Department For International Development

Nemat Shafik

Permanent Secretary Department for International Development

£170,000 - £175,000

Deputy Director

Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State

1 x A2 1 x B1

Unit Salary Cost: 0.2M Staff numbers. UK based Only

Mark Lowcock Michael Anderson Richard Calvert

Director General Director General Director General Country Programmes Policy and Global Issues Finance and Corporate Performance

£135,000 - £139,999 £120,000 - £124,999 £125,000 - £129,999 Mark Lowcock DG Country Programmes

£135,000 - £139,999

Deputy Director

Deputy Managing Director Girl Hub/Nike

Sue Wardell Director Security and Marcus Manuel Joy Hutcheon Jim Drummond Mozzam Malik Humanitarian and Beverley Warmington Programme Director/BIS Director East and Central Director West and Director Western Asia and Middle East, Caribbean Director Asia Head of Cape Africa Southern Africa Stabilisation and (Secondment to ODI) Overseas Territories £90,000 - £94,999 £95,000 - £99,999 £105,000 - £109,999 £90,000 - £94,999 £90,000 - £94,999 £95,000 - £99,999 Joy Hutcheon East And Central Africa £95,000 - £99,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Africa Directorate Africa Regional

6 X A1 Deputy Director Deputy Director DFID Kenya Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director 5 x A2 Head of DFID Ethiopia DFID Rwanda/Burundi DFID Sudan DFID Tanzania DFID Uganda and Somalia 1 x B1(D) 6 x A1 4 x B1 10 x A2 3 x B2 2 X A2(L) 1 X C1 1 x B1(D) 3 x B1 Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld 1 x B2 for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons 1 x C1

Unit Salary Cost: 1.2M Staff numbers. UK based Unit Salary Cost: 1.0M Only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Jim Drummond Director West and Southern Africa

£105,000 - £109,999

Deputy Director DFID Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director DFID DFID Sierra Leone DFID Zambia Director Deputy Director Head of DFID DRC Deputy Director DFID DFID Zimbabwe DFID Mozambique Head of DFID Southern Africa

Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Sue Wardell

Director Security and Humanitarian and Middle East, Caribbean and Overseas Territories

£95,000 - £99,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Middle East & Head of CHASE Deputy Director Iraq desk North Africa UK Mission, Geneva 4 x A1 3 x A1 2 x A1 17 x A2 8 x A2 6 x A2 1 x A2(L) 1 x A2(L) 1 x A2 3 x B1(D) 2 x B1(D) 5 x B1 3 x B1 10 X B1 2 x B2 3 x B2 7 x B2 3 x C1 2 x C1 5 x C1 Unit Salary Cost: 1.0M Unit Salary Cost: 0.1M Unit Salary Cost: 0.8M Unit Salary Cost: 1.9M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Beverley Warmington Director Asia

£90,000 - £94,999

Deputy Director Burma & Central Asia Deputy Director 3 x A1 Deputy Director Deputy Director North & East Asia (China) Deputy Director DFID Bangladesh DFID India DFID Nepal 4 x A2 1 x A2(L) 2 x B1 Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld 2 x B2 Staff numbers withheld Staff numbers withheld for security reasons 1 x C1 for security reasons for security reasons for security reasons Unit Salary Cost: 0.6M Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Moazzam Malik Director – Western Asia & Stabilisation

£90,000 - £94,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Stabilisation Unit Western Asia & Deputy Director 6 x A1 Deputy Director Stabilisation Div. Head of DFID Pakistan 18 x A2 Head of DFID Deputy Director 6 x A2(L) 2 x A1 3 x B1(D) Afghanistan 3 x A2) Senior Visiting Fellow, 8 x B1 1 x B1(D) RUSI Staff numbers withheld 10 x B2 Staff numbers withheld 1 x B2 Stabilisation Unit for security reasons 5 x C1 for security reasons Unit Salary Cost: 0.4M Unit Salary Cost: 2.4M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Michael Anderson

Director General Policy and Global Issues

£120,000 - £124,999

Deputy Director Head, Trade & Development Unit Director of International Nick Dyer 4 x A1 Chris Whitty Alan Winters Finance and Director International Director 6 x A2 Director (secondee) Head of Policy and Director Effectiveness Relations 1 x B1(D) Chief Economist Head of Research Research 5 x B1 /Chief Scientist £90,000 - £94,999 £90,000 - £94,999 3 x C1 £130,000 - £134,999 £90,000 - £94,999 Unit Salary Cost: 0.9M Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Nick Dyer Director Head of Policy and Research

£90,000 - £94,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Governance Head of Human Deputy Director Head of Growth Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Climate Head of Head of Cabinet Head of Civil Society and And Social Development & Investment & Environment Group Food Group Development Awareness Development Group & Profession 1 x A1 Group 5 x A1 6 x A1 Deputy Director Livelihoods 3 x A2 1 x A1 9 x A1 9 x A2 14 x A2 Returns and 3 x A2(L) 4 x A2 Deputy Director 8 x A1 17 x A2 1 x A2(L) 2 x A2(L) Integration Fund 4 x A1 1 x B1(D) 1 x B1(D) 13 x A2 1 x A2(L) 1 x B1(D) 1 x B1(D) Policy Division 3 x A2 5 x B1 5 x B1 3 x A2(L) Manager 8 x B1 1 x B1 3 x B1 1 x B2 2 x B2 1 x B1 3 x B2 1 x B2 3 x B2 1 x C1 4 x C1 3 x B2 4 x C1 2 x C1 2 x C1 1 x C1 Unit Salary Cost: 0.5M Unit Salary Cost: 0.7M Unit Salary Cost: 0.7M Unit Salary Cost: 2.0M Unit Salary Cost: 1.0M Unit Salary Cost: 1.5M Unit Salary Cost: 1.5M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Nick Dyer Director Head of Policy and Research

£90,000 - £94,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Deputy Director Head of Head of Head of Head of Deputy Director Profession Head of Profession, Profession Profession, Profession Environment Profession, Social Private Sector Infrastructure Health Deputy Director Governance Development Development Head of 3 x A1 1 x A1 1 x A1 Profession, 2 x A2 2 x A1 1 x A2(L) 1 x A2(L) 1 x A2 1 x A2 Education 1 x B1 1 x B2 1 x C1 1 x B1 1 x B1 1 x C1 Unit Salary Cost: 0.2M Staff numbers. UK based only Unit Salary Cost: 0.1M Unit Salary Cost: 0.1M Unit Salary Cost: 0.2M Unit Salary Cost: 0.2M Unit Salary Cost: 0.4M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Alan Winters

Director Chief Economist

£130,000 - £134,999

Deputy Director/ Head of Profession Economics

Deputy Director

1 x B1(D) 1 x C1

Unit Salary Cost: 0.1M Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800- £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Chris Whitty (Secondee)

Director Head of Research/ Chief Scientist

Deputy Director/ Deputy Head Research And Evidence

27 x A1 26 x A2 1 x A2(L) 1 x B1(D) 11 x B1 3 x B2 9 x C1

Unit Salary Cost: 3.8M Staff Numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Director of International Finance and Effectiveness

£90,000 - £94,999

3 x A1 7 x A2 3 x B1 2 x B2 1 x C1 Staff numbers. UK based only

Deputy Director Head of Department Deputy Director Of Global Funds International Financial Institutions Department Deputy Director 1 x A1 UK Director of European 5 x A2 1 x A1 Bank of Reconstruction Deputy Director 2 x A2(L) 8 x A Deputy Director and Development Representative and Dev 1 x B1(D) 2 x B1(D) International Finance Counsellor UK Mission 1 x B1 3 x B1 And Development 1 x A2 Geneva 2 x B2 2 x B2 Effectiveness Team 1 x C1 Unit Salary Cost: 0.1M Staff numbers. UK based only Unit Salary Cost: 0.8M Unit Salary Cost: 0.6M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Director International Relations

£90,000 - £94,999

Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Europe Department Deputy Director Head of Development Head of UNCD Relations Group 4 x A1 2 x A1 8 x A2 5 x A1 Deputy Director 5 x A2 1 x A2(L) 7 x A2 1 x A2(L) Chief Statistician 1 x B1(D) 2 x B1(D) 3 x B1(D) 4 x B1 5 x B1 6 x B1 (Vacant) 1 x B2 4 x B2 4 x B2 1 x C1 1 x C1 1 x C1 Unit Salary Cost: 0.7M Unit Salary Cost: 1.1M Staff numbers. UK based only Unit Salary Cost: 1.2M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Richard Calvert

DG Finance and Corporate Performance

£125,000 - £129,999

James Hardy Deputy Director Deputy Director Director of Head of Internal Head of Evaluation Simon Jones Communications Sam Sharpe Audit Department Neil Robertson £75,000 - £79,999 1 x A1 4 x A1 Director Business 6 x A1 Director of Finance 2 x A2 8 x A2 Director Human Solutions 13 x A2 Corporate 5 x A2(L) 2 x A2(L) Resources And Chief 13 x A2(L) Performance 1 x B1(D) 3 x B1 16 x B1 5 x B1 3 x B2 Information Officer 6 x B2 Division 1 x B2 1 x C1 £100,000 - £104,999 £90,000 - £94,999 Unit Salary Cost: 2.3M £95,000 - £99,999 Unit Salary Cost: 0.7M Unit Salary Cost: 1.0M Staff Numbers. Staff numbers. Staff numbers. UK based only UK based only UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Neil Robertson

Director Human Resources

£100,000 - £104,999

5 x A1 4 x A2 1 x A2(L) 2 x B1 2 x B2

Unit Salary Cost: 0.7M Staff Numbers. UK based only

Deputy Director Deputy Director HR Advisory Group Head of HR Operations and Security And Head of Profession HR 2 x A1 3 x A1 3 x A2 8 x A2 4 x A2(L) 7 x A2(L) 13 x B1 10 x B1 25 x B2 5 x B2 27 X C1 4 x C1 14 X C2

Unit Salary Cost: 1.4M Unit Salary Cost: 2.3M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Simon Jones Director of Business Solutions and Chief Information Officer £90,000 - £94,999 3 x A1 6 x A2 12 x A2(L) 13 x B1 12 x B2 3 x C1 1 x C2

Unit Salary Cost: 1.7M. Staff numbers. UK based only

Deputy Director Head of Information Systems Department 2 x A1 7 x A2 15 x A2(L) 2 X B1(D) 25 x B1 29 x B2 3 x C1

Unit Salary Cost: 2.8M. Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950 Sam Sharpe

Director of Finance and Corporate Performance Division

£95,000 - £99,999

1 x A2 1 x A2(L) 2 x B1 8 x B2 13 x C1 2 x C2

Unit Salary Cost: 0.6M

Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Head of Profession, Finance Head of Value for Money Deputy Director Department Head of Profession Procurement Deputy Director 2 x A1 Head of Business Business Change 6 x A2 7 x A1 Change and Strategy Unit 1 x A1 and Strategy Unit 6 x A2(L) 14 x A2 5 x A2 8 x B1 6 x A2(L) 3 x A1 2 x A2(L) 20 x B2 2 x B1(D) 6 x A2 3 x B1 18 X C1 11 x B1 2 x B2 11 x B2 Unit Salary Cost: 0.6M 3 X C1 Staff numbers. UK based only Unit Salary Cost: 0.6M Unit Salary Cost: 1.9M Staff numbers. UK based only Staff numbers. UK based only Unit Salary Cost: 2.2M Staff numbers. UK based only

Grade: A1 = Grade 6; A2 = Grade 7; A2(L) = SEO; B1(D) = Faststream; B1 = HEO; B2 = EO; C1 = AO; C2 = AA Pay: £55,505 - £68,221 £43,985 - £56,293 £36,700 - £43,938 £26,800 - £36,377 £26,830 - £34,534 £21,289 - £27,317 £18,372 - £22,530 £15,055-£18,950