•EncorporatelJ l#lai> 3, 1852.










finrorporateU JHaj? 3, 1852. if?'.-. .







No. 22, School Stbbet.

* If» Ji



There has been established in Boston, from which radiate so many of the benevolent and philanthropic movements which distinguish our age and countryfcfi new institution, whose bond is a union of all sects and parties, and whose aim is the more perfect development of the Christian life and spirit among all those who acknowledge God as their heavenly Father, and Jesus as the Saviour of men. Its foundations are the Holy Scriptures ; its structure, the practical cultivation of that “ love to God and man ” which is derived from the study of “His Word.” It is social in its character, recognizing as brothers all for whom the Saviour died; but embracing in its sympathies more particularly the Young Man, who, upon the threshold of his active business- life, needs Christian fellowship and aid, and the friendly counsel of the experienced. The nucleus of our Association was formed on the evening of September 17, 1851, by a few young men. It has gradually become so expanded in its noble design, as to s«ek thp assistance and co-operation of all the well-disposed. From the circle of the middle-aged and the aged, we desire advice and pecuniary means; from the ranks of the young, earnest and active asso¬ ciates and members. Its ihstrumen tali ties are, a Library of Biblical Literature, and other works of an elevated moral standard; a Reading 4

Room, to be a pleasant social resort for leisure-hours, where agreeable companions may be found, and which is supplied with the principal religious and secular periodicals of the day ; an annual Course of Lectures; and Classes for the study of such branches of learning as may be useful to the members. Wishing, moreover, to excite a friendly feeling between cler¬ gymen and people of all denominations, we cordially invite to our Rooms ministers of all churches,, of whatever name; as, by the Constitution of our Society, persons of every sect of Christians are eligible for membership. One of the most important features of the Institution is the introduction of members from the country. Every year, hun¬ dreds of young men arrive in the city to acquire the knowledge of some business or trade by which they shall obtain their livelihood. This is the most critical period of their lives : freed in a great measure from parental restraints, and the wholesome fireside influences of home, thrown in a large city like ours into manifold temptations, with a keen relish for pleasure, and an unsuspecting heart, they need the best influ¬ ences and associations, in order that they may preserve thjeir integrity of character. As they are absent from the endear¬ ments of the domestic circle, they yearn for companionship and sympathy. A letter of introduction from the clergyman of their church or village, or any other friend, to the officers of this Institution, will immediately surround them with kind associ¬ ates, in whose company they can walk through the perils of city life in comparative safety and happiness. Rooms have been obtained in the new building, No. 36, School-street, where newspapers and periodicals are to be found. The Library has been arranged, and the books are ready for distribution among the members of the Union. All who approve the undertaking, and are favourable to its objects, are cordially invited to visit the Rooms, whether they are residents in the city, or visitors from abroad. Donations of books will be gladly received at the Rooms, and gifts of money gratefully accepted by any of the officers of the Union. CommomucnU!) of Jttassad>uscits.




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :

Sect. 1. — Geoijge W. Warren, Frederic W. Lincoln, junior, Thomas A. Goddard, their associates and successors, are hereby made a Corporation, by the name of the “ Boston Young Men’s Christian Union,” in the City of Boston, for the purpose of moral and Christian improvement, with all the powers and pri¬ vileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and restrictions, set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. — Said Corporation may hold real and personal estate, for the purposes aforesaid, to an amount not exceeding forty thousand dollars.

House of Representatives, April 23, 1852. Passed to be enacted, N. P. BANKS, Jun. Speaker.

In Senate, April 30, 1852. Passed to be enacted, , President.

May 3, 1852. Approved, GEORGE S. BOUTWELL.

Secretary’s Office, May 7, 1852. A true copy. Attest: , Secretary of the Commonwealth.


Article I.—This Society shall be called the “Boston Young Men’s Christian Union.”

Article II. — All young men of good moral character, and claiming to believe in the truths of Christianity, without dis¬ tinction of sect or party, shall be eligible as members of this Society.

Article III. — All persons qualified as before named, who shall be elected in the manner herein provided, shall, upon the payment of one dollar annually, become and continue members of this Society.

Article IV. — New members may be elected at any meeting of the Government by a vote of the majority of the officers present, such members having been nominated at a previous meeting of the Government by the Committee on Members.

Article V. — All persons qualified as specified in the By- Laws of this Society, who shall pay into the Treasury the sum of twenty-five dollars, shall become life-members of the Society.

Article VI.—The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding and a Record- 7

ing Secretary, Treasurer, and a Board of Directors, composed of the officers before named and ten additional members, all of whom shall be elected annually, by ballot, from the members of the Society, and shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are elected in their places.

Article VIL — The duties of the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurer, shall be such as usually appertain to such offices; and they, together with the other members of the Board of Directors, shall have the general charge and superintendence of the affairs and interests of the Society, and shall especially strive to promote the important objects for which it is formed, subject always to the direction of the Society at large. Vacancies occurring from any cause, either in the Board of Directors or in any of the other offices, may be filled by vote of the Board of Directors; and any officers so chosen shall hold their offices until the next election by the Society.

Article VIII. —Twenty-five members shall constitute a quo¬ rum of the Society, for business; and seven members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum of that body, for business.

Article IX. — The Board of Directors shall be at liberty to constitute sub-committees of their own number, charged with the execution, under the direction of the Board, of any special matters or duties committed by these By-Laws, or the Society at large, to the care of the Board.

Article X. — The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held at such place, and at such time in the month of October in each year, as the Directors shall order. They may also call other meetings of the Society, from time to time, as the best interests and the objects of its organization may require; and they shall call such meetings, whenever thereto requested in writing by any five members; said meetings to be called in such manner as said Directors shall deem expedient. 8

Article XI. — It shall be the duty of the Board of Di¬ rectors, — First, As early as practicable after the complete organiza¬ tion of the Society, to procure for the use of the Society suitable rooms, centrally located; to cause the same to be properly furnished, warmed, and lighted, and opened to the members during such portion of each day and evening as they shall deem desirable, which shall be in charge of a Curator to be appointed by them. Second, So for as the funds of the Society may be sufficient, to provide and keep in said rooms such books, periodicals, and newspapers, as will, in their judgment, be calculated to promote the objects of the Society. Third, As opportunity may offer, to make such arrangements as may be deemed practicable for any literary and religious exercises of a public nature, that shall be thought conducive to the ends the Society have in view. Fourth, By all honorable and worthy means, to interest the young men of our city in the objects of this Association, to induce them to connect themselves with some one of the reli¬ gious societies in our midst, always having regard to the denominational preferences of the person so applied to; and especially to seek out and impart information, and render aid, assistance, and encouragement, to those who may come as strangers among us, striving to guard them against tempta¬ tion, to surround them with Christian influences, and to interest them in the cultivation of a religious life.

Article XU. — These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting, by a vote of the majority; such amendment having been proposed at one meeting at least, prior to that at which it is acted upon. BY-LAWS OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Article I. — The regular meetings of the Government shall be holden on the second Monday of each month. Special meet¬ ings may be held at any time by order of the President.

Article II. — The Recording Secretary shall notify members of the time and place of meeting ; and, if there is not a quorum present within fifteen minutes after the time mentioned, those present may adjourn ; and, if they adjourn, it shall be without day.

it- Article III. — At the first meeting of the Board in each year, five Standing Committees shall be chosen, whose duties shall be under the authority, and subject to the direction, of the whole Board, as follows : — 1. Committee on Finance. — They shall have charge of all the financial affairs of the Society. They shall, with the Treasurer, devise ways and means for procuring funds, obtaining donations and assessments, investing the same, and superintending all disbursements. They shall audit the report of the Treasurer, before it is submitted to the Union at the Annual Meeting. 2. Committee on Libi'ary. — They shall have the general charge of all matters connected with this department. They shall solicit donations from the public, and purchase such books as they may deem expedient for the Library. 3. Committee on Rooms. — They shall have the general charge of the Rooms, obtain newspapers and other periodicals for the same, and shall take especial pains to introduce stran- 10 gers visiting the city, whose names shall be inserted in a book for that purpose. 4. Committee on Lectures. — They shall provide for an An¬ nual Course of Lectures, invite Lecturers for the General Course, procure Teachers for any system of Study for which classes may be formed by the members, and make arrangements for an Annual Celebration of the Anniversary of the Union. 5. Committee on Members.—They shall receive all applica¬ tions for membership, investigate and report on the same in writing to the Board.

Article IV.—The Treasurer shall present to the Board a quarterly report, showing the condition of the finances. No bill shaM be paid by him, without the written approval of a majority of the Sub-Committee, under whose direction the bills were incurred, or by a vote of the Boaql.

Article V.—The President of the Union, at the Annual Meeting in October, shall present a detailed statement of the proceedings of the Board during the preceding year, and a general report of the condition and prospects of the Institution.

Article VI.—The foregoing By-Laws may be altered or amended at any Meeting of the Board, provided two-thirds of the members present assent thereto. But no alteration, addi¬ tion, or amendment shall be adopted at the same meeting at which it is first proposed. 11




Elected Oct. 11, 1852.


GEORGE W. WARREN .... 192, Washington-street.


FREDERIC W. LINCOLN, Jun. . . 63, Commercial-street. AMOS B. MERRILL ..... 10, Court-street.

<£ormj)omjtnfl Secretary.

WILLIAM 0. MOSELEY .... 33, Bedford-street.

Hecorhtns Secretary,

HENRY B. METCALF .... 55, Water-street.

(■Treasurer, HENRY P. KIDDER .... 28, State-street.

Boat* of HUrectors,

Edwin A. Wadleigh . 19, Poplar-street.

Manlius S. Clarke . 27, State-street.

Thomas Gaffield 10, Merchants Row.

Nathaniel J. Bradlee 11J, Tremont Row.

James D. Martin 682, Washington-street.

Charlbs Caysrly, Jun. 6 & 12, Pearl-street.

Dayid P. Worcester 135, Washington-street.

John Sweetser . 9, Bromfield-street.

John R. Goodwin 33, Bromfield-street.


jF matter, SLeetures. ! Frederic W. Lincoln. George W. Warren. W. 0. Moseley. Frederic W. Lincoln, Jun. Manlius S. Clarke. Amos B. Merrill. Charles Cayerly, Jun. William 0. Moseley. David P. Worcester. Henry B. Metcalf. j&ooms. i Htbrars. Thomas Gaffield. Francis L. Capen. Amos B. Merrill. Henry B. Metcalf.

James D. Martin. Members. Nathaniel J. Bradlee. Edwin A. Wadleigh. John Sweetser. John R. Goodwin. Edwin A. Wadleigh. Henry P. Kidder.


Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol. Oliver Holman. Rev. N. L. Frothingham, D.D. James Johnson. Rev. F. D. Huntington. ! F. W. Lincoln, jun. Rev. Thomas Starr King. William S. Lincoln. Rev. Chandler Robbins. Charles G. Loring. . James Longley. Samuel Appleton. Bphraim Lombard. Samuel Bradlee. Amos Lawrence. George Callender. Amos B. Merrill. Eben Dale. Henry Newman. Jonathan Ellis. D. H. Salisbury. Albert Fearing. Samuel R. Spinney. Henry H. Fuller.* A. W. Thaxter, jun. Benjamin R. Gilbert. Thomas B. Wales. N Thomas Gaffield. George W. Warren. Thomas A. Goddard. George C. Ward. Moses Grant.

* Deceased. 13


Aborn, Henry M. Barnard, David Aborn, Henry T. Bayley, H. E. Appleton, William E. Baxter, Thompson Adams, Isaac Barrett, H. H. Alborn, H. C. Barnes, S. H. Annim, Joseph Beals, James H. Allen, Joseph H. Brown, Dr. Buckminster Armington, H. E. Bryant, Henry Ainsworth, Joseph F. Brown, Franklin Appleton, William, jun. Bassett, Elisha Alexander, Ebenezer Bowditch, N. Ingersoll Alexander, Whitaker H. Bernard, James M. Adams, William T. Brewer, J. R. Abbot, J. Hale Brigham, William Alley, Charles R. Barry, Horace W. Austin, Charles F. Banker, George W. Andrews, C. I. T. Briggs, Richard Andrews, Robert Briggs, George W. Arms, T. A. Brooks, John D. F. Ayling, H. A. Brown, J. C. J. Austin, S. H. Brooks, Rev. Charles Allen, Henry Blake, S. C. Bradlee, S. J. Billings, Robert C. Bradlee, Nathaniel J. Bradford, Martin L. Bradlee, Caleb D. Blake, Dr. E. W. Bonney, W. L. Bonney, P. F. Ball, Dr. Abel Binney, William G. Beal, Henry R. Baker, Amos Bailey, James C. Blaney, Gustavus Barrett, Edwin S. Brown, Francis Babbitt, Clinton Bell, Theodore H. Bonney, Pelham, jun. Buckman, John J. Burt, Theophilus Bazin, F. Ormond I. S. Burt, Theophilus, jun. Brown, Jonathan, jun. Bridge, Hereman Brooks, F. A. Bell, James B. Babcock, A. J. Bell, Joseph G. Brooks, Nathaniel P. Barry, Henry Burdett, J. D. G. Bates, Joseph L. Burrage, C. H. 2 14

Brooks, Thos. F. Clapp, Otis Binney, Mathew Crosby, William Beal, Benjamin Crosby, Samuel T. Barnes, L. D. Comer, George N. Beal, Alexander Crosby, James Brown, R. B. Caverly, Charles, jun. Battelle, Henry C. Collamore, George C. Bos worth, C. F. Carr, Daniel, jun. Burrill, John Chamberlain, Augustine J. Brown, J. H. Clark, T. W. Ball, T. M. Cook, S. C. Bean, Aaron H. Clark, J. E. Bishop, C. J. Chamberlain, S. Babcock, Dexter Curtis, Joseph Bigelow, A. 0. Cutting, Charles A. Barry, James Canfield, Bradlee, John R. Cummings, B. N. Baston, Andrew Carter, Oliver Barry, Joseph E. Cobb, Samuel C. Barnard, Rev. Charles F. Cox, Matthew Coleman, Henry Cox, Charles M. Cushing, Henry A. Coleman, Lewis Cushing, Martin G. Clark, John Coffin, W. Barnard Cary, Isaac Cooley, Albert L. Copeland, Elisha Condon, Samuel Copeland, Elisha G. Coburn, Ethan N. Cheeney, B. P. Copeland, Charles Clarke, Ed. II. Clark, Nathan Canfield, Charles T. Cotton, N. Davis Capen, Samuel Clapp, Joshua W. Coolidge, Rev. Jas. I. T. Carlton, E. G. Cruft, Rev. Samuel B. Carey, Isaac H. Deeley, Caleb Croome, George Darrah, H. H. Chapman, George W. Dix, J. Chapman, Dummer R. Dowe, George M. Crosby, S. S. Deblois, George L. Clarke, Manlius S. Darling, Charles K. Cummings, Dr. John A. Danforth, John C. Coolidge, David H. Dale, Ebenezer Coolidge, William D. Domett, Henry W. Clapp, William W. jun. Damrell, C. L. Cormerais, John Dobson, Isaac F. Crosby, Frederic Donells, Nathaniel Callender, William B. Dyer, Henry W. Currier, George T. Dickinson, John Capen, Francis L. Daggett, Willard E. 15

Darris, H. J. Gray, Frederic T. jun. Doe, William G. Gerrish, J. Story Dudley, E. G. Gilbert, B. W. Darling, Charles B. Goodwin, William W. Dpnnie, James, jun. Guild, Samuel E. Ditson, Oliver Guild, Benjamin Demerrit, J. Gorham, Francis Dawes, George C. Greelee, W. H. Dellingham, James Goodwin, William F. Dellingham, Freeman Gray, Ira C. Everett, Otis Gibbens, Joseph M. Ellis, George C. Goodwin, John R. Everett, Thomas B. Gardner, T. Oakman Edmands, J. P. T. Gage, George W. Eaton, Charles W. Geer, Charles H. Evans, Horatio Gilbert, Samuel, jun. Ellis, George Guild, George H. Eaton, Joseph B. Green, George II. Edmunds, Rev. Edward Gordon, N. H. Fowle, Seth W. Gilson, John Fuller, Henry A. Gleason, James A. Foster, John Goss, Daniel J. Foye, J. Monroe Guardinier, Ed. E. Faxon, Edwin Gniffke, Frederick Faulkner, Charles Guild, Aaron Faucon, E. H. Goldthwait, John Farrar, A. W. Goodridge, James L. Fuller, Loring L. Gay, C. H. Forster, Charles Greley, Jos. Fox, James A. Gay, W. B. S. Foote, Charles R. Gay, Phineas E. Ford, James M. Holbrook, Charles C. Fisher, James T. Haskell, Daniel N. . French, Benjamin V. jun. Hatchman, John Frothingham, Edwin Holland, Thomas R. Fields, George A. Hall, Edwin H. Fowle, James Hosmer, H. J. Fernald, John C. Hadley, Henry S. W. Fuller, Charles E. Harrington, Francis Fowle, Henry Hayes, James A. Farwell, Lyman Harmon, Peletiah Foster, W. II. Harlow, Dexter Gould, Thomas R. Harlow, Dr. James F. Gerrish, James B. Hubbard, A. D. Greeley, William H. Hubbard, N. D. Greene, Benjamin H. Herman, Leopold Gray, Rev. Frederic T. Hastings, George R. 16

Hastings, Samuel Kendall, Charles B, Hooper, Henry N. jun. Kennard, M. P. Harlow, D. K. Keith, Amos B. Howlands, Edwin Kettelle, Josh. Y. Holmes, John S. Kennard, W. H. Howard, Hr. A. H. Lincoln, Noah, jun. Hildreth, H. 0. Lyford, James Highham, John B. Loring, Henry K. Hall, John R. Lincoln, E. Wallace Hewes, S. T. Lynch, Charles S. Hilliard, George S. Locke, Charles A. Hopkins, Warren Lowe, Charles Hickey, James F. Langley, S. P. Hickey, Thomas H. Little, J. L. Hitchcock, Lemuel, jun. Leavitt, William P. Humphrey, H. B. Loring, C. William Hobart, Arthur W. Lewis, John Hobart, E. A. Lincoln, Albert L. Hunnewell, I. L. Lincoln, John M. Haviland, Thomas Leach, George W. Hall, Alfred A. Locke, Edward A. Hayward, 0. L. Lovett, James A. Howard, F. A. Little, Samuel Hawes, J. P. Loring, William W. Hall, Samuel Lull, Frederic A. Hobart, E. A. Lane, Charles Hadley, George B. Lincoln, W. S. Ingalls, H. B. Lord, Robert W. James, Albert Lord, George W. Jones, William Lamb, Salem S. Johonnet, Andrew E. Martin, James D. Jepson, Samuel G. Mears, Granville Johnson, Edward, jun. Mountford, Charles Joyce, Charles E. Martin, Valentine Jones, Otis N. Manning, Francis C. Johnson, James Merriam, Charles Johnson, Levi W. Merriam, Charles, jun, Jones, Peter C. Mandell, M. J. Jenkins, F. W. Moore, F. Clifford Knowles, William J. Mellen, Moses Kendall, Rufus W. Metcalf, Henry B. Kimball, Otis May, F. W. G. Kidder, H. P. McKenzie, William Keith, William W. Moore, George H. Knight, Charles H. Minot, Hr. Francis Kendall, Ezekiel Mudge, Alfred A. Kendall, Sewell Mitchell, I. C. 17

Moseley, William 0. Peabody, 0. W. Manley, John R. Perkins, D. McAllaster, James Putnam, Benjamin W. Me Allaster, H. M. Perkins, W. H. Moulton, N. H. Pratt, Joseph Mayo, Ed. R. Prince, Henry W. Minot, A. T. Potter, George E. McGilvray, D. F. Peabody, Rev. E., D.D. Morton, Edwin Porter, John K. Mayo, Charles Rolland, John H. Moors, Joseph B. Rolland, John E. Moore, Frederick W. Richardson, Jacob Nason, James B. Rand, Luther Newman, Robert E. Russell, C. Shepard Nichols, W. F. Roulstone, E. A. G. Niles, Thomas, jun. Riddle, Charles L. Norris, Caleb Rhoades, W. Ward Neff, William J. Richmond, James H. C. Norcross, Otis Rice, Israel C. Newell, James M. Rayner, John Newell, George Rayner, John, jun. Nazro, Henry J. Ridgway, John Orcutt, Ephraim Raymond, Emmons Osborne, F. A. Rice, Israel M. Preston, George H. Reynolds, Henry Paul, George Rose, Horace C. Pratt, Joseph Rand, Isaac P. Peirce, Samuel S. Reed, John, jun. Piper, J. Ellery Rice, Calvin L. Phelps, Jacob C. Richards, Joel Foor, N. C. Ranney, Ambrose A. Pollard, Merrick R. Richards, W. F. Prince, John T. Reynell, James Park, George G. Rogers, Henry M. Pear, William B. Rogers, John H. jun. Pear, Edward W. Robinson, Elijah P. Parker, F. E. Ross, A. S. Peabody, F. H. Richardson, Charles Perry, Lyman Ross, George Parsons, John Richards, C. A. Pray, Lewis G.. Reed, David Partridge, William B. Reed, Edward Perkins, Horatio N. Read, Edwin Proctor, George J. Rogers, G. B. Prescott, George B. Scudder, P. W. Perkins, D. Sawyer, J. A. Phelps, Francis A. Steele, James 18

Stetson, Sydney A. Turner, David S. Smith, Charles Tyler, Warren P. Swan, Reuben Tobey, Heman Smith, Charles C. Taylor, William Stone, Milton J. Tileston, J. C. Sweetser, Isaac Todd, Jacob Suter, H. W. Tolman, James Stevens, John J. Tinkham, Spencer Sweetser, John Tappan, Eben Stearns, Joel W. Tobey, W. W. Savory, George A. Tower, James M. Sweetser, S. K. Ulman, Alonzo J. Smith, Eli A. Warren, Alfred B. Spaulding, J. Russell Wright, I. H. Storer, Horatio R. Waterston, Robert Sumner, Edmund Warren, William W. Sargent, Joseph W. Weld, Dr. Moses W. Studley, Edward A. Webb, C. H. Stone, Dr. James W. Wadleigh, Edwin A. Stevens, Oliver Wright, George Shurtleff, A. M. Whitwell, Charles E. Stodder, John S. Weir, Andrew A. Stodder, Henry F. Wheelock, James A. Savill, William 0. White, Benjamin F. jun. Stone, G. F. P. Weeks, J. Hubbard Storey, Joseph Wilson, John Sherman, S. J. T. Wilson, John, jun. Stiles, John Warren, John A. Sprague, Thomas Williams, Samuel S. Smith, James A. Williams, Alexander Silverthorne, David White, A. P. Shaw, George A. Weld, Edward F. Stearns, T. C. Warner, H. J. Sibly, L. E. Winthrop, Robert C. Sibly, H. R. White, David, jun. Skinner, Lucian Winslow, William H. Stafford, H. II. Whipple, Edwin P. Sawyer, John S. Wadsworth, Alexander Smith, George A. Willard, Joseph Stevens, A. L. Whitney, David R. Thayer, Dr. David Wendell, Jacob, jun. Tufts, Gardner G. Worcester, David P. Turner, Henry A. Wyeth, Leonard J. Tobey, Seth Woodman, George Tracy, Frederic U. Wright, Edward H. Talbot, Newton Woods, Henry Turill, Albert A. Ware, Ephraim G. jun. 19

Wallis, George F. A. Wheeler, Samuel L. Woodford, Joseph H. Williams A. Wellington, Hiram Wadsworth, M. M. Winsor, Nathaniel, jun. Wood, Charles G. Wetherbee, M. H. Whipple, Samuel K. Ward, Richard Walker, Azariah S. Wesson, Leonard Welch, Joseph W. Winton, Francis Winkley, Rev. Samuel H. Wadsworth, Samuel Waterman, John 0. Wheeler, Samuel Young, Edward J. '