruce Hull, Germany # 1,656 07:42, Apr 07, Abe Baggins, ME # 1,685 08:10, Apr 07, Dr. Jim Bob Stephenson, MI # 1,655 07:40, Apr 07, Ms. Ronelle Moehrke, GA # 1,684 08:08, Apr 07, Ms. Catherine Anne Smith, GA # 1,654 07:40, Apr 07, David Phillips, TX

# 1,683 08:06, Apr 07, Michael Arbogast, ID # 1,653 07:40, Apr 07, d carr, NH

# 1,682 08:06, Apr 07, Michelle Gross, MN # 1,652 07:39, Apr 07, Ms. Lynn Patrick Doyle, MT

# 1,681 08:05, Apr 07, Ms. Patsy Lowe, CA # 1,651 07:39, Apr 07, Colleen Jones-Turner, ME

# 1,680 08:04, Apr 07, Susan Zencka, WI # 1,650 07:39, Apr 07, Mr. Ben Katchor, NY

# 1,679 08:03, Apr 07, Kathleen McGregor, OR # 1,649 07:39, Apr 07, Joanna Zilsel, BC

# 1,678 08:03, Apr 07, Ms. Marie Clements, NM # 1,648 07:38, Apr 07, Ms. Mary L. Sutphin, OH

# 1,677 08:02, Apr 07, Mr. Ken Knabb, CA # 1,647 07:38, Apr 07, Mr. John MacLean, WA

# 1,676 08:02, Apr 07, Dr. Byron Danelius, MN # 1,646 07:38, Apr 07, Mr. Jay Carrigan, IN

# 1,675 08:01, Apr 07, Mr. Robert Granger, OR # 1,645 07:36, Apr 07, Elena Hvizd, MA

# 1,674 07:59, Apr 07, Dr. Larry Dobson, ON # 1,644 07:36, Apr 07, Henry Sholar, OR

# 1,673 07:57, Apr 07, Bonnie Potter, ME # 1,643 07:35, Apr 07, Rich Becker, IL

# 1,672 07:56, Apr 07, Rita Bright, CA # 1,642 07:35, Apr 07, Mr. Ahmed Javed Ronie, Bangladesh # 1,671 07:54, Apr 07, Mr. Tom Viator, AZ # 1,641 07:35, Apr 07, Ms. Jean Goldman, NY # 1,670 07:54, Apr 07, William Svoboda, WA # 1,640 07:35, Apr 07, Douglas Dirks, PA # 1,669 07:52, Apr 07, S. Kritikos, Greece # 1,639 07:35, Apr 07, Ms. Carissa Snedeker, NV # 1,668 07:51, Apr 07, David Whitford, WI # 1,638 07:34, Apr 07, Imants Virsnieks, CA # 1,667 07:50, Apr 07, Name not displayed, AZ # 1,637 07:33, Apr 07, Kathy Kieva, PA # 1,666 07:49, Apr 07, Mr. Thomas Webb, WA # 1,636 07:33, Apr 07, Dr. Karen March, CA # 1,665 07:48, Apr 07, Dr. David Klein, CA # 1,635 07:33, Apr 07, Ms. Patricia Anzideo, NY # 1,664 07:48, Apr 07, Ms. Mariann Bassey, Nigeria # 1,634 07:32, Apr 07, Mr. Jared Blumer, PA # 1,663 07:48, Apr 07, Ms. rebecca tippens, MA # 1,633 07:32, Apr 07, Name not displayed, PA # 1,662 07:48, Apr 07, Ms. Mary Bess, FL # 1,632 07:32, Apr 07, Mr. Don Schneider, FL


# 1,631 07:31, Apr 07, Mrs. Margaret Bergwall, FL # 1,602 05:33, Apr 07, Elizabeth Gilthvedt, MN

# 1,630 07:31, Apr 07, Dr. Morris Berman, TX # 1,601 05:07, Apr 07, Ms. gena hegelman, SC

# 1,629 07:29, Apr 07, Mr. Michael Gamble, WA # 1,600 04:21, Apr 07, Elizabeth Bene, ME

# 1,628 07:29, Apr 07, Ms. Barbara Nyland, AB # 1,598 04:11, Apr 07, Jane Stavoe, IL

# 1,627 07:29, Apr 07, Dr. James Ekeberg, IL # 1,597 03:55, Apr 07, Dr. Shumaisa Khan, United Kingdom # 1,626 07:29, Apr 07, Mr. Alan Marks, NM # 1,596 03:38, Apr 07, Tom Bensman, OH # 1,625 07:26, Apr 07, Linda Sukop, VT # 1,595 02:35, Apr 07, Pascale Lacroix, Sweden # 1,624 07:26, Apr 07, Douglas Parker, FL # 1,594 01:52, Apr 07, Mr. Kristof Nordin, WI # 1,623 07:25, Apr 07, Mark Goldman, WA # 1,593 01:31, Apr 07, Mr. John Ahern, CA # 1,622 07:24, Apr 07, john hines, ME # 1,592 01:17, Apr 07, Name not displayed, Japan # 1,621 07:23, Apr 07, Dr. Bradford Collins, SC # 1,591 00:29, Apr 07, Dr. Kathleen Myers, WA # 1,620 07:23, Apr 07, Mrs. Irene Chang, OK # 1,590 00:25, Apr 07, Daniel Villarreal, CA # 1,619 07:22, Apr 07, Dr. Bindu Desai, CA # 1,589 00:16, Apr 07, Dr. Stephen Gardner, CA # 1,618 07:22, Apr 07, Ellen Cimino, CA # 1,588 00:14, Apr 07, Karl Frederick, CA # 1,617 07:16, Apr 07, Kate Friman, CA # 1,587 00:13, Apr 07, Mr. Dana Sewall, OR # 1,616 07:16, Apr 07, Dr. Hugh Peach, OR # 1,586 23:28, Apr 06, adam milgram, CA # 1,615 07:11, Apr 07, rahnuma ahmed, Bangladesh # 1,585 23:05, Apr 06, Ms. Bridget O'Brien, WA # 1,614 07:06, Apr 07, Quinn Stretton, United Kingdom # 1,584 22:53, Apr 06, Mr. Gray Pattillo, CA

# 1,613 07:03, Apr 07, Octávio Lima, Portugal # 1,583 22:10, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Solon, WY

# 1,612 06:57, Apr 07, Ms. Jo Hauser, NC # 1,582 22:02, Apr 06, Susan Williamson, CA

# 1,611 06:56, Apr 07, Mrs. Laura Koeninger, OH # 1,581 21:51, Apr 06, Mr. Jim Moore, Australia

# 1,610 06:26, Apr 07, Ms. Elisabeth Davis, MD # 1,580 21:46, Apr 06, Mr. Peter Hay, BC

# 1,609 06:14, Apr 07, Dr. Mike Cunningham, TX # 1,579 21:26, Apr 06, james Joyce, CA

# 1,608 06:13, Apr 07, Mr. Carleton Dallery, Ph.D., # 1,578 21:24, Apr 06, Stuart Zitin, NC PA # 1,577 20:57, Apr 06, Dr. Nancy Ries, NY # 1,607 06:08, Apr 07, jasper haynes, CA # 1,576 20:48, Apr 06, Trish Boyles, PA # 1,606 06:01, Apr 07, Mrs. Linda Nash, TX # 1,575 20:43, Apr 06, Ms. Jean Epling, FL # 1,605 05:44, Apr 07, james buttimer, GA # 1,574 20:41, Apr 06, Curt Hockers, WI # 1,604 05:35, Apr 07, martha paulson, NC # 1,573 20:33, Apr 06, \christopher levenson, BC # 1,603 05:35, Apr 07, Name not displayed, WA # 1,572 20:31, Apr 06, Lynne Graburn, NY


# 1,571 20:31, Apr 06, Mr. Ed Bacon, CA # 1,540 17:15, Apr 06, Dr. Phil Klein, IA

# 1,570 20:23, Apr 06, Mr. Thomas Woods, United # 1,539 17:14, Apr 06, Martha Cutler, NC Kingdom # 1,537 17:02, Apr 06, Dr. Raymond Beiersdorfer, # 1,569 20:20, Apr 06, Name not displayed, KS OH

# 1,568 20:15, Apr 06, Mr. rick horn, WA # 1,536 16:33, Apr 06, Margaret McClintock, ON

# 1,567 20:10, Apr 06, Mr. John Sakeris, ON # 1,535 16:32, Apr 06, Joanne Naiman, BC

# 1,566 20:09, Apr 06, Ms. Hadley Fitzgerald, CA # 1,534 16:28, Apr 06, Dr. Jennifer Wells, CA

# 1,565 19:56, Apr 06, Mr. Thomas Gillespie, CA # 1,533 16:25, Apr 06, Mr. kent holt, CA

# 1,564 19:48, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA # 1,532 16:24, Apr 06, Michael Shaughnessy, CA

# 1,563 19:44, Apr 06, Leonard Rifas, WA # 1,531 16:17, Apr 06, Mr. Wind Harps, OR

# 1,562 19:39, Apr 06, Mr. Andrew Bloss, PA # 1,530 16:17, Apr 06, Ken Albert, TX

# 1,561 19:33, Apr 06, Kathleen Peabody, MI # 1,529 16:16, Apr 06, Jan Rubens, CA

# 1,560 19:25, Apr 06, Dr. Charles Young, AR # 1,528 15:57, Apr 06, Thomas Dennis, Spain

# 1,559 19:22, Apr 06, Mr. David Grey, BC # 1,527 15:52, Apr 06, Margaret Arteaga, BC

# 1,558 19:15, Apr 06, Ms. Christina Surowiec, PA # 1,526 15:38, Apr 06, Michael Hecht, CA

# 1,557 19:10, Apr 06, Dr. Michael Keefer, ON # 1,525 15:26, Apr 06, Dr. Elizabeth Finnegan, NY

# 1,556 19:07, Apr 06, David Holmquist, IL # 1,524 15:26, Apr 06, Mrs. Melissa Bigg, NC

# 1,555 19:04, Apr 06, Mr. Peter Lackowski, VT # 1,523 15:22, Apr 06, Mr. Ethan Bennett, MO

# 1,554 19:02, Apr 06, Laura Dore, MO # 1,522 15:15, Apr 06, William Cline, Japan

# 1,553 19:02, Apr 06, william nichols, CA # 1,521 15:15, Apr 06, Jim DeVoto, IL

# 1,552 19:02, Apr 06, Mr. Jim Anderson, CA # 1,520 15:13, Apr 06, Mr. Lawrence Schmidt, CO

# 1,551 18:43, Apr 06, Eva Sharell, BC # 1,519 15:13, Apr 06, Dr. Jesse Chanley, AZ

# 1,549 18:29, Apr 06, Tracey Karsten, ON # 1,518 15:02, Apr 06, Mr. Mike Caetano, CA

# 1,548 18:26, Apr 06, Ms. Mimi Hanley, OH # 1,517 15:01, Apr 06, Dr. Charles Benbrook, OR

# 1,547 18:19, Apr 06, David Hutchinson, VA # 1,516 14:59, Apr 06, Dr. robert mackenzie, BC

# 1,546 18:05, Apr 06, Dr. Feroze Sidhwa, MA # 1,515 14:59, Apr 06, Ms. Carole Larivee, NC

# 1,545 18:02, Apr 06, Ms. Savanna Hawkins, IL # 1,514 14:58, Apr 06, Mr. George Brown, WA

# 1,544 17:43, Apr 06, Mr. Steven Holt, OR # 1,513 14:56, Apr 06, Mr. tom santoni, FL

# 1,543 17:42, Apr 06, Ms. Sally Staples, BC # 1,512 14:56, Apr 06, Dr. Douglas Sloan, NY

# 1,542 17:32, Apr 06, Christopher Cooper, ME # 1,511 14:55, Apr 06, Mr. Bruce Barthol, CA

# 1,541 17:17, Apr 06, Mr. John Walchak, FL # 1,510 14:55, Apr 06, Mr. Liam Carton, Belgium


# 1,509 14:54, Apr 06, Mrs. Barbara Nordfors, WA # 1,479 13:50, Apr 06, Nina Falk, CA

# 1,508 14:53, Apr 06, Lauren Turner, WA # 1,478 13:40, Apr 06, barry reese, TX

# 1,506 14:49, Apr 06, Brian Carter, CT # 1,477 13:39, Apr 06, Aryn Guiney, South Africa

# 1,505 14:49, Apr 06, Mr. Tony Duncombe, # 1,476 13:22, Apr 06, Colleen Carpenter, MN Bahamas # 1,475 13:22, Apr 06, Jeremy Clarke, AZ # 1,504 14:48, Apr 06, Jeffrey Smith, IA # 1,474 13:22, Apr 06, LOLLY EGGERS, IA # 1,503 14:46, Apr 06, Dr. Ron McFarland, ID # 1,473 13:21, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NY # 1,502 14:46, Apr 06, Ms. Ellen Kaplan-Maxfield, MA # 1,472 13:21, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Costa, NY

# 1,501 14:38, Apr 06, Mr. Helge Hellberg, CA # 1,471 13:21, Apr 06, Dr. Carol Maruo, IL

# 1,500 14:36, Apr 06, ANA URIBE, CA # 1,470 13:19, Apr 06, Lawrence Halvey Goodwin, WV # 1,499 14:32, Apr 06, Barbara Conkey, CO # 1,469 13:17, Apr 06, Dr. Walter Miale, QC # 1,498 14:32, Apr 06, Patricia Zealley, WI # 1,468 13:16, Apr 06, Ms. Dixie Belcher, AK # 1,497 14:31, Apr 06, Michel Lamblin, Finland # 1,467 13:15, Apr 06, Dean Klassen, AB # 1,496 14:26, Apr 06, Dr. blanche wiesen cook, NY # 1,466 13:14, Apr 06, Richard Tewes, CA # 1,495 14:13, Apr 06, Mr. George Davis, AZ # 1,465 13:13, Apr 06, Mr. Neil Blomquist, CA # 1,494 14:10, Apr 06, Dr. Craig Brestrup, TX # 1,464 13:10, Apr 06, Theo Tsavousis, Bahamas # 1,493 14:06, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA # 1,463 13:08, Apr 06, Name not displayed, IA # 1,492 14:05, Apr 06, Mrs. Maureen Besancon, CA # 1,462 13:08, Apr 06, Marion Stuenkel, WI # 1,491 14:04, Apr 06, Dr. G Simon Harak, SJ, WI # 1,461 13:08, Apr 06, Mr. Bradly Cousineau, Spain # 1,490 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. Mary Stromquist, OR # 1,460 13:07, Apr 06, Kathie Lovell, VT # 1,489 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. sam duncombe, Bahamas # 1,459 13:06, Apr 06, Dr. James Holstun, NY

# 1,488 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Moye, WI # 1,458 13:04, Apr 06, Dr. Janek Wasserman, AL

# 1,487 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Kenneth Roseboro, IA # 1,457 13:02, Apr 06, Ms. Darlene Catello, IN

# 1,486 14:02, Apr 06, Catrina Stroud, WA # 1,456 13:00, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA

# 1,485 13:57, Apr 06, Bruce dunn, NY # 1,455 13:00, Apr 06, Dr. John Fagan, IA

# 1,484 13:54, Apr 06, Ms. Darla O'Brian, WA # 1,454 12:59, Apr 06, Mr. barry hanson, NH

# 1,483 13:54, Apr 06, Mr. Timothy Mieyal, OH # 1,453 12:56, Apr 06, Mr. Theodore Pfohl, NY

# 1,482 13:53, Apr 06, Mr. Barry Lerner, VA # 1,452 12:55, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Sanders, OR

# 1,481 13:52, Apr 06, Dr. Donald Spady, AB # 1,451 12:54, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Danielson, BC

# 1,480 13:51, Apr 06, Ms. Amy Peters, NY # 1,500 14:36, Apr 06, ANA URIBE, CA


# 1,499 14:32, Apr 06, Barbara Conkey, CO # 1,470 13:19, Apr 06, Lawrence Halvey Goodwin, WV # 1,498 14:32, Apr 06, Patricia Zealley, WI # 1,469 13:17, Apr 06, Dr. Walter Miale, QC # 1,497 14:31, Apr 06, Michel Lamblin, Finland # 1,468 13:16, Apr 06, Ms. Dixie Belcher, AK # 1,496 14:26, Apr 06, Dr. blanche wiesen cook, NY # 1,467 13:15, Apr 06, Dean Klassen, AB # 1,495 14:13, Apr 06, Mr. George Davis, AZ # 1,466 13:14, Apr 06, Richard Tewes, CA # 1,494 14:10, Apr 06, Dr. Craig Brestrup, TX # 1,465 13:13, Apr 06, Mr. Neil Blomquist, CA # 1,493 14:06, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA # 1,464 13:10, Apr 06, Theo Tsavousis, Bahamas # 1,492 14:05, Apr 06, Mrs. Maureen Besancon, CA # 1,463 13:08, Apr 06, Name not displayed, IA # 1,491 14:04, Apr 06, Dr. G Simon Harak, SJ, WI # 1,462 13:08, Apr 06, Marion Stuenkel, WI # 1,490 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. Mary Stromquist, OR # 1,461 13:08, Apr 06, Mr. Bradly Cousineau, Spain # 1,489 14:04, Apr 06, Mrs. sam duncombe, Bahamas # 1,460 13:07, Apr 06, Kathie Lovell, VT

# 1,488 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Tim Moye, WI # 1,459 13:06, Apr 06, Dr. James Holstun, NY

# 1,487 14:03, Apr 06, Mr. Kenneth Roseboro, IA # 1,458 13:04, Apr 06, Dr. Janek Wasserman, AL

# 1,486 14:02, Apr 06, Catrina Stroud, WA # 1,457 13:02, Apr 06, Ms. Darlene Catello, IN

# 1,485 13:57, Apr 06, Bruce dunn, NY # 1,456 13:00, Apr 06, Name not displayed, CA

# 1,484 13:54, Apr 06, Ms. Darla O'Brian, WA # 1,455 13:00, Apr 06, Dr. John Fagan, IA

# 1,483 13:54, Apr 06, Mr. Timothy Mieyal, OH # 1,454 12:59, Apr 06, Mr. barry hanson, NH

# 1,482 13:53, Apr 06, Mr. Barry Lerner, VA # 1,453 12:56, Apr 06, Mr. Theodore Pfohl, NY

# 1,481 13:52, Apr 06, Dr. Donald Spady, AB # 1,452 12:55, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Sanders, OR

# 1,480 13:51, Apr 06, Ms. Amy Peters, NY # 1,451 12:54, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Danielson, BC

# 1,479 13:50, Apr 06, Nina Falk, CA # 1,400 10:36, Apr 06, Kenneth Johnson, OH

# 1,478 13:40, Apr 06, barry reese, TX # 1,399 10:32, Apr 06, Bernard Heideman, CO

# 1,477 13:39, Apr 06, Aryn Guiney, South Africa # 1,398 10:32, Apr 06, Connie Wachala, IN

# 1,476 13:22, Apr 06, Colleen Carpenter, MN # 1,397 10:31, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Silva, MA

# 1,475 13:22, Apr 06, Jeremy Clarke, AZ # 1,396 10:31, Apr 06, Dr. josh fischel, PA # 1,474 13:22, Apr 06, LOLLY EGGERS, IA # 1,395 10:30, Apr 06, Mr. Dave Carr, PA # 1,473 13:21, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NY # 1,394 10:27, Apr 06, Name not displayed, WI # 1,472 13:21, Apr 06, Mr. Robert Costa, NY # 1,393 10:26, Apr 06, Dr. Alice Dan, IL # 1,471 13:21, Apr 06, Dr. Carol Maruo, IL # 1,392 10:23, Apr 06, Alis Valencia, CA


# 1,391 10:17, Apr 06, Cheron Calder, OR # 1,361 08:59, Apr 06, Mr. Peter Matera, OH

# 1,390 10:16, Apr 06, J. Michael Short, TX # 1,360 08:56, Apr 06, Janet B Scott, MA

# 1,389 10:16, Apr 06, Lisa Wood, CA # 1,359 08:56, Apr 06, Erin NhaMinerva, CA

# 1,388 10:11, Apr 06, Tom Izu, CA # 1,358 08:54, Apr 06, Mr. Mike Carolus, NE

# 1,387 10:10, Apr 06, Dr. Somnath ZUTSHI, India # 1,357 08:43, Apr 06, Dr. dolores walker, LA

# 1,386 10:09, Apr 06, Ms. Rosamund Evans, NM # 1,356 08:43, Apr 06, Mr. mansur johnson, AZ

# 1,385 10:06, Apr 06, Dr. Arnold Oliver, OH # 1,354 08:41, Apr 06, Mrs. Denise Garland, NC

# 1,384 10:05, Apr 06, Mr. Dave Collacutt, ON # 1,353 08:40, Apr 06, Theresa Zaydel, MI

# 1,383 10:01, Apr 06, Diane Curlette, CO # 1,352 08:39, Apr 06, Dr. David Kristjanson-Gural, PA # 1,382 09:57, Apr 06, Mr. Jack Hereford, MO # 1,351 08:32, Apr 06, Ms. Connie Cross, ME # 1,381 09:57, Apr 06, Dr. Seamus O'Sullivan, NM # 1,350 08:22, Apr 06, Ms. Loretta Valenski, NC # 1,380 09:56, Apr 06, Ms. Judith Gorman, RI # 1,349 08:01, Apr 06, Dr. Peter Schroeder, CA # 1,379 09:54, Apr 06, Mr. David Robinson, PA # 1,348 07:29, Apr 06, Mr. Gary Jones, MA # 1,378 09:53, Apr 06, Dr. Jason Wyckoff, CO # 1,347 07:28, Apr 06, Name not displayed, NH # 1,377 09:53, Apr 06, Ms. Diane Squire, CA # 1,346 07:25, Apr 06, Dawn Matta, NC # 1,376 09:52, Apr 06, David Lasagna, VA # 1,345 07:16, Apr 06, Mr. Gregory Stricherz, MN # 1,375 09:50, Apr 06, Jennifer Shepardson, CA # 1,344 06:48, Apr 06, Mr. David Woodbury, QC # 1,374 09:49, Apr 06, Dr. Samuel Lowe, MA # 1,343 06:26, Apr 06, Mr. Norman Overholser, KS # 1,373 09:48, Apr 06, Mr. James Robinette, CO # 1,342 06:06, Apr 06, Melinda Suelflow, MN # 1,372 09:47, Apr 06, Mr. Tom Whitesell, NY # 1,341 05:41, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Paquette, ON # 1,371 09:43, Apr 06, sandra haggard, FL # 1,340 05:41, Apr 06, Ms. Jytte Nhanenge, # 1,370 09:38, Apr 06, Dr. Brian Klocke, VT Mozambique

# 1,369 09:37, Apr 06, Ms. Ann Harris, MO # 1,339 05:37, Apr 06, Mr. Randy Fullerton, MS

# 1,368 09:36, Apr 06, James Emberger, NB # 1,338 05:36, Apr 06, Ms. lisa bing, MA

# 1,367 09:35, Apr 06, Ann Ferguson, OR # 1,337 05:31, Apr 06, Mr. Julian Peet, CT

# 1,366 09:35, Apr 06, Mr. Richard Gerace, MA # 1,336 05:29, Apr 06, Dr. Laura Franseen, MI

# 1,365 09:25, Apr 06, Mr. Stephen Pile, WA # 1,335 05:23, Apr 06, Julie Stahlbaum, ON

# 1,364 09:23, Apr 06, Ms. Ann Rick, CO # 1,334 05:20, Apr 06, Ms. Kathleen Larkin, IL

# 1,363 09:13, Apr 06, Mrs. Rae Irwin, MO # 1,333 05:20, Apr 06, Rita Sloan, NV

# 1,362 09:07, Apr 06, Ms. Raquel Pedrosa, Portugal # 1,332 05:15, Apr 06, Dr. Wayne Pearce, PA


# 1,331 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. Ara Merjian, NY # 1,301 03:02, Apr 06, Dr. John Peck, CT

# 1,330 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. John Moffett, MD # 1,300 02:51, Apr 06, Mr. Tom Waldman, CA

# 1,329 05:06, Apr 06, Dr. Jackie Smith, PA # 1,299 02:32, Apr 06, Lisa Savage, ME

# 1,328 05:04, Apr 06, Mark Zimmermann, NE # 1,298 02:30, Apr 06, Frederick Kackley, NM

# 1,327 05:03, Apr 06, Dr. Sarah Wyatt, OH # 1,297 02:20, Apr 06, Mr. alex brown, United Kingdom # 1,326 05:03, Apr 06, Dr. Fern Hunt, MD # 1,296 02:19, Apr 06, Dr. Adrew Lugg, QC # 1,325 05:02, Apr 06, David Hunt, TX # 1,295 02:16, Apr 06, Mr. Terrence Manning, # 1,324 04:56, Apr 06, Mr. Christopher Wells, PE Netherlands

# 1,323 04:53, Apr 06, Leanne Cooper, ME # 1,294 02:12, Apr 06, Ian Powell, United Kingdom

# 1,322 04:52, Apr 06, Mr. Don Dotter, CA # 1,293 02:12, Apr 06, Dr. Michael Schoenhals, Sweden # 1,321 04:50, Apr 06, John Mellquist, VT # 1,292 02:11, Apr 06, Mrs. Gillian Davies-Nippel, # 1,320 04:37, Apr 06, Ms. Lezley McDouall, NC United Kingdom

# 1,319 04:32, Apr 06, Robert Mannion, NY # 1,291 02:11, Apr 06, Ms. Cheryl Buswell, MI

# 1,318 04:32, Apr 06, Name not displayed, MI # 1,290 02:09, Apr 06, Name not displayed, KS

# 1,317 04:23, Apr 06, Dr. James Whitehead, FL # 1,289 02:09, Apr 06, Mrs. Stacia Nordin, WI

# 1,316 04:09, Apr 06, Name not displayed, MA # 1,288 02:08, Apr 06, john steppling, Norway

# 1,315 04:06, Apr 06, Michael Meyer, WI # 1,287 01:58, Apr 06, Mrs. Tania Tarraf, Lebanon

# 1,314 04:02, Apr 06, Dr. Donn Leatherman, TN # 1,286 01:44, Apr 06, Ms. Nina Flannery, OK

# 1,313 04:02, Apr 06, Mr. Bruce Smith, NY # 1,285 01:42, Apr 06, David J Buschini, MA

# 1,312 04:01, Apr 06, Frank Mellina, PA # 1,284 01:23, Apr 06, Alice Depret, France

# 1,311 03:42, Apr 06, Mr. Edmund Weisberg, PA # 1,283 01:13, Apr 06, Mr. robin prior, United Kingdom # 1,310 03:40, Apr 06, Ms. Kate CLoud, MA # 1,282 00:45, Apr 06, Ms. Meris Michaels, NY # 1,309 03:40, Apr 06, Ms. Renee Cote, ME # 1,281 00:43, Apr 06, Edward Gallup, OR # 1,308 03:39, Apr 06, ROBERT Bick, MA # 1,280 00:43, Apr 06, Rebecca Solnit, CA # 1,307 03:36, Apr 06, Robert Lipton, MI # 1,279 00:21, Apr 06, Ms. Katherine Showalter, CA # 1,306 03:32, Apr 06, Linda Leehman, VT # 1,278 00:18, Apr 06, Amy Ultch, CA # 1,305 03:27, Apr 06, Ms. Susie Zeiger, MA # 1,277 00:04, Apr 06, Ms. Jane Jaehning, IL # 1,304 03:24, Apr 06, Richard Martin, VA # 1,276 00:01, Apr 06, Dr. Jeremy Hayllar, Australia # 1,303 03:23, Apr 06, David Hicks, France # 1,275 23:46, Apr 05, Janet Strothman, CA # 1,302 03:09, Apr 06, Mr. Hillel Weintraub, Australia


# 1,274 23:45, Apr 05, simon wurtzburg, CA # 1,244 22:11, Apr 05, Mrs. Jan Pennycook, ON

# 1,273 23:40, Apr 05, Cliff Boyer, OR # 1,243 22:09, Apr 05, Kathy Stennes, MN

# 1,272 23:37, Apr 05, Mrs. Janet Matthews, NY # 1,242 22:06, Apr 05, Janaia Donaldson, CA

# 1,271 23:37, Apr 05, Ms. Laura MacDougall, CA # 1,241 22:06, Apr 05, Ms. Demetria Shew, WA

# 1,270 23:34, Apr 05, Kevin Owsley, CA # 1,240 22:06, Apr 05, David Barnes, KY

# 1,269 23:29, Apr 05, Ms. Mary Ziesmer, CA # 1,239 22:05, Apr 05, Ms. Carolyn Ballard, SC

# 1,268 23:27, Apr 05, Mr. Joe Wallace, WA # 1,238 22:05, Apr 05, Dr. Stephen Ellen, CA

# 1,267 23:17, Apr 05, David Peterson, TX # 1,237 22:05, Apr 05, Mr. Douglas Dupler, CO

# 1,266 23:16, Apr 05, Mr. Dennis DuBois, # 1,236 22:04, Apr 05, Mr. Jan Wnek, NY Denmark # 1,235 22:04, Apr 05, Kersti Abrams, CA # 1,265 23:13, Apr 05, Robert Flood, CA # 1,234 22:04, Apr 05, MaxZine Weinstein, TN # 1,264 23:10, Apr 05, natasha adams-young, CA # 1,233 22:04, Apr 05, Dr. Tom Sager, MO # 1,263 23:06, Apr 05, Mr. Joey Smith, CA # 1,232 22:04, Apr 05, Louise Roper, BC # 1,262 23:05, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Zahniser, OR # 1,231 22:03, Apr 05, Mr. Charles Rowe, CA # 1,261 22:50, Apr 05, Dr. Steven Willett, OR # 1,230 22:03, Apr 05, Mr. Martin Perenchio, # 1,260 22:46, Apr 05, Paulette Wittwer, OR Thailand

# 1,259 22:41, Apr 05, Paul Siemering, MA # 1,229 22:02, Apr 05, Chester McQueary, CO

# 1,258 22:29, Apr 05, Dr. Rik Smith, WA # 1,228 22:02, Apr 05, John Thompson, NY

# 1,257 22:28, Apr 05, Ms. Barbara Gazaway, AK # 1,227 22:02, Apr 05, Ms. Tamara Cartwright, WA

# 1,256 22:28, Apr 05, Mr. John P. McCormack, CA # 1,226 22:02, Apr 05, Mr. Cass Bettinger, FL

# 1,255 22:28, Apr 05, Ms. Annie Young, MN # 1,225 22:02, Apr 05, Ms. Kristin Mutchler, ME

# 1,254 22:28, Apr 05, Brian Campbell, QC # 1,224 22:02, Apr 05, Mrs. Jill Andreozzi, CO

# 1,253 22:25, Apr 05, Dr. Thomas Scruggs Jr, CA # 1,223 22:01, Apr 05, Dr. Adrian Ryan, Australia

# 1,252 22:24, Apr 05, Judy K Nelson, CA # 1,222 22:01, Apr 05, Dr. jeffrey masson, New Zealand # 1,251 22:19, Apr 05, Keith Aubrey, WA # 1,221 21:59, Apr 05, Mr. Douglas Morrison, WA # 1,250 22:18, Apr 05, Mr. michael wade, NC # 1,220 21:59, Apr 05, Dr. John Kane, CO # 1,249 22:17, Apr 05, Stephen Weber, IL # 1,219 21:59, Apr 05, Mr. Stuart Parkins, China # 1,248 22:15, Apr 05, gary sachs, VT # 1,218 21:58, Apr 05, Name not displayed, AB # 1,247 22:13, Apr 05, carol soto, CA # 1,217 21:57, Apr 05, Lee Sturdivant, WA # 1,246 22:13, Apr 05, Mr. seenarine, CA # 1,216 21:57, Apr 05, Ms. Dorothy Wilson, IN # 1,245 22:11, Apr 05, James Springer, CA


# 1,215 21:57, Apr 05, Mr. Stephen Millard, CA # 1,185 21:45, Apr 05, Mr. Peter Dunne, MT

# 1,214 21:57, Apr 05, Dr. Philip Hull, CA # 1,184 21:44, Apr 05, Mr. John Atwater, CO

# 1,213 21:57, Apr 05, Andreas Reichelt, ON # 1,183 21:43, Apr 05, Dr. Charles Wahlert, TX

# 1,212 21:56, Apr 05, Mr. Edward Bear, CA # 1,182 21:43, Apr 05, ERwin Kerr, PA

# 1,211 21:56, Apr 05, Ms. Jean Thompson, CA # 1,181 21:42, Apr 05, Ms. Letecia Layson, CA

# 1,210 21:56, Apr 05, Mr. Stirling Kirkbride, Fiji # 1,180 21:42, Apr 05, Ms. Alice Levey, OR

# 1,209 21:55, Apr 05, Mr. Mark Hazell, BC # 1,179 21:42, Apr 05, Owen Moss, United Kingdom # 1,208 21:55, Apr 05, Mr. Glenn D'Alessio, MA # 1,178 21:42, Apr 05, Ms. Pamela Nummela, MN # 1,207 21:55, Apr 05, Frances Devlin, CA # 1,177 21:41, Apr 05, Peter Harrell, FL # 1,206 21:54, Apr 05, Edwin Bentley, WA # 1,176 21:41, Apr 05, Mr. Justin Matys, MA # 1,205 21:54, Apr 05, Dr. Charles Meece, CA # 1,175 21:40, Apr 05, Paul Manske, NY # 1,204 21:53, Apr 05, Roger Peacock, WA # 1,174 21:40, Apr 05, Rita Lynch, PA # 1,203 21:53, Apr 05, Mr. Anthony Famularo, ON # 1,173 21:40, Apr 05, Name not displayed, OR # 1,202 21:53, Apr 05, Charles Dahm, WA # 1,172 21:39, Apr 05, Mr. Paul Jacoby, WV # 1,201 21:52, Apr 05, Ms. Cynthia Kennedy, WA # 1,171 21:39, Apr 05, Dr. Henry D'Souza, NE # 1,200 21:51, Apr 05, Sally Lowell, OR # 1,170 21:39, Apr 05, jean scott-honig, WI # 1,199 21:50, Apr 05, John and Debby Hanrahan, DC # 1,169 21:38, Apr 05, Name not displayed, PA

# 1,198 21:49, Apr 05, Ms. Joy Al-Sofi, WA # 1,168 21:38, Apr 05, Ms. Catherine Gilchrist, BC

# 1,197 21:49, Apr 05, Mr. Alan Hemmingsen, OR # 1,167 21:38, Apr 05, Ms. Charlotte Trolinger, MT

# 1,196 21:49, Apr 05, Mrs. Renee Hoffinger, FL # 1,166 21:38, Apr 05, Carolyn McLuskie, CA

# 1,195 21:48, Apr 05, Mr. Peter Hainey, OR # 1,165 21:38, Apr 05, Mr. sam shone, CO

# 1,194 21:48, Apr 05, Dr. Nim Batchelor, NC # 1,164 21:36, Apr 05, larry fishman, CA

# 1,193 21:48, Apr 05, Mr. Henry Bennett, OR! # 1,163 21:36, Apr 05, James Edwards, Taiwan

# 1,192 21:48, Apr 05, Mrs. Magdalene Iglar, TX # 1,162 21:36, Apr 05, Ms. Rita Voors, IN

# 1,191 21:47, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Pollock, HI # 1,161 21:36, Apr 05, Mr. David Fite, CA

# 1,190 21:47, Apr 05, Ms. Elizabeth Wright, WA # 1,160 21:35, Apr 05, Dr. Claire Glasscock, KY

# 1,189 21:47, Apr 05, Mr. Dan Gilman, WA # 1,159 21:35, Apr 05, Ms. Carol Walker, VT

# 1,188 21:47, Apr 05, Ormsby Ford, QC # 1,158 21:35, Apr 05, Margaret Stewart, KY

# 1,187 21:47, Apr 05, Dr. Wayne Perg, AZ # 1,157 21:34, Apr 05, Dale Lehman, IL

# 1,186 21:46, Apr 05, Mr. John M Repp, WA # 1,156 21:33, Apr 05, Dr. John Schaefer, IL


# 1,155 21:32, Apr 05, Brian McLain, OR # 1,123 20:55, Apr 05, Dr. Rosemary Feurer, IL

# 1,154 21:32, Apr 05, Dr. Neva Walden, NY # 1,122 20:54, Apr 05, Dr. H R Berg, OR

# 1,153 21:32, Apr 05, Mr. Norman West, NY # 1,121 20:52, Apr 05, Carolyn Summers, NY

# 1,152 21:31, Apr 05, Steve Schmidt, GA # 1,120 20:51, Apr 05, Dr. Eric Bonds, VA

# 1,151 21:29, Apr 05, Mr. Alan Young, HI # 1,119 20:50, Apr 05, Dr. Robert Wolff, HI

# 1,150 21:27, Apr 05, connie huffman, AK # 1,118 20:50, Apr 05, Ms. Linda Langlois, IN

# 1,149 21:27, Apr 05, Ms. Mary Higgins, IA # 1,117 20:49, Apr 05, Stefan Hiros, NY

# 1,148 21:26, Apr 05, Name not displayed, NY # 1,116 20:46, Apr 05, Name not displayed, QC

# 1,147 21:26, Apr 05, Peter Lach-Newinsky, # 1,115 20:46, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA Australia # 1,114 20:41, Apr 05, Karen Hiatt, OH # 1,146 21:25, Apr 05, Dr. Stephen Mulkey, ME # 1,113 20:36, Apr 05, james bradley, OH # 1,145 21:25, Apr 05, Dr. Dennis Sapire, CA # 1,112 20:31, Apr 05, Charles Chatfield-Taylor, CA # 1,144 21:24, Apr 05, Mr. Philip Virgil, TX # 1,111 20:31, Apr 05, Mr. Leonard H. Fremont, OH # 1,143 21:24, Apr 05, Margaret Koster, CA # 1,110 20:30, Apr 05, Mr. Roger Kent Haywood, # 1,141 21:21, Apr 05, Mr. John Roshek, CA NC

# 1,140 21:21, Apr 05, Madeline Moss, WA # 1,109 20:30, Apr 05, Mr. Norman Mathews, NY

# 1,139 21:20, Apr 05, Amme Hogan, NM # 1,108 20:29, Apr 05, Dr. Patrick Coy, OH

# 1,137 21:18, Apr 05, Mrs. Margie Borchers, WA # 1,107 20:29, Apr 05, Ms. Carmen Fridman, Puerto Rico # 1,136 21:17, Apr 05, Joel Tyner, NY # 1,106 20:24, Apr 05, Dr. Warren Ingber, NY # 1,135 21:16, Apr 05, David Cupples, CA # 1,105 20:21, Apr 05, Robert Power, CO # 1,134 21:16, Apr 05, Ms. Elaine Pierce, CA # 1,104 20:14, Apr 05, Lee Gustaferro, Japan # 1,133 21:16, Apr 05, Mr. Nicholas Moe, MN # 1,103 20:13, Apr 05, Name not displayed, ME # 1,132 21:15, Apr 05, Mr. Perry Phillips, OH # 1,102 20:11, Apr 05, Mr. Keith McHenry, NM # 1,131 21:15, Apr 05, Mr. Nick Niederlander, WI # 1,101 20:08, Apr 05, Mr. Thomas Dickinson, MN # 1,130 21:11, Apr 05, Ms. Karen Olsen, WA # 1,100 20:03, Apr 05, Patricia Miller, OH # 1,129 21:10, Apr 05, Dr. Pamela Parks, CO # 1,099 19:57, Apr 05, Cassandra Medley, NY # 1,128 21:03, Apr 05, Mr. Josh Roll, OR # 1,098 19:44, Apr 05, Ms. Rebecca Swaffield, NH # 1,127 21:02, Apr 05, Mr. Ron Paulson, WA # 1,097 19:41, Apr 05, Barbara Kaufman, ME # 1,126 20:59, Apr 05, Ms. Heloise Rathbone, NY # 1,096 19:41, Apr 05, Ms. Ann Mongoven, MN # 1,125 20:59, Apr 05, William Bailey, HI # 1,095 19:37, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA # 1,124 20:59, Apr 05, Ms. Susan Raikes Sugar, HI


# 1,094 19:33, Apr 05, Ms. Dolores Welty, CA # 1,063 18:01, Apr 05, James Scully, VT

# 1,093 19:23, Apr 05, Nancy Pettingill, CO # 1,062 17:58, Apr 05, Mr. alan perry, CA

# 1,092 19:19, Apr 05, Dr. Loraine Hutchins, MD # 1,061 17:56, Apr 05, John Clasen, WI

# 1,091 19:10, Apr 05, J R Hess, CA # 1,060 17:55, Apr 05, Mr. Patrick Pesek-Herriges, WI # 1,090 18:52, Apr 05, Ms. Carolyn Dixon, AK # 1,059 17:53, Apr 05, Ms. Donna Fuchsluger, PA # 1,089 18:49, Apr 05, Mark Darienzo, OR # 1,058 17:52, Apr 05, Mr. george beres, OR # 1,088 18:43, Apr 05, Mr. William Allen, CT # 1,057 17:51, Apr 05, Mr. Jeffrey Vetter, CO # 1,087 18:29, Apr 05, Ms. Gunter Pfaff, CA # 1,056 17:50, Apr 05, Mrs. Florence Goshdigian, # 1,086 18:24, Apr 05, randy cofer, BC CT

# 1,085 18:20, Apr 05, Ms. Ruth Schwartz, CA # 1,055 17:48, Apr 05, Mr. Russell Taylor, TX

# 1,084 18:16, Apr 05, Mr. Charles Wyrostok, WV # 1,054 17:45, Apr 05, Don Peabody, VT

# 1,083 18:16, Apr 05, James Bennett, VA # 1,053 17:44, Apr 05, LIZ SCHWARTZ, NM

# 1,082 18:16, Apr 05, Ms. Barbara Keller, WA # 1,052 17:43, Apr 05, Ms. Sara W. Baker, OR

# 1,081 18:13, Apr 05, Ms. MARY Baumslag, NY # 1,051 17:43, Apr 05, Mr. Dennis Steiner, MA

# 1,080 18:12, Apr 05, Mr. Stanley Troy, PA # 1,050 17:43, Apr 05, Mr. Mark Takefman, China

# 1,079 18:12, Apr 05, Don Fodor, BC # 1,049 17:42, Apr 05, Carole Keith, GA

# 1,078 18:10, Apr 05, Ms. Kristen Norton, CA # 1,048 17:42, Apr 05, Ms. Judith Brow, MI

# 1,076 18:09, Apr 05, Michael Bianca, OR # 1,047 17:40, Apr 05, Name not displayed, Australia # 1,075 18:09, Apr 05, robert maloney, MA # 1,046 17:39, Apr 05, Dennis Connolly, IL # 1,074 18:08, Apr 05, Noreen Warnock, OH # 1,045 17:36, Apr 05, Ms. Virginia Iadicicco, PA # 1,073 18:07, Apr 05, Dr. Lawrence Mosqueda, WA # 1,044 17:33, Apr 05, Ms. Beti Minkin, CA

# 1,072 18:06, Apr 05, Dr. David Eastwood, NY # 1,043 17:33, Apr 05, Mr. Steven Smith, MN

# 1,071 18:06, Apr 05, Mr. Carroll Green, DC # 1,042 17:30, Apr 05, Mr. Larry Gibson, CA

# 1,070 18:05, Apr 05, Ms. Lindsay Hope Kern, OR # 1,041 17:30, Apr 05, Mr. guy williamson, MA

# 1,069 18:04, Apr 05, Candy Paulson, PA # 1,040 17:29, Apr 05, John Siner, IN

# 1,068 18:03, Apr 05, Ann Rounds, CA # 1,038 17:28, Apr 05, Dr. nicholas biddle, PA

# 1,067 18:02, Apr 05, Silvia Hall, FL # 1,037 17:26, Apr 05, Mr. Frederick Holder, Australia # 1,066 18:02, Apr 05, Mrs. Susan Deckhart, PA # 1,036 17:26, Apr 05, Ms. Jaime Kelley, MO # 1,065 18:01, Apr 05, J. Lynett Gillette, CA # 1,034 17:25, Apr 05, Stephen O'Shea, NY # 1,064 18:01, Apr 05, Chuck Marsh, NC


# 1,033 17:20, Apr 05, Dr. Graeme MacQueen, ON # 1,001 16:53, Apr 05, Ms. Susan Slapnick, WI

# 1,032 17:19, Apr 05, Dr. Paul Mountfort, New # 1,000 16:52, Apr 05, Mr. Thomas Howes, MI Zealand # 999 16:52, Apr 05, Judith Kroeger, PA # 1,031 17:17, Apr 05, frank colbourne, BC # 998 16:51, Apr 05, Dr. george gale, OR # 1,030 17:17, Apr 05, Mr. Rudy Rogalsky, BC # 997 16:50, Apr 05, John Broadwater, TX # 1,029 17:16, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Carson, NJ # 996 16:49, Apr 05, Andrew Cunningham, BC # 1,028 17:15, Apr 05, Leonard Joy, CA # 995 16:46, Apr 05, Walter Fields, BC # 1,027 17:15, Apr 05, Liam Fox, NM # 994 16:46, Apr 05, bernadette wohl, WA # 1,026 17:13, Apr 05, Mr. Lawrence Ribnick, CO # 993 16:44, Apr 05, Ms. Lynn Faulkner, NM # 1,025 17:13, Apr 05, Colleen Clark, MA # 992 16:43, Apr 05, Mr. David Rohrlich, MA # 1,024 17:12, Apr 05, Steve Woodward, CA # 991 16:40, Apr 05, garrison davis, WA # 1,023 17:12, Apr 05, Mr. michael schulte, OR # 990 16:40, Apr 05, Jeff Pinto, ON # 1,022 17:12, Apr 05, Ms. Thalia Doukas, MD # 989 16:39, Apr 05, John Swanson, BC # 1,021 17:10, Apr 05, Charles Cook, NY # 988 16:38, Apr 05, christian avila, NY # 1,020 17:10, Apr 05, Name not displayed, IN # 987 16:38, Apr 05, RoNald Odle, IN # 1,019 17:10, Apr 05, Ms. Catherine Murphy, MN # 986 16:37, Apr 05, Mr. Richard Guard, Japan # 1,018 17:09, Apr 05, Mr. Edward La Combe, FL # 985 16:36, Apr 05, Mr. Robert F. Armstrong, CA # 1,017 17:09, Apr 05, Mr. Morton Mintz, DC # 984 16:35, Apr 05, Kerry Walker, MI # 1,016 17:07, Apr 05, Mr. Paul Houndt, NY # 983 16:35, Apr 05, Ms. Janet Hanson, MT # 1,015 17:07, Apr 05, Mr. andre horvath, TX # 982 16:35, Apr 05, Name not displayed, BC # 1,013 17:03, Apr 05, Brian Reid, AZ # 981 16:30, Apr 05, margrit drees, NY # 1,012 17:03, Apr 05, roger northridge, Japan # 980 16:29, Apr 05, Dr. Michael Schwalbe, NC # 1,011 17:02, Apr 05, Virginia Villalon, NJ # 979 16:29, Apr 05, Steve Knight, NY # 1,010 17:01, Apr 05, Mr. Gerald Gras, CA # 978 16:28, Apr 05, Mr. Darryl Hamson, VA # 1,009 17:01, Apr 05, Michael Rogers, Australia # 977 16:28, Apr 05, Ms. Abby Smith, WA # 1,008 17:01, Apr 05, Mr. Robert Obszanski, ON # 976 16:26, Apr 05, Mr. Gene Engene, WA # 1,007 16:57, Apr 05, Ms. Betsy Burton, NH # 975 16:26, Apr 05, Mr. Andrew Laslett, Australia # 1,006 16:57, Apr 05, Dr. Rob Waring, Japan # 974 16:25, Apr 05, Gordon Clint, CA # 1,005 16:56, Apr 05, Mr. Jeff Mousseau, ON # 973 16:25, Apr 05, Stephen Smajstrla, TX # 1,004 16:55, Apr 05, Dr. Stewart Roinson, OH # 972 16:23, Apr 05, Ms. Lisa Bonack, WI # 1,002 16:54, Apr 05, Mrs. Nancy Oden, ME


# 971 16:23, Apr 05, Dr. Lynda Richards, MO # 941 15:55, Apr 05, Helen Manning-Brown, CA

# 970 16:20, Apr 05, Mr. Anthony Ehrlich, FL # 940 15:54, Apr 05, Dr. William Slavick, ME

# 969 16:19, Apr 05, Mr. Randall Knight, MI # 939 15:52, Apr 05, Laura Hofer, OR

# 968 16:18, Apr 05, Dr. Nancy Ashley, NY # 938 15:52, Apr 05, Dr. Aart Dolman, MT

# 967 16:16, Apr 05, Francisco Espinosa, OR # 937 15:51, Apr 05, Joseph Sklar, CA

# 966 16:16, Apr 05, Dr. Sherryl Kleinman, NC # 936 15:51, Apr 05, Gisela Meyers, CA

# 965 16:15, Apr 05, John Thomas, OR # 935 15:51, Apr 05, Mr. Arnie Kubiak, WA

# 964 16:15, Apr 05, Dr. Ray Bellamy, MD, FL # 934 15:50, Apr 05, Kirk Anderson, MN

# 963 16:15, Apr 05, Mr. Ed Brown, FL # 933 15:48, Apr 05, Mr. ron youngman, MO

# 962 16:13, Apr 05, Rachelle Armstrong, NY # 932 15:45, Apr 05, Ms. Christine Doolittle, NY

# 961 16:13, Apr 05, Leonnie Gleeson, Australia # 931 15:45, Apr 05, Ms. Janice Haynes, WA

# 960 16:12, Apr 05, Mr. Jim Martin, AL # 930 15:43, Apr 05, Lydia Lord, OR

# 959 16:12, Apr 05, James Elick, Australia # 929 15:42, Apr 05, Dr. Steve Roddy, CA

# 958 16:10, Apr 05, Charles McKenna, NJ # 928 15:40, Apr 05, Mr. Todd Dennis, WI

# 957 16:09, Apr 05, Name not displayed, VT # 927 15:39, Apr 05, Mrs. Aurelie Jacques, NH

# 956 16:08, Apr 05, John Wood, CA # 926 15:36, Apr 05, Mr. Wayne Johnson, CA

# 955 16:07, Apr 05, rosemary spiota, France # 925 15:34, Apr 05, Mr. David Nobel, MA

# 954 16:06, Apr 05, Richard Koontz, PA # 924 15:34, Apr 05, Mrs. Harriet McNamara, CA

# 953 16:04, Apr 05, Ms. Phyllis Hartley, MA # 923 15:33, Apr 05, Christopher Alhambra, MD

# 952 16:04, Apr 05, Mr. Greg Allen, WI # 922 15:32, Apr 05, Name not displayed, GA

# 951 16:04, Apr 05, Mr. nelson denman, HI # 921 15:32, Apr 05, Stephen Fournier, CT

# 950 16:03, Apr 05, Daniel Day, AL # 920 15:32, Apr 05, Dr. Frederick Trost, WI

# 949 16:02, Apr 05, Dr. Harvey Rich, QC # 919 15:30, Apr 05, Ms. Joan Shirley, MA

# 948 16:02, Apr 05, Richard Kollmar, CA # 918 15:30, Apr 05, Mr. John Dickerson, GA

# 947 15:58, Apr 05, Mr. Phil Mundt, AR # 917 15:29, Apr 05, Ms. Emily Davidow, New Zealand # 946 15:58, Apr 05, Ms. donna soszynski, NY # 916 15:28, Apr 05, Jon Autiello, MA # 945 15:57, Apr 05, Benton Elliott, OR # 915 15:27, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA # 944 15:56, Apr 05, Chris Riger, MA # 914 15:27, Apr 05, Devera Ehrenberg, MA # 943 15:56, Apr 05, Ms. Peggy Kass, CA # 913 15:26, Apr 05, jakob jaggy, CA # 942 15:56, Apr 05, Rebecca Dale, OH # 912 15:26, Apr 05, Mr. Kendall Scroll, CO


# 911 15:23, Apr 05, Rachel Goodwin, MA # 881 15:08, Apr 05, Mr. Jeff Gallegos, CA

# 910 15:23, Apr 05, cheri holden, CA # 880 15:08, Apr 05, Dr. Peter McCandless, SC

# 909 15:22, Apr 05, Bruce Middleton, AR # 879 15:08, Apr 05, Paul Cardwell, TX

# 908 15:21, Apr 05, James Prendergast, IL # 878 15:08, Apr 05, Mr. Gerry Danby, United Kingdom # 907 15:19, Apr 05, Mrs. Phillup Brinkman, MI # 877 15:08, Apr 05, Alexander Murray, IL # 906 15:19, Apr 05, Ms. rebecca carter, NC # 876 15:08, Apr 05, Mr. Lawrence Tvorak, FL # 905 15:17, Apr 05, Karen Wilkison, AZ # 875 15:08, Apr 05, Ms. Barbara Brodman, VA # 904 15:16, Apr 05, Pamela Halsey, VA # 874 15:07, Apr 05, Ms. Aliza Keddem, OR # 903 15:16, Apr 05, Mr. Michael Holwell, HI # 873 15:07, Apr 05, Sheelu Weber, India # 902 15:16, Apr 05, Dr. Mary P Gardner, MI # 872 15:07, Apr 05, Mrs. Leona Merrin, NV # 901 15:16, Apr 05, Ms. Roberta Beach, MN # 870 15:07, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA # 900 15:15, Apr 05, Mr. Richard Lemmer, Japan # 869 15:07, Apr 05, Ms. Kelly Epstein, TX # 899 15:14, Apr 05, Mr. Justin Mutrux, MO # 867 14:59, Apr 05, Kirsten Hummel, QC # 898 15:14, Apr 05, Robert Mikulewicz, NJ # 866 14:59, Apr 05, Dr. John P. Dwyer, FL # 897 15:14, Apr 05, Ms. Patricia Goldsmith, NY # 865 14:59, Apr 05, Ms. Nancy Hatfield, MA # 896 15:13, Apr 05, Nicoli Bailey, AK # 864 14:58, Apr 05, Ms. Diane Lefer, CA # 895 15:13, Apr 05, Mr. Donlon Wade, NH # 863 14:57, Apr 05, Ms. Sarah Moore, United # 894 15:13, Apr 05, Mr. Michael Warner, IN Kingdom

# 893 15:12, Apr 05, Mr. Kenton Rhoades, MA # 862 14:57, Apr 05, Ms. Mina Johnson, TX

# 892 15:10, Apr 05, Alan Van Zuuk, OR # 861 14:56, Apr 05, Mr. Deane Rimerman, WA

# 891 15:10, Apr 05, Name not displayed, MO # 860 14:54, Apr 05, Mr. Ben Mancini, AZ

# 890 15:10, Apr 05, Dr. Thomas Boyle, TX # 859 14:53, Apr 05, Sarah Snook, MA

# 889 15:10, Apr 05, Frank Burke, LA # 858 14:53, Apr 05, Mrs. Kathryn Steele, OR

# 888 15:10, Apr 05, Dr. Bruce Lanphear, BC # 857 14:53, Apr 05, Carse McDaniel, NM

# 887 15:09, Apr 05, Name not displayed, NY # 856 14:52, Apr 05, Dr. John Kellett, Australia

# 886 15:09, Apr 05, Anne McKenna, HI # 855 14:51, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA

# 885 15:09, Apr 05, Name not displayed, TX # 853 14:51, Apr 05, Ms. corina weidinger, PA

# 884 15:09, Apr 05, Ms. Myrna Miller, CA # 852 14:50, Apr 05, Sura Hart, WA

# 883 15:09, Apr 05, Eric Schechter, TN # 851 14:48, Apr 05, Rosalind Priestley, ON

# 882 15:09, Apr 05, Dr. Jennifer Browdy, MA # 850 14:47, Apr 05, Lynn Wurzburg, VT


# 849 14:47, Apr 05, Mr. Ian McColgin, MA # 819 14:01, Apr 05, Barbara Gaman, CA

# 848 14:46, Apr 05, Robyn Delfin, NY # 818 14:01, Apr 05, Janet Contursi, MN

# 847 14:46, Apr 05, Frank Shulse, MO # 817 14:01, Apr 05, Ms. Lisa Storti, RI

# 846 14:45, Apr 05, Mr. Eric Clemenson, FL # 816 13:58, Apr 05, Renee Carpenter, VT

# 845 14:43, Apr 05, Ms. SARAH MOORE, United # 815 13:57, Apr 05, Dr. Donald Cameron, PA Kingdom # 814 13:56, Apr 05, Ms. Eileen Rice, MA # 844 14:42, Apr 05, Herbert Thomas, ME # 813 13:52, Apr 05, Mr. James Barngrover, MT # 843 14:42, Apr 05, Ms. Avila Lowrance, CA # 812 13:49, Apr 05, Mrs. Alwine Tighi, NV # 842 14:41, Apr 05, Ms. Susan Snasdell, AZ # 811 13:48, Apr 05, Mary Ann Carr, MD # 841 14:41, Apr 05, Name not displayed, TX # 810 13:43, Apr 05, Ms. Sheila Youngblood, MT # 840 14:40, Apr 05, Mr. Paul Scott, MI # 809 13:43, Apr 05, Dr. william Willers, WI # 839 14:40, Apr 05, Mr. Bud Maynard, CA # 808 13:43, Apr 05, John Strawn, Mexico # 838 14:40, Apr 05, Paul McCarthy, CO # 807 13:43, Apr 05, Mr. Jim Kasper, FL # 837 14:38, Apr 05, Dr. Marlan Willis, MT # 806 13:42, Apr 05, Mr. Hal Lewis, PA # 836 14:38, Apr 05, Dr. Carol Langford, MA # 805 13:41, Apr 05, Max Le Blond, Australia # 835 14:37, Apr 05, Ms. Pamela J. Bond, OR # 804 13:39, Apr 05, John Cleveland, LA # 834 14:30, Apr 05, Name not displayed, FL # 803 13:37, Apr 05, Tim Goncharoff, CA # 833 14:30, Apr 05, J.W. Smith, AZ # 802 13:36, Apr 05, Ann Hackler, MA # 832 14:28, Apr 05, eli elliott, CA # 801 13:35, Apr 05, Dr. Arnold Nurock, HI # 831 14:26, Apr 05, Dr. Surendra Gadekar, India # 800 13:32, Apr 05, Gail Wadsworth, CA # 830 14:24, Apr 05, mike koran, MA # 799 13:30, Apr 05, Mr. Daniel Raphael, WA # 829 14:24, Apr 05, Michelle Martin, WA # 798 13:28, Apr 05, Ms. Karen Jones, RN, PA # 828 14:19, Apr 05, Joseph Muszynski, NY # 797 13:27, Apr 05, Mr. Nick Hart-Williams, # 827 14:15, Apr 05, Dr. Christopher Marshall, ME United Kingdom

# 826 14:15, Apr 05, Mr. Christopher Dudley, NM # 796 13:27, Apr 05, Caroline Arnold, OH

# 825 14:13, Apr 05, Ms. Christie Hakim, CA # 795 13:27, Apr 05, Mr. Richard Abcarian, CA

# 824 14:13, Apr 05, Thom Wooten, NJ # 794 13:23, Apr 05, Mr. William Broder, CA

# 823 14:07, Apr 05, Mr. Corey Jackson, Australia # 793 13:23, Apr 05, Mark Cramer, France

# 822 14:06, Apr 05, Michael Joyner, FL # 792 13:18, Apr 05, Ms. Nancy Mintie, CA

# 821 14:02, Apr 05, Mrs. Linda Borowski, FL # 791 13:17, Apr 05, Ms. Linda Cook, WA

# 820 14:01, Apr 05, Ms. Kerry Mackenzie, NY # 790 13:15, Apr 05, ranney moss, AZ


# 789 13:14, Apr 05, Ms. Marian McCain, United # 760 11:41, Mar 24, Ms. jan Hollebrands, IA Kingdom # 759 10:35, Mar 24, Ms. Susan Ruzic, BC # 788 13:10, Apr 05, Mrs. Annegret Torspecken, Germany # 758 01:56, Mar 24, Ms. Belinda Thomas, United Kingdom # 787 13:10, Apr 05, Mr. David Alsup, NM # 757 21:31, Mar 23, Sen Dhil, India # 786 13:07, Apr 05, Maryellen Lewis, MI # 756 21:31, Mar 23, Ms. Nisha Kapadia, United # 785 13:07, Apr 05, Name not displayed, OR Kingdom

# 784 13:02, Apr 05, kiki la porta, CA # 755 13:23, Mar 23, Bonnie Bazata, IN

# 783 12:59, Apr 05, Linda Hassler, AR # 754 11:27, Mar 23, Ms. Rachel Banay, MA

# 782 12:48, Apr 05, Name not displayed, CA # 753 09:49, Mar 23, Anita Lara Montesanto Shirley, ME # 781 12:35, Apr 05, Ms. Rachel kaplan, CA # 752 09:43, Mar 23, Name not displayed, MA # 780 12:34, Apr 05, Randy Tatel, TN # 751 07:02, Mar 23, Ms. Marlena White, MD # 779 12:32, Apr 05, Dr. Dorothy Emerson, MA # 750 20:19, Mar 22, Dr. Robert Lawrence, MD # 778 15:17, Apr 04, Name not displayed, MA # 749 17:42, Mar 22, Dr. Polly Walker, RI # 777 17:15, Apr 03, Ms. Ashley Nunez, MA # 748 14:49, Mar 22, Ricardo Castillo, MD # 776 10:10, Apr 02, Jacob Kraybill, MA # 747 11:10, Mar 22, Ms. Rebecca Klein, MD # 775 07:48, Apr 02, Amanda Winfield, OH # 746 23:06, Mar 21, Ms. Aysha Springston, TX # 774 20:30, Mar 31, David Landskov, MA # 745 11:38, Mar 21, Ms. Donna Atkinson, WA # 773 17:49, Mar 30, Ms. Eryn Skidmore, RI # 744 08:25, Mar 21, Dr. Roni Neff, MD # 772 10:20, Mar 30, Jordan Church, MA # 743 06:33, Mar 21, Ms. Alexandra Sullivan, NY # 771 18:55, Mar 28, Jean-Bernard Parenteau, QC # 742 05:34, Mar 21, Development Alternatives, # 770 19:54, Mar 27, don plummer, CO United Kingdom

# 769 17:41, Mar 26, Robert Dudash, PA # 741 01:21, Mar 21, Name not displayed, MI

# 768 16:38, Mar 26, Apichai Sotiwong, AZ # 740 00:44, Mar 21, Ruth West, United Kingdom

# 767 12:31, Mar 26, Ms. Frances Langille, MA # 739 15:18, Mar 20, Kevan Bundell, United Kingdom # 766 10:11, Mar 26, Name not displayed, NY # 738 14:12, Mar 20, Ms. Jocelyn Jones, United # 765 00:53, Mar 26, Gianna Bonis-Profumo, Kingdom Australia # 737 12:17, Mar 20, Ms. Charlene Day, ON # 764 20:01, Mar 25, Name not displayed, TX # 736 12:02, Mar 20, Dr. Margaret Reeves, CA # 763 18:11, Mar 25, Kevin Fain, DC # 735 11:29, Mar 20, Ms. Heather Davis, VT # 762 10:29, Mar 25, Ms. Liz Stretch, NY # 734 10:59, Mar 20, Keith Richard, MA # 761 20:51, Mar 24, Sarah Edwards, VT


# 733 10:56, Mar 20, Dr. Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, CA # 704 17:29, Mar 17, anne macias, WI

# 732 10:30, Mar 20, Emma Puka-Beals, MA # 703 12:09, Mar 17, Lynne Harkins, CA

# 731 07:29, Mar 20, Mr. mark mendoza, OH # 702 11:50, Mar 17, Wendy Adams, PA

# 730 05:46, Mar 20, michelle green, PA # 701 09:26, Mar 17, Ms. catherine mclaughlin, MA

# 729 21:51, Mar 19, Amy DeLuca, CO # 700 01:25, Mar 17, Mr. A. Joseph Wyse, IA

# 728 19:26, Mar 19, Scott Mast, CO # 699 18:23, Mar 16, Dylan Vaughan, MA

# 727 15:54, Mar 19, Name not displayed, AL # 698 17:42, Mar 16, Sybil Garrison, CT

# 726 13:22, Mar 19, Ms. Kezia Snyder, NY # 697 17:15, Mar 16, Mr. David Lewis, Australia

# 725 13:15, Mar 19, Dr. Gray Cox, ME # 696 16:33, Mar 16, Ms. Marnell Farley, CA

# 724 11:39, Mar 19, Ms. Lis Riley, TX # 695 16:23, Mar 16, Mr. Tom Aageson, NM

# 723 10:36, Mar 19, Khristian Mendez, ME # 694 15:59, Mar 16, Ms. Ruth Inglis-Widrick, CO

# 722 10:30, Mar 19, Linda Hunnicutt, TX # 693 14:06, Mar 16, Bryanna Glod, MA

# 721 10:24, Mar 19, Ana Puhac, ME # 692 12:58, Mar 16, Marcia Rutan, WA

# 720 10:07, Mar 19, Jacqueline May, TX # 691 12:57, Mar 16, Ms. Sandra Cole, WA

# 719 09:48, Mar 19, carl woestwin, WA # 690 12:26, Mar 16, Dr. Christopher Kolb, KY

# 718 09:30, Mar 19, Mr. Ron Sweet, MA # 689 12:26, Mar 16, Jen Kantzer, WA

# 717 19:42, Mar 18, Nancy Marts, PA # 688 12:01, Mar 16, Ms. Anne Hogan, NY

# 716 17:37, Mar 18, Mrs. libby kirkpatrick, MA # 687 11:57, Mar 16, Meredith McCarty, CA

# 715 17:32, Mar 18, Deanna Michaels, MO # 686 11:15, Mar 16, Joe Kadi, AB

# 714 16:46, Mar 18, Mrs. carolyn williams, ON # 685 11:13, Mar 16, Mr. Jay Smith, NY

# 713 14:00, Mar 18, Dr. Nancy Matthews, IL # 684 10:48, Mar 16, Name not displayed, NM

# 712 13:40, Mar 18, Ms. Beverly DesChaux, CA # 683 10:04, Mar 16, Lara Villavicencio, MN

# 711 12:14, Mar 18, Dale Branum, TX # 682 10:04, Mar 16, Name not displayed, CA

# 710 10:41, Mar 18, Ms. Wendy Courtemanche, # 681 10:03, Mar 16, Darlene Queen, IL WA # 680 09:09, Mar 16, Name not displayed, MI # 709 09:16, Mar 18, Ms. Cindy Meyers, CA # 679 08:47, Mar 16, Barbara Rona, WA # 708 09:06, Mar 18, Lena Evans, CA # 678 08:26, Mar 16, Dr. Eric Chivian, MA # 707 08:52, Mar 18, souroor milani, CA # 677 08:19, Mar 16, Name not displayed, ON # 706 06:12, Mar 18, Kathleen Usher, NC # 676 08:11, Mar 16, Yanina Aldao, PA # 705 00:48, Mar 18, Mrs. GUDRUN BENKENDORF, NJ # 675 07:58, Mar 16, Anne Robertson, TX


# 674 07:55, Mar 16, Ms. Janet Darlington, ON # 644 18:27, Mar 15, Katie Forster, WA

# 673 07:24, Mar 16, Henry Lanford, ME # 643 18:22, Mar 15, Ms. Freida Dubin, CA

# 672 07:23, Mar 16, Lee Shane, MA # 642 17:42, Mar 15, Mr. Glyn Wyeth, Australia

# 671 07:10, Mar 16, Myphon Hunt, CA # 641 17:25, Mar 15, Riccardo Schulz, PA

# 670 07:03, Mar 16, Mrs. Carla Golden, SC # 640 17:18, Mar 15, Mr. Burt and Marjorie Lieberrt, CA # 669 06:25, Mar 16, Dennis Pultlinas, MA # 639 17:14, Mar 15, Dr. Karen Davis, MI # 668 06:02, Mar 16, Ms. Lilith Chunn, MA # 638 17:12, Mar 15, Kirk Etherton, MA # 667 05:47, Mar 16, Mr. Fred Jakobcic, MI # 637 17:12, Mar 15, Elaine Brown, MA # 666 05:38, Mar 16, Ms. Jennifer Riley, MA # 636 17:11, Mar 15, Mrs. jo sippie-gora, NJ # 665 05:25, Mar 16, tim schulte, IA # 635 16:47, Mar 15, Ms. mailin boppe, QC # 664 04:42, Mar 16, Name not displayed, WA # 634 16:25, Mar 15, Kaitlin Bray, NY # 663 02:52, Mar 16, Vajradhara Spook, Germany # 633 16:09, Mar 15, Dr. Amy Agigian, MA # 662 00:30, Mar 16, Ms. Lynnette Allen, WA # 632 16:05, Mar 15, Ms. Yolande Henry, QC # 661 00:14, Mar 16, Ms. Nancy Redfeather, HI # 631 16:04, Mar 15, William Brinnier, NY # 660 22:28, Mar 15, Mr. Geoffrey Stewart, FL # 630 16:03, Mar 15, Name not displayed, FL # 659 22:14, Mar 15, Ms. Ariel Hurley, CA # 629 16:03, Mar 15, Margaret Weiner, IA # 658 21:45, Mar 15, Catherine Cooley, CA # 628 15:52, Mar 15, Michael Gannon, OR # 657 21:33, Mar 15, Mrs. Susan Ellis, NY # 627 15:45, Mar 15, Ms. Shannon Markley, WA # 656 21:15, Mar 15, Mr. Larry Metzger, OR # 626 15:43, Mar 15, mike deycaza, HI # 655 20:57, Mar 15, Mrs. Patricia Sundermeyer, CA # 625 15:42, Mar 15, Mr. Luis Calero, CA # 654 20:54, Mar 15, Dr. David Anick, MA # 624 15:30, Mar 15, Declan Kennedy, Germany # 653 20:49, Mar 15, Ms. Linda Tyson, IL # 623 15:17, Mar 15, Mr. Olivier Mazeas, CA # 652 20:07, Mar 15, Name not displayed, AK # 622 15:09, Mar 15, Lauren Drakopulos, FL # 651 19:49, Mar 15, Randa Solick, CA # 621 15:04, Mar 15, Eric Slaughter, IL # 650 19:47, Mar 15, Name not displayed, MA # 620 14:56, Mar 15, Barry Snitkin, OR # 649 19:36, Mar 15, Ms. Katharine Wall, MA # 619 14:53, Mar 15, Mr. John Root, MA # 648 19:33, Mar 15, Sarah Drake, NJ # 618 14:52, Mar 15, EILEEN LUNDBERG, IA # 647 19:20, Mar 15, Dr. Wendy Repovich, WA # 617 14:50, Mar 15, Ms. jyll taylor, CA # 646 18:44, Mar 15, Katherine Adams, MA # 616 14:48, Mar 15, Name not displayed, MN # 645 18:30, Mar 15, Judy Beals, MA # 615 14:24, Mar 15, Ms. annalisa barrie, IL


# 614 14:21, Mar 15, Ms. Kate Judd, VT # 584 12:41, Mar 15, Ms. Edelle Rose, MN

# 613 14:08, Mar 15, Mr. John Jeavons, CA # 583 12:41, Mar 15, Mr. David Richard, CT

# 612 14:07, Mar 15, Mrs. Claudia Booth, LA # 582 12:38, Mar 15, Thomas Lyon, NY

# 611 14:05, Mar 15, mary j. whiteman, NM # 581 12:36, Mar 15, Ms. Susan Curry, PA

# 610 14:02, Mar 15, Dr. Gene Hatfield, GA # 580 12:34, Mar 15, Ms. Rachel Matthews, CA

# 609 14:00, Mar 15, Paul Duckworth, PA # 579 12:32, Mar 15, Name not displayed, CA

# 608 13:57, Mar 15, Ms. Vivian Gilbert, CO # 578 12:32, Mar 15, Peter Victor, NJ

# 607 13:56, Mar 15, Ms. Chantal Plamondon, QC # 577 12:32, Mar 15, Ms. Sandra Alcosser, MT

# 606 13:55, Mar 15, Ms. Cherrie Anderson, MD # 576 12:32, Mar 15, diana belisrd, NH

# 605 13:47, Mar 15, Mr. Frank Hill, CA # 575 12:29, Mar 15, Nicholas Hummel, MA

# 604 13:43, Mar 15, Mr. Gloria&Ken Sennert, MO # 574 12:29, Mar 15, Ginger Pinson, MN

# 603 13:37, Mar 15, Dr. Michael Stone, CA # 573 12:29, Mar 15, Ellen Turgasen, WI

# 602 13:32, Mar 15, Susan Wood, WA # 572 12:28, Mar 15, Mr. Mark Lipson, CA

# 601 13:29, Mar 15, Crystal Atamian, WA # 571 12:28, Mar 15, monica wood, WA

# 600 13:27, Mar 15, Ms. Andrea Shane, NY # 570 12:28, Mar 15, Ms. jacqueline fortino, MI

# 599 13:25, Mar 15, Name not displayed, CO # 569 12:20, Mar 15, Dr. Federico Krause, AB

# 598 13:16, Mar 15, Catherine Scott, IA # 568 12:08, Mar 15, Nathan Phelps, KY

# 597 13:15, Mar 15, Mr. Rory Callahan, NY # 567 12:07, Mar 15, Mr. Peter Fiekowsky, CA

# 596 13:12, Mar 15, Mr. John Hornickel, NY # 566 12:05, Mar 15, Ms. Juliana Haber, CA

# 595 13:11, Mar 15, Robert Zevin, MA # 565 12:05, Mar 15, Shams Kairys, AR

# 594 13:10, Mar 15, Betty Wells, IA # 564 11:59, Mar 15, Mr. Peter Knight, United Kingdom # 593 13:09, Mar 15, Ms. Catherine Gammon, PA # 563 11:56, Mar 15, Jill Fekete, MA # 592 13:06, Mar 15, Name not displayed, CO # 562 11:55, Mar 15, lyzzette september, South # 591 13:05, Mar 15, L Brown, CA Africa

# 590 13:04, Mar 15, Jennifer Zollner, VT # 561 11:54, Mar 15, Bruce Tarwater, IA

# 589 12:55, Mar 15, Name not displayed, MI # 560 11:53, Mar 15, Thomas Boyle, MD

# 588 12:54, Mar 15, Ms. Victoria Armigo, CA # 558 11:51, Mar 15, Aurora Winslade, CA

# 587 12:52, Mar 15, Ms. Alexandria Harvey, TX # 557 11:50, Mar 15, monroe sheppard, United Kingdom # 586 12:49, Mar 15, Jeremiah Ridenour, CA # 556 11:50, Mar 15, Craig Johnson, PA # 585 12:48, Mar 15, Ms. Laura Sheinkopf, NY # 555 11:48, Mar 15, Dr. Patricia Evans, PA


# 554 11:45, Mar 15, Ms. B campbell, MA # 525 23:53, Mar 01, Mrs. Vanessa Dietrich, Germany # 553 11:44, Mar 15, Dr. Rebecca Faery, MA # 524 15:00, Mar 01, Jeffrey Piestrak, NY # 552 11:39, Mar 15, Name not displayed, NB # 523 09:43, Mar 01, Annette Calabrese, TX # 551 11:39, Mar 15, Mr. Charles Behrens, FL # 522 03:32, Mar 01, Mr. Jorinde Witte, Germany # 550 11:39, Mar 15, Ms. melissa waldron, CT # 521 14:03, Feb 29, Ms. Rebecca L'Abbe, MA # 549 11:39, Mar 15, David Clayberg, CA # 520 11:54, Feb 28, Ms. Lucy Arndt, United # 548 11:38, Mar 15, Mr. Joshua Stein, CA Kingdom

# 547 11:38, Mar 15, Ms. Mara Scallon, CT # 519 08:33, Feb 28, Name not displayed, CO

# 546 11:37, Mar 15, Sherry Moore, (none) # 518 07:30, Feb 28, Kaela Gallo, MA

# 545 11:37, Mar 15, Ms. Jean Gardner, NY # 517 11:15, Feb 27, Name not displayed, MA

# 544 11:24, Mar 14, Mr. John Bengel, MA # 516 11:05, Feb 23, Nathan Aldrich, MA

# 543 13:52, Mar 11, Rachel Myr, Norway # 515 09:34, Feb 23, Max Ajl, NY

# 542 19:38, Mar 10, Ms. Briana Wheatley, OR # 514 15:54, Feb 22, Ms. Nancy Peace, AZ

# 541 17:40, Mar 10, Name not displayed, BC # 513 20:55, Feb 20, Brittney Mercer, FL

# 540 13:37, Mar 10, Ms. Renita Dykstra, ON # 512 12:30, Feb 19, Mr. James Kistner, WA

# 539 19:32, Mar 09, Natalie Vaughan-Wynn, MA # 511 15:56, Feb 18, Susan Baird Kanaan, CA

# 538 08:48, Mar 09, Gina Rindfleisch, MA # 510 09:05, Feb 17, Gloria Rosenkranz, Germany

# 537 07:44, Mar 09, Laura Powell, MA # 509 16:16, Feb 16, Mr. Axel Rincke, Germany

# 536 16:14, Mar 08, Dr. Winona Wynn, WA # 508 14:11, Feb 16, Ms. Elke Jacobi, Germany

# 535 17:38, Mar 07, Ms. Dana Rubin, VT # 507 13:41, Feb 16, Name not displayed, Germany

# 534 16:45, Mar 07, Ms. Jenny McCracken, # 506 12:53, Feb 16, Andrea Cuvellier, MA Australia # 505 10:16, Feb 16, Mr. Joseph Rua, NJ # 533 10:32, Mar 07, Michael Mielke, UT # 504 10:00, Feb 16, Tobias Schlicker, Germany # 532 12:48, Mar 06, Ms. Lynn Davis, DC # 503 09:52, Feb 16, Molly Johnson, CA # 531 11:26, Mar 06, Dr. Jennifer Wilkins, NY # 502 07:30, Feb 16, Mr. Jörn Naber, Germany # 530 11:08, Mar 06, Ms. Lea Howe, MT # 501 04:27, Feb 16, Mr. Herbert Plessl, Germany # 529 10:39, Mar 06, Dr. Carmen Dell'Aversano, Italy # 500 17:35, Feb 15, Dr. Nancy Bernhard, MA

# 528 04:41, Mar 06, Laura Graen, Germany # 499 12:48, Feb 15, Manfred Sautter, Germany

# 527 08:53, Mar 05, Name not displayed, NC # 498 08:58, Feb 14, Joseph Gale, MA

# 526 20:26, Mar 03, Bill Butler, MN # 497 07:05, Feb 14, Name not displayed, France


# 496 09:48, Feb 13, Susan Bumagin, MA # 468 14:03, Feb 01, Craig Evans, BC

# 495 13:42, Feb 11, ursula stubbings, United # 467 13:53, Feb 01, Name not displayed, ON Kingdom # 466 13:28, Feb 01, Mark Hazen, ON # 494 20:48, Feb 10, Jesse Davisson, FL # 465 12:55, Feb 01, Name not displayed, United # 493 15:54, Feb 10, Mrs. Roberta Jewell, MA Kingdom

# 492 15:54, Feb 10, Ms. Kari Southworth, WA # 464 12:43, Feb 01, Ms. Melissa Rosato, ON

# 491 14:38, Feb 10, Kathleen Hoiriis, NH # 463 12:19, Feb 01, Name not displayed, ON

# 489 07:27, Feb 10, Paige Gronhovd, WA # 462 11:21, Feb 01, Japneet Saini, ON

# 488 18:55, Feb 09, Mr. Rob McRae, ON # 461 08:25, Feb 01, Ms. Claire Mayer, NJ

# 487 07:26, Feb 09, Mr. Frank Costanza, IL # 460 03:08, Feb 01, Ms. E. Dawson, ON

# 486 13:24, Feb 08, Mrs. Carole Shorney, United # 459 19:17, Jan 31, Branka Gladanac, ON Kingdom # 458 18:52, Jan 31, Ms. jeannie graham, BC # 485 05:44, Feb 08, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 457 18:50, Jan 31, France Dombrowski, QC

# 484 11:01, Feb 07, Rudy Knoop, CA # 456 18:14, Jan 31, Mr. Ernest J.P. Muhly, MD

# 483 21:44, Feb 06, Erika Schreder, WA # 455 18:07, Jan 31, Dr. Micheline Beaudry, QC

# 482 07:57, Feb 06, Donna Averion, NJ # 454 17:33, Jan 31, Mrs. Linda Clark, MA

# 481 01:22, Feb 06, Name not displayed, United # 453 17:19, Jan 31, Dr. Daniel Chalfen, CO Kingdom # 452 14:07, Jan 31, Mr. Sam White, United # 480 14:15, Feb 05, Name not displayed, MN Kingdom

# 479 13:02, Feb 05, Name not displayed, United # 451 12:38, Jan 31, Name not displayed, United Kingdom Kingdom

# 478 08:51, Feb 04, Dr. Wojtek Mejor, Poland # 450 11:59, Jan 31, Anthony breslin, United Kingdom # 477 07:05, Feb 04, Mr. Marty Blanchard, SK # 449 10:37, Jan 31, Mr. Faramarz Farbod, PA # 476 05:11, Feb 04, Name not displayed, ME # 448 08:15, Jan 31, John Adams, United Kingdom # 475 20:43, Feb 03, Ms. erin heineman, ON # 447 07:26, Jan 31, Sean Moran, NJ # 474 11:52, Feb 03, Mr. csaba raduly, QC # 446 17:30, Jan 30, Chuck Palazzo, NY # 473 22:03, Feb 02, Kelly Bell, OR # 445 13:33, Jan 30, Mrs. Gina Cooke, United # 472 21:02, Feb 02, Mr. Cristian Neculaescu, Kingdom Romania # 444 13:19, Jan 30, Ms. Judy Hindley, United # 471 13:17, Feb 02, Jo-Ann Oosterman, ON Kingdom

# 470 09:15, Feb 02, Adrienne Weigand, ON # 443 11:35, Jan 30, Mr. Len Aldis, United Kingdom

# 469 04:02, Feb 02, Ms. Miriam Strouse, NY # 442 09:01, Jan 30, Mr. Ken Neal, United Kingdom


# 441 08:40, Jan 30, Mr. John Davies, United # 415 09:42, Jan 27, Name not displayed, CO Kingdom # 414 09:24, Jan 27, Kathryn Colasanti, MI # 440 05:31, Jan 30, Name not displayed, United Kingdom # 413 08:30, Jan 27, Mrs. Ellen Shoner, MA

# 439 04:44, Jan 30, Mrs. Jo Ripley, United # 412 19:11, Jan 26, Heidi Solomon, MA Kingdom # 411 18:52, Jan 26, Mrs. Marianne Alroy, MA # 438 04:15, Jan 30, Mr. Robert Irving, United Kingdom # 410 17:56, Jan 26, Dr. Stewart Guthrie, CO

# 437 02:51, Jan 30, James Smith, United Kingdom # 409 17:48, Jan 26, Ms. Zara Pirsig, CA

# 436 16:44, Jan 29, Ms. J. Huston, CA # 408 17:25, Jan 26, Ms. Ellen Fisk, CO

# 435 14:38, Jan 29, Ms. Cherry Lavell, United # 407 17:00, Jan 26, Mr. Stephen Bross, CO Kingdom # 406 16:11, Jan 26, Hugh Jorgan, GA # 434 12:15, Jan 29, Rory Short, South Africa # 405 16:09, Jan 26, kathleen Haggerty, CO # 433 09:14, Jan 29, Dr. David Steele, BC # 404 16:08, Jan 26, Steve Johnson, MD # 432 08:19, Jan 29, Mrs. Margaret Morris, United Kingdom # 403 16:04, Jan 26, Becky Sawatzky, CO

# 431 06:47, Jan 29, Mr. John Shave, United # 402 15:32, Jan 26, Dr. Lorraine Kirk, CO Kingdom # 401 15:06, Jan 26, Connirae Andreas, CO # 430 06:21, Jan 29, Ms. Gwendolyn Lambert, OH # 400 13:54, Jan 26, Mr. Howard Roske, NM # 429 00:46, Jan 29, Mr. Andi Hilbert, Germany # 399 13:47, Jan 26, Elise Berlin, CO # 428 23:20, Jan 28, Mrs. Cedar Barstow, CO # 398 13:15, Jan 26, Zia Parker, CO # 427 21:36, Jan 28, Mr. Peter Mood, United Kingdom # 397 12:57, Jan 26, Ms. Pamela Allee, OR

# 426 21:17, Jan 28, Ms. Gretchen Valido, OR # 396 12:27, Jan 26, Mr. bowen roberts, CT

# 425 20:55, Jan 28, Mrs. Mary Schor, MD # 395 12:06, Jan 26, Dr. Thomas Daly, CO

# 424 20:22, Jan 28, wanda oreilly, NY # 394 12:00, Jan 26, Dr. Kayann Short, CO

# 423 18:27, Jan 28, Ms. Lisa Mislak, MA # 393 11:54, Jan 26, John Steiner, CO Partner, the Transpartisan Center # 422 18:11, Jan 28, Sheri Lucas, BC # 392 11:44, Jan 26, Mrs. brigitte tawa, CO # 421 13:33, Jan 28, Ms. Diana Krausova, MI # 391 11:35, Jan 26, Name not displayed, FL # 420 07:01, Jan 28, Vanessa Walker, MA # 390 11:29, Jan 26, dave payne, CO # 419 06:45, Jan 28, Ms. Carol Ross, KY # 389 19:49, Jan 25, Ms. Helena Wald, CO # 418 13:08, Jan 27, Paul Swann, United Kingdom # 388 17:04, Jan 25, Mr. Lewis Ward, NY # 417 12:18, Jan 27, Ms. Sonia Richart, Spain # 387 16:57, Jan 25, rebeccq marquardt, CO # 416 09:47, Jan 27, Mr. Brian Cady, MA


# 386 15:32, Jan 25, Nikki Spangenburg, NM # 357 21:26, Jan 23, Dr. Cosima Krueger- Cunningham, CO # 385 15:18, Jan 25, Ms. P Sher, NY # 356 16:22, Jan 23, Jennifer Rigney, CA # 384 14:28, Jan 25, Tamara Winter, CO # 355 15:01, Jan 23, Mrs. Patience Robbins, MD # 383 14:05, Jan 25, Name not displayed, CA # 354 14:15, Jan 23, Annie Jury, Australia # 382 13:26, Jan 25, christina bouajila, NM # 353 13:08, Jan 23, Matthew Hundhammer, CA # 381 13:13, Jan 25, Elaine Andrews, CO # 352 12:13, Jan 23, Ms. Maria Desangles, FL # 380 13:07, Jan 25, Dr. Phil McCraken, United Kingdom # 351 12:12, Jan 23, Saskia Cornes, NY

# 379 12:54, Jan 25, Mr. Craig Neal, MN # 350 11:43, Jan 23, Rhonda Akin, CO

# 378 12:44, Jan 25, Ms. Dariel Blackburn, CO # 349 11:37, Jan 23, Mr. Darren O'Connor, CO

# 377 12:25, Jan 25, Anne Guthrie, CO # 348 11:31, Jan 23, Mrs. Jimiliz Valiente- Neighbours, CA # 376 11:51, Jan 25, Rebecca Browning, CO # 347 11:31, Jan 23, Dr. Sean Gillon, WI # 375 11:09, Jan 25, Mr. James Fournier, CA # 346 11:30, Jan 23, Anandi van Diepen, CA # 374 10:40, Jan 25, Dr. Emma Cornell, OR # 345 11:15, Jan 23, Greg Leonard, CA # 373 10:23, Jan 25, Ms. Dawn Griffin, CO # 344 11:00, Jan 23, Ruben Espinoza, CA # 372 10:18, Jan 25, Ms. Juliet Wittman, CO # 343 10:15, Jan 23, Aliesha Balde, CA

# 371 10:12, Jan 25, Evan Ravitz, CO # 342 10:10, Jan 23, Nicole Crescimanno, NY

# 370 10:06, Jan 25, Ms. Cynthia Sterne, CA # 341 10:00, Jan 23, Timothy Galarneau, CA

# 369 09:29, Jan 25, Lorraine Fairmont, CO # 340 09:22, Jan 23, Chungyen Chang, KY

# 368 09:18, Jan 25, Dr. Dennis Bumstead, CA # 339 07:48, Jan 23, Dr. Rebecca Dyer, France

# 367 09:16, Jan 25, Ben Dover, NY # 338 15:03, Jan 22, Ms. Kleoniki Kipourou, Belgium # 366 08:29, Jan 25, Mr. Duane Elgin, CA # 337 14:23, Jan 22, Name not displayed, Belgium # 365 07:46, Jan 25, Lydia Alexander, TX # 336 04:25, Jan 22, Dr. Jose Ramon Olarieta, Spain # 364 02:50, Jan 25, Mr. Hans Muilerman, Belgium # 335 20:11, Jan 21, Mr. Kevin Coleman, United # 363 02:10, Jan 25, Andrzej Nowakowski, Belgium Kingdom

# 362 18:43, Jan 24, Mr. Peter Rochester, Australia # 334 19:53, Jan 21, Mrs. Kathy Beavin, WA

# 361 14:15, Jan 24, Esther Moreda, Spain # 333 17:28, Jan 21, Mr. James Harkness, MN

# 360 13:09, Jan 24, Dr. Noel González, Mexico # 332 15:38, Jan 21, Martha Richmond, MA

# 359 05:34, Jan 24, Name not displayed, FL # 331 14:37, Jan 21, Dr. Ian Forrester, AB

# 358 04:57, Jan 24, Mrs. Selena Bonito, FL # 330 14:20, Jan 21, Dr. Jonathan Latham, NY


# 329 14:11, Jan 21, Dr. Deborah Neher, VT # 300 10:32, Jan 18, Mrs. Klaudia Benjaszewicz, Belgium # 328 09:26, Jan 21, Paul Sanchez, CA # 299 10:12, Jan 18, Name not displayed, United # 327 08:46, Jan 21, James Johnson, CA Kingdom

# 326 07:44, Jan 21, Katrina Brink, MA # 298 09:37, Jan 18, Ms. Meg OLSON, MO

# 325 09:45, Jan 20, Ms. Dana Jackson, MN # 297 09:23, Jan 18, Ms. Carolyn Lasar, CA

# 324 06:48, Jan 20, Name not displayed, NC # 296 07:58, Jan 18, Megan Rynne, MA

# 323 15:35, Jan 19, Ms. Renee Flower, CA # 295 07:12, Jan 18, Gwen Meyer, MI

# 322 14:42, Jan 19, Dr. Katie Monsen, CA # 294 07:04, Jan 18, Ms. Isabelle Stengers, Belgium

# 321 14:21, Jan 19, Ms. Danielle Marks, FL # 293 06:55, Jan 18, Mr. James Robinson, NC

# 320 12:38, Jan 19, Dr. E Melanie DuPuis, DC # 292 06:52, Jan 18, Mr. martin pigeon, Belgium

# 319 10:13, Jan 19, Alison Cohen, NY # 291 06:42, Jan 18, Mr. Anthony C. Tweedale, Belgium # 318 07:21, Jan 19, Sara Boavida, Portugal # 290 06:28, Jan 18, Jonathan Matthews, United # 317 06:17, Jan 19, Mr. Marco Contiero, Italy Kingdom

# 316 21:42, Jan 18, Ms. Prairie Hale, OR # 289 06:16, Jan 18, Ms. Meghan Barrier, VA

# 315 19:51, Jan 18, Mr. Peter Mann, NY # 288 06:09, Jan 18, Myrna Greenfield, MA

# 314 18:37, Jan 18, Ms. Susan Currie, Australia # 287 05:56, Jan 18, Ms. Erin O'Donnell, MA

# 313 18:29, Jan 18, patricia rojas, NY # 286 05:44, Jan 18, Jim Hanna, ME

# 312 15:35, Jan 18, Name not displayed, Australia # 285 05:37, Jan 18, Aviva Gold, NY

# 311 15:17, Jan 18, John Gray, Australia # 284 05:36, Jan 18, Mr. joao malo, Portugal

# 310 15:04, Jan 18, Michael Mann, MI # 283 02:48, Jan 18, Ana Luzia Raposo, Spain

# 309 14:08, Jan 18, Ms. Fran Murrell, Australia # 282 02:00, Jan 18, João Rodrigues, Portugal

# 308 13:56, Jan 18, Mr. Peter Taylor, Australia # 281 23:35, Jan 17, Melinda Hemmelgarn, MO

# 307 13:56, Jan 18, Stella Coffey, Ireland # 280 21:21, Jan 17, Stephen Gilman, NY

# 306 13:42, Jan 18, Ms. Lisa de Kleyn, Australia # 279 21:17, Jan 17, Mr. Albie Miles, CA

# 305 13:17, Jan 18, Tawny Wilson, MA # 278 21:09, Jan 17, Sanjay Kharod, LA

# 304 13:00, Jan 18, Ms. Ashley Colpaart, TX # 277 19:44, Jan 17, Katie Khoury, DC

# 303 11:56, Jan 18, Name not displayed, United # 276 18:38, Jan 17, Angie Tagtow, IA Kingdom # 275 17:20, Jan 17, Ms. Amber Heckelman, WA # 302 11:50, Jan 18, Ms. Madeleine Love, Australia # 274 17:12, Jan 17, Marcos Pais, Portugal # 301 11:03, Jan 18, Mr. Miguel Cabral, Portugal # 273 15:56, Jan 17, Sofia Santos, Germany


# 272 15:07, Jan 17, Ms. Laura deTar, CA # 242 08:28, Jan 17, sarah brown, OR

# 271 15:02, Jan 17, Dr. William Friedland, CA # 241 08:28, Jan 17, Rob Sirrine, MI

# 270 14:05, Jan 17, Ms. Virginia Graham, MI # 240 08:28, Jan 17, Mr. Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau, NY # 269 13:09, Jan 17, Dr. TD Matheny, NC # 239 08:27, Jan 17, Ms. joan nelson, MI # 268 13:00, Jan 17, Margarida Silva, Portugal # 238 08:27, Jan 17, Melina Packer, RI # 267 12:57, Jan 17, Mr. Rui Pedro, Portugal # 237 08:26, Jan 17, Craig Willingham, NY # 266 12:47, Jan 17, Marcelo Garzo, CA # 236 08:26, Jan 17, Cathryn Wellner, BC # 265 12:27, Jan 17, Brian Sharpe, IL # 235 08:25, Jan 17, Ms. Claudia Stoscheck, NY # 264 12:22, Jan 17, Christina Schiavoni, NY # 234 07:00, Jan 17, Dr. Tony Weis, ON # 263 12:16, Jan 17, Name not displayed, NY # 233 06:09, Jan 17, Dr. Rachel Bezner Kerr, ON # 262 11:48, Jan 17, Ms. Kiran Ponada, NY # 232 03:07, Jan 17, Name not displayed, # 261 11:33, Jan 17, Name not displayed, MA Netherlands

# 260 10:38, Jan 17, Bill Ayres, NY # 231 03:01, Jan 17, Lanka Horstink, Portugal

# 259 10:30, Jan 17, Shoshanna Cole, NY # 230 01:07, Jan 17, Ms. Ina Neuberger, Germany

# 258 10:14, Jan 17, Name not displayed, NY # 229 00:38, Jan 17, Name not displayed, Germany

# 257 09:59, Jan 17, Dr. David Burley, LA # 228 20:17, Jan 16, Dr. Carlos Guadarrama-Zugasti, Mexico # 256 09:45, Jan 17, Diana Jancek, MI # 227 17:23, Jan 16, Dr. Dianne Rocheleau, MA # 255 09:40, Jan 17, Ted Quaday, CA # 226 15:31, Jan 16, Dr. Margaret Wiener, NC # 254 09:30, Jan 17, Name not displayed, Germany # 225 14:32, Jan 16, Doug Gurian-Sherman, DC # 253 09:16, Jan 17, Mrs. Emily Mathews, VT # 224 13:21, Jan 16, Tanya Jisa, NC # 252 09:13, Jan 17, Name not displayed, MD # 223 11:31, Jan 16, Wendy Wolford, NY # 251 09:04, Jan 17, Ms. Tracy Frisch, NY # 222 10:45, Jan 16, Sarah How, NY # 250 08:57, Jan 17, Dr. Viki Sonntag, WA # 221 10:09, Jan 16, Dr. Connie Falk, NM # 249 08:52, Jan 17, Stephanie de Wolfe, DC # 220 09:56, Jan 16, Hannah Wittman, BC # 248 08:42, Jan 17, Name not displayed, KS # 219 08:13, Jan 16, Mia MacDonald, NY # 247 08:39, Jan 17, Annie Thompson, IA # 218 07:53, Jan 16, Tom Archibald, NY # 246 08:38, Jan 17, Ms. Yvonne Scott, NC # 217 07:21, Jan 16, Jesse Delia, NY # 245 08:31, Jan 17, Alex Bryan, MI # 216 07:21, Jan 16, Name not displayed, NY # 244 08:29, Jan 17, Glenda McPherson, NY # 215 06:37, Jan 16, Vielet Stone, NY # 243 08:29, Jan 17, Ms. Kate Darlington, CO # 214 06:06, Jan 16, Name not displayed, Germany


# 213 06:04, Jan 16, Name not displayed, NC # 184 04:43, Jan 15, Karen Nordstrom, VT

# 212 06:03, Jan 16, Ms. Sabrina Lopez, NY # 183 00:03, Jan 15, Dr. Damian Parr, CA

# 211 05:44, Jan 16, Ms. Kathy Mulvey, DC # 182 19:10, Jan 14, Dr. Doreen Stabinsky, ME

# 210 04:47, Jan 16, Mr. Ansgar Kiene, South Africa # 181 18:53, Jan 14, Margie Miller, PA

# 209 04:28, Jan 16, Wenke Kunath, Germany # 180 17:20, Jan 14, Katlyn Morris, VT

# 208 02:29, Jan 16, Name not displayed, Ireland # 179 16:22, Jan 14, Cynthia Price, MI

# 207 01:26, Jan 16, Dr. Friederike Habermann, # 178 15:59, Jan 14, Danielle Nierenberg, DC Germany # 177 15:48, Jan 14, Meredith Palmer, CA # 206 00:42, Jan 16, Mr. Philip Bedall, Germany # 176 15:45, Jan 14, Mr. P Joshua Griffin, WA # 205 00:27, Jan 16, Dr. Aram Ziai, Germany # 175 15:38, Jan 14, Parker Filer, CA # 204 20:21, Jan 15, Sara Keene, CA # 174 15:34, Jan 14, Mr. James Naquin, NC # 203 15:17, Jan 15, Dr. Charles Thompson, NC # 173 15:15, Jan 14, Brandon Rafalson, NC # 202 14:12, Jan 15, Dr. Juliana Mercon, Mexico # 172 15:12, Jan 14, Name not displayed, MA # 201 13:31, Jan 15, Mr. Tjerk Dalhuisen, Netherlands # 171 15:06, Jan 14, Ms. Megan Gregory, NY

# 200 13:20, Jan 15, Immanuel Ness, NY # 170 14:48, Jan 14, Ms. Sarah Iams, NY

# 199 12:05, Jan 15, Stefan Pimmer, Austria # 169 14:26, Jan 14, David Kane, DC

# 198 11:44, Jan 15, Mrs. Anika Trebbin, Germany # 168 13:40, Jan 14, Dr. Stacy Philpott, OH

# 197 11:21, Jan 15, Ms. Linden Thayer, NC # 167 13:15, Jan 14, Mrs. Allison Jack, NY

# 196 10:46, Jan 15, Dr. Dominic Woolf, NY # 166 12:46, Jan 14, Dr. Julie Jedlicka, CA

# 195 10:44, Jan 15, Ms. Cherie Faircloth, FL # 165 12:16, Jan 14, Dr. Kathleen McAfee, CA

# 194 10:03, Jan 15, Name not displayed, United # 164 12:06, Jan 14, Dr. Madeleine Graitson, MD Kingdom # 163 09:00, Jan 14, Dr. Luis Garcia, Mexico # 193 10:03, Jan 15, Dr. Margit Mayer, Germany # 162 08:15, Jan 14, Marcela Pino, VT # 192 09:44, Jan 15, Dr. Dario Azzellini, Austria # 161 08:07, Jan 14, Mr. Jesse Lewis, VA # 191 09:16, Jan 15, Mr. Ian Bailey, CA # 160 07:46, Jan 14, Dr. Gerald Smith, MI # 190 08:00, Jan 15, Dr. Douglas Boucher, MD # 159 07:06, Jan 14, Dr. Catherine Badgley, MI # 189 08:00, Jan 15, Emily Mendenhall, NC # 158 06:40, Jan 14, Dr. Laura Trujillo-Ortega, # 188 07:58, Jan 15, Ms. Ellen Currin, NC Mexico

# 187 07:56, Jan 15, Dr. Patrick Christie, WA # 157 06:24, Jan 14, Bruce Ferguson, Mexico

# 186 06:26, Jan 15, Mr. Robert Segraves, MD # 156 05:20, Jan 14, Mr. William Morris, VT

# 185 06:04, Jan 15, Liz Karabinakis, NY # 155 04:31, Jan 14, Dr. V. Ernesto Mendez, VT


# 154 04:27, Jan 14, Dr. Hugh McGuinness, NY # 127 17:08, Jan 12, Jaymie Exley, OR

# 153 04:19, Jan 14, Dr. John Vandermeer, MI # 126 16:18, Jan 12, Ms. Eugenia Economos, FL

# 152 03:25, Jan 14, Mrs. Laurie Ross, New Zealand # 125 16:06, Jan 12, Name not displayed, New Zealand # 151 17:58, Jan 13, Mr. Zachary Domike, New Zealand # 124 15:48, Jan 12, Joann Lo, CA

# 150 17:47, Jan 13, Rex Verity, New Zealand # 123 15:40, Jan 12, Kyra Xavia, New Zealand

# 149 13:13, Jan 13, Mrs. jullie mckee, ON # 122 15:28, Jan 12, Cynthia Henderson, NY

# 148 13:00, Jan 13, Ms. Kathleen Borst, CA # 121 14:56, Jan 12, Lewis Verduyn, New Zealand

# 147 12:56, Jan 13, Ms. Hathaway Barry, CA # 120 14:39, Jan 12, Sonia Corbett, New Zealand

# 146 12:36, Jan 13, Dr. Scilla Elworthy, United # 119 14:07, Jan 12, Mr. Heydon Buchanan, IN Kingdom # 118 14:05, Jan 12, Nikhil Aziz, MA # 145 12:28, Jan 13, Matthew Lappe, CO # 117 13:51, Jan 12, Kat Gjovik, WA # 144 11:55, Jan 13, Mr. Christian bradford, United Kingdom # 116 13:04, Jan 12, Ms. linda Levine, CA

# 143 11:48, Jan 13, Ms. Zita Worley, CA # 115 12:54, Jan 12, PAtricia Nairn, CA

# 142 11:38, Jan 13, Mr. Jared Duval, United # 114 12:48, Jan 12, Dr. Michael Anorue, NY Kingdom # 113 12:37, Jan 12, Ms. PJ Dynes, CA # 141 11:33, Jan 13, Ms. Cynthia Hillinger, CA # 112 12:15, Jan 12, Ms. anita dickson, Netherlands # 140 11:13, Jan 13, Dr. David Krieger, CA # 111 11:54, Jan 12, Ms. Ruth Yeomans, WA # 139 09:28, Jan 13, Mr. Frederic Mousseau, CA # 110 11:28, Jan 12, Benjamin Finser, CA # 138 08:52, Jan 13, Mr. Alistair Whitby, United Kingdom # 109 11:21, Jan 12, Dr. Janet Surrey, MA

# 137 08:13, Jan 13, Ms. Ingrid Heindorf, Germany # 108 10:59, Jan 12, Mr. Erik Braghirol, NY

# 136 07:35, Jan 13, Mr. David Andrews, JD, DC # 107 10:55, Jan 12, Dr. Fran Korten, WA

# 135 05:18, Jan 13, Andrew Kang Bartlett, KY # 106 09:58, Jan 12, Jenny Leis, OR

# 134 00:18, Jan 13, Lisa Er, New Zealand # 105 09:20, Jan 12, Jessica Walker Beaumont, NY

# 133 21:31, Jan 12, Ms. Elise Dellinger, NY # 104 09:00, Jan 12, Mr. Steven McFadden, NE

# 132 20:29, Jan 12, Dr. Nancy Romer, NC # 103 08:47, Jan 12, Dr. Anne Black, VT

# 131 20:03, Jan 12, Dr. Kathryn De Master, RI # 102 08:23, Jan 12, Dr. Ashok Khosla, India

# 130 19:23, Jan 12, Mrs. Joanna Piekarski, New # 101 08:05, Jan 12, Name not displayed, MT Zealand # 100 08:00, Jan 12, Dr. Maja Goepel, Germany # 129 19:18, Jan 12, Ms. Donna Mummery, NY # 99 07:49, Jan 12, Dr. Richard Rowe, MA # 128 17:56, Jan 12, Mr. Jose Tovar, FL


# 98 07:39, Jan 12, Dr. Nadia Johanisova, Czech # 68 07:42, Dec 17, Ms. Sarah Rabkin, CA Republic # 67 05:40, Dec 17, Anna Hanchett, MA # 97 06:45, Jan 12, Lauren Obregon, MA # 66 17:40, Dec 16, Ms. ileana jones, MA # 96 05:37, Jan 12, DE ELLIS, TX # 64 13:54, Dec 16, Mr. David Forrest, Spain # 95 23:55, Jan 11, karin hammill, Spain # 63 12:27, Dec 16, Daniel Tainow, NY # 94 18:55, Jan 11, Ms. Anuradha Mittal, CA # 62 11:47, Dec 16, Mr. Steve Ettlinger, NY # 93 18:25, Jan 11, Molly Rockamann, MO # 61 10:42, Dec 16, Ms. BERNADETTE SESSION, # 92 16:50, Jan 11, Scott Busby, CA TX

# 91 16:00, Jan 11, Dr. Rajal Cohen, OR # 60 10:33, Dec 16, Dr. Mishy Lesser, MA

# 90 14:51, Jan 11, Andrea Diehl, VT # 59 10:20, Dec 16, Ms. Eileen Mielenhausen, ME

# 89 14:32, Jan 11, Susannah Rowe, MA # 58 07:56, Dec 16, Ms. barbara hawley, MO

# 88 14:30, Jan 11, Kaethe Weingarten, MA # 57 04:30, Dec 16, Dr. Steve Bergman, MA

# 87 14:02, Jan 11, Allan Westlake, ON # 56 01:57, Dec 16, Dr. Michael Antoniou, United Kingdom # 86 13:20, Jan 11, Dr. Richard Wallace, PA # 55 00:59, Dec 16, Ms. Yew Yew, CO # 85 13:20, Jan 11, Ted Millich, VA # 54 23:17, Dec 15, Ms. Margaret Maugenest, NY # 84 12:57, Jan 11, Dr. Joseph Collins, CA # 53 20:14, Dec 15, Michael Schwager, ID # 83 12:22, Jan 11, Joe Lamb, CA # 52 19:50, Dec 15, Christine Romahn, ON # 82 10:26, Jan 11, Mr. Michael Harris, CT # 51 19:38, Dec 15, Ms. Jen Chapin, NY # 81 09:57, Jan 11, Ms. Miki Wright, KY # 50 18:45, Dec 15, Daphne Lison, IA # 80 09:44, Jan 11, Mr. ANTHONY LAPPE, NY # 49 18:34, Dec 15, James Murdock, IA # 79 13:07, Jan 01, Ms. Sallye Bleiberg, MA # 48 18:02, Dec 15, Ms. Romola Georgia, CA # 78 21:23, Dec 29, Ms. Gina Folsom, IA # 47 18:02, Dec 15, Anne Blackstone, CA # 77 11:56, Dec 26, Dr. william manteris, PA # 46 17:49, Dec 15, Dr. Robert Ewing, IA # 76 11:10, Dec 23, Dr. Lucy Pulitzer, NY # 45 16:38, Dec 15, David Brenner, IA # 75 17:01, Dec 21, Dr. Paul Korn, MA # 44 16:13, Dec 15, Mr. Rob Flax, IL # 74 12:12, Dec 20, Ms. Anita Rickenberg, WV # 43 16:11, Dec 15, Ms. Hannah Meara, Ph.D., CA # 73 18:37, Dec 18, Mr. norman watson, LA # 42 15:58, Dec 15, Mrs. Daphne T Stevens, MA # 72 18:07, Dec 18, Mr. Dennis Hoerner, OR # 41 15:57, Dec 15, Mr. John McKenna, United # 71 17:17, Dec 18, Dr. Sarah Conn, MA Kingdom

# 70 17:04, Dec 18, Mr. David Moodie, FL # 40 15:43, Dec 15, Ms. H. Susan Freireich, MA

# 69 15:51, Dec 18, Dr. FM Story Talbot, NH # 39 15:38, Dec 15, Sylvia Schwartz, MA


# 38 15:22, Dec 15, Dr. Theresa Mason, MA # 8 02:02, Nov 30, Mrs. Pam Boland, GA

# 37 15:05, Dec 15, Dr. Priscilla Skerry, ME # 7 00:52, Nov 30, Mr. Harsha Vardhana R, India

# 36 14:35, Dec 15, Mr. John Berg, MA # 6 22:33, Nov 29, Name not displayed, CA

# 35 14:32, Dec 15, monica rogan, CA # 5 21:36, Nov 29, A Tanth, BC

# 34 14:32, Dec 15, Name not displayed, OR # 4 19:58, Nov 29, Ms. Laurita Walters, ID

# 33 14:24, Dec 15, colleen rourke, CA # 3 19:14, Nov 29, Mr. gary church, Australia

# 32 14:15, Dec 15, Ann Christenson, IA # 2 18:28, Nov 29, Ms. Donna Hamilton, United Kingdom # 31 14:14, Dec 15, Dr. M. Jahi Chappell, WA # 1 17:46, Nov 29, Mr. Michael Kirkby, ON # 30 14:02, Dec 15, Ms. Pat Polowy, NY

# 29 14:02, Dec 15, Dr. Karen Hurley, BC # 28 13:53, Dec 15, anne-eileen trucksess, NJ

# 27 13:38, Dec 15, Ms. Susan Griffin, CA

# 26 13:37, Dec 15, Ms. Nancy Guthrie, IA

# 25 13:31, Dec 15, ANnie Gaillard, VT

# 24 13:31, Dec 15, jazmin locke, MA

# 23 13:26, Dec 15, Christina Sever, OR

# 22 13:23, Dec 15, Dr. John Metz, OH

# 21 13:03, Dec 15, Dr. Paul Lizotte, NH

# 20 12:50, Dec 15, Name not displayed, NJ

# 19 12:42, Dec 15, Ms. patrice peach, TX

# 18 12:39, Dec 15, Betsy McKinney, CA

# 17 11:03, Dec 09, Mrs. Harriet Shalat, NY

# 16 09:34, Dec 01, Mrs. Betty Tryon, LA

# 15 09:40, Nov 30, Ms. Carmen Strange-one, IN

# 14 08:37, Nov 30, Dr. Teresa Wlosowicz, Poland

# 13 08:14, Nov 30, Mr. Nils Lunde, Norway

# 12 06:54, Nov 30, Ms. Carolyn Sheetz, IN

# 11 06:17, Nov 30, Mr. Bill C, Germany

# 10 05:45, Nov 30, Mrs. Bobbi Jo Dubelaar, Netherlands

# 9 04:17, Nov 30, Dr. Barbara Freitas, FL